
im tired of low elo 

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This is my foolproof strategy of how im going to claw my way out of the pits of hell that is low elo league. Follow me on my journey to finally over come my demons and achieve bliss
Kick: kick.com/sxerpz
Twitter: breathemf
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@sxerpz
00:00 Intro
01:09 step 1
02:16 step 2
03:30 step 3
Lud and Schlatts Musical Emporium




8 ноя 2023




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@mohammadhamza3626 11 месяцев назад
A couple things to suggest here. 1) If you're bronze, its very difficult to vod review and know exactly what you did wrong. Like yea, you can say mechanically where you might have messed up, but you're not going to understand the bigger pictures, like rotations, controlling wave states, rotation timings, back timings, expanding leads etc etc. So while vod reviewing is very essential the higher up you climb, I think at lower elos its better to not do that a lot. INSTEAD, try finding a channel that teaches you the fundamentals of the lane you're playing. If you play mid, watch players that are really good at midlane. Players for example, Nemesis is really good because he teaches you a bit about fundamentals. Midbeast covers others players gameplay, but in those vid, he teaches you a lot about the fundamentals of mid lane. 2) You've picked akali so i'm gonna recommend picking something simpler as a backup champ that is similar in playstyle and can also 1v9 like akali. I recommend Naafiri. She scales really well, has a similar playstyle to akali, is simple yet fun to execute and she does mainly physical damage so your champ pool is a little diverse. Other champs would be ekko and tristana. ekko and tristana are great at scaling. You can 1 shot turrets late game with these champs and just win games off macro. 3) mental is something that just comes figuring out how to make the best out of your bad mistakes. The best players make mistakes, but if you watch them, you'll learn how they get back at the game even after making mistakes early. This comes from knowing more about the games and understanding it deeper for which you just follow step 1) xD. Anyways hope this message helps you in your climb. Good Luck!
@Soul-yk8xq 11 месяцев назад
This is pretty good advice ngl maybe for the mental Part know that your always able to make a comeback in bronze maybe the carry wants to 1v3 and you get his shutdown or you can sneak a drake or baron maybe get some sidelane towers anything to get you gold and back into the game. Also just get as mutch knowledge as you can from any source aloinl is pretty good but at your level any knowledge is good knowledge
@flaviorossin5283 11 месяцев назад
what's a good jungler i can watch to learn jg macro better
@Soul-yk8xq 11 месяцев назад
@@flaviorossin5283 the default answer would be agurin cause he has weak mechanics but his micro and macro is so good that he got rank1 korea
@EleumNoice 11 месяцев назад
@@flaviorossin5283Kingstix is probably the most digestible for very low elo players or beginners.. and he’s fun too!
@mohammadhamza3626 11 месяцев назад
@@flaviorossin5283 For jungler there are TONS of coaches. Idk why, but seems like there are more coaches for jungle than any other role, probably because there is so many things to juggle as a jungler. You can look at Agurin, Broxah, Virkayu, Broken by concept, Griffin, Tarzaned (he is quite toxic so keep that in mind). I personally watch these guys to improve my jungle macro and they've helped me alot. Virkayu, broken by concept and tarzaned also give coaching lessons so thats also an option.
@nadra0755 11 месяцев назад
Your attitude towards improving is very impressive, you will climb for sure! If you have some questions/want someone to look at a specific game of yours, let me know I love to help
@ricardobattaglia1770 10 месяцев назад
I was bronze and now I'm plat 1. The thing that help me to climb was stop blaming my teammates and understand what I've could done better. It's hard to keep calm most of the times, but you have to think clear. That mindset made me won games that were completely lost
@darcywood515 10 месяцев назад
Omg you are a rare player
@Naomi1676 10 месяцев назад
the thing that also helped you was introducing the emerald rank, lol. But the blaming aspect is valid, keep it up and just focus on yourself
@NomTheDom 10 месяцев назад
​@@Naomi1676well of course elo inflation would help
@SafetyKitten 10 месяцев назад
@@Naomi1676 pretty fucking needless to say no ?
@wes5064 11 месяцев назад
Some motivation for you bro. I started playing season 11 and ended in bronze. Season 12 I was able to hit gold and last season I reached diamond. Best tip is to maximize everything you can control and focus on that and dont focus on the things that you can. If you are able to win lane every game statistically you will climb. You got this man
@user-vd3pw3xk5s 10 месяцев назад
Either cap or you are just playing 10hrs a day no I play since season 8-9 and stuck in Gold4
@wes5064 10 месяцев назад
@@user-vd3pw3xk5s i was gonna type a response to this but i really cannot take you seriously lmfao
@Midtrust 10 месяцев назад
@@user-vd3pw3xk5s I hope you’re sarcastic bro 😂
@originalPLUG 9 месяцев назад
hes cappin or got boosted@@user-vd3pw3xk5s
@lillatv1586 11 месяцев назад
I think your level of self awareness and your mindset in relation to the game is something very impressive. I wish more people would be able to accept their own misplays and problems like you do. My biggest tip would be to not rush things. VOD reviewing and not tilting are also skills that need to be developed. I personally am emerald 4 and still really struggle with VOD reviewing because of how complex that process is. Don’t stress yourself too much and you will definitely see results. Good Luck on your climb ^^
@puszystypolar579 11 месяцев назад
What helped me the most when climbing in league (I am by no means high elo, I am plat 1 right now, but that's how I got out of silver tho) is: 1. Being consistent with your farming and wave state. Sometimes being to greedy or to aggressive might cost you too much gold and it is very hard to recover from. For example: There is a fight in a river, you roam, but at the same time there is multiple minions crashing under your tower. You might get a kill or an assist but the gold and experience you lost would be worth more overall. Also don't try to trade with your opponent when you see there is more enemy minions then there are allied minions, they can deal some serious damage. 2. Think about what items you buy and what you spend your gold on and your runes. Think about what team comp they have (tanks, sqiushy champs, etc.) and what items work the best against them. Also, remember to use the active items! I've seen soooo much bronze/silver players buying zhonyas/goredrinker or running predator rune and just never use the active item. You might also want to think what items or runes suit your playstyle more, if you feel confident about it you might want to experiment with your items and runes. Like for example I really like to run tank items and resolve runes secondary on adc champions (which you usually wouldn't see in recommended items), but it works for me. Hope you understand what I meant with my tips. I'm excited to see your journey, love the attitude and you need help maybe reviewing your vods (I am mid/adc player), I could maybe help you since it's hard to see the mistakes you make ingame, especially macro all by yourself when you don't have that much experience. As said I'm not a pro but I'll be glad to help! Edit: You can also just fullmute at the start of the games. To be completely honest, a large part of calls in bronze are just bad and they rarely use pings unless they want to spam ping you, so muting everyone at the beginning of the game might be good to just focus on your own plays and mental and not let others influence your gameplay.
@Emperor_of_Sands 11 месяцев назад
I have always found focusing in on one thing for a week at a time has given me the best results. If you try to improve at 5 different things at once you will get overwhelmed. I would start with making a game plan for your laning phase. If you don't know what you should be doing in a certain lane watch high elo matchups of that lane and try to mimic what they're doing. Try your best to understand why they are doing what they are doing.
@hip1910 10 месяцев назад
i really liked this video i think its good to see people that just genuinely want to improve their game sense and understand the smaller and bigger instances of the game rather than just always blaming the circumstances like teammates champ pool and so on, ive only peaked d4 myself and im currently playing milio supp with a broken hand on a smurf in plat but its still as much of a learning process as anything, really nice video good luck with the climb brother 👍
@Protye3000 10 месяцев назад
@Auroche 9 месяцев назад
Work hard on your CS. Legit just focusing on CS was what got me from bronze to gold way back in the day.
@elsa9026 8 месяцев назад
league is rigged tho, they are forcing him to be 50% winrate
@thorbjrnbeckmann1018 11 месяцев назад
A tip I can give you is that if you in any point of the game, don't know what to do, you should look for ways to get gold, so any minion waves or jungle camps. An example could be if all your teammates are dead and the enemies are going baron, instead of going to baron and watch them do it, you can go push the mid wave, this way it's also more difficult for them to push after taking it
@mouhou9795 11 месяцев назад
Hey sxerpz, friendly diamond andy here. UwU I want to give you a small tip, most people their mechanics aren't holding them back. I miss Annie Q all the time, my fingers are just that bad and weak. However you were right about the mentality part, let me explain you why. The most important thing is asking why you do something or why you shouldn't. Asking questions in your games to yourself like. "can I hit this minion without getting hit?". Or "can I hit her if she uses her Q on this minion?" make it so you start knowing when someone can do what. Same goes with sidelaning, diving, matchups, dodging skill shots, trading. And basically every skill in the game. ^-^ You have to learn from little mistakes and not how to repeat them, and be calm about it. Also don't be afraid to look for people better than you on twitch or something and ask in their chat. "Hi mister akali main, why do you freeze here?" There are lots of small content creators in diamond and masters. That are willing to answer your questions if you ask them. Good luck with your climb. You can do it, never give up.
@wdililn 10 месяцев назад
It's easy to trap yourself in the mentality of having to 1v9 to climb, but realistically, if you focus on recognizing what your job is for the given game, and perform that duty as best you can, you'll probably win.
@grisling1851 11 месяцев назад
I recently started to pop off going from gold 3 to emerald 3 in almost a month or so. Looking back i realize what i did different: 1. I started to understand the importance of lane states and how they work. 2. I switched from mid to jungle (not saying you have to) where i found tank/bruiser jungles to hit the spot for me mainly going for jarvan or zac. 3. I learned sufficient macro as a jungler. Fx. Tracking the enemy jungler, preparing for objectives and very importantly ALWAYS looking for ways to help elevate your team. I stopped greeding for farm and instead got those important skirmishes. I know that in higher elo it may be the opposite but this has been my experience.
@punishedsneed 9 месяцев назад
Bro you're literally me. I went from playing Veigar and GP mid as a bronze 4 to climbing up to Silver by playing Nocturne and Sejuani and Amumu.
@mxrysixfioruh 11 месяцев назад
This was a great monologue
@xiyang9726 10 месяцев назад
League is about having fun, LP is not the main objective, it is a byproduct of getting better at the game.
@letsplayg 10 месяцев назад
Some people like the competitive aspect though and I feel like ranked is to climb and improve while normals are for fun but it can definitely help mentally to tell yourself in the end its a game that should be for entertainment and not take it too seriously but nothing wrong imo with liking ranked and being serious about it and trying your best to climb
@lxsrae 10 месяцев назад
my boy gl, and let me tell you keep your mind open the higher you go the more there is to learn
@hunterbowman98 10 месяцев назад
One of the best ways I found to help learn the game is once you find a champ you like watch higher skilled players play them. When I wanted to seriously learn Hecarim I went to Dantes and watched him for a month learning the reasons why he doesn certain things. That increased my winrate drastically.
@scoresbees3681 10 месяцев назад
One thing i think is really important is to think about cost benifits. Like a lot of the time in low elos people will miss opportunities to further the lead and tunnel vision. So if you take a second every few moments to think "is this the thing that will get me and my team ahead the most" and maybe switch what youre focusing on if it is. Like late game if both teams have 2 drags then neither team will probably get soul. Push for turrets or baron instead
@AmokBR 10 месяцев назад
All you said is very true. I've been there. Just one thing I'd add: I love playing Akali, she's a fun champ, but she's very hard to play well and not very strong atm. For iron/bronze/silver/gold, she's not really ideal.
@whodis799 11 месяцев назад
For giganoobs, here's what you need to do (in order) -1 role, 1 champ only (1 backup in case of ban/pick is ok, but dodge is pref). You do not deviate. Zero. You can''t learn how to drive if I keep putting you in a new car. -Learn how to mechanically control the game. Camera movement, champion movement, moving between attacks, how vision works etc. No locked screen. After, and only after these 2 things are in place, then you can: -Vod review -Think about macro -Think about builds etc
@peaceling9826 10 месяцев назад
good luck, i'll be watching the progress ❤
@Rodrigwayz1 10 месяцев назад
i feel it man, I'm stuck too, from diamond promos s7, then almost falling back into gold from failing promos and then quitting league and then coming back. I don't get it either. I wish I knew how to get better, but I feel your frustration, that is why it's called 'the grind'
@420kyles 10 месяцев назад
You seem to have a better mindset than most of the community. Biggest thing is to realize the 9 other players with you are completely out of your control. You can’t stop inters or smurfs so you just have to accept it and focus on what you can control which is you and your own play.
@buberoini 11 месяцев назад
One thing that has been helping my mental is after the game asking myself if this was a 40% game or a 20% game. Many coaches talk about how 40% of games youre just gonna lose, and 40% youre just gonna win. Its 20% of games that you control the outcome. After each game i ask what kind of game was this? And what can i do to maybe change ut from a 40% loss to a 20% choice? Or what made this 40% win into a 20% choice?
@gingeroxide 11 месяцев назад
One thing to keep in mind during review is seeing how far you push a lead. Like if you get a kill did you get wave under tower or did the team get an objective.
@adellmalikova2893 10 месяцев назад
frfr bro i got the same problem and idk what else should i do i gto fk up mmr, and when i play solo i get shit team
@LEKIDOMAN 11 месяцев назад
Good luck hope u finish ur season above gold!
@Johnny_200 11 месяцев назад
You make some very good points that are entirely valid. Reviewing your own game is crucial because even if you KNOW you did glaring mistakes you will probably find some that you have overlooked. Personally I would advise against one tricking. Two problems imo, first: You will not know other champions. For example, I can half what reliably play most champions. Which however also means I know what each of these champions ROUGHLY wants to accomplish. For example, Darius in toplane was like a bane for me because no matter what I did guy always did more damage and could stick to me like crazy. Played him a while and actually found out that he's not only fun to play but exactly where to outmaneuver him and beat him every game. Now I win vs Darius most of the times. And it's the same with every other champion, being able to play several champs means you aren't really affected by bans, you can probably always pick a champion that can counter your enemy (e.g. when I see melee champ in midlane I'll try to play a ranged mage, if I see an ADC in midlane I pick sylas and watch them cry their eyes out cuz I oneshot them lv2) And second: You miss out on champions. When I started to play the game I played twisted fate, thought: Ew dogshit, no mobility and doesn't do damage. And now I know that twisted fate is bonkers and a blast to play with and as. Second I see many, many people not do in low elos is adapt runes and item sets. There are usually more than one item build that works on a champion and just because a set has the highest winrate doesn't mean it's good for your matchup. Because you always forget one thing, they are challys and you aren't. So if the enemy builds pure AD then go exchange your MR runes to Armor, go build armor items or bruiser items and vice versa, for god's sake have I utterly ruined people's games by buying maw and making their turbofed assassin useless. Adapt items to what you need, learn items, learn your champions and learn how to counter what other champs want. And lastly, this is a personal thing: In low ELO you have the best bets with what I want to call giga-carries. Because hypercarries aren't enough. You need a champion with tons of sustain, mobility or CC, burst damage, sustained damage and range. I picked up jhin because of that. And I won almost every single game. Before I was stuck in iron, played five games, lost one, got to bronze. Then actually switched because I found senna mid and she scales a lot beer and has easier CC and better sustain. I win lane. Every. Single. Game. And of you are a 150 stack lethality senna you don't care that the enemy has a ton of HP, you twosbot everything anyway. Those are my tips, tldr: Play every champion a few times to cube able to play against them (aka learn matchups but the fun way) and probably find another fun champion Itemize the situation not after a default build And play a broken champion that IS the team
@re4072 10 месяцев назад
@luksbarao 10 месяцев назад
You rock dude I am proud of you
@DeMafiaGirl 11 месяцев назад
Trying every role is probably part of it. You gotta stick with 1 role and a few champs. Coach Curtis says in one of his videos that champion mastery is more important than fundamentals in low elo. If you can pilot your champ perfectly and know all the matchups you will find it so much easier.
@joreass6150 11 месяцев назад
I think you have just the right attitude to climb. I was hardstuck bronze 5 in s4, 5 and 6, but then it clicked for me that i was dogshit at the game and i wanted to improve. I went from bronze 5 0lp to gold 5 in one season, which to me was a huge confidence boost. The main thing I would focus on are the things you mentioned in this video, namely focusing on one role and select a few characters you can play well. Also having one ap and one ad champion is good so you can choose what fits your team best (dont wanna lock yasuo in full ad comp etc.). Choosing simple characters is also often the best way to learn the rest of the game. I play midlane, so I chose to play Annie mid to improve my fundamentals. I went from gold to plat the next season thanks to that. Focus on your farming, cause cs is the way you will get the majority of your gold. 15 cs = 300g ish, and objectives are way more worth to go for than kills. I think with you mental right now you are on the right track and I wish you luck!
@jellycatxayah 10 месяцев назад
good luck to you on your climb!! ranked anxiety is a big problem for me, making it to silver 2 in about 20 games my first season then the same rank the next after finishing placements then just not bothering with the game - maybe next season i'll give it a proper go playing my main akali too ☺
@pirateplebxd1440 11 месяцев назад
Bruh, i tried to win in Bronze with Akali as a Diamond 3-2 Toplaner, but its sooo hard. Imma say your team has enough damadge most of the time, just try to pick what your team is missing
@zuboragabora8966 11 месяцев назад
I think your plan is great! Just remember when playing/vod reviewing to always focus on things in your control (as opposed to your teammates, broken champs, etc.) Stay focused, have fun, and im sure you'll be out in no time!
@ByronTrzeciak 10 месяцев назад
When you’re self aware league is like a free psychology appointment haha. It’s frustrating, it gets to down but if you continue to observe and learn then you start to get better.
@RamenElGamer 11 месяцев назад
This season i went from bronze II to gold I, and didnt go further cause i stopped playing ranked games. I just picked 3 champs from all the 10 champs i used to play. Instant elo.
@coolbrotherf127 10 месяцев назад
I was able to go get from bronze to diamond and the biggest things that helped me was really focusing on playing 1 role with 2 champs. Pick your best role and best 2 champs in that role, and then play that a lot while watching stuff about how to play that role and those champions. Switching things up too much slows down your learning because climbing in ranked is all about mastery and consistency. If you are knowledgeable on how to play a situation, good things happen.
@sirjoey3137 11 месяцев назад
As a bronze myself, I'll tell you one thing, NEVER surrender. In this low rank any game is winnable no matter how one sided it looks. Either you have a splitpushing 0/20 sion that gets their nexus or the enemy team gets greedy and stops taking it serious, dying and giving you their bounties so you get ahead. You can always win.
@shino6765 11 месяцев назад
When I first started the game back when nilah came out I won a game agaisnt a finished vayne doing the whole hullbreaker and praying I make it in time lol while I was over there being like 4/12/6 or something like that it was so bad. Also speaking of giving up iv met so many iron n low bronze players that just surrender or give up after one bad fight. I was a 6/0/3 sett took my top 2 towers and killed enemy jungle on rift stealing it from them. But my team was having a rough day from a zed so we lost that game cuz of FF
@sekeaked1673 10 месяцев назад
No bro do not do this u just hostaging any humans on ur team just get better instead of doing this
@potofblack 10 месяцев назад
i've been playing since season 2 casually (made it to gold/plat almost every season for rewards) and started taking it seriously this year, i just made it to diamond recently. the most important tips i can give are to have a small champion pool and play your role consistently. look around for content on your champs from players with experience and study a lot, look at what they do and try to implement it. don't be afraid to dodge a game if you get filled into something you are not comfortable on. also, definitely disable chat (pings on is fine). never surrender games even if you feel like you are behind, if you don't learn to play from behind you will never improve, playing on your heels with good intent can help improve your mental game and may net you some wins you wouldn't expect as well. good luck on your journey.
@iven4843 11 месяцев назад
Hey, I really love your attidute towards improving. First of all - sorry for my bad english but I really want to share my tips with you! I was also stuck in silver for multiple seasons (S2-4) as I suddenly had basically the same idea in mind. Back then, what helped me the most was dedicating to one champion and one role that really suited my playstyle and liking. After that, you watch tons or tips and tricks with this champion, high elo vods, how to combo etc., you learn the basic theories behind wave management and you read the goddamn lol wiki because there is so much info that even high elo players dont know. And you gotta work on using attack move key! Its an extremly important skill. And definitly start using the practise tool, esspecially to learn the combos of your champ. Doing all that, I was able to sneak into challenger for S8 and I know you can do that to! Good luck with your climb
@mr_obst3077 10 месяцев назад
I'm also stuck in bronze but its trending up. what helped me quite a bit was learning about all champs. Not super in depth but understanding every single ones playstyle and what to watch out for. First time i faced quiyana i had no idea what she does, it just confused me with the dashing and random invisibility, i got completely stomped. afterwards i looked it up, played her in coop vs ai once and am now prepared for the next time, for example. know your enemy and all that. Now if you turn that around, it's a great advantage to have a champ in your pool that many others in low elo do not know well. They will make mistakes because they don't know what to look out for and what to respect, and that hands you the lane.
@guestofearth 11 месяцев назад
When I was learning to play I compared it to building a Lego set. If you're *low* low elo, it's like starting from nothing and just having a bunch of Legos lying around, whereas if you're like emerald or diamond, you at least have some of the basic foundation pieces put together.
@TheAxhol 10 месяцев назад
I think the priority in climbing should lie in improving your mid/late game. So you focus on your farm and wave state in the early game, not on kills. And then you know that you will become strong enough later on
@growingoaks 10 месяцев назад
I hear a lot of people say that macro and big game picture is the issue when climbing a lot so you’re probably right. I dont climb, ranked is just pointless imo, but i watched people like Virkayu in the past to improve my jungling.
@CristiaanFitzsimons 11 месяцев назад
just focus on one thing every game. I remember the first thing I focused on was warding and looking at my map. then once I got better at warding and tracking I started focusing on farming and eventually they will all come together. However if you do just mindlessly play games you will improve, just not as much. You can’t focus on too much every game, league is too complicated to let you do that. Overtime you will get it, good luck on your climb.
@thecoldflame020 10 месяцев назад
Can't wait to see you grow, subscribed.
@ragmondead 11 месяцев назад
have a game plan. Have a theory of the game, create one now, then let your experience inform that theory. Sometimes your theory will be wrong, but keep crafting it. You should be able to dictate how you think a game should go, and the things you want to do. Dont react, be proactive. Work your strategy, and trust your strategy, thats the only way to improve it
@syomanikitayev5411 11 месяцев назад
I would suggest joining mid lane school under coach Curtis. And watch his podcast “broken by concept” . He will teach u everything I need to know to climb, after that it’s on u
@GurudaGuruda 10 месяцев назад
This is the first I've seen of your channel good luck in bronze I'm also stuck here Hopefully I can use some of your videos to climb or just see smaller mistakes I might unknowingly make
@woodsy.2977 10 месяцев назад
This is so refreshing to see. The problem about low elo is the constant bickering between teammates saying they’re holding each other back. Which gives everyone a massive ego, thinking they’re better. In low elo it’s far easier to pick an impactful champ that can solo win you games. Split pushers like illaoi, yorick, fiora. Learn the fundamentals and start solo carrying. Good luck with your climb brother, I’ve been one tricking lee sin for a while and made it to diamond from iron 2. It’s possible to get out.
@Wunde 11 месяцев назад
Rule n°1 don't play any champion you see in LCS or world, if you are bronze
@hxrl5838 11 месяцев назад
@Scaazlol 11 месяцев назад
there literally was Garen in worlds
@roozy10 11 месяцев назад
@@Scaazlolnobody is acknowledging this and it’s PISSING ME OFF
@sekeaked1673 10 месяцев назад
hes right@@hxrl5838
@jasoncookie5456 10 месяцев назад
great steps should help alot if you stick to them my recommendation is make sure that you are having fun playing its hard to keep mental if you arent having fun playing so if you ever reach a point where the game stops being fun its fine to step a way for a week or two. Also its good that you already found a champ you really like. probably the only reason I can play and have fun is because I like my main so much otherwise I would have quit long ago.
@geochris2779 11 месяцев назад
what really helped me when i was at your rank is i was not focused enough, close down your music and full focus in the game, league at its core is a strategic game
@ericthune147 10 месяцев назад
So i was in your exact same position for the last two seasons then i jumped from bronze to gold, so i mean heres some tips that helped me a lot (I’m a top laner btw) 1.) I started to play champs that are strong in all parts of the game (Aatrox, Garen) or champs that scale really hard (Illaoi, Sion). Low elo games TEND to go long so i havent found a whole lot of success in early game snowball champs 2.) I lowered my champ pool to like 4-5 champs that did different things depending on what the comp needs, in ranked people tend to not give af about teamplay so if ur team needs a tank, or cc, or late game insurance, ive learned to take that responsibility and win more games 3.) i learned ab items, and i dont build the same things everygame. But overall just give it time, i didnt watch vod reviews or anything like that i was just patient and i got there 😊 You’ll get out its just a painful process to be completely honest.
@ericthune147 10 месяцев назад
oh and on the topic of mental… going back to what champs i play, its hard for me to get mad at the game when im 0/11 on sion and destroying all their towers and winning the game. I play stuff where KD and unlucky mistakes dont prevent me from winning
@King_Gatorade 10 месяцев назад
I recently got out of bronze into gold and have done it twice in a row - still learning but it was a couple things for me: 1. Always show up to dragon and follow your lane (if you don't then you probably are going to lose if the enemy team has any brains) 2. CS better; its the only guaranteed thing you can have every game to get ahead. 3. Ward and Pink Ward; you shouldn't be getting ganked every game ... if you are then it wasn't enough wards. 4. ROAM; chances are you have someone feeding in one of your lanes ... and you can help to change that. (All it takes is one tilted person on the enemy team to flip your game) 5. Champ knowledge; this comes with time and with playing champs but you need to know power spikes and counter picks. (sometimes you aren't the main character during lane and thats okay)
@daichicreatives 11 месяцев назад
SO refreshing to see this kind of POV, not another "WATCH ME DESTROY EVERYONE IN MY ELO ON THIS SMURF ACCOUNT"
@trzcinekpl3776 11 месяцев назад
yeah these channels dont really teach you stuff UNLESS they explain stuff that theyre doing - challenger games are so perfect you cannot spot the outstanding decisions because those games are full of them from both teams or theyre vod reviewing lower elos and explaining mistakes, good plays, better plays, excellent plays, potential best play - you get it.
@Daniel-zp3gg 10 месяцев назад
I get constant 3 honors per game in my games because I help teammates. A big diff between bronze and dia is map awareness and knowing when to farm and when to help team
@Spatzable55 10 месяцев назад
I think you got a lot of the main things down here that will make you climb. One last thing I want to add is to not play to win, but play to learn. So always be limit testing in situations you haven't encountered before. Also ask yourself if you did the best thing in your situation and do your best not to care about your team's mistakes. Good luck!
@ollowainhd5531 10 месяцев назад
as soon as i started to play to learn instead of playing to win is also where the game started to expotentially make more fun for me. very good advice!
@ollowainhd5531 10 месяцев назад
also this counts for many games that might not even be competitive. I recommend trying this out in games like e.g. dark souls.. If you play dark souls the way 'i want to beat x boss' then you will propably not beat that boss. You'll die
@Viridian084 11 месяцев назад
The moment I saw "VOD review" I knew that you actually understand that there are tools for improving at League. I've been playing for ~3 years, started in Iron, climbed to Emerald this season, and I attribute all my success to me watching my replays. (Also, I love the Dr.Phil M&M keepin' him alive is always a W)
@TheBiscuit532 10 месяцев назад
Question, when you started looking at your replays what were you looking for? I often check mine but im not seeing growth :(
@shadowllght 11 месяцев назад
Honestly the 2 best advice I can give is mental and game knowledge. I am by no means a high elo player (EUW Emerald) but still think this holds some truth. 1. As you already mentioned, mental is very important and it's best to just focus on your own performance. Sometimes you'll get unlucky and have teams that go in like 0/30, everybody is gonna have those games once in a while but since you can't control every inch of your teammates performance so just focus on yourself and you'll eventually climb if you at least always go even on lane. 2. What I mean with game knowledge is, do you know what every champion does in the game? (I dont perfectly know it either but for like 90% of the champs that are played) Do you know why people buy certain items and what they exist for? Do you adapt your build depending on your game and think about what you should be building? Do you adapt your runes depending on the matchup (i.e more snowball oriented, more sustain oriented, or even different keystones if your champ allows it). Do I know where the jungler is right now? When is the next objective coming up? etc. etc. In general, do you think about what you should be doing according to the information you are given in the game. I think everyone knows about the basic item passives like anti-heal and Zhonyas, but most items have other important passives too that many people don't know about. For example, you might want to consider building void staff early on akali if you see the enemies are building a lot of magic resist, else I don't think this is really an item you build too often on her before 4th/5th item. Hope this helps, some are saying don't play akali but honestly anything will work if you're dedicated enough to it. For the same way you think about items, think when you can engage on lane matchups, if they use/miss their key abilities it is free damage for you to engage on. Likewise keep distance if your abilities are down and theirs aren't.
@jasonescobar1828 10 месяцев назад
Another tip for climbing is to play in a set amount of games, taking a break, then coming back again. For example play 3 games in 1 session, and stick to it so you don't rage queue or greed queue.
@catopotato3330 11 месяцев назад
i was there in iron a year ago. I am playing on a low 40 fps pc and made it to plat, almost emerald in a year as i previously said. if i made it then you can make it as well
@BigBoiAlpha 11 месяцев назад
my favorite coaching channel for mid lane has got to be coach curtis. best advice for any mid laners looking to climb bar none. i think if vod reviewing helps your mental and keeps you focused then go for it. you can only get better from here dude. i’ve been playing league for nearly 10 years, and i used to be in the same spot. i watched so many videos to learn and improve my game knowledge that it’s second nature. i’m almost at diamond this season for the first time ever, you got this my man
@dazeen9591 10 месяцев назад
I don't suck. My teammates suck. Only reason I'm stuck in low elo is because my teammates are complete brainlets and go 0/10 every game.
@LeylzYT 10 месяцев назад
My coach said to review early game before any other point because nothing happens until you play early game out, then think of the waves and where you want them to be, take trades based on the wave and instead of looking for kills look to pressure them off wave using hp advantage instead of coinflipping a kill.
@GavinDaGrey 11 месяцев назад
Also, the easiest advice that I can give you to climb out of bronze that will 100% work and requires no thinking whatsoever. Prioritize getting/not missing CS and main one/two champions and learn them well. Those two things along make it kind of hard to be stuck in that elo.
@nhovi9656 10 месяцев назад
I started playing league in at the end of s11 and made it to bronze as an adc. I know how it’s like man. Honestly just spamming games on 1 champ I like helped me climb (mine was jhin) and I had a couple of backups to play. I’ve now plateaued in platinum this season and can’t seem to make it out either. Best of luck to you for your journey man 🤘
@griffin_kith6214 10 месяцев назад
one thing that i never see talked about is that league uses a system that looks over all your stats at every time in the game and compares it to the stats at those same times through all ranks, this is one way it helps to understand where should rank as a solo player even if you aren't winning a lot or carrying, if you can replicate high elo gameplay correctly in whatever rank you're at the system will detect this and try to get you into games that statistically you should win and the enemy should lose, however if you lose those games your mmr tanks but if you can win streak on a fresh account while properly playing you will climb very quick, theres a reason high elo players can get to diamond - low masters in under 100 games on a fresh account.
@mattbell888 10 месяцев назад
Stuff that helped me: 1) getting kills is not an objective. Dont play to get kills. Kills dont win the game. Destroying the nexus wins the game. And the best way to do that is to be strong enough to just kill towers while your opponents look on in horror and are forced to walk into you in a straight line to try and stop you. You get stronger by farming and getting objectives. Focus on those things, and only kill opponents if they get in your way of doing those things. 2) the law of the fast and slow push. If the minions are fighting on your half of the lane, only last hit. Do not touch minions other than last hitting. Maximize the time you are cs'ing close to your tower. If the minion wave is fighting near the enemy tower AND its not pushing to you, hit minions like a mad lad. Minimize the time you are cs'ing close to enemy tower. 3) Do your chores. You want to group to teamfight? Push your wave, ideally crash it into enemy tower. You want to invade? Push your wave. You want to put vision down? Push. Recall for item? Push. This is true from minute one to the end of the game. Imagine you want to teamfight, and after the objective, what happens? If you win and your wave is at enemy tower, congrats, you get a second free objective while they respawn. If you lose, your enemy has to push the wave alllll the way back from their tower to yours, giving you time to respawn and defend. Walk into unwarded river with no enemies in vision with objective up? Fuck that, push mid. Youll draw them out of whatever dumb bush cheese they were trying.
@XxEvilghostxX1 10 месяцев назад
You have the right mindset. I only really played one ranked season, during season 10 and even though I had won 8/10 games, I was put in Iron I. I played here and there until I hit silver IV and got stuck. So I decided I would pick 1 champ and play the shit out of it. I really liked Warwick so I looked at the best warwick players on youtube and jungle VODs on youtube and I mostly played warwick on the 700 ranked games I played, eventually hitting Gold 3. And by playing these games, I learned a lot about jungle pathing, tempo, rotations, objective control and what not and *these* are the skills that make you win as a jungler. Micro will take you to Bronze and Silver, but you will have to learn macro if you want to get out of Gold. And once you've got good macro, it doesn't matter what champ you play, you will have the advantage 80% of the time, because your matchup probably has no idea what to do.
@whyeumadbro 11 месяцев назад
YOO I’m in the same boat. But my problem is this: - support main - I gotta be playing damage supports to be able to carry my braindead bronze teams (I play lux & Morgana with huge successes). I play nautilus when we need a tank engage - there have been soo many games that I’ve gotten S rank but because I’m support itemisation I still don’t have enough to hyper carry my team. - my game sense and understanding is objective better than the bronze standard but because I’m support, I can’t really do anything if my braindead adc ignores my pings and ints 10 seconds later to a jng gank that I saw coming. And I can’t force objectives if my jng doesn’t listen - I’m GOATED warder, maybe even too much sometimes so that’s not problem - but I’m STILL stuck. I need help.
@sekeaked1673 10 месяцев назад
its over if uplay most braindead sup and cant climb but still think ur good
@wybe211 11 месяцев назад
How can I win when I have an afk top lane, 0/10 mid, flaming bot and the enemy is perma invading my jungle,😭
@sxerpz 11 месяцев назад
Brotha that game is a loss but if I know one thing it’s to q up again as the great do anal has taught us
@kiwi4051 10 месяцев назад
I would definitely recommend learning to play Alkali's counters. By learning to play her counters youll be able to identify mistakes you might be making in lane without realizing it. I would also recommend watching videos designed for beginners as sometimes they go over information that might've been missed early on in your learning process
@hhh-kn5yn 10 месяцев назад
also hardstuck bronze here, you have a new sub and companion for this journey, we are gonna make it my friend
@fedguerra8046 8 месяцев назад
aeee i fking love what ur doing here and i believe i am just like u
@cloutgod2888 10 месяцев назад
i was silver last szn, started playing hecarim a carry champ whereas before it was only gragas if i wanted to carry and tank champs like rammus, amumu, or zac, wit occasional offmeta shen jng, but yeah started playing like kindred, graves, and hec, and just became mvp of all my games, i learned how to path and clear as a silver, but my knowledge grew, I'd say as a jng, knowing whos spiking at wat lvls is key and watching lanes while clearing, sometimes drop camps to help a lane and counter gank, counterganking has helped sm bc some champs counter kindred or hec, if yk the kayn is starting raps and clearing down, sometimes match him and wait for him to gank, but dont waste time, and u can most times kill on the cntr gank and get a lead, so even tho their champ counters u have lead, and drop ego, drop ego every game, even if u are carry/mvp, its a team game, use ur team, some champs counter, even wit lead, their champ still holds their own, as long as its a smart jng or player and they are farming alr. I'm currently plat 3, i havent been playing bc i live in a dead zone and my internet makes me disconnect and idk this month its been really bad so im just waiting bc some weeks my internet is solid so on my offtime i'll hop on, no matter how strong of internet i have (500 mgb on download or upload, one of the two, think upload is 50mgbs, idk, idc) its just the signal, not enough towers in my neighborhood, again idk, but yeah just watch lanes, and know, which lane should win off matchups, darius vs ilo, ok darius beats her lvl 1, lvl 2 she holds her own, cant all in him unless shes poking him down, post lvl 6, unless shes shit she should win as long as her cs is alr and hasnt died more than 2 times, bot, thresh ezreal for ex or draven wit thresh, thresh lvl 2 should almost always flash all in, unless bad, gold and lower i dont expect him too bc i almost never saw it in gold, i just learned matchups bc i played adc to gold, but jng has always been my most natural role, top is easiest to me, just beat my laner, i used to gragas or cho so basically just outfarm and outscale enemy and ward and if ur a laner, try to help my warding and remember enemy jng pathing, if u can locate and no wat camps r spawning, u should know where enemy jnger is at all times, and that alone can win the game, by not allowing them to gank, so i wouldnt say try other roles bc i literally first timed adc and spammed zeri and nilah to gold, i just counter picked and played for lvl 6, id say adc is my least fav role, and the reason why im back in jng and never wanting to touch adc until i hit diamond or some bc its fully, who has better sup, my sups all in and die, then cry and roam, but wit nilah and zeri u can mng a 2v1 bc they just scale hard, but yeah, know matchups, look at map 24/7, ward, locate enemy jng, remember their pathing, play as a team, and drop ego, respect flash all ins, dont know if they have flash, respect it, space, space, space and just play ur best champ even if its a counter, i play hec into viego, and a good one will counter me and just not die till 2nd item or just farm and counter gank bc lvl 1-4 i can beat him, anytime past lvl 6, if he has same items and i misplay, he can win, lvl 18 vs lvl 18 full build, he wins if he lands a single W, so again jus play ur champ and do ur best to farm cs, group as soon as possible, and ping, watch vids on ur champ if u really want to climb, watch the best ahri or best vlad and see why theyre the best or top 100 in the world and why ur top 50-70k in the world, learn ur champ, and learn the proper playstyle
@cloutgod2888 10 месяцев назад
i also gank losing lanes, unless the laner im fighting wit ik can do dmg or the enemy laner is less than half health bc more than likely theyre fed and will 2v1 bc item powerspike diff, let him farm and make ur teamate play under tower, eventually mid or sup should roam and 3v1, or again u can get him when less than half health and get shutdown gold, so as hec, if my bot is losing and begging for ganks, unless theyre half health i dont go bc, id have to 100 to 0 two health bars, same with other lanes bc my teamate is down on items, doing no dmg, 2. they prolly have all sums up from minute 1 so exhaust, flash, heal, just wastes time and u need to playoff tempo, win ur jng, get objs and help where u can, if u know ur laner can 100 to 0 by themselves, help out, burn enemy's flash and ward a gank blindspot for them so they dont giveup shutdown to enemy jng and you will climb, play around who is ur teams carry, when im not the carry/mvp im usually the glue, the one where if im not at team fight they all die, or the one that has to cleanup, and make sure ur team doesnt force fights wit no objs up, i think of ranked as an lcs/pro game, so low deaths, low kills, why r we 5v5ing in mid for no objs, drag is down, barron hasnt spawned, no rzn to fight, tell ur team to farm and make sure they dont get picekd off, if u think ur carry is out of position or the enemy team is going to 5 man collapse on them, hover them, be in the area and again counter the enemy gank, u need to be thinking at all times, where should i be, where is the enemy, 3 lanes, 0 vision on enemy, whos out of position, do i let them die? can we 2v4 do we have sums or ults, do they have more items than us, how can my abilities win us this fight, should i hold my e (as hec) until asol w's (his fly) u learn these questions and details the more u play, each game u should have more new questions and more new answers, u dont end the game and say gg and jus move on, u reflect and realize i played well or didnt how could i have played better and when, and realize, now ik, draven and naut lvl 2, i should be there maybe, or not, learn matchups and realize where the strength/ win con in ur team is
@cloutgod2888 10 месяцев назад
also i never vod review but u can if u want
@psykotik142 10 месяцев назад
good luck mate
@wadewilson8686 7 месяцев назад
I'm in the same boat but I'm hardstuck high silver and so close to my goal to Gold IV but everytime I get closer I just get put back in Silver 2- Silver 3.
@arich6395 11 месяцев назад
Honestly you'll probably make it no matter what exact route you take of improvement with the attitude and plan you set out, I bounce around the low elos but I hit gold when i take the game seriously at all, I have 3 suggestions: 1. CONSISTENCY IS KEY (having farm and objective lead win games, get good at securing gold/xp leads before the kills!). 2. CREATING ADVANTAGE is what got me from B1 to G2 for the first time in about 1-2 months. My specific example of what I mean by creating advantage is I mained Nocturne (top mostly at that time) and I've found that ulting with Noc creates 6 seconds of panic for all enemies usually, regardless of if theres any possibility I'm going for them. So I had my 4 teammates in a slightly better position to succeed than the enemy multiple times every game. I was making a win condition just by pressed R, so I would roam when I had a chance or just create pressure in lane when I didn't. The simpler the advantage the better, like if you main gangplank you will find many teammates who don't know how to synergize with you, but fiddle or annie have easier kits to play off of. Harder champs will take more time to improve this obviously. (I'm currently trying to get my teemo main acc from silver 2 to emerald if i can!) 3. LEARN WHAT'S OP, in general or at the time and what matchups are good/bad. Watching Korean or highest elo content creators and keeping up to date with patch notes are good way to get information, usually the highest elo player of a champ is the best source and some champs are updated frequently and the info is good. This is generally the biggest form of game knowledge you can win games with or begin crafting "ways to play" like what build or runes to go for, and what objectives give you biggest advantages.
@blazeblitzx988 10 месяцев назад
Got yourself a new sub, Im currently in gold I know the pain being stuck but you got this man
@ndcsamus8704 10 месяцев назад
1. Dying loses games, you can have 22 kills but if you have 8 deaths you are off map for too long and you give out bounties. If you don't see someone on the map assume they are coming to kill you 2. Minions and towers are how games are won and lost. During the mid game when you aren't sure what to be doing (no objects up or any big fights) if a wave is coming into your tower go kill it then regroup with team. This keeps your xp and gold up and prevents minions from chipping your towers.
@Forgetfulkami 10 месяцев назад
A tip I would recommend is to think of the game as a series of decisions, Make all your actions as efficient as possible. The way you do that is thinking of a situation before it happens, look at the possibility for a gank or escapes if it goes bad, which items to hit them with. just taking that extra second makes you more prepared during the fight and grant you a better chance at winning it Bonus fps tip: If you are ever killing multiple people, you will get caught up in the panic and mayhem which will make your aim worse the more you kill. After every kill do a little aim reset to bring you back into a position where you can hit your target. If you see pros in cs2 shake their mouse after every kill its them resetting their aim
@TheLastAatroxMain 10 месяцев назад
Can you tell my emerald teamates this 😂
@yamiraguero5541 11 месяцев назад
Step 0 why the hell are you using locked cam.
@sxerpz 11 месяцев назад
not locked just pressing space
@platonasyep6392 10 месяцев назад
How to Improve for Ranked Soloq. 1) Play 1 role and 1 champion maximum 2 champions. 2) Play A LOT of Ranked and don't be afraid to play soloq. 3) Focus on honing your mechanics to a decent level. Without a solid foundation of mechanics, you will never understand how high elo players think in the first place anyways. 4) Focus on laning phase. Improving your laning phase is 80% of the bigger picture in soloq. With an unstoppable laning phase, everything else in the game becomes easier. 5) Watch some streamers and pay attention to their wave states. When do they fast push, when do they slow push, when do they roam, when do they base, when do they get that extra plate, when do they not get the extra plate and go to base instead. As an ex Challenger Player for several years, I would say these are the steps you should take as a beginner to improve :)
@xerocrates 10 месяцев назад
I suppose this advice may be a bit hard to share, since I was never hardstuck in a rank. I've always reached a rank where I felt was a good stopping point, then practiced fundamentals or combos on my champions. Then, once I felt I was destroying higher skilled players in draft, I'd return to ranked to see how my talent scales. Biggest improvements I saw was when I began controlling waves better, CSing better, and looking at the map more. Everything else slowly pulls together from those things.
@larracis 11 месяцев назад
Im the same with champ mastery. Can really hold my own with 1 or 2 champs. But then after awhile i get bored with those two and start playing off meta champs in mid trying to find a fun champ.
@Joe52090 11 месяцев назад
Come join us in coach Curtis’ below plat program! Mid Lane School
@kevstermaister 11 месяцев назад
my brother, i am hardstuck emerald 2 and i suck, to get good at this game is a long progress. Rome wasnt built over one night you feel me?
@sxerpz 11 месяцев назад
Oh fasho I just come from a fps background where improvement was way faster lol
@nikolaspanayiotou7023 10 месяцев назад
Hey I am a masters jungle main I would love to do a free coach session with you if you want. I dont want any money just would love to train my coaching. I trained a friend of mine who was gold for 10 years and he went to d4 after 2 trainings but thats my only experience (that was before emerald)
@Ahridot 10 месяцев назад
i have over 1200 games in bronze just this year :)
@getjinxed7231 11 месяцев назад
(Retired diamond player, currently emerald 3 but playing very rarely)Rewatch worlds and keep track of the movements of the players. And their rotations. From the video you don't have bad mechanics but getter a better grasp of the limits of the champion and some of the combos. For akali there are plenty specifically. I really liked the E- zonya while flying one (stupid tbh, but sometimes the enemy team throws everything at you and does not expect a golden akali to arrive).
@nym5qu17 11 месяцев назад
What I've learned having played since s3: •consistency >outcome •killing people is not one of the goals of the game (it screws tempo, don't chase for more than 6 or 7 seconds)(I:E only TRY to kill someone if you know they are out of line) •wave management is 90% of this game •mental is the other 90%
@pocky1404 11 месяцев назад
My popcorn and I are ready for the journey! lol
@stoonookw 10 месяцев назад
I am in diamond 2. Def love seeing this. You give me hope for my own channel :)
@ironbonesunlimited 10 месяцев назад
If you’re playing akali I recommend learning the R-E-E combo. You can spice it up in different ways, like going QREEWQ, but R-E-E should be your default kill combo
@scott8934 10 месяцев назад
I play Akali / Zed / Katarina between those 3 they all have this similar play style being assassins. The macro is similar between all of them. Finding a lot of success with them. Started a few years ago place first season gold and now I’m almost emerald. Biggest help for me was watching really good players and emulating their combos and roam timing. XiaoHan is a really good Akali player if you’re trying to learn new combos. Good luck!
@spinach1940 11 месяцев назад
As someone when went from stuck gold to masters in around a month my biggest tip is to just think about what you are doing and why you are doing it. Hitting a wave? Why are you doing it what is the goal of making that action. Make a bad play? Find the mistake and fix it.
@Crazd22 10 месяцев назад
What helped me climb was trying League of Legends Wild Rift. I came back to the desktop game after playing it and was astonished at how much the mobile version had honed my awareness.
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