
Iraq 20 years later: 3 vets reflect on the war they fought | Nightline 

ABC News
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Twenty years after they were first deployed to Iraq, three Marines speak candidly about their experiences and the lasting toll of the war.
#nightline #veterans #iraq



27 сен 2024




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@AlmaDrid-Satchitananda Год назад
The fact that around 400,000 Iraqis lost their lives is the telling factor. The vast majority innocent civilians all of sudden caught up in a situation from which they had no control.
@societyreborn33 Год назад
Easily over 1 million dead
@Kingishumble Год назад
This is why the Mexican people doesn’t want the US military on their territory
@alexandrasymeon5893 Год назад
No, it was over 1 million innocent civilians, most of them women and children.
@NeoFreshair Год назад
1 million children died from economic sanctions alone after Kuwait invasion!! And the US administration using same sanctions against Cuba, Venezuela, Sudan, Yemen, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan under Taliban, and now Russia!!! Why? To change regimes and replace them with puppet regimes!!
@mihaelbitola3812 Год назад
More than 90% of the victims were civilians, and about 30% of the victims were children. And they killed more than 1 milion people in Iraq.
@mustafamohammed8758 Год назад
"The wars will end and the leaders will shake hands, and that old woman will remain waiting for her martyred son, and that girl will wait for her beloved husband, and the children will wait for their heroic father, I do not know who sold the homeland but I know who paid the price" - Mahmoud Darwish
@thefriendlypsychopath3894 Год назад
Who killed them?
@markstewart4501 Год назад
Capitalism has no "moral" code or identity. It will buy and sell children for any and all horrors. We push some capitalism into "black markets", but we do that SOCIALLY. Society DOES and CAN decide how we choose to treat each other...Currently, the USA in one of the countries that chooses to use mass death and mass fear to get what it wants. Cheaper oil prices. Cheap exploitative labor. Dumb toxic chemicals into drinking water in foreign lands, because its cheaper. It's not 'who' sold the homeland, it's 'what' WE sold the homeland for. This is called GREED.
@Alan_Masters21 Год назад
@@thefriendlypsychopath3894 in the context of Mahmoud Darwish, the Israelis
@emeyeare Год назад
@RUSure-jm9rp Год назад
You’re still lying to yourselves. You went there for the business of oil, your friends and the people of Iraq died because some people wanted their oil and used you as a tool to get control of it.
@ReasonNotFightFlight Год назад
I was on a plane about a week ago and some old fella sitting beside me started telling me how stupid the invasion of Iraq had been and how beautiful the country was when his military unit went in. I couldn't figure out why he was telling me this but now I see it was anniversary time. "There are no winners in war, only widows and orphans."
@secrets.295 Год назад
There are winners. America stole hundreds of billions of dollars worth of oil. In Afghanistan, American military base was located next to the biggest poppy field in the world. Go figure.
@jonkennedy6595 Год назад
Exactly can we chat please
@matthewtonkovich8709 Год назад
He just wanted somebody to hear his recall. Thank you for listening to him
@muntajibkhan4986 Год назад
And widows start masturbating.
@mrb2643 Год назад
Yall want sympathy? We want justice in this world or the next
@josefadams647 Год назад
That US Colonel is full of it. He is saying what his masters want him. You think he’s gonna say that the war wasn’t legit being active in the military?! A career man? 😂
@elanguevara1 Год назад
Everyone has a choice. God will judge him accordingly!
@Vampybattie Год назад
True 😂
@Jay-jb2vr Год назад
Political Correctness goes a long way
@pepperachu Год назад
The way he smiled when he answered, "love" was creepy
@EckRD Год назад
At that time( 2002-2008), a lot of people were ready to volunteer during high school and out for blood. Like me.
@zimhoungz3438 Год назад
Who’s going to tell the story of the innocent people they killed and terrorized?
@realnapster1522 Год назад
Not US media. They never tell American public about their war crimes abroad 😢
@realnapster1522 Год назад
It’s funny how Americans are now calling Putin a war criminal. Hypocrisy should have some limits. 😂
@ela5746 Год назад
Yeah, there are hundreds of thousands of stories missing in these interviews coming out. Like the one of Samar Hassan, whose innocent parents were shot and killed by US troops in front of her as a 5 year old, and of her 11 year old brother who was also shot but survived and was left paralysed. The photo of her covered in blood immediately after the incident many would be familiar with as it has become one of the most influential historical photos of all time. Although it is overwhelming to think that her story exists not only in the hundreds of thousands of deaths which her parents were part of but in the millions of Iraqis who were witnesses, relatives, friends of these people. Iraqis were, as you said, terrorised on a scale that completely eclipses the couple thousand casualties of the Coalition. Of course every death is a tragedy and America rightfully feels great loss and pain from this war, but it feels absurd to completely ignore the further horrors which largely make up the real story of the Iraq War.
@secrets.295 Год назад
It always amazes me that Americans always see themselves as victims even though they are the monster 😂
@tabo01 Год назад
@@secrets.295 And then we make movies about how we are victims. Priceless.
@GoldenBloodyBeared Год назад
what about the media's role in all of this? a bit of self reflection never hurts
@fluxcapacitor1621 Год назад
Republicans are to blame.
@gabrieljohannson6777 Год назад
@IceAxe1940 Год назад
​@@fluxcapacitor1621 Oh piss off both Democrats and Republicans have blood on their hands, your daddy Biden was very supportive of this war so was Hitleray.
@realnapster1522 Год назад
Media, politicians, public. All of those people who went ahead with this war crime.
@tabo01 Год назад
What the DoD learned in Viet nam was CONTROL THE MEDIA, so they came up with "embedded journalists" propaganda
@ashifabedin Год назад
no mass weapons....just oil
@tomedwards6354 Год назад
There were indeed WMDs. Millennials, the personification of evil. From provoking their classmates to shoot up the school to provoking the nation into Godless Wokeness.
@mattyjay1711 Год назад
no creativity, just another unoriginal statement.
@RobertK1993 Год назад
Got there ahead of China
@anticoomer Год назад
Not even about the oil. Literally all for Israel
@realnapster1522 Год назад
It’s funny how Americans are now calling Putin a war criminal. Hypocrisy should have some limits. 😂
@MightyTiki Год назад
War is a terrible human experience that no one should have to experience, regardless if you wear a uniform or just an innocent bystander. I hope all that were involved in Iraq: combatants, insurgents, civilians, and anyone who experienced this horrific event are able to find some comfort and peace. Great story ABC.
@cashewnuttel9054 Год назад
But sometimes countries get what they want via war. Also, why become a soldier if you can't handle it. A soldier is paid to follow orders, if those orders involves killing 10 pregnant women you do it because that is your job.
@feeedom Год назад
For US and EU its business.for their life
@feeedom Год назад
@Joe Mama but it happen ad real that EU aand US need war for their economy, and interest. They can product weapon and sell it to the other country.
@meself349 Год назад
Georgie Bush never had to worry about finding equanimity again after the horrors of a war that he created but got to watch at a same distance along with the rest of his family. Apparently being a bona fide war criminal who invaded another country for no legitimate reason never seemed to have weighed too heavily on his conscience. Enjoying his retirement now playing golf and painting his stupid paintings.
@FaceFcuk Год назад
Bush and Blair should be in prison
@h.b.7104 Год назад
Proud of the Iraqi people for resisting the illegal invasion of their country. They are the heroes.
@felizamarro1508 Год назад
They are the true victims. The rich countries really need to change their narrative.
@catherinealexander6705 Год назад
Too bad Hassan invited the United States to invade him for gassing his people
@cashewnuttel9054 Год назад
@@felizamarro1508 I will say this every time I see comments like this: they won't. The only way to make them change their ways is if they get invaded, defeated, and surrender on their soil.
@claudiaclaudia936 Год назад
@@cashewnuttel9054 never fold never bend =W
@WJWeber Год назад
I’d do it again
@marc2638 Год назад
I was there 19 years ago in April. Spent 17 months in Iraq and like that marine put it, I've been in the deep end ever since. I did a total of 6 deployments 3 of which were in the middle east. Nothings been the same nothing ever will be the same that's just the way it is now. One thing I try not to do is stop and look back, I a get lost.
@thebronzetoo Год назад
Keep your chin up, brother. Keep the faith and keep looking forward.
@thebronzetoo Год назад
@@TR8jhlo He had more than 17 months of service, dumb fk. Learn how to read.
@emeyeare Год назад
Brother God knows what’s in ur heart and ur intentions. We all make mistakes, if you’re truly sorry for ur mistakes He will forgive you…u wanted to help, maybe u were tricked by the ones starting the wars…they will pay for all of what they’ve done, in Iraq and to the vets who have to suffer for the experience…those ppl who sacrificed all that to make their pockets fatter
@roberthernandez1141 Год назад
Appreciate u brother
@alfonsoramirez367 Год назад
I been thinking off joining the marine corps
@orlandos145 3 месяца назад
I loss my brother after the war. I don't know what killed him, no one at the military hospital said anything. I still hurt.
@victoriaw4137 Год назад
a beautifully raw segment, thank you for putting so much thoughtfulness into how to tell the story of such a difficult experience
@bipslone8880 Год назад
More difficult than the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraq civilians killed in this illegal war?
@Soulessdeeds Год назад
I haft to wonder how much of that officers answer about the war is due to him still being in uniform vs becoming a veteran. I have to think inside he might have a different answer. When I deployed to Iraq for the first ever rotation in. I also thought we were there to help and do good. And after I left I knew they hated our guts. All of my uncles x2 stories who served in the Marines during Vietnam. Their stories range hard in my mind. I did 3 tours in Iraq with the first two being hard tours, allot of funerals. The 3rd was my last as I was injured. After how Iraq ended. I honestly don't feel any of it was worth the lives of my friends. I feel like their lives were thrown away in another pointless war we should have never been in. Afghanistan was just Vietnam 3 at this point. And now people want to throw our nations kids into another war over seas. Maybe 2 wars at the same time. Its just insane how ok we are with this in the US these days.
@exelsuremovers8889 Год назад
you are a fucked up human being if you only care about how the war took the lives of just your friends. how about the innocent Iraqis, or the country you destroyed? you deserve the injury and your friends deserve the death. I pray your friends' deaths was under painful circumstances. you imperialist swine
@soledieairvideos5974 Год назад
Yeah it makes me so angry that people are trying to push into a war with China. Why can’t we just mind our own affairs here at home?
@c2ccontracting47 Год назад
''And now people want to throw our nations kids into another war over seas.'' Thankfully there's no chance US troops will fight Russians in Ukraine, if that's what you mean.
@secrets.295 Год назад
It's unbelievable how ignorant u are even after serving. Saddam was ruthless because he had to be. The Kurds hated him back then, now they are crying for him to come back from the dead. That is something u Americans will never understand because life is so easy for u. U live in your own little bubble with your privileged lifestyle. U don't have a problem so u create problems. America invaded Iraq, killing millions, forever destroying Iraq's economy, stealing hundreds of billions of oil revenue and then only to replace Saddam with somebody 50x worse. Its not enough that you create problems at home, you have to create problems in other countries as well. And here you are feeling sorry about young privileged Americans who are about to be drafted. How about showing some sympathy about the millions of lives lost that you participated in.
@saadx7724 Год назад
It wasnt worth the lives of your friends? The people who voluntarily joined, of course not. But what about the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives lost, and the millions of lives ruined, people who had no choice in the matter, do they hold any value?
@sendittobrandon2012 Год назад
It’s crazy I just turned 24 I’m almost done with college. And I’ve been seriously considering joining doing my part while I’m still young and able too. But that guy literally said “I felt like I sold my body”
@sartajaziz5930 Год назад
Take my advice and don't. Just trust me.
@tts1551 Год назад
hey brother, please, don't do it.. you'll be fighting wars that are not yours
@soldieron9965 Год назад
Don’t do it, unless you’re going to get a profesión out of it. Or you wanna be in the rear with the gear, lol, Don’t just be canon fodder.
@johncelis2746 Год назад
As an Army Vet just got out the Military 4 months ago. I highly advise you to not join the military. Its not worth dealing with leaders that don’t give 2 shits about you. Please pursue your civilian dreams brotha
@RamSoulja86 Год назад
I'm currently serving. YES, the military can take you places and COULD give you a jumpstart in life, but at what COST. I never agreed with going into Iraq as a response for 9/11. Funny thing is I felt that way as a teen in HS. I joined the Army in 2004 as a means to support myself because I believed that no one was going to or able to support me. There are good AND bad people in and around the military. So if you do join, be smart about your choices and remember that PEOPLE are the reason the military gets the black eyes it gets. PEOPLE!
@ferminchapa6254 Год назад
I went to Iraq In 04-05, I needed to hear this.
@Nnnnnnnnnn2001 7 месяцев назад
What does this mean
@AA-zs7jw Год назад
US soldiers died for nothing. Iraqi people defended their land and they're the true heroes.
@gamecraze3905 10 месяцев назад
The insurgents? Hell no! 95% of civilian deaths were because of them. The World isn’t black and white, especially when it comes to conflicts
@Jacob-lj8 3 месяца назад
My Dad was a Marine in the War he was shot Md stabbed and blown up he lost a lot of friends he lived he has PTSD and he has really bad pain and lost his teeth GOD BLESS him and all the other SOLDIERS AMEN
@logank444 Год назад
As a Navy Veteran you suffer not just from combat but the loss of identity when you get home. I loved the Navy and when I became a civilian it took years to recover. I know combat just intensifies that feeling of loneliness and isolation. I've known a few guys who have committed suicide.
@secrets.295 Год назад
Those committed suicide are the punishment for them after committing war crimes over an unjust war
@logank444 Год назад
@@secrets.295 But we serviced in Japan on the ocean, never seen combat or fought in war
@rael5469 Год назад
"I loved the Navy and when I became a civilian it took years to recover." What??? Why ???
@rael5469 Год назад
@@logank444 " But we serviced in Japan on the ocean, never seen combat or fought in war" Then what is all the mental anguish about? ...for crying out loud.
@logank444 Год назад
@@rael5469 I honestly don't know, veterans of every branch have high suicides rates like really high. I believe it's the loss of identity and the loss of your group. You become so close to people, more than friends or family. You have the best and worst days of your life with these people. Then when you're done it's over in a blink. The military doesn't give you the skills to be a civilian and in America a civilian life is really very lonely
@Massomvlog Год назад
They have killed millions of children... And they are still free... How injustice!!!
@SeanSalas Год назад
“Probably some of the Iraqis wonder why we are force feeding them this system meanwhile back home our system it self is broken.”
@BaNDA-0 Год назад
युद्ध से कभी किसी का भला नहीं हुआ और न आगे होगा सबसे ज्यादा क्षति आम लोगों की होती है जो मर गए या विस्थापन का दंश झेलते हैं
@bigkushyindustriesllc5710 Год назад
It sure benefitted the US economy following the Great Depression
@FirstLast-db1uf Год назад
@@bigkushyindustriesllc5710 gawd bless Murica
@MatthewNislein Год назад
Col giving that answer trying to get promoted to Brigadier General 😂
@j.a.3138 Год назад
@gbb82 Год назад
I can’t believe it’s been 20 years already, 18 for me because I went there in 2005.
@TheBellroc Год назад
All for corrupt George bush
@lilyaefjsfke7805 Год назад
It's been 18 for my father, he went there mid 2005.
@whatsmikedoin Год назад
Thank you for your service and sacrifice
@secrets.295 Год назад
​@@whatsmikedoin For killing and r*ping people all over a war that was based on lies to begin with. What is there to thank?
@equityjustice2695 Год назад
Really? 😕😒 Thanks for what? They are war criminals
@sonnyanaya1877 Год назад
It’s crazy it’s been 14 years since I returned from afghan. I always think about my deployment but watching this video makes it feel like it was yesterday.
@secrets.295 Год назад
You are a murderer. I hope u have a miserable life
@HighwayLand Год назад
My Grandpa was a Marine back in Korea, and I always looked up to him for what he did for our Country. I wanted to be like him, I almost joined the Marines right out of high school back in 1999, but my Grandpa told me that if I stayed home that he would cover all my college expenses. I never did join the Marines, instead I did two years Pensacola Christian College and two years at Rogue Community College, and here I am 20 years later as a Paramedic in Medford, Oregon. My Grandpa saved my life, his actions kept me out of harm's way. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this .
@michaeldalton8374 Год назад
What did he do for your country in Korea? Nothing but more death for profit was accomplished there.
@fahmyayoob5775 Год назад
I don't care about the 4000 American dead , they went looking for it . I mourn all those Iraqi civilians that died at the hands of American soldiers and American presence.
@bodhiutah4501 Год назад
Yeah, but most of the Iraqi civilians killed were done so, not by the US, but those in the terrorist organizations. They hid behind kids, hospitals and schools. If they weren't killing their fellow muslims due to being Shia or sunni, they fought the US and other countries.
@cycologist7069 Месяц назад
Why can't you care about both?
@fuffoon Год назад
I was so happy to be retiring when this was getting thick. I had no belief in the mission and used my time invested to follow my conscience. WMD my as.
@FancySeeingYouHere Год назад
I love reading all these comments from people who have never seen war, never taken indirect or been in a firefight.
@filthywings353 Год назад
I’ve seen enough “soldiers reflect” videos for one lifetime. Where is the video “ ABC editors reflect on the Iraq War?” Where is the video “Phil Donahue reflects on his firing from MSNBC for criticizing Bush”? Where is the video “How Knight Ridder tried to war about Iraq”?
@zzulm Год назад
Yes they promoted this war they have to be held accountable too.
@Matice21 10 месяцев назад
Imagine going to war with your friends hoping to find these weapons of mass destruction and leave with the guilt of killing innocent civilians and coming home without your friends
@vietimports Год назад
never forget these guys werent even drafted, they joined willingly lmao
@tundrawomansays694 Год назад
Defacto, they’re economic conscripts. When there are no jobs, no future where you live your options are severely limited. And the recruiters are relentless.
@raven4475 Год назад
As Mrs Reagan would say..... " Just say NO "
@HughJass-jv2lt Год назад
@@raven4475 HELL to the NAW! 😜
@etheu9sby292 Год назад
​@@tundrawomansays694 most are working and middle class who join. I joined a decade after the fact and the vast majority of us joined because we wanted to fight.
@Dennis-nc3vw Год назад
@@tundrawomansays694 Right, it's not like anyone could think overthrowing the most brutal dictator of the 21st century so people could elect their own government or stopping the precursors of ISIS from car bombing public markets in Iraq was actually a noble cause. It's not like anyone could have joined out of patriotism after the Afghan War, a war which 85% of Americans approved of. They must have been doing it for the money.
@omarmaldonado9994 Год назад
All these vets with a guilty conscious
@Chatterbox-94 Год назад
It’s still hard to believe it’s been 20 years. I wish I understood the true reality of the Iraq war when I was a kid. Now at 28 I know that the war was 90% lies 10% truth.
@arjunkc3227 Год назад
War in iraq was usa fault. There was no risk to usa from iraq. War in afghanistan is justifiable as terrorists attacked usa but we should have returned from afghanistan after laden was killed. Another 10 years in afghan was a waste for usa.
@moriah1394 Год назад
“No identity” that is what real ptsd does to a person.I hope we start caring about young children and adults with cPTSD and not “just” military casualties (also not assume all veterans were subjected to war nor in same way). The non active military in this video are still being brave speaking up and out now. Thank you.
@jnucleo Год назад
Smedley Butler was the marine that had the courage to tell the truth of the wars he fought for. But the one the Marines never like to discuss.
@armybeef68 Год назад
You know what, I'll do it for you, This is his military career, "Military career Spanish-American War Philippine-American War (On garrison duty with little to do, Butler turned to alcohol to relieve the boredom. He once became drunk and was temporarily relieved of command after an unspecified incident in his room) Boxer Rebellion Banana Wars (Butler participated in a series of occupations, "police actions" and interventions by the United States in Central America and the Caribbean, later called the Banana Wars because their goal was to protect American commercial interests in the region, particularly those of the United Fruit Company) Honduras Central America Veracruz Haiti I don't see any real war listed, and when I do, World War I This is what I read, "During World War I Butler was, to his disappointment, not assigned to a combat command on the Western Front. He made several requests for a posting in France, writing letters to his personal friend, Wendell Cushing Neville. While Butler's superiors considered him brave and brilliant, they described him as "unreliable" So you're quoting someone you know nothing about.
@ReneMacias1978 Год назад
That's General Butler to you sir. The man who wrote; War is a racket..
@CommonSenses101 11 месяцев назад
No single politicians are held accountable for this unjustified war. So many Iraqi citizens, soldiers and Americans soldiers died based on a fat lie. 😢
@schawnettarobinson8584 Год назад
PTSD is serious.
@allencollins6031 Год назад
It sucks.
@barkobummer Год назад
not as much as dead Irakis.
@secrets.295 Год назад
PTSD is karma for the vets
@tyronegreen6165 Год назад
Thank you............
@nimoodukwu6506 Год назад
Your father was killing innocent people, women and children and yet you want pity for his death
@luisrivera3056 Год назад
This country needs to do more for its soldiers, too often they are uprooted away from their families and deployed to other parts of the world without even giving a damn about the 2 or 3 month old child they recently had and now have to leave.. our military shouldnt take more from its soldiers than it gives!
@secrets.295 Год назад
Blah3. Americans are always the victim. Its amazing how they always portray themselves as a victim even though they are the monster.
@willymay-b6e 5 месяцев назад
my father served in iraq, British special forces. i've never met the man but the stories i was told. are crazy to me but yet he is also a inspo for me to enlist.
@funny573ff Год назад
The worse part for a veteran is fighting for the man next to you, knowing you fought for Washington politics for nothing.
@tojoheriniainatsimalay5448 Год назад
imagine reporting an invasion and only focusing on the invaders' "pain" and "emotion"
@moengele7560 Год назад
This people are evil…
@j.a.3138 Год назад
tell your people to have their own shows then? what's stopping them
@almontherobaid6492 6 месяцев назад
@@j.a.3138Mabey cuz they don’t have the luxury to complain on tv they’re trying to survive day and night.
@deslow7411 Год назад
8:34 False. It's not love it's addiction. Combat adrenaline is a powerfull drug.
@johntriplett3188 Год назад
have you served or been in combat?
@deslow7411 Год назад
@@johntriplett3188 Yes.
@nndo6953 Год назад
yeah it is tough, i remember iraq and afghanistan almost everyday.
@patrick4662 10 месяцев назад
This is so beautiful… and so tragic
@spartan114m Год назад
We literally can't afford another war.
@j.a.3138 Год назад
we print our own dollars of course we can
@thebilldozer7970 Год назад
The loss of identity is real. Life ended for most of us when we finally got back "home."
@Mysiamesecatblue Год назад
You can tell the military guy is so political when he talks. 20 years of being around it
@tabo01 Год назад
he makes all the right noises for his career.
@zevlove612 8 месяцев назад
If the soldiers came back with PTSD what more the lifetime of horrors for civilians in Iraq… the children whose homes where being flattened …
@FL3XW3 2 месяца назад
I was there 😞I’m so sorry
@Teaamery 23 дня назад
How old were you
@javiereguia1195 Год назад
After the murderous invasion and destruction the officer uniform still won't admit it was literally dead wrong.
@lazylad8544 11 месяцев назад
My daughter served in basra. She wasnt the same when she came home. Rip to ALL those who lost there lives.
@zacharysmith4787 Год назад
Rest in Peace 1st Sgt. Edward Smith. That man had a plan evidently. He was a military lifer about to retire, means he joined at 18 and stuck with it for 20 years. I can safely bet that he was probably gonna put another 15-20 years in as a police officer and retire from that as well. Talk about being set up for retirement. 2 government pensions, plus social security, plus whatever money he saved up. Too bad it didn't get to be realized. He was a doer, that's for sure.
@ARMYSTRONG007 Год назад
It is a beautiful way to live; everyone is so jealous that I retired ay 40yrs old. I think i have some type of survivors remorse. But I am Gucci now.
@mkim4091 Год назад
@@ARMYSTRONG007 its awesome to retire at the expense of others. Semper Fi
@martist911wasits-not-real4 Год назад
He got what he deserved.
@secrets.295 Год назад
@@ARMYSTRONG007 Rest in hell. He was a murderer
@richcandella9154 Месяц назад
Any one who needs to talk iam here do my best to help my brothers
@Senny_sen Год назад
I don't blame the marines because they were told the same lies we were, but they had the opportunity to change the reality of future wars.
@barkobummer Год назад
really?? That was precisely what Nutzie officers said during Nuremberg Tr!al too, "we're simply following orders". Yeah right. ALL who partcipated and said nothing are GU!LTY and must be remembered as such. Amarikans must be reminded of their war crimes and atrocities in all the nations they have invaded and destroyed from here henceforth, so they are not to conveniently forget like they did in Irak, Afghanistan, Yemen and even now in Syria, the rap!ing of the the country is still going on.
@pocu321 Год назад
@fluxcapacitor1621 Год назад
Conservatives are to blame.
@earthandwind820 Год назад
@@fluxcapacitor1621 The Iraqi invasion happened with bipartisan support…Biden himself supported it….Madeline Albright said killing 500,000 Iraqi kids was “worth it”…”Liberals” have rehabilitated Bush… Many “liberals” now scream “Slava Ukrain”….while whitewashing or trying to erase our genocidal Iraqi invasion…..oh, then xenophobically attack ordinary Russians/everything Russian with no sense of irony. It was by no means exclusively the Republicans and I am no registered Republican..
@touemma2399 Год назад
How could you say you are so proud for ye profession
@ahmedelnoshokaty4002 Год назад
Proud of the resisting Iraqi people against the illegal invasion
@ReneMacias1978 Год назад
So you're proud of the insurgents who killed over 100 thousand Iraqi civilians with IED's and suicide bombs? 🖕
@tee8786 Год назад
So, when do we hear the stories of the millions of innocent Iraqis who were terrorized and killed?
@delvaldog2869 Год назад
I’d to see a video of the reporters reporting the war and what they thought
American military personnel have always spouted this line about 'fighting for my country and protecting my country and it's freedom'. Non-Americans living outside of The States are always wincing, baffled at this level of ignorance and indoctrination; they sound so childlike, gullible and dumb, do they REALLY believe that's what these wars are about?! Afghanistan and Iraq posed absolutely no direct threat to the United States and their 'freedoms' were never at risk, do me a favour. The invasion of Iraq with the 9/11 attacks being referred to as the impetus just baffled me: the 9/11 terrorists (and by extension, the country involved) were largely from Saudia Arabia. This sad dependency on Saudi Oil etc kept American politicians awfully quiet about criticising (or retaliating against) their horrible ally, the one who appeared to have put skin in the game. Instead the American military and government fooled hundreds of millions of halfwits, hypnotising them by repeating 'Iraq Iraq Iraq' over and over, tying that country to the horror of 9/11. They NEVER mentioned where the people involved were from, and journalists and newspaper editors seemed to play along with leaving that important detail out, peddling the State-ordered propaganda instead. Saudi Arabia didn't get so much as a slap on the wrists in the press, and so an entire Nation continues to be treated like the soft-headed lazy morons they are. No wonder so many people felt it was an inside job. The entire thing reeked, those wars all plain insanity.
@greenbeanz5914 Год назад
How do you invade a country, murder hundreds of thousands of civilians and call yourself a hero? All of them are terrorists and all of them should be in prison.
@peaceonearth351 Год назад
@fluxcapacitor1621 Год назад
They need to lie to themselves. Leaders are the criminals. Soldiers are the pawns.
@greenbeanz5914 Год назад
@@fluxcapacitor1621 soldiers are not braindead, they are all criminals.
@secrets.295 Год назад
​@@fluxcapacitor1621 Soldiers are criminals too. It takes 2 to tango
@Dennis-nc3vw Год назад
It was the insurgents you were rooting for who killed the vast majority of civilians. The US soldiers were trying to stem the tide.
@zacharydavidvbangura9873 Год назад
May God have mercy on this leaders for the millions of innocent children mothers fathers brothers sisters who have died from wars..
@kianabrash Год назад
That Poo pond in Afghanistan when a explosive devise would explode poop everywhere. When the wind changed directions and it hit the DFAC, the meal was OVER. 😅 SO MANY burn pits. I did Mortuary Affairs over there and it aas awful. I'm glad I was able to bring our brothers ans sisters home with all their things.❤
@moriah1394 Год назад
“Going back in harms way” is NOT always LOVE ..no matter what the career military guy in this video claims; it is a sign of ptsd and/or other mental health issues (mental health eroded by conditions).
@gailcarey3597 Год назад
Thank you to all our veterans who left the comforts and support of home, missed birthdays, holidays, births and passings, and worked in intolerable situations under extraordinary stress; not the stress civilians claim to suffer. I apologize that when you returned we were oblivious to what the real world outside of our bubble is like. For those who make ignorant comments about your service you just have to consider the source. Maybe they will institute the Draft, again, and they’ll get it. All that aside, I pray for you and cannot imagine our country without you. We are far from what we could be as a nation, but it’s the one we have.
@Rarediel 10 месяцев назад
thanks for what? What did we gain?
@alx.8721 Год назад
9:54 - this. This is the question I’ve had for the last 12 years. Everyday there’s a battle within, I’m on my 3rd marriage/family being over, bouts of homelessness, addiction, BS
@BibleSamurai Год назад
im glad i watched this
@Wild-Siberia Год назад
Bro we did nothing there Jesus what a waste of life poor souls
@MaryamofShomal Год назад
I was a freshman in college on 9/11, and my university was down the street from one of the destinations of the hijacked planes so it was very intense on campus. Even at 18, I had friends in every branch of our military, and even more signed up after that attack. When we invaded Iraq, my first reaction was, “This will be my generation’s Vietnam: a war started under false pretenses, and once the public realizes it, our returning troops and veterans will be treated like garbage.” Sadly, I was right. Both parties have done a piss-poor job of taking care of our veterans, especially those combat vets who return from war. We take better care of the vets who return home in coffins…but not their families. We need to change something about American culture, so that we learn to actually APPRECIATE and CARE for our veterans. It’s not enough to say “I support our troops” - the question is, what do you DO for our troops when they return from war? For far too many Americans, the answer is not a damn thing, and for still others, the answer is you attack them and ostracize them. Is it any wonder that we have a recruitment problem? We need to make serving in the military the prestigious path it once was, and that starts with taking better care of the veterans we currently have. We must completely change the VA as well, since it has never adequately served our military or our military families, regardless of which party was in charge. God bless 🇺🇸 and may God protect our troops. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 #WomanLifeFreedom 💚🤍❤️🦁☀️
@asdf-iq1ei Год назад
It cant be the nations Vietnam if they weren't compelled to go there. These people stupidly chose to go, promised to be able to kill for the government. These people deserve no sympathy.
@secrets.295 Год назад
Omg. I am getting sick of you people. Taking care of vets? 😂. Its pathetic how Americans always view themselves as victims. These vets are the same people who killed & r*ped thousands of innocent civilians.
@reginageorge4 Год назад
@toomylight2311 8 месяцев назад
Imagine e what the people in Gaza are facing into down the road
@ThecrazyJH96 Год назад
27, glad I didn’t join, these recent wars weren’t right vs wrong, govt lied to all those soldiers
@jmanj3917 Год назад
10:00 It was in the high twenties per day when I was retired from the military in 2015.
@EuroGuy85 Год назад
Capt Johnson is one accident away from turning into the joker, of course in his eyes it was worth it. 😉
@barkobummer Год назад
welcomg to amarikan psychos the disconnect really is like a movie.
@Veyronp87 Год назад
the pause before the colonel answered is all you need to know. he knows it was a war in vain but he can't say that because he's still active.
@Sewellrandal Год назад
Peace to the people of Iraq, they endured imperialist hell for hegemony & their God given resources.
@zaynabbashir7950 9 месяцев назад
sorry but its really hard for me to have synpathy for these US vets. They CHOSE to go to Iraq and join that baseless war, killing and ruining the lives of millions. The innocent Iraqis didn't have a choice. They were killed and suffered at the hands of the US for reasons I will never understand
@riccardo9383 Год назад
Even before the war, in the 1990s, the US imposed murderous sanction on Iraq which caused the UN inspectors to resign in protest. Their people need justice.
@paulkersey7458 3 месяца назад
A friend of mine got split in 2 by an accidental discharge of a .50 cal machine gun. He left a 4 year old daughter behind. No more lies and no more stupid wars.
@crinklecut3790 Год назад
I’m ashamed of what we did over there. And I’ve already forgotten all of the sacrifices these people made and I’m a veteran. How must other people feel who don’t even have that connection?
@equityjustice2695 Год назад
We are watching America disintegrate, and not knowing their own gender. All crimes are paid for in time. If you went their not knowing the truth and you tried you best not to do harm, I suggest you repent to God Almighty and try to help the people America destroyed. God Allah is most merciful and forgiving.
@secrets.295 Год назад
They didn't made any sacrifices. They fought a scam war just like the Nazi armies fought a scam war. There was nothing honorable about them
@tonyharvey9916 Год назад
I wonder why Bush and Blair cannot be prosecuted for this saga.
@ibcalm24 Год назад
Because they sit at the table in a system of wickedness.
@yalbad5160 Год назад
I have a feeling producers of these segments avoid psycho/bloodthirsty veterans,and pick more thoughtful ones, since you do come across the former frequently here & there on the internet boasting of their brutality.
@Popkulture818 Год назад
I hope you don’t get a good nights sleep, the only people I feel sorry for the Iraqis
@davespanksalot8413 Год назад
Halliburton's board of directors thanks American soldiers and Iraqi civilians for their sacrifice so that they could get ROIs of 200%+ just in the first three years alone. God bless the loyal American taxpayer.
@vanmush Год назад
20 years for me next year, feels like a lifetime ago now…….
@RegnumHierosolymitanum1099 Год назад
@johncotner8686 Год назад
I have never been a soldier and these guys are all very brave men!! The problem is , when your that age (young) you have no experience. You can't know then what you know now!!! You have to live in the present..... Alot of what happens in the world Is pointless, so I get their frustrations. They done a job, what they were ordered to do.
@patrickrk44 Год назад
Idk why the media focuses on the negative. I enjoyed it. And the second deployment.
@leejohns2010 Год назад
Rest in Peace First Sergeant Ed Smith. Thank you for taking care of your soldiers.
@MSDGAMEZ 9 месяцев назад
I grew up with this war going on. I remember wondering if the war would ever end
@umarmusisi8853 Год назад
Well,its the prayers for those inocent souls and thier familes that will keep hunting you……peace will hardly cme yo way again
@realnapster1522 Год назад
It’s funny how Americans are now calling Putin a war criminal. Hypocrisy should have some limits. 😂
@ReneMacias1978 Год назад
To be fair many Americans also call Bush and Chaney war criminals as well.
@bugwild1544 Год назад
​@@ReneMacias1978go after them then they Lied to you your fellow soldiers are dead becorse off them
@MiFobz Год назад
03/04 22 MEU I MEF Still broken.
@johnparker9139 Год назад
Anyone who’s not a Marine or Armed Forces member, will never understand our love for our brothers to the right and left of us. Semper Fi Devil Dogs
@johnparker9139 Год назад
@@nolga3569 we all know we are government property. We know our worth, that’s what makes the bond so tight. We also have a deep love for our country. It’s obvious you would never understand.
@ryotanu Год назад
Only if it is just war...this war wasn't.
@bugwild1544 Год назад
​@@johnparker9139 what Are you talking about you you shoud be mad they lied your closed friends died on a Lie
@secrets.295 Год назад
​@@johnparker9139 And yet. U choose to fight a war that u know was all based on lies. Have fun protecting each other and feeding your family blood money. Everytime your kids put food in their mouth, I hope you see blood on their food.
@tabo01 Год назад
unit loyalty is a tool to get you to commit war crimes.
@deborah4998 Год назад
I will never forget desert shield/desert storm veterans and their families, no matter what I love you all and will always pray for you and support you. I will never forget.❤🙏🇺🇸💯
@tabo01 Год назад
Desert Storm, worked, because you had a POTUS, Burh41, who set out clearly defined, limited objectives, and had the foresight to leave when done, and leave Saddam in place.
@nicholasarnaiz2563 Год назад
Thank you for your service. You went to a foreign land to fight for justice. We wanted justice for 9/11. Willing and able, you followed orders from Uncle Sam. It's not your fault that you were lied about WMD's. It was all a pretext. If there is anyone that should suffer PTSD it is Mr. George W. Bush and his cronies who to this day have blood on their hands. Blood from both our US soldiers and those of Iraqi family. Finally, I say to all of you who answered the call to service. Stay proud and stand tall, and for those service members not with us today, I say to their families, thank you. You are not alone.
@secrets.295 Год назад
Thank u for their services of killong and r*ping people? 🤦
@Fallen386Hero Год назад
We’re a different breed
@jtstacey83 Год назад
As someone who served, I feel it was a huge waste. Trillions spent, and the world isn't any safer. Now helping Ukraine fight Russia is something we should be doing 100%. F Putin!!!
@WJWeber Год назад
I agree. Wasted. I don’t like we were lied to about wmd. Then a lot of mistakes made during the war. I def think the Ukraine thing is wayyy better
@BRAVESllllll1995 Год назад
You are literally falling for the same thing again
@jtstacey83 Год назад
@@BRAVESllllll1995 says the pro Russian plant. The stability of Europe has been a key point of the post WW2 and Cold War world and a major point in American power. Russia doing what it is screws all that up and risks the stability of Europe all because of the belief that Ukraine and its people belong to them. By that belief just wait till China invades Russia for Manchuria.
@fiv3passion968 Год назад
Yup, must protect them blue eyes blonde hair christians instead of helping those brownies subhumans. 😂
@ELcinegatto87 Год назад
You're falling for the same lies and war propaganda just like back then. Media manipulation is a very powerful tool.
@PiceaSitchensis Год назад
Focusing on the perpetrators of this crime, and it is a crime, and how it hurt their feelings is beyond obscene. You should be reporting on the hundreds of thousands that have died because of the war, the millions displaced, the wounded, the trauma, and the after-effects of depleted uranium munitions. I have no respect for people like this, especially senior-grade officers. You CHOSE to be in the position and you bought into it. You are morally culpable for your actions.
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