
Is Bannerlord ACTUALLY BETTER than Mount & Blade: Warband? 

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@GuidenYT Год назад
Support the channel by checking out Clash Royale! (Yes I really do play it) wehy.pe/y/7/Guiden
@liberator101 Год назад
I never thought that CR would need to sponsor...man, times have changed.
@davidboy45 Год назад
I will never understand why youtubers always mention "you can have children and play as them when you die" but gloss over the fact that it would take hundreds of hours to get to that point. Bannerlord is not "generational" like Crusader Kings. You could finish several Crusader Kings campaigns in the time it takes to die and play as your child in Bannerlord.
@user-wq9mw2xz3j Год назад
You can "retire" to play as them if youd like. About in game 1 year per real hour of 3x speed, they need to be 18, so maybe about 20-40 hours in a save to play as the characters child. Unless you use mods that speed up the game even more.
@davidboy45 Год назад
​@@user-wq9mw2xz3j That's not how it works in practice though. A lot of the time you spend is in battles, sieges, maneuvering on the map etc. I've put over 50 hours into one campaign, and my child wasn't even close to double digits. Unless you immediately find a spouse, most of your time will be spent waiting for your child to come of age - not to mention waiting for your main character to die of old age. The problem is actually two-fold, because there isn't enough content to sustain a long enough campaign where you see your children take over your clan. Plus, retiring wasn't added until two years after early access release. To compare, in my most recent playthrough I had an increased aging mod - with it set to 1 day = 3 days, I've still put a ridiculous amount of time into it, and I was barely in my 50s. I ended up increasing it to 1 day = 4.5 days, but I quit because I'd spent so long on the playthrough that I'd gotten tired of the game just not having any solid content. Also, the game isn't even *meant* to be played that way. It's a commonly accepted fact that combat is the main focus in Bannerlord, trading and smithing play second fiddle. Anybody with the slightest idea of what they're doing could easily conquer the entire map in one character's lifetime. The lack of late-game "crisis" events, or content in general, is pathetic. Children are pointless by definition. In conclusion, Starsector is better in basically every way - and cheaper.
@user-wq9mw2xz3j Год назад
@@davidboy45 haha wow ok. i mean, I cant disagree really, but you obviously want something quite different than the game is
@zanderman4059 Год назад
On top of the extreme time investment to reach this point in the game, Bannerlord struggles with maintaining a persistent world anyway, generating lords/ladys with wrong/weird equipment and overall more buggy voodoo as time goes on. Ideally you play are your starter character, die and then let your son/daughter finish what you didn't but I see no reason to continue a game past 2 lives.
@davidboy45 Год назад
​@@user-wq9mw2xz3j I don't want anything that's "quite different" than what the game is. The game has the framework for all of the things I mentioned, yet instead of truly innovating and trying new things they decided to just tack on some mods from Warband and call it a day - they even had the audacity to ask for "most innovative gameplay" nominations. It's pathetic. How is it not 100% reasonable to expect the devs to make a game that is radically better than Warband? Why isn't there an off-map invasion like in Crusader Kings? Why aren't there randomly spawning great conquerors like in Crusader Kings? Where's the threat to your realm? Do what Stellaris, Battle Brothers and Crusader Kings have done, it's that simple.
@Cryptic8909 Год назад
One thing I miss from warband was being able to put individual units into their own squad. I loved having a reliable way to put shock troops and skirmishes etc into their own groups
@mennograafmans1595 Год назад
It was especially usefull in putting some spear infantery amongst your archers so that they could stop cavalry from just running through the lines. I do also miss that option.
@markusscheid7235 Год назад
Yes i miss that too. I used to put my Compagnions in Special groups.
@Erowens98 Год назад
Used to be a feature in Bannerlord too. Unfortunately TW are arrogant and decided the clunky slider system we have now is better, somehow...
@boobalooqwe4687 Год назад
@@Erowens98 this decision killed the game for me, im waiting for a modder to revert it
@Caelumclaris 5 месяцев назад
Also the armor, like, those custom Shields, soldiers From same country with diferent colours, It Felt more realistic
@reeceshugrue6167 Год назад
Biggest two things I miss from Warband are feasts and courtship. I really hope at some point they're both added back.
@lineasevenadam5009 Год назад
Jeremus as well
@nickthompson1812 Год назад
FEASTS! Yes! I need a reason to roam the lord halls and play those annoying board games. I can’t imagine feasts would be hard to implement either. Tie them to tournaments or something
@SharedAcctWithFam Год назад
HELL NO WE DON'T NEED FEAST, the amount of times I solo'd multiple armies because all my kingdom did was throw damn feast nonstop or tournaments as we're getting attacked by everyone is what made me stop playing that damn game. Bannerlord does need a few things to make it more immersive but by God keep those useless ass feast out
@lineasevenadam5009 Год назад
@@SharedAcctWithFam They can improve on the ai and you can only have a feast if you win a war against another kingdom. I mean you can't just delete a good aspect of the game for that.
@eveei 11 месяцев назад
@@SharedAcctWithFamObviously it wouldn’t work the same as warband
@zanderman4059 Год назад
As a Warband Veteran who has poured countless hours into vanilla, multiplayer, mods etc. I feel like Bannerlord is better in its foundations. Battles are larger, combat is more rewarding and complex, graphics are beautiful etc. But I feel a charm has been lost and perhaps development issues at TW has ruined certain elements of the game. For example the banner editor, it is so lackluster and boring, I never feel attached to any clan or character because they have this hivemind relations and forgettable sigils. Armours in the game range from beautiful to "babies first model." Bannerlord is set 200 years before Warband right? So why is there 16th century full plate pauldrons for vlandia? On their own they are fine but combined with other armours they look so out of place and bad as you can see in this very video via the character Guiden uses. Finally late game just feels so meh as strat gaming has pointed out multiple times, the late game is just so boring and grindy. Overall my feelings towards Bannerlord are similar to those I had with Shadow of War. It's a good game but only because it expands upon its core aspects and not much else. Bannerlord is a good game, but it is also a disappointing one.
@babw Год назад
Mostly the same as my thoughts, thank you for expressing them!
@user-wq9mw2xz3j Год назад
Cant agree theyve "ruined certain elements", rather they havent improved them enough. The banner editor is lacking- I'd at least want to choose background patters, but from warband? there was nothing in warband. honestly I havent had issues with any models, they all look great.
@zanderman4059 Год назад
@@user-wq9mw2xz3j Na na na, maybe its just me but I would 100% take banner presets over barebones editor anyday. Warband banners felt unique and interesting and I usually took a bit of time picking one. Bannerlord editor is like "pick animal or random object as my one and only sigil, then a colour that wont even matter once I pick a faction to join." In regards to models, simply look at launch armours and compare them to armour quality added as time goes on such as the aserai and battanian stuff, huge difference.
@Omar_Al_Seddik Год назад
But aren't the same points of criticism you made applicable to Warband too? Honestly, the vanilla Warband game was trash. It's the mods that gave life to it.
@zanderman4059 Год назад
@@Omar_Al_Seddik Of course they are but the original was released in 2008 by a small team then update to warband in 2010. Bannerlord has had 8+ years with a team of 70+ people. It's like comparing a school science project team to an actual science team. Bannerlord had so much more potential, resources and ability to grow and it just chose not to outside of the main draws of the game like the battles.
@nightmareraven3045 Год назад
As a man who grew up with the original mount&blade, then moved on to Warband. At first I was hesitant to give Bannerlord a try but I decided to buy the game. And I was not dissapointed. I've spent hours playing it. Tried out several characters. And each playthrough felt very unique and rewarding regardless of the playstyle I've chosen. I see lots of potential in this game and I can see it as the great worthy succesor to one of my all time favourites
@gravygraves5112 Год назад
Remember taking part in the beta for M&B when I was in middle school, damn dude, that was an exciting time. Good to see Taleworlds is still making a good game and I've been having a good deal of fun with Bannerlord so far.
@babaganoush9237 Год назад
-no feasts or events. -no claimants/usurpers -randomly generated companions < jeremus -no promised gang/brigand playstyle -villages don't count as fiefs, only useless castles and town do. -no upgradable villages -no manhunters -no naval combat -RtR system from Warband discarded, a clown could become a faction leader overnight. -no books or trainers. -no hitmens targeting you/random encounters like the belligerent drunk. -no lords consipiring on each others, no duels. 0 political intrigue. -no political quests and denouncement quests. -no deserters -no deeper courtships, just gamble rng, no poems. -no real reason to visit towns/castle/villages at all. -no camping. -lots of other content removed/discarded. -meme ingame economy. -meme ingame diplomacy. -lots of exploit-early game is a chore/boring. -meme mid-late game This game has no character compared to warband but the fundamentals are so much better so ima give it a 5/10
@saechabashira8380 Год назад
- No entire kingdoms being destroyed because they're too busy to feast (Butterlord) - Fair - Still better companions with accurate skills you can level up instead of having your medic killing people to level up his medic skill - Promised and delivered brigand playstyle though, you can conquer city alleys from other gangs, recruit gang members, etc - It means more income though? - Better, meaning you don't need to waste money in upgrades that would probably never be finished since villages get raided 99% of the time - Not sure what this is - No naval combat in Warband either, except with mods, and mods are slowly arriving on Bannerlord - Not sure what this is - Arena Masters replace trainers - Fair - You sometimes get a lord asking you to capture a specific lord because he got some beef with him - Bandits, if they defeat a lord, recruit the prisoners this lord has, meaning bandits can have elite units - Poems are cringe ngl - Gang fights, haircut, exploring - Camping isn't any different than just not moving on the map - Such as? - How so? Economy seems pretty consistent so far - How so? Diplomacy feels, most of the time, logical - Exploits being constantly patched - How so? A lot of your points aren't described while others only are about what mods brought to Warband...
@CensedScorpion8 Год назад
Just to add to the person above -Manhunters aren’t in the game, so fair, but then again I don’t think I once gave a shit about them, also, minor mercenary factions serve their roles pretty much -There is right to rule, it’s called renown and it just means that you won’t be able to have a stable kingdom unless you increase it because everyone will believe that you are nothing more than a brigand, just like warband. And you can actually bring the King of an existing faction if you increase your renown enough, be an amazing vassal, and have the king die, which they can now do. -The late game in warband is just as shit if not worst, hell actually it is worst. It is just endless sieges because after you the first couple of big wars you have enough land, enough lords, enough money, and enough troops that all it is is waiting for the event of border troubles that allow you to go to war without consequences and then just sieging castles back to back because they are all too chicken shit to fight you or leave their castles. (I get personally triggered by the late game comment cause I wonder if people played the same late game warband as I did) also, unlike warband you can actually do different ways of getting to the endgame, you can be a merchant and make so much money to straight up buy land off lords. Or be a bandit and rule a massive criminal empire, and do the same and then you have the tried and try method of being a warlord which is the only way to get to the endgame in warband.
@jeremusthewise104 Год назад
Thank you I'm very salty
@turkishcollector8419 Год назад
Warband had a charachter. There were many things in that game made you attach to it. NPCs like Jerasmus, Sultan Hakim who gives you no fiefs, King Harlaus and his butters... Raiding villiages were fun. Risky but rewarding. Investing in a bussnies was worthy. Upgrading troops were costly. You wouldn't want to sacrifice your sarranid mamlukes in battles. Cavalaries and crossbowmen accualty had power in Warband unlike in bannerlord. Bannerlord is a good game but Warband is a legend.
@k_aesar Год назад
- 2000 troops per battle - sieges don't suck now - marshalls replaced by armies those alone already make bannerlord better
@Kiwoeoe Год назад
"sieges dont suck" ehm.... no they suck as much as in WB as they are still hardcoded for the AI. in general BL didnt improve upon WB/VC
@k_aesar Год назад
@@Kiwoeoe wtf are you talking about? BL massively improved on WB sieges. Now you can assault the gate with battering rams, use multiple ladders and siege towers when attacking the walls or can straight up tear down the walls with mangonels and trebuchets, plus the defenders can also use ballistas and mangonels to kill your troops. The 2000 troop cap makes sieges way more interesting as now you're not always fighting 75 against 75 and the attackers can have an actual numerical advantage and upgrading walls can massively change how hard the town is to siege. Plus even if you ignore all of that the best change is that now your troops don't autoretreat if you get knocked down during an assault.
@brunobatista5483 Год назад
@@k_aesar my only problem with bannerlord siege is that, yes you can build a lot of siege weapons, but most of the time you will just fight a army because the enemies know when you are attacking and goes to your location, the siege takes too long and you can't finish it before the enemy arises... So everytime i try to siege a castle i just have to invite every lord in my faction in case i have to fight against a huge army on the other side
@k_aesar Год назад
@@brunobatista5483 that's fair. most of the time I only attack another faction if they're already at war with multiple people
@koofcaboose Год назад
wrong but that just like ur opinion man
@Strat-Guides Год назад
Damn bro, I saw this video when it first came out and I'm really disappointed in YT for the views you're getting. This is a great video, the topic is good and the TN/title are amazing. You deserve better Guiden.
@GuidenYT Год назад
What not posting in months does to a MF. Appreciate the comment and glad to see youre blowing up dude!.
@NotThatJojjo Год назад
Is it a better game? Yes I think so. Does it have the same awesome feeling you have when playing warband? Not exactly no, it feels more like a game than an actual experience if that makes any sense.
@keerf255 Год назад
Warband has that flavour with personal opinions etc that bannerlord doesnt have. The character dialogue is also severely lacking. In warband, you had to earn right to rule. Being a renowned warrior did not equal being eligible for kingship. You could send companions out for a small boost. if you met your liege lord later on, he would comment on you being active. In a sense, the world was more alive through these interactions. It truly felt more like an rpg with a living breathing world. Some Mods expanded on this aspect so beautifully. Bannerlord is a BEAUTIFUL game, but a pretty picture needs to have SOUL for it to truly be a masterpiece. You should be able to send orders to your vassals. The AI should have a goal for a war it's trying to achieve. This could be the conquest of one or multiple towns/castles. Or it could just be to do battle and inflict serious casualties and capture many lords to achieve a large tribute. This is what I feel is lacking, but could certainly add to the experience especially for the end game.
@keerf255 Год назад
Also, I miss the "retire" button. They solved this with the game being multigenerational, but I still sorta miss it.
@barneybeartilde9601 Год назад
@@keerf255 you can still retire, you just have top go to a mountain in the western empire
@decanusseverus8773 Год назад
Bannerlord has become a fork in the road for me, I want to like it more then warband, the scale of battles alone made me buy it. But then I saw the changes in the map, specifically things like the lakes separated the aserai from everything. I loved playing the sarranids and role playing the cultures of middle eastern empires, but now with those lakes it’s just really hard to feel like they could ever actually form an empire. the graphics are nice but the people look cartoonish and stubby. And on the Xbox port not every city is unique, for that matter neither are the battlefields theres like a handful of presets based on the region, the map looks bigger yet is more restrictive with which factions one would be inclined to join if they are aware of how geography effects the rise of empires. And I know this is all opinions but the game just feels like you can only role-play to an extent, the game just feels smaller somehow, like it has no soul anymore.
@undertyped1 Год назад
One of the big charms that were lost between warband and bannerlord was the armor. Armor in warband was a big deal, but in bannerlord it doesn't matter much. Even if you wear the best armor in the game, a peasant with a club can still easily take you out. No more achieving invincibility because every armor is equally crap.
@Tiger4ever89 Год назад
Warband is an unique RPG game while Bannerlord is a battle simulator
@spiceweasel Год назад
Bannerlord has a lot of neat background stuff going but I know exactly what you mean
@Tiger4ever89 Год назад
@@spiceweasel hopefully will become better and more immersive
@haslamabad_ Год назад
@@Tiger4ever89 yeah im guessing mods will eventually take it there if TW doesnt
@matty92k Год назад
Yeah console wise it's just too hard for me to wanna finish on bannerlord. We've conquered half the map and no matter how many I kill for our king. They just keep coming back with more members and bigger stupid armies from where I HAVE NO IDEA. Killed a 1000 man army to bad there's another 800 behind that one lol
@Tiger4ever89 Год назад
@@matty92k i encountered the same issue.. until i started killing every single lord i captured everybody hated me of course... but i won all the map eventually
@robertkim9391 Год назад
I did 27 playthroughs of Warband and 3 of Bannerlord. Bannerlord is better in every important way (49 ways vs 6). New generations are very lucky to experience mount and blade starting with Bannerlord. Here I will list some of the more hilarious Warband things that got fixed in Bannerlord, but are forgotten by veterans due to nostalgia: - You have to force Jeremus to kill to level his medic skill - 10 recruits can't harm 1 completely surrounded knight while standing 1 centimeter around him and screaming - Sometimes you will not find a single sack of grain in half of the continent for the "deliver 7 sacks of grain to the village" quest - Your engineer can just leave anytime they want because they got beef with your anyone (they're the only engineer in calradia) - To fill up a garrison you have to do it manually 5 people (usually peasants) at a time - Inventory management skill - Crossbowmen overcompensate for the projectile drop forcing them to miss 95% of their shots at a distance more than 20 meters away, because they are coded this way - In sieges enemies just casually spawn inside your units which always results in a bloodbath - You can't attack with two handed weapons if someone is directly behind you
@botmushin8878 Год назад
The siege spawns are still broken in Bannerlord as well, even though I've been asking them since it's "beta" release to add a garrison/door spawn mechanic for siege defenses. At least they've fixed the field spawns.
@sprouts7768 Год назад
Ok oof...f off but ouch...fine fine, yes buuuut...ok ok fine damn.
@sprouts7768 Год назад
Aka your conscience argument is incredible and very persuasive and I must reluctantly admit your reasoning is sound even though I intended to contradict your view. I am therefore compelled to concede the point. However, I feel there is something more than the mechanical improvement that redeems and adds great value to warband. Something that I will only be able to word after I have invested sufficient time into banner Lord
I think it's certainly a worthy successor. When you compare vanilla Bannerlord to vanilla Warband, I think Bannerlord is superiour in almost every regard and has a plethora of new content. What Bannerlord is missing which Warband had are the spectacular DLCs and full-conversion mods. But (at the very least the latter) will come with time. I'm not disappointed personally.
@arandomwalk Год назад
Warband music definitely way better than Bannerlord music. Don’t know about all else
@user-wq9mw2xz3j Год назад
bannerlord has some more amazing tracks- but ive never heard them ingame. i hate the repeating battle music, and world map music seems more repetitive (than in previous games) as the world map is bigger and each faction is limited to like 1-2 unique tracks. but for a period, you are almost always within the same faction so you end up with the same song. some great lost tracks from warband though true.
@kuman0110 Год назад
@@user-wq9mw2xz3j imo the best tracks in bannerlord are the tavern ones
@user-wq9mw2xz3j Год назад
@@kuman0110 yeah those are way better than in wb and unique and longer. however i never spend much in tavern ti hear them... which is another problem
@YeetThyBaby Год назад
Vanilla is a bit disappointing, I think they didn't put as much effort into the game because they were relying on modders to do the heavy lifting this time. They should have done combat similar to Mordhau or Chivalry, instead of the clunky, low effort shit we got.
@96Thompson Год назад
Yeah. Sucks for me since I play on PS5. Now I'm just waiting and hoping they add something new and interesting in updates.
@user-wq9mw2xz3j Год назад
its honestly better than expected, but came way later. its evident theyve put a lot of effort in to the game however at the same time they have not changed or fixed simpler (at least seemingly so) smaller issues, and partially they haven't been creative enough. The combat is mount & blade, I like it and so does most players. idk what you expected really. not a game for everyone no, but its damn great for use that like it.
@callsigncrusader8002 Год назад
Homie that's mount and blade combat and special to it.
@YeetThyBaby Год назад
It's low effort
@Omar_Al_Seddik Год назад
"This time"? Implying Warband was any different?
@Linguistie Год назад
I feel like the Character development system change has had one of the biggest impacts on why it often feel like your character stops growing at certain point. I miss having free skillpoints used for any skill, and having meaningful stats was cool. They should have kept the same system but added subperks.
@melrakan Год назад
I played a lot of Warband, singleplayer and especially multiplayer, including competitively. My opinion is that Bannerlord is a lot more random and unclear in its combat system than Warband ever was. This is because of the various complex elements that are introduced in Bannerlord that did not exist in Warband, which operated on a very rudimentary combat system. For instance, Bannerlord introduced "stances" that, in theory, sound like a good idea, right? Except that in the heat of combat they are too complex to manage in real-time, and so at best they add a sporadic combo into the game while also randomizing core gameplay loops to the point where the reach and speed of your swings is sort of random by default. Swings also have a 270-degree damage cone that sometimes causes really weird things like killing someone who's behind you by accident. Cavalry in this game is also less controllable and satisfying to me than in Warband; I mostly enjoyed cavalry, so I noticed this immediately. Spears are weird on horseback, where their reach also seems random (due to the speed of your stab not being uniform). A lot of skill has been lost from the game due to the lack of control. Also, Bannerlord has no Prophesy of Pendor!
@martinfazekas2299 Год назад
Personally, my biggest ick about Bannerlord is the voice acting. I don’t want my character to sound like a 30-something slightly overweight white American with a beard, shouting at a low volume, obviously straining to try to sound like he has a deeper voice than he really does.
@stollkopf1 Год назад
Mount & Blade Warband was my first M&B experience and it was absolutely incredible! It probably even had the same impact on me like Skyrim. Though the standards for bannerlord were extremely high especially after they delayed the release for many years. I do think they introduced a lot of useful mechanics to the game however it is neither perfect nor complete. There are still many things im missing but still I really enjoy playing it. Just like with warband the mods make it a game that will be played for many more years to come. Thankful for every Modder out there
@hbsavage0387 Год назад
The big thing I want is a more complete and complex diplomacy similar too Total War games. Where you can subjugate empires without wiping them out. Form alliances or confederate close Allie’s who are on the brink of collapse.
@lineasevenadam5009 Год назад
You can't even have a basic feast with your dudes , just do it. My problem with the game is i can't feel connected. Everylord is the same and the companians spawn randomly and they feel like other soldiers. In warband you had special companians with their own ways of dealing with the events.
@stollkopf1 Год назад
@@lineasevenadam5009 Thats true! Tho i think (hop) somehow Companion relations will be implemented through the devs or modders. Shouldnt be too hard i think...
@goofy851 Год назад
On its own? Definitely not. The game feels so undercooked someone should call Gordon Ramsay on them. Half-assed features, unfinished features, armors and weapons that shouldn't exist in the time period the game is supposedly set in, and my personal gripe of the story existing. Now if we're talking about modded game, then sure, why not. But having to mod the everliving daylight out of the game to get the same amount of enjoyment out of it I got from vanilla Warband is really not something they should be proud of.
@alexbauer502 Год назад
My main issue is with the convoluted leveling system. You don't really feel like you're progressing, if you get what I mean. They've kinda fixed most of my complaints. Though I've got to say, I like fighting in Warband more than in Bannerlord. Can't quite put my finger on it, it just feels different.
@theblackknight5716 Год назад
Bannorlord ups the speed of fighting
@u9vata Год назад
@@theblackknight5716 Its not just speed. Warband fight seems to have been fine tuned for months and I do not see the same perfection from Bannerlord. Its good game, but hitting feels totally different, using weapons are not so streamlined as it used to be. I had the same feeling whenever someone told me "XYZ game with M&B like fighting" and no one ever got it right, they just "tried" to copy it but were not perfecting. Among those "not perfect copies" bannerlord is still the closest, but I feel warband fighting superior. Also there are good ideas in bannerlord, but the physics is too different, the act of it! I am not complaining that you can bash with your shield for example - maybe a bit complain for "combos" that I find useless addition though. Level-up system got screwed up. It might interestingly more realistic idea to support "perks", but instead of depths that are not well thought out I would any day prefer the simpler system that generates better interplay possibilities and more thought out - like in warband. Also if they wanted the perks this is how I would do it as game design: - Keep original level up system with MINOR changes and further balancing - Add totally separate place to collect a list of FEW perks - they could have preconditions of skills and points though - Those could be learned either from books or from specific heroes and that is all, to make it simple - yet create a lot of emerging structure. What I liked in the original is that they really made it simple to see everything that is there. Now its a complex UI and I am sure no one understands interplay of things let alone try to balance it somewhat - and the old system was already not fully balanced so guess what? I must admit that throwing weapons feel better in Bannerlord - but I think it could be too OP now for PvP where it being not so easy to target with was a pro I feel. To me they feel two different games but both worth playing. However for me Warband is legendary, defining - and Bannerlord is "a good game". Big difference.
@theblackknight5716 Год назад
@u9vata holy shit you've wrote an entire essay and I agree with every point Leveling up in bannerlord basically means nothing while in warband its was exhilarating when the music goes on and you leveled up putting points into whatever you wanted Also I noticed in bannerlord you can fight completely still and have no down side while in warband you needed to constantly be moving trying to outflank them so they couldn't stun and hit you, bows have been put down too I was afraid of them in warband due to their damage and how they could fuck up my shield. while in bannerlord there basically pointless with a shield Warband spears feel better on horseback and cavalry generally is more fun.
@eveei 11 месяцев назад
Combat is just way more satisfying in warband i agree
@Aarlaeoss Год назад
If they keep working on it, it will be a worthy successor. It has the bones. If they work on it long enough, well enough, it could be one of the top games entirely
@realMoistNugget Год назад
Deciding whether Warband or Bannerlord is weird for me, as Bannerlord is objectively better in most ways compared to Warband, but after doing a back-to-back playthrough of both, something about Bannerlord just seems... off. It almost feels like Warband's world is more lived in, has a more consistent atmosphere, has better characters (not just the companions, but the lords as well), and overall somehow feels more "realistic" in a way. I can immerse myself into the world much easier in Warband compared to Bannerlord, and I do not know why. Playing Bannerlord feels like I'm just going through the motions of going from a nobody to a king, but in Warband, I can clearly see each step, every lost battle, every companion reunion afterwards, every great success, every crushing defeat, and all these experiences have significant weight behind them. In Bannerlord, becoming someone with agency feels like an obvious path, but in Warband, it feels like you had to really work for it to have any influence in the world around you. It might just be me, but overall, despite the advancements in technology and balance, I feel like I still have a more memorable and enjoyable time playing Warband compared to Bannerlord. Plus, Warband has Jeremus and mods, soo....
@partnermammoth2562 Год назад
yh although it has alot of annoying things it also has that old game charm also bannerlord is just easier and quicker. wanna recruit lots of troops? keep heading to towns. wanna make money? use smithing or trade and the game tells you where to trade or kill bandits for money and become a merc. wanna make a kingdom easy no need for right to rule no one gives a shit. wannaa aget married find the girl and give her dad money after like 4 convos with her. It made the UI better and the game plays quickly and smoothly but it made it too easy making alot of the achievements meaningless like leveling up is too easy.
@Fallout3131 Год назад
Warband had way more charm. Bannerlord is “cooler” but Warband was more soul. WHY remove feasts? Why remove the ability to manage villages? Why remove anything to do during peace? Why remove troops from cultures losing morale if you’re at war with their culture? I could go on but like… So many dumb choices.
@svenjorgensenn8418 Год назад
All three are good, but bannerlord isn't much of an improvement from WB. The modding community is always relied upon on these types of games. I mean Bethesda is so successful using this tactic. The wild west mod for WB still remains my favorite
@profanegunman7586 Год назад
Warsword Conquest for me, it was wild playing that and then Vermintide and Total War Warhammer 2. It's like those games refreshed the mod for me because I learned basically everything about the world, even did some wiki reading out of sheer interest. I hope the Warhammer mod for Bannerlord turns out good.
@Schwachsinnn Год назад
@@profanegunman7586 Warsword conquest for bannerlord is like my second or third highest anticipated mod. The only one I have put more hours in in Warband was ASOIAF.
@eduardoborges506 Год назад
Inside the battles Bannelord is the superior game. Everywhere else it is still lacking, for now... But as more mods and more complex mods show up, and talewords keeps up development, i think it has every chance possible to become much better then warband. Atm i would say the main zone where warband wipes the floor whith bannerlord is multiplayer, but it has been getting slowly better in bannerlord
@bulldawzer5074 Год назад
I had about a 1000 hours in Warband, and am now clocking about 1500 on Bannerlord. I went back to Warband to compare a little while ago, and I missed Bannerlord almost instantly, Warband just feels clunky to me now.
@mrggamean143 Год назад
I think Bannerlord lacks the depth of Warband outside of its battle layer, where even despite having mods like Diplomacy, Bannerlord still falls short especially with how you build charater relations and interact with lords outside of battle. But I think the strongest comparison that really embarasses Bannerlord in this regard is with Viking Conquest. I feel like VC was just Warband on such a refined stage, and even without mods I think it stands as being twice if not thrice the amount of depth you'd get in Bannerlord. Even in battles, you can fight in ships etc it's just such a good expansion that Bannerlord honestly became very disappointing in comparison. Could be improved in the future though.
@Shadow30. Год назад
And im sure bannerlord was not made or shud i say thot about geting it on console but i will need to play more to find that out
@henrykkeszenowicz4664 Год назад
There is one thing that makes Bannerlord truly better than Warband to me. It's character aging, enabled deaths and children. You can play Warband for in-game decades, and nobody will age or die: Kings don't have successors except for those you put on the throne in a grand quest. You marry once and can make feasts, and that's it. In Bannerlord, you can have children and play as them, the politics are way more fleshed out, you can become a king or emperor of an existing kingdom, create a dynasty and play the game pretty much indefinitely. It would be really fun to have rebellions be able to restore dead kingdoms or form the new ones or have a mod that allows this and has a scripted Rhodok rebellion in Vlandia as well as birth of Harlaus. Some changes in equipment each generation would be fun, as you observe the world change through generations. That will be the next level, just like Bannerlord is on the next level after Warband.
@MS-Melas Год назад
Are ye a butter worshipper, or why is the butterlords birth important to ya, lad?
@strategossable1366 Год назад
this. absolutely this. Rhodok/Khergit/Mamluke/Vaegir rebellions would be beautiful to see
@hunterhorsehelmsley7315 Год назад
Just play Crusader Kings lol. It has all of that except equipment changing throughout the years.
@kiterkun1606 Год назад
@@hunterhorsehelmsley7315 I love crusader kings, but it's not for many because they don't understand strategy. For me a Warband mixed with Crusader kings would be a perfect game
@DeadEndGoose Год назад
@@kiterkun1606 you know there’s a mod for crusader kings that does that right?
@denzil_red 6 месяцев назад
I ended up going down the route of Chivalry instead of Bannerlord. I recently discovered Warband hidden away on PSPlus. I've been playing it Vanilla and I'm absolutely in love with the game. Its very unique in its blend of RPG, RTS and Sandbox battles and village/town roaming. It carries similar levels of charm that Sid Meiers Pirates did. I have wanted Bannerlord for a while but am reluctant to go for it if it has a lot of the RPG elements missing
@Kadbros Год назад
There are still existing mechanics they could better flesh out to enhance immersion...I also heard they actually had plans to make jousting a thing, not sure if that's still in the works.
@chadoftime8607 Год назад
I will add that doing a successful directional block with a shield also reduces the amount of damage the shield takes!
@SofaMuncher 10 месяцев назад
I know that Bannerlord is objectively better than Warband in many important ways, but here's the bottom line for me: I tried to get into a long run of a bannerlord campaign, but just couldn't get deep even after 150 hours of trying. I went back to Warband after failing with Bannerlord, I instantly got hooked.
@leolinguini260 Год назад
I used to run Warband on a 2010 Netbook. Could only handle the lowest settings on everything and the sky was yellow/pink. Still worth it.
@Alexey_Selivanov Год назад
A lot of gameplay and graphic improvements, but the atmosphere is clearly lacking. Warband has one large benefit: it feels 100% consistent. Even the lackluster 3D models somehow contribute to the immersion, and all game conventions make sense. As far as Bannerlord is concerned, however... Yes, crafting was an interesting addition and it's well polished gameplay-wise... except it makes pretty little real world sense (producing iron from wrought iron from crude iron... wait, what?). And it's pretty much the same with many other mechanics. Barbarians are essentially quite symmetrical to the Empire in most aspects, which is understandable gameplay-wise but doesn't make much sense from the historical point of view, etc.
@nikoc8968 Год назад
i wish i was able to organize my armies before battles even start, so i can have my units distributed how i want even for battles with no deployment phase. i also wish i could put specific units of specific types in their own formations. they _sort of_ let you do this in the setup phase, but theres always some shield units with my shock troops, some low-tier with high-tier units, and vice-versa.
@Patrick-dj9dd Год назад
bannerlord does the surface level elements of warband better, but thats a given. it's a newer game. there are things that they failed to replace and improve, like lord relationships, feasts, courtships, individual heraldry for lords (their own colors and unique art), and because of it, i feel like i dont bother even remembering the other lords in the world, and because each lord is therefore hollow, and greater in volume of lords, the world feels almost dead
I absolutely love Bannerlord (I spent more than 3000 hours playing Warband) and I do think too, it is a worthy successor.
@kaloyandraganov9462 Год назад
What really impressed me is how the modeled the empires after the late Roman Empire which Is a very overlooked chapter of history
@spectre9948 Год назад
Yeah it’s overlooked because it sucked and the armors look ugly af
@kaloyandraganov9462 Год назад
@@spectre9948 t. Spectre "bitchmade" 99
@kuman0110 Год назад
combat (very very much!!! i really love the combat in bannerlord, my only criticism is that armor is not working that well but its fixable easily via mods so it doesnt bother that much) and graphics (i really really love how castles, their interiors and exteriors, and how upgrading them is visible on the map, towns too, and the villages, all those scenes are sopo beautiful) yes other aspects no, music is boring and the map feels so clustered with all the out of place chokepoints and it simply feels too busy all the time. i would prefer more 'free' feel warband map gives. also it kinda bothers me that due to how devs wanted to make more strategic map with all the chokepoints they ultimately kinda made terrain look same'y also the placement of towns, and especially castles and bridges is a bit weird. Also coming back to graphics i have only two major criticisms: characters faces moving weirdly while talking, and that the world map is so bright and grass n trees are so weird shade of green, i think they suould be much darker imo, more like how they look in battles and also i think that scenes which are beautiful and i love them (music during them too!!! the boring music is the world map one, and battle soundtrack is sometimes yes sometimes nay) they have a big problem, which is that the game doesnt need You to actually go into them to do what You need. And that's a problem, because imo the game would benefit very much from requiring You to go into them and spend the time in the world more, and less in various menus. But there is another problem with scenes, which is that dialogues are very very repetitive, which is a problem that persists since before warband, but doesnt mean they cant fix it (and i hope they do!! im not a hater, i really want bannerlord to be better because as much as i criticize, i enjoy it enough to play it and care about it) Also i would appreciate that in game dialogue (via companions, notables and lords) would be more source for some of the lore rathet than the encyclopedia. Also some visual cues of the history of the cities, like for example old decrepit remnants of calradian architecture in Pravend, Charas etc. and lack of that in brand new towns like Sargot and Ocs Hall. What im trying to say is that the story of Calradia should be communicated in game, even passively through visuals, rather than via encyclopedia ohhh and also: they should bring personal relations back to game, make personality of each of them much more important and pronounced, and also let other clan members than the head have their own fiefs. Also, not a big deal but i would like it if there was more diversity in banners, so they all dont follow the same color scheme and are more distinct TL;DR what lacks is the non-combat, more rpg-ish side of things, and the clusteredness of the world map, imo, but the combat iself is very much improved, and so are the graphics most of the time EDIT: i forgot to mention, but improvement in playing as a merchant and introducing being a blacksmith is a very nice addition too
@GuidenYT Год назад
"i really want bannerlord to be better because as much as i criticize, i enjoy it enough to play it and care about it" Exactly
@rafaelc8800 9 месяцев назад
My big gripe is just how empty bannerlord is... And how incomplete everything feels ... Its like they got halfway there and they said "thats enough lets make a new one and itll be the complete banner Lord and theyll love it!" I loved bannerlord MODDED because the base game is just depressing
@slayermate07 Год назад
Battle actually feel like leading a proper strategic engagement now especially when using real tactics total war scale, the maps feels more lively and each town more unique. Absolutely that warband is a great game but bannerlord is a masterpiece. Almost like comparing oblivion to Skyrim in someways.
@springheelzach812 Год назад
Oblivion is better than skyrim in almost everyway except human character models and oblivion has a jank leveling system.
@chriswhinery925 Год назад
"Almost like comparing oblivion to Skyrim in someways." In the sense that both are wildly inferior to Morrowind.
@slayermate07 Год назад
@@chriswhinery925 ...the original mount and blade it is then that take the crown :D
@chriswhinery925 Год назад
@@slayermate07 Well, maybe, I haven't played it. I mostly posted that to express my opinion about TES :P.
@walletracer9882 6 дней назад
As someone who has played hundreds of hours in both, I have so much more nostalgia for warband. But after playing Bannerlord, it's very hard to go back as the sequel is better in every foundational aspect. I just wish it would have more roleplaying and flavor additions to make the world and characters feel more lively. Feasts and courtship for outside of wars would be a good first start.
@kardzYT Год назад
Ive played every m&b game much like other m&b enjoyers. At its core bannerlord is the best mount and blade game however it is very much unpolished for now. In a few years when everything is more stable and modding is at the same level as it is for warband. Bannerlord will undoubtedly become a very popular game in the near future.
@RC--ji2ov Год назад
i think bannerlord improved on a lot of warbands mechanics but not on its graphics, let me explain. bannerlord obviously looks more realistic than warband but be honest which game has more character (and, if you like the weird ass faces of warband like i do) still holds up over time, for me its warband, bannerlord already looks kind of dated with those faces. i'm not saying bannerlord should have been more realistic or have better shaders or some garbage, i'm saying they should have expanded on the look of warband with modern hardware and a bigger budget. I've said before in other conversations about warband v bannerlord that warband has this look of a (restored) medieval painting. it's colorful and has lots of lighting, but theres also this weird static-ness to everything. Maybe i'm weird for thinking this but i vastly prefer this accidental stylized look over bannerlord's realism. Theres other problems like i wish bannerlord had some more grand strategy flavor, like maybe a neutral country that doesn't desire land/hold any core or claimed territory of others, but manages loans or mercenaries for bordering powers. Perhaps this is just the paradox player in me but i would love to see it. (that mod that connects ck2 battles to warband battles will always stick in my mind). The lack of rpg stuff also irks me, i really miss building a character that entirely felt like my own, now i feel like i'm just the rising star taking over calradia, which is cool... once. after the first time it gets boring as hell. one of my favorite things in warband to do is start as just some normal guy trading silks to uxhal or irons to dhirim, but after a bandit raid becoming more in touch with my fighting side, hiring more soldiers not only to defend but also to attack, slowly going from just some trader to a fighter, a mercenary for a crown, and eventually a count. working my way up in different ways (and taking a LOT more time and effort). tldr bannerlord looks bland and lacks a lot of rpg stuff that makes me sad, it's a great evolution of warband's battle mechanics but also a massive drop in quality for its visual and rpg mechanics
As a man who has poured over 500 hours into the funny turkish game, bannerlord is great so far. The armies feel more in depth, units feel stronger individually and the other systems feel great. While it isnt perfect, i can see myself spending another 500 hours on Funny Turkish Game 2
@maxenite Год назад
I'm sorry but why would you specify it's from Turkey?
@vantd1936 Год назад
@@maxenite because it is
@maxenite Год назад
@@vantd1936 I know dude. I'm from Turkey too and god knows it's the only game from our country you can enjoy unfortunately. lmao But why would you specify that? :D
@somethingsomething2685 Год назад
@@maxenite it's kind of a meme thing? usually people like specify games from countries where games aren't typically made for western audiences, for example people really like to specify Polish games "HAHA look at this funny little polish game made by 3 dudes in the middle of nowhere it is better than half the high budget shit we produced in the last year combined!"
@ghostofonyx51 Год назад
My problem is bannerlord is specifically the RPG system, leveling is weird and annoying. Warband maybe has had a simpler system but I think the over complication of this makes the game more of a chore than a joy
@searaider3340 Год назад
I have 2400 hours on Mount and Blade Warband and I can tell its better than Bannerlord imo. I was hyped for Bannerlord until the release date and preordered it but after seeing the game my hype died. I didn't even touch the single-player of the Bannerlord just played multiplayer with crpg and pe mods.
@user-ss4oy9wx4m Год назад
"Aspects of a real time strategy" * F1 F3 * Crying of laughter
@brendan9868 Год назад
I’d say yes and no. Like it’s clearly the better game, but something about it just feels off. It almost feels like it’s still incomplete despite being purchasable for like 3 years now. Also doesn’t help that the modding community isn’t nearly as active as it use to be with bannerlord. You just don’t see as many huge overhaul mods as before, which is a shame cause that was kinda where warband shined, you could turn it into lord of the rings, game of thrones, medieval Europe or whatever else you could want. It’s a similar problem as Crusader Kings 3 where it’s become much more difficult to mod and keep up to date
@gabriele3665 Год назад
My 2 cents as a warband fan Bannerlord has very strong foundations to be a masterpiece, I believe tho it will reach full potential with modders and not the main developers. Battle wise there's barely nothing inferior to warband, infact I'd say it's superior in almost everything, I personally experienced some problems in using 1h weapons from horse but I think I got the grip now. Diplomacy is very meh, I constantly have to spend influence correcting the idiotic ai decision of fighting a 3 fronts war. Faction differentiation feels limited only to troops. I really don't see the sense in having a feudal kingdom like vlandia work exactly like the southern empire which lore wise is becoming a centralized state around the monarch. Companions are tremendously generic, with barely a backstory and no real personality, altho given how age birth and death are implemented I understand the difficulty of giving us deepened warband like companions. What really I struggle with is the leveling. I greatly preferred the old system. The new one forces me to eventually use skills that I wouldn't care to use, and I don't know if they fixed it, but some skills are really a drag to grind, I think one of the next runs I'll download a mod to increase the xp gain rate.
@marvin_demon Год назад
Never played Warband, but Bannerlord is one of my favorite games recently. Even with its flaws. As a ruler of my own kingdom, i have very little to say about fiefs. I tend to give taken fiefs to the "right" noble. A Sturgian town to a Sturgian noble. But its just a voting system which almost never give the options i want. Now i had to give fiefs to the "wrong" noble. And those nobles arent really taking care of their fiefs, and those often go in rebellion, unneccesary and while i am o the other side of the map. While the fiets of the right nobles are doing extremely well. I cant even take a fief for myself if i want to. As a ruler i should have more say in those things. Thats the only real problem i have with the game.
@jorgejohnson875 6 месяцев назад
Yeah in Warband the fief distribution system was far better. As a king you could give the fief to whoever you wished. Nobles would vote on who deserves it, and you could try to convince other lords to vote for you or someone you want to win, the king still had the final say but usually took the nobles votes into account, and nobles’ personalities and relationships were very important, while in Bannerlord they don’t matter at all.
@sheetygameplay Год назад
I loved warband played it for 10 years. I love bannerlord too but I am not sure I will play it that much idk why.
@JullianCassus 6 месяцев назад
Bannerlord delivers on what it promised, and unlike Warband I can looking at it without wanting to vomit. Anyone who truly believes Warband is a better game is blinded by their own nostalgia.
@goofyb6951 5 месяцев назад
the combat is actually quite different and the reason warband is better is the skill ceiling is much higher.
@Immortal_Fish Год назад
I believe that when these amazing complete overhaul mods are released, bannerlord will be a truly worthy successor
@richardlionheart4400 Год назад
Guide is making a serious video...and Clash Royal is now sponsoring youtubers too...I don't know which one's more shocking. This got to be a fever dream
@GuidenYT Год назад
Its okay my next video is a meme again
@misiek_xp4886 Год назад
Seeing plot DLC like Viking Conquest in Bannerlord would be lovely.
@kalacaptain4818 Год назад
I just wish Bannerlord scrapped its current RPG skill system, and grafted warband's back in.
@oblivionfan345Tony Год назад
Personally, I find it kind of jarring in Bannerlord to see the loading screen art being this gritty, realistic looking aesthetic and then in the game the characters look... Puffy, kind of cartoonish and goofy. I really, really, don't like how the characters themselves look especially since the time period had most everyone using open face helmets. It's something that's really easily fixed by mods, but it's still a strange design choice to me.
@SABaruj Год назад
i know one thing, Mount & Blade 3 would be incredible, did you see what happens with AI on the characters? incredible roleplay. The game is polished, pretty well optimized, the battles look better, the formations, empire managment the HINTS are PERFECT you get more info everytime you are in a menu, thats the way to go. I want this for Mount & Blade 3: -AI characters -Better animations, you know this is MB because the animations are as chunky as ever -Clothing physics, some armors get trow others or parts of the body -A high map drawed like an medieval map, the higher view looks just like warband, you can see errors on that view, its like is not complete. -Improve the lore, i dont feel the empires or nations because those do not have an unique lore and that can be applied to the armors, the empire armors are perfect by the way, just like a byzantine-roman empire, the vlandians look like middle ages europe ok, battanians look really good, the sturgians ok. The armors, the characters need to look more like rusted, used, the characters need to look different with some dirt, what im saying is the characters need to look like they are on middle ages realisticly. -Add more variety to the armors on troops.
@gameer0037 Год назад
2:22 we called it "chambern" In MB Warband Napoleonic wars you could block a bayonette attack by readying a strike but not releasing it if you looked to the ground in the exact right moment. Giving you the perfect moment to strike the attacking enemy while he was finishing his own attack animation lol. AND YOU WANNA TELL ME COMBOS WAS NOT A THING BAC KTHEN?????
@smiyles95 Год назад
I believe the shield block direction has another use aswell. It seems to me that when you block a weapon attack with the wrong shield direction, your shield takes more durability damage from the blow. So Blocking proper with the shield makes it last longer.
@Perceval777 Год назад
I do miss feasts at the lord's castle during tournaments from Warband.
@czarsv15 Год назад
For me even at the highest level,there is a lack of a greater variety of tasks,a greater variety of groups of bandits,the main plot itself is somehow not thrilling,the politics is at an average level,not many interesting side activities.Currently it seems that the developers are sleeping lack of new content.
@legendplonski8758 Год назад
7:18 "humble" blacksmith. Ah yes the several thousand for that two-handed sword is a small price to pay for a piece of trash.
@anomonyous Год назад
Been playing unmodded Warband pretty much constantly the past month. Great fun.
@plamenyonkov9154 Год назад
One of the main reasons Bannerlord didn't blow up past the first few months is due to custom servers not coming out with the open beta, it kinda kneeded the community. Warband is still popular not only due to mods but also modded servers so Bannerlord missing its biggest social aspect kinda slowed it down. I do hope that it will pick up speed in the future and be even a bigger cult classic than Warband.
@Fallout3131 Год назад
Warband is a better experience Bannerlord’s newer experience
@u9vata Год назад
Its not a flop and not a fail by any means. I have both and I however think I like vanilla warband more. Why? It might surprise you: because its simpler. Hey! But the whole point of sequel is to "add stuff" isn't it? Yes. I would also add stuff to warband (not just what extensions / mods give), but I might have used a wrong word: Not that warband is simpler, but it does not really have as much "filler". Aside from weapons that rarely anyone uses except ai npcs, there is not really so much things that are "just there to make it bigger". There are some just to give enough immersion, but on the gameplay level there are not so much. For example I prefer the simpler and well thought-out RPG part to it. Also a bit prefer the simpler fight with no "combo" in it, yet shield bash is good to have. Shield direction is like "meh, not really playtested" and I honestly feel like less perfect fight - in warband it felt like someone took literally months to perfect the fighting and here I feel like people with less effort were involved. Thankfully they did not fuck it up so much beyond recognition so it is enjoyable still - many games are out that tries to copy M&B style fighting and they pretty much always failed more than Taleworlds in Bannerlord. I am not really sure about the map neither. I understand its 200 years earlier than Warband, but change is too dramatic and I feel disconnected. Likely not an issue for new players, just saying. Also the original seemed to have a more tight direction on what kind of nation is "basically what in reality". I feel more lost than in the previous. Many additions to battles are good though, but bows seem to have been nerfed - despite ppl looks less armored at times (okay, sometimes more). With better graphics however comes some hardships: like harder to find dead bodies and pick up fallen equipment - good luck picking up arrows being show out onto the ground too. It is more realistic this way though. Horse animations are sometimes hugely better, but sometimes much worse... like jumping looks very bad now compared to warband. Its more high-techly animated, but physically impossible in real life now and was better before. I really prefer the original level up system compared to this - even its UI where you got to know better what is going on. Perks kind of make things more complicated when doind a character build and much more easy to get lost in details in the wrong way: when you do not really know what you are doing and waste time. Still is much better than many "modern games". I really think it sounds like I complain a lot - just because I see how much better it could have been. But trust me I actually think Bannerlord is worth playing. I feel like both games are worth playing however - and they really feel like different games. For me its similar how there is a relationship between Age of Empires 1 and 2! I like both and despite the same thing and even engine is upgraded version they did play both same-ish and also very differently. However I am not sure if now the second is the one with more online potential, because some exactness in fight really helps the multi of the warband over bannerlord - but some other modes the latter is better. I would lie if I say it lived up to my expectations. To me I would do it differently for sure - in many-many places. I really feel they should have been removing some of the filler - or just take more time fine tuning. There are things that interplay too wildly for my taste: like forging weapons is awsome addition, but not sure it is good tactic to add skill points to that so you generally can lose out compared to those who do not do it. This is good for role play, but might hinder its reach a bit and it is fine to make decisions about what to get and what not, but maybe need tweaking. Also spear/staff weapons I am not sure they work better now. Personally to me they actually feel a bit worse than in warband. I mean you get more sheer functionality, like putting it down into the ground to better stop cavarly charge, but in PvP a bamboo spear that you could hit from left and right and top and also push regular spear way... that is more versatile than what is possible now or maybe I am noob with new spears and were not the warband ones so much? One handed weapons seem more useful now too. Graphics is better now, but also AI feels much better too and siege kind of makes more sense. Being able to be bandit with creating your lair and many such stuff are good additions, but for some reason I always feel "this is not how I think it is best implemented" - while with Warband I used to feel "oh why not other games do this"? Big difference. For me "Warband" was a real breakthrough game, definitive game. Bannerlord is however "just" a good game. Sorry this is how I feel. That being said I own both happily.
@IamJigle Год назад
As someone who never really played Warband - I much prefer Bannerlord. I don't think I could even go back and play Warband now because I can't deal with the downgrade in graphics and old UIs. Same thing happened for me with Witcher 3.
@curtiswatson4192 Год назад
one problem i have with bannerlord over warband is that bannerlord has significantly more war, it seems you're pretty much always at war, make peace with one nation and another declares war, its rinse and repeat and gets boring doing the same sieges over and over again with nothing in between, no feasts no alliances etc
@WantSomeWhiskey818 7 месяцев назад
I think Bannerlord is a better base game than Warband but Warband (at the moment) has more bang for your buck with the decade of mods under its belt. But I think if you're brand new to the series, Bannerlord does a MUCH better job at easing the player into the mechanics than Warband.
@risebuddy1420 Год назад
I have nearly 200 hours on warband and maybe 10 on bannerlord and its by far better. haven’t yet modded on either of them. completely lost with bannerlord but I dont wanna go back to warband
@DarkeningDemise 3 месяца назад
The lack of diplomacy, unique companions, world lore, lack of in game events that are replaced with static 'cutscenes' like weddings and no festivals or feasts. Yeah Bannerlord is indeed the Skyrim of Mount and Blade. Shallow, repetitive, casual, streamlined, and made for a different audience from the older titles that it creates a division within the community. Just like Oblivion vs Skyrim, Fallout 2 vs Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas vs Fallout 4, or Saints Row 2 vs Saints Row The Third. Heck it don't help that Bannerlord has been all but abandoned by the developers and modders are so slow they might as well be Talesworld employees with their mods or there lack of. So it's not like we can actually make Bannerlord good when even modders are incompetent as the developer.
@puito6970 Год назад
Have been playing Bannerlord since early access and I love the new scale of everything. Especially sieges and a little modded combat (like cut through, which is in steam workshop btw hidden inside a "legacy" mod pack) still let you experience that "I have an impact" feeling. What I am missing is the ability to create your perfect squad with insane combat skill. Took some castles in warband with just my companions (that's a 8 vs a few hundred) or it was possible to win a 1 vs 40 in the field since your mount was able to charge through without getting stopped by everything. It's more realistic now and you still can do similar OP things but not like in warband (probably due to scale). Anyway, modding support is great and you can change the experience how you like it which will be enough for me to call this game a worthy successor.
@friendlystranger1837 Год назад
There were a lot they could have brought from warband to bannerlord
@CheriShin21 Год назад
I love warband because of the mods which allow me to play any historical or fantasy setting. Until bannerlord gets such mods, I'll continue playing warband.
@rickybuhl3176 Год назад
Warband almost has the better Banner options than "Bannerlord", sad they never updated the creation tool from day 1 of the beta, in fact rolled it back. The other thing that still bothers me is that the perks *still* don't all work as intended - after years of beta and the full release, the 'reduction to herd penalty' still simply reduces our speed, the opposite of what it should do. That sort of bug simply should not still be in the game, it's like a typo - shows a lack of quality control. And I would add that the voice acting is, umm, average. Like someone without experience did it and not voice actors. Have a few thousand hours in each, Bannerlord has more to do but I still enjoy vanilla Warband a lot.
@justinlast2lastharder749 Год назад
I listened to what you said...then played my own way. My first Play Through I have become the most valuable Mercenary Band in the Land. My fully upgraded band of 270 Warriors strikes fear in the hearts of all factions...but especially Sturgians. Fuck them. They married Nadea and I wanted her for Nogand.
@matheusgomes4100 Год назад
the thing is people usualy see warband with the content of mods and forget about it
@paddotk Год назад
Bannerlord has some improvements, but many bugs and issues (yes Artificial Stupidity, I'm looking at you) Warband have are still present. I'm pretty sure the engine upon which Warband was built, is used for Bannerlord too, because it has those typical bugs that are exactly the same. Considering they worked on this for 10 years now, I do think it's a pretty big disappointment. I enjoy it, but they should have done much better.
@mohaglade4892 Год назад
in this version v1.1.2 It's now a worthy sucessor. anybody who stopped at early version until 1.8.x , you should hold your opnion until you play the new version. mods don't break with every patch now
@Bellaexe5091 Год назад
The game isn't bad but it's not great. Battles, economy and overall looks are better but the role play? Nearly non-existent
@chriswhinery925 Год назад
I haven't played Warband so my opinion is based only on Bannerlord. It feels like a game with a lot of potential that's only half finished. It's a half assed RPG (bland procedurally generated companions, wildly unbalanced skill system, questing quickly becomes repetitive due to lack of variety, etc) tacked on to a half assed strategy game (success often depends on the extremely stupid AI armies not suiciding themselves, settlement management is pretty bare bones, etc) with a half assed Total War-ish battle system (clunky and obtuse to control your troops, no overhead view of the map so you can see what's happening, cavalry AI is all over the place, etc). The actual moment to moment combat in terms of you the player actually fighting feels pretty good and satisfying to get better at but that isn't enough to sustain long term interest and there's a couple of AI problems that trivialize even that aspect of the game when you learn what to do (I.E. shield bash being ridiculously OP in single combat because the AI has no idea what to do about it). If the devs fleshed out all of these areas and added a lot of the missing stuff I could see this really being something special but in its current state it still feels more like an early access game than a finished product.
@Brachiale Год назад
i think that bannerlord is a good sequel but its lacking the RPG element of Warband
@Trenz0 5 месяцев назад
Its missing a lot of the charm. A couple sources that I think cause this: -Randomized, generic companions--Lezalit, Rold, and Jeremus are iconic. Your own family in Bannerlord is completely forgettable. -Lack of cheesiness. The campy voicelines when encountering parties really added to Warband. -Tournaments... This one's more an issue I have, but I hate that you draw blood and essentially "kill" people during tournaments. I think the wooden weapons and no armor was the way to go. Perhaps just keep the healing between rounds lol -The map is too big and "random" feeling. It just feels like a big, soulless world
@MrFriendlyCsgoContent Год назад
Imagine you bought youtube premium to get rid of ads, but then people start putting ads in the video hahahahhaaha
@akuladoctor7355 Год назад
It was not on start, but something tells me, that Warband was not without bugs at first. I only played Warband at close to it's final patches years after release. So what i got is a very stable, and mostly non-bugged version. By now Bannerlord is quite close to that. What is missing is the 999999999999 mods, but i think that is coming sooner or later. Purely from gameplay perspective it has many improvement. For example the sieges are much better, the battles are larger, ranged units are now actually good. Though that part might be a bit overtuned as now ranged units are in meta. Leveling system is changed, and it is different. Some people love, and others hate it. In my opinion it simply makes more sense. As now you gain skill by using them instead of simply by putting it on level up.
@KeeperCharlie Год назад
I honestly don't know what is so great and new about bannerlord. Its good but for the amount of development time and promises they did, its really underwhelming
@just_your_localguard9612 Год назад
To be honest I was hoping for in role playing side of things, but still I think it's hit in right direction
@Fallout3131 Год назад
I agree. Bannerlord feels like a battle simulator. Warband felt like an actual rpg living world.
@drudenae Год назад
As someone that doesn't have the nostalgia lens of Warband I have to say Bannerlord, especially with mods to shore up some of the more shallow elements is absolutely better than Warband. My friend that got me into Bannerlord dumped 10k hours into Warband (Particularly CRPG) though I didn't get attached to it like I did Bannerlord (700 hours currently since launch month purchase)
@parsa6526 Год назад
2:55 That’s wild, I used to play Bannerlord with this Remus Royal guy.
@sean8363 6 месяцев назад
I think vanilla Bannerlord blows vanilla Warband away personally In terms of overall amount of content, I give it to Warband. There’s mods for that game that I’ve put more time into than so many full games I own. Until we start to see the crazy freaking overhauls for Bannerlord, I’ll still be splitting my time between it and Warband!
@LordMalgusPrometheus Год назад
There is simply no way people will agree that Bannerlord is better, i disagree that is not a worthly successor, i believe it is, it has of course more things that warband doesn't have, and i think the mod system from Bannerlord is just amazing, people won't accept that this game is worthly because that is what happens with Og veterans, they going to point the minimun detail and say that the game is bad just for that, get the fact rights people, and stop blindtalking because of nostalgia
@Qsen123 Год назад
i got bannerlord at its release and played it pretty much nonstop since then and still like half the things you mentioned were new to me, like bracing with your spear or the roguery perk that allows you to recruit bandits
@mrfreeland123 Год назад
I played warband quite a bit ,recently just started bannerlord ,haven't enjoyed it as much as I did warband yet
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