
Islam's Rising Star - Syria 

Journeyman Pictures
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September 2006
War in Lebanon has dramatically altered the political spectrum in Syria. Support for Hezbollah is strong, and many now call for the re-capture of the Golan Heights.
In a nationally televised address to the Syrian Journalist Union, President Bashar al Assad issued a stark warning to Israel; "Your weapons, warplanes, rockets and even your atomic bombs will not protect you". He is playing a dangerous game. Syria's secularism is under attack. Posters of Nasrallah are selling on the streets like hotcakes; "we keep running out of them". And 90% of women wear the veil. As economist Ayman Abdel Nour points out, "the biggest danger for Assad's regime is radical Islam", so why does he allow and encourage it now? Is Bashar Assad pursuing this policy to increase his political strength and refocus the nation back to; "our one cause -- the Golan Heights"? Yet, as Nour admits; "Syria cannot open a direct war with Israel. We cannot win". Instead Assad hopes to force the US into talks, offering himself as the only moderate voice, whilst at the same time "supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas, and jihad in Israel." If Assad plays his cards wrong, the worry is that sunni Sheik Mohammad Hasbah's prediction of "more violence and bloodshed in the Middle East" could come true.
Produced by ABC Australia
Distributed by Journeyman Pictures



27 сен 2024




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@BLEIKO666 13 лет назад
I love you Syria ♥♥♥
@thesmartArab Год назад
5 years later......boooom Syria destroyed it's self and now the country is finished. Rest in pieces Syria the world's capital of freedom of speech 😂😂😂😂😂
@BLEIKO666 Год назад
@@thesmartArab Syria was destroyed by western power's like they did to Yugoslavia, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Yemen etc..., but nothing to laugh about, I would be more worry about my self if I were you, I recommend you to watch "kingdom of heaven", who laugh's at the end, laugh's better ;)
@aguywithabeard2338 2 года назад
wow....this video is 15 years old...damn im currently living syria and I want to genuinely cry my eyes out...we could have lived the best life possible
@thesmartArab Год назад
5 years later......boooom Syria destroyed it's self and now the country is finished. Rest in pieces Syria the world's capital of freedom of speech 😂😂😂😂😂
@AbaAslam Год назад
You should have helped your Caliphate.
@shamtradtam3769 4 года назад
Things are very different in 2019
@derauserwahlte8004 3 года назад
Its good that Assad is against islamism
@thesmartArab Год назад
5 years later......boooom Syria destroyed it's self and now the country is finished. Rest in pieces Syria the world's capital of freedom of speech 😂😂😂😂😂
@AOTanoos22 6 лет назад
Who would have thought in 2007, what would happen to Syria today...
@mett.1234 8 лет назад
mashallah . ☝
@kaisersoze508 7 лет назад
Excellent short film I wonder what date it origami aired. I am not pro or anti Israeli neither am I pro or anti Syria - however the wars in Syria, iraw, Libya and the region in general appear to me to be a larger scale power move carried out by the United States and Israel - it appears that these countries who had sworn to never make peace with Israel are being carved up into either smaller countries to be approached individually to make peace with Israel or remain in a state of chaos , and in that chaos they are never able to achieve any semblance of collaboration that would threaten the tiny Jewish state. I don't think it's a coincidence that isis made it a point to attack and kill the people in the Palestinian camps such as Yarmouk in 2014 further burying the Palestinian people as a people and turning them into a myth to new western generations.
@blackspc75 13 лет назад
That’s painful fact about Syria, and I’m afraid this transformation of the society into Islamic one is really happening, now it’s just the reverse situation during the days of the former president Hafez Al-Assad who defended the secularism in Syria till his last breath, All I can say is “Rest In Peace Mr. President” many Syrians are still missing you.
@James-th7wb 10 месяцев назад
This aged well
@hiccup2965 5 лет назад
those are shia not muslims
@Malazoov 17 лет назад
great video ... it can show the world what we r really facing
@israelmaven1 14 лет назад
the fact that nasrallah is considered a hero in syria by some is sad. the middle east map needs to be reshuffled since it's not stable at all.
@Schwyndfst 17 лет назад
I like these journalists' approach, I have just subscribed to their journal. Best line: "a modern-day Krak des Chevaliers" Go Israel!!!
@mzleveli 12 лет назад
This Film is so important! A key in understanding what is happening there now! Like a prophecy! - the Islamism, that the Baathist regime used, got out of their control and wants to get in charge!! Now I understand more, why the US isn't backing the uprising in Syria like it did in Lybia - because this new force is potentially much more irrational and mad, then the Baathist rule is, so they wish that uprising never happened and the good old Assad had been as he was..
@y571 13 лет назад
was i the only one who noticed that ayman al nour claimed that hamas was in israel, while in fact its in palestine ?
@meitasari 14 лет назад
I love this video .. I will go there, someday
@chriss179 16 лет назад
Tho i like you to keep on showing the bible. It is a good book full of loving truths like the judgements of the nations!
@pulakification 14 лет назад
the documentary maker was incredibly biased with pre-concieved notion, instead of trying to understand things he wants to potray it in his own way of what he thinks.. that lady gave him right answers and shut him up.. but still he never understood.. i hope one day he learns to learn from people..
@ADZ01982 16 лет назад
We chased the Muslims out of Spain, so who ultimately prevailed.
@hishamalaker491 Месяц назад
We have constantinople and Sarajevo.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
I stand corrected. 84000 letters and testimonies from the early church fathers and 24000 early manuscripts. reaching as far back as only few years after the crucifixion! Now that is horror for islam isn't it!?!?! Just watch that and forever hold your silence!
@Delta4ms 12 лет назад
Things have certainly changed in Syria since this was made.
@johnwimberly2089 Месяц назад
Never negotiate with the Donkey or the Eagle to.
@shjh69fgx 12 лет назад
this report is old the situation now in Syria is different
@GodsSeer 14 лет назад
Much suspicion and fear in that country. Cursed people, lost pagans. Their prayers are an abomination. Great darkness, determination against the Living Yahweh.
@Sh0SUPERMAN 14 лет назад
^ Distorts and perverts the truth. When the Arab cleric was speaking around 9:17, they only translated the part when he was talking about "spiritual jihaad, and jihaad with the sword." The rest of the sentence, in arabic, which they didn't translate, guy was saying: "even more than that, there is jihaad with words, jihaad with the pen." Jihaad doesn't mean war, or holy war, it means struggle, endurance and overcoming toil. Eg. Jihaad with math.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
An Eye for an Eye 38"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'[g] 39But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Exactly the reason jesus pray for his assailants. He loved those who murdered him unto the last breath. Because he saw what was coming to them. That was far worse then dieing for day. That is dieing for all eternity and not being able to die at all!
@squidwardx2 15 лет назад
How are they discriminating and killing anyone who is not brainwashed?
@JusticeVSpropaganda 15 лет назад
Second time was in 1973 when Egypt abd Syria opened war in the holiest day for the Jews, Yom Kippur, in order to destroy Israel. One has to understand that if such war had opebed from before 67 lines, it would take an hour for Syrian tanks to divide Israel through the Galilee and it would result with end of Israel. Can Israel take such risk? NO. History before 67 shows that even when Syrians occupied the Golan such as in 48, still they participated in war against Israel. -->
@Chege007 13 лет назад
Lets hope that Islamic extremists dont take the power in Syria, Egypt Lybia etc. Freedom in Damascus will contribute to the recovery of freedom in Beirut, the end of Syrian domination of Lebanon. When the Assad regime falls, Hezbollah too will suffer a blow and the collapse of Iranian corrupt hegemony across the region may not be far behind.
@chriss179 16 лет назад
it seems that there were 3 factors which prevented the Muslim military expansions into Imperial China. 1. Internal factionalism within the Islamic world. There were major rivalries among the Islamic states. 2. Crusades from the west diverted the attention of the Muslim rulers from the east. 3. Strengths of the nomadic/semi-nomadic states in Central Asia - Uyghurs & Khitans, acting as barriers. Not because islam does not want to conquer the world!
@Vedioviswritingservice 15 лет назад
The Son is not nearly as strong as the Father and has isolated himself by booting out many of the Father's old cronies. Trouble ahead for Syria.
@Chege007 13 лет назад
Democracy in the Arab World Now We can support the arab people by pushing for sustainable democracies and reform throughout their regions, Lets support the processes of reforms in the region so that arab governments better represent all the peoples' in their borders, from the country's natives, to refugees and guest workers. Lets help them organise across all lines to topple their repressive governments. Democracy in the Arab World Now!!!!
@Sh0SUPERMAN 14 лет назад
@GTCism, Evil? Do you think a religion that commands kindness to parents, humbleness with the meak, charity for the poor, love for the orphans, forgiveness, prayer to God 5 times a day, is evil? Most people are smart enough to think for themselves. That's why they research about Islam, they listen to the Quran, and judge by themselves. ^ And that my friend, is why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, despite you telling people to "get away from it"
@squidwardx2 15 лет назад
Um not really. If a muslim does one wrong thing to anyone else, God will stand beside the person that muslim did a wrong to and will ask the muslim why did he/she violate the right of this person. Regardless of belief or race.
@olahhalo 15 лет назад
Well if they consider Harazt Ali to be God then how can they be considered muslims?
@JusticeVSpropaganda 15 лет назад
so, taliking about barbarism.... One more issue is water: before 67 the Syrians tried to prevent water from Israeli resource of water: Kinneret lake (sea of Galilee), beyond shelling Israel. Rhese days there is a 5 tears draught all over and Turkey also restricted the water flow of river Prat. In addition -because the reforms in Syrian agriculture since the 60th, they grow cotton and wheat that demand a lot of water. Syria is in big problem of water and that is true reason they want suddenly --
@chriss179 15 лет назад
You can accuse people without a shred of evidence???? I was waiting for you to bring evidence but yet you took your broken authority. That is fine. Peace brother.
@peev16 15 лет назад
Thats incredibly hipocritical! Have you ever seen an arab network show Israel's side of the story? Who owns all of the arab networks? Their rulers. They show people what they want them to see. Visit Israel you might be surprised.
@killerkohyar 15 лет назад
No way, man i disagree completly Iran is trying to fix the rejion and is not about changing the peoples religion.
@chriss179 16 лет назад
I cannot possibly tell the thinking process that jephtah had, but since the law states that you cannot do human sacrifice there is no question about it. Read genesis 24 What would the servant of abraham have done if the first coming out of the city was a pig?? Would he have asked the pig for a drink? (verse 14) No, ofcourse not! That servant was even as smart as to say: That is the way i will know you had mercy on my lord! Because who will tell you you had an answer from god?
@obaidCarkey 13 лет назад
@Sandtrigganigga if you hate what america does, then why not get rid of these US or russia imposed dictators and let the syrians choose by vote their own leader or dictator? It seems to me you are contradicting yourself again and again!--if the egyptians can do it and the libyans and tunisians, then why not the syrians? A chosen leader is not perfect but in any way far better than any dictator, be he either imposed or imposing himself!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Believe me it's hard when you see people who really love you. Who cry when you cry and who suffer when they see you suffer. It's hard to see such loving people all perish. Knowing my sorrow is as real as theirs. They feel the same feelings i do. When in hell there will never be any comfort... If i could die a thousand time to save them i would. But jesus died and i carry my cross with him. And god is just. He doesn't love my family more than yours.
@goodness631 13 лет назад
@hannahr77 No in actuality that land belongs to the ANCIENT Kananite people, who are now the Palestinian people. That land was invaded by the Jews after they defeated the Kananite people. The Romans had invaded the Holy land and massacred the Jews. Subsequently, they fled to Europe because of that invasion. The fact is if you want to talk about the ancient inhabitants of that Land when it is not the Jews but the Kananite people. The Kananites are the Palestinians.
@MozALoser 17 лет назад
Isa 17:1 ¶ The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
26 I said I would scatter them and blot out their memory from mankind, 27 but I dreaded the taunt of the enemy, lest the adversary misunderstand and say, 'Our hand has triumphed; the LORD has not done all this.' " 28 They are a nation without sense, there is no discernment in them. God is talking about you with the no discernment. He is talking about blotting out the memory of israel because they are a stiff necked people.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
1 john 2. Deny the son and you deny the father.
@olahhalo 14 лет назад
Do not all Shias believe that?
@megatron0357 15 лет назад
Islam Forever!!!!
@Loagun 4 года назад
Ruling a country, a family business??? Oh, like in the G7?
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Love for Enemies 43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[h] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies[i] and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Now if the bible is corrupted. Why didn't satan corrupt this?? What people would carry around such hard words about them and cherish it?? and call it the word given to them by their god?? Come on.. Even our enemies must concede. Their gods are not like ours...
@razaa09 13 лет назад
@cryfreeedom Brother,There is black sheep in every religion. If read the Quran, you will notice the only verses on war you will find will be to defend yourselves. What these extremists do is take the verse out of context and use it for their own purposes. And as far as stealing and lying is concerned they are forbidden in every way. In fact punishment in Islam for stealing is to cutting off your hand. Do not judge the religion by its followers instead judge it by the book.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
That is what moses sang about. That is holy. We betray god but god cannot betray himself. He made those promises and if he doesn't keep them he becomes a liar.
@jewsforchrist 15 лет назад
GOD BLESS ISRAEL soon they will get all the land God promised Abraham all 3,000 square miles
@chriss179 16 лет назад
Ezechiel 16: 46 Your older sister was Samaria, who lived to the north of you with her daughters; and your younger sister, who lived to the south of you with her daughters, was Sodom. 47 You not only walked in their ways and copied their detestable practices, but in all your ways you soon became more depraved than they. 48 As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, your sister Sodom and her daughters never did what you and your daughters have done. Am i making god into something??
@chriss179 15 лет назад
But then you could repeat the comment and we could taste it as we could taste food to see if it is disrespectfull. Like in a court one would say: OBJECTION YOUR HONNOR! And then the judge would say: Overruled or Abstained! Be relevant! And bring evidence. Don't just say i accuse you.. but bring evidence..
@razaa09 13 лет назад
@cryfreeedom Brother, all those things are forbidden in Islam. Stop spreading hatred.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
But i don't really need to tell you this. Hollowed be thy name. Matthew 7:21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. So if you think they will enter heaven or that they have done the will of the father please tell me so.. If not then do know god will hollow his name!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Yes, i've read "parts of" the qur'an. and the bible is not changed or corrupted. Watch the evidence that demands a verdict part 3 here on youtube before you make illiterate claims.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
denial is the best.....
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Abraham never went to mekka. And he never built the kaaba. In fact abraham left all the idols of his fathers house and left for kaanan. There was the promised land and isaak was the son of the covenant. Not ishmael. Abraham never knew this Allah of yours. Neither did moses, david, solomon or any of the other prophets. They were all israelites and preached to israel. Even jesus didn't preach to the gentiles but only to israel. And israel is the enemy of your god. What a coincidence!
@chriss179 16 лет назад
Now you come up with a nice example in the bible of jephtah. That man made his own rules. We all have an image of who god is. And Jephtah had the untainted faith that god would let something walk out his door which he deemed a worthy sacrifice. Because god asked abraham to give back that son. What would you do if you make such a vow to god?? Question if it was his answer?? Then god should have intervened, even when he was about to kill her, god could have intervened. He did so with abraham.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Genesis 17 18 And Abraham said to God, "If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!" 19 Then God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him. 20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. BUT NOT THE ONE OF MY COVENANT! GET THAT!!!!?!
@obaidCarkey 13 лет назад
@SuperAmsterdamWest Westside spangaz!
@chriss179 16 лет назад
If god told abraham to stop sacrificing his child and he did not do so with jephtah.. Well.. That is a good point. I will know what god wanted there.. Wether he tested jephtah to the law which states that no human sacrifice can be made. Because god cannot break his own laws! If prophets do miracles and tell the people to follow unknown gods they have to negate those prophets and listen to their own god. So nice example of where the laws explain the impossibility of that being gods answer
@groeneduim 13 лет назад
@eriksven1 You've just proven, that you don't know the difference between christianity and Judaism and Islam. In Christianity people believe in the trinity. And that jesus litereally became god. Therefor they pray to a person, Jesus, or... Isa- Jews and Muslims in fact say it is ILLEGAL to pray to PERSONS. Legitimate religions only pray to one god, the only god. Not to him, a ghost and his son, who was an earthdweller. Also... it is easy to say bad things about a person, that is dead, proof it!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
You can check it with muhammad. He clearly instructed that those who die in the cause of allah are not dead but alive with allah receiving his blessings. Jesus told peter when he picked up the sword that those who live by the sword die by (gods) the sword! You can't be more clear than this!
@hamzah938 11 лет назад
Feel free to "check out" at any time.
@chriss179 16 лет назад
Europeans are christians??? Tell me then if they are christians.. How do you justify that to 1john2? Because i'm getting steaming angry! 1John2 3We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. 4The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5But if anyone obeys his word, God's love[b] is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: 6Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Do whatever you want. But don't accuse me of hatred, because that is an accusation without fundament. Your probably the one that hates because you have told me like 10 times already that i should not return. Can you not have a conversation without hating???
@gokselcekic8589 9 лет назад
@groeneduim 13 лет назад
@nationofdominacion ha, you wish. how about getting an education instead of insulting other peoples believes
@chriss179 15 лет назад
I'm waiting........
@chriss179 16 лет назад
We will never know why god let his judgement be fulfilled by flesh. But remember that they have all been brought out of egypt and have been in the desert for 40 years and god has promised to drive out and kill the giants and he kept his promise to give the land to the israelites! He did and he judged the nations! And he will do so again! Don't be blinded by the god loves you. He will judge you too!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
So anyone can murder jesus but do not sin against muhammad because then you will never be forgiven???? Or did muhammad just sinned against the holy spirit and he will never be forgiven? Which is it??? KUFAR!
@doll786 17 лет назад
I feel sorry for those who misunderstand islam, you feel threatened by islam and therefore are only self conscious. Allahu Akbar May Islam touch your hearts before death touches you.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Hosea 9:10 I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your forefathers as the earliest fruit on the fig tree in its first season. But they came to Baal-peor and devoted themselves to shame, And they became as detestable as that which they loved. When they were full grapes god told them to root out rotten grapes so the harvest would be fullest. Now the earth is like in the days of noah. Should we massacre eachother?? No, the cross is the only way back to those days of full grapes!
@chris2002Rocklin 14 лет назад
@Tareq88 "you are prejudice against a group of people... " Who says? "and apparently racist" Based on what? "we hate you too" I see, projection. YOU are prejudging this comment's author. "scapegoating the entire group of people" I saw only judgement based on religious beleifs. You may not agree, but when an entire religious group professes doctrines of suicide Jihad and so forth, that is called "discernment", not racism. - nor "prejudice" or "scapegoating".
@MITISLAM 12 лет назад
la ilaha illallah muhammad rasulullah
@chriss179 16 лет назад
Yes, don't fool yourself. God will judge and i am on his side. Yes, i pray and i weep for those who are lost. But i am also ready to do his will and let them go. Don't think i will let you betray god all your life and let you insult god all your life and i pray with god for you all my life and in the end i with god will be without any charge for your destruction. No, destruction will come! And it will be resolute!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
It doesn't matter too much that sin was his the reason he lived. Because god planned surely blessed him. But he was not the promised son! In isaak and later jacob (israel) the blessing continued.... Not in ishmael. God never changes his mind... Aggregated verses.. BELLS SHOULD RING!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
So the jews have turned back from the law of moses and worshipped baal. But the muslims who sin just as any man have not..... You have not ever layed your eyes on a woman and desired for her or hated someone.... Surely it was not the law by which abraham was proclaimed rightious by god. It was by "FAITH". Sure there have been jews following baals. Even solomon did it! But he was also a prophet! So you either proclaim solomon a sinner or a holy prophet of god.. Which is it???
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Allah is made up of two words which have been made a single word. That is Al Illah. Which means "the god". The god is the reference to the moongod. Al Illah is actually in the shahada. Al illah il'llah. Meaning there is no god but "the god". And "the god" is a clear reference to the moongod who has allways been the chief idol of the kaaba. Now you might want to be ignorant to this. But if christians say Allah then they refer to the moongod. THey should say illah.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
First of all. Every human institute is a tool in the hands of the adversary (satan). Since all are bound under sin every human organisation is an instrument of sin. So i don't really belong to any church other than the body of christ. Which is all people who have faith in him. Secondly. These people are not doing what christ instructed them and as such god has to clean up their acts. and they will reap what they have sown. But the acts of a these people aren't representative of christs church
@DeWise4 14 лет назад
@ishaymae not as the son of the one true God and a part of the trinity. not as the only way to eternal salvation because of his sacrifice.
@ramiBudemaris 12 лет назад
we willl see what you are going to say, when it is all over and Bashar Al-Assad ist arrested.
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Yes, and then god gave abraham a dream when abraham was out of faith. Abraham dreamt that the seed of the promise would go to egypt and be treated as slaves there, etc.. God gave us the entire bible. He proves who is the promised son. And that was not the son conceived without faith. Yes, ishmael a son like any other. God loved the boy just as much as any other kid and blessed him because he was a son of abraham and abraham loved the boy! But he was not the promised son!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
It gets worse. The name isus (roman name of yeshua) litterly means son of zeus. Or shame on you zeus. Those unwilling to say son of zeus were persecuted and killed! more than 70 million truth seekers were killed by the catholic church and the unholy roman empire. Now that is your instrument.. Logically..... But futile!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
And on your account of being partly jewish. See that god has shown that to be part of israel isn't a racial issue. It's a faith issue as abraham had faith and was therefor justified before god! This is why there are gentiles coming into the blessing of israel as they came into their blessings before jesus. (god never changes his mind about nothing let alone his israel like your muhammads aggregated verses). I repeat: YOU COULD HAVE SEEN STRAIGHT THRU MUHAMMAD!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
The fact that jesus said: I HAVE TO DIE FOR THE COUNSELOR TO COME! This proves that jesus meant exactly what christians say... Namely that jesus would take the sin of the world down in his death. And that by this people can attain the holy spirit of god. Which the angels have but the demons don't. Jesus even reveals some of the invisible (even to angels) part of god. Namely that the holy spirit is a person. Now you can do what satan did, and share in his doom!
@rydhenafexi8202 5 лет назад
syiah and assad not muslim
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Don't pretend you serve Yeshua Ha Mosiach! Yeshua taught his disciples that they had to love eachother unto death! And to be willing to lay down your life for the other. Not to kill the other person! Don't pretend islam is anything like that. If i can build a thousand christian churches in mekkah then you may deny that islam means only submission, submission to allah or the sword!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
THat is exactly the reason why they were rejected for all eternity to enter into the congregation of the lord. And it is written that when jesus returns his garment will be splattered of blood when he comes out of midian.. (that is saudi arabia -> mekkah!)
@chriss179 15 лет назад
The symbol of islam is the crecent moon and the star of bel. It is actually also the reversed symbol of diana, the supreme demon godess. You can speak that pbuh shit all you want but peace ain't coming upon the name of muhammad. There is only one name in heaven and on earth by which man can enter before god. That name is gods son jesus. and before you start talking about contradictions and shit. Why don't you go study the bible and show us these contradictions. Ive taken the time at least
@hadoolaalsadeq2902 5 лет назад
I not like any side, I was support peacefull demonstration, but secular opposition forces in Syria are now more close to regime than opposition, because they not wanna go in same front with extemists opposition ... Opposition now is islamic state, al qaida, al nusra..
@chriss179 15 лет назад
and furthermore. The scriptures have all been well preserved. If you talk about corruptions then be so kind as to show us either an uncorrupted version and prove it was uncorrupted or show us the corruptions. But it's because the scriptures don't say anything about muhammad and the fact they prove muhammad a liar that you deny hard facts to believe the lie.. Well lie to yourself all you want. The time of the unveiling is drawing nearer every second.
@chriss179 16 лет назад
I see your a muslim, so you should know all these things. There is no need to tell you what crimes islam commits and that they want to destroy israel. Psalm 83 1 O God, do not keep silent; be not quiet, O God, be not still. 2 See how your enemies are astir, how your foes rear their heads. 3 With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish. 4 "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more."
@chriss179 15 лет назад
And yes, Jesus was angry at people too. Matthew 17:17"O unbelieving and perverse generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me." Jesus most certainly got angry and had the fire of gods wrath in his eyes when he drove the merchants out of the temple and when he rebuked the pharisees. !!But a bruised reed he would not break!! You know what a reed does to someones back when you hit him with it?? A torture device!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
You didn't stop to accuse me of hatred and a lack of respect. Now you cannot find a single piece of evidence.......... Satan fought over the dead body of moses because he wanted it buried to take away moses' authority. Saying: He died, so did his authority. Now who of us died?? Was it me??? Did i hate??? Or was it you? Accusing me without evidence. Now show me something! I'm still waiting!
@chriss179 15 лет назад
Jude 1:9But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!" If you could find hatred in me you would take strength from my words. I dare not hate islam before god. Gods judgement is enough. So if you dare accuse me of hatred do bring some evidence. Bring some "slanderous accusation". give it up... We want to warn you about islam.. Not show you hatred..
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