
Jamie Shotton - The Robot Learning Seminar Series 

The Robot Learning Lab at Imperial College London
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The Robot Learning Seminar Series is a regular series of in-person seminars at Imperial College London, hosted by Edward Johns, Director of the Robot Learning Lab. For more information, please visit www.robot-learning.uk/seminar-series.
Speaker: Jamie Shotton (Wayve)
Title: Frontiers in Embodied AI for Autonomous Driving
Date: Wednesday 15th November 2023
Abstract: Over the last decade, fundamental advances in AI have driven unprecedented progress across many disciplines and applications. And yet, despite significant progress, autonomous vehicles are still far from mainstream even after billions of dollars of investment. In this talk we’ll explore what’s been holding progress back, and how by adopting a modern embodied AI approach to the problem, Wayve is finally unlocking the potential of autonomous driving in complex and unstructured urban environments such as central London. We’ll also explore some of our latest research in multimodal learning to combine the power of large language models with the driving problem (“LINGO-1”), and in generative world models as learned simulators trained to predict the future conditioned on ego action (“GAIA-1”).
Biography: Jamie Shotton is a leader in AI research and development, with a track record of incubating transformative new technologies and experiences from early stage research to shipping product. He is Chief Scientist at Wayve, building foundation models for embodied intelligence, such as GAIA and LINGO, to enable safe and adaptable autonomous vehicles. Prior to this he was Partner Director of Science at Microsoft and head of the Mixed Reality & AI Labs where he shipped foundational features including body tracking for Kinect and the hand- and eye-tracking that enable HoloLens 2’s instinctual interaction model. He has explored applications of AI in autonomous driving, mixed reality, virtual presence, human-computer interaction, gaming, robotics, and healthcare.




20 ноя 2023




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