
Israelis: Have your views on Turkey changed since the Mavi Marmara incident? 

Corey Gil-Shuster
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26 окт 2024




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@erdincylmaz2842 8 лет назад
Turks r the only nation who helped jews in history. Dont forget those times my friends. We dont hate u.
@themanwiththeplan1211 8 лет назад
I do not like Turkey or Turkish people.
@Yuval012 8 лет назад
yeah but we can judge only about what happening today, not in the past.
@karaca9783 8 лет назад
Liran C, you stupid.
@sa4ir 7 лет назад
This is the difference of your people and my people. Good day.
@hamitkarasahin4233 7 лет назад
yeah if turkey wants there will be no israel better to not mess with turks in war
@anatolian2511 8 лет назад
Is Turkey anti semitic? Come on . I don't like Erdogan neither but saying that the condition of jews in Turkey is bad is not true. Cem Bonomo who is a Jew represented Turkey in Eurovision last time Turkey attended. When has an Arab represented you guys? I don't have anything against jews nor Israeli people, but I despise the Israeli government as I despise the Turkish goverment. Peace
@RT-nr5ep 2 года назад
totally with you
@RobespierreThePoof 9 месяцев назад
Mostly agree. However, if you listen to ex Muslim Turks, it seems that they universally say that antisemitism is very common amongst devout Turkish Muslims. I'm inclined to give their views a lot of weight.
@pholkhein 9 лет назад
So in the Mavi Marmara, Israeli soldiers attacked an international ship taking aid to Palestine and killed 9 Turkish nationals including one Turkish-American. Turkey wanted an official apology and Israel granted in years later. If Turkey did the same, the Israelis would burn the whole world. You know what, I feel sorry for Israelis. They first need to deal with their own extremists, then they should fix the corruption among their politicians. I am not even going to talk about the whole Arab problem. Most people in Europe, where we have free media, disagree with what Israel does and promotes in the World. The country needs to go by the international law, it does not. They need to be environmentally friendly, but the factories there are irresponsible. They do not grant asylum to people fleeing from wars. There is so much wrong with Israel that I believe they first should rise for free media and a functioning democracy and human rights.
@annayaellevy4842 9 лет назад
Leunetté I don't think that was aid I think that was weapons
@StoneColdChewy 9 лет назад
Now I know that's untrue, "palestine" does not exist.
@pholkhein 9 лет назад
Anna Yael Levy well then I would suggest you to read the document prepared by the independent UN researchers on the incident. No weaponry had found in the ship. Now, I believe there could be other ways to send aid but Israeli response was definitely a breach in international law and ethics, as always. As long as Israelis have these far-right politicians and ignorant nationalism, Israel's reputation and unfortunately, Jewish reputation will suffer day by day. Talk to anyone in Europe, here we are very much concerned on Israel as it acts as a third world country
@annayaellevy4842 9 лет назад
Leunetté You clearly did not read the UN report. The UN found that _"violence against the soldiers was carried out in an organized manner by a group of passengers armed with weapons, including firearms"_ There were clearly firearms present on the ship if the passengers were firing at Israeli military. Idiot. The UN also reported that _"video footage shows passengers wearing gas masks, life or bullet proof vests, and carrying metal bars, slingshots, chains and staves. That information supports the accounts of violence given by IDF personnel to the Israeli investigation."_ Also, the UN disagrees with you over whether there was any "breach in international law and ethics". The UN report said Israel has a _"right to visit and search the vessel and to capture it if found in breach of a blockade"_ and the raid _"was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea"_ and it _"complied with the requirements of international law"_
@karagun5547 9 лет назад
I am agree with you.
@ishamael0 9 лет назад
turkey was the first muslim country to recognise the state of israel when the arabs were busy trying to destroy it in 1948. Its a shame to see turkey and israel so far apart now these days.
@omgwtflolz111 8 лет назад
this is true
@seekthetruth4218 5 лет назад
ishamael0 it is the political problem.We normal turkish people have no problem with jews.I think jews also have right to live their own country.They suffered so much through history.But you have to admit that mavi marmara masaacre was disgusting.İsraeli soldiers killed civil people.
@thecanaeggplant2937 4 года назад
Back then Turkey ruled by a few loser pricks.
@ibrahimyilmaz4861 3 года назад
@Praised Var.
@user-cg4uz5sp7d 3 года назад
@Praised neymiş olayın arka yüzü? Israil hükümeti bile kabul etti hatali olduklarını savas tazminati ödemeyi kabul ettiler. Gazzedeki katliama sessiz kalmayan sivillerin öldürüldüğü bir olay bu. Bütün dunya medyasinda böyle. Bi de sacma sapan yanindaki aletleri silah olarak sergileyip biz kendimizi koruduk diyorlar. Israil bütün gazzeye giden yollari kapatmıştı her seyi kendi denetiminden gecirdikten sonra gazzeye gonderiyordu ki mallarin coguna da el koyuyordu. Bunlar benim dunya medyasindan ögrendigim bilgiler eksigim yanlisim varsa buyrun düzeltin. Bu arada ne yahudilere ne de israillilere karsi bi on yargim nefretim yok. Hepimiz insaniz.
@ArdaKaraduman 8 лет назад
As a secular Turkish person, I hate Erdogan with my life's blood. I never condoned the sending of Marmara ship or their mission either, as I think it interferes with Israel's internal policies. However what Israel did to that ship was very heavy handed and utterly unacceptable. They could have boarded the ship, turn it on its way, temporarily arrest and deport activists etc. but they clearly have stepped over the line. In hindsight, I think we didn't give enough reaction to Israel on this matter.
@TheUnique69able 8 лет назад
So you think that one incident is unacceptable. what about what israel has been doing for the past 70 years?
@zeynepunsal2605 4 года назад
@@TheUnique69able there are a lot of hidden armenians, greeks, jews, pkk supporting kurds who try to talk on behalf of real Turks. If you ever hear a Turk support Israel be sure he/she is not a Turk!
@funny-days-7 2 года назад
​@@zeynepunsal2605No, I am totally Turk and always I mention my support of Israel. Of course some muslim mindset get mad of me :)
@Polo-rn8ly 2 года назад
@@zeynepunsal2605 bullshit.. I am turkish and he is right.. Everyone Who disagree with you is crypto jew according to your sick mentality.. .. Arab israel wars are not our problem.. Why the fuck we get involved? There are 20 arab states with trillion worth oil.. First pkk terrorists was trained in phalestine
@hyamick7584 2 года назад
@@funny-days-7 Israel support the kurds
@oghuzkhan5117 7 лет назад
When the Ottoman Turks liberated Bursa in 1324 from the oppressive yoke of the Byzantine Empire, they discovered a heavily oppressed Jewish community. The Jews of Bursa treated the Ottoman Turks as their saviors. Sultan Orhan gave the Jews who previously couldn’t build synagogues permission to build the Etz Ha-Hayyim (Tree of Life) Synagogue. Indeed, the liberation of the Jews of Bursa in 1324 from the tyranny of the Byzantines represented the beginning of the Turkish-Jewish friendship. Starting in the early 14th century, Jews fleeing oppression began to settle in the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman Turkey became the home to Jews expelled from Hungary in 1376, from France in 1394, and from Sicily in the early 15th century. In the 1420’s, Jews living under Venetian controlled Salonika also migrated to the Ottoman Empire. In 1453, Sultan Mehmet II started to actively encourage Jews to settle in Ottoman lands. He issued a proclamation to all Jews stating, “Who among you of all my people that is with me, may his G-d he with him, let him ascend to Istanbul, the site of my imperial throne. Let him dwell in the best of the land, each beneath his vine and beneath his fig tree, with silver and with gold, with wealth and with cattle. Let him dwell in the land, trade in it, and take possession of it.” This statement was issued at a time when Jews across Europe were in great distress due to the persecutions they endured and were greatly in need of a safe haven. Rabbi Yitzhak Safarti sent out a letter to the Jewish communities of Europe soon after the Byzantine Empire collapsed completely in 1453, “inviting his co-religionists to leave the torments that they were enduring in Christendom and to seek safety and prosperity in Turkey.” Not too long after this letter was sent, in 1492, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain expelled the Jews from their country, which along with the Spanish Inquisition that followed it was arguably one of the most traumatic events in Jewish history prior to the Holocaust. That same year, Sultan Bayazid II issued a proclamation ordering his officials to accept the Sephardic Jews into his country. Around 250,000 Jews came to settle in Ottoman lands, with most heading towards Istanbul and Salonika, which absorbed a total of 100,000 Jews. Immanual Aboab claimed that Bayazid II asserted that “the Catholic monarch Ferdinand was wrongly considered as wise, since he impoverished Spain by the expulsion of the Jews, and enriched Turkey.” Interestingly, it was the Sephardic Jews who introduced the printing press into the Ottoman Empire. Sephardic Jews whose ancestors were at the center of the Golden Age of Spain recreated a new golden age within Ottoman lands. Rabbi Joseph Caro wrote the Shulchan Aruch, the standard code of Jewish law in Safed, Israel, under Ottoman Turkish rule. The Lekhah Dodi prayer which Jews to date traditionally sing in the Friday evening synagogue services around the world, was composed in medieval Israel by Rabbi Shlomo Alkabetz under Ottoman Turkish rule. Joseph Nasi was appointed Duke of Naxos, while Aluaro Mandes was named Duke of Mytylene and Salamon ben Nathan Eskenazi arranged the first diplomatic ties between the Ottoman Turks and the British Empire. Wealthy Sephardic Jews such as Dona Gracia Mendes Nasi financed the Ottoman Turkish sultan. In return for the contributions of Dana Gracia Mendes Nasi to the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Sultan offered the Jewish people the city of Tiberius for an independent city state under Ottoman tutelage. Despite local Arab and French opposition, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent continued to support the project. According to Andree Aelion Brooks’ The Woman Who Defied Kings: the Life and Times of Dona Gracia Nasi, “In Tiberius, the newcomers were soon taking over abandoned structures, renovating deserted houses, restoring gaping roofs, clearing the rubble and quarreling in typical Jewish fashion. By 1564 the revival was sufficiently far along that yet another traveler recalled that the scent from the date palm, orange and pine trees was so overpowering that it was almost suffocating. Yet another talked effusively of a wilderness turned into a Garden of Eden. Almost all of the residents, noted one of these travelers, were former conversos from Spain and Portugal!” As the historian Stanford Shaw wrote in Jews, Turks, and Ottomans: Fifteenth through Twentieth Century, “The Ottoman Empire had for centuries provided a safe haven for Jewish refugees from Europe. The large-scale migrations of Jews from Spain, Portugal, and other European countries in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are well known and have been discussed in detail. However, later Jewish population movements to the Ottoman Empire are less well known. Still, over the years, many European Jews individually or in small groups continued to settle in Ottoman dominions for political, economic, or religious reasons. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the influx of Jewish refugees into the shrinking Ottoman lands rose again. This time, the migration was mainly caused by persecution in the newly independent Balkan states.” Mark Mazower, writing in Salonica: City of Ghosts, that the Jews of Salonikka did not want the Ottoman Turks to leave the city and were opposed to Greek rule. “Few Jews believed they would be better off in one of the Christian successor states than they were in an empire where their loyalty made them trusted and none can have thought that Salonica in particular----the city they dominated----would develop to their benefit if it became part of Greece or Bulgaria. The rise of Balkan nationalism thus increased the intensity of the Jews identification with the Ottoman state,” he wrote. Even when blood libels did arise within the Ottoman Empire, such as the infamous Damascus Blood Libel of 1840, it was the local Christians rather than the Ottoman Turks who instigated them. Following the Damascus Blood Libel, Sultan Abdelmecid issued an edict to forbid blood libels within the Ottoman Empire. Sultan Abdelmecid asserted, “For the love we bear to our subjects, we cannot permit the Jewish nation, whose innocence for the crime alleged against them is evident, to be worried and tormented as a consequence of accusations which have not the least foundation in truth.” Orientalists,basing themselves on the twentieth century values have problem with dhimmi status of non Muslims Ottoman subjects. However they are gravely mistaken. I have mentioned the vast rights given to them in theory and practice.
@mehmetagarhayrani 3 года назад
we love Israel and the first muslim country to recognize Israel and the country with the most synagogues and Turkey is not anti-Israel🖤 🇹🇷🇮🇱🇦🇿🇺🇦🖤
@eyhmus5018 3 года назад
That definitely is not true, Turkish people (secular or non-secular) are anti Israel. At best, they do not care. I have not seen anyone Turkish who is also pro-Israel in my life.
@AliKing-pc7qc 2 года назад
Who is we, we hate jews... Dont talk in the name of the Turks..
@illyrian3057 2 года назад
@@AliKing-pc7qc I have seen more YahudiSeviçi than Anti Jews in Turkey.....
@AliKing-pc7qc 2 года назад
@@illyrian3057 thats because you went to places where those ' jews sevicis' live...
@123kirmizi 2 года назад
@salutta1150 5 лет назад
We love you Israel and Jews !!! Greetings and loves from Turkey 🇹🇷🇮🇱
@salutta1150 5 лет назад
Gryffindor squad ben türküm de yazım yanlışlarına bakılırsa siz türk değilsnz sanırım?
@Alina-rf8ib 5 лет назад
Ayser Akdağ Avrupada yaşayan o değil embesil islamcı seni,okumayı öğren önce
@adviceforidevice4536 4 года назад
Kişi sevdiğiyle beraberdir hiç merak etme.
The attractive young lady with the mole is a bit confused when she says Jordan and Egypt have no anti-Semitism. It's rampant in both countries, despite the peace treaties. And despite all the tensions that currently exist between Turkey and Israel now, there are still diplomatic relations (albeit downgraded) between the two countries. There is no Israeli ambassador in Ankara, but there is a charge d'affaires. I've visited Turkey a few times in the 1990s and early 2000s as an Israeli and enjoyed my visits there, but since the Mavi Marmara I've flown from NYC to Israel via Istanbul once on Turkish Airlines, and I didn't go out of my way to say I was Israeli to anyone, just waited quietly in the airport lounge for my connecting flight to Ben Gurion Airport.
@samsadeniz 9 лет назад
Relax. Turkish Airlines carries more Israeli passangers than El-AL. It currently is the number one carrier in Israel. You probably had dozens of Tel-Aviv bound passangers in your flight.
samsa deniz Sure there were other Israelis on the flight, and I didn't mean to imply that I was treated discourteously by the Turkish Airlines crew--who are great professionals, but during the 5-hour wait at Ataturk (after arriving from NYC) I and most of the other Tel Aviv-bound passengers exercised prudence and didn't speak Hebrew loudly (something uncharacteristic for a certain type of Israeli, if you know the reputation), didn't advertise that they were from Israel, and just waited quietly. (This was in 2010, only 2 weeks after the Mavi Marmara incident.) As I said (and like several of the interviewees here) I had visited Turkey on prior occasions, and enjoyed it and was treated with the utmost kindness by Turkish hosts, and I have flown the JFK-Ataturk-Ben Gurion route a bunch of times (Turkish Airlines is one of the cheapest ways to get from New York to Israel). But only once after the Mavi Marmara incident and only because it was too late to cancel my itinerary. Unfortunately, it's just unwise in the current climate to be a boisterous Israeli while in Turkey.
@samsadeniz 9 лет назад
There is no such thing as a palestinian. Its a greek word. Arabs cant even pronounce p, they use f. They used to be jordanian citizens but their king banished them and dumped these ppl into israeli lands.
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
oh waw! that's the best version i've ever heard :D you have a limitless imlagination samsa, you should write books, you would make more money then the harry potter lady lol P.S: sorry Im an arab and I can say P lol and 2) there is not and will never be such thing as a kurdish state :D
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
Jerusalaim Shelzahab hahahahha you are a jock! :D go to hell ... oh wait you're already in it , israHELL :D being ruled by satan himself , mister SATANyahou lol ... poor you
@3phasetinkerer 9 лет назад
As a Turk, I never had hostile opinions about Israel nor the Jewish people. And majority of the population does not support erdogan. It's the majority of the voters which is a LOT less than the population. Erdogan just plays the anti-semitic card for political purposes. Most anti-semites in Turkey are AKP/Erdogan supporters and now MAJORITY of us hate both AKP supporters and Erdogan. Well, this is my personal opinion if someone is interested to know. (Note, I am a secular). By the way, I was reading the comments here, believe it or not, majority of them are AKP trolls actually being paid by AKP). Additionally, radicals are radicals, no matter what religion or culture they are from. Israel has radicals, Turkey has radicals, Europe has radicals. Generalizing and stereotyping just doesn't make sense.
@lost7maverick 6 лет назад
So who burns Turkish shops?
@mait2337 6 лет назад
All muslim majority countries wouldnt be in the state theyre in if they had a president like erdoghan, nor so called 'islamic' terriorsm would have exsisted. Whats extremism or anti-semitism about helping the palestinines that the isrealis are bombing.
@mery6793 6 лет назад
'Paid by AKP' 😂😂😂
@mosseymouse 6 лет назад
You're funny. Keep dreaming you're in the majority, you can't even win elections.
@sylvainfaron4911 3 года назад
7:05 He thinks Turkish people vote for Erdoğan because of Anti-semitism.Ive never laughed so hard before)))
@uranuuss 3 года назад
As a Turk i can understand Israeli people. There is LOTS of anti semitic or anti Israeli people here unfortunately. :(
@mrspotato20 3 года назад
Thanks i appreciate
@funny-days-7 3 года назад
greeting Israelis brother from Turkey ! All Civil Turks Support you no matter what!!
@K1NGkCNG 3 года назад
@funny-days-7 3 года назад
@@K1NGkCNG -you are Civilized Turk? -nope! -who you are? -probably,you are a assimilated jihadi arab,who were born in Turkey!
@eyhmus5018 3 года назад
Secular or non-secular, people have very negative views for the State of Israel. This does not mean that they are anti-Jewish, but I would not be surprised if arrogant ones preach about humanity if they find out you came from Israel. Vast majority think they are above Arabs or Kurds, so they are anti-Semitic from that perspective. So they would also think of themselves above of those Jews originated from Arab countries. If I were Israeli, I would not travel to Turkey: It is not likely that you will be harmed but do not expect a heartwarming welcome.
@DK4Private 2 года назад
What is a civil turk? I am a secular leftist turk and I am against the apartheid state of Israel, as much as I am against Turkey's oppression of the Kurds.
@funny-days-7 2 года назад
@@DK4Private you are ?! Supporting Israel mean ,support civilization on the middle east. If disagree go to once iran. About the kurds, they deserve more freedom but they should rid of their mindset first.
@fatihyavuz3174 8 лет назад
I'm a Turk and i also changed my opinion about Israel in bad way after the attack of Mavi Marmara. I think this was one of the biggest fault of Israeli politicians ever. the facist Natanyahu and crazy Libermann are the formers of these problems between us.
@tFighterPilot 8 лет назад
Why did you send a ship full of armed people against an allied country?
@ft7397 8 лет назад
+tFighterPilot armed?
@tFighterPilot 8 лет назад
Yes. Armed with knives, flash grenades and even Molotov cocktails.
@ft7397 8 лет назад
+tFighterPilot funny. i bet some lifted and threw chairs too when israeli soldiers attacked. should that be counted as weapons against the soldiers heavy artillery?
@tFighterPilot 8 лет назад
The soldiers came armed with paintball guns. Only when it was clear the passengers are armed and their intention is killing, they drew their handguns.
@b.e.6230 8 лет назад
The lady at 4:00 has no idea about whats going on lol He asks her about the Mavi Marmara attack and she talks about something else
@samafrin2698 9 лет назад
most land was actually purchased by israeli government they paid big sum of money to the palestinians. yes some things i dont agree with but in the end this was originally jewish land.
@ibobeko4309 9 лет назад
Please lie to yourself
@RovexHD 9 лет назад
Brainwashed Kurd. Barzani, Turkey and Israel support ISIS how's that for dignity
@AdemsPerspective 9 лет назад
***** do not make it racist dude. this is right he is a piece of shit but do not make it to all race tho.
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
The kurdish should be more careful, because everyone here represents his nation. Saying bad things means shows a bad image of your nation. So if he does not want to be called a peice of shit, he must not talk and act like shit
@AdemsPerspective 9 лет назад
carloteña Sofia Youre right. Firstly we gotta stop being racist.
@bluelightmoon777 9 лет назад
Israelis are so nice intelligent good looking people i really like them ! i really dont understand how someone can hate them ... those extremists are poisoning our minds
@naamaserri9085 9 лет назад
ohh, thanks.
@SuperTurk4 9 лет назад
To my Turkish compatriots, there is no need for outrage. Mavi Marmara was not a pure attempt of humanitarian aid, since if one wanted to aid Palestinians, he/she could have done that easily and safely via Turkish Red Cross. Mavi Marmara was an attempt of show by IHH and Islamists in Turkey. Of course, Israelis too, could have stopped the ship easily rather than killing people in it. To the Israeli, there's a big difference between a government and a state and a nation. AKP and Erdoğan will one day fall. Sooner or later. That day, Israel will remember the times Turkey and Israel cooperated well against fundamentalism and terrorism. Saying "viva kurdistan" like a children because some idiots from Turkey support Hamas, doesn't make you a wise person, but makes you equally stupid. Hamas, Pkk and ISIS are all terrorists, one needs to agree. Also Israeli should remember that Ben Gurion was an admirer of Ataturk, and Israel helped Turkey catch the terrorist leader Ocalan in 1999. In Germany, Kurds tried to protest the Israeli because of that, thus Israeli security opened fire and killed three of them. Here's the proof; www.nytimes.com/1999/02/18/world/3-kurds-shot-dead-by-israeli-guards-at-berlin-protest.html
@eyhmus5018 3 года назад
I distinctly remember calling out the whole initiative stupid before they even set sail. Some people in the ship put others lives in danger by pushing it to the extreme. In fact, I would go as far to say that they were criminals. Does this mean IDF correctly handled it? Definitely not. I think the officers should be tried in international court for the deaths and injuries.
@XXSomeDudeXX 9 лет назад
Wow, Omri from Tel Aviv is the first leftist Israeli I've seen watching these videos. So much of Israeli society is shifted to the right. What used to be right is now the center and what is right is basically Kahanism.
@ceyhuncoskuner8656 6 лет назад
Im living in İzmir, Turkey where mostly open minded people living city. My city has multicultural composition such as Turks,Greeks,Armenians and Jews and we are living in harmony. İzmir also hosted city at Ottoman time to Jewish people, may be ım writing wrongly 'Seferad People' ı honesty say Turkish people who living in İzmir has positive wiev to Jews. There is a famous saying in here says : if u want to learn trade properly u better start business with becoming an apprentice of jews,they honest in trade. Please dont mix policy and people, ı accept there are people in Turkey who hate all jewish without knowing anything about differences between zionism and jews culture. I want to be positive about future and hope we will solve politic issues about 2 country.
@izakpalti3650 4 года назад
İzmir halkının Türkiyenin en ileri görüşlü toplumu olduğu bir gerçektir. Yorumunuz da bunu doğrular nitelikte !!!! Saygılar
@laraelzahaby1885 2 года назад
So who gives a fuck about your open minded people ???
@tommywile4238 9 лет назад
"They're a little one-sided in a problematic way" is one way to put it...
@AdemsPerspective 9 лет назад
So did I understand it right? They are angry to Turkey cause some people tried send food and medicine to Gaza and those innocent people are killed by IDF. Did they find any weapons in the ship? As I know the answer is no. So what is wrong about it? Please be gentle. I don't wanna make any shitty conversation.
@AdemsPerspective 9 лет назад
amin Miki Do you have a prove? Nope. Cause there was no guns in the ship. If they would be terrorists how they could be released by Israil? My friend's father was in ship just the reason of helping innocent people in Gaza. And now he is back Istanbul.
@tomislavv2635 9 лет назад
Abdurrahman Köksal No humanitarian aid was found on the ship. Not even a single box.
@zenalsham7977 9 лет назад
***** oh , you believe all the lies they tell you in the media ... No aid !!!!!!! Ok what was on it then ... we know there was no weapon or israel would have show it to the world .
@tomislavv2635 9 лет назад
Zen AlSham I do not need to "belive medias" as even Mavi Marmara activists did not claimed that they had any aid on the ship, nor they have claimed, nor they have demanded it back for them, or for Gaza, as they demanded the ship. So it is clear even from them that they did not had any humanitarian aid. The ship was full of things like this: www.demotix.com/news/406594/weapons-found-onboard-mavi-marmara-turkish-peace-ship-gaza#media-406567 Beside this it was full of people as Yakup Bulent Alniak, who became a leader and a military commander in Islamic State and who did recently in American air strike.
@AdemsPerspective 9 лет назад
***** Dude, you don't even have a proof. Do not believe everything you heard from the media man. I'm telling you that my friend's father was in the ship, and he is back to Turkey now. Do you really think that IDF would release him if they would even have found one little gun in the ship? The answers is NOOOOO. I can show you his fb account and can let you to talk to him.
@themanwiththeplan1211 8 лет назад
The only country that has proven to peaceful with good intentions is Jordan. Past 3 Jordanian Kings have had good relationship with the Jewish people. Our borders with Jordan are always safe also. Not to mention, I visit Jordan often and have several Jordanian freinds.
@johnkn523 7 лет назад
4cupcakes S and iam proud of you to say that about us as Jordanian boy I want peace and love between us because hate Will never be a selection and Palestine was a jewsih country and everybody knows that in arab world and not all the jew are bad and not all muslims are bad we should treat the people just like they treat us nobody is better from another because we all are human beings peace from jordan
@johnkn523 7 лет назад
4cupcakes S and my name is a Jewish nam even though iam Muslim and if the world was just like you we will live in peace
@ThisandThatj 4 года назад
@@SimonKanner-si3it Hahahahah thats they irony this two trolls live in pluto
@Yasserj7 9 лет назад
Second or third guy said " Turkey is a dictatorship " . I'm not quite sure where he's getting that. Completely false , one of the best functioning democracies in the region . Women there have exercised their right to vote decades before france , Israel, Jordan ...
@James--Parker 9 лет назад
Turkey kills and arrests a massive number of political dissidents each year. It has the largest Journalist prison population in the world. A few months ago it killed 30 protesters, in a crack down reminiscent of Syria.
@3choBlast3r 9 лет назад
James Parker Yeah you're so full of shit it's not funny anymore .. The deaths happened in fights between PKK sympathizers and Kurdish Hizbullah/Islamists (no affiliation to Lebanese Hezbollah). The PKK supporters accused them of supporting ISIS, this was during the Ayn Al Arab/Kobani battle between the YPG and ISIS. The PKK supporters brutally attacked, killed, shot, stabbed dozens of them. And they fought back killing some of them. No one was killed by the government etc. There was no "crack down reminiscent of Syria" gtfo In one incident which a neighboring Kurd filmed, a young conservative Kurdish kid (16 or so) was beaten almost to death by pro PKK Kurdish youth, while he was handing out meat to the poor during a religious holiday. They then stabbed him to death, drove over him multiple times, smashed his face in and played with his corpse.. They accused him of being an ISIS supporter because his parents were affiliated with the Hizbullah
@Mrokanx007 9 лет назад
3choBlast3r Well said.
@fogreyiz 6 лет назад
Women in Turkey have the right of voting thanks to Atatürk, not Erdoğan.
@somegirl4631 6 лет назад
Yasserj7 than why they created a new law that say you can marry a little girl 9 years old??? how is that being nice to woman??
@andreasmullef2597 4 года назад
as a Turk i am not anti semitic. we love israel (better than arabs)
@zeynepunsal2605 4 года назад
Which shows you are not a real Turk (ermeni, rum, yahudi)
@andreasmullef2597 4 года назад
@@zeynepunsal2605 real turk??? like trademark or brand logo ahahahahahah actually you are armenian roum or jew too turkey multiethnic country ...
@andreasmullef2597 4 года назад
@@zeynepunsal2605 isralili seviyoruz sizi rahatsız etse de
@andreasmullef2597 4 года назад
@@zeynepunsal2605 asıl sen gercek türk değilsin arabsın :)
@mustafakemalpasha983 6 лет назад
Love israel from turkey👍❤
@kusimashelachem7197 6 лет назад
Thank you!.
@cortex8608 5 лет назад
@@kaanuzunlu9248 Kimin Türk olduğunu sen mi belirliyorsun ? Elbette Kudüs'ün işgal edilmesine karşıyım ama İsrail bizimle dosttur , her zaman öyleydi. Liderlerin atıştığına bakma. O çok nefret ettiğin İsrail , Ermeni "Soykırımını" tanımıyor. Ama şuan çok yakın olduğumuz İran ve Rusya , Ermeni "Soykırımı" vardır diyor.
@izakpalti3650 4 года назад
@@cortex8608 Bu gerçeği benimseyen ne yazık ki çok az !!!!👍👏👏
@FTC207 2 года назад
We love Israel 🇮🇱🇹🇷
@knsoyad1037 8 лет назад
i'm an atheist from Turkey Istanbul. I've never voted for Erdogan's party in the elections but i have to say that people who think Erdogan is a dictator or an anti-semitist or anti-Israeli simply know nothing about Turkey
@eleanorreuven4345 6 лет назад
Stop lying, there are many Israeli Turkish (Jews) in Israel who know the language and see your news channels and the shit that Erdogan takes out of his mouth on us .. I did not vote for Bibi, I'm leftist! you all still allow yourself to talk about Israel without knowing anything - it's probably mutual.
@zainulzainul1880 5 лет назад
ELEANOR REUVEN How's the peace movement in Israel doing ? Look's like they've lost an awefull lot of support .
@mattimatti35 9 лет назад
Thank you very much Corey that issued my question to Israeli public
@elifkursun 9 лет назад
That's so much rubbish what the first guy talks about! it's crazy!
@אילניפסחה 5 лет назад
Shut the fuck up bitch we know your shit better than you
@hasanliee7361 4 года назад
No, he had the point that Erdogan is turning Turkey go backwards.
@cemo3292 3 года назад
@@אילניפסחה shut up Israeli or your country will be in our hands
@artair70 3 года назад
@@cemo3292 In your hands? Yikes, you can barely fight your own let alone Israelis...
@cemo3292 3 года назад
@@artair70 No Israel will be destroyed they are lucky to have USA daddy behind them
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
If Israelis are so upset about Turkey that means turkey is doing just fine ;) god bless Turkey, God bless AKP , God bless Erdogan !
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
Jerusalaim Shelzahab hahahahha you are a jock! :D go to hell ... oh wait you're already in it , israHELL :D being ruled by satan himself , mister SATANyahou lol ... poor you 
@scriptaman2888 9 лет назад
i see you level up with the guy that said it was muslims who discovered the americas
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
scripta man I proudly do :D
@jerusalaimshelzahab9018 9 лет назад
סרחיו בן ציון carloteña is not a woman is just another islamonazi trash
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
סרחיו בן ציון hahahahah and who are you defending? Bibi? for your info, he's against human rights lol
@TheKingdomFilms 6 лет назад
To all turks here - if you think Turkey behaves well, and it's the best, maybe we Israelis should start to make flotillas and send aid to Cyprus and Kurdistan. Maybe to make flotilla to Anatalya.
@adviceforidevice4536 4 года назад
You are already sending. Your end is near don't worry.
@ozkanelmas434 3 года назад
go on do it lol you've been already sending weapons to YPG and PKK
@DK4Private 2 года назад
So you acknowledge you are oppressing Palestinians then? As a turkish person I can agree the Kurds are being discriminated against. And I appreciate folks helping and supporting them in their struggle. As I do with the Palestinians.
@eytanos 9 лет назад
Before you attack Israel and defend Turkey, remember that more Kurds died than Palestinians. Also keep in mind that Turkey is a country where it is forbidden by law to acknowledge one of the biggest genocides (the Armenian) in history.
@efendim1648 3 года назад
It doesn't help when you are still genociding palestinians. Also there is no law about the armenian genocide
@regularguy2807 2 года назад
1. You do know that Israel doesn’t acknowledge the Armenian genocide either. 2. The reason why more Kurds have died than Palestinians is because they have been under occupation longer.
@erichitter1025 5 лет назад
@koseku3 3 года назад
But people choose the leaders
@eliassaca7310 9 лет назад
Viva Turkey forever
@andrewbernstein5616 9 лет назад
Elias Saca Viva Kurdistan forever
@ypgremover7126 9 лет назад
Andrew Bernstein which doesn't exist or never will Keep supporting communist Bloodthirsty Kurdish guerrilla fighters, maybe one day you can be one of them idiot
@Rogerrramjet1 7 лет назад
andrew.chosen losers.
@themondayguy 5 лет назад
@@eshvartz I hope israel is forced to give palestine a land area. This can go both ways.
@zainulzainul1880 5 лет назад
ρεηssεlιsετä I salute your sense of fairness , and wish you all the best in your national aspirations .What's your nationality , by the way ?
@mustafabasturk2006 3 года назад
I am not a supporter of the government in Turkey. I have never voted for them. However, do not ever call Turkey as a " dictatorship" again. You like it or not, but there is an elected government and a president. Everyone has freedom to vote. Do not be unfair.
@feelincorpsexx4114 3 года назад
yes they vote but it doesn't matter in the end they cheat and it's definitely not reliable
@bakiozturk2112 Год назад
@@feelincorpsexx4114 well that is baseless claim. There has been no proof about cheating election in Turkey. Erdogans have 7 million more vote than his opponent in last election. It is almost population of İsrael. No one can steal that kinda vote
@panagiotisnikolopoulos8823 2 года назад
Attacking a ship with humanitarian help supplies in international waters is a war crime!
@Thegutsypuls 6 лет назад
"People have hard life and is easy to penetrate into their heads" - LOL
@manon562 3 года назад
Her English is not very good, but I understand what she means and I agree. It's much easier to influence people to hate and blame someone else or something else, when they're desperate or poor.
@rachel-po5rm 3 года назад
hey she was still understandable
@XXSomeDudeXX 9 лет назад
I agree with Shani from Beer Sheva that the world is getting more radical, as long as she includes Israelis in that category. Everyone is becoming less human, including Israelis.
@אילניפסחה 5 лет назад
Really how by give electric water education health care wtf we have to protect our country and people of course our borders
@Jewish_Israeli_Zionist Год назад
Please, can you make an updated version of this video? 🙏
@akn4519 6 лет назад
You killed 10 Turkish peoples and still blaming us for antisemitism.... This is big joke...
@thesilentway1086 6 лет назад
+Muhammet Emin AKIN - yes, Israeli navy killed 10 Turkish people, the only thing you should ask yourself is "why" , why Israeli Navy entered 6 ships that came from Turkey and only in one ship people were killed ? those killed were armed and their intentions were not peaceful , 35 more were arrested in Ashdod (BTW could have gotten killed too but were arrested since they were very violent ) and were freed (Israeli mistake). Israeli navy made a mistake of trying to solve problems with paint guns - commando soldiers were beaten almost to death and 3 were kidnapped - so what is to be done to free them ? just think , what Turkish navy would have done vice versa ? and everyone knows what Turkish Army does against Kurds in case someone tells me that you are fair. About Erdogan Anti-Semitism if it's a joke I hope you have a good laugh but there are dozens of declarations made by him before 2003 against Jews - Erdogan said :" 3 enemies of Turkey are MasKomYah" - free masons, comunists, yahudis - and that is one example. I know that many Turks love Jews and even like Israel but still you have lots that are poisoned by that hatred that comes from your President, anyway that is misfortune and I hope some day will end since there is not even a single reason for Turks and Israelis not to get along.
@ethemerdogan1855 8 лет назад
To the Girl from 5 min: You dont think it's radical( to say the least) to kill people who was trying to get aid to a starving people in the prison that is called Gaza. I am turkish and I totally Agree with the first guy tho
@Yuval012 8 лет назад
you ever thought why they are starving? israel doesn't rule there since 2005, they get millions of aid from around the world, but still starving.. while the Hamas living in huge fancy villas with fancy cars and swimming in money. we are not the ones who starve them, who strict them, who killing over 1000 of the people there just because they smoke weed, women that being "immodest", people that suspucious of cooperating with the Palestinian authority or Israel. check really good who are the Hamas.
@ethemerdogan1855 8 лет назад
+Liran c i hate hamas and see it as a terrorist org. But I also hate these type of lies. You say that Israel left when they control they're electricity, they're still fucking surrounded by a Wall I mean that would be like calling East Berlin free. And Israel control what can come in to gaza if they truly were free explain why the boat full of aid had to be hijacked by israeli terror group IDF. That was after 2005. And dont give me that crap about we protected ourself cause I won't respond.
@Yuval012 8 лет назад
ethem erdogan before 2005 israel had settlenentscand millitary troopsvin the Gaza strip. in 2005 the goverment decided to withdraw all of them in a plan called "Hitnatkut". after that Israel left the control in Gaza and gave it 100% to the PLO. but.. 2 years later the terrorcorganization Hamas took over the control of the Gaza strip, masscared all the PLO members and supporters and started with massive terrorism against Israel (like firing hundreads of missiles toward israel). don't act naive, we both know whatvwill happen the second Israel will stop controlling what comes in and out from the strip. the reason Israel stopped that ship, it's to make sure it not contains any kind of weapons that the Hamas will use it against us that all. by the way Israel doing a huge favor for them by giving them electricy, they are not paying for that as well and that why all the civilians here paying much more to the electricy company. plus Israel gives them water, in bottom line if Israel wanted to "extreminate" them as people think, they could be allready done it.
@micsherwood4930 9 лет назад
Corey, would you please let me know how i could communicate with Shani (Beer Sheva)? Your interview with her was great. I'd like to ask her more questions, since i agree with the concepts she brings up in the video. You run a great channel. I could never get this type of information on TV.
@ia285 5 лет назад
you're comment is the definition of 'thirsty'. She wasn't even answering the question and was just blabbering.
@jameshensley6562 Год назад
That would be great. I feel like some of these people that Corey Interviews have so much life experience or wisdom or interesting views, that they need there own interviews, and I feel like Shani would be a excellent candidate for that --A Turkish Israeli woman who can talk about her and others life experiences. Another good person to do a interview would be the man (I forget his name ) who was at a hospital and next to him in the hospital was pope benedict and he talked about that and if Jesus was the Messiah. I guess to summarize, Both would be interesting in real life.
@Raushankumar-of4qd 6 лет назад
Freedom for Kurdistan.....only solution
@mrspotato20 6 лет назад
@אילניפסחה 5 лет назад
What isreal have to do with that ???
@mkmtel9561 5 лет назад
Raushan kumar no one give u freedom ıf u r a man u can take it lol go and try muslim kurds and turks r brothers 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷we r here always turkish army jöh and pöh
@stelpapgr 6 лет назад
Israel you have the Greeks and Greek-Cypriots on your side......long live Israel
@kusimashelachem7197 6 лет назад
Thank you!. It really warms my heart...😘
@manoion386 5 лет назад
Israel should have sunken the turkish jihadist ship. It a disgrace from Israel authorities to pay compensation to those Turks jihadists.
@user-bx2ku3ic4k 3 года назад
Come on again greeks please don't make comment about every thing related to Turks or Turkey.
@stelpapgr 3 года назад
@@user-bx2ku3ic4k Ok then continue to support Erdogan who is ready to make a war with Greece and see people from both sides die.
@user-bx2ku3ic4k 3 года назад
@@stelpapgr what are you talking about? Please leave us alone.
@annanteam 7 лет назад
no one talks about people who killed in mavimarmara withh machine guns by israeli special forces. there were no guns with the activists and they could be detained easily. Just one-sided opinions.
@mrspotato20 3 года назад
Not true they had cold weapon and they attack the millitary first.
@muhammetsahin.91 2 года назад
We love israel so much ..something happened in the past but all this go away and become real brother country again 😉😉😉😉
@AlexBurtonMusic 3 года назад
People who say they are semi-Turkish do not value their Turkish identity as much as they value their Israeli identity. That's the problem.
@StinkyCop1 3 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jfoh0o2Z690.html would you feel proud to be Turkish?
@Jewish_Israeli_Zionist 2 года назад
What are talking about?
@Ulas_Aldag 8 лет назад
I have nothing against Israel, actually I like the people and the modern mindset of them, but wtf??!.....They can´t be serious about that. I mean the israeli Military just killed innocent and friendly activist of an aid organisation, and the interviewees are talking abut radical turks , also how shocked they are and how awful is was.
@somegirl4631 6 лет назад
Ulaş Aldağ because at the end the ship didn't had "aid" by the way, the government of Israel told truky that's fine to bring the ship only let the idf make sure there aren't any weapons,why do you think Turkey refused? Israeli just understand more about this subject because even the left news posted the "aid" turky brought...... and it appears that the palastains needed a lot of exploding "aid" if you know what I mean. but turky becoming radical with each day... like their new law says little girl at the age of 9 can get married...😣😨
@rockermerthsm 6 лет назад
Friendly my ass
@tfuntowatch 8 лет назад
I agree with Yoav. Come to Montenegro instead :) Greetings from West Balkans
@tfuntowatch 8 лет назад
It is not as nearly as wan as yours is becoming after just several months of Russians avoiding to come to your country and now the Israelis. Hahaha, not Serbian though, but I do love all of the mentioned R, I, S.
@gshhxydhd4179 8 лет назад
+tfuntowatch Who would ever go to your shit hole of a country?
@tfuntowatch 8 лет назад
I don't know, let's see Germans, English, French, Russian etc.etc.etc. Certainly not that many middle-easterners (except for Israelis) but hey it's not like we are sorry they are not coming, cause it's not like they bring civilization. Congrats, by the way for "civilized discourse", just wonder if it is the product of your "wonderful" country or you alone are to take credit for it.
@cenanmehmet 3 года назад
We don't like Erdoğan and Akp,old people love them
@radiomusika612khz7 3 года назад
AM YISRAEL CHAI from Moluccas
@revol148 7 лет назад
4:10 good deflection there darling - best you just put all the blame onto the Shia & Sunnis rather than on to your own country....
@Jakapan-Yupanki 4 года назад
Well,I'll say........fuckkuh,fuckkuh,fuckkuh,fuckkuh,fuckkuh al-islam!!!
There's still a lot of tourism from Israel to Turkey, but these days, most of the Israeli passport holders visiting Turkey tend to be Arab citizens of Israel.
@aliismetylmaz9582 4 года назад
What kind of a propaganda those guys are exposed? I feel a bit sad after seeing that video. I bet they all believe all people on the world hates them too.
@orurn6053 3 года назад
True 🤣🤣🤣
@mehmetkrca9586 6 лет назад
Heey heey one second. This woman saying "They arent living easy" its just funny. We are living very comfortable life and freedom. All Turkish people can deserve same rules and we can say every idea in free and easy. Israil will punishment for killed children for killed innocent Muslim people. And I think its must
@Aggjgs 8 лет назад
3:44 she must be so high
@feyzadundar9003 9 лет назад
olaylara ne kadar taraflı bakıyorlar.tek savunmaları "ama gemide bıçak vardı"şeklinde.yazık !!!
@victorszamardage8941 6 лет назад
i was liking jewish people. until i see the comment section...
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
The guy who says turkey supports palestine, what did you expect? :D why would any muslim country support israel? lol
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
Jerusalaim Shelzahab hahahahha you are a jock! :D go to hell ... oh wait you're already in it , israHELL :D being ruled by satan himself , mister SATANyahou lol ... poor you 
@drillasbarbies 9 лет назад
Look at Jerusalaim Shelzahab's comment... Such a nice Zionist !
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
yeah you can see what they are all about
@drillasbarbies 9 лет назад
carloteña Sofia yes, we call them ZIONAZIS.
@sofcarlotas 9 лет назад
exactly! they have become what they hate
@Paincore001 8 лет назад
@123kirmizi 2 года назад
Since Mavi Marmara I do not want to go Israel to travel ( was planning to visit ), I do not think it is safe for Turks nor Muslims. I heard some of the Turkish travelers was detained , Turkish government had to interfere to rescue them. Whenever someone criticized Israel them they play " Anti Semitism Game ", they cannot stand to hear anything against them.
@ycart_tech6726 3 года назад
@idf1975 4 года назад
2015-2020 history speaks the truth
@tengritanr6205 8 лет назад
Could you do same thing with Jews from Turkey, please?
@turkturkic7015 7 лет назад
Nice video thanks.
@joeorlando9140 3 года назад
That woman is beautiful
@temeldursun8038 4 года назад
8:57 o bacağı hiç unutmayacağım
@altiyoltercume4861 11 месяцев назад
The first guy talk about the blankets that they sent to Turkey in earthquake... What is the relation of this with the issue of Gaza and Israeli occupation of Palestinians? What is expected from Turkey? To keep silence against the unhuman blovkade in return of a couple of blankets? And I must tell something... In 1999 earthquake an Israeli rescue team came and what a coincidence that there was an Israeli family under the wreckage and they could rescue them... what a coincidence :)
@ilsa_xo 7 дней назад
Oh gosh, Turkey does far more than send blankets. Israel has sent many first responders to help rescue people from the rubble and render medical aid. Israel is always among the first to respond and even more recently with the earthquake that happened last year. Turks have short memories. Perhaps we should say that Turks are the ones who are nankör.
@cicero1178 9 лет назад
I want that one lady to be my wife...so beautiful :)
@turco2541 5 лет назад
Sorry guys (!), we didn't let you persecute to the pure people, we couldn't leave innocent people with your persecution.. YOUR HATENESS IS A HONOR FOR US.
@dudefrombelgium 5 лет назад
all politics aside, the woman at 4:00 is just gorgeous.
@IoRoberto 9 лет назад
at 2:50 you can see Giorgio Chiellini...
@ty-2220 3 года назад
@berkosmansatiroglu 2 года назад
5:44 Thanks.
@SS-yw4so 9 лет назад
In Turkey jews can do anything i have a couple friends of them they are nice and my fav turkish singer is jew so.. Im not supportin erdoğan (actually i hate him) and im not rasict i dont hate people because of their religion or nationality but i dont understand that why sending food is wrong sorry i dont know so much about that ship but i think its just food? if israel needs food help i would say lets do the same thing why those people are angry and afraid from come to turkey we dont bite🙅
@Kerem829 8 лет назад
+Melixxa Who they killed our people to show its muscles to the world.
@omgwtflolz111 8 лет назад
+Kerem KORUR what if israel had sent a convoy of "aid" to the pkk in hakkari? you think turkey would have stopped them?
@Kerem829 8 лет назад
omgwtflolz111 israel is already supplying PKK for more than 20 years. no need to argue about it
@omgwtflolz111 8 лет назад
hah.. yeah.. you're right - there's no point in arguing with a moron conspiracy theorist.
@Kerem829 8 лет назад
omgwtflolz111 Turkish JÖH is still finding israeli weapons in the caves that those terrorist hiding. also they found many when they neutralized them. no secret dude
@markellwilliamswhite3715 2 месяца назад
@tiluriso 6 лет назад
3:36 - Shani, from Beer Sheva is a total babe.
@MK-ov2hr 2 года назад
@fairypenguin628 7 лет назад
11:02 Natalie you are incredibly hot, girl you deserve everythings best screw the rest. It's too sad politics ruined our countries relations.
@VikCalo 7 лет назад
@ 3:40 could she be any more pretty! Dezamm!
@maragirl5958 3 года назад
@ErelfBow 3 года назад
3:25 what a closed-minded question. Don't be biased please. First visit and then talk. If you watch the news and belive what the politicians say you cannot go anywhere with this mindset.
@Ronasaelable 6 лет назад
everyone is crazy....hahahahaha...
@SuperYasin61 3 года назад
as a turk, I'm not interested. In turkish: cokta siximdeydi israilierin düsüncesi
@denzel31561 4 года назад
If you would ask an arab or turkey ..do you like israel? They will say no
@inactive3504 4 года назад
I'm Syrian, and I have a friend from Israel, his name is "Paul" 😊
@asaaakira 3 года назад
no im turk and i love israel
@quackquack7595 6 лет назад
Bro yarı Türksen en baştaki eleman -Türkçe biliyor olduğunu varsayıyorum- Türklerin genelinin İsrail'i sevmediğini bilmen lazım. Eğer yarı Türksen sebebini de bilmen lazım neden sevmediğimizin. You know why we don't like Israel? Let me tell you. If you call Turkey an Islamic state which ıt's not it's a secular country but yes we have connections with Islam since they time 751. Then we can call not the country but the most of people Muslim. We don't like them cuz of their earlier actions which is highlighted in Quran it underlines that Jews are two-faced people and liars. They always turned their backs from God although the they witnessed the miracles of God and have seen the blessings of God. Yes, those lands are promised to them inexchange of their promise which this was they were never ever gonna return their backs to God and keep their promises which they turned their backs and didn't keep their promises in every time and killed prophets. In anectode of Prophet David in Quran for example it can be seen and any other anectodes even from the life of Hz. Muhammad(pbuh) that they don't keep their promises. Since they turned their backs too much from God sended them countless prophets and this is why they excepted themselves as the 'chosen race, community etc.' what u call it. We don't like them know because they were the reason of Ottoman Empire's fall. We don't like them cuz they still tell lies. And in the future we are not gonna like them. And let that part as a secret for now ;) And for the Mavi Marmara they were just people which they were bringing aid to Palestinians since there were blockade by Israel gvt. And they killed those innocent people. The guns thay Israel gvt claimed has never found. They basically murdered those innocent people. I don't know man. I don't say anything but i will someday. Every Muslim will say. One day. We are just waiting in patience. Cuz there would be no other explanation of these silence from Muslim world. I mean they kill innocent people of Palestine and some how they are clearing themselves by saying some stuff. It's weird and you only can do this under the conditions which you set them. So...
@izakpalti3650 4 года назад
Kuran kurslarında böyle yıkanıyor işte sizin beyinleriniz !! Koyunlar...
@adamfarmer7665 4 года назад
yazık, hem ingilizce öğrenmiş hem de ırkçı olmuş. umarım bir gün hakikatı bulursun, o öğrendiğin ingilizceyle iki üç şey araştırırsın.
@sss6081 6 лет назад
@nemiroffvodka6716 2 месяца назад
We don’t have any problems with Israeli Jews. Peace.
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