
I speedran the newest language on Duolingo: Zulu 

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@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
🧀NEW CHEESY STORE is live! zilla.club/collections/jccbm 🧀It's quite new and there's only a couple products, but we'll be adding more stuff periodically. Also, please consider supporting this channel on my Patreon or other socials! ►www.patreon.com/jccbm ►linktr.ee/jccbm
@xenogenesis2803 9 месяцев назад
do you learn at least something from the languages ​​you speedrun?
@Abeturk 8 месяцев назад
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something (sürdürmek/sürtmek/sürünmek/sürülmek) (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Say-mak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind = ~ to count ~ to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söy-mek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind = ~to say, ~to tell Sev-mek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart = to love Söv-mek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Süy-mek= to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= milk/ दूध) Soy-mak= to make it flow over it/him/her ( to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak= ~skinning ,skimming Siy-mek= to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik= urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Sav-mak= to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak= scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağ-mak= to ensure it flows tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=..thing to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sek-mek= to go (by forcing /hardly) on it forward Sak-mak =to keep/ hold-back (by force /hardly) (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =~to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğ-mak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sok-mak=to take/ put (by force) inward Sök-mek= to take/ put (by forcing) from the inside out (~unstitch/rip out) Sık-mak = to press (by forcing) inward > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığ-mak= fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süz-mek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sez-mek=to keep it mentally flowing gently / to perceive, to intuit Sız-mak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋ-mak=to extend it forward, to put before, to present Süŋ-mek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋ-mak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋ-mek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, to hide out) Söŋ-mek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thank>Denge =balance Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığırmak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağır-mak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chie)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş = the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it / to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek= to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak= to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak= to keep being present =to remain /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=that was sacrificed by slaughter /buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek= to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek= to rotate on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük =order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /dün=yesterday Dön-der-mek>döndürmek= to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek= turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek= to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek=to educate Eğir-mek= to cause it to turn around itself or to another shape in a certain period of time = to spin / eğri =curve, awry > uğru=~aspect of > ağrı=~crosswise > doğru= correct Evir-mek=to make it to turn around itself or transform into another shape over time = to invert Devir-mek = to make it overturn /devir=rev Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek= to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek= to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evren=universe Uğra-mak>= to get (at) a place or a situation for a specific time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a specified time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak= to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek= to get an accumulation within a certain period of time Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun = You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@Abeturk 8 месяцев назад
NATURAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (akar-eser / eser-eger) EĞER-ISE = (EVEN-IF) (su AKAR- yel ESER) = water flows - wind blows İSE-EĞER = (IF-EVER) (yel ESER- ekin EĞER)= the wind blows and bows the crops EĞER-ISE and İSE-EĞER constructs are used to specify "conditions" and are often used interchangeably. İSE-EĞER: means "If ever" and indicates a condition that is more likely to occur. "If ever you need any help, just let me know." (Yardıma ihtiyacın olursa eğer, sadece haberim olsun) or (Herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyaç duyarsan, bana haber vermen yeterli) “If I'm not tired, we can visit them in the evening.” = “Yorgun değilsem eğer, akşamleyin onları ziyaret edebiliriz” EĞER-ISE: means "Even if" and indicates a condition that is less likely to occur. "Even if it rains tomorrow, I will go for a walk." (Yarın yürüyüşe çıkacağım, eğer yağmur yağıyor olsa da ) or (Yarın yağmur yağsa bile yürüyüşe çıkacağım.) “Why should i go to work, (even) if I'm not getting my salary” = Eğer maaşımı alamıyorsam, neden işe gideyim ki.
@Abeturk 8 месяцев назад
The names of some organs it's used as the suffix for nouns, “Ak”= ~each of both (Yan= side) Yan-ak= each of both sides (of the face) >Yanak= cheek (Gül= rose) Kül-ak = each of both the roses >Kulak= Ear (Şek=facet) Şek-ak = each of both sides (of forehead) >Şakak= temple (Dal=subsection, branch) Dal-ak=dalak= Spleen (Böbür=scarlet fleck) Böbür-ak=böbrek= Kidney = each of both red-spots / blodfleck Bağça-ak>(Paça-ak)>bacak= Leg (ankle) (Pati = paw) Batı-ak>pathiak>phatyak>hadyak>adyak)=Ayak= the foot > each of the feet (Taş=stone) Taş-ak=testicle Akciğer=(each of) both lungs Tül-karn-ak =that obscures/ shadowing each of both dark/ covert periods= Karanlık (batıni) çağların her birini örten tül Zhu'l-karn-eyn=the (shader) owner of each of both times Dhu'al-chorn-ein=double-horned-one=(the horned hunter)Herne the hunter> Cernunnos> Karneios it's used as the suffix for verbs, “Ak /ek“=a-qa ~which thing to / what’s to… Er-mek = to get / to reach Bar-mak (Varmak)= to arrive / to achieve Er-en-mek > erinmek / Bar-an-mak > barınmak =to arrive on one's own Erin-ek / barın-ak = what’s there to arrive at oneself Ernek / Barnak > Parmak = Finger Çiğ=uncooked, raw Çiğne-mek =to chew Çiğne-ek>Çiğneh> Çene = Chin Tut-mak = to hold / to keep Tut-ak=Dudak= Lip Tara-mak = to comb/ ~to rake Tara-ak > Tarak =(what’s there to comb)> the comb Tara-en-mak > taranmak = to comb oneself Taran-ak > Tırnak =(what’s there to comb oneself)> fingernail
@Abeturk 8 месяцев назад
Yeğ / Yüğ = upper, superior Yeğ-mek > Yemek (to eat)= to add on oneself, to take it in one's essence Yeğ-im> Yem= provender, fodder > Yemiş= fruit Yüğ-le-mek > yeğlemek = to keep it on top of others, make it relatively superior, ~to prefer Yüğ-ka-yer-u > yukarı =(which side is on top) = Up Yüğ-ce > yüce = superior in level /sublime Yüğ-ce-al-mek > yücelmek = to achieve superiority in level Yüğ-sü-ek > yüksek = high Yüğ-sel > yüksel = exponential , superlative Yüğ-sü-al-mek> yükselmek = to rise to a high level, to ascend Yüğ-sük > yüzük =(ring)= jewelry worn on the finger top Yüğ-sü-en-mek > yüksünmek= to feel slighted / take offended Yüğ-ük > yük =(load)> carried on top, undertaken Yüğ-ün > yün =(wool)> the feathers that on sheep Yüğ-üt > yiğit =(valiant)> superior in character Yüğ-en > yüğen /yeğen =(nephew)> which is kept superior, held in high esteem, valued, precious (yüen > yen 元) Yüğ-en-cük > yüğençüğ > yinçi (inci) =(precious little thing)> pearl , 珍珠 Yüğengi >yengi> yeni =(new)> what's that coming on top , what's coming after Yüğenge > yenge =(brother's wife)> who's coming after, added to the family later (new bride) Yüğ-üne /Yeğ-ine > yine/ gene =again /over and over > yeniden = anew /once more Yüğ-en-mek> yenmek = to overcome, to cope with, to subdue Yüğ-en-el-mek > yenilmek= to be overcome, to be subdued, to show weakness Yüğengil > yengil =remains on top of, light, weak Şan= Glory, splendor 單于 > Şan-Yüğ =Exalted glorious Yormak=to tire= to arrive over someone (too many). (too much) to go onto (Yörmek)> Örmek=(to operate on something), to weave on top , to wrap around (Yörümek)> Yürümek= to go over something, to wander around (yöre=precincts) (yörük=nomad) Yürümek= to walk (yürü=go on) Yülümek=to go by slipping over something Yalamak= to lick >~to take swiping/ by scraping on something off Yolmak= to pluck=to pull by snatching off, tear off (~flatten the top) Yılmak=to throw down from the one's own top (~get bored), to hit the ground from above (yıldırım=lightning…yıldız=star) Yurmak= to pull onto, cover over (yur-ut>yurt=tabernacle) (yur-gan>yorgan=quilt) Yırmak=to bring it on top of, to take it off (yırışmak>yarışmak= to race> to overcome each other) (Yır-et-mak)>Yırtmak= to tear= to get it inside-out or bottom to top (by pulling from both sides) (~tide over, get rid of it) Yarmak= to split, to tear apart= go vertically from top to bottom, separate by cutting off Yermek=to pull down ,pull to the ground Germek=to tense= to pull it in all directions > Sermek= to spread it in all directions Yıkmak= to overthrow , take down from top to bottom, turn upside down Yığmak= to stack= put on top of each other, dump on top of each other (yığlamak=shed tears over and over, cry over) Yağmak=get rained on, get spilled on / to pour down from above Yakmak= to burn out=to purify matter by heating and removing mass , reduce its volume Yoğmak=make condensed=to tighten and purify, narrow by turning, get rid of own volume (~get dead) Yoğurmak= to knead=tighten and thicken , reduce volume, bring to consistency (Yogurt=thickened milk product) Yuğmak=to purify squeezing to clean (Yuğamak>yıkamak= to wash) Yiv = sharp, pointed (yivlemek= sharpen the tip) Yuvmak=to squeezing thin out, narrow (yuvka>yufka= thin dough) (yuvka>yuka=thin, shallow) (yuvuz>yavuz=thin, weak, delicate) Yuvarlamak=to round off=narrow by turning (yuva (smallest shelter)= nest) (yavru (smallest)= cub ) Yummak=to shut by squeezing, close tightly (Yumurmak=make it closes inward) (yumruk=fist) (yumurta= egg)
@blackrookgaming 9 месяцев назад
Fun fact regarding indlulamithi (giraffe). dlula means to pass by / go by, and imithi are trees. It therefore refers to its long neck, which passes by the trees.
@aroma13 9 месяцев назад
Zulu has an aspirated/unaspirated destinction for it's consonants, that's why the k in,, kahle" sounds more like a,, g" then the one in mkhulu, one has a puff of air, like,, k" in most varities of english(other the irish) and the other one doesn't, which makes it sound more like a,, g", because voiced stops like g are usually unaspirated, because it's kinda hard to aspirate them
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
That's why it reminded me of Korean, they also do aspirated/unaspirated instead of voiced/unvoiced to distinguish certain pairs of letters.
@aroma13 9 месяцев назад
@@jccbm icelanding is a language where it used to be voiced/unvoiced, but then voiced consonants b/d/g devoiced,and so the destinction became aspiration
@jasminekaram880 9 месяцев назад
To add to the confusion k can also represent a phonemic implosive /ɠ/.
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
@@jasminekaram880 thanks... How am I going to sleep now 😭
@ErinaBee.sMoney 2 месяца назад
​@@aroma13 Zulu, Korean, Icelandic... there's also Mandarin, and... some dialects of English, too.
@puffylinux8653 9 месяцев назад
just saying, I have watched almost every single video you have done about duolingo speedrun, so seeing this be uploaded i was so excited i gasped
@gheorghitaalsunculitei9146 9 месяцев назад
The final i in Romanian shows that the last consonant is palitalized or atleast that's what Google is telling me, as a Romanian I can naturally tell apart if there is a final i or not Regarding Palalatization sometimes even the last consonant changes: Aud (I hear) - Auzi ( You hear) Văd (I see) - Vezi (You see) Coardă (string) - corzi (strings) Camarad (comrade) - camarazi (comrades) Înalt (tall) - înalți (tall pl) Băiat (boy) - băieți (boys) Răpit (kidnaped) -răpiți (kidnaped pl) Patriot (patriot) - patrioți (patriots) As (ace) -ași (aces) Gras (fat sg) -grași (fat pl) Fals (fake sg) -falși (fake pl) Bărbos (bearded) - bărboși (bearded pl)
@ko-lq7vu 9 месяцев назад
you should try the navajo course lmao. altho it doesn’t have a lot of audio for some reason
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
I did it! The course is terrible, but the language is very interesting and hard.
@pxtrxia 9 месяцев назад
2:00 Romanian does not have silent i. The only silent letters you will find in Romanian are the h in chi, ghi, che, ghe. We actually pronounce the i in 'inalti', you can even hear it in the translation of the sentence.
@shaina8947 9 месяцев назад
it's very soft, to non-native speakers it sounds kinda silent. i think it's the same for this language & when it's spoken conversationally it's even harder to hear
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
Agreed. It almost feels like putting the mouth in the position of the letter and just using the residual air to barely even leave a futile trace of a shy letter's desire to exist. It's just simpler to say "weird silent I"
@pxtrxia 9 месяцев назад
@@jccbm I guess, I never realised that letter could sound silent until I found this video. It's interesting to see how non-native speakers perceive a language.
@VurkishDaDuck 9 месяцев назад
have you speedran toki pona? or any other conlangs. (except klingon, high valyrian and esperanto)
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
Only the ones in Duolingo, so no Toki Pona :(
@VurkishDaDuck 9 месяцев назад
oh, alright @@jccbm
@teckz__ 6 месяцев назад
Bro speaks better IsiZulu than me and I LIVE in Sa🤯
@JacobOpsomer-g2d 8 месяцев назад
do the guarani course
@jccbm 8 месяцев назад
You just wait 👀
@JacobOpsomer-g2d 8 месяцев назад
@@jccbm r u my dad
@K.2.3816 8 месяцев назад
Sawubona unjani ❤love from SA
@PhucNguyenGia-pt1eo 9 месяцев назад
Hi my Friend
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
Sawubona mngani
@PhucNguyenGia-pt1eo 9 месяцев назад
@giratinamusics 9 месяцев назад
@@jccbm that you still remember it, since it was recorded last year (or did you look it up ;)
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
@@giratinamusics I mean, It was recorded a year ago but I've been editing it for the past couple of weeks, so it's very fresh in my mind actually 🤣
@PlaguevonKarma 9 месяцев назад
LL jumpscare
@alyanahzoe 7 месяцев назад
@Justin.salmon 9 месяцев назад
how did you switch back to the old duolingo progression system?
@giratinamusics 9 месяцев назад
He recorded this last year, before the switch
@valerieanimagus6230 9 месяцев назад
I’m South African. My friends and I just huddled around one of our phones and decided to just 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️ at the course as we went through it. Also, aside from the official languages, if you take a look at the country’s Indian community (from which yours truly is from✨), there’s also Gujarati, Urdu etc. It’s a language party 🎉 P.S. Yebo can also mean yes. It’s so easy to remember, as a lot of kids just go ‘YEBO YEEEEEESSSS-‘
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
That's even cooler. The variety is insane. I do hope one day I can learn a bit about other south-Asian languages like Gujarati, Urdu, Bangla, etc.
@DinoBryce 8 месяцев назад
Hey, Im also south african!
@anowarjibbali 3 месяца назад
@Ellary_Rosewood 9 месяцев назад
Zulu is such a beautiful language, I started studying it a while back, but took a break from it. I'm surprised how much I still remember! It's a language that I'd like to focus on and become proficient in one day. 🇿🇦
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
It was extremely fun and enjoyable! Hope you achieve your goals with it.
@evilbuddy6197 9 месяцев назад
Holy shit! Its sooooo fun actually seeing someone also struggling with isiZulu ;). I've now learned it for about 2 years at university, and the whole class system is actually pretty hard to master, would love to see you actually learning it further :)).
@Vibingincorndogs 3 месяца назад
What type of university are you in?
@evilbuddy6197 3 месяца назад
@@Vibingincorndogs I study a bachelor's at uni Vienna, Austria. It's a programme about linguistics specifically of African languages
@Vibingincorndogs 3 месяца назад
@@evilbuddy6197 wish I was in Austria but in America
@Nkanyiso_K 9 месяцев назад
As a Zulu man it was fun to watch this 👍🏽
@doishid 9 месяцев назад
Just found my brand new favourite language channel!
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
Welcome! I'm extremely glad to hear that. Happy holidays!
@LadyMeroko 9 месяцев назад
This looked like so much fun, omg. I should definitely consider learning this language. :D
@Big-Tork-Large-Gass 9 месяцев назад
these videos unironically help to motivate me to learn languages because it makes me realize the only thing in the way of my goals is myself and my own apathy
@DevynCairns 9 месяцев назад
I can't believe how much effort you put into editing this, how long did it take??
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
Way longer than it would be considered sensible 😅
@melc900 9 месяцев назад
Everything is made by Apple 😂 editing is so funny too
@FrizFreddy1994 8 месяцев назад
Since u referenced Lion King, here's a fun fact...to date, Lion King is the only film to be entirely dubbed in an African language other than Arabic. Take a guess what language it was. 😂😂
@ShortRacoon 6 месяцев назад
This guy has so many languages completed on Duolingo and I just completed English recently. XD I'm not a naitive Right now I'm learning Russian, and sort of Czech. I already pretty much speak Czech but my writing still needs some polishing.
@SWilla00946 9 месяцев назад
just letting you know how well the algorithm is working for you. i found you through this video, and i subbed. have a good new year man
@martelkapo 9 месяцев назад
It's a good day when Jon uploads
@Portomat 9 месяцев назад
2:02 In Romanian there is a diference in sound, between "ț" "ți "
@ronshlomi582 9 месяцев назад
ți is supposed to be palatalized at the end, right?
@LordofLegendandItsLaanda 8 месяцев назад
I commend you for your pronunciation that I hear not even south Africans doing the clicks right, granted they aren't zulu, Xhosa, tswana, etc you get what I mean Noun classes, are the worst and cannot be spedrun, you have been warned
@jccbm 8 месяцев назад
Thanks! If you hear how I did with some other clicks, you might change your mind though 🤣
@LordofLegendandItsLaanda 8 месяцев назад
@jccbm I've heard VERY traumatizing pronunciations down here with just the vowels, I little trouble with the clicks is nothing
@duy02091999 9 месяцев назад
Please do Duolingo's Vietnamese again :)) we love your last one so much!
@cocojambo6270 9 месяцев назад
Love the editing, also you're funny :)
@majormadness8526 9 месяцев назад
How are you using the old version of duolingo i want to use the old progresion system
@giratinamusics 9 месяцев назад
He recorded it last year, before the switch
@majormadness8526 9 месяцев назад
oh :(
@iamdarthvader998 9 месяцев назад
How long ago was this recorded? I think Duolingo switched to the new path thing a year ago, and Zulu is no longer a beta language.
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
I believe September-October last year
@tuhliyovosch2482 9 месяцев назад
Montage is absolutely genius!
@rimoyn 8 месяцев назад
bro your editing is hilarious! keep it up!
@jccbm 8 месяцев назад
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed
@mello662 9 месяцев назад
first time seeing your vids and instantly love the content lol
@K.2.3816 8 месяцев назад
Am south african 😂if you want more click study xhosa a language similar to zulu but with difference
@weegee-hehehe 9 месяцев назад
I want my Zulu teacher to watch this lol
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
Send it. No fear.
@egorsokolov6959 8 месяцев назад
More clicks sounds, more cheese (ushizi), second part of speedrunning ZULU language was incoming
@pandryf3978 9 месяцев назад
You stand before Shaka of the Zulu. Dare you turn your back to my language? You will make no such mistake.
@BFUS_official 9 месяцев назад
@zmaster853 7 месяцев назад
ah its great to see that you're doing my home language😊 i'm surprised with how well you were able to pronounce some of the sounds like dla and hla, some south africans can't so seeing a foreigner do it is mind blowing
@RaichutheGreat 9 месяцев назад
✨️ the return of the king ✨️
@BelaPuma 9 месяцев назад
The sound YOU make WHEN mad The way he said it🤣🤣🤣 12:02
@AnnNewell Месяц назад
There definitely should be more languages
@mintphobia1574 9 месяцев назад
how do you get the old path i miss it sm 😭
@NLNerea 9 месяцев назад
Oh my god is this background music from that Donkey Kong racing DS game- I swear I'm having a nostalgia crisis
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
You mean Diddy Kong Racing? That's a N64 game originally 😅😅
@peregrination3643 9 месяцев назад
That Lickitongue mini game was addictive.
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
Easily the best one
@5h0pp 9 месяцев назад
how idd you get the cool layout with the icons? i tried zulu but it's the regular
@Зеленыйслоник-е8ъ 9 месяцев назад
Shaka Zulu would be proud of you
@JoaoP.434 9 месяцев назад
The editing is so sick!
@Tobsrapaholic 9 месяцев назад
Are you still learning Dutch?? If so, how's it coming along?
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
I'll talk about it soon, stay tuned!!
@DanTheCaptain 9 месяцев назад
As a Hungarian myself, I’ve spoken the language since birth and it took ABSOLUTELY FOR FUCKING EVER to finish the Hungarian course on Duolingo! As a basic intro to the language it’s fine, I guess, but the difficulty ramps up really quick and even I had to sit there and carefully dissect the sentences. Sentences in Hungarian can go on forever and basically be an entire paragraph in English, so yeah… just in getting PTSD
@enelabe 9 месяцев назад
I was eating cheese while watching this video haha
@booya000 9 месяцев назад
omg zulu learners COME HERE
@dem280 8 месяцев назад
Those “silent” i’s you mentioned about Romanian don’t exist :))) We do pronounce the i’s. Ț is pronounced TS while ȚI is pronounced TSI
@nytehaq3036 8 месяцев назад
How do you still have the original version of Duolingo (before the huge update that changed the interface/curriculum look) and do you prefer it more?
@egorsokolov6959 8 месяцев назад
More ushizi (cheese), more click sound in ZULU language, the continue of speedrunning ZULU language is coming
@eugeneanisimov9000 8 месяцев назад
With the new duolingo layout, how would the speedrun parameters translate into that? I would think that doing the Rookie section (Section 1) would be equivalent to the speedruns on this channel, but doing Hungarian I didn't see some of the vocab before going to the Explorer section (section 2).
@peregrination3643 9 месяцев назад
What's the track around 17:50? It reminds me of Donkey Kong Country, but I'm skilled at associating similar tunes to the wrong source.
@BANDANADEE2 8 месяцев назад
Speedrun the Spanish Speaking Exclusive Catalán
@jccbm 8 месяцев назад
Keep an eye on the notifications around Feb 👀
@BANDANADEE2 8 месяцев назад
@@jccbm gotcha mein Freund
@Bruh-cg2fk 5 месяцев назад
yooo lion language
@christmasanchez1.038 8 месяцев назад
The C click sounds like some of my familia in Mexico when they hear something that is Bull Bull or annoyed.
@RogerRamos1993 9 месяцев назад
I see a big elephant - That's what she said.
@shinigami9489 8 месяцев назад
xin chào
@fedoralord3607 9 месяцев назад
Zulu looks like pure pain
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
More like pure fun
@fedoralord3607 9 месяцев назад
@@jccbm I have 1 question. How did you get the old Duolingo layout back? I prefer it way more than the one I'm forced to use now. Much love
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
@@fedoralord3607 I actually didn't get it "back" haha, I just did all these speedruns right before the layout switch happened
@RenéSaussy 9 месяцев назад
@@jccbm but that was a while ago?
@jakubjilek7499 9 месяцев назад
no bulgarian?
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
Not in Duolingo, unfortunately
@almendratlilkouatl 9 месяцев назад
en serio bro no podias relacionar bhuti con boot y mkhulu con culo?
@lokkomotive8153 9 месяцев назад
That thumbnail should’ve been thought out more
@RogerRamos1993 9 месяцев назад
Umbilical corn.
@ReavGames 8 месяцев назад
New sub Commenting for engagement metric
@Tameem-r6y 7 месяцев назад
How do you have the old duolingo lessons
@turk2r 8 месяцев назад
how did blud found the old duolingo ui
@salvuu7659 9 месяцев назад
Can you do Italian plz
@michaelguaranda7548 9 месяцев назад
@uscintotraper9342 9 месяцев назад
how do u have old looking duolingo ? my duolingo not looking like this
@giratinamusics 9 месяцев назад
It was recorded last year, before Duolingo changed it
@ultrainstinctgigachad3820 9 месяцев назад
Vivon zulul
@egorsokolov6959 9 месяцев назад
To be continued...
@gumas7708 9 месяцев назад
@yorgunsamuray 9 месяцев назад
Wait, was this shot before the path thing? I still see the good ole tree.
@jccbm 9 месяцев назад
@yorgunsamuray 9 месяцев назад
@@jccbm then it's kinda late to post this now, most would have changed by now. I don't really like this change but don't have much choice do we?
@klank9409 9 месяцев назад
aw yeah
@Furhling 9 месяцев назад
@Francis_TheBacon 9 месяцев назад
How can he have the non updated path. Pls tell me
@0x2A_ 9 месяцев назад
The video was recorded before the change
Speedrunning Duolingo is making my brain rot (Zulu)
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Speedrunning EVERY LANGUAGE on Duolingo (JAPANESE)
I speedran HUNGARIAN in Duolingo and it went all wrong