Horses are amazing therapists. There is just something about being around horses and caring for them that lifts a person's spirits. This program is awesome. It's lovely to see these wonderful horses and volunteers helping so many people. ❤
I think they are great therapists too. When we are in their company we live in the moment, no room for anything else. Horses are challenging at times but the reward we receive is immense. A clear head and exercise, win win 🏆
I love programs like this and it would be a dream come true to do something like this for people and teaching others about how horses is a blessing in so many ways. Horses and people are here to heal and help each other in this life❤❤
I hate to say it, but it's not hard to not be confident when riding. My Mom made sure I was afraid of many things, including riding (while still wanting me to ride). Then my horse loved to not listen to me and tried to rub me off all the time. I'd get shamed for him not listening to me, lowering any confidence I might have otherwise gained. I was also only allowed to ride for a short time during feeding time (the worse time possible), and only if an adult was around (even when I was 18). I do think it's great having this report about therapeutic riding. I volunteered at a place that did this for handicapped kids and I was one of the top volunteers who ended up with the toughest horses and with training other volunteers. Unfortunately they don't exist anymore. I hadn't heard of the therapeutic riding for anxiety unless it's military PTSD. These programs are terrific.
totally agree with you. I loved this entire video, except the caption because like you said, it’s not hard to not be confident when riding. confidence is a very tricky thing and personally, im loosing mine quite a bit and having to work super hard to get it back
Agreed. I started riding properly at 49 years old, and I was terrified on a horse. But, the horses taught me to relax and connect, with them and with my anxiety, and it really was a game changer. Now, I travel and photograph horses!