
Is Dead by Daylight BORING Now? 

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Dead by Daylight's had a new META for 4 months or so now since 6.1.0. The community and myself are burnt out and the number of disconnecting players per game feels like it's at an all time high! So today we're exploring whether or not DbD has become less fun. We'll discuss Camping & Tunnelling, MMR, reflect back on the 6.1.0 update and explore what the future of DbD might look like!
Mitchell, M, 2022. All Kill Rates for Every Killer in Dead by Daylight. [online] Available at: attackofthefanboy.com/guides/... [Accessed 01 December 2022].




7 дек 2022




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@luffydpirate9518 Год назад
This game is no longer a horror game. It was back in 2016 but what it is now is just a boring frustrating grind fest.
@gamingdepression9858 Год назад
More like a competitive game which by the way is not supposed or it's build for that type of play
@myaparker5510 Год назад
There should be inspired Creepypasta dead by daylight.
@fourty.8 11 месяцев назад
God I remembered being scared shitless my first time playing. Nothing beats that rush. Now I just can’t feel the same anymore. This game’s updates are such a shame
@thenightman9186 10 месяцев назад
@LoE_Emperor 9 месяцев назад
It’s simple this game has become a competitive game dont like it just leave it its not that complicated
@Nimogen55 Год назад
Killer: Get genrushed, maybe 3k at best, get trashed at the end by the survivors and decide to play survivor instead Survivor: Get tunneled and camped, maybe 3 gens pop at best, get trashed at the end by the killer and decide to play killer instead And the wheel keeps running on.
@tunahansen2669 Год назад
I think it should be less competetive and more of a horror game.
@elberethgilthoniel1397 Год назад
Simple Solution : Dual Lobbies. Comp Lobbies with MMR on. Casual Lobbies with MMR off. Problem solved. You're welcome Behavior.
@wQuii Год назад
@@elberethgilthoniel1397 theres no way to make it so good players dont go into casual and stomp
@elberethgilthoniel1397 Год назад
@@wQuii Solution : Reporting System If players go into Casual Lobbies and play Super Sweaty they can be reported for not playing in the spirit of Casual Matches. Above that though, I would say that Casual Matches should ask players to use the "Honor System" and only play Casual if they genuinely want to just have fun and keep things light. DBD needs a non toxic Community to survive and ruining Casual mode just to stomp just hastens people burning out on the game. People have to treat each other with a minimum of respect or society doesn't work and people move to places and games where it does. DBD players will reach their breaking point if toxicity and sweatiness isn't fixed.
@seriouscomedy936 Год назад
@@elberethgilthoniel1397 or create mechanics to make it casual..
@elberethgilthoniel1397 Год назад
@@seriouscomedy936 The issue there is that there are quite a few players who like to be Sweaty. They won't be happy if the game is made too casual. That's why separating the player base is a good all around solution. That said, as long as the Player Numbers stay strong as they have, BHVR won't feel the need to do anything too drastic. New Content, Killers and Survivors has been working for 6 years now. If it keeps going strong, no need to change.
@JelatinMold Год назад
Ever since the 6.1.0 update my teammates have gotten worse and worse and worse and worse. No matter how many times I win. No matter how well I play. I get that Jake it Claudette hiding in a locker every game. MMR is the worst thing ever added to this game. It’s not fun anymore and have begun to dread playing it so I don’t anymore. And I think a lot of people are in the same boat
@Ontarianmm Год назад
MMR, at it's core isn't the issue, the issue is how skill is measured. If those Jakes or Claudettes escape more than you, they are more 'skilled' than you according to the game. If I get 8 hooks and no kills, I am less 'skilled' than the killer that camps one person out. The issue with this skilled based matchmaking is that it isn't skilled based.
@Beastlydo Год назад
I use to love this game, but now feels like every match is a tournament I just don't want to play a game to have to swet. So I might just uninstall as it is getting boring. Every solo q game there is a dc and its so annoying. I just can't be bothered anymore. I play a game for fun not to be a esport comp player.
@alexisdead1627 Год назад
I was just talking to my partner about how I noticed a big shift in competitiveness in DBD after Wesker's release. The players feel meaner/angrier (both sides) in the sense that I see a lot less GG's and less casual goofy pre-game and end game chat. When 6.1.0 patch was released I was so excited because I thought it would be a big relief for killers (buffs) and a good shake up for survivors (base kit perks). Prior to this patch, I was winning a little over half of my matches as a solo q. Tunneling did happen, but it was much rarer because of DS. I was in a comfortable MMR and generally had good teammates. Then post 6.1.0 everything changed pretty drastically, many survivors would DC or try to jump off first hook. I figured it was just players adjusting to the DH/DS nerfs and that it would settle down after a month or so. Welp I was wrong. Any sniff of a potentially bad game and teammates drop like flies. Then I thought at least killers have a slightly easier time, maybe they won't feel the need to camp or tunnel as much. It felt like before this patch when those tactics did happen it was usually to regain pressure. I honestly miss the old killer meta so much and don't miss the survivor meta at all. At least pain res, dms, and pop had counter play and rewarded the killer for hooking and then leaving the hook. Ruin could be disabled being a hex. The eruption buff is the worst thing I have to face on daily basis as a solo queuer. It feels so frustrating to play against because you get punished for having a lack of information. I don't blame a killer for running 4 slowdowns these days as gens still go by quick even after the increased base time. It doesn't help that they just keep introducing gen perks for both sides... For me it's just eruption that feels horrible to play against because if you get hit with it you get to not play for 25 seconds. Now multiply that by how many times teammates get downed in a match. Yeah, literal minutes of not playing the game. I took a lot of breaks this season/tome because of how frustrating it has been to play. TLDR; I thought camping and tunneling would decrease after patch 6.1.0 because killers would be less stressed about their matches and wouldn't feel the need to do it as much but instead it had quadrupled in my matches.
@TheHotCross Год назад
Yeah, I mean the game is more balanced though, so maybe this is also what has fuelled a more competitive element. But either way you're right camping and tunnelling has sky rocketed!
@alexisdead1627 Год назад
@@TheHotCross Oh yes I agree! It's been the most balanced version of DBD to date. Overall, I have been very happy with the latest changes to the game and really like that BHVR has been taking user feedback into account. I still love the game it's just gotten crazy competitive🤪
@madisonbrown5766 Год назад
It’s not fun anymore with so many campers and tunneling is out of control. All those amazing killers with cool powers and they don’t use them. I never thought I’d see so many camping Huntress’s, Ghost face, and even Spirit camps now. Doctors are starting to camp also. Wtf? Have fun and use those powers. Even Michael I’ve seen camp. Where’s the fun in stalking, etc anymore. They just want to down and kill each survivor one at a time. That’s not fun or scary.🙄
@DalYeosin Год назад
@@madisonbrown5766 The only killers that scare me now are Mirror-Myers, Ghost Face and Pig. Everyone else is just there and absolutely not scary, not even remotely jumpscare capable. Today I ran into two Sadakos who both played the same and they were two of the most boring matches I've seen in three years of DBD. Slugging, waiting till someone comes and heal the downed surv up, back up to their feet, Sadako comes back, repeat and she does this until she can kill the Survs with her own built-in Mori. It's really no fun to compete against something like that. It's just stolen time and that's it.
@jonathanboissonneault384 Год назад
i literally hate this game. so many of my friends want me to play with them like we used to. it just isnt fun anymore. and whenever i hear a killer main say its survivor sided i get pissed, there isnt any point point in calling us survivors anymore if theres literally no chance of survival.
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
Thats a bit extreme the ratio between kills per game and escapes per game is hugely unbalanced lol
@jonathanboissonneault384 Год назад
@E sexta feira yeee nope i can literally get 10 sweaty killers and die back to back. Survive none
@Kbbers Год назад
I think two game modes would be cool, like one for more competitive players and then one for players who want more of a thrill game
@justinrodriguez6836 Год назад
Yeah there are times where it feels like as a survivor it just gets boring at times, especially when your team DC’s. I’m new but even I don’t camp or tunnel, I just go for whoever I see lolol
@TheHotCross Год назад
Best way to play! You get much better for looping and chasing than you do camping and tunnelling tbh!
@sortofadm4764 Год назад
Make a hardcore game mode, no perks, no aura reading abilities, no scratch Mark's, 4 generators, cannot use swf, hook progress halts with 24m(LET THE ENTITY DO ITS WORK), Maybe a bleed out timer if injured but can heal yourself half the normal speed. Use this gamemode!!
@Tabletopcloud20 Год назад
That sounds interesting and it could be a lot of fun.
@123darkpassenger 9 месяцев назад
No killer terror radius****
@shiverse9868 Год назад
Side note: 11:50 SURVIVORS PLEASE DONT DO THIS I see this happen wayyyy too much and its just free pressure. Even if you get them off, trading for 3 injures, if the killer downs ONE of you, none of you can go for the save without a high risk. Similarly, ALL of you are grouped together and NOT on gens, meaning even more free pressure for the killer.
@elchels4394 Год назад
Before watching the video: I want to say I still honestly have fun playing both sides basically all the time. I play this game about 2 hrs or so daily with the occasional breaks to do other responsibilities. Of course there are some things I still think the game can improve on but BHVR have given me some recent confidence that they listen and think of solutions. After the video: So I play a mix of competitive and casual or one more than the other time to time. I usually just have 2 gen slowdowns and survivor I like trying different type of builds but usually always have dead hard. I do think DBD would be better if there was not such a huge emphasis on having to bring slowdown gen perks and fast genrush perks. Dead Hard I do not mind considering it does need more skill than before and is pretty easy to bait out, but I would love to see more variety in perk builds. Example i would like to see more of is sprint burst cause honestly it can be just as good as dead hard or even better if used correctly. Something new I always appreciate but I don't mind if someone runs the same "meta" build. Great video👍
@dminusflamingo7168 Год назад
u can have fun, but most people wont have fun, get the point? there will always be somebody pleased from a bad patch, but the majority would suffer for it, just like economics, some rich people might benefit from this economy crisis, but most suffer.
@StyxDipped Год назад
Thanks for another great video! Personally I’m getting a little bored with DbD because my favourite part of the game is the chase and I feel like the changes have shifted all of the focus on having to rush gens as survivor because the added time alongside gen slow down perks are pretty miserable. Doing a gen by yourself feels like it takes way too long and I find myself spacing out when I’m on one. Camping and tunnelling has increased, if anything, and I find myself running more gen protection/rushing perks because it feels frustrating otherwise. After a few games with the same outcomes you just feel kind of exhausted with it. I’ve been playing a lot, lot less lately. It feels too competitive and sweaty for me since the new MMR kicked in.
@TheHotCross Год назад
Yeah increasingly it feels like survivors just want to do is get in, do gens and leave, killers wants to get a hook and secure it as soon as possible. Chases and loops have fallen to the way side for both sides and it's a shame because it's the best part!
@SuspiciousPufferfish Год назад
Personally, I haven't been enjoying DBD as much lately because the game simply feels awful to play right now. If you don't abide by the strict meta as the killer, especially if you're not playing as Nurse or Blight, then you run a big risk of being subjected to needing to burn through copious amounts of survivor resources, with little room to counterplay because most maps are seemingly designed without regard for the killer role at its base. On the other side of the coin, the survivor role feels miserable to play because you and your teammates are virtually devoid of any means of communication and coordination -- unless you cater your build to information (a notable risk of its own), during a state of the game where the killer's meta will absolutely take advantage of the lack of comms and completely destroy the survivors. Matches in general feel lopsided with only a slither of gray area for equal contesting, rarely do I play a match that isn't lopsided nowadays. Furthermore, the game at its core currently feels lacking, like the core gameplay doesn't surmount to external variables, such as perks and items, which only adds to the sense of being forced to trudge through molasses in the hopes of finding a decent match; Dead By Daylight is not a strategic deck-building card game, although the game really seems like it wants to be that sometimes, with perks basically surmounting the core. Maybe I'm simply bad at Dead By Daylight, I don't know, but I cannot shake the feeling that the game currently relies on external variables to hold itself up on makeshift stilts; I feel like my skill doesn't mean jack compared to perk choice and RNG map selection -- "so why do I even bother?", I find myself asking that question a lot playing DBD nowadays. DBD just doesn't feel fun to me anymore and Behaviour seems content on riding the novelty wave and licenses whilst maintaining the status quo -- everytime Behavior takes a step foward, they take a step backwards, from 6.1.0 core tweaks to whatever the Forged In Fog chapter is. I just don't want to subject myself to this frustration and tedium any longer, I'm tired of it. I'm just going to start playing more VHS again and looking into other asymms; that new Project: Playtime game looks pretty interesting.
@TheHotCross Год назад
This was a really interesting comment to read, thank you for sharing! Honestly I feel quite similarly at times so I totally understand. I hadn't really thought about perk loadouts in that way before! I too, am sat here looking towards other asymmetrical horror games, here's hoping the Texas Chainsaw game really hits the ground running!
@elberethgilthoniel1397 Год назад
Hi there. Read your comment. How'd you enjoy the Christmas Event in VHS? Decorating the Communitree was good fun for me. Have you tried the Ice Station map or the new Anomaly monster? Killer being able to mimic Survivors is something people have wanted in ASYM'S for a long time. Now it's here and it works. As for Project Playtime. What do you think about the puzzle mechanics? It's interesting to be sure. Changes up the flow in a novel way. The movement abilities of the Toys are cool, and swinging across gaps like Tarzan or closing doors in Toy's faces is dope as a Worker. Game sure can be buggy though and host leaving and nullifying all progress in the match sucks. DBD has always struggled with adding Perks on top of Perks to address game play problems. That's what happens when a game was supposed to be a Party game and Competitive mechanics are constantly being Frankensteined onto the core gameplay loop. That's why I'll say again, DBD should have Comp Lobbies and Casual Lobbies. Give players the choice. Ultimately the more ASYM'S the better they all will need to get, so I say open the floodgates and let's have more competition.
@elberethgilthoniel1397 Год назад
@@TheHotCross Don't care for gore myself, but TCM will be very interesting from a mechanics perspective. Can't wait to see how 3 v 5 plays out. Will be a feat to pull off.
@TheHotCross Год назад
@@elberethgilthoniel1397 Honestly, I think the tree event was a really cool idea in VHS, as for Project Playtime, I think having puzzles to do is far more engaging but when you're in that pit it's torture but hopefully they amend this! But yes, totally agree, variety is a good thing, and Killer Klowns and TCM on the way, very exciting times!
@elberethgilthoniel1397 Год назад
@@TheHotCross The Communitree was one of the most Christmas feeling events I've ever done in a video game. Players would cease fighting to work together to decorate the tree, just like the Christmas ceasefire between Allies and Central Powers in 1914 in the Trenches. Competition is critical to stoking improvement in any sector of human life, and Asyms are no exception. TCM and KK will be just fascinating to see. I can't abide gore. So TCM won't be for me. But KK could be fun. The puzzles in PP are a neat nod to the Island of Dr Brain. I agree that the pit is pretty boring. I don't think PP should be in EA and asking for money in its current state though. People still criticize VHS for charging for Cosmetics and characters and the game is incredibly polished for being in EA. I don't think I'm being hyperbolic when I say DBD has more bugs than VHS right now. I just think the VHS devs deserve immense credit for what they have pulled off. Yes. I'm a true fanboy. No denying. Last. Have you checked out the HB devlogs HotCross? They are absolutely adorable. Campy and goofy as the game they have made. I love it.
@deatharcana7998 Год назад
MMR makes people play sweatier, this generate frustration for the losing side that can't play fun builds/killers, this makes them sweat more, then the side that still trying to play for fun start to DC because all matches the other side is sweating more and more
@jglg7238 Год назад
most people don't realise who play, you're not having fun in dead by daylight, you're addicted.
@TheHotCross Год назад
Honestly I think there is some truth to this! One of my past videos is actually on the topic of why people can't stop playing DbD!
@gamingdepression9858 Год назад
Talking about DBD is literally talking about misery itself
@TheVandral Год назад
This issue for me is the grind. There's something like 60 characters, 3 perks each, 3 tiers in total. That requires a massive amount of bloodpoints to accumulate. Grinding for something isn't the issue, but the amount of BP per match is just wonked. When I play survivor in the evenings, there is no bonus. It's reserved for killer until about 3 am. Playing killer is stressful at that time cause of the SWF's rocking the house. So if I log in as survivor, queue for 3-5 min, wait in a lobby where that one jocker just sits the minute timer out every single time, then a loading screen of 1-2 min, were talking 7-10 min between matches. Now I get to play. Oh noes, I'm tunneled. Dead in 5 min, or get steamrolled, entire team throws match, one guy DC's at first sight of killer cause "I hate that guy". Wow. I walked away from 20 min of queing, lobbying, loading, playing to walk away with 7-15k BP if lucky. Hmmmm.... Looks at bloodweb. I guess I'll unlock these three items. It's discouraging. If I felt I was making any progess towards unlocks and getting better level perks or prestiges, I wouldn't mind this competitive nightmare the game has become. But for now, I can't even unlock the perks to become competitive. I just don't know if the ship has sailed and I missed it. The game leaves me feeling so far behind the curve. Get gud they tell me. I would love to, but I've got to last longer than 5 min in a match cause the killer recognized me as the weak link and tunneled me out.
@heroofcourage Год назад
I play and love Knight purely for the feel. Being a big armored dude with a big sword is fun as hell to me. I've also taken an opposing approach to perks where instead of slowing down Survivors, I get faster. StBfL, Fire Up, and NOED with a flex slot for additional speed or utility (I find Unrelenting to be exceptionally good for me as I like to make cheeky lunges). The idea is that as the game progresses I get faster at pretty much everything, and I've found it very fun. As for his guards, they're great for defending gens and stopping loops, of course, but are also excellent for scouting, tracking Survivors movement, and cutting off routes for Survivors that want to W away. I've found it far more versatile than most people seem to give it credit for. All this said, I'm certainly a casual player and it's a casual build. I play to win and adjust how hard I try to the level of what I'm up against, but I don't sweat it if I lose.
@TheHotCross Год назад
Honestly that build does sound pretty fun! I might have to try it sometime myself!
@MintSkull Год назад
Hey! I am unsure if you will see this comment, but I wanted to ask you about something and would love to hear your opinion about it. I currently have one opinion that is causing some discussion in the DBD community, and soon will upload a almost hour long video talking about this. The point is, I strongly believe that the game is monetized as a free 2 play game, and that it has pay 2 win features. The shrine is a poor excuse to scapegoat this fact, and the nurse being the most overpowered character doesn't break the fact that there are pay 2 win elements in the game. What do you think?
@TheHotCross Год назад
Hey! Sorry had to have a think about it to be honest, I see where you're coming from, I'm not sure I'd agree with it being marketed as f2p but I'd be interested to hear your point of view on that. I agree it does have some pay to win features though with sometimes the strongest perks being associated with licensed characters that you can't earn through shards. But they're somewhat tied to selling them for auric cells/currency with the deals. I mean we saw how they had to rebrand perks when the Stranger Things license came to an end, new artwork, names, the whole lot had to be adjusted. I'm not sure I would say it's pay to win as such but it definitely increasingly feels like to have an equal experience you need to pay up! It's certainly an interesting topic that I might need more time to think on tbh! But I definitely look forward to the video!
@acrazysheepdog1555 Год назад
Another problem I also see is that some content creators have been using their platforms to help promote these tactics of gen rushing to all hell, or tunneling and camping so much in the beginning of a match (King Wolfe 2), and many players on both sides are having these mindsets that they gotta be sweaty and more competitive in order to win, but sometimes winning just isn’t rewarding. I’m mostly a killer player, since I find killer more interesting and unique than survivor, but as a former surv main, I can say that I understand the survivor frustrations as well. These kinds of videos and content help promote these negative mindsets that being super sweaty and using tunneling and camping all the time to win is a good thing. It’s not against the rules, yes, but it’s not fun, and personally, I think it’s boring and repetitive, unless you’re down bad and all other tactics have been exhausted. The fact this game’s community is so divided is astonishing really.
@akiraode-smith6084 Год назад
Its one of the worst 4v1 games on the market at the moment.
@kloudnomercy Год назад
Rare W for a killer main
@TheFrog27 Год назад
My escape rate is 38% and I'm a veteran player with 1600 hours in the game. Not super veteran, but I am experienced. The new meta shift and killer buffs make me feel like im inexperienced sometimes because of how often I lose, and often times I'm ego-chased and tunneled out the game because I am a level 37 Feng who's hard to catch. I would like to say that I am about 50% casual/50% competitive because I haven't memorized all of the killer's addons or survivor perks. I don't focus on my survival in the game, I try to focus on my entire team's survival. Which probably has something to do with me dying so often because I'm not incredibly selfish. My escape rate was 41% when I was selfish, I can tell when a game is going too downhill to try and save it. Then again, at the time I also had the sole survivor, wakeup, resilience, and left behind perk to help me escape when I was the last person alive. Or I would have a key focused build. Honestly, dosent the game get boring when you win so often as killer? A lot of these veteran killer's are getting 90% kill rates and 50 win streaks in their games, and for survivors that number dosent even come close, so there is a clear role imbalance.
@thesavagegummybear7341 Год назад
Well.. yeah? If you’re high prestige and piss off the killer they’re probably gonna try to tunnel you out, and to them even if they lose, they still won by getting you out.
@theARoberts Год назад
Always enjoy listening to your interpretations of things. I appreciate the way you acknowledge things from multiple points of view. I just came back to DBD after short break and first two trials I had someone DC on first down, weird. Hopefully the next chapter is a big win to make things better.
@XXR1L3YXX Год назад
I'm sorry to say it but I don't think dbd is for me anymore..I played for many year and put a lot of money in to the game at the time back then 3 t 4 years ago it was worth it everything in the game was 😎 it had a nice balance of competitors and fun. And games lasted around 7 min which was a nice balance for the objectives...now games are up to 15 t 20 min with no extra game play at all..and the decision making at the top are just putting ridiculous things in the game that don't work for the game..RACCOON CITY does not work..GOJ is horrendous..and the new map is far to big and far to flat..the parks that have been put in now have been add ons and had to be removed because they were OP..add ons now for most killers are insane and you see them all the time because of the up date, which is responsible massively for the increase in DC,s...even killers powers extended the game the massive decline in the game started with pin head in my eyes his power stops the game all together with only one objective 4 survivers see the problem..and he comes with dead lock a perk that requires the killer to do nothing for it to work, and when you surviver on the receiving end the gen shuts and you just stand there waiting for it to open because the killers not going to waist time and come and see a already closed GEN..the game play time just because of these 2 things went up 5 t 6 min a game..and every killer since then have brought a new extension in lol..making game uneventful dragged out very very tedious n boring..safe to say that I've got no faith in the management of this game anymore there repeating the same mistakes over and over again and show no signs for getting things right so I'm giving the game a miss for 6 months and I'll come back after that and see if they made any big changes in the game..I'll not hold my breath but if there's no change that's it I'm deleting dbd and never coming back to it..sorry for the rant and I wish yous all the best of luck in your endeavour...
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
I started in like 2016 it was soo much simpler back then. :,)
@Awesometrax Год назад
While I haven't been playing the game for that long (since July 2021), I've never seen the community at each other's throats to this extent since I've started playing the game and it's incredibly discouraging to see. Personally I think it's a culmination of the 6.1 changes, the widely unpopular 6.3 PTB, and the panned Knight chapter that is causing this. As you said, it also seems like DBD is making a turn towards being a competitive game first and foremost, and it's definitely driving a lot of players away. I hope they don't keep going this route because if they do, and especially if the 6.3 ptb changes go to live, I really don't think the game will survive much longer and it would be a huge shame.
@johnnyvegas459 Год назад
Survivors and Killers have been at each other's throats for ages and the anger has always been pointed at the devs then they create memes. "We've done a pretty good job so far.." This game has always been toxic the only cure is to shut it off I'll come back when the game has some drastic change I never played the knight or the other new killer left the game after the crow bitch came out. I played all the way back when ghostface came out. The game was bad then too
@ooanticsoo4475 Год назад
I honestly see both sides of this. You can't make both happy....killers want to ensure a win (and by that I mean killing people, not bloodpoints) so it makes sense to essentially just keep trading hooks or just get someone out of the game. Now for the other side of the coin......most survivors Don't play logically. I have seen people run in front of a killer while someone using kindred knowing he was just standing there. And it stems from a standpoint of psychology......we can win just tunneling gens but is it really fun/interactive doing the gens while watching someone slowly die and not be allowed to play the game? Really there should be a better incentive in the game than currently what is going on.
@bruhhhhmoment4848 10 месяцев назад
I hate the way they nerf perks they end up just making strong perks terrible for the sake of balence
@Nate_0820 Год назад
Not even Vitorio’s hotness can make players stay for this bs time/era/phase of dbd
@Roman-db9ux Год назад
Love your videos, keep it up!
@alittlefishie Год назад
Great video! This sums up my view of dbd from watching other dbd content and my own matches. For me, dbd can sometimes be just meh. I casually play solo que survivor and am a potato lol. While I'm not actively avoiding dbd, I'm just picking it up less more often.
@strawhatbunny6149 Год назад
I belive that we need a ranked mode for dbd. At this point casual gets pretty sweaty pretty often and having a place to go to sweat would be nice. It could lead to long queue times so that may need to be changed but i belive an outlet for people who want to sweat hard may actually be a solution to the current problem. It may not be perfect but i dont really see any direct fixes other than trying to manage the communites feelings about competitive gameplay.
@watchmehope6560 Год назад
this won't work. Look at apex legends for example. Rank mode for the sweats...They didn't like being sweated on so they went back to casual to sweat instead.
@frappettelebarbare1374 Год назад
Thank you for the bright analysis ! My two cents : 1. I still have fun in DBD, mainly because i tend not to dabble anymore with the too frustrating solo queue. Playing with friends improve chances of survival in this heavily killer-sided meta, and if things go terribly wrong, it's easier to laugh it off with friends. 2. The increase in camping, tunnelling and slugging is real since the infamous july update ; i didnt witness any increase with the Knight, which i usually enjoy going against. 3. The shift toward a more killer-sided meta was needed at least to lift a part of the stress when playing killer. You can now chill while playing killer, and it makes to me no sense at all that many killers will sweat so much more than before to secure their kills to the point of camping and tunneling from the very start of the game. 4. The july update did bring one more plague to the game : back-saving. Since slow down perks are so powerful, many killers will run 4 of them. Without any aura-reading perk, those killers resort to shameless back-saving or proxy-camping any hook the whole game just to find their next target, which puts a lot of stress on both the hooked survivor and the one going to the rescue and contribute a lot to the frustration and to the feeling the game is a perpetual confrontation and hasnt any breathing moment anymore. 5. Lots of people around me cant take the frustration anymore and have no fun playing DBD anymore. 6. I think SBMM is a brilliant idea ; it was necessary not find a way not to throw beginners into matches against veteran players... still, SBMM is loose enough to garantee you'll sometimes face players above your league. I disagree with the idea SBMM pushed players toward a more competitive play : it didnt have this effect on me or on anyone around me anyway. 7. Why the increase in dirty play amongst killers then ? Because the game rewards killers who play dirty, and because the game doesnt insentivize killers to play any other way. Give survivors a "genlust" that works in the same way as bloodlust : each 15 seconds a hooked survivors is in the killer's terror radius, every other survivors gain a bonus to repairing. Dedicate an emblem to fairness for killers : let them gain BP for not hooking the same survivor twice in a row, and so on.
@thedutywarlord264 Год назад
Heavily killer sided meta . Dude if you're serious then ... you're a clown 🤡
@kloudnomercy Год назад
Agreed 💯
@DavidLucian Год назад
I really miss Hawkins Laboratory map design, it felt so different from the others, with only Lery's Memorial Institute being close to that unique and specific map, I think we need more diverse maps like these that I mentioned, also I really want a New Mode with 2 Killers Vs 8 survivors with 10 generators, I think this should be at least interesting at the beginning, what do you think? 🤷🏻‍♂️
@bxile730 Год назад
I been saying i wanted to see a 2v8 for the longest
@szocikplayerpl9544 Год назад
We need COMPLETLY NEW mode. I think this game should focus on new modes. For example a mode SAW where there is no killer, only traps or ALL-KILL mode where survivors needs to find a way out from theatre or RESIDENT EVIL mode where survivors need to quickly complete objectives and escape (something like "zombie escape") before zombies an killer will reach them etc. I think what the game needs the most is custom mode where you create your own maps and modes.
@tomkenny5117 Год назад
I never leave the game in dbd, i play casual all the time but I feel like I’m forced to sweat everytime i go against a camping ghostsface or stun tunneling knight the only time I leave is when the killer is being to toxic examples : 1.Hitting bodies on hooks 2.Ignoring everyone but focusing you 3. nods there head and hits you when your playing somewhat decent Which after the match Is over most of them are high level or ttv’s Im not salty neither toxic but the killers in this game are way too toxic
@blvdsvcaa Год назад
My question is, why do people make a supposed to be fun game, competitive.
@dndndndndn419 Год назад
Yay! Always appreciate a Professor Gary take! I have personally found the gameplay to be more aggressive and therefore generally less fun - plus the new killers seem to get "solved" really quickly leading to them being rarely used making the new content somewhat pointless. The new maps are fun however, and bring a bit of variety back in (even if they feel somewhat unbalanced at times as well.) Just my two cents :-)
@unknownentity4348 Год назад
Texas chainsaw massacre will certainly get the DBD playerbase killed because of its 3v4 mode, the future isn't looking good unless they add 2v8 to make it more fun playing as a killer working with another killer,
@mach7te Год назад
Honestly I think you're right. The TCM game looks promising and I can't wait to play it. Wouldn't be surprised if DBD experiences a massive loss in player count because of it
@MrDemonKing21 Год назад
I stopped having as much fun playing DBD years ago. The problem for me was Survivor was boring, and Killer was just a chore to play. I play events and that's about it really. My thoughts and reasons are below, and my take on your video here. 1. Killer is frustrating, sweat inducing, stressful, and a chore to play : You either get some relaxed Survivors, or you get SWF Death Squads. RARELY is there a fun "middle ground" of the two. I'm terrified playing Killer more than I am Survivor (I play 90% solo survivor, rarely I play with my girlfriend now and then, she prefers Hunt : Showdown with me). I'm terrified and nervous because the last thing I want to encounter is some SWF Death Squad, which I have basically 0% chance of winning. When they bring the best meta perks, best med kits, BNP's, the works. Then when I get beaten, I get tea bagged and told "EZ" in endgame chat, it's just disheartening. So I feel compelled to bring the best myself, just in case. Then when I get relaxed solos, they just Rage Quit on me. It's like I AM NOT ALLOWED to have fun as Killer. You either get stomped, or everyone quits. I'm forced to be a plaything for SWF Death Squads, or nobody wants to play. Many SWF groups say "We're not try harding, we're just having fun bullshitting while playing." What they do not understand is that simple things like calling out who's going for the save, where the killer is, who the killer is at the start, who is being chased, what gen is where and how far done it is, is already a MASSIVE advantage that tips the scale of power toward the Survivors. The loss of the uncertainty for even those small things means nearly zero time wasted. The game was not designed or balanced around the Survivors having telepathy and being so hyper efficient. This is only exacerbated with perks making them even MORE efficient and faster. 2. Survivor is boring as hell. Though not for the reason most people say. It's boring because it's this stupid loop and stall meta. It's easy to loop safe pallets and safe loops, most of all with God tier windows and pallets. Though once you hit a dead zone, you just go down. It's absolutes, where there is little to no tension or wonder. Before the looping meta back when it was a real HORROR game where it was a deadly game hide and seek, I found myself hiding in a dark corner or a bush when the killer came near. Holding my breath in fear, anticipation, and dread. It was exciting to feel like helpless prey to a nigh unstoppable beast bearing down on me. Now though? It's literally "Killer is coming near, run to loop A, run it 2-3 times, drop pallet, reset chase, repeat." It's like playing a single player game with a scripted boss fight, over and over and over. That or "Hold M1 on gen till done." Loading in as Survivor is no longer fun, but more so "lets get this over with." Just like fighting a scripted boss fight for the 10,000th time in a single player game. You "fight" (run a chase looping), then when the boss is "stunned or readying his insane super move" you have to run off and do this little mini-puzzle, of hit this switch and that switch which "hurts him or stops his super move" (Doing a gen), then back and forth. Now as for your video : Kill rates have only gone up because Survivors are entitled. It doesn't take into account how those kills we gotten. How many kills have killers gotten, all because the Survivors did the DUMBEST and most CHILDISH things possible instead of just PLAYING THE GAME. Map I don't like? Kill myself on hook. Killer I don't like? Kill myself on hook. I got downed first? Kill myself on hook. Killer using perks I don't like? Kill myself on hook. My team mates aren't instantly coming to save me? Kill myself on hook. I'm being camped? Kill myself on hook. I'm being tunneled? Kill myself on hook. All leaving the team down a man right from the rip and inflating the kill rate. How many Kills has the Killer gotten because the team decided to hook rush a camping Bubba in the basement? All because THAT ONE GUY got caught at the end? Instead of a easy 3 man escape, it turns into a 3k or a 4k cause the survivors decided to do that STUPIDITY. Survivors want the game to be dependent on them "goofing off and playing badly", while still having a damn good chance of escape. Meanwhile Killers are forced to bring the best of the best out of fear of a SWF Death Squads, and often camp and tunnel because they are afraid to lose. Not because they hate the loss in itself, but because they don't want to be BM'ed and made fun of with getting tea bagged and told "GG EZ Baby Killer". Then after find themselves the butt of ridicule in some RU-vid "juke montage". If you ask many Survivor Main's and Survivor Only players why they don't play Killer, the short and simple answer most give is "It's too stressful". THAT is stress they are talking about. The stress to preform well, or they WILL be ridiculed. Though not only that, but many Survivor Mains and Survivor Only players simply do NOT want to lose, they know high end SWF's can stomp them, they know how overpowered high end SWF's can be, and refuse to take the chance they'll lose. As for the camping and tunneling, Killers want to win, mostly out of fear. Many many games, you have no choice. You DO NOT have time to systematically go through all the Survivors hook by hook is most games. That's just the long and short of it. As for Survivors, the biggest issue is more that they want the best of both worlds. They want DBD to be a "party game" while also being "competitive" at the same time. They want to win while goofing off, but the killer must be a super tryhard to even stand a chance while they "goof off." Now the "meta shake up". This one i'll be brief, but the "meta shake up" did nothing to the Survivors, while changed the killer meta. First off, the STBFL "base kit" was equal to 2 stacks of STBFL, not the whole perk. the 10% faster at breaking things and kicking things, changed nothing about the game at all. BT at base was the WHOLE PERK at base, plus the perk itself got BUFFED as well. Then the OTR MASSIVE buff, then DH change that made it STRONGER. Different, but without a doubt MUCH stronger. Meanwhile Ruin got DESTROYED, Pop Goes The Weasel got destroyed. The Survivor meta BARELY changed at all, while the Killer one got changed insanely.
@themegaladon18 Год назад
I agree with everything you said for the most part. I have kinda lost interest in this game as a killer main tbh. My duo survivor has flipped schedules and survivors are typically never amazing players. 90% of survivors always did the chill while being competitive thing you described so they never actually acceled at the game. Even when I go against teams running really strong builds that give me a challenge in terms of winning, I can still be left bored due to their skill level. Not to mention those games where people dc or give up on hook early ruining the one game I was going to play that night as well as the survivors too. The remaining survivors just walk up to me and we all just stand there for a second like "well, guess were going next too huh?". While I never would tunnel someone out unless extremely warranted, you are right I always have that need to win so I don't get the disrespect in the end game, doesn't matter if it's my first loss in 10 games it can be extremely upsetting to see. I have gone against actual comp teams several times now and while you think they would be more humble if they actually believe in their skill NO. They actually run the best things possible and reticule you for getting any outcome: 0k, 2k 4k doesn't matter. Little bit of a rant but your comment was the best I saw.
@officerzack1108 Год назад
I just recently got back into the game about almost two weeks ago, and yeah the meta as survivor hasn't changed one bit. But yet for some reason killer meta is very problematic, so the gen slowdown perks must be nerfed to shit tier perks now.. If they're gonna nerf whatever is left of the current gen slowdown stuff, then how do they expect anyone to want to play killer? I just remembered how miserable it was a few nights ago to go against a team where more than one person was running Circle of Healing, and yet Boons still are an unbalanced mess in their own right.
@XaqNautilus Год назад
As someone who has logged over 7k hours in DbD since 2018, many of my views and opinions align with yours. I think the problem is that BHVR doesn't have a vision of what they actually want DbD to be, aside from generating profit. They introduced MMR as if the game is competitive but they don't actually balance maps, perks and killer powers to be suited to competitive gameplay. The 6.1.0 patch was a meta shake up patch, not a balance patch, and it is really telling that meta perks that were obtainable for free (Pop, Ruin) got hard nerfed while weak perks that were behind licensed paywalls (Eruption, Overcharge) became meta. The new meta is boring as well as frustrating and painfully slow bloodwebs are just icing on the flan. I am worried about DbD's future. I look at Steam Charts and TwitchTracker and see the numbers for DbD dropping to 3 year lows in the very near future with radio silence from the devs who appear to be focusing solely on developing Meet Your Maker.
@TheHotCross Год назад
That's an interesting point that I hadn't considered, licensed perks being buffed and freely obtainable with shards getting nerfed! I'm in a similar boat, I love DbD but the current direction is worrying!
@katspawprint Год назад
It's interesting to hear you discuss the win conditions for survivor and killer and how it can contribute to sweaty behavior. I actually really like Identity V's solution to this problem and have thought for years that DBD should borrow their approach - in Identity V the match is ruled a win or loss based on how many survivors are killed, so either the killer wins (if they kill 3 or 4 survivors) or the survivors as a TEAM win (if the killer only kills 0-1 of them). As a third condition, the match is a tie if the killers gets only 2 kills. Identity V's playstyle is different enough from DBD that I don't think we can really compare the meta across the games, but this mechanic alone is really nice. It felt a lot less awful for me when I got tunneled out of the game because I still got a lot of points if my teammates were able to win the match. Both sides were definitely still sweaty, but there's less of this burning need to get a 4k if you only have to kill 3 people to win, or if you're willing to accept a tie. DBD might benefit from a pseudo-competitive mode where you have a separate, visible MMR that's only for comp. In identity v if people got too sweaty in normal matches on either side it's kind of a social faux pas, people will tell you to save that nonsense for comp. I don't really know if that's a viable option in DBD, but I would at least consider it.
@defiant_one77 Год назад
Helpful correction: when is it ok the camp? To camp! :) I love you Gary and I’m not criticizing. I have grammar eyesight I can’t turn off. Idk how hard it is to go back and edit that. Actually it’s probably not helpful to point out. But I will end with … I love you Gary! I appreciate your content and watching you and the gang on SpineChill podcast. I come from a place of love 💕 I’m sad I don’t see ur face on the vids but I understand it’s about breaking it down and that wouldn’t suit the narrative. Xoxoxox ❤
@TheHotCross Год назад
Ah at least one mistake always slips through! Oh well eh! :D
@Echoplex25 11 месяцев назад
leave it to the DBD community to unironically believe staring at the screen holding down a button and running around a car 3 times as fun
@ryanlutes9833 Год назад
I don't really care about MMR, but I play every match to win, ideally on my own terms with a fair mix of meta and non-meta perks. If that includes camping and tunneling, i'm not that bothered. It's nothing personal against any of the survivor players, it's just a matter of efficiency. In my opinion, this video leaves out a few important factors towards the current state of the game as well, I'll try to keep it brief; 1. The increase in the BP economy has made previously very strong items and addons much more common. Before you would see Brand New Parts or an insta-heal medkit, or map offerings every now and again, but now you see at least one almost every match. Medkit heal speed has long been problematic, even before Circle of Healing was added, and now it's faster than ever. 2. Pop Goes The Weasel, a long time staple of many killer builds that allowed killers to stay active on the map and go for multiple targets got nerfed pretty significantly, to the point where almost nobody runs it any more. The new slowdown meta is much more passive, with gens automatically being blocked or damaged without requiring the killer to hook very much. 3. Maps on average are becoming larger and harder to patrol for a lot of the killers with low mobility. It's not unusual to lose minutes of time in a match just holding W between places you know survivors are, let alone having a proper chase. Considering these three points, it's not surprising killers are less motivated to spread pressure across multiple survivors. There is no reason to, and in fact often makes things much more difficult in the long run. And, whether you're a sweaty tryhard or not, people want to win, that's why they're playing the PVP video game. How would I fix it? Give killers a reliable, meaningful way to impact the rest of the match (ideally not just a perk) that isn't just getting someone to death hook as fast as possible. All the new perks and basekit buffs to unhooking won't change the fact that it's the best strategy for gaining an advantage as quickly as possible.
@GO2GO97 Год назад
When did maps get larger? If anything they are scaling them down *cOuGh* rpd
@gabrielacosta9470 Год назад
I used to play casually as survivor actually getting frightened by killers and actually doing gens then I became a sweat because I have to due to the campers and tunnelers and the only reason I play dbd now is for the rush I get when running killers but recently I’ve been disconnecting cause the camping and tunneling became more frequent making the game less fun for me and now I don’t even feel the rush sometimes I love playing dbd but they really need to change
@Pitifulgaming420 Год назад
Omg every game is the exact same thing now. Sweaty survivors who have 20,000 hours in a 4 man swf as killer. Or three dumbasses as teammates with a 50,000 hour sweaty meta build killer when playing survivor…the last time I actually had a close/fun game has been like 5 months ago as of writing this.
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
I have like 60 hours i went vs a nurse level 100 immaculate aim. Wth
Camping n tunneling regardless at any point in the game is ridiculous to me and uncalled for
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
Unless its toxic survivors. Or a competitive squad. Im noobie af and i see many killers camping and tunnelling at 5 or 4 gens its just a joke
@aeisha1491 Год назад
What pisses me off about beginning of the game camping and tunneling is if you're the unfortunate player it happens too you depip I don't think it's fair to reward someone for standing there but you lose pips because no one can save you
@deathmankid Год назад
I played a few games and I got tunneled out right away without being able to do anything in the game. Im not having fun so I will just login daily for the freebies till something changes.
@LittleMsJester01 Год назад
The game has barely changed...and the player base just want to complain about everything now. The attitudes have honestly gotten so bad that it's starting to rub off. One of the most miserable metas we've ever been in. Gen jockeying on both sides isn't fun - chases and other objectives are much better. But we're stuck in a gen hugging meta from both sides that just ends up being the same gameplay. And when you try and do something different, you are tunnelled out or the game rushes by.
@SumStranger Год назад
Wow, I don't remember when was the last time I've played dbd. I think it was when pyramid head was the newest killer or the twins. I left because it got frustrating, the players and community are toxic as hell. They're the most toxic community I have seen. I loved playing dbd because I got to play my favorite slashers. I'm unsure if the game got better or worse....or if it's still the same. But with how things are looking, I think I'll continue to stay away from dbd.
@boomfaoce 5 месяцев назад
I have had the most fun I have had than ever on DBD. One point you said about leaving casual players away from this game
@dominicsmalley9394 Год назад
Personally I'm a killer main who dosent camp or tunnel with any killer. And I enjoy the knight and still manage to secure a win roughly 70-85% of the game no matter the killer (other than clown and legion). And I hate playing survivor alot of the time because of every aspect you mentioned in this video. I try and be a fun killer but still try and win. For the most part I'll match my survivors if they want to be toxic or nice I'll match that. But no matter how toxic I still wont camp and only tunnel slightly by prioritizing but not going out of my way to get them however as survivor I feel like I'm always the first to be found camped and tunneled it just isn't fun to be survivor 60-70% of the time so as killer I stil lwana win but I do my best to stil love fun and give them a chance. Knight isn't as weak as people claim they just don't know how to use him effectively . Now some may say it's toxic but 3 gens in my opinion are fine and it is still very much possible to win against 3 gens. Knight is weak because people don't seem to comprehend that his guards are GUARDS and not chasers. They are there to protect and guard not to be used mid chase. If you use them to keep gens safe or to stop loops he can be incredibly powerful. He feels very similar to pyramid head but theoretically stronger because his trail can do more damage
@storygamez8520 Год назад
I definitely am burnt out from this game and stopped playing over a month ago. It just stopped being fun. Every game is highly competitive with a few pity games with easy survivors. I tried to prolong my time with this game by just focusing on doing challenges solely but even that became a chore. I felt forced to play competitively when I didn’t want to just so I could have the best chance at winning.
@TheHotCross Год назад
Yeah I think many are having the exact same experience, did you prefer it more when it was perhaps more casual?
@storygamez8520 Год назад
@@TheHotCross honestly, it might be more of a mindset thing for me. I didn’t start playing DBD until about March of this year. I was having way more fun when I didn’t know what I was doing and was just learning the tricks of the trade. I enjoyed getting better and naturally got more competitive with it. After a while, it just became exhausting because I couldn’t just go back to casually playing the game anymore now that my eyes have been opened, so to speak. Doesn’t help when you have survivors who BM or wanna send you messages post-game because I didn’t play according to how they think I should play.
@TheHotCross Год назад
That's really interested! I hadn't considered how a players own skill improvement might actually affect their ability to enjoy the game! Thanks for the responses!
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
​@@TheHotCross back in the day there was more of a weird balance between casual games and competitive ones.
@DanielPersson Год назад
Took a 6 months break, came back and then stopped playing all together. It's just not fun for me. There is so many other better casual games that I can spend my time with.
@TheHotCross Год назад
It's a shame to hear that but I totally understand why!
@f3bq163 Год назад
its not a casual game lol. Maybe it was for survivors back then but nowadays its just sweatfest or casuals dcing every single match in solo cause theyre playing vs something they dont like
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
​@@f3bq163 it used to be some casual games back then. Now? Pffff its less fun for both sides
@jazzailsteinigen939 Год назад
Dbd always had a large competetive aspect since its dark ages. The time that started when the ''bully squads'' were at an all time high. Ruin was standard and many lower tier killers were somewhat acceptable with the exception of wraith. With the insception of borrowed time and everyone running dead hard. Decisive strike on everyone before its changes and borrowed time nerfed into the dirt. It was the sweatiest time of all. Killers were quitting left and right with 1 hour to an even longer queu then that. But what is different from then to now? Gen rushing existed back then. Albeit it being even faster then with brand new parts in the mix and lower times to complete it. There were even stronger pallets with vacuüm and stronger flashlights yet. Instant ones. Killers ran rampant with noed, ruin and pop. Personally I say that the game is more balanced then ever before. Till people didn't wish to deal with the hassle anymore and started to camp, tunnel. Finding it widelly even acceptable. But also many killers like trapper and hag are slowly being forgotten. Survivers rushing gens has become baseline and is to be even expected. No matter what game however. People always will gravitate to more competitive builds and tactics. Not just in dead by daylight. Perhaps the old killers are done with playing fair and got tired? Perhaps survivors just like in the old days where they dced alllllot during the dark ages are tired equally ones more. The new just follows.
@vesperancetv4546 Год назад
The more experienced but less die-hard players have left & now all you have are new players in solo queue & demons in SWF. If you are experienced, it makes playing survivor & killer both feel miserable. As survivor you have to play super optimally now & there's no time for goofing around. As Killer, camping and tunneling are unfun, will make everyone hate you, but is simply the optimal way to play; same with how pushing gens is optimal but boring. The game somehow feels way worse since like a couple of months ago & I can't quite put my finger on why.
@ShayJoshJvy Год назад
Plz the amount of times I leave a match is crazy my waiting time was like 2 days or something 😭😂
@demondorito673 Год назад
Killers camp and tunnel to counter gen-rushing Survivors gen-rush to counter camping and tunnelling Often both sides go into the match with the intention to rush their objective, as usually so do their opponent(s) It's a vicious cycle
Idk I think a big issue with it being less fun for survivors is that 1) the devs want the survivors to lose more often (their 6.1.0 stats in review praised a 60% kill rate for killers) which I think is sort of a bad design philosophy. Obviously, asymmetry doesn't mean its going to be a perfect 50/50 but asymmetry also doesn't mean it has to be 60/40. Asymmetry just means it's two sides with different power levels and whose goals are in opposition. One side doesnt need to be nor should one side be significantly more powerful on paper. Moreover, it's SO much easier to make the game a slogfest as killer and I really think people forget that (leaving a survivor bleeding on the ground to secure the 4k instead of hooking them and letting them leave the match, the current meta of slowdown that just rips away progress with little workaround, also anecdotal but I had a legion toy with me by picking me up before i crawled out and forcing me to crawl out and I almost bled out, and I'm not sure if they were going to let me go or if they just miscalculated how far they needed to drop me so I died to bleed out, when he could have very easily just hooked me and ended the match, but just as an example of the ease that killers can try to annoy other players). 2) The devs dont balance the game around that ratio in the slightest. They put like a good 25%-30% of a survivors BP score behind escaping which is ridiculous if they dont expect them to escape even half the time. Contrast that to the Sacrifice category, killers can at least accrue some amount in that category even if they dont necessarily get any kills. Additionally, they fail to think about how that can contribute a downward spiral. A survivor gets on a losing streak because the game is designed like that, so they DC, which makes that match an L for the remaining survivors because the game implements absolutely ZERO recuperation to the remaining survivors, which then contributes to others' losing streaks, makes the game less fun, and makes people more likely to ragequit, completing the cycle. That also just empowers swfs because people will want to reduce the chances of a random DCing.
@DeVonAmbitious Год назад
I feel like every match has been the same lately after the last update. I even stopped playing and it's still the same match. I'm not facing any competition. I'm facing people who run to pallets and I'm losing because they waste time while they buddies are clearing gens. It's become a game of can I hit you before you go to a pallet rather than can I kill you before you do all gens.
@Sonoket Год назад
Loved it.
@metascrub285 Год назад
I think the problem is that 4 survivors have a huge advantage over 1 killer. 3 vs 1 makes it more fair on the killer side. You need to overall try to kill a survivor fast to really stand a chance because 4 survivors can work on gens way to Fast, forcing killers to use brine and eruption meta to slow the game to a craw to keep up with survivors if they fail to kill a survivor by the time they can do 3 gens. I think if survivors where forced to do 6 gens it probably make 4 survivors fair and the killers don't require to slow the game down. I overall think this game is mechanically flawed.
@TheHotCross Год назад
I disagree. I don't tunnel survivors out early into a match, maybe when there is 2 gens left? Nor do I rely of eruption or take more than 2 anti gen perks ever and I would say I win the majority of my killer games still. And I suspect my MMR is not in a bad place so I think it's more playstyles sometimes. I honestly think making the game a 3 v 1 early just makes it a different less fun kind of match. Often where you'll lose gens whilst protecting a kill. But the game is rng heavy and balance is difficult. It's a very difficult thing to quantify but killers and survivors alike are having a bad time atm for sure!
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
As a survivor i wonder the feeling killer gets when they tunnel and kill 1 svv snd theres 4 gens at 3vs1
@Dr.Slaughter Год назад
I love dbd, but it feels like a chore to play, ya know? This last rift as a few cosmetics I want, but I dont have it in me to grind through it. Also ive been focusing on other things like working on music and playing a game called Valheim, and its addictive
@WelcometotheNHK. Год назад
I think the more balanced this game is the more boring it gets its not a comp game so I don't know why people cry so much about it like its csgo or something, the community ruined this game just as much as the devs did.
@vesperancetv4546 Год назад
facts. the more ridiculous stuff made the game entertaining. if you truly wanted to win, you could bring broken things...but it wouldn't feel super deserved. to an extent, you could decide if you've had enough of getting shit on and bring a good medkit for a few games or something. Devs ruined this game by pushing MMR. There's only new players in solos and demons in SWF...no in between & makes survivor miserable, & killer miserable.
@cultclassicz Год назад
i stopped playing in 2019 and recently played again. It was so weird, and everything lost its old charm
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
Have u faced the new killer? Its losing the fun. Im svv main but i just dont see how slull merchant can be fun to play as. Its like the ability has no skill is just there to help camp stuff
@darkpaw1522 Год назад
It’s very simple, DBD needs more game modes. It gets extremely repetitive doing the same thing every match.
@gavynbrandt Год назад
The game for me has become really predictable. Is my team competent? Probably a win. Are one or two of the randoms bad or a sore loser? The whole team just lost. As killer it's the same
@RitzMalheur Год назад
Just off the title alone, I wouldn't say so. The vocal minority on Twitter wouldn't agree, but then you look at them and they are a part of the same problem they cry about. Don't view the game as competitive and you'll enjoy it. It's assymetri, there is no way it can truly be balanced.
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
I don't see it as competitive but sometimes still dont enjoy because the way killer plays is just unfun.
@DineroSucio754 Год назад
This game makes itself seem like a horror game, but its not scary at all, its just annoying and repetitive, doing the same shit all the time. Never getting scared at all and the community kinda sucks too
@Bulleur07 10 месяцев назад
I haven't played dead by daylight for a while since before dredge came out. I wanted to play the game again and found it very boring as a solo queue survivor. I didn't really understand why at first but this video helps quite a bit. The chase is the fun aspect in dead by daylight in my opinion. As killer it was stressful but you sometimes had ways to shorten the chase in a satisfying manner be it mind games, perks or your power. Doing gens and protecting them was never the interesting part. The movement buff and debuff seems to have reduced severely the depth of the game. When the end game is making perk builds or farming add ons to knock out/protect gens, i am not sure what enjoyment there is in the long term. I am gonna try out killer even though i know that if the other side has boring gameplay, i doubt i am gonna have fun. Making your own fun in a multiplayer game can only go so far, you need engaging mechanics or interactions with other players.
@kai6775 Год назад
Unpopular opinion looping is boring all you do is run around the same thing over and over so you never lose if u do like to loop tho I have no problem with that but I just don’t find it fun and is the main reason I play legion I don’t want it removed I just want it so survivors do something else besides the same thing over and over and no holding w does not count cause u literally just hold down a button and do nothing ye if survivors had something Over than pallets it would be way more fun but I think survivors should get things like getting endurance after escaping a cage of torment because it’s way to easy to tunnel and at least a few seconds of endurance after being picked up and potentially remove dead hards speed boost or lower it and also make it work better with laggy servers and blight imo needs better collision sometimes you will hit that tree and sometimes you will bounce right off it I don’t get why its so hard just make it so if it hits something you bounce not small rocks or other small things ofc
@brandonmorgan8975 Год назад
From what I seen from the DLCs it went from a cool horror game of original and movie horror characters to now it's becoming a will add anything and ran out of ideas, with the new one being Nicolas Cage
@Tiripsroirraw 10 месяцев назад
@brandonmorgan8975 10 месяцев назад
@@Tiripsroirraw i definitely hate that because I've always wanted a horror game with every horror icon and adding stuff like this ruins the vibe
@cha_chi82 Год назад
they should add a no perk/no add ons mode. im so burned out by all of this sweat fest that i can only stand to play 3 or 4 matches before switching to another game.
@autotatarCZ Год назад
Me a new player who hears the talk about how knight can summon helpers to chase survivors, kick down pallets, generators, etc "Whoa that sounds overpowered! :O" HotCross: It's quite a weak power "Oh..."
@paulanthony5801 Год назад
I never thought I’d be the player that’s like “boring…..” But literally, apart from RE Chapters. It’s just the same killer but different mechanic. Artist - Zoner Dredge - zoner Knight - Zoner Skull Merchant - Zoner Gameplay is boring. No chase. No loop. Camping, tunnelling. I was a killer main turned S main when MMR came in but then killer was buff and also unfortunately S was nerfed. IMO there was no need to Nerf survivor if your buffing killer or vice versa. As a killer gens got faster. So killers camped and tunnelled. Due to the killer biff and S nerf, the only thing you could do was swap from doing chases to just doing gens. So what happened was gens got faster, plus gens got made slower which equals what? Just more incentive to just do gens. Therefore killers began seeing faster gens meaning more gen slowdown. Basically exactly as you said. All equals, camping and tunnelling.
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
Skull metchant is a different type of zoner. If you enter the drone zone she becomes GhostFace no hearbeat no red light and you get exposed if you stay too long. 3 gen is near impossible.Anti gameplay killer.
@5665sizo Год назад
A bit late but here are my two cents regarding this Topic. At its core DBD is a casual/horror game AND a competitive one at the same time. What do I mean with that you might ask. Simple: DBD IS a PvP game, so you are competing against other players in order to win. It is a 1v4 (or some might say a 1v1v1v1v1. That one I disagree with but hey, I dont have to agree with everything and everyone). the Killer (1) has to compete against the Survivors (4). Is it as competitive as games like Overwatch, Rocket League, DOTA 2 or other games of their genres? No, but since DBD is a PvP game it still is to some degree a competitive game at its core. I have been playing this game since it came out in 2016 and I lean more towards the Survivor side than Killer. But one thing in particular has always irked me in discussions like this one. Why are Killers shamed for using effective strategies (Camping, Tunneling, Slugging, etc.)? It is called creating pressure. If the Survivors cant handle it than maybe DBD isnt a game for them. I got camped more than I can count and I still congratulate the Killer. He won and I (and most likely the rest of the team) lost. That being said, I never had any problems with the new Killer the Knight. In fact I really enjoy playing against him. Against him or even a Bubba its just a feeling like in a real Horror movie. "Damn, if this guy gets me now I wont really have a chance to get out alive."
@dingus5156 Год назад
The guards despawn of anyone on the map inyeracts with someone on hook even if they dont actually unhook makimg him actually pretty lame at camping.
@closcer3950 Год назад
Game isn't fun anymore. All my friends quit and I quit too
@hamedhosseini4938 Год назад
I like the too much effort comment mate. I feel like the new killer is just way too much? His power is over complicated and I feel like for the reward (potential win) it's just not worth it
@shellybell4544 3 месяца назад
I found you while i was watching Gabby
@NactoNation Год назад
I play way less since the update I switch to back for blood
@metascrub285 Год назад
I don't understand people think knight is weak. He has an oppressive anti loop power. Anyone with a strong anti loop imo is at least mid teir.
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
I went vs one in the witch map. Bruh no counter
@Raijin_Thunder_God Год назад
i love the knight he my new main killer he so fun!!!!
@CrunchyTire Год назад
Too many personal incentives like unlocks and skill trees and stuff for people to NOT work as a team but just mess around. I played for many hours during a week and had fun but started to see the patterns and realizing I was wasting my time. Then read forums and experienced people claim its only newbies who care about completing objectives because its pointless to do and stuff. So I like what they attempted but I think its just streamer bait now.
@SimplySammyK Год назад
I can't lie, its not the perks, its not DC's... its the players... And you know what, as a survivor main... it really ISN'T the killers for the most part.. it's the other survivors. Being left from first hook to the very last bit in struggle faze. when thats pair with a survivor that shouts at you for "doing nothing all game", how can i do ANYTHING when you wont get me off the hook! -- Then when that situation is pair with being farmed or another survivor being chased leading the killer from the other side of the map too the hook when you are running kindred and they can see someone else is clearly getting you makes it more frustrating, even more so when the killer decides to stop the chase on the person to go for you even when you could down that other person. for me, being left on the hook is what makes it boring, because I know they can see what the rest are doing, they know no one is coming for me, they know the killer isn't camping and they can see where the injured survivor is when the killer hits them and yet they still stand around, crouch, wait till I'm about dead before thinking of saving me... Gets to a point that when I am the first person the killer finds I just don't want to play because its the same thing every game. I genuinely thought everyone hated me so I made it so no one can see my name, and nope, doesn't matter.. they still do it.
@SimplySammyK Год назад
Also the PC snowflakes dominating the community are also ruining the game too.. terms that were never about race are no longer allowed to be said because the fragility of people. The false claims that bubba wearing Claudettes face is racist, and that people are doing it to bully black players were there is literally no way to know if someone is black, Caucasian or asian... We genuinely didn't need or want the fragile PC snowflake squad, it's not a coincidence that the game is going down hill since more people like that joined the community.
@SimplySammyK Год назад
on this note... I could play DBD for hours back in the day, Tired of survivor i'd switch to killer no issue.. but my killer games are impossible now. I was never good, but since MMR every match is miserable.. its just not fun no matter the role
@greatgiginthesky9287 Год назад
The game is at an all time low. The Devs need to add another game mode or add weapons for survivors to make it interesting. Killers will moan about that, they seem to always have something to complain about 😂
@pietropol7939 Год назад
Im plying a year and game is so boring for me right now
@literallyalois2966 Год назад
I think DBD has really messed up in 1 department, changes. CUZ INSTEAD OF CHANGING STUFF, BHVR HAS OVER THE LIFESPAN OF THE GAME?? TAKEN STUFF OUT. The took away the hatch stand offs, the hatch 4 man escapes, the keys, the characters, the offerings, instead of changing them and giving them new purpose, they've decided to take away from the same, and I think that makes it feel so much emptier, they should change map offerings to add a 10% chance for example for the map, bring back the offerings and harch but make em different, make hatch take you TO ANOTHER PLACE in the map if you consume a key for example. Not far away but within 20 meters of the killer.
@devak45167 Год назад
Do you think that a totally new player would enjoy the game’s state today? I’m hearing a lot of negative stuff about the game but most seems to be coming from longtime fans who are frustrated. Wondering if that’s more burn out (totally understandable btw) and not legit critiques.
@elberethgilthoniel1397 Год назад
14:58 "Increasingly DBD feels like Video Horror Society. The well balanced Asymmetrical Horror game no one wants to play because it's not fun." Odd thing to say Hot Cross. You spoke favorably about VHS just 6 months ago saying it wasn't for you, but that you thought it was a well designed game with a lot of merit, as was Evil Dead. VHS has improved since then and the Monster role continues to get better and more accessible. A blanket statement of, "The game is not fun." Strikes me as a disservice to audience members who may have been interested in giving the game a try. Your audience respects your opinion and dismissing VHS so casually is a sharp departure from your more measured, and frankly, more fair stance from just 6 months ago. VHS has a small but dedicated community of players who are almost all friendly and welcoming (admittedly I'm biased, but that is my experience for the most part). The game is indisputably harder than DBD and requires more effort to get good for the Teen role, and significantly more for the Monster role. But, as with all things in life, if one puts in the time and effort, the rewards are great. VHS has a satisfying back and forth of power that rewards Teens for excellent cooperation and rewards Monsters for boldness and strategy. Not all games are going to be for all players and that's just fine, but may I recommend that in the future you continue to practice your more measured take on games that you don't personally care for, but might find fans among your audience. You're a well spoken and good natured fellow. Surely you would like your audience to find potential games they might enjoy. VHS is DBD with Survivors being able to kill the Killer. It's always been a cool concept for years and now it's a reality and for people who put the time into gaining skill at it, it's incredibly rewarding. Not to mention the Art Design, Cosmetics, Emotes and overall presentation is just outstanding (provided you like a more cartoonish style. 80's semi realistic cartoon style, not Fortnite more exaggerated proportions style). All that said, good video as always Hot Cross. Quality editing and academically presented. You would earn your degree in Comparative DBD Mechanics without question.
@TheHotCross Год назад
Oh don't get me wrong I still think VHS is the better designed game, it's foundation is solid, it's more a dig at people who claim to want balance then don't play the better balanced option. Perhaps I could have been clearer!
@elberethgilthoniel1397 Год назад
@@TheHotCross That's fair. DBD was made with Spaghetti Code and my understanding is that it was supposed to be a casual, party game which pleasantly blew up for Behavior. VHS was built from the ground up to be competitive. With even base kit being viable for high level play. An eternal truth about creatives and consumers is that consumers will claim to know what they want, and when they get it, they quickly decide they don't like it after all. Why wise creatives listen carefully but change incrementally, weighing things constantly. As for being clearer...yes. That's a fair admission on your part. Going just by what you said. Your audience would think VHS is well made and utterly dull. Unworthy of consideration. Otz and Farmerjohn and John Wolfe have played the game over the holidays and complimented the game on its constant improvement, including being more and more fun. You love DBD HotCross and that's great. VHS wouldn't exist without DBD. But if you want DBD to get better, for Behavior to have a fire under them to address issues, you will want to keep bringing attention to VHS in a favorable manner. It is indisputable that VHS is pushing Behavior. If VHS dies, that will stop until TCM and KK come out, and maybe not then since they are 3 v5. Last, maybe add your voice to Behavior making Dual Lobbies. Sweaty Lobbies with MMR for the Compheads. Horror Lobbies with no MMR for the Casuals. DBD has the player base to accommodate this. Again, you make excellently academic videos which are a pleasure to watch and reflect on. Cheers.
@GrumblyBasket Год назад
I haven’t been playing this game for weeks. I feel so burnt out and it’s so boring now… I hate to say that because I love this game 😩
@MehrunesKar Год назад
Idk why this game got so popular. There is just not much to do, you fix stuff and save your teammates as a prey and hook prey as a killer. 10 hours of gameplay and it just got repetetive for me.
@jajoitus317 Год назад
if they remove all perks that give u things for free then it would be fun
@devinmitchell9474 11 месяцев назад
Nah I just stopped playing even the lower tier players be sweating 😂😂
@akeelyaqub2538 6 месяцев назад
I wish this game would just embrace itself as a horror/slasher game and not try so hard to be cod or fortnite.
@wikiwing348 Год назад
Mmr was mistake imo
@justgamingin2023 Год назад
After the knight release my solo queue games are miserable plus brine eruption meta is boring is not fun stay 30 sec doing nothing.i dont blame dcs because is not fun, killers give a mid chase to just kick gens.i will take a pause on dbd and go back to gta since theres a new update.i hope the kick gen meta change so i go back to dbd
@randomguyontheinternet8345 Год назад
One problem with DBD the game is literally designed for you to camp and tunnel survivors. Something no one likes, but its true. The games design literally give you no other choice but to tunnel or camp people. When hooking the first survivor you have literally no reason to leave. After that survivor is unhooked. The other survivors still have full health. it makes more sense to go after the injured survivor and get them out of the game. The generators are too less and the timers are too short. You have no reason to go and protect those gens when you can easily get a player out of the game.
@aeisha1491 Год назад
No wasnt if you have to camp in the beginning of a game you suck period the only time that's ok is when it's end game this game was not designed for that so just say that's how you play. The next update over the summer will be counter to face camping and killers who do that will start getting penalties for being to close so if that's how you play good luck with that.
@thiphuonghoale9627 8 месяцев назад
​@@aeisha1491 bro, if the game design like that, people who can use their brain will camp. It make sense af
@Demonsouls1993 Год назад
didnt the devs lower the dc timer if they did then no shit dc rates will increase
@lavamer Год назад
I started playing db much less often after entering sbmm
@esextafeirayeee9600 Год назад
@lavamer Год назад
@@esextafeirayeee9600 *MMR
@depression638 Год назад
Can't win as killer anymore
@aeisha1491 Год назад
How so?
@depression638 Год назад
@aeisha1491 let me tell you. Farm 🚜 they go up on it and wait for you Other maps go Around and around until they slammed on you Every time I see that or get no kills just leave. Maybe there's a killer who can do better than Nemesis. What happen?
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