
In the Mind of Colonel Jessup: The Savior Complex 

In The Mind of A Villain
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In this entry we’ll be taking a closer look at the mind of Colonel Jessup (Jack Nicholson) from A Few Good Men.
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Topics: character analysis, villains




26 мар 2022




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@stereo-type1510 2 года назад
The issue here was that Jessup didn't have the time nor the inclination to explain himself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that he provides and then questions the matter that he provides it..
@normanndaba8823 2 года назад
..either way I don’t give a damn💪🏿
@danyelleorr-mcneil4711 2 года назад
I see what y'all did there😏😉
@MD-rd7bn 2 года назад
@@normanndaba8823 very intelligent answer, deep thinking…
@carlostejada1479 2 года назад
@pto5481 2 года назад
Added to that, no one asked him nicely…
@richardbuse228 2 года назад
One of the more scary realities of the military is the fact that men like this can ruin your whole life or put you into positions where you may very well lose it. For the average enlisted guy a full bird colonel has the amount of power a medieval king had over a peasant.
@stevenwilson5556 Год назад
Brilliant analysis of Colonel Jessup, and the role was played masterfully by Jack Nicholson.
@Flantomas 7 месяцев назад
was it an analysis of the character? It felt like a movie recap.
@mg19cal 2 года назад
I don't think I'll be able to watch this movie ever again without hearing "Café" when they talk to Tom Cruise character😎
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
Oops my bad haha 😬
@mg19cal 2 года назад
@@inthemindofavillain nah its all good man. I actually liked it👍👍
@DocGrim1 6 месяцев назад
On top of that, Jessup didn't run an Army platoon. He is a Colonel in the United States Marine Corps.
@sapitos4 Год назад
Interestingly enough, Jack Nicholson stated that he agreed with the character he played, that we "want him on that wall", and have never made any comments about the immorality in Jessup's attitudes. Go figure.
@TheRestrictedgamer 2 года назад
Just because you're fighting for the good guys... doesn't mean you aren't a villian.
@shafkatahmed5420 2 года назад
Kind of like Magneto,survival of the fittest,if you consider mutants as fittest
@seanmager1168 Год назад
DAMN RIGHT. Jessup may be a High ranked Officer in the U.S.A. Military, so he's on the side of the Good guy's It seem's by the Uniform he wear's and That he's IN the Marine Corp's. But the Truth is, he's REALLY ONLY fighting for Himself. AS Jessup is a egotistical and egomaniacal and arrogant fool who think's He has the right to make up his own rule's an law's and he thinks the actual Law's and rule's are inferior to him. Jessup was 1 TWISTED CRUEL MESSED UP S.O.B. And im REAL HAPPY He was Shut Down. It REALLY show's him the Hard way He's Not invincible and He's NOT Above the Law like he So Delusionaly believes He Is. All the stuff he says in the courtroom scene is just BULLSHIT Excuses which Only fuels his Paranoia and shows us All how insane he is. We have PLENTY of Other High ranked Officer's out there in the U.S.A. Military who are skilled an Now FULL DAMN WELL how to Fight an Lead and Protect our Beloved Nation, But of course, cause Jessup is a childish delusional arrogant idiot, He thinks that He is the ONLY 1 capable of Defending the Nation and he seems to also believe I think he "OWNS" The Marine Corp's. Col Jessup DEFILED ALL the Marine Corp's and its code Stands for with the Bullshit he pulled. I REALLY wish we could have actually seen the look on his Face when Later on he is COMPLETLY STRIPPED Of his rank and Dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corp's which We ALL Know is EXACTLY Which is gonna Happen to him. It would have been SO MUCH FUN to see him Kicked outta the Marine's and See his Face as he Realizes Finally there TRULY IS Other's who DO of course outrank him and have Power over him.
@speedracer2008 Год назад
Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame is the perfect example of this message. Just because he’s a religious person doesn’t mean he’s incapable of committing evil deeds in the name of God, when, in truth, he’s doing them in service to his ego.
@hawkeyeten2450 Год назад
Heck, it even comes down to simply justifying doing what you think is right for your side. Remember General Zod in Man of Steel: "Every action I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people". He literally wanted to genocide humanity in the name of saving his own race. This shows how Jessup and Zod are truly among the most dangerous men you could ever encounter.
@imcallingjapan2178 11 месяцев назад
The US military are far from being "the good guys"
@garryflanders6328 Год назад
I've only taken one psychology class but I have been around a lot of senior military officers and this seems quite common (though heightened for entertainment sake). Jessup is a product of military progression. He went to the Naval Academy so he's already in a different class even amongst the officers, we won the 2nd, 3rd and 4th highest awards for valor in Vietnam and wounded on 4 seperate occasions. There are not too many people who would argue with someone who has a Navy Cross. He has been promoted at least one ahead of his peers (Lt Col Markinson) and now has own little "kingdom" away from the larger organizations/general officer oversight. He also clearly seems in line for advancement to brigadier general and all this reinforces his own ideas that what he is doing is right because it has been successful for him (creatingthe savior complex). He is aware of the numerical disadvantage between his element to the Cuban military and probably sees Santiago as someone who could further exploit this weakness if conflict were to arise. Especially with his background, it is really common for people like him to deride seniors from a different background, i.e. the judge and the region commander (most likely a Navy admiral). Although most are not so brazen about it directly to the person and especially to investigating officers.
@inthemindofavillain Год назад
Well put, nicely said.
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
Yeah maybe. ... He's probably done a lot good things, before this situation (Santiago) ... People from his squad have probably been promoted, as excellent leaders, going elsewhere in the country. ...
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
It's just time. His ego was peaking, off the charts when the Santiago problem happened. And because of his anger, he didn't stop to think maybe the *Dr.* made a *wrong Dx* .
@frankarvidolsen2730 Год назад
By watching the closing scene in the courtroom I am fascinated be the sheer brilliance of the performance of Nicholson. I Also endorse Cruise way of approaching, thinking for "a minute" in the courtroom how to approach this man and make him confess to his crime. What about colonel Jessup? I guess It all stems from childhood and a harsh upbringing by a father unable to render love (although we do not know that from the movie itself) and in later life experience in the Vietnam War which leads to paranoia. The unableness to admit guilt and ask for forgiveness is common to all humans. But I think colonel Jessup is a borderline case, manipulative and revengeful - a psychopath in his own right. The world is full of them. Thanks for delivering this masterpiece of a film - and thanks to both Nicholson and Cruise.
@chrispnw2547 Год назад
The power of acting where a talented actor falls into the background and the character moves to the front. Jack Nicholson's best performance.
@d.maxwell8669 2 года назад
A Few Good Men is a great movie, but what no seems to remark is that aside from Jessup, the 2 accused marines, Dawson and Downey, are morally bankrupt as well. Dawson finally understood his mistake in the end, but Downey remained clueless stating he "did not do anything wrong" by following orders that directly led to the unnecessary death of a fellow marine. These people have been trained/brainwashed to the point that they no longer understand what is right and what is wrong. All they care about is following orders. However, they are still humans who are expected to think for themselves, and not robots. It was right that they got dishonorably discharged.
@carlostejada1479 2 года назад
it's because they follow orders or ppl die. is that simple. Are we clear??
@d.maxwell8669 2 года назад
@corbinmcnabb 2 года назад
The movie assumes troops are morons. Typical hollywood stereotype.
@distracted_visions7095 2 года назад
I couldn't agree more!
@danieljohnson2005 2 года назад
No, their only mistake is that they broke a rule created by some candyass, liberal politicians who never served a day in the military, yet they think they’re qualified to write military doctrine. I love the movie, but I hate the message.
@francessweeney2308 Год назад
If he had decided to just show Santiago the door, focus on the marines that are up to the task. Then he wouldn't have been facing a court martial. In most armed forces,either side can end their tenure before 180 days service within a couple of weeks. In other words 13 weeks at recruit training and 12 weeks specialist training could be ended by the training commander as 'unfit for military service.' After that, a reasonable attempt has to be made to train the soldier. All attempts need to be documented on the soldier 's record. If, after a period of time say 3 months there is no significant improvement; there are grounds for discharge as ' services no longer required'.
@jeffchampeau 2 года назад
I can get coffee at the café down the street, but not Kaffee because Kaffee is the last name of a character in a movie.
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
You’re the first to point out that error 🤭. Major narration oopsie. 😬
@domanz1 2 месяца назад
Sir, Kaffee literally is coffee in german so yes, you absolutely can, sir.
@jeffchampeau 2 месяца назад
@@domanz1you missed the point. This is an English language movie.
@domanz1 2 месяца назад
@@jeffchampeau Sir, point taken, but you forgot to call me son, sir.
@deeestuary 2 года назад
The doctor was the villain. It was he who was so incompetent that he missed that Santiago had a serious medical condition. If he'd picked it up Santiago would have been sent home and no problem (and no movie!). As it was Jessup thought he had a healthy but poor marine who could be 'trained'.
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
That’s possible but Jessup would’ve known too, from the fact of Santiago’s repeated collapsing from heat exhaustion.
@frankdenardo8684 11 месяцев назад
The doctors at MEPS (Military Entry Processing Station) and at boot camp. They get examined at MEPS, and everything is OK. At boot camp, they do another exam. I went through MCRD San Diego, and I lasted a week. I got sent to Balboa Park Navy Hospital for another examination. It was loose over there IE no bed checks, you get to watch TV, read books, newspapers, and magazines. I got to eat what I want. I was intervied by a Navy pschyatrist and a psychologist and about a week later. I was declared that I was not suitable for military service. I was given a new set of civilian clothes, $500 and a one-way ticket on a United Airlines Boeing 737-200 to San Francisco.
@ZetaReticuli_ Год назад
Jessup is a good illustration of someone you would want in a foxhole with you, but you wouldn't want to be his neighbor, friend, subordinate, child = god forbid, or probably even his wife if he were married. The biggest hole in this movie is that someone like Santiago would more than likely never be accepted in to the service, as certain disabilities will automatically disqualify you from service, even in a draft. Santiago's sounded like it could have fallen in to that category.
@RatPfink66 Год назад
> Jessup is a good illustration of someone you would want in a foxhole with you He's the kind of guy who learns nothing from war except how to win it. He learns nothing about peace, humanity, or morality, because to him, war is the highest calling of man.
@stevenwilson5556 Год назад
Santiago's medical problem may not have been manifest before he got to Guantanamo. We aren't given much information about it, he could have got some mosquito bite and got sick or food poisoning or maybe something else that deteriorated his health there that was not a problem previously. Without any such knowledge it does not make sense to talk about how he would not have made it into the service.
@ZetaReticuli_ Год назад
@@stevenwilson5556 Yeah, but if were something like you described, would not that have been disclosed as a reason to transfer him off the base? In real life, such a thing would be disclosed during the investigation, would it not?
@stevenwilson5556 Год назад
@@ZetaReticuli_ a lot of things might happen different in real life than in a movie, but I have seen enough weird shit in the past couple of years to really question all the "in real life" stuff. Real life is far too weird and absurd to logically predict what will happen "in real life"
@ZetaReticuli_ Год назад
@@stevenwilson5556 I the last two, going on three years now, life has become much stranger than fiction. I'll give you that.
@jonjeremy4778 Год назад
I know military people that are like this. I'm glad they've defended me and my countrymen but as human beings they're nothing less than dreadful people. It makes me wonder what went on in their upbringing both family and in training. It's both ironic and sad when I think about it.
@philt6800 2 года назад
I grew up with a father like him. It’s one of the most destructive environments imaginable
@voyagerlast 2 года назад
im sorry for you.
@edge803 2 года назад
I hope things are better for you now.keep strong
@MrIdasam 2 года назад
Sounds like your father was/is a narcissist.
@jaronbridges4784 2 года назад
I hear but you gotta admit your father made you tougher. The world isn't fair man. You gotta get through bullshyt in life or you will crumble. God bless you man.
@philt6800 2 года назад
@@jaronbridges4784 you’re assuming his intention was to make me tougher. It was instead to set me up for failure so he wouldn’t feel like a failure. There are some sick people like that. I learned that I had to cut him off and find my own strength. Some people break you down in order to put you back together and make you grow. Others just want to control you and keep you weak
@ronaldgarbutt6883 10 месяцев назад
I think the notion that Santiago had some undiagnosed cardiac condition is speculative and not based on any real evidence. Assuming that the doctor isn’t lying, the physical exam and work up were normal meaning no hypertension, cardiac murmurs or abnormal EKGs. Any serious cardiac abnormality would be apparent on autopsy assuming one was done. And of course any unfit male who was forced to train daily like a Marine would almost certainly experience chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and might even collapse of heat exhaustion.
@georgestone1485 3 месяца назад
The doctor admitted that he was not a criminalist and couldn't have possibly been diagnosed Santiago's heart condition, given his own ego & lofty position and godlike attitude. He saw Santiago as a fake, a gold brick, too lazy to perform calisthenics or putting in roadwork endurance training!! The one innocent person in this movie was Santiago, then LT D. Kaffee, he was put into an impossible situation, who was being stonewalled at every turn, by both defendants and Prosecution witnesses!!
@joshlight6892 2 года назад
Good analysis. Lt Kendrick was the same way imho. He and Jessup were peas in a pod, men so obsessed with being badass soldiers they forgot their own humanity to the point where they had nothing but contempt for the very people they were supposed to be protecting. Both of them mocked and belittled anyone who was not in the Marine corps, and even some of their own fellow marines who they felt were not up to snuff and didn't see things the way they did. Kendrick even disrespected Markinson his own superior and Jessup went right along with it. Kendrick may have had the King James Bible next to his bed, but you sure couldn't tell that he read it that much. Everyone knows Marines are required to be tough as all hell. But if you get in a state like Kendrick or Jessup I would ask why you even bother protecting people you have nothing but contempt for? These two were more akin to paid mercenaries.
@condorc72 2 года назад
Awesome commentary
@stevenwilson5556 Год назад
Spot on
@paulboulter7823 Год назад
Nathan Jessup saw himself in Lt Kendrick when he was a junior Officer!
@laprincessa9787 10 месяцев назад
Great analysis.
@robertisham5279 10 месяцев назад
That's what I like about Markinson. Unlike the other two he never forgot his humanity and that's why he remained humble. He should've been promoted to full bird colonel not Jessup.
@sidesofcoins5255 2 года назад
Yours is a criminally underrated channel, my friend!
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
@robertisham5279 2 года назад
@@inthemindofavillain Stop calling them soilders. Their marines not soilders.
@ruturajshiralkar5566 2 года назад
​@@robertisham5279 Its the same.
@sidesofcoins5255 Год назад
@@robertisham5279 *they're
@humbertozepeda7320 2 года назад
Perfectly explained .
@Vindix007 2 года назад
I've meet plenty officers like Jessup in the Brazil Army Forces.
@richardsteele8161 2 года назад
It is not uncommon for a member of the Armed Forces to display an inability to adjust to the military lifestyle, whether for mental or physical reasons. To ignore Santiago's very obvious physical limitation was cruel and egregious; it required at the very least a thorough medical examination by more than one physician. If recovery seemed less than probable, the next step is to discharge the service member, usually honorably. The paranoia, arrogance, and sheer egotism of Nathan Jessup (and the inexcusable fanaticism and bigotry of Jonathon Kendrick) had no place for even the simple discharge of a Marine no longer capable of the demands of infantry training. Releasing Santiago would not have been even the slightest obstacle to Jessup's political appointment. Now, I am a veteran officer of the United States Army; however, I know both the Army and the Marine Corps have some secretive methods of internal discipline in the combat arms specialties yet I also know the Corps is not without compassion. Colonel Jessup's delusions of martyrdom, incontestable superiority, and outright sadism quashed whatever compassion was extent; Kendrick's self-righteousness and obsequious approach toward Colonel Jessup were the catalyst. You have to become a politician if you want to wear stars on your shoulder, yet you don't have to be evil to be "promoted up the chain."
@empathyisonlyhuman7816 2 года назад
Howdy hi hi Richard Steele That assessment was exceedingly well written. I enlisted as a 19D Cavalry Scout in the U.S. Army back in '89. And like Santiago, I suffered from undiagnosed ailments that limited my capacity to perform. For me the chronic illnesses are known as: Factor V Leiden, Antiphospholipid syndrome, and ocular migraine. I can attest to the supplemental disciplinary actions taken by certain individuals. I was fortunate enough to recognize that the environment in which I found myself was not a place where I would thrive. And as such I requested discharge, and was by the grace of those whom do hold honor in their hearts, was granted that request. At the time, a reduction is the total number of military personnel was being enacted. But I can also attest to the brutality of some individuals who saw the recognition of one's limitations as an athama. And who did make every effort short of obvious self incrimination to wield their authority to punish as exceedingly as they were able to enact. Choosing, as did Jessup, to act through others. Who lacking knowledge of the limitations placed upon such disciplinary actions. It was clearly hoped would inflict grievous injury. Once the day of my discharge was upon us. The soldier who was assigned to torment me, took me aside. Made sure I understood that he had been acting under orders. This was something I was already aware. He expressed that I had at the very least earned his respect. Because no matter the methodologies employed. He felt that I had acted with honor and respect for uniform, the flag, and the Army. And that he had, in executing his orders brought only shame upon both himself and the Army. I don't know what ever became of that soldier. Nor of the Drill Sergeant who issued those orders. But I do know, that within our armed services. There exist, side by side, men and women of both the highest, and the lowest of character.
@basilmarasco1975 2 года назад
Marine officers are not as cruel or fanatical as Jessep was shown to be. They are tough, strict, gung-ho, extremely disciplined, etc. But they are not arrogantly stupid or reckless.
@robert_costello 2 года назад
I thank you for your service to our nation. I did not serve in the Armed Forces, but I was a police officer for a number of years. Regarding the people in charge of defending our nation, I stand with Colonel Jessup on this one. I realize it’s a movie so, the whole situation is hypothetical. That being said, I do believe that our “trained professionals“ shouldn’t be catered to. It is this very mentality that is putting our countries safety in danger. I want men who can only think of destroying the enemy that dares to challenge them. I think our soldiers should crave the taste of Chinese, Russian, or North Korean blood. Directly through poor judgment in leadership, our military is, apparently, going woke. This is not a good decision. This will give a strategic advantage to our enemies. Similar to what Colonel Jessup says, weak men in the military puts lives in danger. Recently, I watched an ad put out by one of the branches of our Armed Forces. Soldiers discussing what their preferred pronouns are. If garbage like this continues, this country will fall. America is the only superpower on the planet. We’ve obtained that title by not giving in… by sheer force. It is only by our military mite that we are who we are. It took a long time to get here and, it could all collapse in an instant. I don’t care about anyone’s political affiliations. I do care when those ideas creep into our Armed Forces. Does anyone truly think that the Chinese are above polluting the heads of our military? Is it so far fetched to believe that the greatest threat to our country are those who seek to weaken the men that are willing to die for us? This is not a joke. Many members of Congress have been infiltrated by China and, openly, take sides with them. It will not be long before they sabotage our military and bring our country flat on its face. I don’t think China or Russia is teaching their military men to get in touch with their emotions and identity. Lest we forget, China has over 2 million soldiers and Russia outguns us, in terms of the nuclear arsenal. Our enemy is beating us without firing a single shot.
@empathyisonlyhuman7816 2 года назад
@@robert_costello I think I understand your point of view on this. Certainly there is there is more than just merit in ensuring that our fighting men and women are up to the job. And from my own experience I can assure you. That there is no training if effect that is teaching them to get in touch with their feelings or identity. What has happened however, just as it did previously with the issue of race. Is that our military is realizing that there are untapped human resources that were excluded for reasons that have nothing to do with the fighting efficiency or ferocity. As a law enforcement officer you must fully understand that there are rules of conduct that you are expected to follow. And if you disregard those rules, I expect that you understand that there will be consequences for such failure. As you may or may not be aware for this movie. Col. Jessup disregarded his orders with respect to having untrained soldiers enact disciplinary actions under their own authority or via direct order. Rules of conduct had been established for the very reason featured in this film. Pvt. Santiago gave his life under circumstances that under the uniform code of military justice should not have occured. Even if Pvt. Santiago was a so called sub standard marine. His death robbed this nation of any and all service he may have given during his lifetime from within the civilian populous. By Col. Jessup's own testimony, his marines follow orders or people die. But he sought to excuse himself from that same standard. Col. Jessup failed to follow his orders. And someone, perhaps many someones, died because of it. Per your reference to Russia's nuclear arsenal, it really doesn't matter how many warheads there are above the point of being fully capable of completely annihilating one's enemy in a nuclear exchange. The full release of any one of the arsenals of Russia, China, india, or the united states would essentially end our lives as we know them anyways. It doesn't even matter where on the planet they were detonated. The ensuing particulate matter in our atmosphere would desimate food production and effectively end at least 95% of all human life within a few short years of such an event. North Korea, France, and Great Britain would most likely need to combine their arsenals to have the same impact. Per your reference to the number of military personnel within China's armed services. Yes they do out number americans two million to one point two million. However, to match that two million, it would take somewhere between a hundred and fifty thousand, to two hundred thousand U.S. troops. This is due to the vast superiority of U.S. weapon systems. And the degree to which U.S. troops are trained. Nearly one point eight million of that two million troops of China's. Have virtually no training whatsoever. With the gear that does exist going to the two hundred thousand troops who are well trained. This means that the vast majority of China's fighting force is basically the equivalent of civilians. Russia suffers from this problem as well. But not nearly to the extent of China. As such, you can rest easy. Neither China, nor Russia are truly peers to the united states in terms of military might. At best the phrase near peer is most appropriate.
@RatPfink66 Год назад
@@empathyisonlyhuman7816 nature The miniseries _Band of Brothers_ made a point worth pondering with the story of the vain, arrogant and cruel Capt. Herbert Sobel. The point, which other officers in his regiment agreed with, was that cruelty within limits is very effective in training - even if an officer is incompetent at his duties (as Sobel was). Sobel killed or injured nobody. He was arrogant but he wasn't stupid. He simply believed putting his soldiers thru hell was a sacred trust. He was also fair enough about it to treat his junior officers no better than the lowest grunt.
@thomasthomas2418 2 года назад
Jessup displays a pathology similar to that in most politicians.
@militarypsychologist7255 Год назад
I am a recently retired Colonel who served for over 37 years; this includes 14 years of service as an enlisted member. From a military protocol perspective, it was inappropriate for Lt Col Markison to question Col Jessup’s orders in front of a junior officer.
@militarypsychologist7255 Год назад
Thank you!
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
Yeah but Jessup was especially a dick about it - Is the point I think the narrator's making. ~ Went WAY into his (perceived) personal shortcomings, and everything.
@militarypsychologist7255 Год назад
@@martindebrois1472 Agreed, but not all civilians understand military protocol. That was my point.
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
@@militarypsychologist7255 Ok maybe.
@TheAfas77 11 месяцев назад
Can Col Jeesup appeal for the Court Marshall's decision at the Higher Court ? like Court of Appeal ?
@thomasjordan5578 2 года назад
Heroically human Marine Corp persona suggested as part of overall dehumanization deemed imperative for mission effectiveness.
@Blueboy0316 Год назад
Down in gitmo there's a special burger they serve at the theaters called the "code red". One had one there while watching a screen of a few good men.
@antoniomoyal Год назад
Good psychological insight
@FilthyHeathens Год назад
Say what you want about Jessup, but it’s 100% true there is nothing sexier than a woman you have to salute in the morning.
@YD-uq5fi Год назад
The USMC has 600 Colonels, not to mention 2500 Colonels in the US Army and 2000 Captains in the US Navy. It is a bit much for Jessup to think he is a large percentage of the entire reason for the freedom that civilians have. "I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom.". Yeah. Gitmo went on just fine after Jessup. Not to mention that the US military is about 3 times the size of what it should be. If there is one country that has a military much larger than it needs, it is the US.
@richardlahan7068 2 года назад
Lots of people bully their way through life. It was probably easier to do in the past due to the fact that the "good old boy" system excused bad behavior or gave the benefit of the doubt to the person in a position of authority.
@RatPfink66 Год назад
Bullying carried a moral weight of its own, as long as it enforced the will of society. In organizations like the military, it still does carry that weight, because it forges unit cohesion and "it saves lives."
@arnoldvankampen3672 2 года назад
To me he is like an irritable professional who does not like to be lectured. He is sort of artisinal. Do not ask how or with which tools the experienced carpenter crafts his work. He just does it. So, he runs his unit somehow automagically. By experience, but his actions have to somehow fit a theoretical framework. With that he struggles. He looks for some quick fixes, as he despises the beaurocrats who live in their dreamworld, while out there real people are really dying. The paperwork is his downfall.. In fact he is not enough of a hypocrite, not sleazy enough. The way he has to cover his tracks lacks dedication. Because he does not really consider that of importance. The beaurocrats finally get the best of him. So is the victory in court really a victory. Both parties fail to understand each other. It reminds me in some manner of 'first blood'.
@wildcard3261 2 года назад
Yes, everyones right. But everyone loses.
@RatPfink66 Год назад
His mistake is believing that there is no higher moral good than the job he does.
@speedracer2008 Год назад
Jessup has a high opinion of himself and doesn’t take kindly to anyone questioning his authority.
@condorc72 2 года назад
This may as well have been a true story....the marine corpse is full of these monsters
@ianrastoski3346 Год назад
1:36 Lieutenant Café, first name Joe
@Toshineko 2 месяца назад
Ironically, Jessup was projecting when he said ''You can't handle the truth!''. The truth was, HE was the bad guy. He just couldn't handle it. So in fact, Jessup was the one who can't handle the truth.
@abba3642 8 месяцев назад
Is this the one allowing Rubber rooms at the base outside section8 section?
@SSArcher11 7 месяцев назад
Is the "Savior Complex" included in DSM-V?
@SiyaMedia Год назад
When are you going to do Anton Chighur from No Country For Old Men?
@jonsnipe5484 2 года назад
Thing about military is if you obey the order u know is wrong u can be court Marshall.. but if u disobey the order u still can be court Marshall... One of the reasons I never joined
@bobvadney7240 2 года назад
Ya know..Dr Stone was never..retried for his perjured testimony....& if Col. Jessup.has to kill my son to.protect our freedoms....i,d just as soon protect my own freedoms thank ya very much...great great movie....& great explanation of a man,s behavior...such as a Col.Jessup...
@abba3642 8 месяцев назад
Son we live in the world of V.H.e$e$♤♡◇♧
@rajufrancis374 2 года назад
The thing I don't understand is if Willy cannot perform well in the marine cor why he continues to request for the transfer instead of resigning.
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
Thats a possible option too, my guess is perhaps he was requesting to transfer to a non combat vocation rather than leave the military entirely. Perhaps also if he were to resign, he may have gotten even more flak from his commanders, given Jessup’s approach to training.
@nickanna8857 2 года назад
Resign? You cant resign. There is a phrase in the military. DX. It means direct exchange. If an issued piece of gear you are signed for breaks, you take it to supply and "DX it". If its not performing up to spec, but not technically broken, sometimes servicemembers will intentionally, secretly, finish breaking the thing in order to DX it. If you, as a leader in an infantry unit, get issued a soldier or marine not up to the rigors and stresses of combat, you absolutely give them hell. One of two things will happen. They'll acclimate. Or you get to DX them. But you've got to break something to DX it. Is it warm and fuzzy? No. Does it save lives? Yes.
@rajufrancis374 2 года назад
@@inthemindofavillain . True, I too was wondering.
@rajufrancis374 2 года назад
@@nickanna8857 . Your justification is not reasonable to believe
@danyelleorr-mcneil4711 2 года назад
@@rajufrancis374 it's reasonable, for the military. It's just wrong as hell. Both parents were in the military, both have mental health issues.
@PILATUS1968 2 года назад
on the 30 yr anniv of this movie i still enjoy every bit of it, my only problem with it is why did Markison killed himself, he was outranked in the decision of Jessup's orders, so what was his guilt he had to just come in say what he knew and taken over the base with a promotion he seen be the one who more hoor than Jessup. and another thing when are we going to correct the fact that Coronel is misspelled
@corbinmcnabb 2 года назад
He would have understood that "just obeying orders" was not a working defence, in the US at least since Maj Wir after the Civil War. The problem, the two young Marines might not have known about Andersonville Prison, but they knew about illegal orders as well. As for the spelling of colonel, I think I will buy Webster and change...nah.
@vanessalyons4918 2 года назад
As hinted to by Colonel Jessup-close infantry training has a morality of its own. When given an order, Dawson was fully aware that his own personal moral convictions had no place in his decision-making process. How then are they responsible for Santiago's death? These officers exist in a different world. They are governed by an internal system that rejects individualism and replaces it with a deeply ingrained, systematised herd/tribe thinking. Why then are they being measured by external conduct and behavioural metrics that encourage the stand-alone-caped-crusading moral idealists (who is guided by his own conscience) who fights for justice? They were treated unfairly. I happen to agree with most of what Colonel Jessup said in his courtroom meltdown. The outside world wants the guarantee of the freedom that they provide along with the co-existing ability to (in this case, quite literally) prosecute their methods of attaining this freedom. Is Colonel Jessup really the villain?
@RatPfink66 Год назад
You give Jessup far too much of the benefit of the doubt. From what you wrote, the moral world of the infantry is not to be interrogated by the greater world, not even in peacetime. That the system provides freedom is not to be questioned. There are no greater moral questions, only matters of individualism. The greater world's codes of conduct are nothing more than metrics and externalities. Of course Aaron Sorkin wanted Jessup's soliloquy to be compelling, to invoke basic realities, to make a certain kind of sense. Otherwise it would have no impact on the audience. Jessup has to come off as a highly intelligent man who has sworn himself to the simplest, starkest principles. But Sorkin also wanted to raise questions about those principles...starting with "the manner in which I provide" American freedom, if in fact Jessup and the Corps do provide it.
@GQ-jv9uw Год назад
Pride & Arrogance
@DS-od1kb 2 года назад
Surely in a battalion of around 650 people the CO would know everyone's name at least.
@richardbuse228 2 года назад
Not at all. My battalion commander was a Lt.Col., and he didn't know the names of half of the men in his unit : maybe all the commissioned officers, but that was about it.
@thomasjordan5578 2 года назад
More than a few observers are advocating for Jessups point of view.
@corbinmcnabb 2 года назад
The doctor had given Santiago a clean bill of health, so I would dispute that he never knew about possible health issues. The court scene does not prove it either, but is presented for reasonable doubt. Other than that, I agree. He was a fairly typical self important officer.
@boshirahmed 2 года назад
Military doctors tend to be macho and will close ranks..all they see is strength and excuses .
@corbinmcnabb 2 года назад
@@boshirahmed Fair enough. But Jessup wasn't an MD, and this was all he had to go on.
@Harry_JJ 2 года назад
When I was younger, I agreed with Jessup. As I got older I realized what a sociopathic sack of shit he was. I also noticed that he refers to his subordinates by their first name while demanding they refer to him as colonel/sir. Very condescending and manipulative
@boshirahmed 2 года назад
Those are the rules, it comes down to bring effective, was he effective, in the film he is not as could have done things differently..
@zachlang1982 2 года назад
To be fair though, most Officers and Warrants tend to address each other by their first names if they are of the same rank or if they are addressing a subordinate Officer. I’m not exactly sure why this is (I’m an NCO) but it’s not necessarily a symbol of arrogance by itself.
@thetruther954 2 года назад
Just a reminder to anyone watching this. We all want to get inside people’s heads and see what makes them tick. Maybe the videographer is even a psychologist or social worker. I know I went to one. The playground, the authoritarian father, the savior syndrome? Those things aren’t there. The two marines being sacrificed? The other officer committing suicide? Those things are there. Very important to keep straight when you’re trying to see things and figure things out. It could all be so, but only some of it definitely is.
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
100% agree and I appreciate the comment. Some of those parts were just speculation. The rest were as it happened in the movie.
@thetruther954 2 года назад
@@inthemindofavillain Yes, very important to see what’s there and not what you’re making it out to be. I guess that’s why we have art and art critics. I hope there aren’t a lot of art critics assessing the deeper meaning of Qanon? You tell me. Not that that was here, but do you know the shear number of Qanoners we have?
@carlostejada1479 2 года назад
@@thetruther954 'you want answers??
@thetruther954 2 года назад
@@carlostejada1479 Unless I already know them. You got any?
@thetruther954 2 года назад
@@carlostejada1479 I'm not waiting for a gay response, am I? You asked me. John.
@JohnSmith-gb5vg 2 года назад
He was not courteous in military terms. He did not end his questions, answers or comments addressed to a superior officer with Sir. He can get away with that a couple times but not on going and especially in the official aspect of their lunch.
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
In hindsight, you’re actually right and I would edit that portion if I could. Kaffe should have been more aligned with military decorum, especially when interacting with a full bird colonel.
@ruturajshiralkar5566 19 дней назад
@elfrenbernier5387 2 года назад
It is true, millions of people in the USA, question the blanket of protection provided by thousands of soldiers
@johndoe6298 2 года назад
Are you implying that they don't have the right to question it?
@elfrenbernier5387 2 года назад
I rather You Say thank you and go by your way
@wilman7574 2 года назад
@stephencarroll2622 Год назад
Is Nathan Jessup still alive?
@inthemindofavillain Год назад
He’s a fictional character.
@johnsmith-rd3zx 2 года назад
most people in this world think evil is good and good is evil.
@NJGuy1973 Год назад
No, most people can't tell the difference.
@WendellsCat Год назад
Um, did you watch the movie? It's Kaff-ee, not Kaf-ay. In fact, it's stated many times in the movie, clearly.
@inthemindofavillain Год назад
You’re the second to point that out. But you’re right, it’s an error.
@zachtaylor5312 Год назад
You people that police the way others pronounce words are annoying. Did that somehow ruin the video or make it irrelevant because he didn’t pronounce a name right?
@tremorsfan 9 месяцев назад
The thing is, Cuba isn't a threat. The only enemy at Guantanamo Bay is boredom.
@abba3642 8 месяцев назад
At least he had not porn mustache at gun store$#too
@chrisdiver6224 Год назад
Jessup's personality long before his action in this film should have disqualified him for advancement. But the film shows that his subordinates largely admire and imitate his fanatic style of leadership. Unfortunately, many American men also admire this bad ass style and idolize our military because of it. It's because President Kennedy did not believe in this utterly unreflective, authoritarian style that the human race survived the Cuban missile crisis.
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
I have a close friend who is a head psychologist, in the US Military... He's in charge of assessments. He says while maybe not in the '90s, a 'Nathan Jessup' *would* get flagged, today.
@nedmar423 2 года назад
He was wrong..and it was a MARINE platoon, not an ARMY platoon. Otherwise, well done!
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
My bad, thanks!
@safety1st341 2 года назад
Did you called the Marines “solder”😭
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
Mistakes were made 😔
@zachtaylor5312 Год назад
That’s what you took away from the video?
@tremayneparrott2420 9 месяцев назад
to me he was right and wrong but especially wrong too at the same time even way more also
@georgeedward1226 Год назад
Villains like him defeated fascism and ended the Holocaust in WW2.
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
*Minds* like his decided the Holocaust (GENOCIDE of certain people, that would make the world better) was ok.
@marioparedes4936 2 года назад
Jessup came from the old school training, and alot of what he said is true, whether we like it or not
@johndoe6298 2 года назад
Jessup was not "old school", but an arrogant and self-serving prick. Rather than having Santiago's physical and medical condition looked into properly, Jessup insisted that he be brought up to standard, without considering the damage this could do to either the unit or Santiago. He subsequently gave orders that (unintentionally) led to a man's death that could easily have been avoided, then tried to cover up his involvement. This shows that, despite his rantings about "duty" and "honour", he failed in his most basic duty as an officer - taking responsibility for any orders he gave - then acted dishonourably by lying about it. Jessup only cares about himself and his ego, rather than those under his command - a basic principle of leadership. He lives in a fantasy world with himself as its saviour. If you still can't see that after watching the video again, then you have serious issues.
@marioparedes4936 2 года назад
@@johndoe6298 why you hide behind an anonymous name, scared?
@RatPfink66 Год назад
the old school wasn't always right. where do you get that from.
@om3ga109 Год назад
The issue was how he conducted himself. He went on a big rant about how much he values honor and loyalty, but where was his loyalty to his men when they were going to take the fall for his order? Where was the honor in valuing his career progression over the lives of two soldiers who followed the chain of command unquestioningly? We see numerous times throughout the film his hypocrisy, his martyr/god complex, how he believes in the rigid adherence to the chain of command... Until it reaches him. Never does he show any respect towards those ranked above him unless directly called out on it. A broken clock is right twice a day- you gonna rely on it to get you to work on time because of that?
@marioparedes4936 Год назад
@@om3ga109 I don't use a clock, I look at the sun, and how did he conduct himself, like a Vietnam veteran that was shown little to no respect when they came back, which is why he went on his rant, because he had a right to do it, and to humiliate the navy guys, and he didn't have to answer questions that's why he went on his rant,
@gatorunleashed275 Год назад
It's much like today in America really, the nation grows weaker as we the people continue to worship and surrender to the weak. Hell since Obama was President many people, especially those with years of college don't even know what public restroom to use. "all you did was weaken a nation today son". Simple truth. Also Santiago wasn't perfect, yes physically he had a disorder but he broke the code by ratting on his unit. Codes like this are invaluable, and it's why Dawson stopped protecting Santiago and actually carried out this "code red" on him. Clearly, nobody is perfect.
@chrispenfold-ivany499 2 года назад
He was wrong and selfish he had duty of care as a leader.
@maheshpolkam2329 2 года назад
@hoyinny 2 года назад
On the whole I agree with the majority of what you're saying, however I do not agree totally with your points about Jessup's pride or his background. While he definetly was compelled by his ego to act villainously and demand respect, things like expecting a subordinate not to second guess you in the company of others is more of a facet of the rigid hierarchical structure of the military, especially in a frontline deployment where insubordination or percieved doubt in the abilities of the command could lead to a collapse in morale with deadly consequences. Similiarly Jessup never gives any indication that he is suffering from past trauma or experienced a difficult upbrininging. It is very dangerous to start attaching psychological diagnosis to individuals without extensive testing and education. Ultimately I feel like the point of Jessup is to make him a villian of degrees rather than an all-out villian. Many of the statements he says do have some truth to them and if portrayed in another story could be cast as heroic and it's only the few rare times that he oversteps himself and reveals his less than honourable motivations that we can truely determine that he is in the wrong.
@inthemindofavillain 2 года назад
Agreed, the speculation on the background went a tad too far in this one, it’s been toned down or nonexistent in subsequent videos.
@RatPfink66 Год назад
Let's be clear. Jessup was NOT just putting Markinson in his place purely in the name of command. Markinson voiced a legitimate concern about the effect on unit morale. Jessup's response was that his exec could only have done so out of jealousy toward Jessup's rank and decorations. No background needed. It's all in the dialogue. It's a shot across the bow. He's telling Markinson, "You have no right to second guess your commanding officer on any matter concerning the good of this unit. If you think you have that right, I will assume it's your ego talking. And my ego can beat yours right into the dirt. So I am shutting you down, and you will _stay_ shut down." And Markinson stays shut down. He _lives_ the chain of command, and when it fails, he cannot go on living. His suicide note to the Santiago family says, "Your son died because I wasn't strong enough to stop it." What he doesn't say is that he saw it as his duty not to stop it.
@ekujj13 Год назад
We need a video that shows how Jessup was the hero of this movie.
@human6631 Год назад
He is not
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
​@@human6631... Lol exactly. He's only a hero in his mind.
@gregorywilliams4751 2 года назад
The true villain of the movie: the military doctor
@ThothTheAtlanteanK 2 года назад
Unfortunately Santiago was not cut out for the Marines. In way over his head, if he wanted to be in the Military he should be in the Army or the ROTC. That's why they are The few and the Proud. A situation that just went bad, nothing more.
@jimmy2k4o Год назад
Misguided in the beginning…..sympathizing with his decision not to transfer Santiago. If he believes his condition wasn’t serious or a he believes that he can make Santiago stronger…. But once Santiago died he became a villain, because he let the blame fall on Dawson and Downey, he hung them out to dry. This was a legal battle, and their colonial left them behind on the battlefield to save himself. And he talk about “honour, code, loyalty, a lifetime spent defending something” accuses the others of using those words frivolously, but he uses them as a shield to defend himself…………a real marine using those words as reminder of what they’re fighting for, what they’re enduring hell for. Those words are their strength, and Jessop defiled them. not only those words, used the patriotism of two good marines and cast them aside to fort Leavenworth so he could go to the White House. Verdict: evil Probably always evil It’s was just this specific chain of events that pushed him to reveal it.
@bigroy38 2 года назад
Marine soldiers?!WTF!!
@Julio-cu1fq 2 года назад
He might just had done the same thing for too long and gotten burnt. He is intelligent but acts mechanically and no thoughtfully anymore. He is institutionalised and square minded by then.
@viking956 11 месяцев назад
It's pronounced Kaf'fee .... NOT ....Kaf fay'. How can you comment on a movie you obviously have never seen?
@nedmar423 2 месяца назад
No, Col. Jessup (along with Kendridk) was wrong ALL of the time. Country and the Marines he commanded deserved better, a man with INTEGRITY.
@carolstevens6932 2 года назад
He was wrong, with hie superior persona. It's wrong to use your authority to ruin someone else's life to make yourself look good,and go about your merry way,just to prove you are the the guy you think can't be touched. He preached it but didn't live by it.
@EhHold 2 года назад
Marines not soldiers.
@TheBatugan77 2 года назад
Soldiers. Soldiers. SoldiersSoldiersSoldiers SoSoSoSoSoldiers. Soldiers.
@Paxxxable 2 года назад
do one on darth vader and on sauron from the lord of the rings xD whats the point of channels like these ? psychologcailly analizing ficitonal caracters xD who never existed .. lol .. its like measuring the weight of antimatter of idk WTF ..
@Paxxxable 2 года назад
i mean pushing reality on non realit is like idk .. lets count the midiclorians in Anakins's blood .. and make it a CNN n BBC headnews ... ppl wud defiantely take it as real .. in todays' fake world XD... idk if im gettin thru but why makin so much shit ... yea okay i see .. the channel if it grows and enuf idiots listen to it . then can be monetized .. sheer truth .. but i wanna rather stufy idk .. the bipolar disorder of stontes and waves on the sea ... instead of colonal jessup ..
@nickcastrellon909 Год назад
MARINES, not Soldiers! The Army has Soldiers. Get your research right before posting. 🤦🏽‍♂️
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
Dude, it was just a little flub-up ...
@theoharrington8668 Год назад
Mind of a villain: can u speak of more black movie villains?
@chaunezkalk9822 Год назад
I strongly disagree with this narrator.
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
How? He certainly has Savior Complex - He thinks his *existence* , + every decision he makes is *saving the country* ... Every week. He's an egomaniac to the Nth.
@YD-uq5fi Год назад
America of 2022 actually needs more people like Col. Jessup. The Colonel in charge of Gitmo today is probably a transgender.
@martindebrois1472 Год назад
Umm no. - I think there's somebody I don't know SOMEWHERE BETWEEN a 'Jessup' and a TG, who might be *good* . 🙄
@danieljohnson2005 2 года назад
A Few Good Men is a great movie, but it was written and made by a bunch of self righteous, Hollywood liberals who never served in the military, and really don’t know what it is to be a soldier or a marine. The twist to the whole thing is that Jessup wasn’t the bad guy. I was in the army infantry, and although we never called it a “code red,” we had other ways of handing out corrective training to shit bags. Jessup wasn’t morally corrupt in how he tried to train and discipline his men. He was, however, when it came to the coverup, but I think anyone could understand his actions.
@bigroy38 2 года назад
We called it blanket parties.
@RatPfink66 Год назад
so the circumstances that made Pfc Santiago anything other than a shitbag do not concern you.
@om3ga109 Год назад
"Anyone could understand his actions... When it came to the coverup." ...Brilliant. I mean that, it's not wrong at all, I completely understand why a criminal wants to conceal their crime from the public, especially when their career is at stake. They're still fucking wrong though. What uh, what exactly where you trying to say there? What exactly were you trying to justify?
@nickanna8857 2 года назад
Col Jessup did nothing wrong.
@imcallingjapan2178 2 года назад
Funny joke, Nick.
@wishchris 2 года назад
He disobeyed orders for a start
@chuckoaks6756 2 года назад
Jessup was probably revered by his soldiers. He had a strict code of discipline and honor even if he didn't apply it to himself.
@imcallingjapan2178 2 года назад
@@chuckoaks6756 He had no honour. His actions led to the death of a young man, the suicide of another, and the impending imprisonment and career-destruction of two promising and dedicated marines, and instead of taking responsibility he tried to cover it up and escape justice.
@tylerdurden7353 2 года назад
Col Jessup failed in following the code of the Marines, "to fight for those who can't fight for themselves." Private Santiago needs the outmost help to move him closer to home and he denied him of it, out of Pride.
@benspigener3037 2 года назад
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