
Is Powercreep Really Out of Control? This FEHtuber's Opinion May SHOCK You... [Fire Emblem Heroes] 

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Saw this thread on the subreddit and wanted to chime in, so let's talk about powercreep
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#FEH #FireEmblemHeroes



29 сен 2024




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@Hailstormful День назад
I don't really appreciate when new units kinda negate all previous mechanics: Deny buffs, deny guard, deny followup manipulation, deny DR, deny deep wounds, deny pre combat damage, deny dazzling, deny teleport block, deny special activation... when you cant use the mechanics anymore, you can only fight cancer with more cancer
@phoenixblade8315 День назад
Power creep is good when it is healthy but FEH is really rampant.
@phoenixblade8315 День назад
Remember when FEH advertised the game as a celebration of you being able to play your fav characters? Yeah, we can’t. What’s the point of the game when everyone uses the same damn units.
@leoaltivez7161 День назад
You can, nothing is stopping you. You won't have a good time though.
@phoenixblade8315 День назад
@Mark-xk3hh День назад
Tbf I think now is actually a pretty good time for using favs, if you have the skills. Like we just got Momentum, Laguz Friend, Shield Fighter, Potent, BoL4, Reopening etc. I think it mainly depends on weapons they have, which... depending on the weapon type, some arcanes aren't doing too well anymore
@znerd3664 День назад
Feh was also advertised as a pve game and you can use whatever the heck you want there I can clear even most modern abyssal maps with the askr trio and og peony
@TeeIeh День назад
@@leoaltivez7161 You literally just listed why something is stopping us...huh? What's the point of playing a video game? To have a good time. We can't play favoritism because that equals a bad time.
@random__idiot День назад
Great video, thanks Tacho. As Tacho says, powercreep is a necessary part of this type of game. Good power creep means units doing new/different things, and your old units are still useable. Bad power creep means new units are just better versions of old units, and/or your old units become useable. Another point is the investment needed in units. These days, merges typically aren't needed, so it's quite easy to pick up a few of the new toys to play with every month. I don't mind too much if my old unit gets powercrept if they've given me enough orbs to get the new unit in the meantime. I'm not really that bothered with being competitive, but I can see why power creep really bothers people trying to reach the highest ranks.
@random__idiot День назад
PS. Felix is a great example of good powercreep imo. He's unique, he's different, and he galeforces better than my previous units. But nothing is stopping me from still using my old WinterEdelgard or BraveGullveig. I can also see why he's so annoying for a lot of people though, as he made omni tanking in AR three times harder overnight.
@TheChildofAuraReborn День назад
I feel like there's good powercreep and then there's bad powercreep. Good powercreep was Saves, Breath of Life 4 (specifically to counter pre-combat damage), Finish skills, stone/tree/ice veins, and Laguz Friend. Basically anything that can be slapped onto an old unit to help them stay relevant in the meta. Bad powercreep was pre-combat damage like Flame veins, any Edelgard alt that allows for stackable Galeforce (so any Edelgard alt), and Valentine's Lyon and Seidr+alts that cancel a unit's movement before combat even begins. The last one is especially a horrible addition because it doesn't really require any skill, and there's no sportsmanship in it.
@nothingbasic8147 День назад
Seiðr’s end turn is a gimmick. It requires a very large Res check and you need to be in line with her. I’m fine with that, because it requires setup and only affects ONE unit. Sometimes it even has to be an odd-numbered turn (Mythic Seiðr). And then you have Lyon’s Duo Skill.
@bedazzled6534 День назад
I think a lot of this boils down to not even casual vs competitive players, but just giga super entrenched players like you vs pretty much everyone else. You mention how DTM is F2P and never pulls, and maybe this is a skill issue, but I shouldn't need to be as unbelievably cracked at the game as DTM in order to compete against the newest stuff as an F2P player. And although you do see a lot of different felix builds doing different things, the thing that most people (very understandably) find frustrating about felix never changes across any of those builds. He runs at you, takes another turn, probably warps in with the celica ring, and kills 2 units if you don't counter him. That part doesn't really change no matter what build he runs. A lot of those other units have the same problem, where despite the fact that they can run all sorts of different builds and fulfill different roles, the things that people find frustrating about them doesn't really change across those builds. You see it a lot in pokemon as well, where the non giga-competitive players lose interest in formats where the same pokemon get played over and over again, despite the fact that one pokemon can do radically different things from team to team. Not to mention that feh is so unbelievably complicated and hard to understand that sometimes you think you have a counter to a unit and you try it out only to watch them get absolutely shredded by the unit they're supposed to be countering because of a bonus or something from a random unit standing 5 tiles away from where the fight's actually happening. The original reddit post also kind of glosses over the fact that having so many units that are so broken in so many different ways creates a very frustrating "rock-paper-scissors" element at the top level. I know it's not as bad in a mode like AR where you can switch teams after you see the enemy comp, but for modes like Arena and SD, if you bring a unit like gatrie or idunn to counter felix and your opponent runs you down with a celica ring duo gullvieg or something. I know a lot of potential teams I'd want to run in those modes die on the drawing board because I can't get a certain important matchup to die. And this is before we mention that having so many units that demand their own counters on your team made modes like arena assault and pawns of loki completely unplayable. Sorry about the wall of text, just wanted to put my thoughts out there. Been a long time viewer but this is my first comment, good video, Tacho.
@tacho9427 День назад
I like the fact that you brought up Pokemon. There is a pretty massive difference between these games. In Pokemon, if I want to build a new team or upgrade a build, I can do that in 2 seconds for free. In FEH, I can only do that by spending money. The skill gap thing though, I don't think is a real issue. I've fought players in SD who were in the 2500 point range and made fantastic plays, while also playing max rank 7300s who have no clue what they're even doing. Anyone can be exceptional at playing the game, but not everyone is willing to spend money. When I played competitive Pokemon, I'd say about 90% of teams ran about the same pool of 20 different Pokemon, but player skill and build variety was also an important factor and way more vital to the outcome of who wins. It could get matchup dependent at times, but at no point did I ever feel like I couldn't win a match if I just played good enough. In FEH, there are times where I can play as good as possible and just lose regardless because my opponent spends money. I don't care much about powercreep tbh, but the paywall does bother me sometimes.
@regulusking4299 День назад
My biggest issue with powercreep isn’t the effects and power itself. It’s stuff surrounding it like the text being so long and near unreadable with its descriptions. It makes it so easy to forget what each unit does bc the skill and weapon descriptions are so unorganized and thus easy to lose track. Also stat creep which shouldn’t be a thing anymore at this point. Just make stronger skills to inherit
@tacho9427 День назад
Presentation can help with this. They don't necessarily need to cut down on text, but make it look neater and nicer. Bullet points would be much better than the current wall of text style that they do.
@krismarshall3803 18 часов назад
​@@tacho9427 Really this. Like I don't need to be reminded the hell Canto and a bonus are, but when new buffs or debuffs show up, I basically forget what they are and go in blind because I have the keyword function toggled off.
@countchocula1250 День назад
Its irritating sometimes yeah but after the fallen edelgard incident ive really put more time into learning how to dissasemble new units tool kits. Like you said in the video i was suprised with ascended idunns peformance against B felix as she is quite old by now and My og leif can survive to rounds against winter edelgard with the right support so yeah its not all doom and gloom
@marcosmolares5910 9 часов назад
Powercreep is healthy, true, but releasing broken trash like EIke is overdoing it. And I know, there is AAAAALWAYS someone in the comments who is gonna try to be the smart and special one saying "duh, Ike iz not broken, u need to uze diz very specific counter" every single time, but it all amounts to nothing in modes like Arena. The problem is how they ruin perception on players about what a good unit is. When they release filthy garbage like Crapblem Ike for example, they make a quick and easy buck because everyone goes for them. But then they release a decent banner with normal but not broken units and people wont even bother summoning, because the bar was moved so high up that the only way to sell is to keep releasing broken trash every month, spiraling things out of control.
@Scarecrohh 22 часа назад
I'm kind of on both sides when it comes to the eternal debate of powercreep. On one side, I love seeing how creative and fun these units can be like Brave Felix, who does have far more counters than someone like Emblem Ike did at release and can be used in a variety of ways in any and all game modes than just a crazy good omnitank. However, I also do have notable grudge against powercreep primarily due to how FEH at it's core has so many outdated and ancient systems that they don't bring up to date with some of these newer units they release. For example, I 100% agree with you Tacho that a unit like Emblem Celica isn't a raid boss to the extent someone like Brave Felix can be, but due to the maps being the same small and restricting sizes (outside of Rival Domains, SD and other large map game modes) make her and the lack of more than just two anti-warp options can make whoever uses her Engage ring a massive threat. It's things like that and still being able to use multiple copies of the same unit in both sides of AR that really make me anti-powercreep. But something I love about powercreep is +10 merges (Outside of Mythic units) not being as impactful as they used to compared to today really allow for newer and F2P players to stay competitive. As a player who started playing just last year, this has helped me tremendously in competitive game modes. Overall, it's a hard debate for me to decide how to feel about this. All I know for a fact is that powercreep will never go away due to FEH being a gacha cash cow and the fact that FEH should've always been a PvE/Coop gacha rather than a PvP focused one.
@Paiguy7 День назад
I don't think anyone will argue that there doesn't need to be some amount of powercreep, but it's fucked beyond all recognition in FEH because IS has absolutely no restraint and things move at light speed. They release a unit that "does a new thing" and is "interesting" but they're so overtuned that they're just the best thing in the game and nobody else can compete. Variety does not matter because everyone will get crushed by the top handful of meta units that are omnipresent. It's not true variety because you're pigeonholed by the meta. Everyone ends up congealing into the same pool of stuff which is the exact opposite of interesting. 90% of AR maps I see in any given week are the exact same shit with Celica ring Felix, brave Robin, Heidrun, etc. My favorite units that I've babied like hell with skills and flowers and other goodies are completely unusable in competitive content because even with the highest levels of investment they can't hold a candle to anything released in the past year. You say you're having the most fun with AR in a long time, but I'm the exact opposite and am having the least fun I've ever had, even worse than the old Sigurd/Nott days. And I say this as someone consistently getting top 1k finishes.
@TheMadRedHatter День назад
When the f*cking glossary got powercrept by skills having too much text they barely fit the screen anyway, I think it’s a bit problematic.
@reno9571 День назад
Devs having summary skills issues like even 6th graders can handle 😂
@reno9571 День назад
Im 14 mins in the video watching this to me is just like you're trying to defend the huge flaw this game has along with that post in Reddit, yes units can do unique things at the cost of rubbing off your fun of using your fav units just to keep up with *powercreep* and gacha in general should not be like that play fgo if you don't get it.
@tacho9427 День назад
I'm not defending anything lol, this game is bad I've been saying for a while that they need some kind of PvE content (preferably with real time CO-OP) for people to genuinely be able to use their favorites
@krismarshall3803 18 часов назад
Who hurt you LMAO
@charles69326 День назад
I just wish the game had more things to do... Aether Raids is fine but the fact that it's limited to a small amount of aether per day sucks, they doubled the amount but it's still not enough. The events are not that good either (except Seer's Snare which btw should be permanent with weekly prizes) and you're stuck with just the arena.
@tacho9427 День назад
Yeah, this is really the overarching issue. There is no PvE mode that offers any challenge. All of the good ones are just unit builders like HoF and Seer's Snare. They haven't figured out a way to challenge us with our own units and builds without also making it PvP.
@GuranPurin 14 часов назад
I think the problem is some people put way too much credit into "all you need is the newest units" not taking into account that I could not care less how broken the new Reginn is when I don't even care about Reginn as a character. I don't find playing with busted units fun if they're not characters I'm actually attached to. So I still see value in +10ing favorites because I don't need them to stand up to the meta. I just wanna clear difficult content with them, which any unit is capable of doing with enough investment.
@krismarshall3803 День назад
The era of constant godswords...jesus. I don't remember all of them, but I remember School Felix being released as the "GLR Spammer" and then eventually we got Severa...the better "GLR Spammer" lol. It really was the Malibu Stacey meme from the Simpsons "What are you talking about? She has a new hat?" XD. Like I enjoy powercreep in the sense that we have to rethink how we use our units, as this helps us pull out units we've never really thought of using before (not even powercreep with the units themselves, but also skills). Like I would have never really bothered with my well-built Forsyth until Brave Alfonses's skills came out, and realized you needed a near-save with super good mix-bulk (Another good thing about Forsyth being that he cuts deep wounds in half, meaning that he still heals in astra/anima season). Like to this day I have an evil cackle every time any B.Felix teleports into range and cannot kill the dude after multiple attacks. SO BASICALLY its alright....as long as we aren't constantly forced to redo our teams skills. I don't enjoy having to pull for multiple Attuned/Re:armed units just so I can pull that SINGLE copy of a new skill and fodder to them if its going to be a commonplace (Like I don't need merges on my Attuned Azura, but I ended up with 3 of her and used her as my B.Alfonse fodder bank. So whenever she shows up its like I'm obligated to pull for more copies just to refresh her). Like tbh prob 3 times a year I think is a healthy point to change how we approach things. That doesn't seem like a lot of time, but considering everything in FEH is weekly, having like 12 week matches under the same meta is doable. Does FEH need to calm its tits at times....YES. Like CYL8 shook the game up the most as of recently. Let us go through at least until the end of this book before we drastically change things. CYL -> End of Book Mythic/Legendary -> Anniversary -> CYL and repeat.
@VITAO56 22 часа назад
Tbh, I loved these new units and the way IS is going with characther design, I'm not attached to old units and I know my favorit ones can have good skills or better versions of them coming in the future, so I don't mind powercreep.
@AllenWalker15735 День назад
The anti-power creep crew have a problem where Instead of trying to improve, they just blame the power Creek while those who put even a little bit of effort are excelling.
@padq1183 День назад
I do think powercreep migth be going a lil to fast, but i like the direction they have taken with the units so overall as long as they release units that dont break the meta but rather enhance it like Ectonier and peko mama i think its fine, the game has been very fun the last few releses, the meta has turned into a roll compresion where every unit has to fuffil multiple rolls and i like this direction rather than being S tier units at one thing their now A and B tiers at a lot of things (with the exception of maybe emblem ike but even then he has a ton of stuff)
@tbc1880 День назад
How was heidrun an enhancement? Crazy debuffs and tanky with even more healing along with a light chrom assist effect and some flat dr? And since it stacks with BoL4 if you don't make 1 rounding units you ain't killing anything. Which demands you use other specialized units with their prf skills and weapons to deal with it. Prf creep and non prfs not catching up at all is the problem. The arcane system needs a rework to be able to keep up in realtime at the rate we get them with it only being for a limited selection of units. I mean i feel bad for beast units given each movement type needs a new weapon. If i counted right that is 15 arcanes per cycle for every weapon to be up to date. Our last one launched basically dated but daggers being abysmal needed it.
@padq1183 18 часов назад
@@tbc1880 Well I pesonally dont have Heidrun, and I know shes a problem character for a lot of people, but i have faced her quite a lot and have maneged to beat her, ik it aint all rainbows and sunshine but people where saying they didint like how player phase centric rhe game had become and in response rhey released unit like ike and peko mama that would allow for a breath of fresh air, their units that are very enemy phase centric and imo with clever strategizing are very beateble, of course this is case by case dependant but ive found myself to be able to beat the characters in the list very effevtively, and some problem charcaters like B! Felix wich are powerfull on almost every front, i have also been able to work arround, ik this aint like the greatest tip, but bassicly make teams that work as a team in more ways than, slap L! Robin and attuned Caeda together, yes the synergy is there but to defeat the monsters of today, you have to use a full team that works together rather than individuals like before, I hope this helps and that you keep enjoying feh!
@tbc1880 13 часов назад
@@padq1183 i have her and unless you have the strong tanks that have prfs for that role she isn't helping them. This is my problem. Look at ice fjorm for example. Because she exists with her prfs and she dunks on every ranged unit easily she'll need a counter. She does her role so well and only she can do it especially as she doesn't need to out source dr piercing, gets a damage boost from a special that works with the only real b skill for armors and doesn't need to get distant counter to boot (2 ranged units can't use aegis and pavise.) So now they need to up the power level of ranged units again which already were dunking on non prf having far saves. Yes you can make a team that works well but if they don't have a recent prf/refine they aren't doing crap most of the time. Galeforcers with specialized skills are so far and above the rest that there is no reason to not use them. 2 actions (if galeforce procs) vs 3+ while also having a special that helps in combat. You can make older units good yes but they will be no where near as solid as the ones with solid prfs. We need better inheritable weapons and skills.
@jin9790 День назад
Feh's problem is never powercreep. The problem is lack of improvement of gameplay. I can not remember how many years fe pass has been pushed out. They never increase its value for adding new features. They should at least give timesaver to everyone for free and add more incentives to fe pass.
@spitfiremanlizerd День назад
This game is old. Powercreep isn't a big deal when the game should probably be dead by this time next year.
@SweaterPuppys День назад
my big problem with feh is that it’s not inviting to new fans and alienating to long time fans. I would not be surprised if the feh playerbase only stays for the fire emblem title alone Powercreep is a universal constant it’s just something that will always happen especially for a gacha game. Like you know how many characters have “broken the game” over the course of 8 years lol
@jdawggg1995 23 часа назад
I feel like feh is incredibly inviting to newer players with the amount of content you can grind for orbs now. You can get a couple thousand orbs just from the story
@JAMSice927 День назад
I wish they would tell you exactly how much damage things do. I'm tired of having to do college math
@TeeIeh День назад
and show the REAL movement of units. This sigurd is the perfect example. I moved my units up like two spaces on his trial map and homie balled out like Jordan in space jam, one shotting me out of nowhere. I aint got time for that.
@tacho9427 День назад
Yeah the forecast is REALLY bad lmao, they need to fix that
@krislee3155 10 часов назад
I understand powercreep is a thing, and it's going to happen, but the issue with Feh's powercreep is that they overtune new units and skills so much that the ways of dealing with them become more and more specific/limited everyday. It's especially bad if you're someone who doesn't summon or spend money often it can feel pretty egregious. I saw someone in the comments mention that good powercreep introduces strong units that do unique things, but you can still use your older units, which is something that you can't really do in Feh anymore because again these newer units are just so overtuned and powerful older units can't do anything. Perfect example, I brought my Corrin into Voting Gauntlet. She's my most invested unit; she's +10, max dragonflowers, ascended, summoner supported, has the resplendent stats, I gave her an essence, an echo skill, Laguz Friend etc. She's incredibly stacked, and yet a single unmerged/uninvested Brave Felix just rolled on in and immediately blew her up. It's frustrating because it just feels unfair, and you can't do anything sometimes. The other two gacha games I play, Touhou Lostword and Godzilla Battle Line, have powercreep, but it doesn't feel as out of control that Feh's powercreep feels. Touhou Lostword is all PVE content. There's no PVP, and you can still do the harder content with older characters. Godzilla Battle Line is completely PVP, and they do have powercreep, but as long as you play the game during the season, you're pretty much going to get all the new units. This current season that's about to end was themed around the Godzilla anime movie trilogy, and the new units were the versions of Mechagodzilla and King Ghidorah from those movies. They're both pretty powerful units, and I got them both just by playing the game. They even give you free copies of Godzilla Earth, Space Godzilla, and 2 copies of Godzilla 2002 just by playing the game. The only thing is leveling them up, but you get them. Oh, and they do buff or nerf units too before a new season starts.
@bennolucas6139 17 часов назад
You do realize that after only a WEEK you uploaded this video, there's already a new S unit (sigurd)? I don't know man. Normally, i would argue that i'm fine with powercreep, but at the current rate it's been VERY difficult to save orbs past 2 or 3 months. Saving of 2025 AHR is gonna be such a pain.
@robaladin163 16 часов назад
I have been loving the powercreep in skills. I think the combinations have been the most fun part of this game. New skills change how viable previous units are with fun combinations that make you rethink the game. My problem is that prf weapon/skill powercreep negates that and it has been moving too fast compared to inheritable. I think "If everyone's broken, no one is" only applies when you're looking at units from the past year (with a handful of exceptions). I'm not saying year 1 units should be viable, but they are actively releasing direct nerfs to units from two years ago
@erikshoe6441 18 часов назад
I don't like that FEH turns me into a meta slave just to be able to compete. I despise the new Fjorm and her design but I'm still pulling because Shield Fighter is a must have skill and I don't have any other unit in my barracks that can tank the recent shit. I've been playing since Gen 2 and while powercreep was always there, it used to be possible to set aside orbs for favorites without seriously hurting your account. I've been struglling hard for a while just because I refuse to spark every new banner.
@enlightened_orca День назад
Honestly I just create a new F2P account every time there is a bulk META shift. Pull a few units, make some fun teams, then play until IS drops the next bombshell. I've been a dolphin player since DAY 1 (yes orcas are actually in the dolphin family and not whales) and don't mind shelling out a few bucks here and there to keep the game alive. I love the franchise and so much of my own fantasy writing is inspired by Fire Emblem. My problem with powercreep is I.S. consistently creating a problem just to solve it a few months down the road. Even with a +9 Ophelia fodder bank (best granddaughter) Sometimes I just do an event or two, autoplay Aether Raids, and arena (Tier 20.5) and not invest orbs until the next "Need META X to win" that I actually enjoy.
@xVibra День назад
I think there's upsides and downsides to power creep. If there's a clear weakness, then I think it's fair. Much like old F!Edelgard, you could kill her with NFU, Armor/Beast eff, ruptured sky, aoe, TAdept/Raven tome, etc which are pretty average things even for that time. Obviously there was terribad units like Setsuna that couldn't even successfully off themselves against her, but for the most part, there was decent answers. When it's something like E!Ike, and he's got Creation Pulse, BoL4 support, Gotoh AoE DR, and twin uzis, then I'm like... alright I guess I have to bring a very restrictive set of units to deal with this crap. The amount of support you can stack on units, support units of course protected by saves, you really have to hit and run sometimes, but the mobility of units is so erratic when we're also dealing with warping, debuff cleansing, dancers, repositioning, AI move order(which I still have no idea how to calc), bonus movement, IEDs and airstrikes, etc. I then have to somehow telegraph a unit running in with 4 movement, canto's backwards, gets danced, another unit has guidance and moves unpredictably so that another unit is now in range of you.... The mobility has been the issue for quite some time. Armor units and infantry used to be able to be picked at from afar even if you had to leave them as the last unit standing, but you legitimately have to worry about too many threats jumping in randomly so that you _can_ try to deal with these omni tanks. I don't think this issue in Arena is all that bad since it's only ever 4 units, but every other competitive game mode is plagued with this nonsense.
@HikkiDeer День назад
I think the addition to new skills and playstyles are really nice, and I'm curious to see what the new emblems will bring in the future. But the thing, for me, that's making powercreep sometimes unbearable is: The "obvious" counters to units are not doing anything to meta characters anymore. Here are some examples: - Oh my, Attuned Micaiah is a supportive green mage, I'm going to bring a strong red unit that targets defense to deal with her (there's not many, I even saw my friend's L!M!Shez fail to kill her) - Oh my, Felix is a very strong red offensive unit, I'm going to use a bulky blue tank unit that can retaliate with strength to kill him (there aren't) - Oh god, Heidrun is a very bulky green unit with lots of damage reduction, I'll have to bring really strong red initiators that can have enough damage to kill her (Only Felix can do it consistently, and sometimes not even him). Like, there's not typing or group of units that are able to counter these meta threats. They can only be countered by the new toys the game releases later. And I think this trend of units having no weaknesses on release started back then with fallen edelgard.
@pongiethorn День назад
I agree with your points. F2P player here, have been able to save up orbs for the past few CYLS and rearmed/attuned releases like you shared about DTM skipping some banners like I do. HOF for me, specifically Dancer Eldigan and very soon Tina were/are great F2P options for those who've been able to save the free forma souls. I like playing the PVE modes with my favorite characters from the mainline series. It's nice to play with them and customize them without having to commit energy to a playthrough of 3H or genealogy or engage, for example. FEH def needs a co-op mode.
@Silent_Depths День назад
I've been saying this since canto was introduced: The problem is not the 'powercreep' (=or just 'progress', to use a proper word for it... I swear the gacha community with their language and hyperbole is a special... something.) of the units or necessarily the rate at which new skills, abilities and base score total are introduced at. The problem is they didn't design the vast majority of maps keeping those factors in mind and I would argue it has broken the design balance last year and worse yet, now it's breaking the game flow. No new mode has remedied any of it and the underlying problem remains. It's insane to me how Fire Emblem title of all things can have such shit maps. It's like the team who designs them doesn't hear of the latest unit design and if they even test the game, they only play with the launch units or Askr trio. As for requiring many different units for playing different modes - I've only benefited as I never invested in +10's with all the latest bells and whistles and instead just summoned whatever seemed like a fun unit to have. It doesn't matter though, when playing the game is miserable. There's no strategy involved since opponents' every move has become too unpredictable in limited map space. Either you get lucky and survive the first turn or you don't and it's on to the next match to see if you get a better map and a player whose team doesn't consist of only the latest units. You could think ahead and calculate every variable, but it would take far too long requiring an unhealthy dedication to the game.
@CatsLilaSalem 22 часа назад
I think i just feel mixed, like i like new interesting effects, but dislike your new toy falling off a few banners later. I am also kinda oldschool in wanting to use invested favorites, but in general you can use those in PVE, or one invested of those in other modes. My first thought of Sigurd was that he and his ring might be kinda not fun to go against, but will see. Enemy hit and run is something i do not really like But there are still some that keep up for a long time, like the Winter Edelgard and likely B!Felix/Robin, those can be still fun to invest in. And those kind units will stay usable and fun for very long in PVE
@Galahad-j8u День назад
I haven´t played FEH in a while. I remembered that power creep wasn´t as bad as it seemed. Most of my matches in AR Defense were probably of people that just auto-battled and most players did not try-hard their defenses. Summoner Duels was one of the worst additions to the game. Literally, the standard for that game mode is to make units that can k.o. 99.9% of the rooster and units that can survive 99.9% of other units was just absurd. I think that the concept of a removable skill was one of the best additions in the game, sacred seals and now emblem rings. The real problem is that they lock the spark on those units behind the feh pass. Fire Emblem Heroes is f2p friendly in the sense that you can obtain most of the orb rewards using free units. However, what is the point of getting all of those orbs if you can´t guarantee the end of the month unit without paying for the premium subscription. I paid for the feh pass and some bundles for years until I just did not feel like it; I would reinstall the game the moment they decide to make all sparks free and after that I might subscribe for the feh pass until EOS just as a thumbs up.
@FrancisDashwood1 День назад
I'll be honest. While I do find quite a few units in this game really annoying to go up against. I for the most part also use these same units. And while it would be nice if older units got a bit more love. I still think you can make most things work in this game, given enough time and dedication. As somebody who has a core team of older units, I can say it can be annoying but also really satisfying. When Emblem Ike came out, I had a fanstatic time with my invested Bridal Lilina nuking him consistently. Now with Brave Felix, as someone without any invested blue near save, I struggle, but he isn't unbeatable. Frustrating, but not unbeatable. Emblem Sigurd is busted for sure, but he is not unkillable. And you can counter him. He isn't the best example of healthy powercreep by no means, but he at least isn't doing everything like Heidrun or Attuned Micaiah. Fagado is a great example of a recent unit with a gimmick made to target defensive special abusing tanks whilst not being all too crazy otherwise. I liked Freyr on release for the same reasons, he mainly got that anti-bullshit mechanic to him of cleansing the spam of debuffs, but otherwise he is quite manageable. And he had existing counters to him even before his release. Overall I think the game is in a better spot than it used to be a little while back. It has become a lot more versatile with so many unique effects and new skills. That make for so many strategies with newer and older units. I was originally a day one player and remember when you had just started out your channel. We were even friends in the game for a while, without knowing it lol. I returned to the game just over 2 years ago and it has definitely become a lot less dull in my opinion, when it comes to strategies. Mind you I do play a little bit of competitve, while mostly being a casual who just likes collecting their favorites.
@ghable23 23 часа назад
I wouldn't mind that the pair up being available on Arena nor any other game mode. That said, Pair up would human hands only, if you lose the pair it counts as a lose character, you get less Scoring for Ar, get points on SD for defeating him, and counts as a death towards the death counter on Arena. Moreover, the pair up should not count as the bonus unit if he is pair up with a bonus unit. Otherwise, the game would become into beating everyone with that busted unit that hasn't got the skill restrictions nor merges of arena units.
@JayOng-x9i День назад
The problem with powercreep in FEH is the speed at which they show up where what's the point of summoning if they will just get replaced and the pvp, money, and gacha aspect of it. If you are a whale and dolphin then you can try and keep up with the meta, if not then you are so out of luck. This is a pay to win game disguised as a f2p game. If the summons weren't requiring you to pay for a guaranteed summon or if you received a lot more orbs to do so then maybe it wouldn't be bad but at this rate, you wouldn't be able to do so for all the pvp oriented and a little amount of pve. Its anti-casual and to me that is immediately a red flag and a really bad way to retain players. It would also be okay if there were more fun pve content, but sadly IS seems to be going the pvp focused route. The only fun pve I think would be seer snare and even then, it could lead to problems if ever these shiny new broken toys show up to wreck even the strongest of units.
@seven_8434 День назад
There are a lot of people here talking about "good" and "bad" powercreep. My two cents is that if a unit makes the game more fun they're a good addition to the game. Having things balanced and having every unit usable isn't a virtue, it would just mean new units are recycled versions of older units. The recent units are very strong and fun to use, and countering them takes a lot of skill and planning. To me that's a lot better than a lot of metas in feh history.
@SomeWheats День назад
I don't mind powercreep units being hard to kill in itself, since ultimately there's always a way to damage them. But I really dislike how right now there are so many units that can just cover the whole map with their insane mobility/warping and even self-dance and then retreat to safety, all the while bypassing difficult terrain. The regular maps are just way too small for that and having to play around that almost every single time gets really annoying when there's hardly any good counter to it.
@mrkisukes День назад
It's not just powercreep, it's feature creep. Characters now have way too much bloat in what they do. I shouldn't have to reach a dissertation just to understand what a character does. And I pretty confident in saying most feel the same way. I've been with the game since day 1, and I hate where FEH is currently, nothing about it is fun and I treat it as nothing more than a collector.
@esrohm6460 23 часа назад
you know of the 3 gatchas i play feh is the only with power creep i can feel. in touou lost word there was once power creep but now units feel as strong as they did when we reached a certain level and in reverse 1999 i'm not even sure what power creep would look like. they put out one absurdly broken unit and now everything just compares to how can it make that unit better
FEH is starting to feel like a chore if you just want to play it casually. Recent voting gauntlet annoyed me so much. Also sticking to easy arena to avoid the same unit over and over.
@steffanocavero5872 День назад
I'd say something, but I'm lucky enough to snipe for the bs and can get by just fine 😅 so I probably don't count
@MrToonlink53 День назад
Powercreep in and out itself isn't the problem but I don't think we need powercreep happening almost every month lol
@SunshineRey День назад
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth music in the background; opinion approved.
@CatsLilaSalem 22 часа назад
Oh i also do not reall like when every banner has something that gives lots of FOMO, like give me some time to save up first 😅
@kevton1397 День назад
I'm probably not gonna mind this powercreep considering how fun these new toys are to play with.
@nothingbasic8147 День назад
Totally not. Getting 4 actions per turn and not being the best galeforcer in the game is totally normal 😮
@ImanZeus День назад
I uninstall game yesterday
@jfp4life День назад
From my experience, every iteration of Edelgarde was manageable to fight against (to be fair i don't touch arena or Summoner duels) I have have no clue on how to deal with Felix other than Dazzling staff/windsweep
@tacho9427 День назад
Tank him with a near save blue unit, or turn your favorite blue unit into a near save with Brave Soren
@Plasticsoldier64 День назад
People can tank NFU felix with Idunn, Hector, or Gatrie?? I want to see that. I am trying to find a way to counter him too... 🤔
@tacho9427 День назад
Yeah, you probably want Shield Fighter as well but depending on the supports you use they can all tank him pretty safely
@ReyLosLeonessinc День назад
THATS MY POST!!! IM KINGSLY91!!! Thanks for making a video on my post!!
@tacho9427 День назад
I got you bro 👍
@jozsefkimberly3920 День назад
I remeber 3 months back when I started the game I was loving it due to my faves doing great in pve. Since I touched pvp I've been thinking about my life choices everyday that should tell you how a regular ass new player feels among the exquisite sea mammals in feh. PS: the 14k views is probably due to ppl seeing Edelgard in a Christmas outfit in your thumbnail. Evidence for that is E!Ike and all the units after being a lot more broken and brain dead but still not attracting as much views. But not even she can save this game in my eyes.
@tacho9427 День назад
Nah, it was definitely the powercreep and also the way I advertised it. We've had a bunch of 3H banners/units since then that didn't garner as much attention. The Christmas banner was the first instance of 2024 powercreep we had seen, and it was lapping the rest of the game by a fair amount at the time.
@enlightened_orca День назад
This exquisite sea mammal has a F2P account that only lasts a few months at a time. I use my favorites, get as far as I can with the tools I have, then load up a new account after the next bombshell lol
@jozsefkimberly3920 23 часа назад
@@tacho9427 I meant Edelgard specifically, she didn't get anything since but you have the analytics so you know better. But let's just say new ppl like me only got into feh due to 3H and we tune in to see our favorites talked about so that's already outside of your regular watchers.
@addambarcelos День назад
Meanwhile I'm still wondering how the hell you enemy phase brave felix
@Mark-xk3hh День назад
Shield fighter can mess with him a lot, even if he has NFU all his hits will just get walled by it. You'll probably still have to kill him on player phase though
@krismarshall3803 День назад
Near-Save with very close DEF/RES bulk to start. Having some form of constant healing to mitigate damage via BoL4 or they heal themselves. Rarely you'll defeat him, but the goal is to keep him busy so on your turn you can defeat him with someone else as you brought his HP low enough.
@Exiled28 День назад
24:30 I disagree with this take, I'm going to talk from a competitive stand point mind you, casuals can do whatever they want, also if you're a dolphin fehpasser then sure, you can live this life just sparking 2 or 3 banners a month and get every new toy, that's IS objective ultimately, but as a f2p player you truly need to invest on mythic merges and legendary merges at some point, having 1 or 2 fully merged offensive mythics per season is really a life saver in AR, and even arena teams with with an old legendaries such LAzura + 2 scorbots+bonus, outscore teams with no legendary and filled with just duos or ghb scorebots +bonus, of course if you have a fehpass you can probably ignore all of this and just spark for the new legendary a let it do all the kills, you could also try your luck but that's a slippery slope, just look at Oblivion's horrible EIke summoning sessions or PM1 chasing for ECelica for all eternity, those are the true experience that make people quit the game. I do agree with having the most fun playing the game right now, for the first time, I got forced to play galeforce because the nukes were insane and I loved it, WEdelgard then Felix with ECelica ring, it's such a joy all thinks considered, also I tend to ignore SD so remain sane hahaha
@tacho9427 День назад
The only units you _really_ need to merge right now are offensive mythics, and even then that's only if you're chasing max score. Legendary heroes have lost merge value ever since they made the arena update with the bonus legends. The FEH Pass spark feature being locked is annoying though, especially for legendary banners because they are horrifically bad. Seasonals can be hit or miss. You really don't want to skip Emblem Heroes right now though, and without the FEH Pass it can be difficult to get them.
@Exiled28 16 часов назад
@tacho9427 Yeah pretty much my same thoughts, legendary merges are more of an optional thing: you don't need them if you stay in tier 20.5 all the time but to stay in tier 21 constantly there's a high chance you're going to need them especially now that IS is giving us crazy high scoring ghb units, I do think you have experienced this phenomena: duos last even less than legendaries for scoring purposes, for example I'm sure your legendary Chrom is a mainstay in your arena water core but a duo such as DLynn is not, Duos are more flexible sure but legendaries have more mainstay power, I remember listening to PM1 saying that something he regrets in his f2p account is not having more +10 legendaries I don't think most people understood where he was coming from but I did.
@EnlightenmentToAll День назад
We can no longer classify this as power creep sir Tacho, this must be henceforth known as banner creep, as every new hero banner is just that, and this weeks new units are next weeks forgotten.
@theelephant2117 День назад
I am more engaged in the game right now then I have been in years. I actually think they've done a good job designing units horizontally ever since Emblem ikes release. In past time, tanks that outclass Emblem Ike in everyway would release just a month or so after he would have dropped but this year the tanks released after him all offer something different but aren't outright better.
@Plasticsoldier64 День назад
What approach do yall think works for beating felix in SD? People always give him nectar support and celica ring, so after he warps to you, you have to be able to one round him or he will destroy your whole team. Who can one round him when he has nectar support?
@tacho9427 День назад
Even with Nectar, his enemy phase isn't that troublesome. Any decent nuke should be able to just blow him up on the spot.
@Sazandora635 День назад
I don't mind powercreep as it's not *boring* powercreep where the unit's numbers are just so bloated or kit so overloaded that it's extremely difficult to counter them or justify not using them but they fundamentally aren't doing anything new and interesting.
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