
How to Find Your Perfect Static in FFXIV 

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@elibbabats Год назад
My static started out as a group of five friends, hoped into PF with our fingers crossed, and literally had the best of luck! We met three people from another world who were friends in their own FC and we all clicked really well! We're now all actively raiding together and it's been SO much fun. We're all pretty midcore, bringing our best gamer skills but intent on having jokey-fun along the way, and it's just been the greatest time. PF, especially on Aether, has not been the greatest experience, but this time it was. You just never know when you'll find some really good eggs! :)
@post-mastersodium3136 Год назад
This is helpful. Looking for a static right now. Not having great luck, but I do come with lots of limitations. But I still had to satiate lord algorithm, so we don't wipe to his hunger
@Aitherea Год назад
praise be to lord algorithm \o/
@RealHimikoLoona Год назад
bro wtf why is ur voice so heavenly its gotta be illegal to have a voice like this
@Aitherea Год назад
Wow thank you!! 🥰
@ideali5t Год назад
Really great video for those who are still in the boat of being nervous to try raiding outside of pf, or those who are reluctant to try joining a static due to other reasons. I would highly recommend joining the 2 recruitment discords, I've found all the statics I've been in, even the one I'm currently in, through those. Good luck ya'll!
@MCG55SS Год назад
This is good to know, My gf, 2 friends and myself JUST started playing FFXIV (almost lvl 30) and we were wanting to Raid and do stuff once we get max level so i have been looking up info and stuff so ty for this info.
@nateboogiez9999 Год назад
Ty for making this video. Eventually I wanna get into savage. This helped alot.
@aetas810 Год назад
Thank you for this amazing video! I'm playing FF on and off since ARR release and the past few years i always wanted to tackle savage and even ultimate raids but was always kind of afraid. Extreme Trials are hella fun to the point where i can't wait for the next one to release. But as soon as it goes into the territory of not just jumping into a random group in party finder i got cold feet. Your advise and the discord links help a lot. Much love ❤
@Aitherea Год назад
Aww I'm glad the tips were helpful! If you like the extreme trials I think you'll def like savage. The biggest diff between them (which is worth noting) is that savage has a tougher DPS check as well as requires the party to plan out mitigation. Basically, everything in savage will kill you without mit until you outgear it, so everyone has to work together to make sure every mech is being mitigated!
@pifu7677 Год назад
This is a neat video, good info to have for when I go to find a group for next tier. ( I'm a sprout healer on aether in post HW content, hoping to get caught up before the next savage tier comes out)
@OldManInternet Год назад
I haven't experienced the friends issues here, but I did go through this in WoW. Some of my best friends I've made online were in that game, but after more than a decade of playing, some of these people just became less invested or capable over time. A lot of it was just real life stuff getting in the way, people starting families, or just getting older. And it can be tough when you want to do stuff with your friends, but it gets to a point where it becomes impossible to do challenging content with them anymore. Good video though! I'll check out the discords. I've had enough devour disband groups in PF that I want to change it up haha.
@Aitherea Год назад
It is understandable! Some people have less time to put into games, which means less time being able to study or practice actually being good. For some friend groups, they may be totally chill with taking it slow, but others may have personal goals they want to reach and thus it's better to raid with a group that can get it done rather than one full of friends. It can feel kind of sad to think you cant do that content with friends, but there's still plenty of other stuff in the game that you CAN do with friends. Ex 4 is quite challenging but it's far more forgiving than the savages in terms of the DPS check and mitigation rotations, so it's something you can do even with players who maybe aren't otherwise up to snuff. The extreme trials are definitely a great compromise.
@OldManInternet Год назад
@@Aitherea For sure! EX1&4 have probably been my best experiences in EW so far. That said, it's early in the expansion, and there's plenty of time to fall in with some new people. Just gotta find them on Crystal, because I'm not losing my house, and constant DC swaps would be a pain haha.
@tehMoSHGYARU Год назад
Ever since the lunar envoy gear came out, I've been thinking of joining a static to be able clear P7S so this video came out at a great time! Still working on my rotation and not over healing but I'm excited to start raiding in the current tier for the first time \○/ Thanks for the video!
@Aitherea Год назад
Tbh, overhealing is going to be quite common and even necessary during prog! One of the things I love about WHM is that overhealing with the lilies isn't too punishing since you get the DPS back with Afflatus Misery.
@tehMoSHGYARU Год назад
@@Aitherea That's true, I'll be progging as whm since I want the glam for my alt and that's the only healer I've unlocked for him xD
@rahmaadem5243 Год назад
S.xd. Cld,skDxc... S.x
@someonecomenting1300 Год назад
I feel that the real problem the the mentality of static is that there's no in between. Either you got a super softcore group that can't clear because their member is always MIA during the raid days.w The boss is never centered. Either you got a bunch of people who expect you to raid 3 days a week and more. The addionnal days are told not to be mandatory but member will be angry over the fact that you aren't at the same progress as they are (they raided every day of the week). On top of that grey parse and green parse are a sin. Even if you aren't BIS. (You can clear with grey parse) This dosen't exist: A group that really meet 2 days a week. Do not expect you to get some party finder actions. Can play decent enough to clear and doesn't refuse to learn. Doesn't have member who raid every day and get annoyed over the fact that you missed the devour mechanic including the tower of P5S after 3 tries while not taking intro account that he had like 20 pull during the week with other groups.
@Aitherea Год назад
Sounds like you, too, have had some bad experiences. What you described most certainly exists, there are lots of players who are hungry to raid and can end up with this sort of mentality. It's problematic when they get impatient and turn on their group because of it. I would argue that someone's attitude is just as important as their commitment -- basically, if my tip is to set expectations then one of those expectations should be that players who have an attitude will be kicked (even after the first offense if necessary). However, I do think it's possible to find a group of players where even those who play ahead in PF aren't toxic. We have one in my group. He has cleared the entire tier and for whatever reason still wants to raid with us. He helps answer questions and explain mechs and it's really quite helpful. I don't want to say it's going to be the easiest thing ever to find these types of people/groups, but they definitely are out there.
@someonecomenting1300 Год назад
@@Aitherea I wish that would be true. I know that communicating expectation should work but just like in a dnd session 0. But, It doesn't. No one take what is said during this seriously. Every question you ask is responded by a "Yes man". When you finnally come to the raid you realise quickly the truth
@absfinal Год назад
Those are some good questions. I just want to experience the battle, but what puts me off is that there are fixed times, which reminds me too much of a job / (real) work, so I'd rather do it in PF.
@Aitherea Год назад
I feel this!! This was one of my major hesitations about joining a static myself, and honestly still something I think about, but I eventually bit the bullet and I'd say for the most part it was worth it. Are there days where I'd rather be laying in bed watching netflix? Certainly. But usually once we get going I want to be there =P
@MichalEzalif Год назад
Many times random pf players were better then the uncomplete static 6/8, 7/8 in PF. So I have terrible experience with statics right now
@Aitherea Год назад
Awww oh no. It can def be a lot to sort through to find the right one, that's for sure.
@cyberocelot1325 Год назад
That’s what I’m going through as well
@toriestrella Год назад
Yeah, definitely. It doesn't help that in my static, we keep having to find new players to join the static or even just fill because people keep no-showing or just getting poached by another static, so much so that the static has yet to even see enrage on P5S. It just becomes this cycle where we keep having to basically fresh prog over and over. I'm always happy to help people prog, but this becomes a Sisyphean task and it can be quite dispiriting. It also doesn't help that we have to deal with lower raiding population due to being on the Oceania server cluster. PF has really consistently just delivered and allowed me to clear and reclear P5S and P6S in my own time (even if that means only being allowed to do so late into the week all the time and accepting 1chest or potentially even 0chest runs: at least I get my Mythos). The trouble now is learning P7S in PF, which can be very tricky business.
@cyne122 Год назад
A very good video! And Awesome advice! :)
Great advice!
@eeeeeeee6493 Год назад
Very helpful video! Can I ask how you got the casting bar of the boss enlarged?
@Aitherea Год назад
There are a couple options. You can go into your HUD settings and enlarge it there, but what I think you're referring to in this video is the focus target bar. Pressing Shift + F while I have the boss targeted will focus the boss as my target so even if i click on another player to heal them, I can still see what the boss is doing. This is the bar you see slightly to the right of the middle of my screen. You'll see the actual target bar is at the very top of my screen in the middle. Edit: You'll see the focus target bar is literally labeled as such. Also, you can focus on other players as well! (Some healers like to focus their tanks)
@FelixFelicis968 Год назад
Oh my goodness what you said about leaving a static if they "rear their ugly heads later" hits me so hard. I did a week 1 with a group that seemed handle things like mature adults, but a couple in the group started gas lighting on non-issues 3 weeks later. I'm fulfilling any static obligations I can and peacing out as soon as I can. Question Aitherea have you had any bad experiences with couples within statics (not to say that I think all couples are like this, but seeing this for my first time has been really alarming)?
@Aitherea Год назад
I haven't yet been in any statics where there was a couple. I have seen some toxic couples in other games though. It's not too surprising that someone would take the side of the person they're dating, but unfortunately there are some really toxic people out there and having someone take their side just validates their attitude.
@FelixFelicis968 Год назад
@@Aitherea Yeah makes sense thanks for the insight
@alexkouya5490 Год назад
Yeah joined my FC's static and they are all nice friendly people but prog is so slow I sometimes feel I would be better doing pf, now we stuck in P6S and I want to bang my head against a wall :
@cupidex6642 Год назад
I only have problem with statics cause they cant adjust time of raids cause of my work.. so guess ill never improve in this game as having real good group cause mine job is like that .. so im back to league again.. cleared p5s but im tired of searching static
@Aitherea Год назад
Hmm it is true that if you have an inconsistent schedule, it can be a lot harder to find a group :c Not sure if you've tried looking in any discords or not, but tbh you might be best off posting what times you can play and trying to recruit people based around your schedule. Either that, or you can continue to raid in PF. Believe it or not, the group I'm raiding with doesn't actually have a set schedule. We do raid at the same time every day, but we play it by ear whether or not we'll raid. If everyone is available we do, if some people can't make it then we dont. A group like that could potentially work for you too, if you can find it/put it together. PF is a coin toss esp the later you get into the tier (as in, the more time passes usually the worse it may get), but it's not impossible to clear with it. The fights are really fun this time so I hope you can find a way to make it work. Good luck!
@danielhenderson9719 Год назад
You could always try to start your own static. Because there might actually be a lot of people out there with your schedule/availability as well who struggle to find their own static just like you.
@MaydaTiger Год назад
i wouldnt have been looking for a static if i had friends 😥
@Aitherea Год назад
plot twist: you join a static and they all become your besties.
@burnersforhim Год назад
whole time i’m just tranna get into a small fc with discord that actually plays and talks together XD
@Aitherea Год назад
Have you checked the FC section of the Community Finder on the Lodestone website? You can leave comments on FC postings asking about how active their discord and such is c:
@adjwindu70 Год назад
I won't be looking to join a group until I have more time for myself
@brutalwang4106 Год назад
PF is a waste of time. You spend a long time waiting for people to join. And then they leave after a few wipes. Rinse and repeat, and that's a whole evening wasted. We put in the description that it was LC1 practice. So I dont get all the time wasters. Thank you for the Discord links, we will try and find/create a static before I give up altogether on Savage content 😂
Год назад
Inam at this weird point where I think I should find a static... I happily bash my head against a boss for 2 to 3 hours with frienss I know but feel like the worst player ever wehen going into pf amd mess up a mechanic.
@Aitherea Год назад
Savage content is hard! Everyone messes up. I literally had a moment the other night where I wiped my entire group and I knew it was about to happen and I literally was like "sorry guys i'm about to kill you all." If you can learn from those mistakes though, you're golden. And if you DON'T know why you died or what went wrong, ASK!! People want to progress, so they'll help you figure things out.
@eightbitheros Год назад
are you in a static?
@GranDutty11 Год назад
if youre new to the game and have no friends forget finding a static lol no one wants you (can tell from experience)
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