
I'm Scared. | Mary Akemon 

Mary Akemon
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27 окт 2024




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@twinsauce 8 лет назад
I feel this so hard right now. Finished my masters and can't get a job because I'm over qualified and under experienced...The future is a scary place, but it will work out! Hold on and keep pushing through! you've got this!
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
Thanks boo boo! I hope you find one as well. WE CAN DO THIS. Maybe I'll come out to KC, you guys will be my friends right? hahah
@twinsauce 8 лет назад
Of corse! Do it!!
@jamesbaughman1940 8 лет назад
I feel you on the living situation. It's what I'm going through as I transition into my new job.
@stevenbridges 8 лет назад
Mary you've got this! I BELIEEEEEEVE IN YOUUUUUUU!
@SweeneySays 8 лет назад
Oh man I know this struggle. This whole thing gave me flashback feels. I still have mountains of debt. I went to grad school abroad and then returned home to my parents' house in a town that I had no desire to be in long-term. All of this was me, like 4 years ago. So, first, I'll be honest and say that the return home was *brutal* for me. In my case, I was not done with my thesis -- I was writing that from home -- so I had this whole other self-inflicted cluster-fuck, wherein I ran off to LA for a painfully low-paying job and kept avoiding my thesis and then I finally accepted that my job was not sustaining my life in LA and so I came home and took me many more months to write my thesis. ALL OF THIS TO SAY that you are ahead of where I was in that regard so I don't want to scare you too much. Maybe your return won't be quite so crushing. But yeah, coming home sucked. It took me a really long time to figure out what I really wanted to be doing, but all the things I *did* figure out were learned through taking chances. I highly recommend reaching out to a London friend for a British care package now and again. A French friend of mine sent me a French one shortly after I returned home (for the second time) and it was the best goddamned thing that happened to me in months. Also, this might just be a me thing, but I found that I kept a lot of the stuff I was working through to myself and that only made it worse. It just felt so stupid to be complaining about my very privileged problems, but I think being more honest and using the different outlets that I had would have done me a world of good. And, continuing this comment filled with personal anecdotes that may or not actually be relevant to your experience, I did eventually figure my shit out. And so the biggest thing is to just not give up / give up hope. It's gonna suck sometimes and you should let yourself have those days, but don't let them consume you, because you *will* figure it out. It just might take a lot more time than you want it to. OK, I am done now.
@SweeneySays 8 лет назад
wait I have one more thing: between undergrad and grad school, I racked up six figures of student loan debt. And I am making nowhere near what I used to think I needed in order to be able to stay on top of that, but it turns out I can pay my student loan bills and my rent and other bills and still have money to live my life and even a little bit (a very little bit, but still) left over to put into savings every month. So I'll also say that as long as you get an actual salaried job (my LA job was a hot mess 1099 position at $10/hr. don't take a fucking 1099 job. that is garbage.), even if it's a low salary, the debt stuff should sort itself out. All the federal loans have income-based repayment and even private lenders are usually pretty willing to work with you as long as you are able to give them *something* every month
@Fundippsoyeah 8 лет назад
This was very comforting to read. Hopefully I'll figure it out someday.
@niceonefransi 8 лет назад
Being a adult sucks so hard sometimes. Fortunately I don't have any debt but I totally feel the job hunting problem. I hope you get a good job at a great place. :)
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
I can't imagine being in the arts like i was suppose to be! You're a hero Fran, A HERO
@niceonefransi 8 лет назад
This almost made me cry in public. :')
@CraigSimmonds 8 лет назад
When I finished uni I had to move back to my parents place after three years. I remember also feeling sick and petrified in the lead up, realising Id have to move home. It took me a few days to get a pub job, 3 months to find a job that I actually wanted and just over a year to find a job that paid enough for me to move out and that had a permanent contract. I know it's going to be different in the US, but what I learnt is that nomatter how long it takes to move back out, having that goal and knowing what direction you want to head in is one of the most valuable things you can have. Keep on plugging away and you'll make it out, that's absolutely certain (also remember that when you're working you're not actually at your parents house and you're out with other people. Once you land a job you'll be going home to sleep and that's it until you can afford your own place).
@katarinavlogs 8 лет назад
Oh man, I feel this so hard! I just moved back to my hometown (which I love as a place), but going from living on my own in a place where I got to see friends in person all the time to living with my parents has been weeeeeird. I was lucky enough to get a pretty solid museum job, but it's a contract for the school year so even though I'm okay for now, June is already feeling too close for comfort. So I feel ya on being scared, and I'm wishing you the best of luck!
@Wisperwynd 8 лет назад
I feel you. Only that I'm back here already, living with my parents again, fun. But oh boy I get you, especially with the relationships and the scary future thing, and I'm so sad I won't get to see you again in ages but I hope it all works out for you
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
Do you feel as unmotivated as I do living back at home? I hate this!!
@Wisperwynd 8 лет назад
Mary Akemon Way too much mate it's actually annoying
@elliesandpancakes 8 лет назад
I wish I had something more helpful to say other than I would be freaking out too. Transitions are always tough and scary, hope everything settles into something you're happy with as soon as possible.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
Well everyone's support is definitely better than none!
@shubhamahlawat1332 8 лет назад
Being nervous & scared is good. That means you're in the game. Take it as a good thing. And secondly who is not scared of his/her future? I mean I'm doing an undergrad. Course which I don't even wanted to & don't have any idea where will i head forward after completing it ':D And finally the no friends barrier... Yeah you have to work with that for a bit of while. But you've got a cool attitude... you'll make some with time for sure.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
@Kayleigh 8 лет назад
As shitty as it sounds, being an adult SUCKS. There are so many things I want to be doing that I love, and I have to either push them to the backburner sometimes, or just force myself to make time for them. I graduated from university in 2012, mind you, I lived at home the entire time with my parents and moved out at 25. I live paycheck to paycheck. I devote an unspeakable amount of time into my RU-vid channel and crafts and don't see a ton of money from it YET, but I look at it as an investment into the future I want to make. So you have to move back home and in with your parents. It's temporary! Look at it as an opportunity to live rent-free with room and food, find a job, save some money up, and move out! I personally wish I could go back and save money while living with my parents, but instead I worked throughout school to pay off each semester that I put on my credit card. I have no debt from school, but I also have no savings. It's a catch-22 unfortunately. You're smart. You'll find a great job and you'll make time for the things you love. I know you will because that's who you are. You'll be alright.
@GogogadgetYoh 8 лет назад
I second Kayleigh's sentiment (we also pretty basically had the same experience - we went to the same University and graduated the same year - and I decided to live with my parents during college). I moved out and lived on my own in Miami (not the friendliest of rent cities) and lived paycheck to paycheck. I moved back with my parents in Palm Beach (after a year) because I knew I wanted to save money to move out of the state (I eventually moved to Nashville). After about a year I saved enough money to be able to move to a new state without a guaranteed job. Having parents willing to take you in is a luxury that many people don't have and wish they could have. I know you're golden though Mary. You're a hard working person. So I know you'll make it. Also, if happenstance moves you to Nashville, you know at least 1 person with whom you've shared a Playlist live hotel room with! ;)
@parsamend 8 лет назад
Okay. Two Things. 1 • Success does not define your worth. 2 • You are by 100% no means a failure, age means shit. These are bullshit words but they truly need to be fully understood.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
Thank you! Let's have a venting session soon
@suddenlywat 8 лет назад
You'll be fine, don't worry about it too much because even though it's not ideal right now things will work out great for you, think more about the longterm and not too much about short term. Remember that you're awesome. You'll make friends in the new place :)
@thathoopy 8 лет назад
Oh my gosh I hear that!!! Its going to be okay!!!
@xzonia1 8 лет назад
You just described my life. I do the Income Based Repayment (IBR) method on my student loans because when I first had to start paying them back, I wasn't making much money (so my monthly payments were zero). The good things about that is you don't have to worry about defaulting; the bad thing, as you mentioned, is the interest keeps accruing. I earned my master's in Library Science, but every job out there for entry-level positions is part-time, which I can't live on, so I'm working in insurance. It pays well, and I do like the work, but it's not how I'd like to be spending my time. At least you have options. I hope you find a good position in museum-ship, or find work you enjoy. You're not a failure; you're just finding your way, like so many of us these days.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
Have you tried archives? I used to work in an archive and everyone studied Library Science. Some of the government jobs may be more full time?
@xzonia1 8 лет назад
Mary Akemon That's a good idea. Thanks Mary! :)
@KhanStopMe 8 лет назад
I believe in you Mary! 🎉
@HiItsJonny 8 лет назад
I totally feel what are you going through. I am just 10 credits away from graduating and I am freaking out that the debt from school and cards will really control how I live or work. Pretty sure all graduates and seniors will have no luck finding something in their field. I have networked so much but its pretty much dependent on your social skills and tolerances. With other things going on in my life, I am a mess. I suppose its another grind to get somewhere. But have hope!!! I try to at least :/
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
I'm gonna try as long as I can for in field, or in interest work. We're all a mess out here my friend, SUCH IS LIFE!
@HiItsJonny 8 лет назад
Mary Akemon It is! We are such a mess. Though this last month I have partnered with one of my university peers on a documentary that's hopefully to be funded and paid by the library where we both worked at. Have hope, network and connect with new people. I guess people are important in another's life.
@bharadwajgoda5578 8 лет назад
Hi. I came across your channel when I saw the collab you did with That Indian Chick channel on what Americans think about Bollywood. Thanks for doing that by the way. I am not too experienced with struggles but all I can say is that Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. All the best.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
Thanks! It's gonna be tough, I can already tell and I've only been back about a week! lol
@Fundippsoyeah 8 лет назад
OKAY OKAY okayokayokayoakayaoaHERE is what happened to me when I moved back into my parent's house after traveling for almost 3 years: I only stayed with them for 3 weeks. That is mostly because they are horrible parents. I like them as people! But horrible, terrible, manipulative parents. My friend let me move in with her after that because she probably thought I was going to kill myself. ANYWAYS, I moved in with her to a condo with a bus stop right in front of it. Me and my childhood friend shared a room for 6 months I think? I didn't have a car or a job. I hosted at a restaurant walking distance from my house and took the bus to school every day for 5 months, then got a car. Now I live in a townhouse, have a car, and a full time job that pays really shitty and I only kind of hate it. It's been 10 months since I finished school, and I have one job where I used that certificate but I hated that job and quit after a couple of months.Okay, that was a lot and probably didn't make any sense. IF I were to give advice, I'd say don't move into your parent's house because parent's are fucking terrible. Also, it sounds like you have so many things that you are passionate about. I say keep up with those online things. RUN with it. All those people that have degrees and have had really good high paying jobs that they don't like just end up quitting them and then attempt to do the online thing again. Skip that part! Save yourself some time. Money is great, but you can lose that so quickly. You can't get back the time you've lost.
@karansingh19911 8 лет назад
i have lived in 11 different cities .. changed 8 schools in 12 years (defense background). Now that i have lived in the same city for past 3 years with no plan of moving .. have a nice job with no debt .. i miss moving to different cities ..
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
I don't know if I'll miss it! But you're right, there are different perspectives to all this.
@karansingh19911 8 лет назад
Mary Akemon True .. Best of luck with all of it .. i know it can be hard
@siennamooney 8 лет назад
the income-driven repayment option has been a life saver for me since moving the uk, so i'd recommend looking into that option first. alternatively, you can defer payments if you know you're going to be unemployed for a length of time student loan officers are really helpful and want to make repayments easier for you to handle so try and reach out to yours if you can (: i know you've got a lot on your mind so just remember that one day you'll watch this video back and laugh because it'll all have worked out in the end! xoxo
@lorieway 8 лет назад
too relatable. i feel u.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
@JerryMarbas 7 лет назад
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mary. Been dealing with my own serious struggles and thats why I rarely comment on RU-vid these days so best of luck to you. I saw on twitter you asking for recommendations for a tutorial on HTML but I learned it way back in '94 and the page I used might be old but its still a dependable resource... www.math.unm.edu/writingHTML/tut/index.html Also I'd recommend learning CSS and Java Script while you are at it because HTML is rarely used by itself these days. Good luck Mary.
@MaryAkemon 7 лет назад
Awesome! Thanks! And Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to you too!
@TortorSmith 8 лет назад
Welcome to proper adult life Mary. It will probably be hard for a bit, granted, getting that first foot on the ladder in any field is hard.I'm four years out of Uni now and I finally feel like I'm where I want to be. I still have lots of student debt, but it comes out as a part of my salary, and it's okay. Just think positively and don't doubt yourself.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
I DONT WANT A WELCOME TORTOR *burst into tears*
@AliviaMarie 8 лет назад
you're gonna be okay, kid. i know it.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
@phampants 8 лет назад
If you're in Chicago, you have a least one friend here. That said, if you ever need anything, know that you can give me a hollar.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
I would DIE to move to Chicago, honestly
@paulidin 8 лет назад
ummmm. yes. This is scary. I'm trying not to think about it.
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
Thanks Paul, I'll try hahah
@alexrose6471 8 лет назад
Good luck!!
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
@EllaSaysHiya 8 лет назад
good luck friend
@EllaSaysHiya 8 лет назад
also group google hangoutsss we are bringing them BACK
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
@ThadySenior 8 лет назад
Have you tried looking for jobs in the UK, even outside of London?
@MaryAkemon 8 лет назад
Yes! The problem is, within my field, most institutions don't have sponsorship clearance for low-level employees. And, I have to make 21K or higher, so I couldn't try and get two part-time jobs, that 21 has to come from one. My only option to stay would be to go out of my field which I'm not 100% ready to do yet.
@ThadySenior 8 лет назад
Wow, that's tough going! You're right to stick to your field though :)