
Its a Big New Galaxy | AOTR | Empire Campaign 3, Episode 1 

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27 окт 2024




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@derpmaster9430 10 месяцев назад
*A young navy officer comes into Commander Sheds office and salutes.* "Commander Shed Sir, I have completed my analysis on the battle of Kril'Dor, It seems the extra group of mixed ships we ran into was a group of Corellien mercenaries called Braker Company, records show they were hired by a local Tibana gas mining company to protect their assets, when we looked into the mining company that hired the mercenaries we discovered they were well-known shell company for the Hutt Cartel." *After completing his report to Commander Shed, the young Navy officer salutes again and leaves Commander Shed's office.*
@elderliddle2733 10 месяцев назад
Hey man, I made my own report of the battle. Are you cool with Braker Company being Rebel mercs? Like they are hired out by the Rebels to earn some cash. I’m RPing a Storm Commando.
@derpmaster9430 10 месяцев назад
@@elderliddle2733 yeah I'm cool with it, I would rather put an idea out there and have someone refine it further so that it gets seen my more people, then to it not be seen at all, I would suggest making the commander of Braker company be the captain of the Corellien heavy frigate, since it was probably the most powerful ship that showed up from the third faction during that battle.
@KingCARROT19 9 месяцев назад
​@@derpmaster9430hope you dont mind, i wrote a larger post with some different modifications(but still kept the main points) in hopes that Shack will see one of our posts. If you want, you can ask, and I'll delete it if you feel like I have stolen from you, please, let me know if you want it to stay or not
@derpmaster9430 9 месяцев назад
​​@@KingCARROT19 it's cool, someone else asked me if they were okay using parts of my post in their post already, and I'll give you my reasoning for being okay with it that I gave to them, I would much rather see any sort of story I write be taken by someone else and refine it further so more people enjoy, it than for it to go unnoticed, So feel free to use any part of what I wrote in your post or even all of my post to just modified and refined further, I think it'll make any intros section of Xpgamers let's play of AOTR, much better with very refined stories based on the events in his episodes.
@derpmaster9430 9 месяцев назад
@@KingCARROT19 also, could you please give me a link to your post, I would love to read it, I'm not great at writing actual books or even short stories, but I take pride in small logs like this, I spend hours in XCOM 2 just writing the biography of my custom soldiers in a log format or report format, so if you wouldn't mind, I would like to read your post to see what I can learn from it.
@Sapherzz 10 месяцев назад
YES! This is genuinely the best start to the new year, thank you Cap! FOR THE EMPIRE!
@fazelight9835 10 месяцев назад
I find this comment funny because im sub to you and ive never seen a RU-vidr comment on another’s video
@Sapherzz 10 месяцев назад
@fazelight9835 haha hello there! Cap is the guy that inspired me to give AotR a go, as well as to try narrative introductions for the series' I made 😊
@fazelight9835 10 месяцев назад
@@Sapherzz i understand why his content is amazing to watch you have a good day and i can’t wait for your next video
@Likea_boss7749 10 месяцев назад
I literally said that as I saw the Thumbnail
@Amoth_oth_ras_shash 9 месяцев назад
loved how he got introduced to something that i loved in the 103 planets map myself aka.. a script to introduce local armed forces be it pirates deciding to try exploit a weakened invasion force or wild life 'fleet' fitting to the region without warning now and then ^^
@vinipm300 10 месяцев назад
Definitely pay attention to the core, there are many powerful planets there, Brentaal IV, Rendili, Corellia, Denon, Tepasi (Tagge battlecruisers are awesome). All of those have level 3 shipyards and some of them very high base income. Don't sleep on Rothana as well, very good planet to set up factories and shipyards to defend Scarif which has a very good bonus. Lianna also is a key planet for the Empire due to it's 10% damage bonus to starfighters, do not lose that planet. There is also a very good bonus on Koensayr, 10% health increase for fighters and bombers!
@JohnsonA1788 10 месяцев назад
Captain’s log; Captain Truden, VSD Warmonger, 45th Task Force, assigned to Death Squadron under Lord Vader We hit Dorin this morning. Not quite the retaliatory strike I was hoping for after Yavin. I had a lot of friends assigned there from the academy. But it did at least raise our morale a little bit. Those pirates never stood a chance. I don’t even think our shields dropped below seventy percent, fighter casualties were very low as well. Of course with Lord Vader out there I doubt any enemy craft had the time to shoot at, let alone hit, one of our pilots. After the battle we set up a standard blockading formation over the planet and sent the ground troops in. All from the Devastator though. And that was fine with me. An ISD has far more, and better, equipment to send in than a Victory-Class. I was not expecting them to take so many casualties just trying to establish a beachhead. Those pirates seem to really have some good gear. Makes sense I suppose though. In any case, after some bombing runs and close air support from the 215th Fighter Wing, the ground forces were able to continue. Soon winning the battle and handing us our first victory after Yavin. I don’t know what this war will bring us. But I do know that with Lord Vader by our side, no one could ever stand in our way. This rebellion hit us hard at Yavin. But they don’t know they’ve just stepped into a world they are not ready for. A world the Empire has owned exclusively for the last nineteen years.
@liamcarden6779 10 месяцев назад
Try to secure the core, capture planets near there. Also build up your engine by building moff buildings and mining facilities at aaragu. Build any ISD at Kuat as it gives the best discount. Focus on building up as the empire is a much slower burn than the rebellion is. Hope that helps!
@hunterscott3000 10 месяцев назад
If you're dying for money, I'd secure the Northwestern planets and build mining/trade stations everywhere. It's also the easiest to protect once you clear it of Black Sun and Rebel influence.
@JGenM 10 месяцев назад
Agreed, it's what I did too, Chandrila is easy pickings early on and the fleets around Kuat can join up with the Coruscanti fleets by retreating from Brentaal IV.
@thedoomofred5174 9 месяцев назад
Hope is the opposite of what will help the empire
@Glacier36 10 месяцев назад
Personal Journel, , Neo-Inquisitoris Coruscant I can barely write this first entry, but I do so knowing I have outlasted the others. Long and arduous it was. We had no idea why we'd been 'summoned', a dozen of us pulled from our cells and brought before 'him' I'm sure most of us dare not listen, but I could make out what was being said. About the failures of the old Inquisition, about how, with each of us a clean slate influenced neither by the Jedi or the Sith, we would be better before it all began. The pain was the only constant throughout out training. Lord Vader making it a point to show what failure and defeat would bring even in the slightest thing. The training is merciless, out 'conditioning' ruthless all to find a strength in it all, be it hatred or fear or whatever else. Mine came with Loss. At the end of combat training, at what I thought was a whim, that I be taken for 'conditioning' but that I was to be blinded, during the pain of the session I questioned why? I hadn't done anything wrong and yet I was being punished. And then in that moment my sight was taken did I see clearer than I had since this had started. While the pain lingered my vision had never been clearer. Mine wasn't to question why, instead just clinging to this, to what gave me this clarity of vision through the Force. Whatever I've taken hold of it guides my hand, shows me that which is around me, gives me a focus I never thought possible before when all this started. He pushes me harder but already Lord Vader can see promise in me and one other. By the time our training was considered adequate enough I and the other were granted out status and position as Inquisitors, the Right and Left hand of Vader. The Left would see to our enemies further afield, hunting down what few Jedi remain in the galaxy, either bringing them to heel or executing them in the name of the Emperor. As The Right, I enact Vader's will, keeping those about him in line, hunt down those he deems threats or set me loose at the enemies of the Empire, be they Pirate, Criminal or this Rebellion spoken in hushed whispers. I have seen what awaits me should I fail or be lacking in any of this... and I will not fail,
@SolitarySpade_Davon 9 месяцев назад
Personal Log Reagel Felrin Imperial 457th Fighter Squadron, Flight Lead. Assigned to Gozanti TIE Carrier "Seveneer". "The Kril'Dor Crisis" Well, I did it... I think. A fresh graduate from the academy, ready to serve the empire. Frankly though, not exactly what I'd hoped for. We weren't assigned to a star destroyer like I was imagining, rather, a Gozanti of all things. Well, it is what it is, I guess. I've gotten acquianted with my fellow squadronmates as well as the captain of this Gozanti. They're a lively bunch, I'll tell you. The empire had recently lost it's grip on the galactic north. After the nationalization of various industries, many of the Tibanna-producing mining guilds in the northwestern reaches of the galaxy announced open rebellion to avoid absorption into the imperial economy. They've used their wealth to purchase various mercenary security forces. One such group had set up shop by Dorin. Being so close to the galactic core and costing the empire so many credits, Vader himself was assigned to deal with the growing economic crisis. Local forces too were assigned to his fleet, which, surprisingly, included the 457th. Dorin was taken by these mining guilds alongside a large contingent of mercenaries. The planet, as well as the Tibanna refineries, have been supplying these insurgents with enough credits to keep the mercs around. Vader and the fleet came in first from afar, beginning the bombardment from afar. As the enemy rushed forward to meet us, the 457th were approved to come out of hyperspace. Our Gozanti, the "Seveneer", jumped into the middle of the fleet. Our first bit of action, and we were sent straight into a furball. The screeners took out a large number of our own. We're lucky we made it out of there all alive. The fleet mopped up the rest as the enemy retreated. After the ground battle at Dorin, Vader took his ISD back to Coruscant. Apparently under emperor's orders according to what the captain told us. Gave enough time for us to celebrate our first victory as a squadron, as well as securing the planet ourselves. Command has ordered that this planet become a major chokepoint for us, so this place has been put on high priority. Vader came back a week later, with him a shiny new ISD alongside his own. Now, the fleet was to move on the main operations base these mercs have been operating out of. Kril'dor. One of the biggest sources of income in the galactic north, now a cesspool of mercenary activity. The largest of the merc-owned companies managed to unite the rest as a last-ditch effort to defend themselves. A Carrack was sent in to scout out the area. When it's scouts came under fire, the fleet jumped in. Our orders were to order the mercenaries to surrender in order to preserve the Tibanna refineries for our use. Their response? Turbolaser fire. I gotta admit, seeing an imperial fleet like this should instill fear in anyone. I was rather surprised by this show of rebellion. And so, we simply responded in kind, destroying the station in a matter of minutes. The 457th cheered for a brief moment, only to be thrown back into combat again as enemy reinforcements came in to back them up. Mercenaries, specifically those that've been fighting the empire for... apparently long enough to steal some of our Nebulon-Bs. Not poorly equipped, but even then, our fleet could take them. The 457th managed to score a multitude of kills. I managed to bag myself maybe two or three. Not bad for a new pilot I suppose. Unfortunately, one of their bombers slipped through, launching a torpedo at Vader's ISD. It's shield bulb would become a fireball soon after. I guess that pissed him off enough to order indiscriminate fire on the last two stations. What was left of the mining guild's mercenary forces rushed out to meet us, only to end up in great fireballs of smoke. Our sheer number of TIEs won us the day. Thankfully, with minimal casualties. The 457th made it back relatively intact. I say relatively, as our Foulke, our No. 2, may or may not have lost an entire half of his right wing. Guess Sienar built his TIE tough. One hell of a first two sorties so far. Both victories, both relatively without loss. Though I fear of the next few operations, this squadron seems to be pretty effective. They're still warming up with each other, but they've got each other's backs. Let's hope the next operation doesn't come while we're still repairing Foulke's wing. For now though, Reagel Felrin, signing off.
@alexi4829 10 месяцев назад
A young pilot sits in his Tie, dangling from the belly of a Gozanti. This was the 1st time he'd seen real action and his heart was still racing. He gathers himself, pulls out a small disk tucked into his flight suit, and turns the device on. A holographic representation of a sound wave appears, illuminating the cockpit. "Hi mum, dad, Abbi... You're not gonna believe this, but I just saw Darth Vader! Well... his flagship... but he was right there, I think! I'll get you a picture once I finish this recording "We were sent to Dorin to quell some unrest with the locals, apparently they'd been attacked by pirates. Probably nothing to worry about, just some upstarts upset about something or other." The pilot looks out into space just in time to see Vader's flagship turn around and enter hyperspace. "I guess lord Vader has other business to attend, that picture's gonna have to wait! "We're holding at Dorin for now, I've been told the forces on the ground surrendered without much resistance, which is good. There's talk we'll be reassigned soon to escort some diplomatic effort, we're not being given any details but I'll let you know when I know more and am allowed to talk about it. "I hope I'm making you guys proud." The device goes dark, the message will have to wait to be sent. "Hay Beady, you coming? We're about to get our next brief and then jumping to hyperspace!" A voice from above called. The pilot, Ben "Beady" Donald, tucked his recorder back into his flight suit and scrambled up the ladder and into the Gozanti proper. [[hi! so I decided on a bit of a whim I'm gonna be one of those guys who tells their own wee story inside the campaign, I can't guarantee I'll have something for every episode but I'm roughly following the group of Gozantis currently in Vader's fleet. I'll figure out what happens if that group gets wiped out or split up, both of which are very likely to happen]]
@SolitarySpade_Davon 9 месяцев назад
Welcome to the club, The 457th, my squadron, is also following that gozanti group under vader. Good luck with your storytelling!
@sonofjack6286 10 месяцев назад
Sergeant's Log Week 9 Dorin First time I've done one of these. To anyone who reads this when I am dead, the name is Roland Chas, Imperial Army sniper, part of the 477th Infantry Division, and recently stationed on the newly liberated world of Dorin with the rest of my regiment. It's been crazy these last few years. The battalion I've been assigned to has seen action up and down the length of the galaxy, some of these guys were even KNGs before I was even born. Now, with the Rebellion having torn the Empire into ribbons and forced us into a war on every front, we're forced to try and take back control. Dorin's been our first win against the Black Sun, and word down the pipe is that Vader and the fleet have pushed further north towards Adumar. I'm off to go do my patrol with the rest of the snipers, there's still plenty of pirates around here. Here's hoping I make it through this patrol to the next day.
@jakushkadarkstalker6278 10 месяцев назад
The intro was really sweet. I would suggest you secure the core first and then take the north west area to set up economy with mines and trade stations since it is easy to defend once you clear out the black sun. Beyond that PLEASE do the actual story campaign in the mod. Get that Death Star going!
@Sp4rt4nSl4ya 10 месяцев назад
It'd be nice to see him do the story missions, especially if he does them before painting the map green and not just as an afterthought. Theres some good IR units he never really uses
@Admiral_Grufus 10 месяцев назад
2nd officer’s log 1 We got word to head to Doran and make sure of the mining’s guild corporation. I have a feeling this assignment will go awry, I hope Commander Shed is up to the task
@arielwilson9293 10 месяцев назад
Lianna is the home of Mr. Raith Sienar himself, the man who invented the TIE Fighter. It's fun to make it a fighter production center.
@vayne9247 10 месяцев назад
The map is so big. My guess is this campaign will last for 2 years
@danteinferno117 10 месяцев назад
Especially with the way he plays
@DemonDog17 10 месяцев назад
@danteinferno117 1 ep a week so like 100 weeks 😭
@KaiserMattTygore927 10 месяцев назад
I literally just played a slightly older New Republic campaign, and i'm salivating at playing Empire or Black Sun on this uber sized map :)
@roguejoe 9 месяцев назад
Shack is never going to able to find a damn thing.
@pieter-bashoogsteen2283 9 месяцев назад
It’s so big but I did notice that Aargau and Empress Teta were missing
@cotc4x153 10 месяцев назад
I've been playing this campaign as the empire for a few days now and i love it. The larger map really expands how you go about expanding your empire and the hyperspace lanes are so valuable. Also having that one secluded frotress world so far away from your controlled space gives you so many options
@aactualhuman3704 10 месяцев назад
New year new AoTR campaign, we're starting 2024 off good
@AOD_AnkGrooger 10 месяцев назад
YES! YES! YES! Captain Shack, this is just brilliant. Can't wait to watch your Empire campaign! I was hoping for another Rebellion campaign, but it wouldn't make much sense to do two of them back-to-back. We will, as always, watch this new campaign with great interest.
@zeljkovincetic5725 10 месяцев назад
Don't abandon the Sullust sector, you own Ord Ibanna
@DonSeldum 9 месяцев назад
Yeah - that alone is worth holding on to it.
@riseup3150 9 месяцев назад
The tabana must flow
@edwardbuott9270 10 месяцев назад
Assuming I'm remembering correctly and it hasn't changed, I think it'd be fun if you got the Arc Hammer so you can make Dark Troopers
@devangsingh1689 10 месяцев назад
yep u can :). Dark trooper 1 has a bug where it isnt stealth atm tho
@DRKTROOPER15 10 месяцев назад
Hey that’s me!
@jerehelenius523 10 месяцев назад
@@DRKTROOPER15 lol hopefully you get that stealth generator fixed soon....
@Hingard 10 месяцев назад
Shack don't sleep on the AT-DT walkers, They are very effective Anti- infantry platforms. Especially if you can scout for them.
@heartoffire9995 10 месяцев назад
This is captain Vanek aboard the Imperial star destroyer Resurgence.. the battle of Kril' Dor we encountered a mercenary group that called themselves the Krili Killers.. surprised us with the Devestator and Resurgence leading the 1st Fleet. We captured the system and now the fuel will go strait into our fleet. For the Empire!
@chandlergrammer3590 10 месяцев назад
I’d recommend stacking up research on Byss and Skako Minor for the research speed. If you can get a fleet with Vader and the other ISD, you can take most of the independent core planets, but be careful of Brentaal IV, it has a ground to space turbo laser that will mess you up, so make sure to go into that fighter and win it fast, don’t be afraid to break a station or some ships and retreat, I believe they have a Golan and 2 victory I Star destroyers. Borleias, chandrilla, and Alderaan can all make space mines in the core. Vulpter, Aargau, and Foerost are all easy planets to put mines on in the beginning. I believe raalthir can as well. The AI is also much more passive in this campaign, due to it being a much larger map it takes longer for them to get coordinated and connected.
@mattgolka6266 10 месяцев назад
Captain Golka here to deliver a report of strategic territory to focus. There are two economic sectors of the galaxy to focus on currently to establish a strong economic start. The core - Vader fleet should redirect to Foerost, Vulpter, and Skako Minor. The first two mining planets, and the later a strong location to begin developming new technologies. The western rim - Krildor, Ilum, Jedha. You have already taken Krildor from the reports I have read. The other mining worlds are exceptionally easy to establish dominance and begin extraction, vaders fleets should take Jedha before returning to core for the mining hubs. Thirdly, mining stations should be established. Do not forgot to begin mining Alderaans magma core with a second station Stations at Borleiash galatic north of Corusaunt As well as Chandrilla once you have taken it. As for additional advise I would recommend canceling the new commissioned ISD and place those resources for developing currently held mining worlds that lack the infrastructure. Kessel, Ralltir, and Aargau namely. For a later objective a new front to Mimban and Antar for a another gas giant and mining world is good.
@william_brobrine8975 9 месяцев назад
one of the best part of this series is reading all the stories from views incerting themselves into the campain so awesome
@goldenguardian8753 10 месяцев назад
Operations report 1: Captain Turner of the Imperial Dreadnaught heavy cruiser: Ironsides To say that the Imperial operation has gone as smoothly as command said it would be a brash statement. Upon entering the Dorin system, our fleet under Lord Vader were expecting lightly armed pirates. However, what we ran into was not the pushovers Imperial propaganda had lead many of the new bloods among our ranks to believe. Modified freighters, a slew of old clone wars era and black market fighters. Hell, the bastards had managed to get ahold of an Acclimator as their command vessel. What followed I feel as if will become a costly strategy if employed more often, jumping out of hyperspace in range of their guns, we were simply ordered into a frontal assault. While the Ironsides took minimal shield damage thanks to the Victory 1’s on our flank, the same could not be said for the crews of the Justice and Deviant. Both vessel’s not suited for frontal assaults, took the brunt of the heavy Turbolaser fire from the pirates main guns, both ships were lost with all hands….I’ve survived the tail end of the Clone wars, even if they stuffed me in this old bucket of bolts after my father kept running through the thick of the last war, and now it is my turn. I can only hope commander Shed knows where he’s sending us next.
@canadiangoose9086 10 месяцев назад
1st Lieutenant's log, The ground assault on Dorin was well planned by Admiral Shed. The Imperial Army suffered minimal criminal and rebel resistance while taking light casualties. Nothing we can not replenish. Glory to The Empire, TK-0406
@dazmanguy1116 10 месяцев назад
As someone who also recently started a campaign on this huge map, be sure to focus on your infrastructure and income early even if it means delaying plans. By weeks 30-40 on expert mode the rebellion can start spamming out mc80s so having the production capability to match them in the long game is key. Its painful but I would go through basically all of your planets, find out where your money makers are and invest into them first.
@javiersavala2385 10 месяцев назад
27:25 I'm surprised that the infantry isn't whereing respirators because dorin is a planet nearly devoid of oxygen. This is why keldor like Plo koon also have a resporatin of their own, the can't handle that much oxygen.
@edwardbuott9270 10 месяцев назад
I'm not sure how effective it would be, but I think it would be a good idea to focus on heavily fortifying the choke point worlds that lead to your main core sector, so you can have the core planets focus entirely on income and research. Also I think the Stratagy would fit pretty well with the intros story, where it may not be the best strategic descision, but its what the politically powerful worlds want.
@flayzuh6291 9 месяцев назад
*Private Audio-progress Log #1 | Wing Commander J. Peles, Callsign "Artificer" | 77th Imperial Assault Wing, under Lord Vader* *BEGIN LOG* "You know, it's a surreal experience, all of this. Nobody in my original flight took this little 'revolt' too seriously, even as activity within our own assigned sector mounted. Those typical little anti-piracy patrols diversified, and yet it was so gradual. We went from scattering local bands of Weequays on civilian freighters to fighting Rodians and Sullustans in snub-fighters and ion interceptors. All we could do was attribute it to the local governor; he wasn't particularly well-liked nor well-versed, but my boys never complained: they got to shoot things down nonetheless. But then, those X-shaped freaks arrived. Backed by those hardened bombers. The way they shredded some of the finest pilots in my flight was... disconcerting. "But I never had much time to make my concerns known with the Navy. Hardly a day later, we heard about the Death Star. It, too, was surreal; my crew moped around the ship for hours afterwards. I suspect many had a family member or a loved one on the station at the time. I suspect many people were swayed by its destruction. I suspect even more were swayed towards those who orchestrated it. I was swayed, too. But not towards that rabble. "I wanted to protect the honor of the Galactic Empire, one starfighter at a time. I wanted so desperately to seek revenge for the countless lives lost from the largest act of galactic terrorism this galaxy has ever seen. I think a lot of people shared that sentiment, too; by the time we were done moping, everyone was working overtime with double the effort, presumably spurred on by that burning need to avenge following their depressive slumps. "I figured that mass promotions would be in order, given how many fine men of the Starfighter Corps were lost at Yavin. What I didn't expect was that I'd be called upon to give them out. I was placed at Wing Commander, effective immediately. I doubt it was for any particular skills or experience; seeing how many were lost, it'd be ridiculous to pull from merit now, anyway. More likely, it was because I was leading the fighter squadrons stationed at Borleais at the time, I 'somewhat' fit the description of an apt Wing Commander, and the fleet I was assigned to was passing through the system at the time. It was a stroke of dumb luck, nothing more. But I won't let that deter my efforts. "Especially seeing who I have to answer to, I can't afford to slack off. It's worrisome enough taking orders from this new Commander - 'Shed,' I think his name was - but to answer to Lord Vader himself on top of that is the highest honor, of course, but additionally a terrifying thought. It may not be frequent, seeing as I am many places below him on the totem pole, but I can't help but get that lump in my throat whenever I see him, like for the first simulated combat report I drafted for him and the fleet. "Safe to say, for however long I survive under these conditions, I have a lot cut out for me; I suppose serving as the coordinator of a legion of swarm fighters would have its fair share of difficulties. I've been told not to touch those fancy new Brutes and Punishers, as well as Vader's personal squadrons, so I have that going for me at least, heh... "Anyway, our first few engagements have already taken place. Dorin was a huge slog for the Navy and the Starfighter Corps alike. I got put out there, since Wing Commanders have become a dime a dozen; but, I and several of my men survived, and the Starfighter Corps's greater successes at the nebula and Kril'Dor seems to have placed Navy's eyes off of me for the time being. I wonder if they now look to Commander Shed; his strategies were bold, if a bit... untested, it would seem. Nonetheless, casualties have been low, so I suppose I can't say too much. "On a lighter note, pirate activity around Borleais has eased up; I heard in passing that drug smuggling to the planet was down a substantial amount. It seems like Dorin was the nexus for piracy up there. Funny, how the military can sniff out and eliminate in weeks what the local governor had been trying to stop for years. I wonder what will become of him. "Regardless, I should wrap this up. I have a few drills to organize with the surviving pilots, and we have fresh transfers on the way that need to be brought up to speed. I was able to get a glimpse at a few mobile stations working on the small refineries that got damaged in the chaos at Kril'Dor. If the plan was to supply an income in the north for the Empire, then our objective is complete for now, and I like to think I had at least a small hand in making that happen. "With any luck, I will update this log following our next string of engagements. Let's see if I can make this series of transcripts into a regular occurrence; I'd love to listen back to these someday, wherever I end up." *END LOG*
@questionmaker5666 9 месяцев назад
Remember Alderaan! Remember Caamas! The Empire's unjust actions against them were the biggest acts of galactic terrorism.
@FrostSckullGamePlayz 10 месяцев назад
Fleet Officer Mackinzie on board the ISD Devastator Reporting to the Core. After the battle of Dorin, I couldn't help but notice Vader's liking for Captain Shed, his fast and brutal tactics work against our foes. I suggest we have Captain Shed to lead our new fleet, The 5th Fleet. Now on to a different matter, the known rebels have taken Bespin, as of now this is not a concern, but I suggest we keep them at bay. Taking out a few of the rebel's main systems should do. Next is Lord Vader's push to Ilum is understandable but, not understood by most staff including me. We all agree that yes Ilum would be a good mining planet, but there is no good significance in taking such a planet seeing as the Jedi are dead. I know that whispers of a Jedi Knight named Luke Skywalker run rapidly, but I do not believe there is such a person. I suggest we move and capture Ord Mantell, it's close to the core and a capital shipyard. If the Black Sun were to be a bit more organized, they could build a fleet big enough to punch through our lines and to Coruscant. Though unlikely, it might also help the production of ISDs. Final note: I'm being transferred to the 5th Fleet. Captain Shed if you read this. I hope to see you soon in person. Fleet Officer Mackinzie signing off.
@Ser_Swenfeld 9 месяцев назад
Hell yeah looking forwards to this series! I've been playing the black sun since the update and those mass drivers protecting the tibana gas station were dropped by those little HWK-290 freighter squadrons, its kinda usefull and I like having a few around in the backline but the freighters themselves die easily, and move about as fast as bombers.
@thesentinel1578 10 месяцев назад
"Sir, Captain Shack has started a new AotR Campaign!" "Already!? I wasn't expecting him to start again so soon.... Who has he chosen to serve?" "It's... the Galactic Empire!" "Hm. Well, Glory to the Empire and May the Force Serve him Well!"
@billwilson1943 10 месяцев назад
Shack just got done an Expert Imperial command and the best advice I can give is economics. Early game you gotta secure the core and get access to the high income and shipbuilding worlds in it. Aargau can give up to 1800 credits almost insantly you wanna build worlds like that and Brentaal IV. Secure the core while the other factions are busy to get consistent income for your high end ships. After that head north, the black sun is very weak in the North West, you wanna take Ord Mantell and push hard North and North West.
@vander2976 10 месяцев назад
Super excited to see a new campaign, Highly recommend slogging through Ord Mantel early as it's massively difficult to do it if you wait. And capture the northern part of the galaxy quickly then play the holding game and build up several holding fleets to hold your powerful outer rim planets then start pushing out from the core.
@wowyyyyyyy 10 месяцев назад
I love that you got me into eaw and strategy gaming in general about 8 years ago now? and your still going with it as im trying to learn aotr
@Majorblack 10 месяцев назад
Same, to be fair I’ve been watching EAW videos since I was a little boy around 2006
@mbrower22 10 месяцев назад
From Commander Fog CO ISS Dreadnought To Capt. Shed Sir It is with great please to announce the newest Star Destoyer is out of Space Dock at Kuat. Currently we are under going a shake down cruise within the Kuat System, within the 1-2 weeks we shall be ready to support your Operations as need. Respectfully your, Commander Fog
@elderliddle2733 10 месяцев назад
Lt. Karstov, Storm Commando, Tsar Squad, after action report: We of the Storm Commando Corps saw our first action against enemy combatants today while being assigned to Lord Vader. As expected, Vader wasted no time in taking the fight to pirate controlled sectors to secure valuable resources for the Empire. The action on Dore wasn’t lead by Vader, instead he preferred to harden the troops by sending the Army Battalions with several Pod Walkers. We were ordered only to observe. Without Lord Vader, the captains had to think on the fly. The captains quickly rallied the troops and the fight was over a few hours after hijacking an old Clone Wars Turbo Tower. The captains received medals for their quick thinking. I have to admit, even I was impressed. The fleet action at Krilldor revealed something disturbing. The pirates had allowed strange forces to set up their own refineries for Tibanna Gas. Lord Vader ordered their immediate destruction. As they began to chain react, a response fleet comprised of Correllian ships, and even Nebulons seen with the Rebel cells in the outer rim. Closer inspection of the wrecks and black boxes indicated they were indeed Rebels under the command of the traitor Garm Bel Iblis, the former Senator of Corellia. He and his family have been issued with arrest and termination warrants. Serves the scum right. We will inform you of any more developments, Admiral. Lt. Karstov, out.
@vinipm300 10 месяцев назад
Don't forget to use governors for the -20% build time and clear the rebel guys stealing your credits
@theknave1915 9 месяцев назад
Log#1: Anaxes Training center 45th training battalion: 5th company. KT-534 (Darro Keppen) Begin transcription. I finally got a chance to make a recording. It's been a tough 3 weeks. Tougher than all my expectations. I wonder if this is what Jell felt when he joined the Stormtrooper Corp. But Anaxes is everything he told me and more. This is where the empire's finest are made, and despite the fact every part of my body aches from this intense training, I'm proud I made it this far. Jell...I still miss him. To the rest of the empire, he's just one of the 7 million names going on a wall, a casualty in a war nobody knew we were fighting until this rebellion blew up our greatest achievement. But I lost a brother, a brother I'm never going to play holotactics with, never going to spend a wild night in the clubs of Corescant, never race our speeders through the industrial district. I know my family are in hysterics thinking they will lose another son. Mom won't even speak to me. How could they understand why I have to do this. How could I sit by and do nothing? Currently I'm in the 5th company in a training battalion. It's intense and I haven't the time to make friends. I don't even know have the people here. Perhaps that's the point? Outer rim farm kids, under city street rats. In white we are all imperials. It sounds like something on the holo-vids, but theirs truth to it. Everyone here is training hard to do the Empire proud. That doesn't leave a lot of time to socialize. The only person I've gotten to know, for better or worse, is the drill Sargent. He's old, grizzled. People joke he may be an old clone commando they forgot to retire. But he's seen a lot of combat against the rebellion already. Onderon, Jehda, koboh (wherever that is). He's tough and no nonsense, and he keeps our company busy, usually smoking us when we step out of line. His favorite thing to say is "too easy, trainee!" I have it drilled into my head at this point. It's all necessary, however. We need to be the best. We have to be the best. Lights out soon in the barracks. I'll record more when I can. I hope you are watching Jell, wherever you are. I'm going to make you proud, brother.
@Shipprofile08 10 месяцев назад
Captain's Log Entry #1 I have just been informed that me and my crew aboard the victory class Perserverance have been reassigned to a young promissing commander named Shed. I don't know much about him, but I've been told he obeys orders and can be quite insperational when it comes to his more interesting tactic choices. He has a good record, I'm hoping it stays that way. This is Captain Soban signing off.
@historybyparker 10 месяцев назад
Admiral Tyderius Kilran of the Imperial Navy. Personal log #1. The Death Star is gone. The Rebellion, with some glimmer of luck, took down the most powerful battlestation ever created in modern history. Thankfully, I was not aboard. I was overseeing Patrol Group 8 in the Outer Rim. nce we heard of the destruction, we were one of the first fleets to respond to Yavin. Anyways, I digress. Better to not dwell on the past and the lost souls. Dorin has been the first target selected for our counter offensive. Although not owned by the Rebellion, it's controlled by something even more sinister I fear: The Black Sun. Vader and his "Devastator" are the ones in charge of the invasion of Dorin, as well as Captain Shed, my old buddy from the Academy. I wonder what how Shack is doing. They were one of the few people to accept me for who I am due to my family lineage. I must go for now. The "Emperors Glory" has arrived over Coruscant. The beauracy calls. End log.
@sonofjack6286 10 месяцев назад
I was hoping for Thrawn's Revenge. But, I was hoping to do a story for one of my new Imperial side characters from the recent campaign. EDIT: In terms of war strategy, any useless worlds in the tactical sense should be used for increasing pop cap, so you can keep spamming out even more ships and essentially snowball as the campaign continues.
@legendairenic6247 10 месяцев назад
TR 3.5 is gonna come out before he does TR again 😅
@SiggiGumma 10 месяцев назад
I noticed after you finished the rebellion campaign, that I really like and depend on your content. Weirdly, I felt as if something was missing when you stopped (even though I knew exactly what it was). I am really exited for this campaign and can't wait to see what trouble you'll eventually get yourself into
@traaskew9231 10 месяцев назад
I’ve been waiting for this for a hot minute. I’m already halfway through my play through as the empire. I definitely recommend targeting mining facilities worlds at first to build a rolling economy
@admiral_pisces7935 9 месяцев назад
Moff’s Log #1. Greetings Commander, I have recently been assigned the rank of Moff. I’ll be helping you as much as I can. My resources are stretched thin as I’m also helping the ISB. The pleasure is mine. Admiral Pisces out.
@twister107 10 месяцев назад
Starting with an Arquintens. Nice. Love how it’s starting.
@jerehelenius523 10 месяцев назад
yeah we had arquintance and shed lost it allready... well there is more of them to come and propably lying around somewhere in galaxy lol
@camulusmagnus 9 месяцев назад
Glad to see a new Imperial Campaign; my suggestion is to hold as best you can in the Galactic South, try to hold onto Sullust and Eriadu though, as if the Rebels take Eriadu, there is a scripted event for Malastare and Naboo to revolt and switch sides (at least in a Rebel campaign). Also try to hold as best you can in the Galactic East and move to take the North and West.
@casey8153 10 месяцев назад
Hey shack since you asked, Rendili manufacturing (and all manufacturing bonuses) means ships and ground units made by that industry are cheaper on said planets! So you can specialize on those planets. A good one for the Empire is Ilianna (I think that's the name) in the mon cala sector for TIE Fighters!
@Redclaw340 9 месяцев назад
Looks like you have a good start. I pushed through chandrilla and brentaal first, to unify my main forces. You have gas mines at ord ibanna, and space mines at borleia and alderaan...you can build for easy money. Keepem coming!
@dethmaul73 10 месяцев назад
Love the vids shack. I recommend building a few IPV patrol corvettes. They do great against fighters and are functional bombers when needed with decent speed, I have battlegroups of them instead of running carriers.
@billygrantham5380 9 месяцев назад
501st Journal Week 1 - ISD Devastator TK-2401 - Lt. Blue Star "War never changes" It's happening again. The galaxy is at war. For years we built an Empire that would ensure something like the Clone Wars would never happen again, and in the span of fifteen minutes all that work, all the blood, sweat and tears we put in, it's all on the verge of being rendered useless. The Death Star, the Emperor's ultimate weapon, has been destroyed. This Rebellion has proven itself to be more resilient than even we clones thought possible. For months we treated the Rebellion like a disobedient child. Only for our tolerance to be repayed with treachery on an unimaginable scale. Much of the 501st was still on the Death Star when it was destroyed. Some of those men I'd fought with for over twenty years. Only those of us who were assigned to Lord Vader's flagship survived. Now the whole galaxy is on fire. Hundreds of worlds once thought secure have risen up in open rebellion. It's the very thing we in the 501st have been fighting to avoid. Another galactic war. The Empire faces it's darkest hour now and it's going to call on it's best troopers to see this war brought to an end. Just like the Old Republic called on us during the Clone Wars. The combatants and the reasons why may be different, but war itself never changes. The 501st ended the last war and we'll end this one too. For the glory of the Empire.
@arcticfox5769 9 месяцев назад
Captain Theodric 2nd walker division after action report on dorin. "Walker Kresh and Auric damaged beyond all repair due to the black sun having captured a abandoned Turbo laser array. Walker Trill was critically damaged but can be repaired in total three dead and two wounded, Walker Trills pilot was injured due to a proton torpedo passing right through the cockpit, Walker Auric's Gunner survived but lost his left arm, he is requesting a cybernetic replacement but the lead medical officer sent him back to the imperial medical facility on Coruscant for light duty, all other walkers have suffered minor damage no further injuries, currently put in my request for replacement walkers but due to supply lines being strained we are forced to wait awhile longer on both crew and equipment," Signed Captain Theodric
@Exxtra_Chrispy 10 месяцев назад
Let's go, Shack is back! Not sure if you'd be interested this early in the campaign, but if you take Tepasi (near Alderaan), you can get the structures to build Tagge Battlecruisers, great fleet centerpieces especially this early. Anyways, love the content Shack!
@gabrielluiz2568 10 месяцев назад
Report from Captain Montier Grendell. I was asked to replace the position of the newest Imperial Admiral, Shaq, serving in their fleet. I never expected to reach great positions in the empire, mainly because everyone called me... the beast's favorite. I was saved once by Vader, as a child, that's why I joined the empire. However, I never saw that attitude from him again. Always... merciless and so cold. No, much colder than Hoth. That attitude, which for a moment was warm, I never saw again. I wonder if it was really Lord Vader who saved me or someone else. Another... him? Does not matter. No more. ' I swore to follow the empire to the end and finally found a person worth following. Someone who can steal the late Thrawn's title of best Imperial Admiral, who did not fall for the political schemes that damage this empire, and (call sounds) - Sir, The admiral requests your presence on his ship. -Tell them I'll come right away. Final Report Notation: Given his track record, I have high hopes for whatever he plans as admiral and will do my best to help him in his endeavor.
@AdmiralMiller 10 месяцев назад
Hello captain a little bit of advice Star off by taking some mining worlds in the north west and build imperial population centers to build up your very limited pop cap. Good luck and fair seas
@Bluesixer6 10 месяцев назад
Situation Report: Captain Grizlark of the MGSF en route to Kril'Dor. Our gas facilities have come under attack and we are responding. I believe the attack to be local pirates trying to make a quick buck during the tough times but they are about to get a taste of what the Mining Guild Security Force can do. After action Report: Acting Captain Piru Frizzbain, Captain Grizlark died during the battle. What we thought were random things turned out to be Lord Vader and an Imperial Battle group. Our squadron came out of hyper right into a star destroyer. We had little chance. Lord Vader claims he is taking the mines in the name of the empire. I've ordered any remaining ships to surrender and sent this burst transmission as a warning to any MGSF in the area. Do not resist, The empire will over whelm you. Acting Captain Piru out.
@oskardelitz5651 10 месяцев назад
Regarding research bonuses, a couple planets have those. I believe Byss does too. In my campaign there was one in the core or nearby, you should check that out.
@garrettobrien5197 10 месяцев назад
For the Jump to Expert. Have some story line where there’s a race to get to a shipyard or old abandoned ships. I’m thinking like the race between the Nee Repbulic and Thrawn to get to the Katana Fleet.
@42meep13 10 месяцев назад
I think it would be thematic for your initial strategy to be to secure all core worlds planets, and the major hyperlanes basically their entire length. Also, you should ABSOLUTELY take Rendil, that's the stardrive discount for Dreadnoughts and Victorys. (Victories are VERY nice in AOTR for artillery with mass missiles.) Tepas is another good core world pickup, as they let you build a special unit previously only corpsec got
@Serpentscrown 10 месяцев назад
The time has come for Captain Shack to dispense Imperial Justice to the Galaxy once more
@hunterscott3000 10 месяцев назад
Finally!!!! Im interested to see how you approach the new map.
@maximomartin2529 10 месяцев назад
The return of the Imperial Remnants under Grand Admiral Thrawn!!!
@90skidcultist 9 месяцев назад
Emperor Thrawn!
@maximomartin2529 9 месяцев назад
@@90skidcultist Exactly!
@zacharydees9251 9 месяцев назад
Love the new AoTR map! It's running so much smoother with this update as well!! Captain Shed, I would like to share the value of the Eriadu sector. Not only is it a great planet, but it houses the home planet of our great Emperor at Naboo. In addition, you have the gas mines at Ord Ibanna and you can capture the Zhar gas planet to also gain a new hero ship.
@LemonMan123 10 месяцев назад
Ord Ibanna in the south, one you wanted to abandon, is also a gas giant. So it also has tibanna gas mines, unless it randomly changed from the last map.
@ZambusGamez 9 месяцев назад
Hey Shack, just a small tip on zooming in on planets too close together. If you select the planet you want to zoom in on, then move you mouse over a space area with no planets around, you can then use the mouse wheel to zoom in on the selected planet.
@blackburn1489 9 месяцев назад
plus there is a hotkey to zoom on selected planet. And there is zoom icon near the map, that do the same
@campbellcopt83 10 месяцев назад
You should try to do a Thrawn campaign, heavily focused on cruisers and fighters
@mr.president7190 10 месяцев назад
Happy new year cap Those guys defending the gas platform are private security, when you attack there stuff they have a chance to send reinforcements. Pretty cool, makes the galaxy feel more alive
@tjlnn22 10 месяцев назад
Oh by the way Shack, you should try to take as many of those core worlds as quickly as you can cause they're great for both income (mining and high population) and have some good bonuses. Also on the planet Tepasi near Kuat you can build Tagge battlecruisers if you get a tier 3 station there which are very effective heavy battlecruisers with a lot of fighters and are quite cheap compared to other big Imperial super ships
@seanstanley7224 10 месяцев назад
Captain, I've been watching your content since the original Republic at War campaign, you introduced me to Empire at War and AotR and I've never really commented or suggested anything, but considering it's the start of a new campaign and it's a faction I'm knowledgeable about, I thought I might as well wright an essay. You probably won't see this, let alone read it, but if you do, I hope you can get something out of it. New Map Status: As someone who almost exclusively plays the empire, and has played a full campaign on the new map, let me tell you Captain, the imperial campaign is very different then what it used to be on the old map. That's for two main reasons: There's a MUCH bigger buffer in-between the Rebellion and the Black Sun in-between the core, meaning as the empire you have substantially more time to prepare and build up before either faction tries to kick down the door to the core. The second reason being there is simply more planets in the core, meaning more people to tax, so you can afford far more ships than you used to on the old map. Building Philosophy: This effectively amounts to two conclusions, Captain: First, you have time. As in, it will be 10-15 weeks at the earliest that a core world that could potentially come under attack. In my experience the empire is in a significantly better position now then what it used to be. The Empire can afford to sit and build up its' internal infrastructure without fear of attacks in the beginning of the game. Secondly: And I cannot stress this enough: BUILD INFRASTRUCTURE! Very few worlds in the core start with the Governor's Palace. Kuat, for instance starts out costing over 200 credits a week to fund, it can build up to a tier 3 Imperial Palace, yet does not start with one to begin with. That is free money you are simply not getting. YOU WILL LOSE THE CAMPAIGN IF YOU DO NOT INVEST INTO INFRASTRUCTURE! I am on the ground, begging, pleading to build credit generating buildings. I know I'm being dramatic, but in last imperial campaign, few economic building were built, and by some measure it was painful to watch. The Empire and Rebellion do not play the same, the Empire lives or dies on it's infrastructure, and it will make or break a campaign. Personally, I spent all starting 50k on credit generation buildings and doubled my income up to 9,000 a week. Uniting the Core: As far as strategic advice goes, the first priority would obviously be linking up the core, as Coresant and Kuat start off being cut off from one another. Personally, I punched through and linked up with 2 Tectors and the ISD that starts on Kuat. That's right, I had the time to not only build up Kuat, research tech, and also wait for two new ISDs to get the production line, without a single core world coming under assault. That's what I mean, you've got time, plenty of it. Once was a mad scramble to fortify and build up the core before the hordes arrive from the outer rim, has turned into a comfortable stroll watching the industrial might of the Empire pick up steam. You have time, use it. Potential Early Expansion: You've already noticed it, but the upperleft hand corner of the map is the ideal place for early expansion after the core is in order. There is the tibanna world you've already seen, along with a total of 4 mining worlds: Jedda, Jakku, Ilum, and Aeten. There's is also a tibanna world right in the middle of the core, called Skako Minor. There's also 3 space mining worlds in the core: Chandrilla, Borleias, and Alderaan. Each mine makes 400 credits and there's two per planet. That's a lot of income. The upperleft planets are also sparsely defended, either with local pirates, or anemic Black Sun forces. There is also a world in that region that makes star fighters 25% cheaper. So if you're tired of how quickly TIEs die, setting up a TIE Avenger production facility is an option. Gozanti Sweep: Speaking of which, the Gozanti TIE carriers are not transports. They are why you buy the unit. The TIEs will die instantly, the Gozantis will keep the skies clear of enemy starfighters till the end of time. In any fight, you'd normally want 5-10 Gozanti units. Keep in mind there's two Gozantis per units, so having 20 Gozantis is perfectly acceptable. The Empire's strength lies in their ISDs, keeping them safe from starfighters will determine whether the battle is won. The best part is: Having so many of them means that they can take on anything that the ISDs guns can't hit. Starfighters, Cr-90s, and Hammerheads get overwhelmed and destroyed. Nebulon Bs will get eaten alive. Lancers have nothing on Gozantis. They aren't invincible, even in proper swarms, they will take casualties over long battles, but they will allow your ISDs to get work done. It's generally always a good idea to have too many Gozantis, as not having enough will make your ISDs vulnerable. "But it's spam!" It's strength in numbers, which is a core tenet of Imperial doctrine. The ISDs attack, the Gozantis defend, the battle is won.
@daltonyoung8694 9 месяцев назад
Skyforge is great! It’s so awesome they made you a bunch of clips for your intros!
@NexusNoxCS 10 месяцев назад
YES! AOTR Empire campaign! I don't quite know why, but I always enjoyed the Empire campaigns of yours Cap the most. Starting from the very first AOTR and that modded Stellaris run and culminating in the one where Commander Shed was born. The Rebel runs are always great (and it is easy to feel that rebels are your fav faction Shack, that excitement translates over very well). And that Republic run in Cory's mod was very memorable for me, too. But. Empire just hits different every time. Cheers, Cap! To many more fantastic moments with these amazing mods in 2024!
@loveroffunnyy 10 месяцев назад
1st Journal entry of gunnery captain Tobias. I didn't expect to be re-drafted so soon when I retired the week before the death star exploded, nor did I expect to see three CSF police officers at my door with the draft notice. The death of so many experienced officers must had hit the empire hard. Regardless I put on my uniform and came along with them. After filling out the proper paperwork I was given back my old uniform and placed directly under the command of Lord Vader himself on the Devastator. Now unlike the vast majority of morons that make up the current crop of the imperial officer corp, I happen to know a little bit about the jedi and their treasonous attempt. So I don't know why the emperor chose to make a jedi his right-hand man but regardless I will serve without questioning it further if I want to keep my life. after a while, you become numb to it all. The orders, the firing, the reloading, and after a certain point you fear the lull more than anything else. I've seen so many young and promising men become numb and callousness as well. It's almost sad to know that the men and women under me will fall into the numbness, but in the end, it's just the way things are. After the battle of Dorin I was surprised to learn that the Devastator was ordered back to coruscant per the Emperor's directive. Apparently Lord Vader had a secret mission that required him personally to oversee, and now I know why. Inquisitors always freaked me out, something about them is just off putting, and I know he knows I don't like to be around him, because he always put themselves in the opposite side of the room when I enter. He seem nice, I often try to interact with him as much as I can to get over my silly fear but he always end the conversation when I try to get to know him better. Aim, order, fire, reload, aim, order, fire, reload. I don't think I was this numb when I was the gunnery captain of a victory-II, and it's only getting worse with each passing battle, the lull is still something I fear more than anything else but I will not give up, not now, not ever, for the empire will never give up until the rebellion and the criminal organization known only as the black sun is crashed. Now I don't know why someone thought it was a good idea to target Tibanna gas stations but someone did have that idea and gave me the orders to fire upon them, they probably should have expected local sector security to respond with whatever forces they had at the time. God it's going to be a nightmare to explain to the mining guild and the local sector governor why we attacked the Tibanna gas stations.
@legendairenic6247 9 месяцев назад
‘’I wish there was more unique traits for heroes in empire at war’’ Thrawn’s Revenge does have that
@residentmemberofhell 9 месяцев назад
I Just finished a chungus playthrough over the holiday. The Lib survived Endor, albeit extreemly on fire. As a reward in the NR era, I went in and invited the mod to give her modern E and K wings. Then the scum started doom stacking acclamators. Lost two Republics and three Dauntlesses to more than 40 Acclamators.
@unstopable8205 10 месяцев назад
Biggest recommendation is an early campaign to take planets near Coruscant to build a sort of Empirial bubble to protect your more important planets before moving onto the wider galaxy
@danielcrasnow6345 10 месяцев назад
Instead of North, I'd suggest going South. Consolidate your northern border, then turn south to consolidate the rest of the Deep Core. Then, focus south, consolidating the hyperdrive lanes and taking the territory between The Maw and Rothana. Once that is gained, find the access points and station forces there, whose job will be to fight back whatever invasion force is sent against you. Then, pick a direction and go that way. That part is up to you.
@crispy8436 9 месяцев назад
Admiral Isaacson of the ISD Manticore: We were accompanying Vader into the outer rim to secure hold of a group of mining guild operators when a defense battle group showed up outside Kril’dor. It seems they mistook us for pirates and sent their defense team to their graves. No matter, their hulls will make for profitable scrap metal.
@samuelvoegelin7249 10 месяцев назад
YAY a new campaign for a new year! I would suggest Shack to watch out for rebel sympathizers and Black Sun corruption as it hides amongst your planets easily (Corscuant). Look at each planet to see where you can build mines (theres a alot for Empire). Also check the whole map at the begininng and end of each episode so that you can see how the galaxy is changing and how your outposts are doing. Anyways goodluck and I am here for the long haul!
@AdmiralDailee 10 месяцев назад
Hell yeah! Doing my own campaign right now, and I'm loving it! Thanks Captain for showing me this game and inspiring me to try youtube!
@mattpestinger1330 10 месяцев назад
Wave tactics as the empire is a lot of fun lol, I did a campaign and every attack was basically a couple of AT-ATs and a whole load of infantry, heavily relying on bombing runs and bombardments
@joeproctor1433 9 месяцев назад
I started my campaign last week. My early fleet comp is 3 ISD's 2 victorys 4 gozantis Then 3-5 arquitens. My strategy is to use the ISD's as the front line with the arty pieces firing from distance. The gozantis and fighters are to cover them Then from bombers etc. I did go the same route as you as well then tried consolidating the Core. Last time I played, I just have Skako Minor left to attack Then all Core is mine. Would recommend attacking Foerost as its a good planet yo have and can connect up to your Byss army and fleet. Looking forward to seeing your empire grow 👌🏼
@Thechannelthatexistsforcontent 10 месяцев назад
For the past months I watched the AotR rebel play through during lunch, I eat my lunch now as I watch it
@TempestsFist 9 месяцев назад
I love the story heavy approach to this campaign it definitely feels unique to your past ones.
@josephehlers2007 10 месяцев назад
Shack you have multiple planets that can build mines already, like Kessle (which can do orbital mining to), one in the core, and a few others, and Zhar is also a planet you could take with the sullest fleet that has tabana gas, along with ord ibanna, which you own. Lots of money for the grand fleet 😃
@captainkeyes1523 10 месяцев назад
Check Malastare you start with it and it has mining facilities to increase income. Kessel should as well as does Alderan. You did good taking the gas giant in the north for more tibanna gas mining but you already start with some planets that could be producing more credits for you, so make sure you take a second look around
@mboop127 9 месяцев назад
I wish I had the stomach to watch you play the empire; I loved last season. Good luck with this one, and I hope you'll consider a new rebellion campaign at some point!
@Glacier36 10 месяцев назад
Well buger me, I was not expecting this to kick off the new year!
@starwarsking3087 10 месяцев назад
There is a magnifying glass in the mini map that you can click to zoom in and out of a planet that you have selected. I've ran into the zooming problem many times and it's best solution I've found. There's also 7 planets in the core where you can build mining facilities, some are on ground and some are in space.
@thedude7104 9 месяцев назад
Your best bet for ground combat is the mobile artillery, I think they are called AT-P. They are perfect against the many infantry the rebels and black sun will employ. You will need a heavy vehicle factory and the first heavy research but they will be vital
@MajorHickE 9 месяцев назад
If you're going to turn planets like Ilum into mining planets (and you absolutely should), make sure to include either an imperial outpost or garrison troops there to discourage raids. I've found that a T2 outpost (or T1 and a well-rounded garrison) is enough to keep the rebels from raiding your mining planets. It's also a good idea to include the trade hub in space; it'll boost the planet's income as well as any income from traders.
@RoyalFusilier 10 месяцев назад
Very excited for this one and looking forward to brjnging security and stability back to the galaxy from all these criminal elements.
@itheo1549 10 месяцев назад
In terms of earlygame fleets, i found 2 ISDs, 3 or 4 Dreadnaught cruisers up front, for arty Victories or Arquitens, and a wolfpack of 3-5 Carracks (they can melt any ship in an instant, but they will have to be microed well) Optionally, a Ton Falk or 2 if I'm fighting the rebels.
@JonathanPer_JackHammerSalm 10 месяцев назад
New year, new campaign thanks shack
@modernviking721 9 месяцев назад
An agent from the ISB comes marching into the bridge "Commander, my scouts report that credits are being syphoned from imperial territory to the rebellion. Corusant herself has been plagued by rebels. At your command we can send an agent to quell this dissonance." *There is a smuggler working on Corusant, isb agents can clear them out and stop them from syphoning credits.
@andrewgross144 9 месяцев назад
I was thinking about the Shack and Shed “lore” for this, and I thought of something that is my new head cannon for the big differences of the two. Shack fought with Coda all throughout the Clone Wars, while Shed did not. Shack could have turned out like Shed, and Shed like Shack, if their places were swapped.
@Cptwulfe 9 месяцев назад
[Report on Southern force operational strength] "Captain shed i am writing you to inform on the operational strength of our southern forces and to give you my final verdict on removing our space forces to aid in northern expansion, while i agree with your assessment of the need for more naval forces in the north to deal with the black sun, i must remind you of the active issues in the southern regions. The Rebellion is growing in size and strength and i am almost certain they will attack the moment they see the opportunity. We are very short staffed on our naval force but I trust you'll make the right decision on the matter and i eagerly await your decision." *Signed Captain Wulfe of the venator Old Hand*
@jesshansen9201 9 месяцев назад
Love all your videos and your ability to tell a story really make you feel like your apart of whatever game your playing, lol I know this will be out of place on a Star Wars video but just saw this meme and had to laugh cause I think it fits you, it’s say what your favorite warhammer 40k army says about you. Astra Militarum 100% chance your a ww1 ww2 buff. Always cheers for the underdog. Probably a starship trooper fan. 85%chances you think “fix bayonet” jokes are funny… Anyway if you hadn’t already seen that meme thought your like it.
@wendalllee7061 9 месяцев назад
A little advice. There's a Venator at Byss. You can hyperspace that to Foerost and retreat. That should add a little firepower and fighter coverage to the main battle group.
@evarn5664 10 месяцев назад
Make a fleet of old, clone wars era ships, full of venators, acclamators (can build them at Rothana), arquintens and a clone wars era ground force linked to it.
@jumpshot244 10 месяцев назад
Get your initial fighter research done. The TIE Avenger gives pretty good bang for the buck. Also need to find somewhere to build your rocket STs so you can deal with early game armored units in all the neutral factions.
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