
How to explore alchemical symbolism 3 

Adam McLean
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The last of a three part investigation of alchemical imagery by Adam McLean, the creator of the renowned alchemy website. He is well known for the hundred or so books he has published on the subject, and for his in-depth study courses.
Adam McLean has created a number of study courses on alchemical symbolism in the form of books and downloadable files.



3 окт 2024




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@draw4everyone 3 года назад
I know others have commented this, but I must reiterate it! This is the by far best series on Alchemical history I've seen! I've had a small interest in occult thinking for a while, but only your series has cleanly and appropriately drawn connections that I was piecing together myself through my disparate readings. The intersections evident between the social conditions in France in the mid-to-late 1800s, Eliphas Levi, Theosophy, and Rudolph Steiner are, for instance, salient historical contingencies which immaculately inform how one understands esoteric work in modernity.
@ElazarY 6 лет назад
This is great ! I hope you make more videos on alchemy! This was very informative, thank you, Adam McLean.
@ThunderboltWisdom 3 года назад
Up until relatively recently I too was lost in a sea of decontextualised symbolism. Images everywhere. Your website helped a lot with it's collections of series of images. These made it clear that they are actually like a visual language trying to explain practical methods, practices, elements, metals and equipment. Since then things have started slotting into place and becoming clearer. Thanks again.
@promiseclub8810 5 лет назад
Thanks for this three part work, it’s helped a lot, a lot a lot, especially with understanding the origins and progress and evolving of the great work. I do worry for your refusal of magic being fundamental to all this. Not goetic theatrics per say or spell work but the underlying essence, being out of this world and not within the reasoning faculties of a physical thinking human
@biancastephan5278 Месяц назад
I very much agree. Magick and alchemy go hand in hand
@racine09 7 лет назад
Very interesting and well articulated - thanks !
@uroboroh 4 года назад
I think you are misinterpreting Jung. What you are presenting is more like a parody of Jung. He was never a-historical, he knew very well, that all concrete formations of human imagination are very much constrained by culture and historical process, however, he was also well aware of the fact that we are all humans, having similarly designed brain, i.e. mind, and there is at least as much universal as there is particular material in human imagination and psychology. It is very dishonest and unwise to deny the existence of universal themes and collective patterns and focus only on cultural particularities. There are always both dimensions.
@uroboroh 4 года назад
However, I must admit, most of the later jungians are misinterpreting Jung too and it is they who are twisting his approach into new age mythology.
@jim..... 7 лет назад
Funny I was actually reading my copy of A.Roob's book last night and felt like there wasn't much substance to the writing so decided to look for some fundamental explanations of alchemical imagery here on youtube, which instantly brought me to this series! Thanks for sharing your videos will be sure to delve deeper to the other content soon.
@jim..... 7 лет назад
'a sea of engaging but decontextualised images' is a good descriptor of our visual environment in general!
@catherinemoreau3419 8 месяцев назад
Yes Alexander Rob‘s book does leave you mystified. I have to say I love it because I’m an artist and an astrologer and I have read it maybe four times. I just keep going back to the images because they speak to me as a person with Roman Catholic and Hindu background. I wish she would try to explain some of the things but of course there is no explanation so you are right it’s just all out there without any deep understanding. But perhaps our ancestors were just as mesmerized by the beauty of the symbols and the two did not have understanding. PerhapsAlchemy is about jumping into a soup looking for answers but we are too low on the ladder to put them together. I think her ancestors were just in the same soup.
@hermeticdragon2643 6 лет назад
Alchemical symbols are full of spiritual and religious significance and this does not represent a modern meta interpretation. The medieval planets (named after Pagan deities) have religious significance predating alchemical texts. Before and during the middle ages practically everybody had a profoundly spiritual interpretation of all areas of life and study. I believe this videos interpretation of alchemy may be distorting alchemy by overlaying a modern science based rationalism on the subject purging it of esoteric religious significance. Am I wrong?
@localmo88 5 лет назад
Yes, I believe you are wrong. Please allow me to explain. I think Adam was trying to emphasize that Alchemy can take on a meta narrative, but the inherent danger with any such narrative (overarching or meta) is that it may detract the learner and dilute Alchemy's core ideology or purpose. I think this is especially valid with the Jungian "meta-narrative". Psychology is a fantastic context to amalgamate with alchemical principles. However this context can also remove important guides, markers and validity to the learner's journey. "Anything" "can" become potentially valid within a Jungian Alchemical context, and learners may take on false beliefs or become subsumed within the unlimited potentialities of such a context (In this case psychology or even the Jungian collective unconsciousness). If you have read Jung or Von Franz you will see that "leaps of logic and association" are often made for context and meaning. These leaps are so vast and stretched one could often wonder if they are valid and how they could be re-mapped for personal re-use or context. This in no way disrespects the work of Carl Jung or his disciples. Jung and Von Franz's work on Alchemy and psychology are of great benefit to esoterical mapping and human psychology. They were however, well practiced physicians, and well read Alchemists (both well over the age of 50, Jung personally developed a vast library of Alchemical texts). My point being that I believe Adam is trying to say "Stick to the core text/s", meaning the core and acknowledged works within Alchemy. Put in the time and develop a direct relationship to them. That is the best way to find a valid context, meaning or vital next step...
@calypso_lazuli 2 года назад
@@localmo88 I think what Hermetic Dragon was attempting to say (without putting words in his/her/their mouth) is that there was always a “Hermetic/Esoteric” form of Alchemy, it’s not something that simply began between the 18th-20th centuries, and I totally get what the OP is saying because after watching this video I thought omg have I learned nothing about Alchemy though the lens of, i.e., Carl Jung?!?! Or better yet have I been scammed/bamboozled?! After sitting on this for a while, I came to a conclusion which is a HUGE aspect of how I view Esoteric/Occult study and that is that I instinctively will separate fantasy/conspiracy theory from academic research… Though, detailing what I would consider to be fantastical through the lens of Esotericism isn’t an easy task to take on… I’ll give an example of what I’m talking about… (Some of the) theories which came out of Theosophy apparently came from a group of entities known as “The Masters” or “The Adepts” {similar to Thelema by Aleister Crowley}… Now, instinctively, I was immediately skeptical when I heard this for the first time, but after studying both Theosophy and Thelema, there are some insightful and interesting theories to be extracted from these systems of theories. So, I immediately ignore the nonsense and pay closer attention to what I would personally deem more pertinent and important information - the exact same idea can be applied to the Bible - at the least this is how a philosophical yet more logical person would view Esoteric material, in my own opinion… The issues here, more or less, not only lie in people who exhibit “cult-like” behavior/mentality where they take these ideas and concepts and create some kind of quasi or pseudo religion out of them, but also by re-interpreting scriptures and texts through the collective biases of that particular group. This can be VERY DANGEROUS. The lines between truth & opinion, logical & illogical thinking, fantasy & reality become blurred which can lead to mania… So, with that being said, ultimately, as bluntly as I could put it, the above mentioned paragraph is where I think the creator of this video was attempting to go… even though he did come of as being anti-Hermetic and anti-Jungian superficially, I just don’t think that was his intention according to his other content which to me does appear to be at the least somewhat Esoteric in nature… also remember this video is technically over 5 years old, whereas this cult-like behavior became much more relevant and highly publicized directly afterwards {coincidentally}…
@JAMAICADOCK 3 года назад
Was this journey from primitive science to occultism - first traveled by masonry to free masonry? Just as Freemasons saw in the medieval Masons' craft hidden occult influences, so did latter-day alchemists. I suppose this always happens, dying trades are romanticized, given occult significance that was never there. Such as paintings all have hidden meanings now.
@andres65080 7 лет назад
I'm a bit confused. You go on through this video to basically criticize what you say are erroneous "metanarratives" of alchemy , decontextualized and divorced from their proper alchemical context, while saying that the proponents of these meta narratives don't really know what they are talking about, and surely don't know what the original alchemists of old are trying to say, while you offer no insight of your own. I'm not saying you are necessarily wrong, clearly you are very learned and erudite on the subject, but all of this seems to me to add up to a lot of "bark and no bite". If none of the people you mentioned know what the alchemists were trying to say, then WHAT were they trying to say Adam? Do you have a video explaining yourself? What alchemical texts should I start to read myself, so that I don't have to depend on other people's interpretation so that I can form my own conclusions? Or would that be promulgating another metanarrative? How should one approach the decoding of alchemical symbolism while staying true to its roots and without forcing a subjective view point upon it? I watched this video series for clarity and answers, and I am honestly coming away a lot more confused. I understand from this video series that many of the so called "alchemical" images floating around, especially on the internet, either have nothing to do with alchemy, or are severed from their linear place in a series of images in a manuscript, but I feel like I still don't know where to start really getting a firm understanding on alchemy. Please don't take this as an attack or slander on you, far from it, but I am interested in Alchemy as a vehicle for enriching the soul and improving myself, and I have no idea where to start, especially after these videos. If you could please provide some clarity into this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks for your work!
@AdamMcLean 7 лет назад
The problem with appreciating alchemy in our own time, is precisely the fact that so many people fabricate their own interpretations and insights. I do not wish to be part of that muddled crew. The important thing is to read alchemical material in its proper context, and not merely drag it kicking and screaming into our own preconceptions.
@andres65080 7 лет назад
What would you say are the main, and absolutely indispensable reading materials to start out? Would be much appreciated.
@JAMAICADOCK 7 лет назад
The esoteric is by its nature mysterious. Take the rituals of freemasonry today and the mysterious origins of their symbolism - that still many scholars don't know the meanings of. Take the G inside the compass and square - I haven't heard any definitive answer to what it means. Not even Masons understand its meaning. It just exists as a ludibrium - a mystery for the sake of a mystery. Then there's the Tarot that no one seems to know from where it originated. Once again the scholars have little definitive answers. I think it's the case that certain images, symbols become signs for the mysterious. Alchemical imagery's weird and wonderful world - has become a signified of the hidden, the occult, the mysterious. But let's take a symbol of the occult in our own age - such as crystal sculls. Once you lose context - future generations might be at a miss as to understand why crystal sculls became associated with the occult
@AdamMcLean 7 лет назад
It is not so much that one establishes a canon of alchemical texts, more that people read this material without filtering and interpreting this through their own belief system external to alchemy. It has been my experience that many people merely read alchemical texts in order to amplify and confirm their own beliefs. Thus the Jungians, various esotericists, even people immersed in Eastern spiritual philosophies, mine alchemical texts in order to find confirmation of their own beliefs. They look for confirmation of their own beliefs, rather than trying to understand what the alchemical author was saying. It is best if we read alchemical text from within themselves in order to come to some understanding of alchemy. Also one must always keep in mind the historical context, as to what place the alchemical text one is reading stands within the historical timeline. Many people draw ahistorical links between texts written centuries apart, even sometimes seeing later works as paradoxically influencing earlier. The study courses I wrote in the early 2000s were my attempt to provide some pointers as to how one can approach alchemy.
@andres65080 7 лет назад
Where can I find those study courses? And how much do they cost?
@paisleypeacock 5 лет назад
@parakeetsparakeets3972 5 лет назад
@theyoungmind9897 6 лет назад
I see u mention many people but don't mention manly p. Hall. What is your view/opinion on him, he lectures, books, and library of alchemical texts?
@allertonoff4 8 лет назад
great series
@ryanmccarthy5102 Год назад
I notice that your own book, The Alchemical Mandala, was shown alongside various books imposing various erroneous systems on alchemy. I'm assuming this was unintentional- or have you had a change of heart regarding this book?
@AdamMcLean Год назад
The Alchemical Mandala book was written from 1978-1983, over 40 years ago. My perspective on alchemy gradually evolved during the 1980s as I gained access to and read my way into the original writings of the alchemists. The Alchemical Mandala does provide my detailed analysis of the symbolism found in alchemical emblems, and is still worth reading if one avoids being drawn into the metanarratives.
@lacheredenton5736 6 лет назад
Question, when are you going to go deeper into alchemical symbolism origins by to Kemetic and Arabic cultures? I would love to see a video on that.
@AdamMcLean 6 лет назад
See my series of videos on alchemical symbolism.
@drchampiongold 7 лет назад
thank you for your work MrAdam Mclean how would some one (me) look to start and guide there way thru all of this mess of yesteryear and today to the proper English printed materials so as not to fall into the dung....three books please and thank you in advance
@AdamMcLean 7 лет назад
Scepticism - research - historical context
@paulchristie8452 3 года назад
Did the narrator basically say that all the books shown in this video are bullshit?
@Zickafoose2024 7 лет назад
THank you for the videos. I am looking at the The unified King and Queen from the alchemical Philosophia Reformata...Do you know what the tree with heads refer to? Thanks!
@AdamMcLean 7 лет назад
I am sorry but it would need more explanation than can fit into these reply boxes.
@Zickafoose2024 7 лет назад
Is there somewhere I could read about it? Do you have any other contact information? Thanks for your videos!
@ShrineBuilder 5 лет назад
How do these false meta-narratives factor into your analysis of the Book of Lambspring as a diagramatic process of the internal process of the spiritual alchemist?
@AdamMcLean 5 лет назад
I wrote that commentary on the Book of Lambspring in 1986, some thirty-two years ago. Since then, my ways of looking at alchemical material have deepened and I have over this period been able to see more clearly into the nature of the subject.
@ShrineBuilder 5 лет назад
@@AdamMcLean I just ordered your introductory course, so I'm looking forward to what new insights you may have gained. I do have to say though that that initial interpretation rang quite true to me as an active meditator. Moving through duality, into equanimity.
@PixelSwitch7 Месяц назад
I was right there with you up until the clearly bad faith misrepresentation of post-modernism. Thanks but no thanks
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