

Julies WIDM
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Hello hello :)
Time for a new hints and theories video! This time about episode 9.
Have you seen anything suspicious? And what do you think about the hints and theories I've mentioned?
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2 мар 2024




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@MoleTracker 4 месяца назад
Still deep in the Rosario tunnel. I'll save my Rosario comments for the "hints summary" video and share my thoughts on the episode here: The group continues to be terrible at adding money to the pot, although they did manage to avoid having the lowest pot ever (yippee!). For the first task, it's a little annoying that the money in the bags was so unevenly split. How could one bag only have 250 in it? It almost makes me wonder if some money was removed from the bags along the way somehow. Hmm. For the second task, I agree with everyone else that this challenge was just too easy to Mole. From any position. I guess that continues the theme from the season. I read somewhere else that production had to modify or create new challenges on the fly a couple times this season because some of the deals they had with the property owners fell through once they arrived at the site. If that's true, that could explain why some of the challenges seemed lackluster this year. One of the underrated parts of the show in my opinion is the dramatic, drawn out discussions between Rik and the three finalists that usually occur in Episode 9 (you know, where Rik has them walk up slowly one by one and he says "you played the game like a fanatical candidate, but are you really the Mole no one suspected?" and then they cut to dramatic music and a pretty scene of a lake or something). I really missed that here. It seemed like the episode ended too abruptly - you are the finalists, the end. And, as others pointed out, we don't really know who each of the finalists picked as their Mole. Isn't that weird? Are they all still spreading? What if they are all wrong? Even after they literally showed them a picture of the Mole just before the quiz. LOL. Anyway, for all my complaints, I still love the show and it is so fun to discuss all the different layers and possibilities every week. Thanks, Julies!
@fh4742 4 месяца назад
"Rosario" is also a Mexican film from 1935! Another explanation for the random amount of money!
@thefuzzyoranges 4 месяца назад
Ah, yes, the beloved episode 9; everyone's favorite episode of the season. Said no one ever XD I'm kind of surprised about Kees' reaction (or lack thereof) at the beginning of the episode. Like Rian was his mole, she went home last episode, and this week is the final test. I would have expected some sort of 'How did I make it this far?' or 'I am SO lost!' He just seems to be glad to be in the final four though, and I found it just a tad peculiar. Like he doesn't seem phased at all that he has to find a new mole and has really poor notes. I'm kind of torn about the first challenge. Like the pot is one of the lowest pots we've ever seen already, and the second challenge is so easy to sabotage, so does the mole really have to do anything in this first task? The sabotaging really comes from the mole completing their puzzles quickly I think. It'll be brought up in the finale I'm sure, but it'll just be showing the mole solving the math puzzles in the comfort of their own home or something I would imagine. What I'm getting at is that I could see the mole being any of the final three here. Fons earns the smallest amount while not having to face a puzzle, Anna could tell she was being tested by the two boys so could have just did her best to deflect suspicion knowing it didn't cost a lot of money for an already meager pot, and Rosario could have easily thrown that very difficult third round without appearing suspicious. The earning a small amount of money would normally not be necessary at this point in the game, but it's been noted a few times that there was a lot of spreading in previous tests. The mole could still be under the assumption that people are only tunneling now, and trying to throw them off their scent. Kees obviously has to find a new mole this episode too, although whether the other contestants know that or not remains to be seen. I feel like I'm the only one not in the Rosario tunnel at this point, so I'll only say that as a reminder he and Fons are in a bond. It makes sense that he's talking to Fons about strategy. And speaking of Fons, the main thing I found a bit odd is Fons being like, 'I'll memorize the Mayan stuff, ya'll do the puzzles.' If they followed this advice, only Fons would have won money. I can't tell if Fons is moling half the time or just has poor challenge comprehension. Prediction: During next week's episode, the mole will be on the zipline shouting 'Ik ben de mol!' or something equivalent when no one is around to hear them. Second challenge is just so unfair to the contestants, and it's really a rather lackluster final challenge. Like last year's wasn't really grand per se, but at least it was hilarious. This year there's only one key to remove from the challenge and the mole keeps all the money out of the pot. Anyone could have moled here. Either remove a key when no one's looking above ground, or pretend to hear the wrong name under the water so the other contestants will remove the key for you. You can't really get anything out of it. I enjoyed the fortune teller coming back to bring us full circle, but I sort of wish she was utilized a little differently? I think it would've been a lot more interesting if she was the one to give the green/red screens for the candidates after the final quiz or something. Like technically she asks the contestants if they want to know the future, they say yes, then they look into a crystal ball of...all the partygoers from the past that they already met. Like one of them is the mole in disguise, sure, but it's not really the future they're looking into. I dunno, maybe if they reacted more excited or something it would've read differently. Major thing that stood out to me: Anna says she definitely sees her mole, Fons says he doesn't, and we don't get any info from Rosario on if he does or not. Let's go through the three finalists during the final test, on the assumption that they're all contestants: 1) Rosario says something interesting during his test, having to do with his advanced knowledge on the test questions. He knows Fons has the same test questions he does. He says he has an advantage on one person. This only makes sense if he thinks Anna (or Kees I suppose) is the mole. Because if he thought Fons was the mole, he would have an advantage over two people (both Kees and Anna). Kees thought Rosario was on Fons, but I'm not so sure. We only see him answer one question, about whether the mole should have remained during the folk dance challenge. Maybe my google translate isn't working, but the answer to that regardless of who the mole is is always no, right? Because the only remaining contestants should have been Rian and Tooske? 2) The only question you see Fons answer is on Anna (she did not earn an exemption in the first task). 3) You don't see Anna answer any questions. Which I find suuuuuspicious. I find it very curious we don't really get a final suspect for each finalist. Like it seems like Anna is on Fons and vice versa. Kees thinks Rosario's on Fons too, and appears to be trying to split between Anna and Rosario? Everyone here being in the Rosario tunnel will tell me I'm wrong which is fair, since we don't see him answer any questions. But still, curious stuff.
@windfallsofdreams 4 месяца назад
I had forgotten how funny last year’s final challenge was!!! 😂 The bit with the fortune teller kind of bothered me as well, because she definitely wasn’t showing them the future. UNLESS that footage of the painted party guests is going to be shown at the reunion as part of the video montage leading to the reveal. But even then, it doesn’t really make sense for her to say that to the candidates in that moment. They aren’t thinking about the reunion show, they’re thinking about the test they are about to take.
@windfallsofdreams 4 месяца назад
Aww, our beloved Fake Mole has gone home 😢. When they showed the candidates walking out to sit down in front of Rik for the elimination, and I saw a single row of 4 chairs, I was like “No one’s sitting in front of Kees today…how am I supposed to predict who’s leaving?!” Lol. I wasn’t too surprised to see him go, but it was a bit sad. At least he got to experience all 9 episodes and also overcome his fear of the zip line. First Assignment: Several thoughts here. The two candidates who were carrying high amounts of money (Kees and Rosario) failed to complete the assignment, but i don’t think the mole can be given full credit for this; I think some luck was involved as well. At the beginning of the assignment, Rosario stood by the purple bag, which is his favorite color, even though (especially since?) it caused him to lose 3,000 euros from the pot. I could see the producers placing the highest amount of money at the purple table for him again. But, he didn’t know for sure that the group would allow him to take it just because he was standing there. Fons was the one who made the suggestion for everyone to take the bag they were standing in front of. If Rosario didn’t have the highest amount of money, then Kees had it. So, the mole would definitely want Kees to attempt one of the puzzles and fail. Kees admitted to being less confident about the puzzles than Anna and Rosario, and also the most nervous about the zip line, so it just kind of naturally worked out that he volunteered for the first puzzle and then couldn’t solve it in time (Side note: how did the mole solve all 5 of those in less than 3 minutes?! I’m good at math, but 30 seconds per puzzle seems really fast!) Where things get more interesting is the conversation that Rosario and Fons have about Anna doing the second puzzle. All of Rosario’s reasoning that he uses to explain why Anna needs to succeed at this puzzle (she’s good at puzzles, so it would look too suspicious if she failed to complete this one, since it’s not even the hardest) applies to him as well. Rosario has another, more subtle suspicious action at the next zip line. Fons is studying the body part names, and Rosario asks him if he wants to do the zip line next, after Anna. Fons is like no, I’m trying to memorize these words; I should go last so I have more time. Makes sense. Actually, why did Anna go first there? At that point, Anna and Fons were both guaranteed to make it to the end of the assignment, so they should have had Rosario go first so they could both spend more time studying. So, maybe that is a little suspicious of Anna as well. But, at the end of the day, Rosario failed his puzzle, and Anna and Fons both added money to the pot. Second Assignment: At first glance, Anna seemed a little more suspicious here than Rosario, just based on how chaotic her tables of keys looked compared to Rosario’s, who had his all of his keys organized in rows with the labels easily visible. But, Rosario was in arguably the most important position in this assignment. He was standing closest to Kees and Fons, and was passing the names that they shouted back to Anna. So, was Anna having a harder time with her keys because she was moling, or because Rosario was not passing all of the information back to her or was telling her incorrect names? I would also like to know at which stage during this assignment the correct key was eliminated. Did they not bring it on to the boat? Did they bring it on the boat and then decide not to bring it to the chests? Or did they actually have it with them by the chests but then decide not to use it? I’m thinking that the mole would have been pretty relaxed during this challenge, unless the correct key actually made it to the chests and was in danger of being used. There was one moment at the end when Rosario kind of said “no” to one key in particular (I think it was “Ines”?)…could that have been the correct one? And the money was on the purple table. Because of course it was. Also, notice how Kees suggested that they should go for one key to double the money. He was testing the others, to see if anyone would go along with him. It didn’t work, but I was proud of him for trying. Fortune Teller: They really focused for a long time on Rosario’s “WHOA” reaction when looking into the crystal ball. How much do you want to bet that he was just staring at his own reflection and the painted faces hadn’t even started to appear yet? That would be a fun little reveal for next week. Finally, it’s episode 9, so I am starting to get my annual Episode 9 Doubts ™️. What if it’s Fons? 😂😂
@MoleTracker 4 месяца назад
How did the Mole solve the first 5 puzzles in under 3 minutes? Because Rosario is good at puzzles, of course! At least when he is trying to solve them correctly ;-) You are so right that Rosario is probably just staring at his reflection in the crystal ball. Good thought. Or maybe it is Fons! 😲 I may or may not have had a similar thought when the episode ended.
@thefuzzyoranges 4 месяца назад
But what if it's Anna? ;)
@TomivanNiftrik 4 месяца назад
You totaly skip the biggest hint 😂
@TomivanNiftrik 4 месяца назад
In the second quest, they can earn 1935 euro in total. If you count 1+9+3+5 you will get 18. The 18th letter in our alfabet is the R. Also, when they show the money in the chest, you only see 1685 euro. So, you miss 250 euro. This is another hint to Rosario, because he is on the -250 euro bill!
@Captain_Subpar 4 месяца назад
@@TomivanNiftrik Thank you! I was thinking that 1935 was such a random amount of money to win that it had to be a clue but I didn't know where to begin when it came to decoding it. I don't know if I would have bought the explanation if it was just 18=R or the -250 but the fact that it's both... yeah, that makes me think it's definitely Rosario.
@julieswidm 4 месяца назад
@@TomivanNiftrik Thanks for adding it!
@windfallsofdreams 4 месяца назад
WHY didn’t I think to add up the bills that were in the chest?! Well spotted!
@fh4742 4 месяца назад
​@@Captain_Subpar "Rosario" is also an Mexican film that came out in 1935. Says it all, right?!
Ouch.. 🤕
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