
Is Fenrir the most power creeped operator that Siege has ever seen? 

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This video is a little different, instead at analysing what's already happened, I'm going to explore Siege’s new operator with Operation Dread Factor: Fenrir. I explain why I think Fenrir is evidence of extreme power creep coming into Siege, his kit, how he fits into lineups, and how I think he shakes up the current meta. More predicting and less analysing for this one.
0:00 Is Fenrir the most power creeped operator that Siege has ever seen?
0:27 Power Creep definition
0:52 Fenrir's Gadget
1:20 Trap operators in Siege
2:17 Why his gadget is so strong
3:23 Fenrir's Kit
4:36 Competitive Quarantine worries
5:10 How Fenrir will be played
6:15 How to play against Fenrir
7:35 How I would nerf Fenrir
8:12 Conclusion




2 июн 2024




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@teediumTV 11 месяцев назад
His ability to see all his traps and know where enemies are is almost exactly what they removed from Lesion's kit for being too strong. Lesion mines are pretty bad now while Fenrir's are incredibly strong and yet he still gets the benefit of seeing them globally over Lesion.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
This is very true and something I didn't consider. I'd also back removing that ability to see them through walls
@ballsweat5578 11 месяцев назад
the difference was Lesion has 8 almost invisible tiny traps that were actually set and forget while Fenrir needs to be played actively to get value. Fenrir only gets value by actively juggling your activation codes around the attackers strategy, and I think thats the one thing keeping him grounded.
@nullstate8117 11 месяцев назад
​@@ballsweat5578 Thats not how lesion works :) He gets up to 3 in first 30 seconds of the round, 4 in 1 min not even close to 8 Thats when the round is decided
@ballsweat5578 11 месяцев назад
@@nullstate8117 3 to throw around common entrance points and then he’s free to either roam while setting up traps around the map or anchor and set them up on sights. i’m saying both are strong in their own ways with their own cons. Fenrir needs to see them through walls to activate them and to keep track since he has 5 but only 3 activations.
@fodyt5586 11 месяцев назад
The issue is also that his whole team can see them through walls too, busted.
@GerryCasts 11 месяцев назад
He controls an area in the same way that Mira can - except with less risk, more flexibility, and unpredictability. At least without a bailiff you'd be trading the setup that Mira gives, good idea for a nerf. Actual S-tier op right now
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Yep also true with being an area controller with Mira. He's so flexible it's scary
@TheColorfulPube 11 месяцев назад
The biggest problem is when you break line of sight with the gadget you are still affected for another second and can be swung. The gadget should prevent pushing, not allow free kills.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Yeah this is a very frustrating aspect of his gadget and I agree.
@amaanarain2774 11 месяцев назад
The most frustrating part of siege for me at the moment is how good the recent defenders (Azami, Solis, Fenrir) are when compared to recent attackers. It’s taking a game that’s already defender-sided and making the issue even worse. I really liked your analysis and am also looking forward to Gamers8!
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Yeah I compared the last 3 defenders (Azami, Solis, Fenrir) to the last 3 attackers (Sens, Grim, Brava) at the end because it's genuinely laughable how strong the defenders are and useless the attackers are (Brava does have her uses). Next attacker better have 4 nades 8 flashbangs and 20 claymores to make up for it lmao
@amaanarain2774 11 месяцев назад
@@kangrukenny Haha right, hopefully Ubi sends the attackers some love soon!
@dipendughosh4041 11 месяцев назад
That's one of the reason i stop playing siege,defenders r op and attackers r very weak.
@hanslhansl 11 месяцев назад
@@kangrukenny I think you underestimate the new Grim buff
@kirbyis4ever 11 месяцев назад
​@@hanslhansl Grim buff is nice and all, but defenders right now are quite busted. Being able to put bulletproof barriers anywhere, blind attackers, and, deny drones with the newest operators. Can't fight back if you're blind, can't shoot through concrete, and you don't even know where the enemy is if your drones get destroyed. Attackers need to be exceptionally clever to dismantle the defense, and oftentimes don't have enough resources to do so.
@kacpib29 11 месяцев назад
The Ela comparison is on point. When i first encountered Fenrir, i had a flashbacks from Blood Orchid Ela. Basically one wrong step and there's immiedieate swing, which puts you in such a high disadvantage, that it's a free kill on defender behalf. I really hope for some quick nerfs, because once enough people will get the hang of him and his crazy ability, you'll need an entire team to counter ONE operator in already defenese - sided game. Im also thinking of giving him ump-45, instead of mp-7 or maybe kaid's aug to balance him out when taking those gunfights.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Blood Orchid Ela was terrifying 😭. I’d definitely agree with a change of gun to something worse like UMP or Kaid Aug yeah - like what they did with Melusi (T5 -> MP5)
@CennoSoldier 11 месяцев назад
All 3 of those guns are insane
@dankninja9434 7 дней назад
​@@CennoSoldier u tripping
@swisswga 11 месяцев назад
the quality of this video is so high, i usually get bored watching stuff that arent playdays for siege but this actually gets my attention, beautifully done man
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Thank you!! Glad you think the quality is that good, it’s something that I’m really trying to keep consistent with my videos
@lyttleone 11 месяцев назад
As if attacking wasn't frustrating enough at times in ranked, we're given Fenrir... Great video as always. Also, just had to show off that Copenhagen major charm eh?
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Ranked actually suffers worse than comp with Fenrir, it's brutal. Thank you!! Luckily you can show it off as well :)
@MAWVirus 11 месяцев назад
Already had the situation where I was on Villa in AVG default plant at the vault, and Fenrir threw all 5 mines at me from bar. I couldn't counter at all except for waiting for the mine to activate, and even the throw barely makes any sound. Really sucked.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Yeah he can be extremely frustrating to play against, unfortunately he punishes lack of teamplay, and teamplay is very tough to do outside of competitive. He's even better in ranked and casual than he is in competitive
@daemonwastaken 11 месяцев назад
lovely video as usual, great analysis! absolutely scratches my reaper itch as for the theme, the sad part about all of this is that ubi will probably either nerf the gadget to oblivion, nerf the mp7 to oblivion, make him a 3 armor or even take away the mp7; i just cannot trust ubisoft to deliver a GOOD nerf for a power crept op without absolutely ruining him. also someone made a good point about the gu's, that this is almost exactly the same reason why they removed the see-through icons for the mines, but the difference is that the F-Natts can be placed anywhere, not just the floor. fair, the gu's are almost invisible and that made them busted mixed with the info from the live icons, but you cant place a gu on a wall and have it activate, where as in the case of the f-natts, you can place them on a ceiling beam and it activates. this is mainly a non-issue for the comp scene but on ranked good fenrir players have been wreaking absolute havoc. but alas, removing the live icons for the f-natts and making them LOS only would be kinda destroying the purpose of his gadget and its bare idea. man. fucking ubisoft.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Thank you!! Yeah I was quite nice with my opinion on how he should be nerfed because I don't want operators to be nerfed into the ground. Fenrir shakes up the meta which is always a good thing. The LOS thing is a very valid point but then as you said, it kinda defeats the purpose of his gadget if they remove the "see them through walls". Will be interesting to see where Ubi go with it
@TheColorfulPube 11 месяцев назад
He's an example of one of the bad ops (Ela, Lion, etc). Little counterplay and a very annoying ability to deal with. At least there is a ban system in the game now.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Omg true when Lion and Ela were released there weren't any operator bans hahaha
@kirbyis4ever 11 месяцев назад
Oh geez, he really is like a stronger Ela. You can put his mines above doorways just like her but the effect is infinitely worse - TOTAL BLINDNESS. And not just a sound cue either since Fenrir knows exactly where his mine is.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Yep, scary scary
@civey466 11 месяцев назад
It sucks because I really liked the thoughts behind Fenrir. The fact his gadget isn't set and forget and you have to be proactive is always a plus, but the gadget is designed so stupidly and his kit is so outrageous. Honestly might be up there with on-release Lion in terms of power creep.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
I did think about making the comparison to first release Lion, but then I thought nothing comes anywhere close to giving a whole team wallhacks hahahah
@civey466 11 месяцев назад
@@kangrukenny yeah it still baffles me how they thought that was a good idea lol
@dipendughosh4041 11 месяцев назад
@@kangrukenny not even 800 hundred hp black beard shield?
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
@@dipendughosh4041800HP shield Blackbeard wasn’t power creep or anything like that, it was just plain and simply stupidly broken. For me the two are very different
@dipendughosh4041 11 месяцев назад
@@kangrukenny ok,but which one is more worse according to u btw?like u given chance to deal with either one of them who will u choose personally.
@Cheffkamau 11 месяцев назад
most definitely gonna be a perma ban/perma pick when T1 restarts, probably the latter
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Yep, if you don't ban him you better run him 80% of rounds
@dipendughosh4041 11 месяцев назад
i mean than u r leaving azami/valk/Solis on the board. Especially azami and valk r pain to deal in attack.
@xxxmynameisstupidcuzofthex3049 11 месяцев назад
I remember shooting a mine before it even blinded me but i still got FULLY BLINDED AFTER BREAKING IT
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Yeah that’s what annoys me about the mines, that even DESTROYING the gadget doesn’t immediately make the effect go away
@trick7039 11 месяцев назад
Honestly, I'd go a little further with the nerf. I think the speed that the gas fades into fully emcompassing your vision is too quick. They need to at least half the speed and the instant you're out of the radius OR you shoot it, it immediately gives your vision back. On top of that, make his gadgets LOS only. That way Fenrir's can't turn on and off gadgets around the map, through walls, to quickly counter a push. Also, they need to make it so if Fenrir dies, all of his gadgets are disabled. This would make Fenrir players play a lot more passively if they want their gadget to have as much impact on the round as possible. With those nerfs, I think it'd be acceptable for him to keep the Baliff.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
I agree with all your points. The thing about Fenrir is that he has so many good points about him we could genuinely nerf 10 different aspects of him and he'd still be a strong op hahah
@trizzo343 11 месяцев назад
He'd be absolute trash if the gadget could be turned on with LOS only 🤦‍♂️
@puddingspy9837 11 месяцев назад
I'd nerf him a little bit harder but good vid! The fact that he combines Gu & Grzmot in their prime is unacceptable
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Thank you!! Yeah it’s a super scary gadget haha
@Minotaur4005 11 месяцев назад
As a player with a relatively low attention span I really like Fenrir. There's more for me to do aside from just looking for gun fights like other operators, which for me is a positive. Attacking hasn't really been a problem because I'm a twitch main and people don't seem to really bother hiding the F-NATTs like I do, so my team ends up not even getting affected by the gas by the time the codes are all destroyed. The fog is coming
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
I like the interactiveness of Fenrir too. It’s why I love Pulse, Solis, Valk etc because you need to actually use the gadget to get value from it. Twitch is a great counter to him so you’ve been blessed!!
@wongtszho2226 11 месяцев назад
They should add a speed boost the enemies affected by the gadget, I know I would run faster if I was scared shitless
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Hahaha a little adrenaline boost from being terrified
@improvementchannel270 11 месяцев назад
Going up against him has been pure cancer
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Agreed :(
@blurryperson2685 11 месяцев назад
I don't like how idiot proof the new defenders are. They're so afraid to give defenders bad guns to balance utility or force shotgun only defenders. This is back to back crazy defenders with stacked kits
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Yeah and that's why I call it power creep. Old ops had downsides to their kits, new defending ops don't.
@CHex. 11 месяцев назад
Another possible balance would be to remove his ability to see the status of his mines and activate/deactivate them without direct line of sight. And remove the bailiff.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Very true, this wasn't something that I'd considered when making the video. Removing being able to see the gadgets through walls is a good nerf I agree, along with the bailiff.
@Comand94 11 месяцев назад
That (removing activation through walls) would be in contradiction to what Ubisoft was going for with having 5 mines and 3 activation codes to encourage a more active trap usage other than place and forget. It'll never happen. They already had a gadget like this with Lesion, albeit it worked a bit differently, so they knew the risks. I'm sure if Fenrir gets nerfed, it'll be a different kind of nerf. I imagine they'll rework the properties of the mines and the effect they apply by tweaking some stats, maybe remove his bailiff. I doubt they'll replace the MP7 since they probably wanted Fenrir to be the new cool operator with an overtuned gun like Ace was.
@wpkeagles 11 месяцев назад
With this operator being introduced I don't see any reason playing Melusi anymore
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Most other traps are pretty pointless now yep 😂
@eltacobandito 11 месяцев назад
Literally as i got to see him more, he reminded me of lesion on release lmfao. I dont think he is completely power creep because he can synergize very well with other trap character.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
First release Ela and Lesion (bc they were released in the same season) but both operators are combined that’s basically Fenrir haha
@r9ckndr9ll9 11 месяцев назад
Here's an idea to counter Fenrir on top of a direct nerf. Make Finka's boost completely nullify the vision effect. It would give teams a good insurance net if they want to play aggro but Fenrir is up.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
That is a BRILLIANT idea, that I haven't thought of. Would increase Finka's pickrate again after she plummeted after LMG nerf and losing nades
@TheTEN24 11 месяцев назад
Extremely strong, obviously needs to be nerfed before pros start playing him. I always say ubi releasing strong ops is better than terrible ones for content and player interest purposes but I do agree Fenrir goes too far he’s insane.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
You have to release strong operators to keep interest high in the game, but yeah he just goes that little too far. I'm hoping he sees a small nerf before Stage 2 at least, but nothing drastic because he is a cool operator.
@vikings_fans_anonymous 11 месяцев назад
He’s a direct counter to the “call of duty” meta in ranked and its a beautiful thing
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
It does force people to drone & focus on teamplay more, which is always a good thing
@nullstate8117 11 месяцев назад
U cant drone f natt inside a cabinet So why bother?
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Some F-Natt's can be hidden yes, but that's the same with any throwable gadget like Valk cams etc
@Comand94 11 месяцев назад
Perhaps it should take more time before it full blinds you so you have a better chance to walk away and more time to pre-aim and pre-fire somewhere as you do it. Anyways, I'd say that Fenrir does have downsides over some other trappers: his secondary gadgets are not great (compared to C4 or shields or impacts) and the gadget doesn't slow a rush push, it just punishes it if someone is actively watching for it. Sprinting through an area with an F-Natt that you know no one is covering because you droned it all out is gonna be a thing. Also, he has plenty of counters between Twitch/Brava/Flores, Finka to expand the vision, vertical play on the traps with IQ and explosives. Perhaps he could use one direct counter to the effects of his mines. Also, he shouldn't be able to activate mines outside. They're too good for spawn peeks. I wanna say leave the shotgun pistol because it makes it more fun, but...
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
All very valid points!!
@raininginside 11 месяцев назад
Can it not last forever? Or reduce the number of mines to 3 and skip the activation gimmick
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
The activation gimmick is what I actually like about Fenrir. It makes him interactive and elevates his skill ceiling. The effect is fully frustrating I understand that but it somewhat counters the run and gun meta that people have been complaining about atm
@u0wl 11 месяцев назад
Honestly to it would be nice to remove the ability to see if his mines go off (red icon), nerf the gas effects, and get rid of that bailiff
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Yeah make it similar to Lesion mines, where you can't see which ones have been activated through walls
@CometCafe 11 месяцев назад
4 mines and can be activated 2 at the same time
@nullstate8117 11 месяцев назад
IMO removing 1 mine and bailiff is enough
@Trollox 11 месяцев назад
bro SMG11 slaps no way it's a weakness for mute, being a one speed though💀💀
@nathanraikhraj 11 месяцев назад
Range wise it cannot compete against an ar which is what he was trying to say
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
SMG11 has the quickest time to kill of any weapon yes, but actually in the scenario of a game: You have a holo vs attacker 1.5s, recoil means you can't consistently win mid-range gunfights or pixel peek fights & low magazine size. The gun is good on paper and brilliant in close range gunfights, but the gun isn't consistent enough to be considered "strong" imo
@BigGov74 10 месяцев назад
A few ideas to nerf it, the gas needs to instantly go away when you shoot it or step out of radius, and or add a sound Que for it kinda like with air jabs. Or make him have less but that’s less fun.
@kangrukenny 10 месяцев назад
Definitely one of these ideas is a good path to go down for a nerf
@kekistanimememan170 11 месяцев назад
Yr last sentence gave me Blackbeard flashbacks.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
I'm sorry for causing this nightmarish flashback hahaha
@kirbyis4ever 11 месяцев назад
Bravana and Twitch are going to say "lmao" to mines. We're going to see a LOT of them.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Definitely, more Brava because Brava can hack them even if they’re deactivated, but Twitch can only zap them if they’re activated
@kirbyis4ever 11 месяцев назад
@@kangrukenny A big benefit of twitch is that she's got infinite zaps and if she takes a mine off the board Fenrir is also screwed for a code. Droning is going to be very important so nobody is caught off guard by his gadget.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
More droning in Siege is always a good thing
@Alex324 11 месяцев назад
"He's pretty weak in gunfights because of the SMG 11." Nah mate SMG 11 GOATed.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
I love the smg11 don't get me wrong, but there's tonnes of guns I'd rather use than be restricted in which gunfights I can take bc of the smg11
@Alex324 11 месяцев назад
@@kangrukenny sure you have to forego the shotty, but if you need to fight at range then you can just cop the MP5K. Which is why mute so good. Sure the roam was hurt by the 1 speed nerf but he is versatile.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
If you use the MP5K on Mute then you can't do site setup, so there's a negative tradeoff for being better in gunfights.
@trizzo343 11 месяцев назад
@@Alex324 if you use the mp5k on mute you get clowned on
@Alex324 11 месяцев назад
@@trizzo343 not if teamates have the shotguns, which arent particularly hard to come by. When he was a 2 speed mute was a grest roamer with the 1.5x scope. Pretty much how Mozzie is now. Even still he can anchor just fine with the MP5K.
@Idk-cz9ms 10 месяцев назад
I just find it so funny that ela and zof get nerfed for messing up your sight and aim and then we have purple gas man who just fucks you over completely now
@kangrukenny 10 месяцев назад
Ubi are loving taking the piss haha
@bryonymorrison6296 11 месяцев назад
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
The streak has been lost :(
@bryonymorrison6296 11 месяцев назад
@@kangrukenny sorry I was too busy car shopping cx
@bakes1324 11 месяцев назад
No offense but fenrir only seems like it could be a major issues for low skill players.
@kangrukenny 11 месяцев назад
Unfortunately no. You literally have the best players in the game stating how strong this operator is
@bakes1324 11 месяцев назад
@@kangrukenny ya he’s strong but not overpowered
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