
Interview with Ulia Sinaieva - Teacher of Russian in Kiev 

Angelos Georgakis
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She is not just a super talented teacher..she is such a fun person!! The interview I've been waiting for is here! I've learned so much from her and I'm sure you will too! :)
Do you wanna find Ulia?
Here you go:
/ easyrussianwithulia
For those who have been asking for the transcript of the interview with Ulia, here it is on Explore Russian.
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Dialogue (small part - full transcript here explorerussian....)
Уля, привет, это я, Ангелос. Как ты?
Hello Ulia, it's me, Angelos. How are you?
Да, хорошо, нормально.
Yes, fine, ok.
Да, я еду, я еду.
Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming.
Но слушай, я опаздываю чуть-чуть, наверно, я буду там через час, нормально?
But listen, I'm a little late; maybe I'll be there in an hour, is it ok?
Ребята, всем привет!
Hello guys!
Со мной сегодня Уля, Уля преподает русский язык в Киеве.
There is Ulia with me today; Ulia teaches Russian language in Kyiv.
Сколько лет ты преподаешь русский?
How many years do you teach Russian?
Уже седьмой год.
It's seventh year already.
Семь лет. У неё есть большой опыт преподавания русского языка!
Seven years. She has a lot of experience in teaching Russian!
У меня сегодня к тебе есть пару вопросов.
I have a couple questions for you today.
Ну что, начнем?
So, let's start?
Я готова.
I'm ready.
Зачем изучать русский язык? Продай мне русский язык, пожалуйста.
Why learn Russian? Sell me Russian language please.
Продам, с удовольствием, без проблем.
I'll sell gladly, no problem.
Во-первых, на русском говорят около 300 миллионов человек, большинство которых проживают в 15
постсоветских странах. 300 миллионов человек!
First of all, there are 300 million people who speak Russian, most of whom live in 15 post-Soviet countries.
300 million people!
Также русский язык занимает второе место по числу научных публикаций. Например, в области
химии, физики, математики и так далее.
Also, in Russian there is the second largest number of scientific publications. For example, in chemistry,
physics, mathematics and so on.
Также, как мы знаем, очень много известных личностей в области балета, театра, литературы также
были россияне.
Also, as we know, a lot of well-known people in ballet, theatre, literature were Russians.
Вот, например, Лермонтов - известный русский писатель и поэт, мой любимый автор. Вот, я вам дарю
эту книжку, я надеюсь, что она вам очень понравится.
Here, for example, Lermontov - famous Russian writer and poet, my favourite author. Here, I give you this
book; I hope you will really like it.
Спасибо, Уля, спасибо!
Thank you Ulia, thank you!
Там есть стихотворения…
There are poems in it…
Спасибо, Уля. Это старая книжка…
Thank you, Ulia. The book is old…
Да, очень старая, 85 года, я ещё не родилась тогда.
Yes, it's very old, published in '85, I wasn't born than.
Вообще, Россия - это один из крупнейших мировых поставщиков нефти, газа.
In general, Russia is one of the world's largest suppliers of oil and gas.
Также очень часто русский язык используют в бизнесе.
Also, Russian language is often used in business.
Например, у меня были студенты, которые изучали русский, потому что... скажем, им давали больше
зарплаты, если они знали русский язык. То есть, это тоже плюс для работы.
For example, I had students who studied Russian because… say, they were given more salary if they knew
Russian. That is, it's also a plus for a job.
В принципе, русский язык можно изучать уже потому, что на нем говорили такие люди как
Маяковский, Достоевский, Чехов и так далее. В общем, большой-большой длинный ряд людей.
Basically, you can learn Russian just because people like Mayakovskiy, Dostoyevskiy, Chekhov and others
spoke it. Generally, it's big and long row of people.
Поэтому покупайте, пожалуйста
So buy please
Спасибо, я куплю 
Thank you, I'll buy
Какие самые распространенные ошибки делают ученики?
What are the most common mistakes students make?
Что касается, например, лексики, часто путают такие слова как мужчина и машина, всегда.
As for the vocabulary, for example, they often confuse words like мужчина (man) and машина (car),
Я стараюсь проводить параллель, я показываю Супермена - это настоящий мужчина и у него есть
машина, Феррари. Очень классно!
I try to draw a parallel, I show Superman - this is a real мужчина and he has машина Ferrari. Very cool!
Плюс: мужчина - можно сделать ассоциацию со словом муж. Муж - жена, муж - мужчина, то есть по
логике они созвучны.
Plus: мужчина - you can make an association with the word муж



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@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
For those who have been asking for the transcript of the interview with Ulia, here it is on Explore Russian. explorerussian.com/interview-ulia-sinaieva-teacher-russian-kiev/
@ncoaAAAA 6 лет назад
hi angelos, can you tell us what are the differences between ukrainian and russian?? good job!!!! keep going.
@advertisingagency5430 8 лет назад
I have your all videos you ever uploaded..It is really helpful and thanks for sharing with us
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
Благодарю advertising agency! :) Стараюсь.
@advertisingagency5430 8 лет назад
Ohhhhh...thank you sir...It's a great honor that you have replied me.. Thank you very much.. thank you...... thank you waiting for next video sir..... It's a agency where I work ))
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
It's my pleasure. I wish the best to you and your company. :)
@elshisu 8 лет назад
totally useful!! спасибо большое!!!!!!!
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
Thank you so much! Your support is very important. :)
@cloeye32 7 лет назад
Angelos Georgakis Мне нравится ваше видео репортаж это красота замечательный
@michaelkaniki5616 8 лет назад
hahahaha... she taught some good "bad words" already.... great teacher by the way.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
I'm sure she did... :)
@TheRomantika23 8 лет назад
Many thanks!)
@fabrizioricci5355 8 лет назад
This may be your best video yet, thanks for sharing! She seems like a really fun person, I could listen to her explain the language all day.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
She is a gifted teacher. Learning a language next to her is fun. :) Thanks for your kind words Fabrizio.
@mohamaddumirieh2420 7 лет назад
this video is amazing ,you can learn lots of words,and even phrases just in a half hour ,really wonderful teacher, I hope that you will make more videos with here thank you so much for your efforts
@angelosgeorgakis5663 7 лет назад
Thank you very much for your kind words! I'm keep making these videos!
@Olegstuff21986 7 лет назад
Приятно слушать человека из Киева с адекватным взглядом на русский язык :) - удачи Вам в Вашей деятельности :).
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
@SamualAnthony 4 года назад
Thanks for the interesting videos Angelos. Its good that there is English and Russian subtitle. I am accidentally noticing/reading the English before the Russian sometimes, I would rather focus on the Russian. Maybe if the Russian subtitles were at the top of the screen and the English was at the bottom it might help prevent people from accidentally noticing the English subtitles.
@vectorofmidnight6387 5 лет назад
Ульяна, Вы во всех смыслах лучезарны. Своей красотой и душевной теплотой Вы любого можете вдохновить на изучение русского языка)
@JulianW1862 7 лет назад
Really great video. Thank you!! Quite inspirational. Good end question about motivation. And thank you for taking time to do double subtitles. I know that's no easy job. All the best from England. I'll re watch now with a pen and paper.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 7 лет назад
Thank you so much Julian! Greetings from Saint Petersburg!
@romaapluto 5 лет назад
This is way more helpful then I anticipated!!! I am a month and 1/2 into my self taught learning Russian journey. I’m going to rewatch this tomorrow and take notes. Спасибо!!
@jean-christopheMiquel-ef3ur 2 года назад
Y Вас информация об этом отличном преподавателе при современной ситуации , то есть при войне в Украине ? Эта очень талантливая женщина, верно !
@TheRomantika23 2 года назад
Спасибо большое!!!! Мне и моей семье пришлось уехать от войны в Германию (Ганновер).
@sistematic88 7 лет назад
Это видео чисто мотивация для меня! Развлекательные и образовательные. Поздравление для вашего канала. Приветствие от Сардинии!
@Maximum_911 2 года назад
She is wonderful! I want her as my teacher!
@raularmas1719 7 лет назад
Why have you not made many more such videos. She is natural, relaxed, I feel no pretense with her. Please do future project with her in many different situations/locations.
@JesusHernandez-do4ic 7 лет назад
Great interview. Very encouraged to continue learning Russian. Always praise yourself. Outstanding Angelos.
еще слово МАТ может означать спортивный инвентарь на котором упражняются
@hinchlnt 4 года назад
Ulia, I love this video. It is exactly what I need.
@Tibissia 2 года назад
I am wondering if now that there is the war in Ukraine she is fine and managed to get safe:( Such a good teacher
@TheRomantika23 2 года назад
Thank you. I'm safe, in Germany, but had a bad experience running from war
@Baqsam 5 лет назад
_What a Magnetic Person!_
@MrSarMax 2 года назад
Прекрасный учитель!
@jameshermes4341 5 лет назад
Interesting and instructive, thank you.
@Eli-Sat_Shirim-Russim 6 лет назад
Замечательный урок если вы будете говорить немного медленнее он будет намного более эффективным
@ingridtrue8652 3 года назад
Amazing video! Such a gifted teacher.
@russianteacher9483 3 года назад
@umot6277 7 лет назад
By the way, the prefix "пере-" in the word "переписка" does not mean "сделать заново". It means to exchange something, letters in this case. Other examples would be "перестрелка" (exchange of gun fire), "перепалка" (exchange of angry words)
@angelosgeorgakis5663 7 лет назад
Nice comment! I hadn't heard any of these two words. :)
@nicolascornejo903 7 лет назад
Excelente video, aprendí mucho. Saludos
@angelosgeorgakis5663 7 лет назад
Muchas gracias Nicolas! Un abrazo!
@Alfy47 7 лет назад
I just found your videos and I like the innovative way you have chosen to explain and to hep us learn Russian language. Many thanks to you Angelos!
@11jupitercowboy8 8 лет назад
Hahaha, so funny. I hear people complain about the socks-with-sandals thing all the time here in the U.S. too. I think it's a universal fashion no no! :p
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
hahahaha!!! I had such a laugh when she mentioned that. Every time I see people now I think of her instantly and laugh! :)
11jupitercowboy8 г
@RusoVietico 8 лет назад
Thanks for the video! Really useful and interesting! saludos
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
German, muchisimas gracias. By the way, Ulia speaks Spanish fluently! :)
@TheRomantika23 8 лет назад
Mil Gracias:)
@ceresludovic7509 7 лет назад
I agree with her(Ulia)If you don't work 20 min or at least 1 Hour your russian every day...you can not get any good result. As for me your video is really useful and help me a lot to improve my russian. After just 2 months(with your video) i start to understand russian interview. Keep up the great work man.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 7 лет назад
This sort of comments is my food. They keep me going! Thanks so much!
@jeffreyd508 7 лет назад
Great vid, thanks! Im only two months into learning Russian. A girl in Kyiv told me "Xaxa!! You can't LEARN Russian. No one can LEARN Russian. You have to grow up with it.".........................starting to believe her, LOL! . But seriously, I would like to strangle the people who let the language evolve like this. It's very unnecessary. 24 ways to say the word 'first'??? Why? Dogs survived for 25 million years with only 20 different bark tones, and they understand eachother PERFECTLY. You ever see a confused dog when talking to another dog? Me neither.
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
We like difficulties :) the language is a part of our history and our history was very complicated.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 7 лет назад
@HeadintheBox 7 лет назад
Чрезвычайно интересно.
@Some_Guy_87 8 лет назад
Great video, Angelos! I especially love that you always add Russian AND English subtitles, super helpful. Since I heard additional questions are possible: I personally would like you to dive a little bit more into the "learning methods". At the end of the video, Ulia said that you need to practice 20 minutes each day at the very least. Assuming someone would only have that amount of time, how exactly would she spend those 20 minutes? Maybe you could make some kind of "Russian workout plan" as a basis that people could extend according to their personal preferences based on how much time they have? Additionally, I was wondering if there's some good approach to find out which kind of learning methods are the most effective ones for someone? For example, you and Ulia both say that speaking is the most important, most efficient way to learn any language. In my personal experience though, this was never really true for me somehow. For my English skills, for example, I felt like I learned much more from learning lyrics of my favorite music than from speaking practice during school or whatever. I rarely learn anything new when practicing speaking, besides maybe getting faster in using what I already can. Might be a special case since I have a social anxiety disorder and am always very stressed when speakng, I don't know. With Russian, this is even worse because I'm at a very low level and people quickly lose their patience when I am attempting to speak it. So I mostly have very negative associations with the language in this regard.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
Hello Some Guy! Thank you very much for your comment. Yes, you are right. It depends on each one of us. Different people prefer a different approach. I can see you're playing your guitar and enjoying playing English songs. I also love playing the guitar and I found it very effective to learn Russian through songs. I also love Russian films. The only thing here I was to stress is the following: Sometimes it's better to learn something through a "non-preferred learning way" just because this pushes us to work towards our weaknesses. For example, it's good to look at the same information from a different perspective. This always creates strong memories as I have said in a previous video. It's studies in cognitive psychology that have proven that, not myself. ;) You can watch that video here ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nXyrozkpqnU.html In my opinion, again each one allocates those 20min in a different way. The key is definitely consistency. We have already done the shooting of the next video but I will ask Ulia to comment here and answer your question! Thank you very much, Angelos.
@TheRomantika23 8 лет назад
Hi! Thanks for your comment!) I would recommend you to turn on the TV, the channel with a Russian TV program, movie, clips and to get used to their speech. You may not listen to it but do different things while listening, for example one day: reading some short stories ("Шкатулка" is a manual for A1-B1 levels), other day: writing and learning some vocabulary (taken from the previous stories); then trying to study the grammar using these new words in different cases for instant. If you want I can send you some manuals for A1-B1 levels of the real conversation is not helpful for you at all. Good luck!
@Some_Guy_87 8 лет назад
Большое спасибо! К сожалению, я не могу найти книгу "Шкатулка". Но она вроде похожа на немецкую книгу "Рассказы из коробки", которую я прочитал. На левой странице всегда была короткая история, а на правой слова и порой грамматические правила. В принципе Я всегда мог сразу понимал рассказы, и ещё там были специфические слова, которые я учил, что меня очень мотивировало! Новые слова вместе с грамматикой - отличная идея! В данный момент я обычно читаю "визуальный роман" и порой пишу некоторые слова, которые я повторяю в свободное время несколько раз в день. Грамматика мне...кто бы мог подумать...не нравится особенно ("Учить грамматику? Да ладно, я просто буду читать каждый день и автоматический узнаю всё!"). Но использовать новые слова в грамматическом контексте возможно мне тоже поможет их запомнить. Я теперь именно так и учу русский. И, конечно же, больше "слушаю" телевидения на русском языке, потому что это все равно не сложно )). Я уже начал слушать новости на работе, но надеюсь, что я не буду больше слушать, чем работать...
@TheRomantika23 8 лет назад
Оставьте ваш имейл, я отправлю вам "шкатулку
@TwelfthRoot2 6 лет назад
@ 0:19 angelos why “еду”? I would expect “иду”? I’ve seen verbs of motion use walking verbs for public transport but never vehicle verbs for walking?
@jeanmenezes8342 7 лет назад
This video is great! Keep it up, you managed the interview very well and chose the best person to interview.
@rumahkedua4667 7 лет назад
Thank you, Angelos. Your videos are all very interesting and helpful.
@nodarnodar1318 4 года назад
Читать то умеет.спроси.
@dorafragkouli2321 8 лет назад
Πολύ καλό βίντεο όπως πάντα! Μπράβο! Очень хорошое видео как всегда !Молодец!
@27scole 7 лет назад
I feel this is best way to learn with both subtitles. Thanks! And very fun to watch. Peace :) haha
@raularmas1719 7 лет назад
Were you saying it's o.k. for immature boys and girls to acknowledge their feelings, but that mature men should deny/repress/ attempt to stifle their true feelings of hot-ness or cold-ness because appearances are more important?
@look007456 5 лет назад
@dibona38 8 лет назад
Interesting video with great sense of humour that makes the watching pleasant. I wish to watch a new session with Ulia & Angelo.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
Harfang, thank you for your kind words! Another video is coming with Ulia soon! If you have any specific question for her, please let me know and we will feature it on the video. ;)
@TheRomantika23 8 лет назад
Big thanks!)
@Baqsam 5 лет назад
_But she kept excluding Belarus in her Ukraine/Russia comparisons..._
@oldmediaguy3194 7 лет назад
I would definitely sign up for a Russian class with Ulia. (I once had a class with a professor who knew eight languages, but he was difficult to talk to in any language. Ulia seems the opposite.)
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
Спасибо) это я)
@saulo07 7 лет назад
I learned a lot in this video. I thank you and her for the nice interview ( class ).
@lenavalavani9051 4 года назад
@loved-is2gm 7 лет назад
хорошо, я жду. хочу изучать русский язык с вами. потому что вы хорошо понимаете иностранных студентов.
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
Welcome to Kiev!)
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
Join my group facebook.com/groups/EasyRussianwithUlia/?ref=bookmarks
@steffenbloetner1695 7 лет назад
Great video. Thanks for taking the time to interview Ulia.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 7 лет назад
Hey Steffen, Interview #2 is coming soon!!! ;)
@loved-is2gm 7 лет назад
спасибо вам огромное Angelos. очень очень полезно. я тоже студен, изучающий русский язык. кстати скажите мне пожалуйста, у преподавательницы есть канал на ютубе?
@angelosgeorgakis5663 7 лет назад
Привет! У Улей?? Уля, у тебя есть канал????? Вот ссылки polinasvetlaja.wix.com/easy-russian www.russianclub.com.ua , если хочешь ей написать!
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
К сожалению, нет. Куплю микрофон и буду делать видео)
@miladveeraa6578 7 лет назад
Почему она делала странные работы 😳 и тоже скажите пожалуйста как её зовут ? 🙏🏻 😍
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
Какие странные работы я делала?))
@miladveeraa6578 7 лет назад
Полина Светлая это была шутка !! Мне нравится ваш стиль преподавания 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😍
haha it`s like learning Italian in Sweden. She doesn`t know Russian. She`s Ukrainian.
@raularmas1719 7 лет назад
Ulia. Thank you for your youtube postings- I really appreciate your relaxed speaking style. I've been studying Russian for the last year. Your style seems relaxed, really good diction, and I think I've learned a lot from repeated viewings of this one video.
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
Спасибо, Рауль) this is Ulia) thanks for watching )))
@horaciovladivos 7 лет назад
Muy buenos los videos!! Me subscribí recientemente, por lo tanto estoy viendo todos los videos de tu canal y son de gran ayuda. Los reportajes son excelentes (Ulia шикарная). Saludos desde Argentina. ¿Es tan linda San Petersburgo como dicen? Всего доброго!
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
Gracias por todo! Ulia
@fareaster9760 7 лет назад
25:17 - awesome explanation about gopniks , squating and three-stripes dudes , and also right conclusion - if you see them - just run . And stay cheeki-breeki , lol
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
@raularmas1719 7 лет назад
thank you for your advice on how to stay motivated.
@beldengi 7 лет назад
The Russian guy; please slow down so that we can hear your pronunciation clearly.
@elenaalex9183 6 лет назад
Ещё забыли сказать, что 90% Израиля говорит по-русски, 30% Нью-Йорка и ...почти вся Анталия...ха-ха :)
@AlexFG24 7 лет назад
Интересно, т.н. красивые выражения как правило старинные. Хочешь говорить красиво - говори как Пушкин или Достоевский.
@hereinspiration227 2 года назад
@Greamzih 7 лет назад
At 2:37 I almost thought she was going to say "Я русский бы выучил только за то, что на нем разговаривал Ленин // I would learn Russian just because Lenin was speaking it". I wonder whether she has had fewer students of Russian in Kiev since the recent events.
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
Even more) Kiev became more popular
@aussiesurfer7236 8 лет назад
Большое спасибо!! Your efforts to help others in their journey of learning Russian is outstanding. Great video.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
Aussie, слушай. It gets a lot easier when there are people like you who support me, leave a comment, send an email, ask a question...
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
In this journey, I met Ulia for example, we became friends and created this video together. Благодарю.
@fathermcfeely7214 6 лет назад
На 25:17 некоему Борису ( *Life of Boris* ) стало обидно.
@AtlantisRouTou 3 года назад
Капец, вна Украине ещё сохранились такие стереотипные гопники?
@donnajohnson9834 7 лет назад
Thank you for this interview. She covered so many topics in such clear fashion. I have been studying Russian for several years and get so frustrated with my lack of progress. This inspires me to work on it every day! Love your videos!
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
Thank you, Donna! It's Ulia:) I hope I can help you again, this is my fb group, join: facebook.com/groups/EasyRussianwithUlia/?ref=bookmarks
@Ded_Silu 7 лет назад
Donna Johnson Where did you begin studying Russian. I began studying Russian at Ohio State University.
@idopshik 5 лет назад
Женщина допускает речевые ошибки.
@haroonmarikar 3 года назад
amazing . both the video and her . i am learning russian for 7 months . gopniks famous because of bald and bankrupt video . kruto
@TheRomantika23 2 года назад
@haseopshin9728 7 лет назад
So glad I found this
@angelosgeorgakis5663 7 лет назад
So glad to have you on board Peter!
@raularmas1719 7 лет назад
Ulia, which would you say is more difficult reading or speaking?
@TheRomantika23 7 лет назад
Hi Raul! This is Ulia. Polina is my nickname ) Speaking Russian is the most difficult part in studying.
@stephanpeterthree 5 лет назад
Bro...great stuff!
@Baqsam 5 лет назад
_The character on that broad!_
@michaelbruck1713 8 лет назад
This video is motivation pure! Thanks!
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
Michael!! Thank you! I just added the whole transcript on the website for your convenience guys. explorerussian.com/interview-ulia-sinaieva-teacher-russian-kiev/
@cpnolto 7 лет назад
молодец против овец, а против молодца и сам овца
@Alfy47 4 года назад
Thanks to how interesting she is, this interview is great for learning Russian ! She is an outstanding teacher.
@chadandrews98 8 лет назад
Болшое спасибо. К счастью я не встретил гопников когда я был в киеве.
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
Hahahah!!! Приезжай Chad! Найдем вместе!!! :)
@ivd3004 8 лет назад
I will show u both
@SpogliedEsilio0 8 лет назад
Thank you for this beautiful video. Great utility both for the advices and for the listening practice. Angelos, only a little curiosity... Have you ever thought about doing some videos also for the Greek language? I ask because I study Russian and Modern Greek, and since you are really an amazing teacher, it would be great to have some advices from you also for Greek, there is so little material for this language... Obviously they would be in minority because Russian is more requested, no problem; it can be anyway an idea to do sometimes. :)
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
Thank you for your kind words. I'm very happy to hear that you're learning Greek. I've thought about this and at some point, yes, I'm planning to make some Greek lessons. Also, you know what... After I started learning other languages I ended up appreciating more my native language. It's interesting. It's a similar feeling someone has when they start travelling the world and they have these moments when they get homesick. So, I often compare the grammar structures in Russian to those in Greek and instantly I think "How would I explain this to someone who's learning Greek"? Again, thank you very much for the motivation and support.
@russianteacher9483 6 лет назад
@Cenchuz 8 лет назад
Большое спасибо за русские и английские субтитры, это абсолютно помогает!!! Спасибо вам за делиться ваше знание!!! Очень интересное видео!!!
@angelosgeorgakis5663 8 лет назад
Вам спасибо!!! Еще видео готовится!!! Если у вас есть какой-то конкретный вопрос к Уле, пожалуйста пишите!!! :)
@Cenchuz 8 лет назад
У меня есть очень многие разные вопросы. Например, когда я должен использовать "СВОЙ". На каких языках вы говорите? Она говорите по испански??? :-О
@TheRomantika23 8 лет назад
Да, я говорю по-испански) "свой" is one's own smth: я люблю свою маму (I love my (own) mom)
@Cenchuz 8 лет назад
Большое спасибо за ответ! Вы и Ангелос очень интересные и умные люди, я просто восхищаюсь вами!! Еще раз спасибо большое за делиться ваше знание!!!
@AlexFG24 7 лет назад
"Окают" не только украинцы :) "Окают" на русском севере и в Вологодской области к примеру.
@Anastasia-dm9xz 3 года назад
Я с севера не окают тут 😁
Киевляне тоже акают, она в видео сказала "говорю а тебе" ,в паходы, слава паказывают)) Мне кажется украинцы не окают совсем, может не так тянут " а"
@susclik 7 лет назад
Avoid learning Russian language in Ukraine. It is cheaper, yes, but ukrainians make ridiculous mistakes all the time. Especially when they mix Russian with village dialect (Surzhik), this is awful. State of Ukraine wages war against Russian language in Ukraine and it bears fruits. People in Ukraine speaks much worse than in Russia. I'm sorry to say but this teacher speaking is full of garbage. "давали больше зарплаты" "очень понравится" "плохой лексикон" It is illiterate to speak like this. "иногда это можно услышать для иностранца" - I failed to understand this phrase at all. "Мат", "кончить" - these are words for checkmate and "to finish". It is as much obscene and funny as in English. What is she talking about??? "Но мы так не говорим" 99% of people with IQ higher than 100 have emigrated from Ukraine to Russia or other world. So maybe polite speaking is an old art that has no successors in Ukraine, but in Russia it is pretty common to be polite. Poor girl have never been in Europe and didn't see thousands of people wearing sandals with socks. Funny that recent Armany collection included sandals with socks too. Fashion of wearing sportswear on a street came from US, so what is she talking about? Her vision of EU and US are not in touch with reality. Social racism over poor and less educated people is not funny in Russia. So this is the real difference between Russia and Ukraine that Angelos asked to show. Sad that she feels so much inferior to foreigners, she looks ridiculous with this self-hating attitude.
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