
How to STOP Translating and START THINKING in English! 

口语老炮儿马思瑞 Laoma Chris
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A lot of people struggle to think in English. You always translate in your head first before speaking English. So today we're talking about the tips and tricks that I use to train myself in another language!
You might be surprised to know that you can already think in English sometimes! Let's look at the main study methods that I use to train your English brain!
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#learnenglish #thinkinenglish #esl #studytips #englishpronunciation #speakenglish #english #americanspeakingchinese #speakingchinese



10 июн 2020




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@tiujasmine1601 4 года назад
Here I am, making notes for this video 1. Use English to describe things (anything you like, as detailed as possible) 2. Random number exercise use English to say numbers 3. Talk to yourself -Choose a theme Beginner: Casual conversation Advanced: Trending topics -Ask and answer your question Tips 1. No Chinese 2. Don't worry about vocabulary or grammar, use what you know to express 3. Speak 4. Persistence is the KEY If you guys find it helpful don't forget to give me a thumbs up! Thanks!
@derekwong8772 3 года назад
@walkslyricsandmore 2 года назад
Thumb up 👍,big like!
@jasonjiang6542 Год назад
Nice summary
@tonychang3566 4 года назад
I practise my English using the "talking to myself"method too, I do it every night before goin to bed, rewinding what I've done for the day and describe them all in sequence in English. I love it.
@user-zw7ke4vi3k 4 года назад
学习英语思维最好的方法就是看英国美国的精英写的文章,听他们发表的讲话。英语的native speaker经常会觉得外国人没有英语思维,原因是学英语的人太多了!所以在国际交流场合英语变成了一种很水的语言。真正英语达到英美主流社会水平的人很少。大部分限于基本交流。现在学中文的人越来越多,同样的问题也发生在中文身上了。现在不仅仅是中国人不会用英文思维的问题了。而是中国人连中国话都不会说了!我不说从1919年五四运动这100年来中文的全盘西化问题,单单是这最近的十年,尤其是我们90后这一代,因为从小学英语,加上互联网的影响,导致中文严重英语化。举个很简单的例子,这次美国的抗议活动,出现了两个非常重要的口号,一个叫做"I can't breathe!",另一句叫"Black life matters!" 就是这么两句简单的口号,堂堂央视居然翻译成“我无法呼吸!”。十年前的中国人都会说“喘不动气”现在居然连喘不动气都不会说了。还有中国人用了一千多年的成语“人命关天”,央视居然不会用!还翻译成什么“黑人的命也是命”?前一阵子,新冠肺炎爆发期间,各大媒体都在滥用“疫情”这个词,甚至出现了“疫情期间”“疫情结束”这样的说法。一种情况怎么会结束呢?可见现在的媒体工作者都在看些什么东西。整天看NBC CNN,中国的小说一点也不看,脑子早就全盘美国化了。这样下去整个汉语未来五十年内就会全盘美国化,中文将会彻底变成英文的翻译工具。 虽然语言永远都在变化,中文变了几千年,最近一百年变化尤甚。(我刚才这句话中就有大量美国化的说法。比如现代汉语中很多名词化的说法,比如XX化,XX度,XX性,这种说法就是英语的名词化说法。)但是中文全盘美国化并不是什么好事。中国人的语法是不区分什么verb和noun的。而且一般也不说subject。一个字可以当名词用,可以当形容词用,也可以当动词用。或者说动词、名词、形容词的区分在汉语中根本就是强加上去的。我现在觉得除了应该加强唐诗宋词和文言文教育之外,我越发感觉到古白话小说的重要作用了!这里有人知道怎么把text转化成视频吗?就是抖音上那种心灵鸡汤的视频是怎么做的?我想把四大名著、《儒林外史》《金瓶梅》《三言二拍》以及晚晴四大谴责小说都直接转成视频,并且用机器翻译成英文。还有一点就是希望科大讯飞和百度能把这些古白话小说,和中国的古文、诗词全盘翻译成英文,这样机器翻译就不会不伦不类的。应该特别重视古白话小说的语法结构和用词。别再出现“我无法呼吸”“黑人的命也是命”这样奇葩的说法了
@tysonxu 4 года назад
This is awesome - thanks for captioning everything in both English and Chinese. I'm an Australian born Chinese native English speaker trying to learn more Chinese so I can communicate with extended family back in China so I'm finding your videos super helpful! Thanks Chris 谢谢
@LaomaChris 4 года назад
Glad I could help Tyson! Keep it up and hope you’re staying safe!
@CarlosRodriguez-pu6vv 4 года назад
Pon también subtítulos en español muchos te empezamos a seguir porque vimos a un latino hablar perfectamente en chino. Para los que no hablamos inglés mi chino No te entendemos nada.
@MariaGutierrez-ih4sb 4 года назад
Siiiiiiii Por favor!!!
@Joerex916 4 года назад
@天才変態少女 "Boca es el más grande" Is an essential phrase that you must learn in order to master the language. Boca is the best soccer team to have ever existed.
@Stephen-fj5mx 4 года назад
Learning English that will be goog for you.
@Machin4K 4 года назад
Yo solo ajito la cabeza al ver el video. Pero en fin no entendí nada
@Machin4K 4 года назад
@天才変態少女 te enseño, si tú me enseñas a mi.
@heyleralcazar1642 4 года назад
Saludos desde Barranquilla, COLOMBIA 🇨🇴
@jadeo1875 4 года назад
I’m a native English speaker but I’m watching this. I really think it’s interesting learn more about English linguistically. Actually I really like your videos just to learn and listen to chinese and they are really fun too! 加油!
@LaomaChris 4 года назад
Hey Jade thanks! Glad you enjoyed the video!
@user-gc3qi4bc3t 4 года назад
I am a Chinese native speaker,could you exchange language with me?
@heartofteateam2648 4 года назад
@@LaomaChris 老马 我好奇地问下 【您为啥不教外国人中文? 】 啊 不好意思 您就是外国人 lol 我的意思是:为啥不教English Speaker to Chinese? 【已报名您的课/ 期待听力口语有质的飞跃!】
@derekwong8772 3 года назад
Yeah it's important to keep on learning your native language as well. It's a tool to understand more complex concepts. I'm a Chinese native speakers who's struggling to overcome upper intermediate plateau and who is also looking for language partners with intermediate or advanced mandarin skill. If you're interested you could hit me up.
@EnzoLi1231 4 года назад
真的不是开玩笑,Chris说的这些方法真的是我刚出国的时候使用的。刚开始跟老外聊天的时候,我发现自己明明有想说的话,但是却不知道怎么说出口,我回去以后就有注意这方面的锻炼,会一边看电视一边记下角色形容心情、事物的方法,给自己设定一个类似的场景,然后开始默默地给自己设计对白,试着用不同的方法去形容同一件事(虽然有时候等车的时候会被人以为是疯子哈哈哈)六年以后我的雅思口语从5分变成了9分 但是平时也要注意生活素材的积累,生活中发生趣事的时候就要想办法用英语把它形容出来,这样等到有机会聊到这个话题的时候就能派上用场啦!
@ChinesewithXiaolu 4 года назад
Love these tips a lot
@user-nk4xc7mm2v 4 года назад
馬老師...你的油管廣告(提高聽力課程的)點進去只能用微信付費。 這對台灣想參與你課程的學生有點難度.....有PayPal 或啥其他信用卡付費方式嗎?
@DancingShiva788 2 года назад
As a student of Mandarin, I love listening to the flow of your Chinese.
@ongsoohock6635 3 года назад
谢谢马思瑞老师! 吉祥如意!
@BeverlyChanggoogle 4 года назад
Love your tips. They are great for any language acquisition! Ironically I’m working on thinking less in English as I’ve been picking up other foreign languages.
@yankong8290 4 года назад
Good advices! That was how I learned English when I first came to live in the US knowing little English more than 20 years ago. It worked!
@travelling_potato 4 года назад
Your pronunciation of "I'm fine. Thank you. And you?" totally cracked me up. 🤣 Beijinglish 满级!👏👏👏
@LaomaChris 4 года назад
@AdrianaHernandez-lz3hy 4 года назад
Me encanta la fluidez con que hablas en chino. A mi personalmente me sirve un poco para practicar mi inglés con los subtitulos. 👌Saludos 😊
@user-bp4nv9zb8k 4 года назад
@Michelle_T_1052 4 года назад
想問個問題,新課程和之前的發音課程是一樣的嗎? 發音沒問題,只想練習聽力。
@owenguo7788 4 года назад
Nice video Chris! It's indeed very true with regard to many points you've mentioned. I feel quite relatable when trying speaking French but everytime I just think in English first lol les deux langues sont très similaires parfois...
@sillylili1314 4 года назад
Is it weird that I’m Chinese and I want to learn Mandarin from you?
@ahanz5757 4 года назад
Hahaa...i understand...i am a chinese...gosh his chinese is better than mine..embarrassing...hahaa...
@slamdunk406 4 года назад
Chris is one of my go-to guys for studying Chinese! You are not alone!
@lucyandazhousing9926 4 года назад
Laoma crushed my ego, with his Mandarin. Like Laoma, I learned multiple languages and picked up English when I was 20 years old. I have been putting in a deliberate, consistent effort to perfect it. I thought my English was as good as I could get until I run into Laoma's videos. He can speak more languages than me, that's not the problem. But, how can he use Mandarin in such a precise way? That's beyond what I can comprehend. In one of his videos, he demonstrated his fluency in 8 different languages, I happened to know 4 of them... Well, My ego got a big blow that day.
@cstan8330 4 года назад
Tq sir. I wish I can improve my english speaking.
@Flight-ge6wq 8 месяцев назад
@bilingualfolks1729 4 года назад
@danielg6566 3 года назад
As for what you mentioned with the introductions - so many people think there's little value in introductions. But there is tremendous value in them because they are usually the first things we learn in another language and the first thing we can mindlessly repeat. Mindlessly repeat? More like speak fluently. Learn introductions to the point of mindless repetition, and add more variety of words you use. It's the first thing you'll say fluently and you add more and more items to your fluent list in this manner.
@user-ns8so3vf9u 4 года назад
yep,i must say that when i see your video i always know more knowledge and feel comfortable,so make more good videos like this one.
@pabloc7258 4 года назад
La gente esta pidiendo Subtítulos en español, si bien creo que entiendo mas o menos el 90-95% de Inglés, se me hace complicado cuando hablan muy rápido, y eso de pensar en otro idioma es una habilidad que debe practicarse bastante, pero los tips que das definitivamente son útiles. Saludos desde Chile!
@bloodyfluffybunny7411 3 года назад
im a native Dutch speaker and actually learning better English from your Chinese learning English videos isnt the world a funny place btw you almost convinced me to pick up Chinese or mandarin to be precise this year just some saving up to do :)
@hitv6819 Год назад
this video is very helpful for me to learn English , thank you!
@linzihan5861 4 года назад
我是Auditory learner, 小时候英文极差,初中的时候开始看美剧,一开始双语字幕,虽然看的是中文,但是英文单词短语的确有听到脑子里去。到后来一周同时追13,4部美剧,后来嫌字幕组太慢我就直接生肉观看了。可以说我的英语几乎全是看剧学出来的。
@ryeonahoo7119 4 года назад
厉害啊😂 有啥好看的可以推荐推荐吗
@linzihan5861 4 года назад
Ryeona Hoo 生活大爆炸,神盾局特工,绿箭侠这三个是我最开始看的
@linzihan5861 4 года назад
Ryeona Hoo 但是我最喜欢的美剧是西部世界。
@yunni 4 года назад
@V587DWH 4 года назад
Вэньхао: 老马兄弟!你的影片很不错哟! 虽然我最近学的不是英语 但这种思维方式真的很不错,对我有帮助。谢谢你!
@user-rn6vb6nl7d 3 года назад
I Like Your video.That Is very fun.thanks So much.
@xiaoxuanhe5986 4 года назад
@lizhao12345 4 года назад
@peixifff748 4 года назад
@jajupmochi 4 года назад
5:59 这个方法很不错。之前试过但是感觉过几天就失去动力了... 要是录成视频发到网上说不定会有动力, 特别对我这种nerd+showoff.
@xiaohongluo8973 4 года назад
@arnoldk7466 4 года назад
@sofu3113 4 года назад
马思瑞 youtube都是你的广告!支持你!
@chenshi3820 4 года назад
可以请问一下,如何能训练脑子适应随时转换双语沟通或是文字表达能力。 比如如何随时能转换中文还有英文。
@pamelalee8602 4 года назад
I normally imagine a picture or situation when I try to remember a vocabulary. If it’s a noun, I’ll imagine a thing of it or some other things relate to it. If it’s a adjective or verb, I’ll imagine a scene in which some movements are happening or a few impressions, gestures are showing. Likewise, I’ll use my imagination to create a few sentences in order to help myself to remember firmly.
@carlosvillalobossalgado 4 года назад
We could practice :D
@user-il8mt5gy8g Год назад
Recently I'm crazy about a song named anjiu, producted by laowang band. I could listen this song when I get up in the morning or before I went sleep at night because I just love its rythm and after I saw its MV, I love its story. It remind me of the time when I was young and bold, I could express my feelings and loves without worrying about sth, I could taking any adventure or risks without regreting, and nobody could limited or stopped me from dreaming or laughing. As the lirics say: at that age when our happiness or sadness showing on our face, there is no need to hide any of our feelings or emotions. At the end, all the things become memories, and memories converge into different songs and poems..this is our lives
@shaoli9371 4 года назад
Yeah well, some times I think in English sometime in CN, it really depends on my status of various situations. But the problem is, that I cannot actually control myself when to choose which, not even control my english speaking accent as well.
@leomararaujo579 4 года назад
Hi chris i love your videos and i want to live in china or korea to learn the lenguage so what distric you recommend me to go?
@AnyeloEmilioMendozaChamorro 4 года назад
Gracias por las recomendaciones :)
@biggary6427 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for your advice, I'll try this method to exercise my english talking skill😂
@kleverlara3615 4 года назад
Saludos desde Perú, buenos videos !
@yuanlinhu9411 4 года назад
@user-yh1mf4tb5q 4 года назад
@zezhang8616 4 года назад
Hello Chris, thanks for sharing these wonderful english tricks. I talked to myself at home in english before. It is useful indeed. However there is a doubt that the way I described things may not be the common way from native speakers. So I feel that it is wrong to keep doing it. any opinions on this? I just to share my experience with you. Thank you.
@serenashen5643 4 года назад
我也有同感! 不知道自己的讲法会不会ChineseEnglish
@snooker9773 4 года назад
@arthemiiss 3 года назад
Hi, I don't know but RU-vid recommend me your Chanel so, here I am, I've been watching some of your videos and suddenly I found this one, I don't speek Chinese but your tips are perfect to me, I'm mexican (I know you can talk spanish but I want to write in english just to improve my skills) and I will gonna have an english test in one week so I'm a little nervous because this exam is a requirement to get my bachelor's degree, wish me luck and I'm a new subscriber. By the way, your tips are awesome, I'm gonna try all of them 💕
@alandariomartinezespinosa4685 4 года назад
Saludos desde Chiapas México y me gustaría saber si también das clases de chino me gustaría aprender
@LorenzoY816 4 года назад
@MAO-MAODARIN 4 года назад
@zhicongliang5158 3 года назад
Your lession is well !
@criskedttvgaming6321 3 года назад
Me encantaron tus videos aunque nosé tanto ingles medio comprendo un poco e igual tus videos hablando chino son increíbles espero un día enseñes de español a chino
@mattstyles4283 4 года назад
Hey Chris, have you got any tips for rhythm and intonation when speaking Chinese (I'm a native English speaker)? I find that although there are five tones, they actually change pitch slightly depending on where they are placed in the sentence (at the beginning, end etc.)
@yanxiali1345 4 года назад
You should find a Chinese wife.
@tutu-uu6mn 3 года назад
very useful tx
@choisilver6745 4 года назад
Laoma was in the big room which placed a lot of furnitures around him, but he unknowingly didn’t realised how beautiful environment he was in. I focused on behaving his good Chinese talk in front of his big fans, I saw him dressed a shirt in grey color and revealed a unyielding confidence,
@JADE-tu8xs 4 года назад
马老师你的谷歌把你卖了。我搜谷歌第一条也是english,但是下面依次是chess/another language/spanish。大数据显示你想学日语?
@sissitang1384 3 года назад
now I am watching this vedio about how to think in English. fingding good method what you like, for example, describing a picture you interested more and more detail as great.
@sambailey9949 4 года назад
hi mate love your channel, I also have a Chinese wife. I was wondering if you can tell me what video camera you use for your vlogging / youtube videos? Thanks in advance!
@yuukib.5528 4 года назад
I wish more peeps see this vid. I've seen a lot of show's subtitles and I just can't. Good thing I don't need the subs but man the people who have to read it. Do you have any recommendations as to where I can practice Chinese?
@yuriw.5295 4 года назад
Nice recipe right there!
@jajupmochi 4 года назад
3:06 Here we see a man with big glasses. He wears a purple shirt, with some black thingy on the chest. He also wears a necklace, which I can not see clearly because it is blocked by the subtitle. His eyes are wide open. His month is also open, not so wide, but nice teeth! Behind him is a room full of books. I would have listed all the titles but I can not see them clearly. Besides those, a lamp, at the side of a sofa, which seems a perfect place for reading. Plenty of pictures on the wall, or photos... I don't know. Last but not least, a curtain, and it is red! A man with taste! Respect!
@Erik_Escriche 4 года назад
Amazing! Very good description. Your English is really good!
@fulllucki 4 года назад
Mr Ma, you're so handsome and I think your English class is really useful to me. Thanks a million. Muchas Gracias.
@cpc1071 4 года назад
I am thinking of the questions of advanced mathematics.I don't know many terms in it,but description is okay for me.The most important part of advanced mathematics is differentiation,which is a basic tool to figure out every functions and its variety.Although mathematics is not easy for me,I believe that I can reach the culmination of my mathematical career.
@peihingwu6046 3 года назад
可以做一系列的英文歌曲分析嗎? 上次看了防彈的覺得很不錯!希望能每週學一首
@franzfigueroa078 3 года назад
Es gracioso que los comentarios en tus videos estén tanto en chino como en inglés y español. ¡Muchos saludos y éxito!
@marsz6214 4 года назад
Your Chinese spoken is reeeeeeeeally good!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Why!Why!Why!!!
@ericbarreto1550 4 года назад
man, you should make a chinese course, your mandarin is perfect, I wish I could speak like you
@user-gc3qi4bc3t 4 года назад
do you want to learn Chinese?I am a Chinese native speaker,I want to learn English,could you exchange language with me?
@Grace-ue5cv 4 года назад
His Chinese is even better than some of the Chinese which is so incredible!
@user-gc3qi4bc3t 4 года назад
@@Grace-ue5cv you can add me and listen mine
@user-gc3qi4bc3t 4 года назад
@@Grace-ue5cv his Chinese is very good,but not perfect,few words from his mouth sounds not so natively,even if almost all are better than some Chinese.
@user-gc3qi4bc3t 4 года назад
@@Grace-ue5cv one thing you should know is his Chinese is Beijing accent,not official accent,if you watch CCTV1,you will never hear such accent,you will hear that the Chinese from CCTV shows use the official accent.
@alandelangel2890 3 года назад
Hola que tal soy mexicano y empecé a ver tus videos de latino hablando chino, y quede sorprendido, me gustaria que hablaras tambien en español de en vez en cuando si no es mucha molestia, gracias.
@skylerlai2961 4 года назад
@jerry6366 4 года назад
@yuhaojiang8479 4 года назад
It was the highlight of Danny! hhhhh sooo cute
@andrewchen3343 4 года назад
@oliviako7094 2 года назад
I am watching a video in RU-vid because I really want to improve my English speaking and thinking skills like a Native American. This RU-vid is famous and he is a American but super good at Chinese. And he recommends us using description to practice our thinking, so I am writing this paragraph.
@yzhang4780 4 года назад
Sounds good
@user-kk3vq8te9k 4 года назад
@tiujasmine1601 4 года назад
最近在学粤语 感觉学所有语言都可以这样 多谢分享
@bilingualfolks1729 4 года назад
Jasmine ZSX 试试这个ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ycoDzNjp6fk.html
@henrytesla9709 4 года назад
You video is amusing,i used RU-vid for three days,i from Chinese mainland.My English is treble.
@hang0822 4 года назад
@PT4918 4 года назад
Hey Jared! I know it might be asking for a lot, but it would be awesome if you could also do the reverse, meaning offering Chinese lessons to us 老外s
@bloodyfluffybunny7411 3 года назад
i would be so up for that awesome idea lets hope it will happen :)
@bookofeye 4 года назад
@u9531743 4 года назад
There is a teacher whose Chinese speaks pretty well. He recommends us to describe any a picture which you search on the internet to practice English. I think I will start to practice my English by riding a scooter, think about English while watching the scenery
@user-mj5bf6is2h 4 года назад
@ui1835 4 года назад
As u required, I just stop, describe and comment the newest hearthstone GM Tour in Jonkoping. I find that thier casters are really impressive, especially Frodan. As a former Starcraft caster, I'd say he is an expert on analysis players' mulligan, cards draw, lethal etc. Besides, his tongue slip's been a meta. KEKW
@zhili2678 4 года назад
你说的那个, I m fine, thank you, and you? 这个真好玩!
@portiatsao7324 4 года назад
@user-ec2ss3vr7k 4 года назад
@zhangjohn7676 4 года назад
我刚推荐你的学英语网站给我外甥女 她应该很快会缴费上你的课程了 哈哈
@rrangel88 4 года назад
Hi Chris do you have any Chinese course? and how did you learn so fast I am interested to speak more Chinese. Thanks
@user-gc3qi4bc3t 4 года назад
I am a Chinese native speaker ,and I want to learn English,could you exchange language with me?
@guysandin8159 4 года назад
Can you make a video of how you practiced your Chinese while you were learning it. I follow you religiously and I LOVE YOU, but it seems most of your videos are tips for Chinese speakers who are learning English. Can you flip it. Make one designed for English speakers learning Chinese. Show us how you practiced your Chinese when you were learning it so I can follow suit. :) Also. You’re awesome.
@ertklo0617 4 года назад
I remember that summer, my roommate and I queued up to buy tickets for zhou JIelun's concert. It is hard to imagine that it took us nearly 4 hours to get the tickets, which cost nearly 1500 yuan, and it was quite expensive for me when I was still a student.At 8 o 'clock in the evening of July 16th, The long-awaited concert officially began. I still remember the name of the first song that is named qilixiang.With a extremly excited mood,I and thousands of audience sing many jay's songs together.The scene of ten thousand people singing together is hard for me to forget .I believe if I still have time, I will go again.
@ricois3 4 года назад
My first language is French. I've been speaking English for half my life. I do think in English a lot, even though I don't speak it daily. I read and listen to it every day, thought. Of course it's way harder for a Chinese person, but it's possible for sure! I'm trying to do that in Italian and Russian. I'm not there yet.
@zexuanliu8094 4 года назад
Coucou :)
@ricois3 4 года назад
@天才変態少女 Poutine more than Baguette, thought
@pongodongo645 4 года назад
天才変態少女 aha he/she is French Canadian not French :))
@Akatsuki0218 4 года назад
谢谢 学到新词组了 pull stomach 拉肚子
@tomtan3735 4 года назад
Hi where is the Ma Chris English class link I want to join for study please
@alidacastillo2732 4 года назад
Apoyo lo que dicen , deberías colocar subtitulos en español ...muchos nos pone contento que un latino este pasando por un buen momento. Muchas bendiciones.bai✨✨💫
@zhongrenaries 4 года назад
These training methods make a lot of sense as they all originate from our lives. Isn’t it true that they essentially cover all scenarios how English is used for someone who live in a English-speaking country.
@sherryhan6582 4 года назад
thanks a lot . within the vidio at 8:40, that scene your appearance looks good.
@LaomaChris 4 года назад
Thanks Sherry 😂
Ouch.. 🤕
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