
INFJ - Self Analysis Pt.2 The Knowers Curse 

Tom Davison
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So literally after making the preceding video, I made this immediately afterwards, because of feeling like my own self analysis about self analysis was obscuring something deeper that I wanted to express. Slightly ironic given what I was just explaining prior but this Is essentially the inescapable essence of being an INFJ.



15 сен 2024




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@urbanrat84 7 лет назад
Watching another INFJ muddle through their thoughts out loud gave me the same feeling I get when I go through this privately in my mind - strange experience watching this video
@Owly-iu5vr 7 лет назад
Wouldn't it be interesting if there would be a cafe for INFJ's? The conversations!!! P.s Fantastic videos!
@tomdavison2784 7 лет назад
Are you buying?
@m.a.c.8396 7 лет назад
@m.a.c.8396 7 лет назад
i mean like, +Tom Davison right? does autocomplete actually exist on youtube or work in chrome?
@adelaidemarie 6 лет назад
Tom Davison I will buy.........build it and they will come.....remember field of dreams?
@adelaidemarie 6 лет назад
Owly 2016 a podcast of the conversations
@d.s.4822 7 лет назад
Somestimes I feel like I spend more time analyzing my subconscious personality and patterns of behaviour than I actually live them. I am both myself and the investigation of it but I'm spending more time on the investigation which is again part of myself so it pulls me in a spiral that will never stop an arrrghh...and people ask me why I say that my thoughts use up most of my energy. Being an INFJ is so freaking exhausting.
@tomdavison2784 7 лет назад
"I am both myself and the investigation of it." Brilliant way of describing what it's like to be an INFJ, exactly right and yes it is exhausting!
@jakemoore4080 7 лет назад
What you are describing is the INFJ battle between seeking meaning / understanding (Ni) and the cravings of our inferior function (Se) ie living in the moment. We INFJs need both as one gives meaning to the other. And I read somewhere that while we primarily live in Ni... we can non the less exhaust it... so we need to reconnect with the present which can feel so tantalising. And I believe we get such a childish joy when we are suddenly immersed in the moment because it is our hyperawareness of its subtle shifts and patterns that reawaken Ni to the greater meaning behind it and life in general. So the circle.
@angelicaventer1769 5 лет назад
Wow, so true
@BarbaraMerryGeng 6 лет назад
Dear Tom, a little less self analyzing, a little more engagement in the physical world without the use of WORDS. Practice BEING/ DOING/ FEELING. That’s what you have a body for. Enjoy being in the body. Spend time having fun experiences with your body, and notice it as it is happening. ~ It is wonderful to have a highly developed intellectuality & to possess masterful verbal expressive skills. It is also wonderful to listen to birds, smell the ocean, lay on the grass (unless you are allergic ) per a dog, eat a piece of pie, etc. I have discovered a great relief in enjoying the physical world around me. < And yes, you will never get to the bottom of trying to figure things out ! So long as you approach it with that understanding, you’ll be ok. ~ Thoughts are thoughts, my friend. < As for the ant, he is quite satisfied with his life in the garden & is not plagued with wondering, what will happen on the next blade of grass, pebble, etc. He is too busy LIVING . 🌞🌻🌿🤗
@arcadianwings2662 7 лет назад
Your Honesty and vulnerable exposure of yourself is soooo very Beautiful!
@TheLeftCulprit 5 лет назад
The kind of people you are looking for are out there. There are a lot of us. Maybe one day there will be a means for us to organize and come together. It'll be the greatest brainstorm session in history. Not many people understand how we can be lonely while surrounded by friends, a loneliness of the mind.
@randysmith5435 3 года назад
Thank you! I just found your video sitting on my porch searching for the answers to the questions in my head that make me feel so alien to the people around me. Don't feel discouraged by your thoughts, just know you are not alone in your quest. I am fifty-two and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. That used to scare me. I think now that it's just the little kid deep down inside that was always looking for answers that I kept asking adults who just didn't want to look that deep because it scared them. Sometimes people try to make the world smaller to make it seem simpler. The truth that I've found is that the beauty and complexity, cruelty and indifference brings me to tears of wonder. Smell the roses, cry for the dead animal at the side of the road feel the wind on your cheek, the sun on your face and wonder that we ever came to exist and have the ability to experience such miracles. Be well. A fellow seeker
@elleneda1 7 лет назад
Hi Tom. I’m an INFJ who can absolutely relate to what you describe in your videos. I’m (likely) older than you and have known about being an INFJ for several years. I think it’s great (and somewhat typical for an INFJ) that you are anxious to figure out the deeper meaning behind life. Its possible though, that you could easily burn yourself out trying to achieve closure on understanding such a broad, dynamic, subjective topic. For me, sometimes answers present themselves when I’m not actively looking for them and am just busy enjoying life. From one INFJ to another, remember to take some time to smell the roses. I wish you peace and happiness :)
@c.s.70 5 лет назад
I second this. In tpical INFJ fashion, I burned myself out @ 17-19 y.o. trying to rush to an final understanding of life's mysteries and big questions, obssessively trying to figure it out clunkily with Ti, not sleeping....I think this became a Ni-Ti Loop where underdeveloped Ti was somtimes misused or not used in the most efficient way and bypassing INFJ intuitive flow cause I needed to "prove it" or "deduce it" in this reductionist deterministic assumed historical era we live in. I can relate to Tom's wanting understand it all now so I can base my decisions on Truth and clarity and devote my precious energies on what truly matters. The impulse is nt wrong per say, just the ways to go about it I guess. Tunnel vision.
@TheLeftCulprit 5 лет назад
Well said, more people need to hear this.
@lancelotdufrane 5 лет назад
Listening to you,... I nod my head, smile, and silently agree. I realize how much I’d love to talk to others, then remember....... very few opportunities arise, for MY kind of conversation. ... Thank you for speaking for us. You did it beautifully. This is a strange and wonderful ride. INFJ Lives Matter!😁☺️
@dominicossarg8931 7 лет назад
You are on fire mane! Exactly what I've been feeling! You are helping me process/healing major shit! I feel a major exstisencial crisis is beimg avoided by just seeing these 2 videos today. The Universe applauds you 🙏🔯👽
@Sara-ot2pm 7 лет назад
Coming from another INFJ, you made perfect sense. Makes me wonder how many people can actually relate to these kind of thoughts and way of existing. I could relate to every thing you said. You also gave me a little glimpse of hope and inspiration for my future. I'm still looking for that one thing that will make my entire life make sense. I haven't moved forward in years because I'm stuck in this loop of self analysis and dissection of what all possibilities of the future holds for me. It's a real struggle. Thanks for the vid, looking forward to more.
@livelyara 2 года назад
When I listen to you speak, it is the only time in my life I feel a sense of calmness and ALMOST human! I have listened to countless other "INFJ's" and never felt like they hit the depth of who I really am inside. Maybe it is because there are no true INFJ's that can stay dedicated to posting videos for long periods of time. Our minds are too busy and complex to externally communicate the depth we experience on a regular basis. Finding you has been like a breath of fresh air to me. It has also helped me to also realize when I think I am struggling to communicate my thoughts, they sound way more coherent than I believe them to be. Albeit, that may only be true INFJ to INFJ...but hey I will take it! The struggle of trying to live a spiritual life in a physical body is like being locked in a prison at best. I feel so detached from society. I wonder how everyone else can walk around "living", but never experience true life! It feels like I am surrounded by zombies. Strangely, I know in this life I am the zombie! Praise God this is only a vapor! Thank you sweet Tom for sharing your beautiful mind with us!
@karenmarieverde5223 5 лет назад
When you find yourself nodding and smiling in the knowing way that all of this makes perfect sense. My world is that of finding myself increasingly reflective, as I walk this path of understanding of what makes me function as I do. Reflecting inwards the thoughts, frustrations and musings that I explore within the confines of my inner world. Yet always bound by the questions of why, and the wish to explore and seek more information, knowledge and wisdom. I congratulate you in having the strength to discuss in such an open forum as this. As most of us would agree, to step out of the confines of what makes us as we are, is an extremely difficult path to walk. Mostly as we are walking contradictions, comprised of many many layers that even we do not understand (and only seeks to underpin the thirst for more knowledge). I absolutely adore to talk about the deeper aspects of life, with the many questions it has posed to me over time. Time being a commodity that lends itself to either make it your master or servant. There is a great deal of loneliness that comes hand in hand with who we are. Mainly as the majority view us as 'weird' when we do take the incredibly hard step of allowing our thoughts to be heard, read or viewed. We do this out of sheer frustration at times of wishing to be validated in our unique ability to see the world in all its beauty and yet the tragedy of realisation that, for the most, each individual we interact with, either wishes not to see what we see, or reject us in our want to help them walk a path that we truly wish for them to open their eyes to. My inner child is constantly there, playing out the innocent role of seeing the good in all and wanting to run with free abandon through this universe. Alas this does not align with the 'real' world we find ourselves in. Anyway, I could go on forever. But as with all things in my life, the small things mean the greatest to me, so a small thank you for a great thing in validating me. Thank you!
@williamroylance5653 5 лет назад
Just came into all this INFJ personality stuff, and am very relieved to know that it wasn't just all in my head, but as for you Tom, you put into words that I can hear,an are the same as the words I see in my mind but can't hear but somehow understand it's authenticity.listen to everything as fast as possible on this subject,came across you ...an you discribe my thoughts that I can't put into words...so I so enjoy watching and listening to all you want to talk about.please aways finish your thoughts vs. procrastinate an say I'll talk about that on another video... thank you for your boldness an courage to put yourself out there for some of us to learn more about our unique condition😎
@hayleyosborne1632 7 лет назад
Your deep, descriptive appraisal of our INFJ consternation is soothing to my confused soul! I've been following you for awhile Tom, but needed to say thanks for being the reassurance we all need when muddling through a routine existential crisis..
@anthonynkurt 7 лет назад
I can follow your philosophical waffles for the most part, :-) I believe that once you have reached a certain level of awareness there is no going back. Your quest for knowledge and answers is only going to intensify and grow as you age and go through life. You just have to accept that and be comfortable living in your aware state in an isolated world. To get the innocent child-like experience I like to hang out with my 4.5 year old neighbor Gracie-she's a great mix of the innocence/questioning and we get along GREAT! :-)
@brycewidom5465 7 лет назад
Such a beautiful revealing of your very personal infj experience. I so resonate. I only just realized, in the past couple days, that this infj lens is precisely the way in which I am designed (not infp, which a test ascribed to me, 25 years ago.). Your meandering - saturated in meaning...the way your vocalizing stutters, as you speak to one thread of revelation, only to stumble upon another...and another...one perfect attempt to put shape to the mystery (and frustration) (and gifts) of this way-of-being, giving rise to the next...your self-conscious "I'm wasting your time now"...the length of your preamble...the tension in ending the video (as there's always more...and more...)...your awareness of how this might all be utterly confusing to the viewer...your vulnerability, sourced from (as I see it) a pervasive drive to find the next deeper layer of truth/Truth. I loved it all. Primarily, because of the resonance I was/am feeling...that I'm not a completely broken (or, better, half-born, half-emerged, half-shaped) human being (always trying to fix and better myself, to find that ever-elusive "key" that will unlock my own Goodness, my own deserving of this precious human life). Gratitude...for your willingness, to share your experience. Thank you, Tom.
@wildangel4452 7 лет назад
Yes to esoteric & metaphysical videos pls! That's where my seeking led me to. Isn't it utterly fascinating that Carl Jung was into astrology? Finding the overlay between MBTI and astrology placements was so exciting to me. I'm now more into seeking my answers from metaphysics since there's so much more depth.
@tomdavison2784 7 лет назад
Wild Angel Yep it's fascinating how it all connects, I recently did some work seeing how mbti fitted in with the 4 elements, the 4 temperaments and astrology. I now pretty much regard mbti as being a modern take on all that went before, one which suits the more scientific language of our age yet is firmly rooted to ancestral knowledge.
@Pandacuddless 6 лет назад
I'm so glad I found you. It's easier to reflect on oneself knowing that other people are going through the same thing. When people make progress from their weaknesses as an ifnj its empowering.
@hopeinhumanity. 5 лет назад
Infjs, the minds that are constantly thinking about thinking. Some days It’s exhausting when one thinks about how much one thinks about thinking. Other days because you’re so use to yourself it feels normal until your mind once again focuses on how much it thinks and then the questioning of normalcy begins again.
@iamsoohappy 7 лет назад
I believe a balance between the two extremities-is the middle path we seek. It will enable us to bring the components together in order to live in a more wholistic lifestyle. Eliminate the rigid separation, dissections, comparisons, and you find the unconditioned perception you were always looking for. Instead of separating the two, bind them together. That's just my take on it. Thank you for your expression.
@wildangel4452 7 лет назад
I can totally relate. My friends always ask me "What is it you're searching for?" I'll be damned if i have an answer. The deeper I go the more i feel if i did even deeper I just may find it. Since part of my search is also seeking the perfect career.Or at least a happy one, I could well make a career out of it. Maybe this is why psychology and writing is a good fit for us because I'll then officially allowed to go down the rabbit hole of understandings.
@luxorator 5 лет назад
I have never related to someone as much as you Tom, after diving deep into your videos. Thank you for taking the expression of your musings to such a public place as RU-vid. It’s hard for those of us cursed with the constant yearning to find closure with all of existence itself. You are right, the answer to all of it has never been lost. We never stop living it. :) Peace.
@cliffw995 7 лет назад
This is great Tom! I have followed your channel for a couple of months, but this is the first time breaking my silence. Actually visualizing these two paths that you mentioned was very insightful to me today. I find that for the majority of my life, I have always favored the knowledge path, partially due to the mystery, but I think also due to the comfort it provides. It's what I do and what I know (or don't know!), and deviating from it can cause a degree of fear and discomfort. I feel like lately I have been able to more readily attempt traversing down the other path. I don't know if this coincides with my developing a more extroverted component in the last couple years or not. I do feel like the paths complement each other, and pursuing one for a while seems to enhance the other upon returning. Just my ramblings, but you've provided me tremendous insight today with your discussion and I'm grateful. Take Care.
@MasterAlchemist11 7 лет назад
I really appreciate your INFJ videos. Thank you for helping me feel normal !😅😄
@tomdavison2784 7 лет назад
No worries, thanks for watching.
@BarbaraMerryGeng 6 лет назад
Kim Ber Ley / By “normal “, one supposes u are saying, “I’m not alone.” U are not alone. - That being said, I feel sad to considering how we consider being defective, because of being the unusual one in a population. It turns out, all great people through history were “ unusual ones”. They were unusual because they were extraordinary persons ! 🤗
@ruthsoules6698 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for making the infj videos. I have been really struggling with my infj self and your videos just reassure me that I am not the only square peg in this round world. Thank you so much.
@adrianfeeger 7 лет назад
It seems like your sitting on the edge of getting out what you want but something is holding you back, maybe shame, fear of being seen as a crackpot and loosing some of your audience. I know exactly where you are going with this, I suggest you just dive right in.
@m.a.c.8396 7 лет назад
well shortly said
@urbanrat84 7 лет назад
Are you an ENFP by chance?
@adrianfeeger 7 лет назад
@adrianfeeger 7 лет назад
But I have been spending a lot of time researching and discussing consciousness and my gut was that this is what Tom want's to dive into. But that discussion isn't for everyone, some people find it very threatening as they are heavily invested in their paradigms
@urbanrat84 7 лет назад
Ah ok, the advice to dive in and not hold back threw me off.
@ashleyjones7548 6 лет назад
I admire your genuine expression. I wish I could sit down and enjoy your presence. Even through a video you come across so pure. As far as the words, we are all having our own experience, and The words are just jibber jabber in which we attempt to communicate our experience so we may feel connection. But when we can sit and enjoy others energy that is a similar frequency to our own, our mind clears and amazing things happen. At least in my experience. Connection happens, and that is the most amazing sensation I can feel. I hope you get the chance to read this.
@CatGirl12311 7 лет назад
Nodding my head to this! I believe I'm an INFJ even though I sometimes test as INFP, depending on the day. Also for a more a life-complicating double-whammy, I test out as HSP as well. Went through a sort of existential crisis last year, don't remember much of 2016, maybe was sort of stuck in an NI-TI loop? I started drinking again last year after over a year sober, my anxiety + borderline anorexia came back and reared it's ugly head. I think deep down because I wanted suppress my feelings of everything going on, inadequacy, not knowing what to do about anything in my life personally, but wanting to do something big to help the state of the world, and I still don't have the answers as to why I'm here, and it bugs me! Want to go to therapy for help, but it's not covered under my already expensive insurance plan and I don't have the $100+ per hour of talking to someone. Managed to quit the alcohol again, replaced it with the occasional less harmful kava, but I'm in my early 30's working part-time and studying psychology/counseling by reading books on my own until I decide if I want to shell out the exorbitant amount of money for a master's degree in it (I'm in USA, the land of where it's a total mess right now, and nothing is free nor discounted in any way.) I guess to sum it up/what I'm trying to say is, I get you! And thank you for making these videos.
@tomdavison2784 7 лет назад
I think anyone in the 'NF' category would likely test out as HSP so don't find it too confusing. Trying to solve your health issues should be your first priority above all else, I'm sorry to hear how difficult it can be in the states, we often moan about our health system here in the UK being overburdened or maybe having to go on a waiting list for a little while but I would never change it for what you guys have to deal with. So yeah thanks for watching but spend a bit more time on yourself and if your an INFJ, the best thing you can do in regards to depression and world weariness is to try and find something you enjoy that ironically doesn't involve too much thinking, which is actually quite hard I must admit, although maybe practicing your counseling with someone else who may be in a worse place than you might also help provide some clarity and meaning for you.
@nicholasjh1 6 лет назад
I enjoy piecing it together as well... But it also really pisses me off that other people are so unconscious of what's driving them... And that they have no control over it.
@Julimango 6 лет назад
True. Just took 2 test a week a ago and scored INFJ.. I've reading about my self doing a lot of self analysis about myself and others mostly trying to understand myself. That why I found out that I'm INFJ, Empath etc... INFJ are spiritual not religious definitely we can't limit our thinking... yes we dig and dig and dig. Yes we're always looking asking and coming to new conclusion never settle on none... We are also master minds we have infinite universal knowledge that we can tap into and find what we want. I can totally relate I think like that... we zoom out and look at life from a birds eye view and then back down to a small level... no understands me... 😞
@kristi94 6 лет назад
"we can't limit our thinking, yes we dig and dig and dig" Relating so much to what you said!
@harishaneef26 5 лет назад
You are a soul brother Tom! Happy to be your new subscriber !
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 4 года назад
Sure is!!
@clarahaslam5769 3 года назад
I'm constantly psychoanalyzing and am so self-aware because of it, and it is so exhausting. I've been this way since middle school and I'm only 20 now, but I wish I could stop. I spend so much mental energy on it and my biggest fear is getting to the end of my life and realizing I spent the whole time analyzing myself instead of actually living.
@clarahaslam5769 3 года назад
I feel selfish because I'm always thinking of myself, but I can't stop trying to figure out exactly why I am the way I am
@EvilS14 6 лет назад
I want to say thank you for the courage to make these videos, I know it's not easy for us! So happy to see I am not alone in my struggles. Peace be with you!
@azumi9319 5 лет назад
I would be curious somewhat to meet someone who thinks like us in person. I have never felt more alone than I have this last year. Love watching these videos though
@Verichmond 6 лет назад
Just hearing you speak makes me feel less alone in the world. Thanks for sharing your self on You Tube for other INFJs
@adyear3168 5 лет назад
That INFJ conundrum of impulsively wanting to analyze everything on a subject before drowning via information overload on that same subject.
@CampinMum 4 года назад
Thank you, I love that I am not alone with these musings all the time💕
@Pandacuddless 6 лет назад
Also I noticed that my heightened awareness of people's lies can get really toxic to our wellbeing at times. Liars is our biggest pet peeve and it eats away at us especially in relationships. Now that I reflect back on it, I realized that, that can also be our advantage. Our personality helps us not sway from our standard of requiring people to be honest to us. Our job is to control how much it affects us for we can't control the actions of others.
@michaelhenault4381 5 лет назад
INTJ...I use meditation. One transcends one's own newscycle humdrum.
@ashjackson6528 7 лет назад
Ok... not quite sure how to put all my thoughts and feelings about this video down in words. I will preface by saying I am not an INFJ, I am an ENFP. (I'm going to get off topic a lot here.) I will admit, frustratingly so, that in my 26 years I have not had the privilege of becoming closely acquainted with anyone who thinks as abstractly and imaginatively and symbolically as I do. It just hasn't been in the cards yet. (As ENFP's are supposedly most cognitively compatible with INFJ/INTJ I have tried to do as much research as possible on their types to understand what the hype is, and why I'm supposed to get on so well with them.) But, I have to say that listening to you, to this video, is the first glimpse I have truly had into experiencing a deeply internal, other plane of existence, existentially frustrating conversation (minus the conversation). And am even grateful to be out "senerioed" (
@tomdavison2784 7 лет назад
Wow, not only do you think beautifully you write beautifully too Ash. Really enjoyed reading that and yeah I can go deeper than this with the ol 'thought tangles' and maybe I will but anyways, thanks for watching!
@ashjackson6528 7 лет назад
What a super nice compliment! It's funny, I read, reread, and rereread that comment before I posted it and still thought I sounded like a dummy. Thanks for your honest appraisal and thanks so much for the reply.😊
@RCpigieon 6 лет назад
I can relate so strongly to the things you say Tom, if you could know just how valuable the knowledge that I am not alone in my thinking is to me....never stop being you man.
@kristenbaker3343 6 лет назад
As an INFJ-A I used to think I had social anxiety. Now that I've peeled back the layers & am sharpening my intuition, I've realized it's not anxiety per say. It's walking into a room and feeling everyone's energy all at once which is overwhelming... recognizing that, & releasing the responsibility for all of their energy.
@angelicaventer1769 5 лет назад
I can't even begin to explain how useful this is for me now. Thank you so much.
@womandela7225 5 лет назад
I know this video is a couple years old so I'm just chiming in, but I get what you mean about the discomfort of being by yourself talking about something. Ideally if you were interviewing someone or in a group discussion like a podcast I'm sure you wouldn't feel that way it's just the fact that we just need to relate to other people when it comes to what we were thinking about it's really hard to have a thought outside of the relationship of someone else.
@michellescanlon990 6 лет назад
I constantly swing between both!! I'm happier and less burdened living in the now but I always find myself needed something deeper !!!
@Oreo-s1f 5 лет назад
you totally make sense to me, i can relate to every statement. I felt i could never relate completely to anyone, i could understand everybody, but nobody could understand me. Until I found out, that there is INFJ.
@kamikazitsunami 5 лет назад
I just found your channel today and it's really unfortunate that you haven't made more videos because it seems like you're in my head. I rarely ever come across anyone that I feel I can relate to. I always feel like I'm talking down to people and teaching them instead of having anyone that I can just have an exchange with.
@stone8man 6 лет назад
i usually get so bored with answers I much prefer the open questions. All the time one has to listen to what is what and what isnt, there simply is no time for the questions anymore. The ancient Egyptians and the greeks valued questions above everything else but we obviously dont live in that kind of atmosphere anymore
@emilyboelle8724 7 лет назад
you are NOT wasting my time, sir!
@amyfoodietraveler2187 6 лет назад
So been watching quite a few videos of yours now and I think this has hit me more for I too am at the point in my life where I’m debating weather I go down this spiritual path of knowledge and understanding and experiences to become more enlightened, or to focus my efforts on following my dreams of travelling and seeing the world and developing my skill as a chef. I feel I can’t do both simultaneously, but torn, for I feel I’ll get more self meaning from going down a spiritual path than focusing on my skill, I’m trying to figure out a way of merging the two. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in these struggles and reading other comments there are a few of us out there. Anyway loving the videos, keep it up :) they have been incredibly helpful
@kellir.adkins2262 5 лет назад
I swear Im just like you and I think and feel the things you say. It’s crazy. I say Im cursed all the time. Tbh I was listening to a song about 10 minutes before I watched this video about being cursed. But I feel you
@BlackMirrorDoll 3 года назад
INFJ = rare, gifted, the chosen ones for a big purpose...
@claimyourshame6196 5 лет назад
"It's a trap!" = living inside the INFJ mind
@c.s.70 5 лет назад
I'm actually interested in your 'tangental' topics tbh, don't worry about "wasting" my time, sometimes I wished you'd dive in but I understand why you don't in large part out of consideration for your viewers. It's probably an INFJ thing wanting to cut to the essence of things and wanting to hear what you are most interested and passionate in talking especially from another INFJ. I say bring on the metaphysical 'ramble' or any taboo topics anytime, interested in another INFJ's persective.
@carlioni1974 4 года назад
I'm only into 3min of this and probably know what you may talk about. Hell yes I've witnessed this every god damn time I talk about myself. It's kind of weird , or forbidden taboo to talk deeply about ourselves. I actually get a kind of buzz off doing it and can be unpleasant at most. Enough I'll carry on watching it as may be wrong lol..
@PsychologyandChillwMichi 7 лет назад
I understand both the deep desire to just know everything about the soul and about life. A part of me believes that the more humans connect the more that humans will be able to experience and create solutions together. People fear that means you would lose a sense of self. But in fact the opposite could be true. So many religions try to teach the same thing: Do what you are good at and be grateful for life. There has to be some sort of truth to this common theme among humanity. Then there is a nihilist who believes the exact opposite and says all of it is a lie, you should be worried about your life, this, this, or this situation could happen and you might die. You also will definitely die if you try to do something big to affect the world. Back and forth, I have an ideal world where people work together and then there is the other side that says people will never get better, things will only get worse. War, plague, famine. If not one, something will destroy us. But what if we can avoid it? It's like I literally have God on my shoulder telling me all about the beautiful things that are happening, then there is Satan who is on the other shoulder reminding me of all the terrible things. I stand the outstanding optimist who is secretly a pessimist, afraid of everything. I am an ENFP, but I relate to the INFJ on a lot of levels. You put into words ideas I could not articulate. In the moment, I am completely in a conversation because if I'm not thinking about what they are saying, I'm thinking about all the things I want to say and epiphanies I am having. Then, when I'm alone, I begin the self-analysis. That was stupid, why would you say that? And so forth. Sometimes it happens during conversation and that always leads to disaster. Umm. I wrote a novel, I really appreciate your videos, they are insightful, raw and honest and that is very inspiring to witness.
@fsirjyy147 6 лет назад
I definitely relate to this. When I first found out that I was an INFJ. I started trying to figure out why I do the things I do, and how to get the most out of life while being an INFJ. But at the same time sometimes I am like I don’t want to be confined to this, It feels like a box, and and I need to break out of it. But I can’t.
@andrewfairey9419 7 лет назад
This sounds like the conflict that everyone has, but this particular one probably is peculiar to INFJs. This is the conflict between opposing functions isn't it? Setting sail into the sunset sounds like Se, and all that knowledge seeking is Ni-Ti. Jung said that the two Ni and Se, can't be used at the same time, but also said that we need to be able to use both. He seemed to argue in "Psychological Types", that extreme use of the dominant function leads to "genius" but also to psychological dysfunction, via the suppression of the lower cognitive functions. The mutual exclusivity of the two, does seem to argue for a swinging back and forth. Ironically though, for me, the "doing things in the here and now" can act a bit like meditation, suddenly Ni seems to know things, without having tried. Interesting video Tom. Thanks.
@kewanagooden94 6 лет назад
You just prove to me how much alike human are People always call me a grandma. It's nice to know the cause for my madness
@milaravindiran7536 7 лет назад
Love your videos. I think that you would also appreciate the Enneagram, it's a great compliment to mbti because I don't think mbti /INFJ descriptions give a whole understanding of personality. I'm also an INFJ and relate to what you're saying but also feel very different from you. I resonate more with the descriptions of the INFJ who is a crusader and perfectionist than the special and creative person because I'm a Enngream type 1. I hope I'm not crossing any lines by saying this but I would check out some descriptions of type 4... =)
@carecatch 6 лет назад
It makes a lot of sense, Tom! It’s why I draw breath as well.
@adamng5338 7 лет назад
Great Video! This is exactly what goes through my head every single day.
@wisecatify 6 лет назад
Love your vids, I can relate so well to what you say, it makes me feel, acknowledged in many ways.
@MrKillswitch88 6 лет назад
I believe that everyone with this personality type was more or less designed to experience God on a much different and more intimate level than what most people will get to experience. We certainly pay the price and the soul crushing struggles are horrendous but it is worth it, all we have to do is go along the yellow brick road down to the end of the rainbow.
@kandirussell5024 5 лет назад
Lol it's true...I have to actively make my mind stop thinking that way... which in turn makes me tired and cranky. It actually takes more energy and concentration for me to NOT analyze....#sighatmyselfbeingme 😅😂🤣
@AnG-wq2fi 7 лет назад
This freaks me the fuck out tbh, youve explained exactly whats going on in my head hahaha. Kinda shaking atm
@julianverland8722 5 лет назад
Childlike sense of wonder without the presence of fear! ❤️😊👌
@ElmoKnowsWhereYouLive5150 Год назад
"The knower's curse" sounds a tad egotistical, but it's more real than "normies" could even dream to imagine.
@SaadonAksah 5 лет назад
The best way to be comfortable is to let others do the talking 😂😂😂
@toxendon 3 года назад
0:34 "INFJ's can predict the future"
@ebonyj624 7 лет назад
I don't know if I'm an infj I doubt it because its so rare. But I like to listen and hear you talk because I can just paint the picture that your words give me and you have a soothing aspect as well.But most times I ask myself if I go down the path of wanting to know life's secret that how will I know I would understand it but I just keep telling myself its not the act of me wanting to understand( half truth) but to wanting to just listen to the words or concepts that could describe the universe like when a painter uses different colors to make a new color. Then another part of me doesn't want to know because I wouldn't see then if I know and Idk if that made sense but like if somebody gave me the answer then I would stop paying attention to the new thing I learned or I wouldn't pay attention to how I got there.Then another part of me is always asking why and I always ask why I can recall my mom telling me once that I asked why a lot when I was a child so I guess that's a combination of being nosey and curious.I guess the one thing I want in my self is balance but I don't think it can be truly balanced unless the act of me wanting balance incites the balance.I just went off into a tangent but I hope that made sense.( furiously overanalyzing everything I said)
@m.a.c.8396 7 лет назад
all of these well thought out comments and no replies, well i for sure read them! infj's are very distinct, unique each one depending on how they grew up and you know, early endeavors into psychology in my view have mixed results. besides the obvious stereo-types of the woes of type-classing. this video actually was sorta profound for me but thats becauses i come from the slums and i am 33 fairny unread. man and his symbols. carl jung, read that, loved it. managed to capture key jungian gems which made me feel unalone. its as if each thought he and perhaps any infj has, resonates with us in subtle unique ways but only us does it make as much sense. infj rare, sure, statistically speaking. large enough number where i notice them all the tine, and usually only the ones that are not only infj but very close to my own temperament or "level" ive had a few precious one on one real conversations with another infj and then part ways never to see or speak again. maybe we should just only gather together us infjs into a huge circle jerk and we can pat each-other wherever we want. and hold completely seemingly unintelligible conversations by maintaining eye contact, completely expressing ones point both physically and mentally, without hindrance upon any social conventions or fear of offence or boredom or deaf ear, in this situation entire points can be made in incomplete spatterings of words that drive at a point but stop early because both infj (infjii?) have read each-other correctly and agree by way of either ones facial/body reaction or the utterance of a sound or syllable which confirms the INFJii unit is in sync. then we can do what boys do you know (or girls, or both)
@TheLeftCulprit 5 лет назад
lmao i relate so much to this. My parents tell me all the time that i would ask why to point of frustration. They also say talking to me as a 5yo they would forget i was a kid because i would talk like an adult. If you like the idea of balance you should research Taoism, a spiritual philosophy of balance. What you said about describing the universe like a painter creates a painting, that resonated with me a lot. You're wiser than you know.
@lottielikestea 5 лет назад
You'll get there, I know it
@marymarguereete477 5 лет назад
Just read and noticed other infjs feel similar to me and assuming you, as your videos lead me to assess. Lets get it going. Ill be in touch, vice versa? Lol please and thank you.
@stephenthomason5983 6 лет назад
Tom... just watched this one again, and realized that you have been away far too long. Unless you are getting educated for the next faze? Anyway, always inspirational things that you share that confirm for many that they aren't going crazy... but We are just waking up... See ya soon OK?
@user-vl7wz6pl6p 6 лет назад
I was like, "whatta hell is this guys talking about? And why the hell do I understand every single point he's making?!!!!" (I know, very INFJ comment.) -_-
@s.j.wright2712 6 лет назад
I am so not alone anymore
@bluesunset9385 7 лет назад
omg yes the dogma that exists in the world has put me into a bit of a stressful state of mind. Finally meditated and tried to focus on smaller pleasures. can you discuss how to achieve the trust in the .... I guess unknown is what I can at the best explain. I see glimpses of opportunity but I don't take the action because it's more on Se conceptualization of meaning which makes me uncomfortable. Not sure if that makes sense.
@taramazurk8300 7 лет назад
Relate on so many levels.
@prakruthijain1594 6 лет назад
Well, I don't know if this comment is going to make any sense or if I'm going to come off as someone who has completely lost her sanity but I've been analyzing myself a little too much, analysing to a point where it starts to get me confused about myself and I start to ask myself.. am I who I thought I am? Maybe I don't know who I am. well, this sounds pretty insane but I was talking to my mum and she was complaining about something that was going on at her workplace and she was pretty sad. She told me something that sounded funny, which wasn't a funny matter but her phrase was funny and I giggled and I suddenly just got super serious, I completely dozed off from the conversation and started psychoanalysing this behavior. like, why did I just giggle. Its not a good thing right? Am I secretly evil? maybe there is something hiding in me, and I haven't discovered that side of me yet...its just...it's an abyss of madness and I have no idea if I'm infj, infp...whatever but...this is getting pretty weird. I'm very concerned.
@adelaidemarie 6 лет назад
It gets in the way Big time but I believe it is Supposed to. It could Be so easy to just dig the head in the sand and figure a way out.......every time I got comfortable in my life the ground would be shaken from beneath my feet.......till I got back on track and got to the business of Being Me.
@adelaidemarie 6 лет назад
Freedom is the ability to Be me
@Jaynelive1 5 лет назад
Have you read Tolstoy A Confession . He battles and explores the same things that we do.
@angiefalco1028 4 года назад
i love you
@stumptownviking1229 6 лет назад
Have you explored the flat earth theory yet? If not, please do. I believe us INFJ's are here for a reason. But I haven't quite figured it out yet.
@elizabethandersen6009 7 лет назад
So so good... most of my life I have felt that maybe I am bi polar... but it's just that I'm an infj?
@penelopetwain8332 6 лет назад
Elizabeth Andersen being infj and being bipolar are definitely not the same thing. I am infj and, although my thoughts are all over the place, my emotions are actually pretty stable compared to almost everyone else I know (except my INTJ son, who registers very little emotion at all). Infj are accused of being emotional (at least when compared to infp), but I think por being emotional is a misconception prompted by our typically high levels of empathy (which leads us to feel other people's emotions) as I definitely don't experience mood swings like bipolar people typically do. I am pedisposed to being melancholy, and infj do tend to be prone to depression, but as far as I can tell, infj don't have unexplainable swings in temperament. Any shifts we do experience seem to be rational and explainable from a logical perspective (like our cat died) and it tends to take a lot to make us angry (but if you do really make us angry, watch out, because we won't hesitate to door slam you). Anyway, we are much more emotionally steady than bipolar individuals, even while feeling pulled in multiple directions mentally. But, I'm speaking from personal perspective (with consideration for what I've seen from other infj after watching tons of their videos), but I assume one could potentially be both, infj and bipolar.
@marymarguereete477 5 лет назад
Btw, we should talk esoteric symbolism in life and the world. I bet we could blow eachothers minds, considering you seem to be interested in relativity of it. Lol for sure, we should make a place for open and private ..even annonymous.. group talk/chat/meet&greet. Via internet, obviously.
@alonememe 7 лет назад
So basically you're trying to say that people are complicated;) I'm only joking, I totally relate to what you just said, every point :)
@tomdavison2784 7 лет назад
alonememe haha yeah basically.
@adelaidemarie 6 лет назад
Happiness is for the next realm
@FernandaValente 5 лет назад
I understood =)
@sononi4798 6 лет назад
There are other choices besides those two paths. Do you listen to Alan Watts? That would be good for you.
@carlioni1974 4 года назад
I get it kind of!? For me I love being in that now moment as I can go back into my memory bank. Childhood feelings of adventures, fun and awesomeness. But then my real awakened mind brings me back to the "REAL" now.reality as it was designed by god/infinity consciousness whatever. If I could call god a label it would be a child with outstanding love and compassion. I personally think that maybe for me was 2000 - 2004 whilst everyone was celebrating the millennium and thinking the world was going to end lol. I stayed at home with my 3year old son and somehow next few months sensed a change of something was happening that no one could see or sense. I honestly thought I was going mad 😱. But we never aged at heart we are more god like than we realized. We will be ok in the end. That's what really counts. A true saying that not many will understand? It's not about the destination ! : but all about the journey . 😁🤗 I love to be on my pedestal as my ex said and she's correct. We are story tellers, adventures and compassionate beings so trying to fit in with a world that's lost is only going to get harder so imbrase it bro. Just use the F' it word otherwise you'll get so damn depressed , no body can or will hurt you. It's our god given gift. Soul seekers are very rare 🤗😁👍😎😇
@magdalenasobczyk976 6 лет назад
Amazing video ! Please keep going :)
@Okitstubetime 7 лет назад
lol, I was going to 'like' the video at the ant comment but had already hit the like button :) heh
@mohdshabsog7094 7 лет назад
That was a great video man. You really highlighted some very important points. I was quite taken aback when I heard you used "the ant metaphor" to talk about perception because I'd grown to use the same metaphor too !! Reminded me of synchronicity . I could relate with all of what you said until 16:50. After that, your talk became too esoteric for me haha ... Do you have any recommended reading for that part ?? Also, materialism (despite of how "factual") some people believe it to be is pretty dogmatic as well. Even if one was to apply logical thinking (the game that materialists claim to be good at), one can come to the realisation that our model of a materialistic world is both dogmatic and illusory. Here's a video about that if you're interested: m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-p7eI9bxYaOU.html
@kewanagooden94 6 лет назад
I do that a lot since I found out am an infj Am aways using the fact that am an infj to justify everything I do and say . It bugs me too.
@nicholasjh1 6 лет назад
I'd say check out the man kind project. You won't regret it.
@KingK-wu2mj Месяц назад
When are you coming back
@judahgirl5153 6 лет назад
you make sense and I relate
@sezzed5663 7 лет назад
practice Stoicism, I'm an INFJ and it changed my life.
@faithwork1 6 лет назад
But necessary in a base world I guess.
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