
Italy vs. USA | Going Out With Friends 

Tia Taylor
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@stephenodonnell5506 7 лет назад
I loved this Tia! My husband is Italian so when we go to visit his family in Italy we always have big dinners out with 30 of his closest friends! :-). One thing I've always laughed about is when it's time to leave and say goodnight. We always say goodbye several times. First in the restaurant and then everyone seems to regroup outside the restaurant to say goodbye again. We end up standing around talking and saying goodbye, then move to the parking lot where we stand around again talking and saying goodbye all over again!
@MarukoSakamoto 7 лет назад
so true
@alicerighi 7 лет назад
Never thought about it really. 😂 but this is so true!!!
@ceciliabaldassarre2103 7 лет назад
Stephen O'Donnell ahahahshshshahahhshshs yes it's true and i dont know why .. we do this
@Ro7947 7 лет назад
AHAHAHAH! TRUE! We talk a lot!
@videovedo36 7 лет назад
The Goodbye Issue. Yes, soooo true. I remember in my twenties I had a tight group of friends from film school. If we were 7-8 people ready to say goodbye outside pub-restaurant-house at 1:00 in the morning, pretty often we would end up being at least 2-3 if not all of us saying again the last goodbye at 4:00 in the morning. i swear, it happened more than once. Now, well, I'm 40 and a little more tired. But still it might take an hour to say goodbye :)
@kevinmcnally8076 7 лет назад
Tia, this "sushi- obsession" is popular among young italian people, because older generations are more into traditional italian cuisine. My italian grandparents for example don' t even know what sushi is.
@raffaeleirlanda6966 7 лет назад
Also newer generations. I love arab food, japanese and chinese but a vaste number of friends I have they are totally disgusted by ethnic cuisine...
@CrystalDatingCoach 4 года назад
All Italians are Sushi obsessed. In Milan Pizzeria close. Sushi places stays open.
@carolinapellicano3822 3 года назад
@@CrystalDatingCoach in Milan in particular are sushi-obsessed, they have it too mutch
@CrystalDatingCoach 3 года назад
@@carolinapellicano3822 Yes it's true! But I GET it...it's only been here for about 5 or 6 years!!
@dagliocchibui 7 лет назад
we usually split the bill but also take into account whether someone ate much less than the average! Those people were not really polite.
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
lol boh it never seems to happen when I'm around xD maybe i'm unlucky
@dagliocchibui 7 лет назад
or maybe it's just Northern Italy people XD ahah just kidding!!
@diciottottobre 7 лет назад
nono io qui a Milano faccio sempre così :) si divide il conto ma se qualcuno ha preso una birra o il dolce mette qualcosina in più.
@lostinmilan 7 лет назад
Comunque dal racconto è successo a Fano che non è nord Italia e si sono comportati così i vecchi amici del suo ragazzo.
@ansiaaa 7 лет назад
ovviamente quegli amici sono dei maleducati figli di papà... è l'unica spiegazione. anche le volte che con gli amici abbiamo diviso, se qualcuno ha mangiato meno, lo si tiene da conto senza nemmeno che abbia bisogno di farlo notare. oppure se si prende più o meno tutti la stessa cosa, se in io e un altro amico che beviamo più degli altri vogliamo un'altra bottiglia, prima chiediamo a tutto il gruppo se anche loro la vogliono e nel caso la paghiamo a parte.
@dariolannino9255 7 лет назад
watch Tia do GESTURES is so satisfying :D
@Diana895 7 лет назад
Il Dada 😄 I noticed that too!
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
FYI: The bill splitting episode happened in Fano (center) and after retelling the story to other friends (from north and south) they always tell me it's just a normal thing to do in Italy so this whole 'it's because you're in the north' or 'they only do that in Milan' argument is kind of silly :)
@giannideangelis3865 7 лет назад
it depends on the group of friends i guess, mine don't do that but its composed of only 4 people if it was 20 then the bill split would apply maybe.
@ZupTepi 7 лет назад
I agree, I always found this thing of splitting very very very annoying, since I don't eat much and I don't like alchool. I always end up paying for their wine, beers and dishes. This is why I don't like going out much!
@GeorgijTovarsen 7 лет назад
Per non parlare di quelli di Roma che dicono che lì non si usa dividere il conto, quando il "bill split" viene spesso chiamato "pagare il conto alla romana"
@FranzValer 7 лет назад
Caroline Berrington figa
@ceciliastella1218 7 лет назад
Ma chiedi di pagare per te! Hai ragione se mangi poco!!! Non ti potranno dire di no ;)
@SuperSinkro 7 лет назад
The solution for the "bill splitting question": pay before the bill is presented and then tell them "Ho già pagato il mio".
@Design____ByS 7 лет назад
I hate splitting the bill too. Especially because in Italy I was always broke. There are some people I don't even talk to anymore because we had a fight over bill splitting 😂😂😂
@georgeabhayoic 4 года назад
Can relate over being broke in Italy 😅
@TheRevolutionaryAct 7 лет назад
I'm italian and I don't like having a big group of friends or mix them. According to me is better to have less friends but closer.
@missreds88 7 лет назад
I'm Italian living in Italy and I hate splitting the bill. The same situation you described happened to me a couple of times and I was really upset. So I'm totally with you on that!
@IlaButterfly97 7 лет назад
what about conversation topics? are there any differences between american/italian friend groups?
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
se volete aggiungere i sottotitoli italiani, ecco il link! bit.ly/2iJiDu1 grazie mille!
@elenaasalaa 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor ahhh ok
@paolab4744 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor sushi é un'ossessione a Milano, ma nel resto d'italia non tanto
@isisarroyoflores2259 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor i am so with you that would get in my nerve to have to split the bill that way lol
@davideflorio8073 7 лет назад
Ciao Tia, spero qualcuno lo faccia, io uso i sottotitoli automatici dato che a volte non capisco qualche parola. Ma sono terribili, ad esempio "aperitivo" viene tradotto con "parent evil"!!!! LOL
@michelronchi7986 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor u are the best one hahaha i think that's be cool if u try to upload some video in italian. sometimes i hear u speak in italian and i most to say as u learned it very well, compliments sorry for my inglish shit :3 kisses
@iacomary 7 лет назад
With my group of friends we pay separately but usually the restaurants make us one bill. So i'm usually the person who has to count each and one so that we more or less pay for what we order. There is one friend who once arrived 2 hours late xD
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
hahaha true the restaurants are another problem. They either don't want to split the bill, or don't allow someone to pay with card.... always a macello :B. hahah 2 hours is better than 3 xD At this point I just try to not be early. The other day I was meeting a friend and running late... but I made the mistake of telling her that! she ended up being late and was like: "Yea, but Tia, you shouldn't have told me you were late!"😜
@iacomary 7 лет назад
stefano colangelo Oh ma dai non te la prendere cosi tanto. xD Negli stereotipi un po di verità c'è. E' ovvio che *non è* la norma. E' pure vero che tra tutte le persone che conosco forse solo 5 non le ho viste mai in ritardo.
@3dvorator 5 лет назад
Love to see how much you actually gesticulate Tia,this means you'r completing your transition between American to Italian...
@mariagiuliaanceschi9238 7 лет назад
So funny cause while I was watching this video my mom came into my room and told me she was going out to get an Aperitivo with a friend of hers!! Btw really cool video, I like these USA vs Italy videos as I have lived in both countries!! Brava Tia, continua così!
@LindaTinahTV 7 лет назад
I first found out about this splitting bill thing with Italians back in my country Uganda so now what I do is go all out too when I am out with Italians so that at least I get money's worth,lol I found that in Italy, the guys are still old fashioned and never let women pay but this must be with the older generation not students which is your circle.
@ettoremorabito860 5 лет назад
A really Italian men or friend in Italy!Will never make you pay!As a matter of fact!Between us men we fight to pay!
@stef9970 7 лет назад
I'm italian and when I go out with my friend and take a cafe or an ice cream I pay what I eat and the other do the same. Maybe because I'm from north-est and we used to do that. Only one time all the people in my group paid the same but some people ate a pizza with a lot of thing and drank Coca-Cola and other like me ate a margherita and drank water so I was a bit angry but it was only €10 (not too much for the place)
@missmortifer 7 лет назад
Tia you've to keep in mind that Milan does not represent the whole Italy, Milan is just Milan. I've been living near Rome for quite a long while and here you're not expected to split the bill, most of the time you just pay for what you ate.
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
The bill splitting situation happened in Marche so... And when I told that story to other friends from different parts of Italy the response typically was, 'oh yea, we always do that' so... niente, I just stopped complaining and make every excuse possible to not eat out with my Italian friends unless I have extra money to waste xD
@alessandrofusco592 7 лет назад
I'm from Marche and ,when I go out with my friends for dinner, we don't have a rule: if everyone eat more or less the same things we split the bill, otherwise everyone pays for what he ate
@marcocrema6963 7 лет назад
Tia, I confirm that the majority of Italians tend to pay "alla romana", so equally splitting. It's a cultural thing and, as is it called, it is even more common in the south. As you said it is just the majority, not the entire population. Why do youtube followers are so inflexible? Love you!
@Ro7947 7 лет назад
Tia, non tutti fanno così. Io ad sud non divido il conto, o meglio, non lo si fa quando c'è qualcuno che ha evidentemente pagato di meno. Fossi in te lo direi, in maniera gentile ovvio, ma faresti bene a dire che è una cosa ingiusta.
@missmortifer 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor Nothing wrong with complaining you know, be more Italian and start complaining like a diva ;) jk Tia you absolutely don't have to go Dutch if you don't want to. Next time your Italian friends tell you that that's the way things work in Italy tell them your online Italian friends told you otherwise (because seriously, that's not a thing, I'd never go out if it were like that) and that unlike them you have no money to throw out of the window. Mandali a cagare e paga solo la tua parte, ok tesoro?! Anyhow, happy almost new year!
@carriewilson8369 7 лет назад
Just now I realized that my best friends are those who I know since I was born basically, we grew up together and even if I made new friends they will always be the first
@pile333 7 лет назад
In general we split up bills to save time when we're done eating; if someone pays more this time, he will pay less money the following time, no matter if it's about eating or something else.
@Camy2698 7 лет назад
It's true: Italians split the bill and imo it perfect. It's easy, it's polite and it prevent embarassing money talks and I in my experience people always arrange to eat pretty much the same.
@flavio8132 7 лет назад
completely agree, everyone complaining about it here cause theyre foreigners lol. Usually you end up paying more the next time when you go out again, or offer a drink anyway so its not a fuss and usually there is a debate for who will pay more (especially in center and southern italy) cause we're actually generous ahahh, youll never see that in the Us ...
@sarad7632 7 лет назад
ahahah è vero, hai ragione, organizzare una cena fuori con un gruppo di italiani......... è da pazzi! Ma non incazzarti per il conto "alla romana" cioè condiviso. Io penso sempre che è vero, se lo fai con degli sconosciuti che non vedrai mai più è un po' scocciante. Però se lo fai con i tuoi amici sai che la prossima volta magari qualcuno mangerà meno mentre tu avrai più fame. Voglio dire, alla fine, su amicizie che durano anni, recuperi quei famosi 12 euro :) Take care!
@ElenaSandriVlog 7 лет назад
As an Italian myself, I ABSOLUTELY HATE "il conto alla romana", aka splitting the bill. It makes no sense to me especially because I don't drink coffee or alcoholic beverages, and those are the things that add up!!
@CrystalDatingCoach 4 года назад
I find older people 30+.The men offer for the women.
@ParisBunnag 7 лет назад
hi Tia! I'm a Thai student currently living in Milan, and I just spent my day binge watching your channel, hoping I found it sooner cuz it really help me out a lot! xx
@ItalianCurls 7 лет назад
I miss hanging out with more than 1 or 2 friends here in America. I also miss the simplicity of making friends that I had in Italy, to be honest.
@michela1199 7 лет назад
I feel like everyone hates splitting the bill but nobody says anything lol
@thomasdecimo3375 7 лет назад
avendo visstuto in USA, posso dire che al netto dei vari pregi, L'italia vince a mani bassi in fatto di relazioni sociali. Per me è stato incredibilmente sconfortante vedere come i rapporti siano tremendamente diversi e superficiali, Ma la colpa secco me è il sistema che crea già in età imbarazzante cioè l'infanzia una folle competizione, che genera uno sfrenata competizione Qui mi spiace ma l'Europa ed in generale paesi come spagna portogallo Italia ecc sono insuperabili, questo infatti mi ha fatto tornare alla base.
@TheReddyV 7 лет назад
hai scritto quello che volevo scrivere io
@MatteoMontanari73 5 лет назад
Thomas Decimo ma certo, sono d'accordo. Ma scusa, ti aspettavi che ti piacesse la vita sociale in USA? Nessuno di loro ha vita sociale. Loro sono nel delirio più completo, peggio di loro forse non c'è nessuno.
@annapace1871 5 лет назад
che qualunquismo e che generalizzazioni
@annapace1871 5 лет назад
@@MatteoMontanari73 in USA la gente lavora e non cazzeggia come in ITalia a farsi mantenere dai nonni...
@ilariamazza5702 7 лет назад
Hi Tia 😘 My friends and I do split the bill most of the times, but we take into account if some of us ate something that was much more expensive. It is a matter of fact in each case. Anyway, many Italian restaurants do not even let you pay separately. This is the main reason why we usually split the bill, because there are not many other solutions: either you pay for everyone or you split the bill. I know it is very annoying and I hate this too, but this is how it is. PS: I love sushi and my friends love sushi too. We have to eat it at least once in a week or we go mad 😂
@molly_lf 7 лет назад
About the bill, it depends on the group of friends. In my group doesn't work this way. I pay only what I eat ;)
@missmortifer 7 лет назад
Same goes for my group, we don't ever split the bill and you end up paying for only what you had. Which is better than splitting the bill, imo. I can't stand the whole split-the-bill concept X(
@molly_lf 7 лет назад
Some friends of mine from Firenze split the bill. But I really don't understand them. xD I'm from south of Italy. I don't know if it changes from north to the south.
@missmortifer 7 лет назад
Monica Moretti I don't understand people who do that either xD but I don't think it's a North vs South thing, eventually it's up to the person to decide whether or not to split the bill. I've never faced this problem -praise the Lord- as almost all of my friends (and after moving so much I've got friends from all over Italy) don't like to go Dutch and just pay their share, and rightly so. x)
@merlokiii 7 лет назад
Sinceramente quando mi capita di dover dividere (inequamente) il conto, m'Incazzo. Scusa, magari uno ha mangiato come un maiale e ha speso il doppio di me e dovrei stare a pagare per lui? Ma anche no 😅 Comunque in Svizzera capitata raramente... Non penso sia nemmeno la norma in Italia
@merlokiii 7 лет назад
Ceciii. ma quindi in Italia è considerata un'abitudine? O forse più che altro dipende proprio dalle "regole" che si formano nel gruppo
@Ro7947 7 лет назад
No, non è un'abitudine o almeno non lo è in tutta l'Italia. Noi al sud non dividiamo il conto, a meno che non abbiano mangiato tutti più o meno uguale.
@SophiaNicoleLoPresti 7 лет назад
Violy oo in realtà al sud dalle mie parti si divide.
@SophiaNicoleLoPresti 7 лет назад
***** sicuramente sta al soggetto essere educato e corretto. Quello che dici tu è l'ideale ma purtroppo c'è gente che quando si parla di pagare meno a spese degli altri se ne approfitta.
@SophiaNicoleLoPresti 7 лет назад
PL4stik1991 sono d'accordo. Se si esce con persone corrette non ci dovrebbero essere problemi
@oakwoodtheman 7 лет назад
about splitting the bills: 1) the waiter should produce separate bills, and this is usually perceived as too much of a work from his side. Then, more importantly: 2) eating in Italy is a cultural thing, and we like it to be "a feast". So, even if you didn't eat much yourself, you contribute equally, because you are "contributing to the atmosphere", you are contributing to the expenses required to create the colourful and rich table that you enjoy being sat at, you enjoy participating, and watching. Even if you didn't eat much. I didn't express a judgement, I am just expressing what I think it is the "background thinking process". PS Tia, I find your videos very interesting, and very well done! Thank you for your work, keep doing it!
@manolavo 7 лет назад
Tia, spesso dimentichi che tu vivi a Milano: la città meno Italiana dell'Italia. Io ho sempre diviso solo quando mangiavano più o meno le stesse cose
@manolavo 7 лет назад
Per non parlare dell'ossessione per il sushi
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
+manolavo l'episodio è successo a Fano ✌🏾
@Ro7947 7 лет назад
Io vivo a Napoli ed anche qui mangiamo molto sushi ed abbiamo lo " all you can eat". Però anche noi non dividiamo quasi mai il conto, soprattutto se uno ha mangiato poco ed uno no.
@manolavo 7 лет назад
Violy oo anche io sono di Napoli, ed oggettivamente con tutto quello che ha da offrire questa città non c'è modo più fesso per spendere soldi nel mangiare fuori
@Ro7947 7 лет назад
e quale sarebbe un modo meno fesso per spenderli? ahah Io sinceramente non spendo molti soldi, perché non ne ho considerando che non lavoro e studio solo, però non mi dispiace come "intrattenimento" l'andare a mangiare o bere fuori (soprattutto se si tratta di posti particolari e nuovi come il tandem o come quella miriade di localini che si sono aperti negli ultimi anni).
@MelisaMarie 7 лет назад
@PeppeDaBari 7 лет назад
MelisaMarie beware that Tia visited only north Italy so the popular culture could be a little different! For example we do not usually split the bill equally if not in big groups and usually in pizzerias because pizzas tend to costo similarly and the beverages are split. And we tend to show up way later than northerners. Like an hour late is in time for us.
@MelisaMarie 7 лет назад
Ooh okay! Yeah, I know always take things with a grain of salt.. we all have different experiences. Grazie mille :)
@Angria_Ra 7 лет назад
I'm from south Italy, I hope you will enjoy your stay!
@alessandrabinetti4447 7 лет назад
the main difference between the North and the south of Italy (and it is a huge one) is that northern people are more rigorous, they're always on time, they care a lot about their money. In the south of Italy, we tend to be more relaxed, which doesn't mean we don't care about our job or about the money we earn. on the contrary, we care a lot about people' s feelings and, most of all, we care about what they eat hahaha North or south, Italy is a wonderful country and i hope you will love it as much as i do.
@MelisaMarie 7 лет назад
Alessandra Binetti Lol, that sounds amazing. I will be there for a month on holiday with my best friend who's been before. She looooves Italy and we tend to have the same travel enjoyment. I have a feeling Italy will be kicking me out by the end of my stay because I won't wanna leave! ❤️
@Gid444 7 лет назад
I'm Italian and I don't always split the bill with my friends.Sometimes,if someone has not eaten a lot,we decide to pay separately:the bill is of course the same for everybody,but each one pays for what he ate.
@ayakapenrod14 7 лет назад
Ciao tia ❤ Im american living in italy, and i LOVE these type of videos you make! so accurate
@carlacardia2876 7 лет назад
Credo che dipenda dal tuo gruppo di amici😊. Nel mio per esempio, ogni volta che andiamo al bar o da qualche parte c'è una persona che paga (per tutti). Non è una regola scritta o chissà cosa, non diciamo neanche "oggi hai pagato tu, ieri io , domani lo farà lui". Lo facciamo semplicemente e alla fine ogni volta paga una persona diversa 😚
@caterinavignali2414 7 лет назад
Tia & Sushi: the struggle is real hhahahhah
@ajujuadoidoi 7 лет назад
I thought this was spot on! With my Italian friends we usually pay for what we get but sometimes they just won't accept separate checks which gets on my nerves. But yeah, since we do seem to have bigger groups here, it's a nightmare for the restaurant to make 17 separate checks. Also that's why you need whatsapp groups to get organized because of the amount of people!!! Keep it up, you're great Tia!
@kingmort4391 4 года назад
Born and raised in italy, and I can assure that everything you said is true, well done!
@valeedits7024 7 лет назад
The thing with splitting the bill is that in Italy waiters don't do separate checks (usually), so if everyone's bill is not even (i mean 10, 15, 20) it gets frustrating to keep count of everyone's change. Or at least, that's why I think we do it: pure laziness. But I have to say that we usually decide beforehand how we'll pay, and we split the bill only in pizzeria, where you share the appetizers and pizzas cost more or less the same. (knowing it beforehand, you can allow yourself to get a more expensive one :P ) if we go to, like, Old Wild West and such, where there's a big difference in the drinks and in what you choose, we usually pay for what we eat.
@martinaspanu1709 7 лет назад
Ahahah questo video è troppo divertente! Tante verità come al solito :) Comunque secondo me il sushi per molti sta sostituendo la classica pizzeria.
@jenny199627 7 лет назад
Also it is very common, since we have a lot of small villages here in Italy rather than larger towns, that you might have met your closest friends in nursery school. Then you end up going to elementary school together and to middle school/junior high. These are the friends you build a VERY strong friendship with. Also, living in smaller towns (I live in a small "town" of about 8,000 people) you know pretty much every person that is around the same age as you. My group of friends is made of 6 very close girl friends (some that I've know since I was 3 and some since I was 6) and 3 boy friends and we all hang out with even more friends.
@exmmaee 7 лет назад
"Che ansia ragazzi..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
@HelgaBabushka 5 лет назад
Wow! That's crazy! I'm a Canadian and I think Canadian and American are same when it comes to paying the bill at the restaurant. I might be moving to Italy soon and this things scares me because I don't eat very much. Maybe, it's better to eat at home if that's the case.
@charisse_xo 7 лет назад
I think you were pretty much spot on with everything as far as the American side of things!! Haha loved this!
@greenbloodgirl 7 лет назад
I'm Italian and I never split the bill with my friends. And the same do my friends with their friends. Also I have to say that Milan is a city a lot far from typical in Italy :)
@anniex370 7 лет назад
I have a small group of friends even though I'm Italian lol
@Nicamon 7 лет назад
01:51 Wow!I didn't expect you to bring out that movie!It's great!:-D I've seen it twice in cinema(once with my mum and then with my dad)and they I've bought the DVD and I've re-watched it...I think just yesterday!:-D I *LOVE* that movie!
@francescavezzosi8629 7 лет назад
When I go out with my friends, we usually split the bill, but if someone eats more than the others or has something more expensive than what the others had, s/he usually volunteers to pay for what s/he ate, or if there is someone who doesn't eat or eats very little, we either don't let him/her pay anything at all or just for the little s/he ate.
@Janinafsgrox 6 лет назад
Regarding splitting the bill I just think that people don't mind it in the least (at least with my Italian friends) . When I go out with my friends eating in a restaurant is all about having a good time, the bill is the last thing we think about. It is pretty normal to order firsts, seconds, a dessert and then a coffee (and if you don't we still take that into consideration and maybe invite you for a coffee next time or give you more change back ) Splitting the bill is just a way of showing that with our friendship we're not that stingy. Most importantly it makes things a lot more efficient. When you have to individually count what every person has ordered and minus it off the bill it takes up a lot of time. E.g. my group of friends are on average 20 people. Considering the fact that most of the restaurants in Italy don't have the option of letting you pay for the bill separately, a lot of unnecessary confusion may arise. Especially if everyone has been drinking! 😂
@ale42278 7 лет назад
Everything you said it's completely true! But i think this is "the Italian style of going out with friends" that is different from the other countries even in Europe. When I lived in Norway, I constantly felt bored especially on saturday night, empty streets and nobody out. They always want to party in their own houses and for an italian guy this is so boring!! For what concerns sushi in Sicily, especially in Palermo, we are fucking obsessed with sushi! I eat sushi 3 times at week or maybe twice aahahah Ps: your videos are always amazing and you are such a wonderful person!
@danielelepenne7812 7 лет назад
Hi Tia, I live in a small town in the south of Italy, and here there's nothing to do, seriously... in the center there is no one and we stay at home all together and we see Netflix and films, sometimes we play at PlayStation.. and I hate Italy!!
@funkopop_ofdoriangray 7 лет назад
Daniele Lepenne Dove vivi?
@danielelepenne7812 7 лет назад
Sofia Padovano In un paesino a 30 km da Bari, in Puglia
@funkopop_ofdoriangray 7 лет назад
Daniele Lepenne Vicino a me, quindi! Io abito a Bari
@danielelepenne7812 7 лет назад
quindi mi capisci hahaha
@funkopop_ofdoriangray 7 лет назад
Daniele Lepenne haha si, ti capisco. Dove abiti precisamente? (Mi piace farmi i fatti degli altri)
@HelloWorld1947 7 лет назад
Splitting the bill isn't fare. Sorry, but i would have flat out told them i will not split the bill. Stand up for yourself Tia. It's rude of the Italians to ask that of you. No way!
@lucadv11 7 лет назад
Tia in italy we don't always split The Bill, (Even if we usually do it) But sometime if someone eat a Lot more than someone else They Will usually Say "no guys lets pay individually cause i spent 23€ And You 5€ so it's unfair To split" But if The difference is lire 10€ And 5€ Then we split At least i do so with My friends ( if You end up paying more than What You ate more than once if They are Close Friend Next time they'll pay for You or offer You something To drink )
@Xelacreations1337 7 лет назад
It depends: if we all go out and eat more or less the same (like a normal pizza and a soda) usually we split but if we everyone eats what e want then we usually make separate bills.
@scogiam95 7 лет назад
In the south of Italy especially in Sicily usualy pay one friend for each others! Every time there is a kind of competition for who want pay!
@elisagorla8246 7 лет назад
"che ansia ragazzi".. AHAHAH MI FAI MORIRE TIA
@karenchinchilla8706 4 года назад
Its funny sushi is actually a thing in the U.S. too. Im from California and out here thats usually one place that people will offer as a suggestion when going out to eat.
@g.v.9221 7 лет назад
So satisfying seeing someone speaking english while making gestures:)
@JacopoBasanisi 7 лет назад
ok, so: -italians tend to have more friends because our family centered way of life, so it's only natural to gather whenever we can. Also we take life-changing choices based (also) on family and friends, so it happens, we stay close to our friends more often than americans, i think. And yes, there is that distance thing: "Everywhere north"-Milan or "everywhere south-Rome" is 3 hours by train, Florida-California is a more challenging distance -"split the bill" is not something we all do, i think everyone get used to split or pay-what-you-eat as an habit of your group of friends. Maybe your group started splitting bills 10 years ago, so they didn't even thing about a different way. It might be different in other groups (i don't know, a group with students and workers might be more conscious about money). Good thing about italians is that we talk a lot, so talk to them about it. I overlooked the whole "i pay for you, next time you pay for me" thing, but i think splitting and treating has something in common with the concept of friendship (mixed with social obligations) in Italy. I for istance pay what i eat with a group of friends and proceed in a "beers on me tonight" basis with another group -the sushi thing: italians are world famous eaters, so we are overjoyed by what we call Ethnic Food. Something different from or traditional food, but still food! So we like to try different things. Different kind of Ethnic Food come and go: 30 years ago was mc donald's, 20 years ago was chinese, south american trend was 10 years ago, now is japanese food and burgers. BUT there's always somewhere else to go (i think the responsability goes to your group of friends, like the split the bill thing) -being late/laid back: i think it's just a matter of context. I'm very punctual, i'm used to get to my appointments 5 to 10 minutes early, but i think it's useless to get mad about someone's tardiness, unless there's some specific reason (movies or so). In a no-pressure context nobody cares about it, "eat, pray, love" style. I also think this is a typical student attitude, i saw myself being more uptight about it since i developed work related stress (like the old "those youngsters don't understand that i am a busy person" kind of thing). I think is something related to what you described in one of your videos about teenagers
@gcpeg 7 лет назад
It's not about living in milan or not, it's about living in the city or in the suburbs, in my town, things are totally different, like in every other little city in italy: in milan people just want to show everyone their parents are rich af (THE FACT IS THAT 99% OF THE TIMES IT'S NOT TRUE, THAT'S WHY YOU SEE STUPID THINGS SUCH AS SPLITTING THE BILL), where i live, with my friends, i've never split a bill, and i'm 20 minutes far from milan, we just read the price of what we're eating, and everyone pays his part (even if it's only one big bill), then i just wanted to explain the "group" thing: we're not always happy to go out with 20/30 people, we just surround ourselves with people we like, the fact is that they'll do the same, it's just a chain reaction, if i'm going out with my friends and another friend of mine asks me to go out, i just tell him to come with us, they won't be pissed off, i mean as long as someone is a good person and doesn't bother anyone what's the problem???
@Adamantis96 7 лет назад
everything is always so... interesting because you force us to think about our own lifestyle with a different point of view. This is so normal but then... you know right, why we do this? keep it up 😊👏
@martinacampi5237 7 лет назад
Ciao Tia, seguo il tuo canale da qualche mese e trovo sempre interessanti le tue osservazioni; nel bene e nel male riconosco la cultura nella quale sono cresciuta, insieme ad alcune abitudini "americane" incontrate in quelle uniche due volte in cui ci sono stata, pur se limitate al Texas e alla Lousiana... Inoltre, allo stesso tempo, o per carattere mio e di alcuni amici, con i quali condividiamo un certo stile di vita e l'aver viaggiato molto, noto delle piccole discrepanze in ciò che osservi, che mi fanno piacere. Per quanto riguarda questo video, è super vero... quando si deve uscire, praticamente metà della serata passa nel decidere dove. Questo capitava già ai tempi del liceo, e continua all'università e oltre (tra l'altro ho frequentato l'uno e l'altra in due città diverse... ma la storia era la stessa). E' una cosa che non ho mai sopportato - nota che capita anche se tutto è già deciso per tempo... niente da fare, ci si ritrova e si riparte da zero, ed essendo gruppi piuttosto numerosi, come dici, veramente, non si finisce più, o per sfinimento -. Davvero, non ha mai avuto senso per me e non sono mai riuscita a farmela andare bene. Anche perché spesso tutto nasce -mi sono fatta questa idea- da una falsa gentilezza: andiamo lì? Mah siì per me è uguale... O dove preferiamo... è lo stesso, dove volete voi (salvo poi scoprire che non è vero), quindi se uno dicesse per una volta, in modo chiaro: stasera vorrei andare là. Cosa ne dite? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh sai quanto tempo si risparmierebbe, e quanti malintesi evitati? Mah. Per quanto riguarda il conto...Altra cosa che davvero non sopporto. Non condivido, non trovo giusta e non ne capisco il motivo. Vuoi berti due bottiglie di Amarone e mangiarti antipasto, primo due fiorentine, dolce, caffè ammazza caffè? Liberissimo. Ma poi perché devo pagartelo io, che ho preso un contorno e una coca cola? Per fortuna vedo che questa tendenza sta piano piano scomparendo, almeno in veneto e in Emilia. Anche perché, non solo io potrei voler spendere solo una certa cifra ma anche perché ti faccio un esempio, io che sono vegana, nella maggior parte veramente posso mangiare solo il contorno... e quindi mi troverei proprio ogni volta a pagare le ostriche dei miei amici. Per fortuna loro non hanno mai neanche considerato, in quei casi, di dividere il conto a persona (alla romana, si direbbe). E, sempre per fortuna, almeno questo sta diventando un retaggio antico in tante occasioni. Speriamo!!! Un saluto, grazie per i tuoi video :) Ah, dimenticavo. Riguardo il Sushi. Ho frequentato Milano da pendolare per circa cinque anni, e credo che possa considerarsi una città un po' a parte (forse per questo molti dicono "o la ami o la odi"... Comunque, io sto tra quelli che la amano :) Non so se dico una cavolata, ma credo che il sushi sia, in questo periodo (un paio di anni) una moda soprattutto milanese (senza contare che il sushi vero lo si riconosce dal prezzo.. la maggior parte proviene da quei ristoranti cinesi -che fanno o facevano cucina cinese- per non dover chiudere da un giorno all'altro, vedendo diminuire l'interesse per la loro cucina, e arrivare la moda giapponese, si sono buttati sul sushi! (Nonostante, appunto, non possa definirsi sushi originale). Questo mi è stato proprio spiegato da entrambe le realtà :) Bye!
@paolasgolmin6303 7 лет назад
I am Italian and every time I go out with my friends I set the meeting at least half an hour or even one hour earlier then the time I want us to meet, so I know that my friends will show up at the hour I want. So, for exemple, if I want us to meet at 8:30 pm I say everybody to meet at 7:30 pm, so I know that everybody will show up at 8:30 pm. :)
@verdoora 7 лет назад
Oh my god you're so right, I hate that bill split thing, so annoying
@EnricoAnsaloni 5 лет назад
The splitting works like that: maybe some time you eat less and pay more, but the next time it's the opposite and if you frequent the same group of people in the end it evens out... we tend to not care about those things a lot... sometimes when the difference is obvious like 1 person doesn't eat at all and everyone else eat a lot we split only between people who really ate.
@benedettagee3482 6 лет назад
Io credo che il mio stile di vita si avvicini di più a quello americano nonostante sia italiana. Solitamente esco con le mie 3/4 amiche con le quali faccio una passeggiata o sto a casa a guardare un film. Direi che questo uscire a gruppi di ragazzi e ragazze, organizzare tutto dalla A alla Z, è più solito quando si parla di organizzare qualche serata in grande. In più fare il conto unico, almeno da me, è una cosa più comune tra gli adulti e meno tra gli adolescenti che solitamente pagano separatamente. Credo che non dipenda da Nord o Sud, ma semplicemente dalle circostanze...In ogni caso bel video Tia, keep going 🧡
@HilaryCocciola 7 лет назад
I live in the centre of italy and yes we slipt the bill everytime, I've never thought about how much other people eat because here it's such a normal things to do ahhah
@martina14890 7 лет назад
The thing is that we have a different concept of money and going out. The message underneath splitting the bill is: we had a nice dinner together, we had fun, it was a pleasure spending time with you, let's split ('cause it's easier) and call it a day. I don't care if I spent 5€ more than I actually ate. Maybe next time it will be the exact opposite. We don't fuss over a few euros, they're not so important as it was to spend the dinner together. I remember you saying in another video that you didn't get the offering a coffee concept, well it's quite the same. It's just a couple euros, being with you was worth much more. That being said, I (and all the polite people I know) usually tend to be careful about what people order and if I sense that I should be paying A LOT more than someone else, I offer to make separate bills, or, even better, we offer dinner to that person (this usually happens when in a table of 6 or more there is someone who only ate antipasto or whatever, the other 5 will not let him pay).
@rebeccay6024 7 лет назад
I live in Canada and my friend group is more like in Italy, especially the organizing and sushi part!
@ria9845 7 лет назад
Omg I adore your hair and makeup!! You are so beautiful and inspire me
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
aw! thank you!!
@adelesimoni7606 7 лет назад
Guarda anche io non sopporto di dover dividere alla romana il conto, è un'abitudine assurda. Il problema è che se contesti la cosa ci fai la figura della taccagna
@lorenzodavolio5341 2 года назад
I’m Italian myself, but In my group we were asking first who didn’t want to be part of “conto alla romana”. For some who bought usually a small thing with no beverage they usually paid separately. In italiano we usually split some plate mostly at the beguining or big plate of meat or fish so it is impossible to split that why we usually ended pay all together. And as you said going to the restaurant in Italy is more or less half price compare to the USA…
@Fefe92fefE 7 лет назад
I have the same problem with sushi 😂 Bless the places that have mixed cuisine, both sushi and cooked stuff
@RomeTokyooneway 7 лет назад
Regarding the splitting of the bill (alla romana), usually if there is a person who has only a salad or a pizza , let say one single thing that doen't cost too much or/and you do not drink wine that person should pay for what he/she has eaten and the rest splits the reaming amount. At least this is what happened when I went out with my friends. Next time politely say that you are going to pay only for your part. I never went out twice with people who takes this kind of advantages! Anche a me la cosa fa' invacolare da pazzi! In Japan I had your same experience, they made me pay around 18 euros for a little salad and a glass of soda!
@IPostmoderni 7 лет назад
Very nice video, started watching just out of curiosity ended up watching the whole thing. About the bill it's funny cause I remember my friends from high school complaining about the same problem when they used to hang out with a certain group in my hometown. I usually do this way. Either we get pretty much the same thing - in that case we split the bill equally - or otherwise I will be the one pointing out the fact that someone had just way less food and shouldn't be paying as much as other people who got more. As you said it's just common sense, and I find it a polite thing to do! I understand that bot everybody think the same way though! Keep up with these videos, they're lovely.
@NicholasTheKing 7 лет назад
"Splitting the bill" is intended to simplify things, when you're like 8-10-15 people asking for separate bills turns out to be a lot of hassle and most restaurants won't even do it so you'd have to do it by youselves counting money, coins, changes, etc. But if the amount YOU owe is highly different from the average, of course you can opt out, pay your part and tell the rest to split the remaining. You just should specify it in advance, just to be straightforward. :)
@fevenslifestyle6479 7 лет назад
U speak to my soul Tia.. organising dinners, splitting bills, sushi( piatti pesce)... lol
@silviasunlight90 7 лет назад
Lmao the obsession with sushi is real (and I'm in ahahaha)
@dominic20 7 лет назад
This one was really interesting. As a Canadian, in most of your videos i relate more with the American side, but this was the first time that ALL of the Italian points fit my friends and I and none of the american!
@reb2544 7 лет назад
si dividere il conto mi dà un sacco fastidioooo
@annacavalli4996 7 лет назад
Ma quindi veramente se non hai 21 anni in America non ti danno da bere ai bar? Ti chiedono i documenti? Io faccio aperitivi con i miei amici da quando ho 15 anni senza problemi consumando anche alcolici, certo dipende da locale a locale però in Linea di massima...
@ceciliabaldassarre2103 7 лет назад
Anna Cavalli ahahahahahahahhaha idem da sempre almeno a roma .. ci sono un casino di bar che vendoni drink alcolici au minorenni. poi non so se conosci i bangladini.. sono quelli che hanno una specie di megozi che vendono alcol e altre cose per cena e pranzo
@lostinmilan 7 лет назад
In America ho visto chiedere i documenti anche a gente di 30 anni
@Ro7947 7 лет назад
Anche per me è lo stesso! Bevo birra, vino ed alcolici da quando sono piccola nei bar senza problemi, non capisco il motivo del divieto in America. In teoria anche noi non potremmo bere prima dei 18 anni, ma che male c'è a bere una birra o un bicchiere di vino?
@ceciliabaldassarre2103 7 лет назад
Violy oo io inveve soni dell idea che in italia dovrebbero aumentare di piu i controlli nei bar o negozi dove vendono alcolici ai minorenni. Magari te ti sai contenere .. Ma non credo che sia bello inziiare a farsi rovinare il fegato gia da piccoli (parlo dai 12 anni in su se hai iniziato da piu piccola ancora peggio).
@Ro7947 7 лет назад
ceci's channel Io ho iniziato a 14 e si, non è bello servire superalcolici ai bambini, ma una birra o un bicchiere di vino ad un 16enne penso che non sia un problema. Il fatto è che in America sono assurdi, non possono bere una birra prima dei 21 anni, anzi non possono proprio entrare nei pub prima dei 21 anni, però possono combattere, guidare, vivere da soli ecc...
@fedefede89 7 лет назад
what I can say from my experience is that if I'm having a dinner out with friends in a pizzeria of course we ll split the bill, it doesn't matter if u get a margherita and the other guy gets a capricciosa (which costs usually few euros more). Of course we ain't going to check the bill one by one! When you go to a restaurant, things change! For example If I decide to eat fish and you decide to eat meat then of course we ain't gonna split the bill because there is a huge difference of price! When someone like you eat just one product then we usually take this person out the bill and we split without him/her (he/she pays just for what he/she got). I think that is the best way, to be honest I hate to pay "alla romana"! it takes long time and I don't think it's a friendly way!
@TheSdm15 6 лет назад
I laughed so hard.. and Tia you gesticoli like an Italian now!
@Atarix777 7 лет назад
I live near Florence... Over here we just split the bill if we had more or less the same thing, otherwise everyone pays their part. Or sometimes we get one big bill (including a discount because of beeing a bigger group) and then we say "everyone pays what he had" and then we end up with more money then needed. Well, good for the waiter ;D
@alyssacao3223 7 лет назад
In Italia il gruppo di amici si chiama "comitiva" o perlomeno dalle mie parti. A noi non piace molto stare tutti in una casa a meno che non è una festa o una cena ma anche in quel caso ci piace andare in pizzeria o per bar e locali. L'aperitivo consiste in quegli stuzzichini tipo patatine, olive, noccioline, pomodori, tramezzini ecc... è un piccolo spuntino e spesso tendono a portare troppa roba da mangiare. Ho riso quando hai detto che ti sei incazzata perché hai pagato come gli altri, ma anche se tu mangi poco e può sembrare ingiusto noi lo facciamo perché tutti paghino la stessa somma indipendentemente da cosa hai mangiato, si divide il conto per il numero delle persone. I LOVE UR VIDEOS!💖
@AnnalisaJ 7 лет назад
I love love love your channel, takes me home everytime! ha ha ha the size!!! Yes growing up we had a group of 30+ and we were all super closed, so much fun! This made me laugh and a little nostalgic! Ha ha ha Incazzata nera, thanks for the laughs! I am definitely americanized now... Sending lots of love your way XOXO Give a big hug to Italy for me, I am from Bologna (now in California).
@m.r.5386 7 лет назад
I'm Italian from Le Marche and my fiancé is Irish so we often talk about our cultures and we always end up mentioning the stuff you've talked about in this video when it comes to italian friends and habits . What you've said is SO TRUE! :D Sushi is definitely a thing, we are just obsessed with it! Thank God my fiancé likes it :P
@shaniapeters8590 7 лет назад
Always wanted to visit Italy
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
It's a gorgeous country with amazing people!
@taenkare1 7 лет назад
hey I am Italian, I live in Canada and have lived in the US. I find ALL your comments VERY VERY interesting and quite correct! Yes, some of the things you mention (splitting the bill) can be frustrating even to Italians (so do not feel all alone in this, hehehe).
@pierofocaccia 7 лет назад
non tutti i gruppi pagano in questo modo (alla romana), a volte bisogna anche dirle le cose, non solo aspettare che la gente ti legga il pensiero
@RedellaStrada47 7 лет назад
Il fatto di dividere in parti uguali fa incazzare anche me, soprattutto quando prendo pizza e acqua per pagar solo 5€ e mi ritrovo a pagare 8 o 11 =_=
@CruisnEma 7 лет назад
Ah beata/o te... A me è capitato di pagare 25 euro per una pizza! Per poi essere anche scaricato da quel gruppo di italioti. Non mi sono mai sentito né italiano né europeo e temo che la cattiveria sia tutta italo/europea, voglio andare proprio in America.
@RedellaStrada47 7 лет назад
Ah beh, guarda che non stanno meglio loro XD La filosofia capitalista è proprio il: chi resta indietro lascialo indietro e lascialo morire.
@CruisnEma 7 лет назад
E qui che fanno per chi resta indietro? Ah giusto, lavori precari pagati 600 euro al mese... Preferisco pagarmi l'assicurazione sanitaria in America ma avere uno stipendio molto più alto, le case costano anche molto meno e sono molto più belle e spaziose, non come qui che paghi milioni una casa di mattoni umida da fare schifo.
@meri9961 7 лет назад
Saranno strani i miei amici ma non abbiamo mai pagato alla romana. Credo che questa sia più una cosa di alcune regioni specifiche.
@CruisnEma 7 лет назад
Da me siamo in Toscana... E succede...
@jablum77 7 лет назад
Americans love Sushi too..its a big part of hipster culture Tia
@moma6983 5 лет назад
Hi, I'm a Japanese and love the words 'fishless life'. Never heard or thought of it in my life. I'm usually not the kind of person who comments on videos, but this time I thought I had to because I love your videos so much!
@Valentina-tw8dq 7 лет назад
I am Swiss Italian and I totally get the "sushi-obsession" thing. I like intenational foods like Japanese and Romanian foods, but my grandparents refuse to try them as they only eat traditional foods.
@lauracomparini1093 7 лет назад
Finally!! Thank you Tia!! I hate splitting bills as well because I eat small portions of food like you. Sometimes it's so annoying!! And sushi? Been there: I don't eat fish either, but it seems like here in Italy everything's about sushi hahah I don't know why, honestly, but I can understand your disagio molto bene! Love your videos!
@DimChordsRFire 7 лет назад
Nice youtube channel. I've watched a lot of your videos and I love them. I'm an American living in Bari so I can also relate :). keep the videos coming!
@claudiacomite 7 лет назад
Gli italiani escono davvero pazzi per il sushi e io sono una di loro ahahhaha Tia che ne pensi di fare un video dove paragoni le cose a cui gli italiani e gli americani tengono? Ad esempio gli italiani tendono a vestirsi bene, mentre gli americani tendono ad essere puntuali, cose così e su cosa siamo (noi e gli americani) laid back
@AndreaComini 7 лет назад
Splitting the bill has always been the norm in central and southern Italy while it has started becoming a thing in the North only in the last 20 years. I actually like it, it is easy, quick and polite when people do consider and remember that others might have eaten less (you never ask a kid to pay for example or reduce the part if someone has eaten very little for whatever reasons). In central Italy, not to pay alla romana is considered rude actually and it drove me mad when I moved to Northern Italy and at the beginning no one wanted to do so, they looked cheap in my eyes...but now everyone seems to be catching up so I am sure it is just a question of time before it happens in the US as well!!! Interesting point on mixed friendships. Never noticed in the US it was so 'divisive'
@denisevettorello8643 7 лет назад
La tua espressione mentre parlavi di sushi mi ha fatto morire dal ridere! Haha
@ansiaaa 7 лет назад
the sushi thing is partially a relative new trend, and partially due to the fact that there are a lot of all you can eat sushi restaurants. another reason is that almost everybody in italy can cook, and we eat good "italian" food at home every day, so when we go out we either want something quick like pizza, or something "fancy" like sushi. I myself miss the old "trattorie", which were places where you could eat fresh italian cousine for not much money. now all the poor local dishes have been turned by chefs into fancy expensive ones, so if u you go in a nice restaurant to eat italian, you might pay a lot of money, for something you could already eat at home.
@alejandrariveraquinones7223 5 лет назад
I love your videos because I love the italian culture and I plan to move to italy in the upcoming years so now I kinda know what to expect!
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