
If Mansa Musa was a psychic energy vampire - Endless Legend - Full Playthrough - Broken Lords 

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21 апр 2024




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@timwhitman3207 2 месяца назад
Maybe if potato kick starts enough interest in Endless Legend we can get an EL 2! I want one so badly.
@nicholaslindberg856 2 месяца назад
I've been waiting years.
@DirectorHatman 2 месяца назад
I need to actually play this. I got Humankind, looked at EL and went "Damn this style of gameplay makes way more sense for EL" so now I wanna play it.
@timwhitman3207 2 месяца назад
@@DirectorHatman you totally should. It's my personal favorite amplitude game. The factions are super asymmetrical and the music is gorgeous. There's also a lot of different ways to win the game which is really fun.
@Ezullof 2 месяца назад
I really hope that it's not another Humankind though. Amplitude used to release extremely innovative games, but Humankind felt 10 years too late. Nowadays you just can't release a 4X game with obsolete game mechanics like how you spam buildings in every city. Meaningful choices, specialization, unique gameplay that is also translated into those basic gameplay elements.
@Wootmanwashere 2 месяца назад
@@Ezullof Personally? I think Amplitude does best when they lean into their Sci-fi niche. Their lore and background work is just SO good.
@TheWlarc 2 месяца назад
More Endless Legend!! There's a criminal lack of content for it
@olivermorin3303 2 месяца назад
@ronansmith4897 2 месяца назад
One of the things I love about Endless legend, is that most of the factions are quite limited in some way, and then have abilities to compensate for their limitation. Only Hammurabi from civ really has the same design. One can't settle, one can't declare war, two can't get (much) food, etc. Also, I can't talk about Endless legend without a shout out to the music.
@Wootmanwashere 2 месяца назад
Don't do this. Don't drag me back. I escaped Auriga years ago and every time I see it in ES2 I tear up a little. I feel cold. The chill of winter. I hear her voice. I can't go back man. Oh. I already redownloaded it. I mean... might as well...
@mathhews95 2 месяца назад
After all, why shouldn't I go back to Auriga?
@SeaCow1g 2 месяца назад
Mother Auriga calls for us all.
@KisosMackleond 2 месяца назад
@@mathhews95 cause she's our eternal beloved mother.
@hzt_rzkyi 2 месяца назад
I demand EL2
@robinshin6634 19 дней назад
I just asked dev, new 4x soon
@frite2002 2 месяца назад
Everytime i scroll steam and think "maybe i want to play civ", I stop myself and play this instead. Such a good game
@KisosMackleond 2 месяца назад
@frite2002 2 месяца назад
And maybe a bit late to add this, but the soundtrack greatly augments my watching/playing experience
@phileascurtil5605 2 месяца назад
"Yeah I'm not good at this game so I only play in hard" Dude, I never play any game above normal...
@ElZorroXIV 2 месяца назад
We need more noise made for Endless Legend. Broken Lords is also one of my favorite factions. Would love to see Endless Space 2 content as well.
@Haltz_aeon 2 месяца назад
Showing my love for Endless Legend. Vaulters, my beloved.
@dependent-ability8631 2 месяца назад
the only ones with a happy ending
@xk445g 2 месяца назад
@@dependent-ability8631 I dunno, all my necrophage games end with me eating everybody else. Seems like a pretty happy ending in my book.
@grimmturd 2 месяца назад
It's one of them titles I go back to once a year. Glad to see Endless Legend content specifically from you, Potato.
@Solus749 Месяц назад
There are alot of non civ 4x out there that are actually good and interesting endless legend is one of them. I don't like humankind ( lol some called it civ killer ) but look up gladius. It is a 4x game in the 40k setting but per 40k factions everyone dislike each other there are no trade and diplomacy. There are alot of tactical combat though and every faction have its own unique techtree and unique combat rules. Soacemarines only get one city but it expand one tile further out and they can drop forts that claim special tiles and shoot enemies. Tyranids only reach 2 tiles out but cities are cheaper and disturb loyalty less. Sisters only have one city but can build "forts" that develop 1 tile out just to give 3 examples. Combat rules change per faction too. Normally a shoot action end that units "turn" unless you are eldar the space elves who can shoot and move. Chaos spacemarines units can mutate and so on.
@redstonemonster5769 2 месяца назад
The genuine enjoyment was great to hear. endless legend is just that game that i remind myself off, montly
@xikonorris5874 2 месяца назад
I love endless legend. It might not have the same amount of different leaders/nations/races than other 4x games, but each faction feels actually unique rather than the "same thing, different bonuses" you get in other games
@nachoneitzscheese 2 месяца назад
Endless Legend is one of my favorite 4x strategy games. Gorgeous game that's not afraid to do some really wild shit. Can't believe it's been almost 10 years since it released.
@timwhitman3207 2 месяца назад
Commenting so we can get more endless legend! Its such a banger. My personal favorite Amplitude Game. Also, first? 😂
@jedfromyourlocallibrary 2 месяца назад
Broken Lords, my favorite Endless Legend faction based purely on vibes
@aun_el3247 2 месяца назад
Oooh, Endless Legend! This is actually one of my favourite 4X games. I loved Endless Space before it, and this game mashed that up with Civilisation. It's real fun to play with. One of my favourite win conditions is rushing the Quest Victory with the Vaulters.
@KisosMackleond 2 месяца назад
Vaulters are cool.
@equardo 2 месяца назад
@mystiqblackcat Месяц назад
The Broken Lords were my favorite faction as well; although all of the faction designs are pretty interesting. Nice to see EL getting some love.
@patrick1998LoLz Месяц назад
No strategy as underrated as endless legend, glad to see the love
@ethankly12 Месяц назад
This game is legit very very good. Every single faction is crafted with immense care...and they're all so refreshingly unique and batshit insane to regular 4x players. I mean, there's a faction that can only have 1 city. There's a faction that can only gain food by eating people. There's a faction that can move cities freely on big rhino beetles. Every single faction has a fairly unique win condition and secondary win condition and they're all just such a ball to play. I hope this video does well and he plays some of the other crazy ones, because the Broken Lords (who eat money instead of food) are somehow one of the tamer factions in the game in terms of strange/unusual 4x mechanics.
@brunobertossi 2 месяца назад
Endless Legend content in 2024, thats something i didnt know i needed, thanks.
@Mythriak_ 2 месяца назад
Hot damn! A Potato Endless Legend playthrough was not in my bingo card for today!! Or for the month! This is one of my favorite 4x games of all time, and the reason Humankind was such a disappointment to me...
@torhenryandreassen6144 2 месяца назад
Yes! Endless Space, and Endless Legend, are so amazing! I just absolutely love the universe Amplitude has created! First upon Auriga, then across the universe!
@matthewcrowther890 2 месяца назад
I remember playing this before getting to the point of knowing what I’m actually doing with 4x games, I’d love more videos on it here. I vaguely remember the bug one being my favourite, something about being bad at food generation but turning literally anyone you fought and killed into food for your empire.
@SeaCow1g 2 месяца назад
Endless Legend is one of the best 4X games ever made. Frankly I like it almost as much as Civ 6. Auriga is one of my favorite fictional worlds ever created. I know that within the lore of Endless Legend the planet and everyone on it dies (except for the Vaulters) so a sequel really wouldn't fit the story, but in my heart of hearts I wish they'd make Endless Legend 2 anyway. Perhaps on a different planet in the Endless universe with different races and a different story. That'd be a really ambitious undertaking but I think Amplitude could pull it off. Edit: A list of some things I'd like them to improve if they made another Endless Legend: 1) Improve the viability of single city races. The game is asymmetric by design so obviously balance issues will be expected but the Mykara and Cultists had some of the coolest civ designs I've ever seen so it's a shame they're so weak. I'm sure there's a way to make tall civs viable considering that the Allayi are like a 2-3 city tops culture and they are arguably the best race in the game (probably tied with Kapaku and Ardent Mages when I think about it). 2)Stockpile system needs a rework; stockpiles are cool to have but the way they currently work they break the game. This is supposed to be an asymmetric game so if something is so strong that EVERY race has to use it to be competitive then you know there's a problem. It's my understanding that stockpiles represent a mechanic for productive cities to give that production to help develop weaker cities and/or sell/trade that productivity to other players for dust. That's fine, that's a good system. The problem is that the way they work with techs you can stockpile lesser stockpiles cheaply and hoard them till you tech up to the higher stockpile levels and then suddenly all those stockpiles get upgraded and causes a massive power spike; not good. 3)Diplomacy needs some work. Particularly aesthetic ones. I think Humankind has issues with this as well. An enemy will declare war on you and there's so little indication of it you might not even notice till an army just sort of appears outside your city. They need to make better audio and visual cues for diplomatic interactions happening in the game like Civ does. 4)Hard building vs paying dust to upgrade units in the field is way out of balance. So much so that you pretty much never want to hard build any upgraded units; it costs way too much extra production. It's always optimal to build the weakest version possible and then upgrade/customize them once you got them built....this is stupid and tedious. I like being able to customize units between turns but it can't be so much better that I never hard build anything. 5) Some races have story quests that are subject to such bad RNG that they can't be completed some games...this is not fun. A sequel should aim to reduce the rng of things like that. Some races having high roll/low roll potential is fine; that's standard in 4x games, but not being able to complete your story quest is real bad *cough* Necrophages*cough* 6) Dust eclipses were a mistake. The ebb and flow of Summer/Winter is excellent but the Dust eclipse just speeds up the tempo of the game too much. I love the Kapaku (probably aesthetically my favorite race) but the Amplitude team dropped the ball a bit with the game design when they released the Inferno update. 7) Naval play needs to be more interesting if they ever make a EL2. Tactical battles on water in EL are just not very interesting in the current incarnation of the game. It's basically everyone is boring as hell and then there's the Morgawr who wreck everyone on the sea. Considering how impactful control of the ocean is in many games actually fighting on the seas should be more interesting. 8) City design was revolutionary at the time of release but there are titles today (Civ 6 among them) that do it better. Pretty much always building a triangle is the optimal design in every city and any bigger is generally inefficient. They need to come up with a system where district placement varies more by terrain like it does in Civ 6. 9) Playing peaceful with Allies needs to be better. Once again I compare this to Civ 6 because while conquering the world is always the best way to win (true in pretty much every 4x), peaceful play is actually quite strong in Civ. Having some friends on the map is almost a prerequisite for the fastest wins; very much akin to how real civilizations operate. Fighting everyone all the time hasn't worked out well for basically any civilization ever and it's the same in Civ. In Endless legend however peaceful play just doesn't work. The AI wants too much to trade anything with you; you always get screwed on any deals you try to make. I have over 1000 hours played and frankly I hardly ever trade in any game whereas in Civ I trade every single game. EL2 needs to do something about that. 10) Last but not least, I HATE how the Empire plan system dictates the pace of settling/conquering and luxury usage.....It's a bad system. I'm sorry, it just is. Yes, it creates a rhythm. You settle your first city, get your settlers out and settle after the first empire plan and you pop your luxuries, you got some time to economic boom and then stagnate before getting set up to settle/conquer before your next empire plan when you boom again rinse and repeat. I get it, it's a dance instead of constant expansion and snowball. But I hate it because it is the same EVERY GAME on EVERY RACE. It's boring. The summer/winter system also creates a rhythm but it's good because the seasons occur at variable and change rates so you can't predict it every game (some races can but that predictability is interesting specifically for them since others cannot predict). This single system right here is why I stopped playing eventually and switched to Civ 6 instead. I have over 4000 hours on Civ 6 whereas i capped out on EL around 1000 hours specifically because of the Empire Plan system. In a game so beautifully asymmetric they put this garbage in that dictates the pace for literally everyone and it ruins the game for you once you learn to play around it.
@VoresD Месяц назад
Some of these have been improved on Amplitudes newer games so there are high chance they would be improved/changed upon on EL2 if it were ever released 3) I actually like that they decided to make AI very much scummy backstabber like players tended to be in early Civ games. Makes you need to keep watch on every empire and tabs on their armies. Having eyes on them is so important knowing when they are moving towards you and hanging around your borders is always a sign of something being off. In ES2 and Humankind AI informs you if their view on you has changed which tends to be a sign of coming trouble 4) ES2 handles this way better and while you cannot put on with the most expensive stuff all the time on everything it does allow a lot of movement on unit designs where as EL basically is "Weapons only, no special resources" 5) Absolutely hate how quests are victory condition and so glad ES2 has quests as buffs only. The aggravating part is that RNG can affect you so much and really push you out or put you on a very quick line for quest victory 6) I also hate these. As a note Kapuku and Mycan were done by 3rd party same one which is responsible for ES2 (in)famous Awakening dlc. No idea how much design work went into these from Amplitude but all of the mentioned ones seem quite over tuned. I kind of feel that Amplitude tends to start pushing too many mechanics to already rich games where it actually starts to overburden the system 7) They've improved it quite a bit in Humankind. Its very simple but certain civs or cultures as they are in game really push for control of the sea and allows you to transition into sea power or trying to take over sea power 8) Also improved in Humankind where there's a lot of adjacency and terrain requirements/bonuses on districts. Then cultures 90% of the time also give unique district 9) In Humankind being peaceful is even worse. Being peaceful is actively harmful due to the victory point mechanics as one thing where you gain points is killing units not to mention I think Humankind is the game with least penalties on conquering cities. I think it is pretty much expected to be big on war for Amplitudes games and they seem to embrace the conquest instead of trying to put mechanics to prevent that Though point on trade. If it wasn't for quick trade mod in Civ6 I think I would more or less never trade. In Humankind trade only happens on luxury and strategic resources and is pretty much hands off: You spend little money and lose some income for keeping up trade routes and gain access to those resources. Trading is extremely important as there are multitude of things that give bonuses for trade routes and in big maps each player tends to have 20-100 units of resources and these bonuses matter for incoming and out going routes so you can have easily hundreds of routes giving you massive bonuses. In those cases it actually makes sense to not completely kill of enemies just to be able to get trade routes going 10) Humankind has its own take on Empire plan. You basically spend static amount of Influence on bonuses and each purchase increases the cost of next one. Each bonus has 2 options which you can pick one but you can change later if you want. Unfortunately quite a few of these bonuses are no brainers but few of them aren't and do shape up the game quite a bit for example normally you use influence to create cities and merge territory to existing ones but one bonus changes it from influence to money so you can spend influence on other things and use money instead
@zerx9926 2 месяца назад
My oh my. If it isnt my favorite Potato playing my favorite game
@dragonsaint9446 2 месяца назад
You have made a bargain, I will put this video on repeat for as long as it takes, I require more Endless content!!
@The_Rizzen 2 месяца назад
Endless Legend is a classic! Lords and Cultists were my favourite
@williamstollery8326 2 месяца назад
Very rarely will I buy all the DLC for a game, but this one is so great I had to. Would LOVE to see more EL content from you Potato!
@EmnelGaming 2 месяца назад
Actually got back into Endless Legends recently myself! Creating that itch was probably the only saving grace of Millennia in it's current state.
@michaelford6221 2 месяца назад
This seriously makes me feel like starting up a game of Endless Legend again, it's been ages.
@CosmoTheCosmicCat 2 месяца назад
I was not expecting to see Potato playing EL. I am very happy to see this. This is probably my favorite hex-based 4x game.
@thriknzdal 2 месяца назад
Wow I remember seeing this game at my friend's house one time and I was so enamored with it's fantasy style, but I never knew what the name was!! I hope potato can play more of this game! I would much rather watch him play it and listen to how he thinks about the game and it's challenges than look up another creator to watch the game.
@caesarsgaming3888 2 месяца назад
playing this game made me better at civ 6. i got into it a few years ago and i love everything about it, the gameplay, the music, the lore, the art direction... its such a perfect 4x game special mention to spiff for introducing me, and many others to the game!
@HisRotundity 2 месяца назад
I love Endless Legend, one of my favorite fantasy 4X's.
@g0lgrim1 2 месяца назад
ENDLESS LEGEND HYPE! This game is amazing and needs way more light... for we need Endless Legend 2!
@EpsilonRosePersonal 2 месяца назад
I've always felt that the Endless series did a much better job of making different factions feel fundamentally different, because it's not afraid to give them different core mechanics, and I really wish it was more popular. I'd love to see more Endless Legends videos, but I'd also be really interested in seeing your take on an Umbral Choir run in Endless Space 2, since you were talking about how you like to play these games as economy and engine builders and they have a really unique take on that aspect of the game.
@ReZerO100 2 месяца назад
ohhh, ive owned this game for what feels like forever and this has to be one of the first lets plays ive seen of it, ive really enjoyed a lot of the "endless" games
@davidhyde-volpe7611 2 месяца назад
Love Endless Legend! Thanks for covering it.
@PropheticShadeZ 2 месяца назад
I never got into it because im silly. So happy to see you playing it
@wesleybletz4691 2 месяца назад
More Endless Legend please! Also at some point in the video I remember it being mentioned about a what if gold victory. There are a ton of victory conditions in the game: Score, Elimination, Expansion, Economic (Gold!), Diplomatic, Wonder, Quest, Scientific, and Supremacy victories!
@dogfooddevin5538 2 месяца назад
I genuinely went looking for a series on this by you not too long ago and was surprised I didn't see any! I'm so glad you decided to hop into a game of Endless Legend and really hope you make more- this game is criminally lacking in content about it and I'd love to see more by one of my favorite 4X content creators!
@norandomnumbers 2 месяца назад
Customizing factions can lead to some bonkers results, especially with Broken Lords, so I'm glad you didn't. I'd like to see you play Necrophages next!
@MrsAngelMary 2 месяца назад
Oh, I like this game! Although I haven't played a lot of it. I absolutely love it's soundtrack, "Searching for forgiveness" is my ringtone, funnily enough 😅
@ianthompson3275 2 месяца назад
Rare delight, I loved playing Endless Legend with the boys back in the day.
@xk445g 2 месяца назад
More Endless Legend please. Such a gem of a game that needs more attention
@trickkit385 2 месяца назад
Endless Legend is the best. Glad to see PMW content on it.
@Collinsbro45 2 месяца назад
Gotta push for more Endless Legend, tis a fantastic game on every level!
@moritzkern1053 2 месяца назад
I would love to see more Endless Legend content on this channel. It is my favorite 4x game.
@RoyalFusilier 2 месяца назад
Here's to more Endless Legend content, we love it folks.
@PencilKing21 2 месяца назад
Ah hell yeah, my favorite 4x youtuber is playing my favorite 4x game. This is a great day
@damakoseuphoria5131 2 месяца назад
Please continue, Endless Legend is my absolute favorite 4x game please give it the love it deserves
@Rex-ru5ns 2 месяца назад
This game is great, I love that you have started covering it!
@adriendoste6269 2 месяца назад
Endless Legend is such a great 4X game! Glad to see some more content on it
@3cosmo Месяц назад
I love the Endless series. And I love potato play style. More of this please!
@acensionSUCKS 2 месяца назад
I absolutely LOVE this game, definitely want to see you cover more for it potato. There's a few mods that improve map customization options and they help keep map generation interesting. I would recommend grabbing them!
@kitgautier1658 2 месяца назад
Awesome to see that you're playing this!
@Rubedo_Sky 2 месяца назад
Love the EL content!!! would be so great to see more, Its so criminally under-rated! I can't wait to see an OMEGA ENDLESS WAR game with the Necrophages :)
@robertsay4374 2 месяца назад
Yes yes yes! Played this game so much a few years back, guess I’ll be digging it out of Steam again now 😂
@edwardthompson8864 2 месяца назад
I'm a huge fan of the endless games. Great to see you try your hand here. There are many many options for play in this game
@FuelDropforthewin 2 месяца назад
I love Endless Legend. Such a good game. And the playstyle differences between some of the factions are intense. I can't think of any other 4x game with a faction that flat out doesn't use research, and must instead buy or steal new technology. Such a weird concept, but they made it work.
@opus3989 2 месяца назад
I loved watching EL streams by another RU-vidr but watching this is like cherry on top.
@memesfordays9608 2 месяца назад
lets get it to 1 million :D
@SarahCharles92 2 месяца назад
I love this game. It is, in my opinion, the best non-historical 4X game out there. So, so good.
@kayvee256 2 месяца назад
I have very fond memories of Endless Legend. My favorite faction was the Morgawr, I remember just _wrecking_ maps with them somehow, but I can't for the life of me remember how I used to do it. :P
@koopslone6823 2 месяца назад
never seen endless legend before, liking it!
@sabudanhiro8663 2 месяца назад
Would love more of the Endless World and thank you For the Great Videos also thx For the Millennia gameplay
@atremious1671 Месяц назад
Every single faction plays entirely differently. It's a very solid game.
@paddathurpadane6828 2 месяца назад
I really like this game it is my favorit 4x game. Everything in this game is just great… well somthings are just sad but that is so few things and almost all those are fixt in the community patch
@sireric01 2 месяца назад
Yeah, ELCP is a must to fix all the little bugs in this great game
@Icewolfnector 2 месяца назад
Definitely one of the best community patches for a game out there, since you can choose so much of the stuff you want to turn on/off every game
@Zfalconking17 2 месяца назад
Endless Legend is a wildly fascinating world and I'd love to see more content about it.
@jacoblawton7716 2 месяца назад
Really hope this gets enough traction for a part 2! Endless legend has a special place in my heart. It’s a bit flawed but it’s a really interesting take on the 4X genre.
@IKerensky 2 месяца назад
Ône of my favorite 4x. There is so much lore and personality. And the factions are really different. Love the quest system.
@estill6966 Месяц назад
Auriga welcomes her children back! Rug up, winter is coming.
@somenonsense7997 2 месяца назад
So, a thing I picked up after watching SB's series: In the first tew turns of the game, like in some other 4x games, you want to gather as much info as possible and identify a viable starting location. That means you disregard the dust upkeep from extra armies and split you starting stack out to cover as much ground as possible. (And move your settler last to get the best turn 1/2 settle you can get)
@dragonsaint9446 2 месяца назад
Also, if you do any future playthroughs on the Auriga map, you should look up the canon start positions for each faction! Each slot has a fixed position, so slot 1 will always put you in the same place
@silentdon40k 2 месяца назад
Never played this one, but had some fun in Endless Space 2. The ship designer was super cool to play around back then. It's funny how the resource icons are the exact same in this one, ES2 and Humankind (I think only saw it on stream once)
@gregdrako 2 месяца назад
I always liked Cultists. Great way of making one city faction both fun and interesting. Converting minor faction villages to recruit units and boost your capital, blowing up cities to keep your production and science going. Also best governors.
@MSTavares 2 месяца назад
Let's go we got Endless Legend on the channel, now we need to boost the video for future series, a the guides for the games factions. I love the game
@Poppleop 2 месяца назад
I picked Endless Legend up again after while watching your Humankind videos. Forgotten are my favourite. So sneaky and good damage dealing units (but a sore lack of tanky ones). I too am horrible at the game - but I've always treated it as more of a city-builder first and strategy game second haha
@jogzyg2036 2 месяца назад
I absolutely love the concept of having completely unique factions. It's not like civ where every faction just has a specific bonus or trait and is otherwise just a re-skin of all the others practically everything in endless is unique. Balance be damned but it's amazingly fun to play.
@darkemperor418 2 месяца назад
Never heard of it but liked! ❤️ ready to learn this one
@ardabaser1349 Месяц назад
Dang, I wish potato would play more of this game. It is my favourite 4x game.
@rbechtel10 2 месяца назад
Love this game, glad youre playing it
@Jibediah 2 месяца назад
I love this game, I hope you do more!
@princeofhumbugs6657 2 месяца назад
Honestly my favorite 4x game. My favorite faction is the necrophages, focuses on pop growth and cheaper unit maintenance, and have a big slug that infects enemies with eggs, which can hatch into more units after combat if that enemy dies
@PrinceJvstin 2 месяца назад
The Endless games sure have a lot of character to them
@kacperdrabikowski5074 2 месяца назад
I find immense validation in the fact that you consider Endless Legend among your favourites in the genre
@Patton1944 2 месяца назад
Ay, Endless Legend! You love to see it.
@henkee3715 2 месяца назад
It must be hard for the Skya Hero to rule her city standing in that posture.
@SleepyMageX 2 месяца назад
Enjoying the EL video. Hope the video does well and you'll do more :D
@Sahren1993 2 месяца назад
I really want to get into Endless Legend but it's so big I seriously need one of Potato explain-everything runs, I truly hope this get the 100k views
@MrJgame22 2 месяца назад
Appreciate the vid on this. Hopefully there's a follow-up. EL was the first 4X I got outside of Civ, and I was so confused I never made much headway. Probably would be better at parsing through it now, though.
@halfwaytonowhere5693 2 месяца назад
Loved this game since it came out, usually start it up twice a year. Favorite fraction is the wild walkers
@connor31415 2 месяца назад
Its always nice to see a 4x that isn't just Civ
@paolocappelli7242 2 месяца назад
Yay Endless Legend! Love the game to bits.
@OnslaughtOnibaka 2 месяца назад
The broken lords used to be my main race to play. Then I discovered the joy of mushrooms and have trouble playing anything else than Mykaran.
@kristofferbeer3011 2 месяца назад
Endless Legend, what a compicated but fascinating World!
@gammafighter 2 месяца назад
Man, Endless Legend is just like Civ in that if it had come out when I was a teenager, I would have had 1000+ hours logged each year.
@drakhoon 2 месяца назад
I love the fact you can play the Vaulters in Endless Legend and then continue the story into Endless Space 2 ^.^ Also tip if you want to win by a victory by faction quest, set it so that is the only way to win.
@SnuSnu33 Месяц назад
After watching you play i see how you could improve your Broken playtrough , from my point of view you should focus more on buying pops as i had even double your pops overall at turn 100 . The "broken" part of the lords is their ability to just buy everything they need and you just focus on gold gain, rushing every building and only building units the normal way. I was screaming at the screen buy the pops in other cities too when i saw you hyper focus on the capital :D For new cities what you should do is rush gold producing buildings and a ton of pops with that , i think its a max 10 turn setup per city to get it going. Also if you will make a custom Lords race please try focusing as much as you can on gold gain and any other bonuses that go with it, then you will understand why they are Broken. Thank you for the vid Potato , now i miss the game and want to play it again.
@gameson1516 2 месяца назад
Man the world needs more endless legend.
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