
Is the MBTI Tertiary Function Weaker than the Auxiliary? 

Chris G - AsuraPsych
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I give an interpretation of the MBTI function stack.
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@y2kmedia118 3 года назад
This might be the single most insightful video you've ever made and that's saying much given the insightful nature of your channel. Great job.
@bananawarriorprincess5679 3 года назад
I had no idea that Fe was something I used until I was typed as INFJ. It seems like I am more aware of using my tertiary function of Ti compared to Fe, but I put this down to the fact that the function is introverted and therefore I am able to conceptualise it within my own conscious psyche. Fe seems to be more of a subconscious knee jerk reaction to me, so I don't seem to analyse the development of it in the same way as Ti. Having watched this video I wouldn't say that either is weaker than the other, just that both could do with improvement. Thanks for the brilliant thought provoking content man :-)
@nobodyknows3260 3 года назад
Same. I had no idea I had Fe. But I think I was just using it in a primitive way. I always felt what other people felt and tried to make everyone happy. But in school I was almost forced to overuse my Ti. My parents pushed me to study a lot and have not taught me how to socialize, so I think it's important how you are raised. I later developed social anxiety and I kind of gave up on people altogether. Until about 5 years ago when I got a Customer Service job and I learned that I was really good with people. I could listen to them and give them what they need. That burned me out hard because I was taking in all their emotions. I then try to act like a Te user and that made me feel even worse and guilty for not responding to people's emotions. After I learned about MBTI, I realized that I was just not able to controll my Fe and using it for other people and not to my benefit. I'm now still learning to use it to my advantage and not dismiss it as I used to. Maybe you didn't notice it because you didn't think it was helping you in any way the way you were using it and you dismissed it because you didn't like how it felt.
@Sharkuterie327 3 года назад
@@nobodyknows3260 Relate to both of you on this... I’ve been told many times that I am good with people but it was never something I really “enjoyed” and I found it draining, so I refused to believe it could be Fe. Yet, it sort of comes out sideways, like always getting involved in social justice issues “on accident” 😆 Your advice really hits home for me, thank you.
@boy19932010 3 года назад
Same for me . When i took the test i was expecting to be some thinking type but then got INFJ . It was just then that i realized that i do have Fe . I was paying attention to others feelings more than mine but it always came as foreign and draining to me especially at times of conflict i get that unknown feeling of tension and unease . Ti was more visible and comfortable to use for me and even now i prefer using it to make decisions especially if its just myself that is involved . My parents ( that are most likely Fi ) never encouraged me to use Fe . They even do the opposite and are always telling me that i should just care about what i like instead of looking at what others feel . But i had some nice experiences with Fe during university and sometimes at work . It is just during conflicts that it becomes very challenging and unpleasant to use. As it was stated in the video that is probably because its on the opposite attitude.
@LittleMew133 Год назад
Same, I'm much more conscious of Ti than Fe.
@annieqin8885 3 года назад
I was tested all 4 NT types and then finally found out that I had actually been a young ISTP without developing my Se in a healthy way, meanwhile depending too much on Ni. After spending so much time on learning more about the whole system, I'm so glad that eventually I figure out my true type, get to know where I should focus on next, and use the knowledge system as a weapon to support my action :D
@warlock333 3 года назад
Relatable. I tested almost the same way (originally as INTJ and I had determined myself to be an INTP) but when I got professionally tested I turned out to be an ISTP too. Turns out Ti and Ni together without self-reflective Se can seemingly appear as xNTx.
@lowkeyweirdo9869 3 года назад
Same, even at this point of my life I use my Ni more than Se.
@RaidenShogun.. Год назад
When I was young, I am this Fi dom drama person who is sensitive and have emotions and good at Si. Now I’m 15 and I have a preference on logic and less on fi. I really like logic math science, those Ti stuff. But my Si is less good than last time and tiring to use. I don’t have photographic memory too.
@elmehdisaniss2731 3 года назад
Thank you. For me as an INFJ, developping Fe means fixing the unhealthy side of it, like learning how to stop its tendancy to harmonize in all situations, making boundries and asserting myself. I think that developpent is about forcing each function to be balanced between introversion and extroversion. The work will be more easier with second and third functions. For the first and last functions, the balance is to let the last function exist wich lowers down the dominance of the first one and after that trying to introduce some introversion/extroversion balance.
@AM-sv2vv 3 года назад
This is so cool and helpful. I am actually an 18-year-old INTJ and I always had this thoughts like 'Why is me Te so bad? It's my auxiliary function after all'. I do tend to Ni-Fi loop and I recently started going out and talking to people and hearing their advices and just engaging in the extroverted thinking world. I think it might be helping with developing Te as I started to feel more mindful and considerate of the people/things that surround me. I also started creating my plans for life by using these discussions with others - is that Te helping Ni? Anyway, Chris bro thank you so much. I have discovered your channel during one of the darkest times of my short life. I was in a dark Ni-Fi loop, often falling for the Se grip. I had been isolated in my Ni - I had actually viewed the world as it was some kind of a simulation or even a video game. I was living in Skyrim (bad quality analogy). Almost a year later, I am someone different (I'm not even exaggerating). I can actually view the world realistically now. I think like a human! This is how I view the beggining of my function-development, a beginning of a journey. And gotta say - Chris, you were the Gandalf that made me go on that pretty interesting adventure. I'm even short like Bilbo lol Writing all of this because I really want you to know that I appreciate your work. Thank you
@kaisfp Год назад
I don't have great Te to say the least, but I have pretty good Se, and because of that and because of my Tertiary Ni I'm a really safe driver, because my Auxiliary Se and my Tertiary Ni work really well while driving, and because they are pretty easy to switch between them. Are you sure you weren't in an Fi-Ni loop (as opposed to an Ni-Fi loop)? I was not always good at Se, but I was never terrible at it either, on the other hand I was always bad at Te, and it's still the hardest thing for me to get skillful at doing Te stuff, but I noticed if for example I brake down a plan into super-duper small micro-steps for my tiny little Te, then I can actually accomplish the plan. (I think of functions more like lenses, but in certain cases it's just easier to talk about them as tools or maybe skills (like unchangable-base-level-skillpoints that comes with a Class in RPGs for ex.).
@maddiesiegmund5623 3 года назад
As an INTJ who was once a national champion in Fencing, I'll say it is not only doable, it can be very gratifying to harness Te through Se. The sport is about executing a tactical plan via mechanical muscle memory. In my day-to-day life I still lack awareness of my surroundings, hate strenuous running, and am prone to tripping. Lol. As for Sword Fighting that's probably a bit different; modern fencing functions more like boxing than battlefield slashfest now.
@gondor532 2 года назад
Is it that unsual for intj to have good physicaly ans enjoy physical sensations?
@superioropinion7116 3 года назад
8:04 So true. As an INTP, looking back I used my tertiary way more when I was a teenager.I tried to conform in a very Si way but something was wrong,I just couldn't connect the way others did effortlessly. Now that I use my aux more I can many reasons why it was the case.This really puts things into perspective.
@susandevy 3 года назад
Great video as always, I feel that you use your Fi when talking so you appeared very enthusiastic and lively, somehow we intj could be as cold as ice but once in a blue moon we could be more dramatic than enfp!
@Sharkuterie327 3 года назад
I really appreciate this conceptual synthesis between Briggs and Jung. It overcomes the confusion over functions in mbti... at least, resolving my primary reservations and conflicting observations that made it difficult to know my type. One really helpful tidbit is the apparent “balance” between either perception or judgement that can develop. I see that when people are looking for their type... they’ll say, “I don’t know if I am thinking or feeling... they are equal!” or “How can I tell if it is sensing or intuition? I’m torn between which I use more!” That seems like it might be a tip off to the auxilary and tertiary. Thank you, Chris!
@debbieramos-galvan104 Год назад
This video was incredibly useful! As I used so much Ne-Fe growing up, that I thought that I was an ENFP from the time I was 17, all the way until I was 32, like last year. I was so very wrong! Definitely know that I am an ENTP, now. I’d say that Ti started to demonstrate its prominence, in 2016 / 2017, when I was 26/ 27. But at that time I thought it was simply Te. But LuLz, it was not! I definitely like the idea of 2 equally important auxiliary functions, over an Auxiliary and a tertiary. But I think I held onto the ENFP label for so long precisely because it was “more aspirational,” as it has such a whimsical and enchanting type description which made it appealing!
@davl7382 3 года назад
This was probably the most insightful video I have ever seen. Not particularly because of the information it contained, but because that was a missing link between Autism and MBTI I always struggled to make but always kinda failed to get to. However, now with that video, I finally noticed that I can explain literally everything I do (I have a weaker version of Autism (barely able to be classified as such) and I am an INTJ), if I also grand the relatively strong tendency to be completely focused on one thing, but not just when I do something, but also in perception (this is something commonly associated with autism). Yes, I am aware of the fact that Autism is closely associated with INTJs, but that only goes for "classic" Autism. My opinion on this topic changed mostly due to experiences of Psychologists I had contact with, namely giving many examples of people, that "normally" would never be classified as an Autist, that finally understood themselves after being introduced to a more neutral version of the concept of Autism. Since, if your life makes more sense with it than without it, it's probably accurate. So one would then have to assume, that actual autism is something else and only the more extreme cases get noticed by society because they are not functioning properly, while the essence of what it really is gets lost over the biased view regarding it as a deficit. The association between Autism and INTJs might come from the fact, that it is more noticeable by INTJs, because they develop social interaction less to begin with, so it more noticable when they have a "handicap" on top. What I was lacking, however, was to pinpoint exactly what it is instead. I tried to "find" it by figuring out what I can't explain with just MBTI, which would most likely have to be autism since there shouldn't be anything, that MBTI cannot explain if we only look at the things it's supposed to explain, while assuming, that we are dealing with a "normal" psyche. It is just that, before watching this video and seeing this picture of the four general functions spread across the conscious and subconscious I never really noticed, that all of the noticeable differences between me and "normal people" could be explained if I am always using exactly one function at a time. So, with that observation, I can finally make a rough guess of what Autism should be: The degree of capability regarding multitasking in the sense that you can only use one cognitive function at a time (by what I mean: only one function is conscious at a time). This might seem rather insignificant, but if we are only talking about the most extreme cases (the ones that become noticed) (for the sake of completion: the one you do use is being used more "intensely", basically more focused), that would, for example, mean, that as long as you are using extroverted thinking or whatever to, well think about something, you literally do not see anything, until something relevant happens and your subconsciousness forces you to switch functions, because you need to react. And even then, depending on how good "you" are at switching and noticing when you have to switch, you still might not be noticed, because you can compensate it better (since I am solely relying on my perspective, without consulting someone that is not an autist, it might only be one of those to factors). This would also explain, why it is very uncommon to be diagnosed as an autist, if you do it as an adult, even if you yourself believe to be one. Furthermore, I can explain every "incapability" an Autist might have just based on this (as far as I can see, please correct me if you find something, where this does not work). However, this would make the whole "Autism" idea kind of obsolete, because, that is more of a characteristic, that you can define on a scale of one to a hundred or something like that, so randomly drawing a line at some point and calling it Autism seems kinda random.
@maironaulendil972 3 года назад
I had a similar theory. The brain prunes differently in autistics - there are more close neuronal connections and less distant ones than in neurotypicals so communication between consciousness and subconscious is haphazard. Either you have extremely balanced functions and no dominant or you have a dominant one and the acess to lower ones is difficult.
@telemahostelemahou7406 3 года назад
Indeed. Auxiliary and tertiary are almost equal. Socionics quadra is what matters the most, not these generalized letters NFs, TPs and so on.
@tengdayz2 3 года назад
This makes sense to me. If te is too focused on as an intj, we get brutal with the facts. If fi is too focused on, we are lost and too soft and meek, and then flipp to too hard.. When both are balanced we are softly firm with the facts. We are also unarragantly open to new truths, but closed to nonsense. Auxiliary functions mainly just needs to be taken care of like a plant in a garden, don't over or under be concious of it. Find that correct saturation of conciousness for it to develop, and use trial and error to find what works best with whatever capacity for conciousness one has in the moment. With the auxiliary function monitored and appropriately nourished with conciousness, every thing is on track. After that becomes natural, one can work on their even more sensitive 4th function, but it's only becomes conciously manageable when the auxiliary function is developed. It takes less care, but it is more sensitive to neglect. It's a sharp call when it needs conciousness, and a sharp cut when it doesn't. I didn't mean to make it relate to swords, but funny it came out that way.
@universologist1941 3 года назад
This is true. I didn’t start developing Te till college. Weak auxiliary function can lead to cognitive looping which can be destructive. I’ve met many ppl in their 30s and still did not develop their auxiliary functions. That’s when cognitive looping is going to be very frequent. Another thing I’ve seen is that the inferior function can be aspirational. Although that’s very hard. Individuals who do achieve that tend to be on the weaker side on the auxiliary function and stronger on the tertiary function. Individuals who have very developed auxiliary function also tend to be very strong on shadow functions. Then I haven’t actually observed much cognitive looping about them. The auxiliary and tertiary functions seem to work in different directions. One gets stronger, then the other gets weaker.
@muhsinashardow998 3 года назад
wow, thank you so much for this video, Asura! I knew I was an INTJ but I kept on having doubts because all these stereotypes of intjs and ppl portraying them in a certain way.
@senantiasa 2 года назад
Wow, you discussed the hell out of that... I thought there was nothing more to be discussed in this topic in the middle of the video and that you will be moving on to another topic, but no.. Yeah, I've always thought that there is no jumping subtype. I'm an introvert for example who uses my first and third function overwhelmingly just because I'm at a point in my life where I'm at a hermit mode. They would probably classify me as a jumper, but I'm fully capable of my secondary extroverted function. It's just that I'm not exercising it that much at this point in my life. I have a plan in the future though where I will be overwhelmingly using my secondary extroverted function and exercising less and less of my tertiary function..
@kjdaniels3267 3 года назад
I agree the auxiliary function doesn’t start out as strong you really do need to put the effort in to get results with it. I agree that it’s also more draining to use it compared to your dominant and tertiary function. I think I didn’t really start working on developing my auxiliary Fe until my senior year in college when I was 22. It’s still a work in progress as well it can be tempting to just use Tertiary Ti most of the time.
@nkopanelesedilebona9227 3 года назад
Unrelated but the diagrams you used on your website explaining Ni vs Ne did strange things to me inside. I love it 😂 - INFJ
@edwardstrain4470 8 месяцев назад
Awesome study here, breath of fresh air.
@misterguyman9669 3 года назад
This was so helpful, I'm an ENTP and my Ti and Fe has really caused me a lot of struggle. This video helped me figure it out.
@VilkanVisions 3 года назад
Great video, I always felt that it looks like this, never understood this unhealthy "loop" thing. As an INFJ I feell like I often use more Ti over Fe.
@Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes 2 года назад
The loop have his good side and positiv way too. For example : It help me for my drawings and paintings. It help to make the best decision, if the loop doesn’t last too long.
@obscurellepriscillatopin7506 3 года назад
Reminds me of when I was still in the early stages of finding my type and swimming in my solitary quest of cluelessness, I actually made an interesting discovery from trying different approaches with the sixteen personalities test (and I don't know if this makes the test more credible or not, but it is what it is); whenever I leaned more towards a logical preference, I would get INFJ as a result, and if I leaned more towards an emotional preference, I would get INTJ as a result, which really confused me at the time - also I couldn't for the life of me decide if it was better to stay logical or to stay true to how you feel about something, nor could I imagine a scenario in which it would be necessary to sacrifice one for the other; there's always a way (Ni) - and perhaps that's also where my Te comes into the picture, because both Fi and Ti can be equally important but they can also be equally ineffective/impractical - and when push comes to shove I find I will usually in an emergency resort to what is at least temporarily effective, even at the expense of group harmony though it might make me angry if people simply won't understand the dilemma, but there I go with Fi... That being said, I don't know if I'm supposed to have stronger Fi or Te, but it makes sense to me that the introverted functions would be more comfortable and accessible to an introverted dominant type while the extroverted functions would come more naturally to extroverts
@appledashing3241 3 года назад
Ah, thank you. This explained my struggle of juggling between being a "feeler" or "thinker" during my first days of discovery of the MBTI. I actually tried to sort myself from being INTP or INFP (by dichotomies, as I was a newbie) because I am incredibly disorganized and I procrastinate and I always find myself retreating to the realm of feelings, so to speak. Digging deeper, I kind of related more to the INFP, but I'm never the one to incline to one way of judgement because I'd like to look at things holistically and make a decision that I deem proper and best. INTJ then crossed the picture and I identify as having Ni which answers a large majority of my dilemma. Adding to that is the existence of Fi in its stack, which further solidified the type that I have. (Though, to be honest, I still get from other people saying that they're confused how I was an INTJ, because I'm "soft", for the lack of better word. They suggested that I might be INFJ.) Te is pretty solid for me, but I got to gather a lot of energy to use it. I believe I'm still on the way of developing this function. Again, thank you for this insightful video. I learn so much from you, and I hope you continue to share your understanding. :)
@WeirdStichka 3 года назад
Very interesting. I feel like the timing of this video was just right for me :) I've been focusing on Te development more recently as I've been feeling a certain pull towards that. It's funny, I was very Te in my early teenage years, later softened out a bit with Fi (almost to the point where I feel its much better developed than Te) and in recent years feel a pull towards Te and Te development once again. I've been finding that a good way for me to "kick start" my Te is through Se (running, walking, etc) - makes me feel active and useful. Do you think there's any logic to this, from a cognitive function point of view? Also, any advice for development of Te? Thank!
@RaidenShogun.. Год назад
Develop Te: Get to know yourself, likes and dislikes and then set goals that are long term with steps. Do it in a realistic and healthy way. When exercise, try to think how much weight you want to lose. Look at yourself in the future with Ni and work on it with Te. Make sure it’s logical reason like ‘it is good to be healthy therefore it’s good for me’
@Pietrosavr 3 года назад
As an INTP I also wondered why my Ne seems to be weaker than my Si. I was stuck in an Ti-Si loop for years, not seeing any possibility of my life becoming better. It's when I decided to move countries which forced me into a new environment (Ne) and forced myself to accept every single invitation and meet with people (Fe) that my life dramatically changed for the better. It feels like I'm slowly falling back into a new Ti-Si loop, I'm not moving countries again lol but I think I need to do something extroverted again to stop this from happening. Thanks the video was great!
@dirtywhitellama 3 года назад
I think this is also why 8 function models say that the dominant attitude version of the second function - in ITJs, Ti, for example - is so strong.
@UrbanArtCentral 3 года назад
Ok, this makes so much sense and so much easier to explain to uninitiated people and make it less complicated. So it's 8 main cognitive types with a specific driver and pain point/ hero and demon, and 16 variants depending on which set of J or P you have in the middle. Brilliant!. I think one reason why MBTI is a turn-off to the uninitiated is that we the preachers start with 16 types and try to maneuver from there on, which inevitably involves reversing gear in order to move the explanation forward. Starting from 8 types is more clean and linear. Thanks!!
@vocalmaestro 3 года назад
I agree, but personally I don’t care for the classifications of the strengths of each of the cognitive functions. I prefer to think of them as preferences that with sufficient attention can function as well as the others… My SE for example (in my quandary slot) reflects my repressed unconscious habits… I don’t like to call it inferior I just prefer not to use it because of the time, energy and attention it takes to develop…while Ni (my dominant function) comes naturally and easily to me…my auxiliary FE and tertiary TI on the other hand I do find that my TI does help me with my FE exactly, like you described in your video…thanks…
@GhostofJung 3 года назад
Really helpful guide! I am not fully on board with the Dominant-Tertiary Loop idea, but you basically put it to rest here. Super insightful.
@cschelko 3 года назад
Wonderful video. You gave an excellent explanation of the 2nd and 3rd functions and how we should use them.
@tukynii 3 года назад
Hmm... Interesting. I'm an Entj and it's interesting now to reflect how I use Ni. Very intriguing...
@lbell9695 2 года назад
I 100% agree that whilst your dominant and tertiary functions are your baseline, your auxiliary and inferior functions is the opposite side of you that for some is hard to tap into. When growing up, I was forced to go out of my Fi-Si comfort bubble and develop my Ne as my school forced me to challenge myself, put myself out there and try new things. At the time it was extremely challenging but now looking back I find my Ne is well developed, especially considering I'm only 20. People actually think I'm an ENFP! My Ne-Si has now formed a bridge between my blind Se and inferior Te, two functions that were needed during those times so I honestly think it's only through arduous times when you are forced in a corner when you start to develop your auxiliary function OR it could end up the opposite ways where you suppress it due to your environment not valuing it for instance. Because in my own contextual environment I needed to develop it, I developed it to as dramatic as it sounds - to survive.
@kevrokka.d.9749 3 года назад
You could be on to something. I have my own (largely uninformed!) theories and I feel I can witness what you've stated play out in reality. There is no way my tertiary Si doesn't have just as much influence on my life as my aux. Ne does. - INTP
@naturalinstinct4950 3 года назад
Although most people prefer to use their tertiary function than their secondary function, i find that their tertiary function is still often underdeveloped. and I personally think developing the auxiliary function is easier than the tertiary function(if one is determined): it is always working in the background you just need to bring it to your conscious mind. the tertiary function, however, is always compensated by your dominant function, one doesn't get the chance to really exercise(just like exercise you get improvement by pushing the limit) that function.
@SpaceyFae 3 года назад
I relate to this. I think it’s also why I struggled to accept INFJ as a typing. I have a definite introversion preference Ni-Ti. However, other see the Fe that I didn’t recognize. Looking back, I think having a child helped develop that Fe. The timeline adds up anyway if memory serves me correctly. Which would mean only in the past few years has Fe really started to develop with any sort of ground and heading into 30.
@NotInMYName_AntiZionistJew 3 года назад
Thanks, this is really helpful and it confirms for me that I was using Ti and Si before Ne. I always prefer to be in ly head pondering the meaning of existence and analyzing absolutely anything and everything but I was forced to navigate the outside world so I would look at everything as a puzzle or riddle to be solved and then effectively utilized my observations about what specific steps I needed to take but at a basic level. I feel the most comfortable when I’m in my head just pondering and don’t have to put effort into interacting and communicating but when I did, it was always questions like “why” and “why not” and not understanding and getting frustrated when other people didn’t appreciate my saying things like “this doesn’t make sense” or demanding people explain to me formats, rules and procedures that were in my mind, far from logically optimal or desirable but most people don’t like to be spoken to like that, so I had to force myself to employ social niceties in order to make it palatable which annoys me unless it’s actually something organic that I actually want to do for its own sake, so at some level I can use Fe but it stresses me out extremely but up to a point, I can really enjoy pattern finding but my true joy is in analysis and aesthetics because the easiest way for me to express my feelings is in the logical ordered world of the arts, where everything makes sense.
@unobjectivepersonality2498 3 года назад
Ne is way more head in clouds and into philospy than Si. Ne aux is like Ne dom but introverted. You just seem TiNe to me
@Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes 2 года назад
Recently I was skeptical about the development of the functions during the life. Because I have very logic abilities since my childhood, and I was bad to express myself until the University, or just I didn’t prefer it. INFJ Seems Introverts rend to prefers the introverted functions. And the extroverts, the extroverted functions. I have the hability to talk well with all people, but not preferred, not often.
@rickostern7860 3 года назад
Thanks for the explaination! so basically INTJ has Ni and Fi conscious eh I see, then it is to make unconscious to be concscious
@mbtisocialclub 3 года назад
Great breakdown! My friend thinks I'm an Ni-Fi INTJ jumper type and I replied that I think I just need time to mature then I'll look like other INTJs. I've been working on my bottom functions and it's strange what I've experienced
@shachintheartist Год назад
I'm an INFJ most of the time think that Ni-Ti loop is comfortable but it actually stops me from having a good sleep INFJ struggle with sleep because of Ni-Ti loop.
@mocanasuciprian3472 3 года назад
Very interesting video, gotta say You reminded me of a youtuber who has a cognitive system that talks about function fluidity, which is very interesting, and pretty similar to what you described in this video Harry from cognitive personality theory channel, I learned quite a bit from him as well, I recommend checking him out
@hugoclarke3284 2 месяца назад
I'm not aware that Carl Jung ever mentioned anything about "double-introvert/extravert"?
@yanival8760 3 года назад
I’m so dumb lol, I was listening and thinking to myself omg this is great Information but darn he talks to fast for my brain to process as he speaks lol. Duh there is a setting to play back slower yayyyy. Just thinking out loud 😂 great content 🙏🏼
@AM-qi3xy 3 года назад
Can u make a video about intjs developing their te so it’s stronger before 18 ? Is it sth that will never work before certain age ? And if so why does it have to be related to a certain age ? Is it just people people are slow at their development journey ? Haven’t got access to know that they need to develop it at an earlier age ?
@SantiagoOchoa 3 года назад
I'm a 52 years old INTP and I wonder if it is possible that my Ne was immature until my 40s. Or is there a mid life crisis change that affects how we use our functions after say 45? I feel that I've been acting like an ISTP (to be cool) and ISTJ (to be a good student and employee) all my life just to adapt socially. Now I realize that ISTPs are Ti and ISTJs are Si which are precisely my dominant and tertiary functions. Maybe I have been using my Ne only in private and not when dealing with society because all the theories and sciences that I have studied all my life seem to be useless in real life.
@RaidenShogun.. Год назад
You are not istp cuz the istp is Ne blind and cannot use Ne. You sound very intp to me so I conclude that as your type.
@naturalinstinct4950 3 года назад
I agree. the relationship between auxiliary and tertiary function act as a counterbalance, neither is setting than the other. if one focus on to their tertiary function their auxiliary function is going to fell into the unconscious and vice versa. edit: auxiliary function seems to be somehow be connected to the repressed function. I can confirm this from my experience, when I engage into my Ni I somehow experience more Fi activity, and it's very energy draining.
@leumas8688 2 года назад
Really good
@deedoc6241 3 года назад
1:40 I think what’s interesting is if you compare the illustration to Socionics’ Model A. An ESTJ in Socionics, for example, would have strong Si (creative function) & strong Se (demonstrative), however their Si would be more conscious than their Se. It’s a similar case with the Intuition functions, Ne (activating) would be more conscious than Ni (PoLR), but both of those would be considered weaker. Meanwhile for the judging functions, Te (leading) & Ti (Ignoring) being both conscious, or Fi (suggestive) & Fe (role) being both unconscious, isn’t what Socionics teaches. However maybe Ti as the ignoring function, which is strongest out of all the “shadow” functions, may be seen as basically strong enough that it might as well be conscious. As for Fe, I don’t know, I’m not as familiar with the role function it still confuses me. It is an interesting observation imo.
@dobromir6865 3 года назад
Great video, explains a lot. Like really A LOT. I wonder where the opinion that we're born with dominant function, develop secondary (orthogonal axis, opposite attitude) as teenagers, and tertiary (orthogonal axis, same attitude) around the age of 30 comes from. I saw it quite a few times, and - based on this model - that shouldn't really be the case. On the other hand I saw quite a few people talking about themselves being stuck in loops pretty much for the whole adolescence as well - contrary to the seemingly common opinion above Do you have any comments on this? Also, doesn't Jungian model allow for both auxiliary functions to be developed into consciousness, changing their attitude to the one of the primary one in the process? (I don't have any background in humans, just a stray engineer here)
@caramelunicorn8023 Год назад
I'm ESFP but my Fi is very very strong
@RaidenShogun.. Год назад
What? I am 100% sure that I am an introvert and not Si dom cuz my Si is poop. And I am 15 years old. Si doms look weird to me. I remember having great Si when I was 7 hmm. I am very sure in intp who likes science and math cuz it makes my Ti happy. I find my Ne pretty developed at age 15 already. Don’t tell me I’m mistyped. When I have to use tertiary Si, I use it and get tired easily. Google said most people have their Aux developed around age 16. Te aux will start to use Te well so I think the same can be said on my Ne. My Fe is bad and people expect me to be less self centred and care more about their emotions. Absurd. I am not Fi dom cuz I don’t feel emotions 24/7. The emotions I experience is frustration when something bad happen or I will feel happy when I really like my wallpaper collection but not all the time as emotions are tiring to deal with and are distractions. Only happy for fun when its time to be happy
@chelboy3307 3 года назад
What is the percentage of each cognitive function in your psyche
@AsuraPsych 3 года назад
Hard to say really because that depends on how developed each function is as well as whether or not it's unconscious. The auxiliary function can play a large role in the psyche if developed, or nearly none if not.
@jenluckhardt6302 3 года назад
@@AsuraPsych When you say that people don't tend to start working on their Auxiliary function until late 20s or even later, in what way do you mean that? How would that translate with auxiliary Fe? Would it be used but not controlled? Would it be used inappropriately? I'm not really able to conceptualize what that would look like in actual practice as compared to the tertiary function.
@PkmnRayhak 3 года назад
@@jenluckhardt6302 Obviously not him , but as far as I undersdoot, just means your Fe is there, but not used on it's best form, not as bad as an inferior function, but no nearly as good as the dominant neither.
@jenluckhardt6302 3 года назад
@@PkmnRayhak Thanks :) I understood that part, but I was wondering how it would manifest itself. Like what kind of behaviour or perception that would entail, if that's possible to know, of course.
@edwardzhou8590 3 года назад
@@jenluckhardt6302 I was wondering about this too. I’m an infj (love your name btw ;)) and I interpret it as “how we interact with the outside world”. We (assume you’re infj (en)) have auxiliary fe which means when dealing with decisions in the objective world, we will tend to people please, or if not try our hardest to not hurt the other persons feelings. We consciously can make the mindful decision maybe not to people please/ set respectful boundaries through going into our unconscious fe THROUGH Ni and ti, be it on our own time, etc.. For example, during quarantine mindfulness meditation has helped me stay more still and notice what concepts I’d unconsciously applied to people I was interacting with prior (wasn’t in a great state). I grabbed better hold of Ni and noticed that my concept of some people was pretty toxic (jocks = “cool” = should repress my sensitivity ew IK. Therefore, I’ll people please jocks). This is a toxic used of Fe, my auxiliary and is now an unconscious habit BECAUSE I’ve used Ni-Ti in one moment (younger) to decipher that. And now I have to use Ni-Ti to change my concepts of what “cool means” so I can interact with others in a more beneficial “Fe” manner (e.g. they’re human and I should see them that way first. I should remind myself of balance and boundaries when interacting with any human -> better unconscious Fe set :)) I hope this kind of made sense. I’m still not 100% clear on the other types though!
@emmanuelheritage9773 3 года назад
A Really Helpful Video👍🏿 I want to ask that: If your auxiliary function is developed, are there signs?
@TreasureSeasons 3 года назад
@17x71 3 года назад
**Edit: (putting edit at top) ok, you kinda addressed it here **8:30**. Fair I suppose** 5:50 Asura, you are saying you are drained from using your Te? This is the issue with Jungs assessment here and why Briggs was so against it. It's just not true. I am never drained from using my dominant or auxillary. As with many. But you'll never hear that about tertiary
@17x71 3 года назад
8:10 ah you beat me to what I was gonna say. But what I was gonna add on was, even with those who think they prefer tertiary, they will eventually come to realize not only that they won't prefer it as they age (as you out it) and hence mature, but that they're more at home with there auxiliary function
@17x71 3 года назад
8:40 wrong. Those people are also obviously suggesting that there Ni is great too. Given by the fact that they are saying they are INTJ (aka Ni>Te)
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