
Husqvarna 435T port work and numbers 

Bellhopper mcculloch chainsaws
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4 окт 2024




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@bennyjustus 8 месяцев назад
I would for sure like to see you port one. I would also enjoy watching you put them back together, some of the stuff you skip over. None of that is boring to me. But I understand that filming can be a distraction, so I'm happy with whatever. I really enjoy your videos. Have a good day. Thank you
@BigTongan 8 месяцев назад
That is a mean little lady right there....thank you for sharing Hopper. Sing on little lady...she eat wood in a mean sound too...
@johnclarke8180 8 месяцев назад
Yes, I would like to see the whole process Bellhopper!
@Realryancurry 8 месяцев назад
I would like to see more of the top handle saws, #’s, and port work. They are a pain right in the but the first couple times but I’ve learned to love them. The power after is stunningly different and one of those “wouldn’t want to go back stock” things. Hopefully I’ll see you again at an event or something. Keep being awesome 👍👍
@coolestguyontheplanet723 8 месяцев назад
Little saws are fun too 😊
@michaelwhiteoldtimer7648 8 месяцев назад
Looks like a great job, those little saws are really popular now
@Finom1 8 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Don’t be a Quitter But as for you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work. 2 Chronicles 15:7 The only way to lose is to quit. As long as you continue to make the effort, you have not lost. Everyone experiences setbacks. However, winners experience the most setbacks because winners persist as long as it takes to win. Does it ever seem that you are blocked in every direction? That’s the time to get creative, become more flexible, and open yourself to the possibilities that are most certainly there. Sometimes when you get stuck in a rut, the rut can suddenly and unexpectedly run out. And what a great opportunity that can be for you to climb out of that rut, look around, and see all the valuable things you’ve been missing. Never quit. Use each setback, each disappointment as a cue to push on ahead with more determination than ever before. Never quit, and you will always be a winner. Father in heaven, on the days we feel weary, tired and like giving up, we ask for renewed strength, and a renewed spirit to keep going. Help us to embrace the difficulties we face, as opportunities for growth and character development. In Jesus name, AMEN! Winners never quit and quitters never win.
@famasmaster2000 8 месяцев назад
Saw sounds sweet Mr Hopper!!! Very good work 👏
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Love Can Let everything you do be done in love [motivated and inspired by God’s love for us]. 1 Corinthians 16:14 Put no demands on love, and love will bring you much. Give love away, and it will be yours in greater and greater abundance. With love, what was weak will grow strong. With love, what was impossible becomes real. Love can find the beauty and value in even the most desperate situation. Love will bring hope where nothing else can. Though love cannot be explained, it can never be denied. Love elevates what it touches to a higher dimension. When love is present, fears are calmed, wounds begin to heal, and joy is gloriously within reach. Love, not because there is a reason, but because there is the possibility. Love, and you will know what you cannot understand. Father in heaven, this Valentine’s day we thank You for Your incredible love for us! We haven’t earned it and certainly don’t deserve it, yet You choose to love us anyway. Help us to show Your love to all those around us today, we pray. In Jesus name, AMEN! Love can do what hate could never imagine accomplishing.
@leonardryan8723 8 месяцев назад
Hopper you do great work and great video’s. God bless keep up 🔝 on great stuff with chainsaw . 😊
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Well, That Didn’t Work God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable], a very present and well-proved help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 From time to time many things will go wrong. And yet very few of them continue to stay wrong. Most wounds begin to heal almost from the moment they occur. Even the most unbearable grief will start to subside as life continues to move along. Things that are broken get repaired or replaced. Strategies that don’t work become lessons that help you to discover and develop what will work. When things go wrong it is not the end of the world. It is, instead, the beginning of progress and improvement, learning and growth. When things go wrong you get to find out where your efforts will truly be most effective. You get the opportunity to build and to strengthen your character, your skills, your persistence and your confidence. Don’t wait or wish for things to go wrong. But when they do, move on, move up and move forward. Father in heaven, Hallelujah that You are a very present help in times of trouble! Though we will all face dealing with something that didn’t pan out the way we thought, You are near. Help us to lean on You, learn from You and get back going. In Jesus name, AMEN! When things go wrong, don’t go with them.
@rugerfarming5387 8 месяцев назад
i got one of them little devils and they are a turd stock. but I watched Taz man take his apart a do alittle muffler mod and it helped alot. Nice job Hopper.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: It’s All About Follow-through The end of a matter is better than its beginning; patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit (pride). Ecclesiastes 7:8 The best of intentions are of little use until you follow through on them. The most carefully crafted plans bring value only when they are put into action. There are lots of things you’ve been meaning to do. One look at them will prove that intentions alone are not enough. You’ve thought about your intentions, talked about them, dreamed, planned, and speculated. Today is your opportunity to follow through. Take action, and the value you’ve been meaning to create will start to become real. Follow through on your most treasured dreams, and you’ll then be in a position to reach even higher. It feels great to think about all the good things you plan to do. It feels even better, tremendously so, to actually get them done. Dream and plan, think and talk about all the great things you intend to do. Then follow through, and truly experience the best you can imagine. Father in heaven, it’s been said that life, much like shooting a basketball, is all about the follow through. We all have good intentions, but if we are honest sometimes we fail when it comes to following through. Help us we pray to work on this area of our lives. Following through on that conversation, showing up for our families or whatever area it may be, we ask for Your help and constant reminding to take the right actions we pray. In Jesus name, AMEN! Without action, the best intentions in the world are nothing more than that; intentions.
@Finom1 8 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Choose to use What you Have Let your character [your moral essence, your inner nature] be free from the love of money [shun greed-be financially ethical], being content with what you have; for He has said, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!” Hebrews 13:5 Instead of being completely consumed with always getting more, put your time and energy into getting more use from what you have. It makes no sense to acquire and accumulate if you don’t even put the things you already have to full use. Some people are blessed in certain ways. Others are blessed in different ways. Yet everyone has something valuable that can be put to better use. There is enormous treasure throughout your life that is always waiting to be uncovered and put to use. That is the essence of accomplishment. True and lasting success comes when you are in the habit of making effective use of the time, the circumstances, the resources which are available to you. Don’t settle for merely getting more, for it will never be enough. Instead, seek to truly live more, to experience and achieve more, to make full use of all the good and valuable things you have. Father in heaven, forgive us today for wishing for what others have, while neglecting to use what You have already given to us. We will choose to be content today and find a way to better use what we have. Help us to see anew all that we have and to put it to work in a fresh way today. In Jesus name, AMEN! Start where are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: The “Easy” Choice The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance and advantage, but everyone who acts in haste comes surely to poverty. Proverbs 21:5 The easiest thing to do when the alarm clock rings would be to roll over and go back to sleep. Yet if you made that choice every day you would never get anything accomplished. The easiest thing to do when troubles come your way would be to look for someone else to blame. Yet even if you find who is to blame, that’s not going to remedy the situation. The easiest thing to do when faced with a challenge would be to run away and hide. Yet when you do that, the challenge becomes even more difficult the next time you encounter it, and eventually you’ll be unable to avoid it. Taking the easy way out is never really easy, not in the long run. Rather than seeking the easiest choice, seek the choice that will fill your life and your world with the most value. Rather than avoiding effort, welcome that effort and the progress it will bring. Instead of being enticed by the empty promises of an easy answer, enjoy the rich rewards of holding out for the best answer. When you have the choice, forget what is easiest and go with what is truly best. Father in heaven, thank you for the reminder that the “easy way choice” isn’t always the best choice. Short term gain for long term pain is never a good trade off. Help us to make the hard choice now, knowing it will bring a harvest of joy in the future. In Jesus name, AMEN! Do what’s right, not what’s easy.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Be the Someone But a Samaritan (foreigner), who was traveling, came upon him; and when he saw him, he was deeply moved with compassion [for him], and went to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them [to sooth and disinfect the injuries]; and he put him on his own pack-animal, and brought him to an inn and took care of him. Luke 10:33-34 If it seems that the world needs a little more kindness, be the one to put it there. If you see something that needs to be done, be the one to do it. When you come across a problem, be the one to work out a solution, and to turn that problem into an opportunity. When the time is ripe for a fresh perspective, be the one to offer your opinion. If no one is sure of what to do or say, be the one to offer a genuine smile and a kind word of reassurance. When there is something that must be said, be the one to speak up and get it out in the open. If everyone waits for someone else to make the first move, nothing ever gets done. Be the one to step forward and get all those around you moving in a positive direction. The world needs those who are willing to get things going. Take the initiative and be a leader. Someone has to do it, and you can be the one. Father in heaven, in a world full of people who simply pass by others in need, we ask for Your help to live like the good Samaritan. Open our eyes to see those in need around us. Help us to leave margin in our time to help someone in need. Fill us with compassion to help, to be Your hands and feet to this broken world. In Jesus name, AMEN!
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Dealing with Difficult Work For you shall eat the fruit of [the labor of] your hands, you will be happy and blessed and it will be well with you. Psalm 128:2 Life is filled with difficult work. Have you ever considered what a blessing that truly is? The opportunity for effort never ends. Complete one task, and there are even more than before, ready to be undertaken. If you see effort as a burden, then you might well become dismayed that there is no end to it. Yet effort is not a burden at all. In fact, effort is a joy. Effort is a grand opportunity to express yourself and to express the magnificence of living, in a way that is solid and tangible. The burden of effort is only in your imagination, only in your resistance to it. Let go of that imagined burden and experience each effort as the truly liberating thing it is. Think of how life would be if every moment brought more and more richness and fulfillment. Know effort as the joy that it is, and that’s exactly how life will be. Father in heaven, we ask for Your help today to find joy in what we work at today. No matter the task, we can find fulfillment in doing it well. Help us to work as unto You! We are thankful today for the breath in our lungs and another day with work to be done! In Jesus name, AMEN! The secret of joy in work is contained in one word-excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.
@Finom1 8 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Ups & Downs There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 In life there is some sorrow. And in life there is also joy. The sorrows show you who you are and what is truly important. The joys show you how incredibly wonderful all of that can be. The sorrows help you understand how good things have been. The joys give you a magnificent glimpse, and spur you on, toward how much better they can be. If there was no possibility of sorrow, then there would be no experience of joy. In this way both sorrow and joy add to the overall richness of life. In sorrow you grow stronger, and in joy you put that strength to positive use. In sorrow you learn profoundly painful lessons, and in joy you create good things from what you have learned. The sorrows will come, and the joys will come too. Each has their place in filling life with richness and meaning. Father in heaven, life sometimes can feel like a roller-coaster, full of so many ups and downs, yet through it all we are never alone! We pray that wherever we find ourselves today, whether at the peak or the valley, that You would fill our hearts with joy. In Jesus name, AMEN! Sorrow and joy are the shade and light of life; without both shade and light no picture is clear.
@zacharygross460 8 месяцев назад
Sounds good
@Finom1 8 месяцев назад
Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day: Don't covet the other fellow's job if you are not prepared to accept the responsibility that goes with it. How often do you look at those around you and say, "I could do any of their jobs better than they can if only I had the opportunity," never realizing the price they had to pay and the knowledge they have accumulated to earn the right to hold that position? It's easy to be a Monday-morning quarterback and second guess the actions of others. But it's far more productive to recognize the contribution of others and give them the credit for a job well done. If you aspire to a higher level of recognition, demonstrate to others-your peers as well as your superiors-that you can be counted upon. The world's greatest rewards accrue to those who always deliver on their promises.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Replace Your Filter The light is sweet and pleasant, and it is good for the eyes to see the sun. Ecclesiastes 11:7 Get in the habit of finding the positive aspects in everything around you. Then, when a new situation arises, you’ll easily and naturally see the positive possibilities. When you surround yourself with goodness, then everything that comes your way must first pass through that goodness. And in so doing, it takes on a positive flavor. Your perspective is a filter through which everything passes before you experience it. Through practice and intention, you can determine what gets through that filter and what does not. Being positively focused is not a matter of denying or ignoring reality. It’s a matter of choosing how to experience and respond to reality. You could do that with an attitude colored by defeat, resignation, and resentment. Or you can respond to reality with wonder, awe, enthusiasm and the most positive of expectations. Make a point to view what has already happened in a positive light. And you’ll find even better things coming your way. Father in heaven, we are grateful for this reminder today to replace our filters so that we can get rid of the things that would lead us away from You and tempt us to dwell only on the negative. Instead, we ask for Your help in choosing to focus on what is good and right. Train our eyes to focus on what You are at work in, rather than what an algorithm would have us focus on. In Jesus name, AMEN! Filter your mind, not your pictures.
@Finom1 8 месяцев назад
Quote from New Lie newsletter: Tomorrow is Too Late Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. Proverbs 27:1 Tomorrow is too late to make use of the precious time that is yours to live today. Tomorrow is too late to make the most of the opportunities that present themselves today. The time to speak up, to step forward, to take action, to make a difference is today. For tomorrow is just a concept, while today is right here in your hands. Every single moment that comes your way is a gift that has no equal. Live and act now, today, when you truly can, and the possibilities that open up to you are nothing short of amazing. What you do today gets done. What you put off until later gets forgotten. Tomorrow is a handy excuse. Today is the time for action. Take it, live it and be it, today. Father in heaven, what a gift this day truly is! Help us to remember that life is short, and to live it well. We don’t want to wait for tomorrow when it may be too late. Lord let today be the day we choose to act and use this amazing day You have given us for Your glory! In Jesus name, AMEN! Tomorrow is too late, yesterday is over and now is the exact moment you should start.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Mental Diet Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way. Psalm 139:23-24 The life you experience is nourished by the thoughts you think. What kind of nourishment are your current thoughts providing? When your thoughts are filled with fear, with criticism, with anger, worry and selfishness, you’ll surely experience disappointment, anxiety and unhappiness as a result. Instead, let thoughts of kindness, love, faith, hope and goodness fill your mind. You’ll be encouraged by those thoughts and experience joy. Imagine how lousy you would feel if you ate a diet of nothing but junk food. Giving your life a diet of nothing but negative, limiting thoughts can have the same effect. Thinking does not make it so. Thinking provides you with the nourishment you need to make it so. Make that nourishment of positive thoughts the best it can be. And your life will benefit greatly. Father in heaven, many of us are careful about what we allow into our bodies to keep them working well but fail to do the same for our minds. We echo the words of David and ask You to search us and show us where we need correcting. Help us to stay away from “junk food thoughts” and instead choose thoughts that nourish and bring hope. In Jesus name, AMEN! What’s your mental diet?
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Come a Long Way When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11 There was a time when you could not do many of the things you can do now. Yet you learned, and now those skills that once were out of reach have become second nature. There was a time when you felt uncomfortable venturing into new places, situations, and relationships. Even so, you did it, and now you feel perfectly at home with those people and places. There was a time when you could not comprehend many of the things you now understand so well. And you took the time to listen, to learn, to think and to challenge yourself. You’ve come a long way already, and because of that, the challenges now are even greater. That means they’re filled with even more valuable opportunities for you to move higher and higher. Though you’re not yet where you truly want to be, you’ve come a long way in that direction. The knowledge, the experience, the strength you already have is more than enough to move you forward today. Make use of it all, and tomorrow you’ll have even more. Father in heaven, we echo the words of the hymn writer and confess we have only come this far by Your great help. You have brought us through trials and challenges, and You have been our strength and refuge. You have been with us every step of the way, guiding and protecting us. We pray that You would continue to lead and guide us in the days ahead. In Jesus name, AMEN! Remember how far you've come, not just how far you have to go.
@LeviSheets-s5j 8 месяцев назад
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Better Than You That, regarding your previous way of life, you put off your old self [completely discard your former nature], which is being corrupted through deceitful desires, and be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude], and put on the new self [the regenerated and renewed nature], created in God’s image, [godlike] in the righteousness and holiness of the truth [living in a way that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation]. Ephesians 4:22-24 Don’t worry about being better than anyone else, for that will only get you resentment. Instead, focus on being better than yourself. Make today an improvement over yesterday. And when tomorrow rolls around, find a way to improve even more. Comparing yourself to others will only lead to disappointment or arrogance, neither of which will be of positive value to you. Instead, compare yourself to yourself and then you truly have something with which to work. When you seek to become better than yourself, there’s no one who will be threatened by that. You are unique and beyond compare, so make the most of it. Stop worrying about how you compare to others. Put that energy to positive use by being the best you can be, and then by being even better than that. Father in heaven, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. We don’t want to live this way, help us instead to compare ourselves to who we were yesterday. Help us to seek to be closer to You today than we were yesterday and to grow more and more like You. In Jesus name, AMEN! The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Details, Details Be diligent to know the condition of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds. Proverbs 27:23 Dealing with the details can be annoying and troublesome. Yet details are what make life happen. Those who consider themselves too important to be bothered with the details will likely end up being brought down by the details. Certainly it’s important to look at the big picture, and paying attention to details will put you in a position to positively influence that big picture. Details are not always fun and are rarely glamorous. Taking care of the details is often just plain hard work. And it is in that work that value is created. In tending to those tedious details, you make possible all sorts of exciting and desirable things. Each little detail may indeed seem too small and insignificant to be worth the trouble. But when you stand back and look at all those little details put together, the view can be truly magnificent. Little steps can take you on big journeys, when you are focused and persistent. Value, appreciate and work on the details, and with them you can build anything. Father in heaven, thank You that You are a God who is concerned with the details of our lives. You know every hair on our heads and every problem we face. Help us to pay attention to the details of our lives, to be diligent in the small things and be ever aware of Your hand in every small detail. In Jesus name, AMEN! Success is in the details.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: It’s All Lead to This This [day in which God has saved me] is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 You’ve been preparing all your life for today. Now it is here to be lived. The obstacles you encounter may seem formidable. Yet you are now fully ready to face them and to truly make a difference. You are more experienced today than you’ve ever been. You are more knowledgeable, more capable, more thoughtful, refined, and informed than ever before. And that makes today an opportunity such as you’ve never known before. This day, this moment is a grand culmination of all that you’ve ever been through. As you live this day, keep in mind what it has taken to get you here. Remember and appreciate all the dreams, efforts, hopes, frustrations, setbacks, and victories that have carried you to this point. And then make sure this day lives up to all you’ve done to get here by making it worthy of all you’ve put into it. Go out and make this day the greatest one yet. Father in heaven, we can’t help but think of David facing down goliath and remembering all the times You brought him through, that prepared him for that moment. We thank You for leading us through smaller battles with metaphorical lions, preparing us for where You have us now. We are grateful for the promise that as You have been with us before You, you will be again! In Jesus name, AMEN! This moment contains all moments.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud. Beware of Boasting Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips. Proverbs 27:2 Arrogance is a sure sign of weakness and ineffectiveness. When you think you know it all, you prevent yourself from learning new and valuable things. When you spend all your time and energy boasting about yourself, there’s no time remaining for true achievement. When you think you’re more important than others, you quickly lose the respect of everyone. Genuine humility is an undeniable sign of true strength and confidence. When you let go of the need to impress others, that’s when you begin to be truly impressive. Live, speak and act with humility, and your efforts will be vastly more effective. There will be no time or energy wasted on propping up your own ego, and you can get many valuable things accomplished. Humility brings you respect and fosters mutual understanding. Imagine what a positive difference that can make in your life and your world. When your life is filled with true strength and genuine richness, you have no need to boast. Live with humility, and life will be full indeed. Father in heaven, we pray today for hearts of humility. It is all too easy for us to fall prey to our flesh and to walk in arrogance. We need Your help to set aside the pride and remember there isn’t a thing we have or can do in our own strength, everything is a gift from You. Help us to choose to honor You rather than ourselves. In Jesus name, AMEN!
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Are You Committed? And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 Commitment means acting not just when it is convenient or comfortable, but whenever it is necessary. Commitment means setting priorities and following them without fail. Commitment is more than words, much more than just saying you will. Commitment is doing whatever it takes to make it happen. Commitment is available to anyone who understands and appreciates its value enough to live with it in each and every moment. Commitment requires no special skill, only sufficient desire, and faith in the virtue of the endeavor. Commitment goes ahead and gets the job done, even though opinion and circumstances may fight vigorously against it. Commitment sees things through to completion. Commitment bears the pains of the moment without becoming dismayed. Commitment enjoys the pleasures of the journey without becoming sidetracked. Commitment can be summoned in an instant and can last for a lifetime. Father in heaven, we don’t want to be fair weather followers, we want to be committed. Help us to be people of our word, and to keep the promises we make. We want to be dependable at home, in the workplace and in our walk with You. Help us when life gets busy and we are tempted to give up, to not grow weary, but keep going in Your strength. In Jesus name, AMEN!
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Fully Present So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 What you seek is not out there somewhere. It is here and it is now. But your noisy thoughts will keep it hidden if you let them. Take a step back, quiet your mind, and allow yourself to truly be here now. Be here now and know the beauty of what is. Free yourself from concerns about what was, or anxieties about what will be. Now is what you have and where you are. When you can truly know the abundant richness of now, you’ll find in it all you could ever desire. There is no need to escape, or deny, or resent what is. You can stop striving for what is already yours. Be here now and live it fully. Father in heaven, help us today wherever we are and whoever we are with to be fully present. Unclutter our minds, calm our spirits and help us to put on imaginary blinders to the many distractions around us. Help us to remember the importance of being present, rather than being perfect. In Jesus name, AMEN! The moment is not found by seeking it, but by ceasing to escape from it.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: That Depends I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. Psalm 16:8-9 Some days are bright, and others are dark. Look closely and you’ll see that each one has a beauty all its own. Some activities are fun, and others are a chore. Yet there is value to be found and lived and created in each and everything you do. Some people are a joy to be around, and others you’d rather not see. There is something of value, though, that you can learn from each person you encounter. No one is going to dump the goodness and the treasures of life in your lap. Yet when you take the trouble to look for the truly valuable things in life, you’ll find them in abundance. This day, this moment, this life is exactly what you decide to make of it. It can be dreary and depressing, or it can be bright and magnificent. That depends not on how this day comes to you, but on what you do with it. Father in heaven, how easy it is to slip into excuse mode, blaming everything on things outside our control. Help us instead to choose to find good, even in bad situations. Help us to look past frustrations and troubles and see the good, to see Your hand at work and to redeem something that doesn’t depend on what is happening. In Jesus name, AMEN! Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to enjoy the rain.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Bounce Back Do not remember the former things, or ponder the things of the past. Isaiah 43:18 The best thing to do when the worst thing happens is to begin moving forward again. The real essence of strength is in resilience. Drawing upon and exercising such strength will make it grow ever stronger. Make the commitment to bounce back and you end up at an even higher level, an even stronger position than before. It is indeed difficult to begin going forward when your world has just been devastated. Yet time and time again, people do, and as they move persistently ahead, the world does too. The resilience of a positive purpose knows no defeat, for each setback serves to move it forward. It requires much effort and sacrifice, yet it is worth the cost. For with resilience, we steadily rise above higher and higher levels of challenge. With resilience we move our lives beyond our fears, and forge ahead in the direction of the best we can be. On this day especially, consider the power of resilience. And do what must be done to move yourself and your world positively and lovingly forward. Father in heaven, today we are grateful for all the examples in Your word of people bouncing back. We think of Joseph and the many, many setbacks in his life. Yet with Your help he bounced back each and every time and so can we. No matter what situations or setbacks we may be facing today we ask for Your strength to bounce back and get going again. In Jesus name, AMEN! Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: When You’re Down, Lift Someone Up Therefore, encourage and comfort one another and build up one another, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 When you’re in need of encouragement, offer your own encouragement to someone else. Nothing can lift you more surely and genuinely than your own efforts to lift another. Think back on the times you remember most fondly. And you’ll see that the brightest days have been those days when you’ve given most generously of yourself. When you focus only on your own problems and challenges, it puts you in a negative and helpless state of mind. Yet when you turn your attention to helping others with the challenges they face, you naturally become more positive and effective. When you sense that you’re feeling sorry for yourself, redirect that energy. Transform it into compassion for others. There is always something you can do to lift up those around you. And it’s a reliable way to lift your spirits as well. Give the encouragement you would like to receive. And you will indeed receive it in double measure. Father in heaven, help us to live out this verse today and choose to comfort and build someone else up today. Even when, especially when, we are down, there is double blessing in encouraging someone else, for it will lift us up as well! Show us who we can be a blessing to today and give us the right words of hope to help someone. In Jesus name, AMEN! The best way to help yourself, is to help someone else.
@coolestguyontheplanet723 8 месяцев назад
Hey guy & gals 😊 Comment from me today 😊
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Determined But the Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame. Isaiah 50:7 You have always been determined to do one thing or another. Even if you’re doing nothing, it’s because that’s what you’re more determined to do at the moment than anything else. In order to use determination to move your life forward, it is not necessary to find that determination, for you already use it in every moment. What’s necessary is to continually focus and direct that powerful determination in a valuable and productive direction. Rather than being determined to sit in front of the television and eat ice cream, you can be determined to enjoy an hour’s walk. Rather than being determined to feel sorry for yourself, you can be determined to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Determination is a powerful tool that you can, and do, summon in order to follow your top priorities. Like most powerful tools, it can do much good or much harm, depending on how it is used. You’ve seen where your determination has taken you so far. That same determination is now ready to take you wherever you decide to point it. Make positive use of this powerful tool and go build something great. Father in heaven, help us Lord to set our faces “like flint” [a stone, determined] when we are tempted to give in or give up. Give us the strength to stick it out for the long haul and remember that daybreak might be just around the corner. That any trial we face won’t last forever. Help us to run with endurance the race you have set before us with renewed strength today. In Jesus name, AMEN! Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.
@Finom1 5 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: On The Contrary For such a person ought not to think or expect that he will receive anything [at all] from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable and restless in all his ways [in everything he thinks, feels, or decides]. James 1:7-8 Are you constantly contradicting yourself? Do your words say one thing and your actions say another? Do you spend the morning filled with love and compassion, and then act out of hatred and anger in the afternoon? Do you live one day with positive focus and then spend the next day mired in negativity? You cannot expect to make any real progress if you are continually changing directions. Your thoughts and actions have negligible effect when they act against each other. Seek to point all your thoughts, all your actions, in the same positive direction. Let the individual moments of your life reinforce and support each other. The positive effect can be tremendous. By being consistent, the same actions that once had no effect suddenly start to have a real impact. You already have sufficient time, energy and resources to get where you want to go. Just be consistent, point all your efforts in the same direction, and that is where you’ll go. Father in heaven, today we are learning the importance of consistency. We don’t want to be like a double minded person, unstable in our ways. We want to be consistent in our walk with You and in how we treat others. Help us to choose thoughts and attitudes that are in line with Your ways. In Jesus name, AMEN! Your words don’t matter when your actions don’t match.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Forward From Here I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]. Philippians 1:6 All sorts of things have happened in the past, and the experience of living day to day has taken its toll. Yet nothing can stop you from giving to this moment all that you are, the best that you can be. In fact, the more difficult life has been up until now, the more joyous will be the moment when you realize you’re free of that difficult past. The more things that have held you back, the more reasons you have to move forward. And this is the time to do it. This is the moment in which you can make a difference. Decide to make it a positive difference. Of all the choices available to you, choose the ones that will make this moment the most positive, most life-affirming one you’ve ever known. And then move forward from here. The journey is yours to begin. Father in heaven, no matter what our varied histories may look like, we can all move forward from here. We all have a thousand choices yet to be made, so we ask for Your help to make good choices that lead us beyond where we are. We want to grow, not simply remain where we are now. In Jesus name, AMEN! There’s a reason the windshield is so much bigger than the rear-view mirror. Where you’re headed is much more important than what’s behind you.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Tortoise vs Hare The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me], I shall not want. He lets me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside the still and quiet waters. He refreshes and restores my soul (life); He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Psalm 23:1-3 Getting someplace first, before anyone else, has very little real and lasting meaning. Seek instead to encourage others to come along, and you’ll find the journey much more fulfilling. When you hurry through each moment, you miss out on the richness that could be yours. Take the time to live, to experience where you are, rather than being so obsessed with getting to the next checkpoint. When you stop demanding to have it all now, you’ll discover that you have plenty already. Learn to experience joy where you are, and you’ll experience it in abundance. Yes, it can be wonderfully exhilarating when life is moving quickly. But do not move so quickly that speed becomes your only experience, for there is so much more to enjoy. The terrain of life is filled with wonderful and astounding detail. Slow down and take it all in. Father in heaven, life is busy, and we often feel that there is no way to get it all in. We feel overwhelmed and tired. Thank You that You are the good shepherd who leads us to still waters and restores our soul. Many of us are in need of that exact refreshment and calmness today, help us to slow down and spend time with You in the secret place. Remind us not to rush through life, but to enjoy the blessings You have given us with calmness and gratitude, we pray. In Jesus name, AMEN! Don’t rush, you might just miss something.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Nobody to Impress But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4 What do you do when you’re sure no one is watching? When you have no need to impress others, what is it that truly impresses and fulfills you? The foundation of success is built in the moments when no one else is watching. What you do in those moments, when nothing is expected of you, is an excellent measure of who you really are. Others can encourage you and nag you and intimidate you into taking action. Yet the real and lasting accomplishments will come when you take your own initiative and express the best of who you are. When you are free to do exactly as you please, what is it that you do? When nothing is expected of you by others, what do you expect of yourself? The moments when no one is watching are moments of great opportunity. For they are your chance to determine and develop the person you most want to be. You can go through life merely appearing successful, or you can actually experience true success and fulfillment. The difference depends on what you do in the moments when no one is watching. Father in heaven, we ask for Your help today to examine how we act when we know others are watching compared to how we act when alone. Help us to work as unto You in all we do rather than try and impress people. Help us to cultivate good habits being faithful every day, knowing You take notice. In Jesus name, AMEN! Try to improve yourself rather than impress others.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Hard To Admit So I am well pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, and with difficulties, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength]. 2 Corinthians 12:10 Admit to being frightened, and your courage will grow. Admit to not knowing, and you will learn. Admit your weaknesses, and you’ll become stronger. Admit your mistakes, and you’ll begin to move past them. Admit you don’t know what to say, and you’ll have said just the right thing. Admit that you’re confused, and you’ll begin to understand. Admit that you’re hurting, and you’ll begin to heal. Admit that you care, and the things that truly matter will grow stronger. Being honest with yourself, with others, with life, can often be difficult and intimidating. Yet honesty is always the most reliable, the most direct route to truly attain whatever you seek. Any attempt to deceive will ultimately end up wasting your precious time. Father in heaven, today’s lesson is a difficult one, admitting when we are weak is never easy. We thank You for the encouragement from Your word that when we are weak You are strong! Help us to set aside bravado and fear of looking weak, to gain Your strength and grow beyond what we could do on our own we pray. In Jesus name, AMEN! Not admitting a mistake is a bigger mistake.
@Finom1 5 месяцев назад
Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day: What do you want from life and what have you to give in return that entitles you to it? There is a law of physics that states: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The same is true in life. You get out of it what you put into it. The rewards will be bountiful when you are generous with your time and effort. When you give grudgingly, the payback will also be commensurate with your investment. Large returns require significant commitments of personal or financial capital. Understand from the beginning that there is a price tag attached to everything. When you set a goal for yourself and determine that the time, effort, and personal discipline required to achieve it constitute a fair bargain, you will find that even the most ambitious goals are within your reach.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Is It Important? He who pays attention to the word [of God] will find good, and blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired) is he who trusts [confidently] in the Lord. Proverbs 16:20 Life can too often be hectic, confusing, and painfully noisy. If you listen just to the noise, and focus only on the confusion, it can indeed be quite distressing. It pays to remember, now and again, that the noise and confusion are not what life is all about. Sure, they command your attention, but that doesn’t make them particularly meaningful. Have you ever noticed that people who always feel the need to shout rarely have anything useful to say? On the other hand, those who whisper do so because what they’re saying has great importance. The events of each day are often the same way. The things that scream for your attention rarely deserve very much of it. When you come face to face with something loud, urgent, insisting or demanding, get in the habit of asking yourself this question. Is it really all that important? If it’s not, then quickly dismiss it from your concerns. And go peacefully, purposefully, positively on your way. Father in heaven, thank You for this much needed reminder of what is important. There has never been a time in history with more meaningless distraction that now. Between social media and 24-hour news networks clamoring for our attention, with every trend or breaking story claiming to be “the most important thing ever.” Retune our ears to block out the loud noise and hear Your still small voice. Help us to remember what is truly important. In Jesus name, AMEN! Tell me to what you pay attention, and I will tell you who you are.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Small Moments Who [with reason] despises the day of small things (beginnings)? For these seven [eyes] shall rejoice when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord which roam throughout the earth.” Zechariah 4:10 Every moment is a miracle. Be still, look closely, and you can see it. The simple, quiet moments, that are so commonplace you don’t easily remember them, are just as special as the glorious, unforgettable ones. Because those quiet, simple moments are the ones that shape who you are. It’s easy to sense life’s many treasures in the rare moments of grandeur. Yet when you can also appreciate the value of the quiet, simple moments, then you’ve tapped into something truly magnificent. The common moments matter because there are so many of them. When you live each one to the fullest, then life is full indeed. The big, exciting moments give life its spice. The small, quiet ones provide the substance. In every moment there is a special treasure. Give your best to them all. Father in heaven, we thank You for all the small moments we get to live out today. Our lives are made up of these small hours and these little wonders. Help us not to let them just slip by unnoticed or unappreciated. Teach us to be aware of these moments and treasure them as much as the big moments. In Jesus name, AMEN! It’s the little moments that make life BIG!
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: What Are You Choosing? Listen closely, I have set before you today life and prosperity (good), and death and adversity (evil). Deuteronomy 30:15 Many of the things that bring you down are of your own choosing. You choose them because you assume there’s nothing better available to you, but there always is something better. Many of the things that bring you down are just old habits that you’ve never managed to break. You assume they are a permanent part of you, but they are not. Sure it takes some effort to find and make better choices. Yet those choices are indeed there, and once you begin to find a few, a whole lot more will suddenly pop into view. Yes, it takes time and commitment to overcome a destructive habit. Once you do it, though, you’ll feel like you can take on just about any challenge, and you’ll be right. Think about who you really are, and what you truly want to do with your life. Let your best vision of who you are, and of who you can be, guide the choices that you make every moment. Life can be easy, haphazard and empty, or it can be focused, directed and full. The choices you make will make you who you choose to be. So we choose today are. Help us to see what habit we need to change, what way of thinking or responding needs adjusting. We don’t just want to do what we have always done. We want to grow and change and develop into who You are calling us to be! In Jesus name, AMEN! Pay close attention to what you choose to water. It will grow.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: The Outcome For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things. Psalm 107:9 Fill the world around you with beauty, and there will be no place left for darkness. Choose to be filled with joy, and there will be no room available for anxiety. Fill your body with nutritious food, and there will be no room for toxic junk. Fill your heart with love, and there will be no place left for hatred. Fill your actions with real, meaningful purpose, and there will be no room for doubt or insecurity. Fill your moments with goodness, and there will be no place for resentment. Fill your relationships with kindness, with sincerity, and there will be no room left for discord. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, and there will be no space left for dismay. Fill your days with passion and meaning, and there will be no room for regret. The more good, positive, loving, productive and effective things with which you fill your life, the less room there will be for the undesirable things. Fill your life, your world, with the best that you can give. Father in heaven, as we go into this day, we pray for guidance to fill it with good things. In our homes, our place of employment, our minds, and every part of today we ask for Your help to fill it with the right things. We know that much of what will come out of this day will be determined by what we put into it, so help us we pray to choose the right things to put into it. In Jesus name, AMEN! If you fill your mind with a beautiful thought, there will be no room in it for an ugly one.
@billyboy861 6 месяцев назад
Show the process I just did one but didn't go very deep would love to see the numbers
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Discipline For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]. 2 Timothy 1:7 Discipline is the fuel of achievement. Creativity sparks the flame, passion fans the fire, and discipline keeps it going for as long as it takes. Disciplining yourself can be tedious, annoying, inconvenient and even agonizing. And yet, the results brought about by self-discipline cannot be reached in any other way. Discipline puts your most incredible dreams within reach. With self-discipline, you can make the best of your possibilities come to life. But how do you bring yourself to that level of discipline? You get there by knowing what you absolutely must do and knowing that through self-discipline you can make it happen. What do you know in your heart that you are truly meant to accomplish? When you experience life as a mission, the discipline you need will be there. Discipline and focus, applied consistently over time, can take you to truly amazing places. Where is it that you are uniquely suited to go? Father in heaven, our prayer today is for the strength to live disciplined. There are many areas we know what to do but find ourselves having a difficult time in applying that knowledge. Grant us the strength and willpower to live with discipline and self-control today. In Jesus name, AMEN! Discipline is rarely enjoyable, but almost always profitable.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Remain Calm Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 There is enormous strength in serenity. Stay calm, and you stay in control. When noise and clutter and confusion overwhelm the situation, the way forward is with calm and determined strength. Stay calm, and you make the best decisions. Just because there is a need for urgency does not mean there’s a need for panic. Stay calm, and you can be the most effective. Anxiety can drain away your energy and give you nothing useful in return. Rushing around in a frenzy brings on carelessness and wasted effort. You can let yourself be drawn into anxiety and haste, but why would you ever want to? Instead, stay calm, and able to make a positive difference. Always know that you can choose your own response, whatever the situation. Choose to stay calm, for it is almost always your best first choice. Father in heaven, thank You for Your Word which assures us that no matter our circumstances, we can find peace in You. When stress undoubtably comes our way remind us that You are our Peace. When fear comes, remind us that You are our shelter. When worry tries to overwhelm us, remind us to choose to cast everyone of our cares upon You because You care for us. In Jesus name, AMEN! Keep calm and have faith in the one that calmed the sea.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Go First Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-pressed down, shaken together, and running over [with no space left for more]. For with the standard of measurement you use [when you do good to others], it will be measured to you in return. Luke 6:38 Be the first to smile. When there is no reason to smile is when a smile is needed the most. Be the first to forgive. And forever leave the negativity of the past where it belongs, in the past. Be the first to take action. The sooner you act, the more you will accomplish. Be the first to say thank you. A grateful attitude will bring more richness into your life. Be the first to adapt to new and different situations. When you embrace change, you get it working in your favor. Don’t wait any longer for the best that life can be. Be the first to move forward, and be the one to make it happen. Father in heaven, today we are learning the importance of going first. Nobody wants to go first, we fear failure, making mistakes, or rejection. But You have called us to more than passively responding in kind to others, You have called us to set the example. Help us to love first, show kindness to our neighbors, to love the unlovely, and to be Your hands and feet! Help us not to wait and miss out on making a difference, but to go first. In Jesus name, AMEN! Don’t wait for others, lead the way!
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Full of the Good Stuff Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2 Fighting against negative thoughts will not rid you of them. In fact, the energy you set against those negative thoughts will only make them more intense. When you try to dismiss a negative thought directly, that only causes you to think more about it. Instead, turn your attention to something else. Rather than rejecting the negative thought, replace it. Override it with a positive, creative, constructive thought. Crowd out the negative thoughts by keeping your mind busy with other, more uplifting endeavors. That works much better than trying to push the negative thoughts away. Your mind is always filled with one thought or another. Keep a supply of positive thoughts on hand, ready and waiting for you to focus upon. Keep yourself busy with positive, productive endeavors. And the negative thoughts won’t find their way into your attitude. Father in heaven, help us to live “full of the good stuff!” Remind us to be so full of You and Your word that there is simply no room left for the world and its negativity that tries to worm its way into our thoughts and lives. Help us to set our minds on the things above instead of what is below. In Jesus name, AMEN! Happiness is not by chance, it’s by choice
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Self-Talk Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23 What are you saying to yourself? What are you saying to others? Words can limit your thinking, or they can expand your horizons. Words can bring on discouragement and despair, or they can provide the encouragement to do great things. One of the quickest and easiest ways to improve your world is to improve the words you use when thinking to yourself or speaking to others. You always have the power to choose your words, so it makes sense to choose the best, most positively powerful ones. You’ve no doubt experienced the enormous impact that a kind, encouraging word can have. Rather than letting your words amplify a troubling situation, choose the words that will lead the way to a more positive reality. What you say to yourself and what you say to others truly matters. When you make your language more consistently positive, your attitude cannot help but follow right along. And that, in turn, will affect your actions and the results they bring. Your positive words can truly create a more positive world. Father in heaven, we are often quick to recognize harmful talk coming from others, but fail to recognize and see how we are talking to ourselves. Help us to be selective of our self-talk, help us to speak words of life and remind ourselves that we are Your children and are loved by our everlasting creator today! Show us today, the words we are speaking that are untrue and change our patterns of negative self-talk. In Jesus name, AMEN! Watch what you tell yourself, you’re likely to believe it.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Do You Want to be Joyful Today? But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. Psalm 3:3 Do you want to be miserable today? If so, you’ll find plenty of opportunities for making yourself so. Or would you prefer to be joyful and effective throughout the entire day? If so, then you’ll find an opportunity for such in each and every moment. Being miserable is a choice. When you make that choice, all sorts of things will come your way to reinforce what you have chosen. Being positive, joyful and effective is a better choice. And when you make that choice, events and circumstances will follow right along. Your perspective and attitude are what give meaning to the moments of life that come your way. Choose, then, to give those moments a positive, purposeful meaning. Choose joy, choose life, choose fulfillment, purpose and effective effort. And see how great it can make your day. Father in heaven, we are grateful that we can choose our attitudes today. Help us to choose to be filled with Joy! Forgive us for letting circumstances get us down and choosing to be miserable. Keep our eyes on You, lift our heads and our attitudes today we pray. In Jesus name, AMEN! You can choose every morning whether you will be miserable or whether you will be happy.
@kurtsteele5587 8 месяцев назад
How's the Hoppers
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Why Should I Worry? ‘Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation]. Isaiah 41:10 How many things do you worry about, that don’t really matter at all? Imagine the difference it would make if you could simply let them go. Most of the things that annoy you do so only because you have chosen to be annoyed. Think of how life would be if you spent less time annoyed and more time truly living. When something comes along those troubles you, ask yourself if it really matters. You’ll discover that many things really don’t. When something pops up to worry you, ask yourself if your worrying will make it better. Chances are, with most things, it won’t. Most worries and annoyances are completely worthless, and only serve to bring you down. Is that really what you want? Practice diverting more of your time and energy to more useful, productive pursuits. Replace the worry and annoyance about things that don’t matter with real, effective action for the things that do. Father in heaven, today we are learning that worry doesn’t work. Each one of us reading this face different situations, struggles, concerns, and worries. However, there is nothing too hard, difficult, or surprising to You! Help us to rest today, knowing You will be with us we pray. In Jesus name, AMEN! No amount of regretting can change the past, and no amount of worrying can change the future.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: What You Got Just as each one of you has received a special gift [a spiritual talent, an ability graciously given by God], employ it in serving one another as [is appropriate for] good stewards of God’s multi-faceted grace [faithfully using the diverse, varied gifts and abilities granted to Christians by God’s unmerited favor]. 1 Peter 4:10 What you make use of, you will strengthen. The more fully you make use of whatever you have, the stronger and more effective you become. It does not matter that you start with very little. Whatever you have is more than enough. It is more than enough, that is, when you make worthwhile and productive use of it. What you now have, where you now are, is a perfect starting point. For there is a very real path from where you are that leads all the way to where you would most like to be. The first step on that path consists of making full, positive use of what you now have. When you’ve taken that first step, you’ll have what you need to take the next step. Keep on going, step by step, making use of whatever you have at the time. Make use of what you have, right here, right now. And you’re solidly on your way. Father in heaven, today we are learning to use what we have. Forgive us for saying one day, or when I have (insert your own excuse). Help us not to wait for some unknown future day, but to start right now, with what we already have. In Jesus name, AMEN! Start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can.
@davidjohnsen663 8 месяцев назад
hey, its not this saw, but i have a question of a husqy, hope thats alright :) ? I have a jonsered 2152 aka husq 353. i bought a 346xpg piston and cylinder to place it on my 2152, however the mechanic said it didnt fit, that it was smaller ? :(
@bellhoppersaws 8 месяцев назад
The piston is smaller but the topend shud fit on it buddy
@davidjohnsen663 8 месяцев назад
@@bellhoppersaws allright ill tell him that again. Thanks. The 2152 is still a ok saw 😊
@jamesmitchell5667 7 месяцев назад
What make piston ring do you like the best
@bellhoppersaws 7 месяцев назад
I run caber hyway and the dukes iron rings
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: That Took a While Also it is not good for a person to be without knowledge, and he who hurries with his feet [acting impulsively and proceeding without caution or analyzing the consequences] sins (misses the mark). Proverbs 19:2 The achievements that are the longest in coming are the ones you’ll treasure the most. For they’re the ones into which you put the most of who you are. What comes to you in an instant can be nice for a while. Yet it cannot compare, in value or endurance, to what you build over time. There are no substitutes for effort, commitment and patience. And there are certainly no substitutes for the valuable things they will bring to your life. At first glance, it may seem shrewd to take from life all you can as soon as you can. Yet the far wiser choice is to give to life, as much and as often as you can. For what you give is what ends up lasting the longest. What you give will build value and fulfillment far into the future. What a blessing it is that some things are a long time coming. For you have the opportunity to make them truly magnificent. Father in heaven, today we are learning the value of things that take time. Most of us would agree, slowly grilled steak is far better than if it were microwaved, and nobody likes instant coffee. Remind us today when we begin to feel impatient, that the best things take time. Help us to be faithful in the process, and in the waiting to remember it will all be worth it. In Jesus name, AMEN! It takes a little time, sometimes.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: What is Persistence? Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12 Anyone can have persistence. It requires no special skill. There’s nothing to it really. Persistence is as simple as putting one foot in front of another. Yes, you’ll probably stumble every once in a while. And yes, you could let that stop you. Or you could simply get back up, learn from your mistakes, and keep on going, with even more determination than before. Persistence is a choice you are always free to make. Your mind will sometimes fill with doubts, excuses, and reasons to quit. Persistence is a matter of letting them go, as you move on ahead and leave them behind. Where do you want to go? Persistence will take you there. Father in heaven, we ask for Your strength to persevere. We are grateful that you are with us every step of the way. When we feel like giving up help us to keep going and choose to honor You by staying obedient and faithful. Uplift us we pray when we feel discouraged. Thank You, that when we are weak, You are strong! In Jesus name, AMEN! Persistence pays off.
@Finom1 7 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: More Than Just the Motions Lying lips are extremely disgusting to the Lord, but those who deal faithfully are His delight. Proverbs 12:22 There are those who do it just for the show. And there are those who do it for real. There are those who tell you what they think you want to hear. And there are those who respect you enough to always speak the truth. There are those who merely go through the motions. And there are those who sincerely seek to create real and lasting value. You can get by for a while just living on the surface of life, feeding on those things that are fleeting and meaningless. There will come a time, though, when you’ll need and want something deeper, something with real nourishment. And then you’ll wonder why you ever wasted your time with all those shallow, insignificant things. The sooner you live for real, true to who you are, the better life will be. Father in heaven, we live in a world where there is often more fake than real, whether it’s what goes into our foods, friends or even the “realness of reality tv”. We want to be better. Help us to be authentic in all we do. Show us how to be more than just surface level with our relationship with You. Help us to go beyond the regular conversations with people and instead to become real. In Jesus name, AMEN! The only thing you will lose for being real, is something, or someone fake.
@Finom1 6 месяцев назад
Quote from New Life newsletter: Fail Forward “You shall say to them, Thus says the Lord: when men fall, do they not rise again? If one turns away, does he not return? Jeremiah 8:4 Sometimes, even when you give your best to the effort, the results are not what you intended. Other times, factors largely out of your control change the landscape in disappointing ways. Every day the world changes. Some of those changes bring pleasant surprises, others bring unanticipated difficulties. Fortunately, just as surely as the world changes from day to day, year to year, you have the ability to adapt. Change will always happen, and you will always have the option of making the best of it. It can be frustrating when something beyond your control swoops down and ruins your plans. Yet you can turn the energy of that frustration in a positive direction. You might be inclined to try to get even, to pay back an equal amount of damage and disappointment to whomever or whatever has disappointed you. But that will not bring you anything of value. Instead of getting even, resolve to get even further ahead when the changes come, whatever they may be. See each change as the opportunity it is, and you’ll find a way for them all to pull you forward. Father in heaven, thank You for this reminder, that when things go array, we have a choice. Help us to put our energy into failing forward, rather than blaming or complaining. Change our attitude of, it’s not fair or my fault, to attitudes of what can I do now or learn from this? Help us to remember that though failure is inevitable, learning is optional. In Jesus name, AMEN! Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.
@joutdoorsmen23 8 месяцев назад
Yes I would really like to see how you did it from start to finish thats a little Orangutan 🦧 !!!!!!!!!! For sure
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