
Is another Truss and Kwarteng economic U-turn imminent? 

Channel 4 News
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Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has given his clearest indication yet that he's preparing to make another U-turn on his mini-budget, endorsed by the Prime Minister Liz Truss.
In a series of interviews he refused to rule out ditching the corporation tax cut on which Liz Truss staked her campaign for the premiership.
Amid fevered speculation of a volte face, UK government bonds and the pound rallied. "Let's see", Kwasi Kwarteng said to one newspaper.
But the unpalatable truth is that a growing number of the prime minister's own colleagues now see her as doomed either way: if she gives the markets what they want - to her own political cost or - if she doesn't - to the detriment of the British economy.



12 окт 2022




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@ajw9533 Год назад
Does anyone else remember when ministers used to resign for making catastrophic, self-inflicted mistakes?
@austinbeige Год назад
It's not a mistake, this is deliberate. The hedge funds were given the heads up so they could game the pound, they knew exactly what this would do to the economy.
@kenjewell5619 Год назад
only when they were exposed by the media, if they had not of been caught they would happily carry on taking taxpayers money
@TheSlinq Год назад
@@austinbeige Rishi Sunak even warned everyone.
@captaineureka Год назад
@@austinbeige In other words this is straight up, deliberate, class warfare.
@jackhoad9182 Год назад
Welcome to the post-consequence, post-accountability era, these people have no shame
@samcarena4702 Год назад
We need a new government, enough is enough
@ruinerblodsinn6648 Год назад
For what? So you can vote the next clown into power?
@onlineonlineaccount2368 Год назад
@Sam Carena....Not a new goverment but a new goverment culture where there is emphasis of following the mandate given by the British voter. A ''new goverment'' is just changing face but the system remains the same.
@laurenk6741 Год назад
@@ruinerblodsinn6648 It's impossible that anyone else can be anymore of a liability
@TB-mizzog Год назад
@@laurenk6741 pretty sure allot of people said that when boris left.
@pin00ch Год назад
@Yakov Shani Mordaunt was the only choice here.
@Anton-ji4td Год назад
The police now need to investigate the people involved in the mini budget. Follow the money!
@jillybe1873 Год назад
I think they're in Washington as KTang spends most of his time there.
@jibjub2121 Год назад
we don't have an FBI in the UK, corruption is either ruled by 'convention' or just ignored.
@franciscouderq1100 Год назад
Yup, imagine the insider tradings possibly talking place !!!!
@marcusmurray5440 Год назад
The Tories are a disaster.
@PEdulis Год назад
Have always been.
@sw1000xg Год назад
Thanks to an unelectable anti British labour party.
@maxflair3946 Год назад
Not for rich and wealthy.
@stephengodden6796 Год назад
Long live channel 4 news reporting , it's the vanguard of reporting news, thank you so much!
@stevejones2310 Год назад
Let's hope Dorries' replacement doesn't privatise C4.
@joshuaparrott2458 Год назад
​@@stevejones2310 glad the idea was scrapped, was so petty.
@stevejones2310 Год назад
@@joshuaparrott2458 is it a definite other U-turn? I didn't know.
@Micfri300 Год назад
I honestly prefer sky news reporting. I honestly don't see how this tax decrease is a bad thing if it leads to an increase in domestic production especially in natural gas for instance. The issue is that multinational companies have such a stranglehold over the uk government which means they have no alternatives
@stevejones2310 Год назад
@@Micfri300 every economist and financial expert except for one says that Truss's ideology is flawed. The exception is Patrick Minford - Truss's guru.
@djsmithe Год назад
The damage has already been done. The question is, how bad is it going to get. Getting rid of the mini budget will help.
@grahamturner1290 Год назад
Final proof that the Tories are not and never have been "the party of fiscal responsibility".
@benkysan3246 Год назад
It will be a W-turn. Double U-turn.
@tomstory8502 Год назад
Double U-turn is a circle 😂
@testman9541 Год назад
Watch out for the rough edges 😉
@davidhaswell5789 Год назад
That would work if it was a V-turn
@ansa336 Год назад
I do hope Channel 4 is not privatised, by this discredited Government, as they are doing a splendid job.
@micheltibon6552 Год назад
They are asking the wrong person. They should interview Odey Asset Management on what positions they have taken in the market.
@BarryHawk Год назад
@TesterAnimal1 Год назад
Jail him. Take all his assets.
@deepdhillon7680 Год назад
Kwasi and Truss have ruined millions of lives. They should do the best thing and resign. Pair of them are not fit to do their jobs !
@hannofranz7973 Год назад
It's only a matter of time that we will get to know about the personal favours in exchange for the bini budget.
@franciscouderq1100 Год назад
In 10-15 years time, probably so
@ascgazz7347 Год назад
The UK needs to make a dramatic government U-turn never mind U-turns within the government.
@timcomley5948 Год назад
@ascgazz7347 Год назад
@@timcomley5948 use your words Tim, then we might know what you think. 🤔
@40yearoldvirgil15 Год назад
Rejoin single market 👌
@ascgazz7347 Год назад
@@40yearoldvirgil15 yes!
@guntguardian3771 Год назад
Part of the problem is that parties now think that selecting a new leader should involve a vote from their membership, as this is "democratic". Hence, a bunch of ruddy maypole dancing, well-to-do farmers from the Southern counties who are Tory members made Truss the leader of the Conservatives and therefore PM, despite her not commanding a majority of the MPs. MPs elected by the UK electorate, who are more ideologically diverse and less right-wing than the Tory membership as a whole, would have picked someone like Rishi Sunak who was saying explicitly that these policies being set out by Truss were fantasy economics and a terrible idea. Truss being made PM is the worst example of a party membership putting a more extreme candidate into place, but this is exactly the same as what happened with Jeremy Corbyn, who was not popular with Labour MPs but was elected by the party membership, a bunch of depressed vegans who enjoy bright coloured hair-dye. Now, obviously after this failed experiment Labour came to their senses and put Kier Starmer into the leadership position - we can only hope either there is a GE, or a similar process happens whereby a more middle of the road Conservative candidate is put in place to replace Truss. Point is, because of the limited nature of party membership in the UK in modern times this idea of having their memberships elect a leader puts us at a greater risk of having more extremists in charge rather than someone that the public actually likes. We had this in 2019, Boris was never someone the public liked if we are honest - most people knew he was a liar, a cheat, a scoundrel, but then his opposite was Corbyn... If Starmer was against him do we really think we would have a Conservative government today - perhaps, but certainly not one with an 80 seat majority. We need to go back to MP only leadership selection, they have to appease their constituents (us) so have more to think about than just their ideological beliefs and personal goals.
@jacquie212 Год назад
Never have I more strongly believed than no govt (anarchy effectively) to be better than govt until this govt.
@pqrstzxerty1296 Год назад
We all need to spoil our ballet papers at the next election.
@jacquie212 Год назад
@@pqrstzxerty1296 that is normally something that the left do, and normally benefits conservatives, so no
@jibjub2121 Год назад
@@pqrstzxerty1296 no we need to vote for parties supporting PR.
@pqrstzxerty1296 Год назад
@@jacquie212 Well vote for the Green party then and waste you vote in a two party system.
@chrissilver7719 Год назад
If we were about to join something like the world's largest free trade market , growth could be a possibility but we have done the opposite. Now there is no trust they did everything that would scare investors. The sacking of senior members of the Treasury , not allowing the OBR to look at the figures. These decisions look deliberate to create instability.
@cz2301 Год назад
Not only there is no trust but soon there will be no Truss either
@marshhen Год назад
I had not heard about the sacking of senior members of the treasury. Their guest references that at the end. When did that happen and why? Is there a date that was announced? This is just horrifyingly bad governance.
@pansepot1490 Год назад
@@marshhen “The most senior civil servant in the Treasury has been sacked by Kwasi Kwarteng, the new Chancellor. Sir Tom Scholar, the Treasury permanent secretary, was told he was no longer wanted in the job on Tuesday.” The telegraph, September the 8th
@WardenOfTerra Год назад
Free trade will never work in the United Kingdom. Our nation simply isn't big enough to support it.
@23max232323232323 Год назад
You guys repeat what the press says, and investors get their info from the press. No one holds the press accountable though. Funny. Measures need years if not decades to work. Each measure is already condemned after day one by the press and some investors turn to different countries. Countries where the government is not much better, but the press doesn't depict it as a failure from day one. Not just with Truss. Cameron crucified from day one. Theresa May. Boris Johnson. You name it. At least in the last 15 years or so, from abroad, I've always only heard negativity towards each government from day one. Constant criticism by the press and those who follow it.
@mandismith89 Год назад
@londoncultured1822 Год назад
Spot on.
@neil2k2 Год назад
@MrDeadhead1952 Год назад
Except no Labour Governmemt would behave like that so the situation would have never arisen.
@Aka47xxx Год назад
Those who say the UK have one of the world's strongest economies needs to research the gdp per capita rankings. We're 30th lol.
@onlineonlineaccount2368 Год назад
@AJ 7..UK also was never one wealthiest countries in the EU or Europe. Even the Netherlands have higher standard of living.
@senanur1983 Год назад
UK is one of the highest taxed countries I have lived in. Tax tax tax everywhere and on everything. Very tough to build wealth.
@drunkensailor112 Год назад
@@onlineonlineaccount2368 the netherlands has one of the highest standards of living in the world. So that doesn't seem surprising at all.
@drunkensailor112 Год назад
@@senanur1983 most western European countries have much higher tax levels.
@alwww7 Год назад
@@drunkensailor112 he has never been to Italy
@whocares264 Год назад
A revolving door is to be fitted to number 10...
@user-chemistpharmacist Год назад
Well, the chief mouser won't need to wait around for someone to open the door for him.
@mrhead8175 Год назад
Theres not much that can be done for a failed state. Maybe in 20 years there maybe signs of a recovery, but i feel sorry for anyone young whos about to enter the work place, bad bad timing.
@SIGSEGV1337 Год назад
it's ridiculous at this point, there's homeless people on every corner now
@Stephen0988 Год назад
Get the Tories out for 50 years what have they ever done for the worker, the poor, the old, disabled and sick. Nothing whilst they have been feeding themselves caviar and champagne at our expense, get them out and gone for good.
@popsquad9291 Год назад
this is the end of the tories people can see them for what they are evil and robbers and punishers of the poor and middle classes
@sw1000xg Год назад
They had the most money in the treasury when they left office in 1997. The last time it was that high was before WW2. Labour spent it all by 2010.
@Elias_Avraham Год назад
It angers me so much that Labour are so inept as to allow themselves to be painted as the party of economic incompetence in the British psyche when the conservative track record is significantly worse. They have dismantled the poor and working class in this country and there has been silence, now they’re coming for the middle class and homeowners. Let this be a lesson to everyone.
@wayneford2481 Год назад
Witch tory paper do you read . Saying labour will be bad is like saying BREXIT will be good.
@Kj16V Год назад
@@wayneford2481 He didn't say Labour would be bad. He said Labour allowed themselves to be painted as bad, which is true.
@roc7880 Год назад
indeed, Labour is just dumb
@JamesPCroad Год назад
You're all deluded: none of them are interested in the prosperity of citizens - be they working or middle class. The economy has been systematically demolished over the past 30 years, with the charges going off with the scamdemic, followed by that lovely wealth transfer con, 'Aid' for Ukraine. Ha! As if Labour being in charge would make the blind bit of difference anyway... Well, you might get full blown Communism sooner, but then the Conservatives are already doing quite well at this.
@snowtfl5617 Год назад
@@wayneford2481 brexit was a choice of the people to no longer remain apart of something we didn’t want to be apart of it changed from a single market to a rigid peer system of which we had no say who was in charge no complete control of any of our decisions and had to pay billions to nations that didn’t even seem to receive the funds now the Labour parties issue isn’t so much incompetence it’s the fact it doesn’t align with the majority of British political opinion which has leaned heavily to a more right nationalistic ideal
@1Learn2Swim3 Год назад
How on earth did a person whose primary campaign focus was cutting the corporate tax rate get elected to the highest office in the UK? As greedy and scummy as U.S. politics are, politicians here at least pretend not to support such things while they're running for office.
@banksarenotyourfriends Год назад
She was elected by party members, not by the general public, so she only really had to get the votes of a small number of old wealthy conservatives (sort of like a caucus in the US). In the UK the public only get to vote for a party, then that party can change leaders as many times as they like before the next election comes around. It's a stupid system really. The only way to get an early election and change parties is if 2/3rds of all 650 MPs agree to one, and that's unlikely to happen while the opinion polls are so bad for the ruling party.
@irjoker1436 Год назад
not so much can truss and kwarteng survice this turmoil, what about the public?
@JackKing12. Год назад
Its amazing truss and Kwasi are not accountable and go to prison for breaking the UK economy. Nick Leeson did for Barings Bank...
@abdulduros7075 Год назад
Liz Truss is the conservatives Jeremy Corbyn !
@propergander1162 Год назад
They used to say a week in politics is a long time , that's just been reduced to 12 hours ...
@Anton-ji4td Год назад
The mini budget is now a police matter. Something smells bad. The police need to investigate asap.
@SIGSEGV1337 Год назад
inb4 >the government has investigated itself and found no wrongdoing
@IndustrialBonecraft Год назад
... Based on what law would the police investigate? You can't just turn up and decide that "something smells bad", this isn't a sodding noir procedural...
@SIGSEGV1337 Год назад
Take at least a good chunk of your money out of the banks before they start preventing you from doing so, this is going to get ugly
@cchan824 Год назад
His credibility has taken hits after hits
@jimbobur Год назад
He doesn't care that he might have to resign, he'll have got a nice cushy job lined up at his former employer Odey Asset Management, with a nice fat bonus paid for by all the money they made shorting the pound.
@maxflair3946 Год назад
Truss and Kwarteng merely carry out the will of ERG. That was the deal.
@andrewewels3054 Год назад
The next mini budget :- wheel barrow economics ,1 barrow of useless pound notes for a small lump of coal!
@Elias_Avraham Год назад
It’s not a case of Will there be. There has to be a U-turn. The markets know what they’re up too, they have no intention of seriously cutting the deficit, they intend to inflation their way out of it. They are completely inept.
@raajjann Год назад
He is in the air. Like everything else: up in the air! A few dice up in the air might do a better job when they land 🙂
@travelwell6049 Год назад
Except the pound which continues to plummet
@bigbadbobthefish Год назад
Damage is already done though. No u turn is going to bring mortgages back down
@bansrajmattai4548 Год назад
Financial matters on the ground are way different from ideological persuasions!
@sk1657 Год назад
Kwarteng would make a great cricket announcer 🎉🎉🎉
@vanodyssey1659 Год назад
I think we need another U turn on the U turn on the U turn, it's the only way.
@richard-gn3es Год назад
You might need to U-turn on that.. if they U-turn
@HShango Год назад
@@richard-gn3es a full 360 U-turn
@aro4491 Год назад
"Make sure that actions are coherent and consistent", said the IMF. Sound words of advice that had Liz Truss scrambling for her "ABC Book of Big Words" to try to understand what the IMF meant. Having failed to grasp their meaning, she got out her crayons instead and spent the afternoon doodling smiley faces on post it notes.
@user-bu9nb8wr6e Год назад
😂😂 brilliant. I needed cheering up thank you.
@jillybe1873 Год назад
Sounds like the IELTS test requirement
@eveelliot2109 Год назад
Obesity Coffey must have a A B.C Z PLAN for the economy.
@johnwright7895 Год назад
He will be partying in the states .Screw us.He is a disaster.
@JA-pn4ji Год назад
I look forward to the Chancellorship of Rees Mogg, that should be hilarious!
@joso7228 Год назад
Yes you can share the joke as you queue at the Food Banks
@Lukecaseyshaw Год назад
Didn’t skim enough off the top to appease those involved the first time round.
@mikegb1969 Год назад
cheer up everyone its only 2 more pm s till christmas!
@johnmac1960 Год назад
How can we have a growth plan when we have no money or confidence in our leaders! Just more of the same.
@PEdulis Год назад
Sure, focus on growth but with methods that work and not delusional ideas like trickle down economics that have been thoroughly debunked decades ago and never worked anywhere in the world, let alone in a country that doesn't hold the world's reserve currency.but a currency that everybody can easily get rid of when it looks unstable.
@colinevans39 Год назад
Please put people in that care about people again Instead of corruption and in pockets of the elite I'm very depressed and worried ordinary people need to be helped 😤
@san-chil Год назад
It's funny ... how the markets always know the truth.
@Truthseeker1515 Год назад
Summoned by the IMF!
@Davao420 Год назад
Somewhere Sunak is smiling
@spider5604 Год назад
Professionalism is the keyword, nobody has . Hence all these havocs.
@eightiesmusic1984 Год назад
Tory disasternomics 1900-2022. General election needed urgently.
@sw1000xg Год назад
And who would you recommend replace them? Labour? LoL ruined the country in 1979. And in 2010. Liam Byrne's note there's no money.
@eightiesmusic1984 Год назад
@@sw1000xg Economy was growing in 2010 when Labour left office. Fact. The note was a tradition going back decades and was not to be taken seriously. It was not meant literally. The Conservatives decided to exploit it by lying to justify austerity in order to punish the poor. The deficit and debt both increased meaning they failed by their own measure. Peak year for disposable income in 1970s was 1976 due to strong unions. Tories have destroyed society but one day people might learn to stop voting for incompetence and greed.
@sw1000xg Год назад
@@eightiesmusic1984 it wasn't growing. Because Liam Byrne wouldn't have left a note stating there no money. If it was growing. And then we spent 5 years in austerity. Clueless troll.
@sw1000xg Год назад
@@eightiesmusic1984 we had three day weeks in the late 70s under labour. lol you're a muppet.
@sw1000xg Год назад
@@eightiesmusic1984 lol the note was last written in the 60s. And we spent over 5 years in austerity afterwards.
@marcuswalters8093 Год назад
Let's be honest. Politicians don't work for us. They work for the city.
@just-in6848 Год назад
U turn... He's sacked 16 hours later...
@bbbl8910 Год назад
"From where I am sitting here", says the chancellor standing in front of the cameras. Hmm sitting or standing? Maybe he just stands for nothing.
@ciarand2823 Год назад
How I long for the strength and stability of Theresa may and Philip Hammond
@raviselliah2027 Год назад
Kwasi must not be allowed to run a corner shop let alone the countries finances!
@EnergeticMan Год назад
This really is the Humiliated Leading the Hopeless in Support of Clueless.
@ruigouveia7494 Год назад
Tories nominating someone to take over Truss? Really? Haven’t they proved how poor of choices they make? I can’t comprehend how its acceptable to have new PMs and governments elected only by the elites
@cormackeenan8175 Год назад
Taking back control is not what it’s cracked up to be. 🤣
@patrickwilliams7078 Год назад
It seems that "Confidence of The Markets" takes priority over say public services and peoples benefits
@TesterAnimal1 Год назад
@trippymchippy8586 Год назад
One word. SHAMBLES.
@kerryfry1857 Год назад
I want a bigger pie!
@madmax-bu6wt Год назад
“ Let down Truss” threw Kwarteng under the bus.
@stevec6232 Год назад
They will drop Corp tax and 1% income tax cuts.
@cszrwi Год назад
All that damage for exactly NOTHING. What a sh*tshow.
@neelamacwan7670 Год назад
Unity candidate can be found and it certainly means kicking Lliz out
@mjc8281 Год назад
LOL "People are talking about some of the ideas we put forward" I want a double shot of what he is smoking please!
@plok77 Год назад
They're talking about it - as an object lesson in how not to manage an economy
@Paul-ok4sp Год назад
If it sells well he'll cut the tax on it!
@cup1966wow Год назад
@@plok77 The only thing they did wrong is how they went about it. That was politically naive. The actually policies are around. I mean the corporation tax hasn't even happened yet so we haven't seen a cut.
@plok77 Год назад
@@cup1966wow The markets clearly didn't like the signals being sent out by the government with their mini-budget on the future direction of fiscal policy. Announcing tax cuts without a proper costing by the OBR, based on vague promises of future growth. And the Chancellor's tour of TV studios that weekend hinting of further tax cuts to come. With high inflation, rising interest rates, and the UK economy either already in recession or teetering on the brink, the markets reached the not unreasonable conclusion that this wasn't sensible.
@cup1966wow Год назад
@@plok77 As I said it's not that the policies aren't sensible it's how they handled it. The corporation is a big thing and I completely disagree with that rise. Working for a small company I know how much they are worried about that. And small companies are the ones that get most affected as big companies have the ability to move profita around to other countries easily. They should it just waited to the November budget to announce all this and not do the 45% tax cut. The benefit of it is small either way but it's a big political thing.
@lovepeace4065 Год назад
It’s either a Uturn or we drown completely
@kenjewell5619 Год назад
Of course its imminent, it would be suicide to continue with the reckless plan. Truss is out of her depth and Kwarteng does not have enough experience to be chancellor.
@ibukunogunfeitimi5645 Год назад
Building back better best outcomes for the UK
@rndompersn3426 Год назад
We need an early gen election
@izzytrue8630 Год назад
Can the country do a U-turn!?! Who voted for this!!! And we've had ENOUGH!!!
@jgnasher7048 Год назад
Hey guys put your mortgage on a U-turn, the sad thing is we are.
@craigallison9348 Год назад
Just inept completely inept. Can we put them on performance related pay? Soon book up then wouldn’t they?
@MARKETMAN6789 Год назад
Blind leading the blind ,give the refuge collectors a chance to sort the country out ,they couldn't do any worse and they would appreciate the high wages paid
@bbbl8910 Год назад
What did the IMF hand him? Obviously his axse on a plate, but what orders?
@harrypalmer6228 Год назад
They should put a Magic 8 Ball in charge - would make more sense.
@joso7228 Год назад
Even the USA has introduced 15% minimum tax for corporate giants. And even the USA is increasing Social Benefits. We know Tories will support The Rich - but NOW IS NOT THE TIME!!
@njpringle Год назад
According to Wiki his parents moved here from Africa, and he got a scholarship to Eton. Strange, I don't recall anyone I know ever being given a scholarship for the finest school in Britain or any private school for that matter, and that's families that have lived here for millennia. Now hes setting our taxes. What a stupid country this is.
@badbooks476 Год назад
Strangely Johnson won a scholarship to Eton as well & they are both useless at their jobs
@Podgehodge Год назад
They’ve had their arses skelped
@XSPAWNX23 Год назад
This utter clueless clown cabinet needs to go. Time for a national vote to get some one in as PM that actually knows what they are doing.
@thewizardsofthezoo5376 Год назад
I don't understand how low corporation tax is bad, it will draw more enterprise on the territory and more jobs. Tax increase will just make more people get sacked? I don't understand why it is bad? Plus this fickle behaviour will deter more investors that don't like such sudden political changes.
@KevinXD Год назад
@onlineonlineaccount2368 Год назад
@Green...You mean that idiot that love spewing misinformation, racism and conspiracy theories.
@houghtonstreet3392 Год назад
Doctor: How are you today? Truss: We are absolutely focused on growth. Doctor: Let's get back to your husband's erection issue. Truss: It is caused by Putin's appalling war in Ukraine. Doctor: What are you talking about. Truss: Interest rates have been going up globally long before my thing. Doctor: .... Truss: I help reduce the energy bills.
@mickeypye2593 Год назад
@szakhter2672 Год назад
@AmieEss Год назад
@abrahamel-gothamy6472 Год назад
This is so crazy. I definitely think Kawze is to blame, but Liz needs to step up and take some accountability. She treats economics like a religious ritual vs a dynamic science. You can’t just do Reagan/Thatcher tax cuts and hope for the best. Sunak, despite his other flaws, made much more sense economically.
@onlineonlineaccount2368 Год назад
@Abraham EL-Gothamy....How is Kwarteng to blame ? When these economic policies where already set by the Conservative party before Kwarteng became the minister of economy.
@chrissilver7719 Год назад
This was Truss's stance she spoke about what she wanted to do for 5 weeks. Hired KamiKwasi to carry that out, so it's on her both are equally guilty of being ignorant and arrogant in equal measures.
@abrahamel-gothamy6472 Год назад
@@chrissilver7719 i agree. He might not have been the origin of the plan, but he carried it out. He is supposedly intelligent and he should have foreseen this. Like there are a bunch of reasons why this is a horrible time for the uk to enact these plans. A huge war in Europe, lingering effects of the pandemic, a smaller country without a large consumer base.
@abrahamel-gothamy6472 Год назад
@@onlineonlineaccount2368 please see my reply to chris silver.
@cup1966wow Год назад
The two things I disagree that Rishi did was increase national insurance and announce increasing corporation tax. More tax when you are going into a recession is not a good idea. The corporation tax will only affect the small to medium size companies as well because the big multinationals will just move their profits to other countries.
@mohamedyusuf5569 Год назад
Their economic outlook is absolutely unrealistic and unacceptable...we need a balanced approach to collecting taxes fairly and spreading the benefits equitably and creating an environment of progressive society rooted in solid foundations
@cpuuk Год назад
You know, when even the average person in the street recognises a bad budget when they hear it, you have wonder why KK is still the man in charge of the national kitty.
@UA-wk4ow Год назад
Truss and Kwarteng. Or better known as Dumb n Dumber.
@shannonhalford3507 Год назад
I am still @ this place, where, prior to releasing this claymore mine mini-budget, didn't they THINK, " we should get some outside financial institution ppl., to review this, see how it will impact the economy/markets ", for the love of God. Here we are, trying to save the economy-THINK before you do things, it's important!!! I am NY Toms very British future wife, Veteran, Middle East & Continent of Africa
@melluques8475 Год назад
How many millions has they made already with this tax cut? And we continue to be entertained with circus and this bread😢
@amc8241 Год назад
Any resignations yet?
@mosestimothy2814 Год назад
I suggest liss TRUSS to give a public call 🇬🇧🙏🏼 Those who want to help the situation now with economy in UK couldn't deposit their money or gold in UK bank . There will be no interests for those deposits but it is a safe returnable whenever they want. This deposit will help uk government to correct their economy God bless liss TRUSS God bless UK 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@paulsaid1365 Год назад
The Tories need a quick u turn and throw Truss out🇬🇧🇬🇧
@poneill65 Год назад
The "Government" is beginning to look like a suggestion/query rather than a fact
@flagellumdei2118 Год назад
The man is as effective as chancellor as the foreskin is at contraception.
@farrenlee3314 Год назад
Props to Gary in this video. I've always liked that Channel 4 has kept everything very short and simple in the small details whilst being very good at dealing with the big message
@scottsimon1 Год назад
Channel 4 reminds me of Soviet style propaganda. You'll never a a positive word about any Tory government. Truss made clear she was a financial conservative, she wants to lower taxes. That puts more money in people's pockets instead of wasting it on bureaucracy.
@thevindictive6145 Год назад
Wonder how many billionaires has helped made the decision for the Exchequer.
@20entylettersmaximum10 Год назад
No matter how incompetent these lot prove to be they still have the nerve to treat us lot with contempt
@johnstonewall917 Год назад
What a difference less than a day makes!
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