
How to Talk About Homosexuality in the Church w/ Fr. Mike Schmitz and Dr. Scott Hahn 

St. Paul Center
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@JimCvit 2 года назад
I led this lifestyle for many, many years. Growing up in a very devout catholic household, I was an altar boy, lector, went to Mass faithfully, all of that. But I always knew that I was different. Then as I hit 21, I thought I needed to start living how I thought I should live: that is a gay lifestyle. It was a choice, yes, a choice, that I made, and I lived this way for 27 years. Having been in same-sex relationships, having gay friends, basically "being" gay all around. But, around 4 years ago, I had this very strong pull, as it were, to come back to the Church, but I resisted. I can't explain it, but that pull grew stronger and stronger which later I attribute this to the BVM and Divine Mercy. Eventually I realized that I needed to make amends with God and come back to Church. I went to confession and started going to Mass again. I started to pray just a little bit and as more time went by, I started to pray more and more. Today, prayer, going to Mass daily, and to Eucharistic Adoration are a huge part of my life. I have come to realize that I am not gay. I may be same-sex attracted, but the two are completely different things. As Fr. Schmitz said, one is an identity that you choose to be recognized by. I have come also to realize that it's not about me; it's about God. The more I read the writings of the greats like St. Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, St Catherine of Siena, Francisco de Osuna, Walter Hilton, Thomas a Kempis, the more, as I said, it's about God. God is the ultimate, the supreme. In today's day and age, it's all about me. This is the trick of the Accuser. God created me and I owe God everything. I owe God my worship and my adoration. I owe Him my life. There are certain priest, Fr. James Martin, SJ, and ministries like Fortunate Families and Dignity that put everything on the person. They teach false love, false compassion and false mercy. They teach a gospel of love and mercy and compassion but forget the other main point: repentance. Repentance is key first. You can't have love, mercy, and compassion without repentance of your sins, but you have to accept your sins, too. If you don't, then there is no mercy. It's about humility. You have to humbly approach God and with your whole heart, you have to acknowledge your sins regardless of what they are. This isn't part of any of Fr. Martin's or Fortunate Family's agendas. Hidden behind a very thin veneer, they want the Church to accept homosexuality as normal. In fact, FF goes as far as saying in their beliefs, that no amount of therapy or prayer can help. This tells you right there how wrong they are. They are saying that God cannot heal the wounds of this sin. That in itself is a sin. Prayer with faith can heal. It might not change the SSA, but it helps you overcome the desires, the concupiscence and gives you the strength. But, you have to put God first and recognize that He is above all and you owe Him everything. If you don't, regardless of what your sin is, you will continue in your sin. We are so overwhelmed today by individual rights, etc., that even if we were taught who God is and how much He loves us, we will tend to forget that and then become blinded by our own individual pride. We have to have the humility to go to God, who loves us more than anything we can ever imagine on in this earth in this life, who is there waiting for us to run to Him and ask for that forgiveness and mercy. We have to turn to Him and trust Him completely with humility. We have to give our day, our night, our lives to Him. God owes us absolutely nothing. It's us who owe Him everything. We want God, who never changes, always was, is, and will be the same, to bend to us and accept what we want namely the right to sin, and God can't and won't ever do that. Until we realize it's not about us, and it's about Him, we will be a slave to this sin or any sin.
@hailmary4259 2 года назад
What an amazing testimony. Well done Jim for accepting Jesus and His will. Jesus is the truth, the way and the life. God bless you 🙏🏻🕊
@pasonrens5643 2 года назад
Thanks Jim for your courageous witness. Real life experience is very powerful and convincing. God bless you as you continue to walk your newly found Path.
@derrick7442 2 года назад
Thank you so much for sharing your story.
@idajeo105 2 года назад
God bless you Sir ❤️❤️❤️Thank you for this beautiful and amazing testimony
@loganw1232 2 года назад
Great testimony, glad you realize that gay and same sex attractions are not the same thing.
@DavidGCG 2 года назад
Thank you for addressing this. For someone who struggles with same sex attraction everyday is a battle. My desires/temptations are at bay some days and other days it hits like a freight train. Been physically chaste since 2013. Pray for me!
@tsr3779 2 года назад
Many prayers for you. We all have great crosses and struggles…it is always good to know someone else out there acknowledges our struggles, prays for us and stands with us in support.
@Alma.- 2 года назад
In my prayers ✨🙏
@suegz139 2 года назад
Be proud of yourself for resisting, keep on praying He never stops listening.
@victoriaevans1097 2 года назад
Pray especially to saints who also struggled with purity and chastity. St Mary Magdalene, St Francis of Assisi (from before he gave his life to God), there are more, I'm sure Google will be able to list more. Praying for you and proud of you! ❤️💙💛
@laurascott605 2 года назад
Bless you. Go to God every day for His Grace.
@drirene57 2 года назад
I am a divorced Catholic (my husband (after 30 yrs together) left me and our 4 children for another woman). Even though my pastor assured me I would most likely qualify for an annulment, I knew that really wouldn’t be honest. With tears in my eyes I picked up my cross and carried it. God has blessed me and brought me closer to Him, helping me through all the difficulties life as a single mother can bring. The sexual temptations were there, but with God’s help I remained faithful to His teachings.
@humphreyobanor866 2 года назад
God bless you and keep you and your family
@seeinspiration4359 2 года назад
I’m so proud of you my friend
@jld4870 2 года назад
My heart hurts for you! I am a believer who has questions regarding the Catholics take on annulment. To be brutally honest-is it just a way to soothe or qualify that the scripture can be manipulated when it comes to divorce within the church. If this is true then what about all the other sins that we as ‘broken’, still being sanctified children of God commit. Did not Christ die on the cross for ALL our sins and no matter how we try to make some sins ‘ok’-making divorce ‘ok’ through annulment-it does not take away the fact that Christ died for ALL our sins. Gods peace be with you and may you find rest and assurance that Christ died for ALL our sins.
@mattyfurtado8746 Год назад
Thank you sister. God will never abandon you, he loves you and your children.
@rogerward3390 Год назад
I'm divorced too. Don't worry about it. Just be a good person, Don't overthink it
@lukasmiller486 2 года назад
I like how you said “Your feelings or experience does not define who you are” and “There is no us and them because we’re all in the same boat when it comes to the struggles of the flesh.” So true.
@kj-my7se 2 года назад
Some of us have struggled more than others. Some of us have suffered more than others. There is no equality, justice or fairness there either.
@dan69052 2 года назад
this will ease your struggles knowledge If you are gay or know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined attraction. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of our species & found commonplace in nature. Intelligent research in this area clearly explains this process. If you are truly interested in truth, based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for yourself & others, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
@kj-my7se 2 года назад
IMO, Like all other institutions the Catholic Church is also flawed.
Many catholic leaders hide this aspect about themselves. You will find as many gays within the catholic ranks these days, as you will priests and bishops with jewish names. Yet none of them care about modern martyrs who die for their love Jesus.
@joebriggs5781 Год назад
Except they don’t put everyone in the same boat. For example, for someone heterosexual they just can’t have sex before marriage and can’t commit adultery…but they have the option to have and love a partner, get married, have kids, etc. They don’t want for homosexuals to get to experience any of that.
@mazikode 2 года назад
Father Mike is just a blessing to all God preserve him and bless him. Thank you Dr. Hahn.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
but God hates homophobia
@VintageCardinal 2 года назад
@@pastorbri the act yes, but He does not hate individual people
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@VintageCardinal I agree it is the homophobic acts God hates and not the homophobic people themselves.
@user-vd3bf3nd6r 10 месяцев назад
And fr. Mike is a hater.....The time the church speaks truth is NOW.
@dakotahmays1437 2 месяца назад
@@user-vd3bf3nd6rHe’s literally just teaching Catholic doctrine on homosexuality. Being attracted to the same sex isn’t a sin while acting on it is
@Mimse79 2 года назад
PERFECT conversation! Beautiful! Such a positive, yet faithful, antidote to much of the venomous talk out there! Mr. Hahn: "I think that we as Catholics have got to not only discover our weaknesses in new ways in order to appreciate God's strenght in new ways, but turn around and admit that with a joyful, honest humility" - exactly! This is the point from where honest - and still faithful - dialogue can be entered with those outside the Church (and within). This is evangelism that is not hypocritical and does not threaten with Hell at every corner and in places where we need to have the humility to say only God knows about this person's destiny. We are here to teach, faithfully, in love - the judgment afterwards (of us all) is up to God.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
catholics should admit homophobia is a sin
@michellembaeze2010 Год назад
I love Fr. Mike because he is not afraid to have difficult conversations. The church needs to talk about difficult things
@johnnyrockit Год назад
Why is this difficult. It is about love. Ask Jesus. Not priests.
@veritasmuy2407 10 месяцев назад
YOU: Why is this difficult. It is about love. *ME: The Bible states that true love is telling your neighbor the TRUTH of God* -- Leviticus 19:17-18 -- *NOT allowing them to continue in their deception and living a perverse sexual lifestyle that is an abomination to Holy GOD* -- Leviticus 18:22, Lev 20:13. *GOD so completely hates homosexuality, that GOD uses homosexuality as a CURSE on those that blaspheme GOD* -- Romans 1:25-28. Now you have been told the Truth of GOD -- decide this day whom you will follow like Adam -- caving in to your PHYSICAL lusts or living by the Holy Spirit/GOD that indwells you -- Galatians 5.
@gordon3186 4 месяца назад
@@veritasmuy2407 --- Why would anyone want a relationship with someone who threatened them with torture if they turned it down?
@veritasmuy2407 4 месяца назад
@@gordon3186 You are confused. GOD does not threaten "eternal torture" if you reject Him -- *you are ALREADY on the road to eternal torture in the Lake of Fire, GOD simply threw you a life-line (Jesus). to save you from eternal torture.* If you reject GOD and Jesus as your Savior/Life Line, then you just continue on the broad road to the Lake of Fire made for the rebellious angels (Matthew 25:41,46, Revelation 20:10,14-15)..... Un-believers ALWAYS misconstrue the actual words/meaning of the Bible in order to make themselves feel better about their rebellion......
@gordon3186 4 месяца назад
@@veritasmuy2407 --- *Your god created hell and DECIDED to send people there. (Or so the story goes.) There's NOTHING I've done in my life that would warrant more than a day in jail--- and certainly not an eternity writhing in a fiery agony. The Bible is a barbaric book about a barbaric god.*
@drstone1167 2 года назад
Good job Dr. Hahn and Fr. Mike 👍✝️
@pastorbri 2 года назад
how is homophobia a good job?
@pastorbri Год назад
@Esoteric Schizochad true as homophobia is exactly that....degeneracy....and it is a sin!
@pastorbri Год назад
@Esoteric Schizochad so u were wrong
@patrickchapko6693 2 месяца назад
Pastor Brian, show me one verse in the Bible that supports gay marriage
@ObnoxiousCatholic 2 года назад
I have same-sex attraction (particularly bisexualism). And there’s nothing more empowering for me than the Catholic faith to be honest with myself, whilst in a grounded self-control!
@pastorbri 2 года назад
and u know being lesbian is ok right?
@marcuscaballarius2159 2 года назад
@@pastorbri This person just stated they're Catholic.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@marcuscaballarius2159 who cares? Its if your christian or not that counts, not catholic.
@marcuscaballarius2159 2 года назад
@@pastorbri According to whom? The heretical sects that state that? The only true church is the Church founded by Jesus Christ. Peter being the first Pope, and the apostles the first Bishops. That unbroken line is where authority comes from, from Christ himself. End of story. All other "denononations" have disregarded the teachings of the Church, making them apostates from God's One True Church.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@marcuscaballarius2159 what bible verse says peter is the 1st pope? The word Pope is not even used. Jesus started the first christian church, not the catholic church....did satan tell you some lies????
@joolz5747 2 года назад
Yes, “There but for the grace of God go I”. I love this. We are all fallen humans. I love the deep heart of Fr. Mike. I feel his grace. We must meditate about this. We all think of “them and us” in everything and that is not ok. Jesus does not do that.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
but homophobics have chosen their fallen nature.
@cptsil90221 2 года назад
The first 5 mins of this video blew my mind away! Wow! It hit me hard thinking of brothers who struggle with homosexuality while my struggles are different. This established mercy and understanding in my heart.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
Homophobia is what people should struggle with and choose not to be, not if they are born LGBT
@terminusadquem6981 2 года назад
Can you explain further, because that is a question I have in mind that I want to clarify. Why are you not struggling with SSA just like me? or another question, why don't I feel attraction to same gender? I hope you could answer. This would be helpful. 🙂
@cptsil90221 2 года назад
Homophobia is a distorted reaction to the SSA disorder. A distorted reaction based on having the incorrect biblical lenses and approach. Those who experience homophobia lack the understanding shared in this video which results in destructive reaction to their brothers carrying the ssa cross. We start by first understanding we must see all men part of we. You were destined to be a son of God like I was. We were created with a masculine soul which warranted a male human body. While on earth (a very temporary moment in comparison to eternity), we are all given our cross to carry and that cross is our opportunity to find Jesus and the sacraments that connect us to him and constantly repairs that connection. Through Jesus, we receive divine mercy and love that helps us now carry out cross with love in hopes of being granted our salvation. While a brother's cross may be SSA, it is only a different version of mine which is sexual purity. I experienced traumas while in the darkness of sin surrounding my family that led me to have a complete disorder of my body, it's relationship to the body of the opposite sex and my sexuality. I struggled with impurity for a very long time and even into marriage. When another hardship occurred in my family out of sin, my disorder spiralled out of control. I felt lost and overwhelmed by the cross I carry. Then the Holy Spirit guided me to seek supernatural intervention and help. The night where my storm was at it's worst, I decided to cry out to St Joseph because I felt unable to reach Jesus on my own. Thought permission of God, Joseph came to me with his mighty silence, purity and light. Immediately my storm of anguish stopped and was made silent. His light embraced me as he covered me with his cloak. He came to my rescue like a good father would. Then as a great father he showed me how the disorder of my sexuality entered my life, how Jesus and God's order must be rebuilt in my life and how Jesus is ready and waiting for me with divine mercy and love. From that moment on, I have no desire to see porn, to masterbate or seek women dressed provocatively for my self pleasure. The order of my human male body and it's relationship to the human female body was restored. If that can happen to me, I believe it can happen to a brother who is a human male like me and who was created with the same order as I but has the cross of SSA.
@terminusadquem6981 2 года назад
@@cptsil90221 Another follow-up question. You can submit to your attraction and satisfy it within the context of marriage, right? but why weren't we given the same? When can we submit to this attraction and satisfy it? 🙂
@cptsil90221 2 года назад
@@terminusadquem6981 That is incorrect. Marriage is a Service Sacrament. It is the modality in which I serve God on earth. Through my Sacrament of Marriage, I become one person with the woman God chose for me and together we establish a domestic church where I am to be King, Priest and Prophet, Jesus is our King and I carry out my assign part in God's plan for this world. My sexuality as a human male is a gift from God. There are two unseperable components to this gift: 1. Create and continue a physical and spirtial bond with my wife 2. Be open to co-creation Both of which are not temporary and require our life-long commitment. Attraction is only a human temporary experience. Chastity is the virtue which we use to manage attraction and make our final decisions and choices on what we will do (what action will we take) with that attraction.
@hailmary4259 2 года назад
‘A conversion daily’ - begins with humility 🙏🏻🕊
@pastorbri 2 года назад
maybe this is why homophobics rarely repent?
@j.g.8494 2 года назад
"humility" - one of the traits of the Christian slave mentality!
@isabellfox2915 2 года назад
There is so much wisdom and encouragement in this discussion especially the highlighting of self - it is so easy to become obsessed with this idolatory of self - this is without doubt the temptation of the enemy to draw us further away from the lord - and what Scott was saying about division in relationships/homes/families the enemies tactics are divide and conquer to pick off the sheep when they are away from the flock. And of course the world has put people who believe themselves to have what is deemed to be sinful lifestyles/attractions at odds with 'christian/catholic' beliefs becuase who better to tell christians what they belkieve/think/do/say than non christians/catholics who know absolutely nothing at all about those beliefs or who have a very twisted 'knowledge'. If in doubt at least seek counsel from someone who knows what they are talking about or go to the source but be prepared to act on whta the lord tells you don't expect him to tell you what you want to hear, but he will tell you the truth if you are preapred to listen and hear and act.......
@anonymoususer450 2 года назад
Father Mike, you made a powerful point about how everyone has something they are struggle with and that puts everyone in the same boat. I don't struggle with same sex attraction but I struggle with other things that separate me from God and hinder me from living fully in his presence. Father Mike, you are such a great voice and role model for the faith
@Grokford Год назад
These are not comparable and the continual repetition does not make it true. The Catholic doctrine targets Queer people and asserts that it has the authority to determine whether or not their love is real. Saying "I know it's hard being celibate against your will but I can't cheat on my wife so we're really the same" isn't just gauche, it's cruel.
@joebriggs5781 Год назад
@@Grokford very well said. It’s incomprehensible that people think not cheating on your wife who you can have a lifelong partnership with is the same as telling someone they have to be single their entire life.
@herambaanjaneya2041 Год назад
It’s so noticeable how Fr Schmidt and the promoters of the Catholic position on this issue - lifelong celibacy - NEVER EVER appear in open debate with anyone! There’s a very good or should I more accurately say a very bad reason for this. RC church officials know full well that when their ideology - whoops sorry theology is tested by the light of reason that the church’s dogmatic edifice starts to look very shaky indeed! They like to claim the high moral ground. Don’t give it to them! Lifelong Celibacy isn’t morally or spiritually superior to having a lifelong loving relationship! That much should be obvious to all. There are some profoundly dishonest people promoting the mythology of church teaching on this topic. They are not to be listened to. Your own gut, brain, heart, mind, spirit and soul are a far more reliable guide to that which is actually true and real and that which isn’t. Follow them and you shouldn’t go far wrong.
@mpshields 2 месяца назад
ALL CHRISTIANS? NO. Question: Why is misguided individual PERSONAL Sexual inadequacy, ignorance & fear being projected on others? Step one: Look in the mirror.
@mpshields Месяц назад
I decided one day to make a MAGIC choice to go with the "GAY LIFESTYLE"! 🤣 And met my husband in Catholic Gay Conversion Therapy Class.🤣. And they lived happily ever after. AMEN 🙏 Praise the Lord. 🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈👍
@vickyg6182 2 года назад
“Conversion is something I need everyday” - as someone struggling to go back to fostering and taking care of my faith in my adulthood, this hits me in the gut so hard
@kj-my7se 2 года назад
We are not our brother's keeper.
@johndougherty9332 Год назад
Yes, but problem is much deeper. Many gays won't acknowledge homosexual actions are wrong.
@kingofthorns203 10 месяцев назад
Dr. Hahn and Fr. Schmitz are the friends I wished lived down the street. So smart, articulate, and in love with the Lord.
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@jpeltier100 2 года назад
This was so helpful and explained so generously, thanks.I have tried to say the same but it boils down to: They are us, We are them. We all need conversion. Daily.
@benjaminmandeville4430 2 года назад
What's a conversion?
@pastorbri 2 года назад
and homop-hobics need conversion fast
@benjaminmandeville4430 2 года назад
@@pastorbri what does that mean, I still don't get it
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@benjaminmandeville4430 you didn't know homophobia is a sin?
@andrewbui8295 2 года назад
@@benjaminmandeville4430 conversion therapy is a method of abuse and gaslighting LGBTs into thinking that their orientation is wrong
@historyhooligan2893 6 дней назад
Celibate Christian here… same-sex attracted… thanks for a balanced and vulnerable look at this topic.
@catholic_conservative 2 года назад
Amen! We all need conversion every day so let us pray fornour conversion and awakening of the faith in us and in our sociaty!
@josephzammit8483 2 года назад
Well said! I’m publishing a weekly RU-vid video on episodes from the life of Don Bosco, entitled ST JOHN BOSCO by JOE ZAMMIT. In this series I’m narrating events and miracles from the splendid life of Don Bosco. St John Bosco used to perform a miracle almost every day, through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians. From the lives of saints we can learn how to love God more and draw closer to him. Thank you.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
if only homophobics would
@tammycaskey6990 Год назад
@@pastorbri "phobia' means to fear...I don't fear gays. I fear for your lives. God gave you a reprobate mind..that is in the Bible. Romans 1:28. “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.”
@pastorbri Год назад
@@tammycaskey6990 why r u homophobics so dim? A phobia is not a fear!!! A phobia is an irrational hate...dislike or fear!!!!
@pastorbri Год назад
@@tammycaskey6990 go study 1 time 2. 8 to 14 and repent of ignoring God's word
@ForReal4sure 2 года назад
I think I like FrMike… but sometimes I have to listen to him several times before I get what he’s saying… but that’s probably just me🤪…I try to stay slow 🐌and to stay sane…I’ve had the honor of dining w/ Dr Hahn and he’s amazing man of God~> Good to see these two commiserating with current conversation on important relevant topic that needs discussion and pray for discernment🙏🏼😇🦋🌈🕊✌🏽👼🏽
@VeronicaRodriguez-gc5yz 2 года назад
It’s not you, Father speaks very fast.
@victoriaevans1097 2 года назад
We all sin, my sins are different than others', and others' are different from mine. I think they did a great job explaining this. ❤️💙💛
@pastorbri 2 года назад
except they forgot to mention, homophobia is a sin
@terminusadquem6981 2 года назад
The origin of the feeling is what I am confused at. Why don't people like you develop SSA? I couldn't identify why I have this. 🙂
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@terminusadquem6981 God created LGBT people is the reson.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@kurozke true which is why homophobia is a sin as it is a lifestyle based in hate.
@JC-li8kk Год назад
But are you defining yourself by your sins? Are your sins your identity? Do you go about telling the whole world you’re an open alcoholic & that it’s okay to be an alcoholic & you have no intention of ever stopping? This is the difference...
@mpshields Месяц назад
I decided one day to make a MAGIC choice to go with the "GAY LIFESTYLE"! 🤣 And met my husband in Catholic Gay Conversion Therapy Class.🤣. And they lived happily ever after. AMEN 🙏 Praise the Lord. 🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈👍
@lours6993 2 года назад
I have met maybe 2 or 3 so called Christians in my whole life who are truly capable of the necessary combination of truth, compassion and humility to have this conversation. The others, 99%, genuinely see one as the 'other', and condescend, 'teach', 'minister,' like the friends of Job, without even being conscious of it. Collectively, the church is usually a very ostracising place to be for people with SSA. Why? Most of what passes for Christianity .... isn't.
@ntmn8444 2 года назад
Have you ever considered that people are all there because they already know they are sinners and they know they need God? I too stayed away from the church for a minute because I couldn’t tolerate the “hypocrites”. But then I started realizing God was calling me to see that everyone there was just trying to do better. It made me realize they weren’t the hypocrites. I was, for thinking they were hypocrites. Since then, I’ve come to love and accept people a little more. I’ve become more understanding of others’ struggles. I hope this helps a bit!
@lours6993 2 года назад
@@ntmn8444 It does.
@mpshields Месяц назад
I decided one day to make a MAGIC choice to go with the "GAY LIFESTYLE"! 🤣 And met my husband in Catholic Gay Conversion Therapy Class.🤣. And they lived happily ever after. AMEN 🙏 Praise the Lord. 🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈👍
@acnowmc7749 2 года назад
Scott Hahn is on a whole other level
@DIBBY40 2 года назад
Homosexuality is a natural variation of human sexuality. The church makes it all about sex; even saying saying, "same sex attracted" it breaks off someone's sexuality from the wholeness of who they are as a human. It is the way gay people love romantically, not just about sex. It would be the same as saying to a naturally left-handed person they are "left-hand attracted", or have left-handed urges. How mad would it be to say, " It's ok to be left-handed as long as you don't perform left-handed actions"? Thats how it sounds to me as a gay person.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
agree agree read on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
you are on the money here , great read on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@motheryuba57 3 месяца назад
I cannot in anyway embrace the church's views on homosexuality. It seems cruel and discriminatory and utterly paradoxical in view of the Catholic Church's long history of sexual distortion and abuse. There is no love and acceptance in this. And that is why so many people have left and have to spend years healing from the distortions.
@DIBBY40 3 месяца назад
@@motheryuba57 I think that thousands of children abused by clergy over decades invalidates any legitimacy to the church being a moral arbiter of society.
@crystald3346 2 года назад
When Fr Mike speaks, sounds like the video is on 2x speed!
@elliethemali5180 2 года назад
Yes! That just gave me an idea to lower the speed on the podcast. Sounds a little strange but I can focus more on what he is saying.
@Carmen-wz3rc 2 года назад
Have to put captions on to understand Fr.
@tomm624 2 года назад
One things we do know... Fr. Mike is not skipping leg day at the gym! Get it done, bro!
@rachelpops9239 2 года назад
@lorraineokie2054 2 года назад
More conversations toward GOD LOVE Will change Hearts ♥️ from flesh to Divine . Fr Mike has openness to reality of sin temptation desire and TRUE LOVE
@Diggles67 2 года назад
I accept myself as a gay man. I also accept that I have a partner whom I supported through three years of cancer. I know that God meant for us to be together (twenty years this year) as brothers in Christ. He was brought up Greek Orthodox. I was brought up Roman Catholic.
@thebig_why Год назад
God bless
@JoseAntonioSanchezr Год назад
This is not something "to deal with," not an ideology, it is A REALITY. It is not chosen, it is not a construct. It is about accepting the way some people connect and love another person. The flesh is not a struggle per se, the body is not a struggle per se, and nothing is intrinsically disordered per se. Being gay is a gift, the body is a gift, the flesh IS A GIFT FROM GOD. God became human, incarnate, for a reason!!! Love is love, is love, is love. PERIOD.
@veritasmuy2407 10 месяцев назад
YOU: It is about accepting the way some people connect and love another person *ME: No. It is about a person choosing to follow his hedonistic lusts of his PHYSICAL flesh instead of valuing his SPIRITUAL relationship with GOD and following the written words of GOD in the Bible -- Galatians 5.* All men must make this same choice. Adam chose to value PHYSICAL sex over his SPIRITUAL relationship with his Creator/GOD. Jesus proved he loved his spiritual relationship with GOD more than even his physical life, and voluntarily went to the cross. *We are to follow JESUS, not Adam.*
@veritasmuy2407 10 месяцев назад
YOU: Being gau is a gift, the body is a gift, the flesh IS A GIFT FROM GOD *ME: No, you are guilty of 1Peter 4:2-4. The Flesh is corrupted and will return to dirt. Being gay is a CURSE that God uses on those that blaspheme GOD -- Romans 1:25-28.* So for you to say such a ridiculous thing proves you have no spiritual relationship with GOD -- GOD views homosexuality as an abomination -- Leviticus 18:22, Lev 20:13. (2Peter 2:10-15) Homosexuality is just another sexual lust like adultery, incest, bestiality, fornication, etc -- and true Catholics do not live active perverse sexual lifestyles -- those that refuse to stop their sexual sins are to be removed from the Church according to the Apostle in 1Corinth 5.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
real love read on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
grear answer !!!!If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@gregy1570 2 года назад
i thought they meant how to talk about HOMOSEXUALITY WITHIN THE CHURCH - specifically within the clergy and hierarchy
@kelechukwuanozyk7605 2 года назад
Do you have evidence? Our clergy are celibate please
@ryanscottlogan8459 2 года назад
@@kelechukwuanozyk7605 You are kidding right?
@kelechukwuanozyk7605 2 года назад
@@ryanscottlogan8459 All Catholic clergy and religious take a vow of celibacy, therefore they are celibates. Sex and marriage is not compulsory
@ryanscottlogan8459 2 года назад
@@kelechukwuanozyk7605 Homosexuality and sex in general are rampant in the Catholic priesthood.I don’t know what planet you are from?
@gregy1570 2 года назад
@@kelechukwuanozyk7605 in most cases, JUST TAKE A LOOK AT THEM. how many priests and bishops do you see and think, yeah that guy's definitely straight. woulda been a great marine infantry sergeant if not for God's call. or what about the liturgy. you think Mass got turned into a very poor-quality musical by accident or mistake?? wake up, guy.
@seeinspiration4359 2 года назад
Love you guys but not as much as God loves you! Keep persevering! God will get you through this
@grace3675 2 года назад
I'm a LGBT Christian, and I really like the tone of inclusivity. Even though we disagree on this topic, I respect anyone who is willing to listen and try to understand. I am trying to understand where you are coming from also. I hope good things happen to you.
@kelechukwuanozyk7605 2 года назад
Why don't you be celibate and live a life of chastity? That is what Jesus wants for you
@markpatrick5246 2 года назад
@@kelechukwuanozyk7605 why don’t you focus on your own life rather than telling someone else to remain chaste….
@grace3675 2 года назад
@@kelechukwuanozyk7605 Thanks for responding. I know you did not have to - and that shows that you care. People who care are a rare and precious thing in this sad old world. Thanks for being you, and for making the world a brighter and better place.
@kelechukwuanozyk7605 2 года назад
@@markpatrick5246 chastity is the recommendation of Church teaching for gay and divorced people. Are you a Catholic? Pope Benedict XVI was very loud about this during his pontificate. Am an African, I know many countries were they kill gays in Africa. Chastity is not a bad thing
@ZekeMagnar 2 года назад
@@kelechukwuanozyk7605 He rejects what the Bible says, so no, he is absolutely not a Catholic.
@timothycardoso1364 2 года назад
When you say I am straight you're saying that's a part of your identity. To reduce a person's identity as an experience rather that a key piece in one's identity is a great disservice. I know Fr Mike is trying to be empathetic to gay people but sadly this message does nothing to make gay people feel any more welcome in the church.
@IONov990 2 года назад
Father Mike Schmitz seemed teary-eyed here.
@oscarwbrown4431 2 года назад
Wonderful discussion!! Thanks for taking this on for our benefit.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
but ya knew it was homophobia thats a sin?
@oscarwbrown4431 2 года назад
@@pastorbri unclear about your point here???
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@oscarwbrown4431 simple....homophobia is the real sin, always was.
@oscarwbrown4431 2 года назад
@@pastorbri could not agree less- prayers for you
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@oscarwbrown4431 you disagree with God? Oh Ok ....good luck with that.
@cme4608 2 года назад
Fr. Mike repeatedly says, listen to the homosexual. But, I don't see that happening in any of these videos. Sexuality is a gift not a burden. That's what we truly all have in common.
@ZekeMagnar 2 года назад
Sexuality between two consenting adults brothers. Is that a "gift", too? If not, why not?
About sexuality and homosexuality, the Bible says...that's best to follow...🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️
@terrorists-are-among-us Год назад
If lust is a sin and there is no flourishing via sodomy then you care about your penis more than God and will never stop complaining regardless of the issue cause narcissistic 🤯
@gordon3186 4 месяца назад
I didn't think I was attracted to men until I saw this priest. Yowza!
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@gordon3186 4 месяца назад
@@dan69052 --- Thanks for the input but I was just commenting on the hot priest.
@blodgettshouseofinsanity 2 года назад
It’s very simple, love is love. God is love. Anything that brings love is good, anything that destroys love his bad. The church has changed teachings over the years. Hopefully this will be one of them they eventually change.
@derreck_disaster Год назад
The saddest part is... If a person of same sex-attraction is aware of it since their youth, even without trauma--- consider the hardships of how ridiculous that sounds to be not acknowledging who you are? Why should you spend the rest of your life without sincere love and commitment? That is a sin in itself an act that xreates a traumatic butterfly effect. I understand not sleeping around, adultery, ECT. But what is horrible about two males being together it the opposite? At the end of the day we are all composed of souls. The shell is null and void. If you love another soul and commit to them- even if you can't fruitfully produce, it is still love and conjoining in one body of your companion id you dor the rest of your lives conjoin as one and reject temptation . It creates a hardened heart when you here people of "regular straight" connections can connect and share the pleasures god has granted you, but not if you're gay. I always was taught love overpowers all. And commitment is a massive task within itself. And if you stick with that- apart from not having children- why would you be condemned to eternal damnation for loving a soul that God created? That does not sound rational or correct. I don't see the fairness in a homosexual person being celibate for their entire life, rejecting a god-given gift of absolute intamicy because you are aware at the end of the day, you cannot conform to that path. What a lonely life and a lie which is also sinful, let alone the broken families that will be exposed later on when the person can no longer lie to themselves or their partner/spouse/children. There are far worse sins in the world. But everyone is afixated on the gays. Not the murderers, the thieves, the adulterers... But someone who is attracted to the same sex and does not want to live a lie.
@veritasmuy2407 10 месяцев назад
No one is "born" a homosexual -- that is just propaganda -- its just another sexual temptation that we are to stand against -- just like adultery, fornication, bestiality, incest, cross dressing, etc.. If someone wants to live an active homosexual lifestyle, by all means do so -- GOD nor Christians want to stop you -- *HOWEVER you can't be a Christian and live the homosexual lifestyle -- so just choose -- be what you consider your "authentic self" and live in homosexuality OR. be a Christian -- you can't have both.* Changing GOD's Holy Scripture to fit the hedonistic lifestyle of people is a ridiculous notion -- people are so damn self centered now, they think everyone needs to cater to their feelings. Grow some balls and make a choice. BTW -- *Freud and friends did studies/research and knew the causes of the "mental disorder" called homosexuality -- 1)). sexual molestation as a child, and 2)). the mother usurps the role of Head of Household from a weak father.* None of the homosexuals that controlled the field of psychology liked those results -- so they have spent decades removing the truth and imbedding the lie that "you are born this way" into the ignorant culture to make this "mental disorder" be accepted as "normal". And on and on the insanity goes -- now there are billions of "genders" and "furries" etc -- all mental disorders accepted as "normal" by the gullible and dumb@ss public.....
@kylejhartman 8 месяцев назад
@@veritasmuy2407 Sexual orientation - according to actual peer-reviewed scientific literature - is caused by several things including epigenetic markers in the womb and one's early childhood socializations. It is innate, not chosen. I cannot choose to be turned on by men, I just am. It's an automatic physiological response that is entirely out of my conscious control. Most of the other "temptations" you listed harm another person or violate consent. These are not analogous to the topic being discussed, namely loving and consensual same-sex relationships. The vast majority of Christians in the Western world approve of same-sex relationships, support gay marriage, and welcome gay people into their churches. It's a shame you're not one of those people. You need to make the choice to be more compassionate and receptive to the lived experiences of others.
@veritasmuy2407 8 месяцев назад
@@kylejhartman YOU: according to actual peer-reviewed scientific literature *ME: LOL. The science of psychology already knew the causes of homosexuality back in the 50's -- it was caused by TWO things....* 1)) molestation as a child, and 2)). the mother usurping the position of head of household from a weak father. *During the 60's and 70's there was a huge influx of homosexuals into the field of psychology -- slowly removing all traces of studies and results previously in textbooks, etc.* And slowly began teaching that homosexuality was "genetic", thus homosexuals were "born this way", and therefore GOD must approve of homosexuality. You believe a lie offered by the World's evil culture -- because it is convenient for you -- you can continue in your sin without any guilt. Nobody cares if you are an active homosexual -- that is your choice -- but don't claim to be a Christian while actively living in what the Bible calls a perversion/sin and think that GOD is gonna bless it....
@veritasmuy2407 8 месяцев назад
@@kylejhartmanYOU: The vast majority of Christians in the Western world approve of same-sex relationships, support gay marriage, and welcome gay people into their churches. *ME: Correct. 1)). According to the Bible, the end time Church will be apostate -- aligned with the evil culture of the World, not just regarding homosexuality.* 2)). *It is hilarious when people proclaim themselves "Christians" but refuse to follow the ancient Christian documents that define Christianity* -- the Bible, that according to Christians, are the actual GOD INSPIRED written words of GOD. *GOD so completely HATES the act of homosexuality, that GOD uses homosexuality as a CURSE on those that blaspheme GOD -- see Romans 1:25-28.* 3)) *The Bible/Apostle instructed the Church to REMOVE anyone in the congregation that will not stop living in sexual sin* -- 1Corinth 5 -- *because if those actively living lives of sexual sin remain in the church/congregation, they will CORRUPT the entire congregation.* This happened with ADULTERY in the 60's and 70's -- those living in adultery were allowed to remain in the church, and consequently the entire congregation was corrupted and now *the divorce rate in the church is higher than in the evil world.*
@veritasmuy2407 8 месяцев назад
@@kylejhartman YOU: You need to make the choice to be more compassionate and receptive to the lived experiences of others *ME: Biblical "love" for others is to tell them the TRUTH* -- Leviticus 19:17-18 -- *so I can only tell you the TRUTH of what Scripture says -- GOD HATES homosexuality.* Because GOD created PERFECTION in the Beginning -- and that perfection included a Man and a "Rib/woman" -- and when the Rib/woman comes back to the Man in marriage, they make One Whole Flesh once again in the eyes of GOD -- see Genesis 2:22-24. Two men can't Biblically do that.... If you wish to live a homosexual life -- go for it -- no Christian cares what decisions you make in your own personal life. *Just don't pretend you are a Christian and then reject portions of the Christian Bible so that you can openly live in sin.* You are just deceiving yourself -- GOD will never bless what GOD calls sin.
@acr164 2 года назад
When I was younger, I knew a monk who was very obviously gay and openly said so. This troubled me. I knew the bible to say this was sin. I shared it with a priest who knew him and he told me, "I have known this man since his childhood. Do you know what he was called in his teenage? The virgin queen". This made me realise how wrong I was to judge him. But I still carried this condemnation of gays in my heart until, years later, I met a truly good and kind young man who everyone spoke well of - and rightly so. He left a note before he jumped off a cliff and killed himself. He had struggled with being gay and no-one knew. Then I began to research this more. I learnt about 'intersex' babies. It bacame clearer to me that many men were male on the outside and female in their heart - and vice versa. I don't look lustfully at women because I am more virtuous than a man who looks that way at men. They are intrinsicly so and I can NOT judge them because of that. Jesus not only absolutely loves them but, by His grace, I do too. They are really nice people; loving and kind and with funny ways. Sometimes they decide to live together. I don't know whether the church can bless that union but it surely can pray for God's blessing on it, which is slightly different. It makes me awware of how difficult it is to be a gay Christian man. I struggle like mad with adulterous thoughts and inclinations (Matt Ch5) but I can't help feeling it is acceptable, all men do - just as all women are guilty of murderous thoughts. Wrong thinking, I know!. How wrong I am. I am as unworthy as a man who looks 'lustfully' at another man. And that man is as worthy of God's mercy and grace as i am. As a Christian, he or she is as noble as someone who has to accept injury or blindness or other such trial through life. And I am absolutely sure and certain that God looks on gays with great love.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
actually homophobia is the sin.
@junomcgaff3479 2 года назад
God loves everyone. We are all sinners. The key is not to think that it is okay and strive to be better I think. It is very difficult topic and shouod be approached sensitively
@dominickbundy6429 2 года назад
The Bible says a lot of things that just don’t fit or are accurate either. What really matters is how one feels about what they are spoon fed and made to believe. Remember one size doesn’t fit all. The Bible is also a book written by humans,. Which I don’t always take literally as all that ends all just because the Bible says so,
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@dominickbundy6429 the problem is when religious folk abuse the bible as a one size fits all.
@acr164 2 года назад
@@dominickbundy6429 Dear Dominick. I couldn't disagree more. Don't read the bible if that is all it means to you. But, if it means more than that, let God speak to you and store it in your heart. For it is not the bible alone but the Holy Spirit who speaks to you through his word. It is not the bible which loves you but your Creator.
@L32C-yg9hm 6 месяцев назад
This makes so much sense.
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
this also makes sense If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@brendamyc3057 2 года назад
Scott knows all about good and bad diversity. I think we need to teach on this more.
@darrenmiller6927 Год назад
Father Schmitz is great. I loved his interview with Megyn Kelly. Here again he shines. Great compassion. Great willingness to talk openly about the difficult issues of our time. What a beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful person. A great voice for our culture and our time.
@danielgloverpiano7693 Год назад
He’s super hot, and no gay man would turn him down. Our gaydar goes off when we see Father Mike.
@Grokford Год назад
Openness to talk except to Queer people who would correct him when he’s obviously wrong.
@joriesilver5318 2 года назад
I do think at a certain point, if you insist that gay love is sinful, you are are refusing to see the real, full, God-given love that we’re showing you. I wish the Church I was born to was willing to see us as we are. Happy pride to all the other LGBT Catholics who end up here 🏳️‍🌈
@jennyrose9454 2 года назад
Lust and sex aren't love if you love someone you don't want to make them commit sins
@Grokford Год назад
@@jennyrose9454 Well we’re not talking about lust Jenny, we’re talking about Love. It might surprise you but Queer people are smart enough to know the difference.
@Grokford Год назад
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭NIV‬‬
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
true true true If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
why gay love If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@SkyeTerrier2017 2 года назад
Being gay or lesbian isn’t just a feeling, it’s a deep desire to have a spouse, a commitment to that spouse. It’s having an expectation to be safe from harassment at work. It’s being part of a larger community that has many smaller subsets. Also, there is no one gay lifestyle just as their is no one heterosexual lifestyle. There are promiscuous straight people who live a hedonistic lifestyle. There are gay people who are Christian. Being gay is not just an attraction it’s an integral part of who we are.
@lesliegarcia8041 Год назад
Being gay is a same sex sexual attraction that a person chooses to define oneself as. I don't identify myself by my sexuality. I am a child of God. I know who I am in Christ. Our sexuality is carnal and temporary. It serves its purpose for God in procreation--to co-create with Him, to bring His children into this world. Like any other sexual act outside of marriage, one has to overcome the desire, and can do so with God's grace.
@legoshirocha Год назад
I’m a young catholic man but I’m also gay although I don’t let that to define me. There’s nothing wrong on liking your same sex but what is wrong is leaving a promiscuous life and infidelity and that’s for homosexual and heterosexual behaviors.
@Grokford Год назад
@@lesliegarcia8041 Just because ther eare relevant categories doesn't mean that you define yourself by them. You probably don't define yourself by being a brunette but it would be false to say that you weren't.
@Grokford Год назад
@@legoshirocha There's ethical and unethical promiscuity, there's nothing immoral about sex or even a lot of sex.
@johndougherty9332 Год назад
Keep buying the lie.
@CoolBreezeAnthony Год назад
Your childhood upbringing shapes your character. Love is from God. We are all loved by the Lord. It is not my place to judge. God created all life. We as individuals tend to throw stones without considering our own failures and fallacies.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
No judgement here If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@wildcalmxtra 2 года назад
I don’t think the church comprehends how ruinous the equating of sinfulness and being gay has been in so many peoples’ lives. If you’re one of those people who’ve spent years trying to be Christian and knowing you are gay, you’ll know what being between the devil and the deep blue sea really feels like. Jesus tells us to love, and yet many gay people have spent their life denying any instinct to get close to others, in fear of what that may turn into. It takes a strong resolve to not be totally messed up, to not have every part of your relationships with others affected, and with how you live every aspect of your life. It becomes you. What kind of sin is it to want to find meaningful love, to want to be happy in your own skin? These men sit and talk about it like it’s a philosophical debate that has no personal effect on them. It’s not a philosophical debate if you’re living it.
@Grokford Год назад
Love is not a sin, scripture says as much (Galatians 6:22-23). Anyone who says otherwise simply hasn’t read enough.
@bailee7696 Год назад
Ur preaching heresy and u are not of god
@wildcalmxtra Год назад
@@bailee7696 I've preached no heresy. I believe in one true and living God. But when I try to tell you my experience of trying to live within the church and am accused of heresy, your reaction is to shut down debate, is it any wonder that people walk away from it in despair? I am a child of God, whether you or the church believe it to be so.
@Grokford Год назад
@@bailee7696 What claim is heretical? What claim is even about doctrine? Is crying heresy your only defense?
@Mabeylater293 Год назад
To active church members I kindly ask you to defund hate by defunding religion. Stop tithing. Many have quietly made this decision and it’s the loudest voice the church is hearing. Defund hate today. I have and it’s one of the most meaningful and rewarding decisions I have made in support of my gay brothers’ and sisters’ happiness and fulfillment. Thank you.
@veritasmuy2407 10 месяцев назад
YOU: To active church members I kindly ask you to defund hate by defunding religion. *ME: Its not "hate" to tell someone the Truth -- Leviticus 19:17-18 -- hate is to allow them to remain deceived by the hedonistic world.*
@veritasmuy2407 10 месяцев назад
YOU: Defund hate today. *ME: So you are saying that GOD was "hateful" in Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13 saying that homosexuality was an abomination to GOD ??* And Apostle Paul was being "hateful" in Romans 1:25-28 when Paul states that GOD uses homosexuality as a CURSE on those that blaspheme GOD ?? *And you believe that GOD was being "hateful" when He said that marriage is the Rib/woman returning to the Man to make One Whole Flesh again in Genesis 2:22-24 ??* And you believe that JESUS was being "hateful" when Jesus agreed with GOD about the definition of marriage being between a Man and Woman in Matthew 19 ?? STOP trying to force Catholics to change the words of their GOD just to satisfy your physical lusts and your silly emotions.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
great idea keep supporting If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
here is more support If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@tnt2054 2 года назад
Thank you for this great talk
@hollandaster8230 Год назад
This comment section is depressing and sad, live your life be yourself. Don’t hate yourself, don’t suppress yourself, go out and join the community we’d love you back. Be kind to yourself, you can still be catholic and queer, don’t let rubes tell you otherwise. God made you queer and live that beautiful life, join a church that loves you for you and doesn’t force you into something you are not. And for the posters of the video you should feel ashamed, bigotry has no place in this world and you cowards hide behind authority and text to make the world a worse place. Love one another even if they are gay or trans.
@brianhoward5509 Год назад
Adding to Scripture has penalties. Homosexuality is called an abomination, yet you suggest made people this way. This is a lie.
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
you are just fine If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@josieguts Год назад
i like how they treat being gay as a problem
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
maybe it's not a problem If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
these are not problems If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@zayinrua1816 2 года назад
I stand in truth. It is my right to be free of normalcy. If that means I'm WICKED. Then SO BE IT. SO IT IS
@uchihasenjuu 2 года назад
God is infinitely bigger than our sexuality. Focus on God and His Holiness. You can be LGBT but you don't have to give in to the temptations of the flesh. You can be with your partners without committing sinful acts. One does not need to have sex to show love. You can still love one another by taking care of each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, till the very end. It's not easy, it never was and never will be easy, but as shown by great men and women of God and by the Lord Himself, the temptations of the flesh can be overcome. Pray more, meditate on the Word of God more, and spend more time helping each other in whatever ways we can. Sincerely, Your bisexual brother in Christ
@PeterRiello Год назад
Couldn't agree more
@Episcopalianacolyte 4 месяца назад
I am gay but I could not accept the difference between the teaching and practice of homosexuality. The church was saying don't do it, but, at the same time, I had several priests and others coming on to me. That was at the time of the storm of the scandal being exposed. I became a hard core traditionalist and an Altar Boy for a TLM. I was very devoted to the Blessed Sacrament and Mary, the mother of GOD but nothing changed. The priests were no different. I didn't feel right so I finaly became an Episcopalian. I accept the things that I cannot change. Now I feel comfortable about my calling. I still serve at the altar but am discerning my vocation.
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
freedom If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@Episcopalianacolyte 4 месяца назад
@@dan69052 I agree with most of what you said. It is excellent. One difference is that my church also encourages reason along with tradition and the scriptures to guide us. Because of the facts you stated about the factors that determine our sexuality, we do not exclude anyone because of it. In fact, we embrace LGBT persons and even ordain them as clergy. Some of us are drag queens, married gay couples and even transgender. No one has to exclude themselves from religion because of this. I am gay and the Episcopal Church gives me substance, grace and unconditional love. Who we love or the gender we are oriented towards doesn't make us sinners.
@mazikode 2 года назад
Very powerful
@pastorbri 2 года назад
homophobia is powerful sadly
@j.g.8494 2 года назад
I am homosexual and I have always been so. I was a Roman Catholic until I was 24 years of age. At 24 years of age, I had my first homosexual experience with an adult male. I had to decide which way to go - to be a Catholic or an active homosexual. I decided to be true to myself and to be an active homosexual. As soon as I made the decision, I experienced an integration of personality and I felt whole. I quit the Catholic Church more than 50 years ago. It was one of the best decisons I ever made in my life.
@ZekeMagnar 2 года назад
What happens if you're wrong, J.G.? Have you ever considered that?
@chris-solmon4017 2 года назад
@@ZekeMagnar - hi troll.
@j.g.8494 2 года назад
@@ZekeMagnar I'm right! Have YOU considered that?
@antoineduchamp4931 2 года назад
As a gay ex-Catholic, treated appallingly by priests in the confessional in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, I can let you know this... for the all the fine words of understanding and compassion uttered by modern priests such as this, deep down you are in their eyes just an almighty sinner, destined for hell. Well they can go to hell in my view.
@eyesoftheworld362 2 года назад
I’m sorry for that. Where did you go? Is the Eucharist as the Church teaches still that Eucharist or did that change too? Were you a devout catholic or cafeteria?
@antoineduchamp4931 2 года назад
@@eyesoftheworld362 Devout catholic; taught by Jesuits and Irish Christian brothers - the latter were clinical sadists and drunkards in Liverpool back years ago. They are all finished now. The reason I am no longer a catholic is because of the appalling and unchristian behaviour of catholics that surrounded me all the time I was there, including my own father who was excessively catholic and violent. All religions and their teachings are basically good, wheresoever they emanate. It is the behaviour, appalling behaviour, of the followers of the religion which cause people to reject it.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
agree agree read onIf you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@antoineduchamp4931 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this very intelligent and well written reply. I am familiar with the in utero science regarding foetal development.. and believe it to be true. Alas I am not a believer in any sense whatsoever, therefore the concept of sin to me is just a medieval throw-back to me, as is all of religion. Kind thoughts to you. @@dan69052
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
you are right on & don't go to hell it is really grouded with the religious !!!If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@jeffpossberg1127 Год назад
When people tell you they are Catholic it's important to make sure they know that "being Catholic is not your identity"
@tammycaskey6990 Год назад
That is all they see. They are followers by which will practically burn them up...literally, but they won't die.
@lisawalls4194 Год назад
Many don’t get that everything we see- in the media, Church, school, work, home etc… reinforces a heterosexual identity. It’s assumed. They forget that almost every LGBTQ+ was born into a heterosexual family. Where heterosexuality was considered the norm. It was expected. It was assumed. Sometimes forced. There are rarely honest discussions about this.
@scottk6260 Год назад
You mentioned having priests who speak the truth - they should be saying there is nothing wrong with being gay or the sexual expression of it, but its bad for business, as is birth control, premarital sex, abortion and women's rights... No wonder the church is dying - anything that does not change with time usually ends up going extinct.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
true true true If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@tysondacosta7802 2 года назад
i want you to cover a topic based on Priests that are living the New Age lifestyle versus the Gospel. This is because when I hear a priest preach somehow the Gospel that he preaches on the pulpit seems to contradict his actual life outside the pulpit. Lots of justificaation for his actions comes along with it. He tells the lay people not to gossip but he will be the first one to spoil the name of someone who lives with him in his residence or seminary. Gosh. So much of contradictions comes to my mind. Please please come up with such challenging topics. God bless your efforts
@tylergreen5857 2 года назад
As someone who was raised Christian and still loves and has a deep relationship with Christ and is also gay, it is profoundly disrespectful to treat us this way. Anytime someone brings up this talking point, I find it very difficult to stay engaged, in large part due to the jadedness I feel at its repetition. It is completely disingenuous to equate your sin to what you perceive as sin in another as a form of counterfeit pity. If the church actually believes this then they need to promote singleness for ALL, like Saint Paul did, rather than making marriage a sacrament. I am not trying to make a statement about either of y’all’s individual characters, but it’s extremely hurtful and it is not seeing people’s pain for what it is. It’s a flippant way to treat the children of God. Praying for everyone who experiences homosexuality or gender dysphoria and the deep distress that they can bring, no matter what you have chosen or where the Spirit has led you, may you find deep and abiding peace.
@Bradley-pgamer996 Год назад
Ok, all I know is this. We are NOT supposed to boast in our sin. If I am tempted to sin against purity or if my chastity is being tested, I am to run or sprint to Our Blessed Mother. So I assume the same goes for someone that has ssa issues right? Ssa is disordered and it's a sin against purity and it tests a person's chastity so that person should run to Our Blessed Mother for her protection. Why must we continue to tip toe around the issue? Look, ssa is a sin. Adultery is a sin. Stealing is a sin. Entertaining the thoughts is a mortal sin just the same as if I entertain a sin of adultery. So we aren't supposed to entertain them. That doesn't mean we won't fall. If we do, then we go through the steps of repenting and the sacraments to ensure we don't fall again. We should definitely have intent NOT to fall again. People need to quit with the politically correct crap. Read the scriptures. Our directions on what to do and what NOT to do is right there.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
maybe it is not a sin If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth & knowledge If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@no_prisoners6474 2 года назад
I miss the daily reading reflections 💔😥
@Alma.- 2 года назад
Me too.! 🙁
@amaaaljos 2 года назад
Someone help me understand this. Having homosexual attractions or desires are not a sin, but acting on those desire is? So, a heterosexual person can have consensual sex with their spouse of the opposite sex and a homosexual person cannot have consensual sex with their partner even if they're legally married, because that's against the Church's teachings? A heterosexual person can act upon his desires but not a homosexual person? How is that normal and healthy?
@yangwenli1272 2 года назад
even a heterosexual person should only act in a marriage and only regards to penis into vagina. everything else is a sin.
@ameliamurray6358 7 месяцев назад
All sexual acts need to be unitive and open to life. Homosexual acts are not open to life inherently, thus is cannot be a valid sexual act (same reason that straight couples can’t use artificial contraception or oral sex). Chastity is possible, so many people, straight and not, live their lives that way in a healthy manner :)
@bbgamegodpnw Месяц назад
Well you mentioned marriage which is the key issue. Homosexual marriages are not valid within the church. Any marriage done outside of the church are also not valid. I'm a straight male, I've had sex outside of marriage, I am in a state of sin for doing it. If that clears anything up
@shanebullock5005 2 года назад
The Jezebel spirit is getting stronger so we must pray for the intervention of our Heavenly father.
@petergonzales9448 2 года назад
You are cordially invited to the Wedding And the Great Feast of the Lord Jesus Christ and His bride the Church to take Place in the Kingdom Of Heaven Really, really soon. No Gift required, He was the Gift for you.
@stephencuskley5251 2 года назад
@petergonzales9448 2 года назад
@@stephencuskley5251 l was doing The John 3.16 , utube say stop I have been making hand prints Of the Wedding invitations for Years, fulling the scriptures Go ye into the highways and Invite them. The word of God Fulfulled.
@josephzammit8483 2 года назад
Well said! I’m publishing a weekly RU-vid video on episodes from the life of Don Bosco, entitled ST JOHN BOSCO by JOE ZAMMIT. In this series I’m narrating events and miracles from the splendid life of Don Bosco. St John Bosco used to perform a miracle almost every day, through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians. From the lives of saints we can learn how to love God more and draw closer to him. Thank you.
@davidsutter1846 2 года назад
Mike---sure appreciate you!
@joaov.m.oliveira9903 Год назад
God does not want people to get rid of what He gave us. If Church stance on this issue (namely, that God does not create trans or homossexual people in the first place but, rather, that their inclination is an intrinsic evil where His will is absent), why aren't we seeing happy, sound, examples of homossexual gay Catholics by the milions sticking to this divine rule of self-hatred? Catholic families should embrace these folks and take pride in that their sons and daughters are non-practicing gays. We don't see any of that though. We see families hiding the truth in front of their eyes, and sons hiding from their families that they "struggle" with it. This is the rule everywhere. Deep down all of them know the only struggle is precisely the one they have with one another. These people begin to hate the truth, not the sin. Cause the truth is for them worse than hiding. Living chastefully under an inclination the Church deems "instrisically evil" could only make them better. Right? But the out of this world number of gays hiding in the clergy prove it wrong: they "worsen" as they try to hide it. As they try to solve it with prayers and rituals. They become hypocrites, lying cause they can't "pray away" their sexuality. Well, what if they knew... God wants them to precisely live like they are? 😅
You wish.
@joaov.m.oliveira9903 Год назад
@@InfoArtistJKatTheGoodInfoCafe I hope you don't fall into the hypocritical abyss like many of us did. I'm sorry I was not an exception to it. I'm not pointing my finger at any one in particular, but it's there for you guys to see it: God wills gays to be gay, and fruitfull in it. False Religion Inc. would have them expelled and evacuated, then condemned to "hell". But reality is a bitch isn't it? Hell moves away from gay children the more we point our fingers to them, and it gets closer to us.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
self love not hate If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@michaelinminn 5 месяцев назад
A humoristic comment. Fr. Mike actually has more to say than Dr. Hahn! at least in this post!🙂
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@Grokford Год назад
0:34 This is a failed endeavor. No one is saying or that sexuality is your identity. If you can not conceive of Queer people apart from their gender an sexuality then you have already failed to reach out to them. Obviously sexuality is big deal but so is being a parent. You don't have to make being a parent your entire identity to realize that it affects your life and to know when people are trying to interfere. ... 2:05 You can not reach out to Queer people if you assume that you know what they are experiencing. Recognizing commonality is all well and good until you use our shared humanity as a smokescreen for superimposing your own beliefs and expectations onto Queer people. We have common problems sure but that doesn't mean you know what the problems are. As indicated by the fact that you seem to think that homosexuality or is only a result of horniness. Which is false. I shouldn't even have to say that. Queer people are human beings, you can not reduce them to a carcicatured idea of sex addiction. ... 2:55 And this is what I'm talking about. Being gay is not the interchangeable equivalent of your penchant for lying or rage. Reducing it to an "issue" is evidence that you have not been listening. We're also well past the point where you can say that being Queer is a sin or "makes it harder to follow Jesus". That is a claim that recquires justification. You can not just handwave the massive theological debate that is happening worldwide and implicitly justify the years of ongoing violence and abuse. Queer people want answers, and the church owes them that, and much more besides. ... 4:10 I repeat no one has their entire identity revolving around their sexuality. This is simply a lie. ... 5:31 Scripture specifically speaks against enforcing celibacy for those who are not already capable of it. Treating your marital issues as if they are the same as mandatory celibcacy is just anothe instance of why you can not interpret other people's experiences through your own. Saying "I know it's hard being celibate against your will but I can't cheat on my wife so we're really the same" isn't just gauche, it's cruel. Also it's not even biblical, since we seem to have forgotten that that's the point. ... 6:00 Romans 7:6 also specifically states that we are not under the law. Which means that we are under no obligation to follow the prohibitions on certain types of male homoeroticism even if those translations were accurate. ... 6:34 Speaking of self-worshiping, raising priests to a higher level of spirituality is prone to produce priests with exactly that mindset. ... 8:39 Trying to sneak Queer people in through the backdoor of sainthood is not helpful or honest. Any well-adjusted Queer person does not need to be validated by this, they already know that they are the spiritual equals of their Christians siblings. The fact that such validation even has the possibility of working is only evidence of how Queer people have been mistreated and neglected by the church. It's also dishonest because many so-called Saints are hardly good examples. Thomas Moore burned his fellow Christians alive for the grand heresy of owning a Bible do you really expect us to believe that Queer people will be accepted as spiritual equals by the church any time soon when it still venerates a person who murdered people for the far more acceptable "sin" of wanting to read the Bible? This is PR, this isn't the truth. The Church does not view Queer people as spiritual equals even though it should. Why else would their be such a hubub about a celibate gay priest? If we're "all the same" why should it matter with which gender a priest has forsworn? Because large swathes of the Catholic church reject Queerness and Queer people by default and often won't even answer why ... Notice how none of this addresses any issues. Save the very very basic, bare-bones idea that you should treat Queer people like people. It perpetuates false and defamatory ideas about what Queer peopele are and believe. It tries to put sexuality in a separate category of human existence, it projects claims about Queer people without explanation and purports to want to join Queer and non-Queer people while really super-imposing its own views. If this was about treating Queer people the same or listening to them it would bear a stronger relationship to reality.
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@Grokford 4 месяца назад
@@dan69052 " If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation" In theory, but who deiced what the rules are? I don't believe that it is fair or reasonable to assume that homophobic Christians are telling the unvarnished truth about the faith. "If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different" I don't believe that spirituality and reason are mutually exclusive, but I suppose that it depends on what you consider "spirituality", "Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt." It can be, but I don't believe that manipulation always inherent in faiths just because some members use it. "Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book." I will look into that thanks. " Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace" I agree with you, but something that I might not have made clear in my comment is that I am a Queer Christian. I think that God is better than us, and that prejudices like this are a human problem.
@tatronhox8711 2 года назад
Have not seen the video yet but a like for father mike. 👍🏽
@patriciabyrne5089 2 года назад
I don't like him at all. He cloaks his hardline conservatism with a friendly front and a smile but he's as strict as any priest from the 1950's.
@tatronhox8711 2 года назад
@@patriciabyrne5089 you have to admit that he looks really good
@annak.thomas8168 2 года назад
@@patriciabyrne5089 Exactly!!
@dakotahmays1437 2 месяца назад
@nathantyler5981 2 года назад
I’m gay, just so everyone here knows it’s two guys on the internet cherry picking ideas from a old misinterpreted book trying to tell you how to feel and how to live your life. I’m just saying think for yourself and don’t listen to these two old men who think they are all high and mighty in their cult like following
@koppite9600 2 года назад
How do you know being gay is good? You can't. Being gay is a question of morality, for you it's good for Christians it's forbidden. Bestiality is also good for some, should they think for themselves just like you do?
@Grokford Год назад
@@koppite9600​​ It’s not forbidden for Christians either. Bestiality is rape, it’s not comparable. It is not necessary that homosexuality be “good”, heterosexuality is not good it just is.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
agree agree agree read on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@paulmartin7609 2 года назад
Fr mike please
@wendyfarone2513 2 года назад
I just don’t understand bc they haven’t actually said what the church says about all of this. If we are all just sinners and it is “us” then SSA persons should be able to married in the Catholic Church. Also, “we” as women and those who are gay (many are but don’t ask don’t tell) should be able to be priests…after all it’s just “us.” It just seems hypocritical to me. Please help me to understand.
@junomcgaff3479 2 года назад
Everyone has a different role and different cross to carry
@SE-cm3rh 2 года назад
Somewhere on the Ascension Presents channel, Fr. Mike discusses this topic of same sex attraction more fully. It might also help to find discussions on the purpose of marriage on the same channel. For me, his discription of us vs them vs its all us finally made me realize the truth of the "we each have our own cross to bear" thing. In my case, I'm addicted to food. Food is good when used properly ie, when we eat to live. But when we live to eat, that becomes sinful. So I know I better not keep cookies and ice cream in the house or I will corrupt the use of food. Having the attraction to cookies in itself is not a sin. But choosing to wolf down 3 packages in one day would be because its a corruption of the intended good purpose of food. So, being attracted to something in itself is not a sin, but it will become sinful if we choose to act on that attraction in a corrupt way. I believe the Church is very clear that sex is for "babies and bonding" of one man and one woman. But the Catholic Church in particular is not condemning of one's innate tendencies but neither will they condone the corruption or misuse of God's good gifts. Look at Ascension Presents for a thumbnail with 2 blond women for a MUCH better explanation....one is married/straight and the other has same sex attractions but denies herself the "cookie fest" in order to follow her Catholic beliefs. Listening to her made it sooo much easier to understand my own cross, perhaps it will help you since you are questioning exactly her cross.
@xxproeditingmagexx7593 Год назад
If Christ is the male figure and Mary the female figure, then the priests shall be men and the nuns shall be women. It has nothing to do with inferiority, but rather God’s divine will for parochial roles in the church. Nuns are mother figures and priests are father figures. Hope that helps!
@ZZ-yw5sh Год назад
Yes, it’s hypocrisy. Oh you are just one of us but you can’t be married here or become a priest. The Catholic Church is not standing up in truth. They try to be accepting while ignoring Gods holy Word and what it says.
@gulfbreezescapes4429 Год назад
Marriage is a Sacrament that is gone into after confessing our sins. So entering “marriage” in a state of sin is not acceptable as it is WRITTEN. Not understanding this, does not make it OK for gay “marriage.”
@andreeattieh2963 2 года назад
Great video 👌
@williamjeffrey40 2 года назад
Your sexuality is part of who you are. It is NOT a "choice" , it is NOT a "sin" ,it is simply who you are, and is not open to discussion , criticism , judgement, or condemnation, and you do not put it on ,or take it off like a pair of pants.
@ZekeMagnar 2 года назад
Who argued that it's a choice?
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@ZekeMagnar most homophobics do
@marcuscaballarius2159 2 года назад
The Church teaches it is sinful to act on those desires.
@ZekeMagnar 2 года назад
@@pastorbri You may as well not reply to any of my posts, Brian. I blocked you yesterday.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
@@ZekeMagnar people who block me prove they knew I was right btw......as they had no answer. Thank you for proving me right. I hope satan was worth it for you!
@afribear 2 года назад
As a Protestant Christian who happens to only be attracted to men I'd like to know if homosexuality requires an exorcism? I will seek out the help of a priest if so.
@bbgamegodpnw Месяц назад
No lol, exorcists are for people with actual demons not sin, hysteria, or mental illness. It's VERY rarely ever takes place.
@Its303AcidBass 2 года назад
Father Mike has a nice farmers tan.
@godlychristian8257 2 года назад
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 18:22
@Grokford Год назад
Mistranslation and it’s Levitical law, so it doesn’t apply.
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
stupidity& ignorance is the real abomination If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@akajsal 2 года назад
The Church's constant focus on sex and a person's sexual nature will be its ultimate undoing. Jesus never did this, not did he speak much about it. If we are created in God's image, body, mind and spirit, then our sexual nature is holy. Period. Men of the Church, not God, created these problems of ugly division. The Church needs to repent of its sins against those who are sexually "different" and begin to minister to all without judgment.
@chris-solmon4017 2 года назад
It’s obsessed with sex. There’s a reason the “Hole-y” mother church is referred to as a she. And why there’s a big phallus in St Peter’s square (Peter being slang for penis). The church is one big uterus through which people “come in” and are born again.
@ZekeMagnar 2 года назад
@@chris-solmon4017 I'm very hesitant to address someone who thinks what you think, since this is guaranteed to go nowhere and fast, but I'll give it a try. Why do you reject Lev 18:22?
@chris-solmon4017 2 года назад
@@ZekeMagnar - there’s no point in talking to someone who’s made up their mind. Golem.
@chris-solmon4017 2 года назад
@@ZekeMagnar - keep worshiping a book. And we’ll see what God says when he asks which god you worship. A book or the Creator of Creation. ?
@chris-solmon4017 2 года назад
@@ZekeMagnar - sounds like I touched a nerve.
@zayinrua1816 2 года назад
My path isn't forsaken. How could one say such a thing when you are you are damning your own selves through the torment of other people I choose not to go through.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dannySG61 2 года назад
I grew up awkward around girls. Then during my junior high school days, I often felt urge to hug, have that desire to have physical contact with my closest buddy. But deep inside me, I know it's not the right thing to do. And so I resisted. Lucky me the LGBT agenda is not yet that strong back then when I was growing up. Imagine how I would have proceeded if I grew up in an environment where same-sex attraction is not only not frowned upon, but encouraged? Surely I would be living a gay life now. And about 2 years ago I started reading the Bible. As I read it, I came to the realisation that if we were left to our own devices, we are more likely than not to follow the lusts of our body. We need to be taught and guided that it is WRONG to follow our feelings and pander to lust, just as it is wrong to follow your anger and go hit or kill and to follow your desires and greed to steal. There are truths that should be universally applicable, and adhered to, for our common good. Follow the truths, not your heart. A man's heart is full of, and is directed toward sin.
@jamesparson 2 года назад
That is such a sad story. You could have been with someone who loved you they way you feel you want to be loved. You denied yourself that for an organization's biases.
@pastorbri 2 года назад
you do know its the homophobic agenda at play?
@PGVEL Год назад
It’s sad how an organization has convinced you to self hate yourself for who you are. Hope you find your true self one day .
@veiledd_ Год назад
this comment honestly made me sad. i respect your faith and devotion, but you should be true to yourself. homosexuality is not something you need to repress. attraction to someone of the same sex is not something to be ashamed of. you speak of living a gay life in such distaste, but in reality it would be the most freeing and healthy lifestyle. you do not need to hide or reject who you are to be loved. homosexuality is not an urge and it isn't something that can be erased, it is encoded within you from the moment you are born: and that is not inherently wrong. i love you and god loves you for who you are, and i hope that you can truly learn to love yourself in that same light.
@vladomontezuma626 2 года назад
Well I'm heterosexual, demisexual but also I have no problems live celibacy and not having sex. The thing that you can't have your own children would be kinda depressing for me if I would be homosexual. If I'm not living celibacy I would have a lot of children, but that's just me. I agree that we have to understand homosexual people and respect them and their feelings and if they want to follow God and they still suffer it must be really heavy burden... I don't like how some heterosexual people who maybe changed 5plus+ partners hate homosexuals and think like they are better people... God bless :)
@joebriggs5781 2 года назад
So just not have a partner and stay single my whole life? Yeah no thanks
@Grokford Год назад
Paul would agree with you in your case.
@Urmapleleaf Год назад
Or they'd tell you to marry a wife, in which case you'd feel unhappy, and consequently the marriage would break up eventually. You cant politic your way out with the Christians. Im thankful religion is declining. Im saddened that some gay teenagers or young adults are being groomed and abused by their christian parents.
@Grokford Год назад
@@Urmapleleaf I’m a part of a Queer congregation, abandoning religious spaces to prejudice is not an acceptable compromise to me. We need to deal with the problem wherever it occurs.
@johndougherty9332 Год назад
How about finding a opposite sex mate? Why does anyway assume this is impossible? Its not impossible. Fat people lose weight.Alcoholics and addicts change.
@joebriggs5781 Год назад
@@johndougherty9332 would you be able to just turn some kind of switch and want to be with a man for the rest of your life? I doubt it. That’s what that would be like for me with a woman. That attraction just isn’t there. Also it’s a ridiculous thing to compare to people who are overweight or addicts. I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t eat too much or not exercise or abused alcohol or substances. I’m simply just not attracted to women.
@CH-Wisdom Год назад
Wonderful conversation with two of my favorite, holy men. Thank you! I often wonder why every relationship is sexually defined in these times? I am 66 and remember a time when you could live with someone of the same sex, have a loving relationship, but completely not enter into a sexual relationship. What happened to rich, deeply loving friendships? Sometimes I wonder if the media and the digital world have erased this model in favour of depravity for the purpose of reducing everything to materiaism...just thinking...
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
some more thinking reason If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
please think about this If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@FuegodeInfierno 9 месяцев назад
Yeah, bring a hot priest to talk about it, thats gonna work out😂
@drjoe53 9 месяцев назад
LOL. But he made sure to tell us that he is ‘“straight”
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
good observation read onIf you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@catholicfemininity2126 2 года назад
This is why I read the douay rheims bible, not only did it come out before the kjv, but I saw articles saying King james had homosexual desires in his letters???? Awkward.........
@jennifromtheblock4684 Год назад
Is the priest, Father Mike, a non practicing gay? I accept gays and lesbians, G-D made them and he loves us all. ❤
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
agree agree If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@carlanear7740 5 месяцев назад
Absolutely not, he' has spoken about it.
@jennifromtheblock4684 4 месяца назад
@@carlanear7740he gives off gay vibes and has admitted to having gay siblings
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@danmitchell3758 2 года назад
what is the word used at 5:58...capusescense? I have never heard this word in 52 years of english.
@janereynolds703 2 года назад
Concupiscence. You can look it up for a better definition. But basically it means the tendency of fallen mankind to be drawn to sin. HTH.
@Grokford Год назад
@@janereynolds703 In the broad sense but specifically it means sex and lust. Which given the context of the video, saying that Queer people are just horny is the exactly wrong thing to say, because it is so far from the truth.
@mpshields Месяц назад
I decided one day to make a MAGIC choice to go with the "GAY LIFESTYLE"! 🤣 And met my husband in Catholic Gay Conversion Therapy Class.🤣. And they lived happily ever after. AMEN 🙏 Praise the Lord. 🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈👍
@johngolden891 2 года назад
Thanks Dr. Hahn and Fr. Mike for reaching out to those with same sex attraction. I admire the discipline of those in religious life and others who lead perfectly chaste lives. It would be very helpful if there were a book in which people with same sex attraction explain how they maintain that discipline even when they have close friendships with others. Many Catholics with same sex attraction have found life/soul partners and are in a monogamous long-term relationship relationship. Many of these earnestly wish they could receive Holy Communion at Mass. I know of many such couples who have been together twenty years and one over fifty years. It's difficult to have to choose between what has been a mutually positive relationship of long duration and one's faith. Some have left the Catholic Church for the American Episcopal Church which is similar in terms of most of its doctrines but is generally accepting of same-sex couples. Sorry that this comment is so lengthy. Thanks for reading through it.
@Grokford Год назад
This isn’t for Queer people, this is straight Catholics patting themselves on the back. Case in point, even when Queer people are bullied into following the unbiblical requirement for chastity, they are still treated as lesser.
@johngolden891 Год назад
@@Grokford I appreciate your perspective. Many have left Churches that do not accept same-sexed couples for those that do.
@Grokford Год назад
@@johngolden891 yes, but many more hace simply left. Many churches would rather condemn the souls of Queer people then tolerate the reality that they are spiritual equals.
@johngolden891 Год назад
@@GrokfordQueer friendly people general believe that the half dozen negative passages about homosexual sex does not apply to those in faithful loving relations. Conservatives say these apply in every case
@Grokford Год назад
@@johngolden891 Well yes, scripture specifically lists Love as a fruit of the spirit, “against such things there is no law”(Galatians 5:22-23).
@ROEnotEOR Год назад
Being gay is not a sin, and God loves you for who you are, baby. "Whether life's disabilities left you outcast, bullied, or teased. Rejoice and love yourself today 'Cause, baby, you were born this way No matter gay, straight, or bi', lesbian, transgender life I'm on the right track, baby, I was born to survive". 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
agree agree agree read on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
this is why it is not a sin !!!If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@deb9806 Год назад
One of the saddest stories I've heard was on Storycorps PBS, called "Under the Influence" by a gay man who had his parents disown him after he came out to them going to college. She burned everything he ever gave her, all the things in his room. They loved him, taught him to be kind but then did this. It has to be religion sadly, misguided. Even after 6 years she wouldn't talk to him. I would never do that to anyone I loved.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
here is hope If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@Bugsy0333 2 года назад
Here is the reality : In total, Catholic dioceses in the United States have paid more than $3 billion in sexual abuse settlements over the course of several decades. Individual settlement amounts range considerably depending on the unique circumstances of each case.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
more reality read on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@Bugsy0333 6 месяцев назад
@@dan69052 Dan are you responding to me ?
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
more truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@Windchanter420 Год назад
Homosexuality isn't something I struggle with. It's something all the "religious" people around me struggle to understand.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
right on read on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
show them this & maybe they will learn something
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@boldliontexas 2 года назад
Defined by one's experience? Are heterosexuals (straight people) defined by their experiences ? or are they "born that way"? or does God create "sin"?
@PeterShieldsukcatstripey Год назад
Every time ypu like a bloke turn to Our Father. One could see it as a projection of our true love for The Father as we are afraid to express that love. Jeaus wants us to love Him more than any man.
@ameliaolson7580 2 года назад
This is such a hard topic. There are a number of places I have trouble with how we (Catholics) handle the issue. First, when we look at the Bible, we see the family structure shift from generation to generation. In the beginning there was not only man but there was incest and inter-familial coupling in order that the earth be populated. Then in a later generation we have Moses establishing new rules to how the family should be structured and who is permitted to be with whom. Then we have Christ who comes in and re-grounds us again with new approaches to how we apply the different forms of love (i.e. the different Greek forms of love). So, from this, would not one be required to assume that as the calls of evolution require different adaptations- just as in the bible, wouldn't we, too, be called to adapt our rules? The family structure is currently male, female, child. Then because of the zealousness of St. Augustine, I believe, we now have a second family structure that is currently male, Church, congregation. So, wouldn't this simple adaptation (that was not divinely ordered by God's command) not point to the pliability of our definitions? From this and from a whole bundle of other reasons, I feel gay ppl have a right to marry and they also have a right to love God without being shamed. I think we, as Catholics, have to do better in regard to this. No one should feel like they are denied God's acceptance and love and right now it's very evident they do feel and are being excluded from the walls of our Church. If anything- that should be shameful.
@6williamson 2 года назад
I think it is basically about trust. We can think of all sorts of ways to justify what we want to do, in all sorts of easy and profoundly difficult situations. I know because I do this and have done this many times, myself. But in our heart of hearts, in the depths of quite prayer, we learn what our Lord is calling us to. In a way, thinking about our 'rights' is diametrically opposed to the heart of the gospel. Rather, the gospel calls on total surrender to the will of God, much as Jesus did in his very difficult surrender to suffering and death in the garden. This is the basis and essence of our journey to participate in the Kingdom of God. Peace
@ZekeMagnar 2 года назад
It's not a hard topic if you're logical and apply proper Biblical hermeneutics that are consistent with the Authors intentions, Amelia. You mention incest? God allowed it (for His own reasons), then He disallowed it. End of discussion. I mean should we then apply the same standard of argumentation you've presented here towards incest by allowing for an "evolution" (in reality, a devolution) of the moral code given to us by God through Moses? In other words, should we allow incest? If not, then the rules Moses laid out for us regarding incest is where true Christians and Catholics should draw the line. You don't get to smuggle in "evolution" in attempts to justify your position when nothing in Scripture allows you to maintain such a view and in fact there are verses that clearly disallow such behavior. With regard to Jesus, He showed us what the normative expression of human sexuality was by pointing to the creation account. He said that a man would leave his father and mother and unite to his wife. He upheld the Old Testament law and in fact tightened it, but He also said that He did not come to abolish the law. Yet you say otherwise? Unlike incest, homosexuality was NEVER allowed and every single time it's mentioned in the Bible, it's shunned. Over and over and over again. That's the whole story, Amelia. You don't find it even remotely odd that the Bible says one thing and you, a self-proclaimed "Catholic", say another? Despite how you won't find a single sliver of evidence in the Bible or in all of orthodox, apostolic Church history (to this very day) to show that anyone accepted your worldview? That being said, no one who has an ounce of sense has ever made the claim that God does not love or accept gay PEOPLE, but He doesn't accept the act and that is a Biblical fact of reality. For you to even consider that God would accept the act falls so incredibly far out from actual Biblical teachings that the only way to maintain the position you maintain is either through flat-out ignorance (which I believe to be the case for you, Amelia) or demonic deception. I don't see how there could be any other alternative to accepting this very, very clearly heretic worldview.
@GwenL 2 года назад
@@ZekeMagnar Very well spoken indeed!! I could not understand where the "gay people have a right to marry" come from, except from a secular worldview.
@ZekeMagnar 2 года назад
@@GwenL That's pretty much it, Gwen. It's nothing more than a secular worldview that's seeped its way into the hearts of people who claim to believe in the God of the Bible. You won't find a single soul making such heretic claims prior to the sexual revolution in the 60's, but it's no coincidence that such claims were made after. Nothing happens outside of the Fathers care, though, so I'm convinced that God is divinely orchestrating (not decreeing, but arranging) these events in time to bring about His will, whatever His will may be.
@TheLincolnrailsplitt 2 года назад
In summary, you are advocating an 'evolutionary' (relativistic?) form of morality.
@easttexasfire 2 месяца назад
I have to say, I don’t see how it’s okay for priest to have sex with children but yall condemn gay adults being married. As an Anglican I don’t see how this is okay.
@luxitos2867 2 года назад
Oh FFS, you come at me and use lingo like "SSA" (a contrived term like you're trying to make it sound like a mental illness, I'm a psych student) or a "lifestyle" (yachting in the summer is a lifestyle, ya'll are just trying to create the illusion if choice), I'd laugh you off.
@dan69052 6 месяцев назад
good for you read on If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dan69052 4 месяца назад
truth If you are wondering about the question of whether your sexuality is a sin or not, I welcome you to consider the following thoughts for clarification. Let’s look at some basic fundamental facts based on extensive research & ongoing R&D. During fetal development a verity of biochemical agents are introduced which determine the development of the fetus. Major agents such as testosterone & estrogen & a host of others agents determine size, weight, hair color, eye color & sexuality along with a host of other traits. Variations in the amount & timing of the introduction of these agents have a major effect in our development. The fetus is a passive participant & has no influence in these matters. Sexuality, for example, & all other secondary traits are thus given to us. Well, this begs the question, is homosexuality a sin. If your religion or belief system states that it is, then there can be no argument. These are the rules based on this system’s dogma. If you accept this system, you must accept the rules. This is your only choice which is condemnation. If, however, you are in a belief system based on logic, reason, observation & common sense, & no reliance on spirituality the conclusion is totally different. Replacing ancient religion & mythology with reason leads to another conclusion. Leaving religions that use condemnation & ridicule for control, can be the first step in becoming a true human being minus any imposed or fabricated guilt. There exist many variations of human sexual expression. When you leave various ancient religious beliefs behind & chose knowledge based in research, you can see & understand the true nature of humanity. You leave ignorance, hatred, & prejudice behind. In the book Gay Straight & the Reason Why by Simon Levay PhD, explanations regarding this aspect of humanity are clearly explained & is based on research. While I am not gay, I highly recommend this book. Being gay is no more of a sin than having red hair. They are both based on genetics & clearly not a sin. There is nothing wrong with you. This is the true choice. Peace
@dakotahmays1437 2 месяца назад
SSA is exactly what it describes while “gay” is a very loaded term. As for lifestyle, does one engage in same sex behavior? Then that’s what it is. Different from those who experience attraction to the opposite sex but choose not to indulge in it
@luxitos2867 2 месяца назад
@@dakotahmays1437 DSM-5 page or GTFO
@luxitos2867 2 месяца назад
@dakotahmays1437 Do I hear dogwhistles? Cuz that's exactly what those terms are. As for "gay," it's a "loaded term" because cishet people took a word describing people in our community, dragged it through in the mud, & turned it into a pejorative. They did the same for "queer". They're doing it now for "twink," "bottom," etc. So, yeah 🤷‍♂️
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