

James Robinson Golf
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How To Break 90... EVERY TIME YOU PLAY GOLF! When playing golf it’s important to set targets. Set goals for your scoring and try to improve your good ability and lower your handicap. In this video myself and ‪@ChrisDennisGolf‬ PGA Golf Pro and Tour coach give you top tips as to how as a mid handicap or even high handicap golfer… you can break 90 every time you tee up… you’ve seen the Chris Ryan Golf videos on how to break 100, you’ve watched Me and My Golf videos on how to break 90, you maybe even crept a quick Rick Shiels video on how to break 80… but Let’s do it… and let’s do it now!



29 сен 2024




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@phmc123 2 года назад
The best way for me to break 90 is to only play the front 9
@sidog717 2 года назад
Perch it my man
@mannyo1968 2 года назад
Jaja keep trying
@moebettamusicvids 2 года назад
😂😂😂 You’ll get there. Keep pushing!!!
@goojuss Год назад
@MaloPiloto Год назад
I sure understand! Tough game….
@sscully67 2 года назад
That was tremendous! More course management videos, please. 🙌🏻
@ruebroad 2 года назад
As some others have already commented, this works if you hit as consistently as you guys do. This would have been a far more impressive video if you'd rather Foxy with you and got him to break 90
@JamesRobinsonGolf 2 года назад
I guess no video is perfect hey Rupert
@ruebroad 2 года назад
@@JamesRobinsonGolf Ok maybe my comment wasa bit more negative than I was meaning it to be. I would be really curious to see how Foxy does with you break 90 tips tho
@chrishartney 2 года назад
Some of your advice is very good, but I don't think that many boggie golfers are trying to hit a ar 5 green in 2. You could have called this video 'How to Break 80'.
@tommullinerart 2 года назад
A great tip I have for your watchers is for distance control of the approach, the short game, and putting - do at least two or three practice swings before you hit: the first one hit it too short, next one hit it too long, and next, hit it just right for the last one. That way, you'll get a better feel of how not to hit it and how to actually hit it.
@stuartjames1971 2 года назад
Playing percentages is such good advice. Don’t risk playing a shot that could put the ball in a bad spot. Keep that ball in play……. Did you use the word connotate in this video James? Get you …. 👍🏻😂⛳️👍🏻
@MrJohnnyb74 2 года назад
I only started playing about three years ago. If you want to consistently shoot in the 80's, get lessons, practice as much as you can and play an easier course. Even an "easy" course will still give you trouble because golf is hard. That said, don't pay attention to your score during the round or you'll get inside your head. Just focus on having fun and forget the bad shots and missed putts. Once you avoid triple bogeys, you can make 89 with pars and bogey/double bogey.
@TPulsegaming 2 года назад
Can we have an aim point vid with Chris?
@epicragegaming2016 2 года назад
90 is 5 strokes a hole. a very reasonable goal.
@geoffcohen613 9 месяцев назад
The aim of tee shot is to put ball in best position tp make next shot easier. The aim of second shot is to put the ball in best position to make the 3rd shot easier Repeat Repeat
@akrickm1 2 года назад
One other thing using wrong tee box. Player with some guys as a pickup so they had 4 players these guys were all around my age over 70 and wanted to play from he whites only one could get off the tee box with his driver over 200 yards was not any fun to play with them. I went forward to the senior tee and played there from the 3 hole on.
@MrTheStriker 2 года назад
can you remake this video with Foxy.
@NishantUpadhya Год назад
Sorry, to break 90, pars are not your friend, bogeys are. Pars are your BFFs!
@robertcourt8593 2 года назад
I'm afraid I was hoping for something a little more original. Really enjoy the content you do with Chris but I thought this was just a rehash of the same old cliches. People who want to break 90 aren't playing the same game that you guys do. We don't hit it anywhere near the distances you do, nor do we have the same directional control. We need to avoid 3 putts, avoid penalty shots and duffed chips. If you want to play bogey golf your first shot is always a freebie. If it's a 400 yard hole hit whatever the longest club is that you know you can keep in play. If it's a 150 club then the par 4 becomes 250 yards and if you can't par a 250 yard par 4 then you're not ready to break 90 and you need to brush up on those basic chipping and putting skills. Sorry james, bit of a negativity from me today, I was just expecting to hear something a little bit out of the box from you and chris!
@sammdowning3270 2 года назад
I came into the comments to say the same. I have broken 90 numerous times but not consistently. I can hit a PW 125yds and I can also hit a knock-down controlled 9 or 8 iron the same distance, but I can't eradicate the topped tee shots with either of those options. I can't eradicate the 3 putts when the ball takes an unexpected hop further to the back of the green when the pins at the front, or the very next time I play and the pin is at the back the ball decides to stop dead at the front. I can drive like a demon one day but my short game will be horrendous, then the next weekend I'm hitting drives to the left at 45° but my wedges are on fire and I'm dialled in within 100 yards. Players who can't break 90 are those who just simply aren't consistent.
@compa4929 2 года назад
I agree. I am one of those vast majority who are struggling to break 100. I can hit a nice 155yd 7 iron right where I was aiming one shot. The next I duff and it goes 50yds which still leaves me a shot into the green. Consistency is my problem.
@rayvon18 2 года назад
100% accurate this!!
@steveharper9427 2 года назад
Disagree with this, I was was brought up up to play every hole as a par 5 , 18 x 5 =90 , take the par 3 as a 4 , all of a sudden your on 86 if 4 par 3’s , nobody (but you) can help you with 3 putts and duff shots, problem we have as golfers is we all think we should par every hole but we are not good enough for that
@lindsaynewell6319 2 года назад
Agreed (as a 10 hcap who played off 20 for many years). One example was when Chris was behind the tree - would have liked him to provide a safe alternative strategy for someone that didn’t think they could clear the tree so they could make an easy bogey (which is a par for 18 hcap). The only thing I disagree with your example is that golfers trying to break 90 shouldn’t be playing 400 yard par 4s. Move up a tee box until you can reliably keep a 200+ yard tee shot in play. I think 18 hcap should be playing whatever tees make the course
@richardvaughan6184 2 года назад
With respect we don't hit the ball as far as you guys and where you use a 5 iron we need to hit driver.
@boosk2127 2 года назад
Would have broken 100 the other day but there's this strange thing on the golf course called water, that has a terrible hunger for brand new golf balls.
@darrenwheeler8871 2 года назад
Watched this video & found it fascinating. I’ve been struggling to break 90 for a while now. I’ve been consistently scoring 93 or 92 for the last 10 rounds or so. Yesterday I scored 86! The video & the process definitely helped. Thank you very much 👍🏻
@ianrobinson7625 2 года назад
Hi James, my wife and I are absolute avid watchers of your show, it’s brilliant. I thought that this video was very good, but I would also like to see Foxy attempt this. He could play two balls, the first ball he can choose which club he wants to hit and the second ball you select the club. At the end of the 9 holes we can see what the difference in scores would be.
@lewismarshall8333 2 года назад
Great idea
@wango556 Год назад
You could, but when you play two balls you slow down the course
@jonasmcclure8096 Год назад
If you want to read the Gospel then I will put something like that in my replies, but if you read that then you should still read the complete Gospel. I put this because in Acts 1:8 it says “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” so I put this to do what The Lord says. If you read it then like the comment so that more people can see it, and more people have at least one opportunity, because accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is the most important decision that you will ever make.
@jonasmcclure8096 Год назад
Jesus was born. He did at least one thing we couldn’t do (without Him) as a child. He grew up, got disciples, then did some more stuff we couldn’t do (without Him). He eventually got betrayed by one of His disciples and He knew that He was gonna be betrayed, and then He got captured, and died for our sins on the cross. He came from Heaven to earth knowing He was gonna die. He did it knowing it was for our sins though, doing it because He loves us. Then He died on the cross for our sins but not so we could keep sinning but so we could stop and be forgiven. He rose from that grave on the third day, defeating death and someday He’s gonna come back and defeat the devil. Romans 9:10 “If you declare with your mouth ’Jesus is Lord’ and believe with your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Ephesians 2:8 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” 1 Timothy 2:5-7 “For there is one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ; who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.” 2 Corinthians 4:18 “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
@okimike5963 2 года назад
Sorry, this is going to be a bit long, but comments from a few viewers (Robert Court and some others) inspired me to share from my experiences as a new-ish golfer and things I've done to consistently shoot in the 80's As pointed out by more than a few other, consistency was my battle -- two way misses, tops, duffs, all of it. Especially with longer clubs. I've pretty much fixed that by doing a few things: Mentally-- acknowledge I'm not a pro, never will be, am aging (mid 40's), and won't ever practice to a level that rewards approaches/techniques practiced by the younger pros. I can hit an amazing shot from time to time, and it feels awesome, but I simply try to avoid even trying unless the risks are low. Give up on mashing for distance, really focus on some fundamentals, and give yourself a good short game. The full swing is something where the needle constantly moves so I try to assess and temper it regularly. Essentially, playing what feels like a 70% swing and doing well with the fundamentals: Grip, alignment, stance, posture. What the "full swing" feel is varies round-to-round, but 70% is usually safe as a starting point for a round. A smooth repeatable swing at 70%, not thinking about the swing technique, but swinging through to the finish has really helped give me a more predictable ball flight with tighter misses. Not trying to crush it, not trying to hit at the ball, but making a smooth swing to the finish without trying to artificially create lag or deloft or punish the ball or manipulate path. The result is better center contact and more consistent flights and distances. Maybe shorter, but on average probably a little longer because I rarely duff or top it and the smash factor on the majority of shots is much higher just from getting the center strike. Attack-- yes, but make that aggressive to a club and target, not swinging harder/faster. Know your strengths and weaknesses and reassess these regularly. Choose/select clubs and shots that are suited to both. Sloping lies were/are a weakness, so if I treat these as hazards. Ball above the feet, I select a lower-lofted iron and chip/pitch swing no more than 50% to a safe zone. Reduces the curve. Significantly below, a similar strategy, but with a higher-lofted iron. I never try to hit a full shot from ball above/below more than an inch or so. Longer clubs are a struggle and still somewhat erratic, so I rarely hit driver and almost always choose a 4i off the first tee (or few) as I can smooth swing it and get decent distance and less trouble from too much curve. I'll pull a 3w after a few holes if there's room to error and I'm feeling comfortable in my swing and comfortable with my playing partners, but again, 70% swing to the finish. If I get the flight I was trying for I'll pull it again when it makes sense, if not I'll go back to mid/long-irons. I've improved short game and putting by going all "feel" oriented and trying to be creative. Not high-risk shots, but really trying to visualize what I want the ball to do from start-to-finish, and then just making the swing and letting my body-subconscious do it. I don't stand over the ball long. I hope this helps a couple people out there.
@okimike5963 2 года назад
One more thing I did was get clubs that are less forgiving. It forced me to make better swings -- not hit at the ball. I had a tendency to loose my tempo and start swinging at the ball and loosing strike as a result. I bought a relatively cheap set of used blade/MB irons for practice purposes. I actually took them out to play after 3 range sessions and shot a personal best. But they are terribly unforgiving and it didn't work the following round-- I still lost my tempo/strike and had my worst round in a couple years. I primarily use them for range practice and have since gotten some less forgiving "players" CB irons, fitted. They've got some forgiveness, but they still force me to make a smoother tempo swing, which results in better consistency.
@wango556 Год назад
Bro, try not explaining an entire video worth of stuff in a post
@richardchapman9293 8 дней назад
Im glad you pointed out you are both pros and are trying to help us high handicappers. I think you still played like pros and never got into trouble. We do. Your goal always seems to make par, well and good, do that every hole and you will break (or make)70. This is about breaking 90. I have been doing this lately -what you just showed- with great results. I still try to make regulation greens but then I differ, my aim is to make bogey. So on the green I now have a "budget" of 3 puts to make bogey. Which I am happy with because that is lower than I normal score. This works well and sometimes I make par. My point is, if I bogey every hole then my score is +18. And I have still broken 90. Isn't that the idea of this video
@MarkyCannoli Год назад
I didn’t play for 5 years. Got back into playing this year. Beginning of the year I was shooting over 100, but yesterday I finally broke 90. A lot of it from the tips you and other RU-vidrs give on their channels.
@CKW10001 2 года назад
Tops are my biggest problem and getting off the tee, my game gets better closer to the green but bunker shots have gone to shite lately. But I ain't breaking 90 even with that advice if I am topping a ball off the tee. If only I got rid of the dreaded tops I would be extremely happy and it's what I am aiming to do over the next year, going to the range 3 times a week, but until I do I ain't breaking 90 no matter what. Playing of 26.2 cos I am a fecking egit with a golf club on the tee box.
@C0W0B0Y 2 года назад
I think like this; all holes are par 5. 18x5= 90 You make a par on par 3 = -2, a bogey -1 and db = even, bogey on a par 4 = even, and so on, you get the picture. It works mentally to get a lower score. It's not "Aaah f ck! Another bogey!" after a 3 putt.
@scottwitman7285 2 года назад
Golf is not a mathematical equation, balls go OB ( adding strokes) and putts are left out there.... I'm a 10.4 hndcp, but still have bad days and the strokes add up quick sometimes.... however, good video, thank you and keep them coming..
@falconeye577 2 года назад
Ok, I am about to watch this video and I hope it does not leave me laughing I am now 60 and about to turn 61in December I have been playing Golf for more than 50 years I no longer hit the ball as far as I once did, but I do find nearly every fairway Teaching golfers to shoot 90 is easy and that leads to breaking 90 So I hope this is not a waist of my time to watch Breaking 90 is NOT HARD Shooting 80 or less is James
@denali9643 Год назад
Good solid tips, but for those of us who do struggle to break 90 is less about strategy and more about poor ball striking. Duffs, shanks, tops, and skulls have to be solved first. (And I want to clean this dude’s irons LOL!)
@imateapot51 Год назад
The mindset of breaking 100, then 90, then 80, then 70, keeps the interest and motivation in Golf. I was serious about Golf but then as my finances changed (my job went overseas) I stopped playing. I teach a different sport and the same time I would be playing Golf I am out teaching. I see Pickleball becoming very popular and Pickleball lines are painted over tennis courts all over, but I do not see it lasting because you become an expert in no time, unlike Golf. For myself breaking 80 I got very solid with my short irons, at least down to 6. I could mess up the 5 and lower. I also practiced 4 foot putts all the time to not 3 putt. I practiced chipping. I took a lot of lessons in Golf and later I had a very hard time unteaching bad mechanics from self taught students of my sport. It was also before youtube and all the videos. I would recommend taking lessons.
@samuelwood876 2 года назад
Easy to break 90 with 125 yd wedges and 280 yd drives. I'm now over 70 y/o and a good drive is 180 and it takes 8 or 7 iron to go 125. GRIs on par 5s, par 4s over 340yds and par 3a over 150 yds are almost impossible.
@serenityinsilence 2 года назад
I had the worst round of my life yesterday. I played a course I've played several times, and know fairly well. My drives were either going straight as an arrow, or fade 20 yards off line. My irons were the same. I couldn't miss within 100 yards though. I'd go from one side of the rough, to the other with the absolute worst lies possible. I couldn't catch a break.
@BernieTheBoxer 2 года назад
little confused with the chipping.. how is 56 degree not taking too much loft? there's only a 60 degree left. Anything over 45% is going up more than it is going forward. That chip is 9 or 8 iron every day of the week surely?
@simmo5071 2 года назад
Surely, a tree is trouble; you cannot depend on a fortuitous bounce! James, my distance is not remotely close enough to do what you do, however, my putting is aways a lot more positive than yours. I believe I’m going to make everything, I don’t but my strong positive thought is always held. I agree with one of the comments play around with a high handicapper and coach them around the same three holes.
@jeffniskanen467 2 года назад
If you make another left handed golfer comment and I may unsubscribe you. Just for the record, left handed golfers stand on the "RIGHT" side of the ball.
@voyager8195 2 года назад
Of course you’ll break 90 a 3 a4 and a 5 makes 12 you’ve still got 78 shots left 😂 🤗🤗🤗
@dan.promedio 2 года назад
I struggle with my driver and hitting greens in regulation. Last I've I hit over 50% of fairways and greens in a round I shot a 91 lol
@UnseenSpirit 2 года назад
I've played 4 times and my best was 110! I need this video. Okay going to watch it now
@natskis Год назад
BTW... check out all of those divots on that first tee box!!! People not fixing their tee shots sucks!
@mercertj Год назад
Yeah, I'm not breaking 90 in the near future. My skill of losing balls is unparalleled
@dennisoosterbaan6872 Год назад
Like my favorite t-shirt proclaims . . . OLD GUYS RULE !
@bendaio2344 2 года назад
Putting has always been my problem when I avoid 3 putts is when I shot high 70s low 80s
@marksweeney2834 2 года назад
A foot past? I wouldn't let you's measure my carpets 🤣👍
@Smeeagain22 2 года назад
yellow middle how is your flags done? my local is blue red yellow alphabetical order which makes it easier blue front red middle yellow back
@rajmadukkarai4454 Год назад
You don’t spell check your captions? 🤦🏼‍♂️
@Tdawgg23 2 года назад
If I could putt worth anything I would break 90 every time 😂
@sammyelliott5554 Год назад
You’re not being realistic for those trying to break 90. Most of us don’t hit a par three on the green. We are either in the sand trap or way off the green.
@TaylorRodCarter 2 года назад
I always hit driver on par 4s par 5s and miss a lot of fairways and I struggle with lag putting a lot so I have to use driver less more 3 wood or 4 iron instead of driver all the time
@terrythompson8003 Год назад
Playing a course that doesn’t have a million sand traps surrounding the greens and no water holes helps.
@johnnorth9514 2 года назад
All these tips and ideas are fantastic, but only work if one can actually hit the ball with any consistency.
@redcanary7 2 года назад
the reality is most people dont break 90 or get close cause of inconsistant ball striking and penalties and shit shots
@arvinddas6803 2 года назад
Just focus on your game and u will break 80 too and just dont break it on your own club do it on other courses too 😀
@jamesrickett9164 Год назад
Sorry silly question but why are you stepping each side of the hole prior to putting?
@Garbox80 2 года назад
On the tee box, always also check if the surface is level or not. Where I play there tend to be at least some tee boxes on every course that if you're not paying attention (or are just thinking about the fairway and where you want the poaaible miss to go) you might end up having the ball above or below your feet. Not a big deal for some players, but at least for my inconsistency I've sometimes chosen to take the left side because of that while I'd originally wanted to take the right side. Shouldn't be an issue on the tee box, but hey... not every course is Augusta.
@natskis Год назад
How I break 90? Playing on a Par 65 course helps 😂
@douglasshaw9868 2 года назад
Tip number 0; know your club distances before you start.
@compa4929 2 года назад
being one of those lefties, Christ mentioned, I would love to see you play a round left handed. Might make for an entertaining round.
@SteveJones-oi4ei Год назад
You need a tape measure pal lol. (A foot ) Love to content as always . Thank you
@JustSleepin61 2 года назад
Simple .. just walk off the course at the 16th!!
@matthiaskreuziger9647 2 года назад
I mean it is not hard to break 90, if you only play three holes :)))
@alienrenders Год назад
Blading a wedge shot straight into the woods will make all this pointless. LOL
@kenpappas9520 2 года назад
Started out by saying he is hitting left in T box, but never said why?
@roychan2160 2 года назад
You missed out on the biggest mistake. Letting the EGO telling you what tees to use!
@Kirtlington-Bandit 2 года назад
Practice long putts all the time made big difference to game and also going up hill
@Smeeagain22 2 года назад
had freshly cored greens today and aint been mowed damn frustrating lol
@johnb5059 2 года назад
My problem is to get those 4 or 5 bad holds out of the way every time I play
@milesawayadventures 2 года назад
Last tip: just have fun and play golf. Enjoyed it!
@genekillingsworth8994 2 года назад
I broke 90 once. To bad it was on a Par 27 9-hole course.
@roberttaylor2995 2 года назад
Great guys … did I miss the link to Chris’s channel
@Smeeagain22 2 года назад
hmmm chris always has the shorter putts are you not listening to his tips james?
@scottgautier1373 2 года назад
What a wonderful video! I've yet to break 90, but I am positive that these tips and a now mature mindset will help me do it. I could watch the two of you all day. You are quite the team. Thank you again.
@Smeeagain22 2 года назад
interesting to see how different clubs position flag colours
@sethers9922 Год назад
I hate these RU-vidrs playing on these open, hilly courses. No shit you can break 90. If it doesn’t have water or tons of traps, it’s not hard
@JamesRobinsonGolf Год назад
Open hilly courses? 😂😂😂😂 are you ok bro?
@rafabonati7757 2 года назад
Good to hear I am in the minority of amateurs who practice putting the full length of the greens along with the shorter putts. 90 is my best score after starting this sport this summer, and I am consistently in the 90s now. Working hard to break into the 80s. These were good tips in this lesson. Rafa
@keyboardoracle1044 Год назад
This is how I like to play a par 5, drive into the trees, chip out, top my 5wood about 10 yards, belt the 5 wood down the middle (cursing that I should have done that the first time). Duff a wedge, thin a wedge across the green, putt from off the green about 5 yards past the hole, putt 6 ft short. Lip out and then 1ft putt for an easy 10. Write 6 on my card. 🤣
@davidsmith2543 Год назад
I need to play with you. We both have the same game!!!!!
@nicknick6788 2 года назад
You're hitting a 9 or a wedge into the par 3 into the centre of the green. I'd need to hit a 7 and chances are I'd spray it wide. If you want to break 90 surely you need to think about getting onto every green in 1 over regulation
@holmer9413 2 года назад
Best advice. Get a lesson or two. One lesson and I started breaking 80 regularly. Well, one lesson and 6 months of practice to be fair. Still, that 40 dollar first lesson was the best money I've ever spent on my game. 2nd best advice. Stop trying to swing so hard. Limit your backswing to wherever it is your lead arm wants to bend. For me, that's just above shoulder height. Try to swing farther than that and my consistency goes out the window. I might hit a great shot, and I might "spray it".
@GlitterFistsFish 2 года назад
Is that part 5 tee shot over the green of the prior hole?
@iankennedy9377 2 года назад
Really good advice here even for us higher handicappers working towards 100! Common sense really but when your on the course, how often does that go out the window!
@paultaylor7059 10 месяцев назад
no exactly much charisma on show here. plenty of stating the bleedin' obvious, though
@JamesRobinsonGolf 10 месяцев назад
I guess 1/4 of a million folk like knowing the obvious...
@Rich-in6ds 2 года назад
Good tips. I think the biggest thing for me is avoiding the meltdown holes where I take an 8 or 9. Sadly, wayward drives and penalty strokes can quickly start you on that path when you're having a good round. Completely agree about taking enough club on par 3s. I started making more pars when I started taking one more club than I think I need and then just hitting it nice and steady, not leathering it.
@ballsballsballs3617 2 года назад
That’s my problem to I can go 6 holes feelin good and playin good then I hit that one whole end up with triple bogey then I’m fucked from then on
@johndavies6427 9 месяцев назад
Very helpful Chris and James
@davidrobbins1936 2 года назад
Good little video James/Chris.
@grahammerry7031 Год назад
Love the positivity from the boys but what if you Shank your short Irons and then 3 putt
@JamesRobinsonGolf Год назад
Go to the pub lol
@999montyman 2 года назад
Did you drive straight over the first green from the second tee box ? Was that green in play ?
@JamesRobinsonGolf 2 года назад
Yes buddy
@Babydogdaddy Год назад
Great video on course management.
@stuartmonteith2547 2 года назад
Hi James, I am an avid follower of your channel . I am an 18 handicap and obviously would love to break 90 on a regular basis. If I hit my best shot every time then yes it’s possible . Chris and yourself are both great strikers of the ball so this is just bread and butter stuff you both. Maybe you should hit a few Damien shots and show us mere mortals how to pick the right shot ( ie off the tee, approach and short pitches around the green to lower our scores) I know it may feel like giving a whole lesson in 1 video but maybe you could both create a mini series from tee to green with each scenario incorporated. Still love the videos either way 👍
@MrAnders1000 2 года назад
I broke 90 for the first time last weekend I hit driver on 4 holes and hit 4 iron or my 2 hybrid on the others. It kept me alive on every hole. And even though I was one the green in 3 shoots on some par 4 I still made boogey on the hard par 4 and par on the easier ones and scored 88. I just kept the driver for the holes with a wide fairway and where my draw/hook I have with the driver wouldn't hurt me so much. Still mostly chip with my 60 degree but it's my favorite club in the bag and the club I practise most with of all clubs so hard to pick another club.
@885wc 2 года назад
Chris, James truly is a modern day Idi Amin! I'm a lefty and he could have left me up a creek without a paddle. 😂😂 Keep em coming guys. Break 100 and 80 next 💪
@downsouth1678 2 года назад
If you are reading this I wish you a wonderful day , you deserve love and you deserve to be understood . Life isn't always easy and anxiety and depression can get in the way but you are worth a lot , you are not a failure or stupid. I love you and wish you nothing but the best
@neilross6227 2 года назад
that 9 iron chip from Chris... i use a similar shot but using 7 iron... purely as I feel more comfortable with that club
@SgtsPepper11 Год назад
Trying to get into the defensive mindset is going to be my biggest challenge this year. I'm looking to crack 90 next season if I can, but I know I'm susceptible to the very aggressive/hero mindset on the course. I have to learn to just take my medicine and be happy with plodding down the course, 2-putting, and walking away with a good round at the end of the day
@erikpiccinin 2 года назад
My problem is always the long par 4s. If you can't hit a consistent longish tee shot. Leaves me laying up far too often on them. Had a few 90 rounds but can never get that 89!
@adrianscott6005 2 года назад
I don’t think you are Chris trying to break 90 is realistic -oh look we’ve both hit it to 6ft - you have to be playing / practicing at least twice a week realistically. Improve strike to help getting any club down the fairway / on the green - as has been said, get foxy on to do this challenge
@JamesRobinsonGolf 2 года назад
This isn’t about us breaking 90. You’ve totally missed the point buddy. Listen closer to chris
@adrianscott6005 2 года назад
@@JamesRobinsonGolf hi James, it was meant as constructive suggestion. I haven’t missed the point as I’ve literally been through this myself - watching two Pro’s telling 22-28 handicappers what they should do and then hitting perfect shots makes it unrealistic - my suggestion was get someone on like Foxy, let him take his shot and then you coaching him on what he should have done would make it more valid to someone shooting 90-100 🤷🏻‍♂️
@roberthudson3571 2 года назад
Great tips. You make it look so easy. That’s a big problem of mine, not playing the percentage shot. I played today. Front nine, awful. +16 Back nine played the percentage shots and came back in +7. Go figure.
@BlueCollarBachelor 2 года назад
It's easy! Only play 9 holes
@GFW229 2 года назад
Good demonstration of what we should be trying in principle. As golfers who are trying to break 90 we do not always hit the shots as cleanly as you guys and therefore they don't go to plan (obviously that is our responsibility to practice to increase the success of those shots). I do agree it would be interesting to see this applied to Foxy and see the recovery shots. The Ryder Cup live coverage was a great opportunity to see that even pros don't get it right every time and often play similar shots to us ordinary golfers, as opposed to most televised golf where you only see all the best shots (or the really bad ones).
@andylawrence7955 2 года назад
This is a great video, how many times do I think I will just try and smash every shot as long as I can and end up duffing one (or two, or three!) Sensible course management is absolutely the key to removing those bad shots that make me end up with too many 6s 7s and worse and I end up with a mid 90s score which could and should have been 90 or under! Cheers James, I am going to put this into practice on Friday afternoon!
@Js_Son83 2 года назад
Practice your putting. Dont three putt. And don't get double bogeys and triple bogeys.
@rayquirk4947 2 года назад
Chris sees a lot of amateurs (and James) taking too much loft when chipping onto the green.
@UncleSnottie Год назад
I think this video has solid advice. However, it would be better to have them coach an actual high handicapper thru breaking 90. It comes off a bit disingenuous when the advice is coming from guys shooting level par hitting shots most bad golfers can’t. 😂
@doughirsch9930 Год назад
Disappointing, you all should demonstrate how to get out of trouble from a wayward drive.
@JamesRobinsonGolf Год назад
This video is 3 years old I can’t even remember what’s in it to be fair
@doughirsch9930 Год назад
Sorry not trying to be critical, but those trying to consistently break 90 are going to have a bad drive or two to deal with. Getting out of trouble and back in the game is key.
@johnbrothwood1594 2 года назад
Good video going to give it ago. My best is 92 been playing from January this year.
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