
I am back! And I'd like to tell you something important to me. 

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27 окт 2024




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@israshah4359 7 лет назад
Hi Sonia, I'm from London. When I was in university in Paris a few years back I met a Venezuelan girl in my class. We hit it off from the beginning and stayed in touch for years. She would keep me updated about the situation in Venezuela and her experiences as a trainee doctor. It alway surprised me how everyone in her photos always seemed so happy but what she was telling me was so horrible (no medicines at the hospital, shortages of basic needs like toilet paper and even her friends being killed). Then a few years later she invited me to her wedding in Valencia and I literally jumped at the chance to travel. The memory of my visit to Venezuela still brings tears to my eyes. After the wedding I travelled around the country from Valencia to the paradise islands in Los Roques, the highest waterfall in the world- Salto Angel and even the jungles of the Orinoco Delta. (I should add at this point that I always had my clothes organised in packing cubes thanks to you!). But travelling alone through the country, it wasn’t the sights that make nostalgic, it’s the people. The friends I made who welcomed an English girl to their country. The families who welcomed me into their homes and didn’t ask for anything in return. The endless amount of hugs I got from strangers who were excited a tourist had visited their country and I couldn’t believe that they were so apologetic if their English wasn’t so good. The love in Venezuela is something I have never experienced before. The people are Venezuela and it is the people I miss the most. I ask my friends every year if I can go back and visit and every year they tell me the situation is getting worse. I can’t predict the country’s future but nobody deserves what they are going through. I pray for Venezuela and for the people. Thank you for making this video and wishing your family and friends safety, security, health and happiness. xxx
@JoseMartinez-uu1ni 7 лет назад
saddly u haven´t ear it all.... ARCO MINERO... they are killing the rainforest
@freeyourmind01 7 лет назад
Thank you for your kind words Isra. It feels so good to know there's people like you who really got to know our country and is truly worried about it.
@soniastravels 7 лет назад
Thank you, Thank you... Gracias de todo corazón.
@fabler007 7 лет назад
I pray for Venezuela. I have one friend there and I am already in contact with him. I hope the country comes out of this mess soon. I hope your family is fine there. God bless everyone.
@idunablack2592 7 лет назад
soniastravels I missed you sooo much!
@roxiserban 7 лет назад
soniastravels great to have you back hope that time off was helpful for you.
@beanfrompa 7 лет назад
Socialism shared misery for all. So sad for the people who are suffering.
@jennacastillo4920 7 лет назад
soniastravels which is your first language Spanish or English
@expiredj1zz52 7 лет назад
Wow Mija... I really did miss you.. I have a flight June 12 I love your videos and I am watching them to make sure I have an easy flight from toiletries and turning coach into first class... I hope Venezuela gets better. Dios will help you and your people. Love you!!😘😘 In Mexico, on my dads side, his family is all in the countryside and normally it is calm but gangs are taking over so now when I go June 14, I have to stay in the City. No estas sola mija.
@franug 7 лет назад
I will write this in Spanish...me da tanta pena lo que ha pasado por tanto tiempo en Venezuela y que se haya llegado a esto. Soy chilena y a acá han llegado miles de venezolanos buscando una vida mejor. Pero me consta que todos volverían a su pais, si allá hubiera esperanza de ...vivir! no pueden y tienen el corazón roto. Nuestro país los recibe, pero extrañan el mar caribeño, su tierra y su gente, Chile es distinto, el mar es frío, la gente es más sobria...La falta de Estado de Derecho en Venezuela me asombra y me da rabia, porque ninguna opción política justifica que en un país no hayan servicios basicos, que se encarcele a los opositores, que se niegue hasta que organizaciones internacionales opinen de lo que pasa. Pero a la vez se que van a salir de esto. Chile, después de casi 20 años, y desde 1982 incontables protestas, logró sacar al dictador Pinochet por medios democráticos. Costó, se sufrió y muchos murieron en ello, pero se pudo. Lo van a lograr, la Historia está tras ustedes! PD: durante la dictadura, Venezuela recibió a muchos exiliados chilenos. Cada vez que me encuentro con un venezolano aca, me acuerdo tanto del sufrimiento actual de ellos como de la generosidad que tuvo el país hacia nosotros en su momento. Espero de verdad que mis compatriotas piensen en eso al verlos y nos tratemos todos con empatía y respeto.
@marialaurarodriguez7529 7 лет назад
@TheJesicamachado 7 лет назад
You make my day! Gracias por tus hermosas palabras Francisca. Ultimamente escucho cada vez más y más de personas allegadas o conocidas en Venezuela que decidieron irse a Chile, y a veces me preocupa o pienso en el hecho de que quizás los chilenos puedan sentirse "afectados o invadidos"pero hoy tus palabras me dan aliento, espero que como tu dices todos puedan respetarse y ponerse en los zapatos del otro, que mientras esten allá puedan trabajar en Pro de Chile y que cuando toda esta pesadilla finalice puedan volver a Venezuela con Chile en el corazón, como un lugar que los acogió con los brazos abiertos. Un abrazo para ti desde Sudafrica :)
@franug 7 лет назад
de nada Jesica :) La verdad en Chile hemos estado pasando por una etapa de ajuste hacia una cantidad mucho mayor de inmigración a la que estabamos acostumbrados. Desde 2010 ha crecido muchisimo la inmigración desde otros países latinoamericanos (4,9% al año). La mayoría de la gente que conozco está, sea a favor de esta inmigración, o a lo menos no en contra, pero sí hay gente que no le gusta esto. Tienen las tipicas aprehensiones de que "quitan trabajo" o que "cambian la cultura", cosas que a mi me parecen falacias... además ¡me encanta que ahora hayan carritos de arepas en las calles de Santiago! jajaja. Y si, lamentablemente muchos son derechamente racistas (anteriormente no había casi gente de raza negra en Chile y ahora sí la hay, además de venezolanos han llegado muchos haitianos y dominicanos). Esta tensión ha traido problemas, pero yo soy optimista, pienso que en un tiempo nos vamos a ajustar a esta nueva realidad y los intolerantes van a quedarse de lado. Personalmente trabajé en asesoría jurídica gratuita a inmigrantes en situación irregular y también he conocido a varios venezolanos en el día a día. No soy prejuiciosa porque sé como llegan a este país, en qué condiciones y con qué motivos. Me consta que son personas trabajadoras y que, como escribí, se fueron del país con mucho dolor pero no les quedaba otra alternativa. Animo a uds también, lo que está pasando es de verdad terrible pero no hay como ganarle al peso de la historia, el régimen de Maduro va a acabar más temprano que tarde y el país va a poder reconstruirse y llegar a una reconciliación, asi como pasó acá. Saludos!
@florcavagnaro9078 7 лет назад
Sonia, muchos saludos desde Argentina, la situación de Venezuela es triste, sus hermanos latinoamericanos los estamos mirando con preocupación pero orgullosos de su lucha! Fuerzas!!
@cl5094 7 лет назад
Praying for you, your family and all of the people of Venezuela.
@lovelypacific 7 лет назад
Haven't watched the video yet but missed you Sonia!💖
@lovelypacific 7 лет назад
Rooting for Venezuelien people, I totally wasn't aware of this sadly....
@rubin2200 6 лет назад
Ada banana. Fuck Venezuela
@elbadilan462 7 лет назад
Sonia! Muchas bendiciones y fuerza. I wish your country love and peace and your people (our spanish family!) courage and strength. Beautiful message. Very well said. I recently found your videos because I'm going to travel all by myself soon and I was SUPER stressed out. But, your charisma, great tips and just being you helped me a lot! Thank you for making videos, I look forward to the next ones. Much love and much support from me, my family and all of Puerto Rico!
@PetraBotekova 7 лет назад
As someone from an ex-socialistic country I can very much relate how you feel. I am emmigrant as well, have been living in five different countries over the last years. Also because I love traveling and learning about different cultures but most of all because I wanted more from life and Slovakia even after 28 years didn't quite got on their foot again. My whole family is still living there and I think very often about ways how to give back. How to contribute and help. I wish your country all the best and thank you for sharing with us. We are with you.
@PatriciaDroddy 7 лет назад
WOW! Welcome Back! It's been a really long time!! I'm so very sorry that your country is having so much turmoil! Will definitely pray for all of them!
@madaniela 7 лет назад
Amo que hayas vuelto y amo este mensaje sobre nuestro pais, mucha gente no sabe lo que pasa.
@djmindy 7 лет назад
I missed you girl!!! Do what you have to do. Sending you love and positive vibes. Thanks for keeping us updated and educated. Can't believe that this is happening to your homeland. :(
@lukimalin 7 лет назад
Sonia, I'm glad you're back :) Your vlog was first I ever start watching. And I know what you're feellling. In Poland (Europe) we know what socialism really was. That can crushed people, economy, relations. On the second hand, I can imagine how country with so many petroleum is goin' down... Anyway I keep fingers. I know that after rain the sun will come
@CeciAyanami 7 лет назад
Hola, Sonia!! Me parece excelente que uses tu voz en este medio para hacer saber lo que está pasando en tu país. Te mando un enorme abrazo desde Argentina y sabe que contas con todo mi apoyo.
@ManJamLyn27 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing what is on your heart and mind and bringing light to what's going on in Venezuela. I'm sure I can speak for many of your subscribers when I say that you and your country have our support, thoughts, and all the positive vibes we can send your way!
@SweetSourTravel 7 лет назад
I was there last year, and all you say is very generous to describe all the things I've saw. All my friends have return. I wish all the best for you and your family and ..... your Venezuela
@tulipena7999 7 лет назад
Dear Sonia, I recently discovered your channel, thank you for your very useful and entertaining content on travel, really love and appreciate it and you are delightful to watch and learn from. Now this post is just so moving, thank you for your heartfelt account and bringing it HOME!! I had the honor of visiting Venezuela in 2011, at the time, it was already a "travel at your own risk" place to visit, but we had our heart set on visiting Los Roques, the most beautiful place I've ever been to (and also went to beautiful Choroni). I remember being afraid at the airport, sad to see mostly empty duty-free shelves, and stunned at no running wáter at the airport. The employees explaining how it had been that way that whole week (Easter week) with a blackout. I couldn't imagine it could get any worse. I pray for there to be change for the better soon. Your words help us spread the Word. Awareness is key to make change. Un fuerte abrazo de animo para tu gente, tu país, tu corazón. Anna Tulia
@Keykde 7 лет назад
Thank you for this very informative and important message. Thank you for focusing on what is important and providing links to easily lend a helping hand. Love your channel.
@vimartinsr 7 лет назад
Heeeey!!! O started following you and you went away, I was worried!! I'm so glad you're back..tks for sharing this, it's 😭 ..but that makes you even more special. We should pray for our countries, Brasil is going to serious horrible stuff also and I love my country, it's painful to see..
@allanxpress 7 лет назад
I've been missing seeing your face in my subscriptions for ages and delighted to have you back!! I hope regularly? Thank you so much for sharing this issue and educating us in what's going on. It's something I haven't heard of as it hasn't been reported in mainstream news in the UK but I will defiantly look into. ❤️
@isabird 7 лет назад
Muchas gracias por este video, Sonia. Ojalá esta pesadilla termine pronto y puedas mostrar nuestro país en alguno de tus viajes. ¡Un abrazo!
@marlynrs 7 лет назад
Sonia, soy de Venezuela también.Tus palabras reavivaron esa sensibilidad y tristeza que muchos de nosotros sentimos cada día a causa de todo lo que está pasando en nuestro hermoso país. Yo extraño muchísimo estar allí disfrutando y recorriendo cada rincón con toda la gente que amo. La lucha continúa y desde afuera debemos apoyar a nuestros hermanos de todas las formas que podamos.Gracias por ese vídeo, bendiciones!
@KibbitUpIt 7 лет назад
Hi Sonia! I'm glad that you're doing well. Thank you for bringing this information to light. I'll do what I can to help support this awareness. Looking forward to your new videos.
@queencrimsonqueencrimson 7 лет назад
Hola Sonya! Te empecé a seguir hace dos años cuando me preparaba para mi primer viaje! Fuiste el primer canal de RU-vid relacionado a viajes que empece a seguir.. Ahora mismo me preparo para un nuevo viaje, fue lindo rvolverte a ver en mi suscription box Saludos!
@chococat178 7 лет назад
So glad that you are back!! Thank you for sharing the struggle that is happening in Venezuela and for sharing the resources. It is important to get the word out about the atrocities that are occurring there. Praying for change over there.
@lucynie007 7 лет назад
Hola Sonia! Te escribo desde Argentina. Nuestro país estuvo por muchos años siguiendo los pasos de Venezuela y es un milagro que hayamos podido desviar la ruta. Así que siento muy de cerca lo que está sucediendo en tu país, y realmente espero que las cosas mejoren pronto! Muchas fuerzas
@dohnoki23 4 года назад
I only recently got the Fluez Spanish course and at first I was kind of bummed to see that Ms. Gil hasn't been posting recently but I understand now why. I deeply respect and understand that her and the beautiful country of Venezuela have more important things going on then to post travel videos for us. Thank you for all the hard work that you and the good people at Fluenz have done (as well as your other non Fluenz work) and for making the world (and its languages) a little more accessible for us. I will be following and supporting the people of Columbia as well as all the other countries and people that seem to be going through difficult times (Australia, the UK, USA, China etc...).
@TheDeisiane 7 лет назад
Thank you Sonia for making us aware of this situation. I know the feeling since my country is also falling apart (Brazil) and our beloved ones are facing that on the daily basis, it's heartbreaking. I wish all the best for Venezuela and for the world. 🙏
@imtaehyunged232 7 лет назад
Sonya I really missed you. Enserio, de vez en cuando checaba tu canal para ver si habías subido un vídeo y por fin lo has hecho! :') De alguna manera, me preocupe mucho pero que bien saber que te encuentras bien. Y si todo mi apoyo a Venezuela! However I can help I will. Lots of love from Mexico City. ❤💖
@dianeschenkelberg8270 7 лет назад
I had noticed you weren't posting videos anymore, and you were the first "channel" on RU-vid I subscribed to! I knew you were from South America, but didn't remember the Venezuelan roots. I also know the country has been suffering and low oil prices are a factor - surprised at other's reactions of not knowing. It brings forward so many things we take for granted, so thanks for posting. I wish the best for your family and your country. And I'm glad to see you again.
@patty_la 7 лет назад
Estoy muuuy agradecida de que estés de vuelta. Mientras no subías nuevo videos he visto un montón de veces todo los que están en el canal. Cambiando de tema lo que pasa en Venezuela lo he seguido en varios medios y cada día se ve que la gente sigue luchando y el gobierno hace lo imposible para reprimierlos, pero las personas no van a parar hasta que surjan cambios verdaderos para el país. Espero tu familia y amigos se encuentren bien y que sigan luchando por sus derechos.
Tanto tiempo leyendo sus opiniones y consejos sobre viajes con esa elegancia y sencillez natural que solo da una adecuada cuna,siempre supe que era venezolana por instinto,por su gracia y hoy llegó al límite de lo que se puede expresar desde el corazón sin caer en insultos ni provocaciones.Gracias Sonia
@VegardThefilmmaker 7 лет назад
Welcome back Sonia :) Sad to hear about the situation in your home country. It`s sad to hear. Keep fighting for your dreams and rights.
@karina_lanna 7 лет назад
Oh my god, I'm so happy to see a new video from you!!!! Made my day! And everytime I see some bad news about Venezuela I think of you (I'm brazilian, so we're neighbors). It's sad but, as you said, the population wants to have their voices heard. In Brazil is happening some political stuff too but not as bad as in Venezuela. I hope things get better soon! Love you!!
@pjmillerjr357 7 лет назад
Thank you Sonia for bringing this to our attention. I Will pray for your county and will spread the word. So good to see you. God Bless .
@cecisaia 7 лет назад
Sonia querida, I share your pain and hope every day that Venezuela gets out of this horrible nightmare soon. All over Latin America we have Venezuela in our hearts and are eager to help however we can. Lots of love and be strong.
@julianacarrier5738 7 лет назад
I've missed you Sonia!! You got me through my Europe trip and ever since I've wished for you to come back. This is a awesome video, thank you for bringing light to some important issues in South America. From one Latina to another, I am with you.
@GravityFromAbove 6 лет назад
I think of you every time I hear more of the tragedy of your homeland. I hope you are well. And your family back in Venezuela.
@AnaResse 7 лет назад
I heard the pain in your voice, Sonia. I cannot imagine what you're experiencing but I do thank you for being vulnerable. You're a vibrant, well traveled woman with a successful RU-vid channel AND you're a person with concerns, fears, frustrations, etc. Thank you!
@catherinejacobs4801 7 лет назад
Hello, Thank you for coming back. I love your videos. My mom is Venezuelan; I understand your pain. I I went to Venezuela twice last year to visit my family and help them out financially. It's truly a tragedy what's going on there. I spent many wonderful summers there as a child. It is heart breaking what I witness and what my family is liveing through. I MISS MY OLD VENEZUELA!
@Atodamodamag 7 лет назад
Hola Sonia: me alegró mucho ver que había un nuevo video en tu canal, pero me entristeció tb al escucharte tan afligida por la situación en Venezuela. Encuentro que es terrible. Desde hace un par de año que vengo diciendo a quienes conozco que, cuando le gente comienza a pasar hambre, significa que los gobiernos no están haciendo lo correcto. Espero que la situación se mejore y un abrazo para tí. Carolina, una chilena residente en Moscú.
@StefanialovesJesus 7 лет назад
I can hear in your voice and I can see it in your eyes how this situation in Venezuela hurts you... I am so sorry and I can understand your situation because my country Greece is going throught a tough time to... I pray for our countries and all the people there and my heart goes out to everyone of those who are hurting right now.
@desireeevelyn8504 7 лет назад
Welcome back. Your travel series helped me a lot. I'm from Barbados in the Caribbean and have ties in Venezuela. My heart is with you and your fam.
I'm Brazilian, and it pains me to see just how much political corruption can affect the lives of literally hundreds of millions of people. In South America, Venezuela has always been considered an amazing place. It's the country that gave us Carolina Herrera, Edgar Ramirez, and so many beautiful things, from art to scientific research. It really makes your heart sink when you see something like that fall apart, especially in such an abrupt and inhuman way. Well, I can assure you that people all over Brazil are mobilized to try and help out Venezuelans, providing refuge and food and a helping hand. It's something we hear about on the news (despite the legal implications of the impeachment of our former president keeping everyone busy) and it inspires much outrage. A long time ago, I recall reading somewhere that Venezuelans had been allowed to go to Colombia and shop for food. That startled me so bad. A nation known for being wealthy not being able to provide groceries for its people, to the point that one of the most severely under developed countries in the world had to open its doors... I mean, I'm not being condescending here, but apart from Argentina and Chile and, as I said, Venezuela, countries in South America are usually very poor. I mean, I'm in my early twenties in Brazil, born and raised, so I know this much. To think that Colombia was doing better, despite life there being hard as it is? Wow. Just makes me sad, for real. I'll keep your family in my prayers, my dearest Sonia. Try and find solace in your memories, and rest assured that no matter how long it might take, the quality of life and the sheer poetry of your native land will be restored. Fully restored, I'd venture to say! Much love from Brazil. Joey.
@OntarioAndrews415 7 лет назад
I certainly had no idea this was happening. Sadly, the US has a Presidency and its administrative office that has about 99% of the news media coverage. Yes, I'm in Canada but I'm from the US. Anyway, thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will take a look at your links too. Again, thank you and take care.
@rjjg14 7 лет назад
So glad to see you back, Sonia. Really missed you and your videos. Hope everything's fine. Will definitely pray for Venezuela. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@nicadp 7 лет назад
gracias Sonia, excelente manera de volver !!!!!! saludos desde Mcbo.
@Mizosoop 7 лет назад
There have been things going on, for a very long time. I'm 33, and I remember being in college at 20. I had Venezuelan and Colombian friends who couldn't go home for the holidays. They said there were wars and riots. And I just remember thinking how sad it was.
@Evanandrachel 7 лет назад
Good to see you again Sonia! Thanks for educating your audience about things in the world that matter to you. I know I learned something!
@makaiyasimmons7127 7 лет назад
Welcome back! I've really missed your videos and your spirit. Thank you for opening my eyes even more to this issue.
@s3aside 7 лет назад
Sonia, I live in Manaus - Brazil, a city near Venezuela and we have been receiving many people from there looking for basic things that are missing in their country, as you said. They are currently living in a camp under a viaduct in groups. Most of them are natives and the majority is children and women. College students are raising awareness about the situation and running a campaign so civilians can donate food, clothes, water, medicine, etc. The political, economic and social situation of my country is bad, we are facing the worst crisis in our history, but we are doing our best to help. My prays are with Venezuela. We are stronger together!
@eve_love22 7 лет назад
So sorry I have been watching what's happening in Venezuela thanks to Michelle Lewin, and so glad you have brought attention to it as well. I hope it ends soon and it gets better, please continue to raise awareness about what's going on so many people need to know,
@richardgriffy9350 7 лет назад
Your family, friends, and country are in my thoughts. I hope relief and peace come soon.
@donesy125 6 лет назад
I miss Sonia! Her videos inspired me to solo travel and the last two years I’ve travelled to over a dozen countries by myself! I hope the situation in Venezuela is getting better. And I hope Sonia comes back too!
@juli5712 7 лет назад
I'm soo sorry about what ur experiencing I totally understand u. I'm glad you had some time to gather your thoughts. Continue to spread the word about Venezuela and if possible continue to bring joy not tears to viewers with travel videos
@Arsenette 7 лет назад
Thanks for the video Sonia! I've been keeping up with the chaos. I'm first gen USA born to parents from Puerto Rico. That island is falling apart but not at the rate that Venezuela is. It hurts to watch. It hurts to read the signs and know what every word means. It hurts to see people of all ages dying to starvation and violence. I pray someday Venezuela gets free from this tyranny.
@themanfrank98 7 лет назад
A couple of months ago I was visiting the part of my family who still lives in Venezuela for the holidays. I didn't know what was I supposed to pack and I came across to your videos. I ended up loving your videos and your charisma, so I decided to suscribe even though you haven't posted that much lately. Today, I came here excited to see what you were bringing and I get the very pleasant surprise that you're Venezuelan just like me! What are the odds? I think that's wonderfully amazing. Keep bringing amazing content. I know that everyone who's fighting back home against the corruption and the dictatorship that they're living in are on the right side of history. I know that these horrible moments that people are living in Venezuela will bring us together and will also give us a chance to improve as a country. Viva Venezuela!
@soniastravels 7 лет назад
@CharlineLikesC 7 лет назад
Dear Sonia, we are so glad you are back - thank you for sharing your thoughts about the situation in Venezuela - times have to be tough for a southamerican country to make it into the european news... I hope that they will get through it soon, all my hopes and wishes are with you!
@catherinehatt1224 7 лет назад
You are right so much has happened in this past year. You have been missed I thought the worst had happened to you. I plead ignorance on the situation of your home country. I am glad that you have taken this time to let us know what is happening. This is something that can not be ignored and must be followed up on. Thank you.
@andream7224 7 лет назад
Que bueno que use su plataforma para hablar sobre este tema! Fuerza, Venezuela. Saludos desde Honduras
@raideroftombs 7 лет назад
Sonia!! Could not be happier to see you!!! I bought Fluenz in Spanish too. Welcome back.
@arosete3512 6 лет назад
I have missed your videos. I think you have the best travel packing videos. I’m so sorry your country is going through this because of the presence of evil. Thank you for sharing this. Why is it not being shown in the news as much as other dumb celebrities are covered. Praying for you and your family, for their safety.
@alteredillusions100 7 лет назад
I will send positive energy to Venezuela. Your videos inspired me to do my first solo International trip to Amsterdam back in 2014. I used to love you tapping on the camera lens. I missed you, Sonia!
@msalona 7 лет назад
Thank you for opening my eyes. I miss your channel but I had no idea about this crisis. I cried throughout this video and would like to do something to help - thank you for posting this.
@primaveracero2010 7 лет назад
Muchas gracias por este video tan sincero y solidario. Que Dios nos regale pronto tiempos de paz para nuestro bello país. Te mando un abrazo margariteño desde Canadá.
@henriqueguizelini9711 7 лет назад
Mis condolencias a mi más reciente 'musa inspiradora', nosotros de aquí de Brasil también tenemos problemas que parecen interminables !!!, El mundo está cambiando rápido, luego eso cambiará también !, Un besouro de su más nuevo fan, coordino ventas por América Latina y que sabe nos vemos en la vida real, coraje y fuerza, que tenemos de sobra !!
@markbishop9284 7 лет назад
So glad to see you again...wish it was under better circumstances. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...
@colombiano822 7 лет назад
I studied abroad in Venezuela a few years ago and I met some of the nicest, most hospitable and overall welcoming people ever in my life. I kills me to see what is happening there because the Venezuelan people don't deserve this.
@eddymorajr.3807 7 лет назад
Thank you Sonia for bringing attention to what is happening in Venezuela right now. I was born in Nicaragua but have lived in Miami for most of my life and I can attest to the loveliness of the Venezuelan people. My best friend, whom I met in high school and love him like a brother, is from Venezuela and I've also gotten to know his family and friends over the years and they are good people, always very open and welcoming. It's always a pleasure to spend time with them. Therefore, it makes me sad to see what's happening in that beautiful country. And I pray that all the people around the world who are undergoing similar political and social turmoil, especially, the Venezuelan people, can find a peaceful solution where they can overcome their political differences and realize that they are all brothers, one people, Venezolanos, and that we can all work together to help rebuild their country. Sigan pa'lante siempre!!!
@anabelmae 7 лет назад
Sónia adoro seu trabalho, e senti muita falta. Moro no Brasil, e sabemos do que acontece na Venezuela, sempre há notícias nos jornais. Estamos passando por dificuldades também em nosso país, mas nada em comparação ao povo venezuelano. Ficamos tocados com a crise, muitos brasileiros e vivem e trabalham lá também. E de cortar o coração, como uma nação pode chegar a este ponto! E a população sofrendo imensamente. Fica meu apoio, espero de todo meu coração, que a Venezuela se erga novamente
@jana-nicolelaborte7125 7 лет назад
I'm so sorry this is going on in your country. My heart goes out to you and Venezuela. It's good to hear from you. I look forward to watching your videos.
@Josephd405 7 лет назад
Sonia! Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention. It seems like media is focusing on others BUT Venezuela.
@JaxAustin 7 лет назад
Great vid and welcome back! It is so sad what's happening. Hope there is a solution for this quickly
@kchrystallord 7 лет назад
Sonia! So lovely to see you; and still so sad about venezuela. I hope it gets some peace soon.
@CuriousPavel 7 лет назад
you are the only Venezuelan I "know". Thank you for your videos, thank you for your message. I could easily see in your eyes the sad and the sorrow. Surely is hard, please try to stay strong!
@andreapicon2097 7 лет назад
Hola Sonia. Me alegra tu regreso. Es increíble lo que está pasando en tu país y más increíble todavía que nadie intervenga. Ni siquiera el Papa! Ojalá pronto se calme la situación y ojalá no haya más muertos, que es lo más terrible. Mi solidaridad desde Argentina. Me imagino que no debe ser nada fácil para vos teniendo a tu familia ahí.
@Moi_81 7 лет назад
Been following the crisis there. Things have been horrible and getting worse. I am glad my loves ones from there are here, but my heart goes out to the people there.
@AdrianMorena 7 лет назад
Sonia: Desde hace ya un par de años muchos venezolanos están viniendo a Argentina en búsqueda de un futuro que por el momento no lo pueden tener en su país. Muchos de ellos vienen solos y luego tratan de traer al resto de su familia. He conocido gente maravillosa y tanto a ellos como a todos los venezolanos les deseo que puedan superar esta crisis lo antes posible. Mi solidaridad con ese magnifico pueblo. Un cordial saludo.
@emilypoull7586 7 лет назад
One of my best friends is from Venezuela. Her parents were both born there. I support her, you, and all the citizens of Venezuela. Sending prayers and love. It's good to have you back.
@stephengraves3493 7 лет назад
First, let me say that I am relieved that you and your family are okay. Secondly, thank you for announcing to your fans the current and ongoing strife in your native Venezuela. I have no doubt that the sun will reappear from behind the clouds of turmoil sooner rather than later.... Prayers & Best Wishes.....
@Parmesana 7 лет назад
good to see you Kiddo. These are terribly troubling times. Quite stressful. I pray that things will change.
@Danni24 7 лет назад
Que bellas tus palabras. Te entiendo tanto. Estoy en Madrid hace tiempo ya y es muy frustrante. Gracias por hacer este vídeo !
@scottishgirl1100 7 лет назад
Welcome back
@lisveren 7 лет назад
Te extrañaba muchoooo!!! fuiste la primer vlogger de viajes que vi y me hiciste amar youtube y vlogs de viajes. Venezuela saldrá de este impass. La gente está en la calle y solo así saldrá esa gente. Bendiciones!
@MarianaCorinaR 7 лет назад
Thank You Sonia! It crumbles my heart knowing that i have the chance to get medical aid, food, and even the chance to think in my personal growth or mundane worries while our people struggle with the uncertain future, and lose theirselves trying to survive and hold themselves in that caos. So im really grateful whenever i see the people i follow, speak up and spread this situation with the rest of the world.
@GiantFoamFinger 7 лет назад
Praying for you and for safety for your family. Great to see you back. Thanks for continuing to educate us - this time about the magnitude of the crisis in Venezuela.
@TheKarlez 7 лет назад
Thank you for this video! I have a passion for the Spanish language, for Latin America and for those living in poverty... however, I did not know about what is going on in Venezuela. I will share the word to the best of my ability and I hope things can change for the best, people really can make a difference!
@nurinarshad8944 Год назад
Hi Sonia. I'm from Malaysia. Been watching your youtube channel since i was 12/13 years old, and now I am 23 years old. My 12 year old self would be mesmerised with your video hoping to travel using your tips. My 23 year old self will be happy to use your traveling tips now. I hope you are still doing well despite your last upload was 5 years ago :)
@AngelWingsVA 7 лет назад
I never heard about the crisis in Venezuela but now that I've heard it, I feel like governments in other countries like Canada and the U.S should send the things Venezuela needs to get better. Things like baby formula, medical supplies, food, just all the basic necessities so the country could become stronger and better again.
@migalejo85 7 лет назад
That wont help since the president or should i say dictator, who by the way nobody wants, is a dumbass... cant manage, cant be diplomatic, cant do anything good... but refuses to quitt. In his opinion the land is fine...
@AngelWingsVA 7 лет назад
Migalejo Lejo I know the U.S president is a dumbass, I was using the US as maybe another example. The Canadian prime minister would probably help in a heartbeat, but I don't think the entire nation is aware. I've never heard of the Venezuelan crisis on the news. The world should be aware of what's going on in Venezuela so humanitarian aids could be sent in to help
@davidaware2366 7 лет назад
lol we should send food to a socialist dictator that kicked out western business? should we also help north korea
@ItzaNails 7 лет назад
Angelica Desautels i believe migalejo is referring to Venezuela's dictator.... that is what he is... really I know it can easily be confused when when dumbass is used as it can easily be applied to our own president 😂
@YT4Me57 7 лет назад
Angelica Desautels At this point, sending aid would be like pouring gasoline on a fire. The powers that be have no intention of allowing such foreign aid reach the populace. Usually such regiemes keep the goods for themselves and their supporters. Please be more attentive to random world news stations, which aren't USA based, you'll hear much more about the crisis in Venezuela there than the standard American channels.
@TheGeoScholar 7 лет назад
Welcome back Sonia. It has been so long since your last video.
@maxdavinci579 7 лет назад
Por lo que pasamos en México no ha llegado al grado de Venezuela, pero todo mi apoyo con ustedes. Es difícil ver tantos derechos y tanta gente abusada por la gente que nos gobierna cuando su trabajo debería ser protegernos. Un abrazo a todo venezolano leyendo esto! Espero que salgan pronto de esa terrible situación.
@lizamuu 7 лет назад
de venezolana a venezolana, muchas gracias, hermana. thank you for using your platform to bring awareness to our situation. yo todavía vivo acá y, aunque las cosas están peor, la gente se está dando cuenta de que ya es por supervivencia, no es sobre colores o partidos políticos; nos estamos muriendo y no hacíamos nada al respecto. la gente está despertando, y yo sólo espero que toditos los que quedan indecisos despierten lo más pronto posible para salir de esto de una sola vez. again, thank you, thank you, thank YOU! cariños xxx
@danielalopezgonzalez3745 7 лет назад
Gracias por hacer este video y concientizar sobre la situación en Venezuela. Espero desde el fondo de mi corazón que esto termine lo más pronto posible. Saludos desde México. And welcome back!
@Anon.Ymous137 7 лет назад
I've missed you too. Thank you for sharing this information. Since I've been a mom, I can't watch my favorite show, Law and Order, because involves a kid being molested, murdered, or kid napped. Hearing that babies don't have a chance to live due to the lack of formula is even more heartbreaking that this video made me cry. I thought my parents had it bad being from a third world country. But THIS - this is devastating. I hope things would turn around soon. I had friends who lived there and they still have family there. I bet they're finding some way to help out, too. While I missed your videos, I feel it's okay if you don't post as much or at all, because what's going on there is more important.
@beckyhopper8162 7 лет назад
My heart breaks for what your country is going through and how saddened you are. My prayers are with your family and friends for safety and for things to change soon.
@original886 7 лет назад
SOOOOO glad to see you again !!!! I know is being tough in Venezuela I have friends there :( thank you for the links!
@GravityFromAbove 7 лет назад
Reality is an important thing. Keep sharing it. It's important to have direct contacts with people who know what's actually happening in a country. Gracias!
@marbe22 7 лет назад
Gracias Sonia! Beautifully said!
@gypsyvanneraddict 7 лет назад
Que Viva Venezuela 🇻🇪!!! Bless Venezuela! Sonia you are on the most important journey ever; being a voice for that beautiful - complicated- and valuable community! Don't stop!! Keep going on!
@FelipeRodriguez-fs1ex 7 лет назад
Hola Sonia, soy de México y me solidarizo con tu país. Hay que seguir adelante. Dios bendiga a tu país.
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