
Jehovah's Witnesses are WRONG 100% PROOF. 37 Teachings REFUTED from jw.org 

Witness For Jesus
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37 Teachings of JWs refuted, using one bible verse per teaching. Do your research, listen and share. Tell me your views. I believe the Watchtower society are not teaching truth. Respectfully let's discuss these teachings.
Point 14 has been disputed by a JW. Here is my video about that f
• I made a mistake, I ne...
List of teachings refuted:
1. Jesus is not God
2. Jesus is created and he is “a god”
3. Jesus is only spoken of as an image of God in God’s likeness ….and this means he is not God
4. God shares his glory with Jesus because he exalted him
5. Jesus should not be worshipped
6. Jehovah created everything “through” Jesus (both of them together)
7. We should not call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, we can only call on Jehovah’s name
8. Jesus is Michael the Archangel
9. There is only one Archangel called Michael
10. Jesus was born again at his baptism
11. Jesus was not raised bodily
12. Jesus was raised as a spirit
13. Jesus died to pay the price lost for Adam’s sin only (a legal transaction)
14. Jesus suffered only to prove faithfulness
15. Our physical death pays for our sin Rom 6:23
16 When Jesus ascended he was not king straight away. He waited until 1914 to be king
17. Jesus only threw Satan out of heaven in 1914
18. Jesus Returned invisibly in 1914
19. We gain salvation by being in the JW organisation
20. Good works are required for salvation, because Jam 2:24
21. True Christians are witnesses of Jehovah
22. Jesus was “making his Father’s name known” in the sense that he told the Jews that God’s name is Jehovah
23. Jesus said go from house to house
24. Only the 144,000 will be in heaven
25. Only the 144,000 are the “little flock” spoken of by Jesus
26. The “other sheep” are the believers who are not part of the 144,000 also called the “great crowd”.
27. There is a heavenly hope and an earthly hope
28. Only the 144,000 “anointed” are part of the new covenant
29 Only the anointed can partake of bread and wine
30. God has always worked through an organisation
31. The Faithful and discreet slave prefigures the Watchtower leaders
32. Proverbs 4:18 shows us that bible teachings can change
33 It’s important to dress cleanly and give a good impression outwardly
34. We must stick to the rules about blood even if somebody dies
35. When blood is mentioned in acts, it would include transfusing it into your body
36. Heaven (where God dwells) will be separate from earth forever
37. The Good news is that God’s kingdom is going to bring a paradise and solve the world’s problems



1 окт 2024




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@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
PLEASE NOTE THAT POINT FOUR NEEDS MORE EXPLANATION. It has been pointed out to me that the bible suggests that God *does share glory* with humans. Jesus asked that "they be glorified" John 17:22. Therefore this shows humans are granted glory. However, my point in the video is really this: Jesus has the same Glory as the Father, the same glory he had before the world existed John 17:5. This is the glory that Isaiah saw in his vision which Jesus spoke about, because Jesus is YHWH. The glory that humans are given is not to make them into God or "gods", but rather an exaltation and a sharing with God in the new heaven and new earth wherein they will have "glorified" bodies 1 Cor 15. I do not believe that Christians will ever be on the same level as Jesus and I do not believe that this argument goes against Jesus deity because it's clear from Phil 2 that Jesus started out equal to the Father and returned to him equal again.
@TheCaledonianBoy 5 лет назад
Witness For Jesus. I agree that the followers of Jesus whom he was praying to the Father for, can be "glorified" without sharing Gods "glory" as the Almighty. This can also be said of Jesus words at John 17:5. There is nothing in this verse that indicates that the Father is sharing his "glory" with Jesus. Jesus receives "glory" from the Father, and rightly so, the "glory" that he once had. It must also be asked. Why did Jesus say at Matt 16:27 "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works? " Not the "glory of God", not his own glory, as he was glorified by the Father at the point of this prophecy, but the "glory of his Father". It seems the Father does not share his glory as the "only true God". And this is more evident when we look at Phil 2:8-11 Because Jesus humbled himself, God highly exulted him, gave him a name above every name and every knee should bow to Jesus and confess him as Lord. Why? "to the glory of God the Father".
@stargategoku 5 лет назад
in addition to your comment of John 17.5 which I used to refute jw, iasked them if JESUS CHRIST is not GOD, who is mere nan that can ask THE FATHER to glorify him but JESUS CHRIST asked the FATHER to glorify HIM like befire the world was
@TheCaledonianBoy 5 лет назад
@@stargategoku You believe Jesus was a mere man?
@stargategoku 5 лет назад
@@TheCaledonianBoy i'm not referring to JESUS CHRIS. JESUS CHRIST manifest in flesh, actually HE lower himself than men like a bond-servant in Philippians 2.5-8 to fulfill the sacrifice 5 Have this attitude [e]in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be [f]grasped, 7 but [g]emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death [h]on a cross.
@gataheart 5 лет назад
@@TheCaledonianBoy Absolutely. The "second Adam" (means Man). "A life for a life." "An eye for an eye." An eye (human life) for an eye (human life). "God has highly exalted him and has bestowed on him the name that is above every name ..every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is 'Lord' (not LORD), to the glory of God the Father ('the Father' of all living things' ..Jesus inclusive). What are 2 things God cannot do? He cannot Lie. Nor can He Die.
@eddie7126 5 лет назад
Two Jehovah Witnesses visited my home, I spent two hours trying to explain to them the deity of Christ to no avail, I then asked them who is the savior of the world? One of them responded " it might be Jesus" I then responded "He either is or isn't the savior of the world." It's very sad to see them being deceived by the organization. When I was eight years old I remember picking up the bible for the first time and opening it to the book of John chapter 1 and as I read the first chapter I understood right there and then who Jesus Christ is. I had no one trying to explain this chapter to me, I wasn't confused, I kept thinking to myself and saying "wow" Jesus is my creator, I had a full understanding of the bible verse that reads "God was manifested in the flesh!" and that All things were created by Christ! Jw's say that jesus was a god but he can't be one because if he was a god then they're saying he was a false god because there's only one true God!
@andreasjohn3587 5 лет назад
Did you just say there is only One God? Dont contradict the trinity ok
@christopherdavidlunn8738 5 лет назад
@@andreasjohn3587 there is only one God, but there are 3 persons making up that Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is a triune God.
@TheCaledonianBoy 4 года назад
@@christopherdavidlunn8738 If God is a triune being, why is it that in a book as thick as the Bible, where God is the central character, a book that mentions God over 10,000 times do we not find one single unambiguous text anywhere that tells us this? What we do find is Jesus himself telling us quite clearly who the "only true God" is and he is the Father John 17:3.
@Cast1 3 года назад
@@andreasjohn3587 If you are thinking about it mathematically is 1x1x1=1 not 1+1+1=3 is like thinking about the ID, the Ego, and the Super Ego. you have all 3 yet you are still 1person with a body, a mind, and a soul. all 3 are you.
@andreasjohn3587 3 года назад
@@Cast1 When I look in the mirror I am One, when I think I am One, when I pray I am One. We are made in the image of God, so why have we not got 3 separate consciousness
@laravalenti803 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for this!! I’ve been looking for information exactly like this. I am an ex JW. Born into it and left when I was 16. This information is so useful. So easy to understand. Thank you !
@donnyetta 6 месяцев назад
My dear, this lady does not understand the old Greek that was used in the Old Testament, especially when a word is actually an adjective. Please do your own research using Greek Interlinear Bibles.
@fayboswell3479 6 месяцев назад
I keep coming back to this to help my family. The fight is real. But I won't give up. Thank you so much.
@user-lq8xl1fz9l 5 лет назад
wrong Christology in NWT & watch tower ; yesus was a creation.. Yesus was not a creation but Eternal God because there was "self existence" in Himself. John 1:1-3 : in the beginning was the Word & the Word was God. John 1:4 : in Him was life. John 2:19 : in 3 days I will raise it up. (1cor 15: 4 He rose ; not ReCreated as JW's concept) John 5 :26: has life in Himself. john 10-17-18 : "No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. John 14:6 : I am the way ; the truth and the life (only God was the source of truth and source of life). Isaiah 9:6 : Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father.
I'm kinda multi-tasking right now, so I'm gonna have to watch this tonight and take NOTES. EXCELLENT WORK! But don't think for a second JW's won't try to wiggle around those texts. They'll spread mustard on their Bible and eat it like a pretzel! I used to think John 20:28 was the perfect impasse. "My Lord and my GOD" . Black and white, right? WRONG. They attempt to say that Thomas exclaimed in surprise, like if someone walks up behind you and taps you on the back and you exclaim "Oh my God!' But why would Thomas be surprised? He'd already been talking to Jesus for a few minutes before Jesus says, *"Thomas, put your finger into my hand and reach your hand into My side. Do not be without faith but believe!"* So, is Thomas' statement a surprised exclamation or a bold declaration? I'm going with B. Thomas called Jesus GOD. And YET I've had JW's tell me, in contradiction to a crystal clear statement, *"NO, that's NOT what Thomas said"* . They remind me of the flat-earth types who could look at evidence, clear as day, as the spherical vastness of the earth and DENY what they're seeing! JW's sadly, have been told something SOOO many times, that the idea of the Bible saying something OTHER THAN what the WT claims the Bible says is a knock to the head.
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
They have an answer for everything. I still think many of these scriptures are hard to wangle your way away from! (if that makes sense!). Only God opens the eyes, I guess.
TRUE!!! However, the answers they give and what they might be thinking could possibly be two different things. We can only pray the HOLY SPIRIT drives them buggy as far as dealing with those issues.
@garryleicester9823 5 лет назад
If my memory is correct Jesus ate food to prove he was in a real body. All of these cults deny the deity of Jesus. Oh by the way do some research on flat earth; it may not be as you have been taught. Yes I know what we have been taught. Google Jeranism and look at the evidence. You don't have to just believe him there are plenty of others. All who believe the earth may be flat all started out as believing the earth was round. You may believe that we landed on the moon? Look for the evidence against that; it is all there if you look. I love the Lord.Praise God
@darryldanzinger9996 5 лет назад
You're exactly right and that is what I found out to be true as well. I've learned that the JW's are not interested in the truth of the Bible they're only interested in things that back up their false beliefs.
@TheCaledonianBoy 4 года назад
@@darryldanzinger9996 I am a JW and believe the Bible is the word of God. No other writings are inspired of God. I do not believe I would wrangle out of the truth taught in the Bible and nothing I have heard in this video is the truth of God.
@shooting3km 6 лет назад
Every day a Jehovah's witnesses leaves and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord
@lukebrailsford816 6 лет назад
Patrick Chavez amen to that
@patcostales2829 6 лет назад
Well, you yourself read the whole bible ?How do you explain then Matthew 28:18..KJV..”And Jesus came and spake unto them,saying,All power is given unto me in heaven and earth?”So who gave the power? And if you said that Jesus is God, how come Matthew 16:16 still in KJV AND ALSO IN THE JWS , NEW WORLD TRANSLATION”Simon Peter answered:”You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And also in KJV SAME VERSE”And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God... and in verse 17 AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION, NWT, KJV,THAT IT WAS JESUS FATHER THAT REVEAL WHO JESUS REALLY IS... SO CLEAR, EVEN JESUS DID NOT ACKNOWLEDGE HIMSELF AS GOD..HE IS DISTINCT FROM HIS FATHER..AND THE APOSTLES THEMSELVES DID NOT BELIEVE AND PREACH THAT JESUS IS GOD...APOSTLE PAULHIMSELF SAID AT GALATIANS 1:8, KJV BUT THOUGH WE ,OR AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, PREACH ANY GOSPEL UNTO YOU THAN WHICH WE HAVE PREACHEDUNTO YOU, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.
@LavenderFrog 6 лет назад
I pray that God will continue to bless your testimony and teachings! Holy holy holy is Jesus who is on the throne! The truth has set me free!
@rayrichardson9131 6 лет назад
I recently found your channel - Dawn you are brilliant!
@TheCaledonianBoy 4 года назад
Ray Richardson Brilliant! And wrong.
@littleoneprodigaldaughter275 5 лет назад
Thank you for this wonderful video. I've only just discovered your site. I would like to add the matter of trust. Jehovah's witnesses must trust the FDS 100%, and be unquestioningly obedient. This is repeated at the meeting every week in some form or another. Jeremiah 17:5 Cursed is the man who trusts in men. Psalm 146:3 Put not your trust in a son of man Prov 28: 26 Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool Romans 6:16 ...you are slaves of the one you obey... In a simple way, these scriptures helped me to uncover the basis for my own fault thinking. Without unmerited obedience to this group, other inconsistencies were more easily uncovered and resolved. Please consider. May you realize continued blessings through your ministry.
@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
An excellent point! Thanks
@ritaraju4998 4 года назад
666 comments, I'm breaking the cycle
@jenihendrix3927 6 лет назад
I fell in love with you when I listened to your “Proving to the elder” talk in June or July 2018. The points you brought up were so much more eloquent than when I tried. I met with a lady for YEARS and didn’t get as far with her as you did with him. Would you please pray for me? I would love to bring them to Jesus!
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
I honestly think that the elder I spoke to is a rare person..... it wasn't as much me as the fact that he still continued to speak to me! God is in control. I'm sure if I met a more hardline JW they'd be far harder to speak to. Of course I will pray for you, just remember that whatever efforts you have made will not be unrecognised and God's word doesn't go forth without some effect.
@WitnessForJesus 4 месяца назад
How are you doing?
@johnfreeman8445 6 лет назад
exelent cover of jws teachings...two scripures jumped out at me when i woke up 3 years ago matt 28 i have been given all authority and acts 1.you will be witneses of me..many others just fell into place..after 50 + years a jw
@ohiogarbageman9507 6 лет назад
John freeman hi John, I have a question. How does the watchtower deal with "the angel of the Jehovah"in Genesis 22?
@johnfreeman8445 6 лет назад
liber tarian ill have to look that up...not sure what scripture that is.
@ohiogarbageman9507 6 лет назад
John freeman thank you, I tried but never being a JW, the website is hard to navigate.
@fayelewis5476 6 лет назад
The precise identity of the “angel of the Lord” is not given in the Bible. However, there are many important “clues” to his identity. There are Old and New Testament references to “angels of the Lord,” “an angel of the Lord,” and “the angel of the Lord.” It seems when the definite article “the” is used, it is specifying a unique being, separate from the other angels. The angel of the Lord speaks as God, identifies Himself with God, and exercises the responsibilities of God (Genesis 16:7-12; 21:17-18; 22:11-18; Exodus 3:2; Judges 2:1-4; 5:23; 6:11-24; 13:3-22; 2 Samuel 24:16; Zechariah 1:12; 3:1; 12:8). In several of these appearances, those who saw the angel of the Lord feared for their lives because they had “seen the Lord.” Therefore, it is clear that in at least some instances, the angel of the Lord is a theophany, an appearance of God in physical form. The appearances of the angel of the Lord cease after the incarnation of Christ. Angels are mentioned numerous times in the New Testament, but “the angel of the Lord” is never mentioned in the New Testament after the birth of Christ. There is some confusion regarding Matthew 28:2, where the KJV says “the angel of the Lord” descended from heaven and rolled the stone away from Jesus’ tomb. It is important to note that the original Greek has no article in front of angel; it could be “the angel” or “an angel,” but the article must be supplied by the translators. Other translations besides the KJV say it was “an angel,” which is the better wording. It is possible that appearances of the angel of the Lord were manifestations of Jesus before His incarnation. Jesus declared Himself to be existent “before Abraham” (John 8:58), so it is logical that He would be active and manifest in the world. Whatever the case, whether the angel of the Lord was a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ (Christophany) or an appearance of God the Father (theophany), it is highly likely that the phrase “the angel of the Lord” usually identifies a physical appearance of God. gotquestions.org
@honeyholly001 6 лет назад
Matt 28 also concludes with Jesus telling them to baptise in the name of the father son and holy spirit AND to observe all the things he has commanded them to. For example partaking of the bread and wine. Funny how the scriptures become clear as day once you remove the weird explanations they apply to everything.
@anythingbuttruth8338 6 лет назад
Dawn make a video about the marriage of the lamb and the body of Christ. To show them that jesus is the husband of the churches
@bridgetazaz 6 лет назад
I love the part at 21:36 on Jesus making the Fathers name known. "Now come on, chuckle. the Jews knew God's Name..." lol.
@jimjuri6490 9 месяцев назад
If God speaks to his son and addresses him as God, then we would have TWO Gods. Like one Professor in a University addressing another as Professor. Hebrews 1:8 is abut God's throne being forever. And his son being given it. The next verse shows that Jesus was chosen from among the Angels. (Hebrews 1:9) You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, YOUR GOD, anointed you with the oil of exultation MORE than your companions.” Jesus cannot be a son of God (an angel) and also be his Creator and God.
@uriahlendsey 6 лет назад
The whole raised as a spirit claim kills me every time because In Luke 24:39 Jesus makes it so plain he was flesh... and if he made a fabricated body, I do believe he would have said so smh 🤦🏾‍♀️
@scottgrey2877 2 года назад
Christ was real as when he was alive
@sensaable4759 6 лет назад
John 16: 13,14 Jesus says “When the Spirit of truth comes . . . he will glorify me” Who? Yes Glorify Jesus and Jesus ALONE! Not the Pope or the Governing Body or the Law...Jesus and Jesus alone. Thus lets ask ourselves..... if one truly has the Holy Spirit who will he be speaking of?
@TheCaledonianBoy 4 года назад
Sensa Able Phil 2:11 " and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Both the Father and the Son have glory. Jesus being glorified, and deservedly so, brings ultimate glory to the Father whom Jesus sits at His right side.
@vitorfaster3577 Год назад
And Who Sayed that the Pope, or The Church or the Law should be glorified ? Infact we give praiases to the Lord for him to have stablished his Holy Church on the Earth, a Governing Body in wich He is The Head and Only Hope and Salvation, and for the Holy Father, he is the vicar, not Christ, a servent no The Master, but shall be respected and recognized for the authority givem to him by Jesus.
@Graceland1964 6 лет назад
I am writing this all down and thank you, but like a bingo caller to fast. As i bingo follower i have to deal with 6 books but 66 or 67 books well lol.
@stevenwebb6253 6 лет назад
Please read John 20:17 Jesus says that he is going to your Father and MY Father, to your God and MY God.
@kevinMcFree 6 лет назад
for point 25 i like to ask, "who was jesus talking to when he addressed the little flock" they often say anointed christians. and i say, how many spirit anointed christians were there when jesus preached... cue cognitive dissonance? its like asking, how many spirit anointed Christians partook of lords evening meal. none!
Exactly, because the Holy Spirit didn't anoint anyone til Pentecost. The Little flock are the JEWISH PEOPLE. Also, ALL Christians (believers in CHRIST) are Spirit anointed. There's a verse that says that we cannot say that Jesus is Lord but by the Spirit. JW's cannot properly make that statement with conviction. Besides, the Lord knows the heart.
@karinesmith6510 4 года назад
very good point in deed
@uriahlendsey 6 лет назад
Man... My coming across your ministry came at such an opportune time, God is Awesome! And all Praise and Glory and Honor to him for you! Speaking now to a Disfellowshipped friend of mine.. he’s been Disfellowshipped for a few years now. I’ve been trying to show him the Bible and what it teaches apart from the Watchtower so he just will have no reason to even go back.. the only thing I think he would go back for is to repair those broken family ties.. so much family in the Org. He’s got a 7 year old son he trying to groom in the “Truth” as well. I try to pray for them both everyday. My attempts at showing the Bible to him in the past were not as strong as today thanks to you. Iva been hitting him with questions he just can’t seem to answer but has directed me to an elder he is most certain can explain to me. I will be having a Meeting with that Elder very soon so He can see that my questions and points can not be disputed, because the Bible does not lie. He is quite biased and believes all the junk Watchtower says about the churches... yet without stepping foot in one. And because I am quite younger and he has been in the “Truth” for 15 years, he didnt really believe I had the best understanding. He believes I am one of the “Rightly Disposed” ones and after I have the meeting with that Elder I will soon see that this is “Jehovah’s a Organization. DEFINITELY will be taking notes on this. Fellow Brothers and Sisters I would greatly appreciate your support in prayers.. Praying the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened and that Gods Holy Spirit have his way in my life when speaking to them. I don’t want him to fall into some sort of Depression when he wakes up and sees that it was all a lie... or then ask me the question “to whom will we go?” Since there ARE corrupt churches at there.. or even Just stop believeing in God period. It’s Quite a sad thought. But anywho, God Bless Y’all.
@rinarodriguez4234 5 лет назад
Prayers for you. Hope all went well and that the truth was planted into their hearts. Care to share an update? God bless.
@tgpword 5 лет назад
What GOD says in Zachariah 12:10 KJV "ENDS" All Debates!!! "They shall look upon "ME" whom they have pierced"!!! THAT (NO DOUBT) LET US ALL KNOW WHO CHRIST REALLY IS!!! CASE CLOSED JWs!!
@andreasjohn3587 5 лет назад
How does that prove Jesus is God lol. Your deluded
@tgpword 5 лет назад
Andreas, are U that brainwashed by the WT to realize that GOD said, He was "PIERCED"? And that's INCONTROVERTIBLE!!! And "proves" who Jesus Christ Is...U delusional and misled JW who think that Jesus is an angel named Michael!! Laugh at that!! John 19:34-37 KJV, John 20:28 KJV!!! Why do U JWs foolishly doubt and then disregard WHAT GOD SAID? Proverbs 30:5-6 KJV!!!
@andreasjohn3587 5 лет назад
@@tgpword Wait a minute, who says i'm a JW? Yet again coming to presumptions on a few scriptures in the bible to justify a pagan belief....foolish man. Your Cult whatever it is and the JW Cult are all the same. Open your eyes to the truth fool
@tgpword 5 лет назад
"Asinine Andreas" your minute is up!! U think like a JW...so what's the difference? U are a hell bound unbeliever, unsaved, who "rejects" The Truth of GOD and that's not a presumption, U reprobate; "demonic stooge" Mark 16:16 KJV!!! Open your eyes to that Truth... wretched fool!!
@ContrabandTube 5 лет назад
Andreas Nikiforou when was Jehovah or the Father pierced dummy?
@rosiej.1473 4 года назад
Question- Point 1, Heb 1:4 says the son BECAME better than the Angels. BUT if he is God wouldn't he have always been better than the angels?
Got another good one, dealing with Matt 3:3 in their bible says make straight the way for JEHOVAH. This text is a fulfillment of two verses in the O.T. verses ; Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1 . Matthew 3:3 is about the coming of Israel's Messiah. And the WT calls JESUS *JEHOVAH* . Well, 1 Tim 3:16 says that Christ is GOD, Manifest in the flesh, so I can't argue with them on that!
@fayelewis5476 6 лет назад
Mark 1:3, also quoting Isaiah 40:3.
And YET, they will look at their own Bible and deny what's there. I used to think I could share Christ with them, or even prove WHO HE IS. This can be done, but by GOD, not us. The level of indoctrination in these people is staggering. To look at John 20:28 and have a JW say, "Thomas did NOT mean *THAT!"* (Calling Jesus his Lord and GOD) . I've had JW's 'explain' their view to me, and it just about took a surgeon to replace my bottom jaw when it fell to the floor!
@oweltingzon4470 5 лет назад
Bible scholars who are not Witnesses knows that the King James Bible (KJV) and the succeeding New King James Version have spurious verses inserted by their translstors make it seem the bible supports the Trinity teaching which the bible shows to be false. The translators of KJV had their own bias.
@foundthetruth2003 Год назад
Absolutely brilliant! So helpful when engaging with the witnesses.
@JohnDoe-gp3ks 6 лет назад
Why do you use that name jehovah. It is an erroneous name invented in the 12th century. Jesus and his disciples never used that name. The tetragrammaton had no vowels and therefore no body knows how to pronounce the name. The early disciples referred to God as Father or God but not by the tetragrammaton. Jesus said when you pray say our Father. The name which is above all names is only Jesus. Otherwise, well done Dawn.
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Because I wasn't arguing about the name Jehovah. and when speaking to JWs it's easier. (Paul said be as a jew to a jew, a greek to a greek). I prefer Yahweh.
@Laowai-xu8vt 5 лет назад
You're one smart cookie.
@daleprice8111 3 года назад
The blood refers to animals not human blood . Study leviticus !
@ondreatorrence4322 4 года назад
Thank you so much for this. I'm writing it all down and will help me in my work . Thank you so much ! May God bless you and keep you
@_anthony_mg_ 4 месяца назад
I’ve been doing the same, I got notebooks filled
@jamesjahavey1681 6 лет назад
1 Corinthians 11:27-29 Therefore, whoever eats the loaf or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty respecting the body and the blood of the Lord.  First let a man approve himself after scrutiny, and only then let him eat of the loaf and drink of the cup.  For the one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment against himself. . .
@joycefinney2735 6 лет назад
Very good video.Well done. l always think when they talk about the light getting brighter,that they were in the dark to start with.Which they are.!
@MomDoc99 6 лет назад
Regarding blood transfusions, the Watchtower says, in effect, that a person must give up his life rather dishonor the symbol of life (blood) by ingesting it. But what is more important to Jehovah -- the symbol of life or life itself? Read Jesus' words in Matthew 23:16-19: "Woe to you, blind guides, who say, `If any one swears by the temple, it is nothing; but if any one swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.' 17 You blind fools! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that has made the gold sacred? 18 And you say, `If any one swears by the altar, it is nothing; but if any one swears by the gift that is on the altar, he is bound by his oath.' 19 You blind men! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred?"
@fayelewis5476 6 лет назад
They did not have blood transfusions back then so how could any verse refer to blood transfusions?
@spellbound111 6 лет назад
These oddball doctrines of Watchtower were dreamt up by loonies like Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Freddy Franz. Give me the Rolling Stones any day of the week, they make far more sense, are far more entertaining and much more spiritually uplifting.
First of all, Blood is in the bloodstream. It's not ingested, or we'd ALL BE DEAD. Even then, Jesus said, "It is NOT what goes into the mouth that defiles a man ..." And the blood in a blood transfusion doesn't even go into the mouth but back into the bloodstream, where blood belongs. The WT is BLOOD GUILTY for lying to people about how they would lose their eternal life for taking a blood transfusion. John 10: 10 *"The THIEF comes to steal, kill and destroy..." If that don't paint a picture of the Watchtower!
@BrentRF 5 лет назад
I've always maintained even as an active JW years ago that life is way more sacred then blood.
@holirumicsfriend 6 лет назад
Great job! Really good stuff... I’m saving this video as a reference.. I knew there were obvious errors in the WT. U didn’t realize there were so many! Thanks for sharing!
@ohiogarbageman9507 6 лет назад
Holirumics Friend there's no errors in the NWT. It's not an error when it's purposely done. Deception is, I think, a better word.
@iforgotmyname1467 5 лет назад
Jesus is the real God 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
@jesusandcoffee1012 6 лет назад
i absolutely love this video!!
Excellent points, and I LOVE your profile name!
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Agreed it's a great youtube name :)
@NeutraliseTheWorld 6 лет назад
Dawn is a feminine given name. It is of Old English origin, and its meaning is the first appearance of light, daybreak. Quotation from Wikipedia.
@trevorsimons1852 6 лет назад
They are all going to fall very soon sit back grab a soda and watch the ride lv trev👍🏻
@eduardomarcelino1980 Год назад
In the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses they practice the rejection of the blood and body of Christ in the Lord's Supper!
@eduardomarcelino1980 Год назад
"STOP, LOOK, LISTEN: Luke 8:17 "For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nor is there anything carefully hidden that will never become known and never come out." really if you are a Baptized person who does not is part of the new covenant that Jesus made with his disciples to eat the bread that represents his body and drink the wine that represents his blood, how will you have eternal life? (Luke 22:19,20). doctrine of men or the word of God?" observe (John ch 3:16,17) 16-“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever exercises faith in him should not be destroyed, but have everlasting life. 17-For God did not send his Son into the world that he might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him." observe (John ch 6:53-57) 53- So Jesus said to them, "I say- assured them, Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. 54 Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I I will rise at the last day, 55- for my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. 56- Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him. 57- As the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on me will live because of me. way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". notice what Jesus said: Matthew 23:13 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because they shut the kingdom of heaven before men; for you yourselves do not enter, nor do you let in those who are on their way to enter." look at Jesus' Conclusion (John ch 10: 09,10) 9- I am the door; everyone who enters through me will be saved, and will enter 10- A thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy: I came that they might have life, and have it to the full.
@eduardomarcelino1980 Год назад
the only problem for Jehovah's Witnesses is not taking as an example what Jesus instituted in their memory, which was to eat and drink the emblems in the Lord's Supper! for it is one baptism and one hope of eternal life. Ephesians 4:4-6 note 4- There is one body and one spirit, just as you were called in a hope to which you were called; 5- one Lord, one faith and one baptism; 6- One God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all and in all.
@DominickRiesland 6 лет назад
If Satan was still in heaven until 1914, what was Jesus praying about while He was on earth when he asked, "May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"? Satan wasn't doing God's will while in heaven, so what was he asking for?
@kitsurname5741 6 лет назад
Dominick Riesland thats a brilliant point, ive never thought of b4...thank for that!
@gustavmahler1466 4 года назад
Job 1:6 proves he was in heaven
@armandomgomezjr5667 3 года назад
I have friends who are in this cult and we always debate about our lords existence but we do it with love and I try to tell them the truth but they refuse to hear
@Graceland1964 6 лет назад
Thank you for your hard work. I have got some home work to do.. I am a jw activist.
Me,too...as far as the work. But it's SUNDAY, so what better day to get into an INDEPTH BIBLE Study!!! This is a great start! THANKS, DAWN!🙏📓🖊👏
@pearltears8039 6 лет назад
The anointed.....= Christ........Jehovah is salvation......= Jesus.......= so when we say thank you Jehovah threw Christ Amen.......it mean were saying thank you to Jehovah threw the Anointed.....= Christ.....= the 144000....=the chosen ones..... Amen Amen
@pearltears8039 6 лет назад
ISAIAH 43: 3,7,10,11....all these say Jehovah is our saviior
@pearltears8039 6 лет назад
Jesus means......Jehovah is salvation ......in English its Jesus
@adetipeabiodun2408 5 лет назад
Hallelujah,that is,praise Jehovah if you Jehovah witness on the street or at your door confront them.Mind you oppose them with your Bible then discuss
@oliviabravo1628 6 лет назад
Well I'm jeahova witness so could you please respect US please and yoh may be wrong nobody knows so yeah. :( AND HOW WOULD JESUS BE GOD IF GOD IS SOMEBODY SO YOUR SAYING JESUS HAS 2 NAMES
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
There is a video series on this channel. Just go to "playlists" and watch the "is Jesus God?" set of videos. I'd like to know what you think about that. :)
@oliviabravo1628 6 лет назад
@@WitnessForJesus I'm really sorry for how I did my comment but idk I'm just getting mad
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
@@oliviabravo1628 I understand. I was also angry when I discovered that the Watchtower had not taught me the truth. Please calmly look over the points in the video and look at the other video playlist I suggested. May God bless your efforts.
@oliviabravo1628 6 лет назад
@@WitnessForJesus :) thanks
@kralowschronicles5420 5 лет назад
Thank you my girlfriend who I love vary much is a JW and her mom and dad are wrong and you have given me what I need to save her thank tou
@stephaniecastro6927 5 лет назад
I hope you did save her
@nayanagopinath7421 5 лет назад
@@stephaniecastro6927 the boy I love is also a JW.. How can I save him... Plzz rply anyone
@stephaniecastro6927 5 лет назад
@@nayanagopinath7421 all I can tell you is to be honest with him about your fears, hopefully he is not so deeply brainwashed that he will refuse to listen. My parents are still JW and they will not listen to reason. Good luck ♡
@nayanagopinath7421 5 лет назад
@@stephaniecastro6927 if still he continue to be in JW then can I marry him.. Plzz pray for me.. I love him so much
@stephaniecastro6927 5 лет назад
@@nayanagopinath7421 if you are not a JW and he marries you he will be punished, either by public reproof or disfellowshipping, but they cant stop him from marrying you!
@noahgreiner7137 Год назад
There is jehovah and there is jesus ,so why would there be 2 names ?
@WitnessForJesus Год назад
Well really in reality there are not 2 entirely separated names. Jesus name CONTAINS the name Jehovah. It's like a name which is Jehovah+ Why? Because it means "Jehovah saves". the first part of Jesus name is the first part of the Tetragrammaton. Jesus himself said that God his Father has GIVEN HIM his name. See John 17:11,12. Father and Son are NOT THE SAME PERSON. So the name of God (Father, Son and Spirit) is YHWH in the Old Testament see also Matthew 28:19. Then when Jesus comes to earth, he is called "Jehovah saves". Very appropriate. Therefore glorifying the name Jesus glorifies the name Jehovah.
@jamesjahavey1681 6 лет назад
Acts 5:42  .every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.
@mgellison3519 4 года назад
CROSS REFERENCE with Acts 2:46 : They were BREAKING BREAD from house to house, eating together at the houses of fellow believers, eg Fellowship and communion. NOT knocking on doors for converts, preaching was in the synagogues and the market places. ACTS 2:46 With one accord they continued to meet daily in the temple courts and to break bread from house to house, sharing their meals with gladness and sincerity of heart,
@ericbulman1752 4 дня назад
Acts 5:42 And every day , in the temple and from house to house they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ. Note that they teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ, Not the good news of the kingdom
@mariacervantes5077 6 лет назад
Thank you for all of your research, the only thing that I don't agree with is the name Jehovah, that is not God's name. Nobody knows the right pronounciation, Jesus NEVER said that word. I don't think that word existed when Jesus was here on earth. Am I wrong?
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
I don't recall saying that God's name is Jehovah. I think I used the name just because of course it's popular and I wasn't arguing about pronunciation. I agree Jesus never said that word. The pronunciation of YHWH is unknown. I prefer "Yahweh" to be honest, or "Jah" like Hallelujah.
@1944wesley 6 лет назад
So good Dawn. I totally agree with all you said.
@saramewagas3822 5 лет назад
1944wesley yes you surely do because your blinded by the truth
@uriahlendsey 6 лет назад
Point 16... man. Ask my Jw friend that question and it just kinda went over there head. Crazy. Despite scripture
@TdizzleM 6 лет назад
Thank you for your videos. I know that JW's are wrong based solely on their interpretation of the Christ. I don't feel comfortable just not answering the door for these guys so I need to be equipped to respond rationally to their arguments
@saramewagas3822 5 лет назад
Following the Way your all been poison by satan
How interesting that even the JW's own bible refutes what their publications teach. Holy George Orwell, Batman! How much double think can the human brain endure? Hercule Poirot's *Little Grey Cells* would have a nervous breakdown!
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Ha ha !!
@TheCaledonianBoy 4 года назад
Johanna {NOT a christie Fan !} Can you give an example, please?
@dchriswa 6 лет назад
Thank You Dawn -- excellent video -
@larteyawuley9115 6 лет назад
Thanks dear 100% cool stay blessed
@sirmeowsalot6682 5 лет назад
Stop you do not know till the end will come
@tanboswell935 6 лет назад
WOW, I been out since 2016, and I been a critical thinker. Thank-you Sis for your videos..... Also I been trying to talk to an elder about the arch angel Michael, not being Jesus. And he said we believe him to be Jesus mind bottling.....
@Ryan_Zell 5 лет назад
The creator of the Jehovahs Witnesses, Charles Taze Russell, circa 1870's, proves that this cult is not of Apostolic origin and therefore not of Christ and His Church. We all appreciate your witness that the JW's preach and teach heresy, a form of Gnosticism and Arianism. Who gave Charles Taze Russell the Apostolic Authority to create his cult and teach this "another gospel?" The answer is nobody. He took it upon himself and that alone makes his cult unbiblical and adds to the CHAOS & DISUNITY present in todays Protestant or Post Reformational world. Jesus was very specific as to who was to teach and preach the New Covenant to the ends of the earth. Matthew 28:16-20 KJV Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. [17] And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. [18] And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. [19] Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: [20] Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. And what do the Apostles do, starting in Acts? They start the Church and eventually expand it everywhere and in every place. But it is still one Church. If anybody doubts that, tell us what would have happened to any individual or particular Church which would have disregarded their ruling. ONE Church in ONE Accord. If you found a Denomination which you could prove their doctrines were invented in the 16th Century, would. you stay in such a denomination? or Cult? If you found a Denominations which you could prove wasn't around at the time of Jesus or the Apostles, would you stay in such a denomination? or Cult? How to Find the Church Christ Established - Part 3~ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-gMa6N3SOMNk.html Blessings, R. Zell
@sandradehert1570 6 лет назад
Superrrr goede video Dawn!!! Dank je wel!!! Groetjes uit Nederland
For their HEBREWS 1: 8 the NWT has it written, *"GOD IS YOUR THRONE"* and they did the same for Psalm 45:6 which is the same verse. As far as the Memorial or communion, there is also a verse that talks about NOT taking the body and blood in an UNWORTHY fashion. JW's *deny* WHO Christ *IS* and yet expect heaven or eternal paradise on earth. Denying WHO JESUS IS, in completeness ( Phil 2:5-11) won't be helped if they drank wine and ate bread/wafers til they thought they were drunken parrots.
@MarieMacify 6 лет назад
I remember how my bro-in-law reasoned about the "Every eye shall see him.." part. He said, "People think that it's literal but it is actually figurative. It means that Jesus will be in the consciousness of all..." I thought, of course this would coincide with their 1914 teaching. And that is also probably why they insist that the white horseman in Revelation is Jesus and not the antichrist, because Jesus already took over in 1914! :D Great video by the way. Thank you!
@thesoftlifeadventurer 6 лет назад
You know, I'm embarrassed to say but I've been baptized since 2014 and inactive since early last year, and some of the JW teachings you bring out that they teach are ones I'd never thought to pay attention to!! Guess I was just so anxious to be a baptized witness and didn't do enough research. I'm so grateful that God's Spirit began to show me after much prayer!!!! Thank you, Dawn.
Oh, how the WT messes with Scripture. I'd ask, "Do you believe that Titus 2:13 is figurative? Because both verses are about the same event. Second Coming. And they turn the issue of 144,000 into a right dog's breakfast! The number IS indeed LITERAL. It adds up, mathematically. What doesn't add up is where they get the 'heavenly hope' business. The 144,000 will be preachers who will preach Christ during the Great Tribulation. One preacher of end times issues referred to those preachers as a 144000 Apostle Pauls in their boldness. According to Phil 3:20, every believer's home is in heaven.
@theokainos5401 6 лет назад
MarieMacify When Jesus returns After the great tribulation he will return visible because all the tribes of the earth will mourn when they see the Sign of the Son of Man in heaven. Mat 24: 30 This text also refutes the following false teachings of JW's: 1) Jesus parousia begins in 1914. This is wrong because Mat 24:29 tells us that his parousia will be after (Greek:meta) the Great Tribulation. If Jesus would have returned in 1914 then his parousia would have begun before the Great Tribulation and that is not what Mat 24:29 says. Immediately after (Greek: meta) the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 2) Jesus was raised as a spirit. This is wrong because when Jesus returns all the tribes of the earth will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of Heaven.This is the same expression that Jesus used when he lived as a man on this earth! www.blueletterbible.org/search/search.cfm?Criteria=son+of+man&t=KJV#s=s_primary_0_4 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Mat 24:30 But what is the good news for JW's who leave the Organization? That can be found in Mat 24:31 namely the rapture which didn't occur in 1914 as Russel expected but will take place After the Great Tribulation! And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Mat 24:31
@stephen6409 6 лет назад
thankyou dawn that helps alot also when they moved the rock from the tomb jesus body wasnt there so it must of gone to heaven
@marciaogbomo3045 6 лет назад
*I love this video its a really eye opener she got to all the points that I really wanted to know and I watch all of her video and continue to make more videos like this God bless you*
@JustDanielSon 5 лет назад
COULD you do this about seven day ADVENTISM for my friend please? Also come visit my channel, I did a presenation on the MOONIES christian CULT, not many on youtube
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Point 14 was disputed by a JW. here is a video about that to be considered ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1jqfcrrorcE.html
@jamesjahavey1681 6 лет назад
Matthew 24:14  .this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
@RevelationMedia777 6 лет назад
anyone with a sound mind would already realize that the JW have no legs to stand on after the first couple of points. why he even bothered to try to disput point 14 is beyond me unless he is being paid to do so.
@renovatenyc 6 лет назад
5 people translated their new world order translation.. none of them had any education in ancient Hebrew or Greek... ask the jws to find out what qualifications those people had and then you will talk to them...they will not bother you again.
@Omnigodz78 5 лет назад
Point 15..can you go in more depth with this, my Aunt & Mother are JW..I'm telling you (smh😖) it's a headache. The verses that I learned from you and research is helping a little. But I feel that I can do a little better job explaining it. I gave them 2corthinian 5 10 and you would think that be the "Hammer hitting the Nail", but Nooo! They just ignore it and still try to defend this false docu. Do u have any RU-vid videos on this subject our can you help me little bit. I'm so thankful for the time you put into your work. Thank so much!!
@BrentRF 5 лет назад
@@jamesjahavey1681 Except it's a total waste of time. They have lost any and all credibility from all their false prophesies over the years. They cried wolf far too many times. Now they are irrelevant.
@bretherenlee1404 5 лет назад
revelation 5 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” 3 But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. 4 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” 6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits[a] of God sent out into all the earth. 7 He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne.
@s.d.s.4674 5 лет назад
Point 6 Is 44, again he means other false gods. King James Version For of him, and 'through him', and to him, are all things: to whom be GLORY for ever. Amen.
@riveravon5296 6 месяцев назад
About number 22. The Father's name is Jesus, the name given by his Father. John 17:11,12. Really a nice collection you have here. Thanks. OT. The Father's, the Son's and the holy spirit's name, the name in singular, is ofcause Jesus. Mathew 28:19.
@MerkabaKid 3 года назад
The JW app has a Greek Bible, but in many scriptures it matches their NWT JW Bible.. they are both wrong, they have been added to and taken away from.. when a Jehovah`s Witness looks something up in the Greek, it matches their NWT Bible.. 🕊
@maritvretveit558 6 лет назад
love you ,you are a speaker of Jesus .Who is jehovah,the son. i am from Skien i Norway. Good blees.
@TheCaledonianBoy 4 года назад
Marit øvretveit There is no "Jehovah, the Son". Only the Father is Jehovah. Jesus is the Son of God, Jehovah.
@darkopranjic7713 4 месяца назад
And there is a 73 parts of holy bible not 66 , i meen What happened to 7 ? who taket it away? and whay? So you find a 37 misstakes in JWs teaching .BBBlessings be on right way let HOly spirit led uss
@roryvigil2682 2 года назад
Another Great Explanation of Scripture. In Exodus 3:14 GOD Reveals HIS Name To Moses as The "I AM" , hence All The I AM Statements By Jesus In the Gospel of John. The Watchtower Org. Totally distorts this verse in their Nwt Bible. Also in Philippines 2:6 They Twist The Meaning and Teach that JESUS was Not Equal To The FATHER, because they don't read the verse properly. However as we keep reading the following verses it further explains the Diety of Christ by saying GOD has Highly Exalted Jesus and Given Him a Name That Is Above Every Name( of course the NWT says Every "OTHER" name). Verse 10 says that at the Name of JESUS Every Knee will bow and verse 11 Every Tounge Confess That JESUS CHRIST Is LORD(GOD) to the Glory of GOD The FATHER. But the Watchtower misinterprets these verses as well as the CONTEXT. 😥
@janetfowell6051 8 месяцев назад
The NWT I says in the spirit. But other bibles like the King James Bible 1-Peter 3: 18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
@humbertomartin9780 6 лет назад
People are living the cult dayly More than 1 million in the last 10 years
@jestermoyo7248 2 месяца назад
Romans 20v13 talks about the name of the God of Jesus Christ, see Joel 2v32
@chicadeePopper 6 лет назад
I'm a JW. When I read the title and before I watch the video I thought, probably just another person who refutes their own misunderstanding of what JW's teach and believe and they'll try to prove their own understanding of the Bible using just a few verses without taking the context into account. And they'll probably use the KJV to do it. So I watch it and listened closely, and that's exactly what you did.
@penelopep2678 6 лет назад
I compared the verses she used & it seems that NWT is the only one that translates the way they do & all other bibles read the same as the KJV. How do we convince ourselves that we're the only ones who got it right? Looking up info on how the NWT was translated doesn't bring me comfort either. So I really feel like there is no good answer. None of us will ever have all the questions answered. And never be able to be 100% certain of anything.
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Hi "Chooselife" it's great that you watched the video. Please research each point and watch the other videos on this channel. The other videos go into far more detail, this video was designed to be a summary. Also, if you can be more specific I'd appreciate it. For example, when Jehovah says he created everything "all alone", how does that lend itself to the WT teaching that Jehovah (Father) created everything WITH the Son? Similarly with the scripture which says Jehovah does not share his glory, but then Jesus is glorified and worshipped in Rev 5? I'm just trying to establish whether you disagree with EVERY point or whether you can accept some points made as valid?
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Penelope - go to the Greek or Hebrew. Any verse which is in question, you can read it in the interlinears. Use different interlinears too. There are several online and in print. Even the Watchtower's interlinear is useful but I hear it's "out of print"? not sure but I think they put it out of print because people kept using it to prove the NWT wrong. So for instance, if you look up in google "Hebrews 1 Interlinear" you'll find that in verse 6 the word for WORSHIP is used (Proskuneo). Then you can do a study on that word in the New Testament. Do you know that Watchtower translate that word as WORSHIP when it speaks of Jehovah, Satan and even the beast in revelation, but when that word refers to Jesus they put "Do obeisance". check that for yourself and ask yourself why they would be so inconsistent? Why can they not say Jesus is worshipped? Then go to verse 8. The greek says "the throne of you, O God" (words for O God there is Ho THEOS). Watchtower say it's "God is thy throne", which not only doesn't make any sense whatsoever but also is a gross mistranslation of the greek. But you see they simply could not have God the Father calling the Son "God". But that verse is consistent with other places in the NT which say that Jesus will be King forever (therefore it is correct, "thy throne, O God, is forever and ever").
@chicadeePopper 6 лет назад
@Penelope - I don't disagree with most of what you said. By "how the NWT was translated", if you mean because they don't tell who the translators were? I can understand that. I think that alone raises doubt, but I know that at least one of them was a Rhodes scholar, for whatever that's worth. Also, I think anyone can translate the Bible from Hebrew and Greek if they learn Hebrew and Greek. It's really not that difficult, though it can take a long time. Also, I personally don't take any English translation literally, including the NWT, because English words can not fully convey the same meaning as Hebrew and Greek. I use a neutral source to understand Hebrew and Greek . The BibleHub.com is a non JW site that has confirmed much of how the NWT translates verses. Also, I partially agree with this statement: "None of us will ever have all the questions answered. And never be able to be 100% certain of anything." Maybe not in this imperfect world but someday we WILL have all the questions answered and we WILL be 100% certain. Just not in this world. Also I know for a fact that the NWT Bible is NOT "the only one that translates the way they do" Look at this Wiki page on John 1:1 for example: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_1:1 Many translations agree with the translation “the word was a god” Some even say ““the word was divine” Whether the NWT is the most accurate or not as some JWs try to claim doesn't matter to me, but from what I've seen, it's way more accurate than the KJV.
@chicadeePopper 6 лет назад
You said "when Jehovah says he created everything "all alone", how does that lend itself to the WT teaching that Jehovah (Father) created everything WITH the Son?" I understand where the confusion comes from with that, so I'll try to explain how we understand it. In John 17:3 notice that Jesus himself calls his father "the only TRUE God" We think Jesus said that to distinguish Jehovah God from all of the false, man made gods at that time, like Thor and Zeus and many others. Jehovah is "the only TRUE God" because he wasn't man made or made by anyone, right? Being the only true God means he is the only true source of power to create everything. Which, by the way, separates Jesus from being the "only true God". So in Isaiah 44:24 where Jehovah says KJV "I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;" He means its by his power alone that he did these things. There are no other "True" Gods except Jehovah. He is the only one that has the power to create. Also, as you probably know, we believe Jesus is Jehovah God's first created Son as this scripture say: Revelation 3:14 Jesus is "the beginning of the creation of God" Look at the Greek meaning of these words: Beginning - biblehub.com/greek/746.htm Creation - biblehub.com/greek/2937.htm So Jesus got his power to create from Jehovah. Jesus wouldn't have been able to do anything unless Jehovah gave him the power. So again, Jehovah is alone as the source of all power. If you look at the context of all of Isaiah 44 you'll see the Jehovah is trying to help the Israelites understand that he is the only true God, meaning as I said, not man made. These are from the KJV. Isaiah 44:6 " and beside me there is no God” Isaiah 44:8 " Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.” In these verses he's specifically talking about man made Gods. Isaiah 44:9-10 " They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed. Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?”
@ronaldday4780 4 года назад
I am not with the JWs, but I do disagree with how Hebrews 1:8 is being presented. Hebrews 1:8-9 - but of the Son he says, "Your throne, God [THEOS], is forever and ever; The scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom. [9] You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; Therefore God [THEOS], your God [THEOS], has anointed you With the oil of gladness above your fellows." -- World English. Psalms 45:6-7 - Your throne, God [ELOHIM], is forever and ever. A scepter of equity is the scepter of your kingdom. [7] You have loved righteousness, and hated wickedness. Therefore God, your God [ELOHIM], has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows. -- World English. From the first chapter of Hebrews we learn that the one person who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of Hebrews 1:1 speaks to His Son in Hebrews 1:2,8; verse 8 is quoted from Psalm 45:6. Some scholars believe the Greek word often transliterated as THEOS is not being applied to Jesus in Hebrews 1:8, but I believe that it probably is being applied to Jesus. The question is, is it applied to Jesus with the meaning of God as "the one God of whom are all," or with the meaning of a Mighty One who is not the "one God of whom are all" -- 1 Corinthians 8:6 It should be apparent that the one person who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of Hebrews 1:1 certainly is not calling his Son the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Hebrews 1:8. In Psalm 4:6, the word in question is a form of the word often transliterated as ELOHIM, meaning GOD, MIGHT, STRENGTH. In Hebrews 1:8, ELOHIM is translated with the Greek form of the word often transliterated as THEOS. ELOHIM, however, does not have to mean the Supreme Mighty One, the "one God of whom are all." (1 Corinthians 8:6) In Hebrews 1:8, the "one God of whom are all" is definitely not saying that His Son is the "one of whom are all." When used of others than Jehovah or false gods, forms of the word often transliterated as EL, including forms of ELOHIM, takes on the more general meaning of might, strength, power rather as meaning the one who is MIGHTY INNATE, the source of all might, strength, power. Obviously, since the Son of God is not the "one God of whom are all" (1 Corinthians 8:6), the use of a word for "GOD" of Jesus in Hebrews 1:8 is not in the sense of the Supreme Being. Jesus is definitely a mighty one, but he is not the MIGHTY ONE INNATE, he who is the source of all might. The default scriptural reasoning should be that the God of Jesus (Psalm 45:7), the one person who is GOD in Hebrews 1:1, is referring to Jesus as "Mighty One", corresponding to Psalm 45:3. What we definitely DO NOT find in Hebrews 1:8 or anywhere else in the entire Bible is any thought that the Jesus is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and definitely there is nothing in this scripture (or anywhere else in the Bible) about any trinitarian concept that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is more than one person. If, however, THEOS is Hebrews 1:8 means Supreme Being, and THEOS in Hebrews 1:9 is also referring to Supreme Being, then actually, as it reads, there would be two Supreme Beings, one Supreme Being speaking to another Supreme Being. It is the "one God" of whom are all (1 Corinthians 8:6) who has made Jesus both Lord and Christ (Ezekiel 34:23,24; Isaiah 61:1,2; Acts 2:36), and has exalted him above his fellows (Psalm 45:7; Hebrews 1:9), even to the highest position in the universe, far above the angels, next to the only Most High. -- Acts 2:33,36; 5:31; Philippians 2:9; Ephesians 1:3,17-23; 1 Corinthians 15:27; Hebrews 1:4,6; 1 Peter 3:22. One has to create a lot of assumptions beyond what is stated, and then read those imagined assumptions into what is stated in order to get either trinity or the oneness doctrine into this scripture or anyother scripture. I have several studies online which explains this is more detail. One can find links to these studies at: jesusnotyhwh.blogspot.com/p/hebrews.html#heb1-8
@user-lq8xl1fz9l 5 лет назад
When we Focus on Wrong Christology in NWT - Yesus = a creation. The purpose of Colossians was to counter the false teaching of idolatry & demands of the Roman Emperors to be treated as "god" (same policy for all Roman colonial Empires). In Colossians 1:15-20 , which the emphasis was The Deity of Christ / Lord Yesus was "Eternal God" & had higher status than all creation / all creation in & by Him; if Yesus was a creation too so it was not in accordance with its original purpose in Collosians. NASB-Col 1:15 first born of all creation (not means Yesus was a creation) Col 1: 16 - 17 to explain "first born of all creation" ( in & by Yesus all creation began/should be created in & by Yesus (Word); so if no word, no creation & if yesus (Word) just a creation and when word NOT YET exist so Yesus created in & by what & Which article in bible ? pls see Col1:16-17; john 1:1-3; Psalms 33:6 = creation in & by Word only). Have same meaning =John 1:1-3; Col 1:15-17 and Rev 3:14 - Yesus = beginning of the creation of God ; not the first creation by God. If a creation ; Yesus should be called "the 2nd existed" ; not "the1st existed" or not suitable with john 1:1-3; Col 1:15-17
@jamesjahavey1681 6 лет назад
1 Corinthians 15:50-52  .But I tell you this, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s Kingdom, nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet..
@praiseyah3301 6 лет назад
Jesus is not flesh and blood he is flesh and bones. Luke 24:39
@ronaldday4780 4 года назад
John 1:1-2 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God [MIGHTY ONE], and the Word was God. [2] The same was in the beginning with God [mighty, a mighty one]. -- World English. {John 1:1} In the beginning* was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was mighty. {John 1:2} The same was in the beginning with God. -- Restoration Light Improved Version. As it reads in most translations, assuming "God" to mean "Supreme Being" throughout, there would actually be two Supreme Beings, one Supreme Being who is with another Supreme Being. Trinitarians have to imagine and create several assumptions beyond what is written and read those assumptions into what is written in order to get their triune God concept into what John wrote. It should be obvious that John, by applying the Greek word often transliterated as THEOS to Jesus in John 1:1 was not claiming that Jesus is the "one God ... of whom are all." (1 Corinthians 8:6) -- the one person who spoke through the prophets of old and who now speaks through his son. (Hebrews 1:1,2) John emphasizes that the Logos was with the "one God" of whom are all by repeating this again in verse 2. THEOS, based on the Hebrew forms of the word often transliterated as EL (Strong's 410,430, etc.), carrying the basic meaning of might, power, strength, should not be understood as applied to the Logos in John 1:1 in the sense of Supreme Being (the Mighty One Innate), but simply in a general sense of might, strength, power: "the Logos was mighty." Once one understands that the Greek word THEOS applied to the Logos is not in the sense of Supreme Being, there is no need to create a lot of assumptions beyond what is written. Jesus was a mighty one before he became flesh, but he was not the the Almighty who is the source of all. -- 1 Corinthians 8:6. What we definitely do NOT find in John 1:1 or anywhere else in the Bible is any statement that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is more than one person, or that Jesus is a person of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, etc. All such has to imagined beyond what is written, with many added imagined assumptions, which have to be added to, and read into, what is written. I have studies online related to this that go into more detail: jesusnotyhwh.blogspot.com/p/john.html#john1-1
@siminamann1275 5 месяцев назад
Did you know Jehovah’s Witness bible takes verses out and replaces them with a dash? Isn’t there something in revealation that warrens about doing that????
@salsalazar9063 2 года назад
I can also prove to JW's with the KJV that Jesus is God. But, if you use the KJV and any other translation besides the NWT the JW''s will automatically dismiss you. You MUST use their NWT when talking them.
@jamesjahavey1681 6 лет назад
All jews should have been JW's but only Jesus was ok Isaiah 43:10.“You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “Yes, my servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and have faith in me And understand that I am the same One. Before me no God was formed, And after me there has been none. Matthew 6:9  .You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.
@jamesjahavey1681 6 лет назад
JW's teach that Jesus is 'A' God not THE God ok? 1 Corinthians 8:5, 6 .For even though there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many “gods” and many “lords,”  there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and we through him.
@manoffaith9168 4 года назад
Just talked to two woman,they both agreed with me that Jesus is the son of God.So I told them the main two commandments,then asked why do they shun people in there congregations if they talk to other so called believers.They said they don,t I said well I,ve seen this first hand also seen families divorced and heard tape recordings of elders saying to shun them and other people.Funny that the bible is a book that can be changed and adjusted and not looked at and respected as being from A HOLY GOD.leaning to an understanding of your own or another is never wise as Proverbs3:5-7 speaks forth the truth..Lots of good teachings here but the Authorized King James should be used.Reason many modern day bibles support Jesus is a GOD example the new King James supports this and other teachings the Jehovah witness teach and preach.The ESV teaches works over faith and is why John Maccarther uses it.Matthew 6:3-13 helps us to lean to Jesus and his understanding starting in the closet.I left a baptist church that had to much say and no do.We each as people need to reach out in faith to love God and his families with love.Scripture will show this please stand in the truth that is truth and love God for it and serve his families in it we,re all his children be not to poor to care and share to only pay a tithe be cheerful give all the King asks and serve daily.God loves each of us so ask yourself are you saved not sure read John 3:16,,if you don,t know where you,ll be in the next second of time,why not praise the Lord for giving you that second and ask him for his hand your in his land don,t be alone be owned by the KING.God bless you to.Let us see with the heart more then the eyes like a christian do.
@jamesjahavey1681 6 лет назад
They do not always turn to James chapter 5 veers 2 there is also the good for nothing slave who bud his Talent ok? Matthew 25:24-27 .Master, I knew you to be a demanding man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you did not winnow. So I grew afraid and went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’  In reply his master said to him: ‘Wicked and sluggish slave, you knew, did you, that I reaped where I did not sow and gathered where I did not winnow?  Well, then, you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my coming I would have received it back with interest.
@DjMakinetor 3 года назад
Ludzie nie wierzą, że jest Synem Bożym, dlatego przypisują mu tytuł Boga. (JANA 1:49-50) / (LUKE 1:32) / (JOHN 11:27)
6 лет назад
JeHovah witness represents Satan worship. JOHN 8:44 English Standard Version 44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies
@darkopranjic7713 3 года назад
@hebrewwarrior3113 5 лет назад
Jesus is Michael he is the prince(ruler) of this world and Israel Daniel 10:21, Acts 5:30-32 Thessalonians 4:16 and the word prince is a synonym of the word king meaning a king sometimes can be called a prince, Messiah the prince Isaiah 9:6 and even God is called a prince
@archieliburd3794 Год назад
So if Jesus is God, who then was it who said, MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME? AND WHO WAS HE SPEAKING TO, HIMSELF? IF JESUS IS GOD, WHY DID JESUS SAY AT Mark 10 verse 18, WHY DO YOU CALL ME GOOD, NOBODY GOOD BUT ONE, THAT IS GOD? IF JESUS IS GOD why would he say that? 1 John 4 verse 12 says, " NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME, " WELL DIDN'T PEOPLE SEE JESUS? BESIDES NO MAN CAN SEE GOD'S FACE AND YET LIVE, DON'T YOU THOW THAT? 1 JOHN 4 verse 15 says, whoever declares that Jesus is the son of God, God is in him and he in God. 1 John 5 verse 5 says , WHO IS HE THAT OVERCOMETH THE WORLD BUT HE WHO DECLARES THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD. No man knoweth the time or the hour, not the angels in Heaven, not the son but the father, so, IF JESUS IS GOD, are you saying that God doesn't know his own schedule? You guys need to Appologise to Jehovah witnesses, and the people who you are misleading, then take a FREE BIBLE STUDY from Jehovahs witnesses, YOU DO NOT KNOW THE SCRIPTURES.
@WitnessForJesus Год назад
The playlist on this channel “Is Jesus God?” answers every one of those questions and more. Jesus is not the Father. Thank you for commenting
@danjsilve Год назад
JW May not have their name written in the book of life. The path is narrow only the few will find it.
@LindseyMBond 4 месяца назад
Fantastic video! Very helpful!!
@Hrodwulf9 2 года назад
Wow, well done my sister in Christ, this is great work! Thank you!
@rubenoeschger5728 10 месяцев назад
So now they don't go from house to house ?? But have the carts. Above they realized their strike rate is very poor.
@Goonapachamoothoo Год назад
Not even one once Jessus is not creator of perhaps wine at Cana and tax money but there is not even text which prouve he is God in replacement of the supreme one JEHOWAH as Jessus had always make Yah on the supreme piedestal in all of his sayings ,apostates are deriving in mud through dumps to prove jessus is God, but ask yourself when he became GOD ISAIA9V6 when that took place as it said WILLbeGod created for him YES but that dont mean we have to worship him ,who israellites in the past , had worship ?Jehovah only not Jessus.even when Jessus was on earth nobody worship Jessus.,but JW love Jessus for what he did ,sacrifice of RANSOM.ANDwe are waiting him to be the king of the millenium.p
@Goonapachamoothoo Год назад
He will be king of the millenium along with 144000 worshipers from the earth..REV 7,and 14.
@courtneyroberts6011 4 месяца назад
@rubenoeschger5728 10 месяцев назад
Jesus was worshiped on several occasions in the NT. Not a Spirit. He ate after resurrection. He spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus. He must have been busy .,not just sitting around. Ephesians 2 v 8 -10. If you don't have verse 8 you can't have verse 10.
@jimjuri6490 9 месяцев назад
Was Jesus worshiped as a mark of respect or as God would be? KJV Matthew 18:26 The servant therefore fell down, and WORSHIPPED him (ie the King), saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. Jesus made clear as to only who should be worshiped with sacred service in mind. (Matthew 4:10) Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and IT IS TO HIM ALONE you must render sacred service.’” Jesus was quoting the Law (Deut 6:13). 'To HIM alone' makes it obvious that it wasn't meant for anyone, including Jesus. All angels who take on human form somehow need food to sustain it. Compare Hebrews 13:2. Please don't ask me why. Jesus did too after God brought him back into existence. Back into his former angelic form. 1 Peter 3:18.
@DarciCraves 6 лет назад
U lost me in the beginning, u said he who sits on throne n the lamb, we know jesus is the lamb, so who sits on the throne, like what part in this book does the father play, it's the same thing JW are doing, they are putting the father greater than jesus, n ya put jesus greater than the father, who sits on the throne n who sits to the right of he who sits on throne.. so confusing, I think I got it n then here they are saying God the father was talking or telling jesus..which is it.. this shouldn't be so confusing..😖
@jermaineknight 5 лет назад
Point 2 about Jesus being a created being... Micah 5:2 says "...whose goings forth have been of old, from *everlasting* " KJV This is been changed to "Whose *origin* is from ancient times, from the *days of long ago* . Sigh...
@gustavmahler1466 4 года назад
The Word is from everlasting but the Son of God was not in the Old Testament Hebrews 1:1,2
@barbarajansen4912 5 лет назад
TRINITY DOCTRINE TRUE OR FALSE?? "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."Isaiah 42:8 Find Out More John 14:28 “You have heard Me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’ If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I.” Mark 13:32 (ESV) 32 “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. “For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭9:24‬ ‭KJV‬‬ What this says to me is that God and Jesus are two distinct identities. When a man and wife marry, they become "one". They are STILL two separate identities. God and Jesus both possess divine nature, or deity like status, but they are still two separate identities. The trinity is a confusing doctrine because it is false. God is not the author of confusion.
@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
@RitaMalikfour 6 лет назад
I’m confused , Jehovah’s Witnesses are messing up my brain and heart, jesus died for our sins, but our death also cleans our sins, ? So Which is it. That g b needs to go or denote themselves to human states
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8rlI6lBJHkY.html This video addresses this issue.
@dirkdegraaf567 6 лет назад
Thanks and blessings from the Netherlands keep up your good teachings Dawn. Chesed = (hebrew) for loving kindness. Dirk
@s.d.s.4674 5 лет назад
Point 4 If people cant see your twists aftrr this... They dont want to. You must have alot of hate towards those people. Isaiah 42:8 American Standard Version (ASV) 8 I am Jehovah, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise unto graven images. John 17:22 King James Version (KJV) 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: Romans 8:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
the Father shares EQUAL glory with the Son. In fact JWs falsely teach that he was given MORE glory than before when he ascended to heaven. But in John 17:5 we hear Jesus asking to be returned to the SAME glory that "I had with you". However I concede that you are right, we cannot say a blanket statement that God never shares glory at all. I sincerely apologise for that error and I will put a comment on the video and pin it to the top so that any listeners will be aware. My point is this: Jesus has the same Glory as the Father, the same glory he had before the world existed John 17:5. This is the glory that Isaiah saw in his vision which Jesus spoke about, because Jesus is YHWH. The glory that humans are given is not to make them into God or "gods", but rather an exaltation and a sharing with God in the new heaven and new earth wherein they will have "glorified" bodies 1 Cor 15. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I still do not believe that Christians will ever be on the same level as Jesus and I do not believe that this argument goes against Jesus deity because it's clear from Phil 2 that Jesus started out equal to the Father and returned to him equal again.
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