
Is Calvinism Biblical? The Answer may Surprise you! (With Greg Laurie) 

Pastor Greg Laurie
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Is Calvinism Biblical or Not? Have you ever been distressed over Predestination and if God has chosen you to be saved? In this video, Greg Laurie discusses if people are predestined to hell or heaven, and tells us how to be certain we are in fact chosen by God to be saved and be counted into the ranks of the elect!
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2 окт 2024




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@greglaurie 5 лет назад
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@jasonharkness2992 5 лет назад
Pastor Greg Laurie I reject hyper Calvinism . As well God choses his children as vessels of mercy . He actively works in the elects lives to bring them to repentance. He passively moves his hand away from the non elect to let them do what they love and that is sin u see the difference if u did a thorough investigation and didn’t go by what chuck smith and Dave hunt say u would know that u are misrepresenting reformed theology .... btw the reformers who fought against Rome all believed reformed theology to be the true biblical teaching take off the traditional lens and seek the truth. At the end of the day if we had something to do with our salvation we get the glory not God . But God is the author of salvation not man. Ur freewill theology is very man centered just as a lot of quote on quote evangelical Christianity today and most side w Rome rather then the church fathers . If I chose God that is a work sir but Ephesians 2:8-9 says we are saved by grace through faith THAT IS NOT OF yourselves lest anyman can boast it is a gift from God even our faith is a gift. Come to me all u are weary and heavy laden in its context is speaking to those who are weighed down by their sins , which would line up with other scriptures that refer to blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall see God . The point is someone can not come to genuine faith in Christ until they recognize they have sinned against a Holy God and that we deserve hell
@Mark-oo3om 5 лет назад
@@jasonharkness2992 where does it say believing God is a work? If somebody knocks on my door, and I answer it, and he offers me a free gift, it is not a work to accept it. Works have to do with the law.
@Mark-oo3om 5 лет назад
@@jasonharkness2992 how do we deserve Hell if Adam and Eve never had a free will to choose anything?
@ReformedBaptistChurchDC 5 лет назад
I love you Greg. I am a former Calvary Chapel Elder. I used to believe as you. But now embrace the Doctrines of Grace. But brother, your clip here did a dis service to everyone. The applause of the audience just highlighted how emotion so often trumps exegesis. I pray you take this down. God bless you with wisdom and grace.
@bobfree1226 5 лет назад
@@jasonharkness2992 THEN Jason how do you unpack -that GOD commands ALL MEN Everywhere to REPENT and Turn, why does Jesus Plead with people to turn? why did Paul say GOD appoints the times n places ALL should live so that We might Seek n find HIM. your premise is Wrong, your reading into calvanistic things that are NOT in scripture!!
@ceez315 5 месяцев назад
I was saved by the ministry and preaching of Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel. I thank God for that man and i thank God for Greg Laurie for both helped me grow in my faith. I spent over 20 years at Costa Mesa under the teachings of Chuck Smith and i will always consider those times precious to me. Years after my theology changed to Calvinism but I continued going to Calvary because I loved the teachings of Chuck although I really didn't like the picture he painted of Calvinists I believe it was inaccurate. But for a long time I believed it because Chuck said it until i studied in depth the doctrine of salvation (soteriology) from both camps and the Holy Spirit led me to believe the reformed view though there was no need for me to condemn any of my brothers who viewed it differently nor there was a need to leave calvary yet. Whoever is save by grace through fait in Jesus apart from works i consider my brother and sister in the Lord. I would suggest that before you believe what any person says about any side, you go and study it for yourself and be convicted by the Holy Spirit where you should stand so He can use you. I hear it all the time in their program "Pastor's Perspective", they continue painting an ugly picture of Calvinism. Before you swallow all that Greg says in this sermon get the whole picture, study to show your self approve, read, pray and above all love one another so that the world may see who our Lord is.
@abuelb 2 месяца назад
The gospel is preached to all so the elect may be drawn and come to faith because no one knows the elect until they come to believe.
@johnhorazy12notes 6 месяцев назад
It’s not Calvin or Luther….Its Jesus!…..
@noahhawkins6170 2 месяца назад
Well guess what Jesus said “no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws Him, and I will raise him up on the last day” (John 6:44)
@Cici_Dial 2 месяца назад
@@johnhorazy12notes Jesus gave us teachers, of which Calvin and Luther are two.
@Proverbs9v10 Месяц назад
@@Cici_Dial Buddy you should read 1 Corinthians 1:10-17.
@abuelb Месяц назад
​@@Proverbs9v10those who are called and believe are the elect/chosen from eternity past.
@noahperez2786 24 дня назад
@@noahhawkins6170 once you know of jesus, you are thereby being drawn. if you want ALL scripture to be harmonious together, thats the only way to awknowledge the verse.
@edmcfall3519 2 года назад
I’m a Calvinist but I treat everyone like they are elect. God knows everything, I do not. My job is to be faithful and to preach the gospel in season and out of season
@mattyoutubes Год назад
@OkieAllDay Год назад
But if you did know you wouldn’t preach to them? And do you want everybody to be saved? If so, then why do you want something God doesn’t want? If not, then do you let friends know you don’t want everybody to go to heaven?
@kurtgundy Год назад
​@@OkieAllDay God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, Ezekiel said. So that is biblical and the appropriate attitude we should have. I know I am a wretched sinner saved by grace. Therefore, I want other undeserving sinners to know God's grace as well.
@davidgcavada Год назад
Amen, brother. I think Greg Laurie should have a discussion with a calvinist. But there might be "hyper calvinist" people who don't do evangelism, but I never met one.
@LetsPlayBrandan Год назад
​@@OkieAllDaythis is hypothetical argumentation and it's a waste of time
@sampowellmusic 3 года назад
It sounds nice but 2:42 simply isn’t enough time to fully refute the error of Calvinism. You need at least 3 more minutes.
@icandoallthings5326 5 лет назад
Predestination is so misunderstood. We must read the whole Bible so that we can get the context. We must not use a few Scriptures to make a doctrinal idea. No, we must study and let God show us the correct meaning of the Scriptures
@tomtemple69 7 месяцев назад
Yes, reformed theology is what the Spirit reveals Unless you think Roman catholicism was correct and the reformation was wrong
@TruLuan 7 месяцев назад
@@tomtemple69 Reformed theology comes from the traditions of men. Catholic theology can trace back to the first-century Christians (and further back to of course) who understood true worship via songs, incense, and the Eucharist as well as the other sacraments necessary for salvation.
@tomtemple69 7 месяцев назад
"Reformed theology comes from the traditions of men. Catholic theology can trace back to the first-century Christians " lol "as well as the other sacraments necessary for salvation." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@TruLuan 7 месяцев назад
@@tomtemple69 those obnoxious laughs after laughing at something biblical is actually hilarious and ironic.
@tomtemple69 7 месяцев назад
@@TruLuan you think works are necessary for salvation... you're preaching a false gospel according to Galatians 1....
@Croiseeman 5 лет назад
John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
@matthiasbates9660 5 лет назад
Calvinism is the Gospel.
@kevinmorris7285 5 лет назад
And, I, when when I am lifted up, will draw all people to myself. -Jesus
@jasonharkness2992 5 лет назад
Kevin Morris oh ok so no one is going to hell then if the way u are interpreting this scripture then no one will be damned ... and if Jesus Died for the sins for all mankind why do people still end up in hell? Oh ya that’s right he died a death so possiably people would be saved . Jesus said I pray for my sheep I do not pray for the world but for all that the Father has given me????? Jesus died perfectly to save all that it was intended for there will be not 1 drop of the saviors blood in vain
@Mark-oo3om 5 лет назад
@@jasonharkness2992 , drawing all does not mean forcing all. Read Acts 7:51 and Acts 18:6
@Spillers72 5 лет назад
John 12:32 balances John 6:44.
@eddiebrown6035 5 лет назад
I dont think he is representing Calvinism accurately. I too had a hard time, but I cant deny scripture, which teaches that God had decreed what so ever comes to pass, and men make their own choices. Men will choose what they want, and all of us were born sinners, loving the things of the world. No one was seeking God, not one. So... This means it is up to God to save us.. so he can do two things: Send Jesus to die for all, and hope someone comes to him(which we wont, because we are sinners and love our sin) Paul clearly states that in Roman's 3. No one Righteous, no one who seeks God,. Or He send his son to die for a people he has known before time began, and when I say known, i mean intimately known them. At the end of the day we have to ask, why does God save us at all? He is not obligated to do so, but because of his great Love for us, God who is rich in mercy makes us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our sins. Praise be to God!!😁👏👏
@Jgbeg 5 лет назад
This is such an inconsistency. If god decreed for people to deny him then they obviously aren’t making free choices. At least not “free” as most of us would define the word.
@eddiebrown6035 5 лет назад
@@Jgbeg His decree is bought about by secondary means. So, men make there own choices, sinners are born not wanting God, we know this from scripture Brother, no one seeks after him. God desires to display the fulness of who he is to us, his Love, his justice, his mercy, his grace, his wrath and hatred toward sin. so if he saved all men, where can he display his justice and wrath against sin, if he send us all to hell, where can he display his Love and mercy. God does not forcing men to not believe in him, that is what they are doing. there is not one man who is truly crying out to God from their heart, and God will ignore them. He in fact he has already given him a new heart. God has predestined a people to salvation, His Love has been on them before time, and through the preaching of the gospel, they are called. We all deserve hell for all eternity brother, by nature we were children of wrath, but God.
@Jgbeg 5 лет назад
Eddie Brown i agree with most of what you said, but if God has predestined individuals before the beginning of time to be saved then do those who are non elect really have a choice in the matter? You say god does not force men not to believe in him which I agree to that. But under your systematic that’s exactly what he does. If they are non elect then they cannot choose god therefore there is no choice to make. They are damned from the beginning. Am I wrong?
@eddiebrown6035 5 лет назад
@@Jgbeg It's still not a force brother. In the beginning he made Adam and Eve perfect with free will. Giving them one law to obey, not to eat from the fruit. We see he is not the creator of evil, though he do allow is for his Glory. Adam and Eve chose to sin against God, the sin committed by them. I had questions about election, but scripture is pretty clear, I can not deny it. Paul answers the objection that you and even I raised to election, the question that is raised is, Why does God still blames us? For who is able to resist his will? And Paul answers by saying, who are you a human being to talk back to God. That's a hard rebuke, knowing, that would be the rejection to election, he addressed it and settled it.
@Jgbeg 5 лет назад
Eddie Brown Romans 9 is not a debate between a Calvinist and Arminian. God is saying he has the right to do with the hardened Jew what he pleases. What’s you’re saying is he is not the author of evil but he has decreed to bring evil to pass? And he’s not the one deciding for the reprobate but he’s the one who decided pre determined him to hell?
@stevenwalden2313 4 года назад
A man centered Gospel will always replace the sovereignty of God with what seems fair to man.
@warrensmith3070 3 года назад
Man is not God's counsellor...sadly most these days do not place God highly enough...nor man lowly enough...in their arrogance they create a god that's a figment of their imagination, not the God of the Bible...they want their "god" as a genie in a bottle to serve them...Calvinism 100% biblical...
@stephenblackwell5533 3 года назад
@@busybody1474 wow all that from his post? He's a hypocrite? You don't know that and you don't know his heart and honestly from what I've seen on both sides there are very loving people like Greg and like others who teach the opposite view which is calvinism. Maybe let me see you unpack Romans 9 for me right now please.....
@jacoblucken7427 3 года назад
@@busybody1474 we don't know who God predestined so we need to proclaim the gospel to everyone
@jimjones3370 3 года назад
This is the problem with non-calvinist. They promote Man above God. Man's choice above God's choice. We are not neutrally moral creatures, our will is enslaved to sin. It is our master. A slave cannot choose their master. A man can not choose to be born again anymore than a baby chooses when to be birthed by the mother. Spirit gives birth to Spirit not flesh gives birth to spirit.
@pkrockin3923 3 года назад
calvinism is a man-centered gospel.
@ToOpen6seven 4 года назад
Most Calvinist appear arrogant and cold to me or is that just in my mind? They are very elitist and not humble much.
@mickeyroggers3008 4 года назад
I thought i was the only one who felt like that. I mean they are so learned with writings of the puritans until sometimes they just show some little ego
@tommykaira8775 4 года назад
Nope i just left a calvinist church.
@johnmcphee9439 4 года назад
They believe they're "special".
@gabrielkinzel3389 4 года назад
Yeah, that’s good to know. Hopefully I won’t be arrogant as a Calvinist. Hehe
@miac1974 4 года назад
@@gabrielkinzel3389 not everyone of us are arrogant. You decide how you want to be.
@NickIamaio-kf3rq 3 месяца назад
Thanks, Pastor Gregg for your answer to the question regarding Calvinism. The Scriptures do teach that men are dead in trespasses and sin. A dead man can't believe or for that matter do anything. Why then does the call go out to believe in Christ? It is because those who are given life by the Holy Spirit are enabled to believe. Regeneration precedes faith. We were all on the road to hell but God in His sovereign grace chose to save some but not all. You quote God is not willing that any should perish but why then do some perish? It's not that God's will is impotent. The context is not talking about all mankind but any of us, those who are His by grace. II Pet 3:9 cf. II Tim. 2:25 Let me suggest reading John Gill's work "The Cause of God and Truth" hope this helps, Pastor Nichiolas
@Sir_Gugharde_Wuglis 5 лет назад
The scriptures say people are ‘predestined’. I don’t get why this is such a hang up for people, just because you have a perception of choice does not mean God, who is all knowing and knows the future (because He transcends time and can exist in the past, future and the present simultaneously ) , wouldn’t know the outcome of your spirit or soul by judgement day. You are temporal. He is Eternal. He is all knowing. You don’t know everything, except maybe enough to have faith. Even if you and I are predestined, I didn’t know that when I was once an atheist, nor do I know the fate of anybody else for eternity; it’s too big for me to grasp, and so I believe and have faith, and you should too. You need faith to do the impossible (but possible only in Christ Jesus) of bridging the gap between the finite in the infinite, and you should choose to believe and have faith.
@MovieMasquerade 5 лет назад
Despite not agreeing with you regarding "perception of choice" I do 100% agree with your last sentence
@jcthomas3408 5 лет назад
Read the verses that use the word predestined. They are never about a nonbeliever being predestined to be a believer. They are about the believer being predestined to conform to the image of the Son, or the believer being predestined for the redemption of our bodies.
@tomceman4451 5 лет назад
@@jcthomas3408 "They are about a nonbeliever being predestined to be a believer. They are about the believer being predestined to conform to the image of the Son, or the believer being predestined for the redemption of his body." Is there a case where a believer was not predestined to conform to the image of the Son? Is there a case where a believer is not predestined for the redemption of his body? Once a person has accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior, he should be predestined to conform to the image of the Son. I have seen one or two cases where this statement is not true. Of course, the tares and the goats are inside the church. Judas Iscariot was such a person. I can understand that some people interpret the verse to be conformed to the image of the Son. Every believer should be predestined for the redemption of his body. It is redundant for God to predestine every believer for the redemption of his body. Charles Templeton was a Christian. Then, he became anti-Christian. Bart D. Ehrman was a Christian. Now, Bart D. Ehrman is an anti-Christian. Michael Shermer was a Christian. Now, Michael Shermer is an anti-Christian. Dan Barker was a Christian. Now, Dan Barker is an anti-Christian. 1 John 2:19. "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us." I find character flaws in these people. Would I be able to find character flaws in these people when they were Christians? I don’t know. Would I be able to find character flaws in Christians? Yes, I can. I am a Christian critic. If a person has character flaws, does it mean that he is not a Christian? I don’t know. Only God knows. If the Bible is the word of God, a Christian should love it. A Calvinist holds a high view of the Scriptures. Some Christian preachers said, “The bible is one of the books of antiquity.” “The Bible is a collection of ancient writings. It is not applicable for today living.” I saw a Christian preacher spoke words without content. The atheists attack the Bible with confidence. I am a Calvinist. I take all the bad Calvinist's beliefs out and keep all the good ones. The Calvinist's behavior and anti-Calvinist's behavior should be the same. I support all anti-Calvinists’ efforts to win all non-elect people to Christ. I reject all Calvinists with bad behavior. Bad Calvinists exist. If I know who they are, I would tell all people to avoid them at all costs. I have not met a bad Calvinist. I am probably blind to the Calvinist who behaves badly.
@jcthomas3408 5 лет назад
@@tomceman4451 I am just going by what the Bible says. I.e. Romans 8:29 says those that God already knows (believers) He predestines to be conformed into the image of his Son. If someone changes their path (rejects God after accepting Him) they would no longer be conforming to the image of His Son. Definitely not a Calvinistic view, but it is Biblical.
@tomceman4451 5 лет назад
@@jcthomas3408 Romans 8:29 says those that God already knows (believers) He predestines to be conformed into the image of his Son. No one will disagree with this statement. You have to put the time table on it to tie people's underwear in knots. When did God know the believers? Ephesians 1:4. "For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in His presence."
@miraclesforus2 4 года назад
Deepest gratitude for setting this straight! *****WHOMEVER is reading this please pray for my only son's SALVATION. His name is DANIEL. He survived unimaginable trauma and is in a DIRE state. Please pray The Lord set him free and deliver him from strongholds, addictions and forms of bondage. Sending a 💝💝💝💝full of love to ALL. May the live of God, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit be with you all.
@ToOpen6seven 4 года назад
Lord please deliver and set free this young man Lord. Please let me see that YOU are the ONLY way for him. I pray this same prayer for my children, family, friends and strangers that are lost Father God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and God.
@thomasj5332 4 года назад
Do you think a person needs to turn from sins in order to be saved?
@miraclesforus2 4 года назад
Mark and I Don't Know..I'm so grateful for your prayers. Be blessed in Jesus' name.🎁💝
@mannygonzalez5009 4 года назад
@@thomasj5332 Can you not set aside your question and just lift epiphany of veritas and his son Daniel in your prayers? Smh...
@mercedesreynoso4318 4 года назад
If he is predetermined to be saved he will be. If not, God already knew what he would choose and all the prayers in the works won't change his outcome.
@tommytriumph9258 5 лет назад
This guy doesn't understand Calvinism. He misrepresented it.
@beelzzebub 5 лет назад
Calvinism teaches that we are predestined to Heaven/Hell - do you disagree? If so, please show me how, as if calvinism doesn't say that, then I might be all for it! :D
@ClickToPreview 4 года назад
@@beelzzebub Read Paul's letter to the Romans carefully. If you don't believe Paul's writings, then you don't believe John's writings, which means you don't believe Jesus' DIRECT teachings to both of them and now you have a SERIOUS problem. Calvin is wrong here and there, NO DOUBT, unless you want to claim that he was taught directly by Jesus, as were John AND Paul. But to deny Paul's writings is to deny what Jesus taught him DIRECTLY, and if you believe that Jesus is the WORD then you will have a serious reconciliation problem if you decide to disregard Paul's writings. Calvin was indeed preaching his understanding of the crux of Jesus' teaching to Paul regarding predestination, and the Potter's (God the Father's) sovereignty over the clay to MAKE some vessels for honor, and some for dishonor. These are Jesus' teachings TO Paul. If you deny these teachings to Paul BY Jesus, you are denying that Jesus is THE WORD OF GOD. Tread carefully. This argument isn't about "Calvinism". It is about PAUL'S TESTIMONY of what JESUS TAUGHT HIM.
@beelzzebub 4 года назад
ClickToPreview you are going very deep into this, but my question was simple. Are we predestined to heaven/hell by God’s choice for our lives? I would say no, and that an answer of ‘yes’ makes us puppets of an unloving God - (but I believe God is loving and gives ALL people a chance but forces it on NOBODY)
@JonathanGrandt 4 года назад
If you understand Calvinism then your mind has been turned to mush.
@JonathanGrandt 4 года назад
Lymer he, like most Calvinists, is unable to answer a simple question.
@Gericho49 2 года назад
Who are we created in the image of, God or the devil? Who is *TOTALLY depraved,* God or the devil? Calvin had 56 dissenters executed in Geneva because they rejected his heresies. What more needs to be said?
@youngsterjoey9038 4 месяца назад
so you deny original sin and maintain that humanity has inherent righteousness? and who is the heretic?
@cliffbailey6474 4 месяца назад
@@youngsterjoey9038 Do you have to believe in Calvin to be saved?
@youngsterjoey9038 4 месяца назад
@@cliffbailey6474 you cannot be Pelagian and believe in Christ as your Savior.
@cliffbailey6474 4 месяца назад
@@youngsterjoey9038 what was my question?
@youngsterjoey9038 4 месяца назад
@@cliffbailey6474 do you have amnesia?
@mattgomez1585 5 лет назад
I love how he quotes Spurgeon showing that he has no idea about Spurgeon's theology. Lol
@tess1544 5 лет назад
Even Calvinist can’t get it wrong 100% of time when they’re speaking from the Bible. Spurgeon did say some good things from the Bible just got his 🌷 wrong
@savedbygrace1176 4 года назад
Love how people who quote and idolize men dont stick to hermeneutics
@CultureDweeb 4 года назад
It’s even worse than not knowing Spurgeon’s theology, his is making a false attribution to Spurgeon in order to sway would be Calvinists or those curious about the doctrine away because they admire spurgeon. And if even he wasn’t sure, neither should they. He’s deceiving. Intentionally. Also his job is to preach the whole counsel, not just “repent and be saved”. The hard truths are left out of the pulpit and the sheep are left to wonder and weary stressing about things he ought to be teaching them. History provides much in the way of historic sound and orthodox Protestant theology. Consider the Westminster Confession of Faith after all.
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@CultureDweeb there is no such thing as 'would be calvinsits' lol you not too bright either huh...
@CultureDweeb 4 года назад
Uncas Unga oh I’m not? You didn’t even understand my comment. The point is that Spurgeon’s Calvinism is being kept untold in order to use his teachings only where it’s fitting. Christians under this teaching might actually embrace the biblical doctrine of Calvinism if they were lead by the leaders they trust. But this “leaders” earn no right to be trusted by their suppression of truth and divisiveness from historical Protestant doctrine.
@BigG99 4 года назад
Nothing he just said describes Calvinism. He just presented abuses of theology but not calvinism. Calvanists believe all are going to hell without Salvation. And that yes you do choose but only after God has enabled you to do so. Whoever Christ has set free is free indeed.
@JS-bk2jl 4 года назад
@colinlennox1043 4 года назад
Absolute nonsense he gives men a choice look at Jerusalem he how often would I’ve gathered u but would not God word open men heart but they can choose calvism is destroyed the true gospel message should not be in through a church door All can come All won’t All could calvism destroy the gospel end of 1700 and John and Charles weseley started to preach the whosoever and became the greatest gospel movement that century now it’s back and true gospel preaching is fading out the only thing we need is Christ and him alone and calvism out in theology bin
@claydoyle6649 4 года назад
@@colinlennox1043 Hi Colin, I did not say that I, myself, am a Calvanist. I am simply saying that Greg did not describe Calvanism correctly. Nor does he, in every message present the law that condemns and the Gospel that saves I love listening to Wesley's sermons read on you tube. Though, Wesley and Greg are nothing alike. I do not think either would say they are alike. As far as Jesus saying 'you would not' this statement is simply saying just that I.e. they would not. It doesn't explain the reasoning of why they 'would not'. A Calvanist would say that they would not because they we're not predestined. I've listened to Greg over 40 years and I have never heard him say, as Paul said, that we are enemies of God until, through Christ, we make peace with God. He never presents the entire Gospel and he teams with heretics on occasion. Though, Greg has been. a super faithful man, I think his theology is a bit pop Christianity so, I think he is unaware of the heresy of some he gives the right hand of fellowship. All around, I wish I were as faithful and hard working as he. He is a good example in that manner. As well, he is an encouraging guy and such a good representative of Jesus. I agree with much of your comment. I'm not sure I completely recall this message, just doing the best I can. Please excuse my wordiness! God's Best To You
@Mark-oo3om 4 года назад
@J C do you read the old testament much? Do you think vessels of wrath or the potter and the clay are new terms introduced by Paul? You should seriously consider reading Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekial, especially Ezekial if you want to know who vessels of wrath are. When God said Jacob I loved and Esau I hated, what is meant by hate used here? Is this same Greek word for hate used anywhere else, like maybe Luke 14:26? Ezekial chapters 3 and 33 tie directly into Acts 18 starting in v5. Who's blood is on who's head? What's the main focus of Paul as he builds his message up to, and through, Romans 9? Israel and their unbelief. Romans 9:30-32 is key here.
@jessejimenez1793 4 года назад
J C But still, we need to give them the gospel. don't think you think? The doctrine comes later after they being served
@Reformed1 4 года назад
“who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” ‭‭John‬ ‭1:13‬ ‭NASB‬‬
@sarahanne8415 3 года назад
Why would Jesus need to die on the cross if he chose certain people whats the point then, that means there is no hope for anyone but the chosen.
@inthespirit1278 3 года назад
@@sarahanne8415 Jesus died on the cross to save the elect because they are sinners in need of salvation which God freely gives to them apart from works. If u believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins then u are one of the elect. If u believe the Gospel then you are truly blessed. :)
@Anthony-945 3 года назад
@@inthespirit1278 Jesus died to save everyone but not everyone will accept the gospel
@inthespirit1213 3 года назад
@@Anthony-945 He will save everyone who the Father has chosen for salvation(John 6:39; 2 Thess 2:13). So biblically, Jesus did not die for everyone, He died for the elect only and He will not loose a single one(John 18:9).
@paul.etedder2439 3 года назад
@@sarahanne8415 their sin debt still had to be paid . We didn’t put Christ on the cross God did for the elects sake . God chose before the foundation of the world Ephesians 1:4-11
@ChildofGodforevr 4 года назад
I believe in God, I believe in the trinity and the word of God, so honestly I trust in God and I believe there are some things, many things that are only known to God, and I am happy to let it be.. I have enough with working on my own growth and fighting off Satan.
@pastorgreglaurie6844 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (GODSTIME MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348159811625) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you..................
@nateboy123 3 года назад
Ignore that Greg Laurie scam bot Edit: The scam bot thing that replied to your comment
@Dexters.LaBOREatory 3 года назад
What is trinity? Is that satanism or witchcraft, or both??
@lightray9573 2 года назад
@@Dexters.LaBOREatory trinity just means 3 in 1btw its neither and biblically it's called Godhead, you see it all throughout the old and new testament scriptures
@ihatesnow1762 2 года назад
@@lightray9573 i honestly got scared there, I thought you called the Trinity un Biblical.
@dece870717 5 лет назад
The biggest issue in this area is not rightly defining/understanding what free will actually is. What is 'Free Will', rightly defined? It is the ability to choose according to ones strongest desire/inclination at any given moment, with the choices that are available to them. So you did what you did at that moment because that was your strongest desire in that moment with the known options you had available to you. No one actually ever does something that they don't want to do in a situation where they have more than one option to choose from. Now, you might say, "But I have had experiences where I was 'forced' to do something that I didn't want to do." But the fact is, in that moment, you were still choosing according to your strongest desire. That thing you were 'forced' to do, should really be understood as: all things being equal, I would have not chosen to be limited to the choices that were given to me or I would not have chosen to be in the circumstances/situation I was put in. Lets say a cop is attempting to pull you over and so you were 'forced' to pull over, but you were not actually forced to pull over, you still chose according to your strongest desire, your desire for obeying the officer was stronger than your desire to resist and therefore, you stopped. It is amazing how this concept is so incredibly misunderstood and abused, especially in the Christian/Evangelical world. Many believe that if you hold to the position that you can't choose God unless He has chosen you, then that violates free will and makes you into some kind of robot, the thing is, that does not violate free will. That position actually has very little to do with free will, it has to do with your desires ultimately; the reason you can't choose God unless He has chosen you is because unless God acts and makes you spiritually alive, you would never have the necessary/sufficient type of desire to choose and obey Him savingly. God affecting/changing one's desire does not do anything to your ability of free will, if God changes your desire(s), you are still acting/choosing in perfect accordance with free will as previously defined, you are still choosing according to your strongest desire.
@Mark-oo3om 4 года назад
You want free will? 1 Kings chapter 9. Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekial. And the consequences of it. They were told, they chose to rebel. We are also told, no difference.
@C-zaar 3 года назад
Very well said.. Another thing I find is that people tend to think free will means we can do WHATEVER we want. Which in fact, our free will has its limitations. For example (exaggeration added to prove a point); we may wish to fly like the birds do but irregardless of our willingness to do so it is just not possible. Our Free Will is limited by our nature.. we also tend to forget that although God allowed us to have free will, it does not render the will of God moot.. There is the Will of Man And the Will of God. Regardless of how much we kick and scream for our right to exercise our free will, God’s will shall always be SOVEREIGN.. . I always have remind myself that God does not owe me any answers, nor does He owe me any favors YET he sent his son to die for me due to the fact that I used my free will to rebel against the One who gave it..
@jhunbalanon7786 Год назад
If we define free will as a neutral will where we can choose otherwise, it does not square with the Bible. If we define free will as we are free to do and decide according to nature, that's square with the Bible.
@jabswitthoft2057 5 лет назад
My greatest fear with the doctrine of Free will is that it somehow seems to give glory to men, for their so called "Response" to accepting Christ. It undoubtedly limits God within time. He is outside of time. The Gift of salvation is irresistible... The blood is significantly stronger than my feelings or emotions. "He who has ears, Let him hear".....leaves me wondering who gives ears to men.
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
God deceidd evrythiong about man the moment He deceided there would be man. He just didnt tell us so now you have every cult wackjob human glorifying satan beiever claiming they have this made up free will when our will is CLEARLY enslaved. you dont need the bible to know that you just need honest common sense when facing yourself. The bible just explains obvious reality that weve bbeen blinded to.
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
God could never be taught anything. Not about you not from you
@walnoemispoyt5604 3 месяца назад
There is nothing to fear about the doctrine of free will. The fear only happens because Calvinists over-complicate the bible. Humans have free will because we are made in the image of God. Perhaps it will help you to think that we have an image of free will. When we talk about free will we are talking about having the ability to choose otherwise to be able to make moral choices and to be moral by following Jesus Christ. God is not limited because God will have mercy on whom he will have mercy and compassion on whom he will have compassion. God is freely choosing to wait for his people to choose to follow him. God will act when he wants to act. God before the foundations of the world did not predetermine some people to be dammed and others to be saved.
@johngodsey5327 3 года назад
You have not chosen me, I’ve chosen you Jesus choosing the apostles from the disciples He wasn’t choosing who is saved and who is condemned Clavinism sucks
@rawbingham 2 года назад
True, But CALvinism is wonderful.
@walnoemispoyt5604 3 месяца назад
@@rawbingham There is nothing wonderful about Calvinism. Read The Institutes of the Christian Religion Book Three. There must be free will.
@rawbingham 3 месяца назад
@@walnoemispoyt5604 I reply. But my experience is it would get nasty when you read returned the reply.
@walnoemispoyt5604 3 месяца назад
@@rawbingham So you are rejecting Calvinism?
@rawbingham 3 месяца назад
@@walnoemispoyt5604 sorry. I wrote that in a hurry while waiting for an appointment. No, Christianity IS inherently Calvinism and intellectualizing over dogma is… evil. Thinking that we need to make free will “work” is idolatry. We don’t have original thoughts. Nor do we have original “will.” It (will) is either from God or, by golly, the opposite.
@abuelb 2 месяца назад
Thats what the bible says. God predestined the elect from eternity past. Crystal clear.
@ryanmossman3842 4 года назад
Terrible misrepresentation of Calvinism by Greg Laurie... “You just better hope you haven’t been predestined to hell”?!?! 1:20 Hell is the destination of EVERY sinner, men don’t have to be predestined to it. Election is the MERCY of God to save whom He wills from this dreadful end, while leaving others to themselves (Rom. 9:16,18). When people understand what we really deserve as sinners - nothing less than eternal wrath - the objection of “unfairness” will be silenced. The scriptures that appeal to mans will to “choose God” is understood with the confidence that Gods elect (HIS sheep) will hear HIS voice (John 10:27). Any mans “coming to Christ” is a result - not initial cause - of The Father FIRST “drawing” them (John 6:44).
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
the goats on as if they can force themselves on God cause "he cant force himself on me" that means He aint with you morons. LOl
@PPCalvinist 4 года назад
How many Calvinist does it take to change a lightbulb? I don’t know, but it will NOT change itself...
@paullee9355 3 года назад
loooooooooooooooool. This wins
@randyomatta4302 3 года назад
It won't change itself, but God will give me the desire, by the new heart He has given me to change it for his Glory.
@SerendipitousProvidence 3 года назад
It only takes the specified amount as per the eternal decree of God. Next
@pkrockin3923 3 года назад
@@randyomatta4302 no.
@pastorgreglaurie6844 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (GODSTIME MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348159811625) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you..................
@fisherhoward562 2 года назад
“Those whom he called he also predestined”, how can you reject that God predestines people’s eternal destination
@michaeltorah4002 2 года назад
So True
@walnoemispoyt5604 3 месяца назад
@@michaeltorah4002 God foreknows some people to be dammed. With the term predestination there is an aspect of causation hence why we use the term "cause and effect". If you are using the English bible of course you are going to be misled but the Koine Greek understanding is not what you are thinking but what I am saying. Humanity has free will.
@JDubbs740 2 года назад
"It is no novelty, then, that I am preaching; no new doctrine. I love to proclaim these strong old doctrines, that are called by nickname Calvinism, but which are surely and verily the revealed truth of God as it is in Christ Jesus." -Charles Spurgeon
@jesusweisbrod5783 2 года назад
Ditto and Amen to that 👍!!!
@Gablesman888 2 года назад
Spurgeon also proclaimed that Calvinism is simply historical orthodox Christianity. It is what the original Christians believed. Read what they wrote. Arminianism, named after its "founder", Jacobus Arminius, did not come along until the 1500's. That's fifteen centuries after the Resurrection. You can connect the dots theologically from Jesus, to Paul and other apostles, to the early Church fathers like Irenaeus, Ambrose (and a large number of others), to St. Augustine, St. Thomas Acquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin, into the 1600's with John Owen, 1700's with Jonathan Edwards, then Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Meacham, Piper, Sproul, to the present. There is no comparative All Star chain of theologians for Arminians. And in my list I have left out many many other superstars of the Christian faith who would today be called Calvinists. Including all of the great OT guys.
@Gablesman888 2 года назад
@@musikhal23 Never heard of a Christian believer who suffered fatigue and tiredness over sound Biblical teaching, especially that coming from one Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Spurgeon would have been the first to tell you that he was not infallible and certainly he and his contemporary Pope Pius IX did not see eye to eye on that much. With that said, if you seriously want exegeted Bible quotes properly contexted, one of the really great sources is--wait for it--the sermons of--wait again--Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Some 3000 Spurgeon sermons survive. They are a wealth of sound Bible teaching. And remember that Spurgeon was a pulpit preacher, not a "full time" theologian like an Augustine or Calvin. Growing up in the Arminian Oort Cloud, as a kid I was unaware of the Arminian/Augustinian (more accurate term than Calvinist) debate. My Arminian Baptist preacher quoted Spurgeon all the time in sermons but I still did not learn who he was until I became Reformed in my theology. Anyway, regardless of Spurgeon's orientation, he is very Bible all the time. You can actually listen to his sermons on RU-vid read by more than one minister from Great Britain. You are welcome. God bless you.
@Gablesman888 2 года назад
@@martyroth2994 And neither did you or I. But we are commanded by the Great Commission to share the Word and Spurgeon does an enviable job of that as he faithfully adheres to the rightly divided Word of God. I speak of Spurgeon in the present tense as his Christian witness continuously shines forth after more than a century. This is where you and I should long to be a century from now.
@Gablesman888 2 года назад
@@martyroth2994 Nobody, including Spurgeon, you, or I would equate Arminianism or Calvinism with the Word of God. Systematic theologies, however, do expound on the truths found in Holy Scripture. Same with Bible teaching and preaching. One of the discoveries I made coming out of the Arminian cloud and into the daylight of Augustinianism (some call it Calvinism) is that Arminianism is nowhere to be found in the Bible while Reformed theology is seen on practically every page of Scripture. Today's Protestant churches especially are wrestling wih the Arminian/Augustinian debate. The more I hear both sides debate the more I realize that much of the problem is not the spiritual blindness of Arminians so much as their lack of education, especially when it comes to exegeting scripture. I speak from experience having been in the Arminian camp. Arminians bring a dose of humanism to interpreting the Bible. Again, I speak from experience. And one of the real fatal issues with Arminianism is that it did not exist until the time of Jacobus Arminius who lived some fifteen centuries after the Resurrection of our Lord. Early church fathers, and such giants of theology as Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas do not speak of it. Another issue with Arminianism is that there are folks who claim the name of Christ and are saved I believe, but who just cannot stomach the fact that the God of Creation would be that much in charge of His universe. They want God to "behave" according to their humanist inclinations. Hopefully, that is not your proclivity. Btw, all of the verses you list are verses that support basic Reformed theology. Just learn exegesis, not eisegesis. Big difference.
@mustang8206 4 года назад
Calvinists can't seem to understand that being non-Calvinist doesn't mean we are denying sinful human nature. It means we believe in a God who loves us enough that he lets us choose whether we want to love Him back or not
@Mark-oo3om 4 года назад
@@johnalbent Read the book of Ezekial. It's not inability it is rebellion.
@abikinebi6235 3 года назад
theyre really arrogant and think they are the "christian supremacists"
@Tigerex966 3 года назад
Amen. They think free will means will our savingbour selves and makes God a servant to us and weak. When the opposite is true.
@Tigerex966 3 года назад
@@johnalbent the Holy spirit draws all men to him and free will a gift from God allows us to accept God's offer of salvation through faith another gift not of ourselves so we do not boast, or we stay in sin through unbelief and reject it and will be rewarded or cursed justly based on our decision. So God is not predetermining any one goes to help or heaven. But he knows the beginning from the end even do.
@robinl6659 3 года назад
@@johnalbent correct!
@MichaelJMetz 2 года назад
My two cents; Predestination is God reserving a place for each person in heaven. Free will give you the choice to accept or decline the reservation. Just sayin'.
@0vercast7 2 года назад
Yeah they’re both there
@abundantharmony 2 года назад
@@0vercast7 Yep. The middle path.
@patiduran2438 2 года назад
No free will in Salvation
@goldenwestfarm Год назад
You're saying there'll be a few empty seats in heaven??
@stardas71 Год назад
So think about. 1) if it were truly up to us to choose God we would choose the world over God each time 2) saying we have the capability as His creation to resist and choose whether we want to believe put us at His level, which is ridiculous we can’t resist His will period. God can do whatever whenever to whomever He wants. He can even pick and choose who He wants to be in Heaven and he’ll, he is a sovereign God and we are nothing more than His creation.
@JesusChristISTHEONETRUEGOD 5 лет назад
God knew who would and who will reject the gospel...that’s not the same as predetermined. God uses all for His glory nonetheless.
@5ivepoints18 5 лет назад
It sounds like you are saying that some men freely choose to crawl out of the pit of their sin on their own & then seek after God to choose Him. Yet that is totally refuted by the bible which tells us that we are DEAD in our trespasses, slaves to sin, that none of us are good or seek after God. It tells us that we must rely on the Father to draw us to Christ. I think the predestination issue is being used by satan to divide the church. I see more hatred & animosity between true believers in Christ on this topic then any other. If you and I both rely on Jesus Christ for salvation by grace through faith then we should embrace each other & agree to disagree on how we both got there! Welcome brother in Christ!
@Red_Sector_7 4 года назад
I used to believe that too, many years ago when I was an ignorant Christian, and did not understand God's Word in the Bible. The problem with that is it is not scriptural in the least. God 'Declares the end from the beginning, and the things not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure - Isaiah 46:10. In other words, it is God who has chosen the things that will happen upon His creation the Earth and the people in it, not man himself. Once I started studying the Bible in earnest and the Spirit began showing me what the scriptures mean, the Bible unfolded before me and I began to have understanding, to rightly divide the word of truth [2 Timothy 2:15]. Some of the most powerful verses about predestination according to God's will in salvation are found in Ephesians 1. He knew our names before the foundation of the world and predestined us to salvation by His own will. Not our will, but His. Remember what God told Moses which Paul quotes in Romans 9: Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth - Romans 9:18 Romans 9:15-23 shows us clearly by who's will we are saved, and it is also clearly written it is not by our own will, for Romans 3:11 states there are none that seek after God. The word 'none' means 'no one.' Therefore none of us can be the exception to that. This is extremely powerful scripture and once a person begins to understand it is not by our own will but by God's mercy upon us that we are saved, we then realize it is not about us at all, but about the will of the Almighty God and Father of us all.
@ClickToPreview 4 года назад
God IS wisdom and knowledge. He doesn't "know" a thing. HE is the progenitor of it. HE is the CREATOR of it. He is the PANTOKRATOR, the ALL-FATHER-CREATOR. To lower Him down to the level of someone who can "see the future" is to truly not understand God's PREEMINENCE.
@ClickToPreview 4 года назад
@@Red_Sector_7 Absolutely. Isn't it truly amazing what God does to His chosen ones when he calls them into salvific faith? I have heard the "word of God" preached throughout my entire life in various "churches" with ZERO understanding of ANY OF IT. It wasn't until HE, HIM ALONE, opened my eyes and GAVE ME SUPERNATURAL UNDERSTANDING of the writings that seem SO OBVIOUS now as to the TRUTH of His WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS for His Son.
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@ClickToPreview The moment God decided to make man He decieded every single puny humans fate every movement of molecules and every moment and instance that has and will ever happen in mans or angels history. Everything comes from Him. He cannot possibly leanr anything from us, and He cannot possibly learn anything ABOUT us.
@beelzzebub 5 лет назад
I know he didn't fully answer the question - but I still love his answer! I have been struggling a lot with calvinism lately - I just can't accept it, specifically the predestination to Heaven/Hell. Greg gave some great points why predestination to Heaven/Hell just doesn't work! Really helpful thanks!
@ryangallmeier6647 5 лет назад
Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed WHO LONG AGO WERE DESIGNATED FOR THIS CONDEMNATION, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. [Jude 3-4]. Need more Scriptural proof that God has "long ago designated" the wicked for condemnation? Your main problem, of course, is that you don't know how to biblically define "human libertarian free will"; in fact, no synergist does (even many Reformed/Calvinists unfortunately do not either). Questions? Let me know. *Soli Deo Gloria*
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
God doesnt owe you or any puny human anything. Especially when you cannot accept Him becuase you are obsessed with yourself. Good luck forcing yourself on Him.
@katierucker2870 4 года назад
Lymer ignore the hateful Calvinistic comments. People do have free will and the choice to reject God and His Word.
@katierucker2870 4 года назад
Ryan Gallmeier they were not chosen to go to hell, but in context, God knows beforehand who believes and who doesn’t believe. Those who choose to reject Jesus Christ have brought condemnation on themeselves
@katierucker2870 4 года назад
Ryan Gallmeier context is important. How many times does God say He wants no one to perish but have everlasting life? Jesus says in John 3 that people are already condemned because of their unbelief in Him.
@2010jsimon 4 года назад
I have Great respect for Greg. But Lazarus needed to be resurrected. Jesus didn't ask Lazarus for permission. He just called him out. That's exactly how a dead sinner becomes a Christian by the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit. To preach the Gospel is a command, hence we have to do it. But the Salvation is a free gift from God and not a work of any man. Romans chapter 9. It's all there.
@rjcontra 3 года назад
If Calvinism was true...then there would be no need for a Adversary.
@jonathanhauhnar8434 3 года назад
Slowly read your comment again...
@rjcontra 3 года назад
@@jonathanhauhnar8434 I read it very sloooooooooooooooooooooooow. 😉
@bruceanthony3357 4 месяца назад
Don't you mean Advocate ? As in Jesus taking up for you before the Father? I can understand the misspelling. It happens with autocorrect.
@rjcontra 4 месяца назад
@@bruceanthony3357 No...I meant Satan. Why do you need a Satan if you are chosen? I mean, why would he waste his time on a chosen person? Exactly, he wouldn't. 1 John 5:4-5: “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?“.
@rawbingham 3 месяца назад
@@rjcontra Satan, to the extent that any of this makes sense, would not know who is elect and who is not. God and Satan are not two equal opposing forces. But I start to worry we are both indulging in folly to put so fine a point on things.
@raphaeldelaghetto4 5 лет назад
Ah yes, the classic old “addressing the topic, without actually addressing the topic” routine
@kierstencreates958 4 года назад
Just because he picks the Bible over your theology does not mean the issue wasn't addressed. It means he rejected a teaching of man by what the Bible directly has to say about it.
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@kierstencreates958 yoiu dont know the bible. commenter is right cuz this pseudo pastor knows he is wrong and uses the worlds methods of not offending anybody to add to his mega church numbers
@kierstencreates958 4 года назад
@@uncasunga1800 you can say I don't know the Bible, but I read it every single day. I'm almost through the entire thing. That is the fact, which makes your opinion wrong. And ask yourself, do you read it daily? Have you finished it or are you almost through with it yourself? Have you studied and analyzed it in context? Or do you just allow people to "teach" you? Don't tell me I don't know something I'm familiar with on a daily basis. & even when you do, you're wrong, which is what you're accusing of Greg Laurie. So maybe you should look inward instead of throwing accusations at other people friend.
@kierstencreates958 4 года назад
@@uncasunga1800 the Bible directly says that God desires that all men would come to repentance. Sadly not everyone has or will. But that is clearly God's heart for people in scripture, no matter what any contradictory doctrine has to say about it. "Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?" -Ezekiel 33:11 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." -2nd Peter 3:9
@TheDeadman419 3 года назад
then allow me to propose a real challenge to Calvinism: the philosophical implications of predestination vs love. Being a Christian doesn't just mean you believe in God (we all know demons believe), but that you Love God. Love Him enough to follow Him. If you believe that God chooses who follows Him, and that we have no choice, you're saying that I have no choice in loving God. Love without choice is a logical contradiction, it can't be real. Try and think of an example in which forced love is genuine towards the one forcing you. If you are to genuinely love someone you must have the choice to not love them for it to be real. So how do you reconcile the idea that we never had a choice in becoming followers of God but also genuinely love God? Either we have freewill and choose to love God, or we don't have freewill and our love is false.
@lethltruth 3 года назад
DL Moody was an Arminianist but he taught against focusing on prophecy. Spurgeon stated that the Gospel is Calvinism and Calvinism is the Gospel.
@marisolmagana6862 3 года назад
I like so much how he preaches, but I totally reject what he states here!! Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? - Romans 9.21
@busybody1474 4 года назад
For the calvinist, the only good news is that they are among the elect .. and if they are not among the elect, Jesus' death on the cross is not good news at all, it does not affect them in any way whatsoever .. To embrace Calvinism is to absolutely obliterate the gospel of Jesus Christ
@proudrosemom 3 года назад
Totally agree! We must really dig deep to see the fallacy of it
@zaazazza6555 3 года назад
But how do you know if you’re elect? If you aren’t saved yet, I have good new: you might be elect!! If done correctly, Calvinism doesn’t ruin the gospel because it doesn’t actually contradict choice. According to my understanding of Calvinism, anyone can turn to God at any time if they so choose. From human perspectives, this is completely unaffected, even though God planned it. Just because God predestined it, doesn’t mean our choice has been hindered, because we don’t know what God predestined yet.
@thlipsislamont1352 3 года назад
Would you be willing to do a zoom discussion to discuss your stance on Arminianism and the alternative?
@theeclecticcollective8279 4 года назад
10 And when he was alone, those around him with the twelve asked him about the parables. 11 And he said to them, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables, 12 so that “they may indeed see but not perceive,and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven.” Mark 4:10-12 | ESV Why did Jesus speak in parables? Hint: vs12
@ianrose5874 4 года назад
Read further down in Mark. He taught them as much as they CD understand.
@mikesteele9431 2 месяца назад
No one person led me to Christ in my mid 20’s. My craving for God came about when I picked up the Bible and read it. Sometime later someone told me that I sounded like a Calvinist. Didn’t know or what that was at the time and I told him that. I guess I learned these things while reading scripture.
@deborahruthtrotter2154 5 лет назад
Some take the part of Jesus talking to His disciples totally out of context. God specifically chose them as apostles for a specific purpose. It is NOT about whether people are individually chosen for salvation or hell.
@reynaldodavid4755 5 лет назад
Deborah Ruth Trotter, Calvinism is evil because it is a mixture of Biblical Truth and man-made Lies... But 'Election and predestination' is indeed Biblical, and God predestined some to be saved....and some to be cast to hell.... Jesus was indeed sent by the father Only for the Elect.....
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@reynaldodavid4755 you clearly have no idea what calvinsim is becuase you went on to describe its outcome hahahahahha
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@reynaldodavid4755 you are not old enough to drink in america are you hahaha
@reynaldodavid4755 4 года назад
@@uncasunga1800, Sorry, I never been in America, and I never desire to go there...
@reynaldodavid4755 4 года назад
@@uncasunga1800, Really ??? So explain to me what do you know about Calvinism....
@janeline4936 2 года назад
I used to believe in Calvinism and I honestly didn't grow to be more loving, graceful or merciful. I think I became more legalistic. I can easily identify a reformed church but now I'm so afraid to find a church I can be with outside the Calvinistic teachings. I don't believe in speaking in tongues so I don't want to go pentecostal churches. Are traditional independent baptist church non Calvinist? Or most evangelicals?
@ciara78624 2 года назад
well speaking in tongues is real because the Bible says so but churches who speak in tongues all the time with no interpretations are doing it wrong. U don’t have to know how to speak in tongues to be saved it’s one of the spiritual gifts. I would recommend a Calvary church because they are usually non-denominational and I agree with u that Calvinism is a false teaching because Gods will is that none should perish but that all should come to repentance
@janeline4936 2 года назад
@Micah Burns yes I'm already following him and listening to him. Thanks dear
@stevec9095 2 года назад
@@ciara78624 I wouldn't call Calvinism false. I think an extreme version of any belief is too much. I would say it's OK to be a soft Calvinist, meaning it could be true that we are predestined but we don't know who is in or out, so we must practice discipline and spread the gospel. The Shepherd is always testing his sheep 🐑
@0vercast7 2 года назад
@@stevec9095 Um, if you label yourself anything other than a Christian, you’re already on the wrong path. When God looks at a Christian/unbeliever, he’ll look at them as one of those two, not Calvinist or Arminianist. Christians today get too caught up in the, “early church fathers” where they begin to mention John Calvin and Augustine even more than the men who wrote you your inspired word. A soft Calvinist is none the less a Calvinist, and God doesn’t even look at you as such on a spiritual level; why even waste your time
@protruth1 2 года назад
@@ciara78624 what you said is incorrect. Speaking in tongues does not always require an interpreter. The Speaking in tongues you are referencing that requires an interpreter is the operation of the GIFT of tongues and the GIFT of interpretation. Not everyone has this GIFT. The other tongues that require no interpretation are tongues that are available to every believer to use in prayer. Praying in tongues is for every believer. This tongue is given to every believer who has been baptized with the Holy Spirit, which is a SEPARATE event from the born-again salvation experience. The Born again salvation experience is when God regenerates your spirit to come into relationship with Him through His Spirit. This is reconciliation as a result of redemption. Being baptized with the Holy Spirit is empowerment for ministry. Baptism with the Holy Spirit activates specific gifts that have distributed to you by the Holy Spirit. Word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy, etc. The initial evidence of baptism with the Holy Spirit is speaking in an unknown tongue. Baptism with the Holy Spirit and the distribution and operation of tongues is for every believer. This is NOT the GIFT of tongues, this is a personal prayer language operated by the Holy Spirit through your spirit. There are many who confuse the two events and argue that they are the same. If they were the same event you would be able to operate in gifts of the Spirit and speak in tongues when you became born again, but we do not see this as a reality. Those that argue that they are the same event do not function in any of the gifts of the Spirit nor do they speak in tongues, and they confuse the GIFT of tongues with one's personal prayer language. The bible is clear that we can and should pray in tongues and pray for a personal interpretation. The Gift of tongues is a completely separate manifestation of a Gift. The Gift of tongues functions during a christian assembly and instead of one speaking TO God in an unknown tongue, God is speaking TO His people and then Interpreting what has been spoken through a different believer who has the GIFT of interpretation of tongues. The prayer language is going up to God, the Gift is coming down from God.
@Arabian_Abomination 2 года назад
"just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will" - Ephesians 1:4-5 NKJV
@keishatanoe1067 3 года назад
True. Like literally if calvinism is true that means God isnt loving.
@frankrecinos7158 2 года назад
How isn't God loving?
@jaikee9477 3 года назад
If Calvinism was true and God predestined us to love him, it wouldn't be actual love, it wouldn't glorify him and eventually it would turn God into the author of POINTLESS suffering. God decided that it is worth the suffering because this kind of creation is the only way to create creatures who would FREELY love him. Otherwise we would be nothing but robots in a sadistic show. That's why Calvinism is blasphemy.
@ciphercipher8196 3 года назад
That's why Calvinism is blasphemy.
@walnoemispoyt5604 3 месяца назад
Well said! Calvinism is fatally wrong!
@stadler72 Месяц назад
I've never heard proof of what you're saying. It makes sense on an emotional level, but if I try to prove that when God calls me, and I'm awakened to fall in love with his irresistible Grace, that that's not true love. Is there a logical argument we can put behind what you're saying?
@walnoemispoyt5604 Месяц назад
@@stadler72 That is the thing and you just said the answer because Love is an emotional thing that necessarily requires Free Will. You believe that love is a choice made by the free will of people rather than something that is predetermined regardless of the neuroscience. You believe Love is a choice because homosexuals are freely choosing to enter foolish relationships. What makes the argument for free will logical is the fact relationships are fundamentally built on the free will of cognitive agents. You cannot have a relationship with an inanimate object that has no will of its own. You cannot have a relationship with a computer or a tv or a cup. You cannot have God choosing some people (elect) to give the irresistible grace because that would contradiction God's Omnibenevolence because Jesus explains that he even loves his enemies. There is no way that God is going to commit partiality to give some people the gift of salvation and others damnation. It is the calvinistic understanding of systematic theology that is completely wrong.
@stadler72 Месяц назад
@@walnoemispoyt5604 thanks for the explanation. On my reading of scripture, Free Will contradict scripture directly. I don't trust my emotions over scripture. And I don't think the only two analogies are either a rock or free will. It seems reasonable and logical and biblical for God to awaken us to a genuine love for him that has to be triggered by him himself. But like you said, emotion is not always subject to reason. But that's exactly why I look for truth first. Because I don't believe that truth and love understood correctly have any contradictions. And I've had a lot of people talk about love at the expense of Truth only to find out they were just trying to sell me something.
@lisafries1715 Год назад
Love pastor Greg Laurie.
@tremontilp 5 лет назад
Pastor Laurie, would love to hear your exegesis of Romans 8:30, Romans 9, John 17, Ephesians 1:3-14, Galatians 1:15, just to name a few.
@jasonharkness2992 5 лет назад
Jordan Montgomery 😂😂😂
@jasonharkness2992 5 лет назад
@Mark-oo3om 5 лет назад
Would love to hear your exegesis on Acts 7:51
@ReyWho 5 лет назад
@@Mark-oo3om resisting the Holy Ghost was done by rejecting the message Stephen was preaching as the Holy Ghost was working through him. They weren't resisting some previenient grace by which they may be saved. By the way I don't agree with all the teachings in Calvinism. But I do affirm 3 of them as being foundational to the Gospel of Christ (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election and Perseverance of the Saints).
@reynaldodavid4755 5 лет назад
@@jasonharkness2992, Calvinism is a mixture of Biblical Truth and man-made Lies....It is more dangerous than Lies alone.... For instance the the Statement below which is the base of Calvinism is evil, because it contradicts the Character of God and Cannot be Supported by the Scriptures..... ''God arranges all things by His sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify Him by their destruction.''
@indiaparalatin7707 4 года назад
In proverbs it says He even created the wicked for the day of trouble, what do you think?
@thomashart3487 4 года назад
Creating people he knows will do wicked is not the same as creating people to do wicked.
@karacole2304 3 года назад
Read Romans 9 and tell me what you think. God says He hates the wicked in the Psalms. Whomever gets saved is saved by God's grace alone.
@ricoparadiso 3 года назад
@@thomashart3487 Pharaoh’s heart was purposefully hardened by the Will & purpose of God. What is your stance on this? This clearly speaks of double predestination. (Romans 9:15-23) “For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16 So then *it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.* 17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” 18 So then *he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.* 19 You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” 20 But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? 22 What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23 in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory-“
@fernandob9415 2 года назад
the BIBLE is a book (containing many other books, for those who want to get technical) containing the Word of God. It comforts us and teaches us about God's Love and sovereignty ...it is also a book with many many warnings.... that we can be blotted out of the Book of Life....we must therefore be faithful till the end. Thus why would a Calvinist want, own or even need to read a Bible if he has already been Elected for Glory......do not be fooled, we need God every hour so "watch and wait lest ye fall into temptation". Jesus died for all so no one has an excuse at judgement day.
@darryld.8616 5 лет назад
I love Greg Laurie for he is a godly brother and a good teacher. But like many teachers on this subject, he is incorrect. First, all people, i mean...ALL PEOPLE deserve hell. Calvinism does not teach God predestins some for heaven and some for hell for all people deserve hell as i said. But in God's Grace He has chosen "predestined" some (the sheep) for everlasting life. There is freewill but there is 2 types of freewill...there is compatibalistic freewill, and libertarian freewill. Compatibalistic freewill is the position that a persons will is free to choose but only that is consistent with their nature. But since all are Dead in their tresspasses and sins, do no good at all, and cannot please God, they thus cannot choose God because it is inconsistent with their nature to do so. Look at 1 Cor. 2:14 Rom 3:10-12 Rom 6:14-20. Libertarian freewill is the position that ones will is not restricted by their nature and can choose or accept God freely. People will use John 3:16 for this view. Compatibalistic freewill is biblical because WE can are restricted by our sinful nature and as i said earlier cannot chose to not sin and to do good for Rom 3:10-12 already is clear on this. Plus God will raise up for salvation all those He draws, John 6: 35-65. Since this is true all men are not drawn because He saves all He draws. If He draws all men then that would be universalism which we all should know is clearly unbiblical. In John 12:32 Jesus said He would draw all men to himself. Scripture answers scripture. He came for the Jews only, then stating in the next verse He is exclaiming what type of death He was to die which opened up salvation not to just the Jews only, but to the gentiles also.
@johnmyers3450 4 года назад
Darryl D. I would also like to expand upon John 12:32, which in the Greek, "men" or "people" in most translations is an addition. The Greek doesn't contain it. It simply reads, "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all to myself.” κἀγὼ ἐὰν ὑψωθῶ ἐκ τῆς γῆς, πάντας ἑλκύσω πρὸς ἐμαυτόν. πάντας doesn't have the article, and is not defined contextually. I believe I can make a strong case that those whom Jesus is referring to in John 12:32, is those whom the Father draws to the Son, because they both are referring to the resurrection which is "on the last day." In John 6:44, οὐδεὶς δύναται ἐλθεῖν πρός με ἐὰν μὴ ὁ πατὴρ ὁ πέμψας με ἑλκύσῃ αὐτόν, κἀγὼ ἀναστήσω αὐτὸν ἐν τῇ ἐσχάτῃ ἡμέρᾳ. ἑλκύσῃ is a different form from John 12, but has the same root word, meaning "draw/drag" from John 6, and thus His purpose was to raise "all" whom the Father gave to Him, and thus those whom He "draws to himself" on the last day are "all" of those whom the Father has given to Him.
@markrogers7546 4 года назад
Man's will is free?? Man's will is fallen and bound in sin like the rest of his nature.
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
Dead on
@kierstencreates958 4 года назад
"Free" as in choice...complete difference in the context of the use of the word here. Choice IS Biblical. Deuteronomy 30:19- "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live"
@kierstencreates958 4 года назад
I feel that was a serious reach and really twisting Greg's use of the word "free" to try to support your own conclusion. He clearly wasn't saying what you said.
@katierucker2870 4 года назад
Mark Rogers Yes, man can not save himself only Christ Jesus can save them, yet God does not make us to be robots either. There are so many examples in God’s Word to those who have chosen Him or rejected Him. God sends the person to hell if that person chose to reject God and His grace. God did not make that person choose, they chose it on their own. Therefore, our Creator has given us a free will to choose or reject God. It’s completely Biblical and not part of works
@busybody1474 4 года назад
@@kierstencreates958 amen, and so many Calvinists deny our free will to choose.. You have found the perfect verse 😇
@Brandonw55 8 месяцев назад
The church has long been distracted by one man’s systematic theology (Calvin’s Institutes) that too many neglect THE Book it seeks to systematize!
@davidstockeland8648 4 года назад
Amen! I train pastors in the country of Haiti. I say the same thing...nobody will ever reconcile the two. We can believe things we do not understand...but the main thing is preach the gospel!
@Texas-724 3 года назад
I agree. He should not however try to destroy biblical doctrine’s
@kevinoneill1047 Год назад
How can you teach a Gospel that you do not understand ..? Scripture warns about "presenting another Gospel" If you know NOT what is correct ..then why risk the possibility that YOU could be teaching "another" Gospel ..? Why risk being "accursed" on your ignorance
@GordonA-Jr 5 лет назад
For him to quote Spurgeon is laughable since Spurgeon was clearly a Calvinist and unashamedly so and Greg clearly is not!!!
@Mark-oo3om 5 лет назад
Both Calvinists and non Calvinists claim Spurgeon.
@ReformedBaptistChurchDC 5 лет назад
He misquoted Spurgeon. The quote from Spurgeon is on sovereignty and responsibility. Similar but different.
@firestrike123 5 лет назад
DLR 1 if you think Spurgeon was an inconsistent Calvinist you have obviously never read any of his work.
@brandonr7560 5 лет назад
Classical reformed theology doesn't assert that God doesn't love all. Thats a common misunderstanding of Calvinism, many times by those who claim to be calvinists. Now, it's not the same love that is extended to the children of God but yes, he loves them. (Psalm 145:8-9, 15-16; Matt.5:44-45; Mark 10:21)
@GordonA-Jr 5 лет назад
Dennis Parsons you have no credibility whatsoever, I don’t believe you have read what you claim, if you did you obviously paid no attention at all to what was said. You are blinded by willful ignorance. It is no novelty, then, that I am preaching; no new doctrine. I love to proclaim these strong old doctrines that are called by nickname Calvinism, but which are truly and verily the revealed truth of God as it is in Christ Jesus. By this truth I make my pilgrimage into the past, and as I go, I see father after father, confessor after confessor, martyr after martyr, standing up to shake hands with me . . . Taking these things to be the standard of my faith, I see the land of the ancients peopled with my brethren; I behold multitudes who confess the same as I do, and acknowledge that this is the religion of God's own church. (Spurgeon's Sovereign Grace Sermons, Still Waters Revival Books, p. 170). These are only 2 of many quotes by Spurgeon himself. Next time you decide to respond to something, please do your homework!!! I have my own opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified, unless we preach what nowadays is called Calvinism. It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else. I do not believe we can preach the gospel if we do not preach justification by faith without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in His dispensation of grace; nor unless we exalt the electing unchangeable eternal, immutable, conquering love of Jehovah; nor do I think we can preach the gospel unless we base it upon the special and particular redemption of His elect and chosen people which Christ wrought out upon the cross. (Charles Spurgeon, The New Park Street Pulpit, Vol. 1, 1856).
@nabi5864 3 месяца назад
I absolutely disagree with Mr Laurie ….. Yes GOD absolutely knew and knows who would be saved and who will end up in lake of fire …. Matter of fact its about HIS WILL be done… My will our own human will is of the flesh of this world and will always lead to sin and death….Absolutely nothing good comes from our own FREE WILL ….When I first attended his first Harvest Crusade back in early 90s in Anaheim Stadium, I walked out on him because he was your typical seeker-friendly entertainment focused preaching sham
@nicklaushart9063 4 года назад
"I reject Calvinism!" * quotes Spurgeon *
@Btgclothing 4 года назад
And Moody 💁‍♂️
@kevinbartley5391 4 года назад
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
Haha 😄
@johnnelsondrio5391 4 года назад
@dejezordic 4 года назад
He rejected "Double Predestination", not Calvinism.
@paulvail2850 Год назад
What a beautiful presentation of several "seemingly" contrary scriptures. I love it. P.V. retired Wesleyan Arminian pastor.
@mikezieg80 Год назад
He heard His people crying in Egypt. It was foretold in scripture 400yrs in captivity. He waited til the exact day to deliver them. It was foretold. God was giving the Amorites 400 yrs to repent. Right? Did He keep them from repenting? Or had He known before hand? He knows who are His because He foresees everything ahead of Him. Why would a loving God force us to believe? Love? What love us that?
@heathwoodruff6975 2 года назад
Thank you, pastor. Thank you.
@ifesoks8447 3 года назад
1:40 is called hyper Calvinism and it’s unbiblical
@ethanhendricks3078 3 года назад
Yes it is not what Calvinist teach nor even the people who actually teach total depravity.
@tristen7085 2 года назад
Calvanists are haters..if they don't see you as a calvanist they cut off relationshup with you. They judge your spirituality and count themselves above everyone else and look down on you. It's a cult
@ifesoks8447 2 года назад
@@tristen7085 wow, I’m so sorry you’ve met Calvinist who’ve made you feel this way, certainly it was the opposite for me. Nonetheless I’d ask you to read thickly into the doctrines of grace outside these sentiments and ask yourself if it’s biblical, which should be your priority, holding to biblical views regardless of your interaction with flawed humans just like me and you. Again, sorry you feel that way :( God bless you
@tristen7085 2 года назад
It's been my experience by my son inlaw and my daughter. He is afraid of spiritual gifts, holy spirit all freedom in the spirit. His whole family have cut us off.
@patiduran2438 2 года назад
I always knew this guy was off. Now after listening to this clip I'm convinced. He's wrong. Calvinism is Biblical Christianity. Spurgeon n all the great reformers from late to today all affirm Calvinism. Laurie has always been off on theology.
@JerynToney 2 года назад
The 'whosoever' in John 316 means the elect. Only the elect believe in Him. You cant just take verses out of the Bible. Put that verse back into the Bible where it belongs, so you can read the verses that follow it, the chapter, the book, the Bible. Only then can you hope to understand the context of this or any verse
@benjaminonlyway8051 3 года назад
Spurgeon was a Calvinist and never hid that fact. Predestination is in the Bible and so is man’s responsibility. Preach to all to repent of sin and believe in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved.
@annberg8655 10 месяцев назад
Ever one is destined for hell only by the Grace of God not every one will in up there.
@010Bsanders 4 года назад
John 3:16 "pas ho pisteuo" = "all the believing ones"
@johnmyers3450 4 года назад
That's the root, yes, πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων, but it is "pas ho pisteuon" transliterated from the manuscripts. Soli Deo Gloria.
@HKFromAbove 3 года назад
Can you provide the source for that. As Strongs does not reflect that interpretation
@kukpaulchoi 4 года назад
This pastor doesn't know what Calvinism is all about. God didn't choose robots who have no wills and minds; God chose some men. Freewill doesn't mean we choose or not choose God. Man in sin can't ever choose God in his natural and fallen state. The dead spiritually needs God's grace; God never wants to share His glory. Salvation belongs to God alone.
@CommKommando 4 месяца назад
The reason Calvinists sound crazy is because the names of the ideas are crazy. So when they spout of the names without the scripture it sounds like cult propaganda. BUT once you find a site that cites the scripture, it’s surprisingly accurate.
@kevinbarton1661 5 лет назад
Proverbs 3:5&6 Acts 1:8 Psalms 130 . Rocks Every word of God is for loving us to Himself. He asked kids to come talk to him and befriend Him . Jesus never complicated HIS Love . He wants us to draw from Him . To get refreshed. I am thankful for Greg Laurie . I am thankful that he denounces Calvinism . Jesus said - get up and walk to the man by the pool. .- And don’t be defeated by the Pharisees and The peddlers of the gospel . Jesus did overthrow the peddlers . Jesus said - be wise as serpents & harmless as Doves .
@AmayzinOne 4 года назад
Hi Pastor, I’m confused how you can be so sure people are not predestined to hell. Is God not all knowing? He didn’t determine it for you, but how can it not be true that people are destined to go to hell from God’s perspective if He is all knowing?
@dougbell9543 3 месяца назад
An increasing number of God’s children are wondering if this novel Judeo-centric dispensational movement is biblical. ✔️
@flashrug_ 5 лет назад
Sounds like someone doesn't really understand the difference between the doctrines of Grace and Hyper Calvinism
@CBALLEN 5 лет назад
God doesn't need any of us to help him in salvation,He let's us be part of it by bringing His Gospel to the world.Some plant and some water,but IT'S GOD WHO GIVES THE INCREASE.If Arminianism were true the verse would read,SOME plant and some water,but it's God who GETS the increase.
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
God doesmt revolve around us! You have to be willfully ignorant to believe anything like that!
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@CBALLEN He made humans and the world for His own glory from befor e time. He is not affected by us at all He is immutable His heart is for us from the start or not. Those people have their reward.
@CBALLEN 4 года назад
@@uncasunga1800 I agree.
@Mark-oo3om 4 года назад
Is irrisistable grace hyper Calvinism? Because that's BS.
@onelife2live972 3 года назад
My God is sovereign over my free will...! Preach the gospel and God sorts it out.
@LetsTalkBibleOroville Год назад
I reviewed this video and posted it this morning (11/07/2022). May God bless you as you search His word for truth!
@coachmarc2002 2 года назад
It's a logical contradiction to say God predestined who would be saved before we were born and add later that we had a choice in the matter.
@45Nasman 2 года назад
Man’s finite logic can’t fully reconcile the mind of God. He’s not at all like us limited, unholy sinners. It must therefore be both realities at work. How does work ? Don’t know. I can see His Will, His mercy and grace and my sin as I fall on my knees at the cross.
@sandramerimee6957 2 года назад
Predestination and mans responsibility are both taught in scripture. You can't throw out one teaching and keep the other.
@coachmarc2002 2 года назад
@@45Nasman logic comes from the mind of God. He has made us in a way that we can understand His logic and worship (love) Him with our minds. He is not the author of confusion. If our thoughts on His character or actions violate sound logical truth we can be sure we have something wrong with our thinking.
@coachmarc2002 2 года назад
@@sandramerimee6957 you are correct that they are both taught in scripture. But to understand those terms in a way that makes them completely contradictory is just lazy. We must first assume that God doesn't contradict Himself. We must not think that God predetermined some people to sin, without any ability to refrain from doing so, but also acknowledge that the Bible teaches that God doesn't even tempt man to sin. Both cannot be true.
@bobbymichaels Год назад
God is sovereign over all things, or he is not God at all. Or at best he is a puny God. Man is responsible for all his choices and decisions in life. God has given man the ability to make choices, in that since we are free, even in our fallen state. We are not robots. So we have a will that makes choices. BUT God is infinitely more free, and if God chooses to interfere, or interrupt, or meddle with the will of man, he is free to do so. Lots of examples in scripture. The conversion of Saul the Pharisee is perhaps the best. Saul, known as Paul, he was on a a mission to destroy Christianity and Christians. That is the devil’s will, and that was Paul’s will. But Gods will smashed Paul’s free will and in an instant Paul is a Jesus follower, no longer a Jesus persecutor. God’s sovereign will trumps man’s will. once again, God is sovereign and man is responsible
@davemitchell116 2 года назад
When I was a Calvinist, I used to say, "God has already decreed and made certain all that is and all that will happen. But there are choices man makes." I was so stupid I didn't realize how I was contradicting myself and making no sense. Thank God he delivered me from such claptrap thinking.
@J_a_s_o_n 2 года назад
Glory to GOD !!
@jchan810 Год назад
It's contradictory if you have libertarian free will in mind. Man is free to choose but that freedom is limited by God's sovereignty.
@davemitchell116 Год назад
That's a contradictory statement in itself. If man's will is limited, it isn't really free.
@jchan810 Год назад
@@davemitchell116 there are different degrees of freedom just like there are different degrees of authority. No contradiction. Man's creaturely freedom cannot be equal to God's freedom. God does as he pleases and is not limited by anything or anyone.
@davemitchell116 Год назад
Freedom is completely free or it's not really freedom. It's only something else disguised as freedom.
@HeatherCathey-p2n День назад
The huge misunderstanding is that Calvinism isn't just about predestination and God's sovereignty. It goes way beyond that - to strict Calvinists believing that God even decrees evil, that He is the actual author of evil. This goes against what the bible says of God's character. Jeremiah 19:5 They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal-something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind.
@masongilbert6197 5 лет назад
What true calvinist has ever said they don’t want to share the gospel because it will give false assurance to the non elect? If anyone claims this then they don’t have a clear understanding of calvinism.
@TinkerPrepper 5 лет назад
With all of the writing done on reformed theology it amazes me how few understand what Calvinism teaches. The traditions and presuppositions are always the same from the Arminian view point
@JasonWeaver-qx5nx 5 лет назад
@@TinkerPrepper we know VERY well what calcal teaches
@TinkerPrepper 5 лет назад
@@JasonWeaver-qx5nx Why do you ArmArm's explain it it incorrectly EVERY time?
@tsapp2831 5 лет назад
Can you tell someone that Christ died for them was buried, and rose from the dead, as a Calvinist knowing you believe most are predestined for hell??
@TinkerPrepper 5 лет назад
@@tsapp2831 My statement to anyone is, if you trust in the saving work of Christ on the cross for your sinful acts to be washed away because of His sacrifice, then you will be saved. If you trust in your own works to get to heaven, you will be lost and cast into hell
@sneijder023 3 года назад
Amen and amen. God wishes no one will perish but have everlasting life.
@Red_Sector_7 2 года назад
That is NOT what 2 Peter 3:9 says. If we are to give the WHOLE counsel of God, let us quote that whole verse and not cherry-pick parts of it. It says: The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Who is the USWARD Peter speaks of? Go back to the first verse of 1:1 and he tells you -- Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to THEM that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: It is an epistle addressed to BELIEVERS, not the world at large. If it was the world at large, Peter would have said so. But he did not, he said to THEM who have obtained like precious faith in Jesus Christ. People do not seem to want to believe God for what He says, but rather substitute their OWN doctrine so that they might boast of themselves. I can boast of nothing but the cross of Christ.
@Anthony-945 2 года назад
@@Red_Sector_7 dude the Bible clearly says God wants everyone to be saved
@sneijder023 2 года назад
@@Anthony-945 👍 he wants to complicate it.
@Red_Sector_7 2 года назад
@@Anthony-945 Correction. If we are to give the whole council of God, we need to quote an entire verse and not part of it. If you are referring to 2 Peter 3:9, that verse pertains to people who are already saved; it is for the Church. Note Peter says "usward" in that verse, which is the church. He does not say "all men", he says "usward". In verse 1:1 he tells us who the 'usward' are, and that is 'them who have achieved like precious faith...in Jesus Christ'. Also, if you happen to be referring to 1 Timothy 2:4, that Paul says Jesus would have 'all men to be saved', this is true because Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of the whole world. But keep in mind, Jesus also said in John 6:38 that He 'did not come to do mine own will; but the will of Him who sent me.' Therefore, we know that these verses perfectly jibe with what Jesus said in John 6:37, 6:39, 6:44 and 6:65. And that is -- 'NO man can come to me, unless the Father draw him'. Note how each one of those verses starts off. Also, Romans 9:15-23 show clearly that it is God who chooses; because Romans 3:11 says there are NONE that seek after God. Read the verses I quoted, without the rose-coloured glasses. Read them as God has willed them to be in the Bible.
@Red_Sector_7 2 года назад
@@sneijder023 I want to rightly divide the word of truth. I don't want your personal opinion anymore than you want mine, so READ the Bible instead of substituting your OWN doctrine. Show me ONE verses that says anywhere in the epistles of Paul that it is US that chooses salvation. You won't find it because it doesn't exist, yet Paul says MANY verses as does the Lord Himself, that you cannot be saved unless it is the will of the Father. The facts are -- we had free will to choose back in the garden. Adam was made by God's own hand, and he couldnt get it right. What make you think you could, being born dead in trespasses and sin, as Eph. 2:1 says?
@wlyang7563 2 года назад
the doctrine of limited atonement is the result of someone, staying up late at night, trying to impose human logic on a mystery of God, and then, with a contorted theory that is almost there to his satisfaction, and after his fifteenth cup of joe, saying, "yup, that's it!! He must not have loved the entire world!" And then he hits the sack with a smile knowing he's solved it!!!
@Anthony-945 2 года назад
@Timothy Pilipos Limited atonement is blasphemy. Jesus died for everyone.
@wlyang7563 2 года назад
@Timothy Pilipos I'm glad you agree! Join me in stopping this ill-advised venture at subtracting God's love.
@chrisjjimenez1098 5 лет назад
Clearly Pastor Greg doesn’t understand reform doctrine . Need s to read the potters freedom
@Mark-oo3om 5 лет назад
you need to quit reading books, and read the bible
@howdy2496 5 лет назад
@@Mark-oo3om That's like saying don't listen to sermons and read the bible. Don't listen to Laurie and read the bible. Its good to read Chosen but Free and the response to that book The Potter's Freedom to get both perspectives.
@jasonkritz3055 5 лет назад
@@Mark-oo3om What an empty meaningless comment and jab at someone to take. Just because someone disagrees with you, you assume they do not hold to scripture as their final authority? I'm sure he agrees that books are great supplements to better help explain certain concepts, but never replace the Bible. The Potter's Freedom is an excellent book from someone who holds to Sola scriptura, responding to An arminian's view (Norman Geisler) on human autonomous freewill. Whenever people laugh at other people for reading books and studying, it's usually because they are lacking in that department. Yes God gave us the Bible, but we are not an island of knowledge as he also gave us the church and spiritually wise men and women of God who can teach. I say read The Potter's freedom, then test it with scripture to see if what he is saying is true.
@kenallen2256 2 года назад
Well said Pastor Greg
@theephraimite 4 года назад
Calvinism is a messed up sect. Free will doesn’t mean God does not see the future. It means God sees it, but man will be held accountable for his choices.
@lethltruth 5 лет назад
He teaches against Calvinism because many in his Church become Reformed and go to a solid church. I know because I used to go here and know many who were rejected from leadership because they were Reformed.
@evanu6579 5 лет назад
Corey Keast So you’re Reformed? Is there a specific passage that you found to be most convincing? God bless
@lethltruth 5 лет назад
Evan U John 6:44.
@evanu6579 5 лет назад
Corey Keast So what do you think Jesus meant in the next verse?.... Jhn 6: 45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. In what way were they taught by God and who’s responsibility was it for them to learn? Would you agree that Jesus was speaking to people during a time when there was a judicial hardening placed upon them?..... Jhn 12: 40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. Rom 11: 7 ¶ What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded 8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. Would you agree that Gentiles weren’t allowed into the new covenant until several years later? God bless
@billyr9162 3 года назад
Yes that's true. I used to go there too.
@jeffshultz1642 2 года назад
If you were a leader in a reformed church would you let someone who is not reformed into leadership?
@jimkraft9445 5 лет назад
One verse in the bible refutes every false gospel. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, (everybody) that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, that WHOSOEVER, (anybody) believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, and we all sin, and we all die, but the GIFT of God is ETERNAL LIFE, through Jesus Christ our Lord. He paid our sin debt in full so we would not have to go to hell to pay for our sins. John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE. First John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that BELEIVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Jesus said it, I believe it, and that settles it. AMEN
@olegsoltis3305 4 года назад
jim kraft yes and amen to everything you wrote. However, a Calvinist will answer that one can not believe without sovereign act of spiritual regeneration by the Holy Spirit in the heart of spiritually dead sinner.
@Logiconfire 4 года назад
For years I believed the Creed's I recited. However, only when God made me alive in Christ Jesus was I saved.
@MrBazinthenow 4 года назад
@@olegsoltis3305 Which in any straight forward reading of the bible it's clear regeneration does not precede faith .
@danig9071 4 года назад
I love these verses but what about the predestination verses? How do you make sense of them?
@MrBazinthenow 4 года назад
@@danig9071 Predestination = pre choose a destination before hand . So all those in Him ( Jesus ) are to be glorified at the end . Simple . We are not in him before we exist . Jesus is the only chosen / elected pre existing/ person before the foundation of the world. All those that become in him later are guaranteed ( predestined) future Glorification . Both Calvernism and Armianism get this wrong .
@mrnoedahl 8 месяцев назад
People get out of the Calvinist concrete before it hardens your heart.
@hbarwickjr 2 года назад
Amen! Hallelujah! God is not willing that any should parrish but that all come to repentance. Jesus tasted death for every man. Years ago a Calvinist believer gave me a TULIP tract. I didn't know anything about Calvinism. God's Spirit raised the red flag for me when I read, "Christ died to save 'certain' sinners!"
@JerynToney 2 года назад
Yes, 'certain' sinners. Namely: repentant sinners. Sinners whom never would have had the notion to repent had they not been made conscious of their sin by conviction, after recognizing they had been elected to follow Christ.
@hbarwickjr 2 года назад
@@JerynToney My point was to imply Christ died for all sinners. He is not willing that any should perish but that all come to repentance. In light of the scriptures literally, I'm in full agreement with Greg Laurie on this.
@hbarwickjr 2 года назад
What I meant to imply was that Christ died for all sinners. As it is written God is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. He tasted death for every man. In light of the scriptures literally, I agree with Greg Laurie completely on this.
@JerynToney 2 года назад
@@hbarwickjr He cherry picked 316, but neglected to draw attention to 317 which tells us Christ did not come to judge. If he did not come to judge, salvation was not the purpose of the crucifixion. Atonement was. That atonement was limited to 'whomesoever believed', and only those elected would believe, because man is totally depraved, as easily pointed out by various scriptures. John 318 explains that judgement has already been passed, which means predestination. John 316 doesn't mean anything on its own until it is illuminated by it's context, no matter how many bumpers it gets stuck to.
@kevinangelo2413 4 года назад
good 4 u. reject the sovereignty of God.
@karacole2304 3 года назад
??? Good for him to deny God's nature? Really?
@perrytheplatypus7661 3 года назад
@@karacole2304 he's joking
@letstalkbiblewithshun.s 3 года назад
I hope your elect.... if not...
@karacole2304 3 года назад
@@letstalkbiblewithshun.s Who is that directed at?
@jonathanjaynes4237 12 часов назад
As a 5 point calvanist he is stating verbatim what Calvin and Augustine taught. Both are taught and are to be proclaimed.
@benjaminbessett7178 5 лет назад
I used to belong to Calvary Chapel and believed the same until I started to read the Reformed theologians for myself. Reformed theology is NOT what Calvary makes it out to be. Many errors in what he just said. Once you break away from the influence of Chuck Smith's teaching (very godly man regardless) it becomes easier to see.
@ray-cx3he 3 года назад
It doesn’t seem fair for some- our father is a FAIR GOD
@YesYou123333 5 лет назад
If evangelizing could truly save someone, doesn't that put a HUGE amount of responsibility on the person evangelizing? I mean, what if you don't say the EXACT right thing to make the person believe? Will the evangelist be held responsible for not saving that person? Will you sit in Heaven wondering if you did everything right? No, I don't think so. God saves you. No one else. We are instructed to evangelize, not to save people, but to express the love we have for Him.
@obkook7205 Год назад
For anybody reading this, looking to dig deeper into scripture on this, Soteriology 101 with Dr. Leighton Flowers is incredible. Very fair and balanced stuff
@jchan810 Год назад
LoL Flowers' ministry isn't even worth a hill of beans. He's not competent enough when it comes to reformed theology
@neoturfmasterMVS Год назад
Nah skip anything from Leighton. He's bitter and his positions are born from this disposition. Not very fair and off balance.
@davidochiengbuoga7165 Год назад
​@@jchan810Very true
@walnoemispoyt5604 3 месяца назад
@@jchan810 If you are really Christian who knows the formal definition of love then you shouldn't say this because you would be contradicting the 2nd Greatest Commandment. I don't support provisionism. Leighton Flowers emerged because of the heretical views of Calvinism. Humanity has free will. Calvinist and atheists share the commonality of rejecting free will. Hence a consistent Calvinist is consequently someone who accepts Fatalism. I am against Calvinism but I recognise that I must hear the other side to dismantle their arguments.
@rjcontra 5 лет назад
Calvinism meaning:::::some lives matter....Jesus according to John Calvin Jesus meaning:::::All lives matter.......Jesus according to Jesus.
@Brillsama 5 лет назад
You were predestined to comment on multiple Calvinist videos. And be wrong. Woop woop
@choicemeatrandy6572 4 года назад
_All lives matter_ 21st century liberal Christianity is something else
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@choicemeatrandy6572 how bout it they wan t to spend eternity with hitler and stlain and goebbels and gacy et cetera likely will get that chance. amazing how God sends so many idiots with the dumbest self involved self glorifying charlatans to send these goats on tehir own path of "freedom" ignoring the actual bible like when it says o i dont k now "the truth will set you free" Not your enslaved will obviously hahahahahhahahaha
@choicemeatrandy6572 4 года назад
@@Keesha_Hardy What about the people who will never hear about Jesus in their entire lives? What happens to them?
@billyhunt3320 4 года назад
John 17 9. I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.
@robstubbs1176 Год назад
“Giving false assurance to the non-elect”. I’m Reformed in my theology and have been in reformed churches for roughly 40 years. I’ve NEVER heard these words before. My wife and I have supported, prayed for and joined in mission outreach throughout our marriage. I regularly share the gospel in love. I love the church. Please don’t divide by using reckless narratives. Use scripture. Show the efficacy of a variety of theological perspectives. I hold Biblically orthodox views, though they may differ in some critical points, the ones which declare Jesus as the only way and sufficient for salvation to allow us to fellowship well together.
@tsdpixel5860 3 года назад
Calvinism is a good view of the Bible and helped me understand some part of it. But to claim it is the correct one is just wrong. No view is the correct one. No men who interpreted the Bible understood Gods work 100%, we are imperfect and imperfect minds lead to imperfect conclusion. If it is truly correct, there wont be any debate.
@therealkev4396 2 года назад
I can relate.
@rickmethven4374 2 года назад
If no view is the correct one then we have no hope of knowing truth and Christianity might as well be a scam. True, we can’t understand everything, but that isn’t an excuse to say that we “can’t know true views.” And yes there will be debate even if it is true. 2 Timothy 4:4 - “they will reject the truth.” Truth does not mean agreement among all men
@tsdpixel5860 2 года назад
@@rickmethven4374 im particularly talking about denominations or people or leaders, in a way are extremists to their doctrine, who claimed their take on certain view or perspective of the Bible to be truer than another. It no longer is the Gospel of God, it becomes the Gospel of Men when ones own idea or understanding comes into play.
@tsdpixel5860 2 года назад
@@rickmethven4374 i used to think all Christians have the same doctrine or teachings based on the Bible, until i know about Calvinism recently. Which opened me to a whole different Christianity divided by doctrines and teachings and the never ending debates. The Bible is perfect, the doctrines are not. In the end it really doesn't matter because Jesus promised to take us with him and not left any behind. Merry Christmas to you
@christiankimmel1705 3 года назад
I'd love to see this guy debate Dr.James white lol
@willya6690 3 года назад
This guy??? That’s enough to realize you are not one of the chosen ones. Check out Leighton Flowers on James White. That’s enough
@richartrod 3 года назад
Sounds a lot like Hyper Calvinism, which elevates total depravity, predestination and the elect to Gospel truth. I totally reject that doctrine.
@igworldofcomix5956 3 года назад
"So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy." Romans 9: 16
@Anthony-945 3 года назад
That verse doesn’t support Calvinism
@Anthony-945 3 года назад
@MMM no it doesn’t 🤦‍♂️ surrender your doctrine to God, don’t rely on John Calvin for your doctrine.
@contextforchrist2395 3 года назад
@@Anthony-945 No one said it did. All he did was quote a verse, and it appears you don't like what it says.
@jasonkritz3055 5 лет назад
If you start with man and reason upward, believing that the Bible is primarily about the redemption of man, then you are an arminian. If you start with God and reason downward, believing that the Bible is primarily about the glory of God, then you are a calvinist. Knowing that we are fallen already in Adam and under the just wrath of God, is it unjust for God to allow us to continue in our sinful desires and ways and send us to hell, or does God owe us?
@DavidRSexton 5 лет назад
Amen! very well said.
@jasonkritz3055 5 лет назад
@Gabriel S I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the unbeliever is blind. I love the Word of God, the unbeliever does not accept/CANNOT understand the things of God because they spiritually discerned, and they are foolishness to them (1 Cor 2:14). Since we are all fallen in Adam and no one seeks after God, If you believe and Christ is your Lord, you are chosen. Examine yourself --- do not trust in a "sinner's prayer," a "decision for Christ" or some other emotionally-driven tradition. Do you bear the fruit of a believer? Is God working in your life to better love the things God loves and hate the things He hates?......
@jasonkritz3055 5 лет назад
@Gabriel S I think the better question to ask is did God choose you or did you have enough goodness in yourself to choose Him? When you repented and believed, after hearing the same Gospel message as your friends and others, what caused you to believe? Was it your own intuition? Were you smarter than those who didn't believe? 7. "because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for IT IS NOT EVEN ABLE TO DO SO, 8. and those who are in the flesh cannot please God." Romans 8:7‭-‬8 Would turning to Christ in repentance and faith be pleasing to God? If so, how can the unbeliever do that in light of Romans 8:8?
@jasonkritz3055 5 лет назад
@Gabriel S Thanks for the verse brother! I have many arminian friends (I used to hold to all of the same views). I will never be divisive when speaking about "things too wonderful for me," but your view of how God saves his people really does affect almost every area of the Christian Life and is worth studying deeply to better appreciate the issues and power of God to save. When I explain why I pulled to the reformed view of salvation, I usually tell my friends it has to do with the glory of God. If you are sitting there believing that you deserved to have a chance, then you are boasting, as there are many people who have never heard or will never hear the name of Christ. What makes you more deserving? That's why we are to go out and preach the gospel, the means by which God chooses to use to draw His elect unto Himself, because we know what we really deserve as sinners. What is so amazing about a God who saves "pretty good" people? If you are truly in Christ, the bottom line is that you need to appreciate the fact that God called you out of the grave when you were dead in your trespasses and sins, did not have ears to hear or eyes to see, removed your heart of Stone and gave you a heart of flesh, raising you to spiritual life. He did it all from start to finish (He 12:2) and gets ALL of the glory. Sorry for the long winded response! But if you are truly in Christ, then I hope it is edifying brother!
@brotherderek 5 лет назад
Without debating the whole doctrine, I find a few issues with your logic. For starters, why does it take goodness to choose Him? Actually, He came for sinners and the most lost sinner would never say their goodness chose Christ? Secondly, I don't think that same sinner would believe they were more intuitive or smarter than their friends. The Word pierced their heart and they responded. Grace does that, right? Some don't respond, but they could. If God desires us "all" to be saved, yet we aren't all saved, then there must be something in man that must cooperate with The Word that produces faith and receives grace. This is pleasing to God. It doesn't make man special to receive a free gift. Love without a will to choose is not really love, is it?
@mamawlife7852 5 месяцев назад
Yes predestined doesn't mean that God chooses certain people. When He says " chosen," He means everyone. God calls everyone. It is up to us to hear His calling.
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