
James O'Brien dismantles caller saying social care rules are 'fair' | LBC 

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@jaydee2982 2 года назад
This woman's attitude is exactly reason the tory have got away with 10 years plus of terrible governance. I despair.
@alexanderlipowsky6055 2 года назад
Abt 700 years... indoctrination is a hound
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
How has it been so terrible? You don't know do you? You just believe anything that the left tell you to believe don't you?
@McKamikazeHighlander 2 года назад
"I've worked harder than them" "No, they've worked harder" "How?" "18 hours a day in a coal mine" "...OK, that is different" lol
@davidjacobsen308 2 года назад
@D C And receiving an inheritance and not paying lots of one's income back in loans.
@jackkruese4258 2 года назад
And how many people have worked in coal mines in the last 30 years ?
@Subjagator 2 года назад
@@jackkruese4258 It was an example, and I think you know that. Replace coal mines with farming, or fishing, or long haul truck driving or nursing or social care etc... All of them jobs with long hours, poor working conditions and/or requiring hard work, yet also all of them not well known for building large amounts of family wealth. The premise she is basing her entire argument on is that if you have money, you must have gotten it by working hard; and if you don't have money, it means you must not have worked hard at all. Those are the only two options and everyone either fits into one category or the other. It is a massive over simplification of the problem that ignores so many other important factors in an effort to justify her position.
@orangeisthenewblack1012 2 года назад
Dont think anyone these days people work 18 hours in a coal mine not in a modern society but i totally agree with james.
@ArashRezaee 2 года назад
@D C if everyone works "smarter" no job will be done in society.
@kb4903 2 года назад
Work hard does not equal more money. Cleaners work hard but won’t ever be millionaires.
@mcjs8640 2 года назад
@LoudaroundLincoln 2 года назад
Builders, carers, cab drivers, soldiers. I'm sure there's more than them who work hard and won't ever hit 7 figures.
@tigs6639 2 года назад
@Lincoln D, yeah the cleaning *company* may do well for itself, but the individual staff earning minimum wage are never going to become millionaires are they.... That's the point. Cleaners, carers, people who work really hard for very low pay....it doesn't matter how hard they work at their job, they could pick up all the overtime available to them and miss all their children's birthdays and just work work work.....they're still not gonna get very far on a minimum wage are they. But you're right, there's definitely profit to be made, it just isn't distributed fairly to the people doing the brunt of the work.
@fritzhenning1 2 года назад
@Lincoln D But running a business means you are not cleaning. You are employing cleaners (on minimum wage?) to do the actual cleaning. Show me a millionare cleaner who is doing all the cleaning themselves.
@callaghan8347 2 года назад
@Lincoln D not millionaire ones, like what was the original reply
@sharonramsey715 2 года назад
Most of the newspapers are full of Johnson’s Peppa pig today, while a Bill such as this will hardly be noticed. What has happened to this country? This government is killing it and most people are blind to this fact.
@gerryh61 2 года назад
Cult of celebrity or in this case cult of a dangerous narcissist.
@TheMontyfire 2 года назад
Yes the peppa pig speech was designed and all planned out to add a smokescreen to this new policy ,Johnson knows exactly what he’s doing ,all scripted
@Janos23 2 года назад
@@TheMontyfire Yup, it's not the first time he's done this kind of thing either.
@Janos23 2 года назад
Sadly thats how it is. The right wing media and the right-wing government enable each other in one big toxic loop that eats away at the entire country and everyone in it. And the ironic bit is, it'll usually hit the ones said media have trained to bark in support of said government first. Ironic but also genuinely tragic.
@7ookee 2 года назад
are you not entertained?
@glennog 2 года назад
I heard this live, my jaw was on the floor. It beggars belief that people can be so selfish and utterly blind of their own privilege.
@LoudaroundLincoln 2 года назад
@Lincoln D bet you weren't saying that when the banks were getting bailed out.
@Keepinitreal61 2 года назад
@Lincoln D we get it you don't like anything O'brien says. But pepper pigs mate, BoJo is fine. 😂
@GusMcGuire 2 года назад
@Lincoln D How was this 'free money'? Everyone's income tax has gone up. We have inflation pushing prices up. It was something that we were all going to have to pay for. Some money was given to those who really needed it or else they wouldn't be able to keep a roof over their heads and would be out on the streets or even more reliant on benefits (i.e. this 'free money' you seem to think is being handed out). Would you rather have a society where those most in need don't receive help, or do you just feel aggrieved that we're not just chucking people out on the streets to die, cold and hungry, in the gutters?
@pete_lind 2 года назад
​@Lincoln D Banks are publicly traded companies , if they fail solution is bankruptcy and all that is on the CEO and the board of directors . All savings are insured up to 100 000 , so who cares if some rich people lose some money , 99 % of people would not lose a penny , when a bank goes belly up .
@funkitup2660 2 года назад
@Lincoln D Define "free money"?
@greymane4030 2 года назад
This woman's lack of self awareness is blinding!
@casperwallace9685 2 года назад
Its because they only think of themselves, its a Tory trait.
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
@@casperwallace9685 Yawn.........................................................
@casperwallace9685 2 года назад
@@davekelley4076 Dave if you can't converse like an adult...... Don't, you just embarrass yourself.
@josephde-haan1074 2 года назад
It's poor critical thinking and generations of propaganda. The wealthy tell us they deserve and earned their position and tell us what is fair. They also have the power to influence legislation and define what is deserved and fair. If only they followed this logic through to the obvious outcome that they also have earned the equivalent penalty for the level of harm and damage they have also caused. Maybe then they would walk themselves to the inevitable guillotine.
@casperwallace9685 2 года назад
@@josephde-haan1074 Correct the elite get taught debate and critical thinking, the poor do not. A sheep spends its entire life being told by the Shepherd to fear the wolves, only to be eaten by the shepherd in the end.
@bp6639 2 года назад
It's amazing how people who have been fortunate enough to be born at a certain time and to have bought a property at a certain time and place are convinced that the growth in their assert is because of their hard work. What has the massive growth in property values in certain parts of the country got to do with an individuals hard work.
@smellslikethinice1107 2 года назад
They were told by Thatcher...and they desparately want to believe.
@m_b4 2 года назад
​ Exactly in the 70's the average house was £4000 now its £266k 65 times higher due to inflation. The wages for the average person have only increased 20 times over the same period... These people haven't worked harder, they own an asset with a limited supply. Unfortunately the difference between wages and house prices will continue to grow with debt being used to buy houses and the governments money printing.
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
@@m_b4 Owning a house is far from the be all and end all. it's not money in the bank, you can't spend it, the best you can do is hope that you can hand it over to your children before the government steal it from you. For that, your children will be eternelly grateful, and hopefully stop crying about how unfair everything is.
@smellslikethinice1107 2 года назад
@@m_b4 it was a middle class scam... and now they want to take credit. The middle and upper classes highjack everything for profit.
@joecater894 2 года назад
the house market will crash and crash hard when banks stop lending cheap money.
@nickshale6926 2 года назад
That was literally trying to reason with the living embodiment of The Daily Mail. In all it’s shrieking, nimby, Pearl clutching hideous glory.
@areyoustupid..... 2 года назад
Talking to the living embodiment of a self righteous Guardian reader!
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
And how old are you? 15?
@jackzimmy8461 2 года назад
@@davekelley4076 Nah, probably just under sixty. Daily Fail is a hate-rag designed to keep old women living in fear, shame so many middle aged men fall for it, too
@shiralleehaggart72 11 месяцев назад
Typical Guardian reader BS.
@brianbale9511 6 месяцев назад
No your Allegedly being influenced by a narcissistic
@sebastianbaynes9452 2 года назад
Her entire point is based on the grand idea that the value someone's assets is directly proportional to how hard they've worked over the course of their life, which, well, isn't entirely true...
@manckrank 2 года назад
Its not true in any way.
@andrewrobinson2565 2 года назад
You need to have bought to be smart enough to have bought, however.
@andrewrobinson2565 2 года назад
@@manckrank Do you own a property. I bet you don't 🤔.
@mariogmajner6549 2 года назад
@@andrewrobinson2565 And the person with the £60,000 House voted Tory, irony.
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
@@mariogmajner6549 I very much doubt that but you keep on telling yourself it's true if it makes you feel better.
@bearnecessity3242 2 года назад
Sad to know people like this woman live among us with these kind of views. The false idea that wealth = hard working and lack of wealth = less hard working shows a real lack of awareness for those outside her own bubble. The truly sad irony is that the very people who are likely to have lower value assets are the types of people who would be looking after her in a care home, working on minimum wage to look after someone who regards a system that will potentially see them lose all their assets in the future as fair. What a disappointment to listen to
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
The truth is that someone who is working in a care home would never want to be the wealthy one who they are looking after, because there is so much more to life than assets or wealth!
@bethankrzowski4553 2 года назад
This happened to my nanna and grandad, my grandad was the hardest working man I'd ever known and my nanna the hardest working woman. She had a terrible beginning and they fought every day to continue and raise their family, so did he. He worked three jobs whilst renting an allotment to grow fresh vegetables and keep animals, giving the grandchildren the most wonderful times there. When my grandad was told he had terminal cancer his daughter who was my mother, had just passed away with cancer. Right up until when it was no longer possible he worked, then took redundancy and the money he gained from that he saved for my nanny who deteriorated quickly after her daughters and eventually his, her husbands death. The money was all spent on her care because the social care system demanded it and I had very little to offer at that point which I curse myself for because if I could've done something I would, I really would. My grandad worked so hard that 4 days before he died in a hospice he was paving the pathway of the outside of the house to "make the garden nice for Nanna for when he was gone". I'm in tears typing this, he loved her so much and she loved him too, 5 am she would get up and at 6 his breakfast was prepared, she practically raised me and many other children. No one can tell me that people with less money have not worked as hard. Their house was sold eventually to pay for their care and split between the two children that survived them, I will miss them forever they made my life (which could've been entirely tragic), quite beautiful.
@ryanjonathanmartin3933 2 года назад
Pretty funny and hypocritical that the Bible preaches that one be humble even with wealth and yet so-called "Christians" will be the first ones to treat poor people badly because "they didn't work hard".
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
@@ryanjonathanmartin3933 Grow up for God's sake.
@iamdihan 2 года назад
As I climbed up and earned more the less I have to do. I had to work much harder at my first job at McD's on £1.55 an hour
@ThePereubu1710 2 года назад
"if they own their home they aren't poor"? What planet does this person live on?
@darksidedebbie 2 года назад
Planet privilege
@1inchPunchBowl 2 года назад
@Lincoln D What has the avarage got to do with it? Plenty of properties worth a lot less. Average prices is a very flawed yard stick.
@bjrneirikstrkersen1021 2 года назад
And the median?
@sk00p 2 года назад
@Lincoln D why should people pay for the poor? If you want rich to pay for it fully then remove assistant for people who can't afford it to.
@fritzhenning1 2 года назад
@Lincoln D I paid £3,250 for my first home. We moved on a couple of times since then. My current house cost £22,000. It is now worth £650,000. I've worked sooooo hard (selling insurance) that I deserve keeping more of my money than someone who owns a £90,000 house and has paid NI and taxes all their lives.
@kathymarie6049 2 года назад
This lady is so self important.
@ronniesimpson9141 2 года назад
If you have a house worth 150 thou you will save 70,000. If you own one worth 500,000 you save 420,000.simple.
@david-pb4bi 2 года назад
@@ronniesimpson9141 Yes, that is actually it, not sure if the presenter got that fact over very well.
@readingfcdec 2 года назад
Ladies and gentlemen. I present a Tory voter
@angelicking2890 2 года назад
If I were earning a lot of money I'd vote Tory in a heartbeat so it's no wonder she voted Tory. The only sad part this is her not acknowledging how selfish she is , I would if I would her and just say I don't care. That would be the most honest position.
@Ukbrummie 2 года назад
Ladies and gentlemen I present a brexit voter
@fishandchips9033 2 года назад
@@angelicking2890I wouldnt vote for the Tories even if I was a millionaire as I have compassion for others. .
@mistert800 2 года назад
@@angelicking2890 well that's a bit sad. If I was well off I'd vote for the party that did right by everyone, even if I had to pay in a bit more to make that happen. A rising tide lifts all boats, which is what people who are so individualistic and self-centred seem not to realise
@RockyScorcese 2 года назад
@@angelicking2890 I earn a lot of money and have never or ever will vote Tory
@MrCsifan55 2 года назад
My parents owned their home yet after paying the mortgage gas and electricity struggled to put food on the table for themselves. Anyone who thinks owning your home mean that your not poor think again. Don't make judgements on what you have no clue about. Great job as usual James.
@susanharrisdemorales3446 2 года назад
It really annoys me that rich people think they've worked harder than poor people who are sometimes having trouble trying to make ends meet even though they're doing two jobs. I guess any other attitude would mean admitting that the whole system is proportionally unfair.
@jenny2tone242 2 года назад
Well said, gets me mad too 👏🏻
@helenwebster6020 2 года назад
Well it’s down to the fact that we live in a society that considers wealth accumulated to be a sign of success.
@brolly2612 23 дня назад
also why look down on the people who work there way up
@Roman500 2 года назад
Wow 18 hours in a coalmine and extra shift in the supermarket. And shes like, well…. Thats a thing 🤣🤣
@dismalfist 2 года назад
18 hours? Luxury! Back in my day we used to work 19 hours in t'furnace. Inside it. When it was on and that. And then 14 hours down t'cyanide factory in quality control. We'd pay 128% in income tax and that's a thing. I forget what point I was making but it made more sense than that lady at least.
@HelenaBlack80 2 года назад
The state pays for her care while she passes a million quid to her family and keeps them rich while the poor stay poor and the cycle continues just like they want it to.
@dawnmills5567 2 года назад
And the people who care for her working their fingers to the bone 🦴🦴🦴 gets 🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜 and the family who couldn't be bothered to care for her at all, gets millions for doing nothing. While she dies thinking that those hard working people weren't hard working at all, because they aren't Rich.
@HelenaBlack80 2 года назад
@@dawnmills5567 Absolutely spot on! This is exactly right and the fact that they don’t see it another example of their sheer disdain for working people. They stay rich while the poor care for them.
@carlforsyth9870 2 года назад
The fairest way to resolve this would be to cap social care costs at 25% of your assets. If you have an ex-council house in Darlington worth £30k, the most you'll pay is £7,500. If you own a £3 million mansion in Chelsea, the most you'll pay (albeit unlikely!) will be £750,000. That's fair. But the Tories don't like fairness. They want the poor to subsidise the rich which is happening here.
@sk00p 2 года назад
How is that fair? Fairest is everyone pays the same. what next, extra 25% to pay for transport if you're rich?
@CarlsTechShed 2 года назад
@@sk00p But paying in proportion to your wealth is fair. It’s why a cleaner on minimum wage pays less income tax than an architect on £150k.
@sk00p 2 года назад
@@CarlsTechShed that artitech pays more in tax, why should they have to pay more for care on top? Inheritance tax someone who has more, will lose more What would happen before was the person would slowly use all their money for care until they don't have much to give and get it free (which benifits low house priced areas more). My grandad was in the specialist bit after he fell ill, less than 1 year and was around 4k a month.
@CarlsTechShed 2 года назад
@@sk00p It’s simple economics; those who have more pay more. If, as you suggest, somebody fritters their money away and by the time they’re 70 have nothing left then yes the state pick up the bill as they would with healthcare. But if you are lucky enough to have £3 million in assets, why should you get away with paying the same for your care as the person across town who lives in an ex-council house worth £100k? The arguments you put forward were already dismissed 30 years ago when the Poll Tax (community charge) was introduced and then replaced with council tax, because asking a millionaire to pay the same £50 a week that the retired coal miner had to pay IS unfair!
@sk00p 2 года назад
@@CarlsTechShed Why are we talking the fake amounts like 3million? London's average wealth is £356,400(A), UK £172,00(B). Why should A pay more than B for the same care? The person with 3million isn't going in a care facility, they would just hire their own.
@bonytenn2908 2 года назад
What a horrible, selfish product of the Daily Mail.
@bonytenn2908 2 года назад
@@Craig121000 how sad that you waste your money on the Daily Mail. By buying it you are condoning it.
@bonytenn2908 2 года назад
@@Craig121000 the cost is your integrity. Look beyond what you read
@bonytenn2908 2 года назад
@@Craig121000 yeah of course you do,
@OrphanAnnie10 2 года назад
This is levelling up 🤔 Selfish, heartless woman.
@bigpants6121 2 года назад
The caller has no real idea of what she is agreeing to with the new Social Care rules.
@blairrobert3438 2 года назад
They suffer from groupthink. Its why they are easily programmed by the right wing media companies like in the states. Utter morons.
@Ron.S. 2 года назад
I’ve listened to it live and obviously she isn’t that cleaver… but the only thing she could have said is “they’ve paid much less tax that I did”. In any case, I think both should pay. Just no cap. So they sell their home and once there’s no more money then it’s free. She will keep on paying
@sofoclesconfucius8277 2 года назад
My ex wife used to say, stop using logic in your arguments it’s doing my head in!!
@petertownsend2255 2 года назад
I see why she's your ex 🤣🤣🤣🤔
@harveysmith100 2 года назад
Fact and logic should be banned in arguments.
@SirAntoniousBlock 2 года назад
Homer Simpson: Bah facts, you can use facts to prove anything.
@charlesthoreson4162 Год назад
@@harveysmith100 trump would love usable idiots like you
@richardc6269 2 года назад
It would be comical if it wasn't serious. There's too many of them though!!
@mungomidge1090 2 года назад
I've often found in life that people with very strong opinions are normally wrong.
@MattOGormanSmith 2 года назад
That's your opinion >:)
@areyoustupid..... 2 года назад
You just described O'brien!
@chatham43 2 года назад
Beat me to it..but he's on the button on this occasion...so a stopped clock...😊
@donnaw4249 2 года назад
That's a strong opinion.
@hayzed9491 2 года назад
What a complete nonsense statement. Well done you.
@hmq9052 2 года назад
I remember when Homer Simpson worked a full shift at the nuclear power plant, then worked in the Kwik E Mart. He got 2 seconds sleep. This woman works harder than he did.
@twoonswig3667 2 года назад
@Lincoln D says the guy too busy commenting on every thread on a video he fiercely opposes :’)
@dub_dub1504 2 года назад
@@twoonswig3667 I bet Lincoln is about 15 with sfa else to do.
@mathieuleader8601 2 года назад
Lisa's Pony
@risingstar7161 2 года назад
Just because people have less asset value doesn't mean they haven't worked hard. Apart from the anarchy of the the housing market creating vast differences in property values (which has no bearing on how hard someone has worked anyway) people on lower incomes work hard if not harder than those on higher incomes.
@michaelpower4372 2 года назад
It's the ordinary low payed works that make these people rich. I bet she goes to Tory party conference with designer handbags & clothes and turns her noise u at ordinary people on security and things like that. She sounds like it.
@kirishima638 2 года назад
i know so many people who are home owners though inheritance and yet they don't work and claim benefits.
@erykaton170 2 года назад
This call makes me think of all the physical laborers. Those who work long hours, carrying heavy loads, on their hands and knees, wearing out their backs and all their joints, in the worst heat and the worst cold, taking risks with their bodies. The government says now we're going to take your house, since you're old and worn out and can't work that job anymore, but hey you'll get the healthcare you used to get. Sacrifices must be made, you know. Oh that guy over there, with the big house you probably built for him, he gets to keep his home and get healthcare. Why? He made more money than you, so obviously he must have worked harder. smh
@m_b4 2 года назад
The rich have assets and stocks, the poor maybe own a "cheap" family home. The rich borrow against their assets at lower interest rates to fund their lifestyles and if needed their potential care bill. The poor after a lifetime of low wages, credit cards and medium-term loans will have to sell their family home (likely a right to buy ex council home). For the Rich the cost of borrowing money against their assets is basically free, allowing them to buy more assets. Whilst the poor pay can pay up to 1400% APR depending on a debt just to live. Money printing and Inflation is theft from the poor, hardest hit by reduced purchasing power, increases in fuel and grocery costs + increased national insurance contributions. The wealth divide is growing bigger by the day.
@mariogmajner6549 2 года назад
And the person with the £60,000 House voted Tory, irony.
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
The rich are rich, the poor are poor. GET OVER IT.
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
If they bought a council home they got it for 50p.
@mitsterful 2 года назад
I'm wary of automatically assuming that money printing leads to inflation because it depends what the money printed is being used for. If the BoE does a big round of QE only to purchase paper assets from big banks and investment firms then it doesn't really affect PPP, but it does inflate asset prices for the Rich. Inflation can often be better for the debtor class than the creditor class, which is why rich people hate inflation so much. It's possible to print money as long as your limit is inflation, and it's also possible to print money for the benefit of the Poor rather than the Rich. We print money but it never trickles down into ordinary people's pockets. I don't think the inflation we're seeing now is as a result of money printing because most of Covid was paid for through borrowing, not QE. Otherwise I agree with everything else in your comment.
@mugogrog 2 года назад
Let's not forget that wealth generates wealth as well even without any of what you stated. Stocks for instance pay dividends such that if your fortune is big enough your fortune will simply increase at a higher rate than you can spend it. Taxes function as a wealth distributor and works against the tendency of capital to generate capital and I'd go so far as to say that it's perhaps the most important function of them. This is why it makes sense to tax capital rather than labor. Sweden has gone a route that is not working and that is that the taxes on capital has gone down overall and income taxes have gone up, this hits the working poor worst while it doesn't distribute any wealth from the big capital holders because capital holders don't gain their wealth through income, they gain it from capital growth.
@bleaklow254 2 года назад
So under the Tories those with the most modest property assets will lose most of it, while the better off get to keep most of theirs. No surprises there, then.
@sk00p 2 года назад
You realise house prices are based on the area and what's around it.
@7ookee 2 года назад
People actually voted for this policy specifically, so you can't just blame Johnson for it. This is a British as pie and chips.
@abegarfield7638 2 года назад
@@7ookee People also voted for Thatcher, they all deny it now, but they did.
@mariogmajner6549 2 года назад
@@abegarfield7638 And the person with the £60,000 House voted Tory, irony.
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
As opposed to the present, even worse situation, yes. It's a start. it's an IMPROVEMENT. You can't deny that. It's been put in place to help people.
@kanedNunable 2 года назад
basically southerners are going to benefit massively on this. what a surprise
@sk00p 2 года назад
That's cool, because it was the opposite before. Northerners assets not paying for the care and getting it free 👍
@tedcrilly8411 2 года назад
it is so sad such selfish people exist....... these people should 'read the facts' , 'think about it for a time' before they speak!
@michaelpower4372 2 года назад
Shes the tipe that if u were trowing out a toothpaste tube squeezed to the Last shes say theres more toothpaste in there.
@smellslikethinice1107 2 года назад
Johnson depends on a minority of people like her. We need proportional representation, but we won't get it...
@rhodrijohn7411 2 года назад
Voting altogether is now irrelevant, you can't change the system by playing by the systems rules, just look how the system reacted to Corbyn asking the rich to pay an extra £50 a month
@smellslikethinice1107 2 года назад
@@rhodrijohn7411 precisely...yes politicians are low life, but it's ultimately the people who are to blame
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
Losers always say that! And then when they eventually win, they go quiet on the subject.
@rhodrijohn7411 2 года назад
@@smellslikethinice1107 you ant blame people for doing what their TV tells them to do, they're not aware they're being controlled.
@smellslikethinice1107 2 года назад
@@davekelley4076 winners and losers, LOL. With people like you of course the tories win. And what have you won,LOL, apart from being mouthy behind your computer.
@MrSatnavatron 2 года назад
She represents more than half the Country -- scary fuking thought
@siversurfer3541 2 года назад
The English electorate, is f****n dangerous in it's actions and intent.
@OrphanAnnie10 2 года назад
It's frigging terrifying.
@SirAntoniousBlock 2 года назад
Just a few are like her, but there are many who want to be like her.
@hayzed9491 2 года назад
When you phone in to a national radio show to make it clear you can't support your own opinion.
@marktrotter8971 2 года назад
And as the government intended - we are all sat arguing over what is rich and what is poor, and how hard we have all worked to get there, instead of looking at why the care system doesn't work, why the government has no intention of fixing it, and what a decent responsible caring government (if we had one) should be doing.
@cardiffgiant9406 2 года назад
Exactly, while the masses are arguing and saying 'He doesn't deserve as much as me', it is keeping the attention away from the government just as they intended.
@mariogmajner6549 2 года назад
@@cardiffgiant9406 And the person with the £60,000 House voted Tory, irony.
@michaelpower4372 2 года назад
Johnson cares, patil cares, gove cares, mogg cares, reab cares, and so on they all care. ABOUT THEMSELVES.
@lawlor88 2 года назад
The biggest issue facing the UK today is a sheer lack of empathy for other people. We are living in a society where all we think of is “me me me” with little to no consideration for others who are worse off. Sorry state of affairs
@neilg6675 2 года назад
Tory councillors should have to announce who they are when they go on phone ins to defend government policy
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
Ditto Union Activists (always pretending to represent proffessional organisations never openly admitting their massive left wing bias).
@yetidodger6650 2 года назад
she's a typical tory, doesn't care about anyone apart from herself.
@hailstone2554 2 года назад
James some people will never have enough money so they will still both want more and to keep more of it, it's called greed pure and simple.
@manckrank 2 года назад
Its called entitlement.
@hailstone2554 2 года назад
@@manckrank what do you mean they are entitled to it or they think they are? 🤔
@abegarfield7638 2 года назад
@@hailstone2554 They think they are. It's a sense of entitlement.
@mariogmajner6549 2 года назад
@@abegarfield7638 And the person with the £60,000 House voted Tory, irony.
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
Poor them, most of them will never be happy. Same as those who moan about them having loads of money! Get over it. Money isn't so important.
@neilfreeman5824 2 года назад
Why do so many people start with “I work hard”?
@nicjfrancis 2 года назад
The lady doth protest too much, me thinks
@formibleformer1452 2 года назад
James O’Brien making perfect logical sense. Wow.
@rogergreen2695 2 года назад
It is now ingrained, because it used to be the Christian idea that one should be mindful of your fellow being- (Samaritan behaviour) but today its 'I'm all right, give me some more greed.'
@davekelley4076 2 года назад
What are you talking about? What has that got to do with this discussion?
@lime187 2 года назад
These are the people who vote for bojo
@stevenpremmel4116 2 года назад
If you give a tory voter the choice between giving everyone the same or a small group getting the most, them being given less and others given even less, they will choose the latter.
@dekmackie 2 года назад
Iv'e seen this all my life, the folk that actually do the hard graft (the backbone of the country) are taxed to the hilt. While rich have financial advisors to find every tax loop possible to exploit.
@andrewwalker3312 2 года назад
Typical tory, Im alright jack!
@KristianKumpula 2 года назад
Seems like someone forgot to insert a keyword rich description.
@mrdaveythebaby 2 года назад
My parents died at the age of 62. Can I have the money they paid into the system back? They worked very hard. 😉
@fishandchips9033 2 года назад
David So sorry to hear that you lost parents when they were young. 62 is not old at all.
@mrdaveythebaby 2 года назад
@@fishandchips9033 thanks, that's kind of you to say. They had a full and loving life. We all have our trials. I consider myself to have a blessed life.
@ImranAli-od5el 2 года назад
This will ultimately effect the people living in the North of England where property prices are much lower. They only have themselves to blame it’s they who voted for the Tory party because Borris was going to get Brexit done.
@manckrank 2 года назад
Yes, people in the North loaned out their votes to Johnson at the last election. Next time they can take them back.
@Rowanie 2 года назад
And also younger people to that are coming into the job market. Earning smaller amounts and trying to save for assets such as house which is basically impossible anyway
@matr1724 2 года назад
Not this nonsense trope again, most in the North of England still voted for other parties, (in 2019 62 lab/libs returned to 42 for tories across NW/NE regions) the vast vast bulk of votes for tories (like with Brexit) comes from the South, why do voters there never hold any responsibility for this shower.
@slayerrocks2 2 года назад
People who examine and consider BEFORE coming to an opinion, can explain why they hold their position. Unfortunately, in these times, people choose a 'side' to support and defend, based on nothing other than who they choose to listen to, and their prejudices. This caller us a case study of this phenomenon.
@cardiffgiant9406 2 года назад
Confirmation bias is a thing
@davidjacobsen308 2 года назад
The reason why Scandinavian countries are so successful is because they put a lot of emphasis on community and they don't mind paying high taxes for the benefit of the community. Anglo-Saxon culture is just selfish in comparsion that is why Brexit as a Tory smokescreen is taking us back to Victorian times. I hope we don't look like Johannesburg in South Africa one day where all the middle-class and wealthly live behind electric fencing to keep the 'others' out!!
@1inchPunchBowl 2 года назад
lol These people have no shame. Imagine coming onto national radio & trying to defend it.
@kogikashakunin4683 2 года назад
We might not agree with her, but let her finish her point, it's common courtesy. You kept interrupting her.
@Dogsgrove 2 года назад
@bonsaitomato8290 2 года назад
Ugh, people like this are everywhere in America and they get listened to. 😂
@angelalord6269 2 года назад
So the Tories - encouraged everyone to buy their own home at a time when mortgage repayments were 13% so now they want to take them back from those people to pay for their care at the same rate someone who was fortunate in playing the property market and have substantial properties and can well manage to downsize if they get hard up - how is that fair. No-one wishes to have to go into care and for families to decide it is necessary is the hardest choice in the world to make. The only thing that saved my parents home was the fact that my brother was disabled and living at home. Without that their small 2 bedroomed bungalow that they both worked so hard for would have to have been sold to pay for the care.
@al-rediph 2 года назад
Outsider perspective: First, the UK gov made a Brexit deal which stopped the freedom of movement with the EU and kept the EU immigrants out of the UK. And the people liked it! Because they are not immigrants. Then the UK gov decided that Corona is over, and went after GPs, to force them to see patients face-to-face or face consequences. And the people liked it! Because most of them are not GPs. Then the UK gov decided that people with lower-value homes and few savings will have to give up most of what they have, to fund their care. And the people like it ?!? Because most of them are not affected? The "attention" is moving faster away from immigrants and EU to British people than I thought. Who's next?
@sk00p 2 года назад
Why is every solution people have is to make people with money spend more? Why should anyone pay anything for care, sounds like the NHS is responsible for the people who payed tax all their life.
@jamesadams9611p 2 года назад
Thanks tory voters.... Bell ends
@g8wcn 2 года назад
Destroyed; it's amazing how someone can claim entilement based on there own performance assessment, yet others under performed in there eyes and therefore are not entiled.
@humzalovesyoutube9285 10 месяцев назад
I couldn't stop laughing on this one 😂😂😂
@ecwfanatic 2 года назад
You can tell she's selfish by saying her parents are poor while she is rich. I was brought up that a rising tide lifts all ships and if I had her money I wouldn't leave my family to be classed as "poor".
@peterporkeresq.2817 2 года назад
Even though I agree with James most of the time, he doesn't allow his callers to make a complete sense, it's difficult to listen to his dialogues because they quickly devolve into monologues.
@wytrose4602 2 года назад
This is Seriously not fair that people work like three jobs. But the Richer people who don't understand. At all. 1 million dollars in the bank okay. 😂😂😂🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
@anonymoushuman8962 2 года назад
She’s not that smart. Typical really. She’s not that wealthy anyway.
@dotmatrix01 2 года назад
That's it don't let her speak 😂 Word gymnastics yet again from O'Boring
@peterhagan8454 2 года назад
she sounds like the deaf woman in falty towers. "i wanted a room with a sea view, where is it" fawlty "madam its between the land and the sky"
@SirAntoniousBlock 2 года назад
Lady: Is the room airy? BF: Well it's got air in it......
@TariqKhan-gl2zh 2 года назад
The self delusion of the some people is just mental
@jamesscurr571 2 года назад
It´s called GREED pure Tory GREED.
@James-ye7rp 2 года назад
I absolutely love this session.
@Adamb87 2 года назад
We need a Socialist Social care system , like our NHS is our greatest piece of socialism to date
@rtauzin64 2 года назад
@ohenekojo2561 Год назад
“I’ve got a million pounds in the bank” Also “Im not rich”
@juliecobbina2024 2 года назад
She's totally missing the point
@TheDSasterX 2 года назад
Canada here: what's going on over there? People have to sell their homes to pay for retirement care?
@funkitup2660 2 года назад
@keithwigley1256 2 года назад
Can you ask James if he would look into Doctors surgeries, is it because a lot of doctors are working from home more than being in their surgeries that's why we can't see them ? Okay the Gov. Is trying to bring in Privatisation by the backdoor , demoblising the NHS.. ..a close friend has just had to pay 10,000 for an operation which was serious but the same surgeon couldn't do it on the NHS straight away......would James get to the root of what is really happening ..this is really important to those specially with chronic illnesses.
@frankpaterson9786 2 года назад
Love James, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
@_Game0ver_ 2 года назад
There is really no point arguing with these people. They've already made up their mind and no amount of facts is going to change their opinion.
@saltpeter500 2 года назад
This is entitlement
@ProDemocracy01 2 года назад
James you are a gem 💎
@donaldellis3609 2 года назад
Yes it can be alarming some of these people who think this way especially those who wouldn't know a days graft if it smacked them in the chops especially the wifes who sat at home in their best attire drinking tea and watching the world pass by🙄
@TerribleFire 2 года назад
She doesnt sound like she worked a day in her life.
@garypriestley3886 2 года назад
To all the Tory voters who could lose their homes, I say give yourselves a round of applause and a pat on the back, and just hope that the NHS is still free at the point of access when you go to see about the two self-inflicted gunshots in both your feet!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! To all the rest who didn't vote Tory I hope you can convince at least one xmas-voting turkey to change his/her vote in the next election !
@heathermarsh3425 Год назад
ThankyouJames ..
@danemsha 2 года назад
Didn,t used to get this guy but now wow he makes so much sense .
@williammurray3840 2 года назад
This man O'Brien is the most objectionable & ghastly human I have ever encountered. He is so rude & needs to seek an early personality transplant or similar treatment to remedy the terrible attitude problem he obviously has in communicating politely with his audience of listeners.
@芦白龙 2 года назад
News just in "Scroungers live in the north of England"
@robmckennie4203 2 года назад
It would be nice if these clips included a date or some other clue that would help the viewer find the full show. Even the description just says "insert keyword rich description"
@staffsaddler7611 2 года назад
Never thought I’d see the day I agree with James. Work hard all ur life to buy an house and pass it down to ur kids and then find you’ve gotta sell it to look after yourself when ur older while mps rinse the country for their own pockets. That isn’t just the tories btw that’s majority of parliament!. Sick to the back teeth of the lot of them
@TheTreherne 2 года назад
Put all your assets into your kids name, as long as you live for 7 years the Government will have no claim to the estate. Syphon everything off so this parasites don’t rinse you.
@adamtzsch 2 года назад
Not an *EFFING* clue.
@Ishida2725 2 года назад
Britain is a frightening place
@sprocket-YT 2 года назад
These people are nuts 🤦‍♂️🤣
@terrencemyers1033 2 года назад
She is selfish!
@flagellumdei2118 2 года назад
James O Brien is brilliant
@mikelock8477 2 года назад
Just imagine two people working for the same employer earning the same money. One person saves every penny, doesnt smoke or drink or have holidays abroad and has bought his own home The other person smoked drinks have nice holidays traveling the world and lives in a rented house. Both retire at the same time and both become ill requiring care. The person who has bought their own house now has to sell to pay for their care whilst the other person gets it free. Now i fail to understand how this is fair.
@grahamturvill9269 2 года назад
It’s like dealing with selfish children.
@endlesssabbatical9612 2 года назад
Here’s the real plan. When you hit 70 the government compulsory purchases the house, for 50% of market value, of anyone that wants to stay in the social care program. You then stay in the house as long as you are able to. When you exit the house the government sells the house and the balance is part of the social care fund. If you don’t want to be part of the scheme then you can opt to decline and your then on the ticket for 50% of all future social care costs you incur. If you don’t have a house to sell then it will be means tested with a net worth of 100k triggering 50% contribution until it takes net worth below the threshold (don’t want the sneakier types selling their house to a trust or simply liquidated property assets to hide from this).
@johnroche6333 2 года назад
Thanks James 👍
@kimbirch1202 2 года назад
Why does a solicitor need to earn £250 pH but a nurse only £10ph ? Answers on a postcard please
@thatJAWNraps 2 года назад
This woman seriously can NOT wrap her head around the idea of a 'hypothetical' 🤦‍♂
@MHORASHTY 2 года назад
The holier than you attitude of I have more money so I must have worked harder.
We finally APPROVED @ZachChoi
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James O'Brien's Best Brexit moments of 2020 | LBC