Lots of fluff, typical business school crap. "Make good decisions", "feel energized and excited!", "take a broad perspective on time", "What matters to you?".
From just being. From the present moment, which is where We actually create and effect reality, as opposed to the illusiory paradigms of future and past, conjured in thought.
LOL no offense but could they possibly put more cliches, more vapid bits of fluff in ten minutes time? Blah blah, vacations might, blah blah this is worthy of consideration, more blah blah, then my kids grew up, I did this....... Is this Google "expert" ? Seriously?
Both of them should watch "How To Speak" by Patrick Winston. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Unzc731iCUY.html Perhaps Danielle is newbie, how can a professor Holmes make it a disaster. All time worst talk ever.