If it is, I think that a simple metal detector will find it. If you want to destroy it, you just have to jam it with a strong magnetic field. You can build it by yourself, with an old disposable camera, take off the flash, and weld a coil to the two pins... Then, take a pics ;) (let the cam charge, then take it with coil, in front of the implant). Have fun.
airodump always will swallow the wave.... i know that when i use this teqnuique they were say ohm it get discconected ! ans someone loud by halucinaton to my mind why i do that !! how it get disconnected .. !! they get confused ... بدي الف شخص يشتغل بالكالي ويشوش عاي موجة وايرليس غير مرخصة ولو كانت قناة سلبية ... ومفتوحة والها ماك ادريس ..