
HR Managers, What Is the Craziest Tattle-Tale You've Heard From an Employee About Another Employee? 

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@sweetsatin24 3 года назад
"Then out of no where a wild douche appears" I'm crying 😂😭🤣😭😂😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Mr.Dolan-Duck 6 месяцев назад
LMAO 😂😂😂
@thatonegirlelaine 3 года назад
I worked at an assisted living facility as the HR rep. So many stories from that place, but one of my favorites was there was some issue going on with the staff in the kitchen, so I spoke with each of the parties involved. So, one of Mr fave employees was this guy named Michael. Michael was super "expressive", and he and this lady named Mary (who for some reason didn't like me and I didn't like her, but I digress) had some beef going on. Well, I don't remember all the details but at one point Michael said, "I called her an illiterate bitch. Yes I did!" The way he said it was hysterical--he was very animated. It was so hard not to laugh. Like so hard. That was 20 years ago and still cracks me up.
@DezyVic93 3 года назад
Not a manager but I was working as a barista for a Target Starbucks and told everybody that I had generalized anxiety disorder that if I needed a second to step away it was to prevent myself from having a full-on panic attack. The only person that had been there for more than a year was a major B. One day we were super slammed I finally got things to settle down and took a second after telling everybody I was going to the back to do some breathing exercises in a dark place. I stepped into the storage closet and started to meditate. That's when she walked in. With a brief glance knowing I was completely awake standing on my own two feet. She proceeded to not only throw other workers under the bus but told the managers of the Target that she caught me sleeping in the storage closet.
@jacob3988 2 года назад
Falling asleep, standing, after just 10 seconds. Sure. If you have it on file and i was a higher up, I would immediately fire her for trying to start crap
@k.chriscaldwell4141 2 года назад
As a class of coworkers and newbies filed in to my classroom, I wrote on the pristine whiteboard, “This space intentionally left blank.” I proceeded with the class. A few minutes after the class ended HR reported to me that someone had complained about what I had written on 5he whiteboard. I had to show her and my manager that similar was in our training materials and in no way carried some other nefarious meaning. People are nuts.
@renaysari6631 3 года назад
The story @2:00 happened to me. A chick I worked with went to our boss and complained about me saying, that I would not be friends with her. She has asked me to go out after work with her, and I said no. What she failed to tell my boss was that I did go out with her once. We went to a bar (we were in our 20's), and the entire time we were out, if I made a comment about a guy, like he was cute, I think I am going to go talk to him, and maybe ask him out. The first time I noticed a cutie, and commented to her, I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I came out of the bathroom only to see her sitting at his table making out with him. Uhm, ok, maybe she didn't hear me, I'll give her that one. Nope, the next guy I spotted, boom she is high tailing it to his table hitting on him. It was unbelievable. Oh, and she loved to point out my flaws, my hair is too frizzy, butt too fat, because guys just love her butt, I don't wear enough make up etc. So there would be no friendship. She was actually attempting to make my boss demand I be her friend. No thanks honey, no thanks.
@sammi2561 3 года назад
that’s so bogus but i would like to make a comment- she said your butt was too fat. an ass can simply NEVER be too fat. don’t forget that
@renaysari6631 3 года назад
@@sammi2561 Thank you sweety.
@wkcave 3 года назад
@@sammi2561 haha my man!!! You are 100% correct!
@CuriousGoodsJessica 3 года назад
I'm so sorry to hear that, I swear, I always had more guy friends than girls as friends because there's no competition, no hormonal bullshit, you just have fun doing what is fun and there's no drama because too many people are trying to be the center of attention. I am still besties with my girl best friend from 5th grade and we're past 40. We call each other sister now. Next to her, & my Mom, coworkers are my closest friends along with my sister in law & my nieces!
@renaysari6631 3 года назад
@@CuriousGoodsJessica Right! I swear, just had it happen again, yesterday. I am out talking to my neighbor, a guy. We are just friends, but all a sudden this chick comes bounding up, and starts open mouthed kissing him. He looked startled. I just said, well I'll talk to you later. He was like, don't go. Uhm, no. I am way too old for this crap. She looked at my like, why are leaving. I just hugged him, and left. Nope, don't play those games, never have, never will.
@josepherhardt164 3 года назад
12:18 "well the awkward part is ..." I guess he wasn't going for the trifecta?
@CuriousGoodsJessica 3 года назад
Ok, I just heard about this Monday, some of the girls in my office complained that one girl runs back & forth with VERY heavy footsteps, thudding, it shakes the cubicles & file cabinets & they start to panic because it feels like an earthquake. They are right, I've been scared myself, but I run a lot too, I'm just light on my feet, the other girl doesn't weigh much more than me but when she wears loose shoes she has to stomp to keep em on. Supposedly she complained first about how loud & how often we yell curse words but nobody's ever said a word to me! I'm everybody's best buddy though & we are all pretty close, so I stay out of anything involving anybody because nothing has ever bothered me enough to complain 😉💞
@lauralowe7834 3 года назад
Not an Hr employee, but may I add a complaint made about me? Years ago I worked at a newspaper. I was trying to be more social and would go to various desks to talk to people who seem to like talking to me. (I still got my work done). My direct boss didn't like that and warned me against it, Conveniently Forgetting the fact that her and her favourites in our department had instant messenger to talk to each other all day long. She also set me to jobs like watching the copier for the 300 plus 3 part copies to come out and not stick together, and other fun fun tasks. Also we got copies of the newspaper for free. I would bring a copy of these newspapers into the bathroom to skim through while I was doing my business. Toward the end of my time with them I was brought into an HR meeting with my direct boss. She brought up the fact that I socialised with other people and am bothering them (no one save her told me this, but I could see her point). Then she said that she had somebody follow me into the bathroom and peer under the door when I brought a newspaper in there. Said my legs were crossed so I must be reading, etc. I was 19, this was my first full time job , so I just said I had cramps (lie, but still!) and the meeting was over with a warning (I think, was long ago). I quit not long after and was stunned when my new coworkers actually seemed interested in what I was saying. My mom took great pleasure for years after seeing my job posted and reposted in the paper. Seemed to be very high turnover (I lasted a year). I'm in a great position now with wonderful coworkers, but man if I had the spine then that I do now, there would have been a counter complaint or worse from me.
@bradwolf07 3 года назад
That sounds absolutely horrible. Was your boss the only other one in that meeting? It sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen
@phlushphish793 3 года назад
Once I'm sitting at my desk. I see my supervisor & manager go out & talk to a girl who sat with her back to me. Found out later she had reported that, "I feel like he's undressing me with his eyes!"
@paxtonsmith5057 3 года назад
Orange red
@josepherhardt164 3 года назад
Jesus. This is akin to your SO being mad at you for what you did to her in a dream.
@gloveofants 3 года назад
My hr department had to fire two women who got into a fight in our break room because one was mad the other made her boyfriend brownies
@tekaharauhack5747 3 года назад
These Reddit Videos are fantastic but i always wonder if the same stories and situations involving multiple people have been told twice from different angles or in different feeds. this video/feed is "HR Managers, whats the craziest tattle- tale youve heard from an employee about another employee?" but you could have the same story from a different perspective with the question/feed of "Employees, What did HR not take seriously that they should have?"
@sammi2561 3 года назад
you see that on the actual reddit website a lot, someone will post in relationship advice about their boyfriend and a few days later the boyfriend will post about the girlfriend
@deettekearns9092 3 года назад
8:18 - Yeah, don't shit where you eat. Gets messy.
@youraftermyrobotbee Год назад
14:44 Man, there is just so much going on here.
@rockingbeat 3 года назад
"A wild douche appears" 😂
@foxirathefirefox2188 3 года назад
5:29 You *whAT?*
@Tight4Skin 3 года назад
Colleague eats boogers all day! He is 40 years old!
@smramos1979 3 года назад
0:20--I would too. Do you have any idea how many p** breaks you have to take! My co-worker is 5 feet tall and drinks a gallon of water a day. Literally. There is a gallon water bottle right beside her. And she is never at her desk, because she's always running off to the bathroom. That leaves me to answer all the phones from the customers. Angry customers who've had to wait on hold because I can only answer one call at a time. So yes, enough with the water Crys. We work in an air-conditioned office and there is water in the break room--you don't need that much water!
@shawnpawlowski1436 3 года назад
I just got taken off work for 2 weeks unpaid because someone said I was going to blow up the building when I might have said I was going to blow up the bathroom
@lemax6865 3 года назад
That can very easily have been an honest mistake. You shouldn't talk about blowing up anything when at work, these days any such comment *has* to be taken seriously by your superiors or *they* end up in trouble.
@Megaredronin 3 года назад
thats fucking bs could they not have found out what you actually said? jesus!!!
@shawnpawlowski1436 3 года назад
@@lemax6865 clearly.
@raspyraspberries 3 года назад
With the people eating food from friends, why is it an issue if the person who owns the food would have shared it or was cool with people they like eating it??
@sciontcfanclub 2 года назад
21:00 That's UPS lol. I work there
@Megaredronin 3 года назад
Shitsnack!!! I am stealing that one!! lol
@farmakoxeris 3 года назад
1:18 What is a union shop?
@CplBurdenR 3 года назад
5:29 Kind of sounds like you fired them to cover the fact you were actually stealing the equipment and they correctly called you out. Either way you have an unfair dismissal case coming your way depending on where you live as you admit you fired them for pretty much no reason ("They backstabbed me" is not a work related grievance)
@jacob3988 2 года назад
Something like "Unsafe work environment" or "Toxic environment" maker. Starting crap for literally no apparant reason
@dober_demon 3 года назад
Listening to this during work and I hear the story about the union package distribution facility and can’t help but laugh bc I’m one of loaders in that exact situation daily. We desperately want the help of supervisors when we get behind. Thanks UPS. #triggered
@aaronhow1932 2 года назад
Work places can be very difficult to navigate even at the best of times, never mind during the covid era with all it's political turns and curve balls.! :)
@jedediahgordon4064 3 года назад
if your doing something at work that you think the boss would not be ok with, then you have no justification for being pissed off at someone if they reported you for it.
@AdizabethTorres 3 года назад
He take my dog
@LunaBari 3 года назад
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