
Jack Reacher Teaches An Arrogant Guy Manners Scene - Reacher (2022) 

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Reacher Clip - Diner Brawl (2022) | Stream the series here ➤ amzo.in/show/0z6/reacher-2022 | Subscribe ➤ abo.yt/ki | More KinoCheck.com/show/0z6/reache...
When retired Military Police Officer Jack Reacher is arrested for a murder he did not commit, he finds himself in the middle of a deadly conspiracy full of dirty cops, shady businessmen and scheming politicians.
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15 дек 2023




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@AdelGarvin 4 месяца назад
That look on his face when he said "being too violent"
@majas4922 4 месяца назад
And the kid didnt get the hint
@Mediados 4 месяца назад
That's the look that tells you someone is one bad day away from becoming a murderer.
@psychee1 4 месяца назад
It's the way he doesn't blink or break eye contact that absolutely cements it. You know Damn well he meant it.
@BigSkippy1263 4 месяца назад
@kylrapture 4 месяца назад
@@majas4922 He got it, but is arrogant enough not to think it matterted. His mistake:)
@CaneFu 4 месяца назад
Jack Reacher does to bullies what we all wish we could if there were no consequences.
@user-fb1dr1pv7e 4 месяца назад
В 1948-1951 годах Израиль принял более 800-900 тыс. евреев-выходцев из арабо-исламских стран, многие из которых (особенно евреи - бывшие жители Ирака и стран Магриба) вынуждены были оставить свои страны, бросив имущество, перед лицом нарастающей в этих странах волны антисемитизма. Как заметила британский еврейский журналист и один из организаторов Ассоциации евреев-выходцев из стран Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки в Великобритании "Хариф", Лин Джулиус, сегодня в арабских странах проживают не более 4000 евреев. Это все, что осталось из многих сотен тысяч, которые в середине прошлого века еще проживали на территории современных арабских и иных мусульманских стран, где они оказались после падения Иудейского царства 2500 лет назад, то есть, примерно 1300 лет до прихода туда самих арабов. И еврейский исход с этих земель 40-е - 50-х гг. прошлого века, который стал крупнейшим потоком немусульман в регионе Ближнего Востока до массового изгнания иракских христиан во время "арабской весны", заметно превосходил число лиц, которые хоть как-то могли претендовать на статус мигрантов из бывшей британской Палестины. Таким образом, в известном смысле между Израилем и арабскими странами произошел своего рода "обмен населением", что было широко распространенным в первой половине ХХ века способом разрешения этнополитических и этно-религиозных противоречий. (Другие примеры такого же рода - обмен населением между Грецией и Турцией после Первой мировой войны, и Индией и Пакистаном в 40-50-е гг. ХХ века). Причем, в отличие от палестинских арабов в большинстве арабских стран, в Израиле евреям-выходцам из арабских стран было предоставлено полное гражданство - равно как и арабам, оказавшимся на его территории после окончании Войны за независимость (и уже на выборах в 1-ый Кнессет в 1949 г. участвовали арабские партии). Потому, хотя Израиль, как современное либеральное и цивилизованное государство, совместно со всеми арабскими странами готов взять на себя определенную гуманитарную роль в устройстве потомков "палестинских беженцев" там, где они проживают, или же в переселении их в те страны, которые пожелают их принять, с его точки зрения проблема беженцев закрыта. Заметим, однако, что в отличие от двух первых аргументов - что Израиль не является ответственным за проблему, которая возникла из-за агрессии арабов, стремившихся уничтожить еврейское государство, и не несет ответственности за то, что эта проблема законсервирована - этот третий аргумент долгие годы в Израиле звучал минорно. Важнее, было то, что на подобную схему были ни при каких условиях не согласны сами палестинские арабские лидеры, для которых принятие концепции "обмена населением" означает закрытие темы "палестинских беженцев", подрывающее ключевое звено "палестинской идентичности", а с ним их претензии на власть и ресурсы. С другой стороны, теоретически можно себе представить, что тема признания арабскими странами ответственности за исход евреев и присвоение их собственности, которая сильно усложняет их находящимся в капкане своей многолетней пропалестинской риторики лидерам задачу "продавить", на уровне местного общественного мнения, идею сближения с Израилем, парадоксально может стать и решением данной проблемы. Если дело будет представлено таким образом, что Израиль готов "поучаствовать в расходах", то есть, снять требование о передачи стоимости оставленного евреями имущества в обмен на экономическое устройство палестинских арабов и снятие "палестинской проблемы" с региональной и мировой повестки дня. Разумеется, здесь имеется и моральная проблема, причем уже на еврейском поле. Собственность огромной массы погибших в Катастрофе европейских евреев невозможно вернуть наследникам за неимением таковых, и эти финансовые или материальные ресурсы, в случае реституции передаются на нужды местных еврейских общин или Израиля, для распределения среди переживших Холокост и пострадавших от нацизма. В отличие от них, на конфискованную в арабо-мусульманских странах еврейскую собственность имеются или могут быть вполне конкретные претенденты - чьи права на нее могут быть документально намного более обоснованы, чем большинство аналогичных заявок арабов, на, якобы, принадлежавшие им дома в Хайфе или Цфате. Евреи арабских стран "не ждут компенсации за утерянное там имущество, но рассчитывают на извинения и признание вины за причиненные им страдания". А уже в рамках этих пониманий, Израиль и еврейский мир, судя по всему, сможет найти способ учесть и материальные претензии конкретных еврейских семей. Не исключено, что моральные и материальные права евреев арабских стран могут стать таким объединяющим еврейский мир фактором на нынешнем этапе
@StephenKershaw1 4 месяца назад
it's basically what us Patriots do to trump supporters...
@MakeSomeNoiseAgencyPlaylists 4 месяца назад
just watch Trump. No consequnces ! Still not in jail....sad story this so called justice ssytem in America....democracy may soon be over
@EugeneSSmith 4 месяца назад
@Amaan_Ahmad_786 4 месяца назад
In Real World , There is a Daddy above every Reacher guy out there !
@Between_Scylla_and_Kharybdis 2 месяца назад
That first slap will never get old
@erichancock4618 2 месяца назад
slapped him like the little bitch he is lol
@spiritless07 Месяц назад
The sound KJ made looooool
@jlau9268 Месяц назад
​@@spiritless07 That was perfect dude! 😂 all the more satisfying!
@josephgarcia2979 Месяц назад
Now that's the kind of slap which is capable of taking down an elephant.
@robertacosta957 29 дней назад
That's what I called a BITCH SLAP 😂
@Hissingsid658 4 месяца назад
Never insult a guy who looks like he can snap you in half
@user-iw5ow5lf4s 3 месяца назад
This is not what a vigilante does
@alexb6234 2 месяца назад
The world would be better if we could just stop at "never insult a guy".
@1941392 2 месяца назад
Teddy bears for @alexb
@denieddenied2018 Месяц назад
i can snap you in half ;)
@jflinn7401 3 месяца назад
"You knew I'd see your truck right outside, a work truck whose bed has never had anything in it other than a keg" What a great line.
@gavinvales8928 3 месяца назад
True for most North Americans these days
@sgtpepper1138 2 месяца назад
@@gavinvales8928 Drives me crazy. I use a truck, as a truck. The bed gets used.
@CoachPiuze 2 месяца назад
like most of the truck son the roads that just burn fuel for nothing and hide the view on the road.
@mgmoody42 Месяц назад
@@gavinvales8928 Only for truck owners with more money than brains.
@user-gu4dh3du2x Месяц назад
"But what you DON'T KNOW is how it feels when I hit you." Jack reacher doesn't raise his voice. He stays icy calm. That scares me more than yelling and raging. When someone is raging mad and they stay calm like that you best look out and get somewhere. FAST.
@jamesboswell760 4 месяца назад
One of the most satisfying scenes in the entire series so far I just wish the fight hadn’t gotten broken up so quickly.
@JustAboutAnything66 4 месяца назад
The fact that he bitch smacked him is what did it for me.
@krisaaron5771 4 месяца назад
What fight? That was a good ol' fashioned ass-whippin' and daddy's little boy was just about to get his butt spanked for trying to play with the big kids! The worst thing a parent can do to a child is protect them from the consequences of their own mistakes. Daddy did him no favors by stepping in -- Reacher was going to give him a few bruises and a sore ego, but eventually the kid will mouth off to the wrong person and the guy will pull a knife or gun on him.
@user_1abc 4 месяца назад
you've read all our minds.
@adamabele785 4 месяца назад
Reacher said it: The whole thing was a setup to lure him into a situation that gets him arrested. It is not by accident that daddy lured around the corner and the barkeeper was willing to testify without being asked. The little ahole bully felt quite secure that nothing can harm him, but he at least got a bit of a dress down. In the end he proved to be the villain in the story.
@roseymalino9855 3 месяца назад
His M O!
@codtrend8868 4 месяца назад
That slap was personal 🫥
@heineken1956 4 месяца назад
Alan surprised me the first time I saw him on screen in an actual acting role and not as "third muscle guy on the left." I expected a stunt man who was given lines, but his acting chops are quite obvious and he brings a depth to his characters that is quite remarkable.
@wallyman292 4 месяца назад
Love this show, and you're absolutely right about Alan. He was made for this role! Sure does it more justice than Tom Cruise ever could! Not saying anything bad about Tom. Just that at 5'7", 180 lbs., he's definitely NOT the character Mr. Child wrote in his books!
@papercuthappinnes4468 4 месяца назад
@@wallyman292 Cruise is just an another cute face on an every 80-s girl's bedroom wall.
@dougamundson6836 4 месяца назад
I really have to agree. Not a lot of lines, but he sure delivers them well. And his body language is really good. REALLY good.
@hellsmaniacs 4 месяца назад
if you only know Richardson as "third muscle guy on the left" you seriously need to expand your library dude....
@dougamundson6836 4 месяца назад
That's not what I meant. I just meant that he does not talk much (strong, silent type, from old movies). He delivers his lines really well and does a great job in physical scenes, not just fights. @@hellsmaniacs
@Dctctx 5 месяцев назад
Reacher slapping KJ was so damn satisfying
@nevbillett7554 5 месяцев назад
Is that because your a pathetic scrawny little runt who fulfills your fantasies vicariously
@elizabethlacky6068 5 месяцев назад
@toyshanger8945 4 месяца назад
Should be a punch
@nevbillett7554 4 месяца назад
@@toyshanger8945 your bumhole will be the same shape as my boot if you don't shutup
@t.ruththeblack 3 месяца назад
The Good Slap!
@diamondsnake1273 4 месяца назад
Reacher: "You knew i'd come in here and cause a problem that would get me in trouble" Also Reacher: cause a problem and gets into trouble
@ChaotiX1 4 месяца назад
he doesnt get into trouble. Theres no consequences for this guy, even when it involves the police. This whole show is a "do whatever I want" power fantasy.
@diamondsnake1273 4 месяца назад
@@ChaotiX1 True. He is a bit of Mary Sue.
@ChaotiX1 4 месяца назад
@@diamondsnake1273 not to nitpick, but when its a male, its called a Gary Stu. But you're right, he is unnecesarily skilled at everything, to the point of being cringe-inducing. And the audience doesnt care, they love this character too much to complain about it. Old jack reacher was twice as good as this musclehead fanfiction.
@herbderbler1585 4 месяца назад
@@ChaotiX1 if by "old Jack Reacher" you mean the Tom Cruise version, perhaps you're unaware they're both based on a book series, and this TV show is much closer to the source material.
@ChaotiX1 4 месяца назад
@@herbderbler1585 just cause YOU THINK this show is closer to his book counterpart doesnt make it any less shit. Old Reacher was an excellent detective and could still handle himself in a fight, vut he had his shortcomings (no pun intended).
@stinkstank5177 4 месяца назад
This scene never gets old!
@markasteelsr.5990 4 месяца назад
Up there with Charles Bronzon Death Wish!
@scottperrier8574 4 месяца назад
I agree 💯
@waaynneb1808 4 месяца назад
nearly reason to watch this show to see that punk jr get his ass handed to him
@StephenKershaw1 4 месяца назад
yep, teaching a trump supporter who's boss... like we patriots do in real life
@scottperrier8574 4 месяца назад
@@StephenKershaw1 Yep. Slapped him like a bitch 🤣
@buffalosoldier19d42 4 месяца назад
This scene is a lesson to all bullies. If you get called out, make sure the guy punches you. A punch you can explain away. But, a slap across the face will be talked about for ever. And not in a good way.
@jameylawson8743 4 месяца назад
You're such a dork.
@TheWelchProductions 3 месяца назад
It’s not that deep.
@sashaman1234 3 месяца назад
@@TheWelchProductionsfound the bully 😂
@TheWelchProductions 3 месяца назад
@@sashaman1234 How am I a bully?
@RLAjabs 2 месяца назад
@@sashaman1234 its really not that deep. just a random guy on youtube spinning his own fan fic. much like you're just a random guy on the internet regurgitating a generic comment, and using an emote.
@lukeknowles5700 2 месяца назад
Even after watching each season of Reacher twice, any clips are still quite enjoyable.
@dougamundson6836 5 месяцев назад
Reacher keeps using his elbows. SO cool!
@hellbound2012 4 месяца назад
Jack Reacher Round
@7thsonofa7thson80 3 месяца назад
Harder impact and protects his knuckles
@servingitcold5107 3 месяца назад
All about efficiency
@7thsonofa7thson80 3 месяца назад
@@servingitcold5107 harder hits,less chance of damage to himself.
@hellbound2012 3 месяца назад
@@7thsonofa7thson80 jack reacher round
@earlcheatham9152 4 месяца назад
Looks just like Patrick Swayze..but bigger and more incredibly violent!! I love IT!!! Continue ossssss!!!
@liw213 Месяц назад
I believe that they should have cast Alan Ritchson as Dalton in the reboot of Road House.
@nomanulislam7263 2 месяца назад
Thanks to the director for making that face so much slappable
@jimanderson3191 23 дня назад
Love the books Tom was okay in the movies but that is Reacher.
@cynthiawilliams5090 22 дня назад
Yes agree Tom Cruise is a good actor unfortunately he just didn’t fit the character physically as portrayed in the books this actor completely nailed it
@incub8 3 месяца назад
At 3:22 and 3:24, an excellent job at showing proper trigger discipline. So many shows don't illustrate it properly or promote it. Kudos to the producers and those responsible.
@noelmoodley2003 4 месяца назад
That slap was GOAT
@woncho1 4 месяца назад
Season 1 was/is just amazing. There’s not many season 1 of any TV series 1 is this good.
@bradd4607 4 месяца назад
brother, you need to watch a show called banshee, most underrated show ever made, and season 1 is unreal. the first 30 seconds of the pilot will have you hooked alone
@ChaalanCustoms 4 месяца назад
Spartacus Season 1. Thank me later.
@Pedro_Le_Chef 3 месяца назад
​@@bradd4607banshee was decent but not even in the same ballpark as Reacher.
@bradd4607 3 месяца назад
banshee is so clear lmao @@Pedro_Le_Chef
@helmuthmassat 4 месяца назад
Loved this season. Loving the current one.
@genegeoffreymiraflor581 4 месяца назад
Like father like son. Truly!
@JFDSmit-rm6tw 4 месяца назад
Great example of when people see only the part they (want to) see, and not the build-up to the event.
@dwreck2468 4 месяца назад
The slap😂😂
@jamminjimmy3848 4 месяца назад
@jorgeisaacdoblesmata9137 3 месяца назад
3:00 That was a slap we waited all season long.
@denieddenied2018 Месяц назад
Ive waited to slap you for years.
@boss290t 3 месяца назад
Why is Reacher’s face so picture perfect in every scene
@eyeseer1 4 месяца назад
Reacher didn't overreach, he had his hand on the pulse.
@adriancressy8363 4 месяца назад
LOVE this REACHER series on Prime video
@mugenfiji0327 4 месяца назад
I bet you do bot.
@peytonmac1131 4 месяца назад
"I never liked you, don't make me prove it" is kind of a cool line.
@ZazaNugget_ 2 месяца назад
This isn’t just some random arrogant guy, its a guy who really loves fire
@user-ml6xn9ti5x 3 месяца назад
He's a good actor.❤
@billmerkle2677 4 месяца назад
Politicians need this type of course correction.
@LIL_Dave1964 4 месяца назад
Especially the Democrats......
@JBofBrisbane 4 месяца назад
@@LIL_Dave1964 especially the Republicans that would give free rein to a potential despot.
@la_old_salt2241 4 месяца назад
​@@JBofBrisbane Poor little snowflake.
@user-gu4dh3du2x Месяц назад
Letitia James, Judges Engeron, Chutkan, McAfee, and Merchan, Swalwell, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, Omar, T'laib, Maxine Waters, Liz Cheney, Jamie Raskin...a whole bunch of them need a Jack Reacher-styled course correction.
@ptertaintv 4 месяца назад
Good series, hope it gets a third season.
@scottblanco5991 4 месяца назад
They’re filming the third season now
@ptertaintv 4 месяца назад
@@scottblanco5991 If true that's great news. Thanks for the info.
@ONTHEEDGEFRED 25 дней назад
Seems like I read somewhere It should be available for viewing by November.
@ChironZore 4 месяца назад
love this show
@brewster102 4 месяца назад
So mucher better fight scenes in this season than the 2nd
@ericostling4727 2 месяца назад
One thing nobody really noticed in when reacher sat down took food of the plate and ate it’s a brutal alpha move
@Elflightwarrior 4 месяца назад
Jack Reacher is a walking weapon!💣💥💣💥💣💥💣💥💣💥
@strattuner 2 месяца назад
LOOKS LIKE REACHER is a force of nature,ALPHA LION
@bethhellings5409 Месяц назад
I love this character. I love Alan! That stare! ♥️
@jimratliff2753 3 месяца назад
Now that's the type of justice system the courts should use to treat all those shady characters.
@michaelamegatcher7855 4 месяца назад
This ain't over. Anytyme you wanna dance 😂😂😂
@user-gu4dh3du2x Месяц назад
I loved the prison scene. "You're in my house now and you didn't ask permission."
@drummerrck 2 месяца назад
Just here loving that he only slapped them dudes, no punches.
@DCM8828 4 месяца назад
Stephen Segal in the famous bar/pool hall scene deflected a guy's jab and simultaneously nailed him in the face with the elbow. I think the elbow is an underutilized and underappreciated resource in times of trouble.
@OldGuy555 4 месяца назад
I am not a fighter, and don't claim do be able to do shit, but I listened to Paul Vunak and Sifu Singh There are ranges. 1) out of range 2) kicking 3) punching 4) trappng (elbows, knees, headbutts) 5) grappling (biting, eye gouging)
@indiana146 4 месяца назад
Hardest part of your body
@itzanopinion 4 месяца назад
and this is the 2nd time he's used his elbow against someone else (that I remember) the 1st one being in S1 in the jail cell.... :-)
@Au60schild 4 месяца назад
​@@indiana146Your source?
@smellsuperb1 4 месяца назад
Many martial arts disciplines teach the use of elbows in multiple scenarios.
@kevinbarkema1666 2 месяца назад
Such a fun character.
@rob6996war 3 месяца назад
That slap felt so GOOD
@harrytuttle8161 Месяц назад
@MrBendylaw 4 месяца назад
'Being too violent'.
@ewfz70 4 месяца назад
I would like to see Jack Reacher teaches Homelander some lessons
@ricaard 4 месяца назад
So that Homelander explodes his head with his eye lasers?
@JasvirSingh-fd6fp 4 месяца назад
What if Butcher give him the V first and then they start ..oooo
@jakefoley9539 Месяц назад
Ironically the actor who plays Homelander also starred in Banshee which is basically a much better version of this show.
@azcharlie2009 3 месяца назад
America could use a few Jack Reachers these days.
@razorsharpsmile 4 месяца назад
Reacher for president!
@mick9088 4 месяца назад
Lov how he uses his forearm. In most of his attitude adjustments.
@Pianoman999 3 месяца назад
Yeah - it's a like an oak 2x4
@user-gu4dh3du2x Месяц назад
I love how he took care of the carjacker!!!
@QuantumJJean 4 месяца назад
we need more Reacher and more Equalizers
@user-gu4dh3du2x Месяц назад
Equalizers? Which one? Denzel or Queen Latifah? 😁😁🤣🤣😎😎
@cindydott452 3 месяца назад
I can't wait to see season two. Waiting for the library to get the DVDs or Blu-ray! That's how I saw season one!
@Howlrunner82 4 месяца назад
Reacher uses "Slap" 😂😂😂
@wtpence4731 4 месяца назад
Need to Crank out a Whole lot More Reacher movies !!!
@phillisrosenthal4160 Месяц назад
One on the best scenes 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 especially the last few minutes!
@t.ruththeblack 3 месяца назад
Great show to learn ass-kicking! Cuz sometimes you gotta haul ass, sometimes you gotta kick ass!
@BitcoinSucker 4 месяца назад
This is a high quality show; It's making a lot of movies look second-rate.
@AirForceFalcons_9922 4 месяца назад
Most streaming movies do. I don't understand WHY the movie industry keeps making sorry movies. Please don't get me started about the 100 sequals and 75 re-do. There are no fresh ideas and about films anymore. As far as new movies go, about 3% of them are original. I'll stick to my streaming services. I'm guaranteed to see excellent content.
@BitcoinSucker 4 месяца назад
It's not a movie though @@AirForceFalcons_9922
@TheBluesnbob 4 месяца назад
most new movies are garbage with Woke undertones.
@higgsmerino3925 3 месяца назад
@@AirForceFalcons_9922 Just like this silly remake of a remake.
@4985boo 3 месяца назад
@TeamJoseph84 3 месяца назад
that slapped factory resetting back to future ....
@tomyoung9834 4 месяца назад
Don’t mess with Reacher!
@curbyourshi1056 2 месяца назад
You don't mess with the special investigators.
@user-gu4dh3du2x Месяц назад
You don't mess with the special investigators of the 110th!!!
@garryhorsepower3190 4 месяца назад
I am watching season 2, Reacher is so much bigger and meaner. Pity the bad guys
@suzukirocket02 Месяц назад
Not sure what's funnier. The way he slapped him, The way he grabbed a butterknife to stab someone that just easily whipped 3 people, or the old guy in back that grabbed his glass of beer so it didn't get spilled 😂
@RaulieAbreu-xs4kb 2 месяца назад
I don't know man that skinny dude stood up to Reacher better than anybody else I've seen. Give him that much credit.
@ronaldviens7862 Месяц назад
I think you mistake cluelessness for bravery.
@lukenukem2441 3 месяца назад
When that 3rd scoop of pre-workout really kicks in!!
@michaelking2582 4 месяца назад
PATRICK IS BACK !!!!!! The guy looks like Swayze, his moves are like his, mannerisms, everything !! At least they got someone BELIEVABLE instead of 5' 6" Tom Cruise !!!!
@vvenkat111 4 месяца назад
yeah TC did well inspite of being 5' 6"
@EeeEee-bm5gx 2 месяца назад
Swayze 🤢
@Hupomone 2 месяца назад
Perhaps the greatest slap ever.
@Pumbaa856 4 месяца назад
Having the terminator music come on after he said “violence” would be hilarious.
@Waltkat 2 месяца назад
Or Doom music....
@Vicki1930 4 месяца назад
He's really bulked up for Season2 ❤😊
@charlenepelar4840 2 месяца назад
Yep ur exactly right about that man
@ryano7459 4 месяца назад
“Attacked” like father like son 😂 then “started tearing up the place” fathers friends like sons friends 😂
@MKF30 4 месяца назад
Alan would be an amazing Hawkman honestly. He's the perfect size, build. And he has the experience for superheroes being Aquaman and Dove before. I think he said he wants to be Superman but I doubt that will happen, I can totally see him as Carter Hall.
@burtturdison4445 4 месяца назад
He kicked the dude into the wall with a table hahaha
@mugenfiji0327 4 месяца назад
Yeah, it's called using your brain. Something you obviously cannot do...
@anwarrazali4447 4 месяца назад
Reacher whoop some candy ass
@iRonlMoNKleY 3 месяца назад
Gotta love all the "Jack Reacher teaches ____________________" series of kids videos.
@johnhallam1192 4 месяца назад
He good - reeaal good
@Honey-Sanchez 2 дня назад
Old man Slattery. Damn. I thought we'd heard the last from him.
@wildskel6350 4 месяца назад
I l0ve this series, my 0nly beef is that when Reacher whacks s0me0ne they c0me back f0r m0re, and I reck0n if y0u g0t whacked by him, y0u'd stay whacked.
@user-rs8gz9us1g 3 месяца назад
Fine Elbow Techniques.
@wildpurple005 4 месяца назад
Slapped him like daddy never did 😆 Will smith got nothing on reacher
@331SVTCobra 4 месяца назад
Sorry to Cruz fans, but this actor is a far, far better Reacher.
@countryjoe3551 4 месяца назад
Without one single doubt.
@mugenfiji0327 4 месяца назад
Nobody said he wasn't. Your pathetic need to point this out is based on the fact that you can't decide which one is better. You're the only fucking comment in this in entire comment section saying anything about Tom Cruise's version of the character. Grow the fuck up and stop posting bullshit in the comment section just to feel included because your own parents don't even want anything to do with you. Fucking dipshit.
@JBofBrisbane 4 месяца назад
Darn straight, but... *Cruise.
@genesmith3251 2 месяца назад
ya Cruz did not make a good Reacher at all, just not believable
@cindyj5522 2 месяца назад
SOOOO much better than the second season.
@gavinvales8928 3 месяца назад
The best part about him is you can tell how nervous he is by how much he talks
@RAHIEM69D 2 месяца назад
This show deserved an oscar for Best smack in a television series 😂😂💯
@tiredofit1429 Месяц назад
Now I have to go watch a couple of his movies
@hellbound2012 4 месяца назад
Jack Reacher Round
@myname3960 4 месяца назад
he fuckin slapped him!!!!!!!! lol, epic!! had to watch that twice!
@Hable_3 4 месяца назад
Played college football. It really is Thad who turned into the Reacher. Confirmed! LOL love blue mountain state man. Wish they had more seasons of that shit
@garyfrancis6193 4 месяца назад
This is just modern Rambo.
@franksmith9647 4 месяца назад
Roscoe is 🔥
@tensor8804 2 месяца назад
Damn, this slap
@BEN14680 3 месяца назад
he dont mess around lol
@charlenepelar4840 2 месяца назад
I think that you are so beautiful and so kind and so thoughtful I really love you
@jackgrimes-wl8fb 26 дней назад
This from the first series. I liked the second series too, but the first one was best.
@ryano7459 4 месяца назад
Nothinn else needed to be said and I’m glad the director new 😂
@vincentmiconi1869 22 дня назад
I am upset that there are insufficient numbers of Reachers out there to provide all the karma required to keep everyone on the right path.
@InternationalBrit 22 дня назад
That’s skilled acting.
@tomaszzajac9139 5 месяцев назад
Drugi sezon jeszcze lepszy
@tomaszzajac9139 4 месяца назад
@Rick-or2kq 2 месяца назад
Dad's a politician his character is right on.
@2whl4re Месяц назад
Picks up a knife, and holding the knife straight out as far as he can reach. Not much of a threat there, it can only go backwards. A snake only strikes when it's coiled.
упс 😎 #анюткамалютка
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