
How To REGROW Receding Gums (FIX Gum Recession At Home) 

Dr. Ellie Phillips
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15 сен 2024




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@laurenharper1510 Год назад
The dentists told me my gums would not regrow. They planned an expensive surgery but I said no- I’m going to water fast then eat turmeric and raw honey and lemon for a month. My solution worked!! My gums grew back!!
@vthomas375 Год назад
Going for the multiple day water fasting raw tumeric skinny vegan thang. Who cares if a capitalist society hates you for it and goes bumping their gums because they can't make any money out of you., really? :)
@tomanderson6140 Год назад
@darcej72 Год назад
@Samlol23_drrich Год назад
@@tomanderson6140t only works if you stand on one foot while eating the turmeric. If you don’t, you grow the gums on your forehead. Yet you make a true video about the origin of c.o.v.I.d and it’s labeled misinformation. Ha
@Samlol23_drrich Год назад
@@TheNellykhan that’s awesome if you play the piano.
@Supaxiro Год назад
When I was living in Los Angeles 7 years ago, my dentist said I had gingivitis and would be getting periodontitis. My gums had receded to a point they were too sensitive and brushing hurt. They also had a darkish color. No pink. And they bled a lot while brushing. The dentist told me I required surgery. I had to move to Ghana so i didnt do the surgery. My diet changed. I also started flossing daily and realized my teeth were extemely tight together leaving no spaces. It took getting used to. The gum tissue continued to deteriorate but at a slower pace. Then Covid arrived and I started mouth washing with the water from boiled neem leaves. The neem trees are everywhere in Ghana. I learned they made for good anti viral. To my surprise after a mere 3 weeks of mouth washing with neem water twice a day after flossing and before brushing, my gums grew back significantly. I could brush teeth without any pain or bleeding. After 3 months my gums had grown back almost to their full hem line. The change was very visible. I went from being embarassed to smile to forgetting I ever had that problem. Today my gum line is normal. I swear by neem to repair gums and teeth. And nobody can tell me orherwise. I have healthy gums because of it and still maintain the practice of mouth washing with neem water twice a day before brushing.
@afrikagreen6303 Год назад
thank you ,,,good on you,,
@Lamz.. Год назад
How did your diet change? I think that was the key.
@janebraun4482 Год назад
Above someone says gums do not grow back, but you are proof, and others, that they can. It is possible.
@Supaxiro Год назад
@@Lamz.. I ate more natural and organic foods, and also powdered super foods. Like Moringa, Tiger Nut, Baobab, Fonio. No processed vegetable oils. Switched those for coconut oil, palm oil and cannabis oil. No imported processed foods from the west, no GMO. Switched sugar with pure honey. Stopped using fluoride toothpaste. Ate more fruit, pineapples, mangoes, melons, lemons, bananas. Ate tuber yams, coco yams, cassava, plantains The thing I don't eat much is vegetables because I'm scared of dirty water being used to treat it and can't be bothered to spend the time to wash and treat salads well at home. And I won't eat fresh salads at restaurants. Could get food poisoning from salmonella or e coli. My whole body has actually changed. I lost 35 pounds over the first 2 years. I suppose a couple bouts with malaria contributed to that. But in all my insides are healthier and I feel much improved over all despite getting older.
@firemelon7296 Год назад
Hard to believe.
@mx6you Год назад
In my early 40s, my dentist warned me that my gums were receding and to be careful brushing. At 45 I started getting into intermittent fasting eating one meal a day and skipping 2 days nonconsecutive during the week. At 50, my hygienist said my gums and teeth look to be that of someone in their 30s. Also at 50 I stopped consuming liquids containing sugar. Good luck to you all.
@TheMartinChnnl Год назад
Wow! Thanks for sharing this!
@almaburns6562 Год назад
@mx6you How many hours did you usually fast on these two non-consecutive days?
@solangefagundes2470 Год назад
Yeah.. not for everyone. Quiet sugar and fasting is something hard to do
@MissFeline Год назад
Give fasting a try, I know it’s hard at first but you really do get used to it and the health benefits are massive, I started by having my last meal at 7pm, only a camomile tea before bed then the next day no breakfast, have lunch at around 1, and dinner in the evening, I did this a few times a week. Then I would do the same but miss not only breakfast but lunch aswell and just have an evening meal. After a while I felt ready to do a whole day, I felt more alert, and awake, among other health benefits. Fasting pushes the body to repair cells that’s are damaged it can concentrate on this task fully because there’s no food in the system to contend with, so the body heals itself.
@kathleenking47 11 месяцев назад
Just drink water However, if you have tattoos, have doctor check lymph nodes Doctors found tattoo ink in lymph nodes Well, they go into the BLOOD
@arash_LA 7 месяцев назад
I am a dentist, and I have helped hundreds of patients with gum diseases and gum recessions. However, I don't agree with a few things that were mentioned in this video. First of all, gum recession is not only caused by acid; there are many other environmental and systemic factors that can contribute to gum recession. ( Please read to the end) First of all, It's important to note that gingival recession does NOT grow back completely. It may just regrow partially, if at all, especially if there is bone loss involved. Because there wouldn't be bone underneath to support the gingival tissue to grow back. In this case, you would need soft tissue grafting surgery to cover the recession and exposed root. Additionally, I disagree with the notion of not flossing when you have gum recession. That is a bad idea. Not flossing can lead to interproximal (between teeth) caries and worsen the situation. The ecological plaque hypothesis explains caries development as the result of the enrichment of acid-tolerant bacteria in dental biofilms in response to prolonged periods of low pH (more acidic). Acid production by an acid-tolerant microflora or other substances like acidic foods and drinks causes demineralization of tooth enamel. Thus, individuals with a greater proportion of acid-tolerant bacteria or those consuming acidic food or drinks are more prone to caries development. Since the inside of the mouth is already very acidic, which has caused recession, the individual is also prone to developing dental cavities. By not flossing regularly, we might alleviate the recession slightly, but at the same time, we increase the chance of developing cavities, making the situation worse, causing more recession, and/or even leading to tooth loss. Instead of avoiding flossing, I teach my patients how to floss properly without irritating the gums and causing further recession. It is straightforward to floss between teeth without touching the gums at all. Patients can focus on flossing the contact areas between the teeth and a few millimeters below it without impacting the gums. I have been using this approach, along with other treatments such as the proper brushing technique, massaging the gums, maintaining a proper diet based on patients medical history, changing harmful habits, and incorporating supplements, among other strategies. This comprehensive approach has helped hundreds of my patients successfully regrow their gums at least partially.
@Xpecial828 7 месяцев назад
Finally some sense in these comments, as a dental hygiene student soon to be dental hygienist I agree with everything you've written here and say keep up the good work doctor.
@arash_LA 7 месяцев назад
@@Xpecial828 Thank you for your kind comment! Unfortunately, there are many inaccuracies in her videos that are not supported by science. It just felt responsible to explain it to people before things worsen for them. I sometimes feel really bad when reading some comments and seeing how uninformed some individuals are about oral hygiene, just believing whatever comes their way. Being a hygienist is a great career, and I wish you good luck as well :-)
@elizabethw.454 7 месяцев назад
So the tissue can regrow?? That's my main question here. A lot of comments dismiss her saying gum tissue can't regenerate
@arash_LA 7 месяцев назад
@@elizabethw.454 that’s correct! Unfortunately, once you have gum recession due to bone loss, you can't regrow it back completely. While you can take precautions to prevent it from progressing, regrowing your gum completely isn't possible because there is no bone underneath to support it. When bone diminishes due to loss, your gums will follow and recede, causing gum recession. In this case, a soft tissue graft surgery would be necessary to cover the exposed roots. If recession is due to other causes and no bone loss is involved, your gums may be able to grow back if the underlying cause is eliminated.
@skittydreamsd4766 7 месяцев назад
Yes thank you! I was losing my mind with all the misinformation…
@douglas5097 Год назад
Not flossing made me live with inflammation in my gums for years. Now, flossing everyday, no more inflammation and healthier gums. I’m sure, that one of the reasons for my gum recession was lack of floss or too many hours without brushing and using hard brushes. The molar areas were always suffering with inflammation and guess what, the worst recession I have. I really don’t know what to think about this video.
@cutechiangels Год назад
Same here... 🙄 Everyday, I notice how millions just believe in anything, as long as the seller is convincing!! One should use common sense, and also not one size fits all !! One's mouth, and one's acid, is so different from person to person.
@Juliana65 Год назад
Don't think about this video. Just continue to do what you know keeps your gums and teeth healthy.
@tebethblaker777 Год назад
For myself, flossing inflamed my gums. Everyone is not the same!
@b_nnet7229 Год назад
Also what's VERY suspect is she's trying to sell something. To say to not floss or water pick is just wild. Also about re-growing gums (which is generally taken as not possible), she provides no sources so she basically is just saying you can re-grow gums without proof. Lets see some good sources, then I might give it a shot.
@bitterrussian Год назад
Dr Ellie saved my teeth. I would have non left. I have not had a single cavity in 13 years (and before that I had so much work done that my new dentist is perplexed how I actually stopped the rot. And I tell him of dr Ellie’s system. I swear by it and trust her with all of the info. She’s a scientist first.
@humblerojo6300 Год назад
I had lots of plaque build up on my teeth and under my gums for a decade without seeing it. I had an initial, thorough cleaning but was told I still had lots of plaque under the gums and needed a deep cleaning. Instead, I went on a very low carb, almost carnivore diet for a year and upon the next X-ray, all of that plaque was gone. Lesson learned: Carbs cause cavities and tartar. Don’t eat carbs like bread, cookies, crackers and sugar.
@Bastard_Operator_From_Hell Год назад
And that is the reason why only modern society has teeth problems like plaque, gingivitis or cavities. Humans who lived prior to grain and refined sugars never needed a dentist.
@Sharon-be4df Год назад
Great advice...easier said than done.
@w1975b Год назад
@@Sharon-be4df I'd suggest watching some carnivore videos. It may be easier than you think.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
@@Sharon-be4df My personal belief ( and I do advocate for healthy eating and good nutrition) is that controlling plaque by diet is impossible - and we need healthy sugars in fruits and in vegetables. I am not about restrictive diets or anything that limits the joy of eating great foods. This is why I suggest using the simple and delicious adjunct we have - xylitol/ Zellies mints - Amazon. A couple of xylitol mints x5/6 during the day - and by the end of 6 months healthy bacteria will have ousted plaque from your mouth.....it really can be that simple. The key is to find a flavor of mint you like and then just nibble a few - especially at the end of meals and before sleeping at night. I know restrictive diets are some people's theory on oral health - but in 50 years as a DDS, busy mom, and loving grandma - I don't think restricting food and cutting out everything that contains sugar is either practical or effective advice.
@GMAAndy333 Год назад
I totally agree w/ keto/carnivore diet. The positive benefits for most people outweigh the withdrawal from addictive sugar and carbs. Don’t knock it until you try it.
@JoDo777 Год назад
I'm 57 and NEVER in my life have I've been to a dentist that has ever explained to me why I have receding gums or what to do about it. Thank You!!!❤
@domenicsandri5836 Год назад
I would like to help you. The video is complete hogwash. What causes gum recession and cavities is the same thing. Excrement from bacteria. Yes, their poo and pee. Bacteria do not eat your tissues, teeth or bone. Their excrement is acidic and that acid burns through the teeth to cause cavities and dissolves the bone holding teeth, which causes gum recession. Gums do not grow back, because the underlying bone is gone, dissolved away by the bacterial acidic wastes. Gum tissue is living tissue, which needs nourishment to survive. It gets its nourishment through blood vessels from bone, that is why a dentist needs to apply bone grafts, which need to take hold, BEFORE grafting gum tissue. After cleaning your teeth with proper brushing, floss and use a proxy brush for between your teeth. Then water floss the gum line all around your teeth. Then floss with baking soda which has been mixed with just a little 3% hydrogen peroxide into a paste. The peroxide will help get the soda deep into your tissues where it will dry out and kill all bacteria it reaches. If you haven’t used baking soda with a little 3% hydrogen peroxide before, then you will need to slowly get your gums used to it, because they will burn. If so, it means you have some gingivitis there. Once you’re used to it and following this cleaning routine regularly before bed, then you gum recession shouldn’t get worse. One more thing. Have your teeth professionally cleaned by a hygienist every 6 months or at most once a year if you follow the presleep daily cleaning I’ve explained. Tartar buildup occurs through time. It cannot be stoped, but it can be slowed down by following my cleaning method. Tartar is porous, so provide small pockets where bacteria can hide, so tartar must be regularly removed or else gum recession and cavities will continue. Most people grind their teeth when sleeping and they don’t know it. A bite guard while sleeping will protect the teeth from excessive wear caused by grinding and will prevent worse things like cracking a tooth and flattening teeth. If a tooth cracks, it can’t be saved. It needs to be removed, because bacteria rill get in and cause a tooth abscess.
@florencelovme Год назад
Thank you for this advice My dentIst has confirmed the things you've mentioned I've most recently had a dental cleaning but I have extreme paIn In colds and hots and even though I've been using products specIfIcally for this there's small progress What could you suggest to do please Any advice would be helpful Thanks
@juliethash5199 Год назад
I agree . I believe the greater damage to teeth is by dentists .. my previous dentist pulled out four of my healthy teeth by holding me down with his assistant … I walked out in tears … now I am paying thousands for implants for his damage …. Please don’t take your kids to dentists and don’t go to dentists - they do more damage than good .. this is based on my past experience with one Indian dentist doctor ….. he was terrible .. and he got number one award for selling invisiline ( however u spell it ).. and he sold me this system , but only gave me one out of 36 … he took my money under fraudulent dentistry …. Please careful and pay attention.. I agree with this RU-vid doctor .
@domenicsandri5836 Год назад
@@juliethash5199, please see my comments before yours in this same thread. Don’t trust this RU-vid “doctor”. Gums can not be regrown. Gum recession is due to the loss of bone in the skull where teeth are held. Gums cannot be regrown, because bone, where nourishment is to come to keep tissue alive, is needed to keep tissue alive.
@AndyG_MTB Год назад
Im afraid this is largely nonsence. This dentists sadly doesnt understand the pathophysiology of gum disease or recession.
@CJH_Taylor 4 месяца назад
It always struck me odd when some of my dentists said that gums and teeth can't regenerat/heal. It stupefied me since the rest of the body like you said "under proper nurture and care" can usually mend itself save extreme things like losing limbs. Even the liver can regrow if you just have a quarter of it. thus makes much more sense, and thank you so incredibly much for putting this out there! I feel much more qualified to take care of my teeth now more than ever.
@dena61965 Год назад
To everyone in the comment section I would like to send out a big Thank You. I've learned so very much from your comments and I'm truly grateful that you shared them😊. Take care.
@Padraigp 6 месяцев назад
@laurar8486 8 месяцев назад
My husband's gum surgeon told him to brush his teeth as normal and then rinse his mouth and toothbrush, put manuca honey (it's from New Zealand) on his toothbrush and brush without rinsing his mouth. His gums have improved so much. The gum surgeon will not need to do any grafting!
@collaboratedCAFFIENE 7 месяцев назад
wow that's amazing!
@weiqihust 7 месяцев назад
Which brand did you buy? How much gum has grown back? Thanks!
@dfvtube 7 месяцев назад
I have to say I'm incredibly skeptical about this, simply because honey (even the manuka kind) is sugar. You're being instructed to layer sugar across your teeth and leave it there? That's exactly what brushing your teeth is meant to combat. The worst thing you can do for your teeth is leave sugar sitting on them. Manuka has been documented to provide some health benefits, I will not argue that, but it is still full of sugars. It may have helped the gums, but I don't see how this wasn't incredibly harmful to the teeth.
@donquixote8462 7 месяцев назад
​@@dfvtube Main point you're not factoring in is honey's antimicrobial properties. And I've heard this about manuka honey: there is absolutely nothing special about manuca. All raw honey has the same antimicrobial properties. Hence why jars of honey found in ancient Egyptian ruins were considered still edible. The sugar isn't even *necessarily* the problem, is the bacteria that feed on it. If there is no bacteria, there's no problem.
@donquixote8462 7 месяцев назад
​@@dfvtube also, coconut oil is antimicrobial as well. And I have seen wounds heal far faster than normal when raw honey or coconut oil is applied to wounds before bandaging. My ex had 3 kids that were always getting scrapped, cut, and knicked and the difference without raw honey was very plain to see.
@GustavoBenito1 Год назад
Brave woman, breaking paradigms, and here I am, trying to learn something new, which goes against everything all the dentists have told me. I'll try!!! Thanks for sharing.
@iriswalzak615 8 месяцев назад
Do research on each ingredient, understand the usefullness of fasting. You will then see other ingredients that can improve mouth health. Good luck.❤
@gigistar649 5 месяцев назад
I’ve been following Dr Ellie’s complete system for 18 months. I started to see a change at 6 months and now almost all the small dark cavities that spotted my teeth have vanished; gum recession is reversing and my teeth are whiter. Have patience. My husband. Is now following her advice and he no longer has tooth pain.
@PianoMyHeart 5 месяцев назад
how long would you say did it take for the gum recession to reverse? and how much did it reverse?
@december1008 4 месяца назад
​@@PianoMyHeartYou may want to do Dr. Ellie's boot camp. I heard her mention that she can answer questions more easily when you sign up for her boot camp. I personally haven't had a chance to check out the boot camp. I'm just focusing on one thing at a time. I started Dr. Ellie's mouthcare system a few months ago and overall there has been improvement with my teeth and gums.
@casuals.3.19 4 месяца назад
@@PianoMyHeartThese are bots read this before my comment disappears
@loridavis7086 4 месяца назад
I’m not certain where to find her exact program that you’re talking abt … is it the one w some type of rinse, then crest toothpaste, then listerine, then ACT, & no water rinsing in btwn? Or is there another program? (I thought it would be more natural b/c I’ve seen other vids talking abt xylitol & she didn’t have that as part of the program … so I’m confused. Thank you for your time if you answer this.
@lindadurand247 3 месяца назад
​@@loridavis7086 Yes, her system is the one with Closys rinse, Crest anticavity regular toothpaste, (because it doesn't have tannus fluoride) Listerine Original or mint and finishing rinse of ACT, no rinsing in between, and take Xylitol mints or gum after each meal or after drinking any tea, coffee, juice etc to neutralize the acid Use her system twice a day, I've been on it for a month now and noticed a significant difference in the sensitivity of my teeth
@debygiannioti4271 9 месяцев назад
My gums grew after a couple of months doing oil pulling with coconut oil. Many other benefits too but the re-growth of my gums was the absolutely most impressive result!!!
@quantumaquarius 9 месяцев назад
I want to try this but they say you have to swish the oil in your mouth for 20minutes....I dont think I could do that, how long did you swish for?
@debygiannioti4271 9 месяцев назад
@@quantumaquarius I started with 2' because it was difficult in the beginning (strong gag reflex). I gradually built up the time. Now I do 10-15' about 6 times per week. When I started I had to be very concentrated on what I was doing. But now I swish the oil while doing other things. I don't need to pay attention, it's just an automatic habit. To anyone who decides to give it a try, I would advice to gradually build up the time and to swish slowly, at a comfortable pace. There are a few videos online with more details, if you're interested. In my case, I began seeing results (less pain and sensitivity, fresher breath, less throat inflammation) in the first couple of weeks. But the most impressive results (like my gums healing completely) took a few months. But I could see the gradual improvement, so I was motivated to continue.
@quantumaquarius 9 месяцев назад
thank you, I will give it a try@@debygiannioti4271
@carmenk3051 9 месяцев назад
That's great! Did you add anything to the coconut oil? What amount of oil? Thank you!
@d-8664 9 месяцев назад
This does not work! It is BS!
@bmason6535 Год назад
Been on your regime for over10 years and am beyond grateful. I no longer have pockets. bleeding gums and sensitivity. Before I used to have to have cleanings every 3 months. Now I go every couple of years.
@dr.elliephillips 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing your story
@BetterKateThanEver 9 месяцев назад
I wish I could find a dentist that would not berate me for going only every couple of years.
@daisytoromanzano8865 7 месяцев назад
⁠​⁠​⁠@@dr.elliephillips when pregnant I develop gingivitis, later I started having gum recession on my molars. After doing functional keto and intermittent fasting the gums started to grow back. I do floss everyday if not tartar accumulated more and get some areas inflamed. My daughter developed teeth sensitivity after having braces. Any recommendations for that?
@daisytoromanzano8865 7 месяцев назад
@@dr.elliephillipsWhat about bentonite clay or coconut oil pulling
@drew9348 2 месяца назад
​@daisytoromanzano8865 If im not mistaken, the root cause of these issues is a lack of minerals, which is the reason why the issues developed during pregnancy, many of your minerals were diverted to your child. You can try magnesium if you arnt insulin resistant and see if that helps. Also increasing stomach acid and bile flow help to get mineral oit of the food and for that i recomend warching kick it naturallys video on it because its too long to post here.
@patriciakuzmicz4456 Год назад
Thank you 🌸 I’m traumatized by an assistant dentist who used the metal pic to clean my teeth she damaged my teeth at the roots. It’s horrible as I had perfect teeth. Now there is a sharp straight cut where I can put a nail through… we need to protect our teeth from incompetent people too.
@patriciakuzmicz4456 Год назад
Im not sure what she did but it was unusually long & thought she did a great job but in reality she was filling my teeth ´ at the gum line. Luckily I only went twice she didn’t get a chance to work on the inner side. But damage is done on most teeth there is a sharp cut at gum line.
@w1975b Год назад
@@patriciakuzmicz4456 keep hope that you can heal the teeth with proper nutrients, etc.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
I am so sorry you had this experience - that is a sad story. This is one reason we need to get our mouth so healthy we become confident that we do not need any more dental cleanings. Routine cleanings are not a necessary part oral care when you have a healthy oral microbiome. My last cleaning was 45 years ago - and I have perfect oral health measured by other dentists, by testing for good and bad bacteria....all perfect without the need for cleanings. But - you have to take good care of the good bacteria in your mouth if you want to achieve this! I recommend my Complete Mouth Care System. This system includes the use of xylitol to loosen plaque and nurture good bacteria (xylitol is a pre-biotic) You can learn more about this system at my website - where there is a free downloadable booklet available - or you can visit my oral health bootcamp where there are 14 more videos about how to take charge of your oral health, do your own mouth testing, and even how to talk with your dentist and say that you don't want any unnecessary dental treatments...like unnecessary dental cleanings. I look forward to helping you on this journey and I appreciate what you have gone through. I am not sure if the damage you mention can reverse with the use of my strategies - but if you are patient for a year - you may find things have recovered to some degree. I'd recommend that you keep a diary, with dates, how your mouth feels etc. and please, if you do this, let me know your outcome - I am always interested. Best wishes, and here is a link to my website: drellie.com/
@nellyva1829 Год назад
@@dr.elliephillips is there a way I can share my recent experience with you and get some advice?
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
@@nellyva1829 I’m not trying to “sell” you my bootcamp - but I do interact freely with my class who sign up there on my website. DrEllie.com Alternatively, I am planning to do some live RU-vid sessions next month if you wanted to attend one of those and share your story, perhaps. I do recommend my Bootcamp has an excellent way to contact me and ask specific questions. I hope this is helpful.
@rabukan5842 7 месяцев назад
For about 60 years I have pretty much had cavities with most dentist visits. I never used to floss, only brush, and my gums were becoming more sensitive. Over the past 6 years, I started light flossing (massaging the teeth and gums with the floss) and I am also using a waterpik set to lower speed. I am now amazed because I have not had even one single cavity since I began routinely flossing and piking, and my receding gums have stopped receding, and I no longer feel sensitive around the gum area. It is possible that with harder flossing and more aggressive waterpiking, damage can be done. But my experience has been the opposite. I don't use any rinses, but for me, it makes sense to get the food particles out from between the teeth with the waterpik, and floss off the plaque, but gently.
@idread3523 7 месяцев назад
Yeah this lady is just absolutely wrong about flossing. Ive had the same experience
@Dennis_510 7 месяцев назад
Yes, recommending not to floss is horrible advice.
@nilia75 7 месяцев назад
I definitely agree with you. My experience was similar not flossing did a lot more damage and once started light flossing with waterpik no longer have any cavities. For having a crowded mouth w uneven teeth it’s almost impossible to leave the food stuck there I can feel it stuck. Flossing is a must in my teeth and gum healing journey added with salt water gargle and coconut oil pulling once a week.
@hmh3808 6 месяцев назад
@@Dennis_510 she means aggressive, flossing to the point of bleeding.
@Dennis_510 6 месяцев назад
Not what was said@@hmh3808
@lindawatmore3321 Год назад
I had receding gums and lose teeth and I was taking many different prescriptions medications for several years. I looked into the pharmacy medicine and side affects of the medication and I quickly learned that many of my symptoms were from medication. I weaned off medication and replaced with pure vitamins and minerals and magnesium supplements repairing my gums and loose teeth and my dentist said that it was arthritis in my gums and my dentist wanted me to have my teeth removed and dentures done but I refused and I am 66 years old now and have stronger teeth now than I did 7 years ago. Years of medication has caused so many issues and health problems that I’ve just been kept giving more medication to treat the latest symptoms that were the result of the last medication issued and my gums and digestive problems that resulted from years of medication.
@MH3GL Год назад
Glad you finally figured out the medication train. You're life will be better for it 👍
@heide-raquelfuss5580 Год назад
My teeth, gums also got damaged by pain killers, asthma medication ( corticosteroids ), cancer sore ( aciclovir ) creams rubbing on my lips! I also ruined even more my teeth by using baking soda, neem, water peroxide, propolis, other essential oils. Also eating sugary things, high carbs, while i had receding gums and to make it worse, after doing this things tartar was building up on my receiding gums! Mouthwash was horrible too, clove oil ughhh. Every time i did all this cleanings and desinfections, tooth brushing with tooth paste, i made it so horrible worse and i got infections and absesses because of all this. I thought i had to do all this, but i did it all wrong by listening to dentists and online people.
@MH3GL Год назад
@@heide-raquelfuss5580 what did you do, of I may ask?
@dontworryaboutit4255 Год назад
I take vitamin d3 and k2 everyday. And magnesium glycinate at night before bed
@dontworryaboutit4255 Год назад
​@@heide-raquelfuss5580Yeah what do you clean your teeth with then?
@colleenforcier2203 Год назад
I've been using your system for 3 weeks now and I can already see a difference. I was told by my dentist that I have periodontal disease. All he did give me a prescription and a referral then told me my teeth would all fall out; even though they are healthy (his words). That was it, no other info. I did some research and didn't find anything that helped just prices on expensive treatments to try to save my teeth, so I just kept doing what I was already doing. Brushing. It's been a year and a half since then and there is a noted difference since then. My gums have receded vastly and my teeth are hurting down to the root. I found this video 3 weeks ago and immediately watched your free videos on taking care of your gums and teeth. I was blown away! No one has ever explained how to properly take care of my teeth. I ordered all the products you recommended and started following your system. I noticed after not too long how much cleaner my mouth felt and that my teeth stopped hurting. Now, after 3 weeks, I can see a difference in the color of my gums. They started out as a dull grayish pink color. Not healthy at all. Now a healthy pink color reaches almost to the gum line. There's just a bit of the unhealthy color left. I don't know if this was meant to help heal periodontal disease, but I figured what would it hurt. Maybe at the least I could keep my teeth longer than what I was headed for before I started using the system. I ordered your book and plan to read it next. Thanks for helping to educate the public. I plan to teach my children your system and already have recommended it to my adult children.
@paulsmithchannel Год назад
According to the date on your post, it's now been about 7 weeks since you started her system. Can you please give us a further update? Are you still seeing improvements? Thanks.
@colleenforcier2203 11 месяцев назад
@@paulsmithchannel I'm still following the system. I haven't seen any vast differences. My gums rarely ever bleed. There is little to no pain. I haven't noticed if my gum line has grown. I wish I took better pictures. I think it will take some time to really see growth since mine have experienced so much damage. I do hope to have a better update in the future.
@paulsmithchannel 11 месяцев назад
thank you@@colleenforcier2203
@geoc1005 9 месяцев назад
@@colleenforcier2203 Seems like it takes about 4 months or a bit longer on her program to see results. The longer you go, the better it gets. Best wishes to you for strong mouth health.
@banderson6102 9 месяцев назад
wow this is great! what toothbrush did you buy? the one she recommended on amazon? It's a soft bristle thou? is that what you purchased. I don't know which one to buy.. please help. Thanks!
@drzooz Год назад
As UCSF 16:05 retired dentist of 40 yrs married to a hygienist do not stop flossing. Some ppl can get by with minimal flossing but most periodontal problems I saw were b/c patients did not floss. Of course flossing a wound on your knee won’t help. Come up with an example which applies to this situation. If your gums are swollen and bleed whenever you floss, yes your gums are infected so see a periodontist who specializes in gum or periodontal health. Gingivitis is a mild first stage which is the case for those under 35 yrs later it becomes periodontitis where you are loosing bone. When you loose enough bone the tooth gets loose or food catches in a hard to reach area where the disease can continue to cause more damage. Don’t risk loosing your tooth/teeth see a dentist who can evaluate your situation before self diagnosing with at best incomplete information.
@w1975b Год назад
There's an engineer who figured out the proper nutrients in certain amounts that reversed all dental issues for him. He doesn't even brush his teeth, much less floss anymore, and at every cleaning appointment the hygienist has nothing to do and says "keep doing what you're doing" thinking he's brushing and flossing. When people get the proper amount and variety of nutrients, their bodies are healthy...every part including teeth. Animals in the wild eat what they're supposed to and don't have to brush or floss to keep their teeth.
@veronicaencarnacion3033 Год назад
Thank you for sharing that info. What’s his name? Is it the guy who invented “Bite Proof”? I think that’s the name of the product.
@rosssundberg5510 Год назад
I had gingivitis until I did an animal based diet. Started with carnivore. Cut the carbs and bad foods and the inflammation in your mouth goes away!
@UniversalDust Год назад
​@@w1975bcould you kindly share his name? Do they have a YT channel or website?
@w1975b Год назад
@@veronicaencarnacion3033 Biochemist Patrick Theut. The video he mentions it is Want to Reverse Your Calcification and Heart Disease? Here's How! Podcast Ep21 from Ivor Cummins YT channel. Around the 30 minute mark (if you hover, you'll see the chapters). But he doesn't say the doses and which nutrients in the video.
@Agro620NMSU 7 месяцев назад
Great video- Playback at 2X speed made this video even better!
@RandoMuser-h1o 5 месяцев назад
1.25 is my standard speed for the majority of RU-vidrs.... they love the sound of their own voice.
@jujufirefly 4 месяца назад
Omg...please...just get on with it
@DMV8662 3 месяца назад
Grow up
@kevinrtres Год назад
Summary - the problem is acid. Answer starts at 11:45. 1. Need a brush that is not too soft - to massage and stimulate your gums to grow. Stimulate to get new blood vessels. 2. The bone can regrow but only if the gums have regrown first so as to provide covering. 3. You need a not too soft brush - best to get the lady's total tooth care system for $$$. Also use xylitol. 4. Stop damaging your gums - that long list of things on the right hand side. Avoid flossing - treat the gums like a wound - leave it alone, protect it cover it, sleep exercise, diet... 5. Chew some xylitol in a gum or something after eating and don't drink for an hour or so after eating...I'd say - don't swallow the xylitol mix in your mouth - just spit it out like a rinse. You don't want xylitol in your system. 6. A lot of do NOTs, very few clear DOs. mmmmhhhhh.
@gjkoolen Год назад
Important to add: reduce the time your mouth is acidic over the day. So e.g. reduce soda intake or keep it short and drink water afterwards (to clean). I think there are more don'ts than do's in the list because if we stop harassing our teeth, they will automatically repair.
@anonimogonzalezperez4951 Год назад
What is the problem with eating xilitol? Is not a natural sweetener?
@selahr. Год назад
@@anonimogonzalezperez4951 I don’t know what the other person had in mind but I do know ingesting too much xylitol can cause diarrhea (which is possible at the dose this dentist recommends).
@anonimogonzalezperez4951 Год назад
@@selahr. With only 6 g at day? I don't relly know if such tiny amount can produce diarrea, to be honest.
@kevinrtres Год назад
@@anonimogonzalezperez4951 Yes indeed it is. However, as with just about all things man-made - the purified stuff does not comport with reality - using it as sugar has some serious downsides - that 's why the packages usually warn people that eating more than a certain amount can lead to Diarrhea - a sure indication that it upsets the balance in the intestines - definitely not good. You do not have that with the naturally occurring xylitol because it's surrounded by other support compounds. Let the eater beware.
@grilledcheeseandsoup1652 Год назад
I just want to say thank you so much! I'm on an extreme budget and couldn't afford to get my teeth fixed. I tried your routine out of desperation. And guess what? One day in and the pain is already almost gone. I can't believe it! Truly thank you for the work you are doing here!!!!
@galimir Год назад
please,summarise the routine for me here,as I dont have time to watch the whole thing.thanx
@shadow-wulf Год назад
@@galimir look at the picture and read the words on the right side, less than 30 seconds for TL;dr
@zenphony Год назад
⁠​⁠@@shadow-wulfuhmm no. You expect them to know what “complete system” and “XYL/TDL” mean? lol.
@Taiga300 Год назад
@@zenphony Massage your gums, use a gum supporting toothbrush, "complete system" is a full mouthcare routine she has come up with, use xylitol products, don't floss the affected area, don't use Waterpik on that area, don't use teeth whitening, don't use baking soda as teeth whitening, don't use neem, clove or other natural remedies as tooth treatment, don't go to a dental cleaning, don't eat too much citrus, try to reduce sipping drinks throughout the day, drink and eat only when it's mealtime, having dry mouth and acid reflux affect the teeth as well.
@Taiga300 Год назад
@@galimir Massage your gums, use a gum supporting toothbrush, "complete system" is a full mouthcare routine she has come up with, use xylitol products, don't floss the affected area, don't use Waterpik on that area, don't use teeth whitening, don't use baking soda as teeth whitening, don't use neem, clove or other natural remedies as tooth treatment, don't go to a dental cleaning, don't eat too much citrus, try to reduce sipping drinks throughout the day, drink and eat only when it's mealtime, having dry mouth and acid reflux affect the teeth as well.
@0annonymous 7 месяцев назад
One thing that definitely helps is don't brush too hard. Another thing is to use a softer toothbrush. You don't wanna use one that's too stiff, but medium isn't really all that good for your gums in the long run either. Another thing to consider is it may not even be good for your teeth in the long run either, especially if you brush too hard. When you brush too hard, you're all so putting your gums at risk. That's because when you bleed after crushing, you're also brushing away bits and pieces of your gums. You really want to take good care of your tooth enamel as well as your gums, and this is done by a softer toothbrush. I've noticed since I made the switch, it's so much gentler on my teeth AND gums. I recall the first time I ever tried a soft toothbrush, and I NEVER LOOKED BACK. I RARELY use a medium anymore since I switched to SOFT.
@womanbread 6 месяцев назад
But in this video, she urges people to NOT use a soft toothbrush. So I'm completely confused now.
@ML-un1gr 2 месяца назад
She talks about acid being the case of gum recession but then vilifies baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) which is a very mild alkali (opposite to acid) and would neutralise any acid in the mouth. A tiny sprinkle of baking soda on your toothpaste at night would be a wonderful way to neutralise acids in your mouth.
@sonjagatto9981 Месяц назад
I agree❣
@drclarkstore1 Месяц назад
This is a great idea, especially if your toothpaste doesn't have baking soda as an ingredient already. It also helps to add some diatomaceous earth, and zinc. We offer tooth powder in in our store that is naturally restorative. We also carry the purest baking soda, as many top brands contains heavy metals and other contaminants.
@tantuce Месяц назад
It's to do with abrasiveness of bic.soda
@brendapeter446 Месяц назад
It's probably fine as long as you don't brush with it since it's abrasive.
@teslinjoe5938 Год назад
Xylitol is great -- people must be aware that even a small amount can be fatal to dogs and cats so if you share your home with them, don't be careless about leaving it about where they can get into it.
@MagiMystik Год назад
Do you swallow the Xylitol after you've rinsed or spit it out? Thanks.
@freedomfighter1734 Год назад
@@MagiMystik I do xylitol oil pulling every day. As I understand it has bad bacteria in it, that was pulled from your mouth, you don’t want to swallow that. You spit it out after 10-20 minutes.
@cica8427 Год назад
@@freedomfighter1734 I do oil pulling whit cold press sun flower oil or cold press sesame oil. It works great. But I never use xylitol. I saw they have it at Costco,it is the one you are using it? How did you use it? Mix it whit oil?
@freedomfighter1734 Год назад
@@cica8427 I buy it in the local food store. I don’t mix it with anything. This is a good video about oil pulling with xylitol ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-5t58ucaPcGE.html
@siggi248 Год назад
It can be fatal for dogs, but not for cats.
@meerapatankar7275 Год назад
oOMG!!! You are the ONLY Dentist to be honest about what causes erosion and receding gums!! Thank You! I was sick and tired of fake dentists telling I was brushing too hard. I feel like forwarding your video to them. Tell me why do most dentists perpetuate these misinformation?
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
I believe that in the United States the subject of acidity was overlooked for decades - (maybe because the American Dental Association was sponsored by Coke at one time). Something gets overlooked - then we find there is a big problem. Acidity was that thing in dentistry. When I published my first book Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye in 2010 - I knew many hygienists who recommended diet soda as a safe drink for teeth - so safe you could drink it at night. They only knew that sugar was bad for teeth. My book was to explain that sugar turns to acid in the mouth. Acid of any kind will damage teeth and promote bad bacteria. We have come a long way since then - but not nearly far enough. Thank you for your support :)
@jamesstaton9013 Год назад
My gum recession started at age 25 with bleeding gums. The military dentist told me that it couldn't be fixed. I've continued to brush with medium brushes and now never use peroxide tooth paste. My gums have finally started coming back but won't cover the entire bottom of the tooth. Now I know why. Thanks for making this video.
@user-xv5sn9gn5n 11 месяцев назад
When the gum’s bleed your need vitamin c
@gnchicago 9 месяцев назад
Use Act with CPC!
@ex8280 9 месяцев назад
It's hydrogen peroxide the same thinb? I use it as mouth washing.
@theurbanthirdhomestead 9 месяцев назад
​@@ex8280 Yes, same thing, H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide.
@sparklingbeautybee 9 месяцев назад
Is the bleeding better ? Has it stopped ?
@danemeow8 6 месяцев назад
Wow! what an informative angel. Ive found myself that brushing (with a medium soft toothbrush) my gums upward (in the direction of growth, away from the root) and slightly massaging has helped stop and slightly heal already my periodontitis, which is light to moderate on my lower front teeth as an early 30s yr old. All your advice really resonates and I will look more into your system and advice. Thank you for this easy to digest and clearly articulated, informative presentation of recommendations from an understanding professional .
@unclehoogy Год назад
In my opinion one of the ways to prevent gingival recession, is all about proper brushing. Plaque needs to be removed before it hardens to tartar, tartar is very hard and if left on the tooth it builds up on the cemento-enamal junction, causing the gingival tissue to separate from the tooth. This constant build up separates the epithelial tissue from the tooth causing the recession which eventually leads to bleeding and gingivitis . Letting the tartar to continuously build up on the tooth exacerbates the condition, which then leads to further periodontal problems. This is old school thinking but with a lot of research done to support it. I realize there could be other factors in play , but the best way to prevent dental problems is daily care with a proper brushing routine and flossing .
@ridemywheelie Год назад
I can confirm that overbrushing teeth can ruin enamel. When I was a kid and first learned about brushing teeth, I asked my parents how long I should brush for? They told me to brush until my teeth were clean. Problem is, I was a strange kid. I ended brushing for an entire hour since I never felt my teeth clean. Dentist told me that I destroyed my enamel. For several months afterwards, I had to swish this special solution in my mouth to fix my enamel. I actually believe that overbrushing leads to a lot of tooth decay.
@funstuffonthenet5573 Год назад
Yeah, it doesn't take much to clean teeth with a brush
@Dan16673 Год назад
They lied. You CANNOT bring back enamal
@Dowlphin Год назад
Haha, that's a very extreme case. At least that shows that soft brush plastic on super-hard enamel isn't as simple as physics telling that the hard material erodes the soft material. I think it's always just a ratio, but not purely one-directional. The one thing I can recommend greatly for overall dental cleanliness is a sonic toothbrush. (And they seem to do things quite differently, so I can only advocate for the Philips ones.) They make it so easy to get lots of brushing action in in a short time and without the hassle of worrying whether brush strokes managed to reach the difficult spots often enough. You just glide the brush slowly and precisely over every surface and it's fine. Apart from that, root cause addressing is always best, and special care in the mouth might be unnecessary if your diet is good. Then the saliva will be most potent and kill bacteria just fine. Also interval fasting can help, or as she recommended, isolated eating times without snacking all the time, so that teeth are exposed to bad stuff only for a short time window and the rest of the time is for full regeneration.
@ridemywheelie Год назад
@@Dowlphin that's good advice, thanks. Now I actually brush after using mouth wash, and barely touch my teeth, mainly picking away stuck food. When I follow strict Keto my teeth are stronger too. This has made my teeth quite healthy.
@ridemywheelie Год назад
Let me clarify. I don't even use toothpaste anymore. Just spit out the mouthwash and brush. Seems to work good for me.
@vikingstorm32 8 месяцев назад
I smoked, chewed, and was an alcoholic for the past 20 years. My gums were receding and discolored, and broken teeth. But in the past year I stopped smoking, chewing, and drinking. I started eating mostly meat based diet. I threw away my toothpaste and now I brush lightly with salt and a little bit of water, then after rinsing out my mouth. I use coconut oil (oil pulling) and swoosh around the oil for 5 to 10 minutes every night. My gums and teeth look 100% fixed just in 1 year
@Happyliving757 8 месяцев назад
Only once a day not twice rigjt
@halodave 7 месяцев назад
I'm a dentist and you're correct. Toothpastes are only an abrasive that contains fluoride and creates suds when you brush. If your diet is low on sugar and acid, fluoride isn't needed.
@KODoc482 7 месяцев назад
⁠@@halodaveFluoride is/never was "needed." The origination of fluoride in water systems based on being somehow being good/preventative, came from a corrupt advertising campaign! Dental Association is still in denial of the facts/corruption. Fluoride is poison ... that's why there's a poison control warning on toothpaste tubes!
@Wang_Monkey 7 месяцев назад
@@halodave If you were a dentist you'd know gum tissue doesn't regenerate
@halodave 7 месяцев назад
@@Wang_Monkey when did I say it did?
@LawrenceAugust_ 7 месяцев назад
TIME STAMPS: ● 00:54 Gum recession exposes the tooth root, lacking the enamel's regenerative ability, making it vulnerable to acid and sugary attacks, posing challenges for protection and maintenance. ● 01:52 Tooth sensitivity and gradual wear due to exposed areas without protection can lead to excruciating pain, especially when the tooth wears away close to the nerve at the center. ● 02:50 Believing in natural healing, avoiding fillings for gum recession, the speaker shares personal experience of allowing teeth to heal over 50 years without sensitivity by caring for them and letting the gums naturally grow, even in cases of lost tooth area. ● 03:44 Dentist visits for acute sensitivity, especially to hot or cold foods, become crucial, as excessive consumption of sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods can lead to tooth decay in the vulnerable exposed areas, risking the vitality of the tooth and potential tooth loss. ● 04:40 With no current remedy to revive a dead tooth, the options are limited to a root canal or extraction, as decay or damage to the nerve usually leads to tooth death, and the speaker questions the efficacy of fillings due to the potentially toxic and acidic substances required for their application. ● 05:32 Cautioning against hasty fillings, the speaker recommends considering alternatives such as preventive measures to strengthen teeth, regrow gum, and restore the protective biofilm, highlighting the potential risk of damaging the nerve with acidic substances used in fillings. ● 06:25 Dismissing the misconception that toothbrushing causes gum recession, the speaker emphasizes that enamel, being extremely hard, is not damaged by proper brushing, and the blame for gum recession lies elsewhere, debunking the notion of brushing technique as the primary cause. ● 07:18 Emphasizing the importance of proper brushing to regenerate receded gums, the speaker dispels the fear of brushing causing harm, pointing instead to the crucial consideration of acidity in the mouth, particularly from habits like consuming soda, sparkling waters, or white wine before bedtime, which can contribute to gum recession. ● 08:16 Highlighting acidity as a key factor, the speaker underscores its role in enamel erosion and crystal breakage, contributing to gum recession, emphasizing the significance of monitoring acidity levels to prevent the loss of enamel and the development of grooves at the gum line. ● 09:21 Addressing the notion of teeth grinding as a partial truth, the speaker emphasizes that proper daily oral care and a protective covering over teeth can prevent enamel crystal breakage, warning against acid reflux, bedtime acidity, and the use of acidic mouth rinses as potential contributors to erosion, highlighting the importance of avoiding acidic substances like citrus fruits. ● 10:19 Highlighting the acidity in teeth-whitening products and the potential harm from grinding, the speaker recommends addressing underlying issues and changing habits to prevent enamel erosion, fracture, and the need for a night guard, cautioning against continued use of acidic products like whitening strips with a pH comparable to battery acid. ● 11:06 Addressing the discomfort, potential decay, grooves, and gum recession, the speaker suggests avoiding a lifelong dependency on a night guard by prioritizing improved oral care practices, starting with selecting an appropriately firm toothbrush to promote gum growth and overall dental health. ● 11:54 Encouraging gum regeneration, the speaker recommends stimulating and massaging the gums with a resilient toothbrush to induce angiogenesis, fostering new blood vessels that provide essential support for regrowing gum tissue and even restoring lost bone, underscoring the potential for regeneration and urging viewers not to dismiss the possibility until exploring the provided videos on the speaker's website. ● 13:01 Accessible guidance for gum massage techniques and mouth care is available through videos and DrEllie.com, emphasizing the importance of using a suitable toothbrush, avoiding soft brushes, and implementing a comprehensive mouth care system designed to support gum regrowth and address recession. ● 13:59 Emphasizing the effectiveness of a complete mouth care system involving Xylitol, the speaker encourages the prevention of potential infections, halting decay, and promoting regrowth of the protective biofilm and gums, underscoring the importance of early intervention to stop damaging gums and challenging conventional explanations for gum recession. ● 14:57 Proposing a new teeth care strategy, the speaker advises against traditional flossing, attributing gum damage to its abrasive nature, recommending instead the complete mouth care system, including rinses, Xylitol, and proper brushing, highlighting potential risks of flossing, and predicting noticeable gum regrowth within six months if the damaging habits are ceased. ● 15:55 Advising a gentle approach, the speaker likens receded gums to wounds, discourages aggressive flossing, and urges treating them delicately by avoiding abrasive practices like teeth whitening with strong acids and peroxide, while emphasizing holistic healing through good nutrition, immune system support, sleep, exercise, and positive experiences. ● 16:48 Discouraging DIY toothpaste with baking soda, peroxide, and essential oils like clove or neem, the speaker warns against their excessive strength, highlighting potential harm to gums and teeth, and advises against using clove oil on sensitive areas to prevent nerve damage. ● 17:44 Warning against natural therapies like clove oil, neem, baking soda, and dental cleanings that could harm teeth and gums, the speaker emphasizes the importance of preserving the healthy biofilm as a protective layer on teeth. ● 18:37 Arguing against frequent dental cleanings, the speaker stresses the need to preserve the protective biofilm on teeth until gums regrow, advising that continuous cleanings may be unnecessary if one follows a recommended oral care routine. ● 19:25 Cautioning against snacking on citrus fruits and oxalic acid-rich vegetables, the speaker advises consuming these foods during meals with added fats to protect against oxalic acid damage to the protective biofilm, emphasizing the importance of avoiding continuous sipping of drinks, even water, to aid in the healing process of gum recession. ● 20:21 Suggesting a strategy for optimal oral health, the speaker recommends limiting eating and drinking sessions, ending meals with Xylitol like zelly's mints, and refraining from eating or drinking for 30 to 60 minutes to allow the good bacteria to form a protective biofilm crucial for regrowing gum tissue, with the condition that regrowth is possible if not too much tooth surface is lost. ● 21:27 Offering a simple yet powerful advice, the speaker suggests adopting a consistent oral health routine for 50 years, emphasizing the importance of long-term commitment to dental care.
@tonyk8369 6 месяцев назад
Good summary
@sfuta2005 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for summarizing this so well.
@noshademakeup 6 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@jss.2020 5 месяцев назад
she warns against homemade clove, neem, baking soda because if it isn't made in the correct proportions could damage teeth not because they are bad for teeth
@peachysparkles 4 месяца назад
Thank you!!!
@Nikki... 10 месяцев назад
I just had a dental cleaning. My hygienist looks forward to cleaning my teeth because he barely has to do anything. I brush and floss at least once a day for many years now and my oral health is perfect according to him. He took time to break down and explain just how healthy my teeth, gums etc are! Very interesting! He also is amazed that I am an manual tooth brusher..lol I am also a coffee drinker and on my last exam barely had any stains on my teeth. I am 56 years old and learned twenty years ago just how important oral health is!
@ladyjas77 7 месяцев назад
How did you keep your teeth white from drinking coffee? Do share please. My pearly white teeth are no longer white after I started drinking coffee for years.
@oracla 7 месяцев назад
@@ladyjas77 In my experience, I had no coffee stains until I started drinking ristretto. In case you don't know it, it's the strongest coffee possible in terms of concentration - it is also black. So.... for someone to drink filter (or americano or any other watery type) coffee or coffee with milk, they can totally avoid stains with careful brushing. Even worse then coffee I think might be tea. I am talking about proper stains, not just overall change in hue. For that I have no solution :D
@ladyjas77 7 месяцев назад
@@oracla I really appreciate this. As soon as you said “Ristretto” my heads down. I have been drinking Flat Whites for years now. It makes sense. Now I have figuring out to do. Cheers 😩
@annheatherton 6 месяцев назад
I just started enjoying decaf coffee again and am starting to see a couple of stains. How do you handle that? Flossing and brushing 3 times a day is not working.
@oracla 6 месяцев назад
@@annheatherton your brush, paste and technique have to be on point. A quick tip is to brush the problematic area first and use circular motion (in both directions!). Might get some sore gums, but it needs to be done.
@elizabethcollins1776 Год назад
2 years ago I had gum graph done on the bottom front teeth. They took it from the roof of my mouth and graphed it to my bottom gums. Everything you have said that I need to do to get my gums to grow is the opposite of what the surgical dentist and my regular dentist has told me. Soft tooth brush, floss floss floss and when you brush go lightly on your gums. It never made sense to me and no one ever explained why it was happening except that I'm getting older. I'm 54, and I have always took care of my teeth. Never knew about the PH of my mouth, huge coffee drinker here. So thank you, I will take your advice and hopefully get to keep my teeth for another 20 years. 😊🤞
@jensz9360 9 месяцев назад
What do you mean brush your gums? Also how is your graft holding up and how long / paintful was recovery process and how hard were the after care instructions to follow.
@elizabethcollins1776 9 месяцев назад
@@jensz9360 it wasn’t too bad the recovery. Couple of weeks. But I really didn’t notice the difference, how it helped I mean. But I use a medium brush now and I brush my gums to stimulate them. They are doing good. Also my cheeks and tongue of course.
@jensz9360 9 месяцев назад
@@elizabethcollins1776 Thanks for the reply. Do you brush your gums in a downward motion? I use a super soft brush and brush down, I have maybe 3mm recession and am worried it will get worse, mine was from aggressive brushing. Was yours from brushing to hard as well? or from gum disease? I am trying to figure if since its from agressive brushing and not gum disease if that makes a difference in success rate. When you say you didnt se a difference....do you mean that there was ultimately no root coverage difference from bfore the procedure. Also what was cost if you dont mind an how many teeth did you have done? Thanks agan in advance, Its been so long since you originally commented that I am surprised you responded.🙂
@lindaperry2977 5 месяцев назад
Wow. I almost fell off of my chair watching Dr. Ellie's video. I am going to follow her and do this to regrow my gum tissue.
@carac2009 Месяц назад
Did you do it? Have you an update on your success?
@fripips8149 Месяц назад
Please give us an update
@IAmHisBeloved5 24 дня назад
@joshswartley906 20 дней назад
How did it go?
@ilona3793 7 месяцев назад
Very helpful! Plus Oil pulling with organic virgin coconut oil 1 tablespoon for about 30 minutes daily. Helps a lot. Cleans deep down where no brush or floss can get. And daily vit C as much as you can get absolutely necessary for gum health
@createdcreated1977 7 месяцев назад
I think you mean 30 seconds
@moonsakuragarden 7 месяцев назад
@@createdcreated1977 No, it's 30 minutes.
@KarenHerzog-vw1xp 7 месяцев назад
yes, i heard that is good and 'm gong to start doing it.
@seadonkey6913 6 месяцев назад
I do it in the shower.
@Padraigp 6 месяцев назад
Tests have shown oil pulling is equivalent to a 30 second mouthwash use. And whos got a half hour to do that twice a day.
@jacquicleijne9525 Год назад
I have receding gums, but they have improved a lot since oil pulling with coconut oil and flossing gently with toothpicks, not the plastic brush ones. My periodontal treatment was also baking soda, the aluminium free one. Oil pulling has been amazing as coconut oil is an antiseptic, and helped my gums close up around the tooth to keep the pockets between teeth minimal. I'll stick to what I'm doing. I'd like to see sources for your claims.
@maiaallman4635 Год назад
Thank you
@paulwooton4390 Год назад
Sounds like her evidence is at least partially personal.
I also have had success with neem, so I’m confused as to why that and peroxide is on her list.
@Calhoun89 Год назад
What is the frequency and duration of your routine?
@14beautifulpeople Год назад
@jacquicleijne9525 Thank you! How do you use the baking soda on your teeth and what is the frequency?
@johnk8825 Год назад
I wish I had encountered a dental physician like you 40 years ago.
@orchidalive Год назад
How do you find a dentist similar to you ? Is there a directory for others who offer the kind of advice you do?
@cnaz8709 2 месяца назад
Me too
@Reincarnation111 Год назад
I too have benefited from flossing which stopped my gum-bleeding. Always rinsing after eating, and drinking tea/coffee, etc. has kept my mouth healthy and teeth strong. She is advocating against all things I am doing, oh boy! 🤔😮 I do agree that massaging is a good thing because it draws blood to the gums.
@tlazo997 4 месяца назад
It sounds like she’s saying no sipping water all day long, I’m still confused on the rest. I thought rinsing after acidic stuff was good, but she did say Xylitol instead of rinsing with water was good because of good bacteria in the mouth that water washes away?
@schnugelischnugg9812 Месяц назад
Dental hygienist since 1987 here. In the 80s there was a flood of information about general prevention of diseases of the oral cavity. SOOO suddenly people who didnt know better started to scrub their teeth and gums like crazy using a hard toothbrush. Those gums looked like someone dragged a carrot grater over them!😮 Fortunately i was able to stop my patients from doing this. Some had gum recessions of like 10 millimeters when they first csme to see me😮 The public learned and it has gotten better ever since. Now there are other causes of gum recessions...autoimmune diseases, cancer, mechanical and chemical injuries etc. A well-trained eye can tell the difference. Unfortunately many dentists dont like to take the time neccessary to find the real cause. Its usually the hygienist that does.
@TheSilentMystic Месяц назад
So how did you treat those people with 10mm recessions? Did the guns grow back?
@schnugelischnugg9812 Месяц назад
@@TheSilentMystic no, unfortunately not. Treatment isnt always neccessary, as the recession is often only on one side of the tooth, the other sides still being in firm tissue. There are however firm gum transplants, not a big deal to do.
@kfb5583 29 дней назад
Fellow hygienist here, 30 years in perio offices. You are correct, as long as there is still tissue attachment grafting is not necessary unless for cosmetic reasons. Usually where there is recession, there is bone loss, in that case complete coverage is very difficult. It also depends on the type of bone loss, vertical, horizontal or diagonal. There are so many things that can exacerbate recession, over brushing, poor homeware, clenching grinding, tooth position. As far as I can see, tissue DOES NOT grow back unless surgically assisted.
@lcwathome821 28 дней назад
Hi dr.i am 71 and now have bone loss 😮how can I help recession and bone loss! Thank u
@mariekarole1621 Год назад
Being pregnant at 25 was super painful I felt like no matter how much milk yogurt extra vitamins the baby was taking calcium out of me. I also think genetics 🧬 have a lot to do with how strong our teeth are. I do wish I never liked sweets as a kid . At 57 I really appreciate natural sweetness from tomatoes, fruits .
@xelaphilia 9 месяцев назад
Dairy actually exracts calcium from your own bones, because it is acidic and your body tries to neutralize this acidity with an alkalizing agent, which is your own available calcium.
@kimclark7206 Год назад
You are soooo correct that dentists will blame incorrect brushing as the cause of receding gums - even though I argued that, having Crohns disease, i vomited for 16 years until I was finally diagnosed - and yes, I've tried to fix this with gentle brushing OF THE GUM AND TEETH and I ONLY use a soft bristle brush, to try to resolve the problem. It's awful seeing the dentine exposed and looking so grimy! And then the dentist said I need to have front fillings which sounded OK - until he took a grinding wheel to the fronts of my teeth to create a key for the adhesive!!! Oh my goodness - he's destroying my teeth!! I was always so proud of having "toothpaste - advert" teeth, but now they're ruined. My dad, at nearly 90 years old had all his own. Sadly, i won't follow suit despite my best efforts. Look after your teeth while you can, and if your dentist wants to proceed immediately to expensive treatments, get a second opinion!!
@sofiasvensson2011 Год назад
Thank you for the advice. I also have crohns and not so smart dentist
@anewday1836 Год назад
Tell me about it I had spend a lot of money and I have more problem than ever. They don't know,
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
Digestive health can worsen if your oral biome is damaged. I believe that one of the problems for digestive health was the swallowing of amalgam particles - as excess filling material ever gets swallowed from a patient's mouth. The metal is certainly toxic to many gut bacteria. You may want to focus on your mouth health with my Complete Mouth Care System. At the same time, consider your nasal health. maybe try using a xylitol nasal spray at the conclusion of your tooth care routine x2 daily. This way the openings to your body will be protected by healthy biofilm. in addition, you may want to simultaneously take an immune health probiotic, and see if healing all these areas simultaneously will improve your digestive health. I would recommend a very simple but extraordinary probiotic called BioGaia immune active. Try this for a month or two and please let me know if your Crohn's improves at all. How exciting would this be if you saw improvement? I am hopeful. The important thing is to balance the bacteria in all these three areas at the same time. Something powerful and different. Here is a link to the probiotic I recommend if you want a link to get it on Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B09H3Q9GJV?linkCode=ssc&tag=onamzelliephi-20&creativeASIN=B09H3Q9GJV&asc_item-id=amzn1.ideas.2F1BTMFXOL8TT&ref_=aip_sf_list_spv_ofs_mixed_d_asin
@zinnia3684 Год назад
Stop eating carbs and you’ll see a real change.
@TheTruthSpeakerTV Год назад
A dentist did that to me today, I am not even sure if he is a dentist
@laceygreenwood Год назад
I had cavities regularly growing up, and lots of dental problems until I learned good oral hygiene began flossing regularly in my 20s. I flossed my 4 children's teeth once a day after they got their 6-yr molars, and taught them good mouth care; they never had one cavity growing up. Getting "long in the tooth" is an old saying, meaning gum recession happens with age. Of course we can slow it down with good oral hygiene, but to cancel flossing entirely, I have a hard time agreeing with that. ~Thanks for the other advice. I'll take a look at it.
@Missy-sx9zv Год назад
I think it depends on the type of floss and if you have space already between teeth and how hard u floss
@monikastark7531 12 дней назад
if you teach yourself how to wrap the floss so it slides down below and away from the gum, as well as using a very thin unwaxed brand-such as POH, you can safely floss. Have your DH demonstrate on a model how to wrap the tooth with floss. Former DH here.
@sly8108 9 дней назад
Try coconut floss! I like that way better than reg floss
@oliamelnikova6010 6 месяцев назад
Amazing information I stopped going to dentists, I used to go every 6 months, now my teeth are better than ever.
@tulipgal4ever333 6 месяцев назад
I do too I only go when there’s a problem and I do excellent oral hygiene at home as well as fasting. I do xylitol mints, and I do oil pulling with the correct kind of oil and I use the correct kind of toothbrush in my oral health is the best at bid been.
@arti8393 3 месяца назад
@@tulipgal4ever333what type of oil do you use and brush?
@luna5031 2 месяца назад
Hi ​@@tulipgal4ever333 thanks for sharing. What's the correct kind of oil for oil pulling?
@TONE11111 Месяц назад
@@luna5031 coconut oil or celtic sea salt in water, swished.
@luna5031 Месяц назад
@@TONE11111 thank you so much for replying ❤️ All the best Take care :D
@TikkyTakMoo 9 месяцев назад
I'd love to see the before and after pictures of people you've personally recommended this method to. As a scientist/doctor I'm sure you can appreciate this! ☺️💚
@user-gx3sv7db8e 8 месяцев назад
There are no pictures because they don't exist. ;)
@susanbriggs862 8 месяцев назад
I’m going to post my before and after results (measurements of pocket depth) in 6 months of following this program. After several weeks my sensitivity level has dramatically improved. I was not able to drink room temp water without pain. My sink bowl is no longer full of blood from spongy bleeding gums. My gums are slowly becoming normal and lying flat. My previous morning routine after brushing, flossing and using a water pik involved scraping thick plaque off my teeth that had formed over night. Now there is no plaque and my teeth feel so smooth and clean. Everyone wants to see “evidence” and proof so I plan on posting my dental evaluation in 6 months. So far, I’m ecstatic about the improvement. I was so depressed that I was going to loose my teeth.
@waffle_chair9269 8 месяцев назад
Can’t say I’m not dubious either. I’m all for considering anecdotal, but if she’s been doing this for 50 years, there’s got to be something. Very strange. I think she’s misleading. For starters the video says “how” to “regrow”. She doesn’t explain how. And secondly, I doubt it’s regrowing, perhaps just making them look alittle different, and feel alittle more comfortable , by reducing some inflammation, but that doesn’t equate to regrowing to me. Also, receding gums can be caused by microorganisms living in those gums, and if you don’t treat those, then what’s the point of anything else. Talk about avoiding the root cause, pun not intended 😂
@Neil_MALTHUS 7 месяцев назад
@@waffle_chair9269 She's just exploiting a relatively untapped RU-vid niche ("regrow your gums with a positive mental attitude!". Some people love money a lot more than they do self-respect, after all. #ZenAndTheArtOfSavingLifeOnEarth
@fineT558 7 месяцев назад
she looks so innocent lol @@Neil_MALTHUS
@shelleydavis5231 Год назад
Thank you for speaking the truth, gums can grow back with gentle massage and wvoiding yhings that damage them further. Young dentists are telling people its not possible.if we are continuously creating new cells just by being alive, we can absolutely regrow gums
@user-iv2yl5mw2r Год назад
Shelley, I have receding gums horribly. Have your gums grown back? I thought it was hopeless and I would lose my teeth.
@Alexander-rq9he 9 месяцев назад
I don’t know about the no flossing part. When I floss after I have brushed really well, food particles still come out…so. Plus, the flossing is for between the teeth not on the face where you see the gums receding. Lastly, baking soda is abrasive so it’s better to rinse with it instead before bed to neutralize acids in the mouth.
@5959Mikee 7 месяцев назад
Flossing is critical.
@Mote78 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, that’s confusing.. we’re told by every dentist and dental hygienist to floss. I wish she had photos of her recommendations showing the effects on actual teeth and guns. Words don’t prove a theory.
@skittydreamsd4766 7 месяцев назад
Here are all the corrections for this video because there was just way too much misinformation for me to ignore. Flossing is important in preventing interproximal caries. It even helps in removing plaque from deeper periodontal pockets in between the teeth. This is important because you are removing the source of what your body is trying to get rid of by activating its inflammatory response. When allowed to progress and the bacterial load is too great then our body begins to actively destroy bone in an attempt to get away from the stimulus (plaque, bacteria, tartar, food debris, etc). Yes, this is a thing because the bacteria has formed very resilient colonies that are even resistant to antibiotics. This has been shown again and again just with a simple bitewing radiograph and samples from patients with active periodontitis. If there is no plaque in between the teeth then the body has no reason to activate an inflammatory response in that area. The fact that she states gum recession isn’t caused by an infection says a lot. It happens ALL THE TIME. I see it every single day in clinic. Recession is one of the first signs that your body is losing ground to the bacteria in the periodontal pockets around your teeth. Also, “pushing bacteria into the bloodstream” and “treat this like a wound”? Seriously? The entire gingiva and mouth is highly vascular and has an open portal to the rest of the body through the esophagus. The bacteria is ALREADY IN THE BLOODSTREAM. We have seen the same bacteria from the mouth in the rest of the body. That’s why we reduce the bacterial load everyday by brushing AND flossing. Keeping a wound clean is exactly what you should do to promote healing. Have you ever seen wound care for patients with cellulitis? It’s pretty intense since they have to keep everything clean. Same for your gums so floss! Her comparing it to flossing your knee makes no sense because floss isn’t made for skin abrasions. Bruxism over time absolutely causes abfractions and recession. Night guards don’t have to be used 24/7 as you say. Unless you have a history of clenching during the day then you can just wear it at bed. You can stimulate your gums just fine with a soft or extra soft toothbrush. Firmer bristled toothbrushes destroy gum tissue. I have seen that first hand clinically and in a laboratory setting. You can regrow your gingiva only to a certain extent. If you have bone loss due to periodontitis then the gums will only regrow a few millimeters up from where the bone has receded to. Bone repairs itself by filling in damaged holes such as from extractions and specific patterns of bone loss from periodontitis but it will NOT regrow upwards to where it used to be near the CEJ. Clove oil does not kill your tooth. It has been used in dental products in clinical settings for years to help with sensitivity and promote healing. Whitening your teeth with peroxides has actually been found to be beneficial for patients with periodontitis because it reduces the bacterial load in your periodontal pockets. Getting your teeth cleaned is essential in removing tartar that harbor bacteria and promotes wound healing. Biofilms are the precursors to periodontal disease. They are fine when not allowed to clump together and form complex bacterial colonies. If they are not disrupted frequently enough through home care and dental cleanings they do in fact cause disease.
@Mr.Be93 7 месяцев назад
Floss first, then rinse with water and then brush your teeth. Rinse again, and if gums are sensitive, or bleed, use strong salt water and swish, don't rinse mouth after. Tongue is ok to rinse from the salt.
@hmh3808 6 месяцев назад
@@skittydreamsd4766clove oil is absolutely damaging to gums full strength (when used for cavity pain) it has to be extremely diluted or will cause red and inflamed gums to the point where you can even be left with an abrasion/scab. It is so caustic. Same for oil of oregano -both are highly antibacterial, but neither can be used on their own full strength.
@ThePowerWithinOnline 6 месяцев назад
I am so excited! I've been using your mouth care system for the past 5 days and the pain from an exposed tooth is already going away! I cut out the lemon water I was drinking 24/7, which was the root cause. I am thrilled! I am hopeful that this system will help me keep this baby tooth (I'm 45), regrow my gums and save $6000 on a ceramic implant. Thank you Dr. Ellie!! ❤️ - Marisa
@biancaol6968 6 месяцев назад
why lemon water is bad? Is it also bad if you drink 1/2 lemon in a glass of water first thing in the morning? (and then not anymore) I thought that is good for several reasons? I drink it with a straw.
@haikaikokoni369_ 6 месяцев назад
@@biancaol6968yes it is since even with a straw the liquid gets in your entire mouth. Lemon is acidic - straw or not. Best drink just plain water with a high pH (e.g. brand : Naya) will be most beneficial
@biancaol6968 6 месяцев назад
@@haikaikokoni369_I see that water with high PH can help, but I don't think that 1 tablespoon of lemon in the morning in a full glass of water cannot harm that much. Yes, its not good to drink it all day, that I fully get.
@Kristina-yr6xg 2 месяца назад
Just drink the lemon water at once and neutralize after with closys or utradex or eat yoghurt or something which neutralizes it....don't sip the whole day...
@SeenAndCheese Год назад
As a kid, I was not shown the importance of brushing my teeth so I got into a position where my teeth would be covered in plaque and literally broke apart by themselves. Every month or so, I'd have to pull a new enamel fragment from my gum line because they kept chipping off. As I got my adult teeth, helped by puberty and trying to look good for girls, I started to focus on making sure my teeth were getting really clean. For years I brushed for 5min 2x/day. It wasn't until I went to the military dentist about 10 years later that I was informed my brushing habits were destroying my teeth and bloodying my receding gums. He was flabbergasted by my 5min routine 2x/day but I was so traumatized by my teeth breaking in my mouth that I couldn't reduce the 5min session so he recommended I reduce to brushing only at night and to mouth wash in the morning after a meal. I have since gotten down to about 2.5min 1x/day and haven't had a cavity. The last time I went to the dentist for a cleaning, it was a 4 year gap and the lady (dental student) thought I was lying when I told her I only brush once per day, use a manual toothbrush, and don't floss because I had less plaque than people that she sees for a regular 6 month cleaning. I haven't gone to a dentist in over 6 years but I don't have any problems with my teeth and gums. My gums have grown back some in the years following the military dentist but I would like to see more gum regrowth so I'm going to look for your complete system video and also get myself to a dentist office for a cleaning/whitening!
@NoName-cz5mg Год назад
can u please tell me which mouth wash did u use?dang 5 min is too much?what if we do 5-4 min within 24 hour?the problem is if i dont i cant clean plaque and already got some hard tartar on teeth also bro......
@SpiralMystic Год назад
Yes, I’m just not convinced about her claim that over/hard brushing isn’t a problem.
@cliftut Год назад
@@SpiralMystic I don't think she claims that you can't overdo it with brushing either on time or force - Too much of these could also disturb the biofilm too much or keep the gum in an irritated (rather than healthily stimulated/mildly challenged) state.
@DunkelheitVZ Год назад
I am only cleaning my teeth once per day in the evening. I do it very thorough though. In fact, you can test for yourself if your teeth are clean enough. Use your tongues and go over the fron and back of your teeth. Are the teeth feeling polished and smooth? Then it is ok. Do you feel that the teeth are coated/furry/rough? Then you need to clean more. Now clean your teeth in the evening and go over your teeth in the morning: They are still polished and smooth. Btw, I did not have a single cavity for at least 15 years now.
@NoName-cz5mg Год назад
@@DunkelheitVZ for how many min do u clean usually?
@hanaaa6394 Год назад
Thank you so much. We do lose tissue with aging and this is very good advice. I always brush with a medium brush and warm salt water and I rinse with warm salt water. I feel better if I brush my gums as much as my teeth. I am a retired nursing professor and nursing Gerontologist.
@83vbond Год назад
I grew up in a culture (India) where flossing isn't common and got introduced with other Western things in the late 90s (India opened its economy to the West in the 90s). Flossing created a gap between my teeth where earlier there had been none. I stopped doing it. Some of the gaps filled up, between the incisors they didn't, and fruit fibres get stuck there where earlier they did not use to. Neem is respected in India for teeth (and as a general antiseptic), but neem oil is too strong. The usual practice is to eat a few neem leaves (they are extremely bitter, so I assume have alkaline pH), or rinse the mouth with boiled neem-leaf water, or brush it with a green neem twig/thin branch. Clove is not used everyday, only in case of swollen gums. Listerine is horrible. It kills good bacteria along with the bad, and regular use makes the mouth unhealthy because our junk-food diet habits are not natural and don't easily allow the good flora to return. Then you need Listerine just to keep out all bacteria, the good with the bad. There was a study in Britain (now there might be several), that found a link between regular Listerine use and oral cancer. One month after this study got published, there were full page ads of Listerine in Indian newspapers. They were shifting stocks to where people didn't know about the damaging effects. Oil pulling with most vegetable oils (mustard, or coconut, or sesame/gingelly) is very useful. The simple way is to take a capful of oil (just enough to rinse the mouth with, leave enough air to easily move it around and keep it inside for a few minutes), put a gram or two of pink salt in it (white salt is acidic coz of the Iodine) and swish it around your mouth for a few minutes. Later spit it out and use a smooth tongue scraper. There is an Indian herbal toothpaste called Vicco Vajradanti (literally that which makes teeth as hard as diamonds) which is very good. Can be found in Indian shops in most countries. Useful for maintaining oral health, along with commonsense routines like not letting sugar, starch, or acid stay stuck on your teeth after eating anything with them. All this helped me stay cavity free till the age of 35 or so. Then I got cavities, ironically, because of cough lozenges, that I had to often use because of the extreme pollution in Delhi lol. Can't have it all :D Hope this helps someone. God bless. EDIT: what is described above is only reflective of north Indian culture, where Neem grows abundantly in the hot and dry climate. Other regions of India would have their own rituals and remedies. There are hundreds of subcultures
@ab78001 Год назад
That's scary about long term use of Listerine causing oral cancer. Dr. Phillips says Listerine does not kill the good bacteria, only the bad ones. As it says on the container, it kills 99% of the cavity and gingivitis causing bacteria, which I take to mean that it only kills the bad bacteria, not the good. Also Doctor Phillips has been using Listerine for 40 years, as have been many of her family members and patients, and none of them have oral cancer. So I'm not sure what to make of it. Maybe the difference is that when Listerine is used as part of her total mouth care regimen, it's not the last step. The Listerine is only used to rinse out the toothpaste, and then the ACT anti-cavity mouthwash is immediately taken in, which washes out the Listerine and also raises the pH of the mouth back up. I imagine that if people simply used Listerine on its own, which is very acidic, then they would leave their mouth in a very acidic state, and that could definitely cause cancer after years of use.
@rkcannon 11 месяцев назад
I read that the bacteria in mouth convert the nitrates in food to Nitric oxide which is a vasodilator and healthy for blood vessels. Mouthwash kills those bacteria. Her approach is basically to keep the mouth sterilized.
@Alina-ws6ob 11 месяцев назад
😮‍💨 I tried that Vicco toothpaste years ago and it ended up chipping the top enamel of my front teeth. It’s too harsh.
@sadzb4609 11 месяцев назад
Can u guide me plzzz i hv same prob now i do oil pulling cocnut one after dpi g brush at night it will work?
@rayartcraftvlogs7732 9 месяцев назад
well Said bro from South part of India almost every thing is same we do oil pulling no flossing tounge cleaners neem leaves+ neem sticks
@myonedayhops 7 месяцев назад
Wow, thanks! 🙏🏼 Who else was told they needed to get a filling because the gums were too low? But I'm surprised about waterpick. 😮 I intuitively knew that flossing might damage gums, that's why I use waterpick 🤔
@heatherhall3452 6 месяцев назад
I’ve never heard of a water pick
@zoric2009 9 месяцев назад
This makes a LOT of sense. Every dentist in the last 5 years has said I need a soft or ultra soft brush for my receding gums and basically be so gentle that I barely brush my bottom teeth. I’m going to get a proper tooth brush and massage my gums, because this makes a lot of sense.
@dr.elliephillips 9 месяцев назад
DrEllie.com. Check out my links for toothbrushes - MOUTHWATCHERS is a great brand.
@kmccarthy3760 9 месяцев назад
My dentist said to me I brush my teeth with a hard brush so got to get soft one .Thankyou
@Eryss_Official 8 месяцев назад
@@dr.elliephillipsI love their toothbrushes! I buy the “junior” version because I have a smaller mouth and it’s great for brushing my Invisalign too.
@anonymousinternetuser6870 8 месяцев назад
brush with your less dominate hand and you won't end up brushing hard
@basementriffs 10 месяцев назад
I was using a soft toothbrush for many years. In my 40's my gums were receding to the point where my dentist was getting concerned and warned of all the issues should it continue to get worse. The only thing I changed in my dental routine was my toothbrush. I switched from soft to extra soft and now in my late 40's my dentist has told me that my gums have noticeably grown back and look healthier. I just can't agree with your advice to not use a soft toothbrush. If I had continued using a soft toothbrush rather than the extra soft I am using now, I can only imagine that my gum recession would continued to the point of becoming a serious issue.
@katiekay4516 7 месяцев назад
I had the exact same experience. My parents bought me a regular medium brush abs I found it tore apart my gumline. Not ONCE as a child did a single dentist ever suggest switching my toothbrush. They just kept asking me if I flossed which I didn't because my teeth were overcrowded and everytime I tried to push and squeeze the floss to the gumline it would "jerk past the tightest part between the teeth then cut deep into the gum and bleed. It was the worst advice to me. As an adult I accidentally bought a soft bristle brush and it completely changed my oral health for the better! No more receding gums. No more bleeding gums. The best change. So yeah I struggle to agree with the advice regarding a hard bristled toothbrush
@debraalbinson4774 6 месяцев назад
She said medium bristles not hard.
@t0psh0tta 6 месяцев назад
@@katiekay4516you should try to hug one side of the tooth when the floss drops below the contact point between two teeth so you don't end up cutting the triangular-shaped gum in the space. This person is a 'functional dentist' which is a made-up title for someone who no longer holds a license to practice.
@nadiac6042 20 дней назад
@CarbageMan Год назад
I went keto and the dentist doesn't have anything to do anymore. There's no way in hell I stop flossing. I'm not leaving the food between my teeth.
@Berrypancakes229 Год назад
She sell floss on her description. She’s confusing
@ginafromcologne9281 Год назад
Wow really? Good for you! That's interesting and exciting. I am considering going (vegetarian) keto, to see how my body reacts to it.
@ErrorInvalidName Год назад
Kick it up a notch and go full Carnivore it gets better than Keto esp for the gums with all the good fats.
@CarbageMan Год назад
@@ErrorInvalidName I'm basically ketovore, and comfortable where I am, thanks.
@origenjerome8031 Год назад
​@vegasloslunas67 She said stop flossing if you are trying to regrow your gums or you have exposed tooth cement below the enamel because flossing would make it worse. But if your gums are healthy and normal, you can floss, but floss gently.
@user-so3xj7yq9j 6 месяцев назад
Please send show pictures and measurements of gums growing back. This would be nice to see the difference. Thanks
@kimfroman2023 5 месяцев назад
You can't post pictures in comments
@GhostyMIA 5 месяцев назад
@ErnieHeyek Год назад
What great information! I had very sensitive teeth for a quite a few years. I tried everything to get the pain to go away, all the toothpastes that claim to get rid of the sensitivities only worked temporarily. When I stopped using flouride toothpaste.... my sensitivity went away!! Interesting.... so now, we refuse flouride at the dentist, dont use any products with fluoride and my teeth feel great!! Now, to follow your advice and regrow parts of my gum line!!!
@NuSafari 10 месяцев назад
Was desperate when I came across this video 2 months ago. A few of my teeth would zing with everything. Went out that night and purchased exactly what you recommended. Faithfully following your regimen for two months. Seems to be working. I definitely have less sensitivity. Thank you
@StratMatt777 10 месяцев назад
Please do not stop flossing if you want to keep those teeth.
@kw_awards 9 месяцев назад
@@StratMatt777 No flossing needed, just chew Xylitol gum.
@gitimakouee5937 9 месяцев назад
@rosalindung4620 9 месяцев назад
@jeansullivan3626 9 месяцев назад
xylitol is poison for dogs. @@kw_awards
@heavenknows4857 Год назад
Floss never damaged my gums. When I did not floss enough , I got cavities between my teeth. What damaged my gums was the little brush that is used to clean between the teeth. I used them about a week, and notice the gums on the side of my mouth had receded. They have receded a lot and I can see cavities between my teeth. I have not used those brushes again, but my gums had not grown back!
@Arek.Arkadiusz Год назад
Correlation doesn't mean the causation. Gums don't just magically start to receed in a week. They needed to be already damaged by something else.
@heavenknows4857 Год назад
I mean the gums that are between the teeth. After using the little brushes between my teeth, my gums seem to have shrunk. I think the bristles damaged my gums because my they were ok before that. Nothing else happened that would cause my gums to do that.
@LauraSommer Год назад
I have noticed this too from the interdental brushes!
@cleopatrademers2395 Год назад
What kind of little brush did you use?
@scemat Год назад
I highly doubt what you are describing is gum recession, or even if it is that it was caused by interdental brushes within a week of use. It sounds more like that you had inflamed gums and after better cleaning the inflammation went down. I'd talk to a dentist if I were you in any case.
@markcocks5295 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this very informative video. As a 69 year old with receding gums, I will now experiment with what you have suggested here.
@HunterShows Год назад
I went through a phase of scrubbing my teeth with a brush hard along the gum line. And I concluded that that had done terrible damage to my gums and made them recede. My reaction was to never use a toothbrush again... now I only use electric brushes and keep the pressure moderate. The gum line still needs cleaning, but more than power scrubbing it needs angles and a little time.
@shukos Год назад
Thank you! This was so helpful. I’ve been using your system for almost 2 years and have seen real improvement in my dental health. I feel so lucky to have stumbled on to your Tiktok way back then.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
That is so great and thank you for your feedback. I love to hear success stories - and do you know my first success story was helping my own mother avoid full mouth extractions when she was 45 years old? I was in dental school - and this was the start of my long career helping people enjoy improved oral health by using at-home methods. My Mom kept her teeth for the rest of her life - till she was 95 years old - and she never had another gum problem ever :) I'm glad you are on board with this system. I have enjoyed it personally now for 50 years and never had a single dental issue in all those years. Once again, congratulations - and let's keep in touch.🥰
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
@@girlofthewest964 I try and respond to everyone - at least I try. I dedicate as many hours every day as I can to help people - everywhere. I have been known to teach in bus lines, on airplanes, and even in grocery stores - for free. I have never done any of this teaching that began in 1970 for product sales - and I do not feature Hello floss links to Amazon as a way to make $$. I have the link to help people find a decent kind of floss if they are searching for some. As mentioned, in my previous reply, I suggest floss as a tool to disengage a stuck piece of food from time to time, but NOT as a way to improve your oral health. After 50 years as a DDS dedicated to successfully helping people avoid unnecessary dental treatments and enjoy decades of oral health - I am confident about who I am, and how much I care to help the world. You can believe me or not, but I really am not selling floss. (I'm not even sure that anyone has ever clicked on this link to the Hello floss :)
@juliestreet8688 Год назад
@hannahmitchell87 Год назад
​@dr.elliephillips how do you clean between teeth without floss?
@hannahmitchell87 Год назад
@@len2262 thanks for taking the time to reply
@topsuperseven7910 Год назад
All i know is that every time I went to the dentist and they maxed out the allowable work permitted by whatever my work insurance was I'd get haughty warnings that it was actually my fault since I wasn't flossing enough. The more I flossed the more my gums receded. I stopped flossing and they'd come back. I'd start flossing and they'd go back up. Then I just stopped flossing entirely and my gums are back to where they were 25 years ago.
@hollymerchant9550 Год назад
Yep, my dentists caused quite a few problems as well!..
@Noname-oo9gn Год назад
Mine too 😢
@teslinjoe5938 Год назад
Same. They had me on a three month cleaning schedule. One of many things over the years that I've now learned were harmful, not to mention the guilt I always felt for not flossing enough.
@hollymerchant9550 Год назад
@@teslinjoe5938 Oh boy 😳, that's so true!...
@hollymerchant9550 Год назад
@@teslinjoe5938 same here
@MultiStats 7 месяцев назад
A lot of the glowing comments seem fake: Gosh, Dr. Ellie! I wouldn't have teeth if you had not come into my life! How can I ever repay you for your greatness?
@barbara6058 7 месяцев назад
I agree!
@december1008 7 месяцев назад
Dr. Ellie's system works. My gums have actually regenerated. The glowing comments are real. If you don't believe them, that's your choice. I've told many friends and acquaintances about Dr. Ellie's mouthcare system. I'll continue to spread the word because her system has literally saved my life. I'm eternally grateful. Thank you Dr. Ellie. ❤
@rogerwalker2224 7 месяцев назад
@@TedNemeth They may be fake, who knows, but to your point about the handles - youtube made me convert from my email to my actual name and it added the 4 numbers just fyi
@TedNemeth 7 месяцев назад
Ahhh interesting. I learned something. Thank you. That coincidence looked odd to me all in one place like that. @@rogerwalker2224
@truthseeker6377 7 месяцев назад
@@TedNemeth unless you have your own channel (meaning you produce content), you are usually just going with the suggested user name. For example, I wanted "Truth Seeker", but of course that was already taken, so I just went with 4 numbers added. Who cares is what I figured, because this is only an account I use for viewing and commenting.
@JA-jm8bk 8 месяцев назад
Never flossed & had horrible gum inflammation. Started flossing - no more gum disease! Please cite the research studies to support your claims.
@nanasarpong1762 Год назад
The RU-vid algorithm has come to bless your work, Dr. Ellie 🙂
@raymondsiewert2720 Год назад
One of the most important and easiest things to do if you cannot brush or floss after eating and drinking is to flush your mouth several times with water to remove food particles between the teeth and neutralize the pH in your mouth. If you have bone loss, a water pik is a must . The pockets are deep and water at pressure pulsating will move away the gum and float out trapped food . Rinsing after everything you eat or drink is the key.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
I caution about waterpik use, because people with periodontal pathogens have experienced negative health consequences from power washing infected pockets. My Complete Mouth Care System addresses the periodontal pockets without any pressure - to avoid pushing pathogens into the blood. The other problem we have encountered with the waterpik is that with constant use, the periodontal pockets never heal. The periodontal fibers that velcro the pocket against the tooth appear to be broken by the pressure, and healing is disrupted. This is why I recommend a massage technique with a resilient brush to get this healing mechanism in action. Do you find that you can get complete resolution of pockets with the strategies you teach? I expect complete pocket resolution within 12 weeks and we also measure periodontal pathogens and they normalize in this time period, also - without any use of antibiotics etc.
@safinasliving Год назад
​@dr.elliephillips what about Flossing?
@c3N3q Год назад
@@safinasliving The doctor says it multiple times in the video, that she does NOT recommend flossing, it's also written on the whiteboard... ☹️
@marcelaortiz4931 Год назад
​@@c3N3qshe said don't floss if you have recession, I don't understand why people got so mad, I guess they didn't see the whole video. She is clearly talking about only when you have recession. And that if you have to do it, do it gently and that makes sense because I've seen people being very aggressive with their gums when flossing
@juli1358 9 месяцев назад
Waterpik saved my gums and teeth.
@tara7550 Год назад
I have been brushing with caster oil and coconut oil and then massage my teeth after wards with a little bit of caster oil on my finger for lubrication. Then I mouth rinse with water with a little bit of celtic salt. Oil pulls out the bits between your teeth and neutralizes bacteria in the mouth. Mouth wash just cleans it all up - only need a few granules of celtic salt as it is a living salt. - works a charm, mouth feels great, not cavities and no gum infections due to low bacteria account. Flossing if fine I have found for back teeth after eating meat or things that get stuck but I get my mouth out with caster oil before doing so to reduce the bacteria loading around my teeth so as not to drive it into the lower gum line. I think really its about the PH level of your mouth and the bacteria loading that is a big thing. Caster oil pulling is great but it will lift any filling you have as its very effective at penetrating and dissolving the bonding fillings have against a tooth so be careful. Wheatgrass has also been very effective in regeneration of the teeth and gums. Xylitol is a sweetener substitute and has been know to have an effect of your health so research this before diving in.
@4tun8nanette Год назад
How do you 'ues/take' wheatgrass to regenerate?
@tara7550 Год назад
@@4tun8nanette you do the equivalent of oil pulling but with wheatgrass for about 5 minutes after cleaning your teeth at night. The rich nutrients will help your body rebuild. YT Awesome Andrea talks about how he self heal recessive gums. great listen. The other thing is there is a book called Holistic Dental Care by Nadine Artemis. Great book. Got it of Amazon. Recommend
@SleeplessinOC Год назад
Do you use wheatgrass too or are you just saying you read somewhere that it’s beneficial?
@gregpargetter3260 9 месяцев назад
I tried your system but dumbed it down to just brushing my teeth and gums with an electric tooth brush and occasionally using the mouth wash rinse. It has been about three months now and I have had fantastic results. My chin has stopped tingling and my teeth are not sensitive. My gums have grown up my teeth and look and feel very healthy. A big thank you for your advice.
@shrougha 9 месяцев назад
What mouth wash rinse did you use?
@gregpargetter3260 9 месяцев назад
@@shrougha I used Listerine Cool Mint as you recommended.
@peterlagoe1105 8 месяцев назад
@kelliwagener3300 7 месяцев назад
Please use caution using an electric toothbrush. I brushed too hard and too much (4x daily) and it’s ruining my gums. One is collapsed and I have to now get a gum graft.
@nicolexia9976 7 месяцев назад
@@kelliwagener3300yesss!! i literally ruined ONE of my tooth gums so bad… even worse it’s my front left upper tooth and i’m 18 :| i’ve noticed my left side is a lot thinner and worn down due to harsh brushing. i’ve done some research and it’s been said it’s better to brush with non dominant hand and go soft in small circles and at an angle
@beulahacreshomestead1927 Год назад
Thanks for telling us this. I've had "bad" teeth all my life and I've been told it's my fault. I'm learning from you a better way.
@mikezylstra7514 Год назад
I believe in "bad teeth." I was born with them, and now > 70 years, despite spending half of my life in a dentist's chair, my teeth are literally falling out, the restorations are falling out, and my incisors (never a problem) are now spalling. It's dentures for me - just want the best made set I can get. 70 years of your own teeth is gonna be hard to match.
@mawasaki8911 7 месяцев назад
WOW. This lady is giving very false information. I am a dental hygienist at a holistic dental office. Flossing is 100% necessary and beneficial. I know everyone wants to hear that they don’t need to floss, but it’s simply not true. My patients who regularly floss have extremely healthy mouths and gums while the patients who do not floss experience heavy bleeding, calculus (aka tartar), inflammation of gums, deep and swollen periodontal pockets. It’s just insane to me that she is peddling this blatantly false info that is going to harm people who listen to it. Please consider listening to other sources before you follow her advice- she is clearly trying to profit off of her “system”. She’s a scammer. God bless everyone reading this with discernment of the truth. ❤
@dr.elliephillips 7 месяцев назад
You may be unaware of the lack of science about flossing, plus the possibility of pushing bacteria into the blood and the end result of over-flossing - which is gum recession. Correct brushing is of course necessary and also the use of xylitol to eliminate plaque. My book Mouth Care Comes Clean would help you understand the new science of the oral microbiome.
@skittydreamsd4766 7 месяцев назад
@@dr.elliephillipsSo where is your science? Your peer reviewed journals, articles, clinical studies, etc? Where is the meta analysis on your science? There is absolutely no credible evidence on your end. Also, bacteria naturally makes its way into the bloodstream whether we floss or not because the mouth is literally an open portal into the body. What you have just said has absolutely no grounds whatsoever.
@Sorraiamustang Год назад
I know 2 people who used Listerine religiously for Years and both got mouth cancer . To many nasty chemicals in Listerine for me .
@Dandelion_flight Год назад
Oh my gosh... that's no good.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
I never recommend Listerine use alone - only as a part of my specific system. This is actually because Listerine is acidic and can also dry the mouth - which has the potential to negate its benefits. If you have no experience of my system of care, then you may not know that you rinse the Listerine off with ACT afterward. Also, Listerine has a number of different formulations - I only recommend two original formulations - which are different from all the rest. I agree with you about the Listerine Whitening formulation This was developed twenty years ago - and I knew that it had cancer causing ingredients. I write about this in my book Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye,. I called the Scientific Chair of the American Dental Association to ask how they could allow this Whitening Listerine on the grocery store shelves. He told me that it had been classified as a "cosmetic" and that it could not be controlled. Any use of peroxide in the mouth is potentially carcinogenic to the skin cells - particularly if you have any oral disease, or if you have taken antibiotics that strips away the mouth-skin (mucosa) protection from your mouth. We need to ring the alarm bell - not about Listerine but about all whitening products and peroxide use for oral care. There have been many studies to show this risk. Here is a recent one: bmcoralhealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12903-018-0694-0
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
@@Dandelion_flight Drinking too much water can kill you :) It's all about context. Listerine may not taste great - and I have no financial interest in Listerine (obviously) -but I will defend the two original formulations that were excellent and can help people heal their gums and preserve their teeth - when they are used appropriately. I only recommend the Cool Mint and the Original formulations. I never recommend any of the newer formulations - and I warn against the whitening and no-alcohol ones - because of their ingredients. I also make Listerine a center part of my Complete Mouth Care System - so it is washed off your teeth within 30 seconds by the ACT rinse. Here is a link to more information about the system I recommend, if you are interested : drellie.com/
@Cicelyize Год назад
Listerine contains alcohol which is a known carcinogen. Regular alcohol drinkers increase their risk of getting digestive tube cancer including oral, and I’d say that is the mechanism for carcinogenicity in Listerine if this was the culprit.
@sianradford237 Год назад
It also kills the frienly bacteria in your mouth that is part of the digestive juices needed to begin the digestion of food.
@dvsingh 9 месяцев назад
Few things are really opposite to what dentists advised to me. I dont know how true this video is
@JaneSmith0709 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, I'm skeptical too.
@december1008 7 месяцев назад
Her system works incredibly well.
@xmeygan 6 месяцев назад
@@december1008 What "system" are you referring to? Please elaborate
@Robnord1 2 месяца назад
@@xmeygan Congratulations. 🥇 Your "what system" comment is the absolutely most ignorant and entitled commentary I've encountered in the 6 months of reading comments so far in 2024. Bravo! What system 🤣🤣
@juliantreidiii Год назад
I had receding gums caused by allergies and medications , but they have improved a lot in two months by oil pulling with coconut or olive oil, using turmeric brushing with an extra soft brush and switching to Ayurveda and TCM for my health. My health has gotten much better too.
@dr.elliephillips 11 месяцев назад
I am glad this is working for you at this point. I'm not here to change everyone to use my system - just inform people that it is a pretty full proof way to get rid of cavities and gum disease and avoid the need for unnecessary dental treatments.
@creativefactoryltd5580 9 месяцев назад
AYurveda & TCM are 100% Effective Protect Blue Planet Keep it Green
@oliverreiter4658 9 месяцев назад
the best way to go for a healthy life is to look at what you eat and drink, and Ayurveda is a real health system without any toxics.
@jasonjennings8465 9 месяцев назад
No you didnt....
@jasonjennings8465 9 месяцев назад
@@dr.elliephillips You're just here to lie and misinform people is all. Stop practicing pseudoscience.
@kekria7398 3 месяца назад
i went to the dentist with sensitive areas at the gumline, they gouged my gum to put a filling and the filled in part is extremely sensitive now. so, i'm going to hold off on any more of their suggestions for now because i can't wait to see how much you system can help me instead of all the painful stuff the other guys want to do haha. i'm so happy to have come across your video. i can't thank you enough for letting people know there is hope and other options.
@SenorNavel Год назад
Floss gently. Never stop flossing.
@Ellieskitchen Год назад
@honkymonkey9568 Год назад
People who don't floss have bad breath.
@ljl8764 Год назад
I don't floss, I use a Water Pik. My dentist commented that my gums improved. The depth decreased. I read an article years ago that flossing is not effective.
@SenorNavel Год назад
@@ljl8764 water flossing? I'll look into that. As for the article, most articles say flossing is required and better than just brushing alone. I've never had an issue flossing.
@jamesbrown99991 Год назад
Flossing definitely reduces cavities between teeth. Just do it regularly, and your gums get used to it.
@xray606 Год назад
I had a few fillings when I was young, but that's about it. At about 40 I went to my usual Dentist. She said everything looked fine and then introduced me to the guy who was taking over her practice. He looked at me as well and agreed I looked good. I came back just 8 months later and he claimed I needed 3 fillings done. This was a bit unbelievable, to say the least. I went to another Dentist and he said he saw a couple tiny things that needed to be watched, but nothing needed to be done. He said the other guy probably had big student loans to pay off. My trust in professionals was pretty much destroyed. I've accidentally done a lot of things right my whole life. I've never drank coffee or sodas. But since that incident, I started brushing after each meal, trying to massage gums. I started rinsing with the smaller size ACT mouth wash that has the higher fluoride, twice a day. I stopped drinking citrus. I've not flossed much, but that's from being lazy. lol So far I have been OK. According to that one Dentist, numerous teeth should have fallen out by now, because he said I needed those fillings 15 years ago. I'm now going to try the xylitol.
@SilverSunPublishing Год назад
The last time I went to a dentist, he said I needed 5 root canals, teeth pulled and cavities filled. He was young, too -- probably wanted to pay down his loans. I never went back. (The charge would have been over 5K. )
@arobertpetersen Год назад
Vitamin D3/K2 (plenty of both) daily has enabled my gums to almost completely regrow and cover the grooves I developed (as described in the video) since my 40s. Also, I stopped using any fluoride toothpastes and use a depression era formula of salt/soda my parents had us use as kids (big family/tight budget). The only grooves that haven't yet healed are over my upper incisors, but I'm optimistic it will happen; a previous dentist had thought to put fillings in those (which soon fell out). Haven't had a cavity in a couple decades now.... 10K IUs of D3 & 290 mcg K2 - I am fairly certain this is the solution. My teeth even feel stronger with this protocol. Acidity? Our bodies are buffering machines. We take in acidic/basic foods, our body reacts to buffer that to body pH. Just drink lots of water, lose the sodas and minimize your sugar intake - that's another key point. Flossing? I've been flossing since I was 17 and just joined the service. Hasn't had any detrimental affect yet; I believe it actually stimulates your gums. If they bleed when you floss - there's your indication you have inflammation and need to be extra vigilant in cleaning all the food from your mouth. The waterpik is also a big help in this regard - but not essential. I've cared for my teeth for 70 years now and still have all the originals - with a few additional caps on the molars. Take care of those chompers and they'll serve you well. Brush at least 2x daily, floss at least once. Scrape that tongue too....
@user-zr6pl6nb6z Год назад
10,000 IU of D3 a day?
@arobertpetersen Год назад
@@user-zr6pl6nb6z yup, been taking that 6x weekly since 2018 or 2019 (I don't take supplements on Sundays). But in that time, my gums have regrown, my bones have gotten stronger and my CAC score has gone down. Your mileage may vary since we're all different.
@Jason.Olson.Flosses Год назад
This 👏👏👏👏👏
@silverhranch Год назад
Agreed! She has some good points, but in my opinion regrowing gum or bone tissue is more about balanced or adequate levels of nutrients. There is a great nutrient toothpaste called Eucellus I use that has done wonders for my mouth! Has Vitamin K2 & D3 that you speak of too!
@TrinaGallo Год назад
😮IMPRESSIVE! That kind of gum recession& decay like completely reversed? Are you an anomaly or does this work? I’m totally ready to find out. I learned a lot from the vid, but I’d rather follow your regimen than not floss or drink water all the time. Thank you for sharing your experience! 😁
@DeathByFashion1 Месяц назад
I just got back from the dentist. He told me my brushing was damaging my gum and that it will not regrow. He told me manual brushes are dangerous and that my teeth will get loose and fall if I continue to grind in my sleep and offered me a $500 guard. I have one tooth with receding gum. Dr Ellie thank you for sharing your knowledge.
@bikinggal1 9 месяцев назад
Dentists and vets don't tell us this because it cuts into their money! Thanks for helping people! Using coconut oil to massage your gums with your fingers daily is also important!!
@jeanleigh185 9 месяцев назад
Vets are the worst
@FrostekFerenczy 9 месяцев назад
You should support socialised medicine then, since it removes that possibility.
@lindakrief Год назад
I always used a hard bristled toothbrush and had gum recession. My dentist told me to switch to a soft one and I started oil pulling and my gums have improved dramatically.
@niceshopmxmx7161 Год назад
what kind of oil did you use? coconut oil?
@cak7862 Год назад
@@niceshopmxmx7161 research oil pulling with CASTOR OIL!
@oneofakind5668 Год назад
What is oil pulling? I use coconut oil to swish and rub on gums and will brush with it to.
@paulgeorge9228 Год назад
@@oneofakind5668 thts oil pulling lol
@oneofakind5668 Год назад
@@paulgeorge9228 Oh, lol Thanks
@davidsyrus3157 Год назад
I can't believe I am hearing a dentist talk against flossing! Also, I rinse my mouth with peroxide, diluted by 50% which killed an infection and keeps my mouth healthy. Along with brushing and massaging my gums. I brush for about 10 min.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
Thanks so much for your comment and sharing what you have found useful. I do not disagree that there are ways to remove plaque but dealing with infection is not the same as avoiding problems in the first place. Antibiotics can also get rid of an infection, and floss can remove infected matter from between teeth - I totally agree - but why not get your mouth cleaner - so there is no plaque?. My message is that there is an easier way to do this - preventively. What you basically do is gently nurture healthy bacteria to push away plaque. This will make your mouth so healthy - and then you won't need to fight an impossible, ongoing battle with plaque. Xylitol is an amazing tool that is not utilized in the US. It is time for people to access this product - so they can preserve their teeth and enjoy ultimate oral health for life. Who wants cavities, oral infections and gum disease? I encourage you to explore xylitol - and also my Complete Mouth Care System - which is an amazing way to care for your teeth and enhance the benefits of xylitol. Here is a link to my website where you can download a booklet and learn more if you would like to: drellie.com/ Thanks again for commenting :)
@DanygenieHair Год назад
I will try this and leave feedback in about 16 weeks
@bizd3957 8 месяцев назад
Finally a dentist that KNOWS and cares about its patients
@halodave 7 месяцев назад
Nothing she stated in this video is accurate or evidence based. As a dentist for almost 15 years, she uses half truths to make erroneous points.
@KarenHerzog-vw1xp 7 месяцев назад
i believe you have to brush your teeth and floss. @@halodave
@pelicanexpress 7 месяцев назад
@@halodave You are full of it. You probably haven't done a single bit of research since the dinosaur ages. If you really are a dentist, you must be running low on patients. If you really believe what you are saying, show us your evidence of inaccuracy and half truths. I can tell you that I just started Dr. Ellie's daily routine for teeth and gums and I notice that plaque is no longer building up around my teeth as it has in the past. No one can tell us there is nothing to her recommendations when we experience the evidence of success.
@ivankrushensky 7 месяцев назад
Is she actually a dentist? I would be surprised if she is considering her depiction of the roots she has drawn.
@skittydreamsd4766 7 месяцев назад
No she’s just getting people to buy her book and products.
@larryrizzo736 Год назад
Would you be kind enough to show us some before and after photographs of your system repairing gum recession?
@sprocadoodledoo Год назад
You won't see any before and after photos because this just doesn't work - you can't grow back the gums - sooo much disinformation in this video
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
@@veneersdoc Oh but I will and I will also show you some Oral DNA results at the end of 12 weeks. Im on vacation for a bit - but check back in a month or two and I will show you these. You could also look at my interview with Corky Willhite DDS - a cosmetic dentist who is now a complete believer......
@terryseldon7446 Год назад
​@@dr.elliephillipscheckmate doc😮😊
@zninz5368 Год назад
That’s doc, such a great teacher, my dentist for five years has never examined my mouth completely, never x rayed, he just worked on the fillings. I had to go to a different dentist because mine was busy. The other dentist said I have severe gum recession stop brushing with whitening paste and start on simple non abrasive paste, salt water gargle and stop flossing. It’s kinda too late now the recession is quite bad but at least I know. Thanks for the information
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
I am sorry that you have had to endure dental problems. But, believe me, it is never ever too late. Never. My other was 45 and told to have all her teeth extracted - she was also told it was too late. I helped her with my Complete Mouth Care System and she died 50 YEARS LATER with the same teeth in her mouth and little to no dentistry in between. My book Mouth Care Comes Clean is dedicated to her. Maybe read the testimonials for Mouth Care Comes Clean on Amazon so you can learn about my strategies. They are different, but they work. I'm glad your new dentist told you to stop flossing - this is #1 to regrow your gums. Xylitol will help feed the good bacteria in your mouth if you can stop eating or drinking anything - even water - between meals. Your own saliva can increase the healing of your gums - but you have to let it interact with them - undiluted - between meals. That is a key. Take pictures every month as you begin to do these new things - so you know you are not dreaming! I hope this is helpful to you! Be encouraged. You may like to explore my oral health bootcamp if you decide to try my system of care as you will read the stories of people who have already walked this walk. Here is a link to my website if you are interested: drellie.com/
@hildatorres2498 Год назад
@TennisLover1967 9 месяцев назад
Some valid points. Some points seem very counterintuitive and against what I have experienced. Flossing has really helped my gums. I don't floss aggressively - I make sure to just go down to the gum level and not lower. It can be done without injuring the gum line. How does it make sense that brushing with a "not soft" toothbrush will massage your gums, but flossing will damage it? Wouldn't your knee wound be damaged by brushing also like flossing if we were to use that analogy? I do feel a commercial bias in the video - seems like she wants to sell her products.
@womanbread 6 месяцев назад
Yes...I am confused and conflicted, regarding this video. She insists that we should NOT floss. That we should NOT use a soft toothbrush. That we should NOT get our teeth cleaned at the dentist's office. It doesn't make much sense to me.
@idread3523 7 месяцев назад
Man. Idk. I never flossed and it showed. Now that I do floss regularly, gums have improved 10 fold
@beltoftruth56 2 месяца назад
Yeah why wouldn't you want to floss and get the food out between your teeth
@renahere1885 Год назад
Oil pulling, Himalayan sea salt rinse, etc....I like very fine/soft proxy brush rather than flossing. Xylitol, I'm familiar with, but didn't think as a "treatment".
@hamradiohef Год назад
Thank you for being so honest. I ordered the full kit and will report back after a few months. Thanks for hope!
@ducklingwarrior Год назад
How is it going after a few weeks using the tooth kit?
@VladTheImpalerTepesIII 10 месяцев назад
Good goy. Buy, buy, buy.
@PianoMyHeart 5 месяцев назад
how are you doing? any changes?
@mamabear9389 Год назад
You don’t want to pop the floss down and hit the gums, however I don’t know how gentle flossing hurts. I have some crowded teeth and need floss in those areas. BTW I am 68 and have super healthy teeth and gums. However, I also eat a zero carb diet which to me is key to healthy teeth. Also, I just brush my teeth with plain water.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
That’s great! Happy you have it all figured out for success 😁👍
@helengren9349 Год назад
You can use salt on Your thoothbrush as well.. According to Taoist.. 👍
@mamabear9389 Год назад
@helengren9349 I just use water and seems to be working fine.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
@@helengren9349 That would not be my recommendation and I believe it is dangerous to follow that idea. Salt is abrasive and studies have found that salt can cause dentin wear - leading to grooves in the sides of your teeth. There are no dental benefits to using salt on your toothbrush - only risks Here is a link to one study done recently to show that salt was the most abrasive of several toothpastes researched: www.researchgate.net/publication/345038678_Dentin_Abrasivity_and_Cleaning_Efficacy_of_NovelAlternative_Toothpastes
@Dandelion_flight Год назад
How many years have you been brushing your teeth with water alone?
@LucaDofus 7 месяцев назад
Seems to me liked she's focused on selling her products and going against what all other dentists have ever recommended to me so far. To the point that she gets contradictory: hard brush over soft brush to 'stimulate the blood vessels' but then no flossing cause 'why would you floss a wound'. I wouldn't use a hard brush on a wound either. I think this video can do more harm than good.
@reginamarques5954 7 месяцев назад
I agree with you. She is contradictory, to say the least! I have been a dentist for 30 years. A lot of people do not like flossing and she is using it to get people to watch it and believe her. What a joke!
@froyokid 7 месяцев назад
Exactly! I thought I was tripping 🤦🏾‍♀️
@skittydreamsd4766 7 месяцев назад
Exactly! And dentists are supposed to do no harm. She’s doing the opposite!
@CC-it3df Год назад
Wow, you just negated everything every dentist has told me over the years. I am starting your system today.
@InAHandBasket Год назад
Same here. I was convinced to get a filling on my recessed gum and I did one side only. Also, told to use a very soft toothbrush and brush only downward, never up. I was told it was because I brushed too vigorously and wore away the enamel.
@countrygal3688 Год назад
@@InAHandBasket Same here, straight from my dentist's mouth!
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
@@InAHandBasket Yes, this is the way DDS are trained to look at all the damage in the mouth. They also do not believe gum recession is reversible, and the irony is that if you use a super-soft brush you will not get your gums to heal: quite the opposite. It's very frustrating for you - and be prepared that it will be equally frustrating after you heal your gums - because I'll bet now that your dentist will not be at all excited or surprised, but will simply think you are some kind of anomaly. Just enjoy being an anomaly :) and send me a message!
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
@@countrygal3688 You may want to return with healed gums and not say a word :)
@countrygal3688 Год назад
@@dr.elliephillips I kind of did that with my keto diet I started 5 years ago. Drs around here don't believe in it, say it is dangerous, etc. I fixed my problems without their prescriptons.
@ScarlettDuchess Год назад
I had bad decay between my teeth from not flossing. Once I found that out I flossed every day. That was over 30 years ago. I have no receding gums from flossing daily. Surprising how much food is caught between your teeth!
@RobbeyT1 Год назад
I use a water jet flosser, I find that much better since I can also add anything to it, I could switch to xylitol
@NoName-cz5mg Год назад
@@RobbeyT1 is it effective?is it harsh or its not harsh bro in ur opinion?can it cause gums to bleed aswell?
@r.i.pyoutube6881 Год назад
tell em stop the misinformation
@skh5580 Год назад
She said u need to gentle when flossing. I have to flossing to get the food out.
@RobbeyT1 Год назад
@@NoName-cz5mg No it doesn't cause the gums to bleed. I have occasional abscesses and dentists always say to extract the tooth. Much to their disgust I refuse their decision and add a solution of Listerine and warm water. Yes it can be painful if you have something like an abscess, but you need to get the solution right under the gum. Never had a bleed before though. I have a Panasonic DentalCare EW1211W with three pressure settings, an amazing thing to have. Not tried xylitol though.
@mikeparker444 Год назад
Interesting. I see a few things I could incorporate. I've been experimenting with microneedling and massage with coconut oil. There have been a few studies on microneedling to treat gingivitis and pigmentation, with modest success, but not gum regeneration specifically. In principle it could work considering successes in other applications. My technique. Using a suitable microneedling tool (I'll probably end up making one as none are ideal), press on the gums and pull gently towards the teeth. I have tried with 0.5mm but the needles don't grip the gum enough. I'll try 1mm next. Its not as uncomfortable as you might think and heals fully in about 4 days. My thinking behind the approach is: 1. Micro sized wounds trigger healing process. 2. Increase blood flow to support growth. 3. Coconut oil is alkaline, anti-bacterial and anti-inflamatory. Also fermented coconut oil was found to promote angiogenesis in a study, so virgin coconut oil probably does the same. All of this makes it ideal for this application. 4. Increase protein intake. I realised recently I've never eaten enough protein, which I suspect may be a factor in gum recession. Interestingly I have a fraternal twin brother who has far more muscle than me and thicker gums. I eat little in the way of fruit and sugar. Rarely have fizzy drinks, and no sugar in tea + coffee. However the western diet has far too much carbohydrate, which of course breaks down into sugar, some of which may happen in your mouth. We don't eat nearly enough alkaline veg to neutralise the acidity in our bodies and mouths. I only brush my teeth a few times a week when I feel I need to. Never had major issues with cavities etc, probably because I don't have much sugar. I don't think brushing is the most significant factor in gum recession, as plenty of others have got it brushing twice a day! Diet probably plays a bigger role. Note they've found cavemen with perfect teeth. Too much brushing may also damage the protective biofilm you were talking about. I'll watch your other videos later, but I can already see two things to incorporate into my approach: 1. Xylitol - I've never been one for chewing gum, but PUR 100% Xylitol Chewing Gum looks like a simple way of neutralising acid and promoting oral health. The chewing action may also promote improved blood flow in the gums. 2. Less acidic food - Eating less carbs and more veg in the last meal of the day is a good idea anyway, but from this perspective eating more alkaline foods (or atleast less acidic) will leave you with a lower ph in your mouth before you go to sleep.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
Thank you for such a detailed comment. i like the way you think ! I agree with lots of your ideas - and I think microneedling is a new idea and potential with great benefit for treatment of gum recession in the dental office. I'm on board with this idea - although I have no experience whatsoever with this procedure. The key is to view the problem as one where we need to enroll the body to naturally repair the wound. First the infection must go away - no wound will heal while an infection is multiplying. Then it is about calling stem cells from the inside of blood vessels to create new vasculature and bring "ingredients" as necessary for healing to the wound area. I achieve this with gum massage using a resilient toothbrush - but this is where I agree with you that microneedling may be an option for this process. Of course, diet and nutrition play into wound healing. The one thing I caution - is that we tested and found coconut oil can damage the good as well as bad oral bacteria. I do not recommend coconut oil. Your own saliva is the best healing liquid - supersaturated with all the minerals and immune cells we need for tooth and gum healing. We just need to give our saliva more time - undiluted - to react with our mouth tissues. This is why its is necessary to stop eating and drinking - complete fasting - between meals. Even water will dilute saliva and inactivate this process. This is why my strategy is small amounts of xylitol ( like Zellies) at the end of meals (look for mints that do not have glycerin, as glycerin can potentially inactivate the healing process). Saliva is stimulated saliva by the hygroscopic pull of xylitol. It is NOT saliva generated by chewing that heals - in fact saliva generated by chewing is more digestive in nature and more watery. I do not suggest chewing - just let xylitol mints create the flow. if you prefer gum - then ideally stop chewing after 15 minutes max - or you will generate a different kind of saliva - potentially less healing. I hope this adds to your repertoire of ideas - they are all very cool..... Thanks again for taking the time to message me!
@darlenehansen6866 8 месяцев назад
Thank you Dr. Ellie for sharing this information with all of us. I am implementing this plan today.
@dr.elliephillips 6 месяцев назад
Be sure to use one of the Mouthwatchers toothbrushes that I recommend - as you need to do a really good job brushing - for this to work well. a.co/d/6noTfIN
@grancifa2815 3 месяца назад
Hii mam ,I am having gumes recession , and having a crown .. I'm really frustrated I have stopped eating scared to eat ... depressed pls help me pls reply.oil pulling really works?
@Noname-vu1om 3 месяца назад
Any update Darlene?
@AwakenedSoul101 Год назад
My personal experience so far, oil pulling first thing in the am with Unrefined Coconut oil, brushing with coconut oil and baking soda mixture, and rinsing with peroxide and aloe Vera juice has worked very well. Stopped using the big toothpaste brands and the tooth sensitivity completely went away.
@ghostmourn Год назад
I had some issues and also did the Oil pulling at night (My mouth was dry and gross, at the time i was using those ZYN nicotine pouches.) and I had fantastic results. That made my mouth feel so wonderful.
@jamkpa 11 месяцев назад
Same here, but without the baking soda or peroxide.
@vigilantvoice9778 Год назад
My teeth are in good shape, however, my gums are receding. I’ve always attributed the recession to abrasive brushing. I also have dealt with acid reflux for many years, and take medication for it daily. Then I watch this video, and learn all the things I’ve been doing to keep my oral health good, has possibly done more harm than good. That’s a real head scratcher!
@luker.6555 Год назад
Yeah, but how tf do we know who to believe 😅 This one dentist that says perform abrasive brushing or every other dentist that says use soft brushes?? Sometimes the mainstream medical opinion is wrong but sometimes so is the random quack's with a dissenting opinion. It's genuinely hard for us laypeople to know which horse to back hey.
@sarahaziz3158 3 месяца назад
I kind of tried the circle motion and changing to soft brush i could say my bottom gum kind a grew a bit .eventhough i tried the canine teeth with the same motion the gum didnt grow there tho
@Monkeybongoes Год назад
Conflicting advice about dental care is making my head spin. Flossing, toothpaste, deep cleaning, cloves, oil pulling, waterpik, baking soda, hydrogen pyroxide, flouride...all said to be beneficial and harmful. Only xylitol seems to have no critics. Peelu as well (gum and tooth powder).
@johndorney3269 Год назад
Monkey: oil of oregano either straight or with a little water, Kills everything, bacteria, fungus, many viruses. The best is oreganol p73 by North American herb and spice, it's pretty costly but worth it. Burns like hell when used straight
@angel_existential Год назад
I had my hands grabbing my face in absolute frustration. I just had a cleaning a few weeks ago. My dentist swears by peroxide with brushing. I refuse to stop flossing. My teeth are very close together there is no other way of getting the food bits out.
@dr.elliephillips Год назад
@@angel_existential We all have choices. I usually ask, who is most like me and whose advice is working? If you follow advice and in a month you see improvements - then you may want to continue. If you do not, then change things up and try something else. I am a woman and focus a lot on the difference between the oral health of men and women. Women have different mouth chemistry - and this is why a man may recommend peroxide or baking soda - and it is not a problem. Women can experience sensitivity and recession. Dental education is still decades out of date - and there's nothing I can do to change that. You will have to make your own decisions. Maybe my book Mouth Care Comes Clean would be helpful to you - it's on Amazon and has a lot of recent testimonials. Here is a link to this book on Amazon if you are interested to learn more: www.amazon.com/dp/1632990946?linkCode=ssc&tag=onamzelliephi-20&creativeASIN=1632990946&asc_item-id=amzn1.ideas.CKPWBCOLLJB6&ref_=aip_sf_list_spv_ofs_mixed_d_asin
@Berrypancakes229 Год назад
@@angel_existential she saids don’t floss, but she sells it. Listerine drys my mouth. Crest toothpaste has bad ingredients . I use organic. Peroxide diluted with water I use instead of listerine. My gums are getting healthier. I floss also.
@tara7550 Год назад
@@Berrypancakes229 Listerine has alcohol as part of its composition hence the burn sensation I suspect. My mum used it for ever and has no teeth now. But she brushed and cleaned religiously. Me on the other hand Himalayan salt mouth rinse and brush with caster oil. so far so good. Any thing with alcohol is bound to cause problems. I wonder if she is sponsored by Listerine as it has taken over the market as a mouth wash option.
@MiniFilms96 8 месяцев назад
My teeth were fine up until about two years ago, i brush often, but I started using crest whitening, drinking red bull pretty much every day but sipping on it all day to not give myself a heart attack and then rinsing my mouth with water throughout the day to try to counteract the red bull also snacking on cookies and ampm pastries during each break to survive the work day. Fast forward to today tooth health is night and day worse I lost 2 teeth recently both probably started at the root here like she is talking about on the video. Im realizing now I was literally doing the worst thing possible, keeping a constant flow of sugar in my mouth and never giving my teeth a chance to regrow the outside layer. Im in the process of getting root canals done nothing can be done there but am gunna make some big life changes to try to do better for myself. Changing my meal times to 2 big meals a day with no snacking or sipping, no more sugar or Red Bulls, and getting everything on your Amazon list haha. Today is day one of your system, thanks in advance, thanks for the knowledge! Wish I learned this stuff sooner.
@SandyCheeks63564 Год назад
When I was a kid, a neighbor told me to brush my gums, and I have ever since. I Did mess up my teeth with constant snacking, acidic foods, etc., but my dentists/hygienists always noted (surprised) that my gums were not receding at all.
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