
If I Fail to Forgive Others, Will God Not Forgive Me? 

Desiring God
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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 669
Transcript: www.desiringgo...



4 окт 2024




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@owenchuarbx 6 лет назад
I had forgiven my persecutors and that stronghold of hate has been released. Thank you Adonai
@AlfredaGrace 8 лет назад
Great message. I think we have a lot to learn from David who prayed "create in me a clean heart" instead of praying "make me to not commit adultery any more". When we don't see some fruits that we know we ought to be seeing, we must pray for the heart to be changed. Like Pastor John says: it is not the fruits that will save, it is the renewed heart that WILL automatically begin to fight the flesh in order to produce good fruit...
@dm_nimbus 8 лет назад
Thank you for this warning to remember the forgiveness of Christ and fight to forgive others
@nickdyess581 4 года назад
I do not want to be unforgiving to anyone, though sometimes I really struggle and ask God for help. I worry that there is not enough good fruit.
@alan137 4 года назад
We all struggle with sin, but the question with good fruit is not a numbers game. We are saved by grace through faith alone in Christ alone. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit, so we should ask ourselves, do we bear any good fruit at all as evidence of our faith? May the Lord give you peace, assurance, and power to overcome your struggle.
@mandi5231 4 года назад
I think that even the presence/awareness of this question shows the wrestle and desire to learn to walk in forgiveness ❤. God may you, the power of your spirit, & the redemption of Christ sink deeper & deeper into our being & lead us into deeper & deeper forgiveness! Lord we can do nothing apart from you! You are the vine.
@justinm4497 6 лет назад
Pray for me people so that I may forgive, regardless of the message means, I want to forgive no matter what so I may be healed.
@alwaysbarnaba9590 3 года назад
Jesus will be with you the son of god
@inoeyu 3 года назад
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to forgive others. Psalm 38:2 says God will instruct us on where to go and what to do. God wants us to rely on Him, and not our own strength. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
@braylonbillups8703 2 года назад
Yes of course
@deemisquadis9437 Год назад
Forgive all things forever, is our part. Love unconditionally, is our part. Love the sinner not the sin. Is saying the same thing. So do your part. Love and forgive. It is God's job to take care of everything else. He is the judge. Not us. Just forgive. God sees. ❤😇🤗 That's what I do, love and forgive. Not easy at first, but it becomes easy as you keep doing it and understand, they know not what they do. 😢
@SD_Chosen Год назад
Do you want to Forgive So you may be Healed? Or Do you want to forgive, because you have been shown Mercy? And you want to extend that None of us Deserve Grace, Grace is Undeserved, But We Still Receive it, Doesn't Our Debtors Deserve the Same? Or are We Special?
@ElizaCocoful 8 лет назад
I struggle to comprehend the attitude, "I have forgiven them, and I trust that vengeance is God's." Doesn't hoping that they will be punished by God contradict your forgiveness? If not, what does forgiveness mean?
@AlfredaGrace 8 лет назад
I totally see what you mean. I don't think that we are to be hoping that God gets vengeance on them...I think we are to take that verse into our hearts and run with it in the sense that living life as a christian means that we never have the responsibility of taking vengeance .. and this is a special kind of freedom that those in the world cannot enjoy...they live feeling like they have to repay every evil...and that is bondage, as they never have rest because of that task that they place upon themselves.
@JerubbaalgodSlayer 2 года назад
@ElizaCocoful, I agree with you. Where is the love that, *”cover the multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8* 🇨🇦
@SD_Chosen Год назад
Yes We Forgive and if that Person Repents then Glory to God, And Another Soul is Saved, And if they Don't then God Does know how to Exact vengeance, But We Wish them No I'll Will, Praying that they Repent and Be Saved, Just Like We Want to be Saved.
@johnjudah2763 3 года назад
Those that have been forgiven can forgive easier than someone who is self righteous. I sometimes feel overwhelmed by my trials that unforgiveness trys to creep back in so I pray harder. I enjoy psalms but most always skip the " judgment on my enemies" psalms since i whish nothing more than they find Jesus and turn from their ways. I think this is worthy of forgiveness since it comes natural. God bless
@AnHebrewChild 2 года назад
When I come upon the "judgment on my enemies" psalms, I think of them as applying to devils & demons & fallen angels. This is in line with "We battle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness..."
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
I was in the Gospel for years and came back to the Gospel but had to be delivered from sins.
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
I am so sorry for my life in sinning and when I was delivered from Sins Lord God Jesus and turned to Jesus Christ.
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
Lord I turned to you and in my heart I was no longer sinning of the mind in the flesh.
@poonamgrandomtamang3097 5 лет назад
Amen thank you.
@Consplunkable 5 лет назад
I found this message very sound and helpful. Thank you for sharing it.
@lj7420 8 лет назад
WOW, Amen†
@JerubbaalgodSlayer 2 года назад
*Isiah **38:17**, “for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back.”* This is what God does to my sin. Perhaps I can’t do that, but I can let love *”cover the multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8* Also *Philippians 3:13 “…forgetting those things which are behind…”* one of the definitions of forgetting is: *“put out of one's mind; cease to think of or consider.* I struggle with this too and it’s not because I don’t want to forgive. The most important thing in this life is to please God, and it is also unjust for me to expect God to forgive me for the many times I have deliberately and mistakenly transgressed His laws, and not extend it to others who have knowingly and unknowingly done the same to me. I need to have God’s heart when it comes to this issue. I thank God for *”the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Romans 5:5.* I am praying and asking God to let *His* Agape love flow out of my heart so He can see Divinity operating out of mortality on earth. Forgiving and being forgiven is a heaven and hell issue. *God is worth the struggle…* I would not be surprised if Judas is in Heaven, due to the forgiving nature of Christ. He *did* repent, *Matthew 27:3.* Jesus could have preached to Judas in Hell… *1 Peter 3:19* 🇨🇦
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
And I died to sins in my mind.I had 32 years of celibacy.But my mind was renewed and changed and no longer thought the way it did.
@SD_Chosen 2 года назад
Being a Man That Has Done Some Unforgivable Things to Some Folks I Struggle the Most With Reconnecting with God In Repentance But I Keep Begging God For His Mercy His Presence I Need His Grace I Admit I Am a Sinner
@syciuplyte8494 4 месяца назад
Believe on The Lord who loves you and shed his blood for you and you'll be saved. His word is sure, He's not a man that he should lie.
@SD_Chosen 4 месяца назад
@@syciuplyte8494 Thank You, I Have been trusting His word, No Matter what, Hoping for a Breakthrough 🙏🏽❤️
@syciuplyte8494 4 месяца назад
@@SD_Chosen I'll remember you in prayer, and when you pray, pray for me too brother.
@noahswisher3917 4 года назад
I’m addicted to my own hate and anger towards a friend of mine who raped me when I was younger, I don’t think I know how to forgive, Forgiveness is the hardest thing I have ever had to do
@noahswisher3917 4 года назад
Chris Balogh You make great points, really got me thinking thank you so much, God bless you
@noahswisher3917 4 года назад
Chris Balogh Thank You So much God bless you
@ronaldkulas5748 4 года назад
@@noahswisher3917 I do not think there is an easy answer for you. I have found comfort in reading Corrie Ten Boons book, "The Hiding Place". That book is all about forgiving.
@noahswisher3917 4 года назад
Ronald Kulas Okay thank you So much, I will look into that, God bless.
@sh-sr1xs Год назад
My best friend raped my girlfriend and i was never able to forgive him until after i came to Christ. I understood if God forgave me of all my sins how could i not forgive this guy. If Jesus left the glory he had with the father to come down to earth and be spat on slapped beaten mocked and nailed on the cross because of all the sins of the world so that we can be forgiven how could i not forgive him. So i forgave but honestly i couldn't have done it without Christ. He did the work in me. Praise God. Ephesians 4 29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
I was set free from those sins.
@paperbagperson5634 4 года назад
Just what I needed
@ShogunateDaimyo 2 месяца назад
This guy's voice makes people hate religion
@normanwillis6041 4 года назад
Sometimes the person we forgive is mentally ill. They don't even realise our forgivness, that is why we also pray for those who despitefully use us as well as forgive them.
@benitojohngenitojr.5608 4 года назад
Learn to Forgive Because It is Good to Your Eternal Souls in Christ.
@toughhead66 2 года назад
@nekaylasmith Год назад
I am forgiving. God forgave us always for our trespasses.
@AUSTRELHO 8 лет назад
@calinlpop7686 2 года назад
How much effort, how much attractive explanation, just to get rid of Jesus's "IF" ! How much must hate the evil one that word "IF"! Every time when Jesus says "IF" He lays out not only one condition, but also a protection and a direction on the narrow path that brings to life.
@AnHebrewChild 2 года назад
Yes. Jesus states things so clearly and sharply. And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
@elinebommel6083 3 года назад
Some times Fo r given is makes it More easy for people to never Stop SINNING They just State all o:er
@lollysmith5625 Год назад
Amen amen!!!
@mikecash8921 8 лет назад
I agree. I do. But a lot of ppl have strongholds because of past hurts. if the person comes to God & says "hey I have trouble with this I can't do this i need you or this will never happen". You think God would keep salvation from that person? I do not. I think there's a lot of us that have been blasted by others for no good reason & we need Devine help. Now if someobe REFUSES to forgive meaning they willfully knowingly refuse to come to God then I can see God with holding salvation from that person. What are your thoughts?
@DogSoldier1948 8 лет назад
When God declares you righteous "justified"then your saved. Once your saved,your heart is changed, forgiving someone would bring joy. Simply put, to justify is to declare righteous, to make one right with God. Justification is God’s declaring those who receive Christ to be righteous, based on Christ’s righteousness being imputed to the accounts of those who receive Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). Though justification as a principle is found throughout Scripture, the main passage describing justification in relation to believers is Romans 3:21-26: “But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the prophets testify. This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished-he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.” We are justified, declared righteous, at the moment of our salvation. Justification does not make us righteous, but rather pronounces us righteous. Our righteousness comes from placing our faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice covers our sin, allowing God to see us as perfect and unblemished. Because as believers we are in Christ, God sees Christ's own righteousness when He looks at us. This meets God's demands for perfection; thus, He declares us righteous-He justifies us. Romans 5:18-19 sums it up well: “Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.” It is because of justification that the peace of God can rule in our lives. It is because of justification that believers can have assurance of salvation. It is the fact of justification that enables God to begin the process of sanctification-the process by which God makes us in reality what we already are positionally. “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).
@mikecash8921 8 лет назад
Dog Soldier so is that a yes or no to my question?
@tahannac.286 8 лет назад
+Dog Soldier I agree with you
@rickywestley6820 8 лет назад
You raise a good question ,I guess what we could say was if somebody was hardening there heart towards God than God would keep his salvation from that person therefore the fault was found in that person (as with all men),however if God wants to save somebody whether they be unforgiving or hard ...he ,will,do it ,he will,save them and as a result of the spirit working on that person he will produce fruit by Gods grace ,you see every man if left to himself would reject God ,but if God says I will save this person ,than nothing will stop God from doing it and the evidence that God has done it is because that person will have a heart of mercy and a knowledge of Christ which works forgiveness ,so we must remember that there is nothing about us or in us that acts as a gateway for Gods salvation except that only which was given by God ,whether it be faith or repentance .
@DogSoldier1948 8 лет назад
mike cash If YOU come to God with that question, YOUR ARE being convicted of not forgiving. The HOLY SPIRIT WILL GUIDE YOU TO forgiveness`. The process your in is called sanctification
@bobjones2553 4 года назад
The Sermon on the Mount was directed to Jewish people still under the law not Christians. But if I understand you right you can lose your salvation. So God's promises false? If I'm a good Christian for 10 years then somebody does something to me to makes me hate them and I die before I forgive them I've lost my salvation? Is it by my work spend for my salvation? There were no Christians during the time of Christ they're only choose let me know they're the law that Jesus spoke to. After his death and Resurrection that's why they were Christians. And then the only unforgivable sin was blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Am I wrong?
@LetsTalkChristMinistries 3 года назад
The principle clearly applies to ALL people. If we use your logic, than we shouldn't read the entire Bible. ALL SCRIPTURE is inspired by God for His people.
@markdurdle7710 3 года назад
You looking at God from a legalistic point of view. The Bible says God doesn't wish anyone to perish, he much prefers them to repent and be saved. He isn't going to orchestrate your life so you can only fail, he is going to give you everything so you can succeed. He gave himself for you when he died on the cross.
@AnHebrewChild 3 года назад
Dispensationalism ^ Yuck.
@saved6655 Год назад
You missed it bro
@catholictruth102 5 месяцев назад
That’s false, they’re for all nations as Jesus clearly specified in Matthew 28:19-20.
@asmrjeweler9237 Год назад
Here's my issue with this interpretation. Jesus was not speaking to a group of people who were already forgiven by the blood of Jesus. We can't pretend we are his target audience. Jesus was speaking to people under the law. His purpose was to heighten the Law and cause people to feel hopeless in their natural state. We don't share that state, so the message can't be the same for us.
@Poptartsthatareplain101 10 месяцев назад
I really appreciate you pointing that out.
@AaronThinks 7 месяцев назад
Except in Matthew 18, the person IS forgiven by grace and then gets forgiveness taken away. That's not talking about a test of who might be forgiven based on their behavior. So maybe that passage isnt talking sbout what you think it is.
@elinebommel6083 3 года назад
How many tim÷s in the Bible Have people SIN against God And God forgive. Them ? How many times They started All Over? But when GOD SAID IT IS ENOUGH THEN IT IS ENOUGH.
@kelechiaguocha1 11 месяцев назад
Such a good video
@elinebommel6083 3 года назад
Do not SIN on purpose and expect for others to fo=give YOU.
@SD_Chosen Год назад
We All Sin, And Hope for God to Forgive us When We Sin We Are Driven by our Own Sinfulness, So To Say that Acting like you Don't Sin, But Others Do is Self righteous...No We Are to Fight Sin at All Cost, But if You Do Not Want to Forgive, Don't Blame that on others It's You
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
I did repent and turned from the flesh.
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
I stopped that and was going to repenting.And so no longer looked upon any woman.
@ZombiestFever 2 года назад
lets be real most people wouldn't forgive someone who killed there whole family
@SD_Chosen Год назад
With God All things are Possible, Not Easy but Possible... Also One Must Repent in order to Receive Forgiveness, But that's out of our Hands, We Do Our Part and Let God Do His.
@catholictruth102 5 месяцев назад
You’d still have to to be saved.
@Burger-h1j 11 месяцев назад
Please, please, please can a pastor help and give a answer!! If you didn't forgive a bunch of people for years and now suddenly you do confess that you finally do Forgive Them. Will this mean that you can now receive your forgiveness??? Also if you didn't show much Mercy and you start to show Mercy. Does this mean you will now receive Mercy???? Or is it too late?????
@LGTHNGGMNG 4 года назад
My classmates talked bad about my dad who is dead,now their parents are angry on them,and now they beg me to forgive them,I dont know if I should forgive them or not they broke my heart, but I think if I forgive them,they will still do this to me,what should I do ? Forgive them,or not ?
@AnHebrewChild 2 года назад
Read this very slowly. This is from Luke 7 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. _thank you Jesus for not giving up on me. Please help me to forgive people from my heart because I need a TON of mercy for the life I've led and the things I still struggle with. Please!_ This saying of Jesus is from Mark 11.., And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
Just recently years not to long ago had to be delivered.Stopped sinning.
@maxspringer01 2 года назад
Unfortunately this answer neglects a lot of the fuller picture in the New Testament concerning forgiveness, and skips over some crucial components. Without those components, this answer on this episode is one that will further crush people who have been truly hurt, abused, assaulted, traumatized, betrayed, etc..... That component? It's repentance. Ephesians 4:32 says "...forgive others, just as God in Christ forgave you..." Well.....how did God in Christ forgive us? When we repented!! God does not turn around and then require us to forgive everyone unconditionally no matter what. That would be holding us to a higher standard than God! God Himself does not forgive those who remain unrepentant in their hardened hearts, and neither are we required to. We ARE to maintain the same stance of being *willing and ready and open to forgive* WHEN they repent, just like God is to us, but we are not required or commanded to forgive if the offending party has not repented. Once you start looking into what the NT says about forgiveness, you start to see that repentance as the pre-requisite is all over the place. Luke 17:3 - So watch yourselves. “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and *if they repent,* forgive them. If they repent! Not "no matter what". Matthew 18:15-17 is the common portion referenced for how to handle an offense between believers. You are supposed to: 1) tell the offending party, and if they refuse to hear you, then 2) bring some more people to talk to the unrepentant offender, and if they refuse to hear you then 3) tell it to the whole church, and if they refuse to hear you, then 4) treat them as a pagan or tax collector. As if they are an unbeliever! NONE OF THESE INSTANCES SAY "if he refuses to hear you, you must forgive no matter what." And this is Jesus Himself speaking here! What He says to do is to repeatedly turn up the heat until you turn the guy away! An unrepentant, hardened sinner is not forgiven by God and neither are we to either! The parable of the servant in Matthew 18 referenced in this episode also carries the same message, but they skipped over that part here. Matthew 18:23-35 shows very clearly in verses 26 and 29 that each party who owed a debt "fell on their knees and begged" in front of the one to whom they owed that debt. That's a stance of repentance and contrition if I ever saw one. None of these verses disappear in light of what is said in Matthew 6:14-15. "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours." Look at this verse. This verse is not saying that the way we are to receive forgiveness is to forgive everyone no matter what. That would be a very convenient way for us to get out of some serious sins! We could go out and murder someone, and then all we need to do is just forgive someone else who has offended us and then God is bound to forgive us of our murder no matter if we repent or not! I don't think so! Repentance is still and is always part of the picture. God forgave us in Christ when we repented, and so yes, WHEN SOMEONE ELSE REPENTS TO US, we are to forgive them too. We are to extend the same forgiving heart God extended to us. The issue is if God forgives us, and then someone else repents to us, but even in light of that repentance to us we still do not forgive, THAT is the problem here. And that mirrors the servant parable in Matthew 18. The first servant repented and was released, but then when someone else repented to him for something lesser, he did not forgive. That's the issue. Unforgiveness in the face of repentance. Nowhere are we told to forgive unconditionally or forgive no matter what or forgive if the other person refuses to show godly sorrow, contrition or genuine repentance to us. In that case, we are not to take vengeance, and we are not to harbor bitterness, but that is not "having an unforgiving heart". That is simply waiting for the sinning party to take the first required step. The shame is on THEIR head for remaining in their hardened heart. We are to pray for them and be willing to forgive WHEN they repent. And in the meantime, we can heal from the pain they inflicted on us. Notice that the Bible never tells us "don't you dare be hurt or crushed or devastated or angry when someone hurts you." It is absolutely necessary to feel those things without shame. Some of us will be harmed far beyond what we knew was possible, and there is no shame in having wounds from someone else's sinful actions. It takes time to heal. But to be told you must forgive no matter what and that you are harboring roots of bitterness when all the blame rightfully goes on the cold sinning party makes it that much harder to heal those wounds. TL;DR - repentance is a requirement for forgiveness.
@AnHebrewChild 2 года назад
*AMEN!* So happy to see someone point this out. THANK YOU.
@catholictruth102 5 месяцев назад
You have to forgive them regardless, what was not clear about what Jesus had said?
@maxspringer01 5 месяцев назад
@@catholictruth102 did you read my comment at all?
@catholictruth102 5 месяцев назад
@@maxspringer01 I read some of it, and it’s clear to me you’re trying to create some justification for not forgiving others who don’t feel sorry about what they did. Jesus never added such an exception in Matthew 6:14-15.
@maxspringer01 5 месяцев назад
@@catholictruth102 please read all of it. I literally addressed Matthew 6. And Matthew 6 does not negate the repeated pattern of repentance prior to forgiveness in so many other places. I am definitely not in a million years trying to create justification to not forgive others. This "you have to forgive no matter what" or "unconditional forgiveness" nonsense is one of the most abusive teachings out there, wielded to rip the heart out of victims of abuse in the church, trying to use God's name to make them forgive abusers who are unrepentant and hard-hearted to their abuse victims. It is extremely important to understand what the whole counsel of God is about a subject such as this, which is why I went through to show the whole landscape of what is written about the topic in Scripture. *Does God forgive those who don't feel sorry about what they did?* This is literally the gospel, the basics of the gospel. We are to "forgive those as God in Christ forgives us". *How does God forgive us? WHEN WE REPENT!!!* I've already gone through it all in my original comment, which you have only admitted to reading "some of". You are welcome to respond further, but I will not respond any more. This will be my last comment to you.
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
I had to be forgiven by Jesus Christ through my life.
@ZombiestFever 2 года назад
there are pages that says this isn't true im glad because somethings are hard to forgive and somethings are may even be unforgiveable
@AnHebrewChild 2 года назад
Pages that say what isn't true? Jesus' words?
@ZombiestFever 2 года назад
@@AnHebrewChild i don't know its on the internet
@judgefudge7516 5 лет назад
Hey there. I m desperatly looking for answers on my questions . As I was a Child i had a really good relationship with my fathers mom. But the older i got, the more my grandmother started fighting with my grandpa, so I decided not to see both of them anymore. Last year (or the year before? Im not so sure anymore) she passed away. Even both of my parents doesnt want to see her anymore because she became so bitter over the years, which influenced my behaviour in the same way (no excuse for me by adepting the same opinion bout her). Over the last few months i was full of regret off what happened (long after her death) and that I couldnt forgive her in her lifetime (she died Living alone). will god forgive me? I read some where in the bibel ( dont know the exact words anymore), that if you are unrightous and fail forgiving others that god wont hear your prayers anymore but my prayers still got answered. How do I know that my soul is/isn't doomed to hell? Hope someone can tell me. God bless
@melissat9120 4 года назад
Hmm. This might be a late answer, but I heard a pastor talking just the other day and he mentioned that there is a difference between forgiveness and reconciliation. He specifically said that some people cannot have reconciliation with a person because that person is dead. But that forgiveness is possible because it is in your heart. So I think it is possible for you to forgive. :-)
@NestorCaceresR 3 года назад
That you are worried if you are going to hell or not is a sign that you are on a good track, it says in His word that (forgive my english) we'll walk on a road of holiness, and doesn't matter how dumb we are we will no get lost, as long of course we stay on the road, Isaiah 35:8 If you want to test yourself , look for the paul washer preaching examine yourself God bless you
@bereangirl7118 2 года назад
( Matthew 7:15-24 ) Jesus is describing false prophets by their works of the flesh and not false Christians by their false works of their faith . Now the rest of this chapter from verse 24 till the end of it Jesus IS comparing those who have genuine saving faith to those who do not. You either truly believe or you don't. The will of the father was not for us to load up on guilt because we have not felt bad enough because Christ spilled his blood and died for us but, through faith we believe in his Son. This is the faith that pleases God that we believe on his Son for eternal life.
@candicec6513 4 года назад
building a house on sand = washed away in the judgment? Don't see those words or correlation.
@inoeyu 3 года назад
That's not even a question for real Christians. Forgiveness comes smoothly with Christians. The Holy Spirit makes forgiveness easy for us. This means if we rely on ourselves in forgiving others who have wronged us, we may not succeed. A Christian is one with God in righteousness. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
@randallblann1416 4 года назад
That's been in the past.
@Goldtaker23 7 лет назад
I need help! I can't seem to get away from pornography I fear Im like Esau I wand rid of it I hate sinning against God but I cant stop it when the urges come I feel distant from God no idea what's wrong with me please help!
@stevet5865 6 лет назад
Mike Hill I had the same problem. I had it for years, but hear what Pastor John says, “fight it with an eye gouging effort”. Confess the sin to God (1John 1:9). Admit that the sin is an offense to the very Holiness of God. Admit that you chose sin/self/lust/etc over God and ask His forgiveness. If you are sincere (your heart’s desire is to never sin in this way again) He is faithful and just to forgive you. Then pray for His strength to take away the desire toward this sin and to remove the bondage forever. God wants you free from this sin. Do not fear that you are like Esau. Esau, I believe, wanted the blessing but without God. That is evidenced in that as soon as he did not get what he wanted, he tried to murder his brother. He true believer, with a contrite heart, would not have done such. If you won’t give up, He won’t. But you have to seek the help of the Holy Spirit through Christ, for He said, “apart from me, you can do nothing.” It is through Jesus’ death on the Cross that the bondage to sin is broken. I struggled with this same sin for years and feared I was like Esau as well, but I now walk in victory and it will be yours as well as long as you cling to the Cross, cling to God, and deny your ability to fight this sin without Him.
@judgefudge7516 5 лет назад
I pray for you that you might leave your sin behind and that you can live a righteous life. I prayed to jesus that I could leave my drug addictions behind me and that I could feel joy again in my life and know i m free of those bad desires and not even think About doing drugs and cigarettes anymore (stopped almost a weak ago). I know i wouldnt have made it with out jesus. Have faith and pray deep out of your heart and i believe jesus will heal you. God bless and greets from gemany
@danieljrjang5873 5 лет назад
Judge Fudge how did you quit smoking, I know someone who is addicted to cigarettes, and I don’t know if he will go to Heaven. Any advise for quitting?
@cork8843 4 года назад
It’s actually easy Mike: just keep your phone nowhere near you when you go to sleep. (Charging it on a distant desk or in another room.). & during the day; get out of the house and do things you enjoy that are not sinful. Also pray to your Father in Heaven for mortification of sin. (Romans 8:13) ;)
@AnHebrewChild 2 года назад
@@danieljrjang5873 you think someone who smoked tobacco goes to hell because he can't quit? Serious question
@starzdaze1445 4 года назад
So according to what you're saying, Jonah went to hell. God commanded him to preach to the people of Nineveh repentance and Jonah ran in the opposite direction. God had to force him to warn them of His wrath. As a prophet of God, he never forgave the people of Nineveh. Not only did he not forgive them but he wished them total destruction and he watched as well as waited for God to wipe them out. Did God send Jonah to hell for his unforgiveness? When David pleaded with God to destroy not only his enemies but their families as well. (Psalms 109) There was no forgiveness in his heart all. Is David in hell for not forgiving his enemies?
@deemisquadis9437 Год назад
Well, that the reason, you are to forgive, to get forgiven. Repent!
@jailahbryel305 2 года назад
Jesus loves you and died so you can have eternal life. Repent and turn to Him because He is coming soon! He loves you!
@ce7618 4 года назад
So if someone cheats on you. You have to forgive them but you live through the pain of being cheating on. Another question why does the person that cheated on you can ask forgiveness. But you still hurt. Just asking
@SD_Chosen Год назад
Why Do You Sin Against God And Ask For Forgiveness if You Feel this Way About another Sinning Against You? Do You Want Forgiveness When you Sin Against God? If The Answer is Yes, then How Do You Think A Person Feels,when They have sinned against you? And Apologized? Sometimes we must put ourselves in others shoes and ask ourselves what would We do if we were guilty of the things they were... like how would We move forward? Would we seek forgiveness?
@black-cross Год назад
lets say you're extremely attractive and most people harass you, envy you, threaten you to run you over with their car, know how much your life sucks but still keep doing it no matter how many times you turn the other cheek. now what?
@logosasmr5902 3 года назад
So many words to say so little...
@alwaysbarnaba9590 3 года назад
I fail
@Nighhhts 9 месяцев назад
This verse has nothing to do with eternal salvation.
@catholictruth102 5 месяцев назад
Yes, it clearly does. Nothing sinful can enter heaven.
@Nighhhts 5 месяцев назад
@@catholictruth102 Jesus makes us free, genius. Believe in Him and your sins are remised; if you believe, you have repented, for that is what “repent” means in regard to eternal salvation. This verse absolutely has nothing to do with eternal salvation, it’s about fellowship with fellow believers and God. Jesus is speaking to the “brethren,” meaning they are already saved, thus He cannot be speaking about eternal salvation.
@catholictruth102 5 месяцев назад
@@Nighhhts Jesus Himself said your sins won’t be forgiven if you don’t forgive others, what isn’t clear about that? It mentions nothing about fellowship in the entire chapter, you are just assuming that with no evidence. And this was spoken to thousands, not just to His disciples. It applies to everyone, including believers. Also repentance means to have a change of mind. It can function to mean have a change of mind about sinning, like it’s used in Revelation 2:21 when Jezebel was requested to repent of fornication (a sin) even though she was already in the church, and so presumably a believer. There is little doubt that He is speaking about eternal salvation.
@christsavesreadromans1096 2 месяца назад
@@NighhhtsThis is such a ridiculous interpretation. If one’s sins aren’t remitted they clearly cannot enter heaven, they *need* the atonement of Christ and His forgiveness to enter heaven. It has nothing to do with fellowship. If one does not receive the forgiveness of Christ, they go to hell. And one does not receive the forgiveness of Christ, unless they forgive, according to Matthew 6:14-15. It could not be more than clear, and Jesus even gave a parable affirming this teaching, where one who had already received the remission of sins, later had it revoked. You are totally refuted and you have a demonic false gospel.
@oscarcat1231 6 лет назад
My Mum says she doesn't forgive her sister as her sister hasn't shown she's sorry. Please answer my enquiry - is she right or wrong? I believe that we need to forgive others whether they say they're sorry or not. Or is it that we should be willing to forgive if they are willing to say they're sorry. 99 per cent of people don't even know they've offended us/are not sorry - so my understanding is as I just said that we must forgive others and let go. I really need someone to reply to this!! Thank you
@suebailey6034 6 лет назад
It is my understanding that we are to forgive as Christ has forgiven us. If someone has wronged me, I forgive them. Forgiveness is for you, not the one you are forgiving. It releases you from the bondage of vengeance. We all fall short of God's righteousness.
@ZombiestFever 2 года назад
@@suebailey6034 but how do you forgive something like someone killing your whole family
@ProphetRay Год назад
You have to forgive other Christians, you don't have to forgive non-Christian people according to Jesus Christ's teaching
@catholictruth102 5 месяцев назад
No, you have to forgive everyone.
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