
I Quit Christmas | Coffee Chat 

Cosmopolitan Cornbread
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@cynthiafisher9907 Год назад
This is your channel and you have every right to believe whatever you feel sincere about and to speak about your beliefs here. I respect the fact that you try to be very careful with what you do and how you practice your faith. I have been feeling like doing less buying this Christmas and having things be more about family, since most of my kids will be here this year. However, I think it’s sad that embracing the feasts and Old Testament laws(as you do), seems to always go along with embracing less and less freedom in Christ and more and more legalism. I think it’s a slippery slope. People who call themselves Messianic seem to feel that they have stepped into a higher realm of truth and are part of an elite club. They love “finding” each other and seem to feel vindicated when they do. It’s weird to me and creates factions in the body of Christ. In Galatians Paul called those who wanted to cling to the law “foolish” and said they are “fallen from grace”. I hope, as you continue to study and seek God, you will see the fallacy of keeping the traditions of the Old Testament, only for your good. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to respond to your video. I don’t mean disrespect.
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
Legalism implies that we have to do things to earn our salvation through works. Please don't misunderstand me. There is NO salvation without faith in our Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua. We can not earn our salvation through acts, we display our salvation through them. "What good is it, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith but has no actions to prove it? Is such “faith” able to save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food, and someone says to him, “Shalom! Keep warm and eat hearty!” without giving him what he needs, what good does it do? Thus, faith by itself, unaccompanied by actions, is dead." James 2:14-17 “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah - not until everything that must happen has happened. So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 5:17-19
@cynthiafisher9907 Год назад
@@CosmopolitanCornbread Exactly! Jesus fulfilled every jot and tittle of the law because none of us could. The law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. Now we are in Christ and we no longer need that schoolmaster, we have graduated from the school of the law into the law of love and the grace of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Abraham (the father of the Jews) believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness. He lived hundreds of years before the law of Moses was given. He was justified by his faith. I am also justified by faith in the works of the Lord Jesus. My works are as filthy rags next to His righteousness that He clothes me in. If we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh; not that I always do this, but as I do, I am empowered to walk above the law. Just as Jesus said, the law required a man not to commit adultery, but He said, if a man lust in his heart he has already committed adultery in his heart. The Lord calls us to a higher standard than the law, He writes the law on our hearts, so that we don’t have to always be trying to live a righteous life, it is in our spiritual desire to do so, written on our hearts. Again, I mean no disrespect, I only have a passion for the grace and power the infilling of the Holy Ghost brings in a believer’s life. It is a walk with God so much higher than endeavoring to obey the law. God bless!
@debracollins4756 Год назад
Sister read the entire Bible. Jesus is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. He is the Spirit of prophecy that directed His prophets to speak and write these words that make up the Word of God. God never, never changed His Commandments. Preachers that tell you that they were nailed to the cross are giving you cunningly devised fables. The ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross, the ordinances against us, but the Commandments stand. Isaiah 66:22-23 tells us we will keep the Sabbath on the earth made new. Jesus says in Rev. 22:14 that those who keep His Commandments will have right to the tree of life and enter into the gates of Heaven. Matthew 5: 16-21; Jesus says if anyone teaches not to keep them will be least in the Kingdom of Heaven; for Jesus did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill (keep) them. Research Babylonian culture with celebrating pagan gods with holidays. Tammuz is the sun god's child celebrating his birth on Dec. 25. Easter is Ishtar, the queen of heaven, goddess of fertility. Stay on your knees asking your Savior to send His Spirit of truth to guide you to all truth. He is the Truth, the Way, and the Life.
@conniealabady Год назад
Thank you for sharing, I know where you been in your life. I or my sisters haven’t participated in any of the pagan holidays since myself 2014. My daughter and my sisters have not participated in any of the holidays as well for many years. If people knew where they came from where they originated from it has nothing to do with worshiping, our Father YHWH, and his son Yahshuwah in fact it’s opposite. I lost friends because I tried to educate them on the history of pagan holidays. Some people just cannot do this. It changes their life it changes all that they’ve ever known believed in but once one seeks the truth and finds it there is no going back . Shalom 🙏
@Justpassinthru62 Год назад
@@cynthiafisher9907 , thank you for beautifully stated truth in both postings ❤
@mbmiller1956 Год назад
My father was a Missionary Baptist preacher. Growing up, we never had a Christmas tree, because Dad believed it, and all of the traditions surrounding Christmas were pagan. He didn’t harp on it, but did talk about it from the pulpit as the season approached. I don’t think anyone in the congregation took it seriously, as they were ‘all in’ on Christmas, and had trees, etc. We did exchange gifts, and bake for the holidays, but that was about it. As a child observing all of this, I admit I felt deprived. But as is the case so often, we come to recognize the wisdom of what our parents taught us much later in life. Your channel has renewed the seriousness with which I consider such things, and for that I am grateful. God bless you, Constance, for being a light in such a dark world ♥️
@Sonshine1038 Год назад
I am a biblical feast keeper as well. Once I came out of the world I left the man-made feasts behind. No looking back now after almost nine years. Shalom from NE Ohio.
@karilebarron18 Год назад
So THANKFUL my close friend sent me a link to you!! What a blessing. I have found such freedom in the Sabbaths and feasts. Come out of her my people is an invitation and I don't need ANY more plagues near my home! Shalom❤
@MimsysGarden Год назад
Love this! I’ve been struggling with it the past few years. My girls are grown now, with children of their own. However, still expecting things as they were for their kids to experience with their Mimsy & Poppa T. Not sure how we are going to proceed even though I’ve explained to my girls what I’ve been learning. They’re preacher’s kids so it’s hard for them to get past the cognitive dissonance of us all having been indoctrinated improperly. They do realize it to be truth, they’re just not ready to let go of tradition yet. I think the hardest part is…. They are “the parents” & it’s not my place to try to force change upon them. Prayers appreciated! Really don’t want the grands growing up under the weight of the big lies. 💚
@woodsie5796 Год назад
I understand how difficult it is. I have an adult niece that lives close to me and I think she is finally understanding, after 3 years of me not celebrating Christmas and Easter. I made such a big deal about these holidays before that, its been hard for those who believe that Christmas isn't really about the birth of Christ and that I now know the truth. Although I've explained the truth, she still wants to celebrate it, Last year I put my foot down and told her if she comes to see me at that time and gives me gifts to celebrate anyway, that I will be disgusted and to please honor my conviction. She came last year, said she got just a few things for me, they were in Christmas wrapping in a Christmas bag. I opened them, looked at them, told her thank you, and have donated them, to the homeless or those down on their luck; not wanting to hurt her feelings. However, if it happens this year, I won't even accept them. I stand with The Father and no one is going change my mind. He's the only One I will bend my knee to.
@littlelamb6804 Год назад
I quit celebrating Christmas several years ago and my arrangement with my grown son was that we give to one another any time all year round - with the exception of any helliday. At bdays, we give one gift. I just dont want any part of the pagan rituals.
@traciann7854 Год назад
Good for you for speaking up about this sensitive subject. It takes a lot of courage to tell people why you don’t celebrate holidays, especially christmas. You were very tactful, making sure not to insult anyone. You laid out some facts that are easily researched but you probably already know that most will not do the research because of many reasons. They want the holidays no matter where it originated, family won’t like it if they stop and it’s just too difficult going the opposite way of the world. We quit all the holidays starting 2000 basically for the same reasons you did. Their origins are pagan and I’m sure Jesus and our Heavenly Father does not approve of these festivities. There are so many examples in the Hebrew Scriptures ( Old Testament) that someone interested can see. We should care how they feel about it especially if the celebration is supposed to be about them.
@findingtorah Год назад
@leevalley6851 Год назад
Also the scriptures plainly say...1 Corinthians 10:11 (KJV) 11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. those were examples of what to do and not to do. His moral law does not change.
@maryallen8710 Год назад
Same here with our family! It will be 3 years this season. Its not what it means to me.. Its what it means to HIM.Thank you for sharing!
@kam2162 Год назад
I found you last night when looking for a canning recipe for sloppy Joes. I subscribed last night! I am currently listening to this while I start on the sloppy Joes. I can't agree more with this. We never did the santa thing, kids got money for teeth but knew there was no tooth fairy. About 10 years ago we started keeping the Biblical feasts as opposed to the other holidays. We received a ton of backlash. It was a hard time.
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
Welcome! And thank you so much!
@emilylong9887 Год назад
My husband and I had a lot of reservations before we had kids, because of the origins and decided before our oldest was born, we would not. This will be year 7 for us not celebrating. At first and for the first several years there was a ton of push back from family. Everything from we didn’t love them to we didn’t love God. Thankfully it’s gonna better as now we just keep to ourselves this time of year and it we have found other people that share our beliefs. Thank you for sharing your story, I really related to how you said you can’t unlearn these things. Once the Lord has opened your eyes, it’s hard to dismiss it.
@randiD123 Год назад
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!!!! Torah observant full Bible believing Hebrew here! We did our first Sukkot this fall, and heartily embraced zero Christmas just this year. It was so freeing and made me happier than that pagan holiday ever gave me.
@Fromthemountainmeadow Год назад
Constance, you are not alone with thinking his you do. We haven't celebrated 'Christmas ' going on three years now. Sukkot is a wonderful celebration of the life of Yeshua. I am learning more about Haunakuh and not sure if we will celebrate or not. Shabbat Shalom
@maureenleclair8773 Год назад
Everyone has their own reasons for why they do or don't do something and that's how it should be. No two families or people are the same. Live your life as think You should.
@robincook4349 Год назад
You do you I for one love Christmas but always know what I'm celebrating. I have always gone way overboard for Christmas because I love to see the little ones with so much awe. I just think everyone should do what they feel is right or what GOD is telling them, our differences are what make us interesting and wonderful.
@happinesshomemade5855 Год назад
I feel the same way and I do the same thing! Everyone who do what they feel for them and there family. I look to hear how she feels and do judge and I love her for it.
@leevalley6851 Год назад
@@happinesshomemade5855 In studying Heb. 11, you will find that each person saw what Yahweh said and acted in obedience to Him. Feeling had very little to do with it but instead 2 Corinthians 5:7 (AMP) 7 For we walk by FAITH/OBEDIENCE [we regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] not by sight or appearance. Faith is believing to the point of obedience according to the study of Hebrews 11, not feelings. Respectfully.
@debracollins4756 Год назад
Proverbs 14:12 & 16:25 "There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." Study to show thyself approved of God. Do not put your trust in man, but God. Rev.18 1-4 " Come out of Babylon My people!"
@pamscarr8696 Год назад
Just remember, our feelings have nothing to do with it. Obedience is what is required. Leave the heart and feeling out of following the Scriptures.
@Pattim4762 Год назад
Yes, I am a Christian and I buy gifts for my grandbabies and kids. As long as you make it clear what Christmas is about and celebrate JESUS then I feel it's ok. 🙏
@leighannm.wilson1000 Год назад
Bible things; Bible Ways. The Way Jesus walked is how I am raising my four children. No more pagan serpent worship here. Thank you Yahweh for your Holy Word! May we all have a heart to shama and love our King Jesus in spirit and truth!!!
@lonsangel Год назад
As if the origin of the pagan holidays weren’t bad enough, I for one used to look forward to Christmas every year. It was my favorite holiday. I loved putting the tree up and having the the family over and the giving of gifts and all the decorations. Then Yahweh showed me something I had overlooked my whole life and I was ashamed. I read Jeremiah 10 verses1-5. He specifically talks about the pagans chopping down trees and decorating them with silver and gold & they are idols. This is my 3rd year to celebrate the biblical feast and not the traditional man made holidays.
@sharonandrew7267 Год назад
The Christmas tree is not my idol but just a chance to have lights and the colors that were present at the Birth of Christ Jeasus my Savior!
@rosa632 Год назад
Angie, If I may share, some food for thought, as my Hebrew Scholar always tells me. : ) I was sent a message recently, about this same passage. The question that I was asked was: "Are we not supposed to have Christmas trees"? To share a bit of context (I've been walking out Hebrew Bible Study for over a decade, I studied Biblical Hebrew with a Messianic Believer. I will continue to walk out studying the scriptures to seek the Pearls of Wisdom, that come from the highest form of worship, Bible Study. I share this not to boast, but to bring further understanding.) So I shared a study on this same passage of scripture. I will share a portion here, maybe we can see something deeper. The following is an excerpt from a teaching about this portion of scripture. ((First, there is the immediate context of this passage. The very next verse, 10:5, goes on to say, "Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good." This passage and the passages that follow make it crystal clear that the "decorated tree" that Jeremiah was talking about in 10:3-4, was a tree that was cut down and made into an idol, a very common custom in the ancient world.)) ((Second, when we search the rest of the Old Testament, we find many other examples of trees being planted, cut down, or carved into idols. One of the most common examples of a tree idol was the Asherah, mentioned often in the Old Testament. Asherah was a pagan goddess that was worshiped throughout the Mediterranean world. She was considered to be the goddess of the sea, the consort of El, and the mother of Baal. She was always represented as a tree or pole, either planted or erected, then decorated. There are many warnings in the Old Testament about the Asherah tree. Isaiah 44: 14-19 gives a detail picture of how a tree was cut down and fashioned into an idol. From the foregoing, it is abundantly clear that the "decorated tree" to which Jeremiah 10 refers is an idol, very likely was Asherah.)) ((Those who continue to believe that the Christmas tree is pagan and sinful, even after having their conscience correctly informed, should not use them. For it is not right to sin against conscience. This is regrettable, however, since there is absolutely nothing wrong with using a Christmas tree.)) This is only a portion of the teaching of this verse, through Hebraic Insight. Angie, The LORD IS Good And Compassionate, HE knew you enjoyed putting up the tree. If HE told you, don't put it up, then you walk in obedience to what HE spoke to you. I only share this to bring context to a passage of scripture, that all too often is taken out of context. Shalom, Dear Sister.
@maryarcher8484 Год назад
What and where is the scripture of the biblical feast? I grew up keeping all the feast untill in the 90's. And we're do you find calling Jesus by other names? The Angel of God told Mary mother of Jesus, you shall call him Jesus! For he will become the Savior of the world
@creatingculture704 Год назад
@@maryarcher8484 These are great questions-- you can find the Biblical feasts outlined in Leviticus 23 (though they appear elsewhere in the Bible too). Sabbath is one of those feasts and that is in multiple places including the 4th commandment. As for Jesus- there was no J in the Hebrew language or Aramaic which is what would have been spoken by Messiah and his followers. There also was no J in English until fairly recently. Jesus is a transliteration of His real name (which I pronounce Yeshua) to Greek. His name is something like Yeshua although there are different pronunciations due to transliteration from Hebrew to English. Yeshua means Salvation in Hebrew (so it makes the passage you referenced really come alive, doesn't it? Our Father is amazing!!). The name Jesus actually doesn't have any meaning. It's kinda like my name- it's Sara. You can call me Barbara and I will still know you are referring to me but my name is special to me because it's what my mom and dad decided to name me. Just like the Father gave Yeshua His name and communicated it to his mom Miriam through the Angel. I hope this all makes sense-- I just stumbled upon this channel through a magazine a friend lent me and saw your comment wasn't responded to so I wanted to help answer your questions as best as I can. Shalom!
@lonsangel Год назад
Matthew 1 TLV 20 But while he considered these things, behold, an angel of ADoNAI appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Miriam as your wife, for the Child conceived in her is from the Ruach ha-Kodesh. 21 She will give birth to a son; and you shall call His name Yeshua, for He will save His people from their sins."
@hmoser6416 Год назад
Christmas was my favorite time of the year. I always had my tree up first part of November. Growing up, wasn't a lot of money, if we did receive a present, it was something much needed, like clothes. Long story short, when I learned the truth, when I began reading the Bible myself, researching, etc., it all stopped. No more trees, valentines, Halloween, etc. Now, friends are no longer "friends," though I didn't say I no longer wanted to be, only that I don't do the holidays any longer, then they decided I no longer fit in. Guess they only liked the gifts from me and not me lol. Even after all the people who dropped out of my life, I felt comforted. I don't feel I lost. I was hurt, deeply in different ways, but if people who say they really cared or loved me for all those years, then flipped a switch and I was a terrible person, it wasn't sincere. Life is precious. A lot of people have learned to use people and not thing. It's heartbreaking to watch it all. Funny how I came across your channel first time today, won't go into detail, but out of nowhere your channel showed up in my feed. God knows, what I needed to see/hear today. He works in mysterious ways, Hallelujah!
@MaribethAlexander Год назад
I appreciate you and am thankful I found you. We, too, celebrate the Biblical feasts because, like you, I think Christians have missed it. I do a lot of research on the feasts as well and have for years. Several years ago, I did a lot of research on Thanksgiving and found that the first thanksgiving was based on the feast of Sukkot as the Pilgrims had lived among Jews in (I think) Holland before coming to America. You may have already known that, but, I decided to share that in case you didn’t. Have a blessed day!
I read through either Bradford or Brewster's book. I can't recall, but I would recommend reading it. You would find that there is absolutely no mention of Sukkot, nor is there any shame in them eating unclean foods. They also didn't keep the sabbath on Saturday, but Sunday. The idea it was based on Sukkot is not much backed up with fact, but speculation.
@MaribethAlexander Год назад
@@hickoryhillinthebigwoods-r759 I’ll have to go back and check my references. It was in 2007. I appreciate your comment, I certainly was not saying they were trying to be Jewish, just that, from what I read, they appreciated the Sukkot feast and what it represented-thankfulness for the bountiful harvest having lived around them-becoming a type of inspiration for what they did.
@@MaribethAlexander No, it is okay. I keep the feasts too and the teacher of the online congregation I follow was saying the same. I shared my reading of the journals and thought with him. He went into a lot of other details concerning the sect of believers they may have been from and so on. Do we know for sure? No. We can only do the best we can based on how the Spirit leads us. I agree, there are definitely similarities in purpose. This walk is an amazing walk of searching out truth because we have been lied to for so long.
@MaribethAlexander Год назад
@@hickoryhillinthebigwoods-r759 it truly is an amazing walk. I thankful God brought people into our lives nearly 20 years ago who taught us a lot about Judaism and the feasts.
@Universalhealing-bo3ir Год назад
My Thanksgiving always is around Gratitude for my harvest since we take our gardens, crops & such off about this time in Canada.
@gardenstatesowandsew Год назад
I do love Christmas. I enjoy sending and receiving cards. I love the gathering of family and friends and enjoying the day that a lot of people have off from work and can come enjoy each other. It’s so hard to get everyone together these days that I’m grateful for Thanks giving, Christmas and Easter etc. I don’t like how Christmas has become and share a lot of the same feelings as you.
@wonderouslymade1797 Год назад
Like you said, there is no unknowing what you have learned. I felt your statement to my very core...and agree with every word. So much has been twisted, and too many are willfully blind to it all. May the Father bless you greatly for all the truth you shared in this video.
@deejenkins8314 Год назад
Amen sister, I just recently found your channel and love that I have found someone that shares my beliefs and feelings about many things . It is wonderful when we are led to like minded people, even if it is on RU-vid.
@resurrectionsunday4164 Год назад
I really do understand why you don’t want to celebrate Christmas. In my own way I am celebrating the Lord for His immense love. For the entire concept of His birth death and resurrection. I’m celebrating that he gave us color and sparkle and fragrance and texture and variety . Those are gifts and not all of creation was given them. I’m celebrating the greatest love of all that affects everyone everywhere around the world in such a profound way. Im not against what you want to do but I’m also a little sad about it in my own way.
@tracymorrison1584 Год назад
for the past 10 yrs or more my husband and I became so stressed about making sure our children and our grand children had a good Christmas but cannot afford to do this anymore with the way things have been the last 2 yrs. in the world and finances. This year they will get gifts of food and pray our grandchildren understand. We hardly ever put up a tree anymore but I do bake fruitcakes and other munchies for them to enjoy. Thank you for your video; it helps me not feel so bad about things now.
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
Tracy one of the things that bothered me so much, was the amount of pressure people put themselves under. Trying to do “all the things” or even going into debt to do something our Father never asked us to do. It hurt my heart to see it. ❤️
Thank You for saying what I've been thinking, ever since our family has been celebrating the biblical feasts it's too hard to embrace a counterfeit celebration. I do love gathering with our family and friends and cooking and of course eating all the things. But this year will be much different as we come into the holidays.
@marrerofamilyfarm Год назад
I stumbled upon your channel a few months ago and I am so grateful for that. It's nice to find other fellow Christians that have the same beliefs as you. We don't celebrate Anything except Thanksgiving also. We Are learning more about Hanukkah. My kids are 8 & 9. They don't miss any of it and I'm so grateful for that. We also have. RU-vid channel. Next year I pray I get to go to some of the Homesteaders meetup and meet ALOT of my favorite youtubers 🙏 Thank you for your honestly and genuineness 💗
@heatherhagglund5390 Год назад
Love Love Love this, the Biblical feast are so rich in their meanings .Christy Jordan's Seeking Scriptures Bible study is such a good way to help people understand the Bible. Hanukkah is in the Bible its called the festival of lights and Yeshua (Jesus) kept it. We don't over do it as I feel it could get very commercialized also but learning more about what was done in Biblical days and taking the man made holidays out of our lives has made our walk with the Lord so exciting. Bless you for sharing.
@kimhill8475 Год назад
How funny. I've been on that same path. I love winter and I also love the decorations especially the lights and greenery and what God designed. Just found your channel. Thanks for sharing.
@laurajeffcoat4731 Год назад
You are absolutely right Constance we have blown holiday's out of texted. I to miss getting hand written letters. And you did an amazing job explaining your beliefs. I just want to thank you for sharing this video with us. Please never stop learning and studying. We can only hope to be the best of ourselves in the Lord's eyes.🤗💓💞💕
@deborahbessom6679 Год назад
I love your heart and what you have to say. I love Jesus with ALL my heart. I love to celebrate His birth. I love the decor, family friends gathering. I don't worship a tree, although I decorate it with memorabilia from raising my children. I didn't know until recently that St. Nicolas, in addition to his generous gifts helped save children who were being trafficked in his home town. The officials knew that it was happening but not how. SN was given a dream by God that the children were being transported in pickle barrels. Feel free to fact check if you like. We all need to walk by Holy Spirit and live our lives as He leads. Everyone have a wonderful season of celebration however God leads you. God bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and give you peace.
@sillylilysallykaye4917 Год назад
The light is dawning. For the last 6yrs there has been an all encompassing illness, hospitalization, disaster, surgery or some manner of awful event that has precluded any celebration of more than a shared meal. Sometimes I am one that requires a large or painful attention getter. I said this year, no more. I will study from here, where & how to proceed. Thank you for such a heartfelt post.
@pattymiles2688 Год назад
I quit celebrating all the pagan holidays too, several years ago. For the same reason. I do celebrate observe Passover and I participate in Thanksgiving. I had a brain stem stroke 3 years ago so I’ve slowed way down, physically. I desire to observe all the Feasts. I am a Gentile or as I’m recently hearing the label-“ Messianic Gentile.” Anyway… I’m glad that you shared your belief about pagan holidays with your subscribers. There probably are a lot more of us out there who don’t celebrate these holidays! God bless you!
@glendabyford8074 Год назад
When i was raising my five we never did Santa and like you I always had a issue with lieing to my kids.. I never wanted them to think I lied to them about Christ... So it was honestly just easier to never lie to them.. I got a lot of trash for doing this from others but at least to this day my kids know I never lied to them..
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
Please keep comments respectful. As I always state - no one has to agree with me, but you do have to be nice. I will not argue in the comment section.
@monikaschneeberger4642 Год назад
I love Christmas. I think the most important thing is to know that we are free in Jesus Christ. Free to celebrate it, and free to not celebrate it. We are not better one way or the other. But I agree that often we miss the point and everything is too materialistic. We need HIS grace and guidance!
@cynthiafisher9907 Год назад
Well said!
@jessicasand9381 Год назад
@debracollins4756 Год назад
Jeremiah 10 is very self explanatory about using the tree as an idol decorating with gold and silver, propping it up with wooden stays to keep it upright. " Do not do what the heathen do!" Satan is subtle in leading God's people to follow cunningly devised fables. Study Babylonian culture and the gods they worshipped. God says to come out of Babylon in Rev. 18. The harlot and Mother of all harlots is Great Babylon. She speaks blasphemies against God, and wears out His saints. What church claims to be the Mother? She is decked in gold and pearls wearing scarlet and purple robes, and has a golden cup in her hands. Its the Roman Catholic system. Research the Saturnalia and what it is really about, and how the Pope adorns himself that time of year (Dec-Jan) with his red Saturn hat and scarlet robe. 2Thess.2 should open your eyes to who this man of sin and perdition is that sits on a throne, and is the Antichrist. Dont be a lukewarm Laodicean and think you know it all and in need of nothing.
@davedeseive8390 10 месяцев назад
Pagan idolatry is spiritual adultery.. My freedom in Yahushua does not give license to partake of that which is not of Him. It is my freedom to love and serve Him and my brothers and sisters in Him, sharing the fullest of joy in walking in His ways and not of the world. Be blessed 😊
@spmoran4703 9 месяцев назад
It's a pagan custom from three pagan cultures. Roman , Celtic , and Norse it has got nothing to do with Christ avoid it
@amaples93 Год назад
I've come to learn this as well. I've actually been pulled away from enjoying Christmas for a few years prior (no desire for a tree or "holiday spirit sort of stuff")..and now I know why! I was being prepared. Although I'm still struggling with my extended family. It's the only time of year really when everyone comes together. Part of me says go and not to forsake the family...but then I will still feel like we will be sucked into the stuff we don't want to be a part of. And I have a 6 year old I need to not confuse and be an example for.
@paulinerichter6639 Год назад
Totally agree with you, and appreciate the way you explained things so tactfully! I stopped celebrating Christmas about twelve years ago - when I also began keeping the Biblical feasts. I see my neighbors celebrating the wordly holidays, and it makes me sad to know they are missing out on so many blessings!
@DarleneDeSilva Год назад
We woke up too about 2003 ish. We started questioning the origin of all things, what an eye opening experience. So many things we had done did not align with the Bible. We had to do some house cleaning and soul searching. So many friends and family were angry with us because we did not celebrate things that were not in the Bible and wanted to celebrate things that were in the Bible. It was painful but we stood strong. We had to chose God over all things. So appreciate to hear about others that God is waking to truth vs. tradition. Bless you on your new endeavor in the mountains of Arkansas .
@beckyprestwich2834 Год назад
I'm with you! I came to the same conclusion just a couple of years ago. I no longer decorate at all. I buy small gifts for the grands and a gift exchange with local family but I'm doing less and less each year. I spoke to my pastor too, trying to understand how these celebrations are promoted in church given their pagan roots. His answer was, while some practices thought to possibly be of pagan roots, no one is sure. He doesn't see any harm. Do or don't do, it's up to you. I wasn't satisfied with that answer but I think it's all I'll get from most anyone. I'm so glad you came out with this and that I know someone else feels the same. God bless you!
@kathleenhamilton483 Год назад
Thank you for your honesty. In my older age, I’m finding the simplicity is what I crave. Though I know about the origins and traditions of Christmas, I am wanting to know more about the feasts and traditions.
@Barbara-gy9jq Год назад
When my daughter was little and found out at school that Santa wasn't real, she came home furious with us for lying to her. She was so indignant, and shouted that we were liars. We learned that telling your kids to believe in Santa; also leads them to question if they should believe in Jesus. After all, you lied to them once, how could you expect children to trust anything you say again? We celebrate both Chanukah and Christmas, as a season of miracles and the birth of Christ.
@maryarcher8484 Год назад
There were many seasons of miracles! Johns birth was a miracle, Elisabeth got pregnant just at the time God ment for her to? So he could be the one that would come before Jesus teaching the good news of the Kingdom of God!
@maryarcher8484 Год назад
Where do you find the word Chanukah? what does it mean? I do not mean to be hard hearted I'm just trying to understand, I know I don't have it in front of me now we're Paul or John says if all things were placed in the bible or book there would not be a book large enough to contain it! I know the words the prophets wrote were inspired by God! God says we are not to add or take away from the book Bible. There are many versions of the bible or translations when a passage states the same content, but just by a different writer it should say the same. If the translations changes the content to mean something that says something different that would be totally different. God did not make any mistakes! I know there are people out there that say there were different books left out of the original bible were do you find this instructions?
@Barbara-gy9jq Год назад
@@maryarcher8484 There is a brief mention in John 10:22-23 in our Protestant Bibles, where it mentions Jesus at the temple for the 'feast of dedication'. That is what is being referred to, and what is called Chanukah today (as well as the Festival of Light). The full story of the battle to save the 'faith' and reclaim the Temple in Jerusalem (rededicating it to God), is in the book of Maccabees, that you can find in the Apocrypha. This is in an article from the National Catholic Review: "Many people seem to believe Catholics “added” books to the Bible. They don’t seem to realize that Luther removed seven entire books and parts of three others from it for no other reason than that they didn’t fit his idea of “what God really wanted.” Luther claimed they celebrated Judaism and because he wanted to justify his challenging the authority of the Catholic Church, he threw them out." I was raised a Lutheran, so I am not Luther bashing here; but there are other troubling writings of his that are very anti-sematic; adding to his reasoning for removing the Maccabees from his version of the Bible.
@debracollins4756 Год назад
@@Barbara-gy9jq There is a book Luther wrote, can't remember the title, but he was very much against the Jewish people that did not follow Jesus, the Messiah. Almost sounded like Hitler would have said. Was disturbing. God used him for a purpose, though, to expose the lies and hypocrisy in the oppressive Church of Rome. They would have burned him at the stake.
@debracollins4756 Год назад
I'm 68, and when I found out there was no Santa at 9 yrs old, I too was livid. Then at 11 there is no Easter bunny! Thou shalt not bear false witness, lie. Those who love and tell a lie will not be in the Kingdom of God ( Rev. 21&22). Parents need to repent... I did. Its just cunningly devised fables.
@tracymorrison1584 Год назад
i keep all cards and notes I have ever received from family, hubby and friends. I cherish them
@DanielJones-wq3sj 10 месяцев назад
Appreciate your thoughts on pagan holidays. I feel the same way. In fact, I’ve rejected words like retirement, vacation, recreation, and luck; which I believe is the “Lack of Understanding and Coherent Knowledge”. I’m originally from Arkansas, but live in Indiana. I’m 70 and have no plans to “retire”. Love your channel.
@suesweetpea7 Год назад
@Msaltares91 Год назад
I'm very fortunate to learn about the biblical feast before getting married and having children so we do no worldly holidays I also don't do Thanksgiving found out that the cornucopia was involved with false god worship so I try to keep it simple if it has roots with other god worship I just stay away much love ❤
@marywinters2436 Год назад
I celebrate Easter, I study were some of the traditions came from about the Christmas Holiday. We don’t do eggs and bunnies. I’m not Hebrew, I was grafted in to the vine. I love studying the Bible. God’s chosen was the Hebrew nation , but the mystery He also had a plan for the gentiles , you have lead me back into there festivities. I am trying to do what Romans has taught me. Acknowledging there ways is important but also seeing where other believers are coming from. It’s hard to figure out without offense. Your incredible. Standing in His truth is hard but the only way ❤️
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
Thank you friend. We are all just doing our best, and thankful for grace where we fall short :)
@katherinehepperle4630 Год назад
You are not alone, our family does not observe christmas either, it has become far too commercial. In John 10:22-23 there is mention of Jesus and the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah), "Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the Temple, in Solomon’s porch."
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
@sabrinamassie5606 Год назад
Thanks for your opinion. I don't share it. Good Luck with your homestead.
@Ksenia0707 6 месяцев назад
So happy to find your channel!! My journey away from Christmas was similar to yours. Love observing the feast days of the Lord with my family. It brought us so much joy and peace.. ❤️🥰
@stonesthrowacres2216 Год назад
Feel the exact same way. Did a little when they were young but very simple. We did treasure hunts with clues hidden around the house. It was way more exciting and built memories.
@MimsysGarden Год назад
Ohhh and next comment lol… I have been asking the hubz & other ministers WHY are we not celebrating the holy feasts, yet celebrate the pagan holidays. Needless to say, I’m not getting any real answers. I am however, planting that seed of “research”. 😉
@WoltermanHomestead Год назад
Praying over those seeds you’re planting! 💕 I think it would be so much fun if us homesteaders could get together and celebrated them together!
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
Yes it would!
@sissy1901 Год назад
I agree with that, we do Celebrate Christmas, but it is to Christ birthday, not to a man in a suit.We need to all learn that .Now I don't recognize Halloween at all. Your right It does not say anything about what day Jesus was born.
@karenbearden6198 Год назад
This is great! Thanks so much for speaking on this it needs to be said.
@debbiekrueger5576 Год назад
Thank you for being authentic..we haven’t done Christmas or Easter in years. I’m glad I found your channel. My family & friends don’t want to believe this either but thankfully I don’t have to answer for them..I just do what God says & only mention this if someone asks me why I don’t..some say they know it’s wrong, but don’t feel like they can stop because of the children or grand children..
@SouthernBellaHome Год назад
Just Like you, we never did Santa, Easter Bunny or tooth fairy. We told our children the truth always. However, we totally enjoy celebrating the miraculous birth of our Savior🙌🏻No matter if it is the actual month or not. Every aspect of our celebration is from our heart of worship! We focus on the biblical story and it is wonderful! Just as birthdays have certain historical customs that we don’t embrace, Christmas is the same. I totally agree that you should do as the Lord leads, but so much good is done for humanity during the celebration of Christmas, and the gospel is shared as Jesus told us to do, just like at Easter. I so appreciate your heart for sincerity in sharing. For our family I do feel that we can celebrate the birth of or Savior at Christmas and please him while doing so❤️. But thank you always for your tender heart in pleasing the Lord!!!🙏🏻❤️
@CRRBennett Год назад
I agree with so much of what you said. I have struggled for years regarding Christmas for many reasons. I too like to research and as a homeschool mom we learned a lot more regarding this holiday! However, did not change anything. going against the tide is rough. I did just recently hear another take on this topic by someone I highly respect. It was said we should use the opportunity to share the gospel. The reason for the season. That statement even though I know this, hit home for some reason. I / we have always celebrated the 1st advent of his coming it seems to get overshadowed by the "traditional fare" regardless of our intent to focus on Christ. There is such a mix when it comes to others/family. thank you for sharing your thoughts and convictions. I do believe that when you are convicted of something you need to follow it, otherwise it is sin of disobedience. I will continue to pray and seek Him on this topic. Blessings.
@fourdayhomestead2839 Год назад
Thank you for such a private & soul searched topic. Living according to the teachings of Christ is difficult, but that is mentioned in the writing many times.
@annettegraff8323 Год назад
I am like you curious about a lot of things . In 2006 The first year I worked part time is when I became shocked by what Christmas had become . Starting with Black Friday sales 6 AM customers yelling gleefully "I got the last one" . The selfishness of that . Then the customer who wouldn't leave the store at early closing Christmas Eve . Kept us all an hour late closing . That kept me from the childrens service I wanted to attend . This wasn't the way I thought the holiday should be . My grandparents did not celebrate with trees or gifts . It was a time for prayer and religious observation The gift a celebration of family and friends around the table A meal shared . I didn't overindulge my kids either . Most of the things that were purchased went towards Feb birthdays . One main gift and stocking stuffers board games and books . I told my kids from then on no gifts . If they thought of each other during the year that would be more meaningful . Handmade would be the choice . I knit sew bake and cook I prefer the sharing of a meal and company to making companys and the government happy ! I had known of the holidays origins but not given it a closer look . I had long questioned the day of the week of the Sabbath. Both my children have become questioners of all these false teachings . It's very nice to find a group of people that support my continued searches for truth ! ❤️🙏
We dont do Santa Claus , Easter Bunny etc either. We celebrate the Holidays with family fellowship and lots of love ! We know Christmas isnt the exact day of Christs birth and being they dont have it completely pin pointed perhaps in March I think ? we just choose this day as a celebration of the birth of Christ as we also celebrate the resurrection!
@maryg9516 Год назад
Thanks for your video , I believe to each his own we do celebrate Christmas and all that comes with it , I believe in celebrating the birth of christ and a time for our family and friends to come together. I also love getting cards and letters in the mail it seems that people have stopped doing that, easier to text or email. We all have our own traditions and beliefs, that is what makes the world go round. God bless you and your family and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving 🙏 ❤️
@perfectday777 Год назад
I think that there is a difference between celebrating the Christmas commercialism as opposed to celebrating the birth of our Savior. That really hit me hard many years ago when I was so incredibly stressed out with the cooking and shopping and gifts, etc, that I did not even enjoy that time. It's so easy to lose the meaning for which Christmas really is about. I started simplifying things and that made a huge difference. As the years have gone by, I try to honor Jesus Christ by trying to do as He did, or would do. Of course, my contributions are on a smaller scale compared to His, but just reaching out to those needing help in ways that I am able to do. And not just in December. Acts of kindness are easily a year-round thing that we can do, within the capacity that we have. We don't have to broadcast our good works, either. Just simply be on the lookout for the needs of others. So, I haven't quit Christmas because I won't dismiss Jesus Christ, who is the greatest gift given to mankind by our Heavenly Father who loves us. We don't have to quit Christmas altogether. We can celebrate our Savior, and do so all year round, by doing as He would have us do. We can be His hands by reaching out, His feet to go and do, His eyes to see what many others may not see, His ears to listen, and His voice to speak kindness, love, hope, encouragement, and maybe a little bit of wisdom. May God bless you and your family, Constance. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights. Love and hugs! ❤️❤️❤️
@cynthiafisher9907 Год назад
Good thoughts.
@camrobn Год назад
My mom always told us that Santa was the Spirit of Love, God is love, and not the little fat man in red. So we did get Santa, The Spirit of Love, but Mom was very truthful with us, and God provides for our needs and wants.
@beckydigilormo4261 Год назад
Wow, didn’t hurt my children at all. Why give them this heavy hearted world til you have to😞
@maryarcher8484 Год назад
Never teach them the ways of the world are ok, God says to come out of the world!
@chesterjohnson3660 Год назад
You think like me. Thank you for having enough courage to speaak out about this very important subject. You are a bright light unto the world. My favorite holyday is Thanksgiving to. There should be more than one Thanksgiving. God has given me so much that it can't done in 1 day.
@pattigsbh4392 Год назад
Thank you for your honesty. God bless❤
@alystodola Год назад
Hi Constance! Thank you for sharing! I am thankful for your channel.
@apriloverstreet2174 Год назад
Besides myself, you are the only other person who called the Christmas party line a lie. Amen sister.
@KCSmith1 Год назад
I love Christmas but felt Santa was a lie so we didn't do Santa. So my daughter never believed in that. But I love that time of year. The love, joy.❤. I love that drivers are more polite. I love all that hospitality.
@berylmadison2363 Год назад
I really like the fact you call your husband Mister..I am a widow and wanted to call my husband Mister and he wasn't for it..He thought it was too formal..I told him it was respect but he still wasn't for it..About Christmas, I too didn't like how it started being about things..I learned about the place it started, so I stopped doing it and I give Thanksgiving gifts..Oh goodness..I am a snowman person..I don't sent Christmas cards..I haven't started keeping the feast but I do Passover...Thank You for sharing..Many Blessings 🐑✝️🕊️🦁🙏💜
@auntdello5286 Год назад
You are not alone in this. Iagree wholeheartedly with all you've said here about these commercial holidays. Halloween never existed here in our house. We also love Thanksgiving dinner with family. Our December is full enough with both my sons birthdays. We like putting together St Nicholas stockings, everyone puts something small and thoughtful in each other's stockings. Even just a heartfelt note is welcomed. We celebrate that on Dec 6th. We go to Christmas Eve services at church, followed by a light meal. We've gradually pared down Christmas day as well.
@PerryHillFarms Год назад
Thank you for sharing . So much truth.
@Barbara-jd2sk Год назад
Precious Girl. I have listened to 2 of your posts now. The first when you talked about your Forever Home. #19. And how you felt so close to your Heavenly Gather when your hands were in the dirt and on the tractor mowing. I cried my eyes out listening to you and I know that very relationship you have With Jehovah. It sounds like mine when we were raising kids on our little farm here in Washington State. I spent so many hours in His presence. There is nothing we didn’t share and talk about. Then I just finished listening to you share your heart about raising your family on the truths of our holidays. Mine were taught the same. I just always felt something important and special were missing. And one Friday night I found out what it was. I went to a service at a small Jewish Church. And I felt so at home there. Everything was just so familiar to me even though I had never been to a service like that. So I began to read and study in the Old Testament and I have learned so much. I am still crying because you have spoken to somewhere deep inside me. Now I can hardly wait to listen to more of your journey. To a Precious Sister from a Sister who shares your heart.
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
💙 It feels like coming home. Bless you sister.
@loisbrinkley1916 Год назад
Santa Claus has stolen Christmas, just like the Bunny has stolen Easter. I agree with you totally.
@deborahbaughman1366 Год назад
Thank you. I agree completely ♥️♥️♥️
@his-sweetie Год назад
You are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing. This is something I have been struggling with, hubs too. Once you see you cannot unsee it. With others that think we do this in honor of our Amazing Messiah I am left with no idea how to even respond. The thought of going through the motions is making me feel odd and uncomfortable.
@Dr.JulieJames Год назад
Agree on Snoops and the Holidays. I enjoy 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Birthdays. I have not celebrated Dec 25 in more then 40+ yrs. Mostly because this day is my actual birthday..
@luanngilkison5260 Год назад
Years and years ago, few people knew the real origin of Christmas or Easter celebrations. They started out as pagan practices. It's refreshing to know that so many people know the truth now.
@auntiepam5649 Год назад
Thank you Constance.
@therealkathytincler Год назад
That was wonderful and I agree with everything you said. Thanks so much for sharing this. And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you!
@cherreemorgan6631 Год назад
I had a stroke 2021 August so my words not speaks all excellent. I have watched your video for a couple of years. I am Torah for come 15 yrs. I was excited to see you all Shabbats, ect. Bible Feasts became verses from Christmas. Bless Elohim!
@Faithful10415 Год назад
I have so much respect for your views. You presented this in a very loving and rational way. I love to decorate for the holidays and the lights- it’s actually my favorite thing about the Christmas season but in the last few years have determined to focus more on the meaning of Christmas: the birth of our Savior into this world. I have determined to not get sucked into the worldly vortex of the secular holiday: one without God. I also thought about how you celebrate the Jewish feasts and found that to be lovely and not legalistic at all. It’s giving me a different perspective. P.S. new subscriber here. The Lord bless you and keep you make His face shine on you and give you peace!
@phyllisphipps9435 Год назад
We no longer participate in Christmas. In 2019 I became a member of Christy Jordan's Seeking Scripture Bible group. We celebrate YHWH's feasts. I remember seeing a video you & Christy done at a taco joint. That is how I found you. I also listen to Rabbi Gregg Hershberg on youtube.
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
Ah yes, Shaggy’s tacos! She sure lives that place. LOL ❤️
@Rowsey63 8 месяцев назад
I gave up Christmas several years ago and studying it true origins and discovering the holidays in Leviticus Ch.23. It was strange at first but we haven’t looked back. So glad to be observing holidays that have real Biblical meaning. I don’t go around scolding others for not doing it because they will have to walk the ancient path when they get to it. YHWH will show them.
@CosmopolitanCornbread 8 месяцев назад
Yes! There’s a lot of people who go on attack, and push others away. That is not going to make others want to see what we see. Living out our faith and being a light is a much better way. Better to make people curious and sincerely ask questions, than to try and shove something down their throats.
@prangecrew8 Год назад
I just found you today, January 30, 2023, and feel a kinship with you! I was convicted probably 15 or so years ago. We stopped Christmas, Easter, and especially Halloween cold turkey. We did not flaunt it at all, but So many of our friends and family (even Christians) were upset with us. It is hard to find a church that doesn't put up a tree, have a Santa, Easter egg hunts, etc. I would like to find a place to worship or a group of like minded believers. How/what do you deal with it? When our children were small it was much more difficult. 4 of the 6 are now on their own or married and they choose for themselves what and how to celebrate. You are so right. Once you know you can't "unknow" and sometimes I wish I didn't know. 🙂
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
Honestly, I did not have any fellowship for some time. I participated in bible studies/groups but any time something was going on that was "holiday" related, I simply bowed out. Over time, the Father connected me with others who were like minded. For a long time though, I thought it was just me... only to learn there were countless others out there, also thinking it was "just them." :) Be patient, and be faithful. I am sure He will lead you to fellowship, when the time is right
@vixxcottage Год назад
Wow! You are brave. I haven't had a Christmas tree up since 1987. There was a lot of pushback but everyone is aware now. Everyone has a right to their beliefs as long as they are not harming someone else.
@tinalucas2357 Год назад
I have been watching this and totally agree 👍
@dewfree5869 Год назад
Agree with you.Going away from made up days and celebrations is reasonable to me. It does not mean your going away from the christ!
@mimiohnine Год назад
At this point in my life, I celebrate the birth of my Savior. I do put up a Christmas tree and enjoy what ornaments my children and grandchildren have made or bought for me. I enjoy the ornaments from 1985, my husband and I first Christmas. I never did santa. I did not lie to my children in regards to bunny rabbits with the Passover. We do celebrate God. I have been a Spirit filled Christian since 1984 and am so excited for God to teach me His ways. One fine day I will meet my Maker face to face!! What a day that will be!! PS….December 25th is the day I set aside to honor the birth of my Savior. It doesn’t matter to me that it’s not the exact day. God loves us to celebrate!!
@gladfan1989 8 месяцев назад
I, too, did away with celebrating Christmas years ago. And started keeping God's annual Feast days, including the Feast of Tabernacles (which is my favorite).
@amechealle5918 Месяц назад
Christmas used to be my favorite holiday but I started removing the “glitz” of the celebrations about 30 years ago. No santa, reindeer, gingerbread houses, elves etc. it bothered me that a celebration of the birth of the redeemer was moved to the date of more than one pagan holiday. I celebrate throughout the spring but there are no presents or excessive decor. Growing up in a supposedly Christian cult I couldn’t understand the excessive commercial celebration the church I was raised in was pushing.
@tylerporter2171 Год назад
Study to show yourself approved unto Elohiym, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. TIMOTHEUS SHENIY (2 TIMOTHY) 2:15 את CEPHER God bless you on your journey 🙏🏻👏🏼🙏🏻
@loiscain7796 Год назад
I do sooo agree with you.! I studied it, and changed everything completely! No Santa, no trees (Jeremiah 10.1-5). Simple gifts for children. Big on Thanksgiving....delighted to have found your site only recently.....love it!
@CosmopolitanCornbread Год назад
Thank you :)
@RobynG70 Год назад
My questions are, how and where do you begin truly study Gods word? Thanks Constance 😊
@ML.. Год назад
You could start in the book of John. It’s in the New Testament after Luke.❤️🙏❤️
@ML.. Год назад
You could start in the book of John. It’s after Luke.
@SeekingScripture Год назад
The same way you would begin to study any book: in the beginning. That one simple thing is life changing!
@hangtoughhomestead2229 Год назад
When we read Deuteronomy 31:29-30 and Revelation 15:3, we realized that our God, YHWH (hand, behold, nail, behold) told us from the beginning of His Word....all things. The saints in Revelation are 'singing' the song of Moses (the law) and the song of the Lamb (Yeshua/Jesus). A time will come when more believers will hear this last days message. But, we have found that most have been marked for chastisement and a tilling of the soil before they will hear. Yah is bringing His people out of Egypt and into a wilderness experience of teaching us and testing our hearts. Praying for the Body. Thank you for singing our God's Song! Blessings to you!
@donnamarie6793 Год назад
As I mature in my faith I feel we should turn away from anything that feels like idol worship. Our intentions matter, our hearts matter to god. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
@Universalhealing-bo3ir Год назад
Good on You! I quit that bs years ago & I wish more people would wake up to it.
@annmarie3520 Год назад
No need to explain your beliefs. But I guess if subscribers were asking I guess you felt the need to. Everyone should live their lives in the best way they know with their hearts desire. I love your honesty and your desire to study!❤😘🙏🏻
@conniealabady Год назад
Oh and welcome to Arkansas I’m just up the road from you in Joplin Missouri👍🏻🙏
@heidistoddard1588 Год назад
@cherylgoff8955 Год назад
Thank you for shining the light of Truth! I totally agree with everything you shared in this video
@annasauln4503 Год назад
Cudos to you and how and you handle “traditions”.
@goatldigoatldi8583 Год назад
I need to say yes! Perhaps we could communicate more. I am new but not new to this.Clear as mud? I am a why person,if the response doesn't settle with me I ask again why.
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