Yo! I'm jccbm (pronounced "jccbm") but I accept JC or Jon for short.

I stream a lot of variety content, but recently stumbled into Duolingo Speedrunning. I've been having quite a blast learning different languages, so I'm channeling all that content into this RU-vid channel for you guys to watch in a shorter, memey-er format. I might delve into some more language-related content in the near future, so stay put.

Hope you have a good time!
I speedran the newest language on Duolingo: Zulu
5 месяцев назад
We're 99% of the way there! (Hebrew)
8 месяцев назад
@itsvan5508 Час назад
Its wierd that Toy and Game is two diffrent things to y’all in English but in Hungary its the same thing (toy = játék game = játék)
@baligabalaga364 2 часа назад
fas les neutres molt millor que molts catalans nadius!! El so LL aparentment és complicat, sempre veig que costa molt a no nadius. Ara només et falta arribar al final boss del català.. els 👹👹PRONOMS FEBLES 👹👹M'encanta com entens i coneixes la fonètica, de debò ets un crack!!
@victorcc8924 4 часа назад
dona and dones sounds the same, and all other words sounds the same :D its weird? well, weird is to have many similar words and they all sounding different like in English, Im sorry but saying something about pronuntiation as an English speaker makes no sense :D English is the most nosense about pronuntiation :D
@jccbm 2 часа назад
And what makes you think I don't think English is s dumb language? Because I do
@victorcc8924 2 часа назад
@@jccbm I still like simplicity on some things in English, because in both Catalan and Spanish there are some complex gramatical things .... and your spanish is very nice! ;)
@jccbm 2 часа назад
@@victorcc8924 Sameeee. But I hate when rules break logic. English and French are the leading perpetrators in my book.
@themoonarchitect 4 часа назад
i am amazed at your catalan pronunciation! literally sound native
@loculday 4 часа назад
Bread with oil and sugar IS a thing. Delicious!! My granddad used to have it as a child!
@orilego6736 5 часов назад
Visca catalunya i visca el barça!!
@mimimi4301 5 часов назад
hey, thank u so much for taking your time to learn our language, you're doing great!! keep up :)
@Marti-kg6rj 5 часов назад
Aquí els catalans que han vist el vídeo sencer
@siham_06 5 часов назад
hola yo soc catala i us puc ayuda a aprender catalan
@protastudios 6 часов назад
11:46 Si, el pa amb oli i sucre existeix!
@protastudios 6 часов назад
Sincerament, tens un molt bon accent tant en castellà com en català. És tan bo que és quasi un jumpscare quan canvies d'accent. fa por jajajajajs
@PenyoJR 7 часов назад
Habla bastante bien el español
@Ikercr0ch8 8 часов назад
I'm native catalan, You did very well hahah
@Corneyeski 9 часов назад
who the hell is this language ninja master and how can he speak spanish better than some people I know xDDD
@Master-boy_X 9 часов назад
Joder, si que hablas español de puta madre sigue asi 😁
@WiserMusa 9 часов назад
In duolingo you are learning Barcelona's Catalan, but western catalan (Lleida, Tarragona and Valencia basically) do not differenciate between stressed and unestressed vowels, and it is perfectly valid, hopr that helps!!
@guillemvegasaderra 12 часов назад
Wtf your pronuncarion is perfect
@denufo7962 12 часов назад
Hey!! Loved your video, but just so you know, around the west of Catalonia we dont pronounce stressed vocals like in the east; basically, we say it how it is, for example home is literally how you say it isn't!!! Also that's a big difference in schools between the east and the west, because here they dont make us study e and a different pronunciations bc we already say it how it's written and do not misspell a instead of e!!! Btw your accent is just incredible
@denufo7962 12 часов назад
Also menjo, we pronounce the o not the u sound xD
@Haventjotaclue_20 12 часов назад
I’m Welsh we all had to learn Welsh in school, when we would play Welsh games it was always the best feeling when you got someone out in a game after they got you out😂
@yourfriend895 13 часов назад
Català letsgooooo
@vusumzingceke6518 13 часов назад
The vulgar language is very distracting.
@Apollyon9966 14 часов назад
Learning catalan and with the scarlet/violet OST ?!?!?! You are a genius ❤
@AlannoR 16 часов назад
Bro im catalan, is in spain, Catalonia Haveure si has traduit això, holaa parlo català
@gerardsitja 17 часов назад
Estas fet un crack tiu!
@MarcoriusXXL 21 час назад
El català serà desconegut per tu, noi… A Catalunya el parla tothom i som mes de 7 millions de persones ;D
@andm0217 23 часа назад
Thanks a lot for the video! I’m here for the first time and was really impressed by her especially when she spoke Russian, because she has quite good pronunciation, in my opinion (I’m a native Russian speaker). What’s her first language?
@miquelllorca8308 День назад
No te conocia y me ha sorprendido tu español y tu catalan, 10/10, de verdad, sobretodo la pronunciacion y la cadencia al hablar. En el español las palabras se concectan entre ellas, por ejemplo, "hola amigo" se dice mas como "Holamigo", un error muy comun en angloparlantes que aprenden español es no juntar las palabras de esta manera, lo que suele identificar como pronunciacion de guiri o gringo Y el amor que demuestras al catalan se agradece, es una lengua muy odiada por muchos españoles por razones historicas y politicas.
@ninvax8251 День назад
As a native catalan i have to say that your accent is AMAZING. Thank you so much to show people this beautiful language
@jcasado94spain День назад
Impressive! Worth mentioning, regarding the carrot subject - Northeastern dialect uses "carota" as well instead of "pastanaga". Several words do change there, as well as south/westwards. "Tomata" is used instead of "Tomàquet". Funny language, gets even better when you learn connections with previous Celtic/Iberian pre-Roman languages.
@unaiarenal6067 День назад
Hi, Im from the Basque Country and i dare you to learn or language, Euskera.
@llucsociascosta822 День назад
La veritat és que la teva pronunciació es molt bona a jo em podria arribar a pensar que ets o català a o castellà
@alternativa8075 День назад
As a catalan, I have to say, els nens són els nens
@MadFrogof День назад
its not sound like someone smashed keybord u just cant pronuce it
@martiop1593 День назад
As a catalan native, I love your voice and accent in catalan. It is very good 💪
@is_a_belle_ День назад
I speak catalan from Valencia and wow its so different
@PinyaGamer День назад
Bro my language is catalan
@Jordi2214 День назад
Com a Català opino que ho has fet molt bè i que segueixis aixi, que ajudes a tothom.
@Fun_maths День назад
This was so fub watching this as a native speaker, let's see if you can read this:) השגת רשום חדש לערוץ שלך
@guillermotoranroca5689 День назад
In case you are curious about the G / J change in Spanish/Catalan words, there was a Spanish author, named Juan Ramón Jiménez (usually written Giménez with a G) that had a strong opinion about this issue. He thought that many words had useless sounds, especially in words that have letters with the same sound, like is the case of G and J, so he decided to stop using one of them at all. That's why he wrote his surname like Jiménez and other words that had the sound GE / GI he changed them to JE / JI. He also did that with other letters like C / Z. He considered those sounds to be useless and in his words: "I hate the useless. And I truly believe that you should write how you speak, not the other way around." I hope you like the info!
@jccbm День назад
I like it a lot and I kinda agree. That's why I despise French (and English) so much 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for sharing!
@lorenabelise День назад
Wtf cómo pronuncia tan bien?????
@hugovideoarts5487 День назад
viva valencia no cataluña
@zuzucha5881 День назад
The weird vowel pronunciation is mostly from oriental Catalan (the one spoken in Barcelona). But occidental Catalan tends to pronounce the vowels more clearly, in the sense that the a and e sound clearly differently even if not streased. Personally the Barcelona accent sounds weird to me 😂
@JustDaviiid День назад
Nah bro tu ets català no enganyes. JHAHAHA
@Zosc100 День назад
En valenciano la zanahoria es carlota
@JoelAmo-qz7ps День назад
As a native catalan, I'm interested on it.
@Alandra989 День назад
Perdona?! Pero qué coj...! Yo no puedo hacer el sonido de esa 'll' y he crecido escuchándola! Clap clap
@barrboach День назад
The breakfast is not unintuitive for all spanish speakers. In galician "almorzo" means breakfast too
@orbeuan1229 День назад
t'estimem amb tot el cor!!! U a fk beast my men!!!!
@quickscope8034 День назад
That valorant ace sound effect was unexpectedly funny xdd
@scorn7005 День назад
He is way better at speaking Catalan than me, who was born here and keeps living only an hour from Barcelona.