

Little Book Owl
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@strawberryrhubarbpie 9 лет назад
I *always* get into a reading slump when I've finished a really good book, I find that my mind is still stuck on that last book and can't move on
@honugrl1844 9 лет назад
I'm having that issue right now... Lol. Finally got interested in a book and loved reading it after being in a slump for 1-2 months... So now I'm in withdrawals and annoyed because I want to to keep the momentum. I know it's not good to force yourself to read during slumps because you won't enjoy to book to its true potential... But I want to read so badly but can't seem to get into it again!!!
@rosechen2169 6 лет назад
And that, my friends, is called a hook hangover.
@SerenaRosetail 9 лет назад
my reading slump has been almost two years
@carolinebandeira2928 9 лет назад
Yes, just yes. :((
@Jetpussentertainment 8 лет назад
Mine started in January and only just finished when I discovered Book RU-vidrs!
@SerenaRosetail 8 лет назад
Jet Puss ive been watching booktubers as well for a couple years now but that hasnt seemed to help yet
@Jetpussentertainment 8 лет назад
+KAGOME91821 Reading slumps are horrendous! I'm just lucky I found what worked
@armandosulanj4382 7 лет назад
Serena Rosetail me too 😢😢
@sdhowe281201 9 лет назад
I find that reading slumps are actually Me Slumps. Periods of time when something is bothering me. Stress at work or at home.
@Fortuneator007 9 лет назад
I agree, it's the same for me
@littlebookowl 9 лет назад
+Scott Howe Sometimes I have these as well! This recent slump has definitely been influenced by things going on in my personal life :(
@sdhowe281201 9 лет назад
Little Book Owl en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_too_shall_pass
@sdhowe281201 9 лет назад
Little Book Owl Caz
@love456music 7 лет назад
well the iguezz my reading slup ends when me education ends, bc thhe stress level is high af, like i had insomnia a while and saw black dots cuz i was so stressed and tierd.
@wildforthenight5336 9 лет назад
the worst part about reading slumps is the amount of new and upcoming books and series that everyone is reading and you're soooo far behind 😂. I still need to read the books people were raving about in 2013
@tilli_ 5 лет назад
WildForTheNight so true! Happened to me with ‘the fault in our stars’ 😂
@ayahhazem9753 5 лет назад
You're not the only one here😂
@RandaMoody 9 лет назад
I wrote all of my TBR books on a list and hung it on my wall. Each time I read a book I get to cross it off the list and it is so satisfying! It constantly motivates me to keep chipping away at my TBR!
@lisalingo1209 6 лет назад
ooo that’s a good idea! (i know this comment is late but i was watching a bunch of old reading slump videos in the hopes of getting out of my slump lol)
@yulissadelgado4199 6 лет назад
This is genius
@3dotmatrix 9 лет назад
I think sometimes it is just a matter of pushing yourself to do it. Its embarassing to admit but I've been on the last 120 pages of a book for about a month but i finally finished it last night because i told myself ENOUGH IS ENOUGH I was not going to bed until i finished the book. IT felt so good afterwards and that's the feeling I'm going to hold on to to motivate me when I feel like I'm slumping. Today i was able to read 50 pages on the bus journey to uni, and I still want to read before bed! After all, you do love reading you just need to reawaken whatever joy you find in doing it and hold on to that. Also watching more booktube is deffo gonna pull you out of your slump, (I secretly get jealous when people talk about a book I have no clue about).
@aideeng8259 9 лет назад
When I feel a slump coming on I usually reread my favourite parts of some of my favourite books. I usually go for Contemporary books-they're quick, easy light reads that I fly through most of the time!
@Otaaakyu 9 лет назад
Same here!
@bottomofastairwell 8 лет назад
i'll re-read books from my younger years that I know I will love. Books that i know I can't go wrong with them. You know, like Harry Potter, something familiar, something I've always loved and always will, and then that will get me back into things. I went through a little slump a while ago, and Tamora pierce got me out of it. I re-read the circle of magic series, and it was awesome, loved it all over again , and then i just wanted more
@midgardmedia4944 8 лет назад
I always find that my yearly book quota helps keep the pressure to get me to read. This is why I absolutely love Goodreads that allows me to see my progress. There is so much joy in being able to update my page count. The TBR tip is very helpful alot of times I avoid reading them, and end up reading something randomly.
@angela9087 8 лет назад
Watching booktube ALWAYS gets me out of reading slumps, infact, watching this video boosted up my need to read. (that rhymes) THANK YOU CAZ
@wOwmOusse 9 лет назад
Wow this is what your reading slump looks like? Reading 5 books per month ? :p For me it's more like reading 5 books in 5 years haha And the thing is I'm supposed to read Richard III and As You Like It for my exam about Shakespeare next week, so life is hard right now haha I'm halfway through both books but I'm so sloooow this is insane! Also your hair is so long, this is crazy I feel like it took 10 cm in a month !
@littlebookowl 9 лет назад
+wOwmOusse The only reason I've still been reading through this slump is because a) I've have required readings for uni and b) I've been pushing through it to try and get out of it, so reading audiobooks and doing readathons. Even through all that, I haven't really been fully invested in like any of the books and I've had no desire to read at all :( I think my pushing through has finally started to pay off, though! Oh gosh, good luck! I hope you can finish them both in time XD
@beautybooks1019 9 лет назад
+wOwmOusse I don´t blame you i also had to read Richard III and it also put me in a reading slump plus it's not the best book ever
@jenanelson166 8 лет назад
Lol yea i can barely read one book per month lately lol
@andreaplans1341 9 лет назад
I'm so glad you did this, a lot of booktubers do this video but yours was different and added more tips that I have used and help me and some that I haven't thought of. I've noticed you've been in a reading slump because you're one of the first booktubers I found and I became obsessed with watching all of your videos and katy's from katytastic. I figured that you were in one, I noticed you've made less videos. I hope you can pull out of it soon :) if I may suggest a few that might help you? The Martian is amazing, And the Percy Jackson series or the new release by Rick Riordan - The Sword of Summer. Or reread your favorite Harry Potter book. The Hunger Games got me into reading again last year but what really made me love reading again was you and katytastic so I hope I can give you something back, maybe those books will help! :)
@littlebookowl 9 лет назад
+Andrea Childers Thank you so much for your comment ^.^
@andreaplans1341 9 лет назад
You have no clue how excited I just got when I saw you replied to my comment 😊 as I said you were one the first book tubers I discovered so you'll always be one of my favorites. And YESSS!!!!....the Harry Potter illustrated edition should definitely do the trick, I can't wait to purchase it myself. Maybe you could do a review after you finish it? I bet it will so much more amazing with the gorgeous pictures. I plan to buy them all for my son to have when he's older. And based on the books I've seen you talk about in the past I really think you'd love the Martian. Happy reading, stay awesome! 😊
@adelaide8037 9 лет назад
I had a killer reading slump last year that I only got out of this February. I found a book at a bookstore that perfectly matched my interests at the moment, and so that series really pulled me out of my slump and got me back into reading. Buying new books that feel like just the right kind of thing at the moment is my biggest go-to, but the library also helps a ton.
@Francelmo23 9 лет назад
Completely agree with the audiobooks, love them. Not reading can make me feel guilty due to my enormous tbr but having someone else read to me means I can still get lost in a story during a slump. Your travel mug matches my phone case, yay for little ferocity!
@Viva1La2Han 9 лет назад
I've been in a reading slump for about two years now so I'll definitely try these out. I miss reading so much but I usually can get to about chapter four and stop.
@sem-nome8631 9 лет назад
When I started uni last year I also found myself on a bit of a slump, I would pick up books but always was to tired to read or to guilty because oh my god so many things to study. My solution was to balance things, I started rewarding myself with reading time, like I would study two hours then I could read two chapters of one book, it wasn't my normal reading speed but it helped me and I managed to get things for uni done AND enjoy my reading time guilty free.
@MagicalSoulMindStorm 9 лет назад
I agree that surrounding yourself with others who enjoy reading and get excited about reading helps to motivate you. BookTube is great for finding book lovers. I think finding a comfy, clean, and arty area to read helps get you in the mood to read. If you're around a mess or paperwork it just reminds you of your "to do" list and work. When the weathers nice reading outside in nature is peaceful. Pets are wonderful for relaxing and making everything better. When you're in a good mood you'll want to do things you enjoy, like reading. Walk your dog, play with your cat, or volunteer at a local animal shelter. They always need the help and hugging a dog that needs a hug is priceless.
@AdirondackRuby 9 лет назад
I was in a reading slump for a good TEN years. I feel like high school and college was a big part of it, having to read things that were not of my choosing. Nothing grabbed me, nothing felt right. I totally lost my love of reading, my urge to read for pleasure. I have finally got back on track, learned my needs and preferences, and I am zooming through all the books I feel that I missed out on. Patience is key. The right book will find you right when you need it!
@rachelhesketh94 9 лет назад
One of my go to reading slump tricks is to re-read a favourite book/series in a different format- basically I just listen to the Harry Potter audiobooks (currently doing that right now) and honestly, it just made me fall in love with the series all over again, it was like I was reading it for the first time (I wasn't in a reading slump at this point, but it's worked wonders in the past and not including the audiobooks my pile of read books in October has definitely grown- I've read 4 going on 5/6 since the beginning of October, and last month I only read three over the whole month!)
@emm4gine 9 лет назад
Good idea!
@reyespiano945 9 лет назад
It really works! I got out of my reding slump 5 months ago by reading The Hunger Games, as I had only watched the movie and had read the second and third books (I don't know why on earth I did that).
@salatsanxDD 8 лет назад
Idid the same with the legend of the seeker series, when i couldn't even read the firsr page of a book without being annoyed...
@hedyuigirl 8 лет назад
I think it is exactly what I'll be doing. Thanks :)
@claireandreani7407 9 лет назад
I find that watching book tube helps. When someone is raving about a book that's on my TBR I'm like oh my god I need to read it now! I am in a bit of a reading slump at the moment because I have so much reading to do for uni (mainly 50 pages journal articles) and it's driving me crazy. When I'm done I usually watch an episode of whatever TV show and just sleep because I'm done with words for the day. I found recently that what's helping is catching up on the Bane Chronicles and on the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy. I hadn't had time to read those yet and I find that because I love the characters so much it motivates me to read and it also feels like I'm reading lots but I'm really just reading short stories. We can all get through this together! I hope.
@katlasaga7270 9 лет назад
I'm so glad I'm not the only one! My reading slump lasted a year. After the year was up I told my self enough was enough and I browsed through my extensive book collection, trying not one but 10 books, until I found one that I could read through the first few pages without getting agitated. Once I got over the first few chapters... I finished that book and the next 4 books in the series. I'm still not fully over it but I'm also relieved I haven't lost my reading touch!
@spiceyman1558 9 лет назад
I usually have reading slumps every time I finish a book,however, I always come back to reading a few days later.Thank you so much for this video.All of your tips are absolutely helpful .I usually get rid of reading slumps by watching booktubers,but mostly,it's our passion to read is what gets us back into reading.thank you and i hope you overcome this reading slump very soon.
@theaudiobookaficionado 9 лет назад
I agree with these tips! The biggest thing that helps me get out of a reading slump is to just stop trying to read... forcing myself to do something I don't feel like doing makes everything worse. Eventually I come across a book that interests me and when I finish it, I almost always am rejuvenated and ready to start other books. Watching booktubers also helps me a lot, like you mentioned. Another suggestion I have is to read graphic novels!!
@SirJamesLester 9 лет назад
I had a reading slump for a good.... 5/6 years. starting from my A Levels, and all throughout my degree course. Thing that got me out - finishing my degree, and having a huge expanse of time suddenly open. Also, I went on a huge book-haul. I gathered around 10/15 books... some from series I'd read, some brand new ones, as much variety as I could. And left them. In a stack. So I would see this glorious stack of beautiful books every day. However, another thing I can truly say helped was, and now is, watching booktube. Watching people get passionate about books... it makes me want to read. Not just the books they talk about, but read... anything at all. It's contagious, and I love it.
@BetweenChapters 9 лет назад
These are great tips! Testing out a few different books, reading in a new location, and changing up my TBR are things I do and they are really helpful. One trick I've been doing for the past few months that I find helpful for reading more whether I'm in a slump or not is to set a daily page goal and put a tab in the page I need to read to. Having that visual marker helps me feel accomplished as I watch the pages between it and where I'm at disappear.
@lovepink5501 9 лет назад
I am in a reading slump right now so I needed this video!
@lexihome7648 8 лет назад
This video really helped. I was in a book slump for four months because I started high school *sigh* and i was trying to force reading. I waited, rewatched the Carrie Diaries and Friends, and then waited for a huge stack of books on Christmas. I picked up a few books and now I can't stop. Thank you. :) and your hair looks amazing!
@HeReads 9 лет назад
Reading goals can backfire on me and end up stressing me out LOL but I 100% agree with you, especially with number 1. Netflix helps a ton. So does The OC on DVD lol
@mariahsmith2751 9 лет назад
+HeReads The OC is my favourite show!
@HeReads 9 лет назад
+Mariah Smith I looove it lol :p
@miahcomeens4149 9 лет назад
Thank you! I am actually in a big reading slump right now and was surprised to find a video in my subscriptions about it so soon! It's like you're physic xP
@Korianders 9 лет назад
I've been in a reading slump for about 5 years now. Ever since my teachers actually started giving out time-consuming homework, I just haven't been able to make time. I just started watching BookTube this summer, and that's been really inspiring, so hopefully I'll get back into my reading habits.
@JordynLaRee 8 лет назад
I was in a slump for years until I discovered book tube. Watching booktubers kind of made me aware of just how many different books are out there and gave me the idea to challenge myself. So thanks for that. You helpes me renew my love for books!
@marcelovsborges 9 лет назад
What I usually do to avoid reading slump is stop reading for 2 days and then I back into my reading by picking up a different book and read it for 15 min before I go to sleep. When it is really difficult for me to go into reading again, I just take one week and over it, I watch motivational videos and speeches on RU-vid and even movies inspired by books and I think how much detail I had missed for not have read the book until the present moment, so the next time I pick one book before watching the movie. I also dramatize to myself that I'll be the last person in the world to finish one book and that I'll not be able to interact with my friends about it. And one of the most important things I do is to talk to friend about a book or ask for recommendations. You know, that kind of booklovers friends that you have and they are always going to be there to try to help you and inspire you, and show you that there millions of books to read yet. I really appreciate your videos! Thank you!
@AlicelenaKatniss1234 6 лет назад
I used to read and finish 2-3 books a day, but I've been in a reading slump for close to five years now. In fact, I think in the past few years, I've only managed to read 4 books. My TBR list is currently about 5 A4 pages long, but no matter what I try and do, I just can't seem to get out of it! I personally think the slump was brought on by my English teacher, who has force-fed me so many books I absolutely loathed in the years I've had her and made me over-analyze every little detail in each story I was given. This video really helped, gonna try and do the tips and tricks you recommended this weekend, and hopefully I can recover. Thank you so much!
@VoyageThroughWorlds 9 лет назад
when I am in a reading slump I always reread books. About a year ago I managed to overcome a two-year slump, in which I basically onl reread books. I got bac into reading because I discovered bootube, which finally made me want to read new books again:) By the way, I love your Eolian T-Shirt:)
@booksandpieces 9 лет назад
So many good ideas! I've experienced this so badly recently and I realised it was because I just resented the book Iw as trying to read so much for stopping me reading other things. Setting it aside and reading other things felt so very good! Also letting other people (via booktube) get you excited is the best idea.
@imastrangekidd 9 лет назад
I had a reading slump lasting about 8-10 months. I just recovered, lol. I still read throughout the slump sometimes but veery slowly and I wasn't always enjoying it, I was glad if I could read 1 book/month. What mostly got me back into reading, I think, is that I started watching more booktubing videos more often. TBRs and Wrap-ups mostly made me want to read again. I think surrounding yourself with happy reading vibes is a really good motivation. :)
@JeanetteAlexandra 9 лет назад
I'm I've been on a reading slump for a few weeks now and I've been listening to audio books to help me and so far it's helping me. This video was just so good and unique. I know a lot of book tuners do this video but I feel this one was different and could help a wide variety of people
@marshasaphira4353 9 лет назад
These are such great tips. I'll be on track again. I've been in a teribble reading slumps for about 6 months and kept buying new books just to make me motivated and push myself into reading again but it never worked. now I have tons of unread books and it makes me frustrated.
@AshlynVids 9 лет назад
This video is absolutely amazing
@reginasatchellkelly271 9 лет назад
I'm definitely fond of the reading goals strategy. In grad school, I would set timers to make myself read. 20 minutes here and there really added up.
@TayliciousReads 9 лет назад
My go to way to get out of a reading slump is to join in on readathons and read-a-longs. I find that with how competitive I am, I snap right out of the reading slump I'm in. I've also found talking to my booktube friends helps because 99% of the time they recommend that I read a book that they liked and I really enjoy it! Then after I read a book that was a favorite of theirs we can all talk about it together!
@sarokas00 9 лет назад
Loved this video! I was in a reading slump just a few days ago but I got over it ! My tip is like you said to get excited for reading, I usually just go on instagram and search a book that is on my tbr and look at all the pretty pictures and read the good reviews ( the 5 stars ones) and that helps me , if not I try to tell myself that if I finish reading that book I'll be able to buy another one, this is literally my secret weapon, I love buying books ! Hope you can get out of that reading slump soon xx
@lynzibell 9 лет назад
Audible has been a big help in bringing me out of a reading slump! I have about an hour round trip commute for work so it's helped me catch up on books and series I never would have before!
@ronnyy 9 лет назад
Thank you so much for this. I see so many people have reading slumps for a few weeks but mines been months now. Nothing has helped. So as much as I feel your pain I'm glad I'm not the only one whose on a very long slump.
@JesusMartinez-ty7hi 8 лет назад
Actually what I do is research about plot and characters anytime I fall into slump, so through the context get involved with the story to then comeback to engulf the book. I love your videos :D
@musicandloveismylive 9 лет назад
the get excited helped me a lot. I was in a huge Percy Jackson slump. I just finished the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and I needed the next series... but I didn't have any money at all for new books... so I started reading an other book and there is where my reading slump started... but after a month or 2 I finally could buy the books... and now I am so excited and totally out of my reading slump... Yeah:D
@veronicaperez9361 9 лет назад
I've been in a reading slump since about march and I finally feel like it's over. It's mostly because I have a lot of school work and when I have free time I watch Outlander lol. At first I tried to force myself to read but personally I think the best things you can do is stop reading. It's hard because we're so used to reading so much anywhere, anytime. But I found that just giving reading a rest made me miss it so much I just really want to read so many books right now!! Great video btw! nice Eolian shirt :)
@cozyembers66 7 лет назад
I'm stuck in a reading slump currently and like someone else in the comments, I find myself slowly dipping into reading slumps after reading a book I really enjoyed. So far this slump has lasted 2 days going into 3. I'm finding this video really helpful and am also finding the comments helpful just seeing what other people tried doing and what they did to help them helps me because it makes me want to try those things.
@nokiddingbrainless 9 лет назад
I think having required reading can really cause and or prolong/worsen reading slumps. What works for me (I've started uni like seven weeks ago so I am by no means an authority on the subject) is to get excited about the books I am required to read. For example I had to read a book for an analysis course and it was really dense and confusing and hard to read, but talking about it with classmates and overanalyzing stuff and coming up with crazy theories kept me interested in reading the book. Talking to students who are further ahead than you are can really work, because they can tease you for what is to come and make you want to find out, and even if you can't get anyone to discuss the book with you, for me just taking notes and putting sticky tabs on everything that stood out to me and scribbling in the sidelines helped me a lot! So I hope that's somewhat useful to people who struggle with required reading-related slumps!
@sahibamann8079 9 лет назад
Tigger!!! :D Well, I've found that buying new books tends to help me get excited and out of a slump and also reading a graphic novel. I read Rat Queens Volume 1 last night and it really helped get me into the mood to finish a few more books on my currently reading list which has 5 books AGAIN.
@TenleyNadine 9 лет назад
I just got out of a several month long reading slump. I finally got out by reading some easy middle grade books to ease myself back in.
@jengreenlees-reader44ever94 7 лет назад
My last true reading slump hit after my Dad died in mid-September 2014. I didn't read anything for three months. In mid-to-late January, I started with rereading some of my most favorite books. But it wasn't until March that I really got back into reading. I had purchased the entire Nightside series by Simon R. Green while my Dad was still with us. I had previously read - and loved - the first book (maybe more?), so I dove back into the secret heart of London and got sucked in and didn't come up for air until two weeks later or thereabouts, when I finished the series. And that was what got me interested in restarting my library addiction. Since then, every week I go to the library for new-to-me books. Also, I am finding that Reading Challenges are helpful. Like Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge, which is an annual challenge with 24 tasks, some of which call for the reading of books that are most definitely outside of my interest areas/comfort zone. And it turns out that those books I would not read otherwise are GREAT for keeping me reading the genres I do love. :-) Now if I could just learn to say NO to distractions, my reading life would be sublime. ;-)
@itsovernerdthousand9701 8 лет назад
i just had a revolutionary idea. My favourite series of all time BY FAR is the Inheritance cycle and i don't care if i'm in a reading slump or not i will still love it and so i will just read that to get out of a slump. The power of book obsession
@uncoveringthelost 7 лет назад
Your advice is spot on. I thought I was the only one that had this problem. When I hit a particularly long slump, I tend to believe that a deep seated intellectually inferiority has taken over and I'm doomed to never read again. However, as you said, it passes. Forcing myself to read at least a page helps. As you pointed out at the beginning, tough books tend to bring on these slumps quite often. That and bad books.
@AmandaFreitas1998 9 лет назад
My longest reading slump was 2013, I think I´ve read two books that whole year, which was pretty shocking since I was very used to read a lot. But then there two things that saved me: 1- I didn´t really know about booktube since I´ve met your channel, and your tips and tricks have helped me A LOT getting back on reading, and 2- I used to only read classics and non fiction before I went into that reading slump and I decided to get out of my comfort zone by trying something I had a lot of preconception: YA fiction. I had just watched Maze Runner, which I loved and decided to go through the books and see where it goes and OMG, I was so amazed by it :D I just read the whole trilogy plus the prequel in a week, which was pretty motivating for someone who spent a whole year without reading before it. Anyway, those are the two things that saved me from my reading slump and opened my mind to a whole new genre of books. Thank you for your inspiring channel :D
@HeatherRising 9 лет назад
I love all the owls I see! And Toothless! Also, the music choices are amazing. You really know how to effect a viewer's mood! These tips are perfection!
@Kkittycat3000 8 лет назад
I have been in a reading slump for about two months... I mean I've read books during that time! But not many probably only about 10. But I am ready to start reading a lot more again! I plan on writing every single book down I read this year (my choice not what the school makes us read) for at the end of the year I can see just how many books I have read throughout the year
@bBooksBB 9 лет назад
I've been in a terrible reading slump for the past 2 months! It's horrible :( I gave myself a bit of a break to Netflix and other things, but I didn't really think that was helping me and it just made me feel less motivated to do basically anything. Now, I'm trying to start reading some books that have interested me: The Martian (after hearing about it on BookTube and seeing the fantastic trailer) and Magnus Chase (so exciting!) i have some other books I'm excited about, too, which is good because that means I'll have backups if I'm not in the mood for reading the books I'm currently reading!;) (Also, your hair looked really pretty in this video=D)
@MermaidGypsyTalkThatTalk 8 лет назад
The Sims is LIFE when I'm not reading lol!
@codezwartekat 9 лет назад
This is honestly the best reading slump video out there, in my opinion. Great job and you look absolutely STUNNING!
@MissSassyKassie 9 лет назад
Your hair and eyeliner is on point 😍 I wonder if maybe nanowrimo will help you get back into reading once it's over? Since (if you're participating) you'll be getting the creative juices flowing maybe that will inspire you to pick up books after (or during) I hate slumps. I watch a lot of Netflix when I'm in them 👌🏼
@Neela307 9 лет назад
I found that reading short stories help. You finish them faster and a sense od accomplishment just washes over you. Give it a go :D
@MidnightreaderYT 9 лет назад
Something that helped me get over a reading slump in high school was watching a book to movie adaptation of a book I haven't read. I normally don't like doing this but it got me right out of my 6 month long slump.
@beautybooks1019 9 лет назад
Thank you so much for making this video! It´s really helped me to get out from a horrible reading slump.Usually they only last 1-3 days but this time it´s been half a moth. So i immensely thank you for posting this video! I hope you also can get out of your reading slump!
@dwilson334 8 лет назад
Reading slumps are difficult for me. Even when I'm in one and find myself unable to actually read, I still feel like I WANT to. I'm not sure if this means I'm just reading the wrong book or what, but I tend to get out of it by going back and reading a favorite. The problem with that is, I breeze through my favorite and I'm left feeling like very few new books I'm attempting to read can hold up to how good my favorites are. It makes it hard to just appreciate books for what they are rather than comparing them to books that hold a special place in my heart.
@JC-fk8mp 7 лет назад
I've been in a really big reading slump where I've only read about half a book the past year- just so much other hobbies and so little time, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things now and this should really help- thanks!!
@thatsadoutsider 8 лет назад
I wanna say this video is sooooo helpful!! I tried reading a fluffy romance novel ( The summer I turned pretty ) and it totally helped I feel like I can read more books and I feel like the slump is OVERRR haha , I can't thank you enough. Definitely subscribing!!
@fervidreader5748 7 лет назад
I came last year and took the "stop reading" tip and it made me miss books so much i became a bookaholic again!!!
@ThatsNotOkay1 9 лет назад
I'm so glad you made this! I'm also going through a reading slump, granted mine hasn't been going on quite as long as yours. I wrote a blog about it hoping maybe even just writing would help...no luck so far. I'm going to have to try some of these tips though!
@rebecawest8255 9 лет назад
I find watching booktube videos and going to reading events to be the most effective when I'm in a reading slump. I guess seeing people excited about books makes me excited about books :) BTW, your hair and makeup are on point in this video!! Sending you love all the way from Argentina
@AuthorPRMaxey 9 лет назад
Often times it's just me. As much as it frustrates me, I let go and enjoy the time. Sometimes understanding that it's just what your psyche wanted helps. I fill the time with others things. Another thing that helps is watching movies of my favorite books, i.e. Harry Potter, The Hobbit, LOTR. Putting myself into the worlds gets me excited about the stories again and I will either re-read or find something new but similar.
@Lexxilim 9 лет назад
OK so I'm new to your channel but you have no idea how much I fangirled when I saw you had an FMA volume on your shelf
@ShandyeNgomelSikit 9 лет назад
For me, changing the reading schedule is crucial in avoiding reading slump. For example, if you're only reading at night before bed-time and suddenly feeling uninspired, try reading (at least a couple of pages) at any other time; breakfast or brunch for instance! Secondly, have a book-buddy. Brew some tea, lure your book-buddy with cookies and read along (or is it together? I can't decide) so that you and your friend can read together cozily. I find this pretty helpful in giving you that moral support, that encouragement to settle your daily reading deadline. Plus, you can immediately have a discussion after the session, which somehow will motivate you to get out of reading slump. :)
@EEdwards879 9 лет назад
i went through a big reading slump, & only recently have i gotten back into reading regularly. i do read a lot & sometimes numerous books at once, i find i don't get confused by all the plots, & different kinds of books being read at once all going on at the same time & really enjoy it. ( :
@Bookworm5589 9 лет назад
If I can't get into a physical book or feeling like I am in a slump I will listen to audiobooks. It really helps.
@rinlikes 8 лет назад
I am having such a bad reading slump! I just cannot read a physical book, all I seem to be reading is Larry Fan fiction when I have such a large TBR. But these tips really helped, I am surely gonna try these!
@TheNovelNomad 9 лет назад
Thank you for a great video. I re-read my go-to comfort books, those books I know will only take me a day or two but will make me feel warm and fuzzy at the end.
@TheLadyAli 9 лет назад
I just got over a reading slump and your tips are great! I ended up taking a break and just watched some Netflix for a few days. :) Then I reread one of my favs and that always seems to work. Great vid!!
@padmeamidala17 9 лет назад
When I was at university, I found that I had trouble reading for pleasure too. It helped if I separated my reading spaces. So, say, for my classes, I would go and read at the school library. Then, when I wanted to read for pleasure, I'd read in my room or outside. I think it helped a little bit. Now that I've been out of university for a few years, I'm back to reading 5+ books or so a month (yay!). I hope your reading slump ends soon! P.S. Your videos are fantastic!
@jessicamckenney15 9 лет назад
Graphic novels / comics!! I find if I'm in a reading slump, and I take an hour to read a graphic novel I feel super motivated and productive after finishing it!
@danieladuarte8779 9 лет назад
It also helps watching a movie based on a book, it makes you want to read it :) thanks for the tips, I had a big reading slump not long ago, but now i'm out of it thanks to cruel beauty btw, Your hair is so pretty!
@orekihoutarou6107 8 лет назад
I used to read multiple 100+ page books a day, then I got into a major reading slump for a couple years. I am starting to climb out of it, just recently I read Animal Farm and am reading 1984.(I just love George Orwell's psychological style as an age old Creepypasta writer.) Perhaps it was simply the change of format. I switched to kindle before my slump and now I am reading Paper and Hardback. I am new to your channel, so you can expect to see me more often.
@zeebrown1007 9 лет назад
I've just come out of a REALLY bad reading slump, because A-levels are taking up so much of my time, but I've been reading so much these past couple of months and I feel really accomplished :)
@oswinslittlelibrary4914 9 лет назад
This is so helpful! My worst reading slump was three years, and by the way- your hair looks amazing in this video! :)
@starrynightfall00 9 лет назад
I definitely agree with watching Booktube videos especially book hauls :) Also read a classic that only goes for 100-180 pages. If the book is a classic then its most likely written well and it won't make you book rage like poorly written books would and there is something satisfying about finishing a classic in a few hours.
@miml1993 9 лет назад
i used to be in a reading slump and it lasted years. I mean, i completely stopped reading at the age of 15 and then i started reading again when i was 19-20... I have lost years of reading but now i think i m getting back to normal. Watching booktube videos helped a lot. Watching other people being so excited made me feel kind of excited too. I totally forgot how good this felt. Just read a book you wanna read. Don't force it. And talk about it with other people that also like books. Book conversations will make you excited about reading xD
@theannaedition2252 9 лет назад
I'd suggest picking up a book that is easy to jump in and out of. Especially if your issue is not having time or getting distracted easily. Shorter chapters help because you don't have to devote such a time commitment so you'll be more likely to pick it up and just read a bit here and there. That way, even if you're not reading as much as usual, you can still be reading a bit. If I have a book with long chapters, I'm more likely to put it off when I have a lot of time to devote to it and sometimes that never happens so I just end up not reading for weeks. I'm in a bit of a slump right now. I've noticed that the last few months of the year are slumpy for me. I think it's just because that's when all the work from uni starts building up. My slump last year lasted from October until January. Really hope it doesn't last that long this time!
@ohhthatskellie 9 лет назад
These are great tips! I always find that taking a break for a little helps and watching shows to get my mind off reading a little bit is great (:
@IceRiver1020 9 лет назад
I literally just got out of a slump where all I wanted to read was fanfiction of a particular TV show, the book that helped me get out of it is 'The Golden Compass.' I find that sometimes a book that's been sitting unread on the shelf for a long time may be the best book to help you, for example: I bought my copy of 'The Golden Compass' back in 2014 because I was really interested in it but then I never got around to reading it, then when I was trying to get myself to read something I remembered it and suddenly that was the only book in my giant stack of unread books I was interested in. I'm positive that once I finish this book I'll easily be able to get back to reading my other books.
@tedhenkle 8 лет назад
Hi Katrina (sp?)! I recently stumbled across your awesome RU-vid channel! I hope you're out of your reading slump. I can relate to your plight. When I attended graduate school I had no time to do any leisure reading. Even after I graduated, it was over a year before I picked up a book. Instead, I got back into reading comics and graphic novels. So I guess reading something illustrated may be another option for folks in a reading slump. Best wishes to you!
@juniebooks6113 9 лет назад
First of all, I love your hair. Haha. I just had a bit of a reading slump...if you can call it that. I didn't pick up a book for well over 2 months and instead just devoured manga by the boatloads. I've been rereading some old favorites and enjoying those immensely, but I felt guilty because I wasn't reading actual books. I've found that picking up sequels or reading new releases that I'm really excited for has helped me get on with reading books again. And I've also indulged in manga and Netflix without feeling as guilty when I'm not in the mood for reading.
@kristenambriel3293 8 лет назад
I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!! and thank you for making this video ive been in a reading slump for 2 weeks and i have so much i need to read!
@cinniejennings5731 8 лет назад
I had a three year reading slump. Got over it on accident, I'd entered "funny vampire" into pinterest, and found Pollandbanana's video on watching Vampire Diaries, decided to check out her other videos and she did video's about books and got me inspired to read again.
@mauiejonas4617 8 лет назад
I had a 2 year reading slump, but as some months go by since, I discovered I had ADHD which makes reading a little bit harder for me. I borrowed Divergent from a friend and that book got me on the edge of my seat and got out of my slump. I basically discovered YA since that book and I'm so happy!
@jennaa1385 9 лет назад
So very true - reading slump for just over two months. Things are looking up though, hoping I'm coming out of it thanks to Red Queen!
@allofeternity3 9 лет назад
I find that reading either Harry Potter or a contemporary helps me get out of a reading slump! Hope you get out of yours soon Kaz! 💜
@lianasreviewss 9 лет назад
I always turn to tv when I fall into a reading slump! Nothing like some great television to give yourself a nice break! As always great video :)
@epilogize7361 9 лет назад
Oh, they can last years! I got in a reading slump during my second year of college, and then I started a job where I'd work 18 hours a day + weekends (I wish I was exaggerating), which made it last for like five years. Booktube actually got me out of it! I didn't know it existed and then I saw an article in a magazine talking about booktube, I checked it out aaaaaaaaand I was back on track! (:
@WickedWestBooks 9 лет назад
I read fluff. One of the series that I like to do most is The League by Sherrilyn Kenyon. It's a lot of fluff, romance, but has the added bonus of kind of being in the fantasy/sci-fi genre. I have nicknamed her the "Queen of the Tortured Soul": all the guys have a hard past and loneliness until they find their love and get their happy ending. And she has written a lot. There are ~30 books in her Dark-Hunter series and 8-9 in The League (which is alien assassins). There is about 4 new releases from her a year.
@MoonMascot 9 лет назад
Uni reading gets me into slumps too! What I do now is I try to plan my reading a bit. For example, I read for Uni at some set time, or sometimes if needed even separate days when I dedicate my time to that reading. And it helps me!A nd also I read before going to sleep everyday, for 30mins- 1 hour:)
@Laturales 9 лет назад
This is good advice. I've been on a reading slump for over a year. Maybe this will help me break out of it.
@AuroreMichaux 8 лет назад
I've experienced a big one a few years ago, it lasted 3 years... It was caused my my studies: I had to read so much studying literature that I couldn't enjoy it and it's only after my third year at university that I found pleasure in reading again!
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