
In Defense of Miquella | Not a Rehash of Marika 

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@ShardofWant 2 месяца назад
Thollier is a man, he is referred to as such by Moore as well as his talismans
@briannenurse4640 2 месяца назад
Honestly that's what's so heartbreaking about it all. If you allow Miquella to sacrifice himself and become a caged divinity, he would likely legitimately bring about a beautiful age. However, it would eventually sour, as all ages do, and he'd be just as trapped in his own failings as Marika is in hers. He'd be just as much a puppet to the new order as Marika is to the Greater Will. Miquella could usher in a truly transcendent age for the Lands Between, but would lose himself completely in the process. That's why St. Trina begs you to kill him. He doesn't know what he's signed up for, a thousand years without himself, without love, without connection, without choice. Worse than death. He doesn't deserve that. I don't think she thinks he'll be corrupted by the power, but rather that by stripping himself of all that he was, he's already corrupted, and his existence will be lacking for it. I think she truly is concerned for him and his wellbeing, not the realm. She doesn't want him to suffer more than he already has.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@briannenurse4640 Yeah but how does she know Miquella will fail like her mother? If anything, all his intentions were to fix the mistakes his mother made. So that "All will flourish whether graceful or malign" Trina wants to protect Miquella by saying "kill the poor thing" grant him forgiveness while she doesn't realize we might also be killing the lands between's only chance for salvation
@briannenurse4640 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 Elden Ring is all about cycles and patterns though, right? I feel like a big point of the game is in showing the folly of Marika AND Miquella's line of thinking. By preferencing one particular aspect of reality over others, they maintain the fundamental imbalance that is the cause of all the struggle and suffering. Edit to add: Marika attempted to remove death from the world and her order became overrun with it. If Miquella attempts to remove cruelty from the world, his order will become overrun with it.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@briannenurse4640 To that I'd say, we need to do 'something' about the state of this world. If Miquella doesn't take the throne, someone else will. The power vacuum will be filled by Ranni or some other tarnished whether you like it or not. Miquella IS still the best hope Lands between has. St Trina, regardless of how much she loves Miquella or understands him, killing him is not the answer. By that logic, I'd ask to St Trina, 'Now what?' Who will take the throne? Ranni? We? As good intentioned as St Trina might have, she is holding a naive and frankly arrogant position. How do you know what sort of a reign Miquella will have without giving him an actual chance. As I alluded to earlier, Miquella doesn't strip away all cruelty. He is not doing the same mistakes her mother marika did. As evident by Hornsent's pre and post charm dialogue, he 'curbs' people's cruelty, not eradicate them entirely. There is a huge different between curbing and completely suppressing. Because everything I've seen Miquella envisions for this realm is better than any other half baked ending we've gotten as Marika's consort or Ranni's. Elden Ring might be all about the 'cycles' but with the right approach, you can break said cycles. That's exactly what the golden child Miquella was attempting to do.
@briannenurse4640 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 I don't disagree with you. I just think St. Trina is more concerned for Miquella himself than about the age he'd bring. She's part of him, and his love, after all. That's likely why he had to divest himself of her in the first place, because she wouldn't let him go any other way. I'm not arguing that she's right, just that I think her reasoning is more about literally being his love and loving him and wanting what's best for him than about worrying about what kind of age he'd bring or whether he'd be corrupted by power. Edit: Regarding why I think his age will fail too: because all ages do. The cycles of history show that. The cracks will form in his age just as surely as they did in Marika's and the age before hers and the one before that and so on. Edit 2: Regarding a naive outlook, it does make sense since she's part of Miquella and they're cursed by eternal youth. I think both of them have relatively naive perspectives in their own ways.
@coldrage20t8 2 месяца назад
Am age where you have everything stripped from you? Where you can no resist his will. Yeah he wouldn't make a wonderful age. It's an age of nightmare that would have no end till he lost it and th cycle started again.
@jeremiahwilson8104 Месяц назад
I have to say seeing someone bat in defense of Miquella is refreshing. I think overall the fandom has had a very surface-level understanding of Miquella and his intentions. You know the saying about the road to hell being paved with good intentions and all that. The biggest issue with his potential reign is that he ended up discarding the most integral parts of himself which is what made him who he was. St. Trina saw this and realized that ultimately he was unknowingly doing the same thing his mother did. Not only was he falling into the same cycle but he would ultimately suffer fate as her. She begs us to kill him and in extension herself since he had already reached the point of no return. The fact that she does so out of love is so heartbreaking and both selfish and selfless at the same time. Her feelings seem very complex when you look at the whole picture. I would also like to note that an interesting fact is that Miquella's mind control doesn't change who a person is it seems like more than anything they seem to be a better version of themselves. Miquella had the right idea but ultimately failed by trying to change who he was.
@Macynlace 2 месяца назад
This is an amazing and actually fair assessment of miquella , which ive been fairly disappointed with since the release of the game in terms of fan analysis . So many rushing to conclusions and accusing miquella of literally being behind everything and charming every single character because he's just evil and awful from the beginning . Youre one of the very few ive seen actually looking at what the story is trying to say. I hope once time goes on people can reevaluate the story and Miquella more and actually understand his motives .
@TheMidnightVendetta 2 месяца назад
I appreciate this analysis! Crazy it seems that people have been quick to demonize Miquella with little nuance - I don’t think he’s actions would lead to the best outcome for everyone, but it is still a positive goal he is working toward. There is validity in the idea that the means don’t always justify the ends, but the ends do need to be taken into account. There’s all out genocides, war and more in the world as it is- god or not Miquella is still a child of fhe lands between, a world already affected by the negative aspects of outer gods. He used the tools he had, his goal was imo unarguably just and kind, even if the outcome wouldn’t have been so. I think the cycles are going to continue regardless, and the only changes that continue are the cultural growth, and Miquella definitely left the world a better, more kind place.
@oogwaytheotakuclips4370 2 месяца назад
Wait isn't thiolier a he
@briannenurse4640 2 месяца назад
Yeah, but he wears a distinctly feminine mask, so I can understand where the mix-up occurred. I definitely thought that character was female up until the DLC dropped.
@KingofAwesomness14 Месяц назад
its funny how people think Miq's age is the worst. But remember something, remember how Milicent's sisters want to kill her for some unknown reason. Imagine how Miq's ability would calm them down and get them to love their sister. Or how Leda needed that ability to not be crazy. Also i find it dumb that Ansbach, despite being an admittely cool npc and one that players should be able to align with, says for the "Age of men" but actively served a demigod that wasn't human at all. So, are you about just humans or do omens get a say in anything or what? See what i mean, I'm not saying Miq is perfect. He ain't, but he surely isn't just "Marikia 2.0" and could have done some good. I agree that he should be a boss fight but people should get the ability to give his age a chance. like the other endings. Also thank you for this video. much needed and thanks for being up to bat for what could have been a cooler character given the chances.
@Avocado_san Месяц назад
Yees finally Miquella defense squad is here! I'm going crazy with the ER community's view on his character. Great video!
@lemon_boi305 2 месяца назад
i think another thing people forget is that miquella's "ending", him charming us, puts us in the shoes of just about everyone else when we become elden lord, we make the choice about the future order by ourselves and they're forced to live with what we think is best. miquella's age of compassion is no less valid than any of the other endings. the subject of free will is what muddies miquella's ending more than anything since people are naturally opposed to losing whatever perceived free will they have despite every other ending doing the same thing. look at ranni's ending a lot of people take cutting off the outer gods influence as a good thing but what about those that praise those same outer gods, like the children of rot or the mohgwyn dynasty? isn't that doing the same thing to them, taking away their ability to choose whether or not they want to serve those outer gods?
@zaphael7238 2 месяца назад
It’s why I like GoldMask’s ending, it does not upend nor erase what is but brings about the end of lies. It acknowledges the fact that Marika and Radagon are not perfect nor were they ever and tries to bring about a perfect relation between all things. It does not mind control the populace, it does not radically change the way the way the world functions but strips away the lies of the old order with truth. It is also the only ending where gold does not fade, nor do leaves fall. I love the fact that he is simply trying to seek truth, he isn’t scheming for power, he unlike any of the demigods has not thrown the world into chaos for their own whims and ideals.
@moresomoze 2 месяца назад
​@@zaphael7238gold mask worships the fundamentalist order, the status quo. There are many characters that are completely jaded with the status quo. Someone gets left out of fulfillment no matter which ending you choose. I think that's the point.
@lemon_boi305 Месяц назад
i forget, is the maliketh destined death questline before or after the mohg fight? there's something that's been bothering me but my memory might just be bad
@the-hermit-arcana Месяц назад
You're exactly right. No matter what, someone is exerting their will over everyone else.
@the-hermit-arcana Месяц назад
@@zaphael7238 That ending is also my favorite, but remember the Golden Order itself came about because of the Erdtree conquest, at the expense of nearly everyone else.
@Zythryl 2 месяца назад
Great analysis and reading of the DLC. Before I continue, let me tell you that I don’t think you are *wrong* in, any sense, really. But I can’t agree with it, still, sadly. Miquella’s description of his own age of compassion, in dialogue and text both kept and cut, reads to me as a kind of compassion that still requires love. Compassion is empathy, empathy is love. If none of the words were changed in all the DLC except replacing “compassion” with “love”, I find that there would be no difference. This video assured me, too, that there isn’t a difference between my reading of Miquella’s vision, or your reading of his vision. If his age were to come about, yeah, it probably would lead to salvation. You have also convinced me that, fine, sure, there is no explicit evidence that Miquella must force-charm all people to allow his age to work. I still believe it’s implied that he would use it, on at least a few people. I still find that *our inability to control our character* upon our charming *is* the implication of the threat against our character’s free will. It’s a game mechanic, but it’s not made purely as an alternative fail state. I cannot see it as such. That’s fine, we disagree there, it doesn’t stop Miquella’s vision from being true. But what *does* stop this vision, from my understanding, is the actual in-game big deal that’s made out of his literal abandonment of his love. Trina isn’t just his love for those he finds special, it’s not just his sexual love if he had any, it’s also his empathy. As I said, his age of compassion *apparently* requires love to be true to itself. If it’s compassion for all, literally not a single being going ignored, then sorry but Miquella *would* have to do something to at least imply he isn’t just forgoing the souls of specific people like Mohg. But even his casting of his apparent understanding of love, I can excuse. Fine-maybe when he ascends, he simply regains some of the things he had divested himself of, or at least the “holes” he makes within himself are re-filled with a new divine understanding of what was there before. Maybe it’s a “new” love, a “new” compassion. I do not, I really *cannot* accept that his new form regains the *same* love he had before, but it can be something different that still solves his divested parts. Alright. My real question though, is if Miyazaki wanted us to come away with the idea that Miquella’s vision is acceptable for the narrative of the Lands Between, then why isn’t there the chance for the age of compassion to be a possible ending? It’s easy to assume “well, game mechanics, you’re not repairing the Ring immediately after Miquella’s defeat, and besides, the DLC needs a final boss.” Right-but why do we not even receive a new Mending Rune? Well, because it’s a *new* Order, like Ranni’s, and it’s like the Frenzied ending, where it simply deletes the current Order, without/instead of adding anything new. Mending Runes are what we use to repair and alter the Elden Ring, affecting and extending the *current* order. As such, the age of compassion, being outside of the Elden Ring, cannot manifest as a Mending Rune. Fine and well-we even know what would be the Ring’s replacement: the Circlet of Light. Okay, it can’t be a mending rune-what else could it be? Well, frankly, since From has total direction, they could have chosen another fade-to-black cutscene made possible at the end of the Radabeast fight, like how we summon Ranni. We could see, maybe, we summon Miquella, and he brings us out of the Erdtree and into the Shadowlands, where we maybe see the cutscene at the end of the first trailer, his golden light and hand showing us a change in the Scadutree. The beginning of his new Order, with a new Lord, and us as a sort of royal knight. But we don’t get that option, despite it being a creative possibility. What’s that about? Why don’t we have access to an actually positive interaction with Miquella, like that scene at the end of the trailer? Why the fuck did Miyazaki show us that, then choose to have it not actually be a possibility? Well, aside from because he wanted to make me angry, and aside from “well time constraints, planning, money, maybe it’s just not a real possibility mechanically”-which I won’t grant merit *because* it’s From-then I’m left with the idea that we *intentionally* can’t choose Miquella’s vision as a future possibility. The point of our Tarnished character is *not* to be a representative of the current Order. If it were purely that, we wouldn’t have Ranni and Frenzy as possible endings-not to mention the most cinematic endings. The point of our character is to choose/guide the Lands to a new future. The future can be anything-it can repair the normal world, and keep it normal, while altering specific parts of it for better (or worse). Or, the future can involve a complete and total transformation of life (Ranni’s ending-literally removing emotions from those who live, and separating body and spirit). Or, the future could involve a literal scorched earth devoid of life, a massive killing. All of these options we, as a character with choice, have. We’re guided by Marika, yes, but we explicitly do not act on her behalf. And yet, Miquella. No option for him. It baffles me that burning the world with Frenzied fire is *more valid* than bookending with Miquella’s age of compassion. Sure, Miquella walks back through the Gate as a God. What’s he gonna do if we chose to follow him-just sit and wait until we dispose of Marika? Sure, it sounds lame, but again it’s *From*. They could have come up with anything. We only have what we have right now. As such, here’s my true takeaway from your video, and these points I can’t ignore. The DLC, and even this video, have only strengthened my belief that *Goldmask’s* ending is the most ideal of all. Yes, it restores the Golden Order, which is up to this point a genocidal, murderous, shameful governing body. Who made it that way? Marika. From the start. The “god we know all too well.” She is vessel of the Ring, but was still capable of exerting extreme influence on the lands. She chose to abandon the hornsent, chose to throw away the divine bestial culture of Godfrey’s era, she chose to shatter the Ring. Goldmask’s thesis, compared to all other endings, is this: the world is great, but it has suffering. The suffering was caused by the meddling of gods who acted on behalf of the mortals they rule over, without the consent of the mortals. Let us be rid of this. We, as men, are still capable of wrongdoing, but we cannot allow gods who rule us to deny us the option of attempting true peace. Let us be rid of the decrees of gods, let us no longer be compelled to live with the consequences of choices we could never make. Remove the fly from the ointment. We do not need to transform utterly, into emotionless beings-we do not need to cast away the earth, the air, trees and nature and civilization and love. We need not burn it all away, we need not run away, either. Let a new age of reparations begin. Let the Elden Ring continue to allow our beautiful continent to flourish, but let us remove Marika’s ability to enact selfish influences and desires. Let her house the Ring so that it may thrive. Let our new mortal Lord act as the leader of men like them. A new age not of gods, but of men. It was not men who chose to forgo the Omen, the misbegotten. Men did not choose to continuously alter Death. Men did not choose to deny life to the graceless. The orders of gods did. Let us prove that we can be better. It is my opinion that we already could choose an age of compassion, through the opportunity to do it ourselves. My reading of the DLC, and reconciliation of all current endings *and* Miquella’s vision, is that we are intended to see that it *can’t* be a god who makes these decisions, because gods *will* overrule the choices of men. It simply doesn’t matter if Ranni knows best for everyone, and that removing body from soul would actually be helpful-it doesn’t matter that Miquella would bring absolute compassion, because it would mean denying the world it’s own choice. Sure, we as Lord can still choose to bring about Ranni’s ending, but I think the difference between this and Miquella is that he *doesn’t* give us a choice. Free will or not, he *will* bring about a new order against the wishes of its inhabitants, and we, as men, *should not* stand for it. This is why most people rally behind Anabach’s sentiment even while disliking Mohg’s “blood cult”-the world needs to be about men, and not gods. Long as fuck explanation for why I feel the way I do. Sorry. But, as others have said, Ontos-you’ve done exceptionally well. Because, you *aren’t* wrong. Not really. I just personally don’t see the age of compassion as a reasonable choice *because* of these other things about the game, like the lack of being able to choose compassion when another viable option is, you know, world-death. And with these wise sages (all but Gideon) realizing “wait a minute, these gods are fucking us up”. I just have to side with Goldmask. I would, as a person and not just the Tarnished, rather have the opportunity for the world to choose peace by itself, than have a divine figure make the choice for peace *for* us. I currently believe this is Elden Ring’s ultimate thesis. Your video was great, as evidenced by-well, it’s self evident-but also all the positive comments. I hope you can make a follow-up, or a part two, or something. I hope this video becomes the next big contention for the story community. Because, yeah, no matter how you look at Miquella, the way From chose to integrate him and his philosophy is pretty damn vague. Keep up the good work!
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
There is actually a strong pushback to 'the no choice at the end' from a narrative perspective. Depends on what Miyazaki wanted us to feel. Since we, as the tarnished, represent Marika's order, her 'promised lord', it is possible Miyazaki wanted to explore how it would feel like defeating one of the actual 'good forces' in this god forsaken realm. As unlike Ranni, Miquella is not interested in making 'us' the tarnished, his lord. Radahn and Miquella will go on to forge their own age. As the power-hungry tarnished we are, we slayed both of them with the allure of being Marika's consort ;)) That moral dilemma is actually an interesting one that Miyazaki keeps it open by not giving us an alternative Miquella ending. It is clear whether we ultimately align with Ranni or other endings, Miquella poses a conundrum we have to respond to. He has chosen his lord meaning he opposes our lordship directly. For Miquella, a tarnished is not good enough unlike Ranni who has found it acceptable for her intents and purposes. Miyazaki makes us think 'what would Miquella do if we allowed him his age of compassion'. That's a nice way to add complexity to a narrative. Keeps things flexible and frankly true to life. If Miquella doesn't choose the tarnished as his lord, he will fall to our blades. This also reflects the very nature of the Lands Between. After Marika has plunged these lands into chaos with the shattering, as Rykard would like to say 'Taking by force became the norm'. Thats what we did as the tarnished desiring to be elden lord. That moral dilemma of whether we actually did the right thing or not is a strength of the DLC. Something that not many DLCs are capable of exploring due to their one note structures.
@joesaiditstrue 2 месяца назад
You nailed it dude, hoping everyone in the comments section takes the time to read.
@Maakyo Месяц назад
I would question the notion that any of the endings are considered a “good” ending tbh. Not because any of them are “bad” necessarily, but because we ultimately enact an order that we as players don’t fully and truly comprehend, and because we don’t see the aftermath those endings as time moves onward. We impose our will on the world without the knowledge of what will come of that decision, just like when we make choices every day. My takeaway is that we aren’t meant to know whether or not our decisions are of any benefit to anyone beyond ourselves in the moments that we live. I respect the narrative that we must take fate into our own hands and not allow gods to be the weavers of our fate, after all they’re no better than men, but that doesn’t mean we’re any better than them necessarily. For if we place ourselves above others we are no better than the gods.
@Ontos99 Месяц назад
@@Maakyo Exactly. If "gods are no better than men" then that same logic applies in reverse engineering. "Men are no better than gods". If the ultimate conclusion boils down to "every ruler has certain flaws whether god or men", then the application of this understanding is deciding whether a ruler is just on a "case by case basis". Miquella is not treading her mother's ground. He is trying to accept the whole of what she buried and suppressed from the get go. So that "all can flourish" and we see how everyone gets so tunnel visioned and selfish without Miquella's enchantment. Miquella will also have flaws just like "men" have. But I think he was one of the rare "good forces" in this god forsaken realm that actually deserved to sit on the throne.
@the-hermit-arcana Месяц назад
Compassion actually doesn't require love as such. It requires understanding, empathy. All of these things often accompany love, and engender it, but they're not dependent on one another or exclusive. You're looking at this from a very simple and very western perspective, as well as an emotional one, which ironically proves the validity of throwing one's emotions of attachment away, it interferes with higher thinking. Miquella shedding his capacity for love reminds me of a line somewhere in A Song of Ice and Fire (written by one of the writers of Elden Ring, GRRM btw) "Love is the death of duty", meaning it would prevent him from doing what needs to be done, from his point of view. The shedding of earthly attachments in order to attain a higher state of being is a common theme in Buddhism, and being able to let go of the things that bind you your lower, Earthly existence is a holy act. Miquella is essentially becoming (becomes?) a Buddha, an ascended being of perfect gnosis that is able to act as a spiritual guide in his new age due to his lack of attachment. This probably sounds wrongheaded to us in the west but let us remember that From is Japanese, and religion in Japan primarily comes from Shinto and Buddhism. His mistake, in my view, was not shedding his love and fear and whatever else but rather in using the Greater Will's power for his own, which is what Trina warned us about. In taking the mantle of divinity, he suborns himself to the Greater Will. We know that Marika's well-intentioned age of plenty and life came to a premature and abrupt end with the establishment of the Golden Order, meaning that the GW/Elden Beast found it objectionable in some way. I think the same was probably doomed to happen to him, and I'm not sure Miquella's Unalloyed Gold alone could repel such a present force, even if he's shed all of his "golden" flesh.
@ScumMageInfa Месяц назад
Second thing i did after making a coffee was to come here and watch this. Absolutely brilliant presentation. I adore this video and the angle you approached from. Eerie asf we both used the bandaid analogy (similar enough) and path to hell is paved with good intentions 😂 I hated how long mine was, yours is nice and concise. I think ill make another one one day and just make it venemous, short, and undeniable 😂 we should make shorter and shorter forms of the same video but even more condensed and concerntrated and honed each time until we had a short sized nuke to hurl at the depraved heathens so theyll maybe actually watch the content before commenting for once 😂 10/10 video. Bravo ❤
@ImarBenIsrael 2 месяца назад
The same thing his mother probably thought and we see firsthand what became of her , her order and all under her reign 🤔
@quentinlelievre276 2 месяца назад
The world is a cycle, miquella is bound to make the same mistakes as his mother. In the words of goldmask, gods are as fickle as men
@cynreiusacari3163 Месяц назад
@@quentinlelievre276that’s only an assumption. He’s been far more tolerant than Marika in accepting success, failure, and takes accountability when things go wrong. Marika doesn’t handle it and often buries inconveniences but realizes she will never escape it.
@kreadapelu8813 2 месяца назад
I feel that the story is better if Miquella’s ability to sway hearts and minds is not under his control. That is, he does not believe there is a magic element to it but rather he believes his genius and compassion are what charms people. He is delusional to a terrifying degree because not only does he unknowingly mind control people but, he also prefers his imagination over reality. As an empyrean, and later a god, Miquella has the opportunity to subjugate reality and reshape it to fit his fantasy. He believes everyone willingly agrees with him and he cannot be convinced otherwise.
@kreadapelu8813 2 месяца назад
But I also really enjoy this video
@caseycox1002 Месяц назад
This is my favorite view of Miquella, as it paints him as both tragic, with good intent, and as a massive cursed failure.
@K8theKind 2 месяца назад
Here immediately. I’m going to leave my thoughts soon!
@lil_jay9120 2 месяца назад
Thank you for giving the game/DLC the grace (pun-intended)/nuanced analysis it so rightfully deserves, as opposed to the superficial takeaways that, unfortunately, are so prominent.
@raymondcaswell5622 2 месяца назад
We agree on many things, but the problem starts with the first "sin" and that is Marika's "hate" (Messmer). Miquella "doubled down" on the sun as you say but it doesn't mean he would accomplish his "dream." By the way I am glad you said that "dream" part. :) It's Miquella's dream but the problem is you have to assume the Hornsent would oblige. It never works out that way. The Hornsent's culture was pretty messed up. It was shrouded in hate and cruelty. Miquella thought he could fix everything, that he could do what his mother could not. Marika had the backing of the "Greater Will." Miquella had NO outer god backing him which is super important here. So he would have to manipulate everyone with his own will. Sir Ansbach: "Once, in an attempt to free Lord Mohg from his enchantment, I challenged Tender Miquella, only to have my own heart rather artfully stolen. I knew not how weak I was. I believed that with sufficient mastery, even an Empyrean would be within reach of my blade. I could not have been more mistaken… Miquella the Kind...is a monster. Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying." Miquella was a manipulator, and he manipulated Radahn also at some point. Redmane Freya: "Yes of course, I see, as the festival of war concluded, General Radahn's soul met an honorable end, but Kindly Miquella wishes to revive it? Which is fine by me. I know it would pain old Jerren but war has always suited General Radahn best. And certainly far more than any honorable death. Endless war to invigorate the soul, as befits General Radahn, the Great Lion." Radahn wasn't "compassionate" at all, he was a warrior. A General. He had a horse and a cat. Not sure that makes him compassionate. Before I forget, I'd like to point out I was 100% right on this: "Tender Miquella's eye is no mere morsel of flesh. It is a vessel of soaring grace. Proof of his Empyrean lineage." This is why in the boss fight his eye is normal. His "Empyrean" eye in the flesh had the mark, his "spirit" one did not. Ok moving on to Leda and Thollier: "Thiollier, hmm. It’s true, his devotion to St. Trina is plain to see. I fear his vows to Miquella the Kind are merely secondary. But for this very reason, Thiollier is incapable of betrayal. St. Trina’s love for Kind Miquella is boundless. She is, after all, his other half. Or perhaps her feelings go beyond even that. Even if she was left behind, I doubt her heart would waver." Thollier is a dude but we forgive you and still love you. ;) Would not someone or something's love for you that is "boundless" only want the best for you? Trina's story is just heartbreaking. I'd really like more backstory on how Trina came to be. Maybe she was in Marika and her DNA was passed on to Miquella? Oh well, we can only guess. Leda was the only real follower of Miquella, but I think even Leda had other plans: "I am sorry. For speaking to you as a compatriot. When we stood before the withered arm. By way of apology, I will reveal the marrow of my sword. Its needles, that will stitch you into death." Doesn't this sound more like a reference to Godrick the Grafted? So the game is really about "melding" into the "rebis." Creating "rebis" makes you a "god." Marika was the one true god because she was the first entity to achieve "rebis" and become a god. Miquella, a hermaphrodite, was the only one of Marika's children who could possibly take her place. The Hornsent was a cruel and twisted society. The lived in fear and sorrow, and the more you feared the closer you were to being divine (in their eyes). This begs more questions: where did the Numen come from? How did they get to the shores of the Land of Shadow? (yes I know, by boat) Who were the Black Knife Assassins and what did they have against Marika? Was it because they wanted their own god in the Eternal City? Most importantly, who was the Gloam Eye'd Queen??? I think the questions I have will be the back drop to ER 2, or maybe answer some of those. I don't really like to "assume" and there certainly are a lot of plot holes in Elden Ring. Radagon being one of the largest. He was possibly part giant, part numen, but not a god? Anyways. Oh yeah, shout out to "man, bear, pig" "Red Bear." I don't know why but I could only laugh when I saw this guy. Made me immediately think of South Park. I have a couple more bosses to fight on my second go through and I think I am done knowing no more DLC is coming. I kept trying different builds in anticipation of DLC but I think after this last go through that's it for me. It should have been Godwyn at the end of the DLC!!!!! ;) ;) Ray
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@raymondcaswell5622 Yeah I totally agree that Trina is Marika's DNA. Both are representing silver in their origins. "St trina's silver sword" along with Marika's origins Numens representing the Nox and the silver age below the ground. As to radagon's origins, Gloam eyed queens's exact timeline and how it all connects, I have solved it a few days ago and has written 60% of the script for "Radagon and Marika's Origin: Complete timeline" video. I have started from big bang of elden ring which Hyetta and Ymir mentions, all the way to do the moment we became elden lord. The narrative when i've connected all the dots within the item descriptions turned out like a novel or a TV show. It will be a long AF video but Im very excited to make it and portray the story in a novel like manner. Sure there is a head cannon here Im using but I find it to be strongly thematic. I even explained that single shedded serpent skin we find in Bonny village. My explanation is semi insane but strongly supported by an observation in the game imo. I'll make my arguments soon. Hope you are looking forward to it Ray. Sorry about Thiollier's pronoun haha
@Solibrae 2 месяца назад
Interesting interpretations even though I don't think I can agree with them. Miquella's charm might've worked to keep his followers calm while it was active but it still seemed like a precarious false peace to me, especially when he's willing to have unrepentant murderers work for him. If he set up a whole governing order with people like that involved, then the charm breaking would turn everything into absolute anarchy. I don't believe forcing people to supress their emotions, even if it's violent and selfish ones, is a healthy or long-term way to deal with your problems either. It really did not work for Leda and the Hornsent's issues anyway! If instead he doesn't use any such charm ability then I don't see how Miquella is going to form a new order, why would people want to follow him except out of fear for his intelligence, and Malenia and Radahn's pure strength and their respective armies? That doesn't seem any better than the other Demi-god's ways. P.S. Thiollier is male, not female. ;)
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
haha your final note is duly noted ;) That was my bad. As to your 'false peace' interpretation of what you view Miquella's charm to be, I'd have to provide a different angle. Miquella is not giving these people 'false hope' or 'artifical positivity'. As can be read by Hornsent's dialogue, he still feels very much salty and betrayed by Messmer's actions. He does so 'before'Miquella's enchantment breaks. Meaning Miquella is not trying to strip people of their free will but merely to curb them. Make sure one's emotionally charged and selfish desires doesn't completely veil their sense of justice and conscience. As precisely because Miquella's enchantment was broken did Hornsent say those words in paraphrase - Messmer is not enough I want this feeling of revenge to ensue and if Miquella's reign were to curb this feeling, I do not even want his redemption - which is clearly someone going mad. Slowly that sense of vengeance will consume Hornsent. While Miquella's charm was in effect, he was of sound mind. Being able to work with Leda while STILL desiring retribution for his people. That's why I don't agree with this 'curbing of selfishness' being a mind control or 'stripping of one's free will' arguments. The dialogue simply doesn't support that conclusion. Furthermore, Miquella is not interested in creating slaves in his reign. That also doesn't fit with the golden order fundamentalism education he has learned from his father Radagon before abandoning it. His upbringing which is currently represented with 'all will flourish whether graceful or malign' would not even allow such 'compassionate tyranny' as some videos would like to argue for. Hope this makes sense. You can check Hornsent's dialogue before and after Miquella's charm to see if this analysis makes sense.
@Solibrae 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 Perhaps if he had been able to set up his order properly he would have been able to provide people like the Hornsent with actual help to deal with their issues. in the end we'll probably never know for sure! I just hope it would've been more of a "All life will walk towards the future, hand in hand." and less "All the olden humans have to die in order to create the perfect future." if you catch my drift.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
Miquella, like all of us would be, is trying to do his best in a power vacuum his mother has left them with. A competitive environment where everyone is as Rykard likes to say operating on the assumption 'Taking by force is the norm'. Ranni is trying to get her age of stars, Tarnished are killing Marika's demigods to become her consort. It is a ruthless world where opportunities are few and far between and precious time is against you. Miquella does take drastic actions that can be morally questionable precisely because he is 'not' naive. He knows other people would sit on the throne if he plays 'a clean' game. That's why I can respect the compromises he is making to attain his new age. After all, what would you do in a world like the lands between as someone who wants to change it, to make it better. I think all of us would be forced to get our hands a little 'dirtier' regardless of our ambitions or even values. Which is kind of the core thesis of this work 'Does the end justify the means?' Well...maybe sometimes. At least, I think this is one of the times where this principle actually works better than the alternatives.
@Solibrae 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 Sure, I don't think that any of the paths the player Tarnished can take are necessarily "good" either, and those paths are universally stained with as much if not more blood than Miquella's. The land has gone too far down the drain for purely peaceful methods of change to work!
@lamule232 Месяц назад
It's especially true when you compare him to Mesmer who, while presented as the villain, inspired fierced sentiments of loyalty and honor to his followers.
@ENIGMA-dark 2 месяца назад
The statement written in Remembrance caught my attention. It says Radahn is kind and strong unlike Miquella.Soo what is that mean?Did Radahn inspire Malenia and Miquella to be strong and kind?
@Rusty_Spy 2 месяца назад
I read it as a bit of self loathing; the way it's said in relation to "their afflicted selves" is probably meant to imply he sees him and Malenia as lacking some sort of innate virtue because of they're curses.
@cynreiusacari3163 Месяц назад
@Enigma-dark possibly, Radahn appears very similar to Radagon despite his worship of Godfrey. He is comfortable with who he is and doesn’t let hardship keep him from cherishing things in the world like Len or his cat.
@K8theKind 2 месяца назад
I’m not even half way through and can tell this is a thematic, compassionate, cerebrally high brow interpretation that rings true and has sadly not been prevalent across the community’s interpretations. Absolute masterpiece. More thoughts coming when I’ve finished it.
@joesaiditstrue 2 месяца назад
because this take is 100% bullshit, that's why the community has correctly labeled it as such
@jamB2007 2 месяца назад
I’m just so upset that the ending was what it was. How can we go through all that just to be left in such a disappointing end. This game was so beautiful but why are we left with nothing after everything is said and done… the main game is meant to be left to interpretation but the end of the dlc feels like a giant middle finger to the entire community tbh. The hardest boss ever and then you get nothing! Literally nothing. I’m so depressed. Not much can leave me feeling this empty but that did. I’d rather just let miquella charm me and see a cool concept put to action in the world. Because we win and nothing happens. What’s the point in winning then? We don’t get to help these lands at all or use the gate of divinity to change something. Nothing. Not even a cool secret Easter egg like maybe we can peer through the gate and it gives us a spell that is directly of the greater will. Make it a gold gravity spell of mega power. Or like something. We are supposed to be the new elden lord, meant to bear the responsibility of lordship and change to the world. Why can we not do anything to help the lands of shadow or get more information about what we can potentially do to save the world we are to be lord to.. it’s just sad. I know that we can’t have everything but I mean something to end the only dlc we get to this beautiful game I think is a reasonable ask and we should have gotten something. Anything!
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@jamB2007 well the idea seems to be the opposite in my eyes. The tarnished IS preventing Miquella's ascension so that "nothing happens". As Marika's promised lord, there can only be one sovereign after all ;)
@StarCereal10 2 месяца назад
This is cool... except the fact that Miquella is still using Marika's and the Hornsent Gate of Divinity. Following the same recipe. And whoever came before the hornsent most likely built it originally. It is merely a cycle. Miquella is a fool with his eyes closed, as are all the so called "gods".
@perseus3115 2 месяца назад
no matter which endingb you choose the cycel will continue but at least there is something for a time, even Rannis Age of the Stars is only for certain amount of time before she has to come back
@rodolphofreire8311 Месяц назад
Miquella did what he did for "compassion" since he had the bigpicture planning Yes he had all planned indeed, and this exactly point made Miquella a psycopath megalomaniac.
@OscarTheStrategist 2 месяца назад
Damn this is deep… DEEP lore analysis. Yes, you are Heisenberg level in this video. Well done! I wish you and Center Tarnished could do some type of collab. A podcast or a video together would be dope. Cheers!
@K8theKind 2 месяца назад
Ontos... thank you. From the whole of every aspect, every drop of my heart's dew. Thank you for speaking my truth. Absolutely masterpiece. Thank you for saying so much that I have been saying. I am SO THRILLED that we see eye to eye in the moralities, the manoeuvring and Miquella's intent. I love the conclusion of your video as much as the content of it. I have long known Miyazaki to be a purveyor of hopelessness. For him to strip away the Miquella ending that had at one time been intended and to leave us with the question as to whether or not our presence is a good thing. I believe this is Miyazaki putting a mirror before us and saying, even faced with our own salvation, the lot of us would choose to destroy it too, as we have done with our own world and ourselves. It's a 10/10 from me. Needed a box of tissues for this one. I've been in such a dark place since the DLC released and me thinking I was one of the ONLY people out here seeing things the way that I was. Completely overshadowed and overwhelmed by the "Miquella is naive. Miquella is evil. Road to hell is paved with good intentions." tropes. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
@jhank0cean 2 месяца назад
Miquella is another false idol. Sorry. Miyazaki & GRRM love creating these types of characters. Just look at the Fool's Idol boss in Demon Souls. Look at Dany in GoT.
@K8theKind 2 месяца назад
@@jhank0cean the show is NOT canon.
@jhank0cean 2 месяца назад
​@@K8theKind Regardless Miquella is a child that never grew up. His curse is unending childhood. In mind & body. His Prefrontal Cortex never developed. His vision for a world of compassion is straight childish delusion. Not here to talk GoT but lmao that is the end goal of the books though. It's pretty clear based on everything we have to go off of.
@K8theKind 2 месяца назад
@@jhank0cean hard disagree on both counts. It’s reaching to speak of his anatomy and physiology in a fantasy setting so precisely when the info is befuddled at best. When we see him in the boss room his “body” is matured beyond the childish figure we saw previously and he has completely divested himself of his flesh including his brain, rendering any arguments about his brain or body forming his spirits opinions utterly moot. Secondly everything we know about Daenerys up to this point is that she is wholly compassionate and against the Irving’s of her most trusted advisors repeatedly puts herself and her unsullied at risk due to her inability to ignore those sick and in need that she has liberated. Everything we know about Daeny in the books is pointing to altruism and wisdom beyond her years and the ability to outmanoeuvre military tacticians thrice her age. To speak with such certainty and as though from a place of authority is terribly disingenuous. I understand your position and why you hold it but it’s laughable to be smug about standing so firm of foot on a tower of cards.
@GreatRoostar 2 месяца назад
Not alone my guy. I feel the same
@LeggoMyGekko 2 месяца назад
I have sort of a crackpot theory. It’s quite obvious that the story for the DLC was rewritten at some point in development between the reveal image and release. That’s not the crackpot part of the theory. There are missing voice lines for bosses and St. Trina, only 3-4 of each new weapon class, and the story made no sense in the context of the base game. Radahn? Really?? No. He was shoehorned in because fans kept asking for a “prime Radahn” fight… it’s such a shame. I believe, that the story of the DLC was originally meant to be about Godwyn becoming St. Trina’s consort, wherein she becomes/manifests/is revealed to be, the Gloam-Eyed Queen. That’s Miquella’s “fate” which he abandons in the DLC we got. Him divesting himself of St. Trina almost seems like a nod to the previous story they had planned and the fact they had to scrap it to provide fan service in place of lore-rich content. I loved almost all of the DLC, don’t get me wrong. It’s so much fun to explore and I love the bosses, though I do wish they got more cutscenes… But Promised Consort Retcon? Nah. He’s both a terrible choice for his role in the lore, and a brutal boss encounter, not in the fun way. Nothing about him gives me any sort of joy or excitement. I was just utterly disappointed in FromSoft at the end of the DLC. It’s actually hard to believe that this “ending” came from that company, considering their track record. It’s really strange
@ghostflossy2403 2 месяца назад
I agree, you can tell there was a last second rewrite before release
@sk8legendz 2 месяца назад
Yeah All of this felt extremely rushed. Honestly, the dlc felt like they completely scrapped 90% of it. And then rewrote it within the last six months I don't see anyone else. Mentioning this but the fact they released it during pride month and that it was 2 men in a Union sort of strikes me as being intentional as well They didn't mention doing it for diversity. Because it would give them backlash. So they just did it without saying it. And then released it during pride month as a subtle nod
@rodolphofreire8311 Месяц назад
This is a very good point , indeed, the dlc could be better and even impactating if the last boss fight was miquella returning the dead soul of godwyn to mogh's body
@caseycox1002 Месяц назад
​@@sk8legendzmy friend Miquella was absolutely written as homosexual or at least gender incongruent from the start. I do definitely agree it was supposed to be Godwyn in Mohg's body though. I fucking hate the gril Radahn and his stupid goddamned design have on this game.
@sk8legendz Месяц назад
@caseycox1002 I don't really see any evidence to suggest that he was ever homosexual
@JorgeOquendo-j8d 2 месяца назад
Strong counter here: Ansbach and Thiollier both mention memories returning to them when the charm breaks. Miquella is literally making people forget things important to them. In Thiollier's case, it's something he literally devotes his life to. Actually, the same applies to Ansbach, who says (from the text dump): "Kindly Miquella has discarded his Great Rune. The fog that vexed my aging faculties has been lifted. And follies better left forgotten haunt me once again. Once, in an attempt to free Lord Mohg from his enchantment, I challenged Tender Miquella, only to have my own heart rather artfully stolen." And Thiollier says: "Oh, umm... Are you not affected? Even with the spell broken? I'm feeling rather lost. Haunted by memories. Of St. Trina. Her visage. Her scent. The lure of velvety sleep. Would Kindly Miquella chasten me? For falling for St. Trina, while knowing that she was the discarded half? The problem is...I simply cannot help it. I would sacrifice everything, just to gaze upon her, one last time." Ansbach doesn't seem to remember his battle with Miquella or that Miquella put a charm on his master. He mentions that he "broke his vows and would do anything to make up for it" and... well... the problems with Thiollier are self-evident... He's clearly obsessed and yet he doesn't seem to even remember her till the charm is broken. Side notes: The Great Runes are not given to the Demigods or bound to their flesh. The Demigods fought for their shards per the lore of the shattering. The Great Runes are just shards of the Elden Ring, the Demigods are said to have warred over them because of their power. You also said Radahn was killed to get rid of his tainted flesh, but he's revived in the body of Mohg, another shardbearer. The reason Radahn had to die was to get to the Shadow Realm, the Suppressing Pillar tells us that all manners of death end up there. Miquella needed Radahn to be in the Shadow Realm to be reborn as his lord and to get there he had to die.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@JorgeOquendo-j8d Thats not as strong of a counter as you might think. This is precisely the lesser evil to strip away the greater one. As both Ansbach and Thiollier are highly focused on their own "tasks". Ansbach cares only of Mohg and their "honour' so he would never be open to consider what Miquella's end goal even means let alone its effects on the lands between. Thiollier only cares of St Trina and since Trina has deemed Miquella as a "poor thing that needs to be forgiven and killed" Thiollier would only be an enemy. Like I said, Miquella is not naive and if you DO directly cross him and get between his age of compassion, he will not hesitate to take drastic measures. This is the core thesis of this work. "Does the end justifies the means?" Well..maybe sometimes. This is one of the rare times when this principles works the best compared to the alternatives. If only the tarnished wasnt so strong ;))
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@JorgeOquendo-j8d Furthermore everyone's shards are inherited when Marika has shattered the elden ring. So Radahn is tainted by elden ring in Miquella's eyes. He needs to get him on a prime and pure form free of Greater will's control. Mohg dying means he is also divested of his great rune and flesh. So you cant use Mohg's body as an argument for how elden ring is still in effect or something. The entire idea is for Miquella and Radahn to divests themselves of their "flesh" so to speak. Mohg was essential because his crucible imbued body was also used to enter the land of shadow. No other body (with the exception of Morgott) could be used for this reason. Just some extra thoughts. Hope it makes sense. Much love
@tinnasell4161 2 месяца назад
​​@@Ontos99 which evil is lesser or greater depends on where you stand, whether you are the one who charms or the one who is charmed and stripped of one's own personality. Miquella claims that he is ready to embrace it all but if that is true, why is that he cannot embrace the possibility that not everyone has to agree with you? I know for certain that if I were to live in the Lands Between I would be targeted by his charm as I do not wish to be under his order. I wish my passions not taken away so that I could serve a specific vision of one who took those very passions. And I know that I will struggle, I'm aware of my moral shortcomings. So, he would be my enemy, for he will not let me go. Do not misunderstand... I see the practicality of charming someone who attacked you and refused to stop to talk the matter through. When fighting is the only option, charms suddenly look like a fantastic idea. But only on condition that any charm would be a temporary solution ment to buy time to find a way how to subdue the person through other non-violent means. If you are a blockhead that does not listen and just charges, a charm is what you get. But a charm is also violence the consequences of which one must learn how to bear. And it doesn't seem like Miquella ever plans to find alternative paths. Thought, since death returned to the world, the charmed generation will eventually die, and the new generation may not require as much charms to be put on them. But will Miquella ever bother to check if that is true is what bothers me. Another issue is that, similarly to myself, who does not wish to be touched, someone in the Lands Between may also think that way. And among them a person will eventually appear strong enough to "teach a god a lesson". So, in reality, the cycle continues. Nothing would ever end.
@JorgeOquendo-j8d Месяц назад
@@Ontos99 I get that Ansbach and Thiollier's passions being erased could be considered the lesser evil (less so Thiollier, since St. Trina's described to have "boundless love" for Miquella by the most paranoid person in all the land, Leda), but the point of me bringing up that Miquella is literally erasing memories from people was to say that Miquella isn't just having such a gentle influence as you're suggesting in your video. He's not just curbing desires, he's erasing them entirely. This is a lot more distopian than what you were suggesting in the video. It speaks to a more dark tone to Miquella's charm ability and how he's using it, similar to the description of the branch eerily mentioning it or Ansbach calling him a monster for his charm ability. It's just another thing that makes this seem less neutral and more worrisome. You were using the Hornsent as proof the entire video that people still retain what matters to them, but this is proof of the opposite. Which means it depends on how Miquella's feeling on the matter. You may or may not get to keep what matters to you while under his charm.
@JorgeOquendo-j8d Месяц назад
@@Ontos99 If Mohg dying means he's free of the influence of the Erdtree then there was no need for Radahn to be revived in Mohg's body in the first place. Radahn died too. He even loses his Great Rune as well. I'm a bit confused on what you think the Great Runes are even doing to the Demigods, since we get them, restore their benedictions at the Divine Towers and then use them ourselves. You're saying that Miquella needed himself, Radahn and Mohg to all die to remove the Great Runes, since those are having an effect on them? And that's why Ranni had to slay her flesh too? I know what you mean, she says she did that to defy her fate. I always interpreted that as just a middle finger to her Two Fingers. Like, it didn't really do anything aside from piss it off. We see that since she is stuck until we free her fate by killing Radahn. What actually frees her from the Two Fingers is us killing the assassins it sends after her and then her killing it with the Fingerslayer Blade. Till then she still views herself as being bound to the Two Fingers. The Great Runes aren't just "inherited", they're warred over. It's not like they're passed around. This is why i can't imagine that they have any influence on their bearer's fates. The Greater Will didn't give them to the Demigods. The Elden Ring was shattered and the Demigods scrambled to the pieces and got their own shards. The Elden Beast is still within Marika isn't it? Or are you saying that the shards are parts of the Elden Beast and that's why the Great Runes are making the Demigods bound to the Greater Will?
@carlosperalta4351 Месяц назад
I can understand why people would rather see Miquella as pure evil based on his actions (and I don't necessarily blame them) and it's likely that Miquella's ambitions degraded where he can no longer see that he is following his mother's path But because the game is left vague in a few aspects some of us can come up with other answers and argue the opposite based on lore description, gameplay, and character interactions to support certain claims And ever since I finished the DLC and saw how other people thought so similarly (to where it felt numbing) I decided to look for things to at least argue that Miquella isn't the stereotypical master mind or pure villain that people like to call him, there are positive things he has done but either people forgot they happened or manly focus on the negative to see that Miquella is flawed not pure evil But in my opinion it probably took many events to get Miquella to take drastic matters that we witnessed since it seems based off of Miquella's memory, he is terrified to become a god and I feel like that makes him human to fear his own power (at least from the beginning) Therefore I stand against Miquella not out of hatred or malice but to save him from himself because as St Trina says "Divinity will be Miquella's Prison, A caged Divinity is beyond saving....grant him forgiveness"
@rogerith7905 2 месяца назад
Great video. By the way, I dont even think it's pure mind control.I genuinely believe it's more like a power of strong suggestion. Your video has made my opinion on this matter even more solidified.
@joesaiditstrue 2 месяца назад
It's irrelevant what you call Miquella's charm, if it alters your own desires (even if he thinks your desires are malicious), it's wrong.
@the-hermit-arcana Месяц назад
I think he has the Rune of Regression, which governs the Law of Regression. The incantation version of it removes status effects, Miq's broken rune removes charms. The description of it states that "all things yearn to eternally converge". The personalities of the people under the "charm" don't change, they're simply more inclined to work together with others (converge). Miquella, being the once-holder of the rune, was at the center of it.
@foreverie2626 Месяц назад
the elden ring breaking bad crossover shook me to my core 😂
@brentmillinger9906 2 месяца назад
Miquella’s charm is so powerful That it can cross even into our world it seems.
@user-qj3vc8tx5c Месяц назад
Yes, I felt like he wasn't given any time to complete his dream or even have an open discourse, we in our battle with him at the end really do rob the lands between of a what if. If there was an option, I'd prefer to leave them and see what comes of their reign..
@EnochTD 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this. I cannot tell you how I’ve been wishing for a masterpiece like this. The Shadows of Light give you thanks.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
You are welcome, Enoch. My pleasure
@afterbyrner Месяц назад
Very well put together argument and video to shine light on the overarching story. Thank you. That being said it kind of leads me to believe that the Tarnished is The force of change in opposition to everything in the lands between not necessarily evil or villainy but something more a kin to egocentric or chaotic neutral. Considering the optional bosses, we seek them out and defeat them not the other way around. But at the same time we are also weak and prone to corruption (a follower) be it Ranni, Shabriri or Markia's wants. The fact we lack an ending independent of these actors just for ourselves a sort of liberation suggests we are a puppet or a means to an end.
@OnSchoolyard 2 месяца назад
You called a lot thiollier and Miquella “her” they are dudes….
@TOUGHEYES 2 месяца назад
Very much dudes, it is universally understood as such. Too much of a touch of 'Modernity' in what is otherwise an interesting analysis. I bristled at the mention of Capitalism = bad being a thing as well, when such a uniformed trajectory of mass belief resembles a different belief to me. Regardless, such terms are slop in comparison to the philosophical & spiritual lenses of analysis.
@moresomoze 2 месяца назад
Marika and radagon are one in the same and two different people of two different sexualities. Miquella is know as two different people that originally were considered to be aliases, but then shown as entirely different people of two sexualities in the same body. The fuck to you mean universally understood as such? These characters were purposefully stripped of modern gender roles in several instances throughout the story. And bristle away, if you're not capable of seeing the incredibly accurate comparison of the intentions of capitalism and how it actually turned out, you know, creating people who have amassed so much wealth that they don't exist in the same reality of a normal human any more? People who are privy to benefits and information and have power to literally change the confines of death and hold the actual fate of the average populous in their hands without ever being chosen or elected to have that power. Kinda sounds like an elden lord doesn't it?
@loch1694 Месяц назад
@@TOUGHEYES gender ambiguity is not a modern thing, especially in Japanese society. Too many people saying that Miquella is some commentary on trangenderism or something.
@caseycox1002 Месяц назад
​@loch1694 My dude it's a femboy with a female dual self, you'd be ridiculous not to understand the gender roles of their embodied characteristics and archetypes?
@loch1694 Месяц назад
@@caseycox1002 Miquella has little to no commentary on gender roles, please give me examples. It’s not that I’m opposed to the idea but his and Marika’s themes are more mystic and alchemical. Calling back to the concept of the rebus and divine hermaphroditism.
@johncrondis4563 Месяц назад
Freyja says that Radahn having constant war is more suiting than an Honorable death. She is tainted with the bloodlust after Miquella's rune breaks.
@Ontos99 Месяц назад
@@johncrondis4563 For a warrior like Frejya, war is a good thing. It is her passion along with Radahn. So it would not be entirely accurate to say she was "tainted by bloodlust" after Miquella's rune breaks. Radahn and his disciples don't view war and bloodshed the same way we do.
@johncrondis4563 Месяц назад
@@Ontos99 I can get down with that. She is the most chill after the rune breaks.
@LuxDominusAeterna 21 день назад
I think the most important question to ask ourselves in relation to Elden Ring's DLC is why did Miquella "fail". What truth is Miyazaki trying to communicate through this video game medium? I think the answer is something like: hardening your heart, betraying your ideal (represented both by Miquella seeking adulthood in Haligtree, along with the abandonment of Trina) all to obtain the strength to contend with reality leads to the upheaval of the messianic heaven on earth utopia that the Haligtree Order signifies. One cannot simultaneously seek hard power, dominance over others in the physical plane that is godhood (adulthood), while simultaneously wanting to embrace the soft power of unity consciousness and bringing everyone together. The DLC Miquella has basically succumbed to the fear and has been overtaken by ego consciousness. In this "failed" timeline, he wants to take things into his own hands after he saw Godwyn killed and Malenia defeated, not realizing his action in wanting to take on hard power by becoming an "god" (adult) in the Haligtree ruined the chain of causality that would've otherwise led to a happy outcome. Innocently, he wanted to see Malenia cured and Godwyn reenter reincarnation, but took it into his own hands to accelerate the process in a manner based in fear and clinging. This is why he had embedded himself in the cocoon and does all he can to become a god, eventually leading to him failing having to make a new plan for himself in the Shadow Realm. This leads to him becoming repulsed by his compassion (Trina), viewing her as the source of his weakness. Thus he reneges on his initial plans, clings to the embodiment of hard power and suffers a final defeat at the hands of the savior he was supposed to marry, and would've likely saved him, Malenia and the rest of the demi-gods were he still around to act as a guide for them. What's interesting is that Miquella had two critical junctures to make things right, but chose fear each time in this "failed" timeline. However Marika initially fails at the first critical juncture by waging war in the Land of Shadow and subjugating everyone with Godfrey, which eventually results in Golden Order falling apart and her crucifixion. But during the return of the Tarnished she fully leans into soft power and unity consciousness, not even speaking but guiding through grace and resurrecting the Tarnished without imposing her will, taking in whatever vision for Order they have in mind at the end of the game. This is why in this "failed" timeline of Miquella, she ends up being portrayed as a tragic hero and possibly why the DLC is linear, without any references to the Tarnished taking a Ranni, Frenzied Flame ending or even a Miquella ending as the initial gameplay trailer might be depicting. It also may be why there are several references, including direct lines by the Hornsent NPC that they are Marika's Lord, along with Miquella himself calling them the "Lord of the Old Order". Miyazaki is simultaneously showing the potential for redemption within anyone (even Marika), while simultaneously showing how a messiah can be corrupted by hard power into a tyrant by giving into fear instead of faith. It's quite brilliant really.
@GREATGAIWAIN 2 месяца назад
Not gonna lie, barely a minute in and some of what you're saying sounds like a contradiction. I don't know if it's just confusion on your part or what but Machiavellian "ends justify the means" type characters are still villains and his age of compassion IS a political agenda. He weaponized mind control for his political agenda. I don't know where the rest of the video is going but those are two foundational errors you've already made. I'm still interested in hearing what you have to say but in future, please think about these details more thoroughly.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@GREATGAIWAIN There is no contradiction. Keep watching and let me know your thoughts. Much love
@paulogaspar8295 2 месяца назад
miquella is literally the same as ranni and marika. They all want to achieve what they consider to be the "perfect" world or the "better" world but all of their ideals are based on selfish intentions and their own personal experiences. Marika's people, the shaman, suffered brutal torture and dead under the hornsent so she strives to create a world with no more death. But when people oppose this like the gloam eyed queen or when people suffer because an import part of the cycle of nature has been removed she doubles down on her bias ideals and eliminates those who are against it. Ranni is the same. She destroys the golden order and she uses her half brother for her scheming without caring much about the consequences. Even while doing her quest she states that she will not tolerate failure or disobedience from her plan no matter the cost or the moral implications. Miquella is the same. Miquella tries to show people why he is doing what he is and how his age of compassion is going to be better, but if you oppose it or you go against it he will force you to accept it. And this is why Sir Ansbach in the final fight of the dlc tells us "be a lord of men and not of gods" reinforcing the idea that Goldmask came to. That their world will always be broken as long gods, that are no less flawed than man, are the ones dictating the laws of the world they live in. That men should strive to govern themselves and not bow down to gods.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@paulogaspar8295 Your "Goldmask" ending which I believe to be the most benevolent of endings in the base game is still a fragile one. Marika's state at the end is self evident. It is only a matter of time before Ranni ascends the throne. Miquella was the only real answer to the future of these lands. Of course he is going to oppose those he "doesnt agree with his age of compassion". How else do you think he will sit on the throne. Same thing applies to Ranni and tarnished. Thats the state of the land. As Rykard would like to say "Taking by force is the rule". Dont be naive. Miquella is not only the lesser evil but is the strongest benevolent option Lands between had who we defeated as Marika's promised lord. Goldmask needs to remember than Gods in general might be "no better than men" but there is a reason why they were compared to humanity in the first place. There is absolutely no guarantee a world ruled by "men" will be even remotely better than the age miquella envisioned. A place where all things flourished whether graceful or malign. If you think "men" who are intrinsically selfish and lacking in compassion to be able to make that a reality, I think you are wrong. I really like Goldmask personally. I even have a lore video explaining why it is the best ending. I admire his goals and methods. But that was before seeing Miquella in the DLC ;)
@janaguirre4756 2 месяца назад
I wanna reintroduce a time dilation theory A theory where the shadow realm is in a time pocket, just like Farum Azula and dragon lord Placidusax. It seems like everything is still very fresh. Scorch marks still mark the earth, people still rummaging around to look for something lost (although the nobles also do that so bad example) and then there's Miqella coming in to divest himself of all things golden. It would be make sense that he took over 100's if not 1000's of years to wait and remove important parts of his body but it doesn't make sense that he took all that time in preparing to finally decide it was time to destroy his great rune. Either he is watching us very closely, or maybe we were just behind him on his quest of becoming a God, where burning the tree was his ticket to the gate of divinity, unless Miqella was there on the burning of the shadow realm, where Eris Elim is covered in shadows. Maybe he did some ghostly mystic mumbo jumbo to get through, but it's strange that the rune breaks while we're approaching Shadow keep and we claim the broken shards from a tree avatar. To me, it would make sense that the lands are in a time pocket where it does not move unless you are consciously active in it, meaning this could very well be the direct aftermath of masmers siege. I could be wrong though, Miqella works in mysterious ways
@jamB2007 2 месяца назад
After watching the whole video it makes me hate what we got even more. I don’t understand why the cut this ending as a choice. Why could we not choose after beating him if we can choose to bring about his age with him or to kill him. It would be our choice tho. And I think would add amazing value to the dlc and not leave me suicidal after beating it😒
@supergastonh 2 месяца назад
Why Miyazaki? Why u robbed us of this only choice?
@adamkorzon2972 2 месяца назад
Miquella would not be wrapping around Radahn if not controlling she is just to proud to admit that radahn could be charmed.That he is too strong so she refuses to believe it.
@LordFarKwadth Месяц назад
You fought The promise consort with only this much HP…. Dude is a badasss subbed lol
@SanjeevRau 2 месяца назад
how do you mistake thiollier for a girl lol
@K8theKind 2 месяца назад
Their speech patterns, the rampant self deprecation and the "Um, uhhh, um" before nearly everything are all indicative of a femme person.
@feerfree8986 Месяц назад
Dude, Ellie is a girl and Thiollier is a guy, what is this even.
@RavenGamingOverLord Месяц назад
Nice Elden Ring video about Miquella
@nemesisundead83 2 месяца назад
Not enough timestamps 😂 we need more 😂
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
I'm a timestamp maniac. And yes...I need therapy ;))
@GreebleClown 22 дня назад
Even more of a reason why we should have been able to side with him! 😤 Maybe even convince him that perhaps throwing Trina away might have been a step too far? I dunno, maybe I just wished for another option besides Ranni or a half-broken statue lady… Though I suppose it’s really my fault for wanting more dialogue and story path options in a FromSoft game, it may be my first time playing but I had an inkling of how things went with them.
@Deflamed_Sphere Месяц назад
Here comes the Miquella did nothing wrong
@Ontos99 Месяц назад
@@Deflamed_Sphere never said "did nothing wrong".
@Deflamed_Sphere Месяц назад
@@Ontos99 oh no no i am not insulting you i was memeing the whole 'did nothing wrong' thing because it started from Griffith and Miquella is inspired or referenced by him
@uppernimbus Месяц назад
Bro, this was epic! Even though I've never played Elden Ring and wasn't able to fully understand everything you mentioned in this video, I still watched the whole thing and really appreciate your method of delivery when approaching deep concepts such as the ones found within this video. Also, is that Mio's voice actress at 18:05?
@Ontos99 Месяц назад
Yes! That's the same Mio haha. The same actress. She is so good here as well. Glad you enjoyed it. My next video will compare Future redeemed and Shadow of the Erdtree to see which one is my favourite DLC of all time ;) Hope you like it.
@uppernimbus Месяц назад
@@Ontos99 I knew it! And holy crap, that's gonna be one exciting video 🤯 Also, congrats on your sub count! You've gained so many new followers, honestly well deserved man 👏
@tuckddd9 2 месяца назад
I have more to say about your thoughts that I’ll posit after a rewatch, but I just wanted to ask if you’re assuming that Miquella’s crosses were representative of his great rune?
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
Yes. His body parts are representing the Great rune he inherited after the shattering. He is not only divesting himself of Marika's flesh but also Elden Ring's tainted power
@tuckddd9 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 got it, okay I hate to play the opposition here I’m usually with you, but my issue with this theory (mostly bc it opposes one of my own lol) is firstly that we can find Miquella’s broken rune in sote, but also that I’ve recently come to associate the great rune of the unborn with Miquella. The summarized reasons for this is the apparent parallels between Ranni and Miquella and her subsequent manifestation after the amber egg is temporarily broken in our fight with Renalla, and the similarities between the great rune of the unborn (which is also the only great rune similar to Malenia’s) and the Miquella’s Ring gesture we got for purchasing the DLC. This thread got me thinking about metaphors for childbirth and it started to make some sense, the spiral tower and withered arm with some hidden phallic imagery and the gate of divinity representing the birth canal. Overlaying this with the assumption that Nietzsche’s 3 metamorphoses are being reflected by Radahn and Miquella, we can interpret Miquella’s birth as a god as just his actual birth, and in a cheeky way Miyazaki is saying that divinity is achieved when you take your first breath, we are all gods type thing. Could even explain his androgyny, being unborn (and assuming nobody invented the ‘ultrasound’ incant yet), nobody would know its gender yet. Sorry I know I’m just getting down my own rabbit hole, this was just a long winded way of saying I saw the crosses as more akin to the small trees that the tarnished leaves behind when we die. I’m currently still listening to your video again so I’ll be sure to speak more related to that when I have more to say lol, as always great work man you got me thinking Edit: I just realized that the crosses obviously can match up with both the gesture and the great rune of the unborn as well. Definitely going to contemplate them harder
@jhank0cean 2 месяца назад
Where are Miquella's Two Fingers?
@djkramnik1 2 месяца назад
I didn't quite understand the inclusion of Igon. He seemed to be outside of Miquella's influence or did I miss something.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@djkramnik1 Thats more of a joke and a meme. Lol
@argosvinandi5064 Месяц назад
If Radahn consented to the vow, then why did Miquela send Melania to kill Radahn in the shattering?
@Ontos99 Месяц назад
@@argosvinandi5064 to divest Radahn of the Elden Ring's control, of his tainted Great Rune so that in his prime form, he could represent the age of the unalloyed in a purified original state. Precisely what he did to himself, divesting each part of his body. But in a way that "honours" Radahn's warrior lineage. In a worthy battle with Malenia. To die like a general. At least that was the intention. We finished what they started to keep the promised vow. Malenia was almost gonna die after all. She was forced to explode on him to survive. Much love. Have a nice day
@Sonstbenannt 2 месяца назад
Perfect take.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@Sonstbenannt Glad you like it
@Sonstbenannt 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 It does not need to.
@RavenGamingOverLord Месяц назад
Agreed :)
@Sparty450 2 месяца назад
I appreciate the Igon shitpost
@SatashiNakamoto Месяц назад
So then why do you think you have to fight Miquella at the end? Why do you think that content was cut? It seems pretty clear to me the game wants you to question the nobility of Miquella's deeds and his coming age.
@Ontos99 Месяц назад
Miyazaki wants you to question "your" motivations as Tarnished, Marika's promised lord. Thats the plot twist. My next video where I'll talk about the lore of SotE with Future redeemed to decide on which one is the best DLC will elaborate on exactly what Im talking about Hope you like it or at least gives you a different lens to view the dynamic in. There is a very poignant reason why miyazaki forces you to fight Miquella. The sheer fact that he had chosen his lord as Radahn is actually enough reason for them to pose a challenge to our lordship as elden lord. But thats not all. Stay tuned
@tinnasell4161 2 месяца назад
Miquella is a hypocrite. Surely, he's a determined person, as very little people can subject themselves to the shire amount of pain Miquella experienced while ascending. This act requires a specific mindset, which when coupled with his decisions of enchanting whoever expresses determination to not follow him or even oppose him, signifies his inability to make compromises. The game provides some evidence that his charms leave plenty room for independent decision-making, as some characters are still able to question and investigate him while under the influence of his charms. Yet, these characters also show sings of partial memory loss or memory distortion. The charms could be compared to indoctrination or good quality upbringing in a way that they serves as anchors or mental walls for people which hold them back, something that we have in real world and that Marika's war cultivating culture never sought to instill. Yet, these walls were not built through dialogue but were rather planted within the very soul of the person affected by the charm, which shows how controlling and inpatient Miquella is. For, comparison, St. Trina also used mood-altering techniques akin to lamentation to affect the mind of people, as we know from the cut content with nomadic merchants. And yet, her approach required more time and systematic maintenance. As Leda's story ark shows, it doesn't matter how justified you think you are, you cannot just modify someone's soul or personality through force, even if it's a divine intervention. It seems that Miquella's victims were unaware of the effects of the charm, they never had the chance to reflect on themselves before and after the enchantment so none could have possibly agreed to be changed in the way Miquella changed them. It is possible that Radahn could have been the one who experienced the effects of the charm, broke it and then decided to become the person he was while under the charm through his own efforts and his death by our hands was the death of old Radahn to him, a symbolic death of sorts, his way of saying "goodbye" to his former self. But its just a possibility. Miquella trully believes that he does good and this belief stems from his ego, something that he sought to supress in others as an obstacle to a gentler world. Hence, he allowed himself to pursue the path he obscured for others. Isn't that hypocritical?
@Tarnished_Onryo 2 месяца назад
Thiollier is male. Also you're mispronouncing his name. The characters even say his name in game so you cant confuse it really. Not trying to be an asshole its just these things are too obvious to be overlooking when you're making this type of content
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
No problem. Thanks for correcting
@simon-peterwilliamson2412 2 месяца назад
Isn't thiollier a guy?
@TheXRaider0918 2 месяца назад
Amazing video the only part I have a hard time believing, and maybe I am completely misunderstanding what you're saying, is the part about Miquella"s half of the vow as I really don't think it makes much sense for Radahn to want to die to divest himself of the great rune's influence when Miquella is just able to get rid of his like it's nothing
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@TheXRaider0918 I would not say "wounding yourself voluntarily parts of your body to get rid of your flesh" as "nothing" ;)) Furthermore Radahn is a warrior. He can only accept death when he faces a stronger opponent. What Miquella is doing is actually painful and very hard to do Only someone who is spiritually developed like Goldmask can do that. His eye. His arms etc. He is stripping his body of Marika's DNA to get rid of Greater will's control.
@Cocodassmarts 2 месяца назад
Art credits? I noticed mid video so sorry if i missed them
@niknaython1979 2 месяца назад
Man sounds like Thiollier himself
@XNaturalPhenomenonX 2 месяца назад
Thiolier is a girl?
@punkassbamboo 2 месяца назад
He isn't, but fascists don't care about individuals or their identities
@punkassbamboo 2 месяца назад
He's not, but fascists don't care about individuals or their identities
@darkmoongaboonga1594 Месяц назад
Well, this is an admirable effort of contrarianism. I feel like the subtext and characterizations very clearly portray Miquella as misgided and in the wrong, but if Mohg could beat the allegations, then I suppose it's possible that Miquella is actually the hero. I don't think he is, though. You say Ansbach "completely lost the plot" with the breaking of Miquella's enchantment, but he never had the plot, because Miquella refused to give it, in fact he took what little of the plot Anbach had by erasing his memories to make him a follower. Perhaphs Miquella could have, for example, subdued him with his charms, TOLD HIM about his grand vision, and if necessary, charmed him into agreeing to it. Ansbach could have spent time appreciating Miquella's goals, knowing new people and thinking of all good the Age of Compassion would do to them, and then, once the charm broke, he might still seriously consider standing by that purpose. But Miquella did no such thing, he refused to try imparting any understanding, so I don't see any merit in the notion that Ansbach is the one at fault for not trying to better understand Miquella. You also point to Horsent as evidence that Miquella's age will allow for selfish feelings to be handled in a healthier manner, but hornsent isn't being all too healthy about it. He isn't out to kill every Erdtree denizen, but he does hold every last one of them as guilty and unworthy. Had Miquella actually kept the Hornsent's vengeance at a healthy degree, maybe he could have been more emotionally open to the people of the Lands Between, seeing their hardships and grievances with Marika's failed order, and genuinely bonding with the other followers of Miquella. That way, when the charm broke, he could be less hellbent on vengeance, less eager to enact collective punishment upon the Lands Between. But I guess toning his grudge down an extra notch was too big a task for the Unalloyed Empyrean... even though he can steal hearts and supress memories. He didn't allow Hornsent to be vengeful because he values the sactity of his feelings, he just couldn't be bothered. And that's the thing: Miquella cares little for this band of followers he brought together. You point to how they devolve into their worst selves with the break of the enchantment as evidence of the good that Miquella would do to people, but I see it as evidence of his callousness. He compelled them to serve him, and they got no lasting benefits from their journey, no personal growth or fulfilment from following his path. "Should I explain myself to Ansbach as I use his services? Naaaah, I'll just bury away the memory of his very legitimate grievance with me. That's good enough!" "Should I have Hornsent actually care for his comrades? Naaaah, I'll just have him tolerate them enough to go along with my scheme. That's good enough." "Is delusional and murderous paranoia a prohibitive trait for a leader of a group of people from various walks of life? Naaaah, I'll just supress that paranoia with the power of this great rune that I'll have to break at some point in my journey. That's good enough, now she's leader material!" That last one makes the generous assumption that Miquella HAD to break the great rune, rather than doing so simply because he didn't need it anymore. He reunited people with irreconcilable differences through divine charms, knowing they'd be at each other's throats once he broke his rune. Compare that to Ranni, who also has a group of associates who all die by end, but whose loyalty was given out of their own volition, and whose demise was engineered by forces outside her power (except Seluvis, but screw Seluvis). Furthermore, she does explain herself and her goals to the Tarnished, showing a strong and meaningful difference from Miquella, which earns her a different fate. By respecting and informing the Tarnished's choices, Ranni makes them able to choose her. By charming and then discarding others, Miquella makes the Tarnished his enemy.
@Ontos99 Месяц назад
Let me respond some of your objections. There are a few things we need to clarify. First of all, I suggest not underestimating people's habits, worldviews and upbringings. How pernicious and stubborn they are rooted. You are telling me that Ansbach would listen to 'reason' that his master would be sacrificed for the revival of Radahn who will reign an order for the greater good with Miquella. Do you think 'any' disciple of a master would agree to that? Do you believe Thioller would care about Miquella's dream and vision for the world when St Trina is harping on 'kill him, grant him forgiveness'? Of course not. Miquella used his charms to subdue their attachments SO THAT they can look at things objectively. Miquella was admitting to the lesser evil to strip the world of the greater one. All of what you say about how 'they should have learned compassion as a skill while Miquella was charming them and they continued to have that compassion post breaking of the charm' assumes not just humanity's selfishness is a simple thing to erase away but also fail to take into account Miquella's reign is yet to coalesce. We killed him before Radahn and Miquella could do anything. This is his 'lesser' powers in the DLC and no one is truly capable of envisioning his reign. But if we take the vision 'All things will flourish whether graceful or malign' as a basis, I'm failing to see how any other ending in Elden Ring can compete with this in terms of what is truly good for everyone.Even Goldmask's ending is too fragile along with Ranni's age of stars.
@Ontos99 Месяц назад
Finally I'd argue the opposite. The subtext and characterizations portray not Miquella as misguided and in the wrong but we, the Tarnished, Marika's promised lord. Someone who is not afraid to kill anything and everything on his way to be elden lord. As Rykard would like to say 'Taking by force became the rule'. Criticize Miquella's methods and 'means' as much as you like but I'd suggest to you that 'we' as the tarnished have a lot more blood on our hands than the Golden boy ever did.
@darkmoongaboonga1594 Месяц назад
@@Ontos99 I'll recognize that habits and worldviews can be hard things to change, but if Miquella is going to use them for his ends, he owes them an effort. Would Hornsent ultimatly return to his vengeful mindset once the charm broke even if he became close to others? Possibly, but without any such bond, there's really no reason for him to not return to it. Would Ansbach still reassert his loyalty to Mohg even if he had come to understand and spend time appreciating Miquella's objectives? Maybe, but that was certainly no chace of him being generous to Miquella or curious of his goals when the empyrean deciced to supress his memories. You bring up Thiollier as someone who'd never side with Miquella over St Trina, but... why is Thiollier even there at all? Hornsent marks crosses of Miquella, for the followers to find. Freyja and Leda help us with some bosses, Thiollier... sells us poison stuff... and helps us beat the Putrescent Knight, which doesn't help Miquella. Other than that, he's an obstacle to Miquella. Why bring him into his band of followers? Was the Empyrean amused be his devotion to St Trina? And also, Why is Leda there? He must have known of her paranoia, since that's what he uses his power to supress. Given than he was gonna discard his great rune, this is at best a horrible oversight, and at worst a deliberate setup to have his followers disposed of once he was done with them. And that's another important thing: Miquella chose to have these specific people to be part of his band, instead of members better fit to cooperate. Also, I wanna push back against the notion that the Tarnished has more blood than Miquella. You speak as though Radahn wanted his honourable death all the way back in the fight with Malenia, so he could be revived, but that really doesn't make sense. Freyja explicitly describes the ressurection of Radahn as incompatible with the honour of death, believing the former to suit him better, and even laments that Jerren would not approve of it. "As the festival of war concluded, General Radahn’s soul met an honourable end. But Kindly Miquella wishes to revive it. ...Which is fine by me. I know it would pain old Jerren, but war has always suited General Radahn best. And certainly far more than any honourable death. Endless war to invigorate the soul. As befits General Radahn, the great lion." Radahn's death would free the stars, which he deliberatly halted for the sake of protecting Sellia, the town that Malenia doomed. Radahn only wanted the honour of death because of the state Malenia left him in, and is being denied it now because of Miquella's plans. The Twin Empyreans were acting against his will and their deeds left Caelid blighted with scarlet rot. Furthemore, Miquella's ploy on Mohg ruined the Haligtree, that place in which he promised shelter and prosperity for all manner of people. With his departure, the Haligtree withered and rotted, failing to grown into an Erdtree. It got bad enough that his soldiers went suicidal with desperation. As it says in the Haligtree Soldier Ashes's description, "May the flash of our deaths guide Miquella's return." Finally, on the characterizations, let's look at the Tarnished's allies. Thiollier is portrayed as vain and stuborn for refusing to accept that the Tarnished received St Trina's message, as well as the message itself, at first. His growth into a better person manifests in his believing and supporting the Tarnished, thereby honoring St Trina's wishes, which he previously could not, due to his ego. Ansbach, once the enchantment is broken, isn't singlemindedly obsessed with honoring Mohg like the Hornsent is singlemindedly obsessed with vengeance. In fact, he is deathly afraid of Miquella. But he remains and investigates what Miquella plans to do with Mohg's flesh, ultimately choosing to honor his lord's dignity, an act which is largely framed as honorable, earning him no contempt from his former partners. Ultimately, he and Thiollier fight the same fight for their own reasons, but they do so in honest terms. Meanwhile, Miquella's side includes Leda, the paranoid murderer who still seems to be his most loyal follower, urging with her dying wish for him to make the world a gentler place. Which seems to align with the idea of an "Age of Compassion" for rest of her allies, Moore, of the forager brood, is promised love for the unloved, Dryleaf Dane... is an enigma, even Hornsent, when not thinking of vengeance, wants deliverance and redemption for his clan... And then there's Freyja, who thinks the "Age of Compassion" will come with eternal warfare to invigorate Radahn's soul... Not very compassionate if you ask me... sounds like someone is being driven to fight under false pretenses. Which makes me wonder about the others. On the other hand, if she right, if Miquella's cut dialogue of "no deed censured" includes this, if his "Age of Compassion" will allow warmongers to run rampant... then I can see why Dryleaf Dane was swayed to fight for it, given his "way of the warrior", but I for one am REALLY happy about putting a stop to that age.
@nyx2889 Месяц назад
@@darkmoongaboonga1594 im with you righteous tarnished
@kogure7235 Месяц назад
My brother, we are already in the deepest pits of hell. Most people are walking husks or mad. Both demigods and SEVERAL deadly diseases/plagues run rampant. There are deadly monsters outside the capital. Most towns and villages are burned, drowned, or slaughtered. Miquella's world would be, at worst, moving sideways. With the amount of suffering in The Lands Between, I can think of many people who would happily do the trade. Hell, think of all the friendly NPC's and how they end up through the game. Who's alive by the end, exactly? Also, I don't feel like it's actual mind control, not in the way where he would directly control the actions. It's almost like everyone under his influence suddenly understands his vision for a peaceful world, to the point they put aside their differences and want to reach it by any means necessary. Everyone goes off and does their part, however they think can help best. I believe even Malenia was when she nuked Caelid - if she couldn't kill Radahn then hopefully the rot would kill or weaken him. And it eventually did, she succeeded. I think the point is that no vision for the world is perfect, Miquella's plan has flaws. too. But in every ending you are forced to choose between the greatest good and the possible downsides. Consider how some mending runes can corrupt the world, and how much worse the world could ger if someone desired it. Miquella's rule suddenly doesn't sound as bad.
@secondarytrollaccount666 2 месяца назад
Mogh had to face allegations for two years because of the miquellester
@DonutSwordsman 2 месяца назад
His horse is not named Leonard sorry folks. Cut content is non canon and any excuse is cope
@shiroamakusa8075 2 месяца назад
It's not cut content, it's how the horse model is called in the files. Since there are no other references in the game regarding the name of the horse you might as well call it that.
@queertitan 2 месяца назад
7:38 Thiollier is a man
@jaymenjanssens720 Месяц назад
@armandaneshjoo 2 месяца назад
People charmed by Miquella go kamikazi in Elphael. This is not minor influence. This is fanatic slavery. A compassionate world is not a better world. It's a weaker world. Only a compassionate ruler is a better ruler.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
And Miquella 'is' that compassionate ruler you deem to be a 'better ruler'. Also your previous statement 'A compassionate world is not a better world' is not only contradictory to your last but also loaded. Compassion doesn't constitute weakness. Make no mistake about that. Miquella's actions in this DLC are not things someone who is 'weak' would do. He knows he needs to get his hands dirty like everyone else to achieve his ambitions. Miquella is anything but naive. That doesn't make him a monster as Ansbach would like to label him. Coming from a follower of Mohg, that's actually rich. I like Ansbach but a paragon of morality is something he is not.
@armandaneshjoo 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 Ansbach is no saint and Miquella is no monster. But he is definitely and deeply naive. Yes; Miquella is a compassionate and better ruler. but in trying to make the world more compassionate, he will open it to weakness, corruption, and takeover. This is not wise. It is wiser to free this broken world as Ranni did. Compassion will grow on its own. A ruler should be wise first and kind later.
@yp.m1534 2 месяца назад
​@@armandaneshjoo Also you kinda have to be one hell of a monster to make someone like ansbach, a literal killer and form of monster to be scared of you.
@Rusty_Spy 2 месяца назад
Where is it ever said Miquella's soldiers were charmed?
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@Rusty_Spy it is not said anywhere. It is an assumption
@OnSchoolyard 2 месяца назад
Very confused by the Andrew tate thing….🤦‍♂️
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
That part represents humanity's ambitions, ego and sense of pride which affected Thiollier. Hope it makes sense now.
@vylet8270 2 месяца назад
I like to think Miquella and Thiollier use both he/she pronouns.
@simon-peterwilliamson2412 2 месяца назад
No. Thiollier is a man and miquella is a male. You literally meet his other female hald which is discarded
@vylet8270 2 месяца назад
@simon-peterwilliamson2412 I literally don't care. I only said pronouns, not their sex. Either way, still girls to me
@___.51 2 месяца назад
We are the bad guy
@RavenGamingOverLord Месяц назад
Always has been
@agxryt 2 месяца назад
Honestly, I disagree with anyone who implies Miquella is anything other than the most virtuous character in the series, and there's significantly less moral ambiguity in his efforts than Ansbach and his simps imply. He uses love to turn people to his side, in pursuit of compassion. The alternative, and what everyone else does, is violent, brutal war. Even Radahn, at his Redmane castle, has swathes of enemies - presumably the prior inhabitants - hanging from ropes. Ansbach is dead wrong. Miquella has a righteous mission, and he tries to achieve it in the least violent, most merciful way possible. Praise Miquella the Kind!
@Zythryl 2 месяца назад
@TheHolyGhost-75 2 месяца назад
The Igon part took me out😂
@FrozaDoza 2 месяца назад
Thiollier i thoght he was a guy
@alicemodeus7050 Месяц назад
Same video but with a song: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1v9zl6mBpwc.html
@TheLongBallofTheLaw 2 месяца назад
I'm going to have to disagree here. If Miquella was so sure he'd bring about a better world, his ideology and ideas alone would be enough. He wouldn't have to manipulate anyone because enough people would be on board with his vision. That's the power of actual charisma. He would not have to resort to control. Instead, he's no different than Makima from Chainsaw Man. Of course, some people would still oppose him, and he'd have to fight for his ideal world, but people should still have the agency to decide for themselves if they want to oppose him.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@TheLongBallofTheLaw "his idealogy and ideas alone would be enough"... No. As Rykard would like to say "Taking by force became the rule". If you rely on kind words alone in such a competitive environment where everyone is pursuing the throne, you'll be left in the dust. That's what is naive. In such an environment everyone needs to get their hands a little dirtier if you actually want to sit on the throne. Thats the price for your ambitions and desire to change this world. Miquella simply paid that price in a way that resulted in the least amount of harm in this process
@philipguerrero11 2 месяца назад
Altruism doesn't exist
@ShawnWeeded510 Месяц назад
Fam miquella is a young boy and Thollier is a grown man.
@paulcashion8049 2 месяца назад
Compassion through compulsion is tyranny. His goal is naive, stupid, and evil.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
'Evil' you say? Tell me the evil things Miquella did and then tell me the evil things we did as the tarnished along with other players like Ranni who have high ambitions to change this world. I think the math will speak for itself.
@ozsun9736 2 месяца назад
Although this video is well put together and enjoyable, I have some gripes with it. First, in the remembrance of a God and a Lord, I strongly suggest that when the text is speaking about their afflicted selves, it is talking about Malenia and Miquella, not Malenia and Rykard. To my knowledge, none of the carrian Demigods have any affliction plaguing them, and Malenia/Miquella have both some kind of affliction. Malenia with the rot, Miquella with nascency Second, I wouldn't put it out of the question that Miquella considered Godwyn as a consort, due to the Epitaph Sword having a very Golden Order Fundamentalist-Esque ability, dealing heavy damage to those who live in death, whom Godwyn presumably is the first, the prince of death. Imo, only after delving deeper into Malenia's affliction and the whole outer gods meddling shtick does he consider Radahn as his consort. I would put forth evidence in the form of the starscourge and prosthesis wearer heirloom talisman's to indicate that Malenia was first learning to fight whilst Radahn had already conquered the stars, but the stargazers heirloom throws that particular theory for a spin unfortunately
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
The remembrance states 'their afflicted selves' while strictly mentioning 'the god' and the 'the lord' Miquella and Radahn's afflicted selves. However, the sentence itself is ambiguous so Miquella and Malenia being referred to here is very much possible as well. As to your 2nd gripe, Miquella saw in Radahn a 'lord in their childhood' which already means Miquella was set on having a future with him from a very young age. Saying that he desired Godwyn to be his consort is no longer congruent with the factual information we've been given. Malenia already strengthens this by telling Radahn how Miquella is awaiting him as his promised consort. Godwyn angle as I've (hopefully) well argued in this video is of Erdtree revivals being disrupted due to the deathroot curse. Effectively making Radahn's revival an impossibility. Meaning Radahn's great rune which is tainting Radahn can't be divested of for his age of the unalloyed. (As elden ring represents the greater will's control)...until Miquella figures out the Mohg and shadow realm plan ;) Finally reviving Radahn in a prime, pure and radiant form. Ready to be his lord Hope these explanations help. Much love
@ozsun9736 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99you know what? You are absolutely right! You might really be Ontos omething (hihi) I just wish we had a little bit more clear cut language especially with the whole "their afflicted" plus Radahn not really pulling through with his part of the vow, which would go against his Honourable nature... argh it's all so convoluted, keep up the great work
@ozsun9736 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 and could the reason be Radahn didn't pull through with his part of the Vow, precisely because they made it as children? Maybe it wasn't clear at the time that Miquella wouldn't grow up, and Radahn after growing up so to say did not put any weight anymore onto their vow due to him playing it down to mere childs play?
@ozsun9736 2 месяца назад
Like children saying "Im gonna marry my sister one day" etc
@weeblol4050 2 месяца назад
I dont agree with the real world connection, golden order in my mind represents the christianity and miquella goes against the order but he is of the same brood, a son of marika in the end his order would be worse but since he is a child he doesnt understand that. This is analagous to our liberal worldview, it itself is just a derivative of christianity and its kindness is hardly an improvement. Like Ymir said Marika and her fingers were unhinged from a start and if roots are rotten there is hardly much that can be done
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
But precisely because Miquella rejects her mother's as you said 'rotten roots' does he divest himself of his flesh.To renounce his mother Marika's fate as the child of the Erdtree. Ansbach's dialogue I've directly inserted in the video makes it very clear. How much Miquella doesn't want to tread the same ground his mother Marika did. This rebellion is as serious as Ranni's age of stars. Make no mistake about that.
@weeblol4050 2 месяца назад
​@@Ontos99 But its just like a teenager rebelling against his parents. Rebellion will fail, not because the parents snuff it out but because in the end teenager is unable to create values different from his parents. What is there to rebel against what can he fix? In thus spoke zarathustra (section: higher man) it says "wherever the vices of your fathers are there you should not set up as saints...but whoever would be a firstling let him also take care not to be a lastling". I think for that reason marika called on tarnished to mend the elden ring how they see fit.
@weeblol4050 Месяц назад
@@Ontos99 Broken order cant be fixed with something that is already contained in the previous order. What is a difference between devotion to the Erdtree and devotion to Miquella? Results of his godhood will be the same there will be individuals who dont fall under his spell and will be outside the order just like the previous one. In the DLC there are characters who dont fall under Miquellas spell even before rune is broken.
@ShawnWeeded510 Месяц назад
Fam, becoming a consort doesn't mean married.
@the-hermit-arcana Месяц назад
word, the ring placed on Ranni's and Miquella's hand isn't even on the left hand, which is where a wedding ring goes. It's on the right, which is where coronation and papal rings are placed in real life.
@gamera5160 Месяц назад
Consort: a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch.
@blackeddeath Месяц назад
@gamera5160 Месяц назад
@@the-hermit-arcana Some cultures (including Japan) put wedding rings on the right hand because the left hand is considered unclean.
@RavenGamingOverLord Месяц назад
@WalterGirao 2 месяца назад
Still at the beginning of the video but I disagree strongly with the notion that miquela's mind control is somehow not too bad. This is clearly an example of "the road to hell with good intentions" *and* "ends justify the means". It doesn't have to be one or the other. He is a monster. A childish hopeful monster. And no one makes it more clear than poor radahn
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
watch the video in full please
@WalterGirao 2 месяца назад
Looks like you let miquela steal your heart too hehe. This veneer of compassion breaks away really quickly as you get closer and closer to his real personal and childish desires. The greatest example being radahn who get's his soul stolen kicking and screaming and shoved inside his brother's body only to be used as a puppet for all eternity because "kindly" miquela had the hots for his muscles. Everything is fine. Good or malign. As long as it serves kind miquela. Control them enough to make them all stop fighting each other so they can serve me instead. Much healthier and "more balanced" How very Griffith of him hehe.
@WalterGirao 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 on it
@WalterGirao 2 месяца назад
Just watched it all. Doesn't change anything I said. Strip away the convenient veneer of "compassion", look closely at his character and deeds and the "fickleness of the gods" will be revealed. Just like all the other demigods. He is an eternal child. Therefore selfish, idealist, and entitled. All will be loved. Graceful or malign. Unless it goes against his plan. His want can't be denied.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@WalterGirao To that sentiment, I'd respond with the exact argument I've laid out in 09:50 - Word for word
@tropezando Месяц назад
Try to defend Miquella without Ranni whataboutism challenge: impossible
@topdeckhelix8450 2 месяца назад
Ah dude, that second game was so trash. Hard to take that comparison seriously but ever other point is fantastic.
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
what game?
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
Oh wait you mean Last of us part 2 haha. Well I love that game. But that's kinda beside the point. Glad you enjoyed the rest. Much love
@lamule232 Месяц назад
Nah, Miquella's age wouldn't have been salvation. It would have been Falconia. Awesome video though.
@Sargatas 2 месяца назад
Doesn't all this heartstealing stuff lead to his constant paranoia? Everyone can be free on his spell at any given moment to turn against him. And maybe...even be strong enough to kick his divine ass😏 Leda for example had one🙃
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
Actually, he willingly lets go of his 'charm and enchantment' by shedding his empyrean flesh. So everyone IS free by the time we get to Messmer's castle, the spell is completely broken and Miquella has divested himself of all his golden lineage. People are extrapolating a gameplay addition 'your heart is stolen' and going to places like 'he is a monster stripping people of their free will' when the situation is not at all like that. A mischaracterization of his intentions big time in my eyes. Doesn't fit with none of the themes or character arcs this DLC explores. Does that make sense? He will NOT create a reign where everyone is brainwashed in a manipulative way to strip them of their free will to be his slaves. Miquella is not interested in such vanity I assure you. lol
@Sargatas 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 a pity that we didn't get another choice-based ending. Like in Lies of P where you could give a heart or not and a whole bossfight was depending on that choice.
@Sargatas 2 месяца назад
@@Ontos99 well...now I know why I was fighting Miquella at the first place. No matter what ending I've picked I could not allow any competition because there can be only one sovereign. The only thing that I regret is that I can understand all of this only from videos like yours. If all this plot was given through gameplay and if we made clear choices that matter in the grand scheme of things like in BG3 it would be if not objectively 10/10 game, but at least 9/10 for sure. But making such cool lore and making it available to 1-2% of players is a big mistake from my point of view...
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
There is actually a strong pushback to this from a narrative perspective. Depends on what Miyazaki wanted us to feel. Since we, as the tarnished, represent Marika's order, her 'promised lord', it is possible Miyazaki wanted to explore how it would feel like defeating one of the actual 'good forces' in this god forsaken realm. As unlike Ranni, Miquella is not interested in making 'us' the tarnished his lord. Radahn and Miquella will go on to forge their own age. As the power-hungry tarnished we are, we slayed both of them with the allure of being Marika's consort ;)) That moral dilemma is actually an interesting one that Miyazaki keeps it open by not giving us an alternative Miquella ending. He makes us think 'what would Miquella do if we allowed him his age of compassion'. That's a nice way to add complexity to a narrative. Keeps things flexible and frankly true to life. If Miquella doesn't choose the tarnished as his lord, he will fall to our blades ;))
@Ontos99 2 месяца назад
@@Sargatas I plan to play BG3 soon. It just came out a point in my life I was semi-busy and didn't want to play cRPGs lol But I played a little bit back then and enjoyed it. I also enjoyed Divinity 2 so I'm sure this is an awesome game. I'll give it a proper go at some point.
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