
Inside the Bibby Stockholm - the UK government’s ‘asylum seeker barge’ 

Channel 4 News
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One of the Government's main messages in this recent election period has been a promise to reduce spending on hotel accommodation for newly arrived asylum seekers with the goal of placing 3000 of them in cheaper, alternative places by this autumn.
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Today the Home Office was offering press tours of one such site - a huge barge with enough room for 500 people moored off the Dorset coast.
Emily Wither went on board to have a look and talked to local people who are worried - for different reasons.
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11 сен 2024




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@smithmr1 Год назад
Gives me that warm feeling that my taxes pay for this whilst old ladies are dying because they can't get hospital beds.
@reallymakesyouthink Год назад
We could afford to help both if we wanted to.
@DaveyMulholland Год назад
Something tells me that you vote for the party of the biggest tax avoiders...?
@jubeaumont6305 Год назад
Boo hoo, how hard do you think its going to be when the hospital's are full of Africans and middle eastern men ?
@chrissilver7719 Год назад
Austerity killed 300k and then that ring of protection around care homes during the pandemic and the 7.4 million waiting for hospital treatment. All these were problems before people were crossing the channel. Perhaps it could be we have the lowest hospital beds per capita in Europe and after 13 years still no policy on adult social care. But it all must be the fault of people who just arrived.
@taylorrichardson850 Год назад
Ask your king and its crowd, they rollling in luxury and billions, Or billions wasted in arms sent to ukraine s corrupted war.
@kenreeve6549 Год назад
Pity our old age pensioners dont get the same money spent on them ,sod the people that paid in ,look after everyone else .shame on the torys
@jamesormondroyd1009 Год назад
State Pension is £203.85 per week. The government spent £112.5 billion on state pensions alone in 2022/23. That's just state pension, not healthcare costs, housing benefits, social care costs, heating subsidies and other benefits that the government pay for for the elderly, just state pension.
@chocolatechipkookie3439 Год назад
Thousands of our own people starving or having to use foods banks, are they given the opportunity for 3 cooked meals a day? This government stinks.
@geku953 Год назад
These people even complain about that. They want proper luxurious homes
@tex2344 Год назад
I think you'll find the Labour party will throw even more money at it , probably giving them addidas tracksuits,Nike trainers,free car and fuel,no council tax.
@fellovermydad Год назад
@@tex2344 yes sadly they would
@user-nw3xc2tk6y Год назад
You've clearly bought into the BS Tory rhetoric, are taking your anger out on asylam seekers, when it's the Tories you should be angry with. It's not an either or argument, we could help all those in need if there were no corruption.
@chocolatechipkookie3439 Год назад
@@user-nw3xc2tk6y And your clearly blind to it. Everything I’ve said is correct. What rock are you living under?.
@Globetrotter694 Год назад
It’s a absolute joke we even doing this!
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
I don't think so you respect your because your useless
@caravanstuff2827 Год назад
Yes the thing should be towed back to France and driven hard on to Normandy beach!!!.❤️🇬🇧🇺🇦
@parrotjunglecolada8270 Год назад
@@caravanstuff2827no it shouldn’t, they don’t belong in Europe PERIOD
@northern_lights87 Год назад
What I don't get is why we don't have accomodation like this for our own homeless people. I've never been abroad but had to live in a tent for weeks. Where was a barge for me?
@beerblues762 Год назад
Yes, there is a place where homeless can get accommodation, it’s called jail, which is pretty much the same as this barge. Would you like a floating prison? I’m sure they exist.
@northern_lights87 Год назад
@@beerblues762 well I'd rather that barge than a tent or a jail cell
@hassyg4083 Год назад
Ukranians are getting new houses and jobs in Britain. where is yours?
@northern_lights87 Год назад
@@hassyg4083 where is my what? i'm fully in favour of welcoming ukrainians into britain
@beerblues762 Год назад
⁠@@northern_lights87If you’re not allowed of, then you can call it whatever you want, It’s still a jail.
@gooderspitman8052 Год назад
How long before the visitors trash it?
@chrisd5964 Год назад
@dereknicholl4300 Год назад
It will be trashed within a few weeks!
@gooderspitman8052 Год назад
@@dereknicholl4300 and set ablaze
@iankissmyaxe5683 Год назад
@erdevon3257 Год назад
Not long, they will soon make it look like home
@geku953 Год назад
That's 100 times better and more luxurious than the places I had to stay during college time.
@JaswinderKaur-kt2nz Год назад
By providing luxury hotels, barges, uk is inviting more and more asylum seekers. There are advisers advising them how to claim benefits etc.
@giambi1980 Год назад
Asylum seekers like you?
@hassyg4083 Год назад
UK gives aid money to India too yet India is sending people into space and has bigger economy than UK lol
@DirkPeterson-uh6uu Год назад
This is all misleading. If you live in east London you will find hundreds of thousands of men and women from indian Punjab. It's a scam of fake companies, dodgy student visas ,paper care companies. 90 percent of all immigrants are from there but it's never shown
@geku953 Год назад
These people are not even happy with this. They want a big home with garden
@geku953 Год назад
@danswhite8544 Nothing luxurious??? I think you live far away from reality. It looks like you have no idea how some people live
@fishermansid8861 Год назад
Just send them back
@TheLastSongbird124 Год назад
Can fill it in 2 days of illegals....what about the other 363 days worth of illegals? Pointless Govt BS!
@jeanwood6392 Год назад
It’s a pity we can’t House our own homeless in these barges instead of the illegals.
@susanwhitley812 Год назад
Our own Homeless fought for this Country, or have worked hard for this country - they deserve the same rights as everyone else to own a home that is affordable and of a high standard. We cannot profess to be a world leader in human rights if we allow our own people to rot on the streets, and instead of housing them, preferentiate illegals instead.
@laaaah4577 Год назад
I pay £900 a month rent for a studio flat in Manchester, one room with a bed in it, I pay for my wifi, I pay for my gym membership. Must be nice
@danielfox3276 Год назад
And your paying for them too
@Armrongeddon Год назад
That's nice.
@liarbrice4772 Год назад
Wouldn't need to put these people up in barges and hotels if there were safe routes for asylum seekers to take, if our government adopted foreign policy that prioritises human rights over the interests of the US government/the fossil fuel industry and/or if there was an effecitve system of processing in place again. More to the point, the House of "Windsor" got an extra £50 million in benefits while I work two minimum wage jobs to keep a roof over my family's head, aged 50. Ironically, I was doing the same job in 2008 for 30k p/a and was around a year away from affording a mortgage before my savings, and career, were wiped out in the fallout from the global banking scam. Must be nice being a friend of Saville, Ball, Harris, Hall and Epstein and living a permanent holiday at our expense.
@liarbrice4772 Год назад
@@danielfox3276 It's 'you're' (contraction of 'you are') rather than 'your', which is a possessive adjective: e.g. "you're flying a fascist flag, your opinion is worthless"
@danielfox3276 Год назад
@@liarbrice4772 tbh that is good spelling for me as its usually worse,its not something i did too well at but non the less i have a great job and am winning at life with no worties financial or otherwise despite not spelling your upto your standard....i hope this pisses you off haha,you're welcome
@harpsailorharp6716gg Год назад
GIVE IT 2 WEEKS and they will trash it
@allaurence1092 Год назад
Its a absolute and utter joke that this hugely expensive barge can only house enough migrants that comes over in just one day! Seriously I cannot even get a doctors appointment after working all my life and paying my tax's im entitled to nothing when these young men come over illegaly and get money and free everything. We are sick and angry of this going on year a fter year, enough is enough, im tired of this pathetic government
@liarbrice4772 Год назад
Sorry to learn of your troubles- I share them, having literally pulled two of my own teeth out in recent years- but that's not the fault of asylum seekers, rather those who gave them cause to flee such as war, terror, disaster and persecution. I'm old enough to have protested against the oil and opium wars that saw millions of innocent civvies murdered, maimed and displaced across the Middle East and North Africa. If you didn't object to your taxes being used to obliterate Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and subsidise arms manufactuers and the fossil fuel industry - or worse, if you voted for rich and powerful cowards like Blair and Cameron - you've no space to complain really. Indeed, residents of a nation of shopkeepers urgently need to re-aquaint themselves with the maxim "you broke it: you bought it".
@erdevon3257 Год назад
​@@liarbrice4772What a ridiculous comment. If they didnt come, there would be no problem. Most are only fleeing from responsibility, having to work and harsh laws
@tombarton710 Год назад
@@erdevon3257well said. Ludicrous comment before. There’s no reward for working anymore in the uk.
@allaurence1092 Год назад
@@liarbrice4772 You don't know anything about me and I think paying my taxes for over 50 years I have gained at least a right to complain about the way the Government wastes tax payers money. Yes I have protested many times .You are very nieve to think these illegal migrants are all genuinely fleeing there countries no most of these are economic migrants with the majority young men .
@liarbrice4772 Год назад
@@tombarton710 Didn't know arseholes came in pairs.
@user-vo6hz4hd3c Год назад
You speak of those conditions on board as if they’re inhumane. In Lisbon, Portugal, immigrants from Industan pay 10€/night to sleep on top of a mattress thrown on the floor of a room with 8 or 12 people. The problem is easy to solve: if you don’t have room for 20 in your house, expel them.
@dave1secondago Год назад
it will get set on fire they wont be happy , they want 5* hotels
@ST-nm1hp Год назад
Plus three star Michelin food.
@bigfred0997 Год назад
Send all the young fighting age men back to help fight for freedom in their own countries instead of letting them loose on our young daughters who are already afraid to go out over the door after 6pm
@chrisd5964 Год назад
@bertross9727 Год назад
I work for Deliveroo, my job has been taken over by balaclava-wearing illegal immigrants on rented accounts. They earn more money than the people they serve yet they steal at every given opportunity and their attitude has has led to hostility from restaurant staff and people in the street. I am in the crosshairs of much misdirected aggression, and i am having to move city to find work. It's not fair. They're, for the most part, not from war-torn countries. My fear is the collapse of Deliveroo due to recession, then you will have tens of thousands of ruthless men in balaclavas riding untraceable, uncatchable ebikes... What could possibly go wrong...
@yetidodger6650 Год назад
I'm just here to see the "wot about ar veterans" comments from the people who give f*** all to any charities.
@onedayagogo Год назад
charities have caused this. they cannot solve it.
@TheAArmstrong Год назад
I’m here for the open borders “murr humanity” woketards. Who also, give F all to charity 🙃
@WhichDoctor1 Год назад
Instead of spending billions of our money on barges and hotels maybe they could just process these asylum seekers claims and then deport the bogus ones and let the rest start filling vacancies and paying taxes? Oh, but I forgot, that wouldn’t make barge hire companies or rich hotel owners any money. And really when it come to something as fundamental as who is and isn’t allowed to live in the uk rich people making vast profits at the expensive of the tax payer is the most important thing, apparently
@harpieahouse6246 Год назад
most sensible comment I've read so far.
@drake128 Год назад
Think of the logistics involved for this . Rotating staff , medical facilities , catering , security onboard , H & S audits for personnel and inhabitants,vessel safety certificate’s, fire extinguisher’s test dates , fire route paperwork and risk assessments, escape boats , fuel consumption and distribution , electricians on standby etc Imagine what they did to the barracks but within a much more densely confined space …on a ship. Disaster waiting to happen.
@kenreeve6549 Год назад
yep and thats just one days worth of people !
@archiesmum8601 Год назад
Don't forget the cost of the barge to start with plus the fee's payable to the owner's of the dock for allowing them to berth there.... It's a safe, warm, dry environment for immigrants , a cash cow for so many politicians, councillor's, local businesses & employers... A total nightmare for the residents of Portland but no one seems to care about that... It's a riot situation just waiting to happen, it's not so much a case of IF the immigrant's start complaining about it & more a case of WHEN they start claiming inhumane treatment 🤷🏼‍♀️
@jackjones8363 Год назад
When I heard that if illegal immigrants miss the last bus “home”, there are free taxis available, it stunned me! How can a collection of British men and women called our government, make such insane and ultimately dangerous decisions….???
@DilbertWhitehead Год назад
Because every solution they try to come up with to divert the flow is blocked by well-meaning but utterly naive liberals who prefer the warm fuzzy feeling they get inside from virtue signalling than actually using their heads and not their hearts to start getting tough on solving the problems. Being cruel to be kind... as carrying on the status quo is crueller and more damaging to all. Its not a coincidence that the far right, and even centre right figures and governments are dramatically on the rise all across Europe, Canada and America. Blaming everything on 'the Tories' is such an oversight when this issue is the same all over. Managed, organic integration = successfully immigration
@amandahunter4034 Год назад
Who told you that? Some man in a pub who has never had to struggle to assimilate into a new country?
@DilbertWhitehead Год назад
@amandahunter4034 it's in the Telegraph actually and reported by other media too... do you really think they would just allow them to be stuck there with no means of getting home? Concerned brits aren't all bigots as you think they are. You should look past the end of your own nose next time before pushing agendas
@DilbertWhitehead Год назад
@@amandahunter4034 I take it you would prefer they walk the 6 mile journey back to the barge instead? 😂😂😂
@hassyg4083 Год назад
you need transport so they can visit the pubs etc mingle with locals
@titteryenot4524 Год назад
It’s long before time Europe collectively got some kind of grip on this migrant crisis. The vast majority of people in my orbit have no issue with controlled *legal* immigration. Where the issue arises is the suspicion many (the majority?) of these individuals are simply economic migrants. If these people are genuine asylum seekers and not just illegal economic migrants chancing their arm I have no problem accepting them as refugees into Europe, and I personally would have no problem with a barge full of *genuine* refugees in my backyard. However, more widely, Europe in toto needs to seriously address the migration issue. I’m pro legal immigration and obviously pro helping out genuine asylum seekers. But we have borders in this world, for better or worse, and surely every country, *every* country has the right to determine *exactly* who and who it does not admit. In the same way that every home-owner has a right to decide who to let into their house, Europe has this same right. As far as I can tell, most (the vast majority in fact) of the incoming migrants to Europe are simply economic migrants and unless they have specific skills they can contribute to a given country’s economy or unless they are bona fide *genuine* refugees fleeing life-threatening war/persecution, a strong message should be sent out that the doors will be locked when they arrive at Europe’s house.
@peedutt Год назад
Succinctly put mate, everything you have stated is exactly what I believe, if an individual is genuinely fleeing persecution then that person should go through the proper channels and claim asylum legally and have their background checked, most of the current migrants are here without being vetted.
@michael1714 Год назад
Right on baby! Couldn’t agree more!
@MadameCorgi Год назад
@@peeduttthe thing is 'legal avenues' are practically non-existent (see Amnesty International UK) . Asylum seekers are also under no obligation to enter through 'legal avenues' anyway, according to international law we helped create. We didn't even have a 'safe and legal' mechanism for British citizens to flee Sudan.
@AahFukIt Год назад
Well said. Here we have closed our borders years ago and got borderpatrols here. Im just across the channel from you, with borders to Sweden and Germany.
@TheAArmstrong Год назад
@@MadameCorgi They may have no legal obligation, However if they choose to force themselves in then we have no obligation to allow them comfortable accommodation, freedom to move about etc. Make it a really horrible experience so they want to paddle back to France. Seems fair that 👍
@RonanTOC Год назад
These people are not ‘traumatised and vulnerable’ they young men who know exactly what they’re doing
@onedayagogo Год назад
@RonanTOC Год назад
@@onedayagogo media narrative is crazy. Makes you think what’s really going on
@onedayagogo Год назад
@@RonanTOC yep. ikr. i would say the most likely answer is probably the correct one. for example: Petrus-Ionut Apostoae, 25 (Romanian) Jwamer Saygul, 24, (Iraqi Kurd) Ablolom Okbazge, 27, (Eritrean) Saad Gomaa, 33, of County Hotel, North Parade, Skegness.
@RonanTOC Год назад
@@onedayagogo wow they are all terrible cases. You can’t write this sh*t
@stefanjohansson2373 Год назад
In Sweden the adult men are called children! Never women or kids, like real refugees from Ukraine for example. They can lie about anything and still be welcomed and also pass 10 other countries before Sweden.
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@parissindy1990 Год назад
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@Kludgedean Год назад
Still get more than our homeless veterans! It's LUXURY compared to what they're used to, and infinitely better than our homeless! Honestly sickening!
@chrissilver7719 Год назад
Do you campaign for the government to give veterans the right to accommodation ? You do know that serving personnel are pursuing the MoD for the conditions they and their families are subjected to exposed to asbestos, black mould etc. The nice people at the MoD are deducting wages for their act of indignation. Perhaps more reading of actual journalism is required.
@IbrahimMohamed-kw7vi Год назад
Veterans have been used and abused 😢😢😢
@Kludgedean Год назад
@@chrissilver7719 easier said than done with all the scum mainstream media out there. That wouldn't really surprise me, our lads & lasses aren't given the equipment they need either last time I read anything about the state of our serving military :(
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
I don't want live here permanently want go back hate this shity weather no sunshine sucker just want build few things
@hassyg4083 Год назад
veterans are addicted to alcohol and drugs and they find out they were fighting a bogus pontless war
@Jkk55 Год назад
Put the barge on The Thames!
@VK-qe7if Год назад
Yes outside the houses of Parliament. 😉😁
@roaming.spectre. Год назад
Tow it out to the north sea and missle it
@padiedo7213 Год назад
@cosmicrose58 Год назад
Basic and functional, when we have veterans who served their country sleeping rough. When self employed people cannot afford to go sick. It is time this country spent the little money there is in looking after their own. Over 60s being done out of their pension, despite having paid into it all their working lives. I worry sick about the way this country is going to the dogs. Its time we manned up, stopped trying to be so politically correct all the time and started looking after the British.
@CitizenofGallifrey Год назад
There’s actually lots of money available, enough to house asylum seekers and British homeless and do lots more besides, if our government would stop giving tax cuts to the super rich.
@liarbrice4772 Год назад
On the same token, the fodder the state leave to rot on the streets are often the same fodder who murdered, maimed and displaced millions of innocent civvies across the Middle East and North Africa. It's almost as if the rich and powerful cowards who recruit fodder to fight their wars of terror hate everyone who isn't part of their social class.
@borisfargo1290 Год назад
Sure it will be burnt down soon by the ungrateful souls
@KeithRingo Год назад
If I was an asylum seeker and I wanted the locals to accept me.. with no job I'd ask for a broom and a plastic bag and start cleaning the streets and footpaths unpaid. How could anyone say you're bad for the community then, and it takes the legs out of the argument that you're a spunger.
@KJ-js7pi Год назад
Exactly. There's a thing called volunteering and showing gratitude to the country/community paying for your accommodation, subsistence and healthcare but these people will never do it. This is because they spend their time working in the black market or because they're from cultures which don't value these traits. They do not intend to integrate, they want to take take take and leech off of British taxpayers.
@CitizenofGallifrey Год назад
That’s a great idea but unfortunately (and this is from a governmental website): “As a general rule, asylum seekers are not allowed to work in the UK. Some people think work should be allowed, at least after a period of (for example) six months waiting for a decision on an asylum claim. Permission to work can be granted, in limited circumstances People who have claimed asylum in the UK can apply for permission to work if they have been waiting 12 months for a decision, and they are not considered responsible for the delay. If permission is granted, the person will be allowed to take up jobs on the shortage occupation list only. This mostly restricts them to highly skilled jobs that require formal qualifications (although social care work is now on the list).” There’s not an unlimited number of ways for an asylum seeker to volunteer or integrate, there’s much more asylum seekers than there are paths to be swept for example.
@kevphillips02 Год назад
Better get them to clean out the toilets ..that is a good job to do
@Jen-lg4hp Год назад
They'll be patrolling the streets for the UN before long- it's an invading army.
@yetidodger6650 Год назад
Thats called slavery.
@Displays.1234. Год назад
They shouldn't even be hear, every single one should be sent back....
@onedayagogo Год назад
now Tourism is destroyed, will there be compensation for those dependent on Tourism ? will that be at tax-payers expense ? so we're paying twice for this already ?
@Steve-ho4xb Год назад
This barge will be full with one day's new arrivals. Then What next Einstein??
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
No worries if the barge is full need to build more houses ,human being deserve more than house , you just relax drink beer eat benefits
@hassyg4083 Год назад
its not permanent lol
@Steve-ho4xb Год назад
@hassyg4083 of course it's not permanent. These ungrateful sods will probably have it burnt down within the first 6months. The government needs to stop filling our streets with the world's ferrel. Either send them all back home or send them to an empty island . Where we can feed them and keep them safe, until its safe for them to return to their own homelands.
@Steve-ho4xb Год назад
It's not up to the British tax payer to house and feed the world's unfortunate. THATS what Aid money is for. As in the 14 Billion pounds a year we send over seas.
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
@@Steve-ho4xb The money send by European Union and whole nation not only British
@pmorris Год назад
I think they mis-spelt "Asylum Seekers". It's spelt "E C O N O M I C - M I G R A N T S"
@onedayagogo Год назад
or _Criminals and Militants_ in latin...
@patriciadavison1486 9 месяцев назад
I think that the cold and homeless of the U.k. would LOVE a room on the Barge…with easy access to medical care and food, warmth and safety. What do these people think they deserve - a few weeks at The Ritz????
@ruaridhdalrymple3275 Год назад
Asylum seekers have been breaking into houses in my city
@yetidodger6650 Год назад
So have you.
@ruaridhdalrymple3275 Год назад
@@yetidodger6650 When people have finally had enough, people like you will be traced and brought to justice
@hassyg4083 Год назад
veterans are on drugs in my area thieving
@ruaridhdalrymple3275 Год назад
@@hassyg4083 Called in another paid troll to make their statements seem more credible ey? We’re wise to it all
@hassyg4083 Год назад
@@ruaridhdalrymple3275 you are very racist but im pointing out facts soldiers drunk and drug addicts
@joshjones9878 Год назад
This is insanity - it would be kinder to bring them into The Army for a year or two where they could learn some useful skills like HGV, logistics, cooking and learn the culture of the host country. They will be bored out of their minds there, only mix with each other and endless trouble will appear down the line.
@gweilo965 Год назад
They need turning round
@JamesSmith-qs4hx Год назад
@@gweilo965 I take it you mean the barge does, once full.
@ChelleKT1 Год назад
Yeah, great idea, arm them and teach them to build their own army. This is no accident, there will be trouble in years to come once their numbers are greater.
@gweilo965 Год назад
@@JamesSmith-qs4hx or the RAF could use it for practise
@YIDARMY08 Год назад
Militarise them so they can then use Sharia Law against you with deadly force.
@cirux00 Год назад
Good luck Uk. Tough times ahead of you
@barrybradshaw675 Год назад
"Vulnerable and traumatised people" WOW what on earth did they do with the women and children. I think this reporter should volunteer as a maid on board. She will get on famously!
@Supernovaeh Год назад
Decent accommodation that, much more than what our own homeless people get..
@thepodbaydoorshal Год назад
And who's fault is that?
@onedayagogo Год назад
@@thepodbaydoorshal we don't know. tell us please
@thepodbaydoorshal Год назад
@@onedayagogo who's responsible for running your country?
@onedayagogo Год назад
​@@thepodbaydoorshal i am. why ? what do u need ?
@CitizenofGallifrey Год назад
@@onedayagogosure you are 😉😆
@elisabethandersen1102 Год назад
@reallymakesyouthink Год назад
Despite the title, very little of this video is inside the barge.
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
If the barge not comfortable enough we will build house, asylum seekers deserve more than house they are human being don't want eat your food just needs little bit kindness
@reallymakesyouthink Год назад
@@elainejohnson796 that's impossible
@cdean2789 Год назад
6 to a room.
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
@@cdean2789 you are animals, animals better than you
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
@@cdean2789 life very short tomorrow morning you might not get up ,you are scavenger animals
@phild5322 Год назад
The fact that children aren’t even allowed art on the wall to make their environment slightly less scary, tells us the only reason they’re doing this is to appeal to Sun and Express readers
@tracypoynton571 Год назад
There is no children . It's young men only
@charlo90952 Год назад
​@dondoodatYou've only got to look at the boats to see its nearly all young men. And they're not traumatised. They're all laughing and joking because they've come to take advantage of stupid British people.
@poppiefleur7425 Год назад
Crime will be realy bad there
@StewartWalker-hy1eo Год назад
Their councillors need to toughen up like Liverpool’s & Edinburgh’s saying “NO!”
@astroboirap Год назад
those places are even worse shitholes than a barge though
@anthonymcmahon1628 Год назад
I believe it was actually the Wirral that said no and not Liverpool, as there was no suitable berth there.
@StewartWalker-hy1eo Год назад
@@anthonymcmahon1628 whether it be Birkenhead etc or Liverpool the Docks are on the Mersey and Liverpool said “NO” many times before this so I’m sure Merseyside agreed
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
Too late sucker
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
@@anthonymcmahon1628 before writing comments just try to improve spelling ,sentences errors
@tracypoynton571 Год назад
No tourist is gonna go to that town .
@donedwards104 Год назад
It looks like the old adage no such thing as bad publicity just bombed
@michaelrandall2070 Год назад
The UK armed forces bravery only just saved us in the 2nd world war effort, along with the US who were steadfastly anti-war and who only very late on, were bounced into action by events following the US fiasco at Pearl Harbour, which ridiculed the misguided political thinking in Washington. Following the Pacific wipe out it was on 8th December 1941 that the US declared war on Japan but following this on 11th December 1941 that Hitler declared war on the US thus leaving Roosevelt no option but to declare war that same day against Germany. What a shameful scenario to show lack of allegiance to the UK or any European nation at the time of a dangerous advance by an international aggressor. At this time people in the UK were on near starvation rations. No obesity cult then. Farmers working flat out could still only provide 30% of the country's food requirements. It was touch and go whether Hitler's lethal submarines would win the Atlantic war and totally halt food supplies to the UK, being provided by the US at full price, on expensive credit, and only eventually fully paid off in 2006. Tough treatment for the Nation who were very significant in saving the unprepared US from the Nazis. Now, in 2023 the Nation has surrendered to an invasion of hungry and impoverished aliens, of mainly male gender and future indigenous generations will have to seek new honizons with Elon Musk or accept a life radically changed without any democratic consideration. Where is the Churchill of the 2020s ? It seems he is no longer available as the education system cannot provide fit and thinking adults ready for life's tasks as we have surrendered to Woke and Soft_trivia Cults.
@hourbee5535 Год назад
It’s better housing than what our veterans are coping with!
@user-ys8pq5vd3s Год назад
​@dondoodatand why shouldn't they? Where have YOU served? McDonald's? Maybe outside the local school handing out drugs to kids?
@ThisisnotTwitter Год назад
​@user-ys8pq5vd3s this account must be a bot, either that or a idiotic psycho. All the guy said was that the tabloid headline "fact" designed to make stupid people angry was simply not correct.
@DANNYboy-ei2pu Год назад
@vincekelly3711 Год назад
Due to a successful halt to illegal immigration Australia has a number of empty detention centres on islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. These centres are excised from Australian immigration laws. The British Govt should lease these centres from Australia and house their illegals in them.
@rb1062 Год назад
When the barge is full, tow it back to France.
@IBradFrazer Год назад
And it only cost the taxpayers £1.6 billion to house 3,000. How much does that work out per illegal immigrant? There is some Grade-A corruption going on here.
@onedayagogo Год назад
it's all money-laundering at this stage tbh...
@JT-oh4eu Год назад
£533,333? That can’t be right
@nilomurphyasghar1216 Год назад
No it doesn't money for refugees has nothing to do with taxpayers money it's a separate fund
@onedayagogo Год назад
@@nilomurphyasghar1216 hi. what is the separate fund called please ? most people do believe it's tax funded
@nilomurphyasghar1216 Год назад
@@onedayagogo uk aid budget for refugees Google it. Media won't tell you
@samrowbotham8914 Год назад
This will only encourage many more to come. Already according to official stats, fourteen thousand entered illegally so far this year. That means another twenty-seven of these barges are needed and this is unsustainable. Look at how Rome collapsed whilst the ruling class engaged in perversions they allowed the Barbarians to live amongst them, and when they had sufficient numbers they tore Rome apart. The same will happen to England.
@chrissilver7719 Год назад
Who entered illegally ? You get here, you claim asylum and then the Home Office processes your claim. If that is unsuccessful you can be removed . However it is not the Asylum seekers who determine how long the process takes, that's the Home Office government department. We could have legally sent people back to France as part of the Dublin Agreement but due to Brexit we left that possibility. So if you voted Brexit and all those who got their sovereignty back , this is what it looks like.
@TheAArmstrong Год назад
@@chrissilver7719wa wa wa Bwexit n durr gammons wa wa waaaa open borders wa waaaa 😭😭😭
@chrissilver7719 Год назад
@@TheAArmstrong usual brexshiter response on hearing the facts.
@user-md9lo3qk9v 8 месяцев назад
Lots of our homeless people would love to be in there now.Merry Christmas.
@alickak8346 Год назад
No to Rwanda.. no to barge.. no to RF BASES.. SO WHAT????????
@lordjimmyjimbok3067 Год назад
This can’t be done what a disgrace we are
@GMS121 Год назад
It’s what I live on for work what’s the issue?
@rogerhargreaves2272 Год назад
The U.K. government needs to stop luxury incentives like these. It’s just encouraging more and more to illegally arrive.
@onedayagogo Год назад
yep. _The Cobra Effect_ is real
@mariahewitt9787 Год назад
All young healthy Males, Only?
@MadameCorgi Год назад
It's not a luxury it's 6 strangers crammed in a room, with basic amenities. Nobody undergoes hazardous, multimonth journies to stay in a barge they can't leave
@macsmith6216 Год назад
@@MadameCorgiThen they can stay in France, or is that not a safe haven ? British oil workers normally stay on this barge
@rogerhargreaves2272 Год назад
@@MadameCorgi Sea view, comfortable beds, plenty of food & drink, a games room, free Wi-Fi, day trips to Weymouth. Looks quite nice to me.
@tombarton710 Год назад
British people can’t afford to eat, heat there homes or pay there mortgages but we keep letting people in. Madness
@mikenichols3849 Год назад
compared to what the migrants dealt with in regards to housing? i disagree and see the accommodations as "warm & welcoming." again going from living for weeks, months or longer in tents, under tarpsor with no shelter whatsoever, the barge accommodations are a substantial improvement. if you expect something like the Ritz Carlton for these individuals you're living in a fantasy world. there are thousands of homeless persons in the UK now who don't have it nearly so good as what these new migrants will.
@chrissilver7719 Год назад
The homeless crisis is on the government or are you trying to gaslight that homeless people would be a priority under this government. The reason they house asylum seekers is they have a legal requirement to do so, unlike homeless people. You don't see much government action on giving people the right to accommodation do you, more concerned about ensuring Garage can bank at Coutts.
@evandunkley292 Год назад
I’m not saying we should shun and turn these people away however when we’re prioritising those who contribute little to nothing to our economy over people who have paid tax and broke their backs all their lives there is a serious problem. But when you try and address this problem you’re called prejudiced and far right. If Britain had an abundance of social services and cash to spend then I’d be all for it but the fact of the matter is that we’re broke and can barely support ourselves let alone hundreds of thousands of migrants a year.
@alexwholeness Год назад
I recon it's a good start for people. I'm from the EU and when I arrived I stayed in dorms 6, 10,12 beds for 6months to start my life in Uk. I payed to stay in the hostel (bank bed ) and payed to use the computer , payed my food ,my travel and tax etcetera...there wasn't any gov help. So comparing to that ( I wasn't alone with it) I think we can say it's a great help to new comers. I think the main question isn't the accommodation and if facilities are good enough. The main question is that what they will do after they settled. Are they going to have trainings in culture, language , are they going to learn new skills? (what helps UK economy and filling gaps in jobs what lacking people ) If yes, then defo they will contribute to UK in every level. If not ,then this place just going to be a prison and actually it will use up a lots of tax payer's money. Gov should have a good plan for long term solution.
@stefanjohansson2373 Год назад
In Sweden some of them get villas or hotels!
@evandunkley292 Год назад
@@alexwholeness I totally agree and people like yourself that offer valuable qualities to our society are welcomed with open arms by almost all. However the office of national statistics stated that in 2022 over 1 million migrants entered our country on a permanent basis. This includes large groups of Middle Aged Albanian and Middle Eastern men. Britain is a very small nation with a relatively spaced out and non dense topography, but when you add an extra 1% to the population all at once, civil unrest and anger is bound to occur. As a nation we are struggling to feed our families and clothe them so to be expected to support others simply because of an unfounded claim they made to our border agents. We just don’t want to feel forced into supporting those who cannot support us.
@careyostrer6193 9 месяцев назад
And now the first suicide, probably a young man from Iran, Afghanistan or Eritrea seeking asylum in what he thought was a safe country. It is said that among the 500 or so captives there is a whole variety of mental health problems stemming from their countries of origin and their forbidding and often times dangerous journeys. Now isolated in an offshore prison indefinitely -what would that do for anyone’s mental health even if you didn’t already suffer? A cruel gimmick so some can say oh good, now this govt can spend more on our own people? Fools. Thank you to the 60 odd charities that are legally challenging this shameful brutal system .
@thepodbaydoorshal Год назад
This isn't going to stop anyone from coming here. Waste of tax-payers money.
@Mike_5 Год назад
Arrive in a small boat and live on a larger boat very good solution to allow checks to take place
@helenclark2104 Год назад
Ho please they are not all traumatised they are coming from France there is a strong difference between immigration a nd illegal migration and eventually they will complain about the living conditions or distroy it
@debbiebebington9803 Год назад
While our own sleep on the street
@Cha4k Год назад
And you tow it back to their country once its full.
@truthseeker474 Год назад
The so called ' Refugees' are lucky to be able to have a bed, warm food, toilet facilities, cash, safety. The not so lucky are the local homeless people. Best is to STOP the crossings. Is like your own home. Where any stranger can just walk in, and you have to look after them, but your brother is thrown out in the street!🙈😡
@renmanincltd9965 Год назад
Tories in action flexing UK muscle... lol
@blazednlovinit Год назад
1:10 It isn't intended to be welcoming, it's intended to be safe and secure. Despite what you might think, channel 4, they are not on eternal holiday on our money.
@randyboisa6367 Год назад
Just move 10 of the asylum seekers into each of the British parliament members houses along with the leaders of the city levels. Problem solved.
@KJ-js7pi Год назад
How in anyway is this a deterrent to illegal entrants??!?! Why do they get better living standards the British people who have lived here and contributed for decades??
@davidritchie3801 Год назад
Ultimately a safe Haven. Haven't they fled certain death (via numerous safe Countries) to get here? They must be very happy!!
@El-Tel63-Terry. Год назад
Lock them up, send them home.
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
Your home is graveyard do think immigrat graveyard different as yours
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
Colour worth not humanity
@El-Tel63-Terry. Год назад
@yohannestsegay2063 Learn English, then reply.
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
Foreigners better than you on education living standards because that need more immigrat to overtake you ,British people destroyed country drinking alcohol drugs others thing, British people just eat benefits
@yohannestsegay2063 Год назад
@@El-Tel63-Terry. I speak French Spanish Greek almost 10 language, tour to world have plenty pounds living very standard life style don't look back , British people looking back mouning to ward poor people not going forward benefits eater
@ScragNath Год назад
Refugees welcome but not in my town.
@patriciawhite619 Год назад
@beany2456 Год назад
How our country goes all out to support these people, yet they do not support our people. Just so you know we have traumatised people living here, so stop trying too make it sound something it’s not.
@emariestlaurent710 Год назад
I wonder if they will open up their homes to the to these people.
@jamestopham7744 Год назад
Crying about a warm clean. Place to live
@blazednlovinit Год назад
@danswhite8544 What you said has nothing to do with anything... These are illegal migrants wanting an eternal holiday on the British tax payer. I don't consider how "I'd like to be treated" as I would never do something so disgusting as to take advantage of the love and charity of others.
@Ad0akes Год назад
Traumatised and vulnerable people what a load of BS , Weymouth and Dorset will find out real quick
@soapsfans 11 месяцев назад
The illegal trespassers do not like bibby stockholm prison barge because bibby stockholm prison barge is not a five star luxury hotel If the illegal trespassers do not like bibby stockholm prison barge then the illegal trespassers can always go back to Abu Dhabi
@universalstarking9575 Год назад
@raymondweller1430 Год назад
Theyve got it pretty nice considering theyve come from war torn countrys, and seen all that bloodshed, They must be feeling very safe now .
@kishorekannan2630 Год назад
Where is human rights. UN watching this barbarism
@gordonspicer Год назад
are there more than sufficient life belts redily available? Are there enough inflatables for all immigrants & staff to allow safe evation into the sea? Is there emergency lighting ? Will there be regular fire drills? What is the availablity of fire engines/ rescue to arrive quickly? What is the alarm system there? Will there be emergency evacuation information in various languages ? Are the EXIT points sufficient and freely open 24/7. Will there be designated stewards tp lead any evacuation? Where will any rescued people be sent to and is there the capacity in local hospitals to deal with, say, 200 plus at one time?
@TheBarnestah Год назад
No problem. Sounds like you'd be happy to home them. As for fire doors always open. Surely a prison doesn't have always open fire doors. They made over the channel. So I'm sure they can swim to shore in the event.
@tonyball2791 Год назад
When it's full you should tell it back to France
@user-ge5to8fp7b Год назад
Its got a tv room a gym, clean warm rooms outside yard good food , and they still moan send them home or tow it out to sea and sink it 🎉
@1984Scholsey Год назад
How luxurious and generous of our government and taxpayer are. We have recently learnt the cost to the UK taxpayer for illegal migrants to be processed is over £160,000 per person, most have land and wealth where thry come from yet are allowed to keep they should have to forfeit to offset the cost. I have to do my wife's legal immigration and settlement the cost to the taxpayer is £0 the cost to me is substantial. I can take you too at least 2/3rds of the worlds countries where to claim asylum sees you escorted into a tin can to be returned on the next available flight where they come from, we are a soft touch we area soft touch.
@steviewonder5764 Год назад
gets me has to why the government haven't thought of using the many empty prisons we have in the uk at the moment. or would that not be a good idea.
@amandahunter4034 Год назад
This is horrible accommodation. Austere, basic, and on the sea. Definitely not suitable for people who have experienced trauma, had to leave their homeland, and have survived a dangerous sea journey. This is just playing to small-minded people who have never had to fight for their lives.
@strangemagic5502 Год назад
They should be grateful for the accommodation
@shanehall98 Год назад
“It isn’t welcoming at all”it looks ok to me more left wing bias thrown in.
@tlg5003 Год назад
No doubt the migrants will complain.
@mathewgrover6455 9 месяцев назад
Some of the migrants are complaining about the food, they have asked if the chef can be changed. What a joke.
@rduggan2011 Год назад
these people should be put straight on flights back their own countries, just like we would be, not housed in luxury, then maybe 11000 people would not be dying weekly in the uk. i will go live on the barge any day, double room, 3 free meals daily, shower with hygien products, snooker room, gym, tv lounge, laptop computers, give me a job on the barge, i am a chef and steward by trade, and ex armed forces, so i even have security training. like i said, i use to work on the ships, so now how they work. lets not also forget they get medical treatment, they will be living a better life then i live, and better then 20 million people living in uk, right now, no income and no support.
@keith8609 Год назад
The accommodation is fine or maybe they would rather go back to france living in tents it is nore than the economic migrants deserve.
@user-ey6rz3fv5y Год назад
They should be lucky this is taxpayer's money
@nilomurphyasghar1216 Год назад
Actually it's not separate fund for refugees as per the treaty the uk signed and ratified. Always money for war though creating more refugees
@flujab1707 Год назад
Now we just gotta get them all on it, get a tug boat, tow it to the middle of the atlantic and leave it there.
@user-nw3xc2tk6y Год назад
Loving that it's in Dorset
@universalstarking9575 Год назад
Amnesty int.???
@truxton1000 9 месяцев назад
One asylum seeker sadly commited suicide there today, it was reported on the news again ang again and again ALL day. There is 15-20 sucides in the UK EVERY DAY. What about reporting those suicides too??
@tomg1223 Год назад
Poor people are just trying to escape the war in the Fran... its full of riots at the moment, which could be really frightening for them
@neildraycott5272 11 месяцев назад
23000 people come over on a dinghy............................it can house 500..............................whats the point or am I missing something................is it the Tardis.
The UK village divided by asylum seeker arrivals
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