
Is it still worth it to be a professional artist in 2023? 

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@didi7074 Год назад
Thank you for being transparent, often a lot of people hide the work vs reward that comes from being an artist. Some don't even want to say how much they make and from what but then are constantly giving "art career and social media tips". I hate how everything has to be automated and done quick for cheap and those who want to have high quality hand made stuff or take time in their craft are seen as less and dumb. I am starting to think of having multiple different income streams and if one of them fails I can be fine. Being an young adult nowadays is scary man, no job if safe. Take care Arlee, hope you keep your art spark despite the struggles
@jaearnell Год назад
You highlighted all the reasons why I stopped putting my art out there, and I feel crippled and tortured when I pick up a paintbrush now. I work in admin now, and emotions and vulnerability doesn't have to go into that. I HOPE one day, I can heal enough from the damage to paint again, even for myself. I feel like hearing your words, knowing you feel this way, helps a small bit to know what I have gone through with the internet/social media's influence on my art isn't just me being a whiny baby. Or, well... that being a whiny baby about it is also fine :p
@lunarrefresh Год назад
I really hope the answer is yes 😅 because that's what my heart tells me 💚💚💚
@Pine Год назад
[long comment- skip if you want] On this topic i just wanted to share my experience from the point of view of a student still in school. I spent the last weeks working for a lot of drawings to be able to apply to a student loan with a pretty big money prize (for me at least). I extenuated myself, but i also checked with my teachers and they approved the portfolio. Well after all that i finally had to go and give an interview while presenting my portfolio..I wasn t informed by the organisators that i needed to bring my phisical drawings so i only brought like 4 with me just in case- it went horribly. I thought it would be a nice interview, at first i accepted the "free criticisms" but then after being asked just 4 questions the jury just started criticizing my art style, my life choices, my career choices, and the way that i experiment with art... It made me crumble, after a week i still get anxious when thinking about drawing in general, but since im in an art school can t really give up. But the truth is it s just hit me hard, i know i can t please all the people and that my drawings won t be liked my everything, but their words just cut so deep- they acted like i don t know what im getting myself into, like i made the wrong choices till now, like i didn t actually like to draw.. But when drawing was and always has been my escape, what else can i do..? sure i like many other things, but drawing is just my passion, and the world im most confortable with. so i don t know if it s really worth becoming a professional artist, but i do know that for me it matters that i keep my mentality good and do what i like. i like to draw, maybe i m not the best at it, but i don t want to be the best, i just want to live through my drawings, to learn to express myself better through them (unfortunately i haven t watched the video yet since it s yet to be posted but i will do after the premiere ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ) edit- I talked about my experience with my art teacher and he was really supportive and encouraged me and it made me feel like i can draw again what i want
@Pine Год назад
Sorry for the possible grammar/ spelling mistakes (°^▽^)
@lunarrefresh Год назад
I think they were playing the role of "your worst critics." Your entire life you will come across critics, no matter what field you pursue. The only thing that separates you from others in the art field, the ONLY thing that will keep you making art, is your personal conviction and passion ('cause it ain't the money haha), and I think they were trying to test if your conviction was strong enough. That's only for you to decide. It seems like a stereotype, but in college and especially art schools, instructors are harder on those with the most potential. Their criticism won't be as harsh as the world's, though, and you won't be as good of an artist today as you will be tomorrow, no matter your skill now. But you need to first make it to tomorrow to see that. One of the strongest talents of an artist is using those negative voices as a bounce board from which to climb. I've lived with both extremes: with the harshest critics where (trigger warning!!) I contemplated suicide daily because I thought I was worthless and trapped, and with the overly compassionate, I-can-do-no-wrong supporters. I'm stuck in the latter now, and it's just as hellish as the former, just as suicidal if not moreso because I haven't made art in years now because of it. I would not condone the bullies nor the buttkissers, but you'll come across both and need to learn to ignore them both, because in either case they force you believe their lies, by making you rely too much on others and too little on yourself. (This is not saying to ignore critiques nor the compliments, though. Critiques can be quite useful to see things from other perspectives and compliments can help you when your own inner critic is too loud.) But my best art to date was during the former situation, when I had something to push against and something to prove. Again, though, I don't support the bully tactics, but having gone through the worst form of it and to see others who have never heard a cross word, I'm very fortunate to have the backbone it gave me. Everyone's experiences are different, but that's mine. Good artists can show masterful technique and consistency (just like AIs), but great artists convey stories that spiral our emotions and challenge our perspectives. I know you can do this even without knowing you because everyone has this potential, but each day you'll need to choose your inner fire and on behalf of your mental and physical health, whether that's to fight, push, destroy, create, or relax, exercise, travel, sleep... It is ALL of life, every small detail, that encompasses the Artist. It all comes down to choice ♡ But this isn't taking AI art into the subject of the professional market. I really don't pay AI any mind and don't support anything created by it, so we'll see what Arleesha has to say about it tomorrow. I personally don't see AI art ever being able to convey anything striking nor moving because it will never have those personal experiences and it's not something that can be shoved into an algorithm. It can never create something new. It will only ever make the stereotype of "good art." It means to me that to be a professional artist will transform in meaning from doing a 9-5 position in soulsucking advertising (which is rarely of ever limited to 9-5 lol) to doing more "fine" art and things that can't be replicated. More soulful work, maybe likely less money unless you reach fame status (which again is totally possible of everyone, who knows). But again, we'll see how Arleesha feels tomorrow. 💚
@anxiouspeaches Год назад
@@Pine Do you have a place where you post your art? I'd like to give you a follow and support in what little way I can. I also had a somewhat similar experience with an art professor, though I was just taking the class as an extra thing to do while working on my degree. Our final was a critique by him and he said I was the biggest disappointment in his entire career of teaching. At the time, this felt like the most devastating thing anyone had ever said to me. I ended up not touching art for years after that. (side note: I don't know what he said to one of my classmates because he pulled her to another room but when she left she was crying and heaving into the nearest trashcan.) Now that I'm older and I've started making art again, I've gotten more stubborn. If people give critiques that go beyond constructive criticism, I don't listen to them. Critique and criticism can be a good thing but there needs to be mutual respect too. Keep making art. Don't give up. If you liked some of their advice, experiment with implementing it into your work. But don't change your whole art style or your subject matter to fit the whims of people who don't respect you.
@Pine Год назад
@@anxiouspeaches unfortunately i don t really post on social media, i plan to start a main account of some sort after i finish school and apply for a university. I once posted my art on instagram, but deleted my account out of fear and anxiety while going through a rough period of my life.. so for now im focusing more on growing my skills and school. But thank you for your support!!
@Pine Год назад
@@lunarrefresh Thank you for sharing your experience
@spacepebble Год назад
Elizabeth Keefner here. Relationships are the most important part of art. That is actually how I choose to watch who I do. I know that we don't have a traditional one on one relationship but I care very much about you and the other artist I follow. I don't know how to say that without sounding weird and I don't know if that makes sense. Thank you for your thoughts and for doing what you do. You are an inspiration to me.
@pinekun Год назад
Such a well spoken and important video. Thank you so much for this Arleesha. As someone who is increasingly feeling my soul crushed by a "normal" job, I've also increasingly thought about turning to my art to support myself. My biggest concern has been losing the love I have for something so human and personal. This has given me a lot to think about. ♥
@tradingpostfarms Год назад
So something I've seen in my own life is that during covid I fell head over heels for watercolor. I was a sketch artist, but I found paint. I dove into videos and learning, and I still paint every single day....but my kids went back to school and I went back to work. And I lost all that time I could put into my art, or learning. And then inflation stole my disposable income that would have otherwise been shared with artists on patron or skills share. Eggs went from 1$ to $5, gas is up, my rent is 40% higher, i have a good paying public service job working in rehabilitation of substance abuse disease, but im a single mom barely making it as it is, It's sad I can no longer support other artists in the way I had 2 years ago.
@paisleyrosestuff Год назад
I've watched this video about three times now and it's made me cry every time, but in a good way. Hearing your honesty, that it's hard to be an online artist in 2023 and might not be possible for many people, is actually really encouraging and inspiring, because I feel less like I'm a "failure" that my channel or Instagram or Etsy shop aren't doing well, and just that it's hard and I'm trying to do something hard. Somehow knowing that, no matter how much effort I put in, I may never be rewarded with the kind of "success" that I want (mostly I just want my art and creations to be in people's homes and brighten their days, but I have no reach yet), brings me a certain amount of peace. Like it's giving me permission to focus on the part of creating that I love, and the rest may or may not come, but if I'm loving what I do, then I might as well keep on doing it. "Success" would be great, but living a life that I enjoy, with people I love, is so much more important than that, and I needed this reminder. Thank you!
@MsMoniqueWilson Год назад
Great and very sad insight. I can't imagine my life without the content creators I follow. You all inspire me so much. And nothing would make me happier than to subscribe to all of your patterns, buy from your shops, follow all your Skillshare classes. Sadly I can't. :(. And although I would gladly watch one of your videos each day I would rather watch less if that means you are more fulfilled and feel inspired. Your sentiments are being shared by most of the artists I follow. It's sad really. Because - if all content creators could ban together and demand better - you would get it. These platforms only exist because of your content. Hugs
@mevnie-enn Год назад
I'm an engineering student specialising in Game Tech, but more so Game Graphics. I consider myself an artist, or at least "artsy" in nature. I've loved to draw & create since I was small, but attitudes like my instructors saying that "you're not artists, you're content creators" really grinds me. And there are some students in my field who do embrace the AI art as a tool... For me personally, I get it, you don't have to create these things by hand when the end result is the only thing that matters, but it just feels very wrong. Especially when it's known that the AI does need input from somewhere (i.e. stolen art work from online...) to output something (a poorly blended mishmash that often looks almost 1:1 to the original images). I believe that video games are an art form. So many (especially larger companies) are focusing too much on the capital side of things that they ignore the creativity and soul that goes into making said games. I'm sure many have heard of the horror stories of working in major game companies, the work environment is made to take advantage of the passion of those wanting to make games in order to turn in into a money-making fest. Of course there are indie developers and smaller companies, but from a career standpoint it doesn't feel that secure to me personally. And lot of people want to work in game tech & game graphics, so there is "competition" to begin with. I do agree that we should see people more as friends & co-workers than pure competition though, it's very stressful to think of all the creatives who I must "compete" with to "survive" in this world... But unfortunately even if games can have a big impact on people and therefore the world, it can be seen as something that's only for entertainment and "wasting time". Lovely to see you make fan art of a video game character, it warms my heart! I do love your watercolour/gouache & sketch explorations :) Thank you for making this video and talking about these issues in the world & mindsets some might have.
@amanda1to2 Год назад
It truly is that the struggling artist trope is getting more accurate as time passes.
@luckysmokerings666 Год назад
Any creative process under capitalism seems to have major pitfalls. I was watching a video by Kat Blaque about AI art where she made a very good point - a lot of the people who want to automate art generation or push the 'always producing content' view of art are the people who don't really value it or want to pay the appropriate amount of money for art in the first place. They don't see value in art outside of literal monetary gain (and even then its a 'be grateful for your breadcrumbs' kind of mindset). And I was thinking about that while I was watching your video. I've shied away from monetizing my hobbies (I have a full time job in the sciences), but it feels like in today's 'everybody has a side hustle' culture there is so much pressure to be trying to generate monetary value from something mostly just feeds my soul. I do art because I've always done art. I don't know who I would be if I wasn't doodling or painting. But even as someone who is financially stable and enjoys my day job, I still sometimes feel that pressure to be generating art for a purpose other than my own enjoyment. I think being an artist who actually makes money off of their creative process is difficult (I could never do it for a variety of reasons). I don't think art was ever meant to fit into the capitalistic grind, because capitalism will never be able to appropriately value art as a process and experience instead of a product. Thanks for such a thoughtful video - it has my mind churning in the background while I write a very boring report for work.
@StephanieNL Год назад
Thank you. From someone who has been asking that question. We appreciate and value you and your contributions to this world. 🙏
@dovenart7546 Год назад
I really appreciate how open and transparent you are about money and the business side of things, etc. I was attempting to make art my business and career and after a while it became far too detrimental to my health. Grinding out constantly for content instead of just creating what I enjoy at my own pace- it ruined my mental and emotional health for ages. I wasn't making a liveable income, I was anxious and unhappy while I worked, and it showed in my art. So I gave up, I applied for disability which after a two year fight, I've finally gotten. Now art is my hobby once more, and I have no time limit, no pressure to do things at a certain pace, and I've fallen in love with art again. I plan to keep making videos and sharing on social media, but I'm not chasing followers or income anymore. It's not something every artist can do, but it's what's made me happy now.
@NadiaRausa Год назад
I deeply feel the words you’ve spoken. I know we’ve talked a lot already, so you know my thoughts on a lot of this, but I’m truly not sure what my next steps are to be able to make an income. On the positive side, the friends I’ve made worldwide, you included, have been worth the struggles of being an “online artist.” The friends we’ve made and the people we’ve met all have been the light that keeps me coming back. I’d honestly be perfectly content if I never had to post on social media again, though haha. I’m at a crossroads. I’m not sure where to go from where I’ve been. I feel quite lost in my work, unfortunately. You saw how burnt out I became for years over the workload that’s expected of us-we were never *just* artists, but content creators, shop runners and packagers, PR, accountants, and everything in between. I don’t know where this comment is going; I think perhaps I’m just talking. But thank you for making this video and being so transparent. Can’t wait to chat soon and sending you much love ♥️
@jessieg4901 Год назад
If I was you Arlee, I would move from Skillshare to teachable, I feel like that would help you make more income, and I think the way you use watercolor is so unique, and the world needs that ! Love you and support you !
@margaretspringer9197 Год назад
Hi, Arleesha -- thanks for sharing your feelings and experiences so honestly. Nothing is ever enough for capitalists -- if allowed, they'll eventually poison everything good. I've gotten so much as a person and an artist from the RU-vid videos I've watched, and in return I've subscribed, liked, commented, and watched ads. That seems fair to me, but apparently it doesn't satisfy the RU-vid bean counters. This video didn't come up in the videos YT suggests to me, even though I've watched many of your videos before (without subscribing). I searched for you, because I hadn't seen anything for a while, and wanted to know what you've been up to. Instead, YT's always trying to get me to "branch out" and watch things other than art, van life, and cats. If YT drives you away, they're hurting you and your fans, including me. Reading the comments, and having watched other artists' videos on the subject, they've definitely done that to other creators. I'm sorry for the emotional pain and loss of income this had caused you, and I support your determination to be true to yourself as an artist, mom, and human being, even if it leads you away from this unfortunately really-not-public forum where we try to meet and communicate.
@magdalenakruczkowska9937 Год назад
You are very well spoken and your art is absolutely amazing. I am very sorry to hear that you feel the way you describe. I love art, grew up in a very artistic and creative family and do understand that making a living as an artist is very hard, even though most of people in this world do appreciate art. I hope you carry on with your art and continue creating what makes you happy.
@lunarrefresh Год назад
I want to start by saying, I'm so sorry for all this pain you've been going through. But thank you so deeply for sharing from a level albeit heartfelt place what it's like to be a content creator nowadays. I mentioned that I don't depend on money to live, and while that may be true for me, I know I'm an anomaly, and it doesn't always feel good to be an anomaly. I'm not on Instagram anymore, but I feel pressure still to create for money, that I'm less of a person if I'm not grinding my soul into a product for others to consume. I've been down endless dark spirals where I feel worthless for not conforming. I want to share my art and writing, but my priority will never be to make money, ever. Ever. I can't help it. That just betrays my heart and I can't do it.-- but I know this hasn't been the point of your video. All this is to say I greatly believe others can live freely like this, too, that society is going to be changing for the better within our lifetimes so that people live and do what their hearts call them to, not by the pressure of corporations to make money. Trends are overrated and created by companies, not popular demand, and people ARE waking up and realizing this. That's why there's so much unrest on this topic now, people realizing that we're losing the soul of our creations, our very humanity. This is the rise up before huge social change. Artists are the foundation of a healthy society, so when they're messed with, prepare for a crumble you can't pay to escape from. 😂 And this isn't me calling for violence or revolution. Just honesty, and an emphasis on people and compassion. It's hard to push back The Man, but the biggest way to stick him is just becoming self-aware of your values and recognizing the manipulation tactics they use to get you to conform. They can't win games you refuse to play. Again, I know most people do need money to live, so I'm not negating that, but I know there's a fair way to have the resources to live and be happy as an artist and creator and human. Each person is different and will have a different solution, but there IS always a solution where there is enough love and passion. That's something AI art can never replicate nor replace, and that's why humanity will win. It's inevitable. Only we get to choose how hard we make it for ourselves to conquer this. We are greater in numbers and will and, most importantly, heart. ♡
@Bat_Fiend. Год назад
These things you touch on are so important. I've been struggling to find a path I want to go down. I keep feeling the pressures of capitalism telling me I should just take any job that makes me money. I don't want to do that. I'm an artist aswell and would like to do that professionally to some degree at some point. But I know it can't be full time(I prefer that) . So finding that other part is so hard. Like you said as artists we are very emotional, so things have to "feel right". But society isn't built like that. I can so relate so much of what you said eventhough I'm not a full time artist. Thank you for talking about this! ❤
@sarataylor6164 Год назад
I guess I'm not asking an artist to teach me to be an artist, I want to look at art that someone loves making. The instructional bits of your content go right over my head, I'm here for the paintings.
@marisawu3646 Год назад
For those who want to become an artist or already are one actually need this kind of content….to each their own I guess❤
@LadyFate13 Год назад
The lack of obligation from companies in the "gig" economy, youtube etc. Is exactly soul crushing. There is rarely any new regulation to establish fair working compensation and care for human workers. Outside of regulation it is up to us (and thank you for doing this in this video) to talk about, discover, and enjoy what makes us delightfully human.
@SquishyChameleon Год назад
Corporations are ruining everything. It IS soul crushing. I, personally, couldn't handle the marketing and uncertainty because I am a heart on my sleeve, anxious person who is terrified of change! I did not pursue art as a career after some VERY bad experiences with employers early in my art career journey. Seeing what my acquaintances and artists I admire go through... I feel I made the right decision for myself overall. I just wish I hadn't put my art away for so many years because I felt like a failure for not being able to handle that environment. Much love and admiration for those who do persevere. ❤
@Meri_Luo Год назад
This is very much how I've been feeling about art career lately. Everything is getting worse with these new algorithms that absolutely kill your reach if you don't post everyday like a robot. Trying to build any kind of audience is really hard at the moment. Even people like you, who already have an audience, are suffering. Then what can us who are just beginning our art careers now even do? The news of the image generating ai is just the cherry on top of this capitalism mess. I have thought about just giving up on art career but instead I'm going to try the illustrating route since I am not ready to give up yet on my dream to support myself with my art. I wish all of us who are struggling with this the endurance to keep fighting for our rights to be human beings, instead of products. You all matter so much, even if you are not making any money!
@sarahs9036 Год назад
I think the point about not having labor protections in spite of effectively working for these companies cant be overstated and is something I had not thought of before. Thanks for this really interesting commentary!
@obsesivefunatica Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing this ~ This gave me a lot of food for thought. I grew up surrounded by artists and traditional creatives, but managed to steer clear of the online art community for a very long time. I only really engaged with it during the spring of 2020, and it was a real culture shock. I would follow all of these amazing artist on Instagram (yourself included) and feel so inspired. And then I'd see all the product placement. Everyone was listing off the items and *brands* they used - brushes, paper, paints, tech. It's only over time that I've realised that this is pretty much the only way for online artists to survive - even tho offline artists rarely (if ever!!) talk about what brands they use. Making your own artwork - answering creative questions and crafting your own narrative - is no longer enough. You have to be an advertiser as well. I think over time this can really frustrate creative practice. Through the widespread nature of capitalism and homogenizing effect of social media, it's easy to gradually, imperceptibly move away from selling your art and start selling the "artist lifestyle" instead. It does seem like people are thinking about this environment more critically now, tho. And I really hope that people (rather than AI) keep making art for themselves, and the audience who clearly want to see it.
@wilmamccoul Год назад
Your voice and the way you speak is so peaceful and although we’ve never met, I care how you’re doing. You’re lovely and your art is wonderful. I am so grateful I found you on RU-vid and I can’t imagine some of the things you’re experiencing. I’m too chicken to put my work out. One of the saddest things I heard when I did a marketplace event was, “I can make that.” In fact, I said that once myself and regret that I did. I hate that I may have hurt someone the way I felt hurt when I heard it. I pray I never do that again. Creating is not just time consuming and hard work, but a piece of us is in what we’ve created. I love the idea that someone has a piece of me on their wall or that it’s keeping them warm in the form of a blanket or the jeans I embroidered. Thank you for being you and sharing. You’ve made my creative world a better place.
@gideonros2705 Год назад
Thank you for your honesty and sharing difficult experiences. I've spent the last four years painting but the work I put on my Instagram account and other platforms had zero response and I have contemplated whether in this highly competitive and digitalised world with AI on top of it I'm starting to really question if Art will have to be just a hobby.
@FetteHenne2009 Год назад
i admit, i cried a little at the end. guess i am too late to the oline art party. Thanks for this honest video. :)
@justinferguson9779 Год назад
🤣 AI is not art it’s fake .
@kath2142 Год назад
And it's stolen art in a way because it takes pieces of real artwork online to patch together some digitized frankenart. :(
@aldebaranaldana6105 Год назад
Thanks for this video, Arleesha. I do share these concerns about content making as a form of living. It's really sad how platform have taking this hobby and started exploiting their creators with the illusion of making a living through advertisment. As an artist, I used to be on many sites before, as a fan account and that lead me to start making art, and that felt great at first, I don't use social media anymore, but for other personal issues, that weren't easy to deal with either. Luckily I always took art making as a hobby and got to share only when I felt like making something. I do want to live from drawing, but with how many concerns I've seen about being "self employed" online, I've decided to make an animation portafolio and try to enter some studio in my country, I still share occasional art on Pixiv and a couple animations on RU-vid, where my reach is so low that I don't feel pushed to be always making something but I get a bit of encouragement. And I'm glad that I get to take my time to prepare me for a more traditional work at a studio. Thanks again for sharing this important look into the issue 🙇
@mjpete27 Год назад
Thanks for posting this video. I hustled year after year as a freelance Artist and "luckily"? I am retired in 2015. I use Instagram to post pictures and I still am not making Reels. I may want to sell online, but I am not willing to do what I "MUST" to do so. I do believe there is a place for handmade items and making a living from doing so is possible, but it is quite difficult. I do hope you continue to create videos and Art to stay in touch with your fans and viewers here and on other platforms. I hope creating for Joy is enough, I hope you can do this and live a life that brings joy to you and the world!
@LondonBridge99 Год назад
I have literally been thinking about painting Fenris for about a month now, this inspired me to actually do it 💗
@dorothyeileen Год назад
I appreciate your insight and ability to share it so kindly and clearly. These are my thoughts as I am contemplating my relationship with creating, thank you for providing a place to leave them. I’ve been wanting to do more with my art, put it out in the world more skillfully. I didn’t make art my career, and I regret this only sometimes. I would not have been able to cope well with the pressure. I’m currently putting together ways to blend my art and my career. I need more creative play in my life. I have a goal of sharing the art making experience, to support bonds between family members: increasing confidence in spontaneous play, building trust between young people and their caregivers, and strengthening problem solving creativity and patience. My art practice does this for me, and sometimes someone will buy the result. I do think art can be a career for some, so I will not denigrate anyone who takes that route. Someday, maybe I’ll build a business on the family art experience as a ‘thing’ - summer day or week camps. Maybe like the ‘paint your own pottery’ movement. Who knows…
@JadaBstudio Год назад
Thank you for putting out this video! Even though it might not be the most "popular" opinion I appreciate the honesty. As a self-taught artist trying to make this into a full-time career I agree with what you are saying and a lot resonated with me. I work full time because I don't make anything from my art (yet) but I find myself too afraid to say most of what you are saying out loud to my budding new audience, but it is not easy and these platforms don't make putting out content the way we do (artist channels) very helpful because art takes time, our emotions, our knowledge, and skill. We can't constantly be painting or drawing without feeling burnt out. I feel like we do need to do a better job supporting each other and not put other artists down for using these new platforms or new features in order to try and get their work out there and build community. That's what I saw a lot when artists I've followed for years complained and put down others for using tiktok, reels, and shorts because they were not seeing the work reflect the outcome they wanted, but on the other side, they are also stopping small/ new artists from using what the can (and often have to) in order to get a leg up in their art careers. Sorry, this is a long post, I'm so grateful to get this off my chest. Love, Jada
@xoonaniart Год назад
Thank you Aleesha for this video.. you spoke out what so many artist feel.. what I‘m feeling as well.. Thank you for being so honest. I wish you the best! And I have to say.. Btw.. your artwork is amazing like every time and I enjoyed the painting process a lot while listening to your calming voice 😊 And despite what’s going on in the world I‘m looking forward to the future full of hope and also optimism… 💪❤
@thejoydecision724 Год назад
You were one of the artists that inspired me to risk failing when I picked up my brush today. I have barely done art over the last year or two so it was really nice to enjoy it again. Art connects. It’s that connecting nature to art that is enduring.
@harleyhowl4271 Год назад
I have to say I just finished playing Dragon age 2, a couple of days ago and although I am a very big fan of this series, never played the second game because of the its bad reputation. But I absolutely loved it and now obsessed with its heroes and the song The Mage Pride. And looking on my feed, really thought that I was imagining things and see Fenris everywhere, but no it's really him, You did his fanart, what a coincidence. Wonderful artwork, interesting topic. 😍😄
@user-cl7ef5kn9g Год назад
Thank you for sharing. I create art as I'm house bound due to ms it helps my mental health I love following lots of artists online I'm sorry to hear your struggles
@CabbyHat Год назад
So many good thoughts here; I don't really have anything to add that you haven't already said better, just really appreciate this. And fwiw I'm really glad that you're hanging in there and managing to find a way to bring your art and words to us, it's really good and the world is better for it.
@NoDecaf7 Год назад
"Make more, earn less" is basically the motto of capitism. I've worked for the same company or 8 years and have taken multiple pay cuts. Why? Increase in minimum wage, of all things. I work a production job, my income is also determined by my output. The scale just keeps sliding :/
@martinaakervik Год назад
Liked your artwork and videos for a while. Interesting thoughts and I’m glad artists in the spotlight can express this to people. Because some of us is not even visible anymore. I fx had my peak of popularity as a young talent (before my audience was logged on social media) and my popularity faded before I was able to build up something here. Glad you talk about these things.
@pixipatrin Год назад
My grandparents were artists and art educators, they did fine but did have their rough years. Eventually my grandfather became a rockstar of ceramics and my grandmother accomplished in her own right. Just keep going. Keep building community even though it seems art is "isolating" it can be energizing to create in a community whether that is out on the mainstreet of your town or whether that community is found online.
@nansifyanimations Год назад
I was just starting to post online to gain an audience etc but seeing how other “known” or artists with somewhat big audiences (and smaller ones) get treated and how art gets stollen most often to repost, use for ai without consent, gets “fixed” , the drama for small reasons (Twitter comes here) etc got me really scared of sharing? Even though we have to in social media, to get known, add a portfolio and basically not sit in the shadows. Really got me thinking. Cause even if you add you sign, you name, your stamp, covering the drawing yet not so much to show what is happening in the picture, it really gets the fun out of making art. 😔😔 Been thinking of sharing art tutorials on RU-vid rn cause it seems a bit more helpful and like home? Since I do want to help other people improve but it’s still weird and scary of how someone can just steal anything, people now days have been stealing Timelapses of other people to show that “yes I did it.” When it was from the other. Feels quite like the awful joke-
@NatureSketchbook Год назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on all of this, I can totally relate. I too feel very tired from it all (as an artist who is also primarily active online) and I think taking long breaks is sometimes very necessary. I think we all (not just artists, but everyone) have to try and take back the internet from corporations. Because all the big platforms and the tech bros will ever care about is more people farming to generate money for investors, and squeezing content out of us to keep us on their feeds and make us see their ads is a great way to do that. AI will also be a great way to do that. Venture capital isn't interested in communities, or art, or society, or any of the value they inherently have. These are people whose motto is to be relentless and to break things. After a long time without almost any social media (I couldn't take it any more) for me Mastodon and the Fediverse has recently been a breath of fresh air. A place that can actually be a community, because it's not associated with corporate bullshit. I hope you can always find the way back to your art and creative practice, at least that's what helps me a lot. Take care.
@ChantelleArts Год назад
I’ve been excited for this one ever since I saw it was scheduled! Let’s hope the answer is yes 🥺
@ChantelleArts Год назад
oop this wasn’t really a yes 😢 It saddens me to hear how you’re feeling and how difficult this is becoming for you. When TikTok changed their algorithm, I put in the same amount of work and my videos just weren’t being shown anymore, it’s getting really hard to rely so much on a social media algorithm these days
@PatriciaGodboutArt Год назад
Fellow artists are our friends.
@whiterose1973 Год назад
I just watched a video by Alpay Efe on this topic and it really made me sad... why why why does this has to be the way artists are treated...
@kaos. Год назад
Being an artist and, in general, pursuing one's dreams has always been difficult. Every era has imposed challenges, obstacles, to fulfilment. The attempt to exploit the masses is also what allows us to paint and draw with excellent materials bought at rather low prices. Everything can be seen as positive or negative. If you want to follow your inner child, you have to ignore everything that makes you feel inadequate and unequal. We cannot just breathe for the sake of gain. What helps me a lot in times of uncertainty is reading biographies of artists of the past. There are also good movies. Seeing that their tribulations are my own and that is part of the journey. Thank you for sharing your mood and thoughts ❤
@elenabusto6513 Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. You truly provided a human view that I've never heard before from other artists. You really thought all of this through, from being a "slave" of social media platforms, hence capitalism, to the development of automation in all fields. This was so interesting to hear, and yes, very scary and frustrating. But it's the truth, and we need to come to terms with it. Thank you again for sharing your heartfelt thoughts with such honesty. Btw the artwork is amazing, as always!
@stephanie.kilgast Год назад
Social media has certainly gotten very frustrating. Skillshare as well with the quite sudden and massive drop of income. I personnaly am fortunate enough that selling originals is working well for me, but skillshare was such a good safety net and I am now looking into new ways to create that monthy income somehow. It most certainly has become much harder to get your work seen, though on the other side, I think social media might just not be as useful for visual artists as it used ot be.
@PatriciaGodboutArt Год назад
dearest arlee , i hear you, you are so honest, thank you. things always change. the same happened to me not as an online artist.
@almost_zab Год назад
I worked I tv for 17 years. 10 were fun , creative and then a big company bought us and slowly crushed the creativity for quantity and copy paste promos. It destroyed my soul and I left to go into… hvac. So much happier. I paint in my spare time make more money and don’t have to look over my shoulder as jobs disappear because of streaming. It happens. The industry changed, the people changed and I changed too. It’s natural to go through this. You are still an artist if it’s not full time or your primary source of income. Just don’t let the greed and grind ruin something you liked. I’ll never edit or produce anything again. But that’s okay. Others will. Feel bad for the folks still trying to hold onto a dying tv industry though. The jobs just aren’t there anymore. Broadcast tv is done. And the new work is all contract and short term long hours in production. Hard life that one.
@rieckstudio Год назад
Thank you for expressing what we’re all feeling. We artists will always hold the richness and humanity within our power. Society will continue to look for that connection. They’ll have to pay a premium for it!! Tough transition and i too, feel your pain. ❤
@PatriciaGodboutArt Год назад
No one authentic will forget about you because you are. Even if you take time off. Love your attitude, take good care arlee, Peace.
@DayByeDayChristine Год назад
Thank you for sharing this beautiful and emotional story. I feel the same way. I am going to school for Digital Design and I love just painting and drawing IRL. I have felt very used too and burnt out. AI will probably take away any future jobs that I'm going to school for now. Thank you for the inspirational words and the truth.
@Svenscums Год назад
Thank you for this it really helped me feel much better about what I really want to do with my life as someone who enjoys the arts. Thank you ❤
@fallowfawnart Год назад
I've been an online artist since about 2017. At my peak I had 4.5k followers on insta, but I didn't see a single sale from my online presence. I was able to get a few art supplies by doing video reviews, but I also wasn't large enough of a creator to make money from those interactions. In 2021 I made an Etsy thinking my shop would take off, but it didn't. I've done a few commissions here and there but I didn't really start making money until more recently. Even then my sales have little to do with my online presence, they have to do with signing a contract for a gallery. I still like keeping instagram as a form of online portfolio, but I don't expect to get clients from my posts. These days I get an average of 8 or so likes even though I have 2.5k followers. As for RU-vid I also don't expect to see views convert to clients, but I like to view my channel as a way for people to interact with my work more. To see how things were made and hear me talk about them if they want to. I absolutely understand feeling so frazzled by platform algorithms. I gave up posting and making art almost altogether in 2020 because of how bad things were. It was also really isolating to not see anyone else in my situation, but as time has gone on I've been able to reach out to a few people who's work I like that also like me and my work
@artbysolar-theresa Год назад
I wonder how it would be if you put all your classes on your website and charged a fee? Maybe the pressure wouldn’t be so bad because you have an amazing following already. Then that would also free you up to post on Instagram/RU-vid when you feel like it. This is just a thought. All careers have pressure and I find that staying true to myself is the best way to go. If I can not change it then I choose wether to morph myself into todays ever changing norm or continue to stay in my lane.
@fuzzydragons Год назад
yeah unfortunately there are some people that think art isnt worth money or the time, and its hard to deal with those people who think that art is pointless. it can be frustrating to deal with those people/companies. its def still worth creating art, just need to be hones with yourself that you prob wont make enough money to survive on art alone now
@cathyferguson570 Год назад
Thank you Arlee. Appreciate you.
@ChuckLeeMBM Год назад
great work and video! i couldnt agree more with all youve said! keep grinding!! I know I will!!
@katiealleena2049 Год назад
I've always struggled trying to do creative work for a living. For me, it's writing. I can't write what I love (fiction) because capitalism demands copy, and advertising and things like that. There's also this incredibly intimidating gatekeeping system in place for trying to get a book professionally published. Not many people have the endurance to go through that, let alone finish a whole novel (etc) first without funding. Writers, too, have been looked down upon for a really long time like our work isn't valid outside of corporate things. It's really hard. It's also why I keep my art as my hobby and why I've been afraid to make the leap. I am already exhausted with trying to fight off the cultural viewpoint that my passions (writing and art) aren't valid ways to make a living and revert to things like copywriting & editing to serve capitalism. It's very difficult to have any energy leftover for personal projects. I'm even retraining into coding/programming even though if I am honest with myself...I don't love it as much as writing at all ... because I need to support myself. It's like each year the world tries to crush the creative energy out of people more and more. ): So I get it. I wouldn't be able to write at all anymore or even keep trying to get better at art out of just pure fear and exhaustion if it wasn't for my friends who encourage me every day and remind me that I am worth the effort to do what I love. It's gotta be the most difficult thing, though, this fight. I'm glad you took some time off to try and process all that the world has thrown at us this last year or so.
@georgecooper9766 Год назад
I run into this issue of content demand in my line of work all the time as well. I'm a writer/journalist for a small publishing company but we've had to evolve with the times to become content creators rather than just writers and designers, while still doing the original writing and publication production work as well. So I'm trying to produce articles for print and digital magazines while also expected to run a twitter account and learn to produce videos etc etc and as someone who started the job 6 months ago it's a lot. And as the young one I'm expected to be the social media person but I'm still learning how to do the basic ins and outs of my job idk how to market this company on linkedin lol.
@betty-annbryce5963 Год назад
I am a huge fan of your work and your videos. I appreciate your frustration but what you are highlighting is the inherent risk in being dependent on tools (e.g. social media, youtube, skillshare) outside your control for your livelihood. The goals are very different. These platforms make money by being bigger and growing engagement. Also they are serving numerous swathes of people and artists are just a subgroup within the larger whole. This means they will always be looking for ways to change the platform in a direction that feeds the masses and serves their bottomline. That translates into, if you want to use the platform, then it is on their terms e.g. creating video, posting x times a week etc. Sometimes the changes works for artists sometimes it does not and takes away from your creativity as you say. A RU-vid creator "marques Brownlee recently noted that youTube could go away tomorrow and that would hugely impact his income (has over 10 million followers) which is why he is finding different ways to diversify. I would say these are still extremely valuable tools for artists and forewarned is forearmed so creatives should go in knowing the pros and cons of taking this route.
@chloesfieldnotes2657 Год назад
FENRIS!!! i always love it when you draw da2 art, it really such a underestimated game, definitely my favourite out of all the dragon ages
@brannonmcclure6970 Месяц назад
I don’t fantasize; I just do it.🧑‍🎨♾️👨‍🎓
@softlanding138 Год назад
Every artist goes through various stages of growth. It's always a draw to level up and move forward both for the marketing side as well as for our genuine fulfillment as an artist.
@briannak.wealder3556 Год назад
Oh my gosh, fellow Dragon Age fan! XD (I've started my 10th DA:I playthrough while waiting for Dreadwolf, haha) Also thank you for making this video, I much appriciate it.
@AbraCassandraCrafts Год назад
I'm 33 and just started my own youtube channel. I don't intend to live off of it but it'd be nice to just get to the point where I get a little youtube revenue. Just to feel as if I'm contributing a little in my life. It's hard with ADHD to be motivated. If someday I'm confident enough to try something bigger I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
@ArtistRebeccaLS Год назад
I 100% agree with you about being an online artist - I still don’t even have my first 1000 subs here and I’m on year 6 😅 I left for awhile too because it’s very exhausting creating content that then gets little views. Yup capitalisme is terrible for professional artists I make money only via Redbubble (twice a year if I’m lucky 😅) but I have added affiliation links from Amazon recently Skill share is even more work and pressure 😅 Artists are artists and nothing will ever change that no matter if it’s AI or the thing that comes after it 😊 everyone was terrified when they started hearing about ”digital art“ 😁 Great video - cathartic 🙏
@Beelsoranges Год назад
It’s crazy how much capitalism wants us to be content making machines in order to be successful, i wish it could be better for artists without being very exploitative. Also, I found your comment and decided to check out your art, very cool!!!
@ArtistRebeccaLS Год назад
@@Beelsoranges yay for me for being found 😆 thank you 😊
@tannismcfarren7891 Год назад
I've thought about trying to sell my art, but the idea of trying to market myself and spend the time doing that instead of creating just makes me squeamish. Yes, I want my art out there, and it would be nice to make money on it, but the idea of spending so much time marketing takes the pleasure of creating from me. I guess for me I just need to be happy with what I'm doing, and I really am. Thanks for this video and going through your struggles. I identify with them very much!!
@inamalina9119 Год назад
Dear Arleesha, thank you for speaking out things that's on my mind. I genuinely feel this pressure in your voice. In the end, that's our relationships to hold us alive, not the money. I am sorry to load my frustration here, but I just can't get over the thought that those changes caused by human beings..and also feel like the humanity is gone long before AI. It feels like those predatory Capitalists must be living on another planet! What I mean is, I feel your worries. But I can tell, that seeing you keeping on makes me believe in that good chunk of humanity, you are representing in your art, you're videos. Lots of love from Germany
@chloekaftan Год назад
so the gist of this is that, do art if you still love it despite the world trying so hard to destroy it, but dont do it if you want to survive as an artist because its unsustainable now thanks to the hypercapitalistic internet and AI art. this is basically the return of art as a profession regressing back into art as a hobby. if thats the case then all hope is lost, anyone who dedicated their life to making art is doomed to bankruptcy or forced to juggle multiple jobs just to sustain their art profession.. for people who have no other skills or talents this is already a death sentence... in short, my life and dream is basically over.. time to jump off my condo...
@afos32 9 месяцев назад
Well said it is rough out there. I have no place in this world because I won't play the game
@MaddCB Год назад
If something is worthwhile to you then yes it will be worth journey. Good the bad and ugly. Your “why” gets you through the hard times. From my experience
@caddieohm7059 Год назад
Wise words, worth a pampleth!
@cetriyasArtnComicsChannel Год назад
The recent skillshare updates to pay means that i shy away from the platform. Even as a user I've not followed much things as it's obvious that videos feels like being spammed onto the Platform. as for not making money from art, I would be less bothered if people didn't feel so entitled to actually take what I don't share. If I keep my art to myself because he didn't pay, That's fine, but they get to the point of being vicious in the fact that they demand for us to share more for free . To the point of just outright taking it.
@shivani_marmalade Год назад
Was talking about this with my husband today looking at all the AI generated art ...
@katherineelizabethco Год назад
I was fooled into believing certain art was made the regular way with paint and other mediums common to making art. Then I learned that many of those beautiful skin tones were achieved by AI. How could I compete ? I tried to lean AI to no avail. It was too hard for me.
@hyukiru Год назад
Tbh irl jobs and online jobs have both they're pros and cons... Relationships are one of them... It's reeeeeealy hard to have a real relationship when you live in the online world...
@enoch9782 Год назад
Thank you
@recklessisrecording Год назад
Capitalizing your work is definitely not healthy for anyone, no matter what they work on. It's a toxic value that printed in our head by former generation and by society. And it's just objectively wrong. It is against human nature. I hear your concerns and complaints. I hope we as workers, artist, and just humans, can support each other ❤
@stratovolcano7813 Год назад
Hearing about what skillshare is doing to creatives right now is miserable. You’d think that the bigger the company got the more they’re able to pay their teachers, especially considering it’s their content that draws the money in 🤔
@Queenie-the-genie Год назад
Since I don’t do it primarily for money it is not a waste of time. That was never why I did it.
@zeynepturkkan7908 Год назад
I miss you 🥺
@Finkeldinken Год назад
💔😰 It's so rough feeling like just another replacable cog in the machine. I could never do what you have done, not even for a couple of years, but I really, really love your videos, so I am glad you've been able to. I agree with you on everything. And I also think capitalism is biting its own butt. It's gonna crash. The question is when and how and if we get to get back up better after it all, in a way that makes our lives feel genuinely purposeful. We'll see.
@creationslandscapedesigns Год назад
Am I to assume that the po box in your about page on here is accurate. I wish to send you something.
@arleebean Год назад
Thanks for mentioning it, I just updated it! ❤️
@AndreeaEremiaArt Год назад
Big like for this video 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@RottenSkull Год назад
Nope not anymore
@SL2797 8 месяцев назад
You keep talking about "capitalism" as if it was a bad thing. If you want artists to have a better life, the ONLY way to achieve that is through more economic freedom - i.e. through free market CAPITALISM. If you believe socialism will help artists live a better life, you are utterly DELUDING YOURSELF.
@mhmm5141 Год назад
I hate that Soo much, like you kinda have to sell your soul for clicks and kinda have to be fake. And I think being an artist you have to be honest and genuine and when you stop that there's kinda no point of doing it
@gamutgirl Год назад
@Peter-xd1vj 8 месяцев назад
Money is not the reason makiln art.
@axon130 Год назад
You complaining about capitalism the whole time just makes you sound lazy. Get a 9 to 5 like everybody else and do art on the side as a hobby. That's the issue, there's a feeling of entitlement ingrained in the liberal mindset. No-one can gain an income for you, that's your job.
@mirelion5328 Год назад
You complaining about slavery just makes you sound lazy. Serve your master for food like every other slave, what makes you think you deserve better?
@Arahansannihilation Год назад
Don't you wish there's a software that can draw for you what you described?
@ayaneagano6059 Год назад
@witchyemmy8090 Год назад
This isn’t really the answer for her problems though
@theamateurwithaccess Год назад
Wow. I am a little stunned by some of your revelations. I would have thought that the pandem- that event that shall not be named- would have increased revenue for online teachers since people were looking for things to do with their time. I have had dreams about using my art to make a living but doubts have kept me from doing what I really need to do to make that happen. I never thought that massive returns were the definition of success. Sure, I have had visions of being rich creep in as intrusive thoughts, especially when I am going through it financially. But I’ve come to believe that what Jon Longhurst wrote in his book “1000 True Fans” is one of the better approaches for the artist. Getting 1000 people willing to give you $100 per year will give you a six figure salary, and that is usually enough to sustain the average person. The problem, however, is how do you get that to be a recurring thing. I’ve been thinking that maybe I am not supposed to make money from my art. That maybe there is something I am good at that I can charge $100 a year for that doesn’t take up so much of my time that it stops me from using social media platforms to express myself. IS it a pipedream? I hope not. Have you created a product that you sell for $100? Or multiple that add up to $100? That’s my goal, God willing I’ll get there 😅
@analia225 Год назад
So glad to see you back. You were a very first art inspiration for me and I’ll be forever grateful for your light. 🫶🏾
@melodiemclellan5245 Год назад
This us another reason for us to rebuild our relations, in society and in our homes, differently from 'prepandemic'. Making everyone into a brand, commercialing our personal stories, always talking down to the lowest common denominator in order to make all interactions into business transactions - bankrupts souls. As people, that doesn't sustain us or nourish us on any level. Thank you for your thoughtful opening. Please do whatever you need to do to nurture your precious soul. Please, everyone do that.
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