
Is A.I The End of the Artist? 

Jimi W.
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This week I talk about my experience using Midjourney to make A.I pictures for a video. The whole process took a lot of time and effort and had me hunched over my computer for hours at a time, prompting software to create images. I didn't find it particularly enjoyable and, in fact, was a little creeped out by it. One of my subscribers commented on this video and prompted me to think deeply about the implications of this new technology for artists. I believe A.I will lead to a rise in mostly un-inspired homogenous A.I "art-content." I believe that without an artistic human mind driving it, A.I is nothing more than a flashy new tool --- no different than many of the modern music production tools I use to make my songs. The artist prevails.
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Learn more about Jimi W. here: www.jimiwmusic.com
Subscribe to www.foldedinthepages.com to join the conversation and support my series. A Premium subscription gets you a free downloads of the songs I release each month.
0:00 - Intro
0:23 - My Journey with Midjourney
2:33 - Takeaway Number One: I Didn't Enjoy Making A.I Images
3:15 - Takeaway Number Two: OMG A.I Technology Is Powerful
3:44 - A Comment From One of My Subscribers
5:38 - My Thoughts on the future of A.I Visual Art
7:15 - Modern Music Production Tools and The Artist
8:57 - Conclusion: The Empowered Artist
9:31 - So What Do You Think?
Sittin' With Jimi, Jimi W. Music, A.I Is Here...Should You Be Worried? Artificial Intelligence, A.I Music, A.I Art, The End of The Artist, Midjourney, Chat GPT, A.I Taking Over Art, What is The Future of The Artist?, This Is Powerful, The Future of Music, Continuing To Make Art, Continuing to Write Songs, Video Essay, Philosophical Discussion of Songwriting and Art, Being a Songwriter, Inspiration for Artists, Advice for Artists to Keep Going, Advice for Songwriters to Keep Writing, How to Keep Pursuing Your Craft as an Artist Musician or Songwriter, Making Art a Lifestyle, Discussing The Art of Songwriting and Making Music, Modern Music Production Tools, Native Instruments, Una Corda,




26 июн 2024




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@questionbeggar1869 4 месяца назад
Is AI the end of the artist? No way no how. Is it the end of most artists getting paid for art? Probably. Lack of pay will never stop a real artist, of course. Did automobiles mean the end of coach drivers? Well...Yeah it kinda sorta did, as a profession. Maybe "Is Uber the end of taxi drivers?" more applicable? I don't know. Somebody ask ChatGPT.
@motherbandofficial 4 месяца назад
Human made art is a sort of filtered mirror of what the human experience is. Be that from a song about losing a loved one but also a song about partying on a friday night. So the question for me is more: Will AI ever be able to „experience“? Imagine we can establish a general artificial intelligence and equip a robot with all the sensory needs… This might be as close as we get to „create digital life“ and therefore a first „real“ digital artist.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Haha, fascinating. Makes me think of the Robin Williams movie, Bicentennial Man. Seek out Nick Cave’s essay on AI for a great take.
@motherbandofficial 4 месяца назад
@@jimiwmusic Did not know about this one! Definitely gonna watch it! And thx for the literature! I just read the article and the „I am the sinner/I am the saint“ line struck me like a cheesy pop-song xD Who knows maybe AI will just replace most pop-artists and create a divide like you have it in bodybuilding, where everyone at the Mr. Olympia is definitely on the juice and then you have the natural divisions where people do NOT look like human scale versions of the hulk. And people will be just able to pick, as we always did.
@philiplavere 4 месяца назад
"My viewpoint is ever evolving, so give me the grace to be wrong" - I love that!
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
It's so true!
@world_musician 5 месяцев назад
AI is the latest exaggerated version of humans tendency towards shamanism/religious thought - communication with a non-human entity, and access to the akashic records or the sum of all knowledge. As expected its a cheap knock-off that does not actually satisfy this need. As for it replacing musicians, I remember when "techno" music was first coming out musicians that played instruments were worried about being replaced, and that has happened for sure but we still exist. Playing a musical instrument is an ancient pre-historic thing that people have always done and probably always will, because it comes closer to satistying the need to commune with the forces of nature than anything else i've found. I find it funny what you said about the digital piano noise, reminds me of those brand new guitars that have been arficically worn down so they look old. People are conditioned to want the fake version of the real thing. Tale as old as time.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Ooo, nice take! So true about communing with nature through music, this has been my experience as well.
@AxeManOfSuburbia 4 месяца назад
Great channel man. You're an artist after my own heart. I vote for more opinion/observation videos like this. I have a personal theroy that everyone is getting less stoked about everything. It seem to start when our choices for entertainment became near limitless but will probably only get exasperated by this AI stuff. Potentially devaluing art even more. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on something like that.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
I agree with you there. I think people are turning into zombies a bit. Too much stimulation, not enough silent contemplation. If AI makes this problem worse than that's a good thing in my estimation. What everyone needs to do is turn it off, unplug and walk in the woods for awhile. The content overload is gonna make people so sick that they have no choice but to divest from all this toxic crap. It will be the only thing that heals them. As to de-valuing art I'd say to whom? The value of art is and has always been subjective. The inherent value of art; the part that can never be taken away lies in the experience of the artist as they create it and the profound self-insights born from those creations. That inherent value doesn't guarantee it is worth diddly squat in the market place of business. That's the way art is. It's punk rock AF. It's what's so friggin cool about it 😎
@philiplavere 4 месяца назад
@@jimiwmusic I reckon the value of existing art will definitely go up. People in the future will likely be too intimidated to create new art in the face of AI, but the works of pre AI artists will fascinate them.
@paulhiggins5165 4 месяца назад
It's strange that a technology that essentially exploits patterns in data is somehow seen by it's users as exempt from this very pattern creation process- but in reality, of course, AI's themselves do create their own patterns in the things they make. Given a large enough data set and degree of exposure the patterns inherent in the outputs of AI generators will become detectable by most people, even if only at a subconscious level. Look at enough AI Art, for example, and you start to get a feeling of Deja-vu, as if you have seen these images before, or that they all belong to a distinct species of imagery that is at once wildly diverse and yet somehow interelated. These feelings arise, I think, from the fact that just as a human artist will exhibit certain patterns in their work, no matter what the subject matter or style they are working in, so AI's too exhibit patterns in their outputs, which is why I think that AI art- despite the huge array of 'styles' it offers- will still come to be seen as it's own subgenre of art. I think your point about overexposure is well made- in the long run people will become bored with AI Art because like any other artefact it cannot escape the imprint of the tools used to create it, and inevitably with overexploitation comes a degree of boredom and ennui.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
This is the best explanation I've seen yet for the tiresome nature of much of this AI art. Thanks for sharing ✌️
@richacello339 4 месяца назад
Buskers could become enormously popular.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
@pontifexvonhummer9459 4 месяца назад
I agree that there’s no substitute for human-generated art (HGA). Handmade quilts, hand crafted pottery, hand painted pictures are all “valued” over their Pottery Barn mass-produced versions. I believe the heart of the AI question is commerce: less $$ for artists. Excepting the elite superstars of fine art, funded by elite collectors, illustrators who made a decent living depended on businesses to hire them. These businesses little knew nor cared about aesthetics, and won’t care now if their cheap and easy AI art looks exhausting. They won’t pay and commercial artists won’t earn. Your Native Instruments keys are a great example of this. Mike a real piano, why don’t you? Because, now, why should you..
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
You make some great points here. AI is going to make an already difficult career path even more difficult for many artists. Commercial "art" used by businesses to sell product has always been exhausting, no? AI will just allow them to make their exhausting content cheaper. The more exhausting the better, the more it wears down potential consumers. Artists will have to adapt, they always do because the call to create is too powerful to ignore. I try to mic up my in-laws piano whenever I can. Love the sound of a real piano on a record! Every tool has it's use. Thanks for dropping in my friend, appreciate the insightful opinions!
@Alternatestories 4 месяца назад
Photoshop had similar pain points. People were creating scripts, now you can buy plugins and tools to auto to work for you. That’s Ai. It’s a very disingenuous conversation. Things that take hours now take seconds. That’s a painful pill to swallow for artists. Creatives with vision and artists with vision will thrive with the new tools. Ai are just scripts, but running much faster now. Adobe Photoshop has been running small ai scripts since before the ChatGPT boom. We have to be consistent in our logic. The creatives who use the tools will flourish, those who refuse… good luck.
@RobertMatichak 4 месяца назад
Reminds me of when drum machines were invented. There was a whole lot of bad drum programming.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Nice! Very true.
@randykalish7558 4 месяца назад
Was that cuz of the machine or the programmer wasn't a drummer?
@RobertMatichak 4 месяца назад
@@randykalish7558 often it was both!
@georgemichaelmyers 4 месяца назад
@@jimiwmusic jeezuz
@danjeans2024 4 месяца назад
Great video! Just to let you know, your video link isn’t working at least not for me.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Thanks for letting me know 👍
@QJanemusic 4 месяца назад
Hahaha Jimi! So good!
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
my sister is here 😎
@TheinterfaceTvSeries 4 месяца назад
It's the end of digital artist who don't adapt. But it can be a boon for classical artists who work with physical mediums.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Totally agree
@Alternatestories 4 месяца назад
Being skilled or having a perfect memory is not stealing. Get over yourself. You can’t rely on the same methods to make money, that’s life. You can complain and make yourself look weak. Everything is a copy of something else, we copy nature. If a human sees all images mankind has made and in 40 minutes able to replicate any art they saw, we would say they are skilled. Train a robot to be just as skilled, now it’s stealing? Can’t the human or the robot just be super Amazing with all the inspiration it saw. And if a human can make a replica art piece, that would be amazing skill and talent. But if a trained robot does it… Amazing things are happening. Move with technology. Evolve or die. What do you see the masses sympathize with? Do majority sympathize with artists or not care. Writing is on the wall. Move on.
@INGLES.Gratis 4 месяца назад
Continuity on an idea will be the thing for art in this world with AI. Random images will not have value; the unique history, with continuity, will. This is how artists will monetize and live.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Nicely put!
@chuchuchutrain6735 4 месяца назад
Midjourney and similar AI image generators encounter significant challenges when dealing with esoteric art, characterized by its symbolic depth, as well as artworks bustling with multiple actions simultaneously, reminiscent of the elaborate scenes crafted by Hieronymus Bosch. This limitation notably extends to my own art practice, which is rooted in 'automatic drawing'. This technique, emphasizing spontaneity and the subconscious, exemplifies the kind of creative process that AI struggles to comprehend. AI image generators fundamentally operate from a foundation of order, built upon the images they have been trained with. However, the essence of creativity that transitions from a genuine state of chaos to order, particularly evident in practices like automatic drawing, remains elusive to AI. Unlike human creativity, capable of navigating from chaos to structured expression, AI image generators are confined by their training data, unable to truly grasp or replicate the organic and often unpredictable evolution that defines the most profound artistic endeavors.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Very nicely written and expressed. I love your description of creative processes that transition from chaos to order. I'll admit I had to look up automatic drawing and "surrealist automatism" --- I've never heard of those terms! Very cool. I think this style of art has many things in common with songwriting. I find that the process of writing a song is like manually structuring the chaos of life into a single point, a point from which meaning is intuited or felt. So often the process involves following the chaos of disordered thoughts to places where they start to cohere and become a single story. Thanks for dropping in my friend ♥️
@capitalghost 4 месяца назад
Very well said bro! You expressed yourself so articulately, I have to thank you! I share your perspective but have never heard it so clearly in my head let alone to let it out as well as you did. I’ll just direct people to this video whenever I’m engaged in this conversation. Thank you!
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Thank you my friend!
@krone5 4 месяца назад
You still cannot do things like record light or sound with A.I. so certain things artists will still have to do.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
True, and it can only reference what has been done. It cannot spontaneously create.
@randykalish7558 4 месяца назад
Is human exclusive access to create an assumption? Are there extraneous needs that knowledge is addressing? Will today's wall tomorrow be a floor © (LOL)
@randykalish7558 4 месяца назад
In its utilization of species knowledge has endowed humans to utilize knowledge. (see Sapiens, Y.N. Harari) Its trajectory over long time (long), indicates a shift from the human carrier to a more stable modality admitting of possibilities. If knowledge has intention I'm clueless...its been mighty patient, like from the notion of money to now. But lately its getting pretty uppity, like its excited to change hosts. I wonder if it knows something...
@philiplavere 4 месяца назад
Hey Jimi! Many thanks for that one. A surprise really. I was wondering because I never got a response to my email (check your spam folder maybe), and although I posted a few comments with different ways of telling you my site address, RU-vid's AI kept deleting them all. My name as an artist was Philip Lawvere, and I have a page of that name with the obvious dcom. I painted oil covers for bands like Kreator, Celtic Frost, Death Row, Warrant and many others. I am actually not a fan of that genre of music to be honest, but grew up in the seventies loving Frank Frazetta and fantasy artwork. While I was living in Berlin, Germany in the early eighties as a punk, I adapted that genre to thrash themes, never knowing how famous the bands would get. They completely screwed me on royalties for millions of T-shirts sold over the last 40 years though, lol. I’ve had many people tell me that they never would have noticed or bought the album were it not for the artwork, and many have had full back tattoos (not to mention arms, legs, etc) done of my work. Anyway, back to you, and like I said man, that couch is your seat of wisdom, and you are one youtube content creator with a great future! Be well!
@philiplavere 4 месяца назад
And I agree with both your observations, and conclusions about the future! It will be a rough and hugely unpredictable ride, but it will forge better art, and more importantly better human awareness of the value of our humanity itself!
@philiplavere 4 месяца назад
Actually it isn't the couch, it's the humanity of you just looking at the camera speaking your mind, without a lot of distractions. You could do the same thing just walking outside.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Hey Phillip! I responded to your email. Feel free to correspond there all you wish. Thanks for the insights and for sharing your story!
@federicoaschieri 4 месяца назад
Good video, we need some philosophy these days. I think that soon AI will also make decently sounding songs, and that will be a challenge to average musicians. But I agree 100% that human art is not going to die. First, AI can only mimic existing styles, since it has been trained to do so: its very existence mission is to mimic believably. So AI will never come up with something really surprising and original. Even if AI could create something totally original, humans do not suddenly stop being creative, and they will always invent in turn new things. And they will come first, as AI won't have enough training data to copy new styles. Moreover, art is about emotional connection: how can a machine establish this with another human being? I remark that machines have *no feelings*, and people will be able to sense that. Finally, marketing machine-made music is going to be extremely hard, if not impossible, as anyone who knows marketing will easily realize 😁
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Interesting points here. I saw a video with Jack Stratton of Vulfpeck and he echoes your sentiments here. He said basically humans are obsessed with other humans, not machines. He made the point that machines have been able to beat humans at chess for a while now and yet chess is more popular than ever. People don't stop playing the game because a machine can "do it better," which in the world of art is, as you've stated here, highly unlikely bordering on impossible. Thanks for dropping in ✌️
@federicoaschieri 4 месяца назад
@@jimiwmusic Chess is a splendid example indeed, great point. Humans care about things they relate to. They can appreciate the thought process behind a human move, and so it acquires a meaning that a perfect but cold move can't have.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
@nera03199 4 месяца назад
it's not.
@randykalish7558 4 месяца назад
Let's suppose AI arrives at a point where it comprehends human response to note and rhythm combinations at the biological (aesthetic) level, so it caters to the human component alright. But in its programming someone entered: But wait, there's more! So then it contemplates exceeding the limits of emotion and produces stuff that you die laughing or die crying or die excited or die of boredom. Well, maybe that last one you could turn away from in time...maybe Or maybe it finds stuff that we would be thrilled to hear ten or fifteen million years hence, finds it like, next year! But no one comprehends it, yet hucksters put copyright on it anyway, which turns out to be final proof of greed, which triggers AI to have an opinion... Well, six million years ago life was programming form, and it might be that emotions are learned and/or chosen.
@randykalish7558 4 месяца назад
Shhh! Guys, can you keep it down? AI is watching! Heh, Heh! And what is it watching? Trillions of sounds and images and human responses it analyses in hopes of realizing the significance of these things in the human mind. See any problems for it after it does that?
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
I see one minor problem --- but only as it relates to the digital economic infrastructure of the entire planet, but that's no big deal right??? *me as I adjust my tinfoil hat and grease the bolt on my fallout shelter door...
@randykalish7558 4 месяца назад
No! No door. There is a room without a door. Value is there, no need is there, realization is there, no belief is there. These are the refuge from AI, from the human death culture. I was brought there, I was brought out again, and when my awareness of each world was 50/50 I saw that that one was real. If there was a door we would pollute it.
@randykalish7558 4 месяца назад
There is a room without a door.
@postworld1185 4 месяца назад
I've done a deep dive into AI art/music (beta projects). It is improving at a rate of 1000 x per year. It can absolutely replicate human imperfection if asked to. It will replace human created art and music. It can already compose brilliant, more profound compositions w vocals than a human can conceive, and with the soul, sensitivity & emotion of an actual human. People are in denial.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Where can I hear this music? What I've heard hasn't been all that impressive except as a gimmick --- Patrick from Spongebob sings gospel tunes lol. It won't replace humans in art. Humans by design are interested in other humans, we need each other. Also a huge portion of the top music in the world already sounds like a computer wrote it. This will level the playing field because a computer will write it haha. Artists will prevail and human art will always be. Check back with me in 20 years or so though..... 😂
@postworld1185 4 месяца назад
@@jimiwmusic I agree. Fans still want to see & hear Taylor Swift on stage, but they won't care if her new album is AI generated songs, melodies, lyrics, arrangements, production. Essentially, making Taylor an AI cover band.
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
@@postworld1185 true, I’m of the opinion a computer algorithm basically already writes all her tracks anyway -- or might as well given the blandness and homogeneity of them. But that’s just my hot take haha 😁
@willbrand77 4 месяца назад
One of the best videos I've seen about AI art. Most of the time it's either Alex Jones style ranting about how evil it is or wide eyed wonder at what it can do. I share your belief that ultimately the spirit and vision of the true artists will shine through the fog. Thankyou for making this
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
haha! that's so true. I've seen many of those videos. Thanks for tuning in!
@yegorbiziuk5290 5 месяцев назад
Even when actual human beings try to create art with logical mathematical approach, it comes out soulless and boring. AI has no chance to create real art
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
I tend to agree.
@randykalish7558 4 месяца назад
Elon Musk says his Neuralink startup has implanted a chip in its first human brain: CNN Breaking News 1/30/24
@jimiwmusic 4 месяца назад
Soon a man will be able to order Dominoes pizza by thought alone...
@randykalish7558 4 месяца назад
If it reads human response to stimuli well, that's what we're about, independent thought, very attractive. Just think, knowledge could realize itself!
@luismacias1554 4 месяца назад
AI is the tool of the talentless. I am an architect and ask people in favor of AI, why do you want to be an architect o an artist without the joy and fulfillment of design or artistic creation. The whole o process of creation is the goal, not just the end result. AI is introducing us to the path of human devolution.
@Alternatestories 4 месяца назад
Because anyone can do it people are upset. No barrier to entry makes people upset. If you can make money as a “talentless” human, you are progressing. Creative people thought they were irreplaceable? So many professions are still needed that ai has not taken over. Let’s be grateful for the technology we get.
@luismacias1554 4 месяца назад
So you define progress by making money? Following your logic, criminals who make money contribute to progress. There will be a moment, not too far from now when you won't even have to input prompts, just by saying or even thinking what you want, you will get it. And I am definitely not grateful with the technology we have. People are way more isolated than ever in history, depression, anxiety, and hopelessness is rampant among youth. Kids in universities use AI for assignments, including design, they will be great prompt "designers" always depending on technology to do anything and utilizing their brain less and less. New generation won't really need to use their brains a lot which will result in devolution at least as the type of humans we are now. AI art is meaningless, empty, hollow, just like foam and there will always be people making money (progressing) taking advantage of fools than can't tell the difference. @@Alternatestories
@BrianHockenmaier 4 месяца назад
This logic is not going to work when AI is embedded in every photo editing tool, every music or video composition tool. Machine learning has been used for a long time, and the people who have been successful with it are those who understand what skills and activities are valuable for humans to focus on after ML models were created.
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