Why isn't this on regular Buzzfeed instead of on Tasty? A lil confused but that was nice that she tries to make sure anyone staying on couch has everything they need
The loofah is a nice touch! I think you can go even further with more bathroom essentials. Whenever I have folks over, I try to have a spare new toothbrush, travel-size mouthwash, toothpaste, a pack of face wipes, that sort of thing. It's the sort of stuff you can easily include on a regular shopping list and use yourself if your guest ends up not using it.
It is super nice, but isn't it the guest's responsibility to take care of their essentials? When I plan to stay over somewhere, I pack what I need myself
@@annasleeplessowl8157 You do have a point, I guess it depends on the guest and if they're picky about personal care products. I was just suggesting in a general way to help guests feel comfortable (especially if they're coming in late at night, maybe packed in a hurry, maybe don't know where the closest pharmacy or grocery is). I'm the forgetful type, always forgetting something like my toothbrush, so I guess it's my way of addressing a common travel situation that comes up 😁
It was literally friend making her feel more welcoming lmao!! Totally the opposite content! I clicked it knowing as well! But normally never side with the negatives on the ‘net but I have to agree with this comment😂🎉 WHY TF IS IT ON TASTY??
If you guys would have shown cooking in this video it would have been more relevant but honestly I have to agree with the negative comments on this one I am sorry😂 but everybody have a good day & KeepPushinMane:) ! !
can you please bring back Alexis DeBoschneck, cooking crazy menus with "non-cooking-intentional" applicatios? .....like say, a homeworking tool set (you know, a drill, maybe a blow torch)
So in our house we always do bottled water out on the coffee table, a set of slippers (house), a bath towel and a comfy blanket since its winter with no central heating. For your case I would do the same with the addition of a mini fridge with some drinks your sister likes because hydration is important. also a form of entertainment like books or a tv maybe. as well as a suitable blanket or throw and an extra pillow to cuddle with
Isn’t this supposed to be a food channel? Also why would you set it up before the guest even arrives. Last but not least the bloopers were extremely unnecessary and weird.
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