
How to HEAL the 3 Bosses DESTROYING M+ PUGs 

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@tJustSoup Год назад
Maining Holy Pally since the beginning of DF, but I do keys on all the healer specs - I think the actual reason why healers are quitting M+ is because the rest of the party just does not do mechanics and takes unnecessary damage, and blizzard has tuned it to where you can't just heal through mechanics and simply not do them. And while the heal checks are tough, and this is certainly a good set of tips and tricks for these three bosses, it's just irrelevant to the healer drought. I like the challenging encounters, I just don't like having to heal through dumb shit on top of the Dragonflight mechanic bloat and then getting called useless while pumping over 100k hps.
@thitipatwongmek5140 Год назад
after they died then /s Heal?
@TDVmusica Год назад
@catalan8241 Год назад
"I mean, I was top DPS until the healer stopped healing me. Their fault not mine that I'm not top DPS. I know I'm the best DPS in the world, I just need a healer who actually heals me!"
@dahlianeko Год назад
@@thitipatwongmek5140 I had a tank tell me I was a sh!t healer and wiping us on the end Nelth boss not grabbing trinkets.... Guildie posted details for the shield and he had the least dmg! People are terrible to healers rn.
@bighouse581 Год назад
The culture tells us that the easiest role is DPS because "I just blow stuff up and everything mechanical is a tank/healer problem." When dps do mechs and use personals I feel like a green dps, and it's wonderful
@zoegroark9567 Год назад
haha, not a lot of holy priest tips in this one. I guess the main point of advice is to not play hpriest (lol), but unless you're doing stuff in the 26-27 range, hpriest is fine. I'll write some hpriest tips for some of the bosses you mentioned: For Sentinel Talondras: - pretty easy to top your party up between stomps. It's always nice to build your group with an evoker or Paladin in mind, so you can get some bleed cleanses, but not totally necessary. the main tip I have is, if there is an overlap where someone has a bleed and a stomp is going out, make sure to top the bleed player off before stomp, but HOLD YOUR SERENITY CAST until the stomp goes out. being able to shoot them immediately back to full is a lifesaver. - if for some reason something sus happens and you are short on a Serenity charge, don't be afraid to use Guardian Spirit to save their life. Keep in mind that the target takes 60% increased healing, use it liberally throughout ay dungeon :) - Use OmniCD, and keep an eye on other's personal CDs. Make an effort to send out a SYMBOL OF HOPE at least once during the fight, it will enable your party members to protect themselves. For Forgemaster Gorek: - i am personally a Divine Word enjoyer, and it enables the player to really rotate some CDs around. - 1st AoE: Bloodlust should be able to get you through - 2nd: DW: Serenity - 3rd: Apotheosis - 4th: DW: Serenity - 5th: If you have a prot paladin, you can call for spell warding on you / aug evoker Spacial Paradox (if talented) to let you precast Divine Hymn. The healing from hymn is really terrible, but if fully channeled, it leaves behind a 20% increased healing taken buff on your party. So, the idea is that you can pre-cast it during the dodge-the-swirlies phase that goes into the AoE, and now all of your healing spells hit like a truck. Easy! IF YOU CAN NOT DO THIS, then an int pot / calling for defensives here is also fine - 6th: DW: Serenity (if it goes longer than this, apoth would be up for next phase. Hopefully it wouldnt, but ymmv.) For Khajin the Undying, the cooldown rotation looks identical to Foregmaster Gorek for me. Have Bloodlust / PI tide you over for a while on pull, then at 30s intervals you can cast DW: Serenity > Apotheosis > DW: Serenity > Divine Hymn (as soon as the frontal goes out you can hide behind a rock and channel the whole thing no problem!) > DW: Serenity > Apotheosis > DW: Serenity. Be sure to use Fade and Desperate Prayer on cooldown, and get a cast of Symbol of Hope + Shadowfeind for mana. You'll also get a second PI in there too. On fights like this, if I'm falling behind I won't wait for a DPS cooldown to couple it with, and just SEND IT instead. Also remember to use GS on any party member that is in danger or could use extra healing! For the 2nd boss in VP, I use the rotation above. For the last boss in VP, it is similar again; the only addition I would have is when I get targeted with the circle charge while the nova damage is going out, I just instantly DP + GS myself. More often than not it triggers. If i get targeted again, health pot to top yourself off, DP, fade, PW: Shield, and praaaay (remember to symbol during the hide phase) Good luck all!
@Onibi24 Год назад
Thank you for this!!
@curioussquid8279 Год назад
What's really been killing me is fighting for my life trying to keep an incompetent team alive, getting to the end and getting.... Like 30gp and a handful of flightstones for sitting here literally sweating. Then I get to my Vault after grinding all week just to get jack shit I actually need to push higher. It's a feedback loop for sure, just not a good one. I like the idea of M+ but the allure of my io score going up is starting to get outweighed by all the idiots who can't watch a 3 minute video on mechs before pushing higher.
@bighouse581 Год назад
"I've never done that mech before" in a +11 is unacceptable in anything higher its grounds to leave immediately
@zerodoc304 Год назад
Gotta play with competent friends.. much more enjoyable
​@@zerodoc304friends are easy to find, friends that want to push 24s... Thats hard.
@Fajah69 Год назад
My beloved MW Monk is now worse than garbage. Wtf!
@WritesFantasy Год назад
The toughest boss for me is the first boss in Brackenhide. I am new to healing, but I just struggle to heal my teammates up after gash tooth gets them. Especially when the other male hyena becomes a bayblade and chases someone away from the group
@hausknecht89 Год назад
you need a grp with brain that takes defs, self heals and heal pots ... then it's okay
@osamudazai579 Год назад
Nah, healers are quitting because blizz pulled a "Players have 25% more health and mobs do 25% more damage" TWICE!!!
@AmanitaMuscarias Год назад
I thought it was 40% player health pool & mob damage in 11/2022. Followed by 25% increase in player health pool and mob DPS in April 2023.
@WritesFantasy Год назад
They are doing this I think, because players back in SL were bitching about healers just being glorified dps. "make healers heal again!" was a buzz sentance getting thrown around a lot in the big You Tube channels. I was a tank only back then and even I heard about it. Dragonflight was the "give the community what they say they want" expansion. This is one of the things players thought they wanted.
@gunbear8838 Год назад
@WoWforAl-id7tx Год назад
Great video, very helpful as a new healer. Thanks for sharing.
@Dismana Год назад
As a Holy Priest I didn't find myself learning something I didn't know - however! I have a tip that can be helpful to any player during the Kajhin fight! When choosing a solid ice shard to stand behind, make sure there's not any cracked ones nearby, as the Hailstorm will still explode it and cause massive AoE damage that will 1-shot people even if they hide behind a solid block.
@erichall090909 Год назад
Holy priest main here too. I found this season easier than last but then I started playing Prevoker. Was like taking off weighted training clothes so much easier
@jshauns Год назад
@@erichall090909090909 agreed! I always pick a healer and have mained holy this season and went holy paladin recently and wow, huge difference. It's agile and quick. I didn't realize how clunky holy is, and how unnecessarily complicated DISC is.
@MrCellus27 Год назад
everyone knows that
@KB-jt3ns Год назад
Talondras you basically want to use a stun to stop the knock back after you have ran him through two orbs on the floor.
@derek8c829 11 месяцев назад
why are the key details blurred out?
@lokixd7363 Год назад
@sylvalabs5776 Год назад
What would natures vigil do for rdruids on the anvil? Oh nothing… ?? Not sure why that’s in the video?
@alexbergalex17 Год назад
Great video but I have a question. I heal as RDruid and keep hearing to use Nature's Vigil as a Healing CD. I am a bit confused by this.. Does the little dmg we do while actively healing really make a big enough HPS difference to be called a healing CD? Thank you for the answers.
@curioussquid8279 Год назад
Fellow Resto here, it's more about padding dmg at higher keys. We as resto droods have the unfortunate job of picking up any extra damage on higher keys to help get it done faster. It's not that Nature's Vigil is really a healing CD, it's that you're supposed to toss it in mid rotation to help eek out a few extra dps. A typical usage, for me at least, is slipping it in during boss fights or particularly large/difficult packs and looks like = Spot Heal -> Lifebloom yourself -> Convoke the Spirits (ally) -> Wild Growth -> Flourish -> Nature's Vigil -> Cat form rotation -> Return to base form for spot healing as Flourish wears off
@nathancourse8852 Год назад
Agree with the previous response. Also I think nature's vigil might contribute some leech for damage done, but I'm not certain on that. It really won't help healing during heavy fight mechanics, it's more about getting the most bang for your buck when you need to heal anyway. I personally have a separate macro for nature's vigil + convoke during those mechanics. (If you really want to get the most out of nature's vigil and can afford to stack cooldowns, swiftmend for a heart of the Forest buff, then activate nature's swiftness for increased regrowth amount and then NV + convoke. You'll notice heart of the Forest and NS stays active during the whole convoke, buffing all those regrowths you get while convoking)
@sojusienna Год назад
I macro nature's vigil and flourish together. The cool down is short and it heals . As long as you're throwing out your dots there's no reason not to use it.
@Erado1980 Год назад
@@sojusienna This is what i used to do too, its off the global cooldown so you can macro it together and you get free damage. its quite substantial actually even in raid
@S_H_A_R_N_I_E Год назад
It's not a healing cool down at all for Resto Druid, it is a damage cooldown, essentially. So you press Flourish once you have your single target HoTs out when there's big ticking damage coming out, e.g 1st boss in Vortex Pinnacle when he sucks in the tornadoes. About 6 seconds before you'll spam rejuv on everyone, refresh your 2 lifeblooms, put down efflo. Then you'll press Flourish + Nature's Vigil. You wild growth after for extra aoe healing and spam regrowths to top as needed. Because your Single Target HoTs are healing more during Flourish you're doing more dmg.
@driiifter Год назад
I main Resto Dru. I was doing Incorp and Spiteful no problem. So Afflicted week comes, I do that affix, solo mind you, I don't think my groups had hybrids. You can check meters and see I'm doing the affix. I can't get every single one because people are actually dying while I'm trying to heal Afflicted, I have to heal because 2 spawn. The debuff goes off. The party complains, telling me to do the affix. I can't do any more than I am, leave key. Repeat. Let sub run out. This game is fried and everyone in it is fried.
@mrk48836 Год назад
quick tip,you can reflect shard as dps warrior, but shard is random so you need precast it before shard cast and that reflect do lots of dmg at high keys
@Fabian.H. Год назад
Cool video thx! Started healing in M+ for 2 - 3 weeks now and this helps a lot to understand dmg pattern and how to react.
@lemmy9362 Год назад
natures vigil is not a healing cd for r druids. its only healing cd for shamans and priest healers (ancestral guidance and vampiric embrace)
@killia4132 Год назад
When do we get a Guide like this For tanks ?
@blacklily250 Год назад
I don’t mind if healer healing power is little op for m+, it’s not like they can carry the group to beat the timer
@dw5572 Год назад
A video covering the first boss in Brackenhide would be great. Still havent been able to get through a 20 tyr since week 4 of season when i have a resto druid healing. Dont know if its a downside of the spec or just bad heals but it seems like druids cant handle that first boss.
@TheThatagirl Год назад
@dw5572, did you get through it?
@dw5572 Год назад
​@@TheThatagirl with a disc priest, holy priest, and hpal. Still no luck with a resto druid healing the key 😢
@jojoheadshrinker24 Год назад
Hpals don’t take virtue since the rework.
@boopsii Год назад
Depends on your group comp but virtue is still good. It’s not good when you have a guardian Druid though since they heal themselves. You can leave both beacons on the squishies. Otherwise take virtue on high tyran for big burst healing (talking 22+ mostly)
@zaft_izi7992 Год назад
As a healer main who is now a dps main in m+ I ALWAYS makes sure I’m cycling my cds and using self heals when I have the spot for them. I find myself spamming wog off heals on Ret to help my healer in most 14-17 keys. Sucks healing this time around is rough as holy pally is so much fun and every healer feels so good to play ig except for monk
@krisztianhalasi8118 Год назад
I really really like Monk even in 20+ keys. So fluent and strong atm. I dont care about whats the meta as long as i cast heal spells around 20 times in a complete key. Fistweave are so damn fun and strong!
@dahlianeko Год назад
@@krisztianhalasi8118 I like monk rn too, my resto druid didn't have enough in the kit to keep a lot of people alive through their dumb antics. My guildies are always crying for my monk bubble when they mess up now lollll
@batly1122 Год назад
Tajin description: "Just play your class really well, and don't blow CDs too early."
@ravouswintersong6205 9 месяцев назад
Sorry is that 650kish hp spriest pushing 500k dps?
@thitipatwongmek5140 Год назад
It just bad dungeon scaling + unbalanced classes that make healer quit
@maxandsam6487 Год назад
no fear here i have a pally
@Hertacles Год назад
Yeah this week has totally shit on healers too. Haven't seen a good one since Tuesday and the last 4 keys I've tried to do have had either bad or under geared healers and people leave. It's to the point I'm done with mythics this week.
@sojusienna Год назад
This week is about cc'ing the incorporeals. Healers are leaving bc they are getting blamed for a mechanic the team isn't dealing with.
@chrisrawr6177 Год назад
@@sojusienna Too many people still have this mindset that all affixes are meant for the healer to cover at this point if i'm not playing a class that solo lockdown double incorporeals i don't pug. Spiteful just makes even worse as too many melee dps believe that they should just keep meleeing even when spiteful fixate on them.
@Brian_irl Год назад
Went Dwarf to get SS, so that I could have another personal to help healers; still the lowest on Healing Rcvd on the Details. I know I’m squishy as a BMH, but damn. Anymore, you have to track cooldowns etc., to post in the chat that you’re doing your part.
@ykn4l3m Год назад
As a healer i can say that many hunters tend to los healers ALOT. I dont know how you play, but just a tip, try to hung around other players or stick closer to healer. Especially if your healer is evoker, they depend hard on teammate's positioning. Also lowest healing rcvd might mean that you've soaked less dmg then others!
@Brian_irl Год назад
@@ykn4l3m I can respect what you are saying. In regards to preVokers, I typically stay across from them, it a new habit. My old habit, is to always set-up close to my healer, in case they aggro or get fixated; they have enough to worry about. Otherwise, I am standing in Effervescence et al to make it easier. I think ppl take healers for granted, and forget, that it is everyone’s responsibility to stay alive, and not solely the healer.
@Erathoor Год назад
Same Problem in pvp
@James_Johnson79 Год назад
While all these tips are good if you want to talk about stuff blizzard needs to fix, the incorporeal needs to just immediately show in party frames and dispels should have the CD removed.
@ziaxmaster81 Год назад
You have to be Meta Slave or Quit the game , right now you have to play Holy Paladin to feel no pain on healing otherwise R.I.P
@CaledonianCraft Год назад
Not really. Every healer in the game has timed +27 keys now. So unless you are part of the top 2% or so of overall players you can still play what you enjoy. It is of course easier to play the meta but not essential. Personally I love Prevoker and will play it regardless of the meta.
@ziaxmaster81 Год назад
@@CaledonianCraft Yes really , only Professional players hit the top , not you / not ppl around us / not 10000000000000 other healer mains and we do not compare ourselfs to top players , rest of the classes are impossible to play atm , only holy paladin is something that keeps you happy about playing the game cuz you have no choice , even if you pick those off meta healers , youre not gonna get invited to high keys , simple as that (and im on the 2% as a tank and i can see healers struggle to keep us up , except paladin)
@CaledonianCraft Год назад
@@ziaxmaster81 Well that makes sense for you as a top 2% player, however for the rest of us normal players it doesn't really matter too much. People dont have to quit the game because one healer is strong than the others. Your average joe (like me) probably wont be doing keys higher than 22 - 23 this season anyway so while things may be easier in this range using the "meta" specs it is certainly viable for us to play what we enjoy. If you are part of the extremely small population who is pushing past 27/28 keys then fair enough but you are the vast minority.
@coops1992 Год назад
@@CaledonianCraft Disc priest has timed multiple +29's lol
@CaledonianCraft Год назад
@@coops1992 I dont doubt it, that was kinda my point to begin with I just havent looked up the numbers. Pretty much everything is viable to a certain point.
@morrowoblivion13 Год назад
Lotro player here. Is this normal in WOW or becoming the normal when it comes to m+ in wow?
@QuanNguyen-vb8wr Год назад
What normal in wow?
@morrowoblivion13 Год назад
​@@QuanNguyen-vb8wrfrom what I heard that healers are quitting and healers have to do all that stuff. And idk what carrying pugs mean. But I would love to carry a pug(the dog) because they are so cute😅
@wenja89 Год назад
is'nt cris fix voice?🤨
@larsice9 Год назад
Emberon gave me so much headaches than the others until I decided to stop running Uldaman at all. Would've expected to so him in the vid too..
@QuanNguyen-vb8wr Год назад
He really easy not much to the fight. Just dodge the fire orb. The last boss and 3rd boss wipe more groups
@vicros4600 Год назад
@komxela1 Год назад
Ya pug healers are hard to play. Why? Coz dps doesn’t know when to use their defensive cooldown and always rely on their healer to do everything, and tanks that doesnt know wtf they are doing making healer focusing on healing them instead of the dps. Lastly, healer that quits m+ are causal players doesn’t know shit about boss timeline and abilities
@nopenever9829 Год назад
Healing this Season is just extrem fun ... i love this hard healer checks ... (BUT ... im only at 2.8k rio ..)
@aitor2516 Год назад
Yeah healing is hard but there are also many trash healers, I've been in many groups with decent dps that use their defensives and dont stand in shit and dont get healed, because the healer has a boosted rio cuz of getting invited very easily to groups.
@bighouse581 Год назад
I have noticed a LOT of people with BLATANTLY boosted IOs yes. Like a 1600 IO with a timed 20 but they are utter trash in a 11
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