
Is this the end of the current world order? | Fiona Hill, Michael Clarke, Peter Hitchens, and more! 

The Institute of Art and Ideas
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@TheInstituteOfArtAndIdeas Год назад
Is Western hegemony over? Watch our latest debate on the future of the new global order at iai.tv/video/new-powers-and-fading-forces?RU-vid&+comment&
@madbess4098 Год назад
Fiona Hill and Michael Clarke - both excellent and fascinating analysts. Very interesting discussion.
@irvhensalkholm5227 Год назад
The funny thing about the scholarship on matters of east-west divide and politics is that some ruropeans and americans are trapped in a bubble of representing the debate of the eastern (asian) perspective while not being asian at all. On the matter of this video, this is just a "talking to the mirror" thing, a western thing to do.
@displacednaija Год назад
.....qs well as the rest of the South. Listen to that former Foreign Secretary speak as if countries don't have thier interests.
@stevenweiss2575 Год назад
The rules of law or world order are of course all platitudes that various Asian countries, or the so- called global south can laugh at. But at the same time their policies are overwhelmingly driven by short-term self-interest, sometimes not even for their own people but rather simply the leadership. So, at best, no better than the current hedge mins. They have their very legitime grievances, but zero vision for global improvement beyond envisioning western collapse. If they think the world sucks now, just let Russia, China and other despots and dictators have their go at ruling the world. The level of depravity that can be reached, will know no limits.
@petergreenwood7731 Год назад
@@stevenweiss2575 So the Western primacy is better then what BRICS has started. Centuries of Western exploitation, atrocities, sanctions, wars, regime changes, racism, etc, etc. I for one believe what BRICS can achieve is humanities hope, The West is trying to undermine it, protect their "rightful" place to be top dog. All must bow to their needs. What if - the West joined the BRI initiative, help fund it, help shape it. You describe China is led by a despot and/or dictator bent on depravity????
@calebfranks3903 Год назад
If you think American and Europe are guilty of this type of inward enclosed thinking, you should see Chinese officials having a meeting about planning foreign policy.
@irvhensalkholm5227 Год назад
@@calebfranks3903 Antagonism is another tone that is subtle in foreign relations. When they said it's just soft power and cultural differences, but in reality, it's not about differences, it's about impositions. Reading other comments here is guilty of antagonism. The west has already established in their pedestal that their foreign policy is sound and well, a propaganda of "global cooperation".
@celeritasc9207 Год назад
Peter Hitchens - what planet is he living on, or perhaps an alternative universe?
@sdwone Год назад
One thing that always gets me about Western Powers, is their inability to look themselves in the mirror and reflect upon the actions that they have taken throughout the centuries! Not just the good ones, but the bad too!!! Particularly the bad!!!
@nextinstitute7824 Год назад
Your comment got me thinking about accountability. There are a lot of bad actors in Africa now. Who's to blame? It's much different in Asia. I used to live in East Asia and South East Asia. Never ever heard someone blame the West (and there is a lot to blame us for). And now they are surpassing the West. They do tend to look more towards the future, it seems. So points of view do differ.
@sdwone Год назад
@@nextinstitute7824 Well let's be blunt here. There are bad actors Everywhere! But where I would agree with you, is yes... Asians, by and large, shrug their shoulders and just get on with it! Oh... Trust me, they haven't forgotten the past but, they don't let the past define who they are and they don't let the past shape their future. However in Africa, the past is still very much playing out on large swathes of that continent, on multiple fronts. One such being that the West still has parts of Africa by its balls! But ultimately, most of that comes down to weak African leadership! Who have yet to cut ties with their former colonial masters! All at the expense of their own citizens! Things are changing however... And Africans are slowly starting to wake up! And even though I have mixed opinions about China's play book for Africa, I am actually hoping China would inspire many Africans to take notes out of their book, and lift themselves out of poverty without outside help or interference. I mean many Asian countries have done this, with some becoming global economic power houses in their own right! So sure, if many Africans can start looking ahead, instead of behind, anything is possible. And it is finally happening... Albeit slowly!
@MeeesterBond17 Год назад
​@@sdwoneI'm off topic, but I wonder these days what might happen if African countries start trading with each other at the same rate Asian or European countries do. Who knows, in a century or so we might see a very different group of superpowers at the UN (or whatever replaces it).
@sdwone Год назад
@@MeeesterBond17 Oh... There are PLENTY of initiatives in Africa that we don't get to see much of here in the West! Talks about having a so-called United States of Africa, talks about doing away with visas for Africans travelling inside the continent internally, talks about having a single currency etc etc. I mean, this makes sense right? One of the main reasons why America and the EU are so powerful, is because of unity! Together we rise, divided we all! So yeah, Africans are beginning to slowly come around to this realization. As to theories why they haven't done this sooner? I'm going to hazard a guess that they were probably discouraged not to go down this route, by external forces. And the fact that many African countries actually support Putin, just goes to show just how much Africans are beginning to distance themselves from their old colonial masters. And about bloody time too!!!
@MeeesterBond17 Год назад
@@sdwone Oh, that would definitely turn Africa into an impressive power block - although I'm not sure Wagner's operations in Mali and the CAR will reinforce the view of Russia as anti-colonial. After all, the only reason Ethiopia didn't have a Russian colony was because of the Russian Revolution.
@vivianbenge2331 Год назад
Good to hear Fiona remind us that food insecurity, people migrations and related climate change issues are pushing the world to get beyond border diputes in meaningful ways.
@satouhikou1103 Год назад
That's not a good thing. There is a reason borders have existed for 1000s of years.
@tolyamochin4066 Год назад
Так ваш дебильный Запад уже давно вышел за рамки пограничных споров . И на все международные соглашения, если они не в интересах Западных стран, глубоко плюёт и не собирается их выполнять. Такова нынешняя правда международных отношений по всему миру.
@darkonone5158 7 месяцев назад
all issues pushed by global elites
@nextinstitute7824 Год назад
Fiona Hill is so intelligent and brave!
@gmw3083 Год назад
You must be high.
@monky_dust Год назад
Haha, that is a joke, right?
@nextinstitute7824 Год назад
@@monky_dust You're a man, right? Wild guess... Scary, isn't it...? Intelligent capable women 😉
@monky_dust Год назад
@@nextinstitute7824 Jesus. She is a warmongering criminal with the blood of thousands of Ukrainians on her hands. Actually, you are right. It does take some sort of bravery to be a homicidal maniac. We do agree that she is intelligent, though. Most villains are.
@nextinstitute7824 Год назад
@@monky_dust Haha, okay, it appeared you were questioning her intelligence. War-mongering... There are a lot of those around at the moment. I agree that to his sad war never should have happened and could probably have been prevented.
@PantheraTK Год назад
Money has taken over the desire for anything else. Therefore there is no question of any 'moral superiority' any more.
@edh9746 Год назад
Power corrupts absolutely, still rings true .
@ejwest Год назад
I think it’s, ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’
@harrypalmer3481 Год назад
Peter Hitchens, conflates, distorts & oversimplifies several points, I can't work out to what point he really believes what he says. He is intellectually capable, he does not seem malevolent, perhaps he has also been captured by tribal ideology? That, combined with arrogance is not a good combination. By contrast Fiona Hill always makes informed sense & has never given me any reason to doubt her authenticity.
@Mark_Dyer1 Год назад
Congratulations to Dr Fiona Hill, now Chancellor of the University of Durham: although what were all those words about "belonging" to the North-East of England about, in her Installation Address?. Listening to this discussion, and writing as a Christian, I cannot help comparing the intellects on display here, and their ability to analyse, with those who claim to be 'bishops' in the Church of England., where their lack of theological rigour is now bringing the C of E to its knees: possibly as designed by the Old Etonian who is its Managing Director. He is doing for the C of E what JOHNSON (another Old Etonian) did for the Conservative & Unionist Party. When we had Conservative such as Malcolm Rifkind holding HM's Foreign Affairs portfolio, you knew it was in competent hands: not like the bunch of 'incompetents' and 'incompetence' which composes His Majesty's current Government.
@tripspointcom7062 10 месяцев назад
Very clear and logical explanation of geopolitics! Thank you! Output is simple - democracies must be UNITED and defend each other, including Ukraine from Russia and Taiwan and Japan from China!
@darkonone5158 7 месяцев назад
"democracies" run by unelected elites
@michaelgnit8476 Год назад
If one isn't going to talk about American Exceptionalism and the US phrase "rules based order" in the discussion then I'm confused aren't these statements and fictional rules based order one of the main reasons we're here?
@rosiepsong Год назад
rifkind totally distorts facts. xi jinping responding to the views of his people, that's democracy. 1 million British protesting against iraq war - as far as rifkind is concerned, they can sod off. numerous cases of corruption in British parliament - nothing to see here, folks.
@alexmirza5210 Год назад
Tolkien was right in his novel when he quoted men as lusting for power over all else. Yet it is in the power of the individual to comply or not.
@jamesm.9285 Год назад
@paulwheeler6609 Год назад
Easier said than done. We know full well that current digital and social media platforms are devastating human communication and our ability to remain in a culture of agreed upon facts. Those technologies have disconnected many or most from reality. Do you think the current generation of civilian individuals could recognize that fact and turn their backs on those technologies for the good of society? Impossible. They are now enslaved to it.
@petersamson5407 Год назад
I think you are exaggerating the individual’s ability to dissent. With the all-pervasive and hyperviolent totalitarian states that are emerging, individuals count for very little. Individual agency requires a whole host of public and private arrangements, it’s far from given or natural.
@paulwheeler6609 Год назад
@@petersamson5407 There were many underground movements throughout Europe under the reign of Hitler. Doesn't get much more violent than that. To be honest, social media platforms are doing the work of totalitarian states by eroding the ability of people to genuinely communicate. That loss of human skill is more threatening than anything.
@alexmirza5210 Год назад
That may be the point. Compliance.
@user-nx6ji9tk8i Год назад
Oh well done Fiona Hill
@jamesharris184 Год назад
Welcome to Fantasy Island
@tokajileo5928 Год назад
is it possible to watch these videos on a pay per view basis? I do not want to register and give all my data to you just to watch these
@Theolife Год назад
That's the best thing ever!
@BlueInk912 Год назад
Thank you for sharing informative clips on YT.
@stuckp1stuckp122 Год назад
Jared Diamond noted that Climate Change would helped predict where the future conflicts will happen. This talk helped refine my understanding.
@CPPublications Год назад
Peter Hitchins wrong end of the stick, stubbornly holds on to illogical narrative.
@TheBezaleel Год назад
Glory to Ukraine !!!
@archilzhvania6242 Год назад
8:30 this is what I hate: let the interviewee talk. Don't stop him in the middle of stating his opinion. Just shut up and listen, let the others listen too.
@howardleach5340 Год назад
Love the single description of Putin. Thug!
@darkonone5158 7 месяцев назад
i bet you do
@quantumeseboy Год назад
Peter Hitchens?! FFS! Why not debate this with Mishkin & Bashirov?
@quantumeseboy Год назад
@BrettHar123 Oh, no! You've lost Skripals? Bad boy!
Hitchens truly believes he's the smartest human being to ever live. He's unlistenable.
@jamesharris184 Год назад
Why does that guy keep interrupting so annoyed you have a guest let him make his point Geez Louise
@davidbanner6230 Год назад
This cannot be the end of things, the world cannot exist without ballance, no more that an atom can exist without ballance... There will always need to be oposite forces to keep that ballance?
@raycar9827 Год назад
China may not be antagonizing it's Asian neighbors but just maybe uniting the Asian countries to reclaim power from the west.
@carlodefalco7930 Год назад
claiming all the south china sea . building miltary bases on artificial islands in otherswaters .. and more u believe thats uniting . yes uniting those nations against ccp
@TheDavidlloydjones Год назад
@@carlodefalco7930 Not claiming "all" the South China Sea. The military base they're building is on a dredged up piece of their own continental shelf, kinda like England's Martello Towers out in the Channel. You're making up silly stuff. One might even say you're lying. China wants to share the South China Sea with Vietnam, Philippines, and its other neighbours. No doubt they're being pushy about it -- but they aren't running their aircraft carriers around the Caribbean, are they?
@mikemooney9124 Год назад
@@carlodefalco7930 - Again, guffawing and bending the truth... China is not claiming the whole China Sea, this is part of the "China Threat" garbage from the US State Dept... these islands are within Chinese territorial waters but don't expect to hear the truth from western mainstream media... you would think they had invaded another country from the reporting... meanwhile the US/NATO has gone around the world for 30 years invading country after country, leaving chaos in their wake. The world of the 21st century will no longer accept this gross hegemony, thank God.
@sieteocho Год назад
Reclaiming power from the west and from China. History repeats itself. In the 1940s, a northern power (Japan) managed to get the west and the rest of Asia to gang up against it. If China were to behave like an imperialist power, then the rest of Asia will gang up against it - even the ones which have Chinese descendants.
@numbersix8919 Год назад
China is the #1 trading partner of all those countries, even the ones with neoliberal leadership trained by our State Dept.
@paulwheeler6609 Год назад
It's all about money. Capitalism simply cannot provide the necessary community care that will be required to resolve these issues. Consolidated wealth has become a burden we can no longer maintain. We all know this. We just don't seem able to confront that reality. Lower populations, downsize economies. Both of those are going to be essential. I don't see either one happening.
@Grenadier311 Год назад
Capitalist economies with a strong welfare state constitute the most prosperous countries on earth with the highest standards of living for all - something command economies have failed to achieve every time.
@paulwheeler6609 Год назад
@@Grenadier311 The hyper-individualist rancor of the States simply cannot bring itself to admit we all need each other. No one climbs the ladder alone. In fact, the illusion of the ladder has done little more than create the need to chase one's own tail. It's unfortunate. The narrative we've followed has left us scrambling to maintain our conveniences, nothing else. The same conveniences that have enriched the few and disassembled our environmental, social, and community lives.
@Grenadier311 Год назад
@@paulwheeler6609 Well said and agreed. The rejection of communal integrity and effort has sickened and handicapped my country.
@paulwheeler6609 Год назад
@@Grenadier311 Indeed.
@cesarpolitics7576 Год назад
You know, if you go in a bar and punch the biggest guy, you cannot really claim they lost the high ground when they kick your arse. To ask for people to keep it under those circumstances is a bit funny.
@TheCosmicGuy0111 Год назад
@thisismetoday Год назад
8:50 Please stop interrupting your guest
@jillfryer6699 Год назад
blame the 'left' warmongers for international food insecurity! what a brilli idea.
@maxthemagition Год назад
The war in Ukraine is now a war of attrition. However there is still a danger that this war could spread and become a major war in Europe as what happened in WW1 and WW2. Looking back to both WWs, it is obvious, one Country in particular benefited above all others albeit with the loss of lives, and that country was the USA, now the most wealthy and most powerful country on the planet. One could be forgiven for thinking that the same could happen again.....A major war in Europe starting in Ukraine and spreading. One could also imagine that this war was being orchestrated from across the pond, with the supply of weapons and aircraft etc. Which countries have most to gain and which countries have most to lose from this war.? It is so easy to feed a war from afar by supplying weapons. How could this war spread to other countries in Europe, without the USA getting involved directly.? This is easy to answer, because the prime suspect is the UK, which by all accounts is prepared to take on Russia directly and is at the forefront of supporting the Ukrainians. It only need a spark to start a major war in Europe today.....One stray missile landing in a NATO country or the sinking of a NATO Battleship is all it would take. The UK Government of today is at the forefront of banging on the war drums against the Russians. To escalate this war and expand it is MADness for sure. However, it appears that this war will last a very long time with no sides giving way and the fire of war is being fed by ammunition from afar including sanctions imposed on Russia. The only hope is that both Russia and their neighbour and cousins in Ukraine wake up to the fact that they alone are suffering and PEACE is far far better than war. I hope the perpetrators of war rot in hell.
@khaderlander2429 Год назад
This debate is one of the cognitive dissonance I have come across. East against west and both are represented by scholars from the west.
@goldwhitedragon Год назад
Racial differences play a part.
@bob___ Год назад
Regarding comparisons between Russia in Ukraine and the US in Iraq, the most interesting point is a practical point, which is the difference in results notwithstanding Iraq's distance from the US and the fact that Iraq had something like the fourth largest military in the world at the time.
@markwillies7666 Год назад
Big didn't mean powerful.
@ravenmusic6392 Год назад
That's the claim made about Iraq in 1991, and even that's not true, Vietnam, China, USA, the Soviets, both Koreas and Taiwan had larger armies. In 2003 the Iraqi army was much smaller. More importantly it was one of the worst armies in the developing world, in both cases
@view1st Год назад
A big army armed with sticks and stones fighting an army armed with nukes is not really a fair fight.
@MrManny075 Год назад
The comparison is Russia is fighting for its own people and for its own existence, and the US just choose to invade Iraq illegally and lie about it, Iraq was under sanction for 10 years before the invasion, so that means they had nothing to fight with, the US destroyed Bagdad including the Iraqis parliament and Saddam home, Russia has not done that yet, the US killed 100s of thousands of civilians, Russia so far according to the UN 9 thousand civilian killed, big difference.
@Jeanne90275 Год назад
Why did the US believe Iraq had WMD? Because Saddam Hussein claimed it did, repeatedly, over a long span of time. What made it believable was his setting Kuwait alight...and the fact that He didn't mind slaughtering military and civilian Kuwaitis, he was happy to annilihate his own military snd civilian population; believing in his willingness to use WMD against the redy pf the world isn't much of a stretch. By contrast, Ukraine threatei no one.
@stuartwray6175 Год назад
The US were hand in glove with Saddam for decades. They supplied him with chemical weapons. Bush Jr's government were pursuing the Wolfowitz doctrine; a belligerent unilateralism, riding roughshod over International law. Putin repeatedly warned about the threat this posed.
@niclasnyberg4173 Год назад
yeah, he was a bad guy and all but the whole thing was predicated on an attack financed by one of our biggest allies, the Saudis, and while the CIA was telling the white house they were in the country and planning something the white house seemed disinterested according to John Kiriakou(cia whistleblower) Cheney, Bush and the Saudis all wanted any reasons to get that oil and sell those military contracts. They really did a number on us...just think of the last 20 years and how bad its really gone. and why the heck did the third wtc building just drop like a planned demolition hours later without barely any prior damage, and just happen to be the headquarters for some military/explosive company (owned by a bush associate) working on novel explosives which they seemingly found traces of at ground zero. i know that all sounds pretty wild and nothing is certain but it wouldn't be the first false flag on american soil or elsewhere our govt has planned/executed in the past. and every war/drama in the middle east in the last 50 or so years has been following a dip in oil profit and the only times the oil companies have beaten the s&p 500 average profit has been in the years during/after these wars. The couple thousand people is a miniscule number compared to the actual wars and stuff, politicians play with lives every single day edit: heck, even the election, the florida supreme court deciding bush won but then the actual recount later gore should have actually won in 2000. dead serious. the cold war really traumatized this country and turned the military contractors into lords and about 10 years after it ended when bush/cheneys buddies saw the money starting to dry up they had to do something to milk the tax payers and steal others oil. the worst of us have ran this country for decades
@ravenmusic6392 Год назад
Iraq wasn't a threat to any of its neighbors, it had a completely obsolete military and a buried airforce without any proficient pilots. Weather or not Iraq was "threatening" is besides the point, the western intelligence services knew Iraq wasn't a conventional threat, the WMD was what most of the invasion was based on, and it was false
@seanmoran2743 Год назад
Get people like Alistair Crooke or Col Macgregor Ret on You won’t of course because ultimately you have closed minds
@60yoself-taught Год назад
All Chinese people including those who live in Taiwan want unification of mainland with Taiwan island. That can be proven by a referendum if necessary. If you ask your friend, premier Lee of Singapore, he would tell you the same.
@syedadeelhussain2691 Год назад
Pakistan and China are long-term, all-weather friends. That brings stability to South Asian Geostrategic Balance.
@freebornjohn2687 Год назад
@@syedadeelhussain2691 Pakistan is a very unstable country so can not guarantee its friendship to anyone as its so divided internally.
@freebornjohn2687 Год назад
The Taiwanese don't want anything to do with China and just want to be in control of their own destiny, which seems perfectly reasonable.
@hughwardjackson4776 Год назад
Are you sure all Taiwanese people want unification with China? I've certainly met quite a few that don't.
@michaelmullins3396 Год назад
Whatever Hill says about African food crisis and African starvation ,the opposite is the case . Russia will guarantee food security to Africa unlike what the west has done in the past. Its Europe that is more at risk of food shortages as a result of the Ukraine war. much of European grain was coming out of Ukraine before the conflict.
@seanmoran2743 Год назад
The uni polar world is approaching and I for one am glad about that !
@turbolevo8703 Год назад
No. We are in a unipolar world now and are transitioning to a bi polar world order.
@StephenSeabird 5 месяцев назад
It won't be a democracy. It will be - and we're nearly there - run by corporate interests and the financial industry. No elected politicians will count, and nor will the interests of ordinary folk, with digitalised ID's and a surveillance super-State.
@blackcountrysmoggie Год назад
Never knew Japan shared a border with China. Must be missing something. Always thought it was an island
@raycar9827 Год назад
It's off the coast of China
@sonarbangla8711 Год назад
This border is like the one between US and UK. Japan will never go against China.
@raycar9827 Год назад
@@sonarbangla8711 it's not so much that Japan itself will against China but if the US will use it as a base of operations to go against China.
Who let you have a seat at the adults' table?
@anastasiabeaverhausen5467 Год назад
There are maritime borders just as there are land borders.
@off6848 Год назад
Funny how when talking about dictators it’s always Putin or Xi never any mention of Biden, Trudeau
@KevinUchihaOG Год назад
because they were democratically elected...
@nixl3518 Год назад
In case you haven't noticed Biden and Trudeau and everybody else you don't like, are elected by Democratic societies and stay in power for a LIMITED time, unlike your heroes Putin and Xi, who are perpetual fixtures, who's futures are not based on other people's opinions of their success as leaders, but of their ability to eliminate the competition!! Dictators' ends thus, are always catastrophic -Hussein, Gaddafi etc- but the rest of the world also pays the price! And that is not funny at all! These are remnants of medieval society we somehow have to eradicate from our world, before we can call our world "Modern Society". Sometimes we have to do things that might not be proper to achieve our desire to improve society, that you find offensive!. To be clear, no one says that Democratic societies are perfect; they are flawed, but their intentions are noble and that's the best we have come up with so far! Let us know if you have some better idea. On the other hand, your heroes have no qualms about doing anything they want to achieve their medieval phantasmagoric goals. Aside of Ukraine, obviously, one can easily bring up Chechnya, Afghanistan Georgia, Azerbaijan and the entire segment of Eastern Europe that was once part of the Soviet Union as hegemonic intentions of a Russia wanting again to be the Soviet Union! But also one can include Tibet as an example of ruthlessness by a dictator whose antecedent is interested in the same kind of world hegemony, beginning with Taiwan perhaps as the first domino in Southeast Asia, with expectations that the rest with will easily follow! Your logic, as your knowledge of semantics, is nonexistent!
@sonarbangla8711 Год назад
Indeed. The switch over by many of the collective west and join BRICS is what separates the dictators and democrats.
@jocosson8892 Год назад
you forgot Kim and his fascist friend Drumpf!
@lauracortez3904 Год назад
En realidad Trudeu y Biden únicamente trabajan en favor de un grupo de oligarcas, sin importar quien sea el presidente estos oligarcas se mantienen en el poder ellos serían los dictadores de facto
@christophercousins184 Год назад
Three speakers in contact with reality... then comes Peter with his cartoon characterizations that hover somewhere in the the ether.
@Alv11269 Год назад
And yet he's not wrong! Deal with it son.
@bazs7669 Год назад
Hitchens actually made the most sense
@christophercousins184 Год назад
@@bazs7669 Yeah, I guess that's why they make red wine and white wine... To me, he's totally living in his head in world he would like to be in, not the world he is in. My sister would agree with you and love her very much, but I just can't understand how you guys see things the way you do. Best to you and good luck to us all...
@gmw3083 Год назад
​@@christophercousins184We see you as delusional as many in the west are. You think that Western marionette leaders have your best interests at heart. They don't. They're just characters on Babylons' big stages, keeping you occupied with bread and circuses while the west sinks into oblivion. The east is concerned with building itself off ramps and lifeboats to escape the western madness.
Thank you! I worried I was the only one. I can't even listen to that guy. Damn.
@janklaas6885 Год назад
@saskiademoor8400 Год назад
5.20 min sorry, is this serious? does he believe his one-sidedness himself?????
@davidtaylor9742 Год назад
Xi Jinping is a dictator? 😂
@bengeurden1272 Год назад
"Is this the end of the current world order?" "East vs west" The Institute of Art and Ideas really want views, don't they? 🤣
@jwilkinson341 Год назад
Fiona Hill talks rubbish
Um, no. That's you you're talking about.
@eagle43257 Год назад
I think these speakers are confused
@lauracortez3904 Год назад
Taiwan no es parte de China, pero Hawai si puede ser parte de EEUU, las Malvinas ser parte del Reino Unido, al igual que muchas islas en América ?. Algo no es consiste con esta lógica. Si China no puede reclamar Taiwan como parte de China, EEUU y reino unido no deberían tener protectorados ni territorios de ultramar, mucho menos países de la common whealth hacer jurar a los legisladores lealtad al monarca de UK
@iseenochains-oops7863 Год назад
The Falklands & Hawaii have CHOSEN their alliances haven't they?
@martinmillar7998 Год назад
Taiwan is a province of China what are you blabbering about.
It's never been governed by the China in the history of the world.
@rickydavid2272 Год назад
@joe-el7iw 2 месяца назад
@rate5403 Год назад
let it all burn you had time and you wasted it
@siuchunhung2385 Год назад
What a waste of time watching this video
@nilslarson7532 Год назад
lost all respect for Fiona Hill. War and fear monger. Mandela was right "your enemies are not our enemies ".
@jimmybobby9400 Год назад
Your website is trash and will not let me cancel my free trial. I have emailed you multiple times to cancel with no reply. Do no sign up for a free trial for this website.
@joylove8693 Год назад
Taiwan province is part of China, the 2nd man was talking rubbish.
It's never been governed by the China in the history of the world.
@alexmirza5210 Год назад
Unfortunately, Hitchens was right. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.. or how good were the intentions, Mr Blair and Bush?
@Philosophy-he6yq Год назад
Russia was forced to invade, because NATO/US would not let Russia join, Ukraine on the boarder of Russia with the support of NATO and nukes is the worst possible thing for Russia, Cuba is an obvious example.
@carlodefalco7930 Год назад
nato has in its constitution . rule of law principles . property rights . free and fair elections , free press . argue about if those exist in nato nations .. they do .. these are some reasons why putin cant join as stalin b4 him couldnt . stalin wanted to join but demanded special concesions
@freebornjohn2687 Год назад
Russia wasn't forced to do anything. Putin took Russia to war because he's a deluded, corrupt psychopath.
@seanmoran2743 Год назад
@@carlodefalco7930e are run by Oligarchs that own the best political machines money can buy Your comment was a joke
@debbiemetke5938 Год назад
Like Hill said, two wrongs don't make a right. The U.S. was bad; Russia is bad.
@Philosophy-he6yq Год назад
@@debbiemetke5938 the US government is actively evil, Russia is reactively evil, forcing a life or death thing is never a good idea.
@alanhamilton9856 Год назад
Fiona! Tuvalu! The Australians will take the whole population without blinking. In other areas people will move back a bit. Anyway, Tuvalu will still be there and thriving in 110 years. Fiona, you need to turn the siren down a lot of notches. We are tired of you trying make our lives smaller and meaner while you still swan all over at great expense to the public purse.
🍼Feel better.
@debbiemetke5938 Год назад
WTF? Don't you believe climate change will be producing millions of new migrants to other countries? She knew full well what she was talking about
@numbersix8919 Год назад
Is Fiona Hill the worst warmonger of all time? Or just one wolf in the pack?
She's one of the most intelligent people there are on this subject, so you ought to listen to her.
@numbersix8919 Год назад
@@USS-SNAKE-ISLAND I do. Do you understand what her words mean?
@peterbranagan1010 Год назад
"How much evidence is required before it is clear that Western Civilization is empty of integrity, judgment, reason, morality, empathy, compassion, self-awareness, truth, empty of everything that Western Civilization once respected? All that is left of the West is insouciance and unrestrained evil." ~Dr Paul Craig Roberts, former Undersecretary Of Treasury, Reagan Administration
@yp77738yp77739 Год назад
Yes, we commit and are complicit in may vile acts and yet decry others whom do far less. Or, conversely, if you take Nietzsches view, everything is just the will to power and if so, we should strive to be even more barbaric. From a purely Darwinian perspective, we should be the biggest baddest dog in the park. We are somewhere in the middle of these two extreme, the worst place to be.
@freebornjohn2687 Год назад
@@yp77738yp77739 Evolution has many examples of life living together, the law of the jungle only part of the story.
Hitchens on the death of meritocracy | SpectatorTV
GONE.Fludd, ЛСП - Ути-Пути (official video)
The Swift Half with Snowdon ft. Peter Hitchens
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