
Italy vs. USA | Working 

Tia Taylor
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@ron9403 7 лет назад
You are so inspiring. I can't believe you were able to cope with two jobs during the summer holidays (at such a young age) . Well done :)
@marcocappelli6279 7 лет назад
Also vacations: the minimum in Italy depends on the national contract of the employee but is generally 25 days of paid vacations. That does not include, as you said, of course sick leave which is generally speaking also fully paid as long as the doctor writes a certificate
@pile333 7 лет назад
And the ROL!
@topaz1558 7 лет назад
You're voice is so soothing, and you speak with great articulation. This is appreciated. 💚
@marcocappelli6279 7 лет назад
About firing in Italy: things are as you said for temporary contract (ie, "tempo determinato). For workers in "tempo indeterminato" or permanent contracts things are very different, and vary a lot depending on legislation: to put things simply, if the company is larger than 15 people and you have been hired before 2015 you basically cannot be fired without your consent, excluded if the company is in crisis (and there is a very complex system to go through in the latter case). With less than 15, much simpler but still requires the company to pay a significant amount to the employee to avoid going to the tribunal (which is usually ruinous for a company). Tipically, in both cases, a 1 year salary "compensation" for firing a permanent employee is the tipical agreement reached with employees
@gloria9157 7 лет назад
You really hit the nail on the head about the class system in America. I loved this video.
@JenLaRock 7 лет назад
SPOT ON!! Everything you said is so true, it's very difficult to start a company in italy and taxes are very high. My father owns a very small company and he has to pay 65% taxes of his income, it's so crazy. That's also why tax evasion is high and people work in nero (and this is one of our biggest problems). To hire and (especially) to fire people is very difficult because the employee is very protected by the unions (if you work legally of course). On the one hand this is good, on the other the employer must go through so many " difficulties" and this tend to discourage people. Hence, if you work as a private, things are not easy. If you're an employee you get a lot of benefits as you said, and if you work in the public sector things are way better. I know some mums who managed to get the whole years free and paid because of their pregnancy (my professor at the uni got 2 years), paid vacations (honestly I thought that was the same in the USA, I found out this was not true watching "where to invade next" by Moore) etc etc. I totally agree with you, in Italy you're more advantaged if you work as an employee. The problem is that the italian economy lives thanks to small factories/companies (4 or 5 employeees at the most) managed by families: if the situation doesn't change, things are gonna get very difficult because people can't handle so many taxes anymore and many of these factories have been closing day by day. The gov is trying to change the situation but it's not easy. That said, your video is very well put and you're such a smart girl!
@Odspeed001 7 лет назад
Your dad truly owned a company can I get access to the company like hours work?
@martyzoew7460 7 лет назад
Jenna, anche io ho visto "Where to invade next" e mi ha fatto aprire di più gli occhi! Consiglierei a tutti di guardarlo :)
@Vita-a-stelle-e-strisce 7 лет назад
Potrei parlare per ore delle differenze tra lavoro in Italia e in Usa. Gia il fato che in Usa molti ragazzini lavorano a 16-17 anni (part time) è una grande differenza. Lo stipendio che offrono in Italia è di solito bassissimo a parità di lavoro. Un cameriere in sicilia viene pagato facilmente 500 euro al mese! In Usa in un buon ristorante...a settimana!
@TheKonzenDoji 2 года назад
Parliamo di Italia, non di Africa
@Vita-a-stelle-e-strisce 2 года назад
@@TheKonzenDoji si certo, ma conosco molti amici che in Sicilia e al Sud lavorano full time per quelle cifre. Anche a me quando dopo molti anni in Usa tornai temporaneamente in Italia (nel 2012) mi offrirono 500 al mese per un lavoro di ufficio full time. Ora penso e spero che le cose siano migliorate.
@MaccioCapatondaF 7 лет назад
Tia, ti stimo molto. Quando ti sento parlare bene dell'Italia (ma anche in modo obiettivo) mi riempi il cuore! sono molto.contenta che ti trovi bene.
@Elektron_ 7 лет назад
No.1 rule to get a good and well paid job in Italy: "be a management engineer"
@blu3chick3n34 7 лет назад
adoro questi video, fanno riflettere moltissimo
@monaDJ139 7 лет назад
i just love listening to you. really enjoy your video
@viola9498 7 лет назад
This is one of your best videos! Please, keep doing videos about the differences in Italy and the USA, they're very interesting and I really like the way you explain them :) Good job Tia!
@alicechirivi 6 лет назад
You are extremely talented, Tia! Your videos never lack accuracy and critical thinking, plus you are super nice and you can express yourself very well. Good job girl!
@deerockt 7 лет назад
That's also because language classes in Italy are very expensive. People's level of English in Italy is usually low, so there are many people who need classes and not that many who can teach, therefore those who can earn a lot. I think if you had a job at United Colors of Benetton or Arnold Coffee, you would have had the same salary as an employee at Burger King in the USA.
@nomeutenteMARY 7 лет назад
Le settimane di ferie e permessi orari retribuiti in tutto di solito sono 6 settimane in un anno. La maternità obbligatoria è di 5 mesi (2 preparto + 3 post parto o 1 + 4 se la salute della donna lo consente) poi c'è il congedo parentale facoltativo che è pagato al 30% e può essere usufruito dal papà invece che dalla mamma. fino all'anno del bambino in caso di lavoro di almeno 6 h al giorno la mamma ha diritto a due ore di astensione dal lavoro per l'allattamento. In caso di lavoro a rischio si va in maternità subito.
@pile333 7 лет назад
In medio stat virtus. Be global. Be the both things, if you can. Start an activity in USA (but maybe in Ireland or in Hollande, because the taxation is even lower there than in USA) than live in Italy as much as you can. It is a nice place to live, for the most of time. It pampers you with its beauty and confort.
@ededwards1994 7 лет назад
pile333 UK? Xxxx
7 лет назад
I'm from Brazil... Things in Italy are pretty like things here in Brazil in so many ways, like the security you have when you get a job (for example don't worry about be fired in the first year of job) and the maternity leave/vacations (by the law, you have a determined time to be at home for these situations). By the other hand, the inequality of payments and the "three layers of society" (poor, middle class and rich) are very present in our society! I intend to go live in Italy or any other country of Europe some day to study/work, but I was always worried and afraid about the cultural differences at work... Thank you for this incredible and amazing video! I'm more confident now about the ideia! Arrivederci, bacione! (Excuses in advance if there's any English mistake!)
@edoardomassari4879 7 лет назад
don't be afraid italian people love brazilian girls. Well, girls in general
@BihFaca11 7 лет назад
Natália Schimidt you should try portugal because same language similar culture but i'm sure not the best economy,try western Europe or simply come to US.
@mongiami 7 лет назад
Ciao Tia! Ti seguo ormai da un po'. Potresti fare un video sulle tue serie TV preferite?
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
+Jade_wanderlust ok :)
@lostinmilan 7 лет назад
Hai visto Gomorra la serie?
@martinaspanu1709 7 лет назад
Tia adoro questa tipologia di video!
@NicholasTheKing 7 лет назад
Compulsory vacation is 4 weeks (20 days) per year. Often national contracts allow for more. Maternity leave is 5 months compulsory for the mother (2 before birth and 3 after, fully paid), plus 6 months optional for each parent (partly paid). Also up to the age of 1 mothers can have 2 hours a day off for feeding. Then, yeah, this applies once you HAVE a STABLE job. If you're SEEKING one it is a hell and you generally just wander from internship to internship until the age of 30 (and there you have no guarantees at all).
@watermeloneXD 7 лет назад
wow, working in the USA doesn't sound as good as I thought :/ I live in Switzerland so I think it's normal to get 4 weeks of paid vacation and maternity leave (3 months like in Italy if I'm not mistaken). Plus the 13th salary at the end of the year (we get monthly salaries and the 13th is like a bonus). But we have to pay a lot of taxes, so...
@danialkhan1438 7 лет назад
We also have the 13th salary, called la tredicesima
@watermeloneXD 7 лет назад
ah cool, I guess most countries in Western Europe are similar in that way :)
@danielemilazzo84 7 лет назад
depending on CCNL, a sort of national work contracts law/guideline, some workers in some sectors also have a 14th salary, the quattordicesima :)
@yumiko0017 7 лет назад
Anita Tomanic in Switzerland, women get 3 months maternity leave?! That's great. In the US, women only get at most 6 weeks (thank our Congress smh). Wow.
@watermeloneXD 7 лет назад
oh, that is terrible :/ I guess mothers have to take unpaid vacation or something like that. I mean you shouldn't just go back to work after a few weeks of having a baby, that can't be healthy. And it must be hard to leave the baby with someone else to go to work...
@ireneb.7194 7 лет назад
Ciao Tia!! Questo video è stato molto interessante :) per i tuoi lavori in Italia sei stata fortunata a trovarli, c'è da dire che nel sud Italia è molto più difficile trovare lavoro e la metà delle volte nemmeno ti assumono. Per non parlare del fatto che spesso ti sfruttano.. 70€ all'ora per insegnare inglese è veramente tantissimo!! Inoltre non è sempre difficile licenziare qualcuno, in Italia, se vogliono farlo spesso trovano il modo... comunque mi farebbe piacere un video con il paragone tra l'infanzia americana e quella inglese! Questi Italy vs USA sono veramente interessanti!! Continua così :D
@heatherthompson59 4 года назад
The journey of the soul non sono 70, ma 17
@MissLauraBi 7 лет назад
Actually Tia, I know that with an F1 American Visa (that is for people doing the full degree in america), you can apply to stay a year after you graduate from college to find a job. I had a J1, temporary, but some of my friends were international students doing all the 4 years and they stayed after that. For all the other things you said, I totally agree. Since I rather be an employee I think I'll stay in Italy or Europe, USA is not for me if I don't have what I consider my basic working rights (or a lot of money to cover for that).
@italymadeeasy 7 лет назад
Great video, as usual!!!
@seahlilly 7 лет назад
Tia that hair is layed 😍 Looking great hun!
@niuniuita 7 лет назад
Maternity leave if you're working for the gotv : 2months before and 3 after the child is born. That's by law where you get 100% of your salary. Then you can take extensions of maternity leave: 3months after the 5 by laws you'll get 90% of your salary , from 3 third to the sixth month after the forced maternity leave you'll get 70% of your salary, 7th month to ninth 50% , 10-12 30%. So basically you have 5months by law (2before the child and 3 after) + 3 where you get almost all your salary + 9months where you get a salary cut increasing the more you stay home. Basically in Italy you can stay home till your child is a 1 year old. Dunno how it works in the private but still you have 5months of maternity leave fully paid where they can't fire you no matter what. The bad thing about private is that if you're a woman they ask you before the hiring if you plan to have childreens... Obviously they're going to prefere those who won't or pick males
@hhemingw4y 7 лет назад
You're one of my fav youtubers, Tia!! I love you!! You're precise to explain "technical" things about your study field, so, you're good!! Sorry if I can't insert emojis, but I'm writing this comment by my laptop and it hasn't any emoji key. uff!! :)
@Peggysmusic 7 лет назад
I just love your video series! Thanks for sharing, and have a great day!
@MarianaZelenjuk 7 лет назад
Hey, Tia! Great video! Do you think you could do one with your friends who tried to open their own business? It would be interesting to know more about entrepreneurship in Italy, in a deeper level. Thanks! 😉
@thomascallahan6708 5 лет назад
YOU'RE SO SMART TIA. grazie grazie grazie
@lucaesposito6896 7 лет назад
Grazie per questo video Tia! Argomento molto interessante.
@reezlaw 7 лет назад
That was pretty accurate
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
+reezlaw :D
@federicaborri1769 7 лет назад
potresti fare un "Italy vs. USA" riguardante la lingua? Sarei curiosa di sentire la tua opinione🌸
@marcocappelli6279 7 лет назад
Things have however changed since 2015, with the jobs act: now companies (all companies, above and below 15 employees) will hire you with a "contratto a tutele crescenti". A permanent contract which does not have the legal protection of the old ones, ie a company can fire you without going to the judge but just give you a sum, which increases over the years from a minimum of 4 months to a maximum of 24 months of salary
@MiGaoGao 7 лет назад
I'm having Tia and Enrico withdrawals 😭 🇮🇹
@marcocappelli6279 7 лет назад
Just a few corrections: in Italy maternity leave is MANDATORY 5 months, fully paid 100%. Then mom/dad can take extra 6 months (7 if the dad takes at least 1) of maternity leave paid at 30%
@TizianaPinessi 7 лет назад
Maternity leave: if you are an employee in Italy, you must stay at home 2 months before the delivery + 3 months after it (or 1+4) and it's compulsory, which means that you are not allowed to go to work. It is usually paid 80% of your salary, but it really depends on the contract you have. I work in the "settore metalmeccanico" and for me it was 100%. After that you can choose to either go back to work or stay at home another 6 months and get paid 60% of your salary. I did the latter for both my kids and on top of that I also used some of my holiday leave, so that I was able to stay at home for 1 years both times. 😁
@giuliaraggio 7 лет назад
I think the maternity leave in Italy something like: laws say that if you have a regular contract you get 80% of your salary for the first 3 months of ML. Than you can choose to come back to work with full salary or stay at home for i don't know how many months (if i remember correctly 9 months but i'm not sure) but you gradually give up % of your salary as long as you stay in maternity leave. When you reach 1 year of maternity leave you can stay at home but your employer doesn't have to pay you anymore. So, maternity leave in italy is actually longer than 3 months. You still get money from your employer at least for one year and, even if you decide not come back to work until your child is in first grade, if your contract is "indeterminate time" the job is still yours and you can return to work anyday, anytime, even if the person who subtitute you is doing a good job, that job is yours. All this benefits on paper look amazing but women in Italy still get payd less than men and absolutly are less employed because of this law. So an employer choose men to work for him/her because men don't get pregnant and don't ask for maternity leave. Sorry for my english, i mostly learned it watching game of thrones and grey's anatomy, so, please, forgive me.
@marcocappelli6279 7 лет назад
It's 5 months: 2 before and 3 after. Or if you choose 1 before and 4 after
@ceciliapigozzi7888 7 лет назад
Tia, la maggior parte dei lavori in Italia garantiscono minimo 20 giorni lavorativi di ferie pagate l'anno, that makes average 4 weeks! ;) Just thought i'd let you know that, thanks for the videos! ;)
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
+Cecilia Pigozzi ah! Even better!
@pile333 7 лет назад
In Milan the first and oldest institution for occupational diseases of the world was founded; few people point that out but that's the truth. Its name is Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto, in Milan.
@AfroBolshevik 7 лет назад
Just a tiny correction: European countries do pay for traineeships but it depends on the period of time. Like my French mate is a trainee making 1700€ a month for 6 month at HSBC dans la rue Champs-Élysées. It just depends on the length of your traineeships. I think maximum 2 months is the limit where don't have to pay you. Also under EU law every country must give workers a minimum 20 days paid vacation out of the year.
@bulganmunkhjargal220 7 лет назад
i lived in Austria for 6 years. in terms of working environment, labor market, both countries are so similar
@LindaTinahTV 7 лет назад
It is true that Italy give you a whole new outlook on work.
@TheKonzenDoji 2 года назад
In Italy you have at least 3 months for maternity, but in case of issues you can have more motnhs. Vacation time is 1 month in a years or a bit less , not 2 weeks
@ShizukaRose 7 лет назад
as a single and childless American who makes a little over 50k a year....yes taxes are a bitch. also factor in car and student loan payments which many Americans have..
@selfhealherbs13ms 6 лет назад
Being raise in American has gave you strength, the working hard like you have - to be strong person. Now you can the world. YOU GO GIRL!
@ItalianCurls 7 лет назад
I agree, since in the US I've enjoyed a lot more my biweekly payment. It makes life a lot easier.
@carmenperezviejo4909 7 лет назад
Great video, Tia! keep it up :)
@GLT473 7 лет назад
@pennyrock150 7 лет назад
very informative video!thanks Tia
@dianasga9179 7 лет назад
Ciao Tia! I'm Italian and moving to Milan (shocker) could you give more info as to how to get an English teaching job?
@carlodefilippi6914 7 лет назад
Diana Straga Hi Diana, what's the "shocker" about moving to Milan? I trust you'll like a lot this city! :)
@niuniuita 7 лет назад
about employers vs employees that's not actually true there are 2 kinds of contracts in Italy. Life time one where your contract last till you reach the age to retire and those called "tempo determinato" something like fixed time or something. Anyhow those contracts can last from 3months to 6 to a year or more. It's up to the employer. I woudn't suggest starting a company in Italy. Cause 64% of what you earn will go to the govt in taxes.
@gg13308 6 лет назад
As a professional in America, I get 2 weeks vacation. My prior job I got 3 weeks vacation. it depends on the company, you get a min of 6 weeks vacation when you have a baby, now the husbands get time off as well.
@genefaye6795 7 лет назад
We have this rigid labour market in Norway as well. It's very difficult to fire people that is why when someone obtains permanent employment (mind you this can take years) in a company it's a cause for celebration.
@eleonorap1819 7 лет назад
Would you make a video about your experiences and studies about marketing ? I'm studying economy too in Tuscany but I'm so confused about what kind of laurea I should choose. I heard you studied management and than changed your mind. Love your videos btw 😍💞
@zw2210 7 лет назад
Great video! if you haven't done so already can you do a video about your experience of working as an English teacher in Italy. I am trying to complete a TEFL course as I am interested in moving to Rome to teach English.
@lourosey2478 5 лет назад
How much was the scholorship you received from bocconi??
@HayleyAlexis 7 лет назад
Good :D I totally agree about Germany in comparison to USA
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
+Hayley Alexis really?! I would've thought Germany was more like the states!
@anangelskissinspring330 7 лет назад
Your make up is beautiful and so are you! :)
@karenkingrey8957 7 лет назад
You have so much information to share with us. Thank you so much. What are the chances for a non-degreed person finding a decent paying job? I've been working as a Sr Case Manager with Soc services at a hospital for almost 20 years. I was "grandfathered" in and, yet we are very much wanting to spend a year in Italy. But we still would want/need to work. Ideas?
@parvizkhkh 6 лет назад
Very nice video and all true. I am living in Rome for two years and I wanna start a company as well. I searched before for a job and it was almost impossible to find. Really really difficult. And starting a company is difficult as well. But as you told, if some one has a job it is a good place to live
@maricacattaneo2235 7 лет назад
Ti adoro sei fantastica😍❤️
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
grazie :')
@drewm.2790 7 лет назад
Keep up the videos Tia... Ti amo tantissimo!.. 😂❤
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
@Parmesana 7 лет назад
Thank you for the information. I believe that the retirement age is lower in Italy, as well.. In US, I have dealt with a lot of age discrimination. In the lower paid jobs, I am guessing that they want lesser business savvy people so that they can pay you very little.
@SoulStyleBeauty 7 лет назад
Paid once a month?! Yeah that's a little inconvenient. I enjoyed watching this!
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
+SoulStyleBeauty it's "a lot" inconvenient 😂😂
@SoulStyleBeauty 7 лет назад
You're right lol!!!
@marcocappelli6279 7 лет назад
Forces you to live according to your means. And italians do, as we prefer to be safe and save. There are people living paycheck to paycheck in Italy as well, obviously, but seems to me that they are a lot less than the US. We never worry about "the next paycheck" as we tend to always keep in our bank account several months worth of pay, at the very least,. plus savings
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
Um not really. Especially when these measures usually cause you to end up working up to 3 months essentially for free. It would be one thing if they paid you on time but like I said, they never did with me.
@lilli7718 7 лет назад
McDonald and Burger King employees get paid 6-7 euros per hour in Italy I think.
@angelaniso1713 7 лет назад
I think you forgot the whole stage/tirocinio thing, which is very common right now in Italy. But it's good to know how the American system works. You know, just in case :) so thank you!
@francescavergnanobrown5632 7 лет назад
Hi Tia, it's not true that in the states you don't have time after you graduate to find a job. As an international student after I graduate I will have a year to find a job and work in the states. After that I do need someone that will sponsor my visa but they do give you some time after you graduate
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
+Francesca Vergnano oh, I didn't know that! I always find it so hard to find straight forward US immigration info. All I know was from this article in Forbes that said in US international students have 2 months to leave. In Italy there are a lot of options like they give you the year to search for work but you can also convert your permesso di s. For study to a permesso for work, thus bypassing the work visa and sponsorship process completely.They just seem more open in Europe. Here's the Forbes article, maybe they changed some policies in two years: www.google.it/amp/www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2014/05/14/graduation-is-bittersweet-for-immigrants-at-american-universities/?client=safari
@antonlomov5532 7 лет назад
Tia, great video! Is it hard to find a job in Italy as a Bocconi graduate with no less than 2k euro monthly?
@AuronSensei 7 лет назад
Workaholic that's the right word. Italy it's less workaholic than USA and North America in general. Form me, that was the most difficult part of living abroad.
@Vita-a-stelle-e-strisce 7 лет назад
Guadaganvi 8-9 l'ora a Burger King...sai in molti call center in Italia quanto pagano? 3 euro l'ora. Diciamo che generalmente in Usa pagano minimo tre volte tanto. Anche per un programmatore ad esempio. In Italia se ti va bene ti pagano chissà 1500 euro al mese. In America? Probabilmente a settimana...
@claudiamass5939 6 лет назад
Ma infatti...corrispondono a piu di mille euro per un lavoro di 8 ore a settimana, escluso sabato e domenica...mica è così poco 8 dollari l'ora! Ok che la vita è più cara lì ma aveva 16 e lavorava in un fast food...sai in italia quanto viene pagato chi lavora in un fast food?
@dominic20 7 лет назад
Hey Tia! Im considering doing a specific research program in Paris in Stem Cell and Molecular biology and they provide a stipend of 1500 euros a month (with some healthcare benefits I think) - Do you think this would be enough to live or should I plan to budget and bring more money? Thanks :)
@AfroBolshevik 7 лет назад
Dominic A Parisian here!! You will get a 1500€ stipend for your studies in what uni and arrondissement de Paris? She can be very expensive on which district you reside
@dominic20 7 лет назад
Roi Yves La Sorbonne dans le 5ieme (il s'appelle 'universite pierre et marie curie' maintenant, mais ils vont changer le nom à "Sorbonne" officiellement en 2018) - J'espère que j'habitera dans la 'cite internationale de paris' pour le premiere année (14 arrondissement - le taux là est environ 800 par mois) mais après ca je dois quitter pour trouver mon propre residence. (forgive my horrible french!!)
@AfroBolshevik 7 лет назад
Dominic Votre français est pas mal du tout, alors j'ai un quelque chose je devrais parler à vous sur le coût du apparts de Paris. Beaucoup des mes amis logé avce les Crous (un gouv français organisation pour les étudiants qui aident tous les futurs étudiants avec logement et financières nécessaires) Now I will switch with English to tell you more to help you understand. Housing in these student housing places can be anywhere from 250€-450€ par mois pour les étudiants (c'est ouverte pour les étudiants étrangers aussi) so that is one option. Another is avec le CAF (a French government programme which gives you money every month to help with housing cost, it can be from 80-220€ a month in aid depending on how much you need in financal necessary) Also you can apply for un HLM were you get govt subsidised housing in any city in France but I warn you this is very popular and it can take some time to get it. Now this is housing. The cost of living in Paris is not very high if you do as the locals, I cannot lie and tell you she is a cheap city in some ways, but she can be affordable if you go to the right markets and such. 1500€ a month is good but you should budget on expenses and try to get an HLM or Crous housing so your housing pricing is low and apply for CAF so you can save a extra 100€-200€ a month on that because housing is going to be where you spend the biggest money. Other than those things, Paris is more expensive then any city in France and maybe even all of Italy but if you plan right you can save alot of your stipend on more fun things that France offers ;-)
@dominic20 7 лет назад
Roi Yves I didnt know I could use CROUS, I'll have to do more research on that! Also its funny you say its the most expensive city in France because here in America and Canada everyone thinks Paris is the most expensive city in the whole world! (even though London is probably more expensive). Thanks for all your help!!
@AfroBolshevik 7 лет назад
Dominic Hahahahahaha yes anyone can utilise Crous housing only if they prove to be a student. Funny Americans think that when there is San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami and New York you guys possess hahaha, while Canada is just an expensive country as well, oh and London is 3 times more expensive than the lovely Paris so your wallet is more safe here then there ;-)
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
Il link per aggiungere i sottotitoli italiani: bit.ly/2fkl7K1 grazie mille! 😘
@paolap6802 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor as soon as I can I will do them
@RobyGuardiero 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor grande Tya ormai ci conosci 👍🏻
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
Grazie Paola!! Sei molto gentile!
@paolap6802 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor di niente spero di poterli fare prima possibile
@nicoleagentini2270 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor v
@Eyesoftechnology 7 лет назад
In realtà sono circa 30 giorni le ferie non 2 settimane. bellissimo video!!
@koskeshazizam6408 7 лет назад
Very interesting, thank you
@FinneganHockenglobin 7 лет назад
You mentioned the 17EU per hour that you made as a teaching freelancer, but not the insane amount of taxes that a freelancer has to pay.
@iiFallenWish 6 лет назад
Her eyebrows were so nice here
@alfredvinciguerra532 5 лет назад
No comparison at all. USA 🇺🇸 3.6% Unemployment rate and all possibilities are open to you based solely on your abilities, in Italy there are almost no possibilities, it’s a corrupt society even to work and to find a decent job you need a raccomandazione. .Also salaries in Italy are laughable in comparison to the US.
@talete7712 3 года назад
Essere una potenza mondiale che controlla e sfrutta il resto del mondo aiuta
@Vita-a-stelle-e-strisce 7 лет назад
In a regular US office maternity leave is 12 paid weeks.
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
12 weeks unpaid, who can afford that?
@Vita-a-stelle-e-strisce 7 лет назад
Hai ragione, ho sbagliato, sono unpaid! Gli USA sono tra i Paesi che tutelano meno al mondo la maternita'. Leggi l'articolo al mio link. Pero' non dimenticarti di considerare gli stipendi medi per gli stessi lavori. In ufficio qui in Usa guadagno una cifra che e' almeno il triplo di quella che mi darebbero in Italia. E l'assicurazione e' pagata al 100% dalla compagnia quindi non e' un problema. In Italia ci trattano da schiavi con salari da fame, sono contento di essere venuto in Usa, credimi. www.nostrofiglio.it/gravidanza/maternita-e-lavoro/congedo-di-maternita-cosi-funziona-nel-mondo
@ReturnJaguar 6 лет назад
Wow, Italy on the taxes! They got to change that bc taxes not be over 20percent or 14. That is uuh! I love Italian fashion.
@ItsmeClaudiia 7 лет назад
sei troppo simpatica/.\
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
@DERENDERO40 7 лет назад
But when the company start working, it has a lot of facilities. In different sectors, italy gives also contributes tostart a company.
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
lol DOVE?! give me more info, plz XDD
@anastasiaclare6819 7 лет назад
Ha ragione! Se si lavora nel settore primario (agricoltura, pesca, allevamento) l'Europa ti dà ENORMI contributi.
@reezlaw 7 лет назад
Maybe if you're young (like under 26), but it still takes a couple months AT LEAST to get you started
@lostinmilan 7 лет назад
there is a blog called contributiregione
@Vita-a-stelle-e-strisce 7 лет назад
Dovresti però comparare la paga degli stessi lavori in Usa e Italia, sarebbe interessante In una scuola di lingue ci sta che ti paghino 16 l'ora. Qui in Usa per fare l'interprete per alcune ore mi hanno pagato 40 dollari l'ora.
@darjuz96 6 лет назад
Ma ti devi ricordare che devi sborsare soldi per una assicuazione sanitaria (e se vuoi avere un buon servizio non ti devi limitare alla versione base), tenerti da parte qualche soldo se vuoi che tuo figlio vada all'università ecc... l'ha detto Tia.
@Vita-a-stelle-e-strisce 2 года назад
@@darjuz96 Certo tutto vero, il sistema sanitario americano lo odio. Però bisogna dire che non tutti si pagano l'assicurazione di tasca propria. Moltissime compagnie oltre allo stipendio ti pagano anche l'assicurazione sanitaria. A me l'hanno sempre pagata. Che poi questa non copre tutto è verissimo ed è una mafia legalizzata.
@raefontanes.s.3234 6 лет назад
In U.S.A. if ones want to have a good life, ones must to create a company. U.S.A. is the country for the high middle class and the riches. At the contrary ones must to work very hard and be discriminated becouse class. Still a rich black in U.S.A. has respect from mostly whites.
@MzBroadway17 6 лет назад
I don't think your analysis of job security in the US is very correct. You make it seem like it's easy to hire and fire, which both can take time, money, and stress. And there are plenty of benefits that the poor can get in this country. Not everything is perfect, but we continue to learn what works best.
@wadora4523 7 лет назад
thanks for posting! my question is if you habe a degree in the United States can you convert it or apply it in Italy if you are thinking about moving there? say a nursing degree?
@teachone2261 6 лет назад
GOOD points you are SHARP; however, you failed to mention the essential difference between Italy-USA labor markets--the SIZE of the labor pool ! European countries are smaller and have less people; American's a HUGE labor market and there is always "somebody" that can replace you--this is the thinking in the USA--especially by employers !!
@hiimpitty 7 лет назад
Hey Tia! I grew up with the myth of the US and I love your comparison videos, it seems my little provincial Italy is not that bad! I'm joking, I love my country and I can't imagine my oldness away, but an experience like yours in a foreign country would be awesome. I don't have any experience in working with/for an american company, but I think for some kinds of job you can have better conditions and maybe a better (less stressful) lifestyle in America. I'm a software developer, if you know what I mean :) so maybe for high specialised technical profiles it still worth applying for a job in the US or for the green card lottery, or am I wrong?
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
hmm! yea for software development I'd definitely try your chances in the silicon valley because that kind of industry doesn't even exist in Italy yet :B it depends on the field because like i told someone else i feel like youtube and digital marketing in general has so much growth potential in italy! In america the market is too saturated
@reezlaw 7 лет назад
I wouldn't go as far as to say that a software industry doesn't exist in Italy but yeah, definitely more opportunities in the USA. If you expect to be less stressed over there though, you're probably in for a surprise
@reezlaw 7 лет назад
I wouldn't go as far as to say that a software industry doesn't exist in Italy but yeah, definitely more opportunities in the USA. If you expect to be less stressed over there though, you're probably in for a surprise
@Supergecko8 7 лет назад
In Italy I think we need a more free labor market, no economy can be good without good entrepreneurs.
@reezlaw 7 лет назад
Yeah, go tell that to unions
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
@teachone2261 6 лет назад
do what many states have done enact RIGHT TO WORK LAWS which mean everyone has the right to work NOT just union membership !! it is up to the people to write laws they want and that SERVES them ! SCREW THE PEOPLE IN POWER that is what democracy is about ! Our system ASSUMES the people will be involved and the more people involved in the political process the better IT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU !
@srish319 7 лет назад
What about part time jobs? Are they available in Itlay?
@MakeItHapp5n 7 лет назад
would you want to come back to start a company? do you want to start a company in general?
@qwerty1848 7 лет назад
Negli USA ci sono città che non hanno acqua potabile??!!!
@lazios 7 лет назад
Sapessi quante altre cosette ci sono oltre quella.. ma meglio credere a babbo natale, specie per gli italiani, è la nostra specialità. Come quando leggo di terzo mondo riferito all'italia (da italiani).. un bel viaggio anche solo nel secondo di mondo (Turchia ad es) sarebbe utile, e forse qualcosa inizierebbero a comprenderla. Ma tanto avrebbero da ridire lo stesso.. in questo video Tia spiega bene la differenza, non da giudizi, cerca di mantenere la giusta distanza, ma non serve essere dei geni per capire il punto, non c'è bisogno di leggere chissà cosa tra le righe.. eppure dai commenti che leggo la gente non ci arriva (o fa finta?). Sarà il "famoso" analfabetismo funzionale? Cmq.. veniamo a noi.. negli Usa vivi bene se hai i soldi, come in qualsiasi altro posto del mondo (Italia compresa).. ma se non li hai, o ne hai pochi.. meglio trovare presto il modo di farli. Certo.. nessuno scappa, preferiscono fare 3 lavori diversi pur di sopravvivere (e non ho usato sopravvivere a caso), sempre meglio che morire di fame da dove si è venuti, e poi c'è la speranza (magari per i figli).. quella non manca mai, e negli Usa sono abili a fartela vedere. Poi però ci sono i numeri, quelli non mentono (quasi) mai.. sanità, num di omicidi.. popolazione carceraria, scolarizzazione, aspettativa di vita.. etc. Purtroppo vi aspettano tempi bui (io sono "vecchio".. ho già dato), in Italia come negli Usa. Stiamo vivendo una rivoluzione che solo per capirla ci vorranno anni, il lavoro sarà sempre meno, e la gente disposta a morire di fame (4/5 del mondo..o giu di li) sarà meno ancora. Tutti chiacchierano ma non sanno che cazzo fare, non per incapacità o altro ma semplicemente perchè la soluzione (con questo "tipo" di mondo) non esiste. Andrà ripensato totalmente il modello di vita dell'essere umano (ed il costo sarà altissimo). Fine dei miei deliri da insonnia..ciao.
@sputnikburan 5 лет назад
Ci sono anche in Italia città o vaste aree senza acqua potabile, si intende pubblica.
@massimomatassa2919 7 лет назад
Omg im the first to watch this on youtube!!!
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
@massimomatassa2919 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor molto interessante,anche Complimenti continua cosi
@mibrafr 6 лет назад
Not only you are cute, you are also smart! Great job!
@CHRIS-ut2jz 7 лет назад
Tia non ci sono più i sottotitoli in italiano come mai?
@irenelevorato9965 7 лет назад
I was so sure I wanted to experience working in the U.S after university but this video made me think a lot about it , I'm not so sure I could afford it 🙈 As a language student I think it'd be a great experience but it seems to me that atm there are more cons than prons if you look at the cost of life :( In your opinion is it something I could do or ? Another option I've thought about is going there as an "Au pair" but it doesn't quite match with my studies and I'd like to do something related to languages and culture I'm general 🙈
@xoxo7630 7 лет назад
the cost of living isn't so high everywhere
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
+irene levorato you can do a work holiday in Australia! In US it's really hard to find opportunities like that but try this advice from my Italian teacher :D www.rai.it/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-9b277df7-f242-471f-bd5a-4577e59b8f5f.html
@irenelevorato9965 7 лет назад
Tia Taylor I can't open the link :(
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
hmm search "Eleonora Boscolo, insegnante | Connecticut, RAI" su google.
@Koroistro 7 лет назад
Y'all need unions in America, i watched the anti-union Wallmart's video , completely alien. Comunque riguardo il costo di "entrepreneurship" in Italia uno dei problemi principali non è tanto che è costoso cominciarne una (se l'idea è solita e passi i background check ottenere un mutuo non è così impossibile quanto si pensa). Il problema principale sono i tempi di litigio legale civile quando un contratto vien rotto. La media italiana nel 2014 per un caso civile al TAR era 8 anni , che è oltre 3 volte la media europea. Ovviamente se sei una piccola azienda ed hai un cliente che non ti paga e ti ci vogliono ~8 anni per potenzialmente rivedere i soldi meno spese legali , che fortunatamente sono a carico di chi perde, però devi comunque pagare le tasse sui soldi che hai guadagnato (l' IVA per esempio). Tanti dichiarano bancarotta...
@juliet3056 7 лет назад
How important is it to know their language?
@ahsokatano6301 6 лет назад
Simone Dylan Why unfortunatly? If someone go to Italy it is normal that they have to learn and speak Italian
@Techonsapevole 7 лет назад
Sicuramente per le professioni legate alla tecnologia e l'informatica, Nord Europa e USA sono molto meglio
@misstiataylor_ 7 лет назад
+Corso JavaScript you're probably right... but for some things like RU-vid and digital advertising, I'm finding so many opportunities in Italy because the market isn't as saturated as the US
@Techonsapevole 7 лет назад
Sure, there are many medium-small companies in fashion, food and tourism which need marketing and many italian gurus just try to apply foreign strategies a year later :P
@simonebecarelli8852 5 лет назад
Hello Tua, what's your feeling about working in italy today?
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