
Interference-Odd Type. Never missed a Pop Fly? 

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You really need to watch from beginning to end to appreciate this one.
We start with an Interference call that's only been called ONCE in over 10 years of playing.
Also included is the remarkable fact that the catcher never missed a pop fly in his life...or did he? The vote will decide.



27 сен 2024




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@youbluethatone1017 Год назад
I would not have called that interference
@larrykramer2761 Год назад
@T Raybern correct, but the catcher did not even make contact with the player so still not interference.
@danielmaske9946 Год назад
It doesn't have anything to do with making eye contact or rooting for the ball to go out. Whether it is intentional or not, if they were playing under a rulebook that includes "verbal interference" then the rule book 100% supports the umpire's call. Regardless of whether or not the on deck batter did it intentionally, he said "Its out, its out" and if that alone, in the umpire's judgement caused any hesitation by the fielder then it is indeed verbal interference. It kind of sucks that the penalty falls on the batter at the plate but it is what it is. Interference being strictly identified as "verbal" is fairly new to the HS rule book. It has been covered and called under the general interference rule for a long time but in the last 5 years or so they added "verbal" to the phrasing. The rule was meant to cover things like this or for instance in a game I was umpiring there was a pop-up to shallow left and the runner on 2nd base yelled "I got it" to trick the backpedaling SS.
@lanem4304 Год назад
@@larrykramer2761 He doesn't need to make contact with the on-deck batter to be interference; if he would have pulled up thinking he was going to run into the on-deck batter, that is definitive interference. The word Impede just means because of an action of the on-deck batter (not moving away) it reasonably caused the fielder to need to alter his/her attempt to make a play. I don't think the action of the on-deck batter caused interference, but it didn't seem he was going to be moving at all - so if that foul would have pulled the catcher even further, you very well may have had interference.
@billyray994 Год назад
Let’s go ahead and write it in stone somewhere for all to read: contact is NOT a mandatory part of interference or obstruction. That is all.
@danielmaske9946 Год назад
@@billyray994 Very well said
@christollaksen8442 Год назад
Honestly had to look this up. It is still a judgement call by the umpire on the intent of the interference. Because the on deck batter called the ball out he has intentionally tried to confuse the defensive player. It is a rare play, one we umpires hate to call since it needs an explanation to the teams. I'll give props to the umpire calling it, he knew the rule and made the call immediately. I know I could not react that fast. I remind myself behind the plate to judge the "intent" of the play. Great video again.
@robertbrown7470 Год назад
I don't think the catcher reacted to the batter or else he wouldn't have come close to catching that ball. Pause, read and react.
@TheKingSource Год назад
The on deck batter is also making no effort to vacate the area to give the catcher a clear and fair chance at the ball.
@67L48 Год назад
I’m fine with the interference call. I’d be fine if it wasn’t called. From an official scoring perspective, he didn’t miss a pop up. But, that doesn’t matter because very few of those catches in the montages would have appeared in the official scorebook had they not been caught. So, I’m eliminating the official scoring as a consideration. If I were him, I’d consider this a no-play. I was interfered with and the batter was retired. No drop. As an unbiased observer, I’d say that he wasn’t interfered with - his ability to make the play was not impedes. Therefore, he dropped a ball. If the at-bat continues, it’s not even close to an E2, but it’s a drop in the sense you are asking.
@MwD676 Год назад
Dad probably jinxed him by making the comment. He did drop a pop up that “touched his glove.” But, if ump indeed ruled interference, then he recorded a putout nonetheless. (So a mythical catch)
@avesselgaming Год назад
2-21-1 Offensive interference is an act (physical or verbal) by the team at bat: 1 which interferes with, obstructs, impedes, hinders or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play; or
@larrykramer2761 Год назад
I understand the umpire's reasoning, but I would not have called interference here because your son clearly did not give up on the play just because the on deck batter said it was "out, out". Therefore, I would have to say this counts as an uncaught foul ball by your son.
@teebob21 Год назад
"Giving up" on the play is not a requirement for being interfered with. There's no rules support for that. Any umpire using that as an excuse to not make the correct call by rule is not doing his job, and is just making things up to get away with being too weak to do the right thing.
@annettemalaski1967 Год назад
Not a missed play, and it was verbal interference. The on deck man was very close to where the play was. His shouting could cause distraction to the catcher. The fact that the ump called it meant it was loud!
@alexchavez3383 Год назад
It could have caused a distraction, but actually watching the catcher shows zero hesitation at any point
@henryjames8482 Год назад
The umpire made the right decision
@hm51008 Год назад
Nice job teaching him to find the fence first (when possible) and then pursuing the pop foul.
@williamknudson8414 Год назад
Late here, but... this one's tough. Plate umpire was a lot closer and a lot more aware of what's been going on in the game than we are, though, so I'll defer to his judgement. Another reminder to me that trying to make a call from center field on a play at home (or vice versa) is not the best of plans, and to move my feet more, even on "routine" plays, because you never know what will happen.
@michellepopkov940 Год назад
At that level you need to teach all kids that an on-deck batter can’t be a jerk! I got Offensive Interference. Otherwise, when that on-deck batter comes to bat, he’s going to be fed a Rawlings McMuffin!
@mariovercillo1319 Год назад
players, and parents, yell all kinds of crap when to distract a fielder who is going for a fly ball, from the field, from the bench, from the on deck circle, and I have issued stern warnings, but I don't think the IF call here was justified
@dgib1694 Год назад
Not interference for sure. The ump trying to shine
@joedavis4257 Год назад
I had Joey twice this year. He's a good catcher.
@lanem4304 Год назад
I wouldn't have called this interference; The on-deck batter didn't scream at the catcher trying to get him to miss the catch, plus the catch was a very difficult one. The rule does state that verbal interference can happen, but I didn't see anything to that effect here. Now, if he would have yelled "Watch out, Watch out" and the catcher pulled up like he was going to hit something, then missed the catch, I then have interference. The verbal words didn't seem to cause the catcher to stop chasing the pop fly, nor alter his course of attempting to catch it.
@richwalicke9194 Год назад
Personally. I don't think I would call the interference here. Watching the play, he called the ball out of play well away from the catcher and early and it did not seem to hinder the catcher's play on the ball. It really did not seem like the catcher lost focus, he never stopped, did not look at the on deck batter, or hesitate.
@AwanaNSBCC Год назад
Would not have called interference
@robertbock8298 8 месяцев назад
I have paused the video several times and at no time did the catcher give up or appear hindered in his attempt to catch the ball. I have no interference and a missed catch by the catcher. Play on. As you can see, the catcher was 3 feet from the on-deck batter when the ball was dropped and he never touched him and the on-deck batter barely flinched after the catcher hit the ground. As for the verbal comment, you can see the on-deck batter was looking up at the ball the whole time and as you state in your commentary, the wind was blowing 20 miles per hour,. Was he trying to influence the catcher or to hinder him or just protecting fans on the other side of the fence by making a comment or did he just believe the ball was out of play? The situation does not appear to be intentional verbal interference. Perhaps a case of over-officiating by the umpire. I recognize that interference is a judgement call by the official but I just don't see it here. It's just not enough to get an out. J.M.H.O. Cheers!
@mattmoehring8021 Год назад
I would call the interference. Anything less than an out is condoning bush league play. Score it "two, unassisted"
@rolandomalaluan2415 Год назад
It is not interference
@kerrytodd3753 Год назад
Not interference……counts, sorry.
@awesomeness24great62 Год назад
Since it was the on deck player verbal inference i woud say call it a foul ball or if was the hitter that verbal inference i would add strike and take away a ball but if was the umpire then did it is due over even if the umpire get in the way . Out should physcial inference if it the fence than it foul ball
@billbell2311 Год назад
You can't make up rules. "...if was the hitter that verbal inference i would add strike and take away a ball..." It's either interference or it's not. If it interference, the batter is out. If it's not, then it's nothing. There is no basis in the rules for adding a strike and/or taking away a ball. "...if was the umpire then did it is due over even if the umpire get in the way..." By rule, this is not umpire interference. There is no "do over" if the umpire gets in the catcher's way on this play.
@tubes-lut Год назад
Verbal is interference by rule.
@alexm6851 Год назад
I like the interference call mostly because it's a bush league move. Him saying "out out" and your son having a bead on the ball could definitely have made him second guess where the fence was so he could have been expecting to run into it and shied away a bit. To me this is akin to an infield pop up and a baserunner yelling "I got it!"
@TheDjcarter1966 Год назад
It can't be a missed pop fly because in theory catching the ball had nothing to do with the out recorded. HOWEVER if you are honest with yourself that was pretty lame there are fans, coaches and other players from both teams yelling all sorts of stuff all the time..my call here is foul ball no interference, no out. And stop with all these exotic stances as a catch and get in a good stance and maybe you can get to the ball faster
@MH-Tesla Год назад
so, what is the "correct stance?" No runners on base, less than two strikes? Are you suggesting we go back to what was taught in the 1990s? Sign stance, no runners on stance, runners on base stance? Absolutely no nuance to how we set up as a catcher depending on, oh I don't know, 25 different factors? Type of pitch, type of runner, game situation, etc... Watch NCAA and MLB catchers. You will see them routinely set up based on pitch type and game situations even with a runner on first. Might get knee down. Might be focused on presenting the pitch over controlling the run game? If you think there's one correct stance for every catcher, you're living in the 90s.
@lanky2592 Год назад
Good interference call
@helviojr Год назад
Well, first of all, congratulations to your kid. It's amazing, I suffer catching that level of pop-ups. He is incredible! I can say that as an amateur player with no doubt. As an umpire, in the other hand, I would "score" his first missed pop out, unfortunately. I thought it was an equipment left on the floor. Just calling "out, out" I'm not sure if I would call interference. It shouldn't have confused the catcher. Or not?
@MH-Tesla Год назад
@ScottBaietti Год назад
I think interference called (whether justified or not) means this is not a missed catch, just like an error is not a hit for a better. Your son is great, I love the clips where he finds the fence then backs away. I think the only thing he can improve is holding his mask a bit longer while tracking. There are a few times where since he dropped it so early, he nearly ends up stepping on it, or at least is closer than need be. I’m sure you show him those.
@mptr1783 Год назад
A lot to dissect here. First, the catcher never stopped trying to catch the ball. 2nd, is it 100% that the on-deck batter was the one saying "out, out"? And 3rd, if it was the on-deck batter saying it, I personally think he was saying it so the catcher didnt get hurt crashing into the fence. Now, if Joey stopped and the ball fell to the ground because of the "out, out" then I may have interference
@michaelmerrullo2043 Год назад
Honestly I don't see your son hesitant at all in his pursuit of the catch attempt. I wouldn't have called it. But on the other hand I guess you could make a case for an unsportsmen like attempt to interfere could be considered interference? If that was the case here. Interesting
@sam.houseworth Год назад
The pop up behind the plate is the toughest play in baseball. Very difficult to practice and requires the instincts of a pro.
@robertbrown7470 Год назад
He is correct according to the definition of interference.
@PaulStutzman-l3r Год назад
Missed pop fly
@dorothyharp9275 3 месяца назад
Are you kidding? Verbal Interference? E2, end of story. It could have been a catcall from the spectators. The on-deck batter did not figure in the dropped ball.
@MagSeven7 Год назад
Very tuff call in my opinion. I'm not sure the ondeck batters intention was to hope your son would give up just because he yelled "out, out". I understand we can call inteference whether intentional or not but, I'd have to say I probably would not have in this case. I compare this to when players or coaches in the dugout will yell foul ball on a ball that is close but fair. We probably could call interference on that too. Great effort by your son though.
@brentsalish6302 Год назад
Not interference. The on-deck hitter yelling did not cause a safety issue for the catcher, and while his actions might not be very sporting, interference normally requires a physical act, not just bench-jockeying. Even absent the interference call, I would not have scored an error because the ball wasn't catchable with normal effort by the catcher.
@goodmaro Год назад
I sure wouldn't've ruled interference! "Out...out" could've meant he expected a foul out. If an on-deck batter's giving an opinion out loud like that is interference, they're turning this into a game for stuffed shirts.
@RonaldGorman Год назад
didn't realize there was a "verbal interference" rule. i thought it was interference by the on-deck batter who didn't move. as i recall from a previous video you've made interference doesn't require contact. subconsciously i wonder if your son "felt" the on-deck batter was near and it affected him. clearly your son was close enough to hear him. either way it was a good call. this doesn't count as a no-catch but rather interference.
@martyburns2207 Год назад
I retired from umpiring two years ago after 51 years. I called the interference before you mentioned it. The on deck batter never tried to get out of the way of the batter. Just like batter's interference on F2 trying to throw out a runner stealing and he throws the ball away, F2 is not charged with an error because the batter is out and the runner has to return to the previous base.
@Tiuuuu752 Год назад
If the cop air finished the batter it doesn't count as it until 5
@Chasepalmer1885 Год назад
Because of the interference it is not missed and he keeps his record.
@tjjunior1 Год назад
Out for interference, verbal is not allowed at lower levels
@dmotogearhead2245 Год назад
If on deck batter said out out and stood there I'd call it too.
@getreal1175 Год назад
Teach your son to hold onto his mask until he is ready to catch the pop up. He will not trip over it that way. I know he didn’t, but he never will if he does that - old catcher here. Take off mask, find the ball, get position, loose the mask, make the catch!
@michaelround8054 Год назад
To me, it looked like he pulled up as the ball was falling for fear of running into the on-deck batter. That's what I thought the umpire was ruling on. But since he's your son, you can ask him! Did he pull up or was the on-deck batter's presence a non-issue?
@austinbarnthouse630 Год назад
Commenting as I go, but I’m assuming follow-through interference
@austinbarnthouse630 Год назад
I was wrong
@austinbarnthouse630 Год назад
Was missed
@austinbarnthouse630 Год назад
And VERY COOL montage at end. What a cool dad move to put that together.
@MH-Tesla Год назад
Ending was awesome... LoL
@davej3781 Год назад
sometimes I think you leave comments like this one just for me
@davej3781 Год назад
that's weird, since when is my name "davej3781"?
@MH-Tesla Год назад
@@davej3781 was thinking the same thing.
@chrisklotz4753 Год назад
I want to say your son is one of the best I have seen. But I think it is a missed catch and not interface. No one can be perfect at such a high level. This was a tough play and his effort was huge...
@a_doggo Год назад
It's a catch. He's still got his streak!
@frankwolf1466 Год назад
great call. had it only once in 30 years
What? He's called out? Why?
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