
How to Seek First the Kingdom of God AND His Righteousness 

Intact In Christ
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6 окт 2024




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@stevengorum5476 7 лет назад
this should go in the Guinness World Book of Records for the most important piece of information ever given to mankind
@ariadnabarajas2276 2 года назад
I’m so great full for the value you put unto the word of God , He is not speaking out of his own self but just read the word and that showed power and comes to life Read your entire Bible
@princess7787 5 лет назад
Many years ago, when I was approximately 17 or 18 years old. I was sitting quietly in the family den alone. Suddenly, I heard a male voice fill the room. The voice said “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and it’s Righteousness and all these things shall be added to you” OMG , by right, I should have went screaming and running down the hall. Strangely, I sit there, looking around and then I slowly left the room. I was not in Christ at the time. Fast forwarding, years past and one night a light in the form of a perfect cross appeared on my door in the dark. Now, that caused me to tremble. The words “Praise the Lord” was pulled (literally) from my lips/mouth. I had never heard that phrase and was not living fully in Christ. Months later I witnessed a miracle, chased after the Lord and received the infilling of His Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in Hebraic tongues. I have been saved, delivered and discipled in the Messiah Jesus - Yahushua for 24 years and His Word is true. EVERYTHING, both spiritually and physically has been added to me. Truly, His Word does not return to Him void but prospers where He sends it!!!!
@rsar61 5 лет назад
I'm a new follower of christ, this is my testimony I suffered a massive stroke 3years ago my stroke las ted for 5hours before I was able to receive medical treatment, the almighty gave this wretch grace and spared this sinners life, I will have a radical healing testimony to share soon, for , I have claimed the promise of a 1,000 foldblessing according to deuteronmy 1:11 His promise cannot fall to ground, I look forward to sharing my healing testimony I’m only waiting for my decree to be established according to job ‪22:28‬ I declare and decree my wait is over I’m next in line for a miracle, blessed be the name of Jesus , his mighty name will be glorified through my healing testimony , may my testimony bring faith to others that are facing I’m tankful for this trial thank Your u father for allowing it to happen, I decree , I decree Isaiah 53:5 , &isiah 43:1, and isaiah61 it’s I declare that this is my harvest search son please stand in agreement I declare that a kairos month is in my horizon amen and amen I was born 5 weeks premature the doctors didn’t think I was going to make it so the chaplain asked my parents if he could baptize me,from what I can gather 5 represents GODS grace and favor; hosanna!! Man says that I have permanent brain damage I declare in the mighty name of Jesus that my brain is completely restored by the 39 stripes of kingJesus hosanna! there is a supernatural breakthrough on my pathway it’s at my doorstep i receive complete Devine restoration through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ please come into agreement my brothers and sisters I decree and declare in Christ Jesus complete supernatural complete Devine cell regeneration from head to toe I was 39 when I suffered my stroke glory to GOD please come into agreement my brothers and sisters GOD bless all Matthew 18:19 King James Version (KJV) 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. I decree and declare a sudden supernatural breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus thank you for standing in agreement GOD bless thank you for standing in agreement GOD bless all I decree and declare my dry season is over, I decree and declare that all Of GODs Promises and prophetic words spoken over me will come to pass, thank you for coming into agreement I decree and declare that every promise that GOD has spoken over me and that every prophetic word he has spoken over me will come to pass thank you for standing in agreement GOD bless all of you you My sprit man perceives he is doing a new thing!! Thank you Lord!! ! Isaiah 43:19 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland Ezekiel 12:28 Amplified Bible (AMP) 28 Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “None of My words will be delayed any longer. Whatever word I speak will be fulfilled completely,”’” says the Lord God. Jeremiah 40:4 King James Version (KJV) 4 And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains which were upon thine hand. If it seem good unto thee to come with me into Babylon, come; and I will look well unto thee: but if it seem ill unto thee to come with me into Babylon, forbear: behold, all the land is before thee: whither it seemeth good and convenient for thee to go, thither go. Let your kingdom come lord let your will be done on earth as in heaven in all areas of my life, Genesis 50:20 King James Version (KJV) 20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Let your kingdom come ABBA, your will be done on earth as in heaven in all areas of my lifeDeuteronomy 30:3 English Standard Version (ESV) 3 then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have mercy on you, and he will gather you again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered you, I'm believing GOD has restored everything that I've lost 1000fold
@Shrink18 4 года назад
Awe Princess he was relentlessly seeking you ❤ now it's your turn.. and mine as well
@tshirt2009 4 года назад
Ryan A I stand with you in agreement brother. That you be healed and that Gods will be done in your life but be patient he is working on you through this time. Let patience have its perfect work... James 1:4
@rsar61 4 года назад
@@tshirt2009 thank you I'm very grateful, how may I pray for you?
@breegalvan4641 4 года назад
HALLELUJAH!!!! Love this! Glory be to God!
@christianparfyparry9357 5 лет назад
I believe that you are helping me.There is much that I don't understand about God.I fell back into smoking dope and drinking and I know this is not of God.If you or anyone reading this can,please pray for me that I would stay sober and seek God always.
@itsjustrenee1320 5 лет назад
Weed is a chain of darkness that enslaves people who do not like to retain God in their thoughts. Do what he ia telling you here. Seek God first, like each morning, and everyday before anything else you ever do and you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh. God must always be your first priority before everything else. There is no good thing that dwells in our flesh and God doesn't tolerate half-heartedness. If you don't feel like it, then tell Him, but seek Him first anyway. It's not about feelings anyway. This is about the saving of your soul for eternity and it often doesn't feel good. When it does feel good nothing can compare to it but that is not why we seek Him. We seek Him for Himself and because it is His will that we do so.
@christianparfyparry9357 5 лет назад
@@itsjustrenee1320 Thank you Renee .I agree with you and haven't touched pot for over 2years.I haven't had a drink for about 1&a half months.I just pray my repentance is true
@itsjustrenee1320 5 лет назад
@@christianparfyparry9357 The big book of AA states "what we have is a daily reprieve based on our spiritual condition". (paraphrased from memory). One day at a time, seek ye first the Kingdom of God & His righteousness, then all these things will be added unto you. If you put God and His Kingdom first daily sobriety will be added unto you, a free gift,, not of your own works or power or even will. He does it and amazes our souls. We can't touch our own spirits. Only the work of the Holy Spirit can work there. When we turn to Him, His Spirit can do the work in us that we can't even understand. I'm so glad to hear a positive report from you. God loves a positive report.
@PozyWorldTV 8 лет назад
You've helped point my life back to Christ. Forever grateful for your diligence and consistency I've been in the word as much as I can --- Your videos helped inspire that I was far off the way , God bless you Josh Coen!
@IntactInChrist 8 лет назад
+PozyWorldTV Wow that's amazing! all glory to God of course & Its great to hear the Lord brought you back. I'm glad my videos can be a blessing as well. It's awesome how the Lord works, God bless you as well in Jesus name!
@jasongriffin4965 7 лет назад
Josh you have a good message 'but" I would really love to see you seek the Lord and do this again in the knowledge that you have some points incorrect, what you have in your hand is 'not' The Word of God, Jesus is, you have a book of scripture in your hand which is "not" equal to The Word of God who is Jesus. The bible is not where you find righteousness or the kingdom, Jesus is, the bible is simply a tool he teaches through - Rev 19:13 And "He" was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His name is called "The Word of God'. Remember the new testament wasn't even written when Paul spoke of the gospel. Let me explain, if what you have in your hand is the Word of God then John 1 would be read like this - In the beginning was the bible, and the bible was with God, and the bible was God. 2 The bible was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by the bible; and without the bible was not any thing made that was made. 4 In the bible was life; and the life was the light of men. But when you remember "only" Jesus is The Word of God it reads like this - John 1 In the beginning was the word (Jesus), and the Word (Jesus) was with God, and the Word (Jesus) was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. It is small re-focus in thinking and if you seek to do this again from this focus I think you will get a much deeper revelation and that I would love to hear also. When Paul tells you to seek righteousness, kingdom of God etc he refers to the gospel which reveals The Word of God. When you realize referring to scripture as The Word of God is actually an insult you start to get a different view of things and you seek happiness in Jesus not the bible, the creator of the tool not the tool. Don't forget Paul did not have the new testament as it had not been written down yet and he was in the process of writing much of Acts and he had no idea his letters would become scripture to us. He learned directly from The Word of God - Jesus, Paul did not have Mark, Matthew, John or Luke to learn what Jesus had said and done nor had he spoken to any of the apostles as he did not go to Peter until he had been teaching for 3 years of Jesus and then he only spent 15 days with him and James and did not return to them for another 14 years. I am not saying don't read the bible by the way :-) . God Bless Hope that made sense to you. Also read the book of Enoch that book will open your eyes big time and you will quickly realize it was written well before both new and old testaments and spans our time in detail not in the bible Jesus even quotes it as scripture and Enoch states it is written for us in this time. Sorry for the book I have just written lol.
@jasongriffin4965 7 лет назад
TheFIGHTINGSHINOBIxZ HD - No it actually means "laugh out loud" to those who started it in txt speak because it cost so much to txt back then so we shortened things to save money, but I'm sure satanists would use it both ways. :-) Ok so on to the important stuff, 20+ years ago I became a Christian and for about 5+ years I was walking a long way away from Jesus (but still knew he was there just a call away if I needed him). I was having some bad times too and frankly I was very angry with him and didn't want to talk with him much. I even went back to my old self for quite some time until not that long ago, when I came running back because I came very close to stuffing up my life and all I had spent the last 20 years working for. My advice is to Love your mum as best you can no matter what or where she is in her walk at the moment (sometimes that will be hard but something that helps me is I remember how much Father puts up with from me and he still loves me which makes it easier to love others when you want to kick them). Pray for her whenever you feel the need or when you feel the Holy spirit is leading you to. Ask the Lord to give you understanding of what is going on for your mum as she faces issues day to day week to week. Ask to see into her heart as He does and this will help you know what to pray. Father will only show you what you are strong enough to bear but some of the things he may show you might be very personal to her. If he shows you personal things about your mum to pray about it is because he trusts you with that information. If he does, ask him what he wants you to do about it, IE, talk to her or keep it to you and pray about it with out her knowing. Do not talk to her about her issues unless you feel the Holy Spirit is leading you too and if so he will give you what to say as you speak it if you ask him to. Do talk to her about how you feel about what is happening deep down because she needs to know and you need to get it out. If you don't have that sort of relationship with your mum find someone you trust and tell them how you feel. The most important thing of all is ask the Holy Spirit to tell you if what I have said here is right for you and from him because you know your mum and your relationship with her far better than anyone else. If anything I have given advice about does not seem to be right for you 'do not' take my advice in that area, ignore it. In all things ask the Holy Spirit to confirm what is spoken to you about your situation. We live in a spiritual world and a flesh world and it is the spirit that Satan attacks and if your mum was doing good things for Jesus she will come under attack by witch's, satanists and Wolves in the church so in a way she has been cursed. When witch's pray they send spirits to attack a person's health, family relationships, money, possessions, congregations, church programs etc. Most Christian's don't understand that when Paul said "Put on the whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" that he meant fallen angles and demons are real and we fight against them and the people who work with them. When you pray for your mum stand straight and strong as though you were in the spirit in heaven standing before Jesus and Father with the Holy Spirit standing at your side. Why? Because you are whenever you pray. You are a child of the most high God and carry with you the authority of Jesus himself as he carried our Fathers authority when he was here. Age does not matter, when you ask for things that are in Fathers will Jesus sets in motion the heavenly things to make it happen. While your mum is hurting her spiritual state is in your hands just like if she was sick and needed you to cook and clean for her. her healing is between her and Father and they will work it out in their own time all you need to do is pray and support when you can but dont forget you still need to have your own time and life. Help her like her spirit is sick, pray for her heart to be healed, pray for her to come back to the Lord, when you do that, you are standing in the gap for her with Father when she can not. A Warning - when you bind in Jesus name on earth and in heaven it is done when it is in his will but if it is not you can cause greater damage its a bit like poking a hornets/wasps nest they get angry and they attack you so don't do it no binding demons. You can loose things over her and for her such as blessings and good things into her life like wholeness of mind and spirit, peace of heart and mind and all the blessing of the spirit. Be prepared that it may take weeks, months or years for her to find her way back. Ask Father to set his angels guard over her, pray a hedge of protection around her and pray her Armour of God on for her and don't forget to pray yours on to protect yourself. Praying on your Armour is simply bringing to your mind to be truthful (belt of truth), have faith in Jesus (shield of faith), remember your salvation (helmet of salvation), etc so praying it on for your mum gives him opportunities to remind her through your faith. I hope that helps. Just remember your mums problems are her problems not yours while we can pray for others problems they must carry them themselves. You have your own problems to deal with as a growing teenager separate from your mums.
@chuckmil4593 6 лет назад
Slave To Righteousness I believe that you should pray to God asking Him what you should do and ask Him to speak through you to your mother and have faith that He will answer your prayers
@chuckmil4593 6 лет назад
Jason Griffin you are right on John 1:1 but also Word means words that are spoken(a statement or subject of discussion)and since the Bible is words that God gave others to write, then the Bible is in fact the "spoken word"
@preciousstoryward8708 6 лет назад
God brought me here.. And to think I thought this sermon did not look good? Glad I give it a go. This verse about seeking the Kingdom of God been in my mind all week.. Like God is trying to tell me something as I find myself in despair over some relationship problems with my family. I tried to reach out and asked forgiveness but their silent has eaten me up alive. Now after listening to this sermon. My goal is to Seek the Kingdom meaning leave all my problems and worries I leave into God's hands knowing everything will work out according to Christ will and desire. Such refreshing sermon for this cast down soul. Thanks and God bless you🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️
@nealhanlen1362 2 года назад
I seek Jesus and to be with God.
@dhhhdd4099 6 лет назад
It's so nice to see people around my age faithful and knowledgeable of God. Thank you for this video 8)
@chris_2208 5 месяцев назад
Thank you. One of the most straight to the point preachings I have ever heard. May this be a blessing to me and to many other people!
@traceydumase Год назад
So much scripture! I love how you justified the word of God WITH the word of God. Beautifully done! Holy Spirit continue to teach me and help me practically apply these principles to my every day life in the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen🙏🏾❤️
@math1121 Год назад
It’s not by performance, it is through us being in Christ, keeping our eyes on Him, and being covered in His righteousness and grace, that gives us His life, that causes us to desire to be more like Him. Being loved 🥰 by the Father and having a heart revelation of His love for us, is a game changer as we are no longer under the law, but under grace. Rom. 8:2
@idomalion6167 6 лет назад
May God bless you GREATLY Josh Coen, you have made me understand, THE SCRIPTURE, I was born again but on the wrong path, many Christians were telling me seek first the kingdom off God but none explained its process properly. I start anew today taking my baby steps.
@rejoechaggy9122 3 года назад
The word has jus changed my life thank u jesus. Thank you josh coen may God continue using you
@carmenslife5878 5 лет назад
amen...thanks for this message... what i have understood about this is, to seek HIS kingdom first is to totally rely on HIM in everything... totally govern by God... to think right and live right in His sight...
@janicereese5224 7 лет назад
Beautiful! While in my challenging situation I am seeking not a way out of this rejection, but looking again to God's salvation first through deeper faith in Jesus, again receiving His righteousness, not any self righteousness works. I find my mind or thoughts shifts 180. Always Praying, with focus on seeking first to be included, His adopted, receiving eternal life in His Kingdom. Now I have obtained, while still in my challenge, from His kingdom a powerful peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, and I am strengthen in my situation to go on, all the more with my mind on His higher thoughts. Praise God Almighty!!
@augustinesaakuur-karbo4020 Год назад
Great kingdom teachings, keep the Kingdom message alive for the salvation of the Lost souls
@juan0real 6 лет назад
Thank you brother for helping understand gods will. I'm trying to be a sponge and absorb as much as I can but I know in gods time he will let me understand all this. Bless you brother
@sherryhayhurst3027 5 лет назад
After much torment whether I had fallen from grace & was a lost soul....I had a huge smile come across my face at the scripture that said....'those who hunger & thirst for righteousness will be filled"....TY little Brother & mighty soul winner of YAHUAH!
@ThePowerOfFaithNetwork 5 лет назад
The word is alive and active. This is the truth that will set humanity free from worldly wisdom
@yeshuaislord2334 7 лет назад
You are a child of God I ask God to reveal me the truth and knowledge the Holy Spirit brought me across you thank you God bless you
@tera1333 7 лет назад
Joanne Thornton how did you get the holy spirit
@changenow6002 5 лет назад
tera call out to Jesus and he will answer you.. Jesus says if you being evil know how to give good things to your children how much more will you Heavenly Father send you his Holy Spirit if you ask
@Qtr2h8 3 года назад
Currently TRYING to shed my worldly skin, so I can have a Greater relationship with my CREATOR and HIS Kingdom so I can serve..
@anneofhearts 8 лет назад
Seek only to seek Him!!! I love this scripture : I have ambition to have No Ambitions....
@AshleySolae 5 лет назад
anne harb amen
@nano.joe.4851 8 лет назад
Yes!!!!! Great video, brother! Not a lot of people on RU-vid are preaching about holiness and righteousness. Here's a very good verse about sinning after you've been saved and why you should NOT sin anymore... Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins.
@IntactInChrist 8 лет назад
+nano. joe. Definitely a great scripture, I remember using that one time and I got swarmed by easy believism hereticks who were trying to write it off as it was only for jews and that its not for christians etc etc. Crazy how people will do anything to avoid certain scriptures these days. All scripture is profitable for instruction in righteousness! God bless brother
@gldesmarais9356 8 лет назад
+nano. joe. - Jesus has already paid for our sins with His precious blood on the cross. Jesus paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay. We are told to simply “BELIEVE.” 1st Corinthians 1:21, “For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” We don't hear enough preaching and teaching today about the GIFT OF GOD!!! Jesus has already paid our sin-debt in full with His shed blood, sprinkled on the heavenly Mercy Seat (Hebrews 9:12, 24; 12:24). 1st Peter 1:18-19, “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.”
@nano.joe.4851 8 лет назад
***** So what about Hebrews 10:26 then? For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
@jasont5427 7 лет назад
gldesmarias9356 - To believe IN means to believe in Christ character and FOLLOW Him. "You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror." James 2:19. "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God." 1 John 3:6-9
@lacyhorton890 6 лет назад
nano. joe. Some of the very best preachers are found on RU-vid. Pastor Charles lawson, Kent Hovind, Frances Chan, and there is one more and he is amazing, I really wish I could think of his name. But please look them up as well. Paul washer is the other ones name. God bless you.
@journeytogodskingdom6080 3 года назад
I applaud your message about the kingdom of God. Let’s encourage one another to learn of it and grow his kingdom.
@creativeworx3466 Год назад
Awesome breakdown, thank you Jesus for this man and your message! God bless you!
@angelpratt8446 7 лет назад
Jesus Christ thanks for your blood, because of your blood he has the change in his life and gratefully winning souls for u... God bless you
@alicehong7809 2 года назад
1. Love ⭐️ 2. Solutions to problems ⭐️ 3. Healing ⭐️ 4. Fame 5. Success ⭐️ 6. Happiness ⭐️ 7. Money 8. Answers 9. Attention 10. Fulfillment ⭐️ 11. Power
@autumnjim8616 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video. Incredibly informative and so far the best contextual video over this verse. May God bless you ♥️
@dididisun 6 лет назад
Just found out one of my church leaders are NOT born again at all, seeking attention from women at church. Such a heart breaking thing.... Truth always prevails.... God cannot be mocked. I am scarred what will happen to him, keep luring women at church.... I am so scared.
@marchetabonds8409 7 лет назад
Your awesome brother love,love,love your channel please no matter what continue your walk with Christ and never give up praise god thx!
@nancana10 8 лет назад
Very helpful and convicting video
@psalmsreader7997 5 лет назад
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
@theresasarvis2751 2 года назад
1john 3:7-10 when speaking of living a “ sinless life “ after receiving Christ, it doesn’t mean we NEVER sin, it means we do not live a life of continual sin as we did before. We aren’t perfected in this life, but the believers life is no longer characterized by sin but by seeking to do what is right, for if we sin we have an advocate, Jesus Christ, with the father. Christ is our only “ righteousness” that the Father accepts. Christ in us the hope of glory🙏🏼
@MiraclesInUnity 7 лет назад
my dude you are truly a man sent from Jehovah through Jesus who gives His excellent invaluable Holy Spirit!!! Keep teaching the truth like you're doing, you are messing with our adversary that old serpent called the "devil's" kingdom violently!!! Grace and peace to you In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
@tonijanelle4400 6 лет назад
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. God bless!
@janniekelly5703 4 года назад
Excellent Teaching I really enjoyed your teaching.
@ReigningWomban 5 лет назад
This is a great and thorough teaching on these scriptures. Thank you. 🙏🏾🙌🏾
@jcd4ever386 6 лет назад
Hey brother how are you?? Thanks for this video. I've been following Christ for 6 years now and I've always wanted to know exactly how to seek God. I read his word and put Jesus teachings into practice bit sometimes I do wonder if I'm seeking him enough and cannot hear his voice. But there are times I really hear his voice. Thanks for this it is really helping me. If you are on facebook please leave me a message bro so I can get a hold of you. I need to be surrounded by godly men as yourself. Bless you my brother.
@NoogaJack Год назад
i hope you see this and know we appreciate and thank you brother 🙏 please keep making videos 🙏❤️🙏
@Ogilvy51warriors Год назад
Bro if you can, you should come back to youtube. Even if it's short videos. Your experience and understanding of the word is amazing man. Thanks for this!
@cameronashton6987 4 года назад
I love how deep in God's word you are. Need more like that.
@baylott6879 7 лет назад
You're a true blessing
@randelee3442 3 года назад
If we seek God first He WILL take care of our needs. Want to know if you seek God first? Take the test. Grab paper and pen. Write down how much time you watch tv, internet, phone, work, hobbies, dating, etc... Now write down how much time you pray, study the bible, have Christian fellowship, feed the hungry, bless the poor, etc... There's your answer.
@mercysibanda2665 Год назад
God bless you my brother ......God answered my prayer ....Amen
@terriali645 7 лет назад
Thank you, God bless you for all you do.
@nidia8518 7 лет назад
Thank you for an awesome study. God bless
@lenaluthje5809 5 лет назад
Your teaching really helps me, to search God more than ever before. God bless you very much for that😊🌹
@Buzzrock-g6p 5 месяцев назад
All glory to our god our father 🙏 lets go brother
@DiscipleJohn1 7 лет назад
Thank you brother for this great message
@conthree 7 лет назад
Please also teach forgiveness of sin and repentance.
@brunoayala2644 2 года назад
The Creator knows how you felt when you typed it. Repent, read the scriptures and pray. Commune with Him.
@CChartier1 5 лет назад
Words of Wisdom, praise God through his son Jesus Christ. No man has the Father except though his son and unless we partake of his son, we labor in vain. Unless God the house the laborers labor in vain. The temple or House of God now dwells in the hearts of men. Cleanse your heart and seek God and he will build your "House".
@AprileB 4 года назад
I absolutely loved the way you broke this down! This is a format that I will use. I never thought to look up the relating scriptures to the words. This video not only taught me how to see the kingdom of Hod but how to study the words I need a teacher with knowledge as you!
@andseraf8544 5 лет назад
Get back in harmony with Gods creation , eat whole food, stop eating fake foods , give back to nature (composting) , look into herbs like the father says in the beginning .. Walk in nature daily and take care of it , turn off tv and games that pull you away from creation and dwell in it .. Go within Luke 17:20-21 KJV [20] And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: [21] Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
@lorajackson1253 7 лет назад
@josephpowers7155 7 лет назад
Love the Father in heaven as best we know how... love one another as if every man was a brother and every woman is a sister... living by loving with love... that's what I've chewed out of King Jesus teachings// Praise God for He is risen and He loved us first
@livealifefulfilled 2 года назад
Thank you for this message!
@dove4108 2 года назад
Thank you for your discussion of the most important truths Jesus is telling us!
@backtoedencafe9406 6 лет назад
I am going to study the kingdom of God. SEEK what? What's KINGDOM? God? What's up RIGHTEOUSNESS?
@angelpratt8446 7 лет назад
u are bless brother and u are making a good used of your blessings
@toms5050 Год назад
Pre- school understanding about the Gospel.
@mechellflores4680 4 года назад
You know I've always been a believer but man how I've been so wrong about things. I know now what it truly means and I know I am forgiven but I also know I need to obey and read the context and my heart needs to grasp and do what Jesus word says. The guilt to s overwhelming but it thank God that he can forgive me and help me to live in his righteousness not my filthiness...... I ask for prayer that the holy ghost forgive me and lead me to true salvation...... This video showed me things I honestly didn't pay attention to...... Thank you for the video. I appreciate that.
@a.kamileon 2 года назад
This video was so on point, it helped me in my study of this topic. Thank you so much man, I hope you are well, and may God's peace and blessings be upon you!
@135larry Год назад
amen, brother. Yeshua be Praised. Amen.
@tracibell7625 7 лет назад
Thank you Josh, a well taught message.
@servantedvin4085 4 года назад
Heavy Teaching 🙏🏾
@1234DadMom 6 лет назад
Thank you so much this has been a great big help to me God bless Amen, hungry for more 😉💞👍
@lesilagrace825 4 года назад
THANKS, great teaching, it greatly helped me, so simple and clear to follow.
@madelinebeason9990 5 лет назад
2019 Son how you teach is a Great Bless Blessing and the way you teach very patience so many Mom will love to see God Fellows in young Fellows keep up God worm in the Lord .🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@stephaniestafford2573 4 года назад
I love this guys teaching so much! I love you this guy teaching for me as I am in a place where i was muzzled and jailed for my faith. I had death threats and murder attempts for my words of faith. I would pass this torch of fire of the Holy Spirit to shine in this sick world. You are so amazing! You must have had a very faithful prayer over you in your life. Yes you did. Keep up your good works. God approves of your messages over 1000 cup runneth over. Is being addicted to the word of god a sin? In this world yes. So we are not of this world. We are born of the spirit of god Christ. You have inherited the kingdom of God.
@jaedagr8t565 4 года назад
Here in 2020 and this was a big help for me, trying to become a more knowledgeable Christian and learn new things and how to approach life as a servant of GOD.
@hdavidh81 3 года назад
Thank you Brother. Exactly what we need every morning when we wake up.
@testaccount9446 6 лет назад
RIGHTNESS, BRUH...Great teaching. The Kingdom (The Father's "System") is EVERYWHERE in the cosmos and the scripture. Ps 91:1 & Ps 27:4 constitute the Key of David, one who understood The System.
@amourseya4300 4 года назад
Thanks you , I am trying to build faith and this video helped me.may the God of Abraham bless you
@onyiboemmanuel6060 3 года назад
God bless you, May the Lord strengthen us. Amen
@ChosenDeeDee 2 года назад
So good 🙏🏾 thank you, Jesus!
@cleanings1 7 лет назад
ive done EVERYTHING possible to find GOD . I have found that it is impossible , I have prayed, cryed out read my bible, repented , everything. and I am exhausted, spiritually exhausted, if there is a god , he doesn't know who I am . Christians will tell you that he loves you , but I don't hear anything from him, if hes real then he needs to show me hes real for me, so tired of Christians saying hes real, and then theres nothing , just silence, I know that he doesn't see me at all. just so tired of crying out to him and him just turning his back on me.
@shewitabraham4436 7 лет назад
Shawna Jones No no please don't give up on God but ask Him to give you revelation of His word. God speaks through His word. Read topical bible verses. Read your bible. Through His word we communicate with God
@sarahcathey7161 7 лет назад
Shawna Jones My heart goes out to you. All I can think of... from my experience ....is just try to read the Bible as if He is writing it to you and don't try to hear anything outside the Bible because that just happens on rare and wonderful occasions. If you read the chapters in John 14 15 16 and 17 everyday and try to spend one hour consistently I think you will gradually know that He loves you. There must be a battle going on around you but you need to know you are very precious to God. Thank you for being so honest
@chuckmil4593 6 лет назад
Shawn Jones God knew who you was even way before He ever created you and have you tried seeking His son Jesus first?Because it clearly says in the bible that no man can come to the Father but through Jesus Christ
@andseraf8544 6 лет назад
Shawn Jones Take a hike or dwell in nature , garden , clear your mind go within Matthew 6:33 KJV [33] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Luke 17:20-21 KJV [20] And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: [21] Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. The world distracts us from the true connection to the father and in Mother Nature Like Jesus he dwelled in nature
@juniorpepe8120 6 лет назад
and seraf anywhere with no distractions would work well and im not so sure about the "clearing your mind" paer
@ariadnabarajas2276 2 года назад
I love you Josh ❤️ You and your family are dear to my heart ❤️
@alitziavonsterbinska7901 4 года назад
An important verse to include is Luke 17:20-21 in which Jesus states the Kingdom of God is _within_ you. This makes a huge difference in understanding _where_ the righteousness of God resides and why those who "sin" do not have righteousness. It also helps to clarify & bring substance to the meaning of Proverbs 23:7 " For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
@Bruce-Kent 3 года назад
16:23 The things concerning Christ is referring to the death, burial & resurrection of The Lord Jesus which are the keys to the kingdom.
@Angel-nc3ys 2 года назад
Thank you Man God bless
@math1121 Год назад
It’s through Jesus’ righteousness, through the work of the cross, and Jesus’ shed blood, that we enter into eternity, as by grace we are saved through faith, not of any works, lest anyone should boast, it’s a gift of God. Eph. 2:8 For our righteousness is as filthy rags Isaiah 64:6
@marjoryrainey5761 4 года назад
When I heard this saying of Christ... To me I heard it as him leading us into meditation And rising above finite words and thoughts and go to where God's infinite knowledge is. In Silence. I think it's also called the "Holy of Holys".
@heathheather9805 4 года назад
Young and chasing God! That’s what we need 👌🏽
@judahgirl5153 6 лет назад
Thank you for taking the time and diligence to upload these videos! They are encouraging. I like your diligence, I aspire to be more diligent when reading the word.
@elderchrisperkins 5 лет назад
“The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all” (Psalm 103:19).
@messianicagejudaism 6 лет назад
Good insight about the kingdom of Elohim, Josh! . More importantly, i believe, "His righteousness and Truth " is a must in order to enter the kingdom of the Messiah. I think, The Truth will set believers apart , those who still believe in "lies and deception of doctrines" will defile believers and will fall into the same judgment like the Pharisees' righteousness. We ought to auto examine our hearts and beliefs to cross examine what we have learned and put it to the test for refinement and purification of the heart and spirit. Seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened for you. Revelation 2:15,16, 24
@latashawiller8559 4 года назад
Blessed by your explanation in this video, thank you brother for taking the time to break this down and record this video.👏💞
@Giossworld 3 года назад
Seeing this in 2020 Thankyou!!!!
@chenk2106 5 лет назад
Helpful. Will be reading more into it. Thank you so much
@musicbytoffie 3 года назад
Thank you so much ❤
@mrstinafaiththomas3499 6 лет назад
Praise God
@alejandrogarcia6187 3 года назад
Amén, preach it brother! Thanks a lot.
@wwilliams3278 5 лет назад
TEACH Josh!!!! Praise be to GOD for HIS WORD!!!!
@freemanclaridge6832 2 года назад
@nikkiferrer740 4 года назад
thank you so much for this. God bless you
@natalieharquail4845 4 года назад
You seek the kingdom and feel lost that sure feels good!
@justinmojica7112 4 года назад
I can feel U...R...Holy spirit...N i like it i like it Alot
@ankushhans1365 4 года назад
Praise the lord brother, praise the almighty God
@elderchrisperkins 5 лет назад
The Kingdom of God is a spiritual rule of God over the hearts and lives of those who have been spirtual born again by the Holy Ghost willingly submit to God’s authority. King-Dom. King's domain or King's rule.
@WomanofSubstance 5 лет назад
31:28 can you clarify what you mean by this part? Even after salvation people can fall short, I think the difference is that a born again Christian is no longer willing or happy or yielding to sin. But that wouldn’t mean that if you are still overcoming sin you’re not born of God.
@Rampaigee 4 года назад
I agree. I think the bible is referring to unrepentant sin. As children of God, sin is repulsive to us but even though we do sin, we ask God for forgiveness and make an active effort to turn from it.
@flower18777 Год назад
1 Chronicles 28:9 Jeremiah 29:13 2 Chronicles 15:2 Jeremiah 17:10 James 4:8-11
@Smith14th 8 лет назад
I love you bro.... Matt 24-14
@theresasarvis2751 2 года назад
“Signs following” isn’t always proof of someone following Gods word. I do believe the gifts of the spirit are still available, but many have “ falsified” healing, casting out demons ect.. We are to “ test the spirits to see if they are of God, not blindly believe because one has a title of Christian, Bishop, evangelist, preacher”!
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